Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddDirToPath(dir string) error
- func AddKlogFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet)
- func AppendErrIgnoreNotFound(allErrs *[]error, err error)
- func BuildAddonReleaseName(addon string) string
- func BuildClusterDefinitionRefLabel(prefix string, clusterDef []string) string
- func BuildClusterLabel(prefix string, addon []string) string
- func BuildComponentNameLabels(prefix string, names []string) string
- func BuildLabelSelectorByNames(selector string, names []string) string
- func BuildNodeAffinity(nodeLabels map[string]string) *corev1.NodeAffinity
- func BuildPodAntiAffinity(podAntiAffinityStrategy string, topologyKeys []string) *corev1.PodAntiAffinity
- func BuildPodAntiAffinityForComponent(tenancy string, clusterName string, compName string, ...) *corev1.PodAntiAffinity
- func BuildSchedulingPolicy(tenancy string, clusterName string, compName string, ...) (*kbappsv1.SchedulingPolicy, bool)
- func BuildSemverVersion(version string) string
- func BuildTolerations(raw []string) ([]interface{}, error)
- func CheckEmpty(str string) string
- func CheckErr(err error)
- func CloneGitRepo(url, branch, path string) error
- func CloseQuietly(d io.Closer)
- func CombineLabels(labels map[string]string) string
- func CompGetFromTemplateWithLabels(template *string, f cmdutil.Factory, namespace string, cmd *cobra.Command, ...) []string
- func CompGetResourceWithLabels(f cmdutil.Factory, cmd *cobra.Command, resourceName string, labels []string, ...) []string
- func ComponentConfigSpecs(clusterName string, namespace string, cli dynamic.Interface, ...) ([]kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec, error)
- func ConfigPath(name string) string
- func ConvertObjToUnstructured(obj any) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error)
- func CreateAndCleanFile(file string) (*os.File, error)
- func CreateResourceIfAbsent(dynamic dynamic.Interface, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, namespace string, ...) error
- func DisplayDiffWithColor(out io.Writer, diffText string)
- func DoWithRetry(ctx context.Context, logger logr.Logger, operation func() error, ...) error
- func EnableLogToFile(fs *pflag.FlagSet) error
- func EnsureCloned(uri, destinationPath string) error
- func EnsureUpdated(uri, destinationPath string) error
- func ExecGitCommand(pwd string, args ...string) (string, error)
- func ExistMultiKubeBlocks(client kubernetes.Interface) (bool, error)
- func FileExists(fileName string) (bool, error)
- func GVRToString(gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) string
- func GetCliAddonDir() (string, error)
- func GetCliHomeDir() (string, error)
- func GetCliLogDir() (string, error)
- func GetClusterNameFromArgsOrFlag(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) string
- func GetComponentDefByCompName(cli dynamic.Interface, clusterObj *kbappsv1.Cluster, compName string) (*kbappsv1.ComponentDefinition, error)
- func GetComponentDefByName(dynamic dynamic.Interface, name string) (*kbappsv1.ComponentDefinition, error)
- func GetComponentsFromResource(namespace, clusterName string, componentSpecs []kbappsv1.ClusterComponentSpec, ...) ([]string, error)
- func GetConfigSpecsFromComponentName(cli dynamic.Interface, namespace, clusterName, componentName string, ...) ([]kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec, error)
- func GetCurrentBranch(destinationPath string) (string, error)
- func GetDataProtectionDeploy(client kubernetes.Interface) (*appsv1.Deployment, error)
- func GetDataProtectionDeploys(client kubernetes.Interface) ([]appsv1.Deployment, error)
- func GetDockerVersion() (*gv.Version, error)
- func GetEventObject(e *corev1.Event) string
- func GetEventTimeStr(e *corev1.Event) string
