Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func IsASCIIHexDigitNo(r rune) bool
- func IsASCIIHexDigitYes(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeUnassigned(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV100(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV11(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV20(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV21(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV30(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV31(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV32(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV40(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV41(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV50(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV51(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV52(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV60(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV61(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV62(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV63(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV70(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV80(r rune) bool
- func IsAgeV90(r rune) bool
- func IsAlphabeticNo(r rune) bool
- func IsAlphabeticYes(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassArabicLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassArabicNumber(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassBoundaryNeutral(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassCommonSeparator(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassEuropeanNumber(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassEuropeanSeparator(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassEuropeanTerminator(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassFirstStrongIsolate(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassLeftToRight(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassLeftToRightEmbedding(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassLeftToRightIsolate(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassLeftToRightOverride(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassNonspacingMark(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassOtherNeutral(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassParagraphSeparator(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassPopDirectionalFormat(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassPopDirectionalIsolate(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassRightToLeft(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassRightToLeftEmbedding(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassRightToLeftIsolate(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassRightToLeftOverride(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassSegmentSeparator(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiClassWhiteSpace(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiControlNo(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiControlYes(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiMirroredNo(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiMirroredYes(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiPairedBracketTypeClose(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiPairedBracketTypeNone(r rune) bool
- func IsBidiPairedBracketTypeOpen(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockAdlam(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockAegeanNumbers(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockAhom(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockAlchemicalSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockAlphabeticPresentationForms(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockAnatolianHieroglyphs(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockAncientGreekMusicalNotation(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockAncientGreekNumbers(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockAncientSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockArabic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockArabicExtendedA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockArabicMathematicalAlphabeticSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockArabicPresentationFormsA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockArabicPresentationFormsB(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockArabicSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockArmenian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockArrows(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockAvestan(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBalinese(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBamum(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBamumSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBasicLatin(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBassaVah(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBatak(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBengali(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBhaiksuki(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBlockElements(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBopomofo(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBopomofoExtended(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBoxDrawing(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBrahmi(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBraillePatterns(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBuginese(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockBuhid(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockByzantineMusicalSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKCompatibility(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKCompatibilityForms(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKCompatibilityIdeographs(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKRadicalsSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKStrokes(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKSymbolsAndPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographs(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionC(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionD(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionE(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionF(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCarian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCaucasianAlbanian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockChakma(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCham(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCherokee(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCherokeeSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCombiningDiacriticalMarks(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCombiningDiacriticalMarksExtended(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCombiningDiacriticalMarksForSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCombiningDiacriticalMarksSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCombiningHalfMarks(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCommonIndicNumberForms(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockControlPictures(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCoptic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCopticEpactNumbers(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCountingRodNumerals(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCuneiform(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCuneiformNumbersAndPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCurrencySymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCypriotSyllabary(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCyrillic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCyrillicExtendedA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCyrillicExtendedB(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCyrillicExtendedC(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockCyrillicSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockDeseret(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockDevanagari(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockDevanagariExtended(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockDingbats(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockDominoTiles(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockDuployan(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockEarlyDynasticCuneiform(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockEgyptianHieroglyphs(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockElbasan(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockEmoticons(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockEnclosedAlphanumericSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockEnclosedAlphanumerics(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockEnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockEnclosedIdeographicSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockEthiopic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockEthiopicExtended(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockEthiopicExtendedA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockEthiopicSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGeneralPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGeometricShapes(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGeometricShapesExtended(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGeorgian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGeorgianSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGlagolitic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGlagoliticSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGothic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGrantha(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGreekAndCoptic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGreekExtended(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGujarati(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockGurmukhi(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockHangulCompatibilityJamo(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockHangulJamo(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockHangulJamoExtendedA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockHangulJamoExtendedB(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockHangulSyllables(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockHanunoo(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockHatran(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockHebrew(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockHighPrivateUseSurrogates(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockHighSurrogates(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockHiragana(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockIPAExtensions(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockIdeographicDescriptionCharacters(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockIdeographicSymbolsAndPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockImperialAramaic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockInscriptionalPahlavi(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockInscriptionalParthian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockJavanese(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKaithi(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKanaExtendedA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKanaSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKanbun(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKangxiRadicals(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKannada(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKatakana(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKatakanaPhoneticExtensions(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKayahLi(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKharoshthi(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKhmer(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKhmerSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKhojki(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockKhudawadi(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLao(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLatin1Supplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLatinExtendedA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLatinExtendedAdditional(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLatinExtendedB(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLatinExtendedC(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLatinExtendedD(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLatinExtendedE(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLepcha(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLetterlikeSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLimbu(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLinearA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLinearBIdeograms(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLinearBSyllabary(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLisu(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLowSurrogates(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLycian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockLydian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMahajani(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMahjongTiles(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMalayalam(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMandaic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockManichaean(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMarchen(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMasaramGondi(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMathematicalOperators(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMeeteiMayek(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMeeteiMayekExtensions(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMendeKikakui(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMeroiticCursive(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMeroiticHieroglyphs(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMiao(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMiscellaneousSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMiscellaneousSymbolsAndArrows(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMiscellaneousSymbolsAndPictographs(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMiscellaneousTechnical(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockModi(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockModifierToneLetters(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMongolian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMongolianSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMro(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMultani(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMusicalSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMyanmar(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMyanmarExtendedA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockMyanmarExtendedB(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockNKo(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockNabataean(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockNewTaiLue(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockNewa(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockNoBlock(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockNumberForms(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockNushu(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOgham(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOlChiki(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOldHungarian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOldItalic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOldNorthArabian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOldPermic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOldPersian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOldSouthArabian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOldTurkic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOpticalCharacterRecognition(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOriya(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOrnamentalDingbats(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOsage(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockOsmanya(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockPahawhHmong(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockPalmyrene(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockPauCinHau(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockPhagsPa(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockPhaistosDisc(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockPhoenician(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockPhoneticExtensions(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockPhoneticExtensionsSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockPlayingCards(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockPrivateUseArea(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockPsalterPahlavi(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockRejang(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockRumiNumeralSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockRunic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSamaritan(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSaurashtra(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSharada(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockShavian(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockShorthandFormatControls(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSiddham(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSinhala(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSinhalaArchaicNumbers(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSmallFormVariants(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSoraSompeng(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSoyombo(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSpacingModifierLetters(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSpecials(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSundanese(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSundaneseSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSuperscriptsAndSubscripts(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSupplementalArrowsA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSupplementalArrowsB(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSupplementalArrowsC(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSupplementalMathematicalOperators(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSupplementalPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSupplementalSymbolsAndPictographs(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSuttonSignWriting(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSylotiNagri(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSyriac(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockSyriacSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTagalog(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTagbanwa(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTags(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTaiLe(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTaiTham(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTaiViet(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTaiXuanJingSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTakri(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTamil(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTangut(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTangutComponents(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTelugu(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockThaana(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockThai(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTibetan(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTifinagh(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTirhuta(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockTransportAndMapSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockUgaritic(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsExtended(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockVai(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockVariationSelectors(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockVariationSelectorsSupplement(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockVedicExtensions(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockVerticalForms(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockWarangCiti(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockYiRadicals(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockYiSyllables(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockYijingHexagramSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsBlockZanabazarSquare(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAbove(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAboveLeft(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAboveRight(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAttachedAbove(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAttachedAboveRight(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAttachedBelow(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAttachedBelowLeft(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassBelow(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassBelowLeft(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassBelowRight(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC10(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC103(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC107(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC11(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC118(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC12(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC122(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC129(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC13(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC130(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC132(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC133(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC14(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC15(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC16(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC17(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC18(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC19(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC20(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC21(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC22(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC23(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC24(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC25(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC26(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC27(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC28(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC29(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC30(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC31(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC32(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC33(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC34(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC35(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC36(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC84(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC91(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassDoubleAbove(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassDoubleBelow(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassIotaSubscript(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassKanaVoicing(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassLeft(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassNotReordered(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassNukta(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassOverlay(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassRight(r rune) bool
- func IsCanonicalCombiningClassVirama(r rune) bool
- func IsCaseIgnorableNo(r rune) bool
- func IsCaseIgnorableYes(r rune) bool
- func IsCasedNo(r rune) bool
- func IsCasedYes(r rune) bool
- func IsChangesWhenCasefoldedNo(r rune) bool
- func IsChangesWhenCasefoldedYes(r rune) bool
- func IsChangesWhenCasemappedNo(r rune) bool
- func IsChangesWhenCasemappedYes(r rune) bool
- func IsChangesWhenLowercasedNo(r rune) bool
- func IsChangesWhenLowercasedYes(r rune) bool
- func IsChangesWhenNFKCCasefoldedNo(r rune) bool
- func IsChangesWhenNFKCCasefoldedYes(r rune) bool
- func IsChangesWhenTitlecasedNo(r rune) bool
- func IsChangesWhenTitlecasedYes(r rune) bool
- func IsChangesWhenUppercasedNo(r rune) bool
- func IsChangesWhenUppercasedYes(r rune) bool
- func IsCompositionExclusionNo(r rune) bool
- func IsCompositionExclusionYes(r rune) bool
- func IsDashNo(r rune) bool
- func IsDashYes(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeCanonical(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeCircle(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeCompat(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeFinal(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeFont(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeFraction(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeInitial(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeIsolated(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeMedial(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeNarrow(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeNobreak(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeNone(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeSmall(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeSquare(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeSub(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeSuper(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeVertical(r rune) bool
- func IsDecompositionTypeWide(r rune) bool
- func IsDefaultIgnorableCodePointNo(r rune) bool
- func IsDefaultIgnorableCodePointYes(r rune) bool
- func IsDeprecatedNo(r rune) bool
- func IsDeprecatedYes(r rune) bool
- func IsDiacriticNo(r rune) bool
- func IsDiacriticYes(r rune) bool
- func IsEastAsianWidthAmbiguous(r rune) bool
- func IsEastAsianWidthFullwidth(r rune) bool
- func IsEastAsianWidthHalfwidth(r rune) bool
- func IsEastAsianWidthNarrow(r rune) bool
- func IsEastAsianWidthNeutral(r rune) bool
- func IsEastAsianWidthWide(r rune) bool
- func IsExtenderNo(r rune) bool
- func IsExtenderYes(r rune) bool
- func IsFullCompositionExclusionNo(r rune) bool
- func IsFullCompositionExclusionYes(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryCasedLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryClosePunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryConnectorPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryControl(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryCurrencySymbol(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryDashPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryDecimalNumber(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryEnclosingMark(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryFinalPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryFormat(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryInitialPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryLetterNumber(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryLineSeparator(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryLowercaseLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryMark(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryMathSymbol(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryModifierLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryModifierSymbol(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryNonspacingMark(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryNumber(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryOpenPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryOther(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryOtherLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryOtherNumber(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryOtherPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryOtherSymbol(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryParagraphSeparator(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryPrivateUse(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategorySeparator(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategorySpaceSeparator(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategorySpacingMark(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategorySurrogate(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategorySymbol(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryTitlecaseLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryUnassigned(r rune) bool
- func IsGeneralCategoryUppercaseLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeBaseNo(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeBaseYes(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakCR(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakControl(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakEBase(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakEBaseGAZ(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakEModifier(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakExtend(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakGlueAfterZwj(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakL(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakLF(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakLV(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakLVT(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakOther(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakPrepend(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakRegionalIndicator(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakSpacingMark(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakT(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakV(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeClusterBreakZWJ(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeExtendNo(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeExtendYes(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeLinkNo(r rune) bool
- func IsGraphemeLinkYes(r rune) bool
- func IsHangulSyllableTypeLVSyllable(r rune) bool
- func IsHangulSyllableTypeLVTSyllable(r rune) bool
- func IsHangulSyllableTypeLeadingJamo(r rune) bool
- func IsHangulSyllableTypeNotApplicable(r rune) bool
- func IsHangulSyllableTypeTrailingJamo(r rune) bool
- func IsHangulSyllableTypeVowelJamo(r rune) bool
- func IsHexDigitNo(r rune) bool
- func IsHexDigitYes(r rune) bool
- func IsHyphenNo(r rune) bool
- func IsHyphenYes(r rune) bool
- func IsIDContinueNo(r rune) bool
- func IsIDContinueYes(r rune) bool
- func IsIDSBinaryOperatorNo(r rune) bool
- func IsIDSBinaryOperatorYes(r rune) bool
- func IsIDSTrinaryOperatorNo(r rune) bool
- func IsIDSTrinaryOperatorYes(r rune) bool
- func IsIDStartNo(r rune) bool
- func IsIDStartYes(r rune) bool
- func IsIdeographicNo(r rune) bool
- func IsIdeographicYes(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryBottom(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryBottomAndLeft(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryBottomAndRight(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryLeft(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryLeftAndRight(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryNA(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryOverstruck(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryRight(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryTop(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndBottom(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndBottomAndRight(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndLeft(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndLeftAndRight(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndRight(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicPositionalCategoryVisualOrderLeft(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryAvagraha(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryBindu(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryBrahmiJoiningNumber(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryCantillationMark(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonant(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantDead(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantFinal(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantHeadLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantKiller(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantMedial(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPlaceholder(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPrecedingRepha(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPrefixed(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantSubjoined(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantSucceedingRepha(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantWithStacker(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryGeminationMark(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryInvisibleStacker(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryJoiner(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryModifyingLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryNonJoiner(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryNukta(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryNumber(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryNumberJoiner(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryOther(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryPureKiller(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryRegisterShifter(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategorySyllableModifier(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryToneLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryToneMark(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVirama(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVisarga(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVowel(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVowelDependent(r rune) bool
- func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVowelIndependent(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameA(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameAE(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameB(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameBB(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameBS(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameC(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameD(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameDD(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameE(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameEO(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameEU(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameG(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameGG(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameGS(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameH(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameI(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameJ(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameJJ(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameK(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameL(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameLB(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameLG(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameLH(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameLM(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameLP(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameLS(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameLT(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameM(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameN(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameNG(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameNH(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameNJ(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameNone(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameO(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameOE(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameP(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameR(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameS(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameSS(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameT(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameU(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameWA(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameWAE(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameWE(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameWEO(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameWI(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameYA(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameYAE(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameYE(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameYEO(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameYI(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameYO(r rune) bool
- func IsJamoShortNameYU(r rune) bool
- func IsJoinControlNo(r rune) bool
- func IsJoinControlYes(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupAfricanFeh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupAfricanNoon(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupAfricanQaf(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupAin(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupAlaph(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupAlef(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupBeh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupBeth(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupBurushaskiYehBarree(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupDal(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupDalathRish(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupE(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupFarsiYeh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupFe(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupFeh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupFinalSemkath(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupGaf(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupGamal(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupHah(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupHamzaOnHehGoal(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupHe(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupHeh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupHehGoal(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupHeth(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupKaf(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupKaph(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupKhaph(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupKnottedHeh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupLam(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupLamadh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamBha(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamJa(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamLla(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamLlla(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamNga(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamNna(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamNnna(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamNya(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamRa(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamSsa(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamTta(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanAleph(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanAyin(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanBeth(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanDaleth(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanDhamedh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanFive(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanGimel(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanHeth(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanHundred(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanKaph(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanLamedh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanMem(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanNun(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanOne(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanPe(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanQoph(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanResh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanSadhe(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanSamekh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanTaw(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanTen(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanTeth(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanThamedh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanTwenty(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanWaw(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanYodh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanZayin(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMeem(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupMim(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupNoJoiningGroup(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupNoon(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupNun(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupNya(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupPe(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupQaf(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupQaph(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupReh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupReversedPe(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupRohingyaYeh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupSad(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupSadhe(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupSeen(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupSemkath(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupShin(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupStraightWaw(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupSwashKaf(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupSyriacWaw(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupTah(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupTaw(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupTehMarbuta(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupTeth(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupWaw(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupYeh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupYehBarree(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupYehWithTail(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupYudh(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupYudhHe(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupZain(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningGroupZhain(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningTypeDualJoining(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningTypeJoinCausing(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningTypeLeftJoining(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningTypeNonJoining(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningTypeRightJoining(r rune) bool
- func IsJoiningTypeTransparent(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakAlphabetic(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakAmbiguous(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakBreakAfter(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakBreakBefore(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakBreakBoth(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakBreakSymbols(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakCarriageReturn(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakCloseParenthesis(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakClosePunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakCombiningMark(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakComplexContext(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakConditionalJapaneseStarter(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakContingentBreak(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakEBase(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakEModifier(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakExclamation(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakGlue(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakH2(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakH3(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakHebrewLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakHyphen(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakIdeographic(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakInfixNumeric(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakInseparable(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakJL(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakJT(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakJV(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakLineFeed(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakMandatoryBreak(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakNextLine(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakNonstarter(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakNumeric(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakOpenPunctuation(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakPostfixNumeric(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakPrefixNumeric(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakQuotation(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakRegionalIndicator(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakSpace(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakSurrogate(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakUnknown(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakWordJoiner(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakZWJ(r rune) bool
- func IsLineBreakZWSpace(r rune) bool
- func IsLogicalOrderExceptionNo(r rune) bool
- func IsLogicalOrderExceptionYes(r rune) bool
- func IsLowercaseNo(r rune) bool
- func IsLowercaseYes(r rune) bool
- func IsMathNo(r rune) bool
- func IsMathYes(r rune) bool
- func IsNFCQuickCheckMaybe(r rune) bool
- func IsNFCQuickCheckNo(r rune) bool
- func IsNFCQuickCheckYes(r rune) bool
- func IsNFDQuickCheckNo(r rune) bool
- func IsNFDQuickCheckYes(r rune) bool
- func IsNFKCQuickCheckMaybe(r rune) bool
- func IsNFKCQuickCheckNo(r rune) bool
- func IsNFKCQuickCheckYes(r rune) bool
- func IsNFKDQuickCheckNo(r rune) bool
- func IsNFKDQuickCheckYes(r rune) bool
- func IsNoncharacterCodePointNo(r rune) bool
- func IsNoncharacterCodePointYes(r rune) bool
- func IsNumericTypeDecimal(r rune) bool
- func IsNumericTypeDigit(r rune) bool
- func IsNumericTypeNone(r rune) bool
- func IsNumericTypeNumeric(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherAlphabeticNo(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherAlphabeticYes(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherDefaultIgnorableCodePointNo(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherDefaultIgnorableCodePointYes(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherGraphemeExtendNo(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherGraphemeExtendYes(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherIDContinueNo(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherIDContinueYes(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherIDStartNo(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherIDStartYes(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherLowercaseNo(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherLowercaseYes(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherMathNo(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherMathYes(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherUppercaseNo(r rune) bool
- func IsOtherUppercaseYes(r rune) bool
- func IsPatternSyntaxNo(r rune) bool
- func IsPatternSyntaxYes(r rune) bool
- func IsPatternWhiteSpaceNo(r rune) bool
- func IsPatternWhiteSpaceYes(r rune) bool
- func IsPrependedConcatenationMarkNo(r rune) bool
- func IsPrependedConcatenationMarkYes(r rune) bool
- func IsQuotationMarkNo(r rune) bool
- func IsQuotationMarkYes(r rune) bool
- func IsRadicalNo(r rune) bool
- func IsRadicalYes(r rune) bool
- func IsRegionalIndicatorNo(r rune) bool
- func IsRegionalIndicatorYes(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptAdlam(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptAhom(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptAnatolianHieroglyphs(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptArabic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptArmenian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptAvestan(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptBalinese(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptBamum(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptBassaVah(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptBatak(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptBengali(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptBhaiksuki(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptBopomofo(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptBrahmi(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptBraille(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptBuginese(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptBuhid(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptCanadianAboriginal(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptCarian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptCaucasianAlbanian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptChakma(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptCham(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptCherokee(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptCommon(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptCoptic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptCuneiform(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptCypriot(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptCyrillic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptDeseret(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptDevanagari(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptDuployan(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptEgyptianHieroglyphs(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptElbasan(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptEthiopic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptGeorgian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptGlagolitic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptGothic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptGrantha(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptGreek(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptGujarati(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptGurmukhi(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptHan(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptHangul(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptHanunoo(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptHatran(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptHebrew(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptHiragana(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptImperialAramaic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptInherited(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptInscriptionalPahlavi(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptInscriptionalParthian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptJavanese(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptKaithi(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptKannada(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptKatakana(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptKatakanaOrHiragana(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptKayahLi(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptKharoshthi(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptKhmer(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptKhojki(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptKhudawadi(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptLao(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptLatin(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptLepcha(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptLimbu(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptLinearA(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptLinearB(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptLisu(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptLycian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptLydian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMahajani(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMalayalam(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMandaic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptManichaean(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMarchen(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMasaramGondi(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMeeteiMayek(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMendeKikakui(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMeroiticCursive(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMeroiticHieroglyphs(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMiao(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptModi(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMongolian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMro(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMultani(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptMyanmar(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptNabataean(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptNewTaiLue(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptNewa(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptNko(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptNushu(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptOgham(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptOlChiki(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptOldHungarian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptOldItalic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptOldNorthArabian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptOldPermic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptOldPersian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptOldSouthArabian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptOldTurkic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptOriya(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptOsage(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptOsmanya(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptPahawhHmong(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptPalmyrene(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptPauCinHau(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptPhagsPa(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptPhoenician(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptPsalterPahlavi(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptRejang(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptRunic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptSamaritan(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptSaurashtra(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptSharada(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptShavian(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptSiddham(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptSignWriting(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptSinhala(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptSoraSompeng(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptSoyombo(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptSundanese(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptSylotiNagri(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptSyriac(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptTagalog(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptTagbanwa(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptTaiLe(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptTaiTham(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptTaiViet(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptTakri(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptTamil(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptTangut(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptTelugu(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptThaana(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptThai(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptTibetan(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptTifinagh(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptTirhuta(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptUgaritic(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptUnknown(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptVai(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptWarangCiti(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptYi(r rune) bool
- func IsScriptZanabazarSquare(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakATerm(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakCR(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakClose(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakExtend(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakFormat(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakLF(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakLower(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakNumeric(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakOLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakOther(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakSContinue(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakSTerm(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakSep(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakSp(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceBreakUpper(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceTerminalNo(r rune) bool
- func IsSentenceTerminalYes(r rune) bool
- func IsSoftDottedNo(r rune) bool
- func IsSoftDottedYes(r rune) bool
- func IsTerminalPunctuationNo(r rune) bool
- func IsTerminalPunctuationYes(r rune) bool
- func IsUnifiedIdeographNo(r rune) bool
- func IsUnifiedIdeographYes(r rune) bool
- func IsUppercaseNo(r rune) bool
- func IsUppercaseYes(r rune) bool
- func IsVariationSelectorNo(r rune) bool
- func IsVariationSelectorYes(r rune) bool
- func IsVerticalOrientationRotated(r rune) bool
- func IsVerticalOrientationTransformedRotated(r rune) bool
- func IsVerticalOrientationTransformedUpright(r rune) bool
- func IsVerticalOrientationUpright(r rune) bool
- func IsWhiteSpaceNo(r rune) bool
- func IsWhiteSpaceYes(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakALetter(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakCR(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakDoubleQuote(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakEBase(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakEBaseGAZ(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakEModifier(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakExtend(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakExtendNumLet(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakFormat(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakGlueAfterZwj(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakHebrewLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakKatakana(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakLF(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakMidLetter(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakMidNum(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakMidNumLet(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakNewline(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakNumeric(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakOther(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakRegionalIndicator(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakSingleQuote(r rune) bool
- func IsWordBreakZWJ(r rune) bool
- func IsXIDContinueNo(r rune) bool
- func IsXIDContinueYes(r rune) bool
- func IsXIDStartNo(r rune) bool
- func IsXIDStartYes(r rune) bool
Constants ¶
const Version = "10.0.0"
Version is the Unicode edition from which the tables are derived.
