What it is
This is a scheduler with support for events persistence. Following is key features
- Schedule event for single execution (with
or time.Duration
- Schedule event for recurring execution (with cron string (generate here) or
- Events persistence with
supported db's or your own persistent storage (create by implementing single interface)
- Customized event payload, Use included
payload or create your own payload (create by implementing single interface)
To run example;
- Clone repo & set your (
supported db) credentials in example/bootstrap/db.go:21
- Create db table from
or following sql
create table scheduler_events (
id bigint unsigned auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(250) not null,
payload varbinary(500) not null,
run_at datetime null,
cron varchar(150) null,
created_at datetime null,
updated_at datetime null
create index idx_scheduler_events_name
on scheduler_events (name);
- Run
go run example/main.go
Install the package in your project using go
go get github.com/apudiu/event-scheduler
Persistence driver
First a persistent driver is needed to create a scheduler. You can use existing gormdriver
to persist events in gorm
supported databases.
import (
var DB *gorm.DB // your existing/ created gorm connection
var persis = gormdriver.New(DB)
If you dont want gorm
then you can create your own persistence driver by implementing dp.DataPersistent
For better understanding on how to do it, can check gormdriver
Scheduler creation
One you've persistence driver use that to create a scheduler
import (
scheduler "github.com/apudiu/event-scheduler"
// ListenersList register listeners to events
// NOTE: here we're registering listeners to events
var listenersMap = scheduler.Listeners{
"EventSendEmail": { // event name
listeners.SendEmailListener, // listener function which is type of scheduler.ListenFunc
// can register more listeners for this event here ...
"EventPrintTime": {
// can have more mapping here ...
// create new scheduler
var SCD = scheduler.NewScheduler(s, listenersMap)
Event creation
Once the scheduler is ready, we can create & dispatch events like following
import (
// create the event using generator
var SendEmailEvent = func() *generator.DelayedEvent {
return generator.NewDelayedEvent(eventListenersMap.EventSendEmail, bootstrap.SCD)
// later dispatch the event
if err := SendEmailEvent().Dispatch(p, time.Now().Add(time.Second*5)); err != nil {
log.Fatal("event dispatch failed: ", err)
provides easy way to create event. You can create event without using generators too.
First create the event payload
func SendEmailEvent(email string, content string) {
// crete event payload
p := payload.NewGobPayload(
fmt.Sprintf("Send email to %s with content %s", email, content),
// send the event using the payload, or make a way to send it later, for this take a look at generators (like: generator.NewDelayedEvent)
bootstrap.SCD.Schedule("SendEmail", p, time.Now().Add(time.Second*5))
Listener creation
var SendEmailListener scheduler.ListenFunc = func(data payload.TransferablePayload) {
// decode payload to whatever you want (ideally to that it was encoded & sent to the event)
// like: if you sent a User (struct) then you may want to decode to that
var decoded string
if err := data.Unmarshal(&decoded); err != nil {
log.Printf("Data unmarshalling failed, value: %v\n", data)
// do whatever you need with the decoded payload
log.Printf("Listener executing with value: %#v \n", decoded)
Once the listener(s) is ready for an event, you need to register that to the scheduler (when creating scheduler).
We've registered couple of listeners with events in Scheduler creation section above
If something is still not clear for you, simply check example directory.
State and roadmap
This lib is in it's very early stage. Theres no tests, some parts of the pkg can be more idiomatic etc.
You get the idea that this package does exactly what I need now.
Following is current roadmap from my side.
- Ack based event removal for delayed (one time) events (so events remains in db while listener crashed)
- Implement re-try mechanism
- Add tests
- Add redis
- Add more payloads
- Add benchmarks
I'll do this over time when I get time for it.
Any kind of contribution is welcome. Just fork the repo, do your changes & submit PR. I'll try to respond as soon as I can.