- func GetExposeAnnotations(provider K8sProvider, exposeType ExposeType) (map[string]string, error)
- func GetHelmChartRepoURL() string
- func GetHumanReadableDuration(startTime metav1.Time, endTime metav1.Time) string
- func GetIPLocation() (string, error)
- func GetImageRegistryByProvider(client kubernetes.Interface) (string, error)
- func GetK8SClientObject(dynamic dynamic.Interface, obj client.Object, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, ...) error
- func GetK8sSemVer(version string) string
- func GetK8sVersion(discoveryClient discovery.DiscoveryInterface) (string, error)
- func GetKBDeploys(client kubernetes.Interface, appName string, namespace string) ([]appsv1.Deployment, error)
- func GetKubeBlocksCRDsURL(kbVersion string) string
- func GetKubeBlocksDeploy(client kubernetes.Interface) (*appsv1.Deployment, error)
- func GetKubeBlocksDeploys(client kubernetes.Interface) ([]appsv1.Deployment, error)
- func GetKubeBlocksNamespace(client kubernetes.Interface, specifiedNamespace string) (string, error)
- func GetKubeBlocksNamespaceByDynamic(dynamic dynamic.Interface) (string, error)
- func GetKubeBlocksVersion(client kubernetes.Interface, namespace string) (string, error)
- func GetKubeconfigDir() string
- func GetMajorMinorVersion(version string) string
- func GetNodeByName(nodes []*corev1.Node, name string) *corev1.Node
- func GetPodStatus(pods []corev1.Pod) (running, waiting, succeeded, failed int)
- func GetPublicIP() (string, error)
- func GetResourceObjectFromGVR(gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, key client.ObjectKey, ...) error
- func GetUnifiedDiffString(original, edited string, from, to string, contextLine int) (string, error)
- func GetValidConfigSpecs(reloadTpl bool, configSpecs []kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec) ([]kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec, error)
- func GitGetRemoteURL(dir string) (string, error)
- func IsGitCloned(gitPath string) (bool, error)
- func IsRepoLatest(destinationPath string) (bool, error)
- func IsSupportConfigFileReconfigure(configTemplateSpec kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec, configFileKey string) bool
- func IsSupportReconfigureParams(tpl kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec, values map[string]*string, ...) (bool, error)
- func IsWindows() bool
- func ListResourceByGVR(ctx context.Context, client dynamic.Interface, namespace string, ...) []*unstructured.UnstructuredList
- func MakeSSHKeyPair(pubKeyPath, privateKeyPath string) error
- func NewConfigFlagNoWarnings() *genericclioptions.ConfigFlags
- func NewFactory() cmdutil.Factory
- func NewOpsRequestForReconfiguring(opsName, namespace, clusterName string) *opsv1alpha1.OpsRequest
- func OpenBrowser(url string) error
- func PrintGoTemplate(wr io.Writer, tpl string, values interface{}) error
- func PrintObjYAML(obj *unstructured.Unstructured) error
- func RandRFC1123String(n int) string
- func RegisterClusterCompletionFunc(cmd *cobra.Command, f cmdutil.Factory)
- func RemoveConfig(name string) error
- func ResourceIsEmpty(res *resource.Quantity) bool
- func ResourceNameCompletionFunc(f cmdutil.Factory, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) func(*cobra.Command, []string, string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective)
- func SetHelmOwner(dynamicClient dynamic.Interface, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, ...) error
- func SetKubeConfig(cfg string) error
- func SortEventsByLastTimestamp(events *corev1.EventList, eventType string) *[]apiruntime.Object
- func TimeFormat(t *metav1.Time) string
- func TimeFormatWithDuration(t *metav1.Time, duration time.Duration) string
- func TimeParse(t string, precision time.Duration) (time.Time, error)
- func TimeTimeFormat(t time.Time) string