Variables ¶
var ( JamoShortNameA = jamoShortNameA // Value "A". JamoShortNameAE = jamoShortNameAE // Value "AE". JamoShortNameB = jamoShortNameB // Value "B". JamoShortNameBB = jamoShortNameBB // Value "BB". JamoShortNameBS = jamoShortNameBS // Value "BS". JamoShortNameC = jamoShortNameC // Value "C". JamoShortNameD = jamoShortNameD // Value "D". JamoShortNameDD = jamoShortNameDD // Value "DD". JamoShortNameE = jamoShortNameE // Value "E". JamoShortNameEO = jamoShortNameEO // Value "EO". JamoShortNameEU = jamoShortNameEU // Value "EU". JamoShortNameG = jamoShortNameG // Value "G". JamoShortNameGG = jamoShortNameGG // Value "GG". JamoShortNameGS = jamoShortNameGS // Value "GS". JamoShortNameH = jamoShortNameH // Value "H". JamoShortNameI = jamoShortNameI // Value "I". JamoShortNameJ = jamoShortNameJ // Value "J". JamoShortNameJJ = jamoShortNameJJ // Value "JJ". JamoShortNameK = jamoShortNameK // Value "K". JamoShortNameL = jamoShortNameL // Value "L". JamoShortNameLB = jamoShortNameLB // Value "LB". JamoShortNameLG = jamoShortNameLG // Value "LG". JamoShortNameLH = jamoShortNameLH // Value "LH". JamoShortNameLM = jamoShortNameLM // Value "LM". JamoShortNameLP = jamoShortNameLP // Value "LP". JamoShortNameLS = jamoShortNameLS // Value "LS". JamoShortNameLT = jamoShortNameLT // Value "LT". JamoShortNameM = jamoShortNameM // Value "M". JamoShortNameN = jamoShortNameN // Value "N". JamoShortNameNG = jamoShortNameNG // Value "NG". JamoShortNameNH = jamoShortNameNH // Value "NH". JamoShortNameNJ = jamoShortNameNJ // Value "NJ". JamoShortNameO = jamoShortNameO // Value "O". JamoShortNameOE = jamoShortNameOE // Value "OE". JamoShortNameP = jamoShortNameP // Value "P". JamoShortNameR = jamoShortNameR // Value "R". JamoShortNameS = jamoShortNameS // Value "S". JamoShortNameSS = jamoShortNameSS // Value "SS". JamoShortNameT = jamoShortNameT // Value "T". JamoShortNameU = jamoShortNameU // Value "U". JamoShortNameWA = jamoShortNameWA // Value "WA". JamoShortNameWAE = jamoShortNameWAE // Value "WAE". JamoShortNameWE = jamoShortNameWE // Value "WE". JamoShortNameWEO = jamoShortNameWEO // Value "WEO". JamoShortNameWI = jamoShortNameWI // Value "WI". JamoShortNameYA = jamoShortNameYA // Value "YA". JamoShortNameYAE = jamoShortNameYAE // Value "YAE". JamoShortNameYE = jamoShortNameYE // Value "YE". JamoShortNameYEO = jamoShortNameYEO // Value "YEO". JamoShortNameYI = jamoShortNameYI // Value "YI". JamoShortNameYO = jamoShortNameYO // Value "YO". JamoShortNameYU = jamoShortNameYU // Value "YU". JamoShortNameNone = jamoShortNameNone // Value "None" (known as "", "None", "<none>"). )
Unicode property "Jamo_Short_Name" (known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name"). Kind of property: "Miscellaneous". Based on file "Jamo.txt".
var ( AgeV11 = ageV11 // Value "V1_1" (known as "1.1", "V1_1"). AgeV20 = ageV20 // Value "V2_0" (known as "2.0", "V2_0"). AgeV21 = ageV21 // Value "V2_1" (known as "2.1", "V2_1"). AgeV30 = ageV30 // Value "V3_0" (known as "3.0", "V3_0"). AgeV31 = ageV31 // Value "V3_1" (known as "3.1", "V3_1"). AgeV32 = ageV32 // Value "V3_2" (known as "3.2", "V3_2"). AgeV40 = ageV40 // Value "V4_0" (known as "4.0", "V4_0"). AgeV41 = ageV41 // Value "V4_1" (known as "4.1", "V4_1"). AgeV50 = ageV50 // Value "V5_0" (known as "5.0", "V5_0"). AgeV51 = ageV51 // Value "V5_1" (known as "5.1", "V5_1"). AgeV52 = ageV52 // Value "V5_2" (known as "5.2", "V5_2"). AgeV60 = ageV60 // Value "V6_0" (known as "6.0", "V6_0"). AgeV61 = ageV61 // Value "V6_1" (known as "6.1", "V6_1"). AgeV62 = ageV62 // Value "V6_2" (known as "6.2", "V6_2"). AgeV63 = ageV63 // Value "V6_3" (known as "6.3", "V6_3"). AgeV70 = ageV70 // Value "V7_0" (known as "7.0", "V7_0"). AgeV80 = ageV80 // Value "V8_0" (known as "8.0", "V8_0"). AgeV90 = ageV90 // Value "V9_0" (known as "9.0", "V9_0"). AgeV100 = ageV100 // Value "V10_0" (known as "10.0", "V10_0"). AgeUnassigned = ageUnassigned // Value "Unassigned" (known as "NA", "Unassigned"). )
Unicode property "Age" (known as "age", "Age"). Kind of property: "Catalog". Based on file "DerivedAge.txt".
var ( BlockAdlam = blockAdlam // Value "Adlam". BlockAegeanNumbers = blockAegeanNumbers // Value "Aegean_Numbers". BlockAhom = blockAhom // Value "Ahom". BlockAlchemicalSymbols = blockAlchemicalSymbols // Value "Alchemical_Symbols" (known as "Alchemical", "Alchemical_Symbols"). BlockAlphabeticPresentationForms = blockAlphabeticPresentationForms // Value "Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms" (known as "Alphabetic_PF", "Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms"). BlockAnatolianHieroglyphs = blockAnatolianHieroglyphs // Value "Anatolian_Hieroglyphs". BlockAncientGreekMusicalNotation = blockAncientGreekMusicalNotation // Value "Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation" (known as "Ancient_Greek_Music", "Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation"). BlockAncientGreekNumbers = blockAncientGreekNumbers // Value "Ancient_Greek_Numbers". BlockAncientSymbols = blockAncientSymbols // Value "Ancient_Symbols". BlockArabic = blockArabic // Value "Arabic". BlockArabicExtendedA = blockArabicExtendedA // Value "Arabic_Extended_A" (known as "Arabic_Ext_A", "Arabic_Extended_A"). BlockArabicMathematicalAlphabeticSymbols = blockArabicMathematicalAlphabeticSymbols // Value "Arabic_Mathematical_Alphabetic_Symbols" (known as "Arabic_Math", "Arabic_Mathematical_Alphabetic_Symbols"). BlockArabicPresentationFormsA = blockArabicPresentationFormsA // Value "Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A" (known as "Arabic_PF_A", "Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A", "Arabic_Presentation_Forms-A"). BlockArabicPresentationFormsB = blockArabicPresentationFormsB // Value "Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B" (known as "Arabic_PF_B", "Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B"). BlockArabicSupplement = blockArabicSupplement // Value "Arabic_Supplement" (known as "Arabic_Sup", "Arabic_Supplement"). BlockArmenian = blockArmenian // Value "Armenian". BlockArrows = blockArrows // Value "Arrows". BlockBasicLatin = blockBasicLatin // Value "Basic_Latin" (known as "ASCII", "Basic_Latin"). BlockAvestan = blockAvestan // Value "Avestan". BlockBalinese = blockBalinese // Value "Balinese". BlockBamum = blockBamum // Value "Bamum". BlockBamumSupplement = blockBamumSupplement // Value "Bamum_Supplement" (known as "Bamum_Sup", "Bamum_Supplement"). BlockBassaVah = blockBassaVah // Value "Bassa_Vah". BlockBatak = blockBatak // Value "Batak". BlockBengali = blockBengali // Value "Bengali". BlockBhaiksuki = blockBhaiksuki // Value "Bhaiksuki". BlockBlockElements = blockBlockElements // Value "Block_Elements". BlockBopomofo = blockBopomofo // Value "Bopomofo". BlockBopomofoExtended = blockBopomofoExtended // Value "Bopomofo_Extended" (known as "Bopomofo_Ext", "Bopomofo_Extended"). BlockBoxDrawing = blockBoxDrawing // Value "Box_Drawing". BlockBrahmi = blockBrahmi // Value "Brahmi". BlockBraillePatterns = blockBraillePatterns // Value "Braille_Patterns" (known as "Braille", "Braille_Patterns"). BlockBuginese = blockBuginese // Value "Buginese". BlockBuhid = blockBuhid // Value "Buhid". BlockByzantineMusicalSymbols = blockByzantineMusicalSymbols // Value "Byzantine_Musical_Symbols" (known as "Byzantine_Music", "Byzantine_Musical_Symbols"). BlockCarian = blockCarian // Value "Carian". BlockCaucasianAlbanian = blockCaucasianAlbanian // Value "Caucasian_Albanian". BlockChakma = blockChakma // Value "Chakma". BlockCham = blockCham // Value "Cham". BlockCherokee = blockCherokee // Value "Cherokee". BlockCherokeeSupplement = blockCherokeeSupplement // Value "Cherokee_Supplement" (known as "Cherokee_Sup", "Cherokee_Supplement"). BlockCJKUnifiedIdeographs = blockCJKUnifiedIdeographs // Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs" (known as "CJK", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs"). BlockCJKCompatibility = blockCJKCompatibility // Value "CJK_Compatibility" (known as "CJK_Compat", "CJK_Compatibility"). BlockCJKCompatibilityForms = blockCJKCompatibilityForms // Value "CJK_Compatibility_Forms" (known as "CJK_Compat_Forms", "CJK_Compatibility_Forms"). BlockCJKCompatibilityIdeographs = blockCJKCompatibilityIdeographs // Value "CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs" (known as "CJK_Compat_Ideographs", "CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs"). BlockCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement = blockCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement // Value "CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement" (known as "CJK_Compat_Ideographs_Sup", "CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement"). BlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA = blockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA // Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A" (known as "CJK_Ext_A", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A"). BlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB = blockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB // Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B" (known as "CJK_Ext_B", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B"). BlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionC = blockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionC // Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C" (known as "CJK_Ext_C", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C"). BlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionD = blockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionD // Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D" (known as "CJK_Ext_D", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D"). BlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionE = blockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionE // Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_E" (known as "CJK_Ext_E", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_E"). BlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionF = blockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionF // Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_F" (known as "CJK_Ext_F", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_F"). BlockCJKRadicalsSupplement = blockCJKRadicalsSupplement // Value "CJK_Radicals_Supplement" (known as "CJK_Radicals_Sup", "CJK_Radicals_Supplement"). BlockCJKStrokes = blockCJKStrokes // Value "CJK_Strokes". BlockCJKSymbolsAndPunctuation = blockCJKSymbolsAndPunctuation // Value "CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation" (known as "CJK_Symbols", "CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation"). BlockHangulCompatibilityJamo = blockHangulCompatibilityJamo // Value "Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo" (known as "Compat_Jamo", "Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo"). BlockControlPictures = blockControlPictures // Value "Control_Pictures". BlockCoptic = blockCoptic // Value "Coptic". BlockCopticEpactNumbers = blockCopticEpactNumbers // Value "Coptic_Epact_Numbers". BlockCountingRodNumerals = blockCountingRodNumerals // Value "Counting_Rod_Numerals" (known as "Counting_Rod", "Counting_Rod_Numerals"). BlockCuneiform = blockCuneiform // Value "Cuneiform". BlockCuneiformNumbersAndPunctuation = blockCuneiformNumbersAndPunctuation // Value "Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation" (known as "Cuneiform_Numbers", "Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation"). BlockCurrencySymbols = blockCurrencySymbols // Value "Currency_Symbols". BlockCypriotSyllabary = blockCypriotSyllabary // Value "Cypriot_Syllabary". BlockCyrillic = blockCyrillic // Value "Cyrillic". BlockCyrillicExtendedA = blockCyrillicExtendedA // Value "Cyrillic_Extended_A" (known as "Cyrillic_Ext_A", "Cyrillic_Extended_A"). BlockCyrillicExtendedB = blockCyrillicExtendedB // Value "Cyrillic_Extended_B" (known as "Cyrillic_Ext_B", "Cyrillic_Extended_B"). BlockCyrillicExtendedC = blockCyrillicExtendedC // Value "Cyrillic_Extended_C" (known as "Cyrillic_Ext_C", "Cyrillic_Extended_C"). BlockCyrillicSupplement = blockCyrillicSupplement // Value "Cyrillic_Supplement" (known as "Cyrillic_Sup", "Cyrillic_Supplement", "Cyrillic_Supplementary"). BlockDeseret = blockDeseret // Value "Deseret". BlockDevanagari = blockDevanagari // Value "Devanagari". BlockDevanagariExtended = blockDevanagariExtended // Value "Devanagari_Extended" (known as "Devanagari_Ext", "Devanagari_Extended"). BlockCombiningDiacriticalMarks = blockCombiningDiacriticalMarks // Value "Combining_Diacritical_Marks" (known as "Diacriticals", "Combining_Diacritical_Marks"). BlockCombiningDiacriticalMarksExtended = blockCombiningDiacriticalMarksExtended // Value "Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Extended" (known as "Diacriticals_Ext", "Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Extended"). BlockCombiningDiacriticalMarksForSymbols = blockCombiningDiacriticalMarksForSymbols // Value "Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols" (known as "Diacriticals_For_Symbols", "Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols", "Combining_Marks_For_Symbols"). BlockCombiningDiacriticalMarksSupplement = blockCombiningDiacriticalMarksSupplement // Value "Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement" (known as "Diacriticals_Sup", "Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement"). BlockDingbats = blockDingbats // Value "Dingbats". BlockDominoTiles = blockDominoTiles // Value "Domino_Tiles" (known as "Domino", "Domino_Tiles"). BlockDuployan = blockDuployan // Value "Duployan". BlockEarlyDynasticCuneiform = blockEarlyDynasticCuneiform // Value "Early_Dynastic_Cuneiform". BlockEgyptianHieroglyphs = blockEgyptianHieroglyphs // Value "Egyptian_Hieroglyphs". BlockElbasan = blockElbasan // Value "Elbasan". BlockEmoticons = blockEmoticons // Value "Emoticons". BlockEnclosedAlphanumerics = blockEnclosedAlphanumerics // Value "Enclosed_Alphanumerics" (known as "Enclosed_Alphanum", "Enclosed_Alphanumerics"). BlockEnclosedAlphanumericSupplement = blockEnclosedAlphanumericSupplement // Value "Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement" (known as "Enclosed_Alphanum_Sup", "Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement"). BlockEnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths = blockEnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths // Value "Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months" (known as "Enclosed_CJK", "Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months"). BlockEnclosedIdeographicSupplement = blockEnclosedIdeographicSupplement // Value "Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement" (known as "Enclosed_Ideographic_Sup", "Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement"). BlockEthiopic = blockEthiopic // Value "Ethiopic". BlockEthiopicExtended = blockEthiopicExtended // Value "Ethiopic_Extended" (known as "Ethiopic_Ext", "Ethiopic_Extended"). BlockEthiopicExtendedA = blockEthiopicExtendedA // Value "Ethiopic_Extended_A" (known as "Ethiopic_Ext_A", "Ethiopic_Extended_A"). BlockEthiopicSupplement = blockEthiopicSupplement // Value "Ethiopic_Supplement" (known as "Ethiopic_Sup", "Ethiopic_Supplement"). BlockGeometricShapes = blockGeometricShapes // Value "Geometric_Shapes". BlockGeometricShapesExtended = blockGeometricShapesExtended // Value "Geometric_Shapes_Extended" (known as "Geometric_Shapes_Ext", "Geometric_Shapes_Extended"). BlockGeorgian = blockGeorgian // Value "Georgian". BlockGeorgianSupplement = blockGeorgianSupplement // Value "Georgian_Supplement" (known as "Georgian_Sup", "Georgian_Supplement"). BlockGlagolitic = blockGlagolitic // Value "Glagolitic". BlockGlagoliticSupplement = blockGlagoliticSupplement // Value "Glagolitic_Supplement" (known as "Glagolitic_Sup", "Glagolitic_Supplement"). BlockGothic = blockGothic // Value "Gothic". BlockGrantha = blockGrantha // Value "Grantha". BlockGreekAndCoptic = blockGreekAndCoptic // Value "Greek_And_Coptic" (known as "Greek", "Greek_And_Coptic"). BlockGreekExtended = blockGreekExtended // Value "Greek_Extended" (known as "Greek_Ext", "Greek_Extended"). BlockGujarati = blockGujarati // Value "Gujarati". BlockGurmukhi = blockGurmukhi // Value "Gurmukhi". BlockHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms = blockHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms // Value "Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms" (known as "Half_And_Full_Forms", "Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms"). BlockCombiningHalfMarks = blockCombiningHalfMarks // Value "Combining_Half_Marks" (known as "Half_Marks", "Combining_Half_Marks"). BlockHangulSyllables = blockHangulSyllables // Value "Hangul_Syllables" (known as "Hangul", "Hangul_Syllables"). BlockHanunoo = blockHanunoo // Value "Hanunoo". BlockHatran = blockHatran // Value "Hatran". BlockHebrew = blockHebrew // Value "Hebrew". BlockHighPrivateUseSurrogates = blockHighPrivateUseSurrogates // Value "High_Private_Use_Surrogates" (known as "High_PU_Surrogates", "High_Private_Use_Surrogates"). BlockHighSurrogates = blockHighSurrogates // Value "High_Surrogates". BlockHiragana = blockHiragana // Value "Hiragana". BlockIdeographicDescriptionCharacters = blockIdeographicDescriptionCharacters // Value "Ideographic_Description_Characters" (known as "IDC", "Ideographic_Description_Characters"). BlockIdeographicSymbolsAndPunctuation = blockIdeographicSymbolsAndPunctuation // Value "Ideographic_Symbols_And_Punctuation" (known as "Ideographic_Symbols", "Ideographic_Symbols_And_Punctuation"). BlockImperialAramaic = blockImperialAramaic // Value "Imperial_Aramaic". BlockCommonIndicNumberForms = blockCommonIndicNumberForms // Value "Common_Indic_Number_Forms" (known as "Indic_Number_Forms", "Common_Indic_Number_Forms"). BlockInscriptionalPahlavi = blockInscriptionalPahlavi // Value "Inscriptional_Pahlavi". BlockInscriptionalParthian = blockInscriptionalParthian // Value "Inscriptional_Parthian". BlockIPAExtensions = blockIPAExtensions // Value "IPA_Extensions" (known as "IPA_Ext", "IPA_Extensions"). BlockHangulJamo = blockHangulJamo // Value "Hangul_Jamo" (known as "Jamo", "Hangul_Jamo"). BlockHangulJamoExtendedA = blockHangulJamoExtendedA // Value "Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A" (known as "Jamo_Ext_A", "Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A"). BlockHangulJamoExtendedB = blockHangulJamoExtendedB // Value "Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B" (known as "Jamo_Ext_B", "Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B"). BlockJavanese = blockJavanese // Value "Javanese". BlockKaithi = blockKaithi // Value "Kaithi". BlockKanaExtendedA = blockKanaExtendedA // Value "Kana_Extended_A" (known as "Kana_Ext_A", "Kana_Extended_A"). BlockKanaSupplement = blockKanaSupplement // Value "Kana_Supplement" (known as "Kana_Sup", "Kana_Supplement"). BlockKanbun = blockKanbun // Value "Kanbun". BlockKangxiRadicals = blockKangxiRadicals // Value "Kangxi_Radicals" (known as "Kangxi", "Kangxi_Radicals"). BlockKannada = blockKannada // Value "Kannada". BlockKatakana = blockKatakana // Value "Katakana". BlockKatakanaPhoneticExtensions = blockKatakanaPhoneticExtensions // Value "Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions" (known as "Katakana_Ext", "Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions"). BlockKayahLi = blockKayahLi // Value "Kayah_Li". BlockKharoshthi = blockKharoshthi // Value "Kharoshthi". BlockKhmer = blockKhmer // Value "Khmer". BlockKhmerSymbols = blockKhmerSymbols // Value "Khmer_Symbols". BlockKhojki = blockKhojki // Value "Khojki". BlockKhudawadi = blockKhudawadi // Value "Khudawadi". BlockLao = blockLao // Value "Lao". BlockLatin1Supplement = blockLatin1Supplement // Value "Latin_1_Supplement" (known as "Latin_1_Sup", "Latin_1_Supplement", "Latin_1"). BlockLatinExtendedA = blockLatinExtendedA // Value "Latin_Extended_A" (known as "Latin_Ext_A", "Latin_Extended_A"). BlockLatinExtendedAdditional = blockLatinExtendedAdditional // Value "Latin_Extended_Additional" (known as "Latin_Ext_Additional", "Latin_Extended_Additional"). BlockLatinExtendedB = blockLatinExtendedB // Value "Latin_Extended_B" (known as "Latin_Ext_B", "Latin_Extended_B"). BlockLatinExtendedC = blockLatinExtendedC // Value "Latin_Extended_C" (known as "Latin_Ext_C", "Latin_Extended_C"). BlockLatinExtendedD = blockLatinExtendedD // Value "Latin_Extended_D" (known as "Latin_Ext_D", "Latin_Extended_D"). BlockLatinExtendedE = blockLatinExtendedE // Value "Latin_Extended_E" (known as "Latin_Ext_E", "Latin_Extended_E"). BlockLepcha = blockLepcha // Value "Lepcha". BlockLetterlikeSymbols = blockLetterlikeSymbols // Value "Letterlike_Symbols". BlockLimbu = blockLimbu // Value "Limbu". BlockLinearA = blockLinearA // Value "Linear_A". BlockLinearBIdeograms = blockLinearBIdeograms // Value "Linear_B_Ideograms". BlockLinearBSyllabary = blockLinearBSyllabary // Value "Linear_B_Syllabary". BlockLisu = blockLisu // Value "Lisu". BlockLowSurrogates = blockLowSurrogates // Value "Low_Surrogates". BlockLycian = blockLycian // Value "Lycian". BlockLydian = blockLydian // Value "Lydian". BlockMahajani = blockMahajani // Value "Mahajani". BlockMahjongTiles = blockMahjongTiles // Value "Mahjong_Tiles" (known as "Mahjong", "Mahjong_Tiles"). BlockMalayalam = blockMalayalam // Value "Malayalam". BlockMandaic = blockMandaic // Value "Mandaic". BlockManichaean = blockManichaean // Value "Manichaean". BlockMarchen = blockMarchen // Value "Marchen". BlockMasaramGondi = blockMasaramGondi // Value "Masaram_Gondi". BlockMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols = blockMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols // Value "Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols" (known as "Math_Alphanum", "Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols"). BlockMathematicalOperators = blockMathematicalOperators // Value "Mathematical_Operators" (known as "Math_Operators", "Mathematical_Operators"). BlockMeeteiMayek = blockMeeteiMayek // Value "Meetei_Mayek". BlockMeeteiMayekExtensions = blockMeeteiMayekExtensions // Value "Meetei_Mayek_Extensions" (known as "Meetei_Mayek_Ext", "Meetei_Mayek_Extensions"). BlockMendeKikakui = blockMendeKikakui // Value "Mende_Kikakui". BlockMeroiticCursive = blockMeroiticCursive // Value "Meroitic_Cursive". BlockMeroiticHieroglyphs = blockMeroiticHieroglyphs // Value "Meroitic_Hieroglyphs". BlockMiao = blockMiao // Value "Miao". BlockMiscellaneousSymbolsAndArrows = blockMiscellaneousSymbolsAndArrows // Value "Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows" (known as "Misc_Arrows", "Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows"). BlockMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA = blockMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA // Value "Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A" (known as "Misc_Math_Symbols_A", "Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A"). BlockMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB = blockMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB // Value "Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B" (known as "Misc_Math_Symbols_B", "Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B"). BlockMiscellaneousSymbolsAndPictographs = blockMiscellaneousSymbolsAndPictographs // Value "Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs" (known as "Misc_Pictographs", "Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs"). BlockMiscellaneousSymbols = blockMiscellaneousSymbols // Value "Miscellaneous_Symbols" (known as "Misc_Symbols", "Miscellaneous_Symbols"). BlockMiscellaneousTechnical = blockMiscellaneousTechnical // Value "Miscellaneous_Technical" (known as "Misc_Technical", "Miscellaneous_Technical"). BlockModi = blockModi // Value "Modi". BlockSpacingModifierLetters = blockSpacingModifierLetters // Value "Spacing_Modifier_Letters" (known as "Modifier_Letters", "Spacing_Modifier_Letters"). BlockModifierToneLetters = blockModifierToneLetters // Value "Modifier_Tone_Letters". BlockMongolian = blockMongolian // Value "Mongolian". BlockMongolianSupplement = blockMongolianSupplement // Value "Mongolian_Supplement" (known as "Mongolian_Sup", "Mongolian_Supplement"). BlockMro = blockMro // Value "Mro". BlockMultani = blockMultani // Value "Multani". BlockMusicalSymbols = blockMusicalSymbols // Value "Musical_Symbols" (known as "Music", "Musical_Symbols"). BlockMyanmar = blockMyanmar // Value "Myanmar". BlockMyanmarExtendedA = blockMyanmarExtendedA // Value "Myanmar_Extended_A" (known as "Myanmar_Ext_A", "Myanmar_Extended_A"). BlockMyanmarExtendedB = blockMyanmarExtendedB // Value "Myanmar_Extended_B" (known as "Myanmar_Ext_B", "Myanmar_Extended_B"). BlockNabataean = blockNabataean // Value "Nabataean". BlockNoBlock = blockNoBlock // Value "No_Block" (known as "NB", "No_Block"). BlockNewTaiLue = blockNewTaiLue // Value "New_Tai_Lue". BlockNewa = blockNewa // Value "Newa". BlockNKo = blockNKo // Value "NKo". BlockNumberForms = blockNumberForms // Value "Number_Forms". BlockNushu = blockNushu // Value "Nushu". BlockOpticalCharacterRecognition = blockOpticalCharacterRecognition // Value "Optical_Character_Recognition" (known as "OCR", "Optical_Character_Recognition"). BlockOgham = blockOgham // Value "Ogham". BlockOlChiki = blockOlChiki // Value "Ol_Chiki". BlockOldHungarian = blockOldHungarian // Value "Old_Hungarian". BlockOldItalic = blockOldItalic // Value "Old_Italic". BlockOldNorthArabian = blockOldNorthArabian // Value "Old_North_Arabian". BlockOldPermic = blockOldPermic // Value "Old_Permic". BlockOldPersian = blockOldPersian // Value "Old_Persian". BlockOldSouthArabian = blockOldSouthArabian // Value "Old_South_Arabian". BlockOldTurkic = blockOldTurkic // Value "Old_Turkic". BlockOriya = blockOriya // Value "Oriya". BlockOrnamentalDingbats = blockOrnamentalDingbats // Value "Ornamental_Dingbats". BlockOsage = blockOsage // Value "Osage". BlockOsmanya = blockOsmanya // Value "Osmanya". BlockPahawhHmong = blockPahawhHmong // Value "Pahawh_Hmong". BlockPalmyrene = blockPalmyrene // Value "Palmyrene". BlockPauCinHau = blockPauCinHau // Value "Pau_Cin_Hau". BlockPhagsPa = blockPhagsPa // Value "Phags_Pa". BlockPhaistosDisc = blockPhaistosDisc // Value "Phaistos_Disc" (known as "Phaistos", "Phaistos_Disc"). BlockPhoenician = blockPhoenician // Value "Phoenician". BlockPhoneticExtensions = blockPhoneticExtensions // Value "Phonetic_Extensions" (known as "Phonetic_Ext", "Phonetic_Extensions"). BlockPhoneticExtensionsSupplement = blockPhoneticExtensionsSupplement // Value "Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement" (known as "Phonetic_Ext_Sup", "Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement"). BlockPlayingCards = blockPlayingCards // Value "Playing_Cards". BlockPsalterPahlavi = blockPsalterPahlavi // Value "Psalter_Pahlavi". BlockPrivateUseArea = blockPrivateUseArea // Value "Private_Use_Area" (known as "PUA", "Private_Use_Area", "Private_Use"). BlockGeneralPunctuation = blockGeneralPunctuation // Value "General_Punctuation" (known as "Punctuation", "General_Punctuation"). BlockRejang = blockRejang // Value "Rejang". BlockRumiNumeralSymbols = blockRumiNumeralSymbols // Value "Rumi_Numeral_Symbols" (known as "Rumi", "Rumi_Numeral_Symbols"). BlockRunic = blockRunic // Value "Runic". BlockSamaritan = blockSamaritan // Value "Samaritan". BlockSaurashtra = blockSaurashtra // Value "Saurashtra". BlockSharada = blockSharada // Value "Sharada". BlockShavian = blockShavian // Value "Shavian". BlockShorthandFormatControls = blockShorthandFormatControls // Value "Shorthand_Format_Controls". BlockSiddham = blockSiddham // Value "Siddham". BlockSinhala = blockSinhala // Value "Sinhala". BlockSinhalaArchaicNumbers = blockSinhalaArchaicNumbers // Value "Sinhala_Archaic_Numbers". BlockSmallFormVariants = blockSmallFormVariants // Value "Small_Form_Variants" (known as "Small_Forms", "Small_Form_Variants"). BlockSoraSompeng = blockSoraSompeng // Value "Sora_Sompeng". BlockSoyombo = blockSoyombo // Value "Soyombo". BlockSpecials = blockSpecials // Value "Specials". BlockSundanese = blockSundanese // Value "Sundanese". BlockSundaneseSupplement = blockSundaneseSupplement // Value "Sundanese_Supplement" (known as "Sundanese_Sup", "Sundanese_Supplement"). BlockSupplementalArrowsA = blockSupplementalArrowsA // Value "Supplemental_Arrows_A" (known as "Sup_Arrows_A", "Supplemental_Arrows_A"). BlockSupplementalArrowsB = blockSupplementalArrowsB // Value "Supplemental_Arrows_B" (known as "Sup_Arrows_B", "Supplemental_Arrows_B"). BlockSupplementalArrowsC = blockSupplementalArrowsC // Value "Supplemental_Arrows_C" (known as "Sup_Arrows_C", "Supplemental_Arrows_C"). BlockSupplementalMathematicalOperators = blockSupplementalMathematicalOperators // Value "Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators" (known as "Sup_Math_Operators", "Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators"). BlockSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA = blockSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA // Value "Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A" (known as "Sup_PUA_A", "Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A"). BlockSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB = blockSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB // Value "Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B" (known as "Sup_PUA_B", "Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B"). BlockSupplementalPunctuation = blockSupplementalPunctuation // Value "Supplemental_Punctuation" (known as "Sup_Punctuation", "Supplemental_Punctuation"). BlockSupplementalSymbolsAndPictographs = blockSupplementalSymbolsAndPictographs // Value "Supplemental_Symbols_And_Pictographs" (known as "Sup_Symbols_And_Pictographs", "Supplemental_Symbols_And_Pictographs"). BlockSuperscriptsAndSubscripts = blockSuperscriptsAndSubscripts // Value "Superscripts_And_Subscripts" (known as "Super_And_Sub", "Superscripts_And_Subscripts"). BlockSuttonSignWriting = blockSuttonSignWriting // Value "Sutton_SignWriting". BlockSylotiNagri = blockSylotiNagri // Value "Syloti_Nagri". BlockSyriac = blockSyriac // Value "Syriac". BlockSyriacSupplement = blockSyriacSupplement // Value "Syriac_Supplement" (known as "Syriac_Sup", "Syriac_Supplement"). BlockTagalog = blockTagalog // Value "Tagalog". BlockTagbanwa = blockTagbanwa // Value "Tagbanwa". BlockTags = blockTags // Value "Tags". BlockTaiLe = blockTaiLe // Value "Tai_Le". BlockTaiTham = blockTaiTham // Value "Tai_Tham". BlockTaiViet = blockTaiViet // Value "Tai_Viet". BlockTaiXuanJingSymbols = blockTaiXuanJingSymbols // Value "Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols" (known as "Tai_Xuan_Jing", "Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols"). BlockTakri = blockTakri // Value "Takri". BlockTamil = blockTamil // Value "Tamil". BlockTangut = blockTangut // Value "Tangut". BlockTangutComponents = blockTangutComponents // Value "Tangut_Components". BlockTelugu = blockTelugu // Value "Telugu". BlockThaana = blockThaana // Value "Thaana". BlockThai = blockThai // Value "Thai". BlockTibetan = blockTibetan // Value "Tibetan". BlockTifinagh = blockTifinagh // Value "Tifinagh". BlockTirhuta = blockTirhuta // Value "Tirhuta". BlockTransportAndMapSymbols = blockTransportAndMapSymbols // Value "Transport_And_Map_Symbols" (known as "Transport_And_Map", "Transport_And_Map_Symbols"). BlockUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics = blockUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics // Value "Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics" (known as "UCAS", "Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics", "Canadian_Syllabics"). BlockUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsExtended = blockUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsExtended // Value "Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended" (known as "UCAS_Ext", "Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended"). BlockUgaritic = blockUgaritic // Value "Ugaritic". BlockVai = blockVai // Value "Vai". BlockVedicExtensions = blockVedicExtensions // Value "Vedic_Extensions" (known as "Vedic_Ext", "Vedic_Extensions"). BlockVerticalForms = blockVerticalForms // Value "Vertical_Forms". BlockVariationSelectors = blockVariationSelectors // Value "Variation_Selectors" (known as "VS", "Variation_Selectors"). BlockVariationSelectorsSupplement = blockVariationSelectorsSupplement // Value "Variation_Selectors_Supplement" (known as "VS_Sup", "Variation_Selectors_Supplement"). BlockWarangCiti = blockWarangCiti // Value "Warang_Citi". BlockYiRadicals = blockYiRadicals // Value "Yi_Radicals". BlockYiSyllables = blockYiSyllables // Value "Yi_Syllables". BlockYijingHexagramSymbols = blockYijingHexagramSymbols // Value "Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols" (known as "Yijing", "Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols"). BlockZanabazarSquare = blockZanabazarSquare // Value "Zanabazar_Square". )
Unicode property "Block" (known as "blk", "Block"). Kind of property: "Catalog". Based on file "Blocks.txt".
var ( ScriptAdlam = scriptAdlam // Value "Adlam" (known as "Adlm", "Adlam"). ScriptCaucasianAlbanian = scriptCaucasianAlbanian // Value "Caucasian_Albanian" (known as "Aghb", "Caucasian_Albanian"). ScriptAhom = scriptAhom // Value "Ahom". ScriptArabic = scriptArabic // Value "Arabic" (known as "Arab", "Arabic"). ScriptImperialAramaic = scriptImperialAramaic // Value "Imperial_Aramaic" (known as "Armi", "Imperial_Aramaic"). ScriptArmenian = scriptArmenian // Value "Armenian" (known as "Armn", "Armenian"). ScriptAvestan = scriptAvestan // Value "Avestan" (known as "Avst", "Avestan"). ScriptBalinese = scriptBalinese // Value "Balinese" (known as "Bali", "Balinese"). ScriptBamum = scriptBamum // Value "Bamum" (known as "Bamu", "Bamum"). ScriptBassaVah = scriptBassaVah // Value "Bassa_Vah" (known as "Bass", "Bassa_Vah"). ScriptBatak = scriptBatak // Value "Batak" (known as "Batk", "Batak"). ScriptBengali = scriptBengali // Value "Bengali" (known as "Beng", "Bengali"). ScriptBhaiksuki = scriptBhaiksuki // Value "Bhaiksuki" (known as "Bhks", "Bhaiksuki"). ScriptBopomofo = scriptBopomofo // Value "Bopomofo" (known as "Bopo", "Bopomofo"). ScriptBrahmi = scriptBrahmi // Value "Brahmi" (known as "Brah", "Brahmi"). ScriptBraille = scriptBraille // Value "Braille" (known as "Brai", "Braille"). ScriptBuginese = scriptBuginese // Value "Buginese" (known as "Bugi", "Buginese"). ScriptBuhid = scriptBuhid // Value "Buhid" (known as "Buhd", "Buhid"). ScriptChakma = scriptChakma // Value "Chakma" (known as "Cakm", "Chakma"). ScriptCanadianAboriginal = scriptCanadianAboriginal // Value "Canadian_Aboriginal" (known as "Cans", "Canadian_Aboriginal"). ScriptCarian = scriptCarian // Value "Carian" (known as "Cari", "Carian"). ScriptCham = scriptCham // Value "Cham". ScriptCherokee = scriptCherokee // Value "Cherokee" (known as "Cher", "Cherokee"). ScriptCoptic = scriptCoptic // Value "Coptic" (known as "Copt", "Coptic", "Qaac"). ScriptCypriot = scriptCypriot // Value "Cypriot" (known as "Cprt", "Cypriot"). ScriptCyrillic = scriptCyrillic // Value "Cyrillic" (known as "Cyrl", "Cyrillic"). ScriptDevanagari = scriptDevanagari // Value "Devanagari" (known as "Deva", "Devanagari"). ScriptDeseret = scriptDeseret // Value "Deseret" (known as "Dsrt", "Deseret"). ScriptDuployan = scriptDuployan // Value "Duployan" (known as "Dupl", "Duployan"). ScriptEgyptianHieroglyphs = scriptEgyptianHieroglyphs // Value "Egyptian_Hieroglyphs" (known as "Egyp", "Egyptian_Hieroglyphs"). ScriptElbasan = scriptElbasan // Value "Elbasan" (known as "Elba", "Elbasan"). ScriptEthiopic = scriptEthiopic // Value "Ethiopic" (known as "Ethi", "Ethiopic"). ScriptGeorgian = scriptGeorgian // Value "Georgian" (known as "Geor", "Georgian"). ScriptGlagolitic = scriptGlagolitic // Value "Glagolitic" (known as "Glag", "Glagolitic"). ScriptMasaramGondi = scriptMasaramGondi // Value "Masaram_Gondi" (known as "Gonm", "Masaram_Gondi"). ScriptGothic = scriptGothic // Value "Gothic" (known as "Goth", "Gothic"). ScriptGrantha = scriptGrantha // Value "Grantha" (known as "Gran", "Grantha"). ScriptGreek = scriptGreek // Value "Greek" (known as "Grek", "Greek"). ScriptGujarati = scriptGujarati // Value "Gujarati" (known as "Gujr", "Gujarati"). ScriptGurmukhi = scriptGurmukhi // Value "Gurmukhi" (known as "Guru", "Gurmukhi"). ScriptHangul = scriptHangul // Value "Hangul" (known as "Hang", "Hangul"). ScriptHan = scriptHan // Value "Han" (known as "Hani", "Han"). ScriptHanunoo = scriptHanunoo // Value "Hanunoo" (known as "Hano", "Hanunoo"). ScriptHatran = scriptHatran // Value "Hatran" (known as "Hatr", "Hatran"). ScriptHebrew = scriptHebrew // Value "Hebrew" (known as "Hebr", "Hebrew"). ScriptHiragana = scriptHiragana // Value "Hiragana" (known as "Hira", "Hiragana"). ScriptAnatolianHieroglyphs = scriptAnatolianHieroglyphs // Value "Anatolian_Hieroglyphs" (known as "Hluw", "Anatolian_Hieroglyphs"). ScriptPahawhHmong = scriptPahawhHmong // Value "Pahawh_Hmong" (known as "Hmng", "Pahawh_Hmong"). ScriptKatakanaOrHiragana = scriptKatakanaOrHiragana // Value "Katakana_Or_Hiragana" (known as "Hrkt", "Katakana_Or_Hiragana"). ScriptOldHungarian = scriptOldHungarian // Value "Old_Hungarian" (known as "Hung", "Old_Hungarian"). ScriptOldItalic = scriptOldItalic // Value "Old_Italic" (known as "Ital", "Old_Italic"). ScriptJavanese = scriptJavanese // Value "Javanese" (known as "Java", "Javanese"). ScriptKayahLi = scriptKayahLi // Value "Kayah_Li" (known as "Kali", "Kayah_Li"). ScriptKatakana = scriptKatakana // Value "Katakana" (known as "Kana", "Katakana"). ScriptKharoshthi = scriptKharoshthi // Value "Kharoshthi" (known as "Khar", "Kharoshthi"). ScriptKhmer = scriptKhmer // Value "Khmer" (known as "Khmr", "Khmer"). ScriptKhojki = scriptKhojki // Value "Khojki" (known as "Khoj", "Khojki"). ScriptKannada = scriptKannada // Value "Kannada" (known as "Knda", "Kannada"). ScriptKaithi = scriptKaithi // Value "Kaithi" (known as "Kthi", "Kaithi"). ScriptTaiTham = scriptTaiTham // Value "Tai_Tham" (known as "Lana", "Tai_Tham"). ScriptLao = scriptLao // Value "Lao" (known as "Laoo", "Lao"). ScriptLatin = scriptLatin // Value "Latin" (known as "Latn", "Latin"). ScriptLepcha = scriptLepcha // Value "Lepcha" (known as "Lepc", "Lepcha"). ScriptLimbu = scriptLimbu // Value "Limbu" (known as "Limb", "Limbu"). ScriptLinearA = scriptLinearA // Value "Linear_A" (known as "Lina", "Linear_A"). ScriptLinearB = scriptLinearB // Value "Linear_B" (known as "Linb", "Linear_B"). ScriptLisu = scriptLisu // Value "Lisu". ScriptLycian = scriptLycian // Value "Lycian" (known as "Lyci", "Lycian"). ScriptLydian = scriptLydian // Value "Lydian" (known as "Lydi", "Lydian"). ScriptMahajani = scriptMahajani // Value "Mahajani" (known as "Mahj", "Mahajani"). ScriptMandaic = scriptMandaic // Value "Mandaic" (known as "Mand", "Mandaic"). ScriptManichaean = scriptManichaean // Value "Manichaean" (known as "Mani", "Manichaean"). ScriptMarchen = scriptMarchen // Value "Marchen" (known as "Marc", "Marchen"). ScriptMendeKikakui = scriptMendeKikakui // Value "Mende_Kikakui" (known as "Mend", "Mende_Kikakui"). ScriptMeroiticCursive = scriptMeroiticCursive // Value "Meroitic_Cursive" (known as "Merc", "Meroitic_Cursive"). ScriptMeroiticHieroglyphs = scriptMeroiticHieroglyphs // Value "Meroitic_Hieroglyphs" (known as "Mero", "Meroitic_Hieroglyphs"). ScriptMalayalam = scriptMalayalam // Value "Malayalam" (known as "Mlym", "Malayalam"). ScriptModi = scriptModi // Value "Modi". ScriptMongolian = scriptMongolian // Value "Mongolian" (known as "Mong", "Mongolian"). ScriptMro = scriptMro // Value "Mro" (known as "Mroo", "Mro"). ScriptMeeteiMayek = scriptMeeteiMayek // Value "Meetei_Mayek" (known as "Mtei", "Meetei_Mayek"). ScriptMultani = scriptMultani // Value "Multani" (known as "Mult", "Multani"). ScriptMyanmar = scriptMyanmar // Value "Myanmar" (known as "Mymr", "Myanmar"). ScriptOldNorthArabian = scriptOldNorthArabian // Value "Old_North_Arabian" (known as "Narb", "Old_North_Arabian"). ScriptNabataean = scriptNabataean // Value "Nabataean" (known as "Nbat", "Nabataean"). ScriptNewa = scriptNewa // Value "Newa". ScriptNko = scriptNko // Value "Nko" (known as "Nkoo", "Nko"). ScriptNushu = scriptNushu // Value "Nushu" (known as "Nshu", "Nushu"). ScriptOgham = scriptOgham // Value "Ogham" (known as "Ogam", "Ogham"). ScriptOlChiki = scriptOlChiki // Value "Ol_Chiki" (known as "Olck", "Ol_Chiki"). ScriptOldTurkic = scriptOldTurkic // Value "Old_Turkic" (known as "Orkh", "Old_Turkic"). ScriptOriya = scriptOriya // Value "Oriya" (known as "Orya", "Oriya"). ScriptOsage = scriptOsage // Value "Osage" (known as "Osge", "Osage"). ScriptOsmanya = scriptOsmanya // Value "Osmanya" (known as "Osma", "Osmanya"). ScriptPalmyrene = scriptPalmyrene // Value "Palmyrene" (known as "Palm", "Palmyrene"). ScriptPauCinHau = scriptPauCinHau // Value "Pau_Cin_Hau" (known as "Pauc", "Pau_Cin_Hau"). ScriptOldPermic = scriptOldPermic // Value "Old_Permic" (known as "Perm", "Old_Permic"). ScriptPhagsPa = scriptPhagsPa // Value "Phags_Pa" (known as "Phag", "Phags_Pa"). ScriptInscriptionalPahlavi = scriptInscriptionalPahlavi // Value "Inscriptional_Pahlavi" (known as "Phli", "Inscriptional_Pahlavi"). ScriptPsalterPahlavi = scriptPsalterPahlavi // Value "Psalter_Pahlavi" (known as "Phlp", "Psalter_Pahlavi"). ScriptPhoenician = scriptPhoenician // Value "Phoenician" (known as "Phnx", "Phoenician"). ScriptMiao = scriptMiao // Value "Miao" (known as "Plrd", "Miao"). ScriptInscriptionalParthian = scriptInscriptionalParthian // Value "Inscriptional_Parthian" (known as "Prti", "Inscriptional_Parthian"). ScriptRejang = scriptRejang // Value "Rejang" (known as "Rjng", "Rejang"). ScriptRunic = scriptRunic // Value "Runic" (known as "Runr", "Runic"). ScriptSamaritan = scriptSamaritan // Value "Samaritan" (known as "Samr", "Samaritan"). ScriptOldSouthArabian = scriptOldSouthArabian // Value "Old_South_Arabian" (known as "Sarb", "Old_South_Arabian"). ScriptSaurashtra = scriptSaurashtra // Value "Saurashtra" (known as "Saur", "Saurashtra"). ScriptSignWriting = scriptSignWriting // Value "SignWriting" (known as "Sgnw", "SignWriting"). ScriptShavian = scriptShavian // Value "Shavian" (known as "Shaw", "Shavian"). ScriptSharada = scriptSharada // Value "Sharada" (known as "Shrd", "Sharada"). ScriptSiddham = scriptSiddham // Value "Siddham" (known as "Sidd", "Siddham"). ScriptKhudawadi = scriptKhudawadi // Value "Khudawadi" (known as "Sind", "Khudawadi"). ScriptSinhala = scriptSinhala // Value "Sinhala" (known as "Sinh", "Sinhala"). ScriptSoraSompeng = scriptSoraSompeng // Value "Sora_Sompeng" (known as "Sora", "Sora_Sompeng"). ScriptSoyombo = scriptSoyombo // Value "Soyombo" (known as "Soyo", "Soyombo"). ScriptSundanese = scriptSundanese // Value "Sundanese" (known as "Sund", "Sundanese"). ScriptSylotiNagri = scriptSylotiNagri // Value "Syloti_Nagri" (known as "Sylo", "Syloti_Nagri"). ScriptSyriac = scriptSyriac // Value "Syriac" (known as "Syrc", "Syriac"). ScriptTagbanwa = scriptTagbanwa // Value "Tagbanwa" (known as "Tagb", "Tagbanwa"). ScriptTakri = scriptTakri // Value "Takri" (known as "Takr", "Takri"). ScriptTaiLe = scriptTaiLe // Value "Tai_Le" (known as "Tale", "Tai_Le"). ScriptNewTaiLue = scriptNewTaiLue // Value "New_Tai_Lue" (known as "Talu", "New_Tai_Lue"). ScriptTamil = scriptTamil // Value "Tamil" (known as "Taml", "Tamil"). ScriptTangut = scriptTangut // Value "Tangut" (known as "Tang", "Tangut"). ScriptTaiViet = scriptTaiViet // Value "Tai_Viet" (known as "Tavt", "Tai_Viet"). ScriptTelugu = scriptTelugu // Value "Telugu" (known as "Telu", "Telugu"). ScriptTifinagh = scriptTifinagh // Value "Tifinagh" (known as "Tfng", "Tifinagh"). ScriptTagalog = scriptTagalog // Value "Tagalog" (known as "Tglg", "Tagalog"). ScriptThaana = scriptThaana // Value "Thaana" (known as "Thaa", "Thaana"). ScriptThai = scriptThai // Value "Thai". ScriptTibetan = scriptTibetan // Value "Tibetan" (known as "Tibt", "Tibetan"). ScriptTirhuta = scriptTirhuta // Value "Tirhuta" (known as "Tirh", "Tirhuta"). ScriptUgaritic = scriptUgaritic // Value "Ugaritic" (known as "Ugar", "Ugaritic"). ScriptVai = scriptVai // Value "Vai" (known as "Vaii", "Vai"). ScriptWarangCiti = scriptWarangCiti // Value "Warang_Citi" (known as "Wara", "Warang_Citi"). ScriptOldPersian = scriptOldPersian // Value "Old_Persian" (known as "Xpeo", "Old_Persian"). ScriptCuneiform = scriptCuneiform // Value "Cuneiform" (known as "Xsux", "Cuneiform"). ScriptYi = scriptYi // Value "Yi" (known as "Yiii", "Yi"). ScriptZanabazarSquare = scriptZanabazarSquare // Value "Zanabazar_Square" (known as "Zanb", "Zanabazar_Square"). ScriptInherited = scriptInherited // Value "Inherited" (known as "Zinh", "Inherited", "Qaai"). ScriptCommon = scriptCommon // Value "Common" (known as "Zyyy", "Common"). ScriptUnknown = scriptUnknown // Value "Unknown" (known as "Zzzz", "Unknown"). )
Unicode property "Script" (known as "sc", "Script"). Kind of property: "Catalog". Based on file "Scripts.txt".
