Generate command-line interface for Go library functions
The intent of goshfun
is to automatically generate a command-line interface to much of the Go standard library. This means functions like strings.Join
, path/filepath.Split
, math.Min
, and a vast number of other really useful utilities, some of which not directly available in most modern shells, can be used directly from the command-line, using shell syntax, without having to write and compile any Go code whatsoever.
Running goshfun
without any arguments will generate shell interfaces for the default packages strings
, math
, math/bits
, and path/filepath
Install package:
$ go get -v
- Make sure
is also installed:$ go get -v
- Make sure
Generate Go source code and build for default packages:
$ goshfun
- By default, this will create a new subdirectory named
in your current working directory with the following contents:
$ tree -L 1 fun/ fun/ ├── gosh/ # symlinks for all exported functions ├── fun* # generated executable └── main.go # generated source file 1 directory, 2 files
- By default, this will create a new subdirectory named
At this point you now have a shell interface for all of the functions discovered. You can review those functions by just running fun/fun
without any arguments (or run fun/fun -h
, or list the directory contents of fun/gosh
containing the symlinks).
There are two ways to invoke one of the Go library functions packaged into the fun
- Use the
Provide the function name as argument to the -f
flag as either its base name, exported name, or fully-qualified package export name (replace slashes /
with periods .
). For example, the library function path/filepath.Split
can be called as any of the following: fun -f Split
, fun -f filepath.Split
, or fun -f path.filepath.Split
Note that the base function name Split
exists in multiple packages (strings
and path/filepath
). Currently, no attempt is made to normalize which package is resolved, so simply using Split
may invoke either one of these functions. Qualify the function with a package name to prevent ambiguous behavior.
- Symlink the function name:
Alternatively, in the same spirit as Busybox, symlinks - whose names match their corresponding library function - are automatically created that point to the fun
executable that gets generated when calling goshfun
. Calling the symlink will in turn call the library function with matching name. Using the previous example path/filepath.Split
, calling a symlink named Split
, filepath.Split
, or path.filepath.Split
, created with ln -s fun Split
, ln -s fun filepath.Split
, or ln -s fun path.filepath.Split
, respectively, is the same as invoking the library function fun -f filepath.Split
The same condition regarding ambiguous function names mentioned above applies to symlinks as well.
All available command-line arguments for goshfun
Flag name | Type | Description |
-out |
string |
name of the output directory and generated executable (default fun ) |
-pkg |
string |
generate interfaces for functions from package path. may be specified multiple times. (default strings ,math ,math/bits ,path/filepath ) |
-root |
string |
path to GOROOT (must contain src) (default /usr/local/src/go/dev ) |
-sym |
string |
path to install generated symlinks (or do not generate if empty) (default fun/gosh ) |
And all available command-line arguments for the goshfun
-generated executable (fun
by default):
Flag name | Type | Description |
-0 |
bool |
delimit ouput parameters with a null byte (\0 ) instead of a newline (\n ). |
-f |
string |
invoke function with given name |
Of course, not all library subroutines are supported. Currently, this means only functions are supported (no methods, i.e., anything with a receiver). Also, only functions with the following primitive argument and return types are supported:
Also, the following compositions are supported on any individual named argument or named/unnamed return variable:
- Pointer
to primitive - Slice/array
of: primitive or pointer to primitive - Variable list
of: primitive or pointer to primitive
With these limitations, the following functions are automatically included based on the default package selections (strings
, math
, math/bits
