Helper function to parse a time duration from an environment variable. Returns a
default if env is not set, is not parseable to a duration, exceeds max (if
max is greater than 0) or is less than min.
Helper function to parse a float32 from an environment variable. Returns a
default if env is not set, is not parseable to a number, exceeds max (if
max is greater than 0) or is less than min (and min is greater than 0).
func ParseInt64FromEnv(env string, defaultValue, min, max int64) int64
Helper function to parse a int64 from an environment variable. Returns a
default if env is not set, is not parseable to a number, exceeds max (if
max is greater than 0) or is less than min.
func ParseNumFromEnv(env string, defaultValue, min, max int) int
Helper function to parse a number from an environment variable. Returns a
default if env is not set, is not parseable to a number, exceeds max (if
max is greater than 0) or is less than min.
StringsFromEnv parses given value from the environment as a list of strings,
using seperator as the delimeter, and returns them as a slice. The strings
in the returned slice will have leading and trailing white space removed.