Overview ¶
Package govcd provides a simple binding for VMware Cloud Director REST APIs.
Contains auxiliary functions to show library entities structure. Used for debugging and testing.
Copyright 2021 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache v2 License.
Copyright 2021 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache v2 License.
Copyright 2021 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache v2 License.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BuildUrnWithUuid(urnPrefix, uuid string) (string, error)
- func ContainsNotFound(err error) bool
- func FindMissingImpliedRights(client *Client, rights []types.OpenApiReference) ([]types.OpenApiReference, error)
- func GetAllNetworkContextProfiles(client *Client, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.NsxtNetworkContextProfile, error)
- func GetExternalNetworkByName(vcdClient *VCDClient, networkName string) (*types.ExternalNetworkReference, error)deprecated
- func GetNetworkContextProfilesByNameScopeAndContext(client *Client, name, scope, contextId string) (*types.NsxtNetworkContextProfile, error)
- func GetNetworkPoolByHREF(client *VCDClient, href string) (*types.VMWNetworkPool, error)
- func GetStorageProfileByHref(vcdClient *VCDClient, url string) (*types.VdcStorageProfile, error)
- func GetUuidFromHref(href string, idAtEnd bool) (string, error)
- func IsNotFound(err error) bool
- func IsUuid(identifier string) bool
- func IsValidUrl(str string) bool
- func IsVappNetwork(networkConfig *types.NetworkConfiguration) bool
- func LogAdminCatalog(catalog types.AdminCatalog)
- func LogAdminOrg(org types.AdminOrg)
- func LogCatalog(catalog types.Catalog)
- func LogCatalogItem(catalogItem types.CatalogItem)
- func LogDisk(disk types.Disk)
- func LogEdgeGateway(edgeGateway types.EdgeGateway)
- func LogExternalNetwork(network types.ExternalNetwork)
- func LogNetwork(conf types.OrgVDCNetwork)
- func LogOrg(org types.Org)
- func LogTask(task *types.Task, howManyTimes int, elapsed time.Duration, first, last bool)
- func LogUser(user types.User)
- func LogVapp(vapp types.VApp)
- func LogVdc(vdc types.Vdc)
- func LogVm(vm types.Vm)
- func MinimalShowTask(task *types.Task, howManyTimes int, elapsed time.Duration, first, last bool)
- func OwnerIsVdc(urn string) bool
- func OwnerIsVdcGroup(urn string) bool
- func ParseErr(bodyType types.BodyType, resp *http.Response, errType error) error
- func QueryAdminOrgVdcStorageProfileByID(vcdCli *VCDClient, id string) (*types.QueryResultAdminOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
- func QueryDistributedPortGroup(vcdCli *VCDClient, name string) ([]*types.PortGroupRecordType, error)
- func QueryNetworkPoolByName(vcdCli *VCDClient, name string) ([]*types.QueryResultNetworkPoolRecordType, error)
- func QueryNetworkPortGroup(vcdCli *VCDClient, name string) ([]*types.PortGroupRecordType, error)
- func QueryOrgVdcNetworkByName(vcdCli *VCDClient, name string) ([]*types.QueryResultOrgVdcNetworkRecordType, error)
- func QueryOrgVdcStorageProfileByID(vcdCli *VCDClient, id string) (*types.QueryResultOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
- func QueryPortGroups(vcdCli *VCDClient, filter string) ([]*types.PortGroupRecordType, error)
- func QueryProviderVdcByName(vcdCli *VCDClient, name string) ([]*types.QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType, error)
- func QueryProviderVdcStorageProfileByName(vcdCli *VCDClient, name string) ([]*types.QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
- func QueryVirtualCenters(vcdClient *VCDClient, filter string) ([]*types.QueryResultVirtualCenterRecordType, error)
- func RemoveMediaImageIfExists(vdc Vdc, mediaName string) error
- func RemoveOrgVdcNetworkIfExists(vdc Vdc, networkName string) error
- func ResourceComplete(tasksInProgress *types.TasksInProgress) bool
- func ResourceInProgress(tasksInProgress *types.TasksInProgress) bool
- func ShowAdminCatalog(catalog types.AdminCatalog)
- func ShowAdminOrg(org types.AdminOrg)
- func ShowCatalog(catalog types.Catalog)
- func ShowCatalogItem(catalogItem types.CatalogItem)
- func ShowDisk(disk types.Disk)
- func ShowEdgeGateway(edgeGateway types.EdgeGateway)
- func ShowExternalNetwork(network types.ExternalNetwork)
- func ShowNetwork(conf types.OrgVDCNetwork)
- func ShowOrg(org types.Org)
- func ShowTask(task *types.Task, howManyTimes int, elapsed time.Duration, first, last bool)
- func ShowUser(user types.User)
- func ShowVapp(vapp types.VApp)
- func ShowVdc(vdc types.Vdc)
- func ShowVm(vm types.Vm)
- func SimpleLogTask(task *types.Task, howManyTimes int, elapsed time.Duration, first, last bool)
- func SimpleShowTask(task *types.Task, howManyTimes int, elapsed time.Duration, first, last bool)
- func SkimTasksList(taskList []*Task) ([]*Task, []*Task, error)
- func SkimTasksListMonitor(taskList []*Task, monitoringFunc TaskMonitoringFunc) ([]*Task, []*Task, error)
- func WaitResource(refresh func() (*types.TasksInProgress, error)) error
- type AdminCatalog
- func CreateCatalog(client *Client, links types.LinkList, Name, Description string) (AdminCatalog, error)
- func CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile(client *Client, links types.LinkList, Name, Description string, ...) (*AdminCatalog, error)
- func NewAdminCatalog(client *Client) *AdminCatalog
- func NewAdminCatalogWithParent(client *Client, parent organization) *AdminCatalog
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) Delete(force, recursive bool) error
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (cat *AdminCatalog) FullSubscriptionUrl() (string, error)
- func (adminCatalog AdminCatalog) GetAccessControl(useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
- func (cat *AdminCatalog) GetCatalogHref() (string, error)
- func (cat *AdminCatalog) GetCatalogItemByHref(catalogItemHref string) (*CatalogItem, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) GetMediaByHref(mediaHref string) (*Media, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) GetMediaById(mediaId string) (*Media, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) GetMediaByName(mediaName string, refresh bool) (*Media, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) GetMediaByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*Media, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (adminCatalog AdminCatalog) IsShared(useTenantContext bool) (bool, error)
- func (cat *AdminCatalog) LaunchSync() (*Task, error)
- func (cat *AdminCatalog) LaunchSynchronisationAllMediaItems() ([]*Task, error)
- func (cat *AdminCatalog) LaunchSynchronisationAllVappTemplates() ([]*Task, error)
- func (cat *AdminCatalog) LaunchSynchronisationMediaItems(nameList []string) ([]*Task, error)
- func (cat *AdminCatalog) LaunchSynchronisationVappTemplates(nameList []string) ([]*Task, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (cat *AdminCatalog) PublishToExternalOrganizations(publishExternalCatalog types.PublishExternalCatalogParams) error
- func (catalog *AdminCatalog) QueryCatalogItem(name string) (*types.QueryResultCatalogItemType, error)
- func (catalog *AdminCatalog) QueryCatalogItemList() ([]*types.QueryResultCatalogItemType, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) QueryMedia(mediaName string) (*MediaRecord, error)
- func (catalog *AdminCatalog) QueryMediaList() ([]*types.MediaRecordType, error)
- func (catalog *AdminCatalog) QueryTaskList(filter map[string]string) ([]*types.QueryResultTaskRecordType, error)
- func (catalog *AdminCatalog) QueryVappTemplateList() ([]*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
- func (catalog *AdminCatalog) QueryVappTemplateWithName(vAppTemplateName string) (*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) Refresh() error
- func (adminCatalog AdminCatalog) RemoveAccessControl(useTenantContext bool) error
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) RemoveMediaIfExists(mediaName string) error
- func (adminCatalog AdminCatalog) SetAccessControl(accessControl *types.ControlAccessParams, useTenantContext bool) error
- func (cat *AdminCatalog) Sync() error
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) Update() error
- func (catalog *AdminCatalog) UpdateSubscriptionParams(params types.ExternalCatalogSubscription) error
- func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) UploadOvf(ovaFileName, itemName, description string, uploadPieceSize int64) (UploadTask, error)
- func (cat *AdminCatalog) WaitForTasks() error
- type AdminOrg
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) AddCertificateToLibrary(certificateConfig *types.CertificateLibraryItem) (*Certificate, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateCatalog(name, description string) (AdminCatalog, error)
- func (org *AdminOrg) CreateCatalogFromSubscription(subscription types.ExternalCatalogSubscription, ...) (*AdminCatalog, error)
- func (org *AdminOrg) CreateCatalogFromSubscriptionAsync(subscription types.ExternalCatalogSubscription, ...) (*AdminCatalog, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile(name, description string, storageProfiles *types.CatalogStorageProfiles) (*AdminCatalog, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateGroup(group *types.Group) (*OrgGroup, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateNsxtEdgeGateway(edgeGatewayConfig *types.OpenAPIEdgeGateway) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateNsxtVdcGroup(name, description, startingVdcId string, participatingVdcIds []string) (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateOrgVdc(vdcConfiguration *types.VdcConfiguration) (*Vdc, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateOrgVdcAsync(vdcConfiguration *types.VdcConfiguration) (Task, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateRole(newRole *types.Role) (*Role, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateUser(userConfiguration *types.User) (*OrgUser, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateUserSimple(userData OrgUserConfiguration) (*OrgUser, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateVdc(vdcConfiguration *types.VdcConfiguration) (Task, error)
- func (org *AdminOrg) CreateVdcComputePolicy(newVdcComputePolicy *types.VdcComputePolicy) (*VdcComputePolicy, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateVdcGroup(vdcGroup *types.VdcGroup) (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateVdcWait(vdcDefinition *types.VdcConfiguration) error
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) Delete(force bool, recursive bool) error
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) Disable() error
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) FetchUserByHref(href string) (*OrgUser, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) FetchUserById(id string, refresh bool) (*OrgUser, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) FetchUserByName(name string, refresh bool) (*OrgUser, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) FetchUserByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*OrgUser, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) FindAdminCatalog(catalogName string) (AdminCatalog, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) FindAdminCatalogRecords(name string) ([]*types.CatalogRecord, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) FindCatalog(catalogName string) (Catalog, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) FindCatalogRecords(name string) ([]*types.CatalogRecord, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminCatalogByHref(catalogHref string) (*AdminCatalog, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminCatalogById(catalogId string, refresh bool) (*AdminCatalog, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminCatalogByName(catalogName string, refresh bool) (*AdminCatalog, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminCatalogByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*AdminCatalog, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminVDCByHref(vdcHref string) (*AdminVdc, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminVDCById(vdcId string, refresh bool) (*AdminVdc, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminVDCByName(vdcName string, refresh bool) (*AdminVdc, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminVDCByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*AdminVdc, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminVdcByName(vdcname string) (AdminVdc, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllCertificatesFromLibrary(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*Certificate, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllNsxtVdcGroupCandidates(startingVdcId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.CandidateVdc, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllRights(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.Right, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllRightsCategories(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.RightsCategory, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllRoles(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*Role, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllStorageProfileReferences(refresh bool) ([]*types.Reference, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllVDCs(refresh bool) ([]*Vdc, error)
- func (org *AdminOrg) GetAllVdcComputePolicies(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicy, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllVdcGroupCandidates(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.CandidateVdc, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllVdcGroups(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcGroup, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAnyTypeEdgeGatewayById(id string) (*AnyTypeEdgeGateway, error)
- func (org *AdminOrg) GetCatalogAccessControl(catalogIdentifier string, useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetCatalogByHref(catalogHref string) (*Catalog, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetCatalogById(catalogId string, refresh bool) (*Catalog, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetCatalogByName(catalogName string, refresh bool) (*Catalog, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetCatalogByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*Catalog, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetCertificateFromLibraryById(id string) (*Certificate, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetCertificateFromLibraryByName(name string) (*Certificate, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetGroupByHref(href string) (*OrgGroup, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetGroupById(id string, refresh bool) (*OrgGroup, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetGroupByName(name string, refresh bool) (*OrgGroup, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetGroupByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*OrgGroup, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetLdapConfiguration() (*types.OrgLdapSettingsType, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById(id string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName(name string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetRightById(id string) (*types.Right, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetRightByName(name string) (*types.Right, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetRightsCategoryById(id string) (*types.RightsCategory, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetRoleById(id string) (*Role, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetRoleByName(name string) (*Role, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetRoleReference(roleName string) (*types.Reference, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetStorageProfileReferenceById(id string, refresh bool) (*types.Reference, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetUserByHref(href string) (*OrgUser, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetUserById(id string, refresh bool) (*OrgUser, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetUserByName(name string, refresh bool) (*OrgUser, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetUserByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*OrgUser, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetVDCByHref(vdcHref string) (*Vdc, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetVDCById(vdcId string, refresh bool) (*Vdc, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetVDCByName(vdcName string, refresh bool) (*Vdc, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetVDCByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*Vdc, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetVdcByName(vdcname string) (Vdc, error)
- func (org *AdminOrg) GetVdcComputePolicyById(id string) (*VdcComputePolicy, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetVdcGroupById(id string) (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetVdcGroupByName(name string) (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) LdapConfigure(settings *types.OrgLdapSettingsType) (*types.OrgLdapSettingsType, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) LdapDisable() error
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) QueryCatalogList() ([]*types.CatalogRecord, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) Refresh() error
- func (org *AdminOrg) SearchByFilter(queryType string, criteria *FilterDef) ([]QueryItem, string, error)
- func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) Update() (Task, error)
- type AdminVdc
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) AddStorageProfile(storageProfile *types.VdcStorageProfileConfiguration, description string) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) AddStorageProfileWait(storageProfile *types.VdcStorageProfileConfiguration, description string) error
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) DeleteVdcNetworkProfile() error
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) GetAllAssignedVdcComputePolicies(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicy, error)
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) GetAllAssignedVdcComputePoliciesV2(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicyV2, error)
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) GetDefaultStorageProfileReference() (*types.Reference, error)
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) GetVappList() []*types.ResourceReference
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) GetVdcNetworkProfile() (*types.VdcNetworkProfile, error)
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) QueryCatalogItemList() ([]*types.QueryResultCatalogItemType, error)
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) QueryCompatibleStorageProfiles() ([]*types.QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) QueryVappTemplateList() ([]*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) QueryVappTemplateWithName(vAppTemplateName string) (*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) Refresh() error
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) RemoveStorageProfile(storageProfileName string) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) RemoveStorageProfileWait(storageProfileName string) error
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) SetAssignedComputePolicies(computePolicyReferences types.VdcComputePolicyReferences) (*types.VdcComputePolicyReferences, error)
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) SetDefaultStorageProfile(storageProfileName string) error
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) Update() (AdminVdc, error)
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) UpdateAsync() (Task, error)
- func (vdc *AdminVdc) UpdateStorageProfile(storageProfileId string, storageProfile *types.AdminVdcStorageProfile) (*types.AdminVdcStorageProfile, error)
- func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) UpdateVdcNetworkProfile(vdcNetworkProfileConfig *types.VdcNetworkProfile) (*types.VdcNetworkProfile, error)
- type AnyTypeEdgeGateway
- type Catalog
- func (catalog *Catalog) Delete(force, recursive bool) error
- func (cat *Catalog) FindCatalogItem(catalogItemName string) (CatalogItem, error)
- func (catalog Catalog) GetAccessControl(useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) GetCatalogItemByHref(catalogItemHref string) (*CatalogItem, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) GetCatalogItemById(catalogItemId string, refresh bool) (*CatalogItem, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) GetCatalogItemByName(catalogItemName string, refresh bool) (*CatalogItem, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) GetCatalogItemByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*CatalogItem, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) GetMediaByHref(mediaHref string) (*Media, error)
- func (catalog *Catalog) GetMediaById(mediaId string) (*Media, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) GetMediaByName(mediaName string, refresh bool) (*Media, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) GetMediaByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*Media, error)
- func (catalog *Catalog) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (catalog *Catalog) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) GetVAppTemplateById(vAppTemplateId string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) GetVAppTemplateByName(vAppTemplateName string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) GetVAppTemplateByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*VAppTemplate, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) GetVappTemplateByHref(href string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
- func (catalog Catalog) IsShared(useTenantContext bool) (bool, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) PublishToExternalOrganizations(publishExternalCatalog types.PublishExternalCatalogParams) error
- func (catalog *Catalog) QueryCatalogItemList() ([]*types.QueryResultCatalogItemType, error)
- func (catalog *Catalog) QueryMedia(mediaName string) (*MediaRecord, error)
- func (catalog *Catalog) QueryMediaList() ([]*types.MediaRecordType, error)
- func (catalog *Catalog) QueryTaskList(filter map[string]string) ([]*types.QueryResultTaskRecordType, error)
- func (catalog *Catalog) QueryVappTemplateList() ([]*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
- func (catalog *Catalog) QueryVappTemplateWithName(vAppTemplateName string) (*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) Refresh() error
- func (catalog Catalog) RemoveAccessControl(useTenantContext bool) error
- func (catalog *Catalog) SearchByFilter(queryType, parentField string, criteria *FilterDef) ([]QueryItem, string, error)
- func (catalog Catalog) SetAccessControl(accessControl *types.ControlAccessParams, useTenantContext bool) error
- func (cat *Catalog) UploadMediaImage(mediaName, mediaDescription, filePath string, uploadPieceSize int64) (UploadTask, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) UploadOvf(ovaFileName, itemName, description string, uploadPieceSize int64) (UploadTask, error)
- func (cat *Catalog) UploadOvfByLink(ovfUrl, itemName, description string) (Task, error)
- type CatalogItem
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) Delete() error
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) GetVAppTemplate() (VAppTemplate, error)
- func (item *CatalogItem) LaunchSync() (*Task, error)
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (item *CatalogItem) Refresh() error
- type Certificate
- type Client
- func (client *Client) APIClientVersionIs(versionConstraint string) bool
- func (client *Client) APIVCDMaxVersionIs(versionConstraint string) bool
- func (client *Client) AddCertificateToLibrary(certificateConfig *types.CertificateLibraryItem) (*Certificate, error)
- func (client *Client) CreateGlobalRole(newGlobalRole *types.GlobalRole) (*GlobalRole, error)
- func (client *Client) CreateRightsBundle(newRightsBundle *types.RightsBundle) (*RightsBundle, error)
- func (client *Client) CreateVdcComputePolicy(newVdcComputePolicy *types.VdcComputePolicy) (*VdcComputePolicy, error)
- func (client *Client) ExecuteParamRequestWithCustomError(pathURL string, params map[string]string, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (client *Client) ExecuteRequest(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (client *Client) ExecuteRequestWithApiVersion(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (client *Client) ExecuteRequestWithCustomError(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload interface{}, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (client *Client) ExecuteRequestWithoutResponse(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload interface{}) error
- func (client *Client) ExecuteRequestWithoutResponseWithApiVersion(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload interface{}, ...) error
- func (client *Client) ExecuteTaskRequest(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (client *Client) ExecuteTaskRequestWithApiVersion(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload interface{}, ...) (Task, error)
- func (client *Client) FindVMByHREF(vmHREF string) (VM, error)deprecated
- func (client Client) GetAccessControl(href, entityType, entityName string, headerValues map[string]string) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
- func (client *Client) GetAdminCatalogByHref(catalogHref string) (*AdminCatalog, error)
- func (client *Client) GetAdminCatalogById(catalogId string) (*AdminCatalog, error)
- func (client *Client) GetAdminCatalogByName(parentOrg, catalogName string) (*AdminCatalog, error)
- func (client *Client) GetAllCertificatesFromLibrary(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*Certificate, error)
- func (client *Client) GetAllGlobalRoles(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*GlobalRole, error)
- func (client *Client) GetAllRights(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.Right, error)
- func (client *Client) GetAllRightsBundles(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*RightsBundle, error)
- func (client *Client) GetAllRightsCategories(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.RightsCategory, error)
- func (client *Client) GetAllRoles(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*Role, error)
- func (client *Client) GetAllVdcComputePolicies(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicy, error)
- func (client *Client) GetCatalogByHref(catalogHref string) (*Catalog, error)
- func (client *Client) GetCatalogById(catalogId string) (*Catalog, error)
- func (client *Client) GetCatalogByName(parentOrg, catalogName string) (*Catalog, error)
- func (client *Client) GetCertificateFromLibraryById(id string) (*Certificate, error)
- func (client *Client) GetCertificateFromLibraryByName(name string) (*Certificate, error)
- func (client *Client) GetGlobalRoleById(id string) (*GlobalRole, error)
- func (client *Client) GetGlobalRoleByName(name string) (*GlobalRole, error)
- func (client Client) GetQueryType(queryType string) string
- func (client *Client) GetRightById(id string) (*types.Right, error)
- func (client *Client) GetRightByName(name string) (*types.Right, error)
- func (client *Client) GetRightsBundleById(id string) (*RightsBundle, error)
- func (client *Client) GetRightsBundleByName(name string) (*RightsBundle, error)
- func (client *Client) GetRightsCategoryById(id string) (*types.RightsCategory, error)
- func (client *Client) GetSessionInfo() (*types.CurrentSessionInfo, error)
- func (client *Client) GetSpecificApiVersionOnCondition(vcdApiVersionCondition, wantedApiVersion string) string
- func (client *Client) GetStorageProfileByHref(url string) (*types.VdcStorageProfile, error)
- func (client *Client) GetTaskByHREF(taskHref string) (*Task, error)
- func (client *Client) GetTaskById(taskId string) (*Task, error)
- func (client *Client) GetVMByHref(vmHref string) (*VM, error)
- func (client *Client) GetVcdFullVersion() (VcdVersion, error)
- func (client *Client) GetVcdShortVersion() (string, error)
- func (client *Client) GetVcdVersion() (string, time.Time, error)
- func (client *Client) GetVdcComputePolicyById(id string) (*VdcComputePolicy, error)
- func (client *Client) MaxSupportedVersion() (string, error)
- func (client *Client) NewRequest(params map[string]string, method string, reqUrl url.URL, body io.Reader) *http.Request
- func (client *Client) NewRequestWitNotEncodedParams(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string, method string, ...) *http.Request
- func (client *Client) NewRequestWitNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersion(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string, method string, ...) *http.Request
- func (client *Client) NewRequestWithApiVersion(params map[string]string, method string, reqUrl url.URL, body io.Reader, ...) *http.Request
- func (client *Client) OpenApiBuildEndpoint(endpoint ...string) (*url.URL, error)
- func (client *Client) OpenApiDeleteItem(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, ...) error
- func (client *Client) OpenApiGetAllItems(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, queryParams url.Values, ...) error
- func (client *Client) OpenApiGetItem(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, outType interface{}, ...) error
- func (client *Client) OpenApiIsSupported() bool
- func (client *Client) OpenApiPostItem(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, ...) error
- func (client *Client) OpenApiPostItemAsync(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, payload interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (client *Client) OpenApiPostItemSync(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, ...) error
- func (client *Client) OpenApiPutItem(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, ...) error
- func (client *Client) OpenApiPutItemAsync(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, payload interface{}, ...) (Task, error)
- func (client *Client) OpenApiPutItemSync(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, ...) error
- func (client *Client) QueryAllProviderVdcStorageProfiles() ([]*types.QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
- func (client *Client) QueryAllVdcs() ([]*types.QueryResultOrgVdcRecordType, error)
- func (client *Client) QueryCatalogRecords(name string, ctx TenantContext) ([]*types.CatalogRecord, error)
- func (client *Client) QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles(providerVdcHref string) ([]*types.QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
- func (client *Client) QueryTaskList(filter map[string]string) ([]*types.QueryResultTaskRecordType, error)
- func (client *Client) QueryVappList() ([]*types.QueryResultVAppRecordType, error)
- func (client *Client) QueryVmList(filter types.VmQueryFilter) ([]*types.QueryResultVMRecordType, error)
- func (client *Client) QueryWithNotEncodedParams(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string) (Results, error)
- func (client *Client) QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersion(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string, ...) (Results, error)
- func (client *Client) QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersionWithHeaders(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string, ...) (Results, error)
- func (client *Client) QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithHeaders(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string, ...) (Results, error)
- func (client *Client) RemoveCustomHeader()
- func (client *Client) RemoveProvidedCustomHeaders(values map[string]string)
- func (client *Client) SearchByFilter(queryType string, criteria *FilterDef) ([]QueryItem, string, error)
- func (client *Client) SetAccessControl(accessControl *types.ControlAccessParams, href, entityType, entityName string, ...) error
- func (client *Client) SetCustomHeader(values map[string]string)
- func (client Client) SkimTasksList(taskIdList []string) ([]string, []string, error)
- func (client *Client) TestConnection(testConnection types.TestConnection) (*types.TestConnectionResult, error)
- func (client *Client) TestConnectionWithDefaults(subscriptionURL string) (bool, error)
- func (client *Client) VersionEqualOrGreater(compareTo string, howManyDigits int) (bool, error)
- func (client Client) WaitTaskListCompletion(taskIdList []string, ignoreFailed bool) ([]string, error)
- type DateItem
- type DefinedInterface
- type DhcpSettings
- type Disk
- func (disk *Disk) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (disk *Disk) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (disk *Disk) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (disk *Disk) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (disk *Disk) AttachedVM() (*types.Reference, error)
- func (disk *Disk) Delete() (Task, error)
- func (disk *Disk) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (disk *Disk) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (disk *Disk) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (disk *Disk) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (disk *Disk) GetAttachedVmsHrefs() ([]string, error)
- func (disk *Disk) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (disk *Disk) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (disk *Disk) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (disk *Disk) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (disk *Disk) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (disk *Disk) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (disk *Disk) Refresh() error
- func (disk *Disk) Update(newDiskInfo *types.Disk) (Task, error)
- type DiskRecord
- type DistributedFirewall
- type EdgeBgpIpPrefixList
- type EdgeBgpNeighbor
- type EdgeGateway
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddDNATRule(ruleDetails NatRule) (*types.NatRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddDhcpPool(network *types.OrgVDCNetwork, dhcppool []interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddIpsecVPN(ipsecVPNConfig *types.EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration) (Task, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddNATMapping(natType, externalIP, internalIP string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddNATPortMapping(...) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddNATPortMappingWithUplink(network *types.OrgVDCNetwork, ...) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddNATRule(network *types.OrgVDCNetwork, natType, externalIP, internalIP string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddNATRuleAsync(ruleDetails NatRule) (Task, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddSNATRule(networkHref, externalIP, internalIP, description string) (*types.NatRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) Create1to1Mapping(internal, external, description string) (Task, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateFirewallRules(defaultAction string, rules []*types.FirewallRule) (Task, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateLbAppProfile(lbAppProfileConfig *types.LbAppProfile) (*types.LbAppProfile, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateLbAppRule(lbAppRuleConfig *types.LbAppRule) (*types.LbAppRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateLbServerPool(lbPoolConfig *types.LbPool) (*types.LbPool, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateLbServiceMonitor(lbMonitorConfig *types.LbMonitor) (*types.LbMonitor, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateLbVirtualServer(lbVirtualServerConfig *types.LbVirtualServer) (*types.LbVirtualServer, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateNsxvFirewallRule(firewallRuleConfig *types.EdgeFirewallRule, aboveRuleId string) (*types.EdgeFirewallRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateNsxvNatRule(natRuleConfig *types.EdgeNatRule) (*types.EdgeNatRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) Delete(force bool, recursive bool) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteAsync(force bool, recursive bool) (Task, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppProfile(lbAppProfileConfig *types.LbAppProfile) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppProfileById(id string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppProfileByName(name string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppRule(lbAppRuleConfig *types.LbAppRule) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppRuleById(id string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppRuleByName(name string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServerPool(lbPoolConfig *types.LbPool) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServerPoolById(id string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServerPoolByName(name string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServiceMonitor(lbMonitorConfig *types.LbMonitor) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServiceMonitorById(id string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServiceMonitorByName(name string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbVirtualServer(lbVirtualServerConfig *types.LbVirtualServer) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbVirtualServerById(id string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbVirtualServerByName(name string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteNsxvFirewallRuleById(id string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteNsxvNatRuleById(id string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetAllNsxvDhcpLeases() ([]*types.EdgeDhcpLeaseInfo, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetAllNsxvFirewallRules() ([]*types.EdgeFirewallRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetAnyVnicIndexByNetworkName(networkName string) (*int, string, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetDhcpRelay() (*types.EdgeDhcpRelay, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetFirewallConfig() (*types.FirewallConfigWithXml, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLBGeneralParams() (*types.LbGeneralParamsWithXml, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbAppProfileById(id string) (*types.LbAppProfile, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbAppProfileByName(name string) (*types.LbAppProfile, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbAppProfiles() ([]*types.LbAppProfile, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbAppRuleById(id string) (*types.LbAppRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbAppRuleByName(name string) (*types.LbAppRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbAppRules() ([]*types.LbAppRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbServerPoolById(id string) (*types.LbPool, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbServerPoolByName(name string) (*types.LbPool, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbServerPools() ([]*types.LbPool, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbServiceMonitorById(id string) (*types.LbMonitor, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbServiceMonitorByName(name string) (*types.LbMonitor, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbServiceMonitors() ([]*types.LbMonitor, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbVirtualServerById(id string) (*types.LbVirtualServer, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbVirtualServerByName(name string) (*types.LbVirtualServer, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbVirtualServers() ([]*types.LbVirtualServer, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNatRule(id string) (*types.NatRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNetworkNameAndTypeByVnicIndex(vNicIndex int) (string, string, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNetworks() ([]SimpleNetworkIdentifier, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNsxvActiveDhcpLeaseByMac(mac string) (*types.EdgeDhcpLeaseInfo, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNsxvFirewallRuleById(id string) (*types.EdgeFirewallRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNsxvNatRuleById(id string) (*types.EdgeNatRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNsxvNatRules() ([]*types.EdgeNatRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetVnicIndexByNetworkNameAndType(networkName, networkType string) (*int, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) HasAdvancedNetworking() bool
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) HasDefaultGateway() bool
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) Refresh() error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) Remove1to1Mapping(internal, external string) (Task, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) RemoveIpsecVPN() (Task, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) RemoveNATMapping(natType, externalIP, internalIP, port string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) RemoveNATPortMapping(natType, externalIP, externalPort, internalIP, internalPort string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) RemoveNATRule(id string) error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) RemoveNATRuleAsync(id string) (Task, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) ResetDhcpRelay() error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) Update() error
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateAsync() (Task, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateDhcpRelay(dhcpRelayConfig *types.EdgeDhcpRelay) (*types.EdgeDhcpRelay, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateFirewallConfig(enabled, defaultLoggingEnabled bool, defaultAction string) (*types.FirewallConfigWithXml, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateLBGeneralParams(enabled, accelerationEnabled, loggingEnabled bool, logLevel string) (*types.LbGeneralParamsWithXml, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateLbAppProfile(lbAppProfileConfig *types.LbAppProfile) (*types.LbAppProfile, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateLbAppRule(lbAppRuleConfig *types.LbAppRule) (*types.LbAppRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateLbServerPool(lbPoolConfig *types.LbPool) (*types.LbPool, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateLbServiceMonitor(lbMonitorConfig *types.LbMonitor) (*types.LbMonitor, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateLbVirtualServer(lbVirtualServerConfig *types.LbVirtualServer) (*types.LbVirtualServer, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateNatRule(natRule *types.NatRule) (*types.NatRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateNatRuleAsync(natRule *types.NatRule) (Task, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateNsxvFirewallRule(firewallRuleConfig *types.EdgeFirewallRule) (*types.EdgeFirewallRule, error)
- func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateNsxvNatRule(natRuleConfig *types.EdgeNatRule) (*types.EdgeNatRule, error)
- type EdgeGatewayCreation
- type EjectTask
- type Envelope
- type ExtendedSessionInfo
- type ExternalNetwork
- type ExternalNetworkV2
- func CreateExternalNetworkV2(vcdClient *VCDClient, newExtNet *types.ExternalNetworkV2) (*ExternalNetworkV2, error)
- func GetAllExternalNetworksV2(vcdClient *VCDClient, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*ExternalNetworkV2, error)
- func GetExternalNetworkV2ById(vcdClient *VCDClient, id string) (*ExternalNetworkV2, error)
- func GetExternalNetworkV2ByName(vcdClient *VCDClient, name string) (*ExternalNetworkV2, error)
- type FilterDef
- type FilterMatch
- func HelperMakeFiltersFromCatalogItem(catalog *Catalog) ([]FilterMatch, error)
- func HelperMakeFiltersFromCatalogs(org *AdminOrg) ([]FilterMatch, error)
- func HelperMakeFiltersFromEdgeGateways(vdc *Vdc) ([]FilterMatch, error)
- func HelperMakeFiltersFromMedia(vdc *Vdc, catalogName string) ([]FilterMatch, error)
- func HelperMakeFiltersFromNetworks(vdc *Vdc) ([]FilterMatch, error)
- func HelperMakeFiltersFromOrgVdc(org *Org) ([]FilterMatch, error)
- func HelperMakeFiltersFromVappTemplate(catalog *Catalog) ([]FilterMatch, error)
- type GlobalRole
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) AddRights(newRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) Delete() error
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) GetRights(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.Right, error)
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) GetTenants(queryParameters url.Values) ([]types.OpenApiReference, error)
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) PublishAllTenants() error
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) PublishTenants(tenants []types.OpenApiReference) error
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) RemoveAllRights() error
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) RemoveRights(removeRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) ReplacePublishedTenants(tenants []types.OpenApiReference) error
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) UnpublishAllTenants() error
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) UnpublishTenants(tenants []types.OpenApiReference) error
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) Update() (*GlobalRole, error)
- func (globalRole *GlobalRole) UpdateRights(newRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
- type InspectionFunc
- type LogicalVmGroup
- type Media
- func (media *Media) AddMetadata(key string, value string) (*Media, error)deprecated
- func (media *Media) AddMetadataAsync(key string, value string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (media *Media) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (media *Media) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (media *Media) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (media *Media) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (media *Media) Delete() (Task, error)
- func (media *Media) DeleteMetadata(key string) errordeprecated
- func (media *Media) DeleteMetadataAsync(key string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (media *Media) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (media *Media) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (media *Media) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (media *Media) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (media *Media) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (media *Media) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (media *Media) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (media *Media) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (media *Media) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (media *Media) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (media *Media) Refresh() error
- type MediaItemdeprecated
- func NewMediaItem(vdc *Vdc) *MediaItemdeprecated
- func (mediaItem *MediaItem) AddMetadata(key string, value string) (*MediaItem, error)
- func (mediaItem *MediaItem) AddMetadataAsync(key string, value string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (mediaItem *MediaItem) Delete() (Task, error)
- func (mediaItem *MediaItem) DeleteMetadata(key string) error
- func (mediaItem *MediaItem) DeleteMetadataAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (mediaItem *MediaItem) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (mediaItem *MediaItem) Refresh() error
- type MediaRecord
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) AddMetadata(key string, value string) (*MediaRecord, error)deprecated
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) AddMetadataAsync(key string, value string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) Delete() (Task, error)
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) DeleteMetadata(key string) errordeprecated
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataAsync(key string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) Refresh() error
- type MetadataDef
- type MetadataFilter
- type NatRule
- type NsxtAlbCloud
- func (nsxtAlbCloud *NsxtAlbCloud) Delete() error
- func (nsxtAlbCloud *NsxtAlbCloud) GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupById(parentAlbCloudUrn, id string) (*NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, error)
- func (nsxtAlbCloud *NsxtAlbCloud) GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupByName(parentAlbCloudUrn, name string) (*NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, error)
- func (nsxtAlbCloud *NsxtAlbCloud) GetAllAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups(parentAlbCloudUrn string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, error)
- type NsxtAlbController
- func (nsxtAlbController *NsxtAlbController) Delete() error
- func (nsxtAlbController *NsxtAlbController) GetAlbImportableCloudByName(name string) (*NsxtAlbImportableCloud, error)
- func (nsxtAlbController *NsxtAlbController) GetAllAlbImportableClouds(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbImportableCloud, error)
- func (nsxtAlbController *NsxtAlbController) Update(albControllerConfig *types.NsxtAlbController) (*NsxtAlbController, error)
- type NsxtAlbImportableCloud
- type NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups
- type NsxtAlbPool
- type NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup
- func (nsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup *NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) Delete() error
- func (nsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup *NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) Sync() error
- func (nsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup *NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) Update(albSEGroupConfig *types.NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup, error)
- type NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment
- type NsxtAlbVirtualService
- type NsxtAppPortProfile
- type NsxtEdgeCluster
- type NsxtEdgeGateway
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateBgpIpPrefixList(bgpIpPrefixList *types.EdgeBgpIpPrefixList) (*EdgeBgpIpPrefixList, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateBgpNeighbor(bgpNeighborConfig *types.EdgeBgpNeighbor) (*EdgeBgpNeighbor, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateIpSecVpnTunnel(ipSecVpnConfig *types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateNatRule(natRuleConfig *types.NsxtNatRule) (*NsxtNatRule, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateNsxtFirewallGroup(firewallGroupConfig *types.NsxtFirewallGroup) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) Delete() error
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) DeleteNsxtRouteAdvertisement() error
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) DeleteNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext(useTenantContext bool) error
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) DisableAlb() error
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) DisableBgpConfiguration() error
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAlbSettings() (*types.NsxtAlbConfig, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllBgpIpPrefixLists(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*EdgeBgpIpPrefixList, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllBgpNeighbors(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*EdgeBgpNeighbor, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllIpSecVpnTunnels(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllNatRules(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtNatRule, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups(queryParameters url.Values, firewallGroupType string) ([]*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpConfiguration() (*types.EdgeBgpConfig, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpIpPrefixListById(id string) (*EdgeBgpIpPrefixList, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpIpPrefixListByName(name string) (*EdgeBgpIpPrefixList, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpNeighborById(id string) (*EdgeBgpNeighbor, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpNeighborByIp(neighborIpAddress string) (*EdgeBgpNeighbor, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetIpSecVpnTunnelById(id string) (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetIpSecVpnTunnelByName(name string) (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNatRuleById(id string) (*NsxtNatRule, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNatRuleByName(name string) (*NsxtNatRule, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtFirewall() (*NsxtFirewall, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtFirewallGroupById(id string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName(name string, firewallGroupType string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtRouteAdvertisement() (*types.RouteAdvertisement, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext(useTenantContext bool) (*types.RouteAdvertisement, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) MoveToVdcOrVdcGroup(vdcOrVdcGroupId string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) Update(edgeGatewayConfig *types.OpenAPIEdgeGateway) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateAlbSettings(config *types.NsxtAlbConfig) (*types.NsxtAlbConfig, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateBgpConfiguration(bgpConfig *types.EdgeBgpConfig) (*types.EdgeBgpConfig, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateNsxtFirewall(firewallRules *types.NsxtFirewallRuleContainer) (*NsxtFirewall, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateNsxtRouteAdvertisement(enable bool, subnets []string) (*types.RouteAdvertisement, error)
- func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext(enable bool, subnets []string, useTenantContext bool) (*types.RouteAdvertisement, error)
- type NsxtFirewall
- type NsxtFirewallGroup
- func (firewallGroup *NsxtFirewallGroup) Delete() error
- func (firewallGroup *NsxtFirewallGroup) GetAssociatedVms() ([]*types.NsxtFirewallGroupMemberVms, error)
- func (firewallGroup *NsxtFirewallGroup) IsDynamicSecurityGroup() bool
- func (firewallGroup *NsxtFirewallGroup) IsIpSet() bool
- func (firewallGroup *NsxtFirewallGroup) IsSecurityGroup() bool
- func (firewallGroup *NsxtFirewallGroup) Update(firewallGroupConfig *types.NsxtFirewallGroup) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- type NsxtImportableSwitch
- type NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel
- func (ipSecVpn *NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) Delete() error
- func (ipSecVpn *NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) GetStatus() (*types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnelStatus, error)
- func (ipSecVpn *NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) GetTunnelConnectionProperties() (*types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnelSecurityProfile, error)
- func (ipSecVpn *NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) IsEqualTo(vpnConfig *types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) bool
- func (ipSecVpn *NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) Update(ipSecVpnConfig *types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel, error)
- func (ipSecVpn *NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) UpdateTunnelConnectionProperties(ipSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties *types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnelSecurityProfile) (*types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnelSecurityProfile, error)
- type NsxtNatRule
- type NsxtTier0Router
- type OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork
- func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) DeletNetworkDhcp() error
- func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) Delete() error
- func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp() (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp, error)
- func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) GetType() string
- func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) IsDirect() bool
- func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) IsImported() bool
- func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) IsIsolated() bool
- func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) IsRouted() bool
- func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) Update(OrgVdcNetworkConfig *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) UpdateDhcp(orgVdcNetworkDhcpConfig *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp, error)
- type OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp
- type Org
- func (org *Org) CreateCatalog(name, description string) (Catalog, error)
- func (org *Org) CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile(name, description string, storageProfiles *types.CatalogStorageProfiles) (*Catalog, error)
- func (org *Org) CreateNsxtAppPortProfile(appPortProfileConfig *types.NsxtAppPortProfile) (*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
- func (org *Org) CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork(orgVdcNetworkConfig *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (org *Org) FindCatalog(catalogName string) (Catalog, error)
- func (org *Org) GetAllNsxtAppPortProfiles(queryParameters url.Values, scope string) ([]*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
- func (org *Org) GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (org *Org) GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups(queryParameters url.Values, firewallGroupType string) ([]*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (org *Org) GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (org *Org) GetAllSecurityTagValues(queryParameters url.Values) ([]types.SecurityTagValue, error)
- func (org *Org) GetAllSecurityTaggedEntities(queryParameters url.Values) ([]types.SecurityTaggedEntity, error)
- func (org *Org) GetAllSecurityTaggedEntitiesByName(securityTagName string) ([]types.SecurityTaggedEntity, error)
- func (org *Org) GetAllVdcComputePolicies(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicy, error)
- func (org *Org) GetAnyTypeEdgeGatewayById(id string) (*AnyTypeEdgeGateway, error)
- func (org *Org) GetCatalogAccessControl(catalogIdentifier string, useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
- func (org *Org) GetCatalogByHref(catalogHref string) (*Catalog, error)
- func (org *Org) GetCatalogById(catalogId string, refresh bool) (*Catalog, error)
- func (org *Org) GetCatalogByName(catalogName string, refresh bool) (*Catalog, error)
- func (org *Org) GetCatalogByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*Catalog, error)
- func (org *Org) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (org *Org) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (org *Org) GetNsxtAppPortProfileById(id string) (*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
- func (org *Org) GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName(name, scope string) (*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
- func (org *Org) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById(id string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (org *Org) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName(name string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (org *Org) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByNameAndOwnerId(edgeGatewayName, ownerId string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (org *Org) GetNsxtFirewallGroupById(id string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (org *Org) GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName(name, firewallGroupType string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (org *Org) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById(id string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (org *Org) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByNameAndOwnerId(name, ownerId string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (org *Org) GetTaskList() (*types.TasksList, error)
- func (org *Org) GetVDCByHref(vdcHref string) (*Vdc, error)
- func (org *Org) GetVDCById(vdcId string, refresh bool) (*Vdc, error)
- func (org *Org) GetVDCByName(vdcName string, refresh bool) (*Vdc, error)
- func (org *Org) GetVDCByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*Vdc, error)
- func (org *Org) GetVdcByName(vdcname string) (Vdc, error)
- func (org *Org) GetVdcComputePolicyById(id string) (*VdcComputePolicy, error)
- func (org *Org) GetVdcGroupById(id string) (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (org *Org) QueryCatalogList() ([]*types.CatalogRecord, error)
- func (org *Org) QueryOrgVdcList() ([]*types.QueryResultOrgVdcRecordType, error)
- func (org *Org) QueryVmById(id string) (*VM, error)
- func (org *Org) QueryVmList(filter types.VmQueryFilter) ([]*types.QueryResultVMRecordType, error)
- func (org *Org) Refresh() error
- func (org *Org) SearchByFilter(queryType string, criteria *FilterDef) ([]QueryItem, string, error)
- func (org *Org) UpdateSecurityTag(securityTag *types.SecurityTag) (*types.SecurityTag, error)
- type OrgGroup
- type OrgUser
- func (user *OrgUser) ChangePassword(newPass string) error
- func (user *OrgUser) ChangeRole(roleName string) error
- func (user *OrgUser) Delete(takeOwnership bool) error