var ( BidiClassArabicLetter = bidiClassArabicLetter // Value "Arabic_Letter" (known as "AL", "Arabic_Letter"). BidiClassArabicNumber = bidiClassArabicNumber // Value "Arabic_Number" (known as "AN", "Arabic_Number"). BidiClassParagraphSeparator = bidiClassParagraphSeparator // Value "Paragraph_Separator" (known as "B", "Paragraph_Separator"). BidiClassBoundaryNeutral = bidiClassBoundaryNeutral // Value "Boundary_Neutral" (known as "BN", "Boundary_Neutral"). BidiClassCommonSeparator = bidiClassCommonSeparator // Value "Common_Separator" (known as "CS", "Common_Separator"). BidiClassEuropeanNumber = bidiClassEuropeanNumber // Value "European_Number" (known as "EN", "European_Number"). BidiClassEuropeanSeparator = bidiClassEuropeanSeparator // Value "European_Separator" (known as "ES", "European_Separator"). BidiClassEuropeanTerminator = bidiClassEuropeanTerminator // Value "European_Terminator" (known as "ET", "European_Terminator"). BidiClassFirstStrongIsolate = bidiClassFirstStrongIsolate // Value "First_Strong_Isolate" (known as "FSI", "First_Strong_Isolate"). BidiClassLeftToRight = bidiClassLeftToRight // Value "Left_To_Right" (known as "L", "Left_To_Right"). BidiClassLeftToRightEmbedding = bidiClassLeftToRightEmbedding // Value "Left_To_Right_Embedding" (known as "LRE", "Left_To_Right_Embedding"). BidiClassLeftToRightIsolate = bidiClassLeftToRightIsolate // Value "Left_To_Right_Isolate" (known as "LRI", "Left_To_Right_Isolate"). BidiClassLeftToRightOverride = bidiClassLeftToRightOverride // Value "Left_To_Right_Override" (known as "LRO", "Left_To_Right_Override"). BidiClassNonspacingMark = bidiClassNonspacingMark // Value "Nonspacing_Mark" (known as "NSM", "Nonspacing_Mark"). BidiClassOtherNeutral = bidiClassOtherNeutral // Value "Other_Neutral" (known as "ON", "Other_Neutral"). BidiClassPopDirectionalFormat = bidiClassPopDirectionalFormat // Value "Pop_Directional_Format" (known as "PDF", "Pop_Directional_Format"). BidiClassPopDirectionalIsolate = bidiClassPopDirectionalIsolate // Value "Pop_Directional_Isolate" (known as "PDI", "Pop_Directional_Isolate"). BidiClassRightToLeft = bidiClassRightToLeft // Value "Right_To_Left" (known as "R", "Right_To_Left"). BidiClassRightToLeftEmbedding = bidiClassRightToLeftEmbedding // Value "Right_To_Left_Embedding" (known as "RLE", "Right_To_Left_Embedding"). BidiClassRightToLeftIsolate = bidiClassRightToLeftIsolate // Value "Right_To_Left_Isolate" (known as "RLI", "Right_To_Left_Isolate"). BidiClassRightToLeftOverride = bidiClassRightToLeftOverride // Value "Right_To_Left_Override" (known as "RLO", "Right_To_Left_Override"). BidiClassSegmentSeparator = bidiClassSegmentSeparator // Value "Segment_Separator" (known as "S", "Segment_Separator"). BidiClassWhiteSpace = bidiClassWhiteSpace // Value "White_Space" (known as "WS", "White_Space"). )
Unicode property "Bidi_Class" (known as "bc", "Bidi_Class"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "extracted\DerivedBidiClass.txt".
var ( BidiPairedBracketTypeClose = bidiPairedBracketTypeClose // Value "Close" (known as "c", "Close"). BidiPairedBracketTypeNone = bidiPairedBracketTypeNone // Value "None" (known as "n", "None"). BidiPairedBracketTypeOpen = bidiPairedBracketTypeOpen // Value "Open" (known as "o", "Open"). )
Unicode property "Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type" (known as "bpt", "Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "BidiBrackets.txt".
var ( CanonicalCombiningClassNotReordered = canonicalCombiningClassNotReordered // Value "Not_Reordered" (known as "0", "NR", "Not_Reordered"). CanonicalCombiningClassOverlay = canonicalCombiningClassOverlay // Value "Overlay" (known as "1", "OV", "Overlay"). CanonicalCombiningClassNukta = canonicalCombiningClassNukta // Value "Nukta" (known as "7", "NK", "Nukta"). CanonicalCombiningClassKanaVoicing = canonicalCombiningClassKanaVoicing // Value "Kana_Voicing" (known as "8", "KV", "Kana_Voicing"). CanonicalCombiningClassVirama = canonicalCombiningClassVirama // Value "Virama" (known as "9", "VR", "Virama"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC10 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC10 // Value "CCC10" (known as "10", "CCC10"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC11 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC11 // Value "CCC11" (known as "11", "CCC11"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC12 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC12 // Value "CCC12" (known as "12", "CCC12"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC13 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC13 // Value "CCC13" (known as "13", "CCC13"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC14 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC14 // Value "CCC14" (known as "14", "CCC14"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC15 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC15 // Value "CCC15" (known as "15", "CCC15"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC16 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC16 // Value "CCC16" (known as "16", "CCC16"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC17 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC17 // Value "CCC17" (known as "17", "CCC17"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC18 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC18 // Value "CCC18" (known as "18", "CCC18"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC19 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC19 // Value "CCC19" (known as "19", "CCC19"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC20 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC20 // Value "CCC20" (known as "20", "CCC20"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC21 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC21 // Value "CCC21" (known as "21", "CCC21"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC22 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC22 // Value "CCC22" (known as "22", "CCC22"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC23 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC23 // Value "CCC23" (known as "23", "CCC23"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC24 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC24 // Value "CCC24" (known as "24", "CCC24"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC25 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC25 // Value "CCC25" (known as "25", "CCC25"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC26 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC26 // Value "CCC26" (known as "26", "CCC26"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC27 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC27 // Value "CCC27" (known as "27", "CCC27"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC28 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC28 // Value "CCC28" (known as "28", "CCC28"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC29 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC29 // Value "CCC29" (known as "29", "CCC29"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC30 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC30 // Value "CCC30" (known as "30", "CCC30"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC31 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC31 // Value "CCC31" (known as "31", "CCC31"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC32 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC32 // Value "CCC32" (known as "32", "CCC32"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC33 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC33 // Value "CCC33" (known as "33", "CCC33"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC34 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC34 // Value "CCC34" (known as "34", "CCC34"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC35 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC35 // Value "CCC35" (known as "35", "CCC35"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC36 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC36 // Value "CCC36" (known as "36", "CCC36"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC84 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC84 // Value "CCC84" (known as "84", "CCC84"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC91 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC91 // Value "CCC91" (known as "91", "CCC91"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC103 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC103 // Value "CCC103" (known as "103", "CCC103"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC107 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC107 // Value "CCC107" (known as "107", "CCC107"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC118 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC118 // Value "CCC118" (known as "118", "CCC118"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC122 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC122 // Value "CCC122" (known as "122", "CCC122"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC129 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC129 // Value "CCC129" (known as "129", "CCC129"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC130 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC130 // Value "CCC130" (known as "130", "CCC130"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC132 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC132 // Value "CCC132" (known as "132", "CCC132"). CanonicalCombiningClassCCC133 = canonicalCombiningClassCCC133 // Value "CCC133" (known as "133", "CCC133"). CanonicalCombiningClassAttachedBelowLeft = canonicalCombiningClassAttachedBelowLeft // Value "Attached_Below_Left" (known as "200", "ATBL", "Attached_Below_Left"). CanonicalCombiningClassAttachedBelow = canonicalCombiningClassAttachedBelow // Value "Attached_Below" (known as "202", "ATB", "Attached_Below"). CanonicalCombiningClassAttachedAbove = canonicalCombiningClassAttachedAbove // Value "Attached_Above" (known as "214", "ATA", "Attached_Above"). CanonicalCombiningClassAttachedAboveRight = canonicalCombiningClassAttachedAboveRight // Value "Attached_Above_Right" (known as "216", "ATAR", "Attached_Above_Right"). CanonicalCombiningClassBelowLeft = canonicalCombiningClassBelowLeft // Value "Below_Left" (known as "218", "BL", "Below_Left"). CanonicalCombiningClassBelow = canonicalCombiningClassBelow // Value "Below" (known as "220", "B", "Below"). CanonicalCombiningClassBelowRight = canonicalCombiningClassBelowRight // Value "Below_Right" (known as "222", "BR", "Below_Right"). CanonicalCombiningClassLeft = canonicalCombiningClassLeft // Value "Left" (known as "224", "L", "Left"). CanonicalCombiningClassRight = canonicalCombiningClassRight // Value "Right" (known as "226", "R", "Right"). CanonicalCombiningClassAboveLeft = canonicalCombiningClassAboveLeft // Value "Above_Left" (known as "228", "AL", "Above_Left"). CanonicalCombiningClassAbove = canonicalCombiningClassAbove // Value "Above" (known as "230", "A", "Above"). CanonicalCombiningClassAboveRight = canonicalCombiningClassAboveRight // Value "Above_Right" (known as "232", "AR", "Above_Right"). CanonicalCombiningClassDoubleBelow = canonicalCombiningClassDoubleBelow // Value "Double_Below" (known as "233", "DB", "Double_Below"). CanonicalCombiningClassDoubleAbove = canonicalCombiningClassDoubleAbove // Value "Double_Above" (known as "234", "DA", "Double_Above"). CanonicalCombiningClassIotaSubscript = canonicalCombiningClassIotaSubscript // Value "Iota_Subscript" (known as "240", "IS", "Iota_Subscript"). )
Unicode property "Canonical_Combining_Class" (known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "extracted\DerivedCombiningClass.txt".
var ( DecompositionTypeCanonical = decompositionTypeCanonical // Value "Canonical" (known as "Can", "Canonical", "can"). DecompositionTypeCompat = decompositionTypeCompat // Value "Compat" (known as "Com", "Compat", "com"). DecompositionTypeCircle = decompositionTypeCircle // Value "Circle" (known as "Enc", "Circle", "enc"). DecompositionTypeFinal = decompositionTypeFinal // Value "Final" (known as "Fin", "Final", "fin"). DecompositionTypeFont = decompositionTypeFont // Value "Font" (known as "Font", "font"). DecompositionTypeFraction = decompositionTypeFraction // Value "Fraction" (known as "Fra", "Fraction", "fra"). DecompositionTypeInitial = decompositionTypeInitial // Value "Initial" (known as "Init", "Initial", "init"). DecompositionTypeIsolated = decompositionTypeIsolated // Value "Isolated" (known as "Iso", "Isolated", "iso"). DecompositionTypeMedial = decompositionTypeMedial // Value "Medial" (known as "Med", "Medial", "med"). DecompositionTypeNarrow = decompositionTypeNarrow // Value "Narrow" (known as "Nar", "Narrow", "nar"). DecompositionTypeNobreak = decompositionTypeNobreak // Value "Nobreak" (known as "Nb", "Nobreak", "nb"). DecompositionTypeNone = decompositionTypeNone // Value "None" (known as "None", "none"). DecompositionTypeSmall = decompositionTypeSmall // Value "Small" (known as "Sml", "Small", "sml"). DecompositionTypeSquare = decompositionTypeSquare // Value "Square" (known as "Sqr", "Square", "sqr"). DecompositionTypeSub = decompositionTypeSub // Value "Sub" (known as "Sub", "sub"). DecompositionTypeSuper = decompositionTypeSuper // Value "Super" (known as "Sup", "Super", "sup"). DecompositionTypeVertical = decompositionTypeVertical // Value "Vertical" (known as "Vert", "Vertical", "vert"). DecompositionTypeWide = decompositionTypeWide // Value "Wide" (known as "Wide", "wide"). )
Unicode property "Decomposition_Type" (known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "extracted\DerivedDecompositionType.txt".
var ( EastAsianWidthAmbiguous = eastAsianWidthAmbiguous // Value "Ambiguous" (known as "A", "Ambiguous"). EastAsianWidthFullwidth = eastAsianWidthFullwidth // Value "Fullwidth" (known as "F", "Fullwidth"). EastAsianWidthHalfwidth = eastAsianWidthHalfwidth // Value "Halfwidth" (known as "H", "Halfwidth"). EastAsianWidthNeutral = eastAsianWidthNeutral // Value "Neutral" (known as "N", "Neutral"). EastAsianWidthNarrow = eastAsianWidthNarrow // Value "Narrow" (known as "Na", "Narrow"). EastAsianWidthWide = eastAsianWidthWide // Value "Wide" (known as "W", "Wide"). )
Unicode property "East_Asian_Width" (known as "ea", "East_Asian_Width"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "extracted\DerivedEastAsianWidth.txt".
var ( GeneralCategoryOther = generalCategoryOther // Value "Other" (known as "C", "Other"). GeneralCategoryControl = generalCategoryControl // Value "Control" (known as "Cc", "Control", "cntrl"). GeneralCategoryFormat = generalCategoryFormat // Value "Format" (known as "Cf", "Format"). GeneralCategoryUnassigned = generalCategoryUnassigned // Value "Unassigned" (known as "Cn", "Unassigned"). GeneralCategoryPrivateUse = generalCategoryPrivateUse // Value "Private_Use" (known as "Co", "Private_Use"). GeneralCategorySurrogate = generalCategorySurrogate // Value "Surrogate" (known as "Cs", "Surrogate"). GeneralCategoryLetter = generalCategoryLetter // Value "Letter" (known as "L", "Letter"). GeneralCategoryCasedLetter = generalCategoryCasedLetter // Value "Cased_Letter" (known as "LC", "Cased_Letter"). GeneralCategoryLowercaseLetter = generalCategoryLowercaseLetter // Value "Lowercase_Letter" (known as "Ll", "Lowercase_Letter"). GeneralCategoryModifierLetter = generalCategoryModifierLetter // Value "Modifier_Letter" (known as "Lm", "Modifier_Letter"). GeneralCategoryOtherLetter = generalCategoryOtherLetter // Value "Other_Letter" (known as "Lo", "Other_Letter"). GeneralCategoryTitlecaseLetter = generalCategoryTitlecaseLetter // Value "Titlecase_Letter" (known as "Lt", "Titlecase_Letter"). GeneralCategoryUppercaseLetter = generalCategoryUppercaseLetter // Value "Uppercase_Letter" (known as "Lu", "Uppercase_Letter"). GeneralCategoryMark = generalCategoryMark // Value "Mark" (known as "M", "Mark", "Combining_Mark"). GeneralCategorySpacingMark = generalCategorySpacingMark // Value "Spacing_Mark" (known as "Mc", "Spacing_Mark"). GeneralCategoryEnclosingMark = generalCategoryEnclosingMark // Value "Enclosing_Mark" (known as "Me", "Enclosing_Mark"). GeneralCategoryNonspacingMark = generalCategoryNonspacingMark // Value "Nonspacing_Mark" (known as "Mn", "Nonspacing_Mark"). GeneralCategoryNumber = generalCategoryNumber // Value "Number" (known as "N", "Number"). GeneralCategoryDecimalNumber = generalCategoryDecimalNumber // Value "Decimal_Number" (known as "Nd", "Decimal_Number", "digit"). GeneralCategoryLetterNumber = generalCategoryLetterNumber // Value "Letter_Number" (known as "Nl", "Letter_Number"). GeneralCategoryOtherNumber = generalCategoryOtherNumber // Value "Other_Number" (known as "No", "Other_Number"). GeneralCategoryPunctuation = generalCategoryPunctuation // Value "Punctuation" (known as "P", "Punctuation", "punct"). GeneralCategoryConnectorPunctuation = generalCategoryConnectorPunctuation // Value "Connector_Punctuation" (known as "Pc", "Connector_Punctuation"). GeneralCategoryDashPunctuation = generalCategoryDashPunctuation // Value "Dash_Punctuation" (known as "Pd", "Dash_Punctuation"). GeneralCategoryClosePunctuation = generalCategoryClosePunctuation // Value "Close_Punctuation" (known as "Pe", "Close_Punctuation"). GeneralCategoryFinalPunctuation = generalCategoryFinalPunctuation // Value "Final_Punctuation" (known as "Pf", "Final_Punctuation"). GeneralCategoryInitialPunctuation = generalCategoryInitialPunctuation // Value "Initial_Punctuation" (known as "Pi", "Initial_Punctuation"). GeneralCategoryOtherPunctuation = generalCategoryOtherPunctuation // Value "Other_Punctuation" (known as "Po", "Other_Punctuation"). GeneralCategoryOpenPunctuation = generalCategoryOpenPunctuation // Value "Open_Punctuation" (known as "Ps", "Open_Punctuation"). GeneralCategorySymbol = generalCategorySymbol // Value "Symbol" (known as "S", "Symbol"). GeneralCategoryCurrencySymbol = generalCategoryCurrencySymbol // Value "Currency_Symbol" (known as "Sc", "Currency_Symbol"). GeneralCategoryModifierSymbol = generalCategoryModifierSymbol // Value "Modifier_Symbol" (known as "Sk", "Modifier_Symbol"). GeneralCategoryMathSymbol = generalCategoryMathSymbol // Value "Math_Symbol" (known as "Sm", "Math_Symbol"). GeneralCategoryOtherSymbol = generalCategoryOtherSymbol // Value "Other_Symbol" (known as "So", "Other_Symbol"). GeneralCategorySeparator = generalCategorySeparator // Value "Separator" (known as "Z", "Separator"). GeneralCategoryLineSeparator = generalCategoryLineSeparator // Value "Line_Separator" (known as "Zl", "Line_Separator"). GeneralCategoryParagraphSeparator = generalCategoryParagraphSeparator // Value "Paragraph_Separator" (known as "Zp", "Paragraph_Separator"). GeneralCategorySpaceSeparator = generalCategorySpaceSeparator // Value "Space_Separator" (known as "Zs", "Space_Separator"). )
Unicode property "General_Category" (known as "gc", "General_Category"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "extracted\DerivedGeneralCategory.txt".
var ( GraphemeClusterBreakControl = graphemeClusterBreakControl // Value "Control" (known as "CN", "Control"). GraphemeClusterBreakCR = graphemeClusterBreakCR // Value "CR". GraphemeClusterBreakEBase = graphemeClusterBreakEBase // Value "E_Base" (known as "EB", "E_Base"). GraphemeClusterBreakEBaseGAZ = graphemeClusterBreakEBaseGAZ // Value "E_Base_GAZ" (known as "EBG", "E_Base_GAZ"). GraphemeClusterBreakEModifier = graphemeClusterBreakEModifier // Value "E_Modifier" (known as "EM", "E_Modifier"). GraphemeClusterBreakExtend = graphemeClusterBreakExtend // Value "Extend" (known as "EX", "Extend"). GraphemeClusterBreakGlueAfterZwj = graphemeClusterBreakGlueAfterZwj // Value "Glue_After_Zwj" (known as "GAZ", "Glue_After_Zwj"). GraphemeClusterBreakL = graphemeClusterBreakL // Value "L". GraphemeClusterBreakLF = graphemeClusterBreakLF // Value "LF". GraphemeClusterBreakLV = graphemeClusterBreakLV // Value "LV". GraphemeClusterBreakLVT = graphemeClusterBreakLVT // Value "LVT". GraphemeClusterBreakPrepend = graphemeClusterBreakPrepend // Value "Prepend" (known as "PP", "Prepend"). GraphemeClusterBreakRegionalIndicator = graphemeClusterBreakRegionalIndicator // Value "Regional_Indicator" (known as "RI", "Regional_Indicator"). GraphemeClusterBreakSpacingMark = graphemeClusterBreakSpacingMark // Value "SpacingMark" (known as "SM", "SpacingMark"). GraphemeClusterBreakT = graphemeClusterBreakT // Value "T". GraphemeClusterBreakV = graphemeClusterBreakV // Value "V". GraphemeClusterBreakOther = graphemeClusterBreakOther // Value "Other" (known as "XX", "Other"). GraphemeClusterBreakZWJ = graphemeClusterBreakZWJ // Value "ZWJ". )
Unicode property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" (known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "auxiliary\GraphemeBreakProperty.txt".
var ( HangulSyllableTypeLeadingJamo = hangulSyllableTypeLeadingJamo // Value "Leading_Jamo" (known as "L", "Leading_Jamo"). HangulSyllableTypeLVSyllable = hangulSyllableTypeLVSyllable // Value "LV_Syllable" (known as "LV", "LV_Syllable"). HangulSyllableTypeLVTSyllable = hangulSyllableTypeLVTSyllable // Value "LVT_Syllable" (known as "LVT", "LVT_Syllable"). HangulSyllableTypeNotApplicable = hangulSyllableTypeNotApplicable // Value "Not_Applicable" (known as "NA", "Not_Applicable"). HangulSyllableTypeTrailingJamo = hangulSyllableTypeTrailingJamo // Value "Trailing_Jamo" (known as "T", "Trailing_Jamo"). HangulSyllableTypeVowelJamo = hangulSyllableTypeVowelJamo // Value "Vowel_Jamo" (known as "V", "Vowel_Jamo"). )
Unicode property "Hangul_Syllable_Type" (known as "hst", "Hangul_Syllable_Type"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "HangulSyllableType.txt".
var ( IndicPositionalCategoryBottom = indicPositionalCategoryBottom // Value "Bottom". IndicPositionalCategoryBottomAndLeft = indicPositionalCategoryBottomAndLeft // Value "Bottom_And_Left". IndicPositionalCategoryBottomAndRight = indicPositionalCategoryBottomAndRight // Value "Bottom_And_Right". IndicPositionalCategoryLeft = indicPositionalCategoryLeft // Value "Left". IndicPositionalCategoryLeftAndRight = indicPositionalCategoryLeftAndRight // Value "Left_And_Right". IndicPositionalCategoryNA = indicPositionalCategoryNA // Value "NA". IndicPositionalCategoryOverstruck = indicPositionalCategoryOverstruck // Value "Overstruck". IndicPositionalCategoryRight = indicPositionalCategoryRight // Value "Right". IndicPositionalCategoryTop = indicPositionalCategoryTop // Value "Top". IndicPositionalCategoryTopAndBottom = indicPositionalCategoryTopAndBottom // Value "Top_And_Bottom". IndicPositionalCategoryTopAndBottomAndRight = indicPositionalCategoryTopAndBottomAndRight // Value "Top_And_Bottom_And_Right". IndicPositionalCategoryTopAndLeft = indicPositionalCategoryTopAndLeft // Value "Top_And_Left". IndicPositionalCategoryTopAndLeftAndRight = indicPositionalCategoryTopAndLeftAndRight // Value "Top_And_Left_And_Right". IndicPositionalCategoryTopAndRight = indicPositionalCategoryTopAndRight // Value "Top_And_Right". IndicPositionalCategoryVisualOrderLeft = indicPositionalCategoryVisualOrderLeft // Value "Visual_Order_Left". )
Unicode property "Indic_Positional_Category" (known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "IndicPositionalCategory.txt".
