
v1.0.0-beta.5 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 9, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 8 Imported by: 0




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const (
	CfgKeyClusterDefaultStorageSize = "CLUSTER_DEFAULT_STORAGE_SIZE"
	CfgKeyClusterDefaultReplicas    = "CLUSTER_DEFAULT_REPLICAS"
	CfgKeyClusterDefaultCPU         = "CLUSTER_DEFAULT_CPU"
	CfgKeyClusterDefaultMemory      = "CLUSTER_DEFAULT_MEMORY"
	CfgKeyHelmRepoURL               = "HELM_REPO_URL"
	CfgKeyImageRegistry             = "IMAGE_REGISTRY"

config keys

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const (
	// CliDefaultHome defines kbcli default home name
	CliDefaultHome = ".kbcli"

	// CliClusterTypeConfigs defines kbcli cluster-type config file name
	CliClusterTypeConfigs = "cluster_types"

	//	CliChartsCache defines kbcli charts cache dir name
	CliChartsCache = "charts"

	// CliLogDir defines kbcli log dir name
	CliLogDir = "logs"

	// CliHomeEnv defines kbcli home system env
	CliHomeEnv = "KBCLI_HOME"

	// DefaultLogFilePrefix is the default log file prefix
	DefaultLogFilePrefix = "kbcli"

	// AddonIndexDirEnv defines kbcli addon index dir

	// DefaultIndexName defines the kbcli addon default index name
	DefaultIndexName = "kubeblocks"

	// DefaultNamespace is the namespace where kubeblocks is installed if
	// no other namespace is specified
	DefaultNamespace = "kb-system"

	// GoosLinux is os.GOOS linux string
	GoosLinux = "linux"
	// GoosDarwin is os.GOOS darwin string
	GoosDarwin = "darwin"
	// GoosWindows is os.GOOS windows string
	GoosWindows = "windows"
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const (
	K8sCoreAPIVersion    = "v1"
	ResourceDeployments  = "deployments"
	ResourceConfigmaps   = "configmaps"
	ResourceStatefulSets = "statefulsets"
	ResourceDaemonSets   = "daemonsets"
	ResourceSecrets      = "secrets"

K8s core API group

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const (
	K8SBatchAPIGroup   = batchv1.GroupName
	K8sBatchAPIVersion = "v1"
	ResourceJobs       = "jobs"
	ResourceCronJobs   = "cronjobs"

K8s batch API group

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const (
	WebhookAPIGroup                         = "admissionregistration.k8s.io"
	K8sWebhookAPIVersion                    = "v1"
	ResourceValidatingWebhookConfigurations = "validatingwebhookconfigurations"
	ResourceMutatingWebhookConfigurations   = "mutatingwebhookconfigurations"

K8s webhook API group

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const (
	AppsAPIGroup                     = "apps.kubeblocks.io"
	OpsAPIGroup                      = "operations.kubeblocks.io"
	WorkloadsAPIGroup                = "workloads.kubeblocks.io"
	WorkloadsAPIVersion              = "v1"
	OpsAPIVersion                    = "v1alpha1"
	AppsAPIVersion                   = "v1alpha1"
	AppsV1APIVersion                 = "v1"
	AppsAPIBetaVersion               = "v1beta1"
	ResourcePods                     = "pods"
	ResourceClusters                 = "clusters"
	ResourceClusterDefs              = "clusterdefinitions"
	ResourceComponentDefs            = "componentdefinitions"
	ResourceComponentVersions        = "componentversions"
	ResourceComponents               = "components"
	ResourceOpsRequests              = "opsrequests"
	ResourceInstanceSets             = "instancesets"
	ResourceOpsDefinitions           = "opsdefinitions"
	ResourceConfigConstraintVersions = "configconstraints"
	ResourceConfigurationVersions    = "configurations"
	KindCluster                      = "Cluster"
	KindClusterDef                   = "ClusterDefinition"
	KindConfigConstraint             = "ConfigConstraint"
	KindConfiguration                = "Configuration"
	KindBackup                       = "Backup"
	KindRestore                      = "Restore"
	KindBackupPolicy                 = "BackupPolicy"
	KindOps                          = "OpsRequest"
	KindBackupSchedule               = "BackupSchedule"
	KindBackupPolicyTemplate         = "BackupPolicyTemplate"
	KindStatefulSet                  = "StatefulSet"
	KindDeployment                   = "Deployment"
	KindConfigMap                    = "ConfigMap"
	KindCronJob                      = "CronJob"