- func (user *OrgUser) Disable() error
- func (user *OrgUser) Enable() error
- func (user *OrgUser) GetRoleName() string
- func (user *OrgUser) TakeOwnership() error
- func (user *OrgUser) Unlock() error
- func (user *OrgUser) Update() error
- func (user *OrgUser) UpdateSimple(userData OrgUserConfiguration) error
- type OrgUserConfiguration
- type OrgVDCNetwork
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (orgVdcNet *OrgVDCNetwork) Delete() (Task, error)
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (orgVdcNet *OrgVDCNetwork) Refresh() error
- func (orgVdcNet *OrgVDCNetwork) Rename(newName string) error
- func (orgVdcNet *OrgVDCNetwork) Update() error
- func (orgVdcNet *OrgVDCNetwork) UpdateAsync() (Task, error)
- type ProviderVdc
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) Refresh() error
- type ProviderVdcExtended
- type QueryAdminCatalog
- func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetDate() string
- func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetHref() string
- func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetIp() string
- func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
- func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetName() string
- func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetParentId() string
- func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetParentName() string
- func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetType() string
- type QueryAdminTask
- func (task QueryAdminTask) GetDate() string
- func (task QueryAdminTask) GetHref() string
- func (task QueryAdminTask) GetIp() string
- func (task QueryAdminTask) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
- func (task QueryAdminTask) GetName() string
- func (task QueryAdminTask) GetParentId() string
- func (task QueryAdminTask) GetParentName() string
- func (task QueryAdminTask) GetType() string
- type QueryCatalog
- func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetDate() string
- func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetHref() string
- func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetIp() string
- func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
- func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetName() string
- func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetParentId() string
- func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetParentName() string
- func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetType() string
- type QueryCatalogItem
- func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetDate() string
- func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetHref() string
- func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetIp() string
- func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
- func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetName() string
- func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetParentId() string
- func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetParentName() string
- func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetType() string
- type QueryEdgeGateway
- func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetDate() string
- func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetHref() string
- func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetIp() string
- func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
- func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetName() string
- func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetParentId() string
- func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetParentName() string
- func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetType() string
- type QueryItem
- type QueryMedia
- func (media QueryMedia) GetDate() string
- func (media QueryMedia) GetHref() string
- func (media QueryMedia) GetIp() string
- func (media QueryMedia) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
- func (media QueryMedia) GetName() string
- func (media QueryMedia) GetParentId() string
- func (media QueryMedia) GetParentName() string
- func (media QueryMedia) GetType() string
- type QueryOrgVdc
- func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetDate() string
- func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetHref() string
- func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetIp() string
- func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
- func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetName() string
- func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetParentId() string
- func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetParentName() string
- func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetType() string
- type QueryOrgVdcNetwork
- func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetDate() string
- func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetHref() string
- func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetIp() string
- func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
- func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetName() string
- func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetParentId() string
- func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetParentName() string
- func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetType() string
- type QueryTask
- func (task QueryTask) GetDate() string
- func (task QueryTask) GetHref() string
- func (task QueryTask) GetIp() string
- func (task QueryTask) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
- func (task QueryTask) GetName() string
- func (task QueryTask) GetParentId() string
- func (task QueryTask) GetParentName() string
- func (task QueryTask) GetType() string
- type QueryVAppTemplate
- func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetDate() string
- func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetHref() string
- func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetIp() string
- func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
- func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetName() string
- func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetParentId() string
- func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetParentName() string
- func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetType() string
- type QueryVapp
- func (vapp QueryVapp) GetDate() string
- func (vapp QueryVapp) GetHref() string
- func (vapp QueryVapp) GetIp() string
- func (vapp QueryVapp) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
- func (vapp QueryVapp) GetName() string
- func (vapp QueryVapp) GetParentId() string
- func (vapp QueryVapp) GetParentName() string
- func (vapp QueryVapp) GetType() string
- type QueryVm
- func (vm QueryVm) GetDate() string
- func (vm QueryVm) GetHref() string
- func (vm QueryVm) GetIp() string
- func (vm QueryVm) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
- func (vm QueryVm) GetName() string
- func (vm QueryVm) GetParentId() string
- func (vm QueryVm) GetParentName() string
- func (vm QueryVm) GetType() string
- type Results
- type RightsBundle
- func (rb *RightsBundle) AddRights(newRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
- func (rb *RightsBundle) Delete() error
- func (rb *RightsBundle) GetRights(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.Right, error)
- func (rb *RightsBundle) GetTenants(queryParameters url.Values) ([]types.OpenApiReference, error)
- func (rb *RightsBundle) PublishAllTenants() error
- func (rb *RightsBundle) PublishTenants(tenants []types.OpenApiReference) error
- func (rb *RightsBundle) RemoveAllRights() error
- func (rb *RightsBundle) RemoveRights(removeRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
- func (rb *RightsBundle) ReplacePublishedTenants(tenants []types.OpenApiReference) error
- func (rb *RightsBundle) UnpublishAllTenants() error
- func (rb *RightsBundle) UnpublishTenants(tenants []types.OpenApiReference) error
- func (rb *RightsBundle) Update() (*RightsBundle, error)
- func (rb *RightsBundle) UpdateRights(newRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
- type Role
- func (role *Role) AddRights(newRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
- func (role *Role) Delete() error
- func (role *Role) GetRights(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.Right, error)
- func (role *Role) RemoveAllRights() error
- func (role *Role) RemoveRights(removeRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
- func (role *Role) Update() (*Role, error)
- func (role *Role) UpdateRights(newRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
- type SimpleNetworkIdentifier
- type StringMap
- type SupportedVersions
- type Task
- func CreateAndConfigureEdgeGatewayAsync(vcdClient *VCDClient, orgName, vdcName, egwName string, ...) (Task, error)
- func CreateEdgeGatewayAsync(vcdClient *VCDClient, egwc EdgeGatewayCreation) (Task, error)
- func CreateExternalNetwork(vcdClient *VCDClient, externalNetworkData *types.ExternalNetwork) (Task, error)
- func CreateOrg(vcdClient *VCDClient, name string, fullName string, description string, ...) (Task, error)
- func NewTask(cli *Client) *Task
- func WaitTaskListCompletion(taskList []*Task) ([]*Task, error)
- func WaitTaskListCompletionMonitor(taskList []*Task, f TaskMonitoringFunc) ([]*Task, error)
- type TaskMonitoringFunc
- type TenantContext
- type UploadTask
- type VApp
- func (vapp *VApp) AddEmptyVm(reComposeVAppParams *types.RecomposeVAppParamsForEmptyVm) (*VM, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) AddEmptyVmAsync(reComposeVAppParams *types.RecomposeVAppParamsForEmptyVm) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) AddIsolatedNetwork(newIsolatedNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) AddMetadata(key string, value string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vapp *VApp) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (vapp *VApp) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (vapp *VApp) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) AddNewVM(name string, vappTemplate VAppTemplate, ...) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) AddNewVMWithComputePolicy(name string, vappTemplate VAppTemplate, ...) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) AddNewVMWithStorageProfile(name string, vappTemplate VAppTemplate, ...) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) AddOrgNetwork(newNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings, orgNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork, ...) (*types.NetworkConfigSection, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) AddOrgNetworkAsync(newNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings, orgNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork, ...) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) AddRAWNetworkConfig(orgvdcnetworks []*types.OrgVDCNetwork) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) AddRawVM(vAppComposition *types.ReComposeVAppParams) (*VM, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) AddVM(orgVdcNetworks []*types.OrgVDCNetwork, vappNetworkName string, ...) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vapp *VApp) BlockWhileStatus(unwantedStatus string, timeOutAfterSeconds int) error
- func (vapp *VApp) ChangeCPUCount(virtualCpuCount int) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) ChangeCPUCountWithCore(virtualCpuCount int, coresPerSocket *int) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) ChangeMemorySize(size int) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) ChangeNetworkConfig(networks []map[string]interface{}, ip string) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) ChangeStorageProfile(name string) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) ChangeVMName(name string) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) CreateVappNetwork(newNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings, orgNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork) (*types.NetworkConfigSection, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) CreateVappNetworkAsync(newNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings, orgNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) Customize(computername, script string, changeSid bool) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vapp *VApp) Delete() (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) DeleteMetadata(key string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vapp *VApp) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (vapp *VApp) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (vApp *VApp) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (vapp *VApp) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) Deploy() (Task, error)
- func (vapp VApp) GetAccessControl(useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetLease() (*types.LeaseSettingsSection, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetNetworkConfig() (*types.NetworkConfigSection, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetNetworkConnectionSection() (*types.NetworkConnectionSection, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetProductSectionList() (*types.ProductSectionList, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetStatus() (string, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetVMById(id string, refresh bool) (*VM, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetVMByName(vmName string, refresh bool) (*VM, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetVMByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*VM, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetVappNetworkById(id string, refresh bool) (*types.VAppNetwork, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetVappNetworkByName(vappNetworkName string, refresh bool) (*types.VAppNetwork, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) GetVappNetworkByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*types.VAppNetwork, error)
- func (vapp VApp) IsShared(useTenantContext bool) (bool, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (vapp *VApp) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (vApp *VApp) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (vapp *VApp) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) PowerOff() (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) PowerOn() (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) Reboot() (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) Refresh() error
- func (vapp VApp) RemoveAccessControl(useTenantContext bool) error
- func (vapp *VApp) RemoveAllNetworkFirewallRules(networkId string) error
- func (vapp *VApp) RemoveAllNetworkNatRules(networkId string) error
- func (vapp *VApp) RemoveAllNetworkStaticRoutes(networkId string) error
- func (vapp *VApp) RemoveAllNetworks() (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) RemoveIsolatedNetwork(networkName string) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) RemoveNetwork(identifier string) (*types.NetworkConfigSection, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) RemoveNetworkAsync(identifier string) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) RemoveVM(vm VM) error
- func (vapp *VApp) Rename(newName string) error
- func (vapp *VApp) RenewLease(deploymentLeaseInSeconds, storageLeaseInSeconds int) error
- func (vapp *VApp) Reset() (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) RunCustomizationScript(computername, script string) (Task, error)
- func (vapp VApp) SetAccessControl(accessControl *types.ControlAccessParams, useTenantContext bool) error
- func (vapp *VApp) SetOvf(parameters map[string]string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vapp *VApp) SetProductSectionList(productSection *types.ProductSectionList) (*types.ProductSectionList, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) Shutdown() (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) Suspend() (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) Undeploy() (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) UpdateDescription(newDescription string) error
- func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNameDescription(newName, newDescription string) error
- func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetwork(newNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings, orgNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork) (*types.NetworkConfigSection, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkAsync(networkSettingsToUpdate *VappNetworkSettings, orgNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkFirewallRules(networkId string, firewallRules []*types.FirewallRule, enabled bool, ...) (*types.VAppNetwork, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkFirewallRulesAsync(networkId string, firewallRules []*types.FirewallRule, enabled bool, ...) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkNatRules(networkId string, natRules []*types.NatRule, enabled bool, ...) (*types.VAppNetwork, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkNatRulesAsync(networkId string, natRules []*types.NatRule, enabled bool, ...) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkStaticRouting(networkId string, staticRoutes []*types.StaticRoute, enabled bool) (*types.VAppNetwork, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkStaticRoutingAsync(networkId string, staticRoutes []*types.StaticRoute, enabled bool) (Task, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) UpdateOrgNetwork(newNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings, isFenced bool) (*types.NetworkConfigSection, error)
- func (vapp *VApp) UpdateOrgNetworkAsync(networkSettingsToUpdate *VappNetworkSettings, isFenced bool) (Task, error)
- type VAppTemplate
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) AddMetadata(key string, value string) (*VAppTemplate, error)deprecated
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) AddMetadataAsync(key string, value string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) Delete() error
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteAsync() (Task, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadata(key string) errordeprecated
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataAsync(key string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) GetCatalogName() (string, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) GetVappTemplateRecord() (*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) GetVdcName() (string, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) Refresh() error
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) Update() (*VAppTemplate, error)
- func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) UpdateAsync() (Task, error)
- type VCDClient
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) AddMetadataEntryByHref(href, typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) AddMetadataEntryByHrefAsync(href, typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHref(href, key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHrefAsync(href, key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) Authenticate(username, password, org string) error
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateAlbCloud(albCloudConfig *types.NsxtAlbCloud) (*NsxtAlbCloud, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment(assignmentConfig *types.NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateDefinedInterface(definedInterface *types.DefinedInterface) (*DefinedInterface, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateLogicalVmGroup(logicalVmGroup types.LogicalVmGroup) (*LogicalVmGroup, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateNsxtAlbController(albControllerConfig *types.NsxtAlbController) (*NsxtAlbController, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateNsxtAlbPool(albPoolConfig *types.NsxtAlbPool) (*NsxtAlbPool, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateNsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup(albServiceEngineGroup *types.NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateNsxtAlbVirtualService(albVirtualServiceConfig *types.NsxtAlbVirtualService) (*NsxtAlbVirtualService, error)
- func (client *VCDClient) CreateVdcComputePolicyV2(newVdcComputePolicy *types.VdcComputePolicyV2) (*VdcComputePolicyV2, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) DeleteMetadataEntryByHref(href, key string) error
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) DeleteMetadataEntryByHrefAsync(href, key string) (Task, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainByHref(href, key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainByHrefAsync(href, key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) Disconnect() error
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAdminOrgById(orgId string) (*AdminOrg, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAdminOrgByName(orgName string) (*AdminOrg, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAdminOrgByNameOrId(identifier string) (*AdminOrg, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbCloudById(id string) (*NsxtAlbCloud, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbCloudByName(name string) (*NsxtAlbCloud, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbControllerById(id string) (*NsxtAlbController, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbControllerByName(name string) (*NsxtAlbController, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbControllerByUrl(url string) (*NsxtAlbController, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbImportableCloudById(parentAlbControllerUrn, id string) (*NsxtAlbImportableCloud, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbImportableCloudByName(parentAlbControllerUrn, name string) (*NsxtAlbImportableCloud, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupById(parentAlbCloudUrn, id string) (*NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupByName(parentAlbCloudUrn, name string) (*NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbPoolById(id string) (*NsxtAlbPool, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbPoolByName(edgeGatewayId string, name string) (*NsxtAlbPool, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignmentById(id string) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignmentByName(name string) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbServiceEngineGroupById(id string) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbServiceEngineGroupByName(optionalContext, name string) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbVirtualServiceById(id string) (*NsxtAlbVirtualService, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbVirtualServiceByName(edgeGatewayId string, name string) (*NsxtAlbVirtualService, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbClouds(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbCloud, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbControllers(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbController, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbImportableClouds(parentAlbControllerUrn string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbImportableCloud, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups(parentAlbCloudUrn string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbPoolSummaries(edgeGatewayId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbPool, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbPools(edgeGatewayId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbPool, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignments(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbServiceEngineGroups(context string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbVirtualServiceSummaries(edgeGatewayId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbVirtualService, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbVirtualServices(edgeGatewayId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbVirtualService, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAssignedVdcComputePoliciesV2(vdcId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicyV2, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllDefinedInterfaces(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*DefinedInterface, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllImportableNsxtTier0Routers(nsxtManagerId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtTier0Router, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllNsxtEdgeClusters(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtEdgeCluster, error)
- func (client *VCDClient) GetAllVdcComputePoliciesV2(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicyV2, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAuthResponse(username, password, org string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetBearerTokenFromApiToken(org, token string) (*types.ApiTokenRefresh, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetDefinedInterface(vendor, nss, version string) (*DefinedInterface, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetDefinedInterfaceById(id string) (*DefinedInterface, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetExtendedSessionInfo() (*ExtendedSessionInfo, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetExternalNetworkById(id string) (*ExternalNetwork, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetExternalNetworkByName(networkName string) (*ExternalNetwork, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetExternalNetworkByNameOrId(identifier string) (*ExternalNetwork, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetExternalNetworks() (*types.ExternalNetworkReferences, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetFilteredAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignmentByName(name string, queryParameters url.Values) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetFilteredNsxtImportableSwitches(filter map[string]string) ([]*NsxtImportableSwitch, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetFilteredNsxtImportableSwitchesByName(filter map[string]string, name string) (*NsxtImportableSwitch, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetImportableNsxtTier0RouterByName(name, nsxtManagerId string) (*NsxtTier0Router, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetLogicalVmGroupById(logicalVmGroupId string) (*LogicalVmGroup, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetMetadataByHref(href string) (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetMetadataByKeyAndHref(href, key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetOrgById(orgId string) (*Org, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetOrgByName(orgName string) (*Org, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetOrgByNameOrId(identifier string) (*Org, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetOrgList() (*types.OrgList, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetProviderVdcByHref(providerVdcHref string) (*ProviderVdc, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetProviderVdcById(providerVdcId string) (*ProviderVdc, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetProviderVdcByName(providerVdcName string) (*ProviderVdc, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetProviderVdcExtendedByHref(providerVdcHref string) (*ProviderVdcExtended, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetProviderVdcExtendedById(providerVdcId string) (*ProviderVdcExtended, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetProviderVdcExtendedByName(providerVdcName string) (*ProviderVdcExtended, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetStorageProfileByHref(url string) (*types.VdcStorageProfile, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetVAppTemplateByHref(href string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetVAppTemplateById(vAppTemplateId string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
- func (client *VCDClient) GetVdcComputePolicyV2ById(id string) (*VdcComputePolicyV2, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetVmGroupById(id string) (*VmGroup, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetVmGroupByNameAndProviderVdcUrn(name, pvdcUrn string) (*VmGroup, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetVmGroupByNamedVmGroupIdAndProviderVdcUrn(namedVmGroupId, pvdcUrn string) (*VmGroup, error)
- func (client *VCDClient) LogSessionInfo()
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) MergeMetadataByHref(href, typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) MergeMetadataByHrefAsync(href, typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) MergeMetadataWithVisibilityByHrefAsync(href string, metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) NewVApp(client *Client) VApp
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) Query(params map[string]string) (Results, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryMediaById(mediaId string) (*MediaRecord, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryNetworkPools() ([]*types.QueryResultNetworkPoolRecordType, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryNsxtManagerByName(name string) ([]*types.QueryResultNsxtManagerRecordType, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryProviderVdcStorageProfileByName(name, providerVDCHref string) (*types.QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles() ([]*types.QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryProviderVdcs() ([]*types.QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QuerySynchronizedVAppTemplateById(vAppTemplateId string) (*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QuerySynchronizedVmInVAppTemplateByHref(vAppTemplateHref, vmNameInTemplate string) (*types.QueryResultVMRecordType, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryVmInVAppTemplateByHref(vAppTemplateHref, vmNameInTemplate string) (*types.QueryResultVMRecordType, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryWithNotEncodedParams(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string) (Results, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersion(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string, ...) (Results, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) SetApiToken(org, apiToken string) (*types.ApiTokenRefresh, error)
- func (vcdClient *VCDClient) SetToken(org, authHeader, token string) error
- type VCDClientOption
- func WithAPIVersion(version string) VCDClientOption
- func WithHttpHeader(options map[string]string) VCDClientOption
- func WithHttpTimeout(timeout int64) VCDClientOption
- func WithHttpUserAgent(userAgent string) VCDClientOption
- func WithMaxRetryTimeout(timeoutSeconds int) VCDClientOption
- func WithSamlAdfs(useSaml bool, customAdfsRptId string) VCDClientOption
- type VM
- func (vm *VM) AddInternalDisk(diskData *types.DiskSettings) (string, error)
- func (vm *VM) AddMetadata(key string, value string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vm *VM) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (vm *VM) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
- func (vm *VM) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) AnswerQuestion(questionId string, choiceId int) error
- func (vm *VM) AttachDisk(diskParams *types.DiskAttachOrDetachParams) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) BlockWhileGuestCustomizationStatus(unwantedStatus string, timeOutAfterSeconds int) error
- func (vm *VM) ChangeCPU(cpus, cpuCores int) error
- func (vm *VM) ChangeCPUAndCoreCount(cpus, cpuCores *int) error
- func (vm *VM) ChangeCPUCount(virtualCpuCount int) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) ChangeCPUCountWithCore(virtualCpuCount int, coresPerSocket *int) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) ChangeMemory(sizeInMb int64) error
- func (vm *VM) ChangeMemorySize(size int) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vm *VM) ChangeNetworkConfig(networks []map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) Customize(computerName, script string, changeSid bool) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vm *VM) Delete() error
- func (vm *VM) DeleteAsync() (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) DeleteInternalDisk(diskId string) error
- func (vm *VM) DeleteMetadata(key string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vm *VM) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (vm *VM) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
- func (vm *VM) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) DetachDisk(diskParams *types.DiskAttachOrDetachParams) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) EjectMedia(mediaParams *types.MediaInsertOrEjectParams) (EjectTask, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetGuestCustomizationSection() (*types.GuestCustomizationSection, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetGuestCustomizationStatus() (string, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetInternalDiskById(diskId string, refresh bool) (*types.DiskSettings, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetNetworkConnectionSection() (*types.NetworkConnectionSection, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetParentVApp() (*VApp, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetParentVdc() (*Vdc, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetProductSectionList() (*types.ProductSectionList, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetQuestion() (types.VmPendingQuestion, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetStatus() (string, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetVMSecurityTags() (*types.EntitySecurityTags, error)
- func (vm *VM) GetVirtualHardwareSection() (*types.VirtualHardwareSection, error)
- func (vm *VM) HandleEjectMedia(org *Org, catalogName, mediaName string) (EjectTask, error)
- func (vm *VM) HandleEjectMediaAndAnswer(org *Org, catalogName, mediaName string, answerYes bool) (*VM, error)
- func (vm *VM) HandleInsertMedia(org *Org, catalogName, mediaName string) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) InsertMedia(mediaParams *types.MediaInsertOrEjectParams) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) IsDeployed() (bool, error)
- func (vm *VM) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (vm *VM) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
- func (vm *VM) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) PowerOff() (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) PowerOn() (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) PowerOnAndForceCustomization() error
- func (vm *VM) Refresh() error
- func (vm *VM) RunCustomizationScript(computerName, script string) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) SetGuestCustomizationSection(guestCustomizationSection *types.GuestCustomizationSection) (*types.GuestCustomizationSection, error)
- func (vm *VM) SetProductSectionList(productSection *types.ProductSectionList) (*types.ProductSectionList, error)
- func (vm *VM) Shutdown() (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) ToggleHardwareVirtualization(isEnabled bool) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) Undeploy() (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateComputePolicy(computePolicy *types.VdcComputePolicy) (*VM, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateComputePolicyAsync(computePolicy *types.VdcComputePolicy) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateComputePolicyV2(sizingPolicyId, placementPolicyId, vGpuPolicyId string) (*VM, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateComputePolicyV2Async(sizingPolicyId, placementPolicyId, vGpuPolicyId string) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateInternalDisks(disksSettingToUpdate *types.VmSpecSection) (*types.VmSpecSection, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateInternalDisksAsync(disksSettingToUpdate *types.VmSpecSection) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateNetworkConnectionSection(networks *types.NetworkConnectionSection) error
- func (vm *VM) UpdateStorageProfile(storageProfileHref string) (*VM, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateStorageProfileAsync(storageProfileHref string) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateVMSecurityTags(entitySecurityTags *types.EntitySecurityTags) (*types.EntitySecurityTags, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateVmCpuAndMemoryHotAdd(cpuAdd, memoryAdd bool) (*VM, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateVmCpuAndMemoryHotAddAsync(cpuHot, memoryAdd bool) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateVmSpecSection(vmSettingsToUpdate *types.VmSpecSection, description string) (*VM, error)
- func (vm *VM) UpdateVmSpecSectionAsync(vmSettingsToUpdate *types.VmSpecSection, description string) (Task, error)
- func (vm *VM) WaitForDhcpIpByNicIndexes(nicIndexes []int, maxWaitSeconds int, useNsxvDhcpLeaseCheck bool) ([]string, bool, error)
- type VMRecord
- type VappNetworkSettings
- type VappTemplateData
- type VcdVersion
- type Vdc
- func (vdc *Vdc) AddMetadata(key string, value string) (Vdc, error)deprecated
- func (vdc *Vdc) AddMetadataAsync(key string, value string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vdc *Vdc) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
- func (vdc *Vdc) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) ComposeRawVApp(name string, description string) error
- func (vdc *Vdc) ComposeVApp(orgvdcnetworks []*types.OrgVDCNetwork, vapptemplate VAppTemplate, ...) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateDisk(diskCreateParams *types.DiskCreateParams) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateNsxtFirewallGroup(firewallGroupConfig *types.NsxtFirewallGroup) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateNsxvIpSet(ipSetConfig *types.EdgeIpSet) (*types.EdgeIpSet, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork(orgVdcNetworkConfig *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateOrgVDCNetwork(networkConfig *types.OrgVDCNetwork) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateOrgVDCNetworkWait(networkConfig *types.OrgVDCNetwork) error
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateRawVApp(name string, description string) (*VApp, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateStandaloneVMFromTemplate(params *types.InstantiateVmTemplateParams) (*VM, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateStandaloneVMFromTemplateAsync(params *types.InstantiateVmTemplateParams) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateStandaloneVm(params *types.CreateVmParams) (*VM, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateStandaloneVmAsync(params *types.CreateVmParams) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateVmAffinityRule(affinityRuleDef *types.VmAffinityRule) (*VmAffinityRule, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) CreateVmAffinityRuleAsync(affinityRuleDef *types.VmAffinityRule) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) Delete(force bool, recursive bool) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) DeleteControlAccess(useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) DeleteMetadata(key string) (Vdc, error)deprecated
- func (vdc *Vdc) DeleteMetadataAsync(key string) (Task, error)deprecated
- func (vdc *Vdc) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
- func (vdc *Vdc) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) DeleteNsxvIpSetById(id string) error
- func (vdc *Vdc) DeleteNsxvIpSetByName(name string) error
- func (vdc *Vdc) DeleteOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp(orgNetworkId string) error
- func (vdc *Vdc) DeleteVdcNetworkProfile() error
- func (vdc *Vdc) DeleteWait(force bool, recursive bool) error
- func (vdc *Vdc) FindDiskByHREF(href string) (*Disk, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) FindEdgeGateway(edgegateway string) (EdgeGateway, error)deprecated
- func (vdc *Vdc) FindEdgeGatewayNameByNetwork(networkName string) (string, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) FindMediaImage(mediaName string) (MediaItem, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) FindStorageProfileReference(name string) (types.Reference, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) FindVAppByID(vappid string) (VApp, error)deprecated
- func (vdc *Vdc) FindVAppByName(vapp string) (VApp, error)deprecated
- func (vdc *Vdc) FindVDCNetwork(network string) (OrgVDCNetwork, error)deprecated
- func (vdc *Vdc) FindVMByName(vapp VApp, vm string) (VM, error)deprecated
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetAllNsxtEdgeClusters(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtEdgeCluster, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups(queryParameters url.Values, firewallGroupType string) ([]*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetAllNsxtImportableSwitches() ([]*NsxtImportableSwitch, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetAllNsxvIpSets() ([]*types.EdgeIpSet, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetAllVmAffinityRuleList() ([]*types.VmAffinityRule, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetCapabilities() ([]types.VdcCapability, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetControlAccess(useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetDefaultStorageProfileReference(storageprofiles *types.QueryResultRecordsType) (types.Reference, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetDiskByHref(diskHref string) (*Disk, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetDiskById(diskId string, refresh bool) (*Disk, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetDisksByName(diskName string, refresh bool) (*[]Disk, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayByHref(href string) (*EdgeGateway, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayById(id string, refresh bool) (*EdgeGateway, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayByName(name string, refresh bool) (*EdgeGateway, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*EdgeGateway, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayRecordsType(refresh bool) (*types.QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordsType, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetNetworkList() ([]*types.QueryResultOrgVdcNetworkRecordType, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName(name, scope string) (*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtEdgeClusterByName(name string) (*NsxtEdgeCluster, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById(id string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName(name string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtFirewallGroupById(id string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName(name, firewallGroupType string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtImportableSwitchByName(name string) (*NsxtImportableSwitch, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxvIpSetById(id string) (*types.EdgeIpSet, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxvIpSetByName(name string) (*types.EdgeIpSet, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxvIpSetByNameOrId(identifier string) (*types.EdgeIpSet, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById(id string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByName(name string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp(orgNetworkId string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetOrgVdcNetworkByHref(href string) (*OrgVDCNetwork, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetOrgVdcNetworkById(id string, refresh bool) (*OrgVDCNetwork, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetOrgVdcNetworkByName(name string, refresh bool) (*OrgVDCNetwork, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetOrgVdcNetworkByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*OrgVDCNetwork, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVAppByHref(vappHref string) (*VApp, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVAppById(id string, refresh bool) (*VApp, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVAppByName(vappName string, refresh bool) (*VApp, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVAppByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*VApp, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVAppTemplateByName(vAppTemplateName string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVAppTemplateByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*VAppTemplate, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVappAccessControl(vappIdentifier string, useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVappList() []*types.ResourceReference
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVdcNetworkProfile() (*types.VdcNetworkProfile, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVmAffinityRuleByHref(href string) (*VmAffinityRule, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVmAffinityRuleById(id string) (*VmAffinityRule, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVmAffinityRuleByNameOrId(identifier string) (*VmAffinityRule, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVmAffinityRuleList() ([]*types.VmAffinityRule, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVmAffinityRulesByName(name string, polarity string) ([]*VmAffinityRule, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) GetVmAntiAffinityRuleList() ([]*types.VmAffinityRule, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) InstantiateVAppTemplate(template *types.InstantiateVAppTemplateParams) error
- func (vdc *Vdc) IsNsxt() bool
- func (vdc *Vdc) IsNsxv() bool
- func (vdc *Vdc) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (vdc *Vdc) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) Query(params map[string]string) (Results, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryAllMedia(mediaName string) ([]*MediaRecord, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryCatalogItemList() ([]*types.QueryResultCatalogItemType, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryDisk(diskName string) (DiskRecord, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryDisks(diskName string) (*[]*types.DiskRecordType, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryEdgeGatewayList() ([]*types.QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordType, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryMediaList() ([]*types.MediaRecordType, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryVM(vappName, vmName string) (VMRecord, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryVappSynchronizedVmTemplate(catalogName, vappTemplateName, vmNameInTemplate string) (*types.QueryResultVMRecordType, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryVappTemplateList() ([]*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryVappTemplateWithName(vAppTemplateName string) (*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryVappVmTemplate(catalogName, vappTemplateName, vmNameInTemplate string) (*types.QueryResultVMRecordType, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryVmById(id string) (*VM, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryVmByName(name string) (*VM, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryVmList(filter types.VmQueryFilter) ([]*types.QueryResultVMRecordType, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryWithNotEncodedParams(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string) (Results, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersion(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string, ...) (Results, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) Refresh() error
- func (vdc *Vdc) SearchByFilter(queryType, parentField string, criteria *FilterDef) ([]QueryItem, string, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) SetControlAccess(isSharedToEveryOne bool, everyoneAccessLevel string, ...) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) UpdateNsxvIpSet(ipSetConfig *types.EdgeIpSet) (*types.EdgeIpSet, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) UpdateOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp(orgNetworkId string, orgVdcNetworkDhcpConfig *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) UpdateVdcNetworkProfile(vdcNetworkProfileConfig *types.VdcNetworkProfile) (*types.VdcNetworkProfile, error)
- func (vdc *Vdc) UploadMediaImage(mediaName, mediaDescription, filePath string, uploadPieceSize int64) (UploadTask, error)deprecated
- type VdcComputePolicy
- type VdcComputePolicyV2
- type VdcGroup
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) ActivateDfw() (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) CreateNsxtFirewallGroup(firewallGroupConfig *types.NsxtFirewallGroup) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork(orgVdcNetworkConfig *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) DeactivateDfw() (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) Delete() error
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) DeleteAllDistributedFirewallRules() error
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) DisableDefaultPolicy() (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) EnableDefaultPolicy() (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GenericUpdate() (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetAllNsxtImportableSwitches() ([]*NsxtImportableSwitch, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetCapabilities() ([]types.VdcCapability, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetDfwPolicies() (*types.DfwPolicies, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetDistributedFirewall() (*DistributedFirewall, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName(name, scope string) (*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName(name string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetNsxtFirewallGroupById(id string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName(name string, firewallGroupType string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetNsxtImportableSwitchByName(name string) (*NsxtImportableSwitch, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById(id string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByName(name string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) IsNsxt() bool
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) Update(name, description string, participatingOrgVddIs []string) (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) UpdateDefaultDfwPolicies(defaultDfwPolicies types.DefaultPolicy) (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) UpdateDfwPolicies(dfwPolicies types.DfwPolicies) (*VdcGroup, error)
- func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) UpdateDistributedFirewall(dfwRules *types.DistributedFirewallRules) (*DistributedFirewall, error)
- type VersionInfo
- type VersionInfos
- type VmAffinityRule
- type VmGroup
Constants ¶
const ( OrgUserRoleOrganizationAdministrator = "Organization Administrator" OrgUserRoleCatalogAuthor = "Catalog Author" OrgUserRoleVappAuthor = "vApp Author" OrgUserRoleVappUser = "vApp User" OrgUserRoleConsoleAccessOnly = "Console Access Only" OrgUserRoleDeferToIdentityProvider = "Defer to Identity Provider" // Allowed values for provider types OrgUserProviderIntegrated = "INTEGRATED" // The user is created locally or imported from LDAP OrgUserProviderSAML = "SAML" // The user is imported from a SAML identity provider. OrgUserProviderOAUTH = "OAUTH" // The user is imported from an OAUTH identity provider )
const ApiTokenHeader = "API-token"
const AuthorizationHeader = "X-Vcloud-Authorization"
AuthorizationHeader header key used by default to set the authorization token.
const BearerTokenHeader = "X-Vmware-Vcloud-Access-Token"
BearerTokenHeader is the header key containing a bearer token #nosec G101 -- This is not a credential, it's just the header key
Variables ¶
var ErrorEntityNotFound = fmt.Errorf(errorEntityNotFoundMessage)
var OrgUserProviderTypes = []string{ OrgUserProviderIntegrated, OrgUserProviderSAML, OrgUserProviderOAUTH, }
Used to check the validity of provider type on creation
var ( // SupportedMetadataTypes are the metadata types recognized so far. "NONE" is the same as "" SupportedMetadataTypes = []string{"NONE", "STRING", "NUMBER", "BOOLEAN", "DATETIME"} )
Functions ¶
func BuildUrnWithUuid ¶
BuildUrnWithUuid helps to build valid URNs where APIs require URN format, but other API responds with UUID (or extracted from HREF)
func ContainsNotFound ¶
ContainsNotFound is a convenience function, similar to os.IsNotExist that checks whether a given error contains a "Not found" error. It is almost the same as `IsNotFound` but checks if an error contains substring ErrorEntityNotFound
func FindMissingImpliedRights ¶
func FindMissingImpliedRights(client *Client, rights []types.OpenApiReference) ([]types.OpenApiReference, error)
FindMissingImpliedRights returns a list of the rights that are implied in the rights provided as input
func GetAllNetworkContextProfiles ¶
func GetAllNetworkContextProfiles(client *Client, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.NsxtNetworkContextProfile, error)
GetAllNetworkContextProfiles retrieves a slice of types.NsxtNetworkContextProfile This function requires at least a filter value for 'context_id' which can be one of: * Org VDC ID - to get Network Context Profiles scoped for VDC * Network provider ID - to get Network Context Profiles scoped for attached NSX-T environment * VDC Group ID - to get Network Context Profiles scoped for attached NSX-T environment
func GetExternalNetworkByName
func GetNetworkContextProfilesByNameScopeAndContext ¶
func GetNetworkContextProfilesByNameScopeAndContext(client *Client, name, scope, contextId string) (*types.NsxtNetworkContextProfile, error)
GetNetworkContextProfilesByScopeAndName retrieves a single NSX-T Network Context Profile by name and context ID. All fields - name, scope and contextId are mandatory
contextId is mandatory and can be one off: * Org VDC ID - to get Network Context Profiles scoped for VDC * Network provider ID - to get Network Context Profiles scoped for attached NSX-T environment * VDC Group ID - to get Network Context Profiles scoped for attached NSX-T environment
scope can be one off: * SYSTEM * PROVIDER * TENANT
func GetNetworkPoolByHREF ¶
GetNetworkPoolByHREF functions fetches an network pool using VDC client and network pool href
func GetStorageProfileByHref ¶
GetStorageProfileByHref fetches storage profile using provided HREF. Deprecated: use client.GetStorageProfileByHref or vcdClient.GetStorageProfileByHref
func GetUuidFromHref ¶
Returns the UUID part of an HREF Similar to getBareEntityUuid, but tailored to HREF
func IsNotFound ¶
IsNotFound is a convenience function, similar to os.IsNotExist that checks whether a given error is a "Not found" error, such as
if isNotFound(err) { // do what is needed in case of not found }
func IsValidUrl ¶
IsValidUrl returns true if the given URL is complete and usable
func IsVappNetwork ¶
func IsVappNetwork(networkConfig *types.NetworkConfiguration) bool
IsVappNetwork allows to identify if given network config is a vApp network and not a vApp Org network
func LogAdminCatalog ¶
func LogAdminCatalog(catalog types.AdminCatalog)
func LogAdminOrg ¶
func LogAdminOrg(org types.AdminOrg)
func LogCatalog ¶
func LogCatalog(catalog types.Catalog)
func LogCatalogItem ¶
func LogCatalogItem(catalogItem types.CatalogItem)
func LogEdgeGateway ¶
func LogEdgeGateway(edgeGateway types.EdgeGateway)
func LogExternalNetwork ¶
func LogExternalNetwork(network types.ExternalNetwork)
func LogNetwork ¶
func LogNetwork(conf types.OrgVDCNetwork)
func MinimalShowTask ¶
func OwnerIsVdc ¶
OwnerIsVdc evaluates a given URN and returns true if it is a VDC
func OwnerIsVdcGroup ¶
OwnerIsVdcGroup evaluates given URN and returns true if it is a VDC Group
func ParseErr ¶
ParseErr takes an error XML resp, error interface for unmarshalling and returns a single string for use in error messages.
func QueryAdminOrgVdcStorageProfileByID ¶
func QueryAdminOrgVdcStorageProfileByID(vcdCli *VCDClient, id string) (*types.QueryResultAdminOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
QueryAdminOrgVdcStorageProfileByID finds a StorageProfile of VDC by ID as admin
func QueryDistributedPortGroup ¶
func QueryDistributedPortGroup(vcdCli *VCDClient, name string) ([]*types.PortGroupRecordType, error)
Find a Distributed port group by name
func QueryNetworkPoolByName ¶
func QueryNetworkPoolByName(vcdCli *VCDClient, name string) ([]*types.QueryResultNetworkPoolRecordType, error)
QueryNetworkPoolByName finds a network pool by name
func QueryNetworkPortGroup ¶
Find a Network port group by name
func QueryOrgVdcNetworkByName ¶
func QueryOrgVdcNetworkByName(vcdCli *VCDClient, name string) ([]*types.QueryResultOrgVdcNetworkRecordType, error)
QueryOrgVdcNetworkByName finds a org VDC network by name which has edge gateway as reference
func QueryOrgVdcStorageProfileByID ¶
func QueryOrgVdcStorageProfileByID(vcdCli *VCDClient, id string) (*types.QueryResultOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
QueryOrgVdcStorageProfileByID finds a StorageProfile of VDC by ID
func QueryPortGroups ¶
Find a list of Port groups matching the filter parameter.
func QueryProviderVdcByName ¶
func QueryProviderVdcByName(vcdCli *VCDClient, name string) ([]*types.QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType, error)
QueryProviderVdcByName finds a provider VDC by name
func QueryProviderVdcStorageProfileByName ¶
func QueryProviderVdcStorageProfileByName(vcdCli *VCDClient, name string) ([]*types.QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
QueryProviderVdcStorageProfileByName finds a provider VDC storage profile by name Deprecated: wrong implementation. Use VCDClient.QueryProviderVdcStorageProfileByName
func QueryVirtualCenters ¶
func QueryVirtualCenters(vcdClient *VCDClient, filter string) ([]*types.QueryResultVirtualCenterRecordType, error)
Find a list of Virtual Centers matching the filter parameter. Filter constructing guide: Possible parameters are any attribute from QueryResultVirtualCenterRecordType struct E.g. filter could look like: name==vC1
func RemoveMediaImageIfExists ¶
Looks for media and, if found, will delete it. Deprecated: Use catalog.RemoveMediaIfExist
func RemoveOrgVdcNetworkIfExists ¶
RemoveOrgVdcNetworkIfExists looks for an Org Vdc network and, if found, will delete it.
func ResourceComplete ¶
func ResourceComplete(tasksInProgress *types.TasksInProgress) bool
ResourceComplete return true is none of its tasks are running
func ResourceInProgress ¶
func ResourceInProgress(tasksInProgress *types.TasksInProgress) bool
ResourceInProgress returns true if any of the provided tasks is still running
func ShowAdminCatalog ¶
func ShowAdminCatalog(catalog types.AdminCatalog)
func ShowAdminOrg ¶
func ShowAdminOrg(org types.AdminOrg)
func ShowCatalog ¶
func ShowCatalog(catalog types.Catalog)
func ShowCatalogItem ¶
func ShowCatalogItem(catalogItem types.CatalogItem)
func ShowEdgeGateway ¶
func ShowEdgeGateway(edgeGateway types.EdgeGateway)
func ShowExternalNetwork ¶
func ShowExternalNetwork(network types.ExternalNetwork)
func ShowNetwork ¶
func ShowNetwork(conf types.OrgVDCNetwork)
func SimpleLogTask ¶
func SimpleShowTask ¶
func SkimTasksList ¶
SkimTasksList checks a list of tasks and returns a list of tasks still in progress and a list of failed ones
func SkimTasksListMonitor ¶
func SkimTasksListMonitor(taskList []*Task, monitoringFunc TaskMonitoringFunc) ([]*Task, []*Task, error)
SkimTasksListMonitor checks a list of tasks and returns a list of tasks in progress and a list of failed ones It can optionally do something with each task by means of a monitoring function
func WaitResource ¶
WaitResource waits for the tasks associated to a given resource to complete
Types ¶
type AdminCatalog ¶
type AdminCatalog struct { AdminCatalog *types.AdminCatalog // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AdminCatalog is a admin view of a VMware Cloud Director Catalog To be able to get an AdminCatalog representation, users must have admin credentials to the System org. AdminCatalog is used for creating, updating, and deleting a Catalog. Definition:
func CreateCatalog ¶
func CreateCatalog(client *Client, links types.LinkList, Name, Description string) (AdminCatalog, error)
CreateCatalog creates a catalog with specified name and description
func CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile ¶
func CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile(client *Client, links types.LinkList, Name, Description string, storageProfiles *types.CatalogStorageProfiles) (*AdminCatalog, error)
CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile is like CreateCatalog, but allows to specify storage profile
func NewAdminCatalog ¶
func NewAdminCatalog(client *Client) *AdminCatalog
func NewAdminCatalogWithParent ¶
func NewAdminCatalogWithParent(client *Client, parent organization) *AdminCatalog
func (*AdminCatalog) AddMetadataEntry ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
AddMetadataEntry adds AdminCatalog metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use AdminCatalog.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*AdminCatalog) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds AdminCatalog metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use AdminCatalog.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*AdminCatalog) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver AdminCatalog and waits for the task to finish.
