Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- func EnvPlaceHolder(env string) string
- func GenerateAccountSecretName(clusterName, compName, name string) string
- func GenerateClusterComponentEnvPattern(clusterName, compName string) string
- func GenerateClusterComponentName(clusterName, compName string) string
- func GenerateClusterServiceName(clusterName, svcName string) string
- func GenerateComponentHeadlessServiceName(clusterName, compName, svcName string) string
- func GenerateComponentServiceName(clusterName, compName, svcName string) string
- func GenerateDefaultComponentHeadlessServiceName(clusterName, compName string) string
- func GenerateDefaultComponentServiceName(clusterName, compName string) string
- func GenerateDefaultServiceAccountName(name string) string
- func GeneratePodName(clusterName, compName string, ordinal int) string
- func GenerateResourceNameWithScalingSuffix(name string) string
- func GenerateShardingNamePrefix(shardingName string) string
- func GenerateShardingNameSvcPrefix(shardingSvcName string) string
- func GenerateWorkloadNamePattern(clusterName, compName string) string
- func GetAppVersionLabel(appVersion string) map[string]string
- func GetClickHouseAlias() []string
- func GetClusterWellKnownLabels(clusterName string) map[string]string
- func GetComponentDefLabel(compDefName string) map[string]string
- func GetComponentWellKnownLabels(clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string
- func GetElasticSearchAlias() []string
- func GetKBConfigMapWellKnownLabels(cmTplName, clusterDefName, clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string
- func GetKBGenerationAnnotation(generation string) map[string]string
- func GetKBReservedAnnotationKeys() []string
- func GetKBReservedLabelKeys() []string
- func GetKBWellKnownLabels(clusterDefName, clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string
- func GetKBWellKnownLabelsWithCompDef(compDefName, clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string
- func GetMongoDBAlias() []string
- func GetPostgreSQLAlias() []string
- func GetServiceVersionAnnotation(serviceVersion string) map[string]string
- func GetShardingNameLabel(shardingName string) map[string]string
- func GetZookeeperAlias() []string
Constants ¶
const ( ClusterSnapshotAnnotationKey = "" // ClusterSnapshotAnnotationKey saves the snapshot of cluster. EncryptedSystemAccountsAnnotationKey = "" // EncryptedSystemAccountsAnnotationKey saves the encrypted system accounts. OpsRequestAnnotationKey = "" // OpsRequestAnnotationKey OpsRequest annotation key in Cluster ReconcileAnnotationKey = "" // ReconcileAnnotationKey Notify k8s object to reconcile RestartAnnotationKey = "" // RestartAnnotationKey the annotation which notices the StatefulSet/DeploySet to restart RestoreFromBackupAnnotationKey = "" RestoreDoneAnnotationKey = "" BackupSourceTargetAnnotationKey = "" // RestoreFromBackupAnnotationKey specifies the component to recover from the backup. ComponentReplicasAnnotationKey = "" // ComponentReplicasAnnotationKey specifies the number of pods in replicas BackupPolicyTemplateAnnotationKey = "" LastAppliedClusterAnnotationKey = "" PVLastClaimPolicyAnnotationKey = "" HaltRecoveryAllowInconsistentResAnnotKey = "" KubeBlocksGenerationKey = "" ExtraEnvAnnotationKey = "" LastRoleSnapshotVersionAnnotationKey = "" ComponentScaleInAnnotationKey = "" // ComponentScaleInAnnotationKey specifies whether the component is scaled in DisableHAAnnotationKey = "" OpsDependentOnSuccessfulOpsAnnoKey = "" // OpsDependentOnSuccessfulOpsAnnoKey wait for the dependent ops to succeed before executing the current ops. If it fails, this ops will also fail. RelatedOpsAnnotationKey = "" // SkipImmutableCheckAnnotationKey specifies to skip the mutation check for the object. // The mutation check is only applied to the fields that are declared as immutable. SkipImmutableCheckAnnotationKey = "" )