var ( IndicSyllabicCategoryAvagraha = indicSyllabicCategoryAvagraha // Value "Avagraha". IndicSyllabicCategoryBindu = indicSyllabicCategoryBindu // Value "Bindu". IndicSyllabicCategoryBrahmiJoiningNumber = indicSyllabicCategoryBrahmiJoiningNumber // Value "Brahmi_Joining_Number". IndicSyllabicCategoryCantillationMark = indicSyllabicCategoryCantillationMark // Value "Cantillation_Mark". IndicSyllabicCategoryConsonant = indicSyllabicCategoryConsonant // Value "Consonant". IndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantDead = indicSyllabicCategoryConsonantDead // Value "Consonant_Dead". IndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantFinal = indicSyllabicCategoryConsonantFinal // Value "Consonant_Final". IndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantHeadLetter = indicSyllabicCategoryConsonantHeadLetter // Value "Consonant_Head_Letter". IndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantKiller = indicSyllabicCategoryConsonantKiller // Value "Consonant_Killer". IndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantMedial = indicSyllabicCategoryConsonantMedial // Value "Consonant_Medial". IndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPlaceholder = indicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPlaceholder // Value "Consonant_Placeholder". IndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPrecedingRepha = indicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPrecedingRepha // Value "Consonant_Preceding_Repha". IndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPrefixed = indicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPrefixed // Value "Consonant_Prefixed". IndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantSubjoined = indicSyllabicCategoryConsonantSubjoined // Value "Consonant_Subjoined". IndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantSucceedingRepha = indicSyllabicCategoryConsonantSucceedingRepha // Value "Consonant_Succeeding_Repha". IndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantWithStacker = indicSyllabicCategoryConsonantWithStacker // Value "Consonant_With_Stacker". IndicSyllabicCategoryGeminationMark = indicSyllabicCategoryGeminationMark // Value "Gemination_Mark". IndicSyllabicCategoryInvisibleStacker = indicSyllabicCategoryInvisibleStacker // Value "Invisible_Stacker". IndicSyllabicCategoryJoiner = indicSyllabicCategoryJoiner // Value "Joiner". IndicSyllabicCategoryModifyingLetter = indicSyllabicCategoryModifyingLetter // Value "Modifying_Letter". IndicSyllabicCategoryNonJoiner = indicSyllabicCategoryNonJoiner // Value "Non_Joiner". IndicSyllabicCategoryNukta = indicSyllabicCategoryNukta // Value "Nukta". IndicSyllabicCategoryNumber = indicSyllabicCategoryNumber // Value "Number". IndicSyllabicCategoryNumberJoiner = indicSyllabicCategoryNumberJoiner // Value "Number_Joiner". IndicSyllabicCategoryOther = indicSyllabicCategoryOther // Value "Other". IndicSyllabicCategoryPureKiller = indicSyllabicCategoryPureKiller // Value "Pure_Killer". IndicSyllabicCategoryRegisterShifter = indicSyllabicCategoryRegisterShifter // Value "Register_Shifter". IndicSyllabicCategorySyllableModifier = indicSyllabicCategorySyllableModifier // Value "Syllable_Modifier". IndicSyllabicCategoryToneLetter = indicSyllabicCategoryToneLetter // Value "Tone_Letter". IndicSyllabicCategoryToneMark = indicSyllabicCategoryToneMark // Value "Tone_Mark". IndicSyllabicCategoryVirama = indicSyllabicCategoryVirama // Value "Virama". IndicSyllabicCategoryVisarga = indicSyllabicCategoryVisarga // Value "Visarga". IndicSyllabicCategoryVowel = indicSyllabicCategoryVowel // Value "Vowel". IndicSyllabicCategoryVowelDependent = indicSyllabicCategoryVowelDependent // Value "Vowel_Dependent". IndicSyllabicCategoryVowelIndependent = indicSyllabicCategoryVowelIndependent // Value "Vowel_Independent". )
Unicode property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" (known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "IndicSyllabicCategory.txt".
var ( JoiningGroupAfricanFeh = joiningGroupAfricanFeh // Value "African_Feh". JoiningGroupAfricanNoon = joiningGroupAfricanNoon // Value "African_Noon". JoiningGroupAfricanQaf = joiningGroupAfricanQaf // Value "African_Qaf". JoiningGroupAin = joiningGroupAin // Value "Ain". JoiningGroupAlaph = joiningGroupAlaph // Value "Alaph". JoiningGroupAlef = joiningGroupAlef // Value "Alef". JoiningGroupBeh = joiningGroupBeh // Value "Beh". JoiningGroupBeth = joiningGroupBeth // Value "Beth". JoiningGroupBurushaskiYehBarree = joiningGroupBurushaskiYehBarree // Value "Burushaski_Yeh_Barree". JoiningGroupDal = joiningGroupDal // Value "Dal". JoiningGroupDalathRish = joiningGroupDalathRish // Value "Dalath_Rish". JoiningGroupE = joiningGroupE // Value "E". JoiningGroupFarsiYeh = joiningGroupFarsiYeh // Value "Farsi_Yeh". JoiningGroupFe = joiningGroupFe // Value "Fe". JoiningGroupFeh = joiningGroupFeh // Value "Feh". JoiningGroupFinalSemkath = joiningGroupFinalSemkath // Value "Final_Semkath". JoiningGroupGaf = joiningGroupGaf // Value "Gaf". JoiningGroupGamal = joiningGroupGamal // Value "Gamal". JoiningGroupHah = joiningGroupHah // Value "Hah". JoiningGroupHe = joiningGroupHe // Value "He". JoiningGroupHeh = joiningGroupHeh // Value "Heh". JoiningGroupHehGoal = joiningGroupHehGoal // Value "Heh_Goal". JoiningGroupHeth = joiningGroupHeth // Value "Heth". JoiningGroupKaf = joiningGroupKaf // Value "Kaf". JoiningGroupKaph = joiningGroupKaph // Value "Kaph". JoiningGroupKhaph = joiningGroupKhaph // Value "Khaph". JoiningGroupKnottedHeh = joiningGroupKnottedHeh // Value "Knotted_Heh". JoiningGroupLam = joiningGroupLam // Value "Lam". JoiningGroupLamadh = joiningGroupLamadh // Value "Lamadh". JoiningGroupMalayalamBha = joiningGroupMalayalamBha // Value "Malayalam_Bha". JoiningGroupMalayalamJa = joiningGroupMalayalamJa // Value "Malayalam_Ja". JoiningGroupMalayalamLla = joiningGroupMalayalamLla // Value "Malayalam_Lla". JoiningGroupMalayalamLlla = joiningGroupMalayalamLlla // Value "Malayalam_Llla". JoiningGroupMalayalamNga = joiningGroupMalayalamNga // Value "Malayalam_Nga". JoiningGroupMalayalamNna = joiningGroupMalayalamNna // Value "Malayalam_Nna". JoiningGroupMalayalamNnna = joiningGroupMalayalamNnna // Value "Malayalam_Nnna". JoiningGroupMalayalamNya = joiningGroupMalayalamNya // Value "Malayalam_Nya". JoiningGroupMalayalamRa = joiningGroupMalayalamRa // Value "Malayalam_Ra". JoiningGroupMalayalamSsa = joiningGroupMalayalamSsa // Value "Malayalam_Ssa". JoiningGroupMalayalamTta = joiningGroupMalayalamTta // Value "Malayalam_Tta". JoiningGroupManichaeanAleph = joiningGroupManichaeanAleph // Value "Manichaean_Aleph". JoiningGroupManichaeanAyin = joiningGroupManichaeanAyin // Value "Manichaean_Ayin". JoiningGroupManichaeanBeth = joiningGroupManichaeanBeth // Value "Manichaean_Beth". JoiningGroupManichaeanDaleth = joiningGroupManichaeanDaleth // Value "Manichaean_Daleth". JoiningGroupManichaeanDhamedh = joiningGroupManichaeanDhamedh // Value "Manichaean_Dhamedh". JoiningGroupManichaeanFive = joiningGroupManichaeanFive // Value "Manichaean_Five". JoiningGroupManichaeanGimel = joiningGroupManichaeanGimel // Value "Manichaean_Gimel". JoiningGroupManichaeanHeth = joiningGroupManichaeanHeth // Value "Manichaean_Heth". JoiningGroupManichaeanHundred = joiningGroupManichaeanHundred // Value "Manichaean_Hundred". JoiningGroupManichaeanKaph = joiningGroupManichaeanKaph // Value "Manichaean_Kaph". JoiningGroupManichaeanLamedh = joiningGroupManichaeanLamedh // Value "Manichaean_Lamedh". JoiningGroupManichaeanMem = joiningGroupManichaeanMem // Value "Manichaean_Mem". JoiningGroupManichaeanNun = joiningGroupManichaeanNun // Value "Manichaean_Nun". JoiningGroupManichaeanOne = joiningGroupManichaeanOne // Value "Manichaean_One". JoiningGroupManichaeanPe = joiningGroupManichaeanPe // Value "Manichaean_Pe". JoiningGroupManichaeanQoph = joiningGroupManichaeanQoph // Value "Manichaean_Qoph". JoiningGroupManichaeanResh = joiningGroupManichaeanResh // Value "Manichaean_Resh". JoiningGroupManichaeanSadhe = joiningGroupManichaeanSadhe // Value "Manichaean_Sadhe". JoiningGroupManichaeanSamekh = joiningGroupManichaeanSamekh // Value "Manichaean_Samekh". JoiningGroupManichaeanTaw = joiningGroupManichaeanTaw // Value "Manichaean_Taw". JoiningGroupManichaeanTen = joiningGroupManichaeanTen // Value "Manichaean_Ten". JoiningGroupManichaeanTeth = joiningGroupManichaeanTeth // Value "Manichaean_Teth". JoiningGroupManichaeanThamedh = joiningGroupManichaeanThamedh // Value "Manichaean_Thamedh". JoiningGroupManichaeanTwenty = joiningGroupManichaeanTwenty // Value "Manichaean_Twenty". JoiningGroupManichaeanWaw = joiningGroupManichaeanWaw // Value "Manichaean_Waw". JoiningGroupManichaeanYodh = joiningGroupManichaeanYodh // Value "Manichaean_Yodh". JoiningGroupManichaeanZayin = joiningGroupManichaeanZayin // Value "Manichaean_Zayin". JoiningGroupMeem = joiningGroupMeem // Value "Meem". JoiningGroupMim = joiningGroupMim // Value "Mim". JoiningGroupNoJoiningGroup = joiningGroupNoJoiningGroup // Value "No_Joining_Group". JoiningGroupNoon = joiningGroupNoon // Value "Noon". JoiningGroupNun = joiningGroupNun // Value "Nun". JoiningGroupNya = joiningGroupNya // Value "Nya". JoiningGroupPe = joiningGroupPe // Value "Pe". JoiningGroupQaf = joiningGroupQaf // Value "Qaf". JoiningGroupQaph = joiningGroupQaph // Value "Qaph". JoiningGroupReh = joiningGroupReh // Value "Reh". JoiningGroupReversedPe = joiningGroupReversedPe // Value "Reversed_Pe". JoiningGroupRohingyaYeh = joiningGroupRohingyaYeh // Value "Rohingya_Yeh". JoiningGroupSad = joiningGroupSad // Value "Sad". JoiningGroupSadhe = joiningGroupSadhe // Value "Sadhe". JoiningGroupSeen = joiningGroupSeen // Value "Seen". JoiningGroupSemkath = joiningGroupSemkath // Value "Semkath". JoiningGroupShin = joiningGroupShin // Value "Shin". JoiningGroupStraightWaw = joiningGroupStraightWaw // Value "Straight_Waw". JoiningGroupSwashKaf = joiningGroupSwashKaf // Value "Swash_Kaf". JoiningGroupSyriacWaw = joiningGroupSyriacWaw // Value "Syriac_Waw". JoiningGroupTah = joiningGroupTah // Value "Tah". JoiningGroupTaw = joiningGroupTaw // Value "Taw". JoiningGroupTehMarbuta = joiningGroupTehMarbuta // Value "Teh_Marbuta". JoiningGroupHamzaOnHehGoal = joiningGroupHamzaOnHehGoal // Value "Hamza_On_Heh_Goal" (known as "Teh_Marbuta_Goal", "Hamza_On_Heh_Goal"). JoiningGroupTeth = joiningGroupTeth // Value "Teth". JoiningGroupWaw = joiningGroupWaw // Value "Waw". JoiningGroupYeh = joiningGroupYeh // Value "Yeh". JoiningGroupYehBarree = joiningGroupYehBarree // Value "Yeh_Barree". JoiningGroupYehWithTail = joiningGroupYehWithTail // Value "Yeh_With_Tail". JoiningGroupYudh = joiningGroupYudh // Value "Yudh". JoiningGroupYudhHe = joiningGroupYudhHe // Value "Yudh_He". JoiningGroupZain = joiningGroupZain // Value "Zain". JoiningGroupZhain = joiningGroupZhain // Value "Zhain". )
Unicode property "Joining_Group" (known as "jg", "Joining_Group"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "extracted\DerivedJoiningGroup.txt".
var ( JoiningTypeJoinCausing = joiningTypeJoinCausing // Value "Join_Causing" (known as "C", "Join_Causing"). JoiningTypeDualJoining = joiningTypeDualJoining // Value "Dual_Joining" (known as "D", "Dual_Joining"). JoiningTypeLeftJoining = joiningTypeLeftJoining // Value "Left_Joining" (known as "L", "Left_Joining"). JoiningTypeRightJoining = joiningTypeRightJoining // Value "Right_Joining" (known as "R", "Right_Joining"). JoiningTypeTransparent = joiningTypeTransparent // Value "Transparent" (known as "T", "Transparent"). JoiningTypeNonJoining = joiningTypeNonJoining // Value "Non_Joining" (known as "U", "Non_Joining"). )
Unicode property "Joining_Type" (known as "jt", "Joining_Type"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "extracted\DerivedJoiningType.txt".
var ( LineBreakAmbiguous = lineBreakAmbiguous // Value "Ambiguous" (known as "AI", "Ambiguous"). LineBreakAlphabetic = lineBreakAlphabetic // Value "Alphabetic" (known as "AL", "Alphabetic"). LineBreakBreakBoth = lineBreakBreakBoth // Value "Break_Both" (known as "B2", "Break_Both"). LineBreakBreakAfter = lineBreakBreakAfter // Value "Break_After" (known as "BA", "Break_After"). LineBreakBreakBefore = lineBreakBreakBefore // Value "Break_Before" (known as "BB", "Break_Before"). LineBreakMandatoryBreak = lineBreakMandatoryBreak // Value "Mandatory_Break" (known as "BK", "Mandatory_Break"). LineBreakContingentBreak = lineBreakContingentBreak // Value "Contingent_Break" (known as "CB", "Contingent_Break"). LineBreakConditionalJapaneseStarter = lineBreakConditionalJapaneseStarter // Value "Conditional_Japanese_Starter" (known as "CJ", "Conditional_Japanese_Starter"). LineBreakClosePunctuation = lineBreakClosePunctuation // Value "Close_Punctuation" (known as "CL", "Close_Punctuation"). LineBreakCombiningMark = lineBreakCombiningMark // Value "Combining_Mark" (known as "CM", "Combining_Mark"). LineBreakCloseParenthesis = lineBreakCloseParenthesis // Value "Close_Parenthesis" (known as "CP", "Close_Parenthesis"). LineBreakCarriageReturn = lineBreakCarriageReturn // Value "Carriage_Return" (known as "CR", "Carriage_Return"). LineBreakEBase = lineBreakEBase // Value "E_Base" (known as "EB", "E_Base"). LineBreakEModifier = lineBreakEModifier // Value "E_Modifier" (known as "EM", "E_Modifier"). LineBreakExclamation = lineBreakExclamation // Value "Exclamation" (known as "EX", "Exclamation"). LineBreakGlue = lineBreakGlue // Value "Glue" (known as "GL", "Glue"). LineBreakH2 = lineBreakH2 // Value "H2". LineBreakH3 = lineBreakH3 // Value "H3". LineBreakHebrewLetter = lineBreakHebrewLetter // Value "Hebrew_Letter" (known as "HL", "Hebrew_Letter"). LineBreakHyphen = lineBreakHyphen // Value "Hyphen" (known as "HY", "Hyphen"). LineBreakIdeographic = lineBreakIdeographic // Value "Ideographic" (known as "ID", "Ideographic"). LineBreakInseparable = lineBreakInseparable // Value "Inseparable" (known as "IN", "Inseparable", "Inseperable"). LineBreakInfixNumeric = lineBreakInfixNumeric // Value "Infix_Numeric" (known as "IS", "Infix_Numeric"). LineBreakJL = lineBreakJL // Value "JL". LineBreakJT = lineBreakJT // Value "JT". LineBreakJV = lineBreakJV // Value "JV". LineBreakLineFeed = lineBreakLineFeed // Value "Line_Feed" (known as "LF", "Line_Feed"). LineBreakNextLine = lineBreakNextLine // Value "Next_Line" (known as "NL", "Next_Line"). LineBreakNonstarter = lineBreakNonstarter // Value "Nonstarter" (known as "NS", "Nonstarter"). LineBreakNumeric = lineBreakNumeric // Value "Numeric" (known as "NU", "Numeric"). LineBreakOpenPunctuation = lineBreakOpenPunctuation // Value "Open_Punctuation" (known as "OP", "Open_Punctuation"). LineBreakPostfixNumeric = lineBreakPostfixNumeric // Value "Postfix_Numeric" (known as "PO", "Postfix_Numeric"). LineBreakPrefixNumeric = lineBreakPrefixNumeric // Value "Prefix_Numeric" (known as "PR", "Prefix_Numeric"). LineBreakQuotation = lineBreakQuotation // Value "Quotation" (known as "QU", "Quotation"). LineBreakRegionalIndicator = lineBreakRegionalIndicator // Value "Regional_Indicator" (known as "RI", "Regional_Indicator"). LineBreakComplexContext = lineBreakComplexContext // Value "Complex_Context" (known as "SA", "Complex_Context"). LineBreakSurrogate = lineBreakSurrogate // Value "Surrogate" (known as "SG", "Surrogate"). LineBreakSpace = lineBreakSpace // Value "Space" (known as "SP", "Space"). LineBreakBreakSymbols = lineBreakBreakSymbols // Value "Break_Symbols" (known as "SY", "Break_Symbols"). LineBreakWordJoiner = lineBreakWordJoiner // Value "Word_Joiner" (known as "WJ", "Word_Joiner"). LineBreakUnknown = lineBreakUnknown // Value "Unknown" (known as "XX", "Unknown"). LineBreakZWSpace = lineBreakZWSpace // Value "ZWSpace" (known as "ZW", "ZWSpace"). LineBreakZWJ = lineBreakZWJ // Value "ZWJ". )
Unicode property "Line_Break" (known as "lb", "Line_Break"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "extracted\DerivedLineBreak.txt".
var ( NFCQuickCheckMaybe = nFCQuickCheckMaybe // Value "Maybe" (known as "M", "Maybe"). NFCQuickCheckNo = nFCQuickCheckNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No"). NFCQuickCheckYes = nFCQuickCheckYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes"). )
Unicode property "NFC_Quick_Check" (known as "NFC_QC", "NFC_Quick_Check"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "DerivedNormalizationProps.txt".
var ( NFDQuickCheckNo = nFDQuickCheckNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No"). NFDQuickCheckYes = nFDQuickCheckYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes"). )
Unicode property "NFD_Quick_Check" (known as "NFD_QC", "NFD_Quick_Check"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "DerivedNormalizationProps.txt".
var ( NFKCQuickCheckMaybe = nFKCQuickCheckMaybe // Value "Maybe" (known as "M", "Maybe"). NFKCQuickCheckNo = nFKCQuickCheckNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No"). NFKCQuickCheckYes = nFKCQuickCheckYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes"). )
Unicode property "NFKC_Quick_Check" (known as "NFKC_QC", "NFKC_Quick_Check"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "DerivedNormalizationProps.txt".
var ( NFKDQuickCheckNo = nFKDQuickCheckNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No"). NFKDQuickCheckYes = nFKDQuickCheckYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes"). )
Unicode property "NFKD_Quick_Check" (known as "NFKD_QC", "NFKD_Quick_Check"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "DerivedNormalizationProps.txt".
var ( NumericTypeDecimal = numericTypeDecimal // Value "Decimal" (known as "De", "Decimal"). NumericTypeDigit = numericTypeDigit // Value "Digit" (known as "Di", "Digit"). NumericTypeNone = numericTypeNone // Value "None". NumericTypeNumeric = numericTypeNumeric // Value "Numeric" (known as "Nu", "Numeric"). )
Unicode property "Numeric_Type" (known as "nt", "Numeric_Type"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "extracted\DerivedNumericType.txt".
var ( SentenceBreakATerm = sentenceBreakATerm // Value "ATerm" (known as "AT", "ATerm"). SentenceBreakClose = sentenceBreakClose // Value "Close" (known as "CL", "Close"). SentenceBreakCR = sentenceBreakCR // Value "CR". SentenceBreakExtend = sentenceBreakExtend // Value "Extend" (known as "EX", "Extend"). SentenceBreakFormat = sentenceBreakFormat // Value "Format" (known as "FO", "Format"). SentenceBreakOLetter = sentenceBreakOLetter // Value "OLetter" (known as "LE", "OLetter"). SentenceBreakLF = sentenceBreakLF // Value "LF". SentenceBreakLower = sentenceBreakLower // Value "Lower" (known as "LO", "Lower"). SentenceBreakNumeric = sentenceBreakNumeric // Value "Numeric" (known as "NU", "Numeric"). SentenceBreakSContinue = sentenceBreakSContinue // Value "SContinue" (known as "SC", "SContinue"). SentenceBreakSep = sentenceBreakSep // Value "Sep" (known as "SE", "Sep"). SentenceBreakSp = sentenceBreakSp // Value "Sp" (known as "SP", "Sp"). SentenceBreakSTerm = sentenceBreakSTerm // Value "STerm" (known as "ST", "STerm"). SentenceBreakUpper = sentenceBreakUpper // Value "Upper" (known as "UP", "Upper"). SentenceBreakOther = sentenceBreakOther // Value "Other" (known as "XX", "Other"). )
Unicode property "Sentence_Break" (known as "SB", "Sentence_Break"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "auxiliary\SentenceBreakProperty.txt".
var ( VerticalOrientationRotated = verticalOrientationRotated // Value "Rotated" (known as "R", "Rotated"). VerticalOrientationTransformedRotated = verticalOrientationTransformedRotated // Value "Transformed_Rotated" (known as "Tr", "Transformed_Rotated"). VerticalOrientationTransformedUpright = verticalOrientationTransformedUpright // Value "Transformed_Upright" (known as "Tu", "Transformed_Upright"). VerticalOrientationUpright = verticalOrientationUpright // Value "Upright" (known as "U", "Upright"). )
Unicode property "Vertical_Orientation" (known as "vo", "Vertical_Orientation"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "VerticalOrientation.txt".
var ( WordBreakCR = wordBreakCR // Value "CR". WordBreakDoubleQuote = wordBreakDoubleQuote // Value "Double_Quote" (known as "DQ", "Double_Quote"). WordBreakEBase = wordBreakEBase // Value "E_Base" (known as "EB", "E_Base"). WordBreakEBaseGAZ = wordBreakEBaseGAZ // Value "E_Base_GAZ" (known as "EBG", "E_Base_GAZ"). WordBreakEModifier = wordBreakEModifier // Value "E_Modifier" (known as "EM", "E_Modifier"). WordBreakExtendNumLet = wordBreakExtendNumLet // Value "ExtendNumLet" (known as "EX", "ExtendNumLet"). WordBreakExtend = wordBreakExtend // Value "Extend". WordBreakFormat = wordBreakFormat // Value "Format" (known as "FO", "Format"). WordBreakGlueAfterZwj = wordBreakGlueAfterZwj // Value "Glue_After_Zwj" (known as "GAZ", "Glue_After_Zwj"). WordBreakHebrewLetter = wordBreakHebrewLetter // Value "Hebrew_Letter" (known as "HL", "Hebrew_Letter"). WordBreakKatakana = wordBreakKatakana // Value "Katakana" (known as "KA", "Katakana"). WordBreakALetter = wordBreakALetter // Value "ALetter" (known as "LE", "ALetter"). WordBreakLF = wordBreakLF // Value "LF". WordBreakMidNumLet = wordBreakMidNumLet // Value "MidNumLet" (known as "MB", "MidNumLet"). WordBreakMidLetter = wordBreakMidLetter // Value "MidLetter" (known as "ML", "MidLetter"). WordBreakMidNum = wordBreakMidNum // Value "MidNum" (known as "MN", "MidNum"). WordBreakNewline = wordBreakNewline // Value "Newline" (known as "NL", "Newline"). WordBreakNumeric = wordBreakNumeric // Value "Numeric" (known as "NU", "Numeric"). WordBreakRegionalIndicator = wordBreakRegionalIndicator // Value "Regional_Indicator" (known as "RI", "Regional_Indicator"). WordBreakSingleQuote = wordBreakSingleQuote // Value "Single_Quote" (known as "SQ", "Single_Quote"). WordBreakOther = wordBreakOther // Value "Other" (known as "XX", "Other"). WordBreakZWJ = wordBreakZWJ // Value "ZWJ". )
Unicode property "Word_Break" (known as "WB", "Word_Break"). Kind of property: "Enumerated". Based on file "auxiliary\WordBreakProperty.txt".