Apps API group

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const (
	RBACAPIGroup        = rbacv1.GroupName
	RBACAPIVersion      = "v1"
	ClusterRoles        = "clusterroles"
	ClusterRoleBindings = "clusterrolebindings"
	Roles               = "roles"
	RoleBindings        = "rolebindings"
	ServiceAccounts     = "serviceaccounts"

K8S rbac API group

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const (
	ServiceHAVIPTypeAnnotationKey   = "service.kubernetes.io/kubeblocks-havip-type"
	ServiceHAVIPTypeAnnotationValue = "private-ip"
	ServiceFloatingIPAnnotationKey  = "service.kubernetes.io/kubeblocks-havip-floating-ip"

	ReloadConfigMapAnnotationKey = "kubeblocks.io/reload-configmap" // mark an annotation to load configmap

	KBVersionValidateAnnotationKey = "addon.kubeblocks.io/kubeblocks-version"


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const (
	AddonProviderLabelKey = "addon.kubeblocks.io/provider"
	// ProviderLabelKey was used as the label for addon providers before version 0.8.0
	ProviderLabelKey     = "kubeblocks.io/provider"
	AddonVersionLabelKey = "addon.kubeblocks.io/version"
	AddonNameLabelKey    = "addon.kubeblocks.io/name"
	AddonModelLabelKey   = "addon.kubeblocks.io/model"


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const (
	DPAPIGroup              = "dataprotection.kubeblocks.io"
	DPAPIVersion            = "v1alpha1"
	ResourceBackups         = "backups"
	ResourceActionSets      = "actionsets"
	ResourceRestores        = "restores"
	ResourceBackupPolicies  = "backuppolicies"
	ResourceBackupRepos     = "backuprepos"
	ResourceBackupSchedules = "backupschedules"
	ResourceBackupTemplates = "backuppolicytemplates"

DataProtection API group

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const (
	ExtensionsAPIGroup   = "extensions.kubeblocks.io"
	ExtensionsAPIVersion = "v1alpha1"
	ResourceAddons       = "addons"

Extensions API group

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const (
	StorageAPIGroup          = "storage.kubeblocks.io"
	StorageAPIVersion        = "v1alpha1"
	ResourceStorageProviders = "storageproviders"

Storage API group

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const (
	CustomResourceDefinitionAPIGroup   = "apiextensions.k8s.io"
	CustomResourceDefinitionAPIVersion = "v1"
	ResourceCustomResourceDefinition   = "customresourcedefinitions"

Crd Api group

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const (
	KubebenchAPIGroup   = "benchmark.apecloud.io"
	KubebenchAPIVersion = "v1alpha1"
	ResourcePgBench     = "pgbenches"
	ResourceSysBench    = "sysbenches"
	ResourceYcsb        = "ycsbs"
	ResourceTpcc        = "tpccs"
	ResourceTpch        = "tpches"
	ResourceTpcds       = "tpcds"
	ResourceRedisBench  = "redisbenches"

Kubebench API group

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const (
	TraceAPIGroup   = "trace.kubeblocks.io"
	TraceAPIVersion = "v1"
	ResourceTrace   = "reconciliationtraces"

trace API group

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const (
	None = "<none>"

	// AddonReleasePrefix is the prefix of addon release name
	AddonReleasePrefix = "kb-addon"

	// AddonResourceNamePrefix is the prefix for the names of all K8s resources rendered by the addon.
	AddonResourceNamePrefix = "resourceNamePrefix"
	// ImageRegistryKey is the image registry key in KB resource helm chart values.yaml
	ImageRegistryKey = "image.registry"
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const (
	// KBAddonProviderLabelKey marks the addon provider
	KBAddonProviderLabelKey = "kubeblocks.io/provider"

Migrate some const from kubeblocks to kbcli

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const (
	ResourceRSM = "replicatedstatemachines"