annotations for kubeblocks
const ( KBAppMultiClusterPlacementKey = "" MultiClusterServicePlacementKey = "" )
annotations for multi-cluster
const ( // BackupRetain always retained, unless manually deleted by the user BackupRetain = "Retain" // BackupRetainUntilExpired retains backup till it expires BackupRetainUntilExpired = "RetainUntilExpired" // BackupDelete (default) deletes backup immediately when cluster's terminationPolicy is WipeOut BackupDelete = "Delete" )
const ( BackupNameKeyForRestore = "name" BackupNamespaceKeyForRestore = "namespace" VolumeRestorePolicyKeyForRestore = "volumeRestorePolicy" DoReadyRestoreAfterClusterRunning = "doReadyRestoreAfterClusterRunning" RestoreTimeKeyForRestore = "restoreTime" ConnectionPassword = "connectionPassword" EncryptedSystemAccounts = "encryptedSystemAccounts" )
const ( TPLRenderToolPath = "/bin/config_render" ConfigManagerToolPath = "/bin/reloader" // ConfigurationTplLabelPrefixKey clusterdefinition using tpl ConfigurationTplLabelPrefixKey = "" ConfigurationConstraintsLabelPrefixKey = "" // CMInsLastReconfigurePhaseKey defines the current phase CMInsLastReconfigurePhaseKey = "" // ConfigurationRevision defines the current revision // TODO support multi version ConfigurationRevision = "" LastConfigurationRevisionPhase = "" // Deprecated: only compatible with version 0.6, will be removed in 0.8 // CMInsEnableRerenderTemplateKey is used to enable rerender template CMInsEnableRerenderTemplateKey = "" )
const ( CMConfigurationSpecProviderLabelKey = "" // CMConfigurationSpecProviderLabelKey is ComponentConfigSpec name CMConfigurationCMKeysLabelKey = "" // CMConfigurationCMKeysLabelKey Specify configmap keys CMConfigurationTemplateNameLabelKey = "" CMTemplateNameLabelKey = "" CMConfigurationTypeLabelKey = "" CMInsConfigurationHashLabelKey = "" CMInsCurrentConfigurationHashLabelKey = "" CMConfigurationConstraintsNameLabelKey = "" CMConfigurationTemplateVersion = "" )
const ( DisableUpgradeInsConfigurationAnnotationKey = "" LastAppliedConfigAnnotationKey = "" LastAppliedOpsCRAnnotationKey = "" UpgradePolicyAnnotationKey = "" KBParameterUpdateSourceAnnotationKey = "" UpgradeRestartAnnotationKey = "" ConfigAppliedVersionAnnotationKey = "" )
const ( ConfigSidecarName = "config-manager" ConfigManagerGPRCPortEnv = "CONFIG_MANAGER_GRPC_PORT" ConfigManagerLogLevel = "CONFIG_MANAGER_LOG_LEVEL" PodMinReadySecondsEnv = "POD_MIN_READY_SECONDS" ConfigTemplateType = "tpl" ConfigInstanceType = "instance" ReconfigureManagerSource = "manager" ReconfigureUserSource = "ops" ReconfigureTemplateSource = "external-template" ConfigManagerPortName = "config-manager" )
const ( APIGroup = "" AppName = "kubeblocks" RBACRoleName = "kubeblocks-cluster-pod-role" RBACClusterRoleName = "kubeblocks-volume-protection-pod-role" )
const ( KBComponentEnvCMPlaceHolder = "$(COMP_ENV_CM_NAME)" KBToolsImagePlaceHolder = "$(KUBEBLOCKS_TOOLS_IMAGE)" )
TODO: deprecated, will be removed later.
const ( StatefulSetKind = "StatefulSet" PodKind = "Pod" JobKind = "Job" VolumeSnapshotKind = "VolumeSnapshot" ServiceKind = "Service" )
const ( AccountNameForSecret = "username" AccountPasswdForSecret = "password" )
username and password are keys in created secrets for others to refer to.