var ( ASCIIHexDigitNo = aSCIIHexDigitNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). ASCIIHexDigitYes = aSCIIHexDigitYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "ASCII_Hex_Digit" (known as "AHex", "ASCII_Hex_Digit"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( AlphabeticNo = alphabeticNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). AlphabeticYes = alphabeticYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Alphabetic" (known as "Alpha", "Alphabetic"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( BidiControlNo = bidiControlNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). BidiControlYes = bidiControlYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Bidi_Control" (known as "Bidi_C", "Bidi_Control"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( BidiMirroredNo = bidiMirroredNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). BidiMirroredYes = bidiMirroredYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Bidi_Mirrored" (known as "Bidi_M", "Bidi_Mirrored"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "extracted\DerivedBinaryProperties.txt".
var ( CasedNo = casedNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). CasedYes = casedYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Cased" (known as "Cased", "Cased"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( CompositionExclusionNo = compositionExclusionNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). CompositionExclusionYes = compositionExclusionYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Composition_Exclusion" (known as "CE", "Composition_Exclusion"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "CompositionExclusions.txt".
var ( CaseIgnorableNo = caseIgnorableNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). CaseIgnorableYes = caseIgnorableYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Case_Ignorable" (known as "CI", "Case_Ignorable"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( FullCompositionExclusionNo = fullCompositionExclusionNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). FullCompositionExclusionYes = fullCompositionExclusionYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Full_Composition_Exclusion" (known as "Comp_Ex", "Full_Composition_Exclusion"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedNormalizationProps.txt".
var ( ChangesWhenCasefoldedNo = changesWhenCasefoldedNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). ChangesWhenCasefoldedYes = changesWhenCasefoldedYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Changes_When_Casefolded" (known as "CWCF", "Changes_When_Casefolded"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( ChangesWhenCasemappedNo = changesWhenCasemappedNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). ChangesWhenCasemappedYes = changesWhenCasemappedYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Changes_When_Casemapped" (known as "CWCM", "Changes_When_Casemapped"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( ChangesWhenNFKCCasefoldedNo = changesWhenNFKCCasefoldedNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). ChangesWhenNFKCCasefoldedYes = changesWhenNFKCCasefoldedYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded" (known as "CWKCF", "Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedNormalizationProps.txt".
var ( ChangesWhenLowercasedNo = changesWhenLowercasedNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). ChangesWhenLowercasedYes = changesWhenLowercasedYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Changes_When_Lowercased" (known as "CWL", "Changes_When_Lowercased"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( ChangesWhenTitlecasedNo = changesWhenTitlecasedNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). ChangesWhenTitlecasedYes = changesWhenTitlecasedYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Changes_When_Titlecased" (known as "CWT", "Changes_When_Titlecased"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( ChangesWhenUppercasedNo = changesWhenUppercasedNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). ChangesWhenUppercasedYes = changesWhenUppercasedYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Changes_When_Uppercased" (known as "CWU", "Changes_When_Uppercased"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( DashNo = dashNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). DashYes = dashYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Dash" (known as "Dash", "Dash"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( DeprecatedNo = deprecatedNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). DeprecatedYes = deprecatedYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Deprecated" (known as "Dep", "Deprecated"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( DefaultIgnorableCodePointNo = defaultIgnorableCodePointNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). DefaultIgnorableCodePointYes = defaultIgnorableCodePointYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point" (known as "DI", "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( DiacriticNo = diacriticNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). DiacriticYes = diacriticYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Diacritic" (known as "Dia", "Diacritic"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( ExtenderNo = extenderNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). ExtenderYes = extenderYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Extender" (known as "Ext", "Extender"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( GraphemeBaseNo = graphemeBaseNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). GraphemeBaseYes = graphemeBaseYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Grapheme_Base" (known as "Gr_Base", "Grapheme_Base"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( GraphemeExtendNo = graphemeExtendNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). GraphemeExtendYes = graphemeExtendYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Grapheme_Extend" (known as "Gr_Ext", "Grapheme_Extend"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( GraphemeLinkNo = graphemeLinkNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). GraphemeLinkYes = graphemeLinkYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Grapheme_Link" (known as "Gr_Link", "Grapheme_Link"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( HexDigitNo = hexDigitNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). HexDigitYes = hexDigitYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Hex_Digit" (known as "Hex", "Hex_Digit"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( HyphenNo = hyphenNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). HyphenYes = hyphenYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Hyphen" (known as "Hyphen", "Hyphen"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( IDContinueNo = iDContinueNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). IDContinueYes = iDContinueYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "ID_Continue" (known as "IDC", "ID_Continue"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( IdeographicNo = ideographicNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). IdeographicYes = ideographicYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Ideographic" (known as "Ideo", "Ideographic"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( IDStartNo = iDStartNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). IDStartYes = iDStartYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "ID_Start" (known as "IDS", "ID_Start"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( IDSBinaryOperatorNo = iDSBinaryOperatorNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). IDSBinaryOperatorYes = iDSBinaryOperatorYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "IDS_Binary_Operator" (known as "IDSB", "IDS_Binary_Operator"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( IDSTrinaryOperatorNo = iDSTrinaryOperatorNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). IDSTrinaryOperatorYes = iDSTrinaryOperatorYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "IDS_Trinary_Operator" (known as "IDST", "IDS_Trinary_Operator"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( JoinControlNo = joinControlNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). JoinControlYes = joinControlYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Join_Control" (known as "Join_C", "Join_Control"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( LogicalOrderExceptionNo = logicalOrderExceptionNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). LogicalOrderExceptionYes = logicalOrderExceptionYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Logical_Order_Exception" (known as "LOE", "Logical_Order_Exception"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( LowercaseNo = lowercaseNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). LowercaseYes = lowercaseYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Lowercase" (known as "Lower", "Lowercase"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( MathNo = mathNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). MathYes = mathYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Math" (known as "Math", "Math"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( NoncharacterCodePointNo = noncharacterCodePointNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). NoncharacterCodePointYes = noncharacterCodePointYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Noncharacter_Code_Point" (known as "NChar", "Noncharacter_Code_Point"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( OtherAlphabeticNo = otherAlphabeticNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). OtherAlphabeticYes = otherAlphabeticYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Other_Alphabetic" (known as "OAlpha", "Other_Alphabetic"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( OtherDefaultIgnorableCodePointNo = otherDefaultIgnorableCodePointNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). OtherDefaultIgnorableCodePointYes = otherDefaultIgnorableCodePointYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point" (known as "ODI", "Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( OtherGraphemeExtendNo = otherGraphemeExtendNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). OtherGraphemeExtendYes = otherGraphemeExtendYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Other_Grapheme_Extend" (known as "OGr_Ext", "Other_Grapheme_Extend"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( OtherIDContinueNo = otherIDContinueNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). OtherIDContinueYes = otherIDContinueYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Other_ID_Continue" (known as "OIDC", "Other_ID_Continue"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( OtherIDStartNo = otherIDStartNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). OtherIDStartYes = otherIDStartYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Other_ID_Start" (known as "OIDS", "Other_ID_Start"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( OtherLowercaseNo = otherLowercaseNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). OtherLowercaseYes = otherLowercaseYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Other_Lowercase" (known as "OLower", "Other_Lowercase"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( OtherMathNo = otherMathNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). OtherMathYes = otherMathYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Other_Math" (known as "OMath", "Other_Math"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( OtherUppercaseNo = otherUppercaseNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). OtherUppercaseYes = otherUppercaseYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Other_Uppercase" (known as "OUpper", "Other_Uppercase"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( PatternSyntaxNo = patternSyntaxNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). PatternSyntaxYes = patternSyntaxYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Pattern_Syntax" (known as "Pat_Syn", "Pattern_Syntax"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( PatternWhiteSpaceNo = patternWhiteSpaceNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). PatternWhiteSpaceYes = patternWhiteSpaceYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Pattern_White_Space" (known as "Pat_WS", "Pattern_White_Space"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( PrependedConcatenationMarkNo = prependedConcatenationMarkNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). PrependedConcatenationMarkYes = prependedConcatenationMarkYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Prepended_Concatenation_Mark" (known as "PCM", "Prepended_Concatenation_Mark"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( QuotationMarkNo = quotationMarkNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). QuotationMarkYes = quotationMarkYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Quotation_Mark" (known as "QMark", "Quotation_Mark"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( RadicalNo = radicalNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). RadicalYes = radicalYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Radical" (known as "Radical", "Radical"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( RegionalIndicatorNo = regionalIndicatorNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). RegionalIndicatorYes = regionalIndicatorYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Regional_Indicator" (known as "RI", "Regional_Indicator"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( SoftDottedNo = softDottedNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). SoftDottedYes = softDottedYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Soft_Dotted" (known as "SD", "Soft_Dotted"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( SentenceTerminalNo = sentenceTerminalNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). SentenceTerminalYes = sentenceTerminalYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Sentence_Terminal" (known as "STerm", "Sentence_Terminal"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( TerminalPunctuationNo = terminalPunctuationNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). TerminalPunctuationYes = terminalPunctuationYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Terminal_Punctuation" (known as "Term", "Terminal_Punctuation"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( UnifiedIdeographNo = unifiedIdeographNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). UnifiedIdeographYes = unifiedIdeographYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Unified_Ideograph" (known as "UIdeo", "Unified_Ideograph"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( UppercaseNo = uppercaseNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). UppercaseYes = uppercaseYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Uppercase" (known as "Upper", "Uppercase"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( VariationSelectorNo = variationSelectorNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). VariationSelectorYes = variationSelectorYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "Variation_Selector" (known as "VS", "Variation_Selector"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( WhiteSpaceNo = whiteSpaceNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). WhiteSpaceYes = whiteSpaceYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "White_Space" (known as "WSpace", "White_Space", "space"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "PropList.txt".
var ( XIDContinueNo = xIDContinueNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). XIDContinueYes = xIDContinueYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "XID_Continue" (known as "XIDC", "XID_Continue"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var ( XIDStartNo = xIDStartNo // Value "No" (known as "N", "No", "F", "False"). XIDStartYes = xIDStartYes // Value "Yes" (known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True"). )
Unicode property "XID_Start" (known as "XIDS", "XID_Start"). Kind of property: "Binary". Based on file "DerivedCoreProperties.txt".
var BidiMirroringGlyph = bidiMirroringGlyph
Unicode property "Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph" (known as "bmg", "Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph"). Kind of property: "Miscellaneous" (rune). Based on file "BidiMirroring.txt".
var BidiPairedBracket = bidiPairedBracket
Unicode property "Bidi_Paired_Bracket" (known as "bpb", "Bidi_Paired_Bracket"). Kind of property: "Miscellaneous" (rune). Based on file "BidiBrackets.txt".
Functions ¶
func IsASCIIHexDigitNo ¶
IsASCIIHexDigitNo reports whether the rune has property "ASCII_Hex_Digit"="No". Property "ASCII_Hex_Digit" known as "AHex", "ASCII_Hex_Digit". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsASCIIHexDigitYes ¶
IsASCIIHexDigitYes reports whether the rune has property "ASCII_Hex_Digit"="Yes". Property "ASCII_Hex_Digit" known as "AHex", "ASCII_Hex_Digit". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsAgeUnassigned ¶
IsAgeUnassigned reports whether the rune has property "Age"="Unassigned". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "Unassigned" known as "NA", "Unassigned".
func IsAgeV100 ¶
IsAgeV100 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V10_0". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V10_0" known as "10.0", "V10_0".
func IsAgeV11 ¶
IsAgeV11 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V1_1". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V1_1" known as "1.1", "V1_1".
func IsAgeV20 ¶
IsAgeV20 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V2_0". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V2_0" known as "2.0", "V2_0".
func IsAgeV21 ¶
IsAgeV21 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V2_1". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V2_1" known as "2.1", "V2_1".
func IsAgeV30 ¶
IsAgeV30 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V3_0". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V3_0" known as "3.0", "V3_0".
func IsAgeV31 ¶
IsAgeV31 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V3_1". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V3_1" known as "3.1", "V3_1".
func IsAgeV32 ¶
IsAgeV32 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V3_2". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V3_2" known as "3.2", "V3_2".
func IsAgeV40 ¶
IsAgeV40 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V4_0". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V4_0" known as "4.0", "V4_0".
func IsAgeV41 ¶
IsAgeV41 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V4_1". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V4_1" known as "4.1", "V4_1".
func IsAgeV50 ¶
IsAgeV50 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V5_0". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V5_0" known as "5.0", "V5_0".
func IsAgeV51 ¶
IsAgeV51 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V5_1". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V5_1" known as "5.1", "V5_1".
func IsAgeV52 ¶
IsAgeV52 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V5_2". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V5_2" known as "5.2", "V5_2".
func IsAgeV60 ¶
IsAgeV60 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V6_0". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V6_0" known as "6.0", "V6_0".
func IsAgeV61 ¶
IsAgeV61 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V6_1". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V6_1" known as "6.1", "V6_1".
func IsAgeV62 ¶
IsAgeV62 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V6_2". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V6_2" known as "6.2", "V6_2".
func IsAgeV63 ¶
IsAgeV63 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V6_3". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V6_3" known as "6.3", "V6_3".
func IsAgeV70 ¶
IsAgeV70 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V7_0". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V7_0" known as "7.0", "V7_0".
func IsAgeV80 ¶
IsAgeV80 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V8_0". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V8_0" known as "8.0", "V8_0".
func IsAgeV90 ¶
IsAgeV90 reports whether the rune has property "Age"="V9_0". Property "Age" known as "age", "Age". Value "V9_0" known as "9.0", "V9_0".
func IsAlphabeticNo ¶
IsAlphabeticNo reports whether the rune has property "Alphabetic"="No". Property "Alphabetic" known as "Alpha", "Alphabetic". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsAlphabeticYes ¶
IsAlphabeticYes reports whether the rune has property "Alphabetic"="Yes". Property "Alphabetic" known as "Alpha", "Alphabetic". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsBidiClassArabicLetter ¶
IsBidiClassArabicLetter reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Arabic_Letter". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Arabic_Letter" known as "AL", "Arabic_Letter".
func IsBidiClassArabicNumber ¶
IsBidiClassArabicNumber reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Arabic_Number". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Arabic_Number" known as "AN", "Arabic_Number".
func IsBidiClassBoundaryNeutral ¶
IsBidiClassBoundaryNeutral reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Boundary_Neutral". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Boundary_Neutral" known as "BN", "Boundary_Neutral".
func IsBidiClassCommonSeparator ¶
IsBidiClassCommonSeparator reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Common_Separator". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Common_Separator" known as "CS", "Common_Separator".
func IsBidiClassEuropeanNumber ¶
IsBidiClassEuropeanNumber reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="European_Number". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "European_Number" known as "EN", "European_Number".
func IsBidiClassEuropeanSeparator ¶
IsBidiClassEuropeanSeparator reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="European_Separator". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "European_Separator" known as "ES", "European_Separator".
func IsBidiClassEuropeanTerminator ¶
IsBidiClassEuropeanTerminator reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="European_Terminator". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "European_Terminator" known as "ET", "European_Terminator".
func IsBidiClassFirstStrongIsolate ¶
IsBidiClassFirstStrongIsolate reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="First_Strong_Isolate". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "First_Strong_Isolate" known as "FSI", "First_Strong_Isolate".
func IsBidiClassLeftToRight ¶
IsBidiClassLeftToRight reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Left_To_Right". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Left_To_Right" known as "L", "Left_To_Right".
func IsBidiClassLeftToRightEmbedding ¶
IsBidiClassLeftToRightEmbedding reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Left_To_Right_Embedding". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Left_To_Right_Embedding" known as "LRE", "Left_To_Right_Embedding".
func IsBidiClassLeftToRightIsolate ¶
IsBidiClassLeftToRightIsolate reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Left_To_Right_Isolate". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Left_To_Right_Isolate" known as "LRI", "Left_To_Right_Isolate".
func IsBidiClassLeftToRightOverride ¶
IsBidiClassLeftToRightOverride reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Left_To_Right_Override". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Left_To_Right_Override" known as "LRO", "Left_To_Right_Override".
func IsBidiClassNonspacingMark ¶
IsBidiClassNonspacingMark reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Nonspacing_Mark". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Nonspacing_Mark" known as "NSM", "Nonspacing_Mark".
func IsBidiClassOtherNeutral ¶
IsBidiClassOtherNeutral reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Other_Neutral". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Other_Neutral" known as "ON", "Other_Neutral".
func IsBidiClassParagraphSeparator ¶
IsBidiClassParagraphSeparator reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Paragraph_Separator". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Paragraph_Separator" known as "B", "Paragraph_Separator".
func IsBidiClassPopDirectionalFormat ¶
IsBidiClassPopDirectionalFormat reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Pop_Directional_Format". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Pop_Directional_Format" known as "PDF", "Pop_Directional_Format".
func IsBidiClassPopDirectionalIsolate ¶
IsBidiClassPopDirectionalIsolate reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Pop_Directional_Isolate". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Pop_Directional_Isolate" known as "PDI", "Pop_Directional_Isolate".
func IsBidiClassRightToLeft ¶
IsBidiClassRightToLeft reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Right_To_Left". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Right_To_Left" known as "R", "Right_To_Left".
func IsBidiClassRightToLeftEmbedding ¶
IsBidiClassRightToLeftEmbedding reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Right_To_Left_Embedding". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Right_To_Left_Embedding" known as "RLE", "Right_To_Left_Embedding".
func IsBidiClassRightToLeftIsolate ¶
IsBidiClassRightToLeftIsolate reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Right_To_Left_Isolate". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Right_To_Left_Isolate" known as "RLI", "Right_To_Left_Isolate".
func IsBidiClassRightToLeftOverride ¶
IsBidiClassRightToLeftOverride reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Right_To_Left_Override". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Right_To_Left_Override" known as "RLO", "Right_To_Left_Override".
func IsBidiClassSegmentSeparator ¶
IsBidiClassSegmentSeparator reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="Segment_Separator". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "Segment_Separator" known as "S", "Segment_Separator".
func IsBidiClassWhiteSpace ¶
IsBidiClassWhiteSpace reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Class"="White_Space". Property "Bidi_Class" known as "bc", "Bidi_Class". Value "White_Space" known as "WS", "White_Space".
func IsBidiControlNo ¶
IsBidiControlNo reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Control"="No". Property "Bidi_Control" known as "Bidi_C", "Bidi_Control". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsBidiControlYes ¶
IsBidiControlYes reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Control"="Yes". Property "Bidi_Control" known as "Bidi_C", "Bidi_Control". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsBidiMirroredNo ¶
IsBidiMirroredNo reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Mirrored"="No". Property "Bidi_Mirrored" known as "Bidi_M", "Bidi_Mirrored". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsBidiMirroredYes ¶
IsBidiMirroredYes reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Mirrored"="Yes". Property "Bidi_Mirrored" known as "Bidi_M", "Bidi_Mirrored". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsBidiPairedBracketTypeClose ¶
IsBidiPairedBracketTypeClose reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type"="Close". Property "Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type" known as "bpt", "Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type". Value "Close" known as "c", "Close".
func IsBidiPairedBracketTypeNone ¶
IsBidiPairedBracketTypeNone reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type"="None". Property "Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type" known as "bpt", "Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type". Value "None" known as "n", "None".
func IsBidiPairedBracketTypeOpen ¶
IsBidiPairedBracketTypeOpen reports whether the rune has property "Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type"="Open". Property "Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type" known as "bpt", "Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type". Value "Open" known as "o", "Open".
func IsBlockAdlam ¶
IsBlockAdlam reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Adlam". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockAegeanNumbers ¶
IsBlockAegeanNumbers reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Aegean_Numbers". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockAhom ¶
IsBlockAhom reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ahom". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockAlchemicalSymbols ¶
IsBlockAlchemicalSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Alchemical_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Alchemical_Symbols" known as "Alchemical", "Alchemical_Symbols".
func IsBlockAlphabeticPresentationForms ¶
IsBlockAlphabeticPresentationForms reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms" known as "Alphabetic_PF", "Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms".
func IsBlockAnatolianHieroglyphs ¶
IsBlockAnatolianHieroglyphs reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Anatolian_Hieroglyphs". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockAncientGreekMusicalNotation ¶
IsBlockAncientGreekMusicalNotation reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation" known as "Ancient_Greek_Music", "Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation".
func IsBlockAncientGreekNumbers ¶
IsBlockAncientGreekNumbers reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ancient_Greek_Numbers". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockAncientSymbols ¶
IsBlockAncientSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ancient_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockArabic ¶
IsBlockArabic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Arabic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockArabicExtendedA ¶
IsBlockArabicExtendedA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Arabic_Extended_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Arabic_Extended_A" known as "Arabic_Ext_A", "Arabic_Extended_A".
func IsBlockArabicMathematicalAlphabeticSymbols ¶
IsBlockArabicMathematicalAlphabeticSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Arabic_Mathematical_Alphabetic_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Arabic_Mathematical_Alphabetic_Symbols" known as "Arabic_Math", "Arabic_Mathematical_Alphabetic_Symbols".
func IsBlockArabicPresentationFormsA ¶
IsBlockArabicPresentationFormsA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A" known as "Arabic_PF_A", "Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A", "Arabic_Presentation_Forms-A".
func IsBlockArabicPresentationFormsB ¶
IsBlockArabicPresentationFormsB reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B" known as "Arabic_PF_B", "Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B".
func IsBlockArabicSupplement ¶
IsBlockArabicSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Arabic_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Arabic_Supplement" known as "Arabic_Sup", "Arabic_Supplement".
func IsBlockArmenian ¶
IsBlockArmenian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Armenian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockArrows ¶
IsBlockArrows reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Arrows". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockAvestan ¶
IsBlockAvestan reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Avestan". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockBalinese ¶
IsBlockBalinese reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Balinese". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockBamum ¶
IsBlockBamum reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Bamum". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockBamumSupplement ¶
IsBlockBamumSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Bamum_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Bamum_Supplement" known as "Bamum_Sup", "Bamum_Supplement".
func IsBlockBasicLatin ¶
IsBlockBasicLatin reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Basic_Latin". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Basic_Latin" known as "ASCII", "Basic_Latin".
func IsBlockBassaVah ¶
IsBlockBassaVah reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Bassa_Vah". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockBatak ¶
IsBlockBatak reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Batak". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockBengali ¶
IsBlockBengali reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Bengali". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockBhaiksuki ¶
IsBlockBhaiksuki reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Bhaiksuki". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockBlockElements ¶
IsBlockBlockElements reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Block_Elements". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockBopomofo ¶
IsBlockBopomofo reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Bopomofo". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockBopomofoExtended ¶
IsBlockBopomofoExtended reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Bopomofo_Extended". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Bopomofo_Extended" known as "Bopomofo_Ext", "Bopomofo_Extended".
func IsBlockBoxDrawing ¶
IsBlockBoxDrawing reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Box_Drawing". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockBrahmi ¶
IsBlockBrahmi reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Brahmi". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockBraillePatterns ¶
IsBlockBraillePatterns reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Braille_Patterns". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Braille_Patterns" known as "Braille", "Braille_Patterns".
func IsBlockBuginese ¶
IsBlockBuginese reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Buginese". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockBuhid ¶
IsBlockBuhid reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Buhid". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockByzantineMusicalSymbols ¶
IsBlockByzantineMusicalSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Byzantine_Musical_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Byzantine_Musical_Symbols" known as "Byzantine_Music", "Byzantine_Musical_Symbols".
func IsBlockCJKCompatibility ¶
IsBlockCJKCompatibility reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Compatibility". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Compatibility" known as "CJK_Compat", "CJK_Compatibility".
func IsBlockCJKCompatibilityForms ¶
IsBlockCJKCompatibilityForms reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Compatibility_Forms". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Compatibility_Forms" known as "CJK_Compat_Forms", "CJK_Compatibility_Forms".
func IsBlockCJKCompatibilityIdeographs ¶
IsBlockCJKCompatibilityIdeographs reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs" known as "CJK_Compat_Ideographs", "CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs".
func IsBlockCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement ¶
IsBlockCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement" known as "CJK_Compat_Ideographs_Sup", "CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement".
func IsBlockCJKRadicalsSupplement ¶
IsBlockCJKRadicalsSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Radicals_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Radicals_Supplement" known as "CJK_Radicals_Sup", "CJK_Radicals_Supplement".