- func TimeTimeFormatWithDuration(t time.Time, precision time.Duration) string
- func ToV1ComponentConfigSpec(configSpec kbappsv1.ComponentConfigSpec) kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec
- func ToV1ComponentConfigSpecs(configSpecs []kbappsv1.ComponentConfigSpec) []kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec
- func TrimVersionPrefix(version string) string
- func UpdateAndCleanUntracked(destinationPath string) error
- func ValidateParametersModified(tpl *kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec, parameters sets.Set[string], ...) (err error)
- func ValidateParametersModified2(parameters sets.Set[string], cc kbappsv1beta1.ConfigConstraintSpec) error
- func WritePogStreamingLog(ctx context.Context, client kubernetes.Interface, pod *corev1.Pod, ...) error
- type ExposeType
- type K8sProvider
- type RetryOptions
- type Version
Constants ¶
const ( ExposeToIntranet ExposeType = "intranet" ExposeToInternet ExposeType = "internet" NodePort string = "NodePort" LoadBalancer string = "LoadBalancer" EnableValue string = "true" DisableValue string = "false" )
const ( // KubeblocksAppComponent the value of label for KubeBlocks deployment KubeblocksAppComponent = "apps" // DataprotectionAppComponent the value of label for DataProtection deployment DataprotectionAppComponent = "dataprotection" )
Variables ¶
var ProviderExposeAnnotations = map[K8sProvider]map[ExposeType]map[string]string{ EKSProvider: { ExposeToIntranet: map[string]string{ "": "nlb", "": "true", }, ExposeToInternet: map[string]string{ "": "nlb", "": "false", }, }, GKEProvider: { ExposeToIntranet: map[string]string{ "": "Internal", }, ExposeToInternet: map[string]string{}, }, AKSProvider: { ExposeToIntranet: map[string]string{ "": "true", }, ExposeToInternet: map[string]string{ "": "false", }, }, ACKProvider: { ExposeToIntranet: map[string]string{ "": "intranet", }, ExposeToInternet: map[string]string{ "": "internet", }, }, TKEProvider: { ExposeToInternet: map[string]string{}, }, KINDProvider: { ExposeToIntranet: map[string]string{}, }, K3SProvider: { ExposeToIntranet: map[string]string{}, }, UnknownProvider: { ExposeToIntranet: map[string]string{}, ExposeToInternet: map[string]string{}, }, }
Functions ¶
func AddDirToPath ¶
AddDirToPath add a dir to the PATH environment variable
func AddKlogFlags ¶
AddKlogFlags adds flags from marks the flags as hidden to avoid showing them in help
func AppendErrIgnoreNotFound ¶
func BuildAddonReleaseName ¶
BuildAddonReleaseName returns the release name of addon, its f
func BuildClusterLabel ¶ added in v0.7.3
func BuildLabelSelectorByNames ¶
BuildLabelSelectorByNames builds the label selector by instance names, the label selector is like "instance-key in (name1, name2)"
func BuildNodeAffinity ¶
func BuildNodeAffinity(nodeLabels map[string]string) *corev1.NodeAffinity
BuildNodeAffinity build node affinity from node labels
func BuildPodAntiAffinity ¶
func BuildPodAntiAffinity(podAntiAffinityStrategy string, topologyKeys []string) *corev1.PodAntiAffinity
BuildPodAntiAffinity build pod anti affinity from topology keys
func BuildPodAntiAffinityForComponent ¶
func BuildPodAntiAffinityForComponent(tenancy string, clusterName string, compName string, podAntiAffinityStrategy string, topologyKeys []string) *corev1.PodAntiAffinity
BuildPodAntiAffinityForComponent build pod anti affinity from topology keys and tenancy for cluster
func BuildSchedulingPolicy ¶
func BuildSemverVersion ¶
BuildSemverVersion build semver version which starts with "v", such as "v1.0.0".
func BuildTolerations ¶
BuildTolerations toleration format: key=value:effect or key:effect,
func CheckEmpty ¶
CheckEmpty checks if string is empty, if yes, returns <none> for displaying
func CheckErr ¶
func CheckErr(err error)
CheckErr prints a user-friendly error to STDERR and exits with a non-zero exit code.
