
v0.5.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 27, 2023 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 21 Imported by: 0




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const (
	ComponentStatusDefaultPodName = "Unknown"


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var (
	ErrReqCtrlClient              = errors.New("required arg client.Client is nil")
	ErrReqClusterObj              = errors.New("required arg *appsv1alpha1.Cluster is nil")
	ErrReqClusterComponentDefObj  = errors.New("required arg *appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentDefinition is nil")
	ErrReqClusterComponentSpecObj = errors.New("required arg *appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentSpec is nil")


func AvailableReplicasAreConsistent

func AvailableReplicasAreConsistent(componentReplicas, podCount, workloadAvailableReplicas int32) bool

AvailableReplicasAreConsistent checks if expected replicas number of component is consistent with the number of available workload replicas.

func ComponentRuntimeReqArgsCheck

func ComponentRuntimeReqArgsCheck(cli client.Client,
	cluster *appsv1alpha1.Cluster,
	component *appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentSpec) error

func ConvertToStatefulSet

func ConvertToStatefulSet(obj client.Object) *appsv1.StatefulSet

func DeleteStsPods

func DeleteStsPods(ctx context.Context, cli client.Client, sts *appsv1.StatefulSet) error

DeleteStsPods deletes pods of the StatefulSet manually

func GetClusterByObject

func GetClusterByObject(ctx context.Context,
	cli client.Client,
	obj client.Object) (*appsv1alpha1.Cluster, error)

GetClusterByObject gets cluster by related k8s workloads.

func GetClusterComponentSpecByName

func GetClusterComponentSpecByName(cluster appsv1alpha1.Cluster, compSpecName string) *appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentSpec

GetClusterComponentSpecByName gets componentSpec from cluster with compSpecName.

func GetCompPhaseByConditions

func GetCompPhaseByConditions(existLatestRevisionFailedPod bool,
	primaryReplicasAvailable bool,
	availableReplicas int32) appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentPhase

GetCompPhaseByConditions gets the component phase according to the following conditions: 1. if the failed pod is not controlled by the latest revision, ignore it. 2. if the primary replicas are not available, the component is failed. 3. finally if expected replicas number of component is inconsistent with the number of available workload replicas, the component is abnormal.

func GetCompRelatedObjectList

func GetCompRelatedObjectList(ctx context.Context,
	cli client.Client,
	cluster appsv1alpha1.Cluster,
	compName string,
	relatedWorkloads client.ObjectList) (*corev1.PodList, error)

GetCompRelatedObjectList gets the related pods and workloads of the component

func GetComponentDefByCluster

func GetComponentDefByCluster(ctx context.Context, cli client2.ReadonlyClient, cluster appsv1alpha1.Cluster,
	compDefName string) (*appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentDefinition, error)

GetComponentDefByCluster gets component from ClusterDefinition with compDefName

func GetComponentDeployMinReadySeconds

func GetComponentDeployMinReadySeconds(ctx context.Context,
	cli client.Client,
	cluster appsv1alpha1.Cluster,
	componentName string) (minReadySeconds int32, err error)

GetComponentDeployMinReadySeconds gets the deployment minReadySeconds of the component.

func GetComponentInfoByPod

func GetComponentInfoByPod(ctx context.Context,
	cli client.Client,
	cluster appsv1alpha1.Cluster,
	pod *corev1.Pod) (componentName string, componentDef *appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentDefinition, err error)

GetComponentInfoByPod gets componentName and componentDefinition info by Pod.

func GetComponentMatchLabels

func GetComponentMatchLabels(clusterName, componentName string) map[string]string

GetComponentMatchLabels gets the labels for matching the cluster component

func GetComponentPhase

func GetComponentPhase(isFailed, isAbnormal bool) appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentPhase

func GetComponentPhaseWhenPodsNotReady

func GetComponentPhaseWhenPodsNotReady(podList *corev1.PodList,
	workload metav1.Object,
	availableReplicas int32,
	checkFailedPodRevision func(pod *corev1.Pod, workload metav1.Object) bool) appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentPhase

GetComponentPhaseWhenPodsNotReady gets the component phase when pods of component are not ready.

func GetComponentPodList

func GetComponentPodList(ctx context.Context, cli client.Client, cluster appsv1alpha1.Cluster, componentName string) (*corev1.PodList, error)

GetComponentPodList gets the pod list by cluster and componentName

func GetComponentStatusMessageKey

func GetComponentStatusMessageKey(kind, name string) string

func GetComponentStsMinReadySeconds

func GetComponentStsMinReadySeconds(ctx context.Context,
	cli client.Client,
	cluster appsv1alpha1.Cluster,
	componentName string) (minReadySeconds int32, err error)

GetComponentStsMinReadySeconds gets the statefulSet minReadySeconds of the component.

func GetComponentWorkloadMinReadySeconds

func GetComponentWorkloadMinReadySeconds(ctx context.Context,
	cli client.Client,
	cluster appsv1alpha1.Cluster,
	workloadType appsv1alpha1.WorkloadType,
	componentName string) (minReadySeconds int32, err error)