func (*AdminCatalog) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync adds metadata to the given AdminCatalog with the given key, value, type and visibility and returns the task.
func (*AdminCatalog) Delete ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) Delete(force, recursive bool) error
Delete deletes the Catalog, returning an error if the vCD call fails. Link to API call:
func (*AdminCatalog) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes AdminCatalog metadata depending on key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use AdminCatalog.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain instead
func (*AdminCatalog) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes AdminCatalog metadata depending on key provided as input and returns a task. Deprecated: Use AdminCatalog.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync instead
func (*AdminCatalog) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes AdminCatalog metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish.
func (*AdminCatalog) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync deletes AdminCatalog metadata associated to the input key and returns the task.
func (*AdminCatalog) FullSubscriptionUrl ¶
func (cat *AdminCatalog) FullSubscriptionUrl() (string, error)
FullSubscriptionUrl returns the subscription URL from a publishing catalog adding the HOST if needed
func (AdminCatalog) GetAccessControl ¶
func (adminCatalog AdminCatalog) GetAccessControl(useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
GetAccessControl retrieves the access control information for this catalog
func (*AdminCatalog) GetCatalogHref ¶
func (cat *AdminCatalog) GetCatalogHref() (string, error)
GetCatalogHref retrieves the regular catalog HREF from an admin catalog
func (*AdminCatalog) GetCatalogItemByHref ¶
func (cat *AdminCatalog) GetCatalogItemByHref(catalogItemHref string) (*CatalogItem, error)
GetCatalogItemByHref finds a CatalogItem by HREF On success, returns a pointer to the CatalogItem structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminCatalog) GetMediaByHref ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) GetMediaByHref(mediaHref string) (*Media, error)
GetMediaByHref finds a Media by HREF On success, returns a pointer to the Media structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminCatalog) GetMediaById ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) GetMediaById(mediaId string) (*Media, error)
GetMediaById finds a Media by ID On success, returns a pointer to the Media structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminCatalog) GetMediaByName ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) GetMediaByName(mediaName string, refresh bool) (*Media, error)
GetMediaByName finds a Media by Name On success, returns a pointer to the Media structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminCatalog) GetMediaByNameOrId ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) GetMediaByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*Media, error)
GetMediaByNameOrId finds a Media by Name or ID On success, returns a pointer to the Media structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminCatalog) GetMetadata ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
GetMetadata returns AdminCatalog metadata.
func (*AdminCatalog) GetMetadataByKey ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
GetMetadataByKey returns AdminCatalog metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (AdminCatalog) IsShared ¶
func (adminCatalog AdminCatalog) IsShared(useTenantContext bool) (bool, error)
IsShared shows whether a catalog is shared or not, regardless of the number of subjects sharing it
func (*AdminCatalog) LaunchSync ¶
func (cat *AdminCatalog) LaunchSync() (*Task, error)
LaunchSync starts synchronisation of a subscribed AdminCatalog
func (*AdminCatalog) LaunchSynchronisationAllMediaItems ¶
func (cat *AdminCatalog) LaunchSynchronisationAllMediaItems() ([]*Task, error)
LaunchSynchronisationAllMediaItems waits for existing tasks to complete and then starts synchronisation of all media items for a given catalog TODO re-implement without the non-documented task-related fields
func (*AdminCatalog) LaunchSynchronisationAllVappTemplates ¶
func (cat *AdminCatalog) LaunchSynchronisationAllVappTemplates() ([]*Task, error)
LaunchSynchronisationAllVappTemplates waits for existing tasks to complete and then starts synchronisation of all vApp templates for a given catalog TODO: re-implement without the undocumented task-related fields
func (*AdminCatalog) LaunchSynchronisationMediaItems ¶
func (cat *AdminCatalog) LaunchSynchronisationMediaItems(nameList []string) ([]*Task, error)
LaunchSynchronisationMediaItems waits for existing tasks to complete and then starts synchronisation of a list of media items TODO: re-implement without the undocumented task-related fields
func (*AdminCatalog) LaunchSynchronisationVappTemplates ¶
func (cat *AdminCatalog) LaunchSynchronisationVappTemplates(nameList []string) ([]*Task, error)
LaunchSynchronisationVappTemplates starts synchronisation of a list of vApp templates
func (*AdminCatalog) MergeMetadata ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
MergeMetadata merges AdminCatalog metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use AdminCatalog.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*AdminCatalog) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataAsync merges AdminCatalog metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use AdminCatalog.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync
func (*AdminCatalog) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver AdminCatalog and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes.
func (*AdminCatalog) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync merges AdminCatalog metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete.
func (*AdminCatalog) PublishToExternalOrganizations ¶
func (cat *AdminCatalog) PublishToExternalOrganizations(publishExternalCatalog types.PublishExternalCatalogParams) error
PublishToExternalOrganizations publishes a catalog to external organizations.
func (*AdminCatalog) QueryCatalogItem ¶
func (catalog *AdminCatalog) QueryCatalogItem(name string) (*types.QueryResultCatalogItemType, error)
QueryCatalogItem returns a named Catalog Item for the given catalog
func (*AdminCatalog) QueryCatalogItemList ¶
func (catalog *AdminCatalog) QueryCatalogItemList() ([]*types.QueryResultCatalogItemType, error)
QueryCatalogItemList returns a list of Catalog Item for the given admin catalog
func (*AdminCatalog) QueryMedia ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) QueryMedia(mediaName string) (*MediaRecord, error)
QueryMedia returns media image found in system using `name` and `catalog name` as query.
func (*AdminCatalog) QueryMediaList ¶
func (catalog *AdminCatalog) QueryMediaList() ([]*types.MediaRecordType, error)
QueryMediaList retrieves a list of media items for the Admin Catalog
func (*AdminCatalog) QueryTaskList ¶
func (catalog *AdminCatalog) QueryTaskList(filter map[string]string) ([]*types.QueryResultTaskRecordType, error)
QueryTaskList retrieves a list of tasks associated to the Admin Catalog
func (*AdminCatalog) QueryVappTemplateList ¶
func (catalog *AdminCatalog) QueryVappTemplateList() ([]*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
QueryVappTemplateList returns a list of vApp templates for the given catalog
func (*AdminCatalog) QueryVappTemplateWithName ¶
func (catalog *AdminCatalog) QueryVappTemplateWithName(vAppTemplateName string) (*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
QueryVappTemplateWithName returns one vApp template for the given Catalog with the given name. Returns an error if it finds more than one.
func (*AdminCatalog) Refresh ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) Refresh() error
Refresh fetches a fresh copy of the Admin Catalog
func (AdminCatalog) RemoveAccessControl ¶
func (adminCatalog AdminCatalog) RemoveAccessControl(useTenantContext bool) error
RemoveAccessControl is a shortcut to SetAccessControl with all access disabled
func (*AdminCatalog) RemoveMediaIfExists ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) RemoveMediaIfExists(mediaName string) error
Looks for media and, if found, will delete it.
func (AdminCatalog) SetAccessControl ¶
func (adminCatalog AdminCatalog) SetAccessControl(accessControl *types.ControlAccessParams, useTenantContext bool) error
SetAccessControl changes the access control information for this catalog
func (*AdminCatalog) Sync ¶
func (cat *AdminCatalog) Sync() error
Sync synchronises a subscribed AdminCatalog
func (*AdminCatalog) Update ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) Update() error
Update updates the Catalog definition from current Catalog struct contents. Any differences that may be legally applied will be updated. Returns an error if the call to vCD fails. Update automatically performs a refresh with the admin catalog it gets back from the rest api Link to API call:
func (*AdminCatalog) UpdateSubscriptionParams ¶
func (catalog *AdminCatalog) UpdateSubscriptionParams(params types.ExternalCatalogSubscription) error
UpdateSubscriptionParams modifies the subscription parameters of an already subscribed catalog
func (*AdminCatalog) UploadOvf ¶
func (adminCatalog *AdminCatalog) UploadOvf(ovaFileName, itemName, description string, uploadPieceSize int64) (UploadTask, error)
UploadOvf uploads an ova file to a catalog. This method only uploads bits to vCD spool area. Returns errors if any occur during upload from vCD or upload process. On upload fail client may need to remove vCD catalog item which waits for files to be uploaded. Files from ova are extracted to system temp folder "govcd+random number" and left for inspection on error.
func (*AdminCatalog) WaitForTasks ¶
func (cat *AdminCatalog) WaitForTasks() error
WaitForTasks waits for the catalog's tasks to complete
type AdminOrg ¶
type AdminOrg struct { AdminOrg *types.AdminOrg TenantContext *TenantContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AdminOrg gives an admin representation of an org. Administrators can delete and update orgs with an admin org object. AdminOrg includes all members of the Org element, and adds several elements that can be viewed and modified only by system administrators. Definition:
func GetAdminOrgByName ¶
If user specifies valid organization name, then this returns an admin organization object. If no valid org is found, it returns an empty org and no error. Otherwise returns an empty AdminOrg and an error. API Documentation: Deprecated: Use vcdClient.GetAdminOrgByName instead
func NewAdminOrg ¶
func (*AdminOrg) AddCertificateToLibrary ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) AddCertificateToLibrary(certificateConfig *types.CertificateLibraryItem) (*Certificate, error)
AddCertificateToLibrary uploads certificates with configuration details
func (*AdminOrg) AddMetadataEntry ¶
AddMetadataEntry adds AdminOrg metadata key/value pair provided as input to the corresponding organization seen as administrator and waits for completion. Deprecated: Use AdminOrg.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*AdminOrg) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds AdminOrg metadata key/value pair provided as input to the corresponding organization seen as administrator and returns a task. Deprecated: Use AdminOrg.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*AdminOrg) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver AdminOrg and waits for the task to finish.
func (*AdminOrg) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync adds metadata to the given AdminOrg with the given key, value, type and visibility and returns the task.
func (*AdminOrg) CreateCatalog ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateCatalog(name, description string) (AdminCatalog, error)
CreateCatalog creates a catalog with given name and description under the the given organization. Returns an AdminCatalog that contains a creation task. API Documentation:
func (*AdminOrg) CreateCatalogFromSubscription ¶
func (org *AdminOrg) CreateCatalogFromSubscription(subscription types.ExternalCatalogSubscription, storageProfiles *types.CatalogStorageProfiles, catalogName, password string, localCopy bool, timeout time.Duration) (*AdminCatalog, error)
CreateCatalogFromSubscription is a wrapper around CreateCatalogFromSubscriptionAsync After catalog creation, it waits for the import tasks to complete within a given timeout
func (*AdminOrg) CreateCatalogFromSubscriptionAsync ¶
func (org *AdminOrg) CreateCatalogFromSubscriptionAsync(subscription types.ExternalCatalogSubscription, storageProfiles *types.CatalogStorageProfiles, catalogName, password string, localCopy bool) (*AdminCatalog, error)
CreateCatalogFromSubscriptionAsync creates a new catalog by subscribing to a published catalog Parameter subscription needs to be filled manually
func (*AdminOrg) CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile(name, description string, storageProfiles *types.CatalogStorageProfiles) (*AdminCatalog, error)
CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile is like CreateCatalog, but allows to specify storage profile
func (*AdminOrg) CreateGroup ¶
CreateGroup creates a group in Org. Supported provider types are `OrgUserProviderIntegrated` and `OrgUserProviderSAML`.
Note. This request will return HTTP 403 if Org is not configured for SAML or LDAP usage.
func (*AdminOrg) CreateNsxtEdgeGateway ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateNsxtEdgeGateway(edgeGatewayConfig *types.OpenAPIEdgeGateway) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
CreateNsxtEdgeGateway allows to create NSX-T edge gateway for Org admins
func (*AdminOrg) CreateNsxtVdcGroup ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateNsxtVdcGroup(name, description, startingVdcId string, participatingVdcIds []string) (*VdcGroup, error)
CreateNsxtVdcGroup create NSX-T VDC group with provided VDC IDs. More generic creation method available also - CreateVdcGroup
func (*AdminOrg) CreateOrgVdc ¶
CreateOrgVdc creates a VDC with the given params under the given organization and waits for the asynchronous task to complete. Returns an AdminVdc pointer and an error.
func (*AdminOrg) CreateOrgVdcAsync ¶
CreateOrgVdcAsync creates a VDC with the given params under the given organization. Returns a Task and an error.
func (*AdminOrg) CreateRole ¶
CreateRole creates a new role as a tenant administrator
func (*AdminOrg) CreateUser ¶
CreateUser creates an OrgUser from a full configuration structure The timeOut variable is the maximum time we wait for the user to be ready (This operation does not return a task) This function returns as soon as the user has been created, which could be as little as 200ms or as much as Client.MaxRetryTimeout Mandatory fields are: Name, Role, Password.
func (*AdminOrg) CreateUserSimple ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) CreateUserSimple(userData OrgUserConfiguration) (*OrgUser, error)
CreateUserSimple creates an org user from a simplified structure
func (*AdminOrg) CreateVdc ¶
CreateVdc creates a VDC with the given params under the given organization. Returns an AdminVdc. API Documentation: Deprecated in favor of adminOrg.CreateOrgVdcAsync
func (*AdminOrg) CreateVdcComputePolicy ¶
func (org *AdminOrg) CreateVdcComputePolicy(newVdcComputePolicy *types.VdcComputePolicy) (*VdcComputePolicy, error)
CreateVdcComputePolicy creates a new VDC Compute Policy using OpenAPI endpoint Deprecated: use VCDClient.CreateVdcComputePolicyV2
func (*AdminOrg) CreateVdcGroup ¶
CreateVdcGroup create VDC group with provided VDC ref. Only supports NSX-T VDCs.
func (*AdminOrg) CreateVdcWait ¶
Creates the VDC and waits for the asynchronous task to complete. Deprecated in favor of adminOrg.CreateOrgVdc
func (*AdminOrg) Delete ¶
Deletes the org, returning an error if the vCD call fails. API Documentation:
func (*AdminOrg) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes metadata of the corresponding organization with the given key, and waits for completion Deprecated: Use AdminOrg.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain instead
func (*AdminOrg) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes metadata of the corresponding organization with the given key, and returns a task. Deprecated: Use AdminOrg.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync instead
func (*AdminOrg) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes AdminOrg metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish.
func (*AdminOrg) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync deletes AdminOrg metadata associated to the input key and returns the task.
func (*AdminOrg) Disable ¶
Disables the org. Returns an error if the call to vCD fails. API Documentation:
func (*AdminOrg) FetchUserByHref ¶
FetchUserByHref returns a user by its HREF Deprecated: use GetUserByHref instead
func (*AdminOrg) FetchUserById ¶
FetchUserById returns a user by its ID Deprecated: use GetUserById instead
func (*AdminOrg) FetchUserByName ¶
FetchUserByName returns a user by its Name Deprecated: use GetUserByName instead
func (*AdminOrg) FetchUserByNameOrId ¶
FetchUserById returns a user by its Name or ID Deprecated: use GetUserByNameOrId instead
func (*AdminOrg) FindAdminCatalog ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) FindAdminCatalog(catalogName string) (AdminCatalog, error)
Given a valid catalog name, FindAdminCatalog returns an AdminCatalog object. If no catalog is found, then returns an empty AdminCatalog and no error. Otherwise it returns an error. Function allows user to use an AdminOrg to also fetch a Catalog. If user does not have proper credentials to perform administrator tasks then function returns an error. API Documentation: Deprecated: Use adminOrg.GetAdminCatalog instead
func (*AdminOrg) FindAdminCatalogRecords ¶
FindAdminCatalogRecords uses catalog name to return AdminCatalogRecord information.
func (*AdminOrg) FindCatalog ¶
Given a valid catalog name, FindCatalog returns a Catalog object. If no catalog is found, then returns an empty catalog and no error. Otherwise it returns an error. Function allows user to use an AdminOrg to also fetch a Catalog. Deprecated: Use adminOrg.GetCatalogByName instead
func (*AdminOrg) FindCatalogRecords ¶
FindCatalogRecords given a catalog name, retrieves the catalogRecords for a given organization
func (*AdminOrg) GetAdminCatalogByHref ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminCatalogByHref(catalogHref string) (*AdminCatalog, error)
GetAdminCatalogByHref finds an AdminCatalog by HREF On success, returns a pointer to the Catalog structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetAdminCatalogById ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminCatalogById(catalogId string, refresh bool) (*AdminCatalog, error)
GetCatalogById finds an AdminCatalog by ID On success, returns a pointer to the AdminCatalog structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetAdminCatalogByName ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminCatalogByName(catalogName string, refresh bool) (*AdminCatalog, error)
GetCatalogByName finds an AdminCatalog by Name On success, returns a pointer to the AdminCatalog structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetAdminCatalogByNameOrId ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAdminCatalogByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*AdminCatalog, error)
GetAdminCatalogByNameOrId finds an AdminCatalog by name or ID On success, returns a pointer to the AdminCatalog structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetAdminVDCByHref ¶
GetAdminVDCByHref retrieves a VDC using a direct call with the HREF
func (*AdminOrg) GetAdminVDCById ¶
GetAdminVDCById finds an Admin VDC by ID On success, returns a pointer to the AdminVdc structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetAdminVDCByName ¶
GetAdminVDCByName finds an Admin VDC by Name On success, returns a pointer to the AdminVdc structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetAdminVDCByNameOrId ¶
GetAdminVDCByNameOrId finds an Admin VDC by Name Or ID On success, returns a pointer to the AdminVdc structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetAdminVdcByName ¶
GetAdminVdcByName function uses a valid VDC name and returns a admin VDC object. If no VDC is found, then it returns an empty VDC and no error. Otherwise it returns an empty VDC and an error. Deprecated: Use adminOrg.GetAdminVDCByName
func (*AdminOrg) GetAllCertificatesFromLibrary ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllCertificatesFromLibrary(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*Certificate, error)
GetAllCertificatesFromLibrary r retrieves all available certificates from certificate library. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*AdminOrg) GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways allows to retrieve all NSX-T edge gateways for Org Admins
func (*AdminOrg) GetAllNsxtVdcGroupCandidates ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllNsxtVdcGroupCandidates(startingVdcId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.CandidateVdc, error)
GetAllNsxtVdcGroupCandidates returns NSXT candidate VDCs for VDC group
func (*AdminOrg) GetAllRights ¶
GetAllRights retrieves all available rights. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*AdminOrg) GetAllRightsCategories ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllRightsCategories(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.RightsCategory, error)
GetAllRightsCategories retrieves all rights categories. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*AdminOrg) GetAllRoles ¶
GetAllRoles retrieves all roles as tenant user. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*AdminOrg) GetAllStorageProfileReferences ¶
GetAllStorageProfileReferences traverses all depending VDCs and returns a slice of storage profile references available in those VDCs
func (*AdminOrg) GetAllVDCs ¶
GetAllVDCs returns all depending VDCs for a particular Org
func (*AdminOrg) GetAllVdcComputePolicies ¶
func (org *AdminOrg) GetAllVdcComputePolicies(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicy, error)
GetAllVdcComputePolicies retrieves all VDC compute policies using OpenAPI endpoint. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering Deprecated: use VCDClient.GetAllVdcComputePoliciesV2
func (*AdminOrg) GetAllVdcGroupCandidates ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAllVdcGroupCandidates(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.CandidateVdc, error)
GetAllVdcGroupCandidates returns candidate VDCs for VDC group
func (*AdminOrg) GetAllVdcGroups ¶
GetAllVdcGroups retrieves all VDC groups. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*AdminOrg) GetAnyTypeEdgeGatewayById ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetAnyTypeEdgeGatewayById(id string) (*AnyTypeEdgeGateway, error)
GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById allows retrieving NSX-T or NSX-V Edge Gateway by ID for Org admins
func (*AdminOrg) GetCatalogAccessControl ¶
func (org *AdminOrg) GetCatalogAccessControl(catalogIdentifier string, useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
GetCatalogAccessControl is a convenience method to retrieve access control for a catalog from an organization. The input variable catalogIdentifier can be either the catalog name or its ID
func (*AdminOrg) GetCatalogByHref ¶
GetCatalogByHref finds a Catalog by HREF On success, returns a pointer to the Catalog structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetCatalogById ¶
GetCatalogById finds a Catalog by ID On success, returns a pointer to the Catalog structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetCatalogByName ¶
GetCatalogByName finds a Catalog by Name On success, returns a pointer to the Catalog structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetCatalogByNameOrId ¶
GetCatalogByNameOrId finds a Catalog by name or ID On success, returns a pointer to the Catalog structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetCertificateFromLibraryById ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetCertificateFromLibraryById(id string) (*Certificate, error)
GetCertificateFromLibraryById Returns certificate from library of certificates from Org context
func (*AdminOrg) GetCertificateFromLibraryByName ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetCertificateFromLibraryByName(name string) (*Certificate, error)
GetCertificateFromLibraryByName retrieves certificate from certificate library by given name
func (*AdminOrg) GetGroupByHref ¶
GetGroupByHref retrieves group by HREF
func (*AdminOrg) GetGroupById ¶
GetGroupById retrieves group by Id
func (*AdminOrg) GetGroupByName ¶
GetGroupByName retrieves group by Name
func (*AdminOrg) GetGroupByNameOrId ¶
GetGroupByNameOrId retrieves group by Name or Id. Id is prioritized for search
func (*AdminOrg) GetLdapConfiguration ¶
GetLdapConfiguration retrieves LDAP configuration structure
func (*AdminOrg) GetMetadata ¶
GetMetadata returns the AdminOrg metadata of the corresponding organization seen as administrator
func (*AdminOrg) GetMetadataByKey ¶
GetMetadataByKey returns the AdminOrg metadata corresponding to the given key and domain. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*AdminOrg) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById(id string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById allows retrieving NSX-T edge gateway by ID for Org admins
func (*AdminOrg) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName(name string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName allows retrieving NSX-T edge gateway by Name for Org admins
func (*AdminOrg) GetRightById ¶
func (*AdminOrg) GetRightByName ¶
GetRightByName retrieves right by given name
func (*AdminOrg) GetRightsCategoryById ¶
GetRightsCategoryById retrieves a rights category from its ID
func (*AdminOrg) GetRoleById ¶
GetRoleById retrieves role by given ID
func (*AdminOrg) GetRoleByName ¶
GetRoleByName retrieves role by given name
func (*AdminOrg) GetRoleReference ¶
GetRoleReference finds a role within the organization
func (*AdminOrg) GetStorageProfileReferenceById ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) GetStorageProfileReferenceById(id string, refresh bool) (*types.Reference, error)
GetStorageProfileReferenceById finds storage profile reference by specified ID in Org or returns ErrorEntityNotFound
func (*AdminOrg) GetUserByHref ¶
GetUserByHref returns a user by its HREF, without need for searching in the adminOrg user list
func (*AdminOrg) GetUserById ¶
GetUserById retrieves a user within an admin organization by ID Returns a valid user if it exists. If it doesn't, returns nil and ErrorEntityNotFound If argument refresh is true, the AdminOrg will be refreshed before searching. This is usually done after creating, modifying, or deleting users. If it is false, it will search within the data already in memory (useful when looping through the users and we know that no changes have occurred in the meantime)
func (*AdminOrg) GetUserByName ¶
GetUserByName retrieves a user within an admin organization by name Returns a valid user if it exists. If it doesn't, returns nil and ErrorEntityNotFound If argument refresh is true, the AdminOrg will be refreshed before searching. This is usually done after creating, modifying, or deleting users. If it is false, it will search within the data already in memory (useful when looping through the users and we know that no changes have occurred in the meantime)
func (*AdminOrg) GetUserByNameOrId ¶
GetUserByNameOrId retrieves a user within an admin organization by either name or ID Returns a valid user if it exists. If it doesn't, returns nil and ErrorEntityNotFound If argument refresh is true, the AdminOrg will be refreshed before searching. This is usually done after creating, modifying, or deleting users. If it is false, it will search within the data already in memory (useful when looping through the users and we know that no changes have occurred in the meantime)
func (*AdminOrg) GetVDCByHref ¶
GetVDCByHref retrieves a VDC using a direct call with the HREF
func (*AdminOrg) GetVDCById ¶
GetVDCById finds a VDC by ID On success, returns a pointer to the Vdc structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetVDCByName ¶
GetVDCByName finds a VDC by Name On success, returns a pointer to the Vdc structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetVDCByNameOrId ¶
GetVDCByNameOrId finds a VDC by name or ID On success, returns a pointer to the VDC structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*AdminOrg) GetVdcByName ¶
If user specifies valid vdc name then this returns a vdc object. If no vdc is found, then it returns an empty vdc and no error. Otherwise it returns an empty vdc and an error. This function allows users to use an AdminOrg to fetch a vdc as well. Deprecated: Use adminOrg.GetVDCByName instead
func (*AdminOrg) GetVdcComputePolicyById ¶
func (org *AdminOrg) GetVdcComputePolicyById(id string) (*VdcComputePolicy, error)
GetVdcComputePolicyById retrieves VDC compute policy by given ID Deprecated: use VCDClient.GetVdcComputePolicyV2ById
func (*AdminOrg) GetVdcGroupById ¶
GetVdcGroupById Returns VDC group using provided ID
func (*AdminOrg) GetVdcGroupByName ¶
GetVdcGroupByName retrieves VDC group by given name When the name contains commas, semicolons or asterisks, the encoding is rejected by the API in VCD 10.2 version. For this reason, when one or more commas, semicolons or asterisks are present we run the search brute force, by fetching all VDC groups and comparing the names. Yet, this not needed anymore in VCD 10.3 version. Also, url.QueryEscape as well as url.Values.Encode() both encode the space as a + character. So we use search brute force too. Reference to issue:
func (*AdminOrg) LdapConfigure ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) LdapConfigure(settings *types.OrgLdapSettingsType) (*types.OrgLdapSettingsType, error)
LdapConfigure allows to configure LDAP mode in use by the Org
func (*AdminOrg) LdapDisable ¶
LdapDisable wraps LdapConfigure to disable LDAP configuration for org
func (*AdminOrg) MergeMetadata ¶
MergeMetadata merges AdminOrg metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use AdminOrg.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*AdminOrg) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataAsync merges AdminOrg metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use AdminOrg.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync
func (*AdminOrg) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver AdminOrg and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes.
func (*AdminOrg) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync ¶
func (adminOrg *AdminOrg) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync merges AdminOrg metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete.
func (*AdminOrg) QueryCatalogList ¶
QueryCatalogList returns a list of catalogs for this organization
func (*AdminOrg) Refresh ¶
Given an adminorg with a valid HREF, the function refetches the adminorg and updates the user's adminorg data. Otherwise if the function fails, it returns an error. Users should use refresh whenever they have a stale org due to the creation/update/deletion of a resource within the org or the org itself.
func (*AdminOrg) SearchByFilter ¶
func (org *AdminOrg) SearchByFilter(queryType string, criteria *FilterDef) ([]QueryItem, string, error)
SearchByFilter runs the search for a specific Org
func (*AdminOrg) Update ¶
Updates the Org definition from current org struct contents. Any differences that may be legally applied will be updated. Returns an error if the call to vCD fails. API Documentation:
type AdminVdc ¶
type AdminVdc struct { AdminVdc *types.AdminVdc // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAdminVdc ¶
func (*AdminVdc) AddMetadataEntry ¶
AddMetadataEntry adds VDC metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use AdminVdc.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*AdminVdc) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds AdminVdc metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use AdminVdc.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*AdminVdc) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver AdminVdc and waits for the task to finish.
func (*AdminVdc) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync ¶
func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync adds metadata to the given AdminVdc with the given key, value, type and visibility and returns the task.
func (*AdminVdc) AddStorageProfile ¶
func (vdc *AdminVdc) AddStorageProfile(storageProfile *types.VdcStorageProfileConfiguration, description string) (Task, error)
AddStorageProfile adds a storage profile to a VDC
func (*AdminVdc) AddStorageProfileWait ¶
func (vdc *AdminVdc) AddStorageProfileWait(storageProfile *types.VdcStorageProfileConfiguration, description string) error
AddStorageProfileWait adds a storage profile to a VDC and return a refreshed VDC
func (*AdminVdc) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes AdminVdc metadata by key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use AdminVdc.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain
func (*AdminVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes VDC metadata depending on key provided as input and returns the task. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use AdminVdc.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync
func (*AdminVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes AdminVdc metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*AdminVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync ¶
func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync deletes AdminVdc metadata associated to the input key and returns the task.
func (*AdminVdc) DeleteVdcNetworkProfile ¶
DeleteVdcNetworkProfile deletes VDC Network Profile Configuration
func (*AdminVdc) GetAllAssignedVdcComputePolicies ¶
func (vdc *AdminVdc) GetAllAssignedVdcComputePolicies(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicy, error)
GetAllAssignedVdcComputePolicies retrieves all VDC assigned compute policies using OpenAPI endpoint. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering Deprecated: use AdminVdc.GetAllAssignedVdcComputePoliciesV2
func (*AdminVdc) GetAllAssignedVdcComputePoliciesV2 ¶
func (vdc *AdminVdc) GetAllAssignedVdcComputePoliciesV2(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicyV2, error)
GetAllAssignedVdcComputePoliciesV2 retrieves all VDC assigned Compute Policies (V2) using OpenAPI endpoint. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*AdminVdc) GetDefaultStorageProfileReference ¶
GetDefaultStorageProfileReference finds the default storage profile for the VDC
func (*AdminVdc) GetMetadata ¶
GetMetadata returns AdminVdc metadata.
func (*AdminVdc) GetMetadataByKey ¶
GetMetadataByKey returns AdminVdc metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*AdminVdc) GetVappList ¶
func (vdc *AdminVdc) GetVappList() []*types.ResourceReference
GetVappList returns the list of vApps for an Admin VDC
func (*AdminVdc) GetVdcNetworkProfile ¶
GetVdcNetworkProfile retrieves VDC Network Profile configuration vdc.Vdc.ID must be set and valid present
func (*AdminVdc) MergeMetadata ¶
MergeMetadata merges AdminVdc metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use AdminVdc.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*AdminVdc) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataAsync merges AdminVdc metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use AdminVdc.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync
func (*AdminVdc) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver AdminVdc and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes.
func (*AdminVdc) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync ¶
func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync merges AdminVdc metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete.
func (*AdminVdc) QueryCatalogItemList ¶
QueryCatalogItemList returns a list of Catalog Item for the given Admin VDC
func (*AdminVdc) QueryCompatibleStorageProfiles ¶
func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) QueryCompatibleStorageProfiles() ([]*types.QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
QueryCompatibleStorageProfiles retrieves all storage profiles belonging to the same provider VDC to which the Org VDC belongs
func (*AdminVdc) QueryVappTemplateList ¶
QueryVappTemplateList returns a list of vApp templates for the given VDC
func (*AdminVdc) QueryVappTemplateWithName ¶
func (vdc *AdminVdc) QueryVappTemplateWithName(vAppTemplateName string) (*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
QueryVappTemplateWithName returns one vApp template for the given VDC with the given name. Returns an error if it finds more than one.
func (*AdminVdc) Refresh ¶
Given an adminVdc with a valid HREF, the function refresh the adminVdc and updates the adminVdc data. Returns an error on failure Users should use refresh whenever they suspect a stale VDC due to the creation/update/deletion of a resource within the the VDC itself.
func (*AdminVdc) RemoveStorageProfile ¶
RemoveStorageProfile remove a storage profile from a VDC
func (*AdminVdc) RemoveStorageProfileWait ¶
RemoveStorageProfileWait removes a storege profile from a VDC and returns a refreshed VDC or an error
func (*AdminVdc) SetAssignedComputePolicies ¶
func (vdc *AdminVdc) SetAssignedComputePolicies(computePolicyReferences types.VdcComputePolicyReferences) (*types.VdcComputePolicyReferences, error)
SetAssignedComputePolicies assign(set) Compute Policies to the receiver VDC.
func (*AdminVdc) SetDefaultStorageProfile ¶
SetDefaultStorageProfile sets a given storage profile as default This operation will automatically unset the previous default storage profile.
func (*AdminVdc) Update ¶
Update function updates an Admin VDC from current VDC struct contents. Any differences that may be legally applied will be updated. Returns an empty AdminVdc struct and error if the call to vCD fails. API Documentation:
func (*AdminVdc) UpdateAsync ¶
UpdateAsync updates VDC from current VDC struct contents. Any differences that may be legally applied will be updated. Returns an error if the call to vCD fails. API Documentation:
func (*AdminVdc) UpdateStorageProfile ¶
func (vdc *AdminVdc) UpdateStorageProfile(storageProfileId string, storageProfile *types.AdminVdcStorageProfile) (*types.AdminVdcStorageProfile, error)
UpdateStorageProfile updates VDC storage profile and returns refreshed VDC or error.
func (*AdminVdc) UpdateVdcNetworkProfile ¶
func (adminVdc *AdminVdc) UpdateVdcNetworkProfile(vdcNetworkProfileConfig *types.VdcNetworkProfile) (*types.VdcNetworkProfile, error)
UpdateVdcNetworkProfile updates the VDC Network Profile configuration
type AnyTypeEdgeGateway ¶
type AnyTypeEdgeGateway struct { EdgeGateway *types.OpenAPIEdgeGateway // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AnyTypeEdgeGateway is a common structure which fetches any type of Edge Gateway (NSX-T or NSX-V) using OpenAPI endpoint. It can be useful to identify type of Edge Gateway or just retrieve common fields - like OwnerRef. There is also a function GetNsxtEdgeGateway to convert it to NsxtEdgeGateway (if it is an NSX-T one)
func (*AnyTypeEdgeGateway) GetNsxtEdgeGateway ¶
func (anyTypeGateway *AnyTypeEdgeGateway) GetNsxtEdgeGateway() (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetNsxtEdgeGateway converts `AnyTypeEdgeGateway` to `NsxtEdgeGateway` if it is an NSX-T one
func (*AnyTypeEdgeGateway) IsNsxt ¶
func (anyTypeGateway *AnyTypeEdgeGateway) IsNsxt() bool
IsNsxt checks if Edge Gateways is NSX-T backed
func (*AnyTypeEdgeGateway) IsNsxv ¶
func (anyTypeGateway *AnyTypeEdgeGateway) IsNsxv() bool
IsNsxv checks if Edge Gateways is NSX-V backed
type Catalog ¶
type Catalog struct { Catalog *types.Catalog // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCatalog ¶
func (*Catalog) Delete ¶
Delete deletes the Catalog, returning an error if the vCD call fails. Link to API call:
func (*Catalog) FindCatalogItem ¶
func (cat *Catalog) FindCatalogItem(catalogItemName string) (CatalogItem, error)
If catalog item is a valid CatalogItem and the call succeeds, then the function returns a CatalogItem. If the item does not exist, then it returns an empty CatalogItem. If the call fails at any point, it returns an error. Deprecated: use GetCatalogItemByName instead
func (Catalog) GetAccessControl ¶
GetAccessControl retrieves the access control information for this catalog
func (*Catalog) GetCatalogItemByHref ¶
func (cat *Catalog) GetCatalogItemByHref(catalogItemHref string) (*CatalogItem, error)
GetCatalogItemByHref finds a CatalogItem by HREF On success, returns a pointer to the CatalogItem structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Catalog) GetCatalogItemById ¶
func (cat *Catalog) GetCatalogItemById(catalogItemId string, refresh bool) (*CatalogItem, error)
GetCatalogItemById finds a Catalog Item by ID On success, returns a pointer to the CatalogItem structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Catalog) GetCatalogItemByName ¶
func (cat *Catalog) GetCatalogItemByName(catalogItemName string, refresh bool) (*CatalogItem, error)
GetCatalogItemByName finds a CatalogItem by Name On success, returns a pointer to the CatalogItem structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Catalog) GetCatalogItemByNameOrId ¶
func (cat *Catalog) GetCatalogItemByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*CatalogItem, error)
GetCatalogItemByNameOrId finds a Catalog Item by Name or ID. On success, returns a pointer to the CatalogItem structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Catalog) GetMediaByHref ¶
GetMediaByHref finds a Media by HREF On success, returns a pointer to the Media structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Catalog) GetMediaById ¶
GetMediaById finds a Media by ID On success, returns a pointer to the Media structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Catalog) GetMediaByName ¶
GetMediaByName finds a Media by Name On success, returns a pointer to the Media structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Catalog) GetMediaByNameOrId ¶
GetMediaByNameOrId finds a Media by Name or ID On success, returns a pointer to the Media structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Catalog) GetMetadata ¶
GetMetadata returns Catalog metadata.
func (*Catalog) GetMetadataByKey ¶
GetMetadataByKey returns Catalog metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*Catalog) GetVAppTemplateById ¶
func (cat *Catalog) GetVAppTemplateById(vAppTemplateId string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
GetVAppTemplateById finds a vApp Template by ID. On success, returns a pointer to the VAppTemplate structure and a nil error. On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error.
func (*Catalog) GetVAppTemplateByName ¶
func (cat *Catalog) GetVAppTemplateByName(vAppTemplateName string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
GetVAppTemplateByName finds a VAppTemplate by Name On success, returns a pointer to the VAppTemplate structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Catalog) GetVAppTemplateByNameOrId ¶
func (cat *Catalog) GetVAppTemplateByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*VAppTemplate, error)
GetVAppTemplateByNameOrId finds a vApp Template by Name or ID. On success, returns a pointer to the VAppTemplate structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Catalog) GetVappTemplateByHref ¶
func (cat *Catalog) GetVappTemplateByHref(href string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
GetVappTemplateByHref finds a vApp template by HREF On success, returns a pointer to the vApp template structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (Catalog) IsShared ¶
IsShared shows whether a catalog is shared or not, regardless of the number of subjects sharing it
func (*Catalog) PublishToExternalOrganizations ¶
func (cat *Catalog) PublishToExternalOrganizations(publishExternalCatalog types.PublishExternalCatalogParams) error
PublishToExternalOrganizations publishes a catalog to external organizations.
func (*Catalog) QueryCatalogItemList ¶
QueryCatalogItemList returns a list of Catalog Item for the given catalog
func (*Catalog) QueryMedia ¶
func (catalog *Catalog) QueryMedia(mediaName string) (*MediaRecord, error)
QueryMedia returns media image found in system using `name` and `catalog name` as query.
func (*Catalog) QueryMediaList ¶
QueryMediaList retrieves a list of media items for the catalog
func (*Catalog) QueryTaskList ¶
func (catalog *Catalog) QueryTaskList(filter map[string]string) ([]*types.QueryResultTaskRecordType, error)
QueryTaskList retrieves a list of tasks associated to the Catalog
func (*Catalog) QueryVappTemplateList ¶
QueryVappTemplateList returns a list of vApp templates for the given catalog
func (*Catalog) QueryVappTemplateWithName ¶
func (catalog *Catalog) QueryVappTemplateWithName(vAppTemplateName string) (*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
QueryVappTemplateWithName returns one vApp template for the given Catalog with the given name. Returns an error if it finds more than one.
func (Catalog) RemoveAccessControl ¶
RemoveAccessControl is a shortcut to SetAccessControl with all access disabled
func (*Catalog) SearchByFilter ¶
func (catalog *Catalog) SearchByFilter(queryType, parentField string, criteria *FilterDef) ([]QueryItem, string, error)
SearchByFilter runs the search for a specific catalog The 'parentField' argument defines which filter will be added, depending on the items we search for:
- 'catalog' contains the catalog HREF or ID
- 'catalogName' contains the catalog name
func (Catalog) SetAccessControl ¶
func (catalog Catalog) SetAccessControl(accessControl *types.ControlAccessParams, useTenantContext bool) error
SetAccessControl changes the access control information for this catalog
func (*Catalog) UploadMediaImage ¶
func (cat *Catalog) UploadMediaImage(mediaName, mediaDescription, filePath string, uploadPieceSize int64) (UploadTask, error)
func (*Catalog) UploadOvf ¶
func (cat *Catalog) UploadOvf(ovaFileName, itemName, description string, uploadPieceSize int64) (UploadTask, error)
UploadOvf uploads an ova/ovf file to a catalog. This method only uploads bits to vCD spool area. ovaFileName should be the path of OVA or OVF file(not ovf folder) itself. For OVF, user need to make sure all the files that OVF depends on exist and locate under the same folder. Returns errors if any occur during upload from vCD or upload process. On upload fail client may need to remove vCD catalog item which waits for files to be uploaded. Files from ova are extracted to system temp folder "govcd+random number" and left for inspection on error.
func (*Catalog) UploadOvfByLink ¶
UploadOvfByLink uploads an OVF file to a catalog from remote URL. Returns errors if any occur during upload from VCD or upload process. On upload fail client may need to remove VCD catalog item which is in failed state.
type CatalogItem ¶
type CatalogItem struct { CatalogItem *types.CatalogItem // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func FindMediaAsCatalogItem ¶
func FindMediaAsCatalogItem(org *Org, catalogName, mediaName string) (CatalogItem, error)
Finds media in catalog and returns catalog item Deprecated: Use catalog.GetMediaByName()
func NewCatalogItem ¶
func NewCatalogItem(cli *Client) *CatalogItem
func (*CatalogItem) AddMetadataEntry ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
AddMetadataEntry adds CatalogItem metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use CatalogItem.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*CatalogItem) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds CatalogItem metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use CatalogItem.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*CatalogItem) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver CatalogItem and waits for the task to finish.
func (*CatalogItem) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync adds metadata to the given Catalog Item with the given key, value, type and visibility and returns the task.
func (*CatalogItem) Delete ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) Delete() error
Delete deletes the Catalog Item, returning an error if the vCD call fails. Link to API call:
func (*CatalogItem) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes CatalogItem metadata depending on key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use CatalogItem.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain instead
func (*CatalogItem) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes CatalogItem metadata depending on key provided as input and returns a task. Deprecated: Use CatalogItem.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync instead
func (*CatalogItem) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes CatalogItem metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish.
func (*CatalogItem) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync deletes CatalogItem metadata associated to the input key and returns the task.
func (*CatalogItem) GetMetadata ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
GetMetadata returns CatalogItem metadata.
func (*CatalogItem) GetMetadataByKey ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
GetMetadataByKey returns CatalogItem metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*CatalogItem) GetVAppTemplate ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) GetVAppTemplate() (VAppTemplate, error)
func (*CatalogItem) LaunchSync ¶
func (item *CatalogItem) LaunchSync() (*Task, error)
LaunchSync starts synchronisation of a subscribed Catalog item
func (*CatalogItem) MergeMetadata ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
MergeMetadata merges CatalogItem metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use CatalogItem.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*CatalogItem) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataAsync merges CatalogItem metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use CatalogItem.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync
func (*CatalogItem) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver CatalogItem and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes.
func (*CatalogItem) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync ¶
func (catalogItem *CatalogItem) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync merges CatalogItem metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete.
func (*CatalogItem) Refresh ¶
func (item *CatalogItem) Refresh() error
Refresh retrieves a fresh copy of the catalog Item
type Certificate ¶
type Certificate struct { CertificateLibrary *types.CertificateLibraryItem Href string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Certificate is a structure defining a certificate in VCD It is called "Certificate Library" in the UI, and "Certificate Library item" in the API
func (*Certificate) Delete ¶
func (certificate *Certificate) Delete() error
Delete deletes certificate from Certificate library
func (*Certificate) Update ¶
func (certificate *Certificate) Update() (*Certificate, error)
Update updates existing Certificate. Allows changing only alias and description
type Client ¶
type Client struct { APIVersion string // The API version required VCDToken string // Access Token (authorization header) VCDAuthHeader string // Authorization header VCDHREF url.URL // VCD API ENDPOINT Http http.Client // HttpClient is the client to use. Default will be used if not provided. IsSysAdmin bool // flag if client is connected as system administrator UsingBearerToken bool // flag if client is using a bearer token UsingAccessToken bool // flag if client is using an API token // MaxRetryTimeout specifies a time limit (in seconds) for retrying requests made by the SDK // where VMware Cloud Director may take time to respond and retry mechanism is needed. // This must be >0 to avoid instant timeout errors. MaxRetryTimeout int // UseSamlAdfs specifies if SAML auth is used for authenticating vCD instead of local login. // The following conditions must be met so that authentication SAML authentication works: // * SAML IdP (Identity Provider) is Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS) // * Authentication endpoint "/adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed" must be enabled on ADFS // server UseSamlAdfs bool // CustomAdfsRptId allows to set custom Relaying Party Trust identifier. By default vCD Entity // ID is used as Relaying Party Trust identifier. CustomAdfsRptId string // UserAgent to send for API queries. Standard format is described as: // "User-Agent: <product> / <product-version> <comment>" UserAgent string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Client provides a client to VMware Cloud Director, values can be populated automatically using the Authenticate method.
func (*Client) APIClientVersionIs ¶
APIClientVersionIs allows to compare against currently used API version VCDClient.Client.APIVersion. Can be useful to validate if a certain feature can be used or not. It does not require for the client to be authenticated.