func CloneGitRepo ¶
CloneGitRepo clones git repo to local path
func CloseQuietly ¶
CloseQuietly closes `io.Closer` quietly. Very handy and helpful for code quality too.
func CombineLabels ¶
CombineLabels combines labels into a string
func CompGetFromTemplateWithLabels ¶
func CompGetFromTemplateWithLabels(template *string, f cmdutil.Factory, namespace string, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, labels []string, toComplete string) []string
CompGetFromTemplateWithLabels executes a Get operation using the specified template and args and returns the results which begin with `toComplete` and have the specified labels. example: CompGetFromTemplateWithLabels(&template, f, "", cmd, []string{"pods"}, []string{"app=nginx"}, toComplete) will get the output of `kubectl get pods --template=template -l app=nginx`, and split the output by space and return
func CompGetResourceWithLabels ¶
func CompGetResourceWithLabels(f cmdutil.Factory, cmd *cobra.Command, resourceName string, labels []string, toComplete string) []string
CompGetResourceWithLabels gets the list of the resource specified which begin with `toComplete` and have the specified labels. example: CompGetResourceWithLabels(f, cmd, "pods", []string{"app=nginx"}, toComplete) gets the name of the pods which have the label `app=nginx` and begin with `toComplete`
func ComponentConfigSpecs ¶
func ComponentConfigSpecs(clusterName string, namespace string, cli dynamic.Interface, componentName string, reloadTpl bool) ([]kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec, error)
ComponentConfigSpecs returns configSpecs used by the component.
func ConfigPath ¶
func ConvertObjToUnstructured ¶
func ConvertObjToUnstructured(obj any) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error)
func CreateResourceIfAbsent ¶
func CreateResourceIfAbsent( dynamic dynamic.Interface, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, namespace string, unstructuredObj *unstructured.Unstructured) error
func DisplayDiffWithColor ¶
func DoWithRetry ¶
func EnableLogToFile ¶
func EnsureCloned ¶
EnsureCloned clones into the destination path, otherwise returns no error.
func EnsureUpdated ¶
EnsureUpdated ensures the destination path exists and is up to date.
func ExecGitCommand ¶
ExecGitCommand executes a git command in the given directory.
func ExistMultiKubeBlocks ¶
func ExistMultiKubeBlocks(client kubernetes.Interface) (bool, error)
func FileExists ¶
FileExists check if a file exists, and return an error otherwise
func GVRToString ¶
func GVRToString(gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) string
func GetCliAddonDir ¶
GetCliAddonDir returns kbcli addon index dir
func GetClusterNameFromArgsOrFlag ¶ added in v0.7.2
func GetComponentDefByCompName ¶
func GetComponentDefByCompName(cli dynamic.Interface, clusterObj *kbappsv1.Cluster, compName string) (*kbappsv1.ComponentDefinition, error)
GetComponentDefByCompName gets the ComponentDefinition object by the component name.
func GetComponentDefByName ¶
func GetComponentsFromResource ¶
func GetComponentsFromResource(namespace, clusterName string, componentSpecs []kbappsv1.ClusterComponentSpec, cli dynamic.Interface) ([]string, error)
GetComponentsFromResource returns name of component.
func GetConfigSpecsFromComponentName ¶ added in v0.7.3
func GetConfigSpecsFromComponentName(cli dynamic.Interface, namespace, clusterName, componentName string, reloadTpl bool) ([]kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec, error)
func GetCurrentBranch ¶ added in v0.7.1
func GetDataProtectionDeploy ¶
func GetDataProtectionDeploy(client kubernetes.Interface) (*appsv1.Deployment, error)
GetDataProtectionDeploy gets DataProtection deployments, now one kubernetes cluster only support one DataProtection
func GetDataProtectionDeploys ¶
func GetDataProtectionDeploys(client kubernetes.Interface) ([]appsv1.Deployment, error)
func GetDockerVersion ¶
GetDockerVersion get Docker Version
func GetEventObject ¶
func GetEventTimeStr ¶
func GetExposeAnnotations ¶
func GetExposeAnnotations(provider K8sProvider, exposeType ExposeType) (map[string]string, error)
func GetHelmChartRepoURL ¶
func GetHelmChartRepoURL() string
GetHelmChartRepoURL gets helm chart repo, chooses one from GitHub and GitLab based on the IP location
func GetHumanReadableDuration ¶
GetHumanReadableDuration returns a succinct representation of the provided startTime and endTime with limited precision for consumption by humans.