func IsBlockCJKStrokes ¶
IsBlockCJKStrokes reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Strokes". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockCJKSymbolsAndPunctuation ¶
IsBlockCJKSymbolsAndPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation" known as "CJK_Symbols", "CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation".
func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographs ¶
IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographs reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Unified_Ideographs". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs" known as "CJK", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs".
func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA ¶
IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A" known as "CJK_Ext_A", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A".
func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB ¶
IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B" known as "CJK_Ext_B", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B".
func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionC ¶
IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionC reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C" known as "CJK_Ext_C", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C".
func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionD ¶
IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionD reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D" known as "CJK_Ext_D", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D".
func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionE ¶
IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionE reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_E". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_E" known as "CJK_Ext_E", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_E".
func IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionF ¶
IsBlockCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionF reports whether the rune has property "Block"="CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_F". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_F" known as "CJK_Ext_F", "CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_F".
func IsBlockCarian ¶
IsBlockCarian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Carian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockCaucasianAlbanian ¶
IsBlockCaucasianAlbanian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Caucasian_Albanian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockChakma ¶
IsBlockChakma reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Chakma". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockCham ¶
IsBlockCham reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Cham". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockCherokee ¶
IsBlockCherokee reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Cherokee". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockCherokeeSupplement ¶
IsBlockCherokeeSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Cherokee_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Cherokee_Supplement" known as "Cherokee_Sup", "Cherokee_Supplement".
func IsBlockCombiningDiacriticalMarks ¶
IsBlockCombiningDiacriticalMarks reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Combining_Diacritical_Marks". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Combining_Diacritical_Marks" known as "Diacriticals", "Combining_Diacritical_Marks".
func IsBlockCombiningDiacriticalMarksExtended ¶
IsBlockCombiningDiacriticalMarksExtended reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Extended". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Extended" known as "Diacriticals_Ext", "Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Extended".
func IsBlockCombiningDiacriticalMarksForSymbols ¶
IsBlockCombiningDiacriticalMarksForSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols" known as "Diacriticals_For_Symbols", "Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols", "Combining_Marks_For_Symbols".
func IsBlockCombiningDiacriticalMarksSupplement ¶
IsBlockCombiningDiacriticalMarksSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement" known as "Diacriticals_Sup", "Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement".
func IsBlockCombiningHalfMarks ¶
IsBlockCombiningHalfMarks reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Combining_Half_Marks". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Combining_Half_Marks" known as "Half_Marks", "Combining_Half_Marks".
func IsBlockCommonIndicNumberForms ¶
IsBlockCommonIndicNumberForms reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Common_Indic_Number_Forms". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Common_Indic_Number_Forms" known as "Indic_Number_Forms", "Common_Indic_Number_Forms".
func IsBlockControlPictures ¶
IsBlockControlPictures reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Control_Pictures". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockCoptic ¶
IsBlockCoptic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Coptic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockCopticEpactNumbers ¶
IsBlockCopticEpactNumbers reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Coptic_Epact_Numbers". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockCountingRodNumerals ¶
IsBlockCountingRodNumerals reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Counting_Rod_Numerals". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Counting_Rod_Numerals" known as "Counting_Rod", "Counting_Rod_Numerals".
func IsBlockCuneiform ¶
IsBlockCuneiform reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Cuneiform". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockCuneiformNumbersAndPunctuation ¶
IsBlockCuneiformNumbersAndPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation" known as "Cuneiform_Numbers", "Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation".
func IsBlockCurrencySymbols ¶
IsBlockCurrencySymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Currency_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockCypriotSyllabary ¶
IsBlockCypriotSyllabary reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Cypriot_Syllabary". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockCyrillic ¶
IsBlockCyrillic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Cyrillic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockCyrillicExtendedA ¶
IsBlockCyrillicExtendedA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Cyrillic_Extended_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Cyrillic_Extended_A" known as "Cyrillic_Ext_A", "Cyrillic_Extended_A".
func IsBlockCyrillicExtendedB ¶
IsBlockCyrillicExtendedB reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Cyrillic_Extended_B". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Cyrillic_Extended_B" known as "Cyrillic_Ext_B", "Cyrillic_Extended_B".
func IsBlockCyrillicExtendedC ¶
IsBlockCyrillicExtendedC reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Cyrillic_Extended_C". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Cyrillic_Extended_C" known as "Cyrillic_Ext_C", "Cyrillic_Extended_C".
func IsBlockCyrillicSupplement ¶
IsBlockCyrillicSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Cyrillic_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Cyrillic_Supplement" known as "Cyrillic_Sup", "Cyrillic_Supplement", "Cyrillic_Supplementary".
func IsBlockDeseret ¶
IsBlockDeseret reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Deseret". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockDevanagari ¶
IsBlockDevanagari reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Devanagari". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockDevanagariExtended ¶
IsBlockDevanagariExtended reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Devanagari_Extended". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Devanagari_Extended" known as "Devanagari_Ext", "Devanagari_Extended".
func IsBlockDingbats ¶
IsBlockDingbats reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Dingbats". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockDominoTiles ¶
IsBlockDominoTiles reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Domino_Tiles". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Domino_Tiles" known as "Domino", "Domino_Tiles".
func IsBlockDuployan ¶
IsBlockDuployan reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Duployan". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockEarlyDynasticCuneiform ¶
IsBlockEarlyDynasticCuneiform reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Early_Dynastic_Cuneiform". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockEgyptianHieroglyphs ¶
IsBlockEgyptianHieroglyphs reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Egyptian_Hieroglyphs". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockElbasan ¶
IsBlockElbasan reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Elbasan". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockEmoticons ¶
IsBlockEmoticons reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Emoticons". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockEnclosedAlphanumericSupplement ¶
IsBlockEnclosedAlphanumericSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement" known as "Enclosed_Alphanum_Sup", "Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement".
func IsBlockEnclosedAlphanumerics ¶
IsBlockEnclosedAlphanumerics reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Enclosed_Alphanumerics". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Enclosed_Alphanumerics" known as "Enclosed_Alphanum", "Enclosed_Alphanumerics".
func IsBlockEnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths ¶
IsBlockEnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months" known as "Enclosed_CJK", "Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months".
func IsBlockEnclosedIdeographicSupplement ¶
IsBlockEnclosedIdeographicSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement" known as "Enclosed_Ideographic_Sup", "Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement".
func IsBlockEthiopic ¶
IsBlockEthiopic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ethiopic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockEthiopicExtended ¶
IsBlockEthiopicExtended reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ethiopic_Extended". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Ethiopic_Extended" known as "Ethiopic_Ext", "Ethiopic_Extended".
func IsBlockEthiopicExtendedA ¶
IsBlockEthiopicExtendedA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ethiopic_Extended_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Ethiopic_Extended_A" known as "Ethiopic_Ext_A", "Ethiopic_Extended_A".
func IsBlockEthiopicSupplement ¶
IsBlockEthiopicSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ethiopic_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Ethiopic_Supplement" known as "Ethiopic_Sup", "Ethiopic_Supplement".
func IsBlockGeneralPunctuation ¶
IsBlockGeneralPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "Block"="General_Punctuation". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "General_Punctuation" known as "Punctuation", "General_Punctuation".
func IsBlockGeometricShapes ¶
IsBlockGeometricShapes reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Geometric_Shapes". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockGeometricShapesExtended ¶
IsBlockGeometricShapesExtended reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Geometric_Shapes_Extended". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Geometric_Shapes_Extended" known as "Geometric_Shapes_Ext", "Geometric_Shapes_Extended".
func IsBlockGeorgian ¶
IsBlockGeorgian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Georgian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockGeorgianSupplement ¶
IsBlockGeorgianSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Georgian_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Georgian_Supplement" known as "Georgian_Sup", "Georgian_Supplement".
func IsBlockGlagolitic ¶
IsBlockGlagolitic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Glagolitic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockGlagoliticSupplement ¶
IsBlockGlagoliticSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Glagolitic_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Glagolitic_Supplement" known as "Glagolitic_Sup", "Glagolitic_Supplement".
func IsBlockGothic ¶
IsBlockGothic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Gothic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockGrantha ¶
IsBlockGrantha reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Grantha". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockGreekAndCoptic ¶
IsBlockGreekAndCoptic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Greek_And_Coptic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Greek_And_Coptic" known as "Greek", "Greek_And_Coptic".
func IsBlockGreekExtended ¶
IsBlockGreekExtended reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Greek_Extended". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Greek_Extended" known as "Greek_Ext", "Greek_Extended".
func IsBlockGujarati ¶
IsBlockGujarati reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Gujarati". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockGurmukhi ¶
IsBlockGurmukhi reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Gurmukhi". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms ¶
IsBlockHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms" known as "Half_And_Full_Forms", "Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms".
func IsBlockHangulCompatibilityJamo ¶
IsBlockHangulCompatibilityJamo reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo" known as "Compat_Jamo", "Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo".
func IsBlockHangulJamo ¶
IsBlockHangulJamo reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Hangul_Jamo". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Hangul_Jamo" known as "Jamo", "Hangul_Jamo".
func IsBlockHangulJamoExtendedA ¶
IsBlockHangulJamoExtendedA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A" known as "Jamo_Ext_A", "Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A".
func IsBlockHangulJamoExtendedB ¶
IsBlockHangulJamoExtendedB reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B" known as "Jamo_Ext_B", "Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B".
func IsBlockHangulSyllables ¶
IsBlockHangulSyllables reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Hangul_Syllables". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Hangul_Syllables" known as "Hangul", "Hangul_Syllables".
func IsBlockHanunoo ¶
IsBlockHanunoo reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Hanunoo". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockHatran ¶
IsBlockHatran reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Hatran". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockHebrew ¶
IsBlockHebrew reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Hebrew". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockHighPrivateUseSurrogates ¶
IsBlockHighPrivateUseSurrogates reports whether the rune has property "Block"="High_Private_Use_Surrogates". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "High_Private_Use_Surrogates" known as "High_PU_Surrogates", "High_Private_Use_Surrogates".
func IsBlockHighSurrogates ¶
IsBlockHighSurrogates reports whether the rune has property "Block"="High_Surrogates". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockHiragana ¶
IsBlockHiragana reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Hiragana". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockIPAExtensions ¶
IsBlockIPAExtensions reports whether the rune has property "Block"="IPA_Extensions". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "IPA_Extensions" known as "IPA_Ext", "IPA_Extensions".
func IsBlockIdeographicDescriptionCharacters ¶
IsBlockIdeographicDescriptionCharacters reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ideographic_Description_Characters". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Ideographic_Description_Characters" known as "IDC", "Ideographic_Description_Characters".
func IsBlockIdeographicSymbolsAndPunctuation ¶
IsBlockIdeographicSymbolsAndPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ideographic_Symbols_And_Punctuation". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Ideographic_Symbols_And_Punctuation" known as "Ideographic_Symbols", "Ideographic_Symbols_And_Punctuation".
func IsBlockImperialAramaic ¶
IsBlockImperialAramaic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Imperial_Aramaic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockInscriptionalPahlavi ¶
IsBlockInscriptionalPahlavi reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Inscriptional_Pahlavi". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockInscriptionalParthian ¶
IsBlockInscriptionalParthian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Inscriptional_Parthian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockJavanese ¶
IsBlockJavanese reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Javanese". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockKaithi ¶
IsBlockKaithi reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Kaithi". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockKanaExtendedA ¶
IsBlockKanaExtendedA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Kana_Extended_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Kana_Extended_A" known as "Kana_Ext_A", "Kana_Extended_A".
func IsBlockKanaSupplement ¶
IsBlockKanaSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Kana_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Kana_Supplement" known as "Kana_Sup", "Kana_Supplement".
func IsBlockKanbun ¶
IsBlockKanbun reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Kanbun". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockKangxiRadicals ¶
IsBlockKangxiRadicals reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Kangxi_Radicals". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Kangxi_Radicals" known as "Kangxi", "Kangxi_Radicals".
func IsBlockKannada ¶
IsBlockKannada reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Kannada". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockKatakana ¶
IsBlockKatakana reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Katakana". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockKatakanaPhoneticExtensions ¶
IsBlockKatakanaPhoneticExtensions reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions" known as "Katakana_Ext", "Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions".
func IsBlockKayahLi ¶
IsBlockKayahLi reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Kayah_Li". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockKharoshthi ¶
IsBlockKharoshthi reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Kharoshthi". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockKhmer ¶
IsBlockKhmer reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Khmer". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockKhmerSymbols ¶
IsBlockKhmerSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Khmer_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockKhojki ¶
IsBlockKhojki reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Khojki". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockKhudawadi ¶
IsBlockKhudawadi reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Khudawadi". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockLao ¶
IsBlockLao reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Lao". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockLatin1Supplement ¶
IsBlockLatin1Supplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Latin_1_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Latin_1_Supplement" known as "Latin_1_Sup", "Latin_1_Supplement", "Latin_1".
func IsBlockLatinExtendedA ¶
IsBlockLatinExtendedA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Latin_Extended_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Latin_Extended_A" known as "Latin_Ext_A", "Latin_Extended_A".
func IsBlockLatinExtendedAdditional ¶
IsBlockLatinExtendedAdditional reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Latin_Extended_Additional". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Latin_Extended_Additional" known as "Latin_Ext_Additional", "Latin_Extended_Additional".
func IsBlockLatinExtendedB ¶
IsBlockLatinExtendedB reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Latin_Extended_B". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Latin_Extended_B" known as "Latin_Ext_B", "Latin_Extended_B".
func IsBlockLatinExtendedC ¶
IsBlockLatinExtendedC reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Latin_Extended_C". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Latin_Extended_C" known as "Latin_Ext_C", "Latin_Extended_C".
func IsBlockLatinExtendedD ¶
IsBlockLatinExtendedD reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Latin_Extended_D". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Latin_Extended_D" known as "Latin_Ext_D", "Latin_Extended_D".
func IsBlockLatinExtendedE ¶
IsBlockLatinExtendedE reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Latin_Extended_E". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Latin_Extended_E" known as "Latin_Ext_E", "Latin_Extended_E".
func IsBlockLepcha ¶
IsBlockLepcha reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Lepcha". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockLetterlikeSymbols ¶
IsBlockLetterlikeSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Letterlike_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockLimbu ¶
IsBlockLimbu reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Limbu". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockLinearA ¶
IsBlockLinearA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Linear_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockLinearBIdeograms ¶
IsBlockLinearBIdeograms reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Linear_B_Ideograms". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockLinearBSyllabary ¶
IsBlockLinearBSyllabary reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Linear_B_Syllabary". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockLisu ¶
IsBlockLisu reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Lisu". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockLowSurrogates ¶
IsBlockLowSurrogates reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Low_Surrogates". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockLycian ¶
IsBlockLycian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Lycian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockLydian ¶
IsBlockLydian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Lydian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMahajani ¶
IsBlockMahajani reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Mahajani". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMahjongTiles ¶
IsBlockMahjongTiles reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Mahjong_Tiles". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Mahjong_Tiles" known as "Mahjong", "Mahjong_Tiles".
func IsBlockMalayalam ¶
IsBlockMalayalam reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Malayalam". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMandaic ¶
IsBlockMandaic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Mandaic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockManichaean ¶
IsBlockManichaean reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Manichaean". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMarchen ¶
IsBlockMarchen reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Marchen". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMasaramGondi ¶
IsBlockMasaramGondi reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Masaram_Gondi". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols ¶
IsBlockMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols" known as "Math_Alphanum", "Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols".
func IsBlockMathematicalOperators ¶
IsBlockMathematicalOperators reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Mathematical_Operators". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Mathematical_Operators" known as "Math_Operators", "Mathematical_Operators".
func IsBlockMeeteiMayek ¶
IsBlockMeeteiMayek reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Meetei_Mayek". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMeeteiMayekExtensions ¶
IsBlockMeeteiMayekExtensions reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Meetei_Mayek_Extensions". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Meetei_Mayek_Extensions" known as "Meetei_Mayek_Ext", "Meetei_Mayek_Extensions".
func IsBlockMendeKikakui ¶
IsBlockMendeKikakui reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Mende_Kikakui". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMeroiticCursive ¶
IsBlockMeroiticCursive reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Meroitic_Cursive". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMeroiticHieroglyphs ¶
IsBlockMeroiticHieroglyphs reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Meroitic_Hieroglyphs". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMiao ¶
IsBlockMiao reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Miao". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA ¶
IsBlockMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A" known as "Misc_Math_Symbols_A", "Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A".
func IsBlockMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB ¶
IsBlockMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B" known as "Misc_Math_Symbols_B", "Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B".
func IsBlockMiscellaneousSymbols ¶
IsBlockMiscellaneousSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Miscellaneous_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Miscellaneous_Symbols" known as "Misc_Symbols", "Miscellaneous_Symbols".
func IsBlockMiscellaneousSymbolsAndArrows ¶
IsBlockMiscellaneousSymbolsAndArrows reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows" known as "Misc_Arrows", "Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows".
func IsBlockMiscellaneousSymbolsAndPictographs ¶
IsBlockMiscellaneousSymbolsAndPictographs reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs" known as "Misc_Pictographs", "Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs".
func IsBlockMiscellaneousTechnical ¶
IsBlockMiscellaneousTechnical reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Miscellaneous_Technical". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Miscellaneous_Technical" known as "Misc_Technical", "Miscellaneous_Technical".
func IsBlockModi ¶
IsBlockModi reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Modi". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockModifierToneLetters ¶
IsBlockModifierToneLetters reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Modifier_Tone_Letters". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMongolian ¶
IsBlockMongolian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Mongolian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMongolianSupplement ¶
IsBlockMongolianSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Mongolian_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Mongolian_Supplement" known as "Mongolian_Sup", "Mongolian_Supplement".
func IsBlockMro ¶
IsBlockMro reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Mro". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMultani ¶
IsBlockMultani reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Multani". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMusicalSymbols ¶
IsBlockMusicalSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Musical_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Musical_Symbols" known as "Music", "Musical_Symbols".
func IsBlockMyanmar ¶
IsBlockMyanmar reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Myanmar". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockMyanmarExtendedA ¶
IsBlockMyanmarExtendedA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Myanmar_Extended_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Myanmar_Extended_A" known as "Myanmar_Ext_A", "Myanmar_Extended_A".
func IsBlockMyanmarExtendedB ¶
IsBlockMyanmarExtendedB reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Myanmar_Extended_B". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Myanmar_Extended_B" known as "Myanmar_Ext_B", "Myanmar_Extended_B".
func IsBlockNKo ¶
IsBlockNKo reports whether the rune has property "Block"="NKo". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockNabataean ¶
IsBlockNabataean reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Nabataean". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockNewTaiLue ¶
IsBlockNewTaiLue reports whether the rune has property "Block"="New_Tai_Lue". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockNewa ¶
IsBlockNewa reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Newa". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockNoBlock ¶
IsBlockNoBlock reports whether the rune has property "Block"="No_Block". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "No_Block" known as "NB", "No_Block".
func IsBlockNumberForms ¶
IsBlockNumberForms reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Number_Forms". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockNushu ¶
IsBlockNushu reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Nushu". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOgham ¶
IsBlockOgham reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ogham". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOlChiki ¶
IsBlockOlChiki reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ol_Chiki". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOldHungarian ¶
IsBlockOldHungarian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Old_Hungarian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOldItalic ¶
IsBlockOldItalic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Old_Italic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOldNorthArabian ¶
IsBlockOldNorthArabian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Old_North_Arabian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOldPermic ¶
IsBlockOldPermic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Old_Permic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOldPersian ¶
IsBlockOldPersian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Old_Persian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOldSouthArabian ¶
IsBlockOldSouthArabian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Old_South_Arabian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOldTurkic ¶
IsBlockOldTurkic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Old_Turkic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOpticalCharacterRecognition ¶
IsBlockOpticalCharacterRecognition reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Optical_Character_Recognition". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Optical_Character_Recognition" known as "OCR", "Optical_Character_Recognition".
func IsBlockOriya ¶
IsBlockOriya reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Oriya". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOrnamentalDingbats ¶
IsBlockOrnamentalDingbats reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ornamental_Dingbats". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOsage ¶
IsBlockOsage reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Osage". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockOsmanya ¶
IsBlockOsmanya reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Osmanya". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockPahawhHmong ¶
IsBlockPahawhHmong reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Pahawh_Hmong". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockPalmyrene ¶
IsBlockPalmyrene reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Palmyrene". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockPauCinHau ¶
IsBlockPauCinHau reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Pau_Cin_Hau". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockPhagsPa ¶
IsBlockPhagsPa reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Phags_Pa". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockPhaistosDisc ¶
IsBlockPhaistosDisc reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Phaistos_Disc". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Phaistos_Disc" known as "Phaistos", "Phaistos_Disc".
func IsBlockPhoenician ¶
IsBlockPhoenician reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Phoenician". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockPhoneticExtensions ¶
IsBlockPhoneticExtensions reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Phonetic_Extensions". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Phonetic_Extensions" known as "Phonetic_Ext", "Phonetic_Extensions".
func IsBlockPhoneticExtensionsSupplement ¶
IsBlockPhoneticExtensionsSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement" known as "Phonetic_Ext_Sup", "Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement".
func IsBlockPlayingCards ¶
IsBlockPlayingCards reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Playing_Cards". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockPrivateUseArea ¶
IsBlockPrivateUseArea reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Private_Use_Area". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Private_Use_Area" known as "PUA", "Private_Use_Area", "Private_Use".
func IsBlockPsalterPahlavi ¶
IsBlockPsalterPahlavi reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Psalter_Pahlavi". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockRejang ¶
IsBlockRejang reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Rejang". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockRumiNumeralSymbols ¶
IsBlockRumiNumeralSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Rumi_Numeral_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Rumi_Numeral_Symbols" known as "Rumi", "Rumi_Numeral_Symbols".
func IsBlockRunic ¶
IsBlockRunic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Runic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSamaritan ¶
IsBlockSamaritan reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Samaritan". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSaurashtra ¶
IsBlockSaurashtra reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Saurashtra". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSharada ¶
IsBlockSharada reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Sharada". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockShavian ¶
IsBlockShavian reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Shavian". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockShorthandFormatControls ¶
IsBlockShorthandFormatControls reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Shorthand_Format_Controls". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSiddham ¶
IsBlockSiddham reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Siddham". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSinhala ¶
IsBlockSinhala reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Sinhala". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSinhalaArchaicNumbers ¶
IsBlockSinhalaArchaicNumbers reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Sinhala_Archaic_Numbers". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSmallFormVariants ¶
IsBlockSmallFormVariants reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Small_Form_Variants". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Small_Form_Variants" known as "Small_Forms", "Small_Form_Variants".
func IsBlockSoraSompeng ¶
IsBlockSoraSompeng reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Sora_Sompeng". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSoyombo ¶
IsBlockSoyombo reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Soyombo". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSpacingModifierLetters ¶
IsBlockSpacingModifierLetters reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Spacing_Modifier_Letters". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Spacing_Modifier_Letters" known as "Modifier_Letters", "Spacing_Modifier_Letters".
func IsBlockSpecials ¶
IsBlockSpecials reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Specials". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSundanese ¶
IsBlockSundanese reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Sundanese". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSundaneseSupplement ¶
IsBlockSundaneseSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Sundanese_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Sundanese_Supplement" known as "Sundanese_Sup", "Sundanese_Supplement".
func IsBlockSuperscriptsAndSubscripts ¶
IsBlockSuperscriptsAndSubscripts reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Superscripts_And_Subscripts". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Superscripts_And_Subscripts" known as "Super_And_Sub", "Superscripts_And_Subscripts".
func IsBlockSupplementalArrowsA ¶
IsBlockSupplementalArrowsA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Supplemental_Arrows_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Supplemental_Arrows_A" known as "Sup_Arrows_A", "Supplemental_Arrows_A".
func IsBlockSupplementalArrowsB ¶
IsBlockSupplementalArrowsB reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Supplemental_Arrows_B". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Supplemental_Arrows_B" known as "Sup_Arrows_B", "Supplemental_Arrows_B".
func IsBlockSupplementalArrowsC ¶
IsBlockSupplementalArrowsC reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Supplemental_Arrows_C". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Supplemental_Arrows_C" known as "Sup_Arrows_C", "Supplemental_Arrows_C".
func IsBlockSupplementalMathematicalOperators ¶
IsBlockSupplementalMathematicalOperators reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators" known as "Sup_Math_Operators", "Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators".
