Index ¶
- Constants
- func EnabledRuntimeMetrics() bool
- func EnvPlaceHolder(env string) string
- func GenerateAccountSecretName(clusterName, compName, name string) string
- func GenerateClusterComponentEnvPattern(clusterName, compName string) string
- func GenerateClusterComponentName(clusterName, compName string) string
- func GenerateClusterServiceName(clusterName, svcName string) string
- func GenerateComponentHeadlessServiceName(clusterName, compName, svcName string) string
- func GenerateComponentServiceName(clusterName, compName, svcName string) string
- func GenerateDefaultComponentHeadlessServiceName(clusterName, compName string) string
- func GenerateDefaultComponentServiceName(clusterName, compName string) string
- func GenerateDefaultConnCredential(clusterName string) string
- func GenerateDefaultServiceAccountName(name string) string
- func GeneratePodFQDN(namespace, clusterName, compName string, ordinal int) string
- func GeneratePodName(clusterName, compName string, ordinal int) string
- func GeneratePodSubDomain(clusterName, compName string) string
- func GenerateResourceNameWithScalingSuffix(name string) string
- func GenerateServiceNamePattern(rsmName string) string
- func GenerateShardingNamePrefix(shardingName string) string
- func GenerateShardingNameSvcPrefix(shardingSvcName string) string
- func GenerateVirtualComponentDefinition(compDefSuffix string) string
- func GenerateWorkloadNamePattern(clusterName, compName string) string
- func GetAppVersionLabel(appVersion string) map[string]string
- func GetClickHouseAlias() []string
- func GetClusterCompDefLabel(clusterCompDefName string) map[string]string
- func GetClusterDefTypeLabel(clusterDefType string) map[string]string
- func GetClusterWellKnownLabels(clusterName string) map[string]string
- func GetComponentDefLabel(compDefName string) map[string]string
- func GetComponentWellKnownLabels(clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string
- func GetElasticSearchAlias() []string
- func GetKBConfigMapWellKnownLabels(cmTplName, clusterDefName, clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string
- func GetKBGenerationAnnotation(generation string) map[string]string
- func GetKBReservedAnnotationKeys() []string
- func GetKBReservedLabelKeys() []string
- func GetKBWellKnownLabels(clusterDefName, clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string
- func GetKBWellKnownLabelsWithCompDef(compDefName, clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string
- func GetMongoDBAlias() []string
- func GetPostgreSQLAlias() []string
- func GetServiceVersionAnnotation(serviceVersion string) map[string]string
- func GetShardingNameLabel(shardingName string) map[string]string
- func GetZookeeperAlias() []string
Constants ¶
const ( // config keys used in viper, DON'T refactor the value without careful inspections CfgKeyServerInfo = "_KUBE_SERVER_INFO" CfgKeyCtrlrMgrNS = "CM_NAMESPACE" CfgKeyCtrlrMgrAffinity = "CM_AFFINITY" CfgKeyCtrlrMgrNodeSelector = "CM_NODE_SELECTOR" CfgKeyCtrlrMgrTolerations = "CM_TOLERATIONS" CfgKeyCtrlrReconcileRetryDurationMS = "CM_RECON_RETRY_DURATION_MS" // accept time CfgRecoverVolumeExpansionFailure = "RECOVER_VOLUME_EXPANSION_FAILURE" // refer to feature gates RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure of k8s. CfgKeyProvider = "KUBE_PROVIDER" CfgHostPortConfigMapName = "HOST_PORT_CM_NAME" CfgHostPortIncludeRanges = "HOST_PORT_INCLUDE_RANGES" CfgHostPortExcludeRanges = "HOST_PORT_EXCLUDE_RANGES" // addon config keys CfgKeyAddonJobTTL = "ADDON_JOB_TTL" CfgAddonJobImgPullPolicy = "ADDON_JOB_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY" // data plane config key CfgKeyDataPlaneTolerations = "DATA_PLANE_TOLERATIONS" CfgKeyDataPlaneAffinity = "DATA_PLANE_AFFINITY" // storage config keys CfgKeyDefaultStorageClass = "DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS" // customized encryption key for encrypting the password of connection credential. CfgKeyDPEncryptionKey = "DP_ENCRYPTION_KEY" CfgKBReconcileWorkers = "KUBEBLOCKS_RECONCILE_WORKERS" CfgClientQPS = "CLIENT_QPS" CfgClientBurst = "CLIENT_BURST" )