func GetIPLocation ¶
func GetImageRegistryByProvider ¶ added in v0.9.0
func GetImageRegistryByProvider(client kubernetes.Interface) (string, error)
GetImageRegistryByProvider returns the image registry based on the k8s provider, for different providers, we will use different image registry.
Now, KubeBlocks has two image registries: and KubeBlocks default image registry is, for some providers, or some regions, we should use as the image registry.
func GetK8SClientObject ¶ added in v0.7.2
func GetK8SClientObject(dynamic dynamic.Interface, obj client.Object, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, namespace, name string) error
GetK8SClientObject gets the client object of k8s, obj must be a struct pointer so that obj can be updated with the response.
func GetK8sSemVer ¶
func GetK8sVersion ¶
func GetK8sVersion(discoveryClient discovery.DiscoveryInterface) (string, error)
GetK8sVersion gets k8s server version
func GetKBDeploys ¶
func GetKBDeploys(client kubernetes.Interface, appName string, namespace string) ([]appsv1.Deployment, error)
GetKBDeploys gets KubeBlocks deployments, now one kubernetes cluster only support one KubeBlocks
func GetKubeBlocksCRDsURL ¶ added in v0.7.2
GetKubeBlocksCRDsURL gets the crds url by IP region.
func GetKubeBlocksDeploy ¶
func GetKubeBlocksDeploy(client kubernetes.Interface) (*appsv1.Deployment, error)
func GetKubeBlocksDeploys ¶
func GetKubeBlocksDeploys(client kubernetes.Interface) ([]appsv1.Deployment, error)
func GetKubeBlocksNamespace ¶
func GetKubeBlocksNamespace(client kubernetes.Interface, specifiedNamespace string) (string, error)
GetKubeBlocksNamespace gets namespace of KubeBlocks installation, infer namespace from helm secrets
func GetKubeBlocksNamespaceByDynamic ¶
GetKubeBlocksNamespaceByDynamic gets namespace of KubeBlocks installation, infer namespace from helm secrets
func GetKubeBlocksVersion ¶
func GetKubeBlocksVersion(client kubernetes.Interface, namespace string) (string, error)
GetKubeBlocksVersion gets KubeBlocks version
func GetKubeconfigDir ¶
func GetKubeconfigDir() string
GetKubeconfigDir returns the kubeconfig directory.
func GetMajorMinorVersion ¶
func GetNodeByName ¶
GetNodeByName chooses node by name from a node array
func GetPodStatus ¶
func GetPublicIP ¶
func GetResourceObjectFromGVR ¶
func GetResourceObjectFromGVR(gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, key client.ObjectKey, client dynamic.Interface, k8sObj interface{}) error
GetResourceObjectFromGVR queries the resource object using GVR.
func GetUnifiedDiffString ¶
func GetValidConfigSpecs ¶
func GetValidConfigSpecs(reloadTpl bool, configSpecs []kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec) ([]kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec, error)
func GitGetRemoteURL ¶
func IsGitCloned ¶
IsGitCloned tests if the path is a git dir.
func IsRepoLatest ¶
func IsSupportConfigFileReconfigure ¶
func IsSupportConfigFileReconfigure(configTemplateSpec kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec, configFileKey string) bool
func IsSupportReconfigureParams ¶
func IsSupportReconfigureParams(tpl kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec, values map[string]*string, cli dynamic.Interface) (bool, error)
IsSupportReconfigureParams checks whether all updated parameters belong to config template parameters.
