# DBus Go Generator
DBus Go Generator, dbus-gen, is a Go code generator for creating
bindings for DBus XML IDL definition files. It uses the text templating
library from Go's standard libraries to control the rendering of
bindings code.
## Usage
Since it is not always possible to determine the metadata needed for generating
the Go code the dbus-gen command has a set of flags that allows passing this
information. The two parameters that are required are the path to the IDL file
(-i/--input flag) and the path to the code rendering template (-t/--template
flag). There are two parameters that are optional but will result in generated
code that will likely not compile, these being the base name for the DBus
inteface (-b/--intf-base flag) and the package name for the generated code
(-p/--package flag). Finally the last parameter is optional and that is the
directory where the generated Go code file will be created (-d/--dest flag).
For reference, below is the help string from dbus-gen.
Usage of dbus-gen:
-d, --dest string destination directory for code (default ".")
-i, --input string XML DBus IDL file
-b, --intf-base string base name of the DBus interface (default "")
-p, --package string Go package name (default "")
-t, --template string code template