func IsBlockSupplementalPunctuation ¶
IsBlockSupplementalPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Supplemental_Punctuation". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Supplemental_Punctuation" known as "Sup_Punctuation", "Supplemental_Punctuation".
func IsBlockSupplementalSymbolsAndPictographs ¶
IsBlockSupplementalSymbolsAndPictographs reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Supplemental_Symbols_And_Pictographs". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Supplemental_Symbols_And_Pictographs" known as "Sup_Symbols_And_Pictographs", "Supplemental_Symbols_And_Pictographs".
func IsBlockSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA ¶
IsBlockSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A" known as "Sup_PUA_A", "Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A".
func IsBlockSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB ¶
IsBlockSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B" known as "Sup_PUA_B", "Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B".
func IsBlockSuttonSignWriting ¶
IsBlockSuttonSignWriting reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Sutton_SignWriting". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSylotiNagri ¶
IsBlockSylotiNagri reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Syloti_Nagri". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSyriac ¶
IsBlockSyriac reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Syriac". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockSyriacSupplement ¶
IsBlockSyriacSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Syriac_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Syriac_Supplement" known as "Syriac_Sup", "Syriac_Supplement".
func IsBlockTagalog ¶
IsBlockTagalog reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tagalog". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTagbanwa ¶
IsBlockTagbanwa reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tagbanwa". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTags ¶
IsBlockTags reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tags". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTaiLe ¶
IsBlockTaiLe reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tai_Le". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTaiTham ¶
IsBlockTaiTham reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tai_Tham". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTaiViet ¶
IsBlockTaiViet reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tai_Viet". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTaiXuanJingSymbols ¶
IsBlockTaiXuanJingSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols" known as "Tai_Xuan_Jing", "Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols".
func IsBlockTakri ¶
IsBlockTakri reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Takri". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTamil ¶
IsBlockTamil reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tamil". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTangut ¶
IsBlockTangut reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tangut". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTangutComponents ¶
IsBlockTangutComponents reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tangut_Components". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTelugu ¶
IsBlockTelugu reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Telugu". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockThaana ¶
IsBlockThaana reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Thaana". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockThai ¶
IsBlockThai reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Thai". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTibetan ¶
IsBlockTibetan reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tibetan". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTifinagh ¶
IsBlockTifinagh reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tifinagh". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTirhuta ¶
IsBlockTirhuta reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Tirhuta". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockTransportAndMapSymbols ¶
IsBlockTransportAndMapSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Transport_And_Map_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Transport_And_Map_Symbols" known as "Transport_And_Map", "Transport_And_Map_Symbols".
func IsBlockUgaritic ¶
IsBlockUgaritic reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Ugaritic". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics ¶
IsBlockUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics" known as "UCAS", "Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics", "Canadian_Syllabics".
func IsBlockUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsExtended ¶
IsBlockUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsExtended reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended" known as "UCAS_Ext", "Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended".
func IsBlockVai ¶
IsBlockVai reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Vai". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockVariationSelectors ¶
IsBlockVariationSelectors reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Variation_Selectors". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Variation_Selectors" known as "VS", "Variation_Selectors".
func IsBlockVariationSelectorsSupplement ¶
IsBlockVariationSelectorsSupplement reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Variation_Selectors_Supplement". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Variation_Selectors_Supplement" known as "VS_Sup", "Variation_Selectors_Supplement".
func IsBlockVedicExtensions ¶
IsBlockVedicExtensions reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Vedic_Extensions". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Vedic_Extensions" known as "Vedic_Ext", "Vedic_Extensions".
func IsBlockVerticalForms ¶
IsBlockVerticalForms reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Vertical_Forms". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockWarangCiti ¶
IsBlockWarangCiti reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Warang_Citi". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockYiRadicals ¶
IsBlockYiRadicals reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Yi_Radicals". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockYiSyllables ¶
IsBlockYiSyllables reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Yi_Syllables". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsBlockYijingHexagramSymbols ¶
IsBlockYijingHexagramSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block". Value "Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols" known as "Yijing", "Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols".
func IsBlockZanabazarSquare ¶
IsBlockZanabazarSquare reports whether the rune has property "Block"="Zanabazar_Square". Property "Block" known as "blk", "Block".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAbove ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassAbove reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Above". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Above" known as "230", "A", "Above".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAboveLeft ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassAboveLeft reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Above_Left". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Above_Left" known as "228", "AL", "Above_Left".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAboveRight ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassAboveRight reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Above_Right". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Above_Right" known as "232", "AR", "Above_Right".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAttachedAbove ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassAttachedAbove reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Attached_Above". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Attached_Above" known as "214", "ATA", "Attached_Above".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAttachedAboveRight ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassAttachedAboveRight reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Attached_Above_Right". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Attached_Above_Right" known as "216", "ATAR", "Attached_Above_Right".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAttachedBelow ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassAttachedBelow reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Attached_Below". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Attached_Below" known as "202", "ATB", "Attached_Below".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassAttachedBelowLeft ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassAttachedBelowLeft reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Attached_Below_Left". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Attached_Below_Left" known as "200", "ATBL", "Attached_Below_Left".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassBelow ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassBelow reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Below". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Below" known as "220", "B", "Below".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassBelowLeft ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassBelowLeft reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Below_Left". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Below_Left" known as "218", "BL", "Below_Left".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassBelowRight ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassBelowRight reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Below_Right". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Below_Right" known as "222", "BR", "Below_Right".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC10 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC10 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC10". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC10" known as "10", "CCC10".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC103 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC103 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC103". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC103" known as "103", "CCC103".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC107 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC107 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC107". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC107" known as "107", "CCC107".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC11 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC11 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC11". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC11" known as "11", "CCC11".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC118 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC118 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC118". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC118" known as "118", "CCC118".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC12 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC12 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC12". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC12" known as "12", "CCC12".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC122 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC122 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC122". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC122" known as "122", "CCC122".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC129 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC129 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC129". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC129" known as "129", "CCC129".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC13 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC13 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC13". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC13" known as "13", "CCC13".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC130 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC130 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC130". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC130" known as "130", "CCC130".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC132 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC132 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC132". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC132" known as "132", "CCC132".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC133 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC133 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC133". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC133" known as "133", "CCC133".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC14 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC14 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC14". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC14" known as "14", "CCC14".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC15 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC15 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC15". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC15" known as "15", "CCC15".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC16 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC16 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC16". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC16" known as "16", "CCC16".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC17 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC17 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC17". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC17" known as "17", "CCC17".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC18 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC18 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC18". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC18" known as "18", "CCC18".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC19 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC19 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC19". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC19" known as "19", "CCC19".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC20 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC20 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC20". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC20" known as "20", "CCC20".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC21 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC21 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC21". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC21" known as "21", "CCC21".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC22 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC22 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC22". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC22" known as "22", "CCC22".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC23 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC23 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC23". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC23" known as "23", "CCC23".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC24 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC24 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC24". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC24" known as "24", "CCC24".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC25 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC25 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC25". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC25" known as "25", "CCC25".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC26 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC26 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC26". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC26" known as "26", "CCC26".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC27 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC27 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC27". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC27" known as "27", "CCC27".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC28 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC28 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC28". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC28" known as "28", "CCC28".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC29 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC29 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC29". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC29" known as "29", "CCC29".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC30 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC30 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC30". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC30" known as "30", "CCC30".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC31 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC31 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC31". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC31" known as "31", "CCC31".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC32 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC32 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC32". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC32" known as "32", "CCC32".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC33 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC33 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC33". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC33" known as "33", "CCC33".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC34 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC34 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC34". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC34" known as "34", "CCC34".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC35 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC35 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC35". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC35" known as "35", "CCC35".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC36 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC36 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC36". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC36" known as "36", "CCC36".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC84 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC84 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC84". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC84" known as "84", "CCC84".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC91 ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassCCC91 reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="CCC91". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "CCC91" known as "91", "CCC91".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassDoubleAbove ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassDoubleAbove reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Double_Above". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Double_Above" known as "234", "DA", "Double_Above".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassDoubleBelow ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassDoubleBelow reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Double_Below". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Double_Below" known as "233", "DB", "Double_Below".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassIotaSubscript ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassIotaSubscript reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Iota_Subscript". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Iota_Subscript" known as "240", "IS", "Iota_Subscript".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassKanaVoicing ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassKanaVoicing reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Kana_Voicing". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Kana_Voicing" known as "8", "KV", "Kana_Voicing".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassLeft ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassLeft reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Left". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Left" known as "224", "L", "Left".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassNotReordered ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassNotReordered reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Not_Reordered". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Not_Reordered" known as "0", "NR", "Not_Reordered".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassNukta ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassNukta reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Nukta". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Nukta" known as "7", "NK", "Nukta".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassOverlay ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassOverlay reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Overlay". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Overlay" known as "1", "OV", "Overlay".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassRight ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassRight reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Right". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Right" known as "226", "R", "Right".
func IsCanonicalCombiningClassVirama ¶
IsCanonicalCombiningClassVirama reports whether the rune has property "Canonical_Combining_Class"="Virama". Property "Canonical_Combining_Class" known as "ccc", "Canonical_Combining_Class". Value "Virama" known as "9", "VR", "Virama".
func IsCaseIgnorableNo ¶
IsCaseIgnorableNo reports whether the rune has property "Case_Ignorable"="No". Property "Case_Ignorable" known as "CI", "Case_Ignorable". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsCaseIgnorableYes ¶
IsCaseIgnorableYes reports whether the rune has property "Case_Ignorable"="Yes". Property "Case_Ignorable" known as "CI", "Case_Ignorable". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsCasedNo ¶
IsCasedNo reports whether the rune has property "Cased"="No". Property "Cased" known as "Cased", "Cased". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsCasedYes ¶
IsCasedYes reports whether the rune has property "Cased"="Yes". Property "Cased" known as "Cased", "Cased". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsChangesWhenCasefoldedNo ¶
IsChangesWhenCasefoldedNo reports whether the rune has property "Changes_When_Casefolded"="No". Property "Changes_When_Casefolded" known as "CWCF", "Changes_When_Casefolded". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsChangesWhenCasefoldedYes ¶
IsChangesWhenCasefoldedYes reports whether the rune has property "Changes_When_Casefolded"="Yes". Property "Changes_When_Casefolded" known as "CWCF", "Changes_When_Casefolded". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsChangesWhenCasemappedNo ¶
IsChangesWhenCasemappedNo reports whether the rune has property "Changes_When_Casemapped"="No". Property "Changes_When_Casemapped" known as "CWCM", "Changes_When_Casemapped". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsChangesWhenCasemappedYes ¶
IsChangesWhenCasemappedYes reports whether the rune has property "Changes_When_Casemapped"="Yes". Property "Changes_When_Casemapped" known as "CWCM", "Changes_When_Casemapped". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsChangesWhenLowercasedNo ¶
IsChangesWhenLowercasedNo reports whether the rune has property "Changes_When_Lowercased"="No". Property "Changes_When_Lowercased" known as "CWL", "Changes_When_Lowercased". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsChangesWhenLowercasedYes ¶
IsChangesWhenLowercasedYes reports whether the rune has property "Changes_When_Lowercased"="Yes". Property "Changes_When_Lowercased" known as "CWL", "Changes_When_Lowercased". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsChangesWhenNFKCCasefoldedNo ¶
IsChangesWhenNFKCCasefoldedNo reports whether the rune has property "Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded"="No". Property "Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded" known as "CWKCF", "Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsChangesWhenNFKCCasefoldedYes ¶
IsChangesWhenNFKCCasefoldedYes reports whether the rune has property "Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded"="Yes". Property "Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded" known as "CWKCF", "Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsChangesWhenTitlecasedNo ¶
IsChangesWhenTitlecasedNo reports whether the rune has property "Changes_When_Titlecased"="No". Property "Changes_When_Titlecased" known as "CWT", "Changes_When_Titlecased". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsChangesWhenTitlecasedYes ¶
IsChangesWhenTitlecasedYes reports whether the rune has property "Changes_When_Titlecased"="Yes". Property "Changes_When_Titlecased" known as "CWT", "Changes_When_Titlecased". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsChangesWhenUppercasedNo ¶
IsChangesWhenUppercasedNo reports whether the rune has property "Changes_When_Uppercased"="No". Property "Changes_When_Uppercased" known as "CWU", "Changes_When_Uppercased". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsChangesWhenUppercasedYes ¶
IsChangesWhenUppercasedYes reports whether the rune has property "Changes_When_Uppercased"="Yes". Property "Changes_When_Uppercased" known as "CWU", "Changes_When_Uppercased". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsCompositionExclusionNo ¶
IsCompositionExclusionNo reports whether the rune has property "Composition_Exclusion"="No". Property "Composition_Exclusion" known as "CE", "Composition_Exclusion". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsCompositionExclusionYes ¶
IsCompositionExclusionYes reports whether the rune has property "Composition_Exclusion"="Yes". Property "Composition_Exclusion" known as "CE", "Composition_Exclusion". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsDashNo ¶
IsDashNo reports whether the rune has property "Dash"="No". Property "Dash" known as "Dash", "Dash". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsDashYes ¶
IsDashYes reports whether the rune has property "Dash"="Yes". Property "Dash" known as "Dash", "Dash". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsDecompositionTypeCanonical ¶
IsDecompositionTypeCanonical reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Canonical". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Canonical" known as "Can", "Canonical", "can".
func IsDecompositionTypeCircle ¶
IsDecompositionTypeCircle reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Circle". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Circle" known as "Enc", "Circle", "enc".
func IsDecompositionTypeCompat ¶
IsDecompositionTypeCompat reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Compat". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Compat" known as "Com", "Compat", "com".
func IsDecompositionTypeFinal ¶
IsDecompositionTypeFinal reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Final". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Final" known as "Fin", "Final", "fin".
func IsDecompositionTypeFont ¶
IsDecompositionTypeFont reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Font". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Font" known as "Font", "font".
func IsDecompositionTypeFraction ¶
IsDecompositionTypeFraction reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Fraction". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Fraction" known as "Fra", "Fraction", "fra".
func IsDecompositionTypeInitial ¶
IsDecompositionTypeInitial reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Initial". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Initial" known as "Init", "Initial", "init".
func IsDecompositionTypeIsolated ¶
IsDecompositionTypeIsolated reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Isolated". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Isolated" known as "Iso", "Isolated", "iso".
func IsDecompositionTypeMedial ¶
IsDecompositionTypeMedial reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Medial". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Medial" known as "Med", "Medial", "med".
func IsDecompositionTypeNarrow ¶
IsDecompositionTypeNarrow reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Narrow". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Narrow" known as "Nar", "Narrow", "nar".
func IsDecompositionTypeNobreak ¶
IsDecompositionTypeNobreak reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Nobreak". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Nobreak" known as "Nb", "Nobreak", "nb".
func IsDecompositionTypeNone ¶
IsDecompositionTypeNone reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="None". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "None" known as "None", "none".
func IsDecompositionTypeSmall ¶
IsDecompositionTypeSmall reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Small". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Small" known as "Sml", "Small", "sml".
func IsDecompositionTypeSquare ¶
IsDecompositionTypeSquare reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Square". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Square" known as "Sqr", "Square", "sqr".
func IsDecompositionTypeSub ¶
IsDecompositionTypeSub reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Sub". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Sub" known as "Sub", "sub".
func IsDecompositionTypeSuper ¶
IsDecompositionTypeSuper reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Super". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Super" known as "Sup", "Super", "sup".
func IsDecompositionTypeVertical ¶
IsDecompositionTypeVertical reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Vertical". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Vertical" known as "Vert", "Vertical", "vert".
func IsDecompositionTypeWide ¶
IsDecompositionTypeWide reports whether the rune has property "Decomposition_Type"="Wide". Property "Decomposition_Type" known as "dt", "Decomposition_Type". Value "Wide" known as "Wide", "wide".
func IsDefaultIgnorableCodePointNo ¶
IsDefaultIgnorableCodePointNo reports whether the rune has property "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point"="No". Property "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point" known as "DI", "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsDefaultIgnorableCodePointYes ¶
IsDefaultIgnorableCodePointYes reports whether the rune has property "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point"="Yes". Property "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point" known as "DI", "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsDeprecatedNo ¶
IsDeprecatedNo reports whether the rune has property "Deprecated"="No". Property "Deprecated" known as "Dep", "Deprecated". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsDeprecatedYes ¶
IsDeprecatedYes reports whether the rune has property "Deprecated"="Yes". Property "Deprecated" known as "Dep", "Deprecated". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsDiacriticNo ¶
IsDiacriticNo reports whether the rune has property "Diacritic"="No". Property "Diacritic" known as "Dia", "Diacritic". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsDiacriticYes ¶
IsDiacriticYes reports whether the rune has property "Diacritic"="Yes". Property "Diacritic" known as "Dia", "Diacritic". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsEastAsianWidthAmbiguous ¶
IsEastAsianWidthAmbiguous reports whether the rune has property "East_Asian_Width"="Ambiguous". Property "East_Asian_Width" known as "ea", "East_Asian_Width". Value "Ambiguous" known as "A", "Ambiguous".
func IsEastAsianWidthFullwidth ¶
IsEastAsianWidthFullwidth reports whether the rune has property "East_Asian_Width"="Fullwidth". Property "East_Asian_Width" known as "ea", "East_Asian_Width". Value "Fullwidth" known as "F", "Fullwidth".
func IsEastAsianWidthHalfwidth ¶
IsEastAsianWidthHalfwidth reports whether the rune has property "East_Asian_Width"="Halfwidth". Property "East_Asian_Width" known as "ea", "East_Asian_Width". Value "Halfwidth" known as "H", "Halfwidth".
func IsEastAsianWidthNarrow ¶
IsEastAsianWidthNarrow reports whether the rune has property "East_Asian_Width"="Narrow". Property "East_Asian_Width" known as "ea", "East_Asian_Width". Value "Narrow" known as "Na", "Narrow".
func IsEastAsianWidthNeutral ¶
IsEastAsianWidthNeutral reports whether the rune has property "East_Asian_Width"="Neutral". Property "East_Asian_Width" known as "ea", "East_Asian_Width". Value "Neutral" known as "N", "Neutral".
func IsEastAsianWidthWide ¶
IsEastAsianWidthWide reports whether the rune has property "East_Asian_Width"="Wide". Property "East_Asian_Width" known as "ea", "East_Asian_Width". Value "Wide" known as "W", "Wide".
func IsExtenderNo ¶
IsExtenderNo reports whether the rune has property "Extender"="No". Property "Extender" known as "Ext", "Extender". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsExtenderYes ¶
IsExtenderYes reports whether the rune has property "Extender"="Yes". Property "Extender" known as "Ext", "Extender". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsFullCompositionExclusionNo ¶
IsFullCompositionExclusionNo reports whether the rune has property "Full_Composition_Exclusion"="No". Property "Full_Composition_Exclusion" known as "Comp_Ex", "Full_Composition_Exclusion". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsFullCompositionExclusionYes ¶
IsFullCompositionExclusionYes reports whether the rune has property "Full_Composition_Exclusion"="Yes". Property "Full_Composition_Exclusion" known as "Comp_Ex", "Full_Composition_Exclusion". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsGeneralCategoryCasedLetter ¶
IsGeneralCategoryCasedLetter reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Cased_Letter". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Cased_Letter" known as "LC", "Cased_Letter".
func IsGeneralCategoryClosePunctuation ¶
IsGeneralCategoryClosePunctuation reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Close_Punctuation". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Close_Punctuation" known as "Pe", "Close_Punctuation".
func IsGeneralCategoryConnectorPunctuation ¶
IsGeneralCategoryConnectorPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Connector_Punctuation". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Connector_Punctuation" known as "Pc", "Connector_Punctuation".
func IsGeneralCategoryControl ¶
IsGeneralCategoryControl reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Control". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Control" known as "Cc", "Control", "cntrl".
func IsGeneralCategoryCurrencySymbol ¶
IsGeneralCategoryCurrencySymbol reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Currency_Symbol". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Currency_Symbol" known as "Sc", "Currency_Symbol".
func IsGeneralCategoryDashPunctuation ¶
IsGeneralCategoryDashPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Dash_Punctuation". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Dash_Punctuation" known as "Pd", "Dash_Punctuation".
func IsGeneralCategoryDecimalNumber ¶
IsGeneralCategoryDecimalNumber reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Decimal_Number". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Decimal_Number" known as "Nd", "Decimal_Number", "digit".
func IsGeneralCategoryEnclosingMark ¶
IsGeneralCategoryEnclosingMark reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Enclosing_Mark". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Enclosing_Mark" known as "Me", "Enclosing_Mark".
func IsGeneralCategoryFinalPunctuation ¶
IsGeneralCategoryFinalPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Final_Punctuation". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Final_Punctuation" known as "Pf", "Final_Punctuation".
func IsGeneralCategoryFormat ¶
IsGeneralCategoryFormat reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Format". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Format" known as "Cf", "Format".
func IsGeneralCategoryInitialPunctuation ¶
IsGeneralCategoryInitialPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Initial_Punctuation". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Initial_Punctuation" known as "Pi", "Initial_Punctuation".
func IsGeneralCategoryLetter ¶
IsGeneralCategoryLetter reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Letter". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Letter" known as "L", "Letter".
func IsGeneralCategoryLetterNumber ¶
IsGeneralCategoryLetterNumber reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Letter_Number". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Letter_Number" known as "Nl", "Letter_Number".
func IsGeneralCategoryLineSeparator ¶
IsGeneralCategoryLineSeparator reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Line_Separator". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Line_Separator" known as "Zl", "Line_Separator".
func IsGeneralCategoryLowercaseLetter ¶
IsGeneralCategoryLowercaseLetter reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Lowercase_Letter". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Lowercase_Letter" known as "Ll", "Lowercase_Letter".
func IsGeneralCategoryMark ¶
IsGeneralCategoryMark reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Mark". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Mark" known as "M", "Mark", "Combining_Mark".
func IsGeneralCategoryMathSymbol ¶
IsGeneralCategoryMathSymbol reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Math_Symbol". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Math_Symbol" known as "Sm", "Math_Symbol".
func IsGeneralCategoryModifierLetter ¶
IsGeneralCategoryModifierLetter reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Modifier_Letter". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Modifier_Letter" known as "Lm", "Modifier_Letter".
func IsGeneralCategoryModifierSymbol ¶
IsGeneralCategoryModifierSymbol reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Modifier_Symbol". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Modifier_Symbol" known as "Sk", "Modifier_Symbol".
func IsGeneralCategoryNonspacingMark ¶
IsGeneralCategoryNonspacingMark reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Nonspacing_Mark". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Nonspacing_Mark" known as "Mn", "Nonspacing_Mark".
func IsGeneralCategoryNumber ¶
IsGeneralCategoryNumber reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Number". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Number" known as "N", "Number".
func IsGeneralCategoryOpenPunctuation ¶
IsGeneralCategoryOpenPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Open_Punctuation". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Open_Punctuation" known as "Ps", "Open_Punctuation".
func IsGeneralCategoryOther ¶
IsGeneralCategoryOther reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Other". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Other" known as "C", "Other".
func IsGeneralCategoryOtherLetter ¶
IsGeneralCategoryOtherLetter reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Other_Letter". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Other_Letter" known as "Lo", "Other_Letter".
func IsGeneralCategoryOtherNumber ¶
IsGeneralCategoryOtherNumber reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Other_Number". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Other_Number" known as "No", "Other_Number".
func IsGeneralCategoryOtherPunctuation ¶
IsGeneralCategoryOtherPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Other_Punctuation". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Other_Punctuation" known as "Po", "Other_Punctuation".
func IsGeneralCategoryOtherSymbol ¶
IsGeneralCategoryOtherSymbol reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Other_Symbol". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Other_Symbol" known as "So", "Other_Symbol".
func IsGeneralCategoryParagraphSeparator ¶
IsGeneralCategoryParagraphSeparator reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Paragraph_Separator". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Paragraph_Separator" known as "Zp", "Paragraph_Separator".
func IsGeneralCategoryPrivateUse ¶
IsGeneralCategoryPrivateUse reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Private_Use". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Private_Use" known as "Co", "Private_Use".
func IsGeneralCategoryPunctuation ¶
IsGeneralCategoryPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Punctuation". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Punctuation" known as "P", "Punctuation", "punct".
func IsGeneralCategorySeparator ¶
IsGeneralCategorySeparator reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Separator". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Separator" known as "Z", "Separator".
func IsGeneralCategorySpaceSeparator ¶
IsGeneralCategorySpaceSeparator reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Space_Separator". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Space_Separator" known as "Zs", "Space_Separator".
func IsGeneralCategorySpacingMark ¶
IsