Server side code for managing BagIt bags sent to and managed by APTrust.
Easy Vagrant Setup
For an easy setup using Vagrant, see the
Vagrant setup instructions
in the ansible-playboooks repo.
Install libmagic first. If you're on a Mac, do it this way:
brew install libmagic
If you're on Linux, use apt-get or yum to install libmagic-dev:
sudo apt-get install libmagic-dev
Install these prerequisites as well:
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get
It's as easy as:
go get
You must have the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in your environment for bagman to connect
to S3.
You can create a named custom configuration in config.json, and
then run bagman with that named configuration using the scripts
in the scripts directory. See the section on Running Locally with
NSQ below.
You can run basic unit tests by changing into the bagman/bagman
directory and running this:
go test
... but because bagman has to work with NSQ, S3 and a Rails app called
Fluctus, the integration tests are much more useful and
informative. See the Testing Documentation for more
information about unit tests and integration tests.
Running Locally with NSQ
See the script in the scripts directory. This runs all of
the services required for bag processing, using the "demo"
configuration settings in the config.json file. To run everything
locally, you can set up your own config secion in config.json, then
run one of the scripts in the scripts directory, using your newly
created config.
The config settings you'll need to change to run locally are
TarDirectory, LogDirectory and RestoreDirectory. These should all
point to existing directories in which you have read/write access. You
should also set MaxFileSize to a relatively low value (100000 -
250000), so that you only fetch and process relatively small files
from the S3 receiving buckets. If MaxFileSize is set too high, or if
it's set to zero, which means no limit, you will wind up downloading
and processing an enormous amount of data.
The scripts directory also includes and These are good for running local end-to-end
integration tests. To run these on your own machine, you'll have to
change the config setting in those scripts from dev to whatever
config name you've set up. You also must have Fluctus running
locally (or at whatever URL the FluctusURL setting points to).
The script runs the bucket reader to look for items
in the receiving buckets, then ingests them. The
script looks for items marked for delete and restore, and deletes or
restores them.
A good way to run end-to-end tests locally is to run,
then go to http://localhost:3000 and mark a few intellectual objects
for delete and a few for restore. Then kill and run Both scripts print occasional STATS lines that
show the number of items that have processed successfully and the
number that have failed.
The nsq folder contains service.go, which is a wrapper around NSQ. It
also contains config files with settings for the NSQ demon. See the
README in the nsq directory for more information.
APTrust Apps
Bag processing, deletion and restoration requires a number of
apps. Here's a breakdown of the apps and what they do:
apt_bag_delete - Delete Bags After Ingest
apps/bag_delete deletes bags from partners' receiving buckets after
the bags have been successfully ingested.
apt_failed_fixity - Record Failed Fixity Events
apps/failed_fixity records information about failed attempts to run
fixity checks on items in the preservation bucket.
apt_failed_replication - Record Failed Replication Events
apps/failed_replication records information about failed attempts to
copy files from the preservation bucket in the US East region to the
replication bucket in the US West 2 region.
apt_file_delete - Delete Generic Files from Preservation
*apps/apt_file_delete deletes files from the perservation bucket. This is
done only at the request of the institution that owns the files.
apt_fixity - Run Fixity Checks
*apps/apt_fixity runs periodic fixity checks on files in the
preservation storage bucket.
apt_prepare - Prepare Bags for Ingest
apps/apt_prepare handles the first stages on ingest. It reads from
NSQ's prepare_channel, which often contains duplicate
entries. apt_prepare throws out duplicates, then downloads tar files
from the receiving buckets, unpacks them, and validates them. It
makes an entry for each valid bag in NSQ's store_topic. Invalid bags
are recorded in Fluctus' Processed Items list as invalid. apt_prepare
deletes the original tar file from the local file system when it
finishes, but it leaves the untarred files for apt_store to work
apt_record - Record Items in Fluctus
apps/apt_record reads from NSQ's metadata_channel, which contains
information about where all of a bag's files have been stored. It
records this data in Fluctus (Fedora), creating or updating the
Intellectual Object, the Generic Files and Premis Events. apt_record
puts successfully ingested items into NSQ's cleanup_topic.
apt_replicate - Copy Ingested Files To Oregon
apps/apt_replicate copies items from the preservation bucket in
Virginia to the replication bucket in Oregon.
