This is command line utility to manage database migrations. This is developed for specific need where we have manage seprate migrations for diffrent schemas.
Basic Rules for writing migration files
Folders in which sql files exsists is treated as schema name. If the schema does not exist it is created so the user should have permission to create the schema and also table.
Only one level deep folders are checked.
Every migration should have up and down scripts.
The file name of the migration should be like
< VersionNumber >-< Purpose >.{up/down}.sql
Version Number should be integer, Purpose is a String without "-" or white spaces. It is recommended not to use any special chararecters in the file names.
Sample: 05-AddUser.up.sql,05-AddUser.down.sql
To Test
checkout this project
run go install in the project.
Keep the Database URL handy.
create a directory with names as specified above.(A sample folder is found in this repo)
Go the sample folder
Run the following command to Upgrade the database.
dbmigrate up --databaseURL postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/test --directory .
To Release
You need to have goreleaser installed on your machine
git tag -a v0.1.3 -m "Vulnerability Fixes"
git push origin v0.1.3