func IsWindows ¶
func IsWindows() bool
IsWindows returns true if the kbcli runtime situation is windows
func ListResourceByGVR ¶
func ListResourceByGVR(ctx context.Context, client dynamic.Interface, namespace string, gvrs []schema.GroupVersionResource, selector []metav1.ListOptions, allErrs *[]error) []*unstructured.UnstructuredList
func MakeSSHKeyPair ¶
MakeSSHKeyPair makes a pair of public and private keys for SSH access. Public key is encoded in the format for inclusion in an OpenSSH authorized_keys file. Private Key generated is PEM encoded
func NewConfigFlagNoWarnings ¶
func NewConfigFlagNoWarnings() *genericclioptions.ConfigFlags
NewConfigFlagNoWarnings returns a ConfigFlags that disables warnings.
func NewFactory ¶
func NewOpsRequestForReconfiguring ¶
func NewOpsRequestForReconfiguring(opsName, namespace, clusterName string) *opsv1alpha1.OpsRequest
NewOpsRequestForReconfiguring returns a new common OpsRequest for Reconfiguring operation
func OpenBrowser ¶
OpenBrowser opens browser with url in different OS system
func PrintObjYAML ¶
func PrintObjYAML(obj *unstructured.Unstructured) error
func RandRFC1123String ¶
RandRFC1123String generate a random string with length n, which fulfills RFC1123
func RemoveConfig ¶
func ResourceIsEmpty ¶
ResourceIsEmpty checks if resource is empty or not
func SetHelmOwner ¶
func SortEventsByLastTimestamp ¶
func SortEventsByLastTimestamp(events *corev1.EventList, eventType string) *[]apiruntime.Object
SortEventsByLastTimestamp sorts events by lastTimestamp
func TimeFormat ¶
func TimeFormatWithDuration ¶
TimeFormatWithDuration formats time with specified precision
func TimeTimeFormat ¶
func ToV1ComponentConfigSpec ¶
func ToV1ComponentConfigSpec(configSpec kbappsv1.ComponentConfigSpec) kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec
func ToV1ComponentConfigSpecs ¶
func ToV1ComponentConfigSpecs(configSpecs []kbappsv1.ComponentConfigSpec) []kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec
func TrimVersionPrefix ¶ added in v0.7.2
func UpdateAndCleanUntracked ¶
UpdateAndCleanUntracked fetches origin and sets HEAD to origin/HEAD and also creates a pristine working directory by removing untracked files and directories.
func ValidateParametersModified ¶
func ValidateParametersModified(tpl *kbappsv1alpha1.ComponentConfigSpec, parameters sets.Set[string], cli dynamic.Interface) (err error)
func ValidateParametersModified2 ¶
func ValidateParametersModified2(parameters sets.Set[string], cc kbappsv1beta1.ConfigConstraintSpec) error
func WritePogStreamingLog ¶
Types ¶
type ExposeType ¶
type ExposeType string
type K8sProvider ¶
type K8sProvider string
const ( EKSProvider K8sProvider = "EKS" GKEProvider K8sProvider = "GKE" AKSProvider K8sProvider = "AKS" ACKProvider K8sProvider = "ACK" TKEProvider K8sProvider = "TKE" KINDProvider K8sProvider = "Kind" K3SProvider K8sProvider = "K3S" UnknownProvider K8sProvider = "unknown" )
func GetK8sProvider ¶
func GetK8sProvider(version string, client kubernetes.Interface) (K8sProvider, error)
GetK8sProvider returns the k8s provider
func GetK8sProviderFromNodes ¶
func GetK8sProviderFromNodes(nodes *corev1.NodeList) K8sProvider
GetK8sProviderFromNodes get k8s provider from node.spec.providerID
func GetK8sProviderFromVersion ¶
func GetK8sProviderFromVersion(version string) K8sProvider
GetK8sProviderFromVersion gets k8s provider from field GitVersion in cluster server version
func (K8sProvider) IsCloud ¶
func (p K8sProvider) IsCloud() bool