apt_restore - Restore Intellectual Objects
apps/apt_restore reassembles Intellectual Objects into APTrust bags
and copies them to the restoration bucket of the partner who owns the
apt_retry - Re-attempt Recording in Fluctus
apps/apt_retry is a manually-run app that uses JSON data dumped from
the trouble queue to re-record ingest data in Fluctus. It can create
complete, consistent records in Fluctus about any ingested bag whose
Fluctus data was recorded incompletely or not at all. This tool is
rarely needed. A typical use case occurs when a bag exposes a new bug
in Fluctus that prevents proper recording of metadata. Once the bug
is fixed, the object's metadata can be rebuilt in Fluctus from the
JSON data in the trouble queue.
apt_store - Store Ingested Files in the Preservation Bucket
apps/apt_store reads from the store_channel and stores the generic
files unpacked by apt_prepare in the S3 preservation bucket (aka
long-term storage). If it's not able to store all the files in S3, it
records an error in Fluctus' Processed Items list. Otherwise, it
creates an entry in NSQ's metadata_topic so that data about the bag
can be recorded in Fluctus. apt_store deletes all of the untarred
contents of the bag from the local file system when it finishes.
apps/apt_trouble dumps information about failed ingest attempts into
JSON files inside the log directory of the Go server. This data is
useful for diagnosing bugs and for the apt_retry utility described
Bucket Reader
apps/bucket_reader runs as a cron job on the Go utility server. It
scans all of the partner intake buckets, then checks the Processed
Items list in Fluctus to see which of these items have not yet
started the ingest process. It adds unprocessed tar files to the
prepare_topic in NSQ.
apps/downloader is a simple command-line utility for downloading
files from any APTrust bucket to your local machine. You must have
the proper APTrust AWS keys set in your environment to use this.
Cleanup Reader
apps/cleanup_reader is a cron job that gathers information from
Fluctus about what bags have been ingested recently. It adds
successfully-ingested bags to NSQ's bag_delete topic, so that
apt_bag_delete can remove them from the receiving buckets.
Fixity Reader
apps/fixity_reader is a cron job that checks Fluctus once a day for
files that need a fixity check. It copies information about these
files into NSQ's fixity_topic.
apps/multiclean finds and deletes fragments of failed multi-part S3
uploads. We run this periodically to avoid having to pay S3 storage
charges on inaccessible file fragments.
Read Test
apps/readtest reads an APTrust bag from the local file system and
prints out information about what's in it (files, tags, etc.) This
can be useful for examining bags and diagnosing problems. See also
the partner app called apt_validate.
Request Reader
apps/request_reader runs as a cron job on the Go utility server. It
checks the Processed Items list in Fluctus for 1) intellectual
objects that users want to restore, and 2) generic files that users
want to delete. It puts these items into NSQ's restore_topic and
apps/apt_restore reads from NSQ's restore_channel and restores
intellectual objects. It fetches all of the object's generic files
from the preservation bucket, reassembles them into a bag (a tar
file), and puts them into the owning institution's restoration
bucket. (If the CustomRestoreBucket option in config.json is set to
some other bucket name, the object will be restored to that bucket.)
Multi-part bags will not be divided into the same units as the
original upload, but the entire bag, once reassembled from the parts
will be complete. (E.g. A bag may have been uploaded in 100 parts,
and it may be restored in 20 parts. None of the restored parts will
match the original parts, but the restored whole will match the
original whole.)
APTrust Partner Apps
The partner-apps directory contains apps intended for use by APTrust
partners. Note that these apps can access only the partner's own
receiving and restoration buckets. These apps require a config file,
which is described by providing the --help flag to any of the apps.
Most of these apps require a configuration file, which you can specify
explicitly on the command line with the --config flag, or implicitly
by creating a ~/.aptrust_partner.conf file.
The apps include the following:
partner-apps/apt_delete enables partners to download restored bags
from their restoration buckets.
partner-apps/apt_download enables partners to download restored bags
from their restoration buckets.
partner-apps/apt_list enables partners to list the contents of their
receiving and restoration buckets.
partner-apps/apt_upload enables partners to upload bags to their
receiving buckets for ingest.
partner-apps/apt_validate enables partners to validate bags (tarred
or untarred) before uploading them for ingest.