Format: ">= 27.0, < 32.0", ">= 30.0", "= 27.0"
vCD version mapping to API version support
func (*Client) APIVCDMaxVersionIs ¶
APIVCDMaxVersionIs compares against maximum vCD supported API version from /api/versions (not necessarily the currently used one). This allows to check what is the maximum API version that vCD instance supports and can be used to guess vCD product version. API 31.0 support was first introduced in vCD 9.5 (as per Therefore APIMaxVerIs(">= 31.0") implies that you have vCD 9.5 or newer running inside. It does not require for the client to be authenticated.
Format: ">= 27.0, < 32.0", ">= 30.0", "= 27.0"
vCD version mapping to API version support
func (*Client) AddCertificateToLibrary ¶
func (client *Client) AddCertificateToLibrary(certificateConfig *types.CertificateLibraryItem) (*Certificate, error)
AddCertificateToLibrary uploads certificates with configuration details
func (*Client) CreateGlobalRole ¶
func (client *Client) CreateGlobalRole(newGlobalRole *types.GlobalRole) (*GlobalRole, error)
CreateGlobalRole creates a new global role as a system administrator
func (*Client) CreateRightsBundle ¶
func (client *Client) CreateRightsBundle(newRightsBundle *types.RightsBundle) (*RightsBundle, error)
CreateRightsBundle creates a new rights bundle as a system administrator
func (*Client) CreateVdcComputePolicy ¶
func (client *Client) CreateVdcComputePolicy(newVdcComputePolicy *types.VdcComputePolicy) (*VdcComputePolicy, error)
CreateVdcComputePolicy creates a new VDC Compute Policy using OpenAPI endpoint Deprecated: use VCDClient.CreateVdcComputePolicyV2
func (*Client) ExecuteParamRequestWithCustomError ¶
func (client *Client) ExecuteParamRequestWithCustomError(pathURL string, params map[string]string, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload interface{}, errType error) (*http.Response, error)
ExecuteParamRequestWithCustomError behaves exactly like ExecuteRequestWithCustomError but accepts query parameter specification
func (*Client) ExecuteRequest ¶
func (client *Client) ExecuteRequest(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload, out interface{}) (*http.Response, error)
ExecuteRequest helper function creates request, runs it, check responses and parses out interface from response. pathURL - request URL requestType - HTTP method type contentType - value to set for "Content-Type" errorMessage - error message to return when error happens payload - XML struct which will be marshalled and added as body/payload out - structure to be used for unmarshalling xml E.g. unmarshalledAdminOrg := &types.AdminOrg{} client.ExecuteRequest(adminOrg.AdminOrg.HREF, http.MethodGet, "", "error refreshing organization: %s", nil, unmarshalledAdminOrg)
func (*Client) ExecuteRequestWithApiVersion ¶
func (client *Client) ExecuteRequestWithApiVersion(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload, out interface{}, apiVersion string) (*http.Response, error)
ExecuteRequestWithApiVersion helper function creates request, runs it, check responses and parses out interface from response. pathURL - request URL requestType - HTTP method type contentType - value to set for "Content-Type" errorMessage - error message to return when error happens payload - XML struct which will be marshalled and added as body/payload out - structure to be used for unmarshalling xml apiVersion - api version which will be used in request E.g. unmarshalledAdminOrg := &types.AdminOrg{} client.ExecuteRequest(adminOrg.AdminOrg.HREF, http.MethodGet, "", "error refreshing organization: %s", nil, unmarshalledAdminOrg)
func (*Client) ExecuteRequestWithCustomError ¶
func (client *Client) ExecuteRequestWithCustomError(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload interface{}, errType error) (*http.Response, error)
ExecuteRequestWithCustomError sends the request and checks for 2xx response. If the returned status code was not as expected - the returned error will be unmarshalled to `errType` which implements Go's standard `error` interface.
func (*Client) ExecuteRequestWithoutResponse ¶
func (client *Client) ExecuteRequestWithoutResponse(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload interface{}) error
ExecuteRequestWithoutResponse helper function creates request, runs it, checks response and do not expect any values from it. pathURL - request URL requestType - HTTP method type contentType - value to set for "Content-Type" errorMessage - error message to return when error happens payload - XML struct which will be marshalled and added as body/payload E.g. client.ExecuteRequestWithoutResponse(catalogItemHREF.String(), http.MethodDelete, "", "error deleting Catalog item: %s", nil)
func (*Client) ExecuteRequestWithoutResponseWithApiVersion ¶
func (client *Client) ExecuteRequestWithoutResponseWithApiVersion(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload interface{}, apiVersion string) error
ExecuteRequestWithoutResponseWithApiVersion helper function creates request, runs it, checks response and do not expect any values from it. pathURL - request URL requestType - HTTP method type contentType - value to set for "Content-Type" errorMessage - error message to return when error happens payload - XML struct which will be marshalled and added as body/payload apiVersion - api version which will be used in request E.g. client.ExecuteRequestWithoutResponse(catalogItemHREF.String(), http.MethodDelete, "", "error deleting Catalog item: %s", nil)
func (*Client) ExecuteTaskRequest ¶
func (client *Client) ExecuteTaskRequest(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload interface{}) (Task, error)
ExecuteTaskRequest helper function creates request, runs it, checks response and parses task from response. pathURL - request URL requestType - HTTP method type contentType - value to set for "Content-Type" errorMessage - error message to return when error happens payload - XML struct which will be marshalled and added as body/payload E.g. client.ExecuteTaskRequest(updateDiskLink.HREF, http.MethodPut, updateDiskLink.Type, "error updating disk: %s", xmlPayload)
func (*Client) ExecuteTaskRequestWithApiVersion ¶
func (client *Client) ExecuteTaskRequestWithApiVersion(pathURL, requestType, contentType, errorMessage string, payload interface{}, apiVersion string) (Task, error)
ExecuteTaskRequestWithApiVersion helper function creates request, runs it, checks response and parses task from response. pathURL - request URL requestType - HTTP method type contentType - value to set for "Content-Type" errorMessage - error message to return when error happens payload - XML struct which will be marshalled and added as body/payload apiVersion - api version which will be used in request E.g. client.ExecuteTaskRequest(updateDiskLink.HREF, http.MethodPut, updateDiskLink.Type, "error updating disk: %s", xmlPayload)
func (*Client) FindVMByHREF
func (Client) GetAccessControl ¶
func (client Client) GetAccessControl(href, entityType, entityName string, headerValues map[string]string) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
GetAccessControl retrieves the access control information for the requested entity
func (*Client) GetAdminCatalogByHref ¶
func (client *Client) GetAdminCatalogByHref(catalogHref string) (*AdminCatalog, error)
GetAdminCatalogByHref allows retrieving a catalog from HREF, without a fully qualified AdminOrg object
func (*Client) GetAdminCatalogById ¶
func (client *Client) GetAdminCatalogById(catalogId string) (*AdminCatalog, error)
GetAdminCatalogById allows retrieving a catalog from ID, without a fully qualified AdminOrg object
func (*Client) GetAdminCatalogByName ¶
func (client *Client) GetAdminCatalogByName(parentOrg, catalogName string) (*AdminCatalog, error)
GetAdminCatalogByName allows retrieving a catalog from name, without a fully qualified AdminOrg object
func (*Client) GetAllCertificatesFromLibrary ¶
func (client *Client) GetAllCertificatesFromLibrary(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*Certificate, error)
GetAllCertificatesFromLibrary retrieves all available certificates from certificate library. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*Client) GetAllGlobalRoles ¶
func (client *Client) GetAllGlobalRoles(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*GlobalRole, error)
GetAllGlobalRoles retrieves all global roles. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering Only System administrator can handle global roles
func (*Client) GetAllRights ¶
GetAllRights retrieves all available rights. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*Client) GetAllRightsBundles ¶
func (client *Client) GetAllRightsBundles(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*RightsBundle, error)
GetAllRightsBundles retrieves all rights bundles. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*Client) GetAllRightsCategories ¶
func (client *Client) GetAllRightsCategories(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.RightsCategory, error)
GetAllRightsCategories retrieves all rights categories. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*Client) GetAllRoles ¶
GetAllRoles retrieves all roles as System administrator. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*Client) GetAllVdcComputePolicies ¶
func (client *Client) GetAllVdcComputePolicies(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicy, error)
GetAllVdcComputePolicies retrieves all VDC compute policies using OpenAPI endpoint. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering Deprecated: use VCDClient.GetAllVdcComputePoliciesV2
func (*Client) GetCatalogByHref ¶
GetCatalogByHref allows retrieving a catalog from HREF, without a fully qualified Org object
func (*Client) GetCatalogById ¶
GetCatalogById allows retrieving a catalog from ID, without a fully qualified Org object
func (*Client) GetCatalogByName ¶
GetCatalogByName allows retrieving a catalog from name, without a fully qualified Org object
func (*Client) GetCertificateFromLibraryById ¶
func (client *Client) GetCertificateFromLibraryById(id string) (*Certificate, error)
GetCertificateFromLibraryById Returns certificate from library of certificates from System Context
func (*Client) GetCertificateFromLibraryByName ¶
func (client *Client) GetCertificateFromLibraryByName(name string) (*Certificate, error)
GetCertificateFromLibraryByName retrieves certificate from certificate library by given name
func (*Client) GetGlobalRoleById ¶
func (client *Client) GetGlobalRoleById(id string) (*GlobalRole, error)
GetGlobalRoleById retrieves global role by given ID
func (*Client) GetGlobalRoleByName ¶
func (client *Client) GetGlobalRoleByName(name string) (*GlobalRole, error)
GetGlobalRoleByName retrieves a global role by given name
func (Client) GetQueryType ¶
GetQueryType is an utility function to get the appropriate query type depending on the user's role
func (*Client) GetRightById ¶
func (*Client) GetRightByName ¶
GetRightByName retrieves right by given name
func (*Client) GetRightsBundleById ¶
func (client *Client) GetRightsBundleById(id string) (*RightsBundle, error)
GetRightsBundleById retrieves rights bundle by given ID
func (*Client) GetRightsBundleByName ¶
func (client *Client) GetRightsBundleByName(name string) (*RightsBundle, error)
GetRightsBundleByName retrieves rights bundle by given name
func (*Client) GetRightsCategoryById ¶
GetRightsCategoryById retrieves a rights category from its ID
func (*Client) GetSessionInfo ¶
GetSessionInfo collects the basic session information for a VCD connection
func (*Client) GetSpecificApiVersionOnCondition ¶
func (client *Client) GetSpecificApiVersionOnCondition(vcdApiVersionCondition, wantedApiVersion string) string
GetSpecificApiVersionOnCondition returns default version or wantedApiVersion if it is connected to version described in vcdApiVersionCondition f.e. values ">= 32.0", "32.0" returns 32.0 if vCD version is above or 9.7
func (*Client) GetStorageProfileByHref ¶
GetStorageProfileByHref fetches a storage profile using its HREF.
func (*Client) GetTaskByHREF ¶
GetTaskByHREF retrieves a task by its HREF
func (*Client) GetTaskById ¶
GetTaskById retrieves a task by ID
func (*Client) GetVMByHref ¶
GetVMByHref returns a VM reference by running a vCD API call If no valid VM is found, it returns a nil VM reference and an error Note that the pointer receiver here is a Client instead of a VApp, because there are cases where we know the VM HREF but not which VApp it belongs to.
func (*Client) GetVcdFullVersion ¶
func (client *Client) GetVcdFullVersion() (VcdVersion, error)
GetVcdFullVersion returns the full VCD version information as a structure
func (*Client) GetVcdShortVersion ¶
GetVcdShortVersion returns the VCD version (three digits, no build info)
func (*Client) GetVcdVersion ¶
GetVcdVersion finds the VCD version and the time of build
func (*Client) GetVdcComputePolicyById ¶
func (client *Client) GetVdcComputePolicyById(id string) (*VdcComputePolicy, error)
GetVdcComputePolicyById retrieves VDC compute policy by given ID Deprecated: Use VCDClient.GetVdcComputePolicyV2ById instead
func (*Client) MaxSupportedVersion ¶
MaxSupportedVersion parses supported version list and returns the highest version in string format.
func (*Client) NewRequest ¶
func (client *Client) NewRequest(params map[string]string, method string, reqUrl url.URL, body io.Reader) *http.Request
NewRequest creates a new HTTP request and applies necessary auth headers if set.
func (*Client) NewRequestWitNotEncodedParams ¶
func (client *Client) NewRequestWitNotEncodedParams(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string, method string, reqUrl url.URL, body io.Reader) *http.Request
NewRequestWitNotEncodedParams allows passing complex values params that shouldn't be encoded like for queries. e.g. /query?filter=name=foo
func (*Client) NewRequestWitNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersion ¶
func (client *Client) NewRequestWitNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersion(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string, method string, reqUrl url.URL, body io.Reader, apiVersion string) *http.Request
NewRequestWitNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersion allows passing complex values params that shouldn't be encoded like for queries. e.g. /query?filter=name=foo * params - request parameters * notEncodedParams - request parameters which will be added not encoded * method - request type * reqUrl - request url * body - request body * apiVersion - provided Api version overrides default Api version value used in request parameter
func (*Client) NewRequestWithApiVersion ¶
func (client *Client) NewRequestWithApiVersion(params map[string]string, method string, reqUrl url.URL, body io.Reader, apiVersion string) *http.Request
NewRequestWithApiVersion creates a new HTTP request and applies necessary auth headers if set. Allows to override default request API Version
func (*Client) OpenApiBuildEndpoint ¶
OpenApiBuildEndpoint helps to construct OpenAPI endpoint by using already configured VCD HREF while requiring only the last bit for endpoint. This is a variadic function and multiple pieces can be supplied for convenience. Leading '/' is added automatically. Sample URL construct: https://HOST/cloudapi/endpoint
func (*Client) OpenApiDeleteItem ¶
func (client *Client) OpenApiDeleteItem(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, additionalHeader map[string]string) error
OpenApiDeleteItem is a low level OpenAPI client function to perform DELETE request for any item. The urlRef must point to ID of exact item (e.g. '/1.0.0/edgeGateways/{EDGE_ID}') It handles synchronous and asynchronous tasks. When a task is synchronous - it will block until it is finished.
func (*Client) OpenApiGetAllItems ¶
func (client *Client) OpenApiGetAllItems(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, queryParams url.Values, outType interface{}, additionalHeader map[string]string) error
OpenApiGetAllItems retrieves and accumulates all pages then parsing them to a single 'outType' object. It works by at first crawling pages and accumulating all responses into []json.RawMessage (as strings). Because there is no intermediate unmarshalling to exact `outType` for every page it unmarshals into response struct in one go. 'outType' must be a slice of object (e.g. []*types.OpenAPIEdgeGateway) because this response contains slice of structs.
Note. Query parameter 'pageSize' is defaulted to 128 (maximum supported) unless it is specified in queryParams
func (*Client) OpenApiGetItem ¶
func (client *Client) OpenApiGetItem(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, outType interface{}, additionalHeader map[string]string) error
OpenApiGetItem is a low level OpenAPI client function to perform GET request for any item. The urlRef must point to ID of exact item (e.g. '/1.0.0/edgeGateways/{EDGE_ID}') It responds with HTTP 403: Forbidden - If the user is not authorized or the entity does not exist. When HTTP 403 is returned this function returns "ErrorEntityNotFound: API_ERROR" so that one can use ContainsNotFound(err) to differentiate when an objects was not found from any other error.
func (*Client) OpenApiIsSupported ¶
OpenApiIsSupported allows to check whether VCD supports OpenAPI. Each OpenAPI endpoint however is introduced with different VCD API versions so this is just a general check if OpenAPI is supported at all. Particular endpoint introduction version can be checked in self hosted docs (https://HOSTNAME/docs/)
func (*Client) OpenApiPostItem ¶
func (client *Client) OpenApiPostItem(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, payload, outType interface{}, additionalHeader map[string]string) error
OpenApiPostItem is a low level OpenAPI client function to perform POST request for item supporting synchronous or asynchronous requests. The urlRef must point to POST endpoint (e.g. '/1.0.0/edgeGateways'). When a task is synchronous - it will track task until it is finished and pick reference to marshal outType.
func (*Client) OpenApiPostItemAsync ¶
func (client *Client) OpenApiPostItemAsync(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, payload interface{}) (Task, error)
OpenApiPostItemAsync is a low level OpenAPI client function to perform POST request for items that support asynchronous requests. The urlRef must point to POST endpoint (e.g. '/1.0.0/edgeGateways') that supports asynchronous requests. It will return an error if item does not support asynchronous request (does not respond with HTTP 202).
Note. Even though it may return error if the item does not support asynchronous request - the object may still be created. OpenApiPostItem would handle both cases and always return created item.
func (*Client) OpenApiPostItemSync ¶
func (client *Client) OpenApiPostItemSync(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, payload, outType interface{}) error
OpenApiPostItemSync is a low level OpenAPI client function to perform POST request for items that support synchronous requests. The urlRef must point to POST endpoint (e.g. '/1.0.0/edgeGateways') that supports synchronous requests. It will return an error when endpoint does not support synchronous requests (HTTP response status code is not 200 or 201). Response will be unmarshalled into outType.
Note. Even though it may return error if the item does not support synchronous request - the object may still be created. OpenApiPostItem would handle both cases and always return created item.
func (*Client) OpenApiPutItem ¶
func (client *Client) OpenApiPutItem(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, payload, outType interface{}, additionalHeader map[string]string) error
OpenApiPutItem is a low level OpenAPI client function to perform PUT request for any item. The urlRef must point to ID of exact item (e.g. '/1.0.0/edgeGateways/{EDGE_ID}') It handles synchronous and asynchronous tasks. When a task is synchronous - it will block until it is finished.
func (*Client) OpenApiPutItemAsync ¶
func (client *Client) OpenApiPutItemAsync(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, payload interface{}, additionalHeader map[string]string) (Task, error)
OpenApiPutItemAsync is a low level OpenAPI client function to perform PUT request for items that support asynchronous requests. The urlRef must point to ID of exact item (e.g. '/1.0.0/edgeGateways/{EDGE_ID}') that supports asynchronous requests. It will return an error if item does not support asynchronous request (does not respond with HTTP 202).
Note. Even though it may return error if the item does not support asynchronous request - the object may still be created. OpenApiPutItem would handle both cases and always return created item.
func (*Client) OpenApiPutItemSync ¶
func (client *Client) OpenApiPutItemSync(apiVersion string, urlRef *url.URL, params url.Values, payload, outType interface{}, additionalHeader map[string]string) error
OpenApiPutItemSync is a low level OpenAPI client function to perform PUT request for items that support synchronous requests. The urlRef must point to ID of exact item (e.g. '/1.0.0/edgeGateways/{EDGE_ID}') and support synchronous requests. It will return an error when endpoint does not support synchronous requests (HTTP response status code is not 201). Response will be unmarshalled into outType.
Note. Even though it may return error if the item does not support synchronous request - the object may still be updated. OpenApiPutItem would handle both cases and always return updated item.
func (*Client) QueryAllProviderVdcStorageProfiles ¶
func (client *Client) QueryAllProviderVdcStorageProfiles() ([]*types.QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
QueryAllProviderVdcStorageProfiles gets the list of provider VDC storage profiles from ALL provider VDCs
func (*Client) QueryAllVdcs ¶
QueryAllVdcs returns all Org VDCs in a VCD instance
This function requires "System" user or returns an error
func (*Client) QueryCatalogRecords ¶
func (client *Client) QueryCatalogRecords(name string, ctx TenantContext) ([]*types.CatalogRecord, error)
QueryCatalogRecords given a catalog name, retrieves the catalogRecords that match its name Returns a list of catalog records for such name, empty list if none was found
func (*Client) QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles ¶
func (client *Client) QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles(providerVdcHref string) ([]*types.QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles gets the list of provider VDC storage profiles for a given Provider VDC
func (*Client) QueryTaskList ¶
func (client *Client) QueryTaskList(filter map[string]string) ([]*types.QueryResultTaskRecordType, error)
QueryTaskList performs a query for tasks according to a specific filter
func (*Client) QueryVappList ¶
QueryVappList returns a list of all vApps in all the organizations available to the caller
func (*Client) QueryVmList ¶
func (client *Client) QueryVmList(filter types.VmQueryFilter) ([]*types.QueryResultVMRecordType, error)
QueryVmList returns a list of all VMs in all the organizations available to the caller
func (*Client) QueryWithNotEncodedParams ¶
func (client *Client) QueryWithNotEncodedParams(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string) (Results, error)
QueryWithNotEncodedParams uses Query API to search for requested data
func (*Client) QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersion ¶
func (client *Client) QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersion(params map[string]string, notEncodedParams map[string]string, apiVersion string) (Results, error)
QueryWithNotEncodedParams uses Query API to search for requested data
func (*Client) QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersionWithHeaders ¶
func (*Client) QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithHeaders ¶
func (*Client) RemoveCustomHeader ¶
func (client *Client) RemoveCustomHeader()
RemoveCustomHeader remove custom header values from the client
func (*Client) RemoveProvidedCustomHeaders ¶
RemoveProvidedCustomHeaders removes custom header values from the client
func (*Client) SearchByFilter ¶
func (client *Client) SearchByFilter(queryType string, criteria *FilterDef) ([]QueryItem, string, error)
SearchByFilter is a generic filter that can operate on entities that implement the QueryItem interface It requires a queryType and a set of criteria. Returns a list of QueryItem interface elements, which can be cast back to the wanted real type Also returns a human readable text of the conditions being passed and how they matched the data found See "## Query engine" in for more info
func (*Client) SetAccessControl ¶
func (client *Client) SetAccessControl(accessControl *types.ControlAccessParams, href, entityType, entityName string, headerValues map[string]string) error
SetAccessControl changes the access control information for this entity There are two ways of setting the access: with accessControl.IsSharedToEveryone = true we give access to everyone with accessControl.IsSharedToEveryone = false, accessControl.AccessSettings defines which subjects can access the vApp For each setting we must provide: * The subject (HREF and Type are mandatory) * The access level (one of ReadOnly, Change, FullControl)
func (*Client) SetCustomHeader ¶
SetCustomHeader adds custom HTTP header values to a client
func (Client) SkimTasksList ¶
SkimTasksList checks a list of task IDs and returns a list of IDs for tasks in progress and a list of IDs for failed ones
func (*Client) TestConnection ¶
func (client *Client) TestConnection(testConnection types.TestConnection) (*types.TestConnectionResult, error)
TestConnection calls API to test a connection against a VCD, including SSL handshake and hostname verification.
func (*Client) TestConnectionWithDefaults ¶
TestConnectionWithDefaults calls TestConnection given a subscriptionURL. The rest of parameters are set as default. It returns whether it could reach the server and establish SSL connection or not.
func (*Client) VersionEqualOrGreater ¶
VersionEqualOrGreater return true if the current version is the same or greater than the one being compared. If howManyDigits is > 3, the comparison includes the build. Examples:
client version is compare version is
function return true if howManyDigits is <= 3, but false if howManyDigits is > 3
client version is compare version is
function returns true regardless of value of howManyDigits
type DefinedInterface ¶
type DefinedInterface struct { DefinedInterface *types.DefinedInterface // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DefinedInterface is a type for handling Defined Interfaces, from the Runtime Defined Entities framework, in VCD. This is often referred as Runtime Defined Entity Interface or RDE Interface in documentation.
func (*DefinedInterface) Delete ¶
func (di *DefinedInterface) Delete() error
Delete deletes the receiver Defined Interface. Only System administrator can delete Defined Interfaces.
func (*DefinedInterface) Update ¶
func (di *DefinedInterface) Update(definedInterface types.DefinedInterface) error
Update updates the receiver Defined Interface with the values given by the input. Only System administrator can update Defined Interfaces.
type DhcpSettings ¶
type DhcpSettings struct { IsEnabled bool MaxLeaseTime int DefaultLeaseTime int IPRange *types.IPRange }
struct type used to pass information for vApp network DHCP
type Disk ¶
type Disk struct { Disk *types.Disk // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Independent disk
func FindDiskByHREF ¶
Find an independent disk by VDC client and disk href Deprecated: Use VDC.GetDiskByHref()
func (*Disk) AddMetadataEntry ¶
AddMetadataEntry adds metadata key/value pair provided as input to the corresponding independent disk and waits for completion. Deprecated: Use Disk.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*Disk) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds metadata key/value pair provided as input to the corresponding independent disk and returns a task. Deprecated: Use Disk.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*Disk) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (disk *Disk) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver Disk and waits for the task to finish.
func (*Disk) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync ¶
func (disk *Disk) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync adds metadata to the given Disk with the given key, value, type and visibility and returns the task.
func (*Disk) AttachedVM ¶
Get a VM that is attached the disk An independent disk can be attached to at most one virtual machine. If the disk isn't attached to any VM, return empty VM reference and no error. Otherwise return the first VM reference and no error. Reference: vCloud API Programming Guide for Service Providers vCloud API 30.0 PDF Page 107, 241956dd-e128-4fcc-8131-bf66e1edd895/vcloud_sp_api_guide_30_0.pdf
func (*Disk) Delete ¶
Remove an independent disk 1 Verify the independent disk is not connected to any VM 2 Delete the independent disk. Make a DELETE request to the URL in the rel="remove" link in the Disk 3 Return task of independent disk deletion If the independent disk is connected to a VM, the task will be failed. Reference: vCloud API Programming Guide for Service Providers vCloud API 30.0 PDF Page 106 - 107, 241956dd-e128-4fcc-8131-bf66e1edd895/vcloud_sp_api_guide_30_0.pdf
func (*Disk) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes metadata of the corresponding independent disk with the given key, and waits for completion Deprecated: Use Disk.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain instead
func (*Disk) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes metadata of the corresponding independent disk with the given key, and returns a task. Deprecated: Use Disk.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync instead
func (*Disk) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes Disk metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish.
func (*Disk) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync deletes Disk metadata associated to the input key and returns the task.
func (*Disk) GetAttachedVmsHrefs ¶
Get a VMs HREFs that is attached to the disk An independent disk can be attached to at most one virtual machine. If the disk isn't attached to any VM, return empty slice. Otherwise return the list of VMs HREFs.
func (*Disk) GetMetadata ¶
GetMetadata returns the metadata of the corresponding independent disk
func (*Disk) GetMetadataByKey ¶
GetMetadataByKey returns the metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*Disk) MergeMetadata ¶
MergeMetadata merges Disk metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use Disk.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*Disk) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
func (disk *Disk) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataAsync merges Disk metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use Disk.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync
func (*Disk) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver Disk and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes.
func (*Disk) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync ¶
func (disk *Disk) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync merges Disk metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete.
func (*Disk) Update ¶
Update an independent disk 1 Verify the independent disk is not connected to any VM 2 Use newDiskInfo to change update the independent disk 3 Return task of independent disk update If the independent disk is connected to a VM, the task will be failed. Reference: vCloud API Programming Guide for Service Providers vCloud API 30.0 PDF Page 104 - 106, 241956dd-e128-4fcc-8131-bf66e1edd895/vcloud_sp_api_guide_30_0.pdf
type DiskRecord ¶
type DiskRecord struct { Disk *types.DiskRecordType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Independent disk query record
func NewDiskRecord ¶
func NewDiskRecord(cli *Client) *DiskRecord
Create instance with reference to types.DiskRecordType
type DistributedFirewall ¶
type DistributedFirewall struct { DistributedFirewallRuleContainer *types.DistributedFirewallRules VdcGroup *VdcGroup // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DistributedFirewall contains a types.DistributedFirewallRules which handles Distributed Firewall rules in a VDC Group
func (*DistributedFirewall) DeleteAllRules ¶
func (firewall *DistributedFirewall) DeleteAllRules() error
DeleteAllRules removes all Distributed Firewall rules
Note. This function works only with `default` policy as this was the only supported when this functions was created
type EdgeBgpIpPrefixList ¶
type EdgeBgpIpPrefixList struct { EdgeBgpIpPrefixList *types.EdgeBgpIpPrefixList // contains filtered or unexported fields }
EdgeBgpIpPrefixList helps to configure BGP IP Prefix Lists in NSX-T Edge Gateways
func (*EdgeBgpIpPrefixList) Delete ¶
func (bgpIpPrefixListCfg *EdgeBgpIpPrefixList) Delete() error
Delete deletes existing BGP IP Prefix List
func (*EdgeBgpIpPrefixList) Update ¶
func (bgpIpPrefixListCfg *EdgeBgpIpPrefixList) Update(bgpIpPrefixList *types.EdgeBgpIpPrefixList) (*EdgeBgpIpPrefixList, error)
Update updates existing BGP IP Prefix List with new configuration and returns it
type EdgeBgpNeighbor ¶
type EdgeBgpNeighbor struct { EdgeBgpNeighbor *types.EdgeBgpNeighbor // contains filtered or unexported fields }
EdgeBgpNeighbor represents NSX-T Edge Gateway BGP Neighbor
func (*EdgeBgpNeighbor) Delete ¶
func (bgpNeighbor *EdgeBgpNeighbor) Delete() error
Delete deletes existing BGP Neighbor
func (*EdgeBgpNeighbor) Update ¶
func (bgpNeighbor *EdgeBgpNeighbor) Update(bgpNeighborConfig *types.EdgeBgpNeighbor) (*EdgeBgpNeighbor, error)
Update updates existing BGP Neighbor with new configuration and returns it
type EdgeGateway ¶
type EdgeGateway struct { EdgeGateway *types.EdgeGateway // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateAndConfigureEdgeGateway ¶
func CreateAndConfigureEdgeGateway(vcdClient *VCDClient, orgName, vdcName, egwName string, egwConfiguration *types.EdgeGateway) (EdgeGateway, error)
CreateAndConfigureEdgeGateway creates an edge gateway using a full configuration structure
func CreateEdgeGateway ¶
func CreateEdgeGateway(vcdClient *VCDClient, egwc EdgeGatewayCreation) (EdgeGateway, error)
CreateEdgeGateway creates an edge gateway using a simplified configuration structure
func NewEdgeGateway ¶
func NewEdgeGateway(cli *Client) *EdgeGateway
func (*EdgeGateway) AddDNATRule ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddDNATRule(ruleDetails NatRule) (*types.NatRule, error)
AddDNATRule creates DNAT rule and returns the NAT struct that was created or an error. Allows assigning a specific Org VDC or an external network. When edge gateway is advanced vCD API uses element <tag> to map with NSX edge gateway ID. A known issue is that updating rule using User interface resets <tag> and as result mapping is lost. Getting using NatRule.ID won't be valid anymore. Old functions AddNATPortMapping and AddNATMapping assigned rule only to first external network
func (*EdgeGateway) AddDhcpPool ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddDhcpPool(network *types.OrgVDCNetwork, dhcppool []interface{}) (Task, error)
AddDhcpPool adds (or updates) the DHCP pool connected to a specific network. TODO: this is legacy code from 2015, which requires a Terraform structure to work. It may need some re-thinking.
func (*EdgeGateway) AddIpsecVPN ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddIpsecVPN(ipsecVPNConfig *types.EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration) (Task, error)
func (*EdgeGateway) AddNATMapping
func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddNATMapping(natType, externalIP, internalIP string) (Task, error)
Deprecated: Use eGW.AddNATRule()
func (*EdgeGateway) AddNATPortMapping
func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddNATPortMapping(natType, externalIP, externalPort, internalIP, internalPort, protocol, icmpSubType string) (Task, error)
Deprecated: Use eGW.AddNATPortMappingWithUplink()
func (*EdgeGateway) AddNATPortMappingWithUplink
func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddNATPortMappingWithUplink(network *types.OrgVDCNetwork, natType, externalIP, externalPort, internalIP, internalPort, protocol, icmpSubType string) (Task, error)
Deprecated: Use eGW.AddDNATRule() or eGW.CreateNsxvNatRule() for NSX-V
func (*EdgeGateway) AddNATRule
func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddNATRule(network *types.OrgVDCNetwork, natType, externalIP, internalIP string) (Task, error)
Deprecated: Use eGW.AddSNATRule() or eGW.AddDNATRule()
func (*EdgeGateway) AddNATRuleAsync ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddNATRuleAsync(ruleDetails NatRule) (Task, error)
AddNATRuleAsync creates NAT rule and return task or err Allows assigning specific network Org VDC or external. Old function AddNATPortMapping and AddNATMapping function shouldn't be used because assigns rule to first external network
func (*EdgeGateway) AddSNATRule ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) AddSNATRule(networkHref, externalIP, internalIP, description string) (*types.NatRule, error)
AddSNATRule creates SNAT rule and returns created NAT rule or error. Allows assigning a specific Org VDC or an external network. Old functions AddNATPortMapping and AddNATMapping aren't correct as assigned rule only to first external network
func (*EdgeGateway) Create1to1Mapping ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) Create1to1Mapping(internal, external, description string) (Task, error)
func (*EdgeGateway) CreateFirewallRules ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateFirewallRules(defaultAction string, rules []*types.FirewallRule) (Task, error)
func (*EdgeGateway) CreateLbAppProfile ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateLbAppProfile(lbAppProfileConfig *types.LbAppProfile) (*types.LbAppProfile, error)
CreateLbAppProfile creates a load balancer application profile based on mandatory fields. It is a synchronous operation. It returns created object with all fields (including ID) populated or an error.
func (*EdgeGateway) CreateLbAppRule ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateLbAppRule(lbAppRuleConfig *types.LbAppRule) (*types.LbAppRule, error)
CreateLbAppRule creates a load balancer application rule based on mandatory fields. It is a synchronous operation. It returns created object with all fields (including ID) populated or an error.
func (*EdgeGateway) CreateLbServerPool ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateLbServerPool(lbPoolConfig *types.LbPool) (*types.LbPool, error)
CreateLbServerPool creates a load balancer server pool based on mandatory fields. It is a synchronous operation. It returns created object with all fields (including ID) populated or an error. Name and Algorithm fields must be populated.
func (*EdgeGateway) CreateLbServiceMonitor ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateLbServiceMonitor(lbMonitorConfig *types.LbMonitor) (*types.LbMonitor, error)
CreateLbServiceMonitor creates a load balancer service monitor based on mandatory fields. It is a synchronous operation. It returns created object with all fields (including ID) populated or an error.
func (*EdgeGateway) CreateLbVirtualServer ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateLbVirtualServer(lbVirtualServerConfig *types.LbVirtualServer) (*types.LbVirtualServer, error)
CreateLbVirtualServer creates a load balancer virtual server based on mandatory fields. It is a synchronous operation. It returns created object with all fields (including ID) populated or an error. Name, Protocol, Port and IpAddress fields must be populated
func (*EdgeGateway) CreateNsxvFirewallRule ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateNsxvFirewallRule(firewallRuleConfig *types.EdgeFirewallRule, aboveRuleId string) (*types.EdgeFirewallRule, error)
CreateNsxvFirewallRule creates firewall rule using proxied NSX-V API. It is a synchronous operation. It returns an object with all fields populated (including ID) If aboveRuleId is not empty, it will send a query parameter aboveRuleId= which instructs NSX to place this rule above the specified rule ID
func (*EdgeGateway) CreateNsxvNatRule ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) CreateNsxvNatRule(natRuleConfig *types.EdgeNatRule) (*types.EdgeNatRule, error)
CreateNsxvNatRule creates NAT rule using proxied NSX-V API. It is a synchronuous operation. It returns an object with all fields populated (including ID)
func (*EdgeGateway) Delete ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) Delete(force bool, recursive bool) error
Deletes the edge gateway, returning an error with the operation result.
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteAsync ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteAsync(force bool, recursive bool) (Task, error)
Deletes the edge gateway, returning a task and an error with the operation result.
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppProfile ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppProfile(lbAppProfileConfig *types.LbAppProfile) error
DeleteLbAppProfile is able to delete the types.LbAppProfile type by Name and/or ID. If both - Name and ID are specified it performs a lookup by ID and returns an error if the specified name and found name do not match.
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppProfileById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppProfileById(id string) error
DeleteLbAppProfileById wraps DeleteLbAppProfile and requires only ID for deletion
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppProfileByName ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppProfileByName(name string) error
DeleteLbAppProfileByName wraps DeleteLbAppProfile and requires only Name for deletion
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppRule ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppRule(lbAppRuleConfig *types.LbAppRule) error
DeleteLbAppRule is able to delete the types.LbAppRule type by Name and/or ID. If both - Name and ID are specified it performs a lookup by ID and returns an error if the specified name and found name do not match.
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppRuleById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppRuleById(id string) error
DeleteLBAppRuleById wraps DeleteLbAppRule and requires only ID for deletion
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppRuleByName ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbAppRuleByName(name string) error
DeleteLbAppRuleByName wraps DeleteLbAppRule and requires only Name for deletion
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServerPool ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServerPool(lbPoolConfig *types.LbPool) error
DeleteLbServerPool is able to delete the types.LbPool type by Name and/or ID. If both - Name and ID are specified it performs a lookup by ID and returns an error if the specified name and found name do not match.
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServerPoolById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServerPoolById(id string) error
DeleteLbServerPoolById wraps DeleteLbServerPool and requires only ID for deletion
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServerPoolByName ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServerPoolByName(name string) error
DeleteLbServerPoolByName wraps DeleteLbServerPool and requires only Name for deletion
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServiceMonitor ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServiceMonitor(lbMonitorConfig *types.LbMonitor) error
DeleteLbServiceMonitor is able to delete the types.LbMonitor type by Name and/or ID. If both - Name and ID are specified it performs a lookup by ID and returns an error if the specified name and found name do not match.
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServiceMonitorById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServiceMonitorById(id string) error
DeleteLbServiceMonitorById wraps DeleteLbServiceMonitor and requires only ID for deletion
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServiceMonitorByName ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbServiceMonitorByName(name string) error
DeleteLbServiceMonitorByName wraps DeleteLbServiceMonitor and requires only Name for deletion
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbVirtualServer ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbVirtualServer(lbVirtualServerConfig *types.LbVirtualServer) error
DeleteLbVirtualServer is able to delete the types.LbVirtualServer type by Name and/or ID. If both - Name and ID are specified it performs a lookup by ID and returns an error if the specified name and found name do not match.
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbVirtualServerById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbVirtualServerById(id string) error
DeleteLbVirtualServerById wraps DeleteLbVirtualServer and requires only ID for deletion
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteLbVirtualServerByName ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteLbVirtualServerByName(name string) error
DeleteLbVirtualServerByName wraps DeleteLbVirtualServer and requires only Name for deletion
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteNsxvFirewallRuleById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteNsxvFirewallRuleById(id string) error
DeleteNsxvFirewallRuleById deletes types.EdgeFirewallRule by real (not the number shown in UI) firewall rule ID as shown in the UI using proxied NSX-V API. It returns and error `ErrorEntityNotFound` if the firewall rule is not found.
func (*EdgeGateway) DeleteNsxvNatRuleById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) DeleteNsxvNatRuleById(id string) error
DeleteNsxvNatRuleById deletes types.EdgeNatRule by NAT rule ID as shown in the UI using proxied NSX-V API. It returns and error `ErrorEntityNotFound` if the NAT rule is now found.
func (*EdgeGateway) GetAllNsxvDhcpLeases ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetAllNsxvDhcpLeases() ([]*types.EdgeDhcpLeaseInfo, error)
GetAllNsxvDhcpLeases retrieves all DHCP leases defined in NSX-V edge gateway
func (*EdgeGateway) GetAllNsxvFirewallRules ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetAllNsxvFirewallRules() ([]*types.EdgeFirewallRule, error)
GetAllNsxvFirewallRules retrieves all firewall rules and returns []*types.EdgeFirewallRule or an error of type ErrorEntityNotFound if there are no firewall rules
func (*EdgeGateway) GetAnyVnicIndexByNetworkName ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetAnyVnicIndexByNetworkName(networkName string) (*int, string, error)
GetAnyVnicIndexByNetworkName parses XML structure of vNic mapping to networks in edge gateway XML and returns *int of vNic index and network type by network name networkName cannot be empty networkType will be one of: 'internal', 'uplink', 'trunk', 'subinterface'
Warning: this function assumes that there are no duplicate network names attached. If it is so this function will return the first network
func (*EdgeGateway) GetDhcpRelay ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetDhcpRelay() (*types.EdgeDhcpRelay, error)
GetDhcpRelay retrieves a structure of *types.EdgeDhcpRelay with all DHCP relay settings present on a particular edge gateway.
func (*EdgeGateway) GetFirewallConfig ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetFirewallConfig() (*types.FirewallConfigWithXml, error)
GetFirewallConfig retrieves firewall configuration and can be used to alter main configuration options. These are 3 fields only: FirewallConfigWithXml.Enabled, FirewallConfigWithXml.DefaultPolicy.LoggingEnabled and FirewallConfigWithXml.DefaultPolicy.Action
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLBGeneralParams ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLBGeneralParams() (*types.LbGeneralParamsWithXml, error)
GetLBGeneralParams retrieves load balancer configuration of `&types.LoadBalancer` and can be used to access global configuration options. These are 4 fields only: LoadBalancer.Enabled, LoadBalancer.AccelerationEnabled, LoadBalancer.Logging.Enable, LoadBalancer.Logging.LogLevel
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbAppProfileById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbAppProfileById(id string) (*types.LbAppProfile, error)
GetLbAppProfileById wraps getLbAppProfile and needs only an ID for lookup
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbAppProfileByName ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbAppProfileByName(name string) (*types.LbAppProfile, error)
GetLbAppProfileByName wraps getLbAppProfile and needs only a Name for lookup
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbAppProfiles ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbAppProfiles() ([]*types.LbAppProfile, error)
GetLbAppProfiles returns a list of all LB application profiles in a given edge gateway
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbAppRuleById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbAppRuleById(id string) (*types.LbAppRule, error)
ReadLBAppRuleById wraps getLbAppRule and needs only an ID for lookup
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbAppRuleByName ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbAppRuleByName(name string) (*types.LbAppRule, error)
GetLbAppRuleByName wraps getLbAppRule and needs only a Name for lookup
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbAppRules ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbAppRules() ([]*types.LbAppRule, error)
GetLbAppRules returns a list of all LB application rules for a given edge gateway
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbServerPoolById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbServerPoolById(id string) (*types.LbPool, error)
GetLbServerPoolByName wraps getLbServerPool and needs only an ID for lookup
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbServerPoolByName ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbServerPoolByName(name string) (*types.LbPool, error)
GetLbServerPoolByName wraps getLbServerPool and needs only a Name for lookup
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbServerPools ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbServerPools() ([]*types.LbPool, error)
GetLbServerPools return all created server pools without filtering.