const ( KubernetesClusterDomainEnv = "KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_DOMAIN" DefaultDNSDomain = "cluster.local" )
const ( KBPrefix = "KB" KBLowerPrefix = "kb" KBGeneratedVirtualCompDefPrefix = "KB_GENERATED_VIRTUAL_COMP_DEF" SlashScalingLowerSuffix = "scaling" )
const ( KubeblocksAPIConversionTypeAnnotationName = "" SourceAPIVersionAnnotationName = "" SourceAPIVersion = "source" MigratedAPIVersion = "migrated" ReviewAPIVersion = "reviewer" )
const ( KBEnvClusterName = "KB_CLUSTER_NAME" KBEnvClusterUID = "KB_CLUSTER_UID" KBEnvClusterCompName = "KB_CLUSTER_COMP_NAME" KBEnvClusterUIDPostfix8Deprecated = "KB_CLUSTER_UID_POSTFIX_8" )
const ( KBEnvCompName = "KB_COMP_NAME" KBEnvCompReplicas = "KB_COMP_REPLICAS" KBEnvCompServiceVersion = "KB_COMP_SERVICE_VERSION" )
const ( KBEnvPodName = "KB_POD_NAME" KBEnvPodUID = "KB_POD_UID" KBEnvPodIP = "KB_POD_IP" KBEnvPodIPs = "KB_POD_IPS" KBEnvPodFQDN = "KB_POD_FQDN" KBEnvPodOrdinal = "KB_POD_ORDINAL" KBEnvPodIPDeprecated = "KB_PODIP" KBEnvPodIPsDeprecated = "KB_PODIPS" )
const ( KBEnvHostIP = "KB_HOST_IP" KBEnvNodeName = "KB_NODENAME" KBEnvHostIPDeprecated = "KB_HOSTIP" )
const ( KBEnvServiceUser = "KB_SERVICE_USER" KBEnvServicePassword = "KB_SERVICE_PASSWORD" )
const ( // ReasonNotFoundCR referenced custom resource not found ReasonNotFoundCR = "NotFound" ReasonRefCRUnavailable = "Unavailable" // ReasonDeletedCR deleted custom resource ReasonDeletedCR = "DeletedCR" // ReasonDeletingCR deleting custom resource ReasonDeletingCR = "DeletingCR" // ReasonCreatedCR created custom resource ReasonCreatedCR = "CreatedCR" // ReasonRunTaskFailed run task failed ReasonRunTaskFailed = "RunTaskFailed" // ReasonDeleteFailed delete failed ReasonDeleteFailed = "DeleteFailed" )
const ( DBClusterFinalizerName = "" DBComponentFinalizerName = "" ConfigFinalizerName = "" ServiceDescriptorFinalizerName = "" OpsRequestFinalizerName = "" ) well-known finalizers
const ( EnableRBACManager = "EnableRBACManager" ManagedNamespacesFlag = "managed-namespaces" )
const ( // ShardSvcAnnotationKey defines the feature gate of creating service for each shard. // Sharding name defined in the annotation value, a set of Service defined in Cluster.Spec.Services with the ShardingSelector will be automatically generated for each shard when Cluster.Spec.ShardingSpecs[x].shards is not nil. // Multiple sharding names are separated by ','. for example: " proxy-shard,db-shard" ShardSvcAnnotationKey = "" // HostNetworkAnnotationKey defines the feature gate to enable the host-network for specified components or shardings. HostNetworkAnnotationKey = "" // FeatureReconciliationInCompactModeAnnotationKey indicates that the controller should run in compact mode, // means to try the best to cutoff useless objects. FeatureReconciliationInCompactModeAnnotationKey = "" // FeatureGateComponentReplicasAnnotation tells whether to add and update the annotation "component-replicas" to all pods of a Component FeatureGateComponentReplicasAnnotation = "COMPONENT_REPLICAS_ANNOTATION" // FeatureGateInPlacePodVerticalScaling specifies to enable in-place pod vertical scaling // NOTE: This feature depends on the InPlacePodVerticalScaling feature of the K8s cluster in which the KubeBlocks runs. FeatureGateInPlacePodVerticalScaling = "IN_PLACE_POD_VERTICAL_SCALING" )
const ( // AppInstanceLabelKey refer cluster.Name AppInstanceLabelKey = "" // AppNameLabelKey refer clusterDefinition.Name before KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 or refer ComponentDefinition.Name after KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 (TODO:Pending) AppNameLabelKey = "" // AppComponentLabelKey refer clusterDefinition.Spec.ComponentDefs[*].Name before KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 or refer ComponentDefinition.Name after KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 AppComponentLabelKey = "" // AppVersionLabelKey refer clusterVersion.Name before KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 or refer ComponentDefinition.Name after KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 AppVersionLabelKey = "" AppManagedByLabelKey = "" RegionLabelKey = "" ZoneLabelKey = "" )