, and path/filepath
), and have the indicated shell command prototype/signature. Many more functions from the Go standard library are supported, but must be explicitly requested via the -pkg
flag to goshfun
package math:
Abs: x -> float64
Acos: x -> float64
Acosh: x -> float64
Asin: x -> float64
Asinh: x -> float64
Atan: x -> float64
Atan2: y x -> float64
Atanh: x -> float64
Cbrt: x -> float64
Ceil: x -> float64
Copysign: x y -> float64
Cos: x -> float64
Cosh: x -> float64
Dim: x y -> float64
Erf: x -> float64
Erfc: x -> float64
Erfcinv: x -> float64
Erfinv: x -> float64
Exp: x -> float64
Exp2: x -> float64
Expm1: x -> float64
FMA: x y z -> float64
Float32bits: f -> uint32
Float32frombits: b -> float32
Float64bits: f -> uint64
Float64frombits: b -> float64
Floor: x -> float64
Frexp: f -> frac exp
Gamma: x -> float64
Hypot: p q -> float64
Ilogb: x -> int
Inf: sign -> float64
IsInf: f sign -> bool
IsNaN: f -> is
J0: x -> float64
J1: x -> float64
Jn: n x -> float64
Ldexp: frac exp -> float64
Lgamma: x -> lgamma sign
Log: x -> float64
Log10: x -> float64
Log1p: x -> float64
Log2: x -> float64
Logb: x -> float64
Max: x y -> float64
Min: x y -> float64
Mod: x y -> float64
Modf: f -> int frac
NaN: -> float64
Nextafter: x y -> r
Nextafter32: x y -> r
Pow: x y -> float64
Pow10: n -> float64
Remainder: x y -> float64
Round: x -> float64
RoundToEven: x -> float64
Signbit: x -> bool
Sin: x -> float64
Sincos: x -> sin cos
Sinh: x -> float64
Sqrt: x -> float64
Tan: x -> float64
Tanh: x -> float64
Trunc: x -> float64
Y0: x -> float64
Y1: x -> float64
Yn: n x -> float64
package math/bits:
Add: x y carry -> sum carryOut
Add32: x y carry -> sum carryOut
Add64: x y carry -> sum carryOut
Div: hi lo y -> quo rem
Div32: hi lo y -> quo rem
Div64: hi lo y -> quo rem
LeadingZeros: x -> int
LeadingZeros16: x -> int
LeadingZeros32: x -> int
LeadingZeros64: x -> int
LeadingZeros8: x -> int
Len: x -> int
Len16: x -> n
Len32: x -> n
Len64: x -> n
Len8: x -> int
Mul: x y -> hi lo
Mul32: x y -> hi lo
Mul64: x y -> hi lo
OnesCount: x -> int
OnesCount16: x -> int
OnesCount32: x -> int
OnesCount64: x -> int
OnesCount8: x -> int
Rem: hi lo y -> uint
Rem32: hi lo y -> uint32
Rem64: hi lo y -> uint64
Reverse: x -> uint
Reverse16: x -> uint16
Reverse32: x -> uint32
Reverse64: x -> uint64
Reverse8: x -> uint8
ReverseBytes: x -> uint
ReverseBytes16: x -> uint16
ReverseBytes32: x -> uint32
ReverseBytes64: x -> uint64
RotateLeft: x k -> uint
RotateLeft16: x k -> uint16
RotateLeft32: x k -> uint32
RotateLeft64: x k -> uint64
RotateLeft8: x k -> uint8
Sub: x y borrow -> diff borrowOut
Sub32: x y borrow -> diff borrowOut
Sub64: x y borrow -> diff borrowOut
TrailingZeros: x -> int
TrailingZeros16: x -> int
TrailingZeros32: x -> int
TrailingZeros64: x -> int
TrailingZeros8: x -> int
package path/filepath:
Abs: path -> string error
Base: path -> string
Clean: path -> string
Dir: path -> string
EvalSymlinks: path -> string error
Ext: path -> string
FromSlash: path -> string
Glob: pattern -> ...matches err
HasPrefix: p prefix -> bool
IsAbs: path -> bool
Join: ...elem -> string
Match: pattern name -> matched err
Rel: basepath targpath -> string error
Split: path -> dir file
SplitList: path -> ...string
ToSlash: path -> string
VolumeName: path -> string
package strings:
Compare: a b -> int
Contains: s substr -> bool
ContainsAny: s chars -> bool
ContainsRune: s r -> bool
Count: s substr -> int
EqualFold: s t -> bool
Fields: s -> ...string
HasPrefix: s prefix -> bool
HasSuffix: s suffix -> bool
Index: s substr -> int
IndexAny: s chars -> int
IndexByte: s c -> int
IndexRune: s r -> int
Join: ...elems sep -> string
LastIndex: s substr -> int
LastIndexAny: s chars -> int
LastIndexByte: s c -> int
Repeat: s count -> string
Replace: s old new n -> string
ReplaceAll: s old new -> string
Split: s sep -> ...string
SplitAfter: s sep -> ...string
SplitAfterN: s sep n -> ...string
SplitN: s sep n -> ...string
Title: s -> string
ToLower: s -> string
ToTitle: s -> string
ToUpper: s -> string
ToValidUTF8: s replacement -> string
Trim: s cutset -> string
TrimLeft: s cutset -> string
TrimPrefix: s prefix -> string
TrimRight: s cutset -> string
TrimSpace: s -> string
TrimSuffix: s suffix -> string