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbServiceMonitorById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbServiceMonitorById(id string) (*types.LbMonitor, error)
GetLbServiceMonitorById wraps getLbServiceMonitor and needs only an ID for lookup
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbServiceMonitorByName ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbServiceMonitorByName(name string) (*types.LbMonitor, error)
GetLbServiceMonitorByName wraps getLbServiceMonitor and needs only a Name for lookup
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbServiceMonitors ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbServiceMonitors() ([]*types.LbMonitor, error)
GetLbServiceMonitors return all service monitors without filtering
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbVirtualServerById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbVirtualServerById(id string) (*types.LbVirtualServer, error)
GetLbVirtualServerById wraps getLbVirtualServers and needs only an ID for lookup
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbVirtualServerByName ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbVirtualServerByName(name string) (*types.LbVirtualServer, error)
GetLbVirtualServerByName wraps getLbVirtualServers and needs only a Name for lookup
func (*EdgeGateway) GetLbVirtualServers ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetLbVirtualServers() ([]*types.LbVirtualServer, error)
GetLbVirtualServers is getting all virtual servers without filtering anything
func (*EdgeGateway) GetNatRule ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNatRule(id string) (*types.NatRule, error)
GetNatRule returns NAT rule or error.
func (*EdgeGateway) GetNetworkNameAndTypeByVnicIndex ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNetworkNameAndTypeByVnicIndex(vNicIndex int) (string, string, error)
GetNetworkNameAndTypeByVnicIndex returns network name and network type for given vNic index returned networkType can be one of: 'internal', 'uplink', 'trunk', 'subinterface'
func (*EdgeGateway) GetNetworks ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNetworks() ([]SimpleNetworkIdentifier, error)
GetNetworks returns the list of networks associated with an edge gateway In the return structure, an interfaceType of "uplink" indicates an external network, while "internal" is for Org VDC routed networks
func (*EdgeGateway) GetNsxvActiveDhcpLeaseByMac ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNsxvActiveDhcpLeaseByMac(mac string) (*types.EdgeDhcpLeaseInfo, error)
GetNsxvActiveDhcpLeaseByMac finds active DHCP lease for a given hardware address (MAC)
func (*EdgeGateway) GetNsxvFirewallRuleById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNsxvFirewallRuleById(id string) (*types.EdgeFirewallRule, error)
GetNsxvFirewallRuleById retrieves types.EdgeFirewallRule by real (not the number shown in UI) firewall rule ID as shown in the UI using proxied NSX-V API. It returns and error `ErrorEntityNotFound` if the firewall rule is not found
func (*EdgeGateway) GetNsxvNatRuleById ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNsxvNatRuleById(id string) (*types.EdgeNatRule, error)
GetNsxvNatRuleById retrieves types.EdgeNatRule by NAT rule ID as shown in the UI using proxied NSX-V API. It returns and error `ErrorEntityNotFound` if the NAT rule is not found.
func (*EdgeGateway) GetNsxvNatRules ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetNsxvNatRules() ([]*types.EdgeNatRule, error)
GetNsxvNatRules returns a list of all NAT rules in a given edge gateway
func (*EdgeGateway) GetVnicIndexByNetworkNameAndType ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) GetVnicIndexByNetworkNameAndType(networkName, networkType string) (*int, error)
GetVnicIndexByNetworkNameAndType returns *int of vNic index for specified network name and network type networkType one of: 'internal', 'uplink', 'trunk', 'subinterface' networkName cannot be empty
func (*EdgeGateway) HasAdvancedNetworking ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) HasAdvancedNetworking() bool
HasAdvancedNetworking returns true if the edge gateway has advanced network configuration enabled
func (*EdgeGateway) HasDefaultGateway ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) HasDefaultGateway() bool
HasDefaultGateway returns true if the edge gateway uses one of the external networks as default gateway
func (*EdgeGateway) Refresh ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) Refresh() error
func (*EdgeGateway) Remove1to1Mapping ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) Remove1to1Mapping(internal, external string) (Task, error)
func (*EdgeGateway) RemoveIpsecVPN ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) RemoveIpsecVPN() (Task, error)
Removes an Edge Gateway VPN, by passing an empty configuration
func (*EdgeGateway) RemoveNATMapping
func (egw *EdgeGateway) RemoveNATMapping(natType, externalIP, internalIP, port string) (Task, error)
Deprecated: use one of RemoveNATRuleAsync, RemoveNATRule
func (*EdgeGateway) RemoveNATPortMapping
func (egw *EdgeGateway) RemoveNATPortMapping(natType, externalIP, externalPort, internalIP, internalPort string) (Task, error)
Deprecated: use one of RemoveNATRuleAsync, RemoveNATRule
func (*EdgeGateway) RemoveNATRule ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) RemoveNATRule(id string) error
RemoveNATRule removes NAT removes NAT rule identified by ID and handles task. Returns error if issues rise. Old functions RemoveNATPortMapping and RemoveNATMapping removed using rule details and expected interface to be of external network type.
func (*EdgeGateway) RemoveNATRuleAsync ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) RemoveNATRuleAsync(id string) (Task, error)
RemoveNATRuleAsync removes NAT rule or returns an error. Old functions RemoveNATPortMapping and RemoveNATMapping removed using rule details and expected interface to be of external network type.
func (*EdgeGateway) ResetDhcpRelay ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) ResetDhcpRelay() error
ResetDhcpRelay removes all configuration by sending a DELETE request for DHCP relay configuration endpoint
func (*EdgeGateway) Update ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) Update() error
Update is a wrapper around UpdateAsync The pointer receiver is refreshed after update
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateAsync ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateAsync() (Task, error)
UpdateAsync updates the edge gateway in place with the information contained in the internal structure
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateDhcpRelay ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateDhcpRelay(dhcpRelayConfig *types.EdgeDhcpRelay) (*types.EdgeDhcpRelay, error)
UpdateDhcpRelay updates DHCP relay settings for a particular edge gateway and returns them. The feature itself enables you to leverage your existing DHCP infrastructure from within NSX without any interruption to the IP address management in your environment. DHCP messages are relayed from virtual machine(s) to the designated DHCP server(s) in the physical world. This enables IP addresses within NSX to continue to be in sync with IP addresses in other environments.
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateFirewallConfig ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateFirewallConfig(enabled, defaultLoggingEnabled bool, defaultAction string) (*types.FirewallConfigWithXml, error)
UpdateFirewallConfig allows to update firewall configuration. It accepts three fields (Enabled, DefaultLoggingEnabled, DefaultAction) and uses them to construct types.FirewallConfigWithXml without altering other options to prevent config corruption. They are represented in firewall configuration page in the UI.
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateLBGeneralParams ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateLBGeneralParams(enabled, accelerationEnabled, loggingEnabled bool, logLevel string) (*types.LbGeneralParamsWithXml, error)
UpdateLBGeneralParams allows to update global load balancer configuration. It accepts four fields (Enabled, AccelerationEnabled, Logging.Enable, Logging.LogLevel) and uses them to construct types.LbGeneralParamsWithXml without altering other options to prevent config corruption. They are represented in load balancer global configuration tab in the UI.
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateLbAppProfile ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateLbAppProfile(lbAppProfileConfig *types.LbAppProfile) (*types.LbAppProfile, error)
UpdateLbAppProfile updates types.LbAppProfile with all fields. At least name or ID must be specified. If both - Name and ID are specified it performs a lookup by ID and returns an error if the specified name and found name do not match.
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateLbAppRule ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateLbAppRule(lbAppRuleConfig *types.LbAppRule) (*types.LbAppRule, error)
UpdateLbAppRule updates types.LbAppRule with all fields. At least name or ID must be specified. If both - Name and ID are specified it performs a lookup by ID and returns an error if the specified name and found name do not match.
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateLbServerPool ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateLbServerPool(lbPoolConfig *types.LbPool) (*types.LbPool, error)
UpdateLbServerPool updates types.LbPool with all fields. At least name or ID must be specified. If both - Name and ID are specified it performs a lookup by ID and returns an error if the specified name and found name do not match. Name and Algorithm fields must be populated.
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateLbServiceMonitor ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateLbServiceMonitor(lbMonitorConfig *types.LbMonitor) (*types.LbMonitor, error)
UpdateLbServiceMonitor updates types.LbMonitor with all fields. At least name or ID must be specified. If both - Name and ID are specified it performs a lookup by ID and returns an error if the specified name and found name do not match.
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateLbVirtualServer ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateLbVirtualServer(lbVirtualServerConfig *types.LbVirtualServer) (*types.LbVirtualServer, error)
UpdateLbVirtualServer updates types.LbVirtualServer with all fields. At least name or ID must be specified. If both - Name and ID are specified it performs a lookup by ID and returns an error if the specified name and found name do not match. Name, Protocol, Port and IpAddress fields must be populated
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateNatRule ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateNatRule(natRule *types.NatRule) (*types.NatRule, error)
UpdateNatRule updates NAT rule and handles task. Returns updated NAT rule or error.
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateNatRuleAsync ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateNatRuleAsync(natRule *types.NatRule) (Task, error)
UpdateNatRuleAsync updates NAT rule and returns task or error.
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateNsxvFirewallRule ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateNsxvFirewallRule(firewallRuleConfig *types.EdgeFirewallRule) (*types.EdgeFirewallRule, error)
UpdateNsxvFirewallRule updates types.EdgeFirewallRule with all fields using proxied NSX-V API. Real firewall rule ID (not the number shown in UI) is mandatory to perform the update.
func (*EdgeGateway) UpdateNsxvNatRule ¶
func (egw *EdgeGateway) UpdateNsxvNatRule(natRuleConfig *types.EdgeNatRule) (*types.EdgeNatRule, error)
UpdateNsxvNatRule updates types.EdgeNatRule with all fields using proxied NSX-V API. ID is mandatory to perform the update.
type EdgeGatewayCreation ¶
type EdgeGatewayCreation struct { ExternalNetworks []string // List of external networks to be linked to this gateway DefaultGateway string // Which network should be used as default gateway (empty name = no default gateway) OrgName string // parent Org VdcName string // parent VDC Name string // edge gateway name Description string // Optional description BackingConfiguration string // Type of backing configuration (compact, full) AdvancedNetworkingEnabled bool // enable advanced gateway HAEnabled bool // enable HA UseDefaultRouteForDNSRelay bool // True if the default gateway should be used as the DNS relay DistributedRoutingEnabled bool // If advanced networking enabled, also enable distributed routing }
Simple structure to pass Edge Gateway creation parameters.
type EjectTask ¶
type EjectTask struct { *Task // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEjectTask ¶
Creates wrapped Task which is dedicated for eject media functionality and provides additional functionality to answer VM questions
func (*EjectTask) WaitInspectTaskCompletion ¶
function which handles answers for ejecting
func (*EjectTask) WaitTaskCompletion ¶
Checks the status of the task every 3 seconds and returns when the eject task is either completed or failed
type Envelope ¶
type Envelope struct { File []struct { HREF string `xml:"href,attr"` ID string `xml:"id,attr"` Size int `xml:"size,attr"` ChunkSize int `xml:"chunkSize,attr"` } `xml:"References>File"` }
Envelope is a ovf description root element. File contains information for vmdk files. Namespace: Description: Envelope is a ovf description root element. File contains information for vmdk files..
type ExtendedSessionInfo ¶
type ExtendedSessionInfo struct { User string Org string Roles []string Rights []string Version string ConnectionType string }
ExtendedSessionInfo collects data regarding a VCD connection
type ExternalNetwork ¶
type ExternalNetwork struct { ExternalNetwork *types.ExternalNetwork // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func GetExternalNetwork ¶
func GetExternalNetwork(vcdClient *VCDClient, networkName string) (*ExternalNetwork, error)
GetExternalNetwork returns an ExternalNetwork reference if the network name matches an existing one. If no valid external network is found, it returns an empty ExternalNetwork reference and an error Deprecated: use vcdClient.GetExternalNetworkByName instead
func NewExternalNetwork ¶
func NewExternalNetwork(cli *Client) *ExternalNetwork
func (*ExternalNetwork) Delete ¶
func (externalNetwork *ExternalNetwork) Delete() (Task, error)
func (*ExternalNetwork) DeleteWait ¶
func (externalNetwork *ExternalNetwork) DeleteWait() error
func (ExternalNetwork) Refresh ¶
func (externalNetwork ExternalNetwork) Refresh() error
type ExternalNetworkV2 ¶
type ExternalNetworkV2 struct { ExternalNetwork *types.ExternalNetworkV2 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ExternalNetworkV2 is a type for version 2 of external network which uses OpenAPI endpoint to manage external networks of both types (NSX-V and NSX-T)
func CreateExternalNetworkV2 ¶
func CreateExternalNetworkV2(vcdClient *VCDClient, newExtNet *types.ExternalNetworkV2) (*ExternalNetworkV2, error)
CreateExternalNetworkV2 creates a new external network using OpenAPI endpoint. It can create NSX-V and NSX-T backed networks based on what ExternalNetworkV2.NetworkBackings is provided. types.ExternalNetworkV2 has documented fields.
func GetAllExternalNetworksV2 ¶
func GetAllExternalNetworksV2(vcdClient *VCDClient, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*ExternalNetworkV2, error)
GetAllExternalNetworksV2 retrieves all external networks using OpenAPI endpoint. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func GetExternalNetworkV2ById ¶
func GetExternalNetworkV2ById(vcdClient *VCDClient, id string) (*ExternalNetworkV2, error)
GetExternalNetworkV2ById retrieves external network by given ID using OpenAPI endpoint
func GetExternalNetworkV2ByName ¶
func GetExternalNetworkV2ByName(vcdClient *VCDClient, name string) (*ExternalNetworkV2, error)
GetExternalNetworkV2ByName retrieves external network by given name using OpenAPI endpoint. Returns an error if not exactly one network is found.
func (*ExternalNetworkV2) Delete ¶
func (extNet *ExternalNetworkV2) Delete() error
Delete deletes external network using OpenAPI endpoint
func (*ExternalNetworkV2) Update ¶
func (extNet *ExternalNetworkV2) Update() (*ExternalNetworkV2, error)
Update updates existing external network using OpenAPI endpoint
type FilterDef ¶
type FilterDef struct { // A collection of filters (with keys from SupportedFilters) Filters map[string]string // A list of metadata filters Metadata []MetadataDef // If true, the query will include metadata fields and search for exact values. // Otherwise, the engine will collect metadata fields and search by regexp UseMetadataApiFilter bool }
FilterDef defines all the criteria used by the engine to retrieve data
type FilterMatch ¶
type FilterMatch struct { Criteria *FilterDef ExpectedName string Entity interface{} EntityType string }
FilterMatch contains a filter, the name of the item that is expected to match, and the item itself
func HelperMakeFiltersFromCatalogItem ¶
func HelperMakeFiltersFromCatalogItem(catalog *Catalog) ([]FilterMatch, error)
func HelperMakeFiltersFromCatalogs ¶
func HelperMakeFiltersFromCatalogs(org *AdminOrg) ([]FilterMatch, error)
func HelperMakeFiltersFromEdgeGateways ¶
func HelperMakeFiltersFromEdgeGateways(vdc *Vdc) ([]FilterMatch, error)
HelperMakeFiltersFromEdgeGateways looks at the existing edge gateways and creates a set of criteria to retrieve each of them
func HelperMakeFiltersFromMedia ¶
func HelperMakeFiltersFromMedia(vdc *Vdc, catalogName string) ([]FilterMatch, error)
func HelperMakeFiltersFromNetworks ¶
func HelperMakeFiltersFromNetworks(vdc *Vdc) ([]FilterMatch, error)
HelperMakeFiltersFromNetworks looks at the existing networks and creates a set of criteria to retrieve each of them
func HelperMakeFiltersFromOrgVdc ¶
func HelperMakeFiltersFromOrgVdc(org *Org) ([]FilterMatch, error)
func HelperMakeFiltersFromVappTemplate ¶
func HelperMakeFiltersFromVappTemplate(catalog *Catalog) ([]FilterMatch, error)
type GlobalRole ¶
type GlobalRole struct { GlobalRole *types.GlobalRole // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GlobalRole) AddRights ¶
func (globalRole *GlobalRole) AddRights(newRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
AddRights adds a collection of rights to a global role
func (*GlobalRole) GetRights ¶
func (globalRole *GlobalRole) GetRights(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.Right, error)
GetRights retrieves all rights belonging to a given Global Role. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*GlobalRole) GetTenants ¶
func (globalRole *GlobalRole) GetTenants(queryParameters url.Values) ([]types.OpenApiReference, error)
GetTenants retrieves all tenants associated to a given Global Role. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*GlobalRole) PublishAllTenants ¶
func (globalRole *GlobalRole) PublishAllTenants() error
PublishAllTenants publishes a global role to all tenants
func (*GlobalRole) PublishTenants ¶
func (globalRole *GlobalRole) PublishTenants(tenants []types.OpenApiReference) error
PublishTenants publishes a global role to one or more tenants, adding to tenants that may already been there
func (*GlobalRole) RemoveAllRights ¶
func (globalRole *GlobalRole) RemoveAllRights() error
RemoveAllRights removes all rights from a global role
func (*GlobalRole) RemoveRights ¶
func (globalRole *GlobalRole) RemoveRights(removeRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
RemoveRights removes specific rights from a global role
func (*GlobalRole) ReplacePublishedTenants ¶
func (globalRole *GlobalRole) ReplacePublishedTenants(tenants []types.OpenApiReference) error
ReplacePublishedTenants publishes a global role to one or more tenants, removing the tenants already present
func (*GlobalRole) UnpublishAllTenants ¶
func (globalRole *GlobalRole) UnpublishAllTenants() error
UnpublishAllTenants remove publication status of a global role from all tenants
func (*GlobalRole) UnpublishTenants ¶
func (globalRole *GlobalRole) UnpublishTenants(tenants []types.OpenApiReference) error
UnpublishTenants remove tenats from a global role
func (*GlobalRole) Update ¶
func (globalRole *GlobalRole) Update() (*GlobalRole, error)
Update updates existing global role
func (*GlobalRole) UpdateRights ¶
func (globalRole *GlobalRole) UpdateRights(newRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
UpdateRights replaces existing rights with the given collection of rights
type InspectionFunc ¶
type InspectionFunc func(task *types.Task, howManyTimes int, elapsed time.Duration, first, last bool)
InspectionFunc is a callback function that can be passed to task.WaitInspectTaskCompletion to perform user defined operations * task is the task object being processed * howManyTimes is the number of times the task has been refreshed * elapsed is how much time since the task was initially processed * first is true if this is the first refresh of the task * last is true if the function is being called for the last time.
type LogicalVmGroup ¶
type LogicalVmGroup struct { LogicalVmGroup *types.LogicalVmGroup // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalVmGroup is used to create VM Placement Policies.
func (*LogicalVmGroup) Delete ¶
func (logicalVmGroup *LogicalVmGroup) Delete() error
Delete deletes the receiver Logical VM Group
type Media ¶
type Media struct { Media *types.Media // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Media) AddMetadataEntry ¶
AddMetadataEntry adds Media metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use Media.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*Media) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds Media metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use Media.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*Media) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (media *Media) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver Media and waits for the task to finish.
func (*Media) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync ¶
func (media *Media) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync adds metadata to the given Media with the given key, value, type and visibility and returns the task.
func (*Media) Delete ¶
Deletes the Media Item, returning an error if the vCD call fails. Link to API call:
func (*Media) DeleteMetadata
func (*Media) DeleteMetadataAsync
func (*Media) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes Media metadata depending on key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use Media.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain instead
func (*Media) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes Media metadata depending on key provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use Media.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync instead
func (*Media) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes Media metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish.
func (*Media) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync deletes Media metadata associated to the input key and returns the task.
func (*Media) GetMetadata ¶
GetMetadata returns Media metadata.
func (*Media) GetMetadataByKey ¶
GetMetadataByKey returns Media metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*Media) MergeMetadata ¶
MergeMetadata merges Media metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use Media.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*Media) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
func (media *Media) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataAsync merges Media metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use Media.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync
func (*Media) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver Media and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes.
func (*Media) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync ¶
func (media *Media) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync merges Media metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete.
type MediaItem
type MediaItem struct { MediaItem *types.MediaRecordType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Deprecated: use MediaRecord
func NewMediaItem
func (*MediaItem) AddMetadata ¶
AddMetadata adds metadata key/value pair provided as input. Deprecated: Use MediaRecord.AddMetadata.
func (*MediaItem) Delete ¶
Deletes the Media Item, returning an error if the vCD call fails. Link to API call: Deprecated: Use MediaRecord.Delete
func (*MediaItem) DeleteMetadata ¶
DeleteMetadata deletes metadata depending on key provided as input from media item. Deprecated: Use MediaRecord.DeleteMetadata.
func (*MediaItem) DeleteMetadataAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataAsync deletes metadata depending on key provided as input from MediaItem. Deprecated: Use MediaRecord.DeleteMetadataAsync.
func (*MediaItem) GetMetadata ¶
GetMetadata returns MediaItem metadata. Deprecated: Use MediaRecord.GetMetadata.
type MediaRecord ¶
type MediaRecord struct { MediaRecord *types.MediaRecordType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewMediaRecord ¶
func NewMediaRecord(cli *Client) *MediaRecord
func (*MediaRecord) AddMetadata
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) AddMetadata(key string, value string) (*MediaRecord, error)
Deprecated: use MediaRecord.AddMetadataEntry.
func (*MediaRecord) AddMetadataAsync
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) AddMetadataAsync(key string, value string) (Task, error)
Deprecated: use MediaRecord.AddMetadataEntryAsync.
func (*MediaRecord) AddMetadataEntry ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
AddMetadataEntry adds MediaRecord metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use MediaRecord.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*MediaRecord) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds MediaRecord metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use MediaRecord.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*MediaRecord) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver MediaRecord and waits for the task to finish.
func (*MediaRecord) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync adds metadata to the given MediaRecord with the given key, value, type and visibility and returns the task.
func (*MediaRecord) Delete ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) Delete() (Task, error)
Deletes the Media Item, returning an error if the vCD call fails. Link to API call:
func (*MediaRecord) DeleteMetadata
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) DeleteMetadata(key string) error
Deprecated: use MediaRecord.DeleteMetadataEntry.
func (*MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataAsync
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataAsync(key string) (Task, error)
Deprecated: use MediaRecord.DeleteMetadataEntryAsync.
func (*MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes MediaRecord metadata depending on key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use MediaRecord.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain instead
func (*MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes MediaRecord metadata depending on key provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use MediaRecord.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync instead
func (*MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes MediaRecord metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish.
func (*MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync deletes MediaRecord metadata associated to the input key and returns the task.
func (*MediaRecord) GetMetadata ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
GetMetadata returns MediaRecord metadata.
func (*MediaRecord) GetMetadataByKey ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
GetMetadataByKey returns MediaRecord metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*MediaRecord) MergeMetadata ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
MergeMetadata merges MediaRecord metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use MediaRecord.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*MediaRecord) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataAsync merges MediaRecord metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use MediaRecord.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync
func (*MediaRecord) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver MediaRecord and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes.
func (*MediaRecord) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync merges MediaRecord metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete.
func (*MediaRecord) Refresh ¶
func (mediaRecord *MediaRecord) Refresh() error
Refresh refreshes the media information by href
type MetadataDef ¶
type MetadataDef struct { Key string // name of the field (addressed as metadata:key) Type string // Type of the field (one of SupportedMetadataTypes) Value interface{} // contents of the metadata field IsSystem bool // if true, the metadata field will be addressed as metadata@SYSTEM:key }
MetadataDef defines a metadata structure
type MetadataFilter ¶
MetadataFilter is a definition of a value used to filter metadata. It is made of a Type (such as 'STRING', 'INT', 'BOOL") and a Value, which is the value we want to search for.
type NatRule ¶
type NatRule struct { NatType string NetworkHref string ExternalIP string ExternalPort string InternalIP string InternalPort string Protocol string IcmpSubType string Description string }
Struct which covers NAT rule fields
type NsxtAlbCloud ¶
type NsxtAlbCloud struct { NsxtAlbCloud *types.NsxtAlbCloud // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtAlbCloud helps to use the virtual infrastructure provided by NSX Advanced Load Balancer, register NSX-T Cloud instances with VMware Cloud Director by consuming NsxtAlbImportableCloud.
func (*NsxtAlbCloud) Delete ¶
func (nsxtAlbCloud *NsxtAlbCloud) Delete() error
Delete removes NSX-T ALB Cloud configuration
func (*NsxtAlbCloud) GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupById ¶
func (nsxtAlbCloud *NsxtAlbCloud) GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupById(parentAlbCloudUrn, id string) (*NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, error)
GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupById Note. ID filtering is performed on client side
func (*NsxtAlbCloud) GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupByName ¶
func (nsxtAlbCloud *NsxtAlbCloud) GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupByName(parentAlbCloudUrn, name string) (*NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, error)
GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupByName returns importable NSX-T ALB Clouds.
func (*NsxtAlbCloud) GetAllAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups ¶
func (nsxtAlbCloud *NsxtAlbCloud) GetAllAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups(parentAlbCloudUrn string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, error)
GetAllAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups lists all Importable Service Engine Groups available in ALB Controller
type NsxtAlbController ¶
type NsxtAlbController struct { NsxtAlbController *types.NsxtAlbController // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtAlbController helps to integrate VMware Cloud Director with NSX-T Advanced Load Balancer deployment. Controller instances are registered with VMware Cloud Director instance. Controller instances serve as a central control plane for the load-balancing services provided by NSX-T Advanced Load Balancer. To configure an NSX-T ALB one needs to supply AVI Controller endpoint, credentials and license to be used.
func (*NsxtAlbController) Delete ¶
func (nsxtAlbController *NsxtAlbController) Delete() error
Delete deletes existing NSX-T ALB Controller
func (*NsxtAlbController) GetAlbImportableCloudByName ¶
func (nsxtAlbController *NsxtAlbController) GetAlbImportableCloudByName(name string) (*NsxtAlbImportableCloud, error)
GetAlbImportableCloudByName is attached to NsxtAlbController type for a convenient parent/child relationship
func (*NsxtAlbController) GetAllAlbImportableClouds ¶
func (nsxtAlbController *NsxtAlbController) GetAllAlbImportableClouds(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbImportableCloud, error)
GetAllAlbImportableClouds is attached to NsxtAlbController type for a convenient parent/child relationship
func (*NsxtAlbController) Update ¶
func (nsxtAlbController *NsxtAlbController) Update(albControllerConfig *types.NsxtAlbController) (*NsxtAlbController, error)
Update updates existing NSX-T ALB Controller with new supplied albControllerConfig configuration
type NsxtAlbImportableCloud ¶
type NsxtAlbImportableCloud struct { NsxtAlbImportableCloud *types.NsxtAlbImportableCloud // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtAlbImportableCloud allows user to list importable NSX-T ALB Clouds. Each importable cloud can only be imported once by using NsxtAlbCloud construct. It has a flag AlreadyImported which hints if it is already consumed or not.
type NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups ¶
type NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups struct { NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups *types.NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups provides capability to list all Importable Service Engine Groups available in ALB Controller so that they can be consumed by NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup
Note. The API does not return Importable Service Engine Group once it is consumed.
type NsxtAlbPool ¶
type NsxtAlbPool struct { NsxtAlbPool *types.NsxtAlbPool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtAlbPool defines configuration of a single NSX-T ALB Pool. Pools maintain the list of servers assigned to them and perform health monitoring, load balancing, persistence. A pool may only be used or referenced by only one virtual service at a time.
func (*NsxtAlbPool) Delete ¶
func (nsxtAlbPool *NsxtAlbPool) Delete() error
Delete deletes NSX-T ALB Pool
func (*NsxtAlbPool) Update ¶
func (nsxtAlbPool *NsxtAlbPool) Update(albPoolConfig *types.NsxtAlbPool) (*NsxtAlbPool, error)
Update updates NSX-T ALB Pool based on supplied configuration
type NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup ¶
type NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup struct { NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup *types.NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup provides virtual service management capabilities for tenants. This entity can be created by referencing a backing importable service engine group - NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups.
A service engine group is an isolation domain that also defines shared service engine properties, such as size, network access, and failover. Resources in a service engine group can be used for different virtual services, depending on your tenant needs. These resources cannot be shared between different service engine groups.
func (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) Delete ¶
func (nsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup *NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) Delete() error
Delete deletes NSX-T ALB Service Engine Group configuration
func (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) Sync ¶
func (nsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup *NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) Sync() error
Sync syncs a specified Load Balancer Service Engine Group. It requests the HA mode and the maximum number of supported Virtual Services for this Service Engine Group from the Load Balancer, and updates vCD's local record of these properties.
func (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) Update ¶
func (nsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup *NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) Update(albSEGroupConfig *types.NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup, error)
Update updates existing ALB Controller with new supplied albControllerConfig configuration
type NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment ¶
type NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment struct { NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment *types.NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment handles Service Engine Group Assignment to NSX-T Edge Gateways
func (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment) Delete ¶
func (nsxtEdgeAlbServiceEngineGroup *NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment) Delete() error
Delete deletes NSX-T ALB Service Engine Group Assignment
func (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment) Update ¶
func (nsxtEdgeAlbServiceEngineGroup *NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment) Update(assignmentConfig *types.NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment, error)
Update updates existing ALB Service Engine Group Assignment with new supplied assignmentConfig configuration
type NsxtAlbVirtualService ¶
type NsxtAlbVirtualService struct { NsxtAlbVirtualService *types.NsxtAlbVirtualService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtAlbVirtualService combines Load Balancer Pools with Service Engine Groups and exposes a virtual service on defined VIP (virtual IP address) while optionally allowing to use encrypted traffic
func (*NsxtAlbVirtualService) Delete ¶
func (nsxtAlbVirtualService *NsxtAlbVirtualService) Delete() error
Delete deletes NSX-T ALB Virtual Service
func (*NsxtAlbVirtualService) Update ¶
func (nsxtAlbVirtualService *NsxtAlbVirtualService) Update(albVirtualServiceConfig *types.NsxtAlbVirtualService) (*NsxtAlbVirtualService, error)
Update updates NSX-T ALB Virtual Service based on supplied configuration
type NsxtAppPortProfile ¶
type NsxtAppPortProfile struct { NsxtAppPortProfile *types.NsxtAppPortProfile // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtAppPortProfile uses OpenAPI endpoint to operate NSX-T Application Port Profiles It can have 3 types of scopes: * SYSTEM - Read-only (The ones that are provided by SYSTEM). Constant `types.ApplicationPortProfileScopeSystem` * PROVIDER - Created by Provider on a particular network provider (NSX-T manager). Constant `types.ApplicationPortProfileScopeProvider` * TENANT (Created by Tenant at Org VDC level). Constant `types.ApplicationPortProfileScopeTenant`
More details about scope in documentation for types.NsxtAppPortProfile
func (*NsxtAppPortProfile) Delete ¶
func (appPortProfile *NsxtAppPortProfile) Delete() error
Delete allows users to delete NSX-T Application Port Profile
func (*NsxtAppPortProfile) Update ¶
func (appPortProfile *NsxtAppPortProfile) Update(appPortProfileConfig *types.NsxtAppPortProfile) (*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
Update allows users to update NSX-T Application Port Profile
type NsxtEdgeCluster ¶
type NsxtEdgeCluster struct { NsxtEdgeCluster *types.NsxtEdgeCluster // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtEdgeCluster is a logical grouping of NSX-T Edge virtual machines.
type NsxtEdgeGateway ¶
type NsxtEdgeGateway struct { EdgeGateway *types.OpenAPIEdgeGateway // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtEdgeGateway uses OpenAPI endpoint to operate NSX-T Edge Gateways
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateBgpIpPrefixList ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateBgpIpPrefixList(bgpIpPrefixList *types.EdgeBgpIpPrefixList) (*EdgeBgpIpPrefixList, error)
CreateBgpIpPrefixList creates a BGP IP Prefix List with supplied configuration
Note. VCD 10.2 versions do not automatically return ID for created BGP IP Prefix List. To work around it this code automatically retrieves the entity by Name after the task is finished. This function may fail on VCD 10.2 if duplicate BGP IP Prefix Lists exist.
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateBgpNeighbor ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateBgpNeighbor(bgpNeighborConfig *types.EdgeBgpNeighbor) (*EdgeBgpNeighbor, error)
CreateBgpNeighbor creates BGP Neighbor with the given configuration
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateIpSecVpnTunnel ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateIpSecVpnTunnel(ipSecVpnConfig *types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel, error)
CreateIpSecVpnTunnel creates IPsec VPN Tunnel and returns it
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateNatRule ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateNatRule(natRuleConfig *types.NsxtNatRule) (*NsxtNatRule, error)
CreateNatRule creates a NAT rule and returns it.
Note. API has a limitation, that it does not return ID for created rule. To work around it this function creates a NAT rule, fetches all rules and finds a rule with exactly the same field values and returns it (including ID) There is still a slight risk to retrieve wrong ID if exactly the same rule already exists.
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateNsxtFirewallGroup ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) CreateNsxtFirewallGroup(firewallGroupConfig *types.NsxtFirewallGroup) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
CreateNsxtFirewallGroup allows users to create NSX-T Firewall Group
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) Delete ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) Delete() error
Delete allows deleting NSX-T edge gateway for sysadmins
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) DeleteNsxtRouteAdvertisement ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) DeleteNsxtRouteAdvertisement() error
DeleteNsxtRouteAdvertisement method is the same as DeleteNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext but sending TenantContext by default
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) DeleteNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) DeleteNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext(useTenantContext bool) error
DeleteNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext deletes the list of subnets that will be advertised.
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) DisableAlb ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) DisableAlb() error
DisableAlb is a shortcut wrapping UpdateAlbSettings which disables ALB configuration
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) DisableBgpConfiguration ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) DisableBgpConfiguration() error
DisableBgpConfiguration performs an `UpdateBgpConfiguration` and preserve all field values as they were, but explicitly sets Enabled to false.
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAlbSettings ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAlbSettings() (*types.NsxtAlbConfig, error)
GetAlbSettings retrieves NSX-T ALB settings for a particular Edge Gateway
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllBgpIpPrefixLists ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllBgpIpPrefixLists(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*EdgeBgpIpPrefixList, error)
GetAllBgpIpPrefixLists retrieves all BGP IP Prefix Lists in a given NSX-T Edge Gateway with optional queryParameters
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllBgpNeighbors ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllBgpNeighbors(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*EdgeBgpNeighbor, error)
GetAllBgpNeighbors retrieves all BGP Neighbors with an optional filter
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllIpSecVpnTunnels ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllIpSecVpnTunnels(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel, error)
GetAllIpSecVpnTunnels returns all IPsec VPN Tunnel configurations
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllNatRules ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllNatRules(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtNatRule, error)
GetAllNatRules retrieves all NAT rules with an optional queryParameters filter.
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups(queryParameters url.Values, firewallGroupType string) ([]*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups allows users to retrieve all NSX-T Firewall Groups in a particular Edge Gateway firewallGroupType can be one of the following: * types.FirewallGroupTypeSecurityGroup - for NSX-T Security Groups * types.FirewallGroupTypeIpSet - for NSX-T IP Sets * "" (empty) - search will not be limited and will get both - IP Sets and Security Groups
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpConfiguration ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpConfiguration() (*types.EdgeBgpConfig, error)
GetBgpConfiguration retrieves BGP Configuration for NSX-T Edge Gateway
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpIpPrefixListById ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpIpPrefixListById(id string) (*EdgeBgpIpPrefixList, error)
GetBgpIpPrefixListById retrieves BGP IP Prefix List By ID
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpIpPrefixListByName ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpIpPrefixListByName(name string) (*EdgeBgpIpPrefixList, error)
GetBgpIpPrefixListByName retrieves BGP IP Prefix List By Name It is meant to retrieve exactly one entry: * Will fail if more than one entry with the same name found * Will return an error containing `ErrorEntityNotFound` if no entries are found
Note. API does not support filtering by 'name' field therefore filtering is performed on client side
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpNeighborById ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpNeighborById(id string) (*EdgeBgpNeighbor, error)
GetBgpNeighborById retrieves BGP Neighbor By ID
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpNeighborByIp ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetBgpNeighborByIp(neighborIpAddress string) (*EdgeBgpNeighbor, error)
GetBgpNeighborByIp retrieves BGP Neighbor by Neighbor IP address It is meant to retrieve exactly one entry: * Will fail if more than one entry with the same Neighbor IP found (should not happen as uniqueness is enforced by API) * Will return an error containing `ErrorEntityNotFound` if no entries are found
Note. API does not support filtering by 'neighborIpAddress' field therefore filtering is performed on client side
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetIpSecVpnTunnelById ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetIpSecVpnTunnelById(id string) (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel, error)
GetIpSecVpnTunnelById retrieves single IPsec VPN Tunnel by ID
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetIpSecVpnTunnelByName ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetIpSecVpnTunnelByName(name string) (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel, error)
GetIpSecVpnTunnelByName retrieves single IPsec VPN Tunnel by Name.
Note. Name uniqueness is not enforced therefore it might exist a few IPsec VPN Tunnels with the same name. An error will be returned in that case.
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNatRuleById ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNatRuleById(id string) (*NsxtNatRule, error)
GetNatRuleById finds a NAT rule by ID and returns it
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNatRuleByName ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNatRuleByName(name string) (*NsxtNatRule, error)
GetNatRuleByName finds a NAT rule by Name and returns it
Note. API does not enforce name uniqueness therefore an error will be thrown if two rules with the same name exist
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtFirewall ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtFirewall() (*NsxtFirewall, error)
GetNsxtFirewall retrieves all firewall rules system, default and user defined rules
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtFirewallGroupById ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtFirewallGroupById(id string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
GetNsxtFirewallGroupById retrieves NSX-T Firewall Group by ID
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName(name string, firewallGroupType string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName allows users to retrieve Firewall Group by Name in a particular Edge Gateway firewallGroupType can be one of the following: * types.FirewallGroupTypeSecurityGroup - for NSX-T Security Groups * types.FirewallGroupTypeIpSet - for NSX-T IP Sets * "" (empty) - search will not be limited and will get both - IP Sets and Security Groups
Note. One might get an error if IP Set and Security Group exist with the same name (two objects of the same type cannot exist) and firewallGroupType is left empty.
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtRouteAdvertisement ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtRouteAdvertisement() (*types.RouteAdvertisement, error)
GetNsxtRouteAdvertisement method is the same as GetNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext but sending TenantContext by default
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) GetNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext(useTenantContext bool) (*types.RouteAdvertisement, error)
GetNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext retrieves the list of subnets that will be advertised so that the Edge Gateway can route out to the connected external network.
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) MoveToVdcOrVdcGroup ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) MoveToVdcOrVdcGroup(vdcOrVdcGroupId string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
MoveToVdcOrVdcGroup moves NSX-T Edge Gateway to another VDC. This can cover such scenarios: * Move from VDC to VDC Group * Move from VDC Group to VDC (which is part of that VDC Group)
This function is just an Update operation with OwnerRef changed to vdcGroupId, but it is more convenient to use it. Note. NSX-T Edge Gateway cannot be moved directly from one VDC to another
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) Update ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) Update(edgeGatewayConfig *types.OpenAPIEdgeGateway) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
Update allows updating NSX-T edge gateway for Org admins
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateAlbSettings ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateAlbSettings(config *types.NsxtAlbConfig) (*types.NsxtAlbConfig, error)
UpdateAlbSettings updates NSX-T ALB settings for a particular Edge Gateway
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateBgpConfiguration ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateBgpConfiguration(bgpConfig *types.EdgeBgpConfig) (*types.EdgeBgpConfig, error)
UpdateBgpConfiguration updates BGP configuration on NSX-T Edge Gateway
Note. Update of BGP configuration requires version to be specified in 'Version' field. This function automatically handles it.
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateNsxtFirewall ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateNsxtFirewall(firewallRules *types.NsxtFirewallRuleContainer) (*NsxtFirewall, error)
UpdateNsxtFirewall allows user to set new firewall rules or update existing ones. The API does not have POST endpoint and always uses PUT endpoint for creating and updating.
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateNsxtRouteAdvertisement ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateNsxtRouteAdvertisement(enable bool, subnets []string) (*types.RouteAdvertisement, error)
UpdateNsxtRouteAdvertisement method is the same as UpdateNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext but sending TenantContext by default
func (*NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext ¶
func (egw *NsxtEdgeGateway) UpdateNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext(enable bool, subnets []string, useTenantContext bool) (*types.RouteAdvertisement, error)
UpdateNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext updates the list of subnets that will be advertised so that the Edge Gateway can route out to the connected external network.
type NsxtFirewall ¶
type NsxtFirewall struct { NsxtFirewallRuleContainer *types.NsxtFirewallRuleContainer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtFirewall contains a types.NsxtFirewallRuleContainer which encloses three types of rules - system, default and user defined rules. User defined rules are the only ones that can be modified, others are read-only.
func (*NsxtFirewall) DeleteAllRules ¶
func (firewall *NsxtFirewall) DeleteAllRules() error
DeleteAllRules allows users to delete all NSX-T Firewall rules in a particular Edge Gateway
func (*NsxtFirewall) DeleteRuleById ¶
func (firewall *NsxtFirewall) DeleteRuleById(id string) error
DeleteRuleById allows users to delete NSX-T Firewall Rule By ID
type NsxtFirewallGroup ¶
type NsxtFirewallGroup struct { NsxtFirewallGroup *types.NsxtFirewallGroup // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtFirewallGroup uses OpenAPI endpoint to operate NSX-T Security Groups and IP Sets which use the same Firewall Group API endpoint
IP sets are groups of objects to which the firewall rules apply. Combining multiple objects into IP sets helps reduce the total number of firewall rules to be created.
Security groups are groups of Org Vdc networks to which distributed firewall rules apply. Grouping networks helps you to reduce the total number of distributed firewall rules to be created.
func (*NsxtFirewallGroup) Delete ¶
func (firewallGroup *NsxtFirewallGroup) Delete() error
Delete allows users to delete NSX-T Firewall Group
func (*NsxtFirewallGroup) GetAssociatedVms ¶
func (firewallGroup *NsxtFirewallGroup) GetAssociatedVms() ([]*types.NsxtFirewallGroupMemberVms, error)
GetAssociatedVms allows users to retrieve a list of references to child VMs (with vApps when they exist).
Note. Only Security Groups have associated VMs. Executing it on an IP Set will return an error similar to: "only Security Groups have associated VMs. This Firewall Group has type 'IP_SET'"
func (*NsxtFirewallGroup) IsDynamicSecurityGroup ¶
func (firewallGroup *NsxtFirewallGroup) IsDynamicSecurityGroup() bool
IsDynamicSecurityGroup allows users to check if Firewall Group is a Dynamic Security Group
func (*NsxtFirewallGroup) IsIpSet ¶
func (firewallGroup *NsxtFirewallGroup) IsIpSet() bool
IsIpSet allows users to check if Firewall Group is an IP Set
func (*NsxtFirewallGroup) IsSecurityGroup ¶
func (firewallGroup *NsxtFirewallGroup) IsSecurityGroup() bool
IsSecurityGroup allows users to check if Firewall Group is a Static Security Group
func (*NsxtFirewallGroup) Update ¶
func (firewallGroup *NsxtFirewallGroup) Update(firewallGroupConfig *types.NsxtFirewallGroup) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
Update allows users to update NSX-T Firewall Group
type NsxtImportableSwitch ¶
type NsxtImportableSwitch struct { NsxtImportableSwitch *types.NsxtImportableSwitch // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtImportableSwitch is a read only object to retrieve NSX-T segments (importable switches) to be used for Org VDC imported network.
type NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel ¶
type NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel struct { NsxtIpSecVpn *types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel offers site-to-site connectivity between an Edge Gateway and remote sites which also use NSX-T Data Center or which have either third-party hardware routers or VPN gateways that support IPsec. Policy-based IPsec VPN requires a VPN policy to be applied to packets to determine which traffic is to be protected by IPsec before being passed through a VPN tunnel. This type of VPN is considered static because when a local network topology and configuration change, the VPN policy settings must also be updated to accommodate the changes. NSX-T Data Center Edge Gateways support split tunnel configuration, with IPsec traffic taking routing precedence. VMware Cloud Director supports automatic route redistribution when you use IPsec VPN on an NSX-T edge gateway.
func (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) Delete ¶
func (ipSecVpn *NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) Delete() error
Delete allows users to delete NSX-T IPsec VPN Tunnel
func (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) GetStatus ¶
func (ipSecVpn *NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) GetStatus() (*types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnelStatus, error)
GetStatus returns status of IPsec VPN Tunnel.
Note. This is not being immediately populated and may appear after some time depending on NsxtIpSecVpnTunnelSecurityProfile.DpdConfiguration
func (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) GetTunnelConnectionProperties ¶
func (ipSecVpn *NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) GetTunnelConnectionProperties() (*types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnelSecurityProfile, error)
GetTunnelConnectionProperties retrieves IPsec VPN Tunnel Security Profile
func (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) IsEqualTo ¶
func (ipSecVpn *NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) IsEqualTo(vpnConfig *types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) bool
IsEqualTo helps to find NSX-T IPsec VPN Tunnel Configuration Combination of LocalAddress and RemoteAddress has to be unique (enforced by API). This is a list of fields compared: * LocalEndpoint.LocalAddress * RemoteEndpoint.RemoteAddress
func (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) Update ¶
func (ipSecVpn *NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) Update(ipSecVpnConfig *types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel, error)
Update updates NSX-T IPsec VPN Tunnel configuration with newly supplied data.
func (*NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) UpdateTunnelConnectionProperties ¶
func (ipSecVpn *NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel) UpdateTunnelConnectionProperties(ipSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties *types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnelSecurityProfile) (*types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnelSecurityProfile, error)
UpdateTunnelConnectionProperties allows user to customize IPsec VPN Tunnel Security Profile when the default one does not fit requirements.
type NsxtNatRule ¶
type NsxtNatRule struct { NsxtNatRule *types.NsxtNatRule // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NsxtNatRule describes a single NAT rule of 5 different Rule Types - DNAT`, `NO_DNAT`, `SNAT`, `NO_SNAT`, 'REFLEXIVE' 'REFLEXIVE' is only supported in API 35.2 (VCD 10.2.2+)
A SNAT or a DNAT rule on an Edge Gateway in the VMware Cloud Director environment is always configured from the perspective of your organization VDC. DNAT and NO_DNAT - outside traffic going inside SNAT and NO_SNAT - inside traffic going outside More docs in
Note. This structure and all its API calls will require at least API version 34.0, but will elevate it to 35.2 if possible because API 35.2 introduces support for 2 new fields FirewallMatch and Priority.
func (*NsxtNatRule) Delete ¶
func (nsxtNat *NsxtNatRule) Delete() error
Delete deletes NSX-T NAT rule
func (*NsxtNatRule) IsEqualTo ¶
func (nsxtNat *NsxtNatRule) IsEqualTo(rule *types.NsxtNatRule) bool
IsEqualTo allows to check if a rule has exactly the same fields (except ID) to the supplied rule This validation is very tricky because minor version changes impact how fields are return. This function relies on most common and stable fields: * Name * Enabled * Description * ExternalAddresses * InternalAddresses * ApplicationPortProfile.ID
func (*NsxtNatRule) Update ¶
func (nsxtNat *NsxtNatRule) Update(natRuleConfig *types.NsxtNatRule) (*NsxtNatRule, error)
Update allows users to update NSX-T NAT rule
type NsxtTier0Router ¶
type NsxtTier0Router struct { NsxtTier0Router *types.NsxtTier0Router // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork ¶
type OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork struct { OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork // contains filtered or unexported fields }
OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork uses OpenAPI endpoint to operate both - NSX-T and NSX-V Org VDC networks
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) AddMetadataEntry ¶
func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
AddMetadataEntry adds OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork and waits for the task to finish. Note: It doesn't add metadata to networks that belong to a VDC Group. TODO: This function is currently using XML API underneath as OpenAPI metadata is still not supported.
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) DeletNetworkDhcp ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) DeletNetworkDhcp() error
DeletNetworkDhcp allows to perform HTTP DELETE request on DHCP pool configuration for Org network
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) Delete ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) Delete() error
Delete allows to delete Org VDC network
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork metadata depending on key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish. Note: It doesn't delete metadata from networks that belong to a VDC Group. TODO: This function is currently using XML API underneath as OpenAPI metadata is still not supported.
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) GetMetadata ¶
func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
GetMetadata returns OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork metadata. NOTE: This function cannot retrieve metadata if the network belongs to a VDC Group. TODO: This function is currently using XML API underneath as OpenAPI metadata is still not supported.
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) GetMetadataByKey ¶
func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
GetMetadataByKey returns OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork metadata corresponding to the given key and domain. NOTE: This function cannot retrieve metadata if the network belongs to a VDC Group. TODO: This function is currently using XML API underneath as OpenAPI metadata is still not supported.
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp() (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp, error)
GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp allows to retrieve DHCP configuration for specific Org VDC network
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) GetType ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) GetType() string
GetType returns type of Org VDC network
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) IsDirect ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) IsDirect() bool
IsDirect returns true if the network type is direct (NSX-V only)
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) IsImported ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) IsImported() bool
IsImported returns true if the network type is imported (NSX-T only)
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) IsIsolated ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) IsIsolated() bool
IsIsolated returns true if the network type is isolated (NSX-V and NSX-T)
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) IsRouted ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) IsRouted() bool
IsRouted returns true if the network type is isolated (NSX-V and NSX-T)
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) MergeMetadata ¶
func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
MergeMetadata merges OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
func (openApiOrgVdcNetwork *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes. Note: It doesn't merge metadata to networks that belong to a VDC Group. TODO: This function is currently using XML API underneath as OpenAPI metadata is still not supported.
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) Update ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) Update(OrgVdcNetworkConfig *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
Update allows to update Org VDC network
func (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) UpdateDhcp ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) UpdateDhcp(orgVdcNetworkDhcpConfig *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp, error)
UpdateDhcp updates DHCP configuration for specific Org VDC network
type OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp ¶
type OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp struct { OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp // contains filtered or unexported fields }
OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork uses OpenAPI endpoint to operate both - NSX-T and NSX-V Org VDC network DHCP settings
type Org ¶
type Org struct { Org *types.Org TenantContext *TenantContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func GetOrgByName ¶
If user specifies a valid organization name, then this returns a organization object. If no valid org is found, it returns an empty org and no error. Otherwise it returns an error and an empty Org object Deprecated: Use vcdClient.GetOrgByName instead
func (*Org) CreateCatalog ¶
CreateCatalog creates a catalog with given name and description under the given organization. Returns an Catalog that contains a creation task. API Documentation:
func (*Org) CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile ¶
func (org *Org) CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile(name, description string, storageProfiles *types.CatalogStorageProfiles) (*Catalog, error)
CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile is like CreateCatalog but additionally allows to specify storage profiles
func (*Org) CreateNsxtAppPortProfile ¶
func (org *Org) CreateNsxtAppPortProfile(appPortProfileConfig *types.NsxtAppPortProfile) (*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
CreateNsxtAppPortProfile allows users to create NSX-T Application Port Profile definition. It can have 3 types of scopes: * SYSTEM (The ones that are provided by SYSTEM) Read-only * PROVIDER (Created by Provider globally) * TENANT (Create by tenant at Org level) More details about scope in documentation for types.NsxtAppPortProfile
func (*Org) CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork ¶
func (org *Org) CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork(orgVdcNetworkConfig *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork allows to create NSX-T or NSX-V Org VDC network
func (*Org) FindCatalog ¶
Given a valid catalog name, FindCatalog returns a Catalog object. If no catalog is found, then returns an empty catalog and no error. Otherwise it returns an error. Deprecated: use org.GetCatalogByName instead
func (*Org) GetAllNsxtAppPortProfiles ¶
func (org *Org) GetAllNsxtAppPortProfiles(queryParameters url.Values, scope string) ([]*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
GetAllNsxtAppPortProfiles returns all NSX-T Application Port Profiles for specific scope More details about scope in documentation for types.NsxtAppPortProfile
func (*Org) GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways ¶
func (org *Org) GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways allows to retrieve all NSX-T edge gateways for Org users
func (*Org) GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups ¶
func (org *Org) GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups(queryParameters url.Values, firewallGroupType string) ([]*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups allows users to retrieve all Firewall Groups for Org firewallGroupType can be one of the following: * types.FirewallGroupTypeSecurityGroup - for NSX-T Security Groups * types.FirewallGroupTypeIpSet - for NSX-T IP Sets * "" (empty) - search will not be limited and will get both - IP Sets and Security Groups
It is possible to add additional filtering by using queryParameters of type 'url.Values'. One special filter is `_context==` filtering. Value can be one of the following:
* Org Vdc Network ID (_context==networkId) - Returns all the firewall groups which the specified network is a member of.
* Edge Gateway ID (_context==edgeGatewayId) - Returns all the firewall groups which are available to the specific edge gateway. Or use a shorthand NsxtEdgeGateway.GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups() which automatically injects this filter.
* Network Provider ID (_context==networkProviderId) - Returns all the firewall groups which are available under a specific network provider. This context requires system admin privilege. 'networkProviderId' is NSX-T manager ID
func (*Org) GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks ¶
func (org *Org) GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks allows to retrieve all NSX-T or NSX-V Org VDC networks in Org
Note. If pageSize > 32 it will be limited to maximum of 32 in this function because API validation does not allow for higher number
func (*Org) GetAllSecurityTagValues ¶
func (org *Org) GetAllSecurityTagValues(queryParameters url.Values) ([]types.SecurityTagValue, error)
GetAllSecurityTagValues Retrieves the list of security tags that are in the organization and can be reused to tag an entity. The list of tags include tags assigned to entities within the organization. This function works from API v36.0 (VCD 10.3.0+)
func (*Org) GetAllSecurityTaggedEntities ¶
func (org *Org) GetAllSecurityTaggedEntities(queryParameters url.Values) ([]types.SecurityTaggedEntity, error)
GetAllSecurityTaggedEntities Retrieves the list of entities that have at least one tag assigned to it. queryParameters allows users to pass filters: I.e: filter=(tag==Web;entityType==vm) This function works from API v36.0 (VCD 10.3.0+)
func (*Org) GetAllSecurityTaggedEntitiesByName ¶
func (org *Org) GetAllSecurityTaggedEntitiesByName(securityTagName string) ([]types.SecurityTaggedEntity, error)
GetAllSecurityTaggedEntitiesByName wraps GetAllSecurityTaggedEntities and returns ErrorEntityNotFound if nothing was found This function works from API v36.0 (VCD 10.3.0+)
func (*Org) GetAllVdcComputePolicies ¶
func (org *Org) GetAllVdcComputePolicies(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicy, error)
GetAllVdcComputePolicies retrieves all VDC compute policies using OpenAPI endpoint. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering Deprecated: use VCDClient.GetAllVdcComputePoliciesV2
func (*Org) GetAnyTypeEdgeGatewayById ¶
func (org *Org) GetAnyTypeEdgeGatewayById(id string) (*AnyTypeEdgeGateway, error)
GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById allows retrieving NSX-T or NSX-V Edge Gateway by ID for Org users
func (*Org) GetCatalogAccessControl ¶
func (org *Org) GetCatalogAccessControl(catalogIdentifier string, useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
GetCatalogAccessControl is a convenience method to retrieve access control for a catalog from an organization. The input variable catalogIdentifier can be either the catalog name or its ID
func (*Org) GetCatalogByHref ¶
GetCatalogByHref finds a Catalog by HREF On success, returns a pointer to the Catalog structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Org) GetCatalogById ¶
GetCatalogById finds a Catalog by ID On success, returns a pointer to the Catalog structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Org) GetCatalogByName ¶
GetCatalogByName finds a Catalog by Name On success, returns a pointer to the Catalog structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
refresh has no effect here, but is kept to preserve signature
func (*Org) GetCatalogByNameOrId ¶
GetCatalogByNameOrId finds a Catalog by name or ID On success, returns a pointer to the Catalog structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Org) GetMetadata ¶
GetMetadata returns the Org metadata of the corresponding organization seen as administrator
func (*Org) GetMetadataByKey ¶
GetMetadataByKey returns the Org metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*Org) GetNsxtAppPortProfileById ¶
func (org *Org) GetNsxtAppPortProfileById(id string) (*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
GetNsxtAppPortProfileById retrieves NSX-T Application Port Profile by ID
func (*Org) GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName ¶
func (org *Org) GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName(name, scope string) (*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName allows users to retrieve Application Port Profiles for specific scope. More details in documentation for types.NsxtAppPortProfile
Note. Names are enforced to be unique per scope
func (*Org) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById ¶
func (org *Org) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById(id string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById allows retrieving NSX-T edge gateway by ID for Org users
func (*Org) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName ¶
func (org *Org) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName(name string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName allows retrieving NSX-T edge gateway by Name for Org admins
func (*Org) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByNameAndOwnerId ¶
func (org *Org) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByNameAndOwnerId(edgeGatewayName, ownerId string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByNameAndOwnerId looks up NSX-T Edge Gateway by name and its owner ID (owner can be VDC or VDC Group).
func (*Org) GetNsxtFirewallGroupById ¶
func (org *Org) GetNsxtFirewallGroupById(id string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
GetNsxtFirewallGroupById retrieves NSX-T Firewall Group by ID
func (*Org) GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName ¶
func (org *Org) GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName(name, firewallGroupType string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName allows users to retrieve Firewall Group by Name firewallGroupType can be one of the following: * types.FirewallGroupTypeSecurityGroup - for NSX-T Security Groups * types.FirewallGroupTypeIpSet - for NSX-T IP Sets * "" (empty) - search will not be limited and will get both - IP Sets and Security Groups
Note. One might get an error if IP Set and Security Group exist with the same name (two objects of the same type cannot exist) and firewallGroupType is left empty.
func (*Org) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById ¶
func (org *Org) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById(id string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById allows to retrieve both - NSX-T and NSX-V Org VDC networks
func (*Org) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByNameAndOwnerId ¶
func (org *Org) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByNameAndOwnerId(name, ownerId string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByNameAndOwnerId allows to retrieve both - NSX-T and NSX-V Org VDC networks by network name and Owner (VDC or VDC Group) ID
func (*Org) GetTaskList ¶
GetTaskList returns Tasks for Organization and error.
func (*Org) GetVDCByHref ¶
GetVDCByHref finds a VDC by HREF On success, returns a pointer to the VDC structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Org) GetVDCById ¶
GetVDCById finds a VDC by ID On success, returns a pointer to the VDC structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
refresh has no effect and is kept to preserve signature
func (*Org) GetVDCByName ¶
GetVDCByName finds a VDC by Name On success, returns a pointer to the VDC structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
refresh has no effect and is kept to preserve signature
func (*Org) GetVDCByNameOrId ¶
GetVDCByNameOrId finds a VDC by name or ID On success, returns a pointer to the VDC structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
refresh has no effect and is kept to preserve signature
func (*Org) GetVdcByName ¶
GetVdcByName if user specifies valid vdc name then this returns a vdc object. If no vdc is found, then it returns an empty vdc and no error. Otherwise it returns an empty vdc and an error. Deprecated: use org.GetVDCByName instead
func (*Org) GetVdcComputePolicyById ¶
func (org *Org) GetVdcComputePolicyById(id string) (*VdcComputePolicy, error)
GetVdcComputePolicyById retrieves VDC compute policy by given ID Deprecated: use VCDClient.GetVdcComputePolicyV2ById
func (*Org) GetVdcGroupById ¶
GetVdcGroupById Returns VDC group using provided ID
func (*Org) QueryCatalogList ¶
QueryCatalogList returns a list of catalogs for this organization
func (*Org) QueryOrgVdcList ¶
QueryOrgVdcList returns all Org VDCs using query endpoint
Note. Being a 'System' user it will not return any VDC
func (*Org) QueryVmById ¶
QueryVmById retrieves a standalone VM by ID in an Org It can also retrieve a standard VM (created from vApp)
func (*Org) QueryVmList ¶
QueryVmList returns a list of all VMs in a given Org
func (*Org) Refresh ¶
Given an org with a valid HREF, the function refetches the org and updates the user's org data. Otherwise if the function fails, it returns an error. Users should use refresh whenever they have a stale org due to the creation/update/deletion of a resource within the org or the org itself.
func (*Org) SearchByFilter ¶
SearchByFilter runs the search for a specific Org
func (*Org) UpdateSecurityTag ¶
UpdateSecurityTag updates the entities associated with a Security Tag. Only the list of tagged entities can be updated. The name cannot be updated. Any other existing entities not in the list will be untagged. This function works from API v36.0 (VCD 10.3.0+)
type OrgGroup ¶
type OrgGroup struct { Group *types.Group AdminOrg *AdminOrg // needed to be able to update, as the list of roles is found in the Org // contains filtered or unexported fields }
OrgGroup defines group structure
type OrgUser ¶
type OrgUser struct { User *types.User AdminOrg *AdminOrg // needed to be able to update, as the list of roles is found in the Org // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Definition of an OrgUser
func (*OrgUser) ChangePassword ¶
ChangePassword changes user's password Constraints: the password must be non-empty, with a minimum of 6 characters
func (*OrgUser) ChangeRole ¶
ChangeRole changes a user's role Fails is we try to set the same role as the current one. Also fails if the provided role name is not found.
func (*OrgUser) Delete ¶
Delete removes the user, returning an error if the call fails. if requested, it will attempt to take ownership before the removal. API Documentation: Note: in the GUI we need to disable the user before deleting. There is no such constraint with the API.
Expected behaviour: with takeOwnership = true, all entities owned by the user being deleted will be transferred to the caller. with takeOwnership = false, if the user own catalogs, networks, or running VMs/vApps, the call will fail.
If the user owns only powered-off VMs/vApps, the call will succeeds and the VMs/vApps will be removed.
func (*OrgUser) GetRoleName ¶
GetRoleName retrieves the name of the role currently assigned to the user
func (*OrgUser) TakeOwnership ¶
TakeOwnership takes ownership of the user's objects. Ownership is transferred to the caller. This is a call to make before deleting. Calling user.DeleteTakeOwnership() will run TakeOwnership before the actual user removal. API Documentation:
func (*OrgUser) Unlock ¶
Unlock unlocks a user that was locked out by the system. Note that there is no procedure to LOCK a user: it is locked by the system when it exceeds the number of unauthorized access attempts
func (*OrgUser) Update ¶
Update updates the user, using its own configuration data returning an error if the call fails. API Documentation:
func (*OrgUser) UpdateSimple ¶
func (user *OrgUser) UpdateSimple(userData OrgUserConfiguration) error
UpdateSimple updates the user, using ALL the fields in userData structure returning an error if the call fails. Careful: DeployedVmQuota and StoredVmQuota use a `0` value to mean "unlimited"
type OrgUserConfiguration ¶
type OrgUserConfiguration struct { Name string // Mandatory Password string // Mandatory RoleName string // Mandatory ProviderType string // Optional: defaults to "INTEGRATED" IsEnabled bool // Optional: defaults to false IsLocked bool // Only used for updates IsExternal bool // Optional: defaults to false DeployedVmQuota int // Optional: 0 means "unlimited" StoredVmQuota int // Optional: 0 means "unlimited" FullName string // Optional Description string // Optional EmailAddress string // Optional Telephone string // Optional IM string // Optional }
Simplified structure to insert or modify an organization user
type OrgVDCNetwork ¶
type OrgVDCNetwork struct { OrgVDCNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork // contains filtered or unexported fields }
OrgVDCNetwork an org vdc network client
func NewOrgVDCNetwork ¶
func NewOrgVDCNetwork(cli *Client) *OrgVDCNetwork
NewOrgVDCNetwork creates an org vdc network client
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) AddMetadataEntry ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
AddMetadataEntry adds OrgVDCNetwork metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use OrgVDCNetwork.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds OrgVDCNetwork metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and returns the task. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use OrgVDCNetwork.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver OrgVDCNetwork and waits for the task to finish. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync adds metadata to the given OrgVDCNetwork with the given key, value, type and visibility and returns the task. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) Delete ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OrgVDCNetwork) Delete() (Task, error)
Delete a network. Fails if the network is busy. Returns a task to monitor the deletion.
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes OrgVDCNetwork metadata depending on key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use OrgVDCNetwork.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain instead
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes OrgVDCNetwork metadata depending on key provided as input and returns a task. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use OrgVDCNetwork.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync instead
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes OrgVDCNetwork metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync deletes OrgVDCNetwork metadata associated to the input key and returns the task. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) GetMetadata ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
GetMetadata returns OrgVDCNetwork metadata.
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) GetMetadataByKey ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
GetMetadataByKey returns OrgVDCNetwork metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) MergeMetadata ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
MergeMetadata merges OrgVDCNetwork metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use OrgVDCNetwork.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataAsync merges OrgVDCNetwork metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use OrgVDCNetwork.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver OrgVDCNetwork and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync ¶
func (orgVdcNetwork *OrgVDCNetwork) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync merges OrgVDCNetwork metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) Refresh ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OrgVDCNetwork) Refresh() error
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) Rename ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OrgVDCNetwork) Rename(newName string) error
Rename is a wrapper around Update(), where we only change the name of the network Since the purpose is explicitly changing the name, the function will fail if the new name is not different from the existing one
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) Update ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OrgVDCNetwork) Update() error
Update is a wrapper around UpdateAsync, where we explicitly wait for the task to finish. The pointer receiver is refreshed after update
func (*OrgVDCNetwork) UpdateAsync ¶
func (orgVdcNet *OrgVDCNetwork) UpdateAsync() (Task, error)
UpdateAsync will change the contents of a network using the information in the receiver data structure.
type ProviderVdc ¶
type ProviderVdc struct { ProviderVdc *types.ProviderVdc // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ProviderVdc is the basic Provider VDC structure, contains the minimum set of attributes.
func (*ProviderVdc) AddMetadataEntry ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
AddMetadataEntry adds Provider VDC metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use ProviderVdc.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*ProviderVdc) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds Provider VDC metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and returns the task. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use ProviderVdc.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*ProviderVdc) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver ProviderVdc and waits for the task to finish. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*ProviderVdc) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync adds metadata to the given ProviderVdc with the given key, value, type and visibility and returns the task. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*ProviderVdc) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes Provider VDC metadata by key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use ProviderVdc.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain
func (*ProviderVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes Provider VDC metadata depending on key provided as input and returns the task. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use ProviderVdc.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync
func (*ProviderVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes ProviderVdc metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*ProviderVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync deletes ProviderVdc metadata associated to the input key and returns the task. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*ProviderVdc) GetMetadata ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
GetMetadata returns ProviderVdc metadata. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*ProviderVdc) GetMetadataByKey ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
GetMetadataByKey returns ProviderVdc metadata corresponding to the given key and domain. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*ProviderVdc) MergeMetadata ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
MergeMetadata merges Provider VDC metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use ProviderVdc.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*ProviderVdc) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataAsync merges Provider VDC metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use ProviderVdc.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync
func (*ProviderVdc) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver ProviderVdc and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*ProviderVdc) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync merges Provider VDC metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Note: Requires system administrator privileges.
func (*ProviderVdc) Refresh ¶
func (providerVdc *ProviderVdc) Refresh() error
Refresh updates the contents of the Provider VDC associated to the receiver object.
type ProviderVdcExtended ¶
type ProviderVdcExtended struct { VMWProviderVdc *types.VMWProviderVdc // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ProviderVdcExtended is the extended Provider VDC structure, contains same attributes as ProviderVdc plus some more.
func (*ProviderVdcExtended) Refresh ¶
func (providerVdcExtended *ProviderVdcExtended) Refresh() error
Refresh updates the contents of the extended Provider VDC associated to the receiver object.
func (*ProviderVdcExtended) ToProviderVdc ¶
func (providerVdcExtended *ProviderVdcExtended) ToProviderVdc() (*ProviderVdc, error)
ToProviderVdc converts the receiver ProviderVdcExtended into the subset ProviderVdc
type QueryAdminCatalog ¶
type QueryAdminCatalog types.AdminCatalogRecord
func (QueryAdminCatalog) GetDate ¶
func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetDate() string
func (QueryAdminCatalog) GetHref ¶
func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetHref() string
func (QueryAdminCatalog) GetIp ¶
func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetIp() string
func (QueryAdminCatalog) GetMetadataValue ¶
func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
func (QueryAdminCatalog) GetName ¶
func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetName() string
func (QueryAdminCatalog) GetParentId ¶
func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetParentId() string
func (QueryAdminCatalog) GetParentName ¶
func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetParentName() string
func (QueryAdminCatalog) GetType ¶
func (catalog QueryAdminCatalog) GetType() string
type QueryAdminTask ¶
type QueryAdminTask types.QueryResultTaskRecordType
func (QueryAdminTask) GetDate ¶
func (task QueryAdminTask) GetDate() string
func (QueryAdminTask) GetHref ¶
func (task QueryAdminTask) GetHref() string
-------------------------------------------------------------- AdminTask --------------------------------------------------------------
func (QueryAdminTask) GetIp ¶
func (task QueryAdminTask) GetIp() string
func (QueryAdminTask) GetMetadataValue ¶
func (task QueryAdminTask) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
func (QueryAdminTask) GetName ¶
func (task QueryAdminTask) GetName() string
func (QueryAdminTask) GetParentId ¶
func (task QueryAdminTask) GetParentId() string
func (QueryAdminTask) GetParentName ¶
func (task QueryAdminTask) GetParentName() string
func (QueryAdminTask) GetType ¶
func (task QueryAdminTask) GetType() string
type QueryCatalog ¶
type QueryCatalog types.CatalogRecord
func (QueryCatalog) GetDate ¶
func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetDate() string
func (QueryCatalog) GetHref ¶
func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetHref() string
-------------------------------------------------------------- catalog --------------------------------------------------------------
func (QueryCatalog) GetIp ¶
func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetIp() string
func (QueryCatalog) GetMetadataValue ¶
func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
func (QueryCatalog) GetName ¶
func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetName() string
func (QueryCatalog) GetParentId ¶
func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetParentId() string
func (QueryCatalog) GetParentName ¶
func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetParentName() string
func (QueryCatalog) GetType ¶
func (catalog QueryCatalog) GetType() string
type QueryCatalogItem ¶
type QueryCatalogItem types.QueryResultCatalogItemType
func (QueryCatalogItem) GetDate ¶
func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetDate() string
func (QueryCatalogItem) GetHref ¶
func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetHref() string
-------------------------------------------------------------- catalog item --------------------------------------------------------------
func (QueryCatalogItem) GetIp ¶
func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetIp() string
func (QueryCatalogItem) GetMetadataValue ¶
func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
func (QueryCatalogItem) GetName ¶
func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetName() string
func (QueryCatalogItem) GetParentId ¶
func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetParentId() string
func (QueryCatalogItem) GetParentName ¶
func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetParentName() string
func (QueryCatalogItem) GetType ¶
func (catItem QueryCatalogItem) GetType() string
type QueryEdgeGateway ¶
type QueryEdgeGateway types.QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordType
func (QueryEdgeGateway) GetDate ¶
func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetDate() string
func (QueryEdgeGateway) GetHref ¶
func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetHref() string
-------------------------------------------------------------- edge gateway --------------------------------------------------------------
func (QueryEdgeGateway) GetIp ¶
func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetIp() string
func (QueryEdgeGateway) GetMetadataValue ¶
func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
func (QueryEdgeGateway) GetName ¶
func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetName() string
func (QueryEdgeGateway) GetParentId ¶
func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetParentId() string
func (QueryEdgeGateway) GetParentName ¶
func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetParentName() string
func (QueryEdgeGateway) GetType ¶
func (egw QueryEdgeGateway) GetType() string
type QueryItem ¶
type QueryItem interface { GetDate() string GetName() string GetType() string GetIp() string GetMetadataValue(key string) string GetParentName() string GetParentId() string GetHref() string }
QueryItem is an entity that is used to evaluate a Condition
type QueryMedia ¶
type QueryMedia types.MediaRecordType
func (QueryMedia) GetDate ¶
func (media QueryMedia) GetDate() string
func (QueryMedia) GetHref ¶
func (media QueryMedia) GetHref() string
-------------------------------------------------------------- media item --------------------------------------------------------------
func (QueryMedia) GetIp ¶
func (media QueryMedia) GetIp() string
func (QueryMedia) GetMetadataValue ¶
func (media QueryMedia) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
func (QueryMedia) GetName ¶
func (media QueryMedia) GetName() string
func (QueryMedia) GetParentId ¶
func (media QueryMedia) GetParentId() string
func (QueryMedia) GetParentName ¶
func (media QueryMedia) GetParentName() string
func (QueryMedia) GetType ¶
func (media QueryMedia) GetType() string
type QueryOrgVdc ¶
type QueryOrgVdc types.QueryResultOrgVdcRecordType
func (QueryOrgVdc) GetDate ¶
func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetDate() string
func (QueryOrgVdc) GetHref ¶
func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetHref() string
-------------------------------------------------------------- Org VDC --------------------------------------------------------------
func (QueryOrgVdc) GetIp ¶
func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetIp() string
func (QueryOrgVdc) GetMetadataValue ¶
func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
func (QueryOrgVdc) GetName ¶
func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetName() string
func (QueryOrgVdc) GetParentId ¶
func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetParentId() string
func (QueryOrgVdc) GetParentName ¶
func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetParentName() string
func (QueryOrgVdc) GetType ¶
func (orgVdc QueryOrgVdc) GetType() string
type QueryOrgVdcNetwork ¶
type QueryOrgVdcNetwork types.QueryResultOrgVdcNetworkRecordType
func (QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetDate ¶
func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetDate() string
func (QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetHref ¶
func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetHref() string
-------------------------------------------------------------- Org VDC network --------------------------------------------------------------
func (QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetIp ¶
func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetIp() string
func (QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetMetadataValue ¶
func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
func (QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetName ¶
func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetName() string
func (QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetParentId ¶
func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetParentId() string
func (QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetParentName ¶
func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetParentName() string
func (QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetType ¶
func (network QueryOrgVdcNetwork) GetType() string
type QueryTask ¶
type QueryTask types.QueryResultTaskRecordType
func (QueryTask) GetHref ¶
-------------------------------------------------------------- Task --------------------------------------------------------------
func (QueryTask) GetMetadataValue ¶
func (QueryTask) GetParentId ¶
func (QueryTask) GetParentName ¶
type QueryVAppTemplate ¶
type QueryVAppTemplate types.QueryResultVappTemplateType
All the Query* types are localizations of Query records that can be returned from a query. Each one of these implements the QueryItem interface
func (QueryVAppTemplate) GetDate ¶
func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetDate() string
func (QueryVAppTemplate) GetHref ¶
func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetHref() string
-------------------------------------------------------------- vApp template --------------------------------------------------------------
func (QueryVAppTemplate) GetIp ¶
func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetIp() string
func (QueryVAppTemplate) GetMetadataValue ¶
func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetMetadataValue(key string) string
func (QueryVAppTemplate) GetName ¶
func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetName() string
func (QueryVAppTemplate) GetParentId ¶
func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetParentId() string
func (QueryVAppTemplate) GetParentName ¶
func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetParentName() string
func (QueryVAppTemplate) GetType ¶
func (vappTemplate QueryVAppTemplate) GetType() string
type QueryVapp ¶
type QueryVapp types.QueryResultVAppRecordType
func (QueryVapp) GetHref ¶
-------------------------------------------------------------- vApp --------------------------------------------------------------
func (QueryVapp) GetMetadataValue ¶
func (QueryVapp) GetParentId ¶
func (QueryVapp) GetParentName ¶
type QueryVm ¶
type QueryVm types.QueryResultVMRecordType
func (QueryVm) GetHref ¶
-------------------------------------------------------------- VM --------------------------------------------------------------
func (QueryVm) GetMetadataValue ¶
func (QueryVm) GetParentId ¶
func (QueryVm) GetParentName ¶
type Results ¶
type Results struct { Results *types.QueryResultRecordsType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewResults ¶
type RightsBundle ¶
type RightsBundle struct { RightsBundle *types.RightsBundle // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RightsBundle) AddRights ¶
func (rb *RightsBundle) AddRights(newRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
AddRights adds a collection of rights to a rights bundle
func (*RightsBundle) GetRights ¶
func (rb *RightsBundle) GetRights(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*types.Right, error)
func (*RightsBundle) GetTenants ¶
func (rb *RightsBundle) GetTenants(queryParameters url.Values) ([]types.OpenApiReference, error)
GetTenants retrieves all tenants associated to a given Rights Bundle. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*RightsBundle) PublishAllTenants ¶
func (rb *RightsBundle) PublishAllTenants() error
PublishAllTenants removes publication status in rights bundle from one or more tenants
func (*RightsBundle) PublishTenants ¶
func (rb *RightsBundle) PublishTenants(tenants []types.OpenApiReference) error
PublishTenants publishes a rights bundle to one or more tenants
func (*RightsBundle) RemoveAllRights ¶
func (rb *RightsBundle) RemoveAllRights() error
RemoveAllRights removes all rights from a rights bundle
func (*RightsBundle) RemoveRights ¶
func (rb *RightsBundle) RemoveRights(removeRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
RemoveRights removes specific rights from a rights bundle
func (*RightsBundle) ReplacePublishedTenants ¶
func (rb *RightsBundle) ReplacePublishedTenants(tenants []types.OpenApiReference) error
ReplacePublishedTenants publishes a rights bundle to one or more tenants, removing the tenants already present
func (*RightsBundle) UnpublishAllTenants ¶
func (rb *RightsBundle) UnpublishAllTenants() error
UnpublishAllTenants removes publication status in rights bundle from one or more tenants
func (*RightsBundle) UnpublishTenants ¶
func (rb *RightsBundle) UnpublishTenants(tenants []types.OpenApiReference) error
UnpublishTenants removes publication status in rights bundle from one or more tenants
func (*RightsBundle) Update ¶
func (rb *RightsBundle) Update() (*RightsBundle, error)
Update updates existing rights bundle
func (*RightsBundle) UpdateRights ¶
func (rb *RightsBundle) UpdateRights(newRights []types.OpenApiReference) error
UpdateRights replaces existing rights with the given collection of rights
type Role ¶
type Role struct { Role *types.Role TenantContext *TenantContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Role uses OpenAPI endpoint to operate user roles
func (*Role) GetRights ¶
GetRights retrieves all rights belonging to a given Role. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*Role) RemoveAllRights ¶
RemoveAllRights removes all rights from a role
func (*Role) RemoveRights ¶
RemoveRights removes specific rights from a role
func (*Role) UpdateRights ¶
UpdateRights replaces existing rights with the given collection of rights
type SimpleNetworkIdentifier ¶
Simplified structure used to list networks connected to an edge gateway
type SupportedVersions ¶
type SupportedVersions struct {
VersionInfos `xml:"VersionInfo"`
type Task ¶
type Task struct { Task *types.Task // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateAndConfigureEdgeGatewayAsync ¶
func CreateAndConfigureEdgeGatewayAsync(vcdClient *VCDClient, orgName, vdcName, egwName string, egwConfiguration *types.EdgeGateway) (Task, error)
CreateAndConfigureEdgeGatewayAsync creates an edge gateway using a full configuration structure
func CreateEdgeGatewayAsync ¶
func CreateEdgeGatewayAsync(vcdClient *VCDClient, egwc EdgeGatewayCreation) (Task, error)
CreateEdgeGatewayAsync creates an edge gateway using a simplified configuration structure
Note. This function does not allow to pick exact subnet in external network to use for edge gateway. It will pick first one instead.
func CreateExternalNetwork ¶
func CreateExternalNetwork(vcdClient *VCDClient, externalNetworkData *types.ExternalNetwork) (Task, error)
CreateExternalNetwork allows create external network and returns Task or error. types.ExternalNetwork struct is general and used for various types of networks. But for external network fence mode is always isolated, isInherited is false, parentNetwork is empty.
func CreateOrg ¶
func CreateOrg(vcdClient *VCDClient, name string, fullName string, description string, settings *types.OrgSettings, isEnabled bool) (Task, error)
Creates an Admin Organization based on settings, description, and org name. The Organization created will have these settings specified in the settings parameter. The settings variable is defined in types.go. Method will fail unless user has an admin token. API Documentation: Organization creation in vCD has two bugs BZ 2177355, BZ 2228936 (fixes are in and which require organization settings to be provided as workarounds. At least one element among DelayAfterPowerOnSeconds, DeployedVMQuota, StoredVmQuota, UseServerBootSequence, getVdcQuota should be set when providing generalOrgSettings. If either VAppLeaseSettings or VAppTemplateLeaseSettings is provided then all elements need to have values, otherwise don't provide them at all. Overall elements must be in the correct order.
func WaitTaskListCompletion ¶
WaitTaskListCompletion continuously skims the task list until no tasks in progress are left
func WaitTaskListCompletionMonitor ¶
func WaitTaskListCompletionMonitor(taskList []*Task, f TaskMonitoringFunc) ([]*Task, error)
WaitTaskListCompletionMonitor continuously skims the task list until no tasks in progress are left Using a TaskMonitoringFunc, it can display or log information as the list reduction happens
func (*Task) CancelTask ¶
CancelTask attempts a task cancellation, returning an error if cancellation fails
func (*Task) GetTaskProgress ¶
GetTaskProgress retrieves the task progress as a string
func (*Task) WaitInspectTaskCompletion ¶
func (task *Task) WaitInspectTaskCompletion(inspectionFunc InspectionFunc, delay time.Duration) error
WaitInspectTaskCompletion is a customizable version of WaitTaskCompletion. Users can define the sleeping duration and an optional callback function for extra monitoring.
func (*Task) WaitTaskCompletion ¶
WaitTaskCompletion checks the status of the task every 3 seconds and returns when the task is either completed or failed
type TaskMonitoringFunc ¶
type TaskMonitoringFunc func(*types.Task)
TaskMonitoringFunc can run monitoring operations on a task
type TenantContext ¶
type TenantContext struct { OrgId string // The bare ID (without prefix) of an organization OrgName string // The organization name }
TenantContext stores the information needed for an object to be used in the context of a given organization
type UploadTask ¶
type UploadTask struct { *Task // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewUploadTask ¶
func NewUploadTask(task *Task, uploadProgress *mutexedProgress, uploadError *error) *UploadTask
Creates wrapped Task which is dedicated for upload functionality and provides additional functionality to monitor upload progress.
func (*UploadTask) GetUploadError ¶
func (uploadTask *UploadTask) GetUploadError() error
func (*UploadTask) GetUploadProgress ¶
func (uploadTask *UploadTask) GetUploadProgress() string
func (*UploadTask) ShowUploadProgress ¶
func (uploadTask *UploadTask) ShowUploadProgress() error
type VApp ¶
type VApp struct { VApp *types.VApp // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*VApp) AddEmptyVm ¶
AddEmptyVm adds an empty VM (without template) to vApp and returns the new created VM or an error.
func (*VApp) AddEmptyVmAsync ¶
func (vapp *VApp) AddEmptyVmAsync(reComposeVAppParams *types.RecomposeVAppParamsForEmptyVm) (Task, error)
AddEmptyVmAsync adds an empty VM (without template) to the vApp and returns a Task and an error.
func (*VApp) AddIsolatedNetwork ¶
func (vapp *VApp) AddIsolatedNetwork(newIsolatedNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings) (Task, error)
Function allows to create isolated network for vApp. This is equivalent to vCD UI function - vApp network creation. Deprecated: in favor of vapp.CreateVappNetwork
func (*VApp) AddMetadataEntry ¶
AddMetadataEntry adds VApp metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use VApp.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*VApp) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds VApp metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use VApp.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*VApp) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (vapp *VApp) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver VApp and waits for the task to finish.
func (*VApp) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync ¶
func (vapp *VApp) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync adds metadata to the given VApp with the given key, value, type and visibility and returns the task.
func (*VApp) AddNewVM ¶
func (vapp *VApp) AddNewVM(name string, vappTemplate VAppTemplate, network *types.NetworkConnectionSection, acceptAllEulas bool) (Task, error)
AddNewVM adds VM from vApp template with custom NetworkConnectionSection
func (*VApp) AddNewVMWithComputePolicy ¶
func (vapp *VApp) AddNewVMWithComputePolicy(name string, vappTemplate VAppTemplate, network *types.NetworkConnectionSection, storageProfileRef *types.Reference, computePolicy *types.VdcComputePolicy, acceptAllEulas bool) (Task, error)
AddNewVMWithComputePolicy adds VM from vApp template with custom NetworkConnectionSection and optional storage profile and compute policy
func (*VApp) AddNewVMWithStorageProfile ¶
func (vapp *VApp) AddNewVMWithStorageProfile(name string, vappTemplate VAppTemplate, network *types.NetworkConnectionSection, storageProfileRef *types.Reference, acceptAllEulas bool) (Task, error)
AddNewVMWithStorageProfile adds VM from vApp template with custom NetworkConnectionSection and optional storage profile
func (*VApp) AddOrgNetwork ¶
func (vapp *VApp) AddOrgNetwork(newNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings, orgNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork, isFenced bool) (*types.NetworkConfigSection, error)
AddOrgNetwork adds Org VDC network as vApp network. Returns pointer to types.NetworkConfigSection or error
func (*VApp) AddOrgNetworkAsync ¶
func (vapp *VApp) AddOrgNetworkAsync(newNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings, orgNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork, isFenced bool) (Task, error)
AddOrgNetworkAsync adds asynchronously Org VDC network as vApp network. Returns Task or error
func (*VApp) AddRAWNetworkConfig ¶
AddRAWNetworkConfig adds existing VDC network to vApp Deprecated: in favor of vapp.AddOrgNetwork
func (*VApp) AddRawVM ¶
AddRawVM accepts raw types.ReComposeVAppParams which contains all information for VM creation
func (*VApp) AddVM
func (vapp *VApp) AddVM(orgVdcNetworks []*types.OrgVDCNetwork, vappNetworkName string, vappTemplate VAppTemplate, name string, acceptAllEulas bool) (Task, error)
AddVM create vm in vApp using vApp template orgVdcNetworks - adds org VDC networks to be available for vApp. Can be empty. vappNetworkName - adds vApp network to be available for vApp. Can be empty. vappTemplate - vApp Template which will be used for VM creation. name - name for VM. acceptAllEulas - setting allows to automatically accept or not Eulas.
Deprecated: Use vapp.AddNewVM instead for more sophisticated network handling
func (*VApp) BlockWhileStatus ¶
BlockWhileStatus blocks until the status of vApp exits unwantedStatus. It sleeps 200 milliseconds between iterations and times out after timeOutAfterSeconds of seconds.
func (*VApp) ChangeCPUCount ¶
Sets number of available virtual logical processors (i.e. CPUs x cores per socket) Deprecated: Use vm.ChangeCPUcount()
func (*VApp) ChangeCPUCountWithCore ¶
Sets number of available virtual logical processors (i.e. CPUs x cores per socket) and cores per socket. Socket count is a result of: virtual logical processors/cores per socket Deprecated: Use vm.ChangeCPUCountWithCore()
func (*VApp) ChangeMemorySize ¶
Deprecated as it changes only first VM's memory
func (*VApp) ChangeNetworkConfig ¶
func (*VApp) ChangeStorageProfile ¶
func (*VApp) ChangeVMName ¶
Deprecated as it changes only first VM's name
func (*VApp) CreateVappNetwork ¶
func (vapp *VApp) CreateVappNetwork(newNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings, orgNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork) (*types.NetworkConfigSection, error)
CreateVappNetwork creates isolated or nat routed(connected to Org VDC network) network for vApp. Returns pointer to types.NetworkConfigSection or error If orgNetwork is nil, then isolated network created.
func (*VApp) CreateVappNetworkAsync ¶
func (vapp *VApp) CreateVappNetworkAsync(newNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings, orgNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork) (Task, error)
CreateVappNetworkAsync creates asynchronously isolated or nat routed network for vApp. Returns Task or error If orgNetwork is nil, then isolated network created.
func (*VApp) DeleteMetadata
func (*VApp) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes VApp metadata by key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use VApp.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain instead
func (*VApp) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes VApp metadata depending on key provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use VApp.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync instead
func (*VApp) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes VApp metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish.
func (*VApp) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync deletes VApp metadata associated to the input key and returns the task.
func (VApp) GetAccessControl ¶
GetAccessControl retrieves the access control information for this vApp
func (*VApp) GetMetadata ¶
GetMetadata returns VApp metadata.
func (*VApp) GetMetadataByKey ¶
GetMetadataByKey returns VApp metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*VApp) GetNetworkConfig ¶
func (*VApp) GetNetworkConnectionSection ¶
func (*VApp) GetProductSectionList ¶
GetProductSectionList retrieves product section for a vApp. It allows to read vApp guest properties.