k8s recommended well-known label keys
const ( BackupProtectionLabelKey = "" // BackupProtectionLabelKey Backup delete protection policy label RoleLabelKey = "" // RoleLabelKey consensusSet and replicationSet role label key AccessModeLabelKey = "" ReadyWithoutPrimaryKey = "" ClusterAccountLabelKey = "" KBAppClusterUIDLabelKey = "" KBAppComponentLabelKey = "" KBAppShardingNameLabelKey = "" KBManagedByKey = "" // KBManagedByKey marks resources that auto created PVCNameLabelKey = "" VolumeClaimTemplateNameLabelKey = "" KBAppComponentInstanceTemplateLabelKey = "" KBAppServiceVersionKey = "" KBAppPodNameLabelKey = "" ClusterDefLabelKey = "" ComponentDefinitionLabelKey = "" ComponentVersionLabelKey = "" ConsensusSetAccessModeLabelKey = "" AddonNameLabelKey = "" OpsRequestTypeLabelKey = "" OpsRequestNameLabelKey = "" OpsRequestNamespaceLabelKey = "" ServiceDescriptorNameLabelKey = "" )
well-known labels for KubeBlocks and its resources
const ( TLSPayload = "tls" ComponentResourcePayload = "component-resource" ReplicasPayload = "replicas" BinaryVersionPayload = "binary-version" )
const ( Primary = "primary" Secondary = "secondary" Leader = "leader" Follower = "follower" Learner = "learner" Candidate = "candidate" )
const ( ServiceDescriptorUsernameKey = "username" ServiceDescriptorPasswordKey = "password" ServiceDescriptorEndpointKey = "endpoint" ServiceDescriptorHostKey = "host" ServiceDescriptorPortKey = "port" )
const ( ServiceKindPostgreSQL = "postgresql" ServiceKindMongoDB = "mongodb" ServiceKindClickHouse = "clickhouse" ServiceKindZookeeper = "zookeeper" ServiceKindElasticSearch = "elasticsearch" )
const ( VolumeName = "tls" CAName = "ca.crt" CertName = "tls.crt" KeyName = "tls.key" MountPath = "/etc/pki/tls" )
const ( CfgKeyServerInfo = "_KUBE_SERVER_INFO" CfgKeyCtrlrMgrNS = "CM_NAMESPACE" CfgKeyCtrlrMgrAffinity = "CM_AFFINITY" CfgKeyCtrlrMgrNodeSelector = "CM_NODE_SELECTOR" CfgKeyCtrlrMgrTolerations = "CM_TOLERATIONS" CfgKeyCtrlrReconcileRetryDurationMS = "CM_RECON_RETRY_DURATION_MS" // accept time CfgRecoverVolumeExpansionFailure = "RECOVER_VOLUME_EXPANSION_FAILURE" // refer to feature gates RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure of k8s. CfgKeyProvider = "KUBE_PROVIDER" CfgHostPortConfigMapName = "HOST_PORT_CM_NAME" CfgHostPortIncludeRanges = "HOST_PORT_INCLUDE_RANGES" CfgHostPortExcludeRanges = "HOST_PORT_EXCLUDE_RANGES" // addon config keys CfgKeyAddonJobTTL = "ADDON_JOB_TTL" CfgAddonJobImgPullPolicy = "ADDON_JOB_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY" // data plane config key CfgKeyDataPlaneTolerations = "DATA_PLANE_TOLERATIONS" CfgKeyDataPlaneAffinity = "DATA_PLANE_AFFINITY" // storage config keys CfgKeyDefaultStorageClass = "DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS" // customized encryption key for encrypting the password of connection credential. CfgKeyDPEncryptionKey = "DP_ENCRYPTION_KEY" CfgKeyDPBackupEncryptionSecretKeyRef = "DP_BACKUP_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY_REF" CfgKeyDPBackupEncryptionAlgorithm = "DP_BACKUP_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM" CfgKBReconcileWorkers = "KUBEBLOCKS_RECONCILE_WORKERS" CfgClientQPS = "CLIENT_QPS" CfgClientBurst = "CLIENT_BURST" )
config keys used in viper, DON'T refactor the value without careful inspections
const EmptyInsTemplateName = ""
const (
FeatureGateIgnoreConfigTemplateDefaultMode = "IGNORE_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_MODE"
const (
HorizontalScaleBackupPolicyTemplateKey = ""
const InvalidContainerPort int32 = 0
const (
KBEnvNamespace = "KB_NAMESPACE"
const (
KBEnvServiceAccountName = "KB_SA_NAME"
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func EnvPlaceHolder ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GenerateAccountSecretName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateAccountSecretName generates the secret name of system accounts.