const ( // TODO: deprecated, will be removed later. KBConnCredentialPlaceHolder = "$(CONN_CREDENTIAL_SECRET_NAME)" KBComponentEnvCMPlaceHolder = "$(COMP_ENV_CM_NAME)" KBToolsImagePlaceHolder = "$(KUBEBLOCKS_TOOLS_IMAGE)" )
const ( KBPrefix = "KB" KBLowerPrefix = "kb" SlashScalingLowerSuffix = "scaling" )
const ( APIGroup = "" AppName = "kubeblocks" // AppInstanceLabelKey refer cluster.Name AppInstanceLabelKey = "" // AppNameLabelKey refer clusterDefinition.Name before KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 or refer ComponentDefinition.Name after KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 (TODO:Pending) AppNameLabelKey = "" // AppComponentLabelKey refer clusterDefinition.Spec.ComponentDefs[*].Name before KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 or refer ComponentDefinition.Name after KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 AppComponentLabelKey = "" // AppVersionLabelKey refer clusterVersion.Name before KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 or refer ComponentDefinition.Name after KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 AppVersionLabelKey = "" AppManagedByLabelKey = "" RegionLabelKey = "" ZoneLabelKey = "" // labels BackupProtectionLabelKey = "" // BackupProtectionLabelKey Backup delete protection policy label RoleLabelKey = "" // RoleLabelKey consensusSet and replicationSet role label key ReadyWithoutPrimaryKey = "" VolumeTypeLabelKey = "" ClusterAccountLabelKey = "" KBAppClusterUIDLabelKey = "" KBAppComponentLabelKey = "" KBAppShardingNameLabelKey = "" KBAppComponentDefRefLabelKey = "" // refer clusterDefinition.Spec.ComponentDefs[*].Name before KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 or refer ComponentDefinition.Name after KubeBlocks Version 0.8.0 KBAppClusterDefTypeLabelKey = "" // refer clusterDefinition.Spec.Type (deprecated) KBManagedByKey = "" // KBManagedByKey marks resources that auto created PVCNameLabelKey = "" VolumeClaimTemplateNameLabelKey = "" KBAppServiceVersionKey = "" WorkloadTypeLabelKey = "" KBAppPodNameLabelKey = "" ClassProviderLabelKey = "" ClusterDefLabelKey = "" ClusterVerLabelKey = "" ComponentDefinitionLabelKey = "" ComponentVersionLabelKey = "" CMConfigurationSpecProviderLabelKey = "" // CMConfigurationSpecProviderLabelKey is ComponentConfigSpec name CMConfigurationCMKeysLabelKey = "" // CMConfigurationCMKeysLabelKey Specify configmap keys CMConfigurationTemplateNameLabelKey = "" CMTemplateNameLabelKey = "" CMConfigurationTypeLabelKey = "" CMInsConfigurationHashLabelKey = "" CMInsCurrentConfigurationHashLabelKey = "" CMConfigurationConstraintsNameLabelKey = "" CMConfigurationTemplateVersion = "" ConsensusSetAccessModeLabelKey = "" AddonNameLabelKey = "" OpsRequestTypeLabelKey = "" OpsRequestNameLabelKey = "" OpsRequestNamespaceLabelKey = "" ServiceDescriptorNameLabelKey = "" RestoreForHScaleLabelKey = "" ResourceConstraintProviderLabelKey = "" VolumeClaimTemplateNameLabelKeyForLegacy = "" // Deprecated: only compatible with version 0.5, will be removed in 0.7 // annotations ClusterSnapshotAnnotationKey = "" // ClusterSnapshotAnnotationKey saves the snapshot of cluster. OpsRequestAnnotationKey = "" // OpsRequestAnnotationKey OpsRequest annotation key in Cluster ReconcileAnnotationKey = "" // ReconcileAnnotationKey Notify k8s object to reconcile RestartAnnotationKey = "" // RestartAnnotationKey the annotation which notices the StatefulSet/DeploySet to restart RestoreFromBackupAnnotationKey = "" RestoreDoneAnnotationKey = "" BackupSourceTargetAnnotationKey = "" // RestoreFromBackupAnnotationKey specifies the component to recover from the backup. SnapShotForStartAnnotationKey = "" ComponentReplicasAnnotationKey = "" // ComponentReplicasAnnotationKey specifies the number of pods in replicas BackupPolicyTemplateAnnotationKey = "" LastAppliedClusterAnnotationKey = "" PVLastClaimPolicyAnnotationKey = "" HaltRecoveryAllowInconsistentCVAnnotKey = "" HaltRecoveryAllowInconsistentResAnnotKey = "" PrimaryAnnotationKey = "" DisableUpgradeInsConfigurationAnnotationKey = "" LastAppliedConfigAnnotationKey = "" LastAppliedOpsCRAnnotationKey = "" UpgradePolicyAnnotationKey = "" KBParameterUpdateSourceAnnotationKey = "" UpgradeRestartAnnotationKey = "" ConfigAppliedVersionAnnotationKey = "" KubeBlocksGenerationKey = "" ExtraEnvAnnotationKey = "" LastRoleSnapshotVersionAnnotationKey = "" ComponentScaleInAnnotationKey = "" // ComponentScaleInAnnotationKey specifies whether the component is scaled in // well-known finalizers DBClusterFinalizerName = "" DBComponentFinalizerName = "" ConfigFinalizerName = "" ServiceDescriptorFinalizerName = "" OpsRequestFinalizerName = "" // ConfigurationTplLabelPrefixKey clusterVersion or clusterdefinition using tpl ConfigurationTplLabelPrefixKey = "" ConfigurationConstraintsLabelPrefixKey = "" // CMInsLastReconfigurePhaseKey defines the current phase CMInsLastReconfigurePhaseKey = "" // ConfigurationRevision defines the current revision // TODO support multi version ConfigurationRevision = "" LastConfigurationRevisionPhase = "" // Deprecated: only compatible with version 0.6, will be removed in 0.8 // CMInsEnableRerenderTemplateKey is used to enable rerender template CMInsEnableRerenderTemplateKey = "" // IgnoreResourceConstraint is used to specify whether to ignore the resource constraint IgnoreResourceConstraint = "" RBACRoleName = "kubeblocks-cluster-pod-role" RBACClusterRoleName = "kubeblocks-volume-protection-pod-role" // FeatureReconciliationInCompactModeAnnotationKey indicates that the controller should run in compact mode, // means to try the best to cutoff useless objects. FeatureReconciliationInCompactModeAnnotationKey = "" )
const ( // ReasonNotFoundCR referenced custom resource not found ReasonNotFoundCR = "NotFound" ReasonRefCRUnavailable = "Unavailable" // ReasonDeletedCR deleted custom resource ReasonDeletedCR = "DeletedCR" // ReasonDeletingCR deleting custom resource ReasonDeletingCR = "DeletingCR" // ReasonCreatedCR created custom resource ReasonCreatedCR = "CreatedCR" // ReasonRunTaskFailed run task failed ReasonRunTaskFailed = "RunTaskFailed" // ReasonDeleteFailed delete failed ReasonDeleteFailed = "DeleteFailed" )
const ( DeploymentKind = "Deployment" StatefulSetKind = "StatefulSet" InstanceSetKind = "InstanceSet" PodKind = "Pod" PersistentVolumeClaimKind = "PersistentVolumeClaim" CronJobKind = "CronJob" JobKind = "Job" ReplicaSetKind = "ReplicaSet" VolumeSnapshotKind = "VolumeSnapshot" ServiceKind = "Service" ConfigMapKind = "ConfigMap" DaemonSetKind = "DaemonSet" )
const ( // BackupRetain always retained, unless manually deleted by the user BackupRetain = "Retain" // BackupRetainUntilExpired retains backup till it expires BackupRetainUntilExpired = "RetainUntilExpired" // BackupDelete (default) deletes backup immediately when cluster's terminationPolicy is WipeOut BackupDelete = "Delete" )
const ( // Container port name LorryHTTPPortName = "lorry-http-port" LorryGRPCPortName = "lorry-grpc-port" LorryContainerName = "lorry" LorryInitContainerName = "init-lorry" ProbeInitContainerName = "kb-initprobe" RoleProbeContainerName = "kb-checkrole" StatusProbeContainerName = "kb-checkstatus" RunningProbeContainerName = "kb-checkrunning" VolumeProtectionProbeContainerName = "kb-volume-protection" LorryRoleProbePath = "/v1.0/checkrole" LorryVolumeProtectPath = "/v1.0/volumeprotection" // the filedpath name used in event.InvolvedObject.FieldPath ProbeCheckStatusPath = "spec.containers{" + StatusProbeContainerName + "}" ProbeCheckRunningPath = "spec.containers{" + RunningProbeContainerName + "}" )
const ( ConfigSidecarName = "config-manager" ConfigManagerGPRCPortEnv = "CONFIG_MANAGER_GRPC_PORT" ConfigManagerLogLevel = "CONFIG_MANAGER_LOG_LEVEL" PodMinReadySecondsEnv = "POD_MIN_READY_SECONDS" ConfigTemplateType = "tpl" ConfigInstanceType = "instance" ReconfigureManagerSource = "manager" ReconfigureUserSource = "ops" ReconfigureTemplateSource = "external-template" ConfigManagerPortName = "config-manager" )
const ( Primary = "primary" Secondary = "secondary" Leader = "leader" Follower = "follower" Learner = "learner" Candidate = "candidate" )
const ( AccountNameForSecret = "username" AccountPasswdForSecret = "password" )
username and password are keys in created secrets for others to refer to.