The slice of properties "ProductSectionList.ProductSection.Property" is not necessarily ordered or returned as set before
func (*VApp) GetVMById ¶
GetVMById returns a VM reference if the VM ID matches an existing one. If no valid VM is found, it returns a nil VM reference and an error
func (*VApp) GetVMByName ¶
GetVMByName returns a VM reference if the VM name matches an existing one. If no valid VM is found, it returns a nil VM reference and an error
func (*VApp) GetVMByNameOrId ¶
GetVMByNameOrId returns a VM reference if either the VM name or ID matches an existing one. If no valid VM is found, it returns a nil VM reference and an error
func (*VApp) GetVappNetworkById ¶
GetVappNetworkById returns a VApp network reference if the vApp network ID matches an existing one. If no valid VApp network is found, it returns a nil VApp network reference and an error
func (*VApp) GetVappNetworkByName ¶
func (vapp *VApp) GetVappNetworkByName(vappNetworkName string, refresh bool) (*types.VAppNetwork, error)
GetVappNetworkByName returns a VAppNetwork reference if the vApp network name matches an existing one. If no valid vApp network is found, it returns a nil VAppNetwork reference and an error
func (*VApp) GetVappNetworkByNameOrId ¶
func (vapp *VApp) GetVappNetworkByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*types.VAppNetwork, error)
GetVappNetworkByNameOrId returns a types.VAppNetwork reference if either the vApp network name or ID matches an existing one. If no valid vApp network is found, it returns a nil types.VAppNetwork reference and an error
func (VApp) IsShared ¶
IsShared shows whether a vApp is shared or not, regardless of the number of subjects sharing it
func (*VApp) MergeMetadata ¶
MergeMetadata merges VApp metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use VApp.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*VApp) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
func (vapp *VApp) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataAsync merges VApp metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use VApp.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync
func (*VApp) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver VApp and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes.
func (*VApp) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync ¶
func (vapp *VApp) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync merges VApp metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete.
func (VApp) RemoveAccessControl ¶
RemoveAccessControl is a shortcut to SetAccessControl with all access disabled
func (*VApp) RemoveAllNetworkFirewallRules ¶
RemoveAllNetworkFirewallRules removes all network firewall rules from a vApp network. Returns error
func (*VApp) RemoveAllNetworkNatRules ¶
RemoveAllNetworkNatRules removes all NAT rules from a vApp network Returns error
func (*VApp) RemoveAllNetworkStaticRoutes ¶
RemoveAllNetworkStaticRoutes removes all static routes from a vApp network Returns error
func (*VApp) RemoveAllNetworks ¶
RemoveAllNetworks detaches all networks from vApp
func (*VApp) RemoveIsolatedNetwork ¶
Removes vApp isolated network Deprecated: in favor vapp.RemoveNetwork
func (*VApp) RemoveNetwork ¶
RemoveNetwork removes any network (be it isolated or connected to an Org Network) from vApp Returns pointer to types.NetworkConfigSection or error
func (*VApp) RemoveNetworkAsync ¶
RemoveNetworkAsync asynchronously removes any network (be it isolated or connected to an Org Network) from vApp Accepts network ID or name
func (*VApp) RemoveVM ¶
========================= issue#252 ================================== TODO: To be refactored, handling networks better. See issue#252 for details ======================================================================
func (*VApp) RenewLease ¶
RenewLease updates the lease terms for the vApp
func (*VApp) RunCustomizationScript ¶
func (VApp) SetAccessControl ¶
func (vapp VApp) SetAccessControl(accessControl *types.ControlAccessParams, useTenantContext bool) error
SetAccessControl changes the access control information for this vApp
func (*VApp) SetProductSectionList ¶
func (vapp *VApp) SetProductSectionList(productSection *types.ProductSectionList) (*types.ProductSectionList, error)
SetProductSectionList sets product section for a vApp. It allows to change vApp guest properties.
The slice of properties "ProductSectionList.ProductSection.Property" is not necessarily ordered or returned as set before
func (*VApp) UpdateDescription ¶
UpdateDescription changes the description of a vApp
func (*VApp) UpdateNameDescription ¶
UpdateNameDescription can change the name and the description of a vApp If name is empty, it is left unchanged.
func (*VApp) UpdateNetwork ¶
func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetwork(newNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings, orgNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork) (*types.NetworkConfigSection, error)
UpdateNetwork updates vApp networks (isolated or connected to Org VDC network) Returns pointer to types.NetworkConfigSection or error
func (*VApp) UpdateNetworkAsync ¶
func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkAsync(networkSettingsToUpdate *VappNetworkSettings, orgNetwork *types.OrgVDCNetwork) (Task, error)
UpdateNetworkAsync asynchronously updates vApp networks (isolated or connected to Org VDC network). Returns task or error
func (*VApp) UpdateNetworkFirewallRules ¶
func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkFirewallRules(networkId string, firewallRules []*types.FirewallRule, enabled bool, defaultAction string, logDefaultAction bool) (*types.VAppNetwork, error)
UpdateNetworkFirewallRules updates vApp networks firewall rules. It will overwrite existing ones as there is no 100% way to identify them separately. Returns pointer to types.VAppNetwork or error
func (*VApp) UpdateNetworkFirewallRulesAsync ¶
func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkFirewallRulesAsync(networkId string, firewallRules []*types.FirewallRule, enabled bool, defaultAction string, logDefaultAction bool) (Task, error)
UpdateNetworkFirewallRulesAsync asynchronously updates vApp networks firewall rules. It will overwrite existing ones as there is no 100% way to identify them separately. Returns task or error
func (*VApp) UpdateNetworkNatRules ¶
func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkNatRules(networkId string, natRules []*types.NatRule, enabled bool, natType, policy string) (*types.VAppNetwork, error)
UpdateNetworkNatRules updates vApp networks NAT rules. Returns pointer to types.VAppNetwork or error
func (*VApp) UpdateNetworkNatRulesAsync ¶
func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkNatRulesAsync(networkId string, natRules []*types.NatRule, enabled bool, natType, policy string) (Task, error)
UpdateNetworkNatRulesAsync asynchronously updates vApp NAT rules. Returns task or error
func (*VApp) UpdateNetworkStaticRouting ¶
func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkStaticRouting(networkId string, staticRoutes []*types.StaticRoute, enabled bool) (*types.VAppNetwork, error)
UpdateNetworkStaticRouting updates vApp network static routes. Returns pointer to types.VAppNetwork or error
func (*VApp) UpdateNetworkStaticRoutingAsync ¶
func (vapp *VApp) UpdateNetworkStaticRoutingAsync(networkId string, staticRoutes []*types.StaticRoute, enabled bool) (Task, error)
UpdateNetworkStaticRoutingAsync asynchronously updates vApp network static routes. Returns task or error
func (*VApp) UpdateOrgNetwork ¶
func (vapp *VApp) UpdateOrgNetwork(newNetworkSettings *VappNetworkSettings, isFenced bool) (*types.NetworkConfigSection, error)
UpdateOrgNetwork updates Org VDC network which is part of a vApp Returns pointer to types.NetworkConfigSection or error
func (*VApp) UpdateOrgNetworkAsync ¶
func (vapp *VApp) UpdateOrgNetworkAsync(networkSettingsToUpdate *VappNetworkSettings, isFenced bool) (Task, error)
UpdateOrgNetworkAsync asynchronously updates Org VDC network which is part of a vApp Returns task or error
type VAppTemplate ¶
type VAppTemplate struct { VAppTemplate *types.VAppTemplate // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewVAppTemplate ¶
func NewVAppTemplate(cli *Client) *VAppTemplate
func (*VAppTemplate) AddMetadata
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) AddMetadata(key string, value string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
Deprecated: use VAppTemplate.AddMetadataEntry.
func (*VAppTemplate) AddMetadataAsync
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) AddMetadataAsync(key string, value string) (Task, error)
Deprecated: use VAppTemplate.AddMetadataEntryAsync.
func (*VAppTemplate) AddMetadataEntry ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) AddMetadataEntry(typedValue, key, value string) error
AddMetadataEntry adds VAppTemplate metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use VAppTemplate.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*VAppTemplate) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) AddMetadataEntryAsync(typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds VAppTemplate metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use VAppTemplate.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*VAppTemplate) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver VAppTemplate and waits for the task to finish.
func (*VAppTemplate) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync adds metadata to the given VAppTemplate with the given key, value, type and visibility and returns the task.
func (*VAppTemplate) Delete ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) Delete() error
Delete deletes the VAppTemplate and waits for the deletion to finish, returning an error if something wrong happened.
func (*VAppTemplate) DeleteAsync ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteAsync() (Task, error)
DeleteAsync deletes the VAppTemplate, returning the Task that monitors the deletion process, or an error if something wrong happened.
func (*VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadata
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadata(key string) error
Deprecated: use VAppTemplate.DeleteMetadataEntry.
func (*VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataAsync
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataAsync(key string) (Task, error)
Deprecated: use VAppTemplate.DeleteMetadataEntryAsync.
func (*VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataEntry(key string) error
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes VAppTemplate metadata depending on key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use VAppTemplate.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain instead
func (*VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync(key string) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes VAppTemplate metadata depending on key provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use VAppTemplate.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync instead
func (*VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain(key string, isSystem bool) error
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes VAppTemplate metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish.
func (*VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync(key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync deletes VAppTemplate metadata associated to the input key and returns the task.
func (*VAppTemplate) GetCatalogName ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) GetCatalogName() (string, error)
GetCatalogName gets the catalog name to which the receiver vApp Template belongs
func (*VAppTemplate) GetMetadata ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) GetMetadata() (*types.Metadata, error)
GetMetadata returns VAppTemplate metadata.
func (*VAppTemplate) GetMetadataByKey ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) GetMetadataByKey(key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
GetMetadataByKey returns VAppTemplate metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*VAppTemplate) GetVappTemplateRecord ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) GetVappTemplateRecord() (*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
GetVappTemplateRecord gets the corresponding vApp template record
func (*VAppTemplate) GetVdcName ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) GetVdcName() (string, error)
GetVdcName gets the VDC name to which the receiver vApp Template belongs
func (*VAppTemplate) MergeMetadata ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) MergeMetadata(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
MergeMetadata merges VAppTemplate metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use VAppTemplate.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*VAppTemplate) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataAsync merges VAppTemplate metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use VAppTemplate.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync
func (*VAppTemplate) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) error
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver VAppTemplate and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes.
func (*VAppTemplate) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync merges VAppTemplate metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete.
func (*VAppTemplate) Refresh ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) Refresh() error
Refresh refreshes the vApp template item information by href
func (*VAppTemplate) Update ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) Update() (*VAppTemplate, error)
Update updates the vApp template item information. VCD also updates the associated Catalog Item, in order to be in sync with the receiver vApp Template entity. For example, updating a vApp Template name "A" to "B" will make VCD to also update the Catalog Item to be renamed to "B". Returns vApp template and error.
func (*VAppTemplate) UpdateAsync ¶
func (vAppTemplate *VAppTemplate) UpdateAsync() (Task, error)
UpdateAsync updates the vApp template item information Returns Task and error.
type VCDClient ¶
type VCDClient struct { Client Client // Client for the underlying VCD instance QueryHREF url.URL // HREF for the query API // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewVCDClient ¶
func NewVCDClient(vcdEndpoint url.URL, insecure bool, options ...VCDClientOption) *VCDClient
NewVCDClient initializes VMware VMware Cloud Director client with reasonable defaults. It accepts functions of type VCDClientOption for adjusting defaults.
func (*VCDClient) AddMetadataEntryByHref ¶
AddMetadataEntryByHref adds metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input to the given resource reference, then waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use VCDClient.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHref instead
func (*VCDClient) AddMetadataEntryByHrefAsync ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) AddMetadataEntryByHrefAsync(href, typedValue, key, value string) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryByHrefAsync adds metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input to the given resource reference and returns the task. Deprecated: Use VCDClient.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHrefAsync instead.
func (*VCDClient) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHref ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHref(href, key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHref adds metadata to the given resource reference with the given key, value, type and visibility and waits for completion.
func (*VCDClient) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHrefAsync ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHrefAsync(href, key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHrefAsync adds metadata to the given resource reference with the given key, value, type and visibility and returns the task.
func (*VCDClient) Authenticate ¶
Authenticate is a helper function that performs a login in VMware Cloud Director.
func (*VCDClient) CreateAlbCloud ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateAlbCloud(albCloudConfig *types.NsxtAlbCloud) (*NsxtAlbCloud, error)
CreateAlbCloud creates NSX-T ALB Cloud
func (*VCDClient) CreateAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment(assignmentConfig *types.NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment, error)
func (*VCDClient) CreateDefinedInterface ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateDefinedInterface(definedInterface *types.DefinedInterface) (*DefinedInterface, error)
CreateDefinedInterface creates a Defined Interface. Only System administrator can create Defined Interfaces.
func (*VCDClient) CreateLogicalVmGroup ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateLogicalVmGroup(logicalVmGroup types.LogicalVmGroup) (*LogicalVmGroup, error)
CreateLogicalVmGroup creates a new Logical VM Group in VCD
func (*VCDClient) CreateNsxtAlbController ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateNsxtAlbController(albControllerConfig *types.NsxtAlbController) (*NsxtAlbController, error)
CreateNsxtAlbController creates controller with supplied albControllerConfig configuration
func (*VCDClient) CreateNsxtAlbPool ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateNsxtAlbPool(albPoolConfig *types.NsxtAlbPool) (*NsxtAlbPool, error)
CreateNsxtAlbPool creates NSX-T ALB Pool based on supplied configuration
func (*VCDClient) CreateNsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateNsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup(albServiceEngineGroup *types.NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup, error)
func (*VCDClient) CreateNsxtAlbVirtualService ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) CreateNsxtAlbVirtualService(albVirtualServiceConfig *types.NsxtAlbVirtualService) (*NsxtAlbVirtualService, error)
CreateNsxtAlbVirtualService creates NSX-T ALB Virtual Service based on supplied configuration
func (*VCDClient) CreateVdcComputePolicyV2 ¶
func (client *VCDClient) CreateVdcComputePolicyV2(newVdcComputePolicy *types.VdcComputePolicyV2) (*VdcComputePolicyV2, error)
CreateVdcComputePolicyV2 creates a new VDC Compute Policy (V2) using OpenAPI endpoint
func (*VCDClient) DeleteMetadataEntryByHref ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryByHref deletes metadata from the given resource reference, depending on key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use VCDClient.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainByHref
func (*VCDClient) DeleteMetadataEntryByHrefAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryByHrefAsync deletes metadata from the given resource reference, depending on key provided as input and returns a task. Deprecated: Use VCDClient.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainByHrefAsync
func (*VCDClient) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainByHref ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainByHref(href, key string, isSystem bool) error
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainByHref deletes metadata from the given resource reference, depending on key provided as input and waits for the task to finish.
func (*VCDClient) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainByHrefAsync ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainByHrefAsync(href, key string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainByHrefAsync deletes metadata from the given resource reference, depending on key provided as input and returns a task.
func (*VCDClient) Disconnect ¶
Disconnect performs a disconnection from the VMware Cloud Director API endpoint.
func (*VCDClient) GetAdminOrgById ¶
GetAdminOrgById finds an Admin Organization by ID On success, returns a pointer to the Admin Org structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetAdminOrgByName ¶
GetAdminOrgByName finds an Admin Organization by name On success, returns a pointer to the Admin Org structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetAdminOrgByNameOrId ¶
GetAdminOrgByNameOrId finds an Admin Organization by name or ID On success, returns a pointer to the Admin Org structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbCloudById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbCloudById(id string) (*NsxtAlbCloud, error)
GetAlbCloudById returns NSX-T ALB Cloud by ID
Note. This function uses server side filtering instead of directly querying endpoint with specified ID because such endpoint does not exist
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbCloudByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbCloudByName(name string) (*NsxtAlbCloud, error)
GetAlbCloudByName returns NSX-T ALB Cloud by name
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbControllerById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbControllerById(id string) (*NsxtAlbController, error)
GetAlbControllerById returns NSX-T ALB Controller by ID
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbControllerByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbControllerByName(name string) (*NsxtAlbController, error)
GetAlbControllerByName returns NSX-T ALB Controller by Name
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbControllerByUrl ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbControllerByUrl(url string) (*NsxtAlbController, error)
GetAlbControllerByUrl returns configured ALB Controller by URL
Note. Filtering is performed on client side.
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbImportableCloudById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbImportableCloudById(parentAlbControllerUrn, id string) (*NsxtAlbImportableCloud, error)
GetAlbImportableCloudById returns importable NSX-T ALB Clouds. Note. ID filtering is performed on client side
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbImportableCloudByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbImportableCloudByName(parentAlbControllerUrn, name string) (*NsxtAlbImportableCloud, error)
GetAlbImportableCloudByName returns importable NSX-T ALB Clouds.
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupById(parentAlbCloudUrn, id string) (*NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, error)
GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupById Note. ID filtering is performed on client side
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupByName(parentAlbCloudUrn, name string) (*NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, error)
GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupByName returns importable NSX-T ALB Clouds.
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbPoolById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbPoolById(id string) (*NsxtAlbPool, error)
GetAlbPoolById fetches ALB Pool By Id
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbPoolByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbPoolByName(edgeGatewayId string, name string) (*NsxtAlbPool, error)
GetAlbPoolByName fetches ALB Pool By Name
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignmentById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignmentById(id string) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment, error)
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignmentByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignmentByName(name string) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment, error)
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbServiceEngineGroupById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbServiceEngineGroupById(id string) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup, error)
GetAlbServiceEngineGroupById returns importable NSX-T ALB Cloud by ID
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbServiceEngineGroupByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbServiceEngineGroupByName(optionalContext, name string) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup, error)
GetAlbServiceEngineGroupByName returns NSX-T ALB Service Engine by Name Context is not mandatory for this resource. Supported contexts are: * Gateway ID (_context==gatewayId) - returns all Load Balancer Service Engine Groups that are accessible to the gateway. * Assignable Gateway ID (_context=gatewayId;_context==assignable) returns all Load Balancer Service Engine Groups that are assignable to the gateway. This filters out any Load Balancer Service Engine groups that are already assigned to the gateway or assigned to another gateway if the reservation type is 'DEDICATED’.
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbVirtualServiceById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbVirtualServiceById(id string) (*NsxtAlbVirtualService, error)
GetAlbVirtualServiceById fetches ALB Virtual Service By ID
func (*VCDClient) GetAlbVirtualServiceByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAlbVirtualServiceByName(edgeGatewayId string, name string) (*NsxtAlbVirtualService, error)
GetAlbVirtualServiceByName fetches ALB Virtual Service By Name
func (*VCDClient) GetAllAlbClouds ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbClouds(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbCloud, error)
GetAllAlbClouds returns all configured NSX-T ALB Clouds
func (*VCDClient) GetAllAlbControllers ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbControllers(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbController, error)
GetAllAlbControllers returns all configured NSX-T ALB Controllers
func (*VCDClient) GetAllAlbImportableClouds ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbImportableClouds(parentAlbControllerUrn string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbImportableCloud, error)
GetAllAlbImportableClouds returns importable NSX-T ALB Clouds. parentAlbControllerUrn (ID in URN format of a parent ALB Controller) is mandatory
func (*VCDClient) GetAllAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups(parentAlbCloudUrn string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, error)
GetAllAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups lists all Importable Service Engine Groups available in ALB Controller
func (*VCDClient) GetAllAlbPoolSummaries ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbPoolSummaries(edgeGatewayId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbPool, error)
GetAllAlbPoolSummaries retrieves partial information for type `NsxtAlbPool`, but it is the only way to retrieve all ALB pools for Edge Gateway
func (*VCDClient) GetAllAlbPools ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbPools(edgeGatewayId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbPool, error)
GetAllAlbPools uses GetAllAlbPoolSummaries behind the scenes and the fetches complete data for all ALB Pools. This has performance penalty because each ALB Pool is fetched individually.
func (*VCDClient) GetAllAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignments ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignments(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment, error)
func (*VCDClient) GetAllAlbServiceEngineGroups ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbServiceEngineGroups(context string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup, error)
GetAllAlbServiceEngineGroups retrieves NSX-T ALB Service Engines with possible filters
Context is not mandatory for this resource. Supported contexts are: * Gateway ID (_context==gatewayId) - returns all Load Balancer Service Engine Groups that are accessible to the gateway. * Assignable Gateway ID (_context=gatewayId;_context==assignable) returns all Load Balancer Service Engine Groups that are assignable to the gateway. This filters out any Load Balancer Service Engine groups that are already assigned to the gateway or assigned to another gateway if the reservation type is 'DEDICATED’.
func (*VCDClient) GetAllAlbVirtualServiceSummaries ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbVirtualServiceSummaries(edgeGatewayId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbVirtualService, error)
GetAllAlbVirtualServiceSummaries returns a limited subset of NsxtAlbVirtualService values, but does it in single query. To fetch complete information for ALB Virtual Services one can use GetAllAlbVirtualServices(), but it is slower as it has to retrieve Virtual Services one by one.
func (*VCDClient) GetAllAlbVirtualServices ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAlbVirtualServices(edgeGatewayId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtAlbVirtualService, error)
GetAllAlbVirtualServices fetches ALB Virtual Services by at first listing all Virtual Services summaries and then fetching complete structure one by one
func (*VCDClient) GetAllAssignedVdcComputePoliciesV2 ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllAssignedVdcComputePoliciesV2(vdcId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicyV2, error)
GetAllAssignedVdcComputePoliciesV2 retrieves all VDC assigned Compute Policies (V2) using OpenAPI endpoint and the mandatory VDC identifier. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*VCDClient) GetAllDefinedInterfaces ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllDefinedInterfaces(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*DefinedInterface, error)
GetAllDefinedInterfaces retrieves all Defined Interfaces. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering.
func (*VCDClient) GetAllImportableNsxtTier0Routers ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllImportableNsxtTier0Routers(nsxtManagerId string, queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtTier0Router, error)
GetAllImportableNsxtTier0Routers retrieves all NSX-T Tier-0 routers using OpenAPI endpoint. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering. By default it injects FIQL filter _context==nsxtManagerId (e.g. _context==urn:vcloud:nsxtmanager:09722307-aee0-4623-af95-7f8e577c9ebc) because it is mandatory to list child Tier-0 routers.
Warning. The API returns only unused Tier-0 routers (the ones that are not used in external networks yet)
Note. IDs of Tier-0 routers do not have a standard and may look as strings when they are created using UI or as UUIDs when they are created using API
func (*VCDClient) GetAllNsxtEdgeClusters ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetAllNsxtEdgeClusters(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtEdgeCluster, error)
GetAllNsxtEdgeClusters retrieves all NSX-T Edge Clusters in the system
A filter is mandatory as otherwise request will fail orgVdcId - | The filter orgVdcId must be set equal to the id of the NSX-T backed Org vDC for which we want to get the edge clusters. Example: (orgVdcId==urn:vcloud:vdc:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) vdcGroupId - | The filter vdcGroupId must be set equal to the id of the NSX-T VDC Group for which we want to get the edge clusters. Example: (vdcGroupId==urn:vcloud:vdcGroup:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) pvdcId - | The filter pvdcId must be set equal to the id of the NSX-T backed Provider VDC for which we want to get the edge clusters. pvdcId filter is supported from version 35.2 Example: (pvdcId==urn:vcloud:providervdc:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)
func (*VCDClient) GetAllVdcComputePoliciesV2 ¶
func (client *VCDClient) GetAllVdcComputePoliciesV2(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*VdcComputePolicyV2, error)
GetAllVdcComputePoliciesV2 retrieves all VDC Compute Policies (V2) using OpenAPI endpoint. Query parameters can be supplied to perform additional filtering
func (*VCDClient) GetAuthResponse ¶
GetAuthResponse performs authentication and returns the full HTTP response The purpose of this function is to preserve information that is useful for token-based authentication
func (*VCDClient) GetBearerTokenFromApiToken ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetBearerTokenFromApiToken(org, token string) (*types.ApiTokenRefresh, error)
GetBearerTokenFromApiToken uses an API token to retrieve a bearer token using the refresh token operation.
func (*VCDClient) GetDefinedInterface ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetDefinedInterface(vendor, nss, version string) (*DefinedInterface, error)
GetDefinedInterface retrieves a single Defined Interface defined by its unique combination of vendor, nss and version.
func (*VCDClient) GetDefinedInterfaceById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetDefinedInterfaceById(id string) (*DefinedInterface, error)
GetDefinedInterfaceById gets a Defined Interface identified by its unique URN.
func (*VCDClient) GetExtendedSessionInfo ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetExtendedSessionInfo() (*ExtendedSessionInfo, error)
GetExtendedSessionInfo collects extended session information for support and debugging It will try to collect as much data as possible, failing only if the minimum data can't be collected.
func (*VCDClient) GetExternalNetworkById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetExternalNetworkById(id string) (*ExternalNetwork, error)
GetExternalNetworkById returns an ExternalNetwork reference if the network ID matches an existing one. If no valid external network is found, it returns a nil ExternalNetwork reference and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetExternalNetworkByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetExternalNetworkByName(networkName string) (*ExternalNetwork, error)
GetExternalNetworkByName returns an ExternalNetwork reference if the network name matches an existing one. If no valid external network is found, it returns a nil ExternalNetwork reference and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetExternalNetworkByNameOrId ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetExternalNetworkByNameOrId(identifier string) (*ExternalNetwork, error)
GetExternalNetworkByNameOrId returns an ExternalNetwork reference if either the network name or ID matches an existing one. If no valid external network is found, it returns a nil ExternalNetwork reference and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetExternalNetworks ¶
GetExternalNetworks returns a list of available external networks
func (*VCDClient) GetFilteredAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignmentByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetFilteredAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignmentByName(name string, queryParameters url.Values) (*NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment, error)
GetFilteredAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignmentByName will get all ALB Service Engine Group assignments based on filters provided in queryParameters additionally will filter by name locally because VCD does not support server side filtering by name.
func (*VCDClient) GetFilteredNsxtImportableSwitches ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetFilteredNsxtImportableSwitches(filter map[string]string) ([]*NsxtImportableSwitch, error)
GetFilteredNsxtImportableSwitches returns all available importable switches. One of the filters below is required (using plain UUID - not URN): * orgVdc * nsxTManager (only in VCD 10.3.0+)
Note. OpenAPI endpoint does not exist for this resource and by default endpoint "/network/orgvdcnetworks/importableswitches" returns only unused NSX-T importable switches (the ones that are not already consumed in Org VDC networks) and there is no way to get them all.
func (*VCDClient) GetFilteredNsxtImportableSwitchesByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetFilteredNsxtImportableSwitchesByName(filter map[string]string, name string) (*NsxtImportableSwitch, error)
GetFilteredNsxtImportableSwitchesByName builds on top of GetFilteredNsxtImportableSwitches and additionally performs client side filtering by Name
func (*VCDClient) GetImportableNsxtTier0RouterByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetImportableNsxtTier0RouterByName(name, nsxtManagerId string) (*NsxtTier0Router, error)
func (*VCDClient) GetLogicalVmGroupById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetLogicalVmGroupById(logicalVmGroupId string) (*LogicalVmGroup, error)
GetLogicalVmGroupById finds a Logical VM Group by its URN. On success, returns a pointer to the LogicalVmGroup structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetMetadataByHref ¶
GetMetadataByHref returns metadata from the given resource reference.
func (*VCDClient) GetMetadataByKeyAndHref ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetMetadataByKeyAndHref(href, key string, isSystem bool) (*types.MetadataValue, error)
GetMetadataByKeyAndHref returns metadata from the given resource reference, corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*VCDClient) GetOrgById ¶
GetOrgById finds an Organization by ID On success, returns a pointer to the Org structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetOrgByName ¶
GetOrgByName finds an Organization by name On success, returns a pointer to the Org structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetOrgByNameOrId ¶
GetOrgByNameOrId finds an Organization by name or ID On success, returns a pointer to the Org structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetOrgList ¶
GetOrgList returns the list ov available orgs
func (*VCDClient) GetProviderVdcByHref ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetProviderVdcByHref(providerVdcHref string) (*ProviderVdc, error)
GetProviderVdcByHref finds a Provider VDC by its HREF. On success, returns a pointer to the ProviderVdc structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetProviderVdcById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetProviderVdcById(providerVdcId string) (*ProviderVdc, error)
GetProviderVdcById finds a Provider VDC by URN. On success, returns a pointer to the ProviderVdc structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetProviderVdcByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetProviderVdcByName(providerVdcName string) (*ProviderVdc, error)
GetProviderVdcByName finds a Provider VDC by name. On success, returns a pointer to the ProviderVdc structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetProviderVdcExtendedByHref ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetProviderVdcExtendedByHref(providerVdcHref string) (*ProviderVdcExtended, error)
GetProviderVdcExtendedByHref finds a Provider VDC with extended attributes by its HREF. On success, returns a pointer to the ProviderVdcExtended structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetProviderVdcExtendedById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetProviderVdcExtendedById(providerVdcId string) (*ProviderVdcExtended, error)
GetProviderVdcExtendedById finds a Provider VDC with extended attributes by URN. On success, returns a pointer to the ProviderVdcExtended structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetProviderVdcExtendedByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetProviderVdcExtendedByName(providerVdcName string) (*ProviderVdcExtended, error)
GetProviderVdcExtendedByName finds a Provider VDC with extended attributes by name. On success, returns a pointer to the ProviderVdcExtended structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetStorageProfileByHref ¶
GetStorageProfileByHref fetches a storage profile using its HREF.
func (*VCDClient) GetVAppTemplateByHref ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetVAppTemplateByHref(href string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
GetVAppTemplateByHref finds a vApp template by HREF On success, returns a pointer to the vApp template structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetVAppTemplateById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetVAppTemplateById(vAppTemplateId string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
GetVAppTemplateById finds a vApp Template by ID. On success, returns a pointer to the VAppTemplate structure and a nil error. On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error.
func (*VCDClient) GetVdcComputePolicyV2ById ¶
func (client *VCDClient) GetVdcComputePolicyV2ById(id string) (*VdcComputePolicyV2, error)
GetVdcComputePolicyV2ById retrieves VDC Compute Policy (V2) by given ID
func (*VCDClient) GetVmGroupById ¶
GetVmGroupById finds a VM Group by its ID. On success, returns a pointer to the VmGroup structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetVmGroupByNameAndProviderVdcUrn ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetVmGroupByNameAndProviderVdcUrn(name, pvdcUrn string) (*VmGroup, error)
GetVmGroupByNameAndProviderVdcUrn finds a VM Group by its name and associated Provider VDC URN. On success, returns a pointer to the VmGroup structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) GetVmGroupByNamedVmGroupIdAndProviderVdcUrn ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) GetVmGroupByNamedVmGroupIdAndProviderVdcUrn(namedVmGroupId, pvdcUrn string) (*VmGroup, error)
GetVmGroupByNamedVmGroupIdAndProviderVdcUrn finds a VM Group by its Named VM Group ID and Provider VDC URN. On success, returns a pointer to the VmGroup structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*VCDClient) LogSessionInfo ¶
func (client *VCDClient) LogSessionInfo()
LogSessionInfo prints session information into the default logs
func (*VCDClient) MergeMetadataByHref ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) MergeMetadataByHref(href, typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
MergeMetadataByHref merges metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete.
func (*VCDClient) MergeMetadataByHrefAsync ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) MergeMetadataByHrefAsync(href, typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataByHrefAsync merges metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, and returns the task. Deprecated: Use VCDClient.MergeMetadataWithVisibilityByHrefAsync instead.
func (*VCDClient) MergeMetadataWithVisibilityByHrefAsync ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) MergeMetadataWithVisibilityByHrefAsync(href string, metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithVisibilityByHrefAsync updates the metadata entries present in the referenced entity and creates the ones not present, then returns the task.
func (*VCDClient) QueryMediaById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryMediaById(mediaId string) (*MediaRecord, error)
QueryMediaById returns a MediaRecord associated to the given media item URN. Returns ErrorEntityNotFound if it is not found, or an error if there's more than one result.
func (*VCDClient) QueryNetworkPools ¶
QueryNetworkPools gets the list of network pools
func (*VCDClient) QueryNsxtManagerByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryNsxtManagerByName(name string) ([]*types.QueryResultNsxtManagerRecordType, error)
QueryNsxtManagerByName searches for NSX-T managers available in VCD
func (*VCDClient) QueryProviderVdcStorageProfileByName ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryProviderVdcStorageProfileByName(name, providerVDCHref string) (*types.QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
QueryProviderVdcStorageProfileByName finds a provider VDC storage profile by name There are four cases: 1. [FOUND] The name matches and is unique among all the storage profiles 2. [FOUND] The name matches, it is not unique, and it is disambiguated by the provider VDC HREF 3. [NOT FOUND] The name matches, is not unique, but no Provider HREF was given: the search will fail 4. [NOT FOUND] The name does not match any of the storage profiles
func (*VCDClient) QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles() ([]*types.QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType, error)
QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles gets the list of provider VDC storage profiles from ALL provider VDCs Deprecated: use either client.QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles or client.QueryAllProviderVdcStorageProfiles
func (*VCDClient) QueryProviderVdcs ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryProviderVdcs() ([]*types.QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType, error)
QueryProviderVdcs gets the list of available provider VDCs
func (*VCDClient) QuerySynchronizedVAppTemplateById ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QuerySynchronizedVAppTemplateById(vAppTemplateId string) (*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
QuerySynchronizedVAppTemplateById Finds a vApp Template by its URN that is synchronized in the catalog. Returns types.QueryResultVMRecordType if it is found, returns ErrorEntityNotFound if not found, or an error if many are found.
func (*VCDClient) QuerySynchronizedVmInVAppTemplateByHref ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QuerySynchronizedVmInVAppTemplateByHref(vAppTemplateHref, vmNameInTemplate string) (*types.QueryResultVMRecordType, error)
QuerySynchronizedVmInVAppTemplateByHref Finds a catalog-synchronized VM inside a vApp Template using the latter HREF. Returns types.QueryResultVMRecordType if it is found and it's synchronized in the catalog. Returns ErrorEntityNotFound if not found, or an error if many are found.
func (*VCDClient) QueryVmInVAppTemplateByHref ¶
func (vcdClient *VCDClient) QueryVmInVAppTemplateByHref(vAppTemplateHref, vmNameInTemplate string) (*types.QueryResultVMRecordType, error)
QueryVmInVAppTemplateByHref Finds a VM inside a vApp Template using the latter HREF. Returns types.QueryResultVMRecordType if it is found, returns ErrorEntityNotFound if not found, or an error if many are found.
func (*VCDClient) QueryWithNotEncodedParams ¶
func (*VCDClient) QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersion ¶
func (*VCDClient) SetApiToken ¶
SetApiToken behaves similarly to SetToken, with the difference that it will return full information about the bearer token, so that the caller can make decisions about token expiration
func (*VCDClient) SetToken ¶
SetToken will set the authorization token in the client, without using other credentials Up to version 29, token authorization uses the header key x-vcloud-authorization In version 30+ it also uses X-Vmware-Vcloud-Access-Token:TOKEN coupled with X-Vmware-Vcloud-Token-Type:"bearer"
type VCDClientOption ¶
VCDClientOption defines signature for customizing VCDClient using functional options pattern.
func WithAPIVersion ¶
func WithAPIVersion(version string) VCDClientOption
WithAPIVersion allows to override default API version. Please be cautious about changing the version as the default specified is the most tested.
func WithHttpHeader ¶
func WithHttpHeader(options map[string]string) VCDClientOption
WithHttpHeader allows to specify custom HTTP header values. Typical usage of this function is to inject a tenant context into the client.
WARNING: Using this function in an environment with concurrent operations may result in negative side effects, such as operations as system administrator and as tenant using the same client. This setting is justified when we want to start a session where the additional header is always needed. For cases where we need system administrator and tenant operations in the same environment we can either a) use two separate clients or b) use the `additionalHeader` parameter in *newRequest* functions
func WithHttpTimeout ¶
func WithHttpTimeout(timeout int64) VCDClientOption
WithHttpTimeout allows to override default http timeout
func WithHttpUserAgent ¶
func WithHttpUserAgent(userAgent string) VCDClientOption
WithHttpUserAgent allows to specify HTTP user-agent which can be useful for statistics tracking. By default User-Agent is set to "go-vcloud-director". It can be unset by supplying empty value.
func WithMaxRetryTimeout ¶
func WithMaxRetryTimeout(timeoutSeconds int) VCDClientOption
WithMaxRetryTimeout allows default vCDClient MaxRetryTimeout value override
func WithSamlAdfs ¶
func WithSamlAdfs(useSaml bool, customAdfsRptId string) VCDClientOption
WithSamlAdfs specifies if SAML auth is used for authenticating to vCD instead of local login. The following conditions must be met so that SAML authentication works: * SAML IdP (Identity Provider) is Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS) * WS-Trust authentication endpoint "/adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed" must be enabled on ADFS server By default vCD SAML Entity ID will be used as Relaying Party Trust Identifier unless customAdfsRptId is specified
type VM ¶
type VM struct { VM *types.Vm // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*VM) AddInternalDisk ¶
AddInternalDisk creates disk type *types.DiskSettings to the VM. Returns new disk ID and error. Runs synchronously, VM is ready for another operation after this function returns.
func (*VM) AddMetadataEntry ¶
AddMetadataEntry adds VM metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use VM.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*VM) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds VM metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use VM.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*VM) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility ¶
func (vm *VM) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) error
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility adds metadata to the receiver VM and waits for the task to finish.
func (*VM) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync ¶
func (vm *VM) AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync(key, value, typedValue, visibility string, isSystem bool) (Task, error)
AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync adds metadata to the given VM with the given key, value, type and visibility // and returns the task.
func (*VM) AnswerQuestion ¶
AnswerQuestion uses the provided answer to existing VM question for operation which need additional response Reference:
func (*VM) AttachDisk ¶
AttachDisk attaches an independent disk Call attachOrDetachDisk with disk and types.RelDiskAttach to attach an independent disk. Please verify the independent disk is not connected to any VM before calling this function. If the independent disk is connected to a VM, the task will be failed. Reference: vCloud API Programming Guide for Service Providers vCloud API 30.0 PDF Page 164 - 165, 241956dd-e128-4fcc-8131-bf66e1edd895/vcloud_sp_api_guide_30_0.pdf
func (*VM) BlockWhileGuestCustomizationStatus ¶
func (vm *VM) BlockWhileGuestCustomizationStatus(unwantedStatus string, timeOutAfterSeconds int) error
BlockWhileGuestCustomizationStatus blocks until the customization status of VM exits unwantedStatus. It sleeps 3 seconds between iterations and times out after timeOutAfterSeconds of seconds.
timeOutAfterSeconds must be more than 4 and less than 2 hours (60s*120)
func (*VM) ChangeCPU ¶
ChangeCPUCount sets number of available virtual logical processors (i.e. CPUs x cores per socket) Cpu cores count is inherited from template. Deprecated: use ChangeCPUAndCoreCount
func (*VM) ChangeCPUAndCoreCount ¶
ChangeCPUAndCoreCount sets CPU and CPU core counts Accepts values or `nil` for both parameters.
func (*VM) ChangeCPUCount ¶
ChangeCPUCount sets number of available virtual logical processors (i.e. CPUs x cores per socket) Cpu cores count is inherited from template. Deprecated: use vm.ChangeCPU instead
func (*VM) ChangeCPUCountWithCore ¶
ChangeCPUCountWithCore sets number of available virtual logical processors (i.e. CPUs x cores per socket) and cores per socket. Socket count is a result of: virtual logical processors/cores per socket Deprecated: use vm.ChangeCPU instead
func (*VM) ChangeMemory ¶
ChangeMemory sets memory value. Size is MB
func (*VM) ChangeMemorySize
func (*VM) ChangeNetworkConfig ¶
ChangeNetworkConfig allows to update existing VM NIC configuration.f
func (*VM) DeleteAsync ¶
DeleteAsync starts a standalone VM deletion, returning a task
func (*VM) DeleteInternalDisk ¶
DeleteInternalDisk delete disk using provided disk ID. Runs synchronously, VM is ready for another operation after this function returns.
func (*VM) DeleteMetadata
func (*VM) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes VM metadata by key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Deprecated: Use VM.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain instead
func (*VM) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes VM metadata depending on key provided as input and returns the task. Deprecated: Use VM.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync instead
func (*VM) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain deletes VM metadata associated to the input key and waits for the task to finish.
func (*VM) DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync deletes VM metadata associated to the input key and returns the task.
func (*VM) DetachDisk ¶
DetachDisk detaches an independent disk Call attachOrDetachDisk with disk and types.RelDiskDetach to detach an independent disk. Please verify the independent disk is connected the VM before calling this function. If the independent disk is not connected to the VM, the task will be failed. Reference: vCloud API Programming Guide for Service Providers vCloud API 30.0 PDF Page 164 - 165, 241956dd-e128-4fcc-8131-bf66e1edd895/vcloud_sp_api_guide_30_0.pdf
func (*VM) EjectMedia ¶
EjectMedia ejects media from VM Call insertOrEjectMedia with media and types.RelMediaEjectMedia to eject media from VM. If media isn't inserted then task still will be successful.
func (*VM) GetGuestCustomizationSection ¶
GetGuestCustomizationSection retrieves guest customization section for a VM. It allows to read VM guest customization properties.
func (*VM) GetGuestCustomizationStatus ¶
GetGuestCustomizationStatus retrieves guest customization status. It can be one of "GC_PENDING", "REBOOT_PENDING", "GC_FAILED", "POST_GC_PENDING", "GC_COMPLETE"
func (*VM) GetInternalDiskById ¶
GetInternalDiskById returns a *types.DiskSettings if one exists. If it doesn't, returns nil and ErrorEntityNotFound or other err.
func (*VM) GetMetadata ¶
GetMetadata returns VM metadata.
func (*VM) GetMetadataByKey ¶
GetMetadataByKey returns VM metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*VM) GetNetworkConnectionSection ¶
GetNetworkConnectionSection returns current networks attached to VM
The slice of NICs is not necessarily ordered by NIC index
func (*VM) GetParentVApp ¶
GetParentVApp find parent vApp for VM by checking its "up" "link".
Note. The VM has a parent vApp defined even if it was created as a standalone
func (*VM) GetParentVdc ¶
GetParentVdc returns parent VDC for VM
func (*VM) GetProductSectionList ¶
GetProductSectionList retrieves product section for a VM. It allows to read VM guest properties.