func GenerateClusterComponentEnvPattern ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateClusterComponentEnvPattern generates cluster and component pattern
func GenerateClusterComponentName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateClusterComponentName generates the cluster component name.
func GenerateClusterServiceName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateClusterServiceName generates the service name for cluster.
func GenerateComponentHeadlessServiceName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateComponentHeadlessServiceName generates the headless service name for component.
func GenerateComponentServiceName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateComponentServiceName generates the service name for component.
func GenerateDefaultComponentHeadlessServiceName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateDefaultComponentHeadlessServiceName generates the default headless service name for component.
func GenerateDefaultComponentServiceName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateDefaultComponentServiceName generates the default service name for component.
func GenerateDefaultServiceAccountName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateDefaultServiceAccountName generates default service account name for a cluster.
func GeneratePodName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GeneratePodName generates the connection credential name for component.
func GenerateResourceNameWithScalingSuffix ¶ added in v0.9.0
GenerateResourceNameWithScalingSuffix generates name with '-scaling' suffix.
func GenerateShardingNamePrefix ¶ added in v0.8.2
GenerateShardingNamePrefix generates sharding name prefix.
func GenerateShardingNameSvcPrefix ¶ added in v0.8.2
GenerateShardingNameSvcPrefix generates sharding service name prefix.
func GenerateWorkloadNamePattern ¶ added in v0.9.0
GenerateWorkloadNamePattern generates the workload name pattern
func GetAppVersionLabel ¶ added in v0.8.0
GetAppVersionLabel returns the label for AppVersion
func GetClickHouseAlias ¶
func GetClickHouseAlias() []string
GetClickHouseAlias get clickhouse alias
func GetClusterWellKnownLabels ¶ added in v0.8.0
GetClusterWellKnownLabels returns the well-known labels for a cluster
func GetComponentDefLabel ¶ added in v0.8.0
GetComponentDefLabel returns the label for ComponentDefinition (refer ComponentDefinition.Name)
func GetComponentWellKnownLabels ¶ added in v0.8.0
GetComponentWellKnownLabels returns the well-known labels for Component API
func GetElasticSearchAlias ¶
func GetElasticSearchAlias() []string
GetElasticSearchAlias get elasticsearch alias
func GetKBConfigMapWellKnownLabels ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GetKBConfigMapWellKnownLabels(cmTplName, clusterDefName, clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string
GetKBConfigMapWellKnownLabels returns the well-known labels for KB ConfigMap
func GetKBGenerationAnnotation ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetKBGenerationAnnotation returns the annotation for kubeblocks generation.
func GetKBReservedAnnotationKeys ¶ added in v0.9.0
func GetKBReservedAnnotationKeys() []string
GetKBReservedAnnotationKeys returns the reserved annotation keys for KubeBlocks
func GetKBReservedLabelKeys ¶ added in v0.8.2
func GetKBReservedLabelKeys() []string
GetKBReservedLabelKeys returns the reserved label keys for KubeBlocks
func GetKBWellKnownLabels ¶ added in v0.8.0
GetKBWellKnownLabels returns the well-known labels for KB resources with ClusterDefinition API
func GetKBWellKnownLabelsWithCompDef ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GetKBWellKnownLabelsWithCompDef(compDefName, clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string
GetKBWellKnownLabelsWithCompDef returns the well-known labels for KB resources with ComponentDefinition API
func GetPostgreSQLAlias ¶
func GetPostgreSQLAlias() []string
GetPostgreSQLAlias get postgresql alias
func GetServiceVersionAnnotation ¶ added in v0.9.0
func GetShardingNameLabel ¶ added in v0.8.2
GetShardingNameLabel returns the shard template name label for component generated from shardSpec
Types ¶
This section is empty.