Workload API group


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var (
	// KubeBlocksRepoName helm repo name for kubeblocks
	KubeBlocksRepoName = "kubeblocks"

	// KubeBlocksChartName helm chart name for kubeblocks
	KubeBlocksChartName = "kubeblocks"

	// KubeBlocksReleaseName helm release name for kubeblocks
	KubeBlocksReleaseName = "kubeblocks"

	// KubeBlocksChartURL the helm chart repo for installing kubeblocks
	KubeBlocksChartURL = "https://apecloud.github.io/helm-charts"

	// GitLabHelmChartRepo the helm chart repo in GitLab
	GitLabHelmChartRepo = "https://jihulab.com/api/v4/projects/85949/packages/helm/stable"

	// KubeBlocksHelmLabel name=kubeblocks,owner-helm, for helm secret
	KubeBlocksHelmLabel = fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s,%s=%s", "name", KubeBlocksChartName, "owner", "helm")

	// KubeBlocksManagerConfigMapName the kubeblocks manager configMap name
	KubeBlocksManagerConfigMapName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-manager-config", KubeBlocksChartName)

	// DefaultAddonIndexURL points to the upstream index.
	DefaultAddonIndexURL = "https://github.com/apecloud/block-index.git"

	// AddonIndexDir is the default addon index dir
	AddonIndexDir = filepath.Join("addon", "index")

	// ClusterChartsRepoName helm chart repo for installing cluster chart
	ClusterChartsRepoName = "kubeblocks-addons"

	// ClusterChartsRepoURL the default helm chart repo for installing cluster chart
	ClusterChartsRepoURL = "https://jihulab.com/api/v4/projects/150246/packages/helm/stable"
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var (
	// K3dClusterName is the k3d cluster name for playground
	K3dClusterName = "kb-playground"



func ActionSetGVR

func ActionSetGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func AddonGVR

func AddonGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func BackupGVR

func BackupGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func BackupPolicyGVR

func BackupPolicyGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func BackupPolicyTemplateGVR

func BackupPolicyTemplateGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func BackupRepoGVR

func BackupRepoGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func BackupScheduleGVR

func BackupScheduleGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource


func ClusterDefGVR

func ClusterDefGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func ClusterGVR

func ClusterGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func ClusterRoleBindingGVR

func ClusterRoleBindingGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func ClusterRoleGVR

func ClusterRoleGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func CompDefGVR added in v0.7.2

func CompDefGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func ComponentGVR added in v0.7.3

func ComponentGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func ComponentVersionsGVR

func ComponentVersionsGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func ConfigConstraintGVR

func ConfigConstraintGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func ConfigConstraintOldGVR added in v0.9.0

func ConfigConstraintOldGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func ConfigmapGVR

func ConfigmapGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func ConfigurationGVR added in v0.7.2

func ConfigurationGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func CronJobGVR

func CronJobGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func CustomResourceDefinitionGVR

func CustomResourceDefinitionGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func DaemonSetGVR

func DaemonSetGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func DeployGVR

func DeployGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func InstanceSetGVR

func InstanceSetGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func JobGVR

func LegacyStorageProviderGVR added in v0.9.0

func LegacyStorageProviderGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func MutatingWebhookConfigurationGVR

func MutatingWebhookConfigurationGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func OpsDefinitionGVR added in v0.7.2

func OpsDefinitionGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func OpsGVR


func PVGVR

func PodGVR

func RestoreGVR

func RestoreGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func RoleBindingGVR

func RoleBindingGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func RoleGVR

func RoleGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func SecretGVR

func SecretGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func ServiceAccountGVR

func ServiceAccountGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func ServiceGVR

func ServiceGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func StatefulSetGVR

func StatefulSetGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func StorageClassGVR

func StorageClassGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func StorageProviderGVR

func StorageProviderGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func TraceGVR

func TraceGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func ValidatingWebhookConfigurationGVR

func ValidatingWebhookConfigurationGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource

func VolumeSnapshotClassGVR

func VolumeSnapshotClassGVR() schema.GroupVersionResource


type ConfigTemplateInfo

type ConfigTemplateInfo struct {
	Name  string
	TPL   appsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec
	CMObj *corev1.ConfigMap

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