The slice of properties "ProductSectionList.ProductSection.Property" is not necessarily ordered or returned as set before
func (*VM) GetQuestion ¶
GetQuestion uses the get existing VM question for operation which need additional response Reference:
func (*VM) GetVMSecurityTags ¶
GetVMSecurityTags Retrieves the list of tags for a specific VM. If user has view right to the VM, user can view its tags. This function works from API v36.0 (VCD 10.3.0+)
func (*VM) GetVirtualHardwareSection ¶
GetVirtualHardwareSection returns the virtual hardware items attached to a VM
func (*VM) HandleEjectMedia ¶
HandleEjectMedia is a helper function which finds media and calls EjectMedia
func (*VM) HandleEjectMediaAndAnswer ¶
func (vm *VM) HandleEjectMediaAndAnswer(org *Org, catalogName, mediaName string, answerYes bool) (*VM, error)
HandleEjectMediaAndAnswer helper function which finds media, calls EjectMedia, waits for task to complete and answer question. Also waits until VM status refreshes - this added as 9.7-10.0 vCD versions has lag in status update. answerYes - handles question risen when VM is running. True value enforces ejection.
func (*VM) HandleInsertMedia ¶
HandleInsertMedia helper function finds media and calls InsertMedia
func (*VM) InsertMedia ¶
InsertMedia insert media for a VM Call insertOrEjectMedia with media and types.RelMediaInsertMedia to insert media from VM.
func (*VM) IsDeployed ¶
IsDeployed checks if the VM is deployed or not
func (*VM) MergeMetadata ¶
MergeMetadata merges VM metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Deprecated: Use VM.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*VM) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
MergeMetadataAsync merges VM metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then returns the task. Deprecated: Use VM.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync instead
func (*VM) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues ¶
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues updates the metadata values that are already present in the receiver VM and creates the ones not present. The input metadata map has a "metadata key"->"metadata value" relation. This function waits until merge finishes.
func (*VM) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync ¶
func (vm *VM) MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync(metadata map[string]types.MetadataValue) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync merges VM metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then returns the task.
func (*VM) PowerOnAndForceCustomization ¶
PowerOnAndForceCustomization is a synchronous function which is equivalent to the functionality one has in UI. It triggers customization which may be useful in some cases (like altering NICs)
The VM _must_ be un-deployed for this action to actually work.
func (*VM) RunCustomizationScript ¶
func (*VM) SetGuestCustomizationSection ¶
func (vm *VM) SetGuestCustomizationSection(guestCustomizationSection *types.GuestCustomizationSection) (*types.GuestCustomizationSection, error)
SetGuestCustomizationSection sets guest customization section for a VM. It allows to change VM guest customization properties.
func (*VM) SetProductSectionList ¶
func (vm *VM) SetProductSectionList(productSection *types.ProductSectionList) (*types.ProductSectionList, error)
SetProductSectionList sets product section for a VM. It allows to change VM guest properties.
The slice of properties "ProductSectionList.ProductSection.Property" is not necessarily ordered or returned as set before
func (*VM) Shutdown ¶
Shutdown triggers a VM undeploy and shutdown action. "Shut Down Guest OS" action in UI behaves this way.
Note. Success of this operation depends on the VM having Guest Tools installed.
func (*VM) ToggleHardwareVirtualization ¶
ToggleHardwareVirtualization allows to either enable or disable hardware assisted CPU virtualization for the VM. It can only be performed on a powered off VM and will return an error otherwise. This is mainly useful for hypervisor nesting.
func (*VM) Undeploy ¶
Undeploy triggers a VM undeploy and power off action. "Power off" action in UI behaves this way.
func (*VM) UpdateComputePolicy ¶
UpdateComputePolicy updates VM compute policy and returns refreshed VM or error. Deprecated: Use VM.UpdateComputePolicyV2 instead
func (*VM) UpdateComputePolicyAsync ¶
UpdateComputePolicyAsync updates VM Compute policy and returns Task and error. Deprecated: Use VM.UpdateComputePolicyV2Async instead
func (*VM) UpdateComputePolicyV2 ¶
func (vm *VM) UpdateComputePolicyV2(sizingPolicyId, placementPolicyId, vGpuPolicyId string) (*VM, error)
UpdateComputePolicyV2 updates VM Compute policy with the given compute policies using v2.0.0 OpenAPI endpoint, and returns an error if something went wrong, or the refreshed VM if all went OK. Updating with an empty compute policy ID will remove it from the VM. Both policies can't be empty as the VM requires at least one policy.
func (*VM) UpdateComputePolicyV2Async ¶
func (vm *VM) UpdateComputePolicyV2Async(sizingPolicyId, placementPolicyId, vGpuPolicyId string) (Task, error)
UpdateComputePolicyV2Async updates VM Compute policy with the given compute policies using v2.0.0 OpenAPI endpoint, and returns a Task and an error. Updating with an empty compute policy ID will remove it from the VM. Both policies can't be empty as the VM requires at least one policy. WARNING: At the moment, vGPU Policies are not supported. Using one will return an error.
func (*VM) UpdateInternalDisks ¶
func (vm *VM) UpdateInternalDisks(disksSettingToUpdate *types.VmSpecSection) (*types.VmSpecSection, error)
UpdateInternalDisks applies disks configuration for the VM. types.VmSpecSection has to have all internal disk state. Disks which don't match provided ones in types.VmSpecSection will be deleted. Matched internal disk will be updated. New internal disk description found in types.VmSpecSection will be created. Returns updated types.VmSpecSection and error. Runs synchronously, VM is ready for another operation after this function returns.
func (*VM) UpdateInternalDisksAsync ¶
UpdateInternalDisksAsync applies disks configuration for the VM. types.VmSpecSection has to have all internal disk state. Disks which don't match provided ones in types.VmSpecSection will be deleted. Matched internal disk will be updated. New internal disk description found in types.VmSpecSection will be created. Returns Task and error.
func (*VM) UpdateNetworkConnectionSection ¶
UpdateNetworkConnectionSection applies network configuration of types.NetworkConnectionSection for the VM Runs synchronously, VM is ready for another operation after this function returns.
func (*VM) UpdateStorageProfile ¶
UpdateStorageProfile updates VM storage profile and returns refreshed VM or error.
func (*VM) UpdateStorageProfileAsync ¶
UpdateStorageProfileAsync updates VM storage profile and returns Task and error.
func (*VM) UpdateVMSecurityTags ¶
func (vm *VM) UpdateVMSecurityTags(entitySecurityTags *types.EntitySecurityTags) (*types.EntitySecurityTags, error)
UpdateVMSecurityTags updates the list of tags for a specific VM. An empty list of tags means to delete all tags for the VM. If user has edit permission on the VM, user can edit its tags. This function works from API v36.0 (VCD 10.3.0+)
func (*VM) UpdateVmCpuAndMemoryHotAdd ¶
UpdateVmCpuAndMemoryHotAdd updates VM Capabilities and returns refreshed VM or error.
func (*VM) UpdateVmCpuAndMemoryHotAddAsync ¶
UpdateVmCpuAndMemoryHotAddAsync updates VM Capabilities and returns Task and error.
func (*VM) UpdateVmSpecSection ¶
func (vm *VM) UpdateVmSpecSection(vmSettingsToUpdate *types.VmSpecSection, description string) (*VM, error)
UpdateVmSpecSection updates VM Spec section and returns refreshed VM or error.
func (*VM) UpdateVmSpecSectionAsync ¶
func (vm *VM) UpdateVmSpecSectionAsync(vmSettingsToUpdate *types.VmSpecSection, description string) (Task, error)
UpdateVmSpecSectionAsync updates VM Spec section and returns Task and error.
func (*VM) WaitForDhcpIpByNicIndexes ¶
func (vm *VM) WaitForDhcpIpByNicIndexes(nicIndexes []int, maxWaitSeconds int, useNsxvDhcpLeaseCheck bool) ([]string, bool, error)
WaitForDhcpIpByNicIndexes accepts a slice of NIC indexes in VM, tries to get these IPs up to maxWaitSeconds and then returns: * a list of IPs * whether the function hit timeout (some IP values may be available after timeout) * error
This function checks a slice of nicIndexes and reuses all possible API calls. It may return a partial result for IP addresses when the timeout is hit.
Getting a DHCP address is complicated because vCD (in UI and in types.NetworkConnectionSection) reports IP addresses only when guest tools are present on a VM. This function also attempts to check if VM NICs are attached to routed network on edge gateway - then there is a chance that built-in DHCP pools are used and active DHCP leases can be found.
For this function to work - at least one the following must be true: * VM has guest tools (vCD UI shows IP address). (Takes longer time) * VM DHCP interface is connected to routed Org network and is using NSX-V Edge Gateway DHCP. (Takes less time, but is more constrained)
type VMRecord ¶
type VMRecord struct { VM *types.QueryResultVMRecordType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewVMRecord ¶
NewVMRecord creates an instance with reference to types.QueryResultVMRecordType
type VappNetworkSettings ¶
type VappNetworkSettings struct { ID string Name string Description string Gateway string NetMask string DNS1 string DNS2 string DNSSuffix string GuestVLANAllowed *bool StaticIPRanges []*types.IPRange DhcpSettings *DhcpSettings RetainIpMacEnabled *bool VappFenceEnabled *bool }
struct type used to pass information for vApp network creation
type VappTemplateData ¶
type VappTemplateData struct { Name string ItemCreationDate string VappTemplateCreationDate string Metadata StringMap Created bool }
func HelperCreateMultipleCatalogItems ¶
func HelperCreateMultipleCatalogItems(catalog *Catalog, requestData []VappTemplateData, verbose bool) ([]VappTemplateData, error)
HelperCreateMultipleCatalogItems deploys several catalog items, as defined in requestData Returns a set of VappTemplateData with what was created. If the requested objects exist already, returns updated information about the existing items.
type VcdVersion ¶
VcdVersion contains the full information about a VCD version
type Vdc ¶
type Vdc struct { Vdc *types.Vdc // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Vdc) AddMetadataEntry ¶
AddMetadataEntry adds VDC metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use AdminVdc.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility instead
func (*Vdc) AddMetadataEntryAsync ¶
AddMetadataEntryAsync adds VDC metadata typedValue and key/value pair provided as input and returns the task. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use AdminVdc.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync instead
func (*Vdc) ComposeRawVApp ¶
ComposeRawVApp creates an empty vApp Deprecated: use CreateRawVApp instead
func (*Vdc) ComposeVApp ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) ComposeVApp(orgvdcnetworks []*types.OrgVDCNetwork, vapptemplate VAppTemplate, storageprofileref types.Reference, name string, description string, acceptalleulas bool) (Task, error)
ComposeVApp creates a vapp with the given template, name, and description that uses the storageprofile and networks given. If you want all eulas to be accepted set acceptalleulas to true. Returns a successful task if completed successfully, otherwise returns an error and an empty task. Deprecated: bad implementation
func (*Vdc) CreateDisk ¶
Create an independent disk in VDC Reference: vCloud API Programming Guide for Service Providers vCloud API 30.0 PDF Page 102 - 103, 241956dd-e128-4fcc-8131-bf66e1edd895/vcloud_sp_api_guide_30_0.pdf
func (*Vdc) CreateNsxtFirewallGroup ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) CreateNsxtFirewallGroup(firewallGroupConfig *types.NsxtFirewallGroup) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
CreateNsxtFirewallGroup allows users to create NSX-T Firewall Group
func (*Vdc) CreateNsxvIpSet ¶
CreateNsxvIpSet creates an IP set from *types.EdgeIpSet. IP set defines a group of IP addresses that you can add as the source or destination in a firewall rule or in DHCP relay configuration.
func (*Vdc) CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork(orgVdcNetworkConfig *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork allows to create NSX-T or NSX-V Org VDC network
func (*Vdc) CreateOrgVDCNetwork ¶
Fine tuning network creation function. Return an error (the result of the network creation) and a task (used to monitor the network configuration) This function can create any type of Org Vdc network. The exact type is determined by the combination of properties given with the network configuration structure.
func (*Vdc) CreateOrgVDCNetworkWait ¶
A wrapper call around CreateOrgVDCNetwork. Creates a network and then uses the associated task to monitor its configuration
func (*Vdc) CreateRawVApp ¶
CreateRawVApp creates an empty vApp
func (*Vdc) CreateStandaloneVMFromTemplate ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) CreateStandaloneVMFromTemplate(params *types.InstantiateVmTemplateParams) (*VM, error)
CreateStandaloneVMFromTemplate creates a standalone VM from a template
func (*Vdc) CreateStandaloneVMFromTemplateAsync ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) CreateStandaloneVMFromTemplateAsync(params *types.InstantiateVmTemplateParams) (Task, error)
CreateStandaloneVMFromTemplateAsync starts a standalone VM creation using a template
func (*Vdc) CreateStandaloneVm ¶
CreateStandaloneVm creates a standalone VM without a template
func (*Vdc) CreateStandaloneVmAsync ¶
CreateStandaloneVmAsync starts a standalone VM creation without a template, returning a task
func (*Vdc) CreateVmAffinityRule ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) CreateVmAffinityRule(affinityRuleDef *types.VmAffinityRule) (*VmAffinityRule, error)
CreateVmAffinityRule is a wrap around CreateVmAffinityRuleAsync that handles the task and returns the finished object
func (*Vdc) CreateVmAffinityRuleAsync ¶
CreateVmAffinityRuleAsync creates a new VM affinity rule, and returns a task that handles the operation
func (*Vdc) Delete ¶
Deletes the vdc, returning an error of the vCD call fails. API Documentation:
func (*Vdc) DeleteControlAccess ¶
DeleteControlAccess makes stop sharing VDC with anyone
func (*Vdc) DeleteMetadata
func (*Vdc) DeleteMetadataAsync
func (*Vdc) DeleteMetadataEntry ¶
DeleteMetadataEntry deletes VDC metadata by key provided as input and waits for the task to finish. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use AdminVdc.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain
func (*Vdc) DeleteMetadataEntryAsync ¶
DeleteMetadataEntryAsync deletes VDC metadata depending on key provided as input and returns the task. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use AdminVdc.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync
func (*Vdc) DeleteNsxvIpSetById ¶
DeleteNsxvIpSetById deletes IP set by its ID which is formatted as f9daf2da-b4f9-4921-a2f4-d77a943a381c:ipset-9
func (*Vdc) DeleteNsxvIpSetByName ¶
DeleteNsxvIpSetById deletes IP set by its name
func (*Vdc) DeleteOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp ¶
DeleteOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp allows to perform HTTP DELETE request on DHCP pool configuration for specified Org VDC Network ID
func (*Vdc) DeleteVdcNetworkProfile ¶
DeleteVdcNetworkProfile deletes VDC Network Profile Configuration
func (*Vdc) DeleteWait ¶
Deletes the vdc and waits for the asynchronous task to complete.
func (*Vdc) FindDiskByHREF ¶
Find an independent disk by disk href in VDC Deprecated: Use VDC.GetDiskByHref()
func (*Vdc) FindEdgeGateway
func (vdc *Vdc) FindEdgeGateway(edgegateway string) (EdgeGateway, error)
Deprecated: use GetEdgeGatewayByName
func (*Vdc) FindEdgeGatewayNameByNetwork ¶
FindEdgeGatewayNameByNetwork searches the VDC for a connection between an edge gateway and a given network. On success, returns the name of the edge gateway
func (*Vdc) FindMediaImage ¶
FindMediaImage returns media image found in system using `name` as query. Can find a few of them if media with same name exist in different catalogs. Deprecated: Use catalog.GetMediaByName()
func (*Vdc) FindStorageProfileReference ¶
func (*Vdc) FindVAppByID
func (*Vdc) FindVAppByName
func (*Vdc) FindVDCNetwork
func (vdc *Vdc) FindVDCNetwork(network string) (OrgVDCNetwork, error)
Deprecated: use GetOrgVdcNetworkByName
func (*Vdc) GetAllNsxtEdgeClusters ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetAllNsxtEdgeClusters(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtEdgeCluster, error)
GetAllNsxtEdgeClusters retrieves all available Edge Clusters for a particular VDC
func (*Vdc) GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways allows to retrieve all NSX-T edge gateways for specific VDC
func (*Vdc) GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups(queryParameters url.Values, firewallGroupType string) ([]*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups allows users to retrieve all NSX-T Firewall Groups
func (*Vdc) GetAllNsxtImportableSwitches ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetAllNsxtImportableSwitches() ([]*NsxtImportableSwitch, error)
GetAllNsxtImportableSwitches retrieves all available importable switches which can be consumed for creating NSX-T "Imported" Org VDC network
Note. OpenAPI endpoint does not exist for this resource and by default endpoint "/network/orgvdcnetworks/importableswitches" returns only unused NSX-T importable switches (the ones that are not already consumed in Org VDC networks) and there is no way to get them all.
func (*Vdc) GetAllNsxvIpSets ¶
GetAllNsxvIpSets retrieves all IP sets and returns []*types.EdgeIpSet or an error of type ErrorEntityNotFound if there are no IP sets
func (*Vdc) GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks allows to retrieve all NSX-T or NSX-V Org VDC networks in Vdc
Note. If pageSize > 32 it will be limited to maximum of 32 in this function because API validation does not allow for higher number
func (*Vdc) GetAllVmAffinityRuleList ¶
GetAllVmAffinityRuleList retrieves all VM affinity and anti-affinity rules
func (*Vdc) GetCapabilities ¶
GetCapabilities allows to retrieve a list of VDC capabilities. It has a list of values. Some particularly useful are: * networkProvider - overlay stack responsible for providing network functionality. (NSX_V or NSX_T) * crossVdc - supports cross vDC network creation
func (*Vdc) GetControlAccess ¶
GetControlAccess read and returns the control access parameters from a VDC
func (*Vdc) GetDefaultStorageProfileReference ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetDefaultStorageProfileReference(storageprofiles *types.QueryResultRecordsType) (types.Reference, error)
GetDefaultStorageProfileReference should find the default storage profile for a VDC Deprecated: unused and implemented in the wrong way. Use adminVdc.GetDefaultStorageProfileReference instead
func (*Vdc) GetDiskByHref ¶
GetDiskByHref finds a Disk by HREF On success, returns a pointer to the Disk structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Vdc) GetDiskById ¶
GetDiskById finds a Disk by ID On success, returns a pointer to the Disk structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Vdc) GetDisksByName ¶
GetDisksByName finds one or more Disks by Name On success, returns a pointer to the Disk list and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayByHref ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayByHref(href string) (*EdgeGateway, error)
GetEdgeGatewayByHref retrieves an edge gateway from VDC by querying directly its HREF. The name passed as parameter is only used for error reporting
func (*Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayById ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayById(id string, refresh bool) (*EdgeGateway, error)
GetEdgeGatewayById search VDC list of edge gateways for a given ID. If the id matches, it returns a pointer to an edge gateway object. On failure, it returns a nil object and an error
func (*Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayByName ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayByName(name string, refresh bool) (*EdgeGateway, error)
GetEdgeGatewayByName search the VDC list of edge gateways for a given name. If the name matches, it returns a pointer to an edge gateway object. On failure, it returns a nil object and an error
func (*Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayByNameOrId ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*EdgeGateway, error)
GetEdgeGatewayByNameOrId search the VDC list of edge gateways for a given name or ID. If the name or the ID match, it returns a pointer to an edge gateway object. On failure, it returns a nil object and an error
func (*Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayRecordsType ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetEdgeGatewayRecordsType(refresh bool) (*types.QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordsType, error)
GetEdgeGatewayRecordsType retrieves a list of edge gateways from VDC Deprecated: use QueryEdgeGatewayList instead
func (*Vdc) GetMetadata ¶
GetMetadata returns VDC metadata.
func (*Vdc) GetMetadataByKey ¶
GetMetadataByKey returns VDC metadata corresponding to the given key and domain.
func (*Vdc) GetNetworkList ¶
GetNetworkList returns a list of networks for the VDC
func (*Vdc) GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName(name, scope string) (*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName allows users to retrieve Application Port Profiles for specific scope. More details in documentation for types.NsxtAppPortProfile
Note. Names are enforced to be unique per scope
func (*Vdc) GetNsxtEdgeClusterByName ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtEdgeClusterByName(name string) (*NsxtEdgeCluster, error)
GetNsxtEdgeClusterByName retrieves a particular NSX-T Edge Cluster by name available for that VDC Note: Multiple NSX-T Edge Clusters with the same name may exist.
func (*Vdc) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById(id string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById allows retrieving NSX-T edge gateway by ID for specific VDC
func (*Vdc) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName(name string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName allows to retrieve NSX-T edge gateway by Name for specific VDC
func (*Vdc) GetNsxtFirewallGroupById ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtFirewallGroupById(id string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
GetNsxtFirewallGroupById retrieves NSX-T Firewall Group by ID
func (*Vdc) GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName(name, firewallGroupType string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName allows users to retrieve Firewall Group by Name firewallGroupType can be one of the following: * types.FirewallGroupTypeSecurityGroup - for NSX-T Security Groups * types.FirewallGroupTypeIpSet - for NSX-T IP Sets * "" (empty) - search will not be limited and will get both - IP Sets and Security Groups
Note. One might get an error if IP Set and Security Group exist with the same name (two objects of the same type cannot exist) and firewallGroupType is left empty.
func (*Vdc) GetNsxtImportableSwitchByName ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtImportableSwitchByName(name string) (*NsxtImportableSwitch, error)
GetNsxtImportableSwitchByName retrieves a particular NSX-T Segment by name available for that VDC
Note. OpenAPI endpoint does not exist for this resource and by default endpoint "/network/orgvdcnetworks/importableswitches" returns only unused NSX-T importable switches (the ones that are not already consumed in Org VDC networks) and there is no way to get them all (including the used ones).
func (*Vdc) GetNsxvIpSetById ¶
GetNsxvIpSetById searches for IP set by ID. Returns ErrorEntityNotFound if an IP set is not found
func (*Vdc) GetNsxvIpSetByName ¶
GetNsxvIpSetByName searches for IP set by name. Names are unique therefore it can find only one. Returns ErrorEntityNotFound if an IP set is not found
func (*Vdc) GetNsxvIpSetByNameOrId ¶
GetNsxvIpSetByNameOrId uses the same identifier to search by name and by ID. Priority is to try and find the IP set by ID. If it is not found - then a search by name is performed.
func (*Vdc) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById(id string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById allows to retrieve both - NSX-T and NSX-V Org VDC networks
func (*Vdc) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByName ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByName(name string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByName allows to retrieve both - NSX-T and NSX-V Org VDC networks
func (*Vdc) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp(orgNetworkId string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp, error)
GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp allows to retrieve DHCP configuration for specific Org VDC network ID specified as orgNetworkId using OpenAPI
func (*Vdc) GetOrgVdcNetworkByHref ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetOrgVdcNetworkByHref(href string) (*OrgVDCNetwork, error)
GetOrgVdcNetworkByHref returns an Org VDC Network reference if the network HREF matches an existing one. If no valid external network is found, it returns a nil Network reference and an error
func (*Vdc) GetOrgVdcNetworkById ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetOrgVdcNetworkById(id string, refresh bool) (*OrgVDCNetwork, error)
GetOrgVdcNetworkById returns an Org VDC Network reference if the network ID matches an existing one. If no valid external network is found, it returns a nil Network reference and an error
func (*Vdc) GetOrgVdcNetworkByName ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetOrgVdcNetworkByName(name string, refresh bool) (*OrgVDCNetwork, error)
GetOrgVdcNetworkByName returns an Org VDC Network reference if the network name matches an existing one. If no valid external network is found, it returns a nil Network reference and an error
func (*Vdc) GetOrgVdcNetworkByNameOrId ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetOrgVdcNetworkByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*OrgVDCNetwork, error)
GetOrgVdcNetworkByNameOrId returns a VDC Network reference if either the network name or ID matches an existing one. If no valid external network is found, it returns a nil ExternalNetwork reference and an error
func (*Vdc) GetVAppByHref ¶
GetVappByHref returns a vApp reference by running a vCD API call If no valid vApp is found, it returns a nil VApp reference and an error
func (*Vdc) GetVAppById ¶
GetVappById returns a vApp reference if the vApp ID matches an existing one. If no valid vApp is found, it returns a nil VApp reference and an error
func (*Vdc) GetVAppByName ¶
GetVappByName returns a vApp reference if the vApp Name matches an existing one. If no valid vApp is found, it returns a nil VApp reference and an error
func (*Vdc) GetVAppByNameOrId ¶
GetVappByNameOrId returns a vApp reference if either the vApp name or ID matches an existing one. If no valid vApp is found, it returns a nil VApp reference and an error
func (*Vdc) GetVAppTemplateByName ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetVAppTemplateByName(vAppTemplateName string) (*VAppTemplate, error)
GetVAppTemplateByName finds a VAppTemplate by Name On success, returns a pointer to the VAppTemplate structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Vdc) GetVAppTemplateByNameOrId ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetVAppTemplateByNameOrId(identifier string, refresh bool) (*VAppTemplate, error)
GetVAppTemplateByNameOrId finds a vApp Template by Name or ID. On success, returns a pointer to the VAppTemplate structure and a nil error On failure, returns a nil pointer and an error
func (*Vdc) GetVappAccessControl ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetVappAccessControl(vappIdentifier string, useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
GetVappAccessControl is a convenience method to retrieve access control for a vApp from a VDC. The input variable vappIdentifier can be either the vApp name or its ID
func (*Vdc) GetVappList ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetVappList() []*types.ResourceReference
GetVappList returns the list of vApps for a VDC
func (*Vdc) GetVdcNetworkProfile ¶
GetVdcNetworkProfile retrieves VDC Network Profile configuration vdc.Vdc.ID must be set and valid present
func (*Vdc) GetVmAffinityRuleByHref ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetVmAffinityRuleByHref(href string) (*VmAffinityRule, error)
GetVmAffinityRuleByHref finds a VM affinity or anti-affinity rule by HREF
func (*Vdc) GetVmAffinityRuleById ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetVmAffinityRuleById(id string) (*VmAffinityRule, error)
GetVmAffinityRuleById retrieves a VM affinity or anti-affinity rule by ID
func (*Vdc) GetVmAffinityRuleByNameOrId ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetVmAffinityRuleByNameOrId(identifier string) (*VmAffinityRule, error)
GetVmAffinityRuleByNameOrId retrieves an affinity or anti-affinity rule by name or ID Given the possibility of a name identifying multiple items, this function may also fail when the search by name returns more than one item.
func (*Vdc) GetVmAffinityRuleList ¶
GetVmAffinityRuleList retrieves VM affinity rules
func (*Vdc) GetVmAffinityRulesByName ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) GetVmAffinityRulesByName(name string, polarity string) ([]*VmAffinityRule, error)
GetVmAffinityRulesByName finds the rules with the given name Note that name does not have to be unique, so a search by name can match several items If polarity is indicated, the function retrieves only the rules with the given polarity
func (*Vdc) GetVmAntiAffinityRuleList ¶
GetVmAntiAffinityRuleList retrieves VM anti-affinity rules
func (*Vdc) InstantiateVAppTemplate ¶
func (*Vdc) IsNsxt ¶
IsNsxt is a convenience function to check if VDC is backed by NSX-T pVdc If error occurs - it returns false
func (*Vdc) IsNsxv ¶
IsNsxv is a convenience function to check if VDC is backed by NSX-V pVdc If error occurs - it returns false
func (*Vdc) MergeMetadata ¶
MergeMetadata merges VDC metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use AdminVdc.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues
func (*Vdc) MergeMetadataAsync ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) MergeMetadataAsync(typedValue string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (Task, error)
MergeMetadataAsync merges VDC metadata provided as a key-value map of type `typedValue` with the already present in VCD, then waits for the task to complete. Note: Requires system administrator privileges. Deprecated: Use AdminVdc.MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync
func (*Vdc) QueryAllMedia ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) QueryAllMedia(mediaName string) ([]*MediaRecord, error)
QueryAllMedia returns all media images found in system using `name` as query.
func (*Vdc) QueryCatalogItemList ¶
QueryCatalogItemList returns a list of Catalog Item for the given VDC
func (*Vdc) QueryDisk ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) QueryDisk(diskName string) (DiskRecord, error)
QueryDisk find independent disk using disk name. Returns DiskRecord type
func (*Vdc) QueryDisks ¶
QueryDisks find independent disks using disk name. Returns list of DiskRecordType
func (*Vdc) QueryEdgeGatewayList ¶
QueryEdgeGatewayList returns a list of all the edge gateways in a VDC
func (*Vdc) QueryMediaList ¶
QueryMediaList retrieves a list of media items for the VDC
func (*Vdc) QueryVappSynchronizedVmTemplate ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) QueryVappSynchronizedVmTemplate(catalogName, vappTemplateName, vmNameInTemplate string) (*types.QueryResultVMRecordType, error)
QueryVappSynchronizedVmTemplate Finds a catalog-synchronized VM inside a vApp Template using catalog name, vApp template name, VN name in template. Returns types.QueryResultVMRecordType if it finds the VM and it's synchronized in the catalog. Returns ErrorEntityNotFound if it's not found. Returns other error if it finds more than one or the search fails.
func (*Vdc) QueryVappTemplateList ¶
QueryVappTemplateList returns a list of vApp templates for the given VDC
func (*Vdc) QueryVappTemplateWithName ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) QueryVappTemplateWithName(vAppTemplateName string) (*types.QueryResultVappTemplateType, error)
QueryVappTemplateWithName returns one vApp template for the given VDC with the given name. Returns an error if it finds more than one.
func (*Vdc) QueryVappVmTemplate ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) QueryVappVmTemplate(catalogName, vappTemplateName, vmNameInTemplate string) (*types.QueryResultVMRecordType, error)
QueryVappVmTemplate Finds VM template using catalog name, vApp template name, VN name in template. Returns types.QueryResultVMRecordType if it finds the VM. Returns ErrorEntityNotFound if it's not found. Returns other error if it finds more than one or the search fails.
func (*Vdc) QueryVmById ¶
QueryVmById retrieves a standalone VM by ID in a Vdc It can also retrieve a standard VM (created from vApp)
func (*Vdc) QueryVmByName ¶
QueryVmByName finds a standalone VM by name The search fails either if there are more VMs with the wanted name, or if there are none It can also retrieve a standard VM (created from vApp)
func (*Vdc) QueryVmList ¶
QueryVmList returns a list of all VMs in a given VDC
func (*Vdc) QueryWithNotEncodedParams ¶
func (*Vdc) QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersion ¶
func (*Vdc) SearchByFilter ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) SearchByFilter(queryType, parentField string, criteria *FilterDef) ([]QueryItem, string, error)
SearchByFilter runs the search for a specific VDC The 'parentField' argument defines which filter will be added, depending on the items we search for:
- 'vdc' contains the VDC HREF or ID
- 'vdcName' contains the VDC name
func (*Vdc) SetControlAccess ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) SetControlAccess(isSharedToEveryOne bool, everyoneAccessLevel string, accessSettings []*types.AccessSetting, useTenantContext bool) (*types.ControlAccessParams, error)
SetControlAccess sets VDC control access parameters for everybody or individual users/groups. This method either sets control for everybody, passing isSharedToEveryOne true, and everyoneAccessLevel (currently only ReadOnly is supported for VDC) and nil for accessSettings, or can set access control for specific users/groups, passing isSharedToEveryOne false, everyoneAccessLevel "" and accessSettings filled as desired. The method will fail if tries to configure access control for everybody and passes individual users/groups to configure. It returns the control access parameters that are read from the API (using Vdc.GetControlAccess).
func (*Vdc) UpdateNsxvIpSet ¶
UpdateNsxvIpSet sends all fields of ipSetConfig. Omiting a value may reset it. ID is mandatory to perform update. Because the API always requires a Revision to be sent - the update fetches latest revision number automatically and embeds into the update structure.
func (*Vdc) UpdateOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) UpdateOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp(orgNetworkId string, orgVdcNetworkDhcpConfig *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp, error)
UpdateOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp allows to update DHCP configuration for specific Org VDC network ID specified as orgNetworkId using OpenAPI
func (*Vdc) UpdateVdcNetworkProfile ¶
func (vdc *Vdc) UpdateVdcNetworkProfile(vdcNetworkProfileConfig *types.VdcNetworkProfile) (*types.VdcNetworkProfile, error)
UpdateVdcNetworkProfile updates the VDC Network Profile configuration
Note. Whenever updating VDC Network Profile it is required to send all fields (not only the changed ones) as VCD will remove other configuration. Best practice is to fetch current configuration of VDC Network Profile using GetVdcNetworkProfile, alter it with new values and submit it to UpdateVdcNetworkProfile.
func (*Vdc) UploadMediaImage
func (vdc *Vdc) UploadMediaImage(mediaName, mediaDescription, filePath string, uploadPieceSize int64) (UploadTask, error)
Uploads an ISO file as media. This method only uploads bits to vCD spool area. Returns errors if any occur during upload from vCD or upload process. On upload fail client may need to remove vCD catalog item which waits for files to be uploaded.
Deprecated: This method is broken in API V32.0+. Please use catalog.UploadMediaImage because VCD does not support uploading directly to VDC anymore.
type VdcComputePolicy ¶
type VdcComputePolicy struct { VdcComputePolicy *types.VdcComputePolicy Href string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
VdcComputePolicy defines a VDC Compute Policy, which can be a VM Sizing Policy, a VM Placement Policy or a vGPU Policy. Deprecated: Use VdcComputePolicyV2 instead
func (*VdcComputePolicy) Delete ¶
func (vdcComputePolicy *VdcComputePolicy) Delete() error
Delete deletes VDC compute policy Deprecated: use VdcComputePolicyV2.Delete
func (*VdcComputePolicy) Update ¶
func (vdcComputePolicy *VdcComputePolicy) Update() (*VdcComputePolicy, error)
Update existing VDC compute policy Deprecated: use VdcComputePolicyV2.Update
type VdcComputePolicyV2 ¶
type VdcComputePolicyV2 struct { VdcComputePolicyV2 *types.VdcComputePolicyV2 Href string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
VdcComputePolicyV2 defines a VDC Compute Policy, which can be a VM Sizing Policy, a VM Placement Policy or a vGPU Policy.
func (*VdcComputePolicyV2) Delete ¶
func (vdcComputePolicy *VdcComputePolicyV2) Delete() error
Delete deletes VDC Compute Policy (V2)
func (*VdcComputePolicyV2) Update ¶
func (vdcComputePolicy *VdcComputePolicyV2) Update() (*VdcComputePolicyV2, error)
Update existing VDC Compute Policy (V2)
type VdcGroup ¶
type VdcGroup struct { VdcGroup *types.VdcGroup Href string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
VdcGroup is a structure defining a VdcGroup in Organization
func (*VdcGroup) ActivateDfw ¶
ActivateDfw activates distributed firewall
func (*VdcGroup) CreateNsxtFirewallGroup ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) CreateNsxtFirewallGroup(firewallGroupConfig *types.NsxtFirewallGroup) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
CreateNsxtFirewallGroup allows users to create NSX-T Firewall Group
func (*VdcGroup) CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork(orgVdcNetworkConfig *types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork allows to create NSX-T or NSX-V Org VDC network
func (*VdcGroup) DeactivateDfw ¶
DeactivateDfw deactivates distributed firewall
func (*VdcGroup) DeleteAllDistributedFirewallRules ¶
DeleteAllDistributedFirewallRules removes all Distributed Firewall rules
Note. This function works only with `default` policy as this was the only supported when this functions was created
func (*VdcGroup) DisableDefaultPolicy ¶
DisableDefaultPolicy deactivates default dfw policy
func (*VdcGroup) EnableDefaultPolicy ¶
EnableDefaultPolicy activates default dfw policy
func (*VdcGroup) GenericUpdate ¶
GenericUpdate updates existing Vdc group. API allows changing only name and description and participating VCDs
func (*VdcGroup) GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways allows to retrieve all NSX-T edge gateways for specific VDC
func (*VdcGroup) GetAllNsxtImportableSwitches ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetAllNsxtImportableSwitches() ([]*NsxtImportableSwitch, error)
GetAllNsxtImportableSwitches retrieves all available importable switches which can be consumed for creating NSX-T "Imported" Org VDC network
Note. OpenAPI endpoint does not exist for this resource and by default endpoint "/network/orgvdcnetworks/importableswitches" returns only unused NSX-T importable switches (the ones that are not already consumed in Org VDC networks) and there is no way to get them all.
func (*VdcGroup) GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks(queryParameters url.Values) ([]*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks allows to retrieve all NSX-T or NSX-V Org VDC networks in Vdc
Note. If pageSize > 32 it will be limited to maximum of 32 in this function because API validation does not allow for higher number
func (*VdcGroup) GetCapabilities ¶
GetCapabilities allows to retrieve a list of VDC capabilities. It has a list of values. Some particularly useful are: * networkProvider - overlay stack responsible for providing network functionality. (NSX_V or NSX_T) * crossVdc - supports cross vDC network creation
func (*VdcGroup) GetDfwPolicies ¶
GetDfwPolicies retrieves all distributed firewall policies
func (*VdcGroup) GetDistributedFirewall ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetDistributedFirewall() (*DistributedFirewall, error)
GetDistributedFirewall retrieves Distributed Firewall in a VDC Group which contains all rules
Note. This function works only with `default` policy as this was the only supported when this functions was created
func (*VdcGroup) GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName(name, scope string) (*NsxtAppPortProfile, error)
GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName allows users to retrieve Application Port Profiles for specific scope. More details in documentation for types.NsxtAppPortProfile
Note. Names are enforced to be unique per scope
func (*VdcGroup) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName(name string) (*NsxtEdgeGateway, error)
GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName allows to retrieve NSX-T edge gateway by Name for specific VDC Group
func (*VdcGroup) GetNsxtFirewallGroupById ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetNsxtFirewallGroupById(id string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
GetNsxtFirewallGroupById retrieves NSX-T Firewall Group by ID
func (*VdcGroup) GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName(name string, firewallGroupType string) (*NsxtFirewallGroup, error)
GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName allows users to retrieve Firewall Group by Name in a particular VDC Group firewallGroupType can be one of the following: * types.FirewallGroupTypeSecurityGroup - for NSX-T Static Security Groups * types.FirewallGroupTypeVmCriteria - for NSX-T Dynamic Security Groups * types.FirewallGroupTypeIpSet - for NSX-T IP Sets * "" (empty) - search will not be limited and will get both - IP Sets and Security Groups
Note. One might get an error if IP Set and Security Group exist with the same name (two objects of the same type cannot exist) and firewallGroupType is left empty.
func (*VdcGroup) GetNsxtImportableSwitchByName ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetNsxtImportableSwitchByName(name string) (*NsxtImportableSwitch, error)
GetNsxtImportableSwitchByName retrieves a particular NSX-T Segment by name available for that VDC
Note. OpenAPI endpoint does not exist for this resource and by default endpoint "/network/orgvdcnetworks/importableswitches" returns only unused NSX-T importable switches (the ones that are not already consumed in Org VDC networks) and there is no way to get them all (including the used ones).
func (*VdcGroup) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById(id string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById allows to retrieve both - NSX-T and NSX-V Org VDC Group networks
func (*VdcGroup) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByName ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByName(name string) (*OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork, error)
GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByName allows to retrieve both - NSX-T and NSX-V Org VDC networks
func (*VdcGroup) IsNsxt ¶
IsNsxt is a convenience function to check if VDC is backed by NSX-T pVdc If error occurs - it returns false
func (*VdcGroup) Update ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) Update(name, description string, participatingOrgVddIs []string) (*VdcGroup, error)
Update updates existing Vdc group. Allows changing only name and description and participating VCDs Not restrictive update method also available - GenericUpdate
func (*VdcGroup) UpdateDefaultDfwPolicies ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) UpdateDefaultDfwPolicies(defaultDfwPolicies types.DefaultPolicy) (*VdcGroup, error)
UpdateDefaultDfwPolicies updates distributed firewall default policies
func (*VdcGroup) UpdateDfwPolicies ¶
UpdateDfwPolicies updates distributed firewall policies
func (*VdcGroup) UpdateDistributedFirewall ¶
func (vdcGroup *VdcGroup) UpdateDistributedFirewall(dfwRules *types.DistributedFirewallRules) (*DistributedFirewall, error)
UpdateDistributedFirewall updates Distributed Firewall in a VDC Group
Note. This function works only with `default` policy as this was the only supported when this functions was created
type VersionInfo ¶
type VersionInfos ¶
type VersionInfos []VersionInfo
type VmAffinityRule ¶
type VmAffinityRule struct { VmAffinityRule *types.VmAffinityRule // contains filtered or unexported fields }
VmAffinityRule is the govcd structure to deal with VM affinity rules
func NewVmAffinityRule ¶
func NewVmAffinityRule(cli *Client) *VmAffinityRule
NewVmAffinityRule creates a new VM affinity rule
func (*VmAffinityRule) Delete ¶
func (vmar *VmAffinityRule) Delete() error
Delete removes a VM affinity rule from vCD
func (*VmAffinityRule) Refresh ¶
func (vmar *VmAffinityRule) Refresh() error
Refresh gets a fresh copy of the VM affinity rule from vCD
func (*VmAffinityRule) SetEnabled ¶
func (vmar *VmAffinityRule) SetEnabled(value bool) error
SetEnabled is a shortcut to update only the IsEnabled property of a VM affinity rule
func (*VmAffinityRule) SetMandatory ¶
func (vmar *VmAffinityRule) SetMandatory(value bool) error
SetMandatory is a shortcut to update only the IsMandatory property of a VM affinity rule
func (*VmAffinityRule) Update ¶
func (vmar *VmAffinityRule) Update() error
Update modifies a VM affinity rule using as input the entity's internal data.
Source Files
- access_control.go
- admincatalog.go
- adminorg.go
- adminorg_administration.go
- adminvdc.go
- anytypeedgegateway.go
- api.go
- api_token.go
- api_vcd.go
- api_vcd_versions.go
- catalog.go
- catalogitem.go
- certificate_management.go
- defined_interface.go
- disk.go
- edgegateway.go
- ejecttask.go
- entity.go
- extension.go
- external_network_v2.go
- externalnetwork.go
- filter_condition.go
- filter_engine.go
- filter_helpers.go
- filter_interface.go
- filter_util.go
- global_role.go
- group.go
- lb.go
- lbappprofile.go
- lbapprule.go
- lbserverpool.go
- lbservicemonitor.go
- lbvirtualserver.go
- media.go
- metadata.go
- metadata_v2.go
- monitor.go
- nsxt_alb_clouds.go
- nsxt_alb_controllers.go
- nsxt_alb_importable_clouds.go
- nsxt_alb_importable_service_engine_groups.go
- nsxt_alb_pool.go
- nsxt_alb_service_engine_group_assignment.go
- nsxt_alb_service_engine_groups.go
- nsxt_alb_settings.go
- nsxt_alb_virtual_service.go
- nsxt_application_profile.go
- nsxt_distributed_firewall.go
- nsxt_edge_cluster.go
- nsxt_edgegateway.go
- nsxt_edgegateway_bgp_configuration.go
- nsxt_edgegateway_bgp_ip_prefix_list.go
- nsxt_edgegateway_bgp_neighbor.go
- nsxt_firewall.go
- nsxt_firewall_group.go
- nsxt_importable_switch.go
- nsxt_ipsec_vpn_tunnel.go
- nsxt_nat_rule.go
- nsxt_network_context_profile.go
- nsxt_route_advertisement.go
- nsxt_tier0_router.go
- nsxv_dhcplease.go
- nsxv_dhcprelay.go
- nsxv_firewall.go
- nsxv_ipset.go
- nsxv_nat.go
- openapi.go
- openapi_endpoints.go
- openapi_org_network.go
- openapi_org_network_dhcp.go
- org.go
- orgvdcnetwork.go
- productsection.go
- provider_vdc.go
- query.go
- query_metadata.go
- rights.go
- rights_bundle.go
- roles.go
- saml_auth.go
- security_tags.go
- session_info.go
- system.go
- task.go
- tenant_context.go
- upload.go
- uploadtask.go
- user.go
- vapp.go
- vapp_network.go
- vapptemplate.go
- vdc.go
- vdc_group.go
- vdc_network_profile.go
- vdccomputepolicy.go
- vdccomputepolicy_v2.go
- vm.go
- vm_affinity_rule.go
- vm_groups.go