const ( KubernetesClusterDomainEnv = "KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_DOMAIN" DefaultDNSDomain = "cluster.local" )
const ( ServiceDescriptorUsernameKey = "username" ServiceDescriptorPasswordKey = "password" ServiceDescriptorEndpointKey = "endpoint" ServiceDescriptorPortKey = "port" )
const ( BackupNameKeyForRestore = "name" BackupNamespaceKeyForRestore = "namespace" VolumeRestorePolicyKeyForRestore = "volumeRestorePolicy" RestoreTimeKeyForRestore = "restoreTime" ConnectionPassword = "connectionPassword" )
const ( KubeblocksAPIConversionTypeAnnotationName = "" SourceAPIVersionAnnotationName = "" SourceAPIVersion = "source" MigratedAPIVersion = "migrated" ReviewAPIVersion = "reviewer" )
const ( KBEnvClusterName = "KB_CLUSTER_NAME" KBEnvClusterUID = "KB_CLUSTER_UID" KBEnvClusterCompName = "KB_CLUSTER_COMP_NAME" KBEnvClusterUIDPostfix8Deprecated = "KB_CLUSTER_UID_POSTFIX_8" )
const ( KBEnvCompName = "KB_COMP_NAME" KBEnvCompReplicas = "KB_COMP_REPLICAS" KBEnvCompServiceVersion = "KB_COMP_SERVICE_VERSION" )
const ( KBEnvPodName = "KB_POD_NAME" KBEnvPodUID = "KB_POD_UID" KBEnvPodIP = "KB_POD_IP" KBEnvPodIPs = "KB_POD_IPS" KBEnvPodFQDN = "KB_POD_FQDN" KBEnvPodOrdinal = "KB_POD_ORDINAL" KBEnvPodIPDeprecated = "KB_PODIP" KBEnvPodIPsDeprecated = "KB_PODIPS" )
const ( KBEnvHostIP = "KB_HOST_IP" KBEnvNodeName = "KB_NODENAME" KBEnvHostIPDeprecated = "KB_HOSTIP" )
const ( KBEnvWorkloadType = "KB_WORKLOAD_TYPE" KBEnvBuiltinHandler = "KB_BUILTIN_HANDLER" KBEnvActionCommands = "KB_ACTION_COMMANDS" KBEnvCronJobs = "KB_CRON_JOBS" KBEnvCharacterType = "KB_SERVICE_CHARACTER_TYPE" KBEnvServiceUser = "KB_SERVICE_USER" KBEnvServicePassword = "KB_SERVICE_PASSWORD" KBEnvLorryHTTPPort = "LORRY_HTTP_PORT" KBEnvLorryGRPCPort = "LORRY_GRPC_PORT" KBEnvLorryLogLevel = "LORRY_LOG_LEVEL" // KBEnvServiceRoles defines the Roles configured in the cluster definition that are visible to users. KBEnvServiceRoles = "KB_SERVICE_ROLES" // KBEnvServicePort defines the port of the DB service KBEnvServicePort = "KB_SERVICE_PORT" // KBEnvDataPath defines the data volume path of the DB service. KBEnvDataPath = "KB_DATA_PATH" // KBEnvTTL controls the lease expiration time in DCS. If the leader fails to renew its lease within the TTL duration, it will lose the leader role, allowing other replicas to take over. KBEnvTTL = "KB_TTL" // KBEnvMaxLag defines maximum replication lag permitted when performing a switchover. KBEnvMaxLag = "KB_MAX_LAG" // KBEnvEnableHA Whether to enable high availability, true by default. KBEnvEnableHA = "KB_ENABLE_HA" // KBEnvRsmRoleUpdateMechanism defines the method to send events: DirectAPIServerEventUpdate(through lorry service), ReadinessProbeEventUpdate(through kubelet service) KBEnvRsmRoleUpdateMechanism = "KB_RSM_ROLE_UPDATE_MECHANISM" KBEnvRoleProbeTimeout = "KB_RSM_ROLE_PROBE_TIMEOUT" KBEnvVolumeProtectionSpec = "KB_VOLUME_PROTECTION_SPEC" )
const ( EnableRBACManager = "EnableRBACManager" ManagedNamespacesFlag = "managed-namespaces" )
const ( // ShardSvcAnnotationKey defines the feature gate of creating service for each shard. // Sharding name defined in the annotation value, a set of Service defined in Cluster.Spec.Services with the ShardingSelector will be automatically generated for each shard when Cluster.Spec.ShardingSpecs[x].shards is not nil. // Multiple sharding names are separated by ','. for example: " proxy-shard,db-shard" ShardSvcAnnotationKey = "" // HostNetworkAnnotationKey defines the feature gate to enable the host-network for specified components or shardings. HostNetworkAnnotationKey = "" )
const ( PostgreSQLCharacterType = "postgresql" MySQLCharacterType = "mysql" RedisCharacterType = "redis" MongoDBCharacterType = "mongodb" ETCDCharacterType = "etcd" PolarDBXCharacterType = "polardbx" )
const ( RoleProbeAction = "roleProbe" RebuildAction = "rebuild" HealthyCheckAction = "healthyCheck" MemberJoinAction = "memberJoin" MemberLeaveAction = "memberLeave" ReadonlyAction = "readonly" ReadWriteAction = "readwrite" PostProvisionAction = "postProvision" PreTerminateAction = "preTerminate" DataDumpAction = "dataDump" DataLoadAction = "dataLoad" )
action keys
const ( TLSPayload = "tls" ComponentResourcePayload = "component-resource" ReplicasPayload = "replicas" BinaryVersionPayload = "binary-version" )
const ( ServiceKindPostgreSQL = "postgresql" ServiceKindMongoDB = "mongodb" ServiceKindClickHouse = "clickhouse" ServiceKindZookeeper = "zookeeper" ServiceKindElasticSearch = "elasticsearch" )
const ( VolumeName = "tls" CAName = "ca.crt" CertName = "tls.crt" KeyName = "tls.key" MountPath = "/etc/pki/tls" )
const FeatureGateEnableRuntimeMetrics = "ENABLED_RUNTIME_METRICS"
const (
FeatureGateReplicatedStateMachine = "REPLICATED_STATE_MACHINE" // enable rsm
const (
HorizontalScaleBackupPolicyTemplateKey = ""
const (
KBAppMultiClusterPlacementKey = ""
const (
KBEnvNamespace = "KB_NAMESPACE"
const (
KBEnvServiceAccountName = "KB_SA_NAME"
const (
KBGeneratedVirtualCompDefPrefix = "KB_GENERATED_VIRTUAL_COMP_DEF"
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func EnabledRuntimeMetrics ¶
func EnabledRuntimeMetrics() bool
func EnvPlaceHolder ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GenerateAccountSecretName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateAccountSecretName generates the secret name of system accounts.
func GenerateClusterComponentEnvPattern ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateClusterComponentEnvPattern generates cluster and component pattern
func GenerateClusterComponentName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateClusterComponentName generates the cluster component name.
func GenerateClusterServiceName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateClusterServiceName generates the service name for cluster.
func GenerateComponentHeadlessServiceName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateComponentHeadlessServiceName generates the headless service name for component.
func GenerateComponentServiceName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateComponentServiceName generates the service name for component.
func GenerateDefaultComponentHeadlessServiceName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateDefaultComponentHeadlessServiceName generates the default headless service name for component.
func GenerateDefaultComponentServiceName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateDefaultComponentServiceName generates the default service name for component.
func GenerateDefaultConnCredential ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateDefaultConnCredential generates the default connection credential name for cluster. TODO: deprecated, will be removed later.
func GenerateDefaultServiceAccountName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateDefaultServiceAccountName generates default service account name for a cluster.
func GeneratePodFQDN ¶ added in v0.8.0
GeneratePodFQDN generates the connection credential name for component.
func GeneratePodName ¶ added in v0.8.0
GeneratePodName generates the connection credential name for component.
func GeneratePodSubDomain ¶ added in v0.8.0
GeneratePodSubDomain generates the connection credential name for component.
func GenerateResourceNameWithScalingSuffix ¶ added in v0.9.0
GenerateResourceNameWithScalingSuffix generates name with '-scaling' suffix.
func GenerateServiceNamePattern ¶ added in v0.9.0
GenerateServiceNamePattern generates the service name pattern
func GenerateShardingNamePrefix ¶ added in v0.8.2
GenerateShardingNamePrefix generates sharding name prefix.
func GenerateShardingNameSvcPrefix ¶ added in v0.8.2
GenerateShardingNameSvcPrefix generates sharding service name prefix.
func GenerateVirtualComponentDefinition ¶ added in v0.8.0
GenerateVirtualComponentDefinition generates the virtual component definition name.
func GenerateWorkloadNamePattern ¶ added in v0.9.0
GenerateWorkloadNamePattern generates the workload name pattern
func GetAppVersionLabel ¶ added in v0.8.0
GetAppVersionLabel returns the label for AppVersion
func GetClickHouseAlias ¶
func GetClickHouseAlias() []string
GetClickHouseAlias get clickhouse alias
func GetClusterCompDefLabel ¶ added in v0.8.0
GetClusterCompDefLabel returns the label for ClusterComponentDefinition (refer clusterDefinition.Spec.ComponentDefs[*].Name) TODO:ClusterCompDef will be deprecated in the future
func GetClusterDefTypeLabel ¶ added in v0.8.0
GetClusterDefTypeLabel returns the label for ClusterDefinition type (refer clusterDefinition.Spec.Type) TODO:clusterDefType will be deprecated in the future
func GetClusterWellKnownLabels ¶ added in v0.8.0
GetClusterWellKnownLabels returns the well-known labels for a cluster
func GetComponentDefLabel ¶ added in v0.8.0
GetComponentDefLabel returns the label for ComponentDefinition (refer ComponentDefinition.Name)
func GetComponentWellKnownLabels ¶ added in v0.8.0
GetComponentWellKnownLabels returns the well-known labels for Component API
func GetElasticSearchAlias ¶
func GetElasticSearchAlias() []string
GetElasticSearchAlias get elasticsearch alias
func GetKBConfigMapWellKnownLabels ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GetKBConfigMapWellKnownLabels(cmTplName, clusterDefName, clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string
GetKBConfigMapWellKnownLabels returns the well-known labels for KB ConfigMap
func GetKBGenerationAnnotation ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetKBGenerationAnnotation returns the annotation for kubeblocks generation.
func GetKBReservedAnnotationKeys ¶ added in v0.9.0
func GetKBReservedAnnotationKeys() []string
GetKBReservedAnnotationKeys returns the reserved annotation keys for KubeBlocks
func GetKBReservedLabelKeys ¶ added in v0.8.2
func GetKBReservedLabelKeys() []string
GetKBReservedLabelKeys returns the reserved label keys for KubeBlocks
func GetKBWellKnownLabels ¶ added in v0.8.0
GetKBWellKnownLabels returns the well-known labels for KB resources with ClusterDefinition API
func GetKBWellKnownLabelsWithCompDef ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GetKBWellKnownLabelsWithCompDef(compDefName, clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string
GetKBWellKnownLabelsWithCompDef returns the well-known labels for KB resources with ComponentDefinition API
func GetPostgreSQLAlias ¶
func GetPostgreSQLAlias() []string
GetPostgreSQLAlias get postgresql alias
func GetServiceVersionAnnotation ¶ added in v0.9.0
func GetShardingNameLabel ¶ added in v0.8.2
GetShardingNameLabel returns the shard template name label for component generated from shardSpec
Types ¶
This section is empty.