GetComponentWorkloadMinReadySeconds gets the workload minReadySeconds of the component.

func GetCustomLabelWorkloadKind

func GetCustomLabelWorkloadKind() []string

GetCustomLabelWorkloadKind returns the kinds that support custom label.

func GetObjectListByComponentName

func GetObjectListByComponentName(ctx context.Context, cli client2.ReadonlyClient, cluster appsv1alpha1.Cluster,
	objectList client.ObjectList, componentName string) error

GetObjectListByComponentName gets k8s workload list with component

func GetObjectListByCustomLabels

func GetObjectListByCustomLabels(ctx context.Context, cli client.Client, cluster appsv1alpha1.Cluster,
	objectList client.ObjectList, matchLabels client.ListOption) error

GetObjectListByCustomLabels gets k8s workload list with custom labels

func GetPhaseWithNoAvailableReplicas

func GetPhaseWithNoAvailableReplicas(componentReplicas int32) appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentPhase

GetPhaseWithNoAvailableReplicas gets the component phase when the workload of component has no available replicas.

func GetPodListByStatefulSet

func GetPodListByStatefulSet(ctx context.Context, cli client.Client, stsObj *appsv1.StatefulSet) ([]corev1.Pod, error)

GetPodListByStatefulSet gets statefulSet pod list.

func GetPodOwnerReferencesSts

func GetPodOwnerReferencesSts(ctx context.Context, cli client.Client, podObj *corev1.Pod) (*appsv1.StatefulSet, error)

GetPodOwnerReferencesSts gets the owner reference statefulSet of the pod.

func InitClusterComponentStatusIfNeed

func InitClusterComponentStatusIfNeed(
	cluster *appsv1alpha1.Cluster,
	componentName string,
	componentDef appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentDefinition) error

InitClusterComponentStatusIfNeed Initialize the state of the corresponding component in cluster.status.components

func IsFailedOrAbnormal

func IsFailedOrAbnormal(phase appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentPhase) bool

func IsMemberOf

func IsMemberOf(set *appsv1.StatefulSet, pod *corev1.Pod) bool

IsMemberOf tests if pod is a member of set.

func IsProbeTimeout

func IsProbeTimeout(componentDef *appsv1alpha1.ClusterComponentDefinition, podsReadyTime *metav1.Time) bool

IsProbeTimeout checks if the application of the pod is probe timed out.

func IsStsAndPodsRevisionConsistent

func IsStsAndPodsRevisionConsistent(ctx context.Context, cli client.Client, sts *appsv1.StatefulSet) (bool, error)

IsStsAndPodsRevisionConsistent checks if StatefulSet and pods of the StatefulSet have the same revision.

func MarkPrimaryStsToReconcile

func MarkPrimaryStsToReconcile(ctx context.Context, cli client.Client, sts *appsv1.StatefulSet) error

MarkPrimaryStsToReconcile marks the primary statefulSet annotation to be reconciled.

func ParseCustomLabelPattern

func ParseCustomLabelPattern(pattern string) (schema.GroupVersionKind, error)

ParseCustomLabelPattern parses the custom label pattern to GroupVersionKind.

func ParseParentNameAndOrdinal

func ParseParentNameAndOrdinal(s string) (string, int32)

ParseParentNameAndOrdinal gets the name of cluster-component and StatefulSet's ordinal as extracted from its Name. If the StatefulSet's Name was not match a statefulSetRegex, its parent is considered to be empty string, and its ordinal is considered to be -1.

func PatchGVRCustomLabels

func PatchGVRCustomLabels(ctx context.Context, cli client.Client, cluster *appsv1alpha1.Cluster,
	resource appsv1alpha1.GVKResource, componentName, labelKey, labelValue string) error

PatchGVRCustomLabels patches the custom labels to the object list of the specified GVK.

func StatefulSetOfComponentIsReady

func StatefulSetOfComponentIsReady(sts *appsv1.StatefulSet, statefulStatusRevisionIsEquals bool, targetReplicas *int32) bool

StatefulSetOfComponentIsReady checks if statefulSet of component is ready.

func StatefulSetPodsAreReady

func StatefulSetPodsAreReady(sts *appsv1.StatefulSet, targetReplicas int32) bool

StatefulSetPodsAreReady checks if all pods of statefulSet are ready.

func UpdateObjLabel

func UpdateObjLabel[T generics.Object, PT generics.PObject[T]](
	ctx context.Context, cli client.Client, obj T, labelKey, labelValue string) error

UpdateObjLabel updates the value of the role label of the object.


type DescendingOrdinalSts

type DescendingOrdinalSts []*appsv1.StatefulSet

DescendingOrdinalSts is a sort.Interface that Sorts a list of StatefulSet based on the ordinals extracted from the statefulSet.

type Plan

type Plan struct {
	Start    *Step
	WalkFunc WalkFunc

func (*Plan) WalkOneStep

func (p *Plan) WalkOneStep() (bool, error)

type Step

type Step struct {
	Obj       interface{}
	NextSteps []*Step

type WalkFunc

type WalkFunc func(obj interface{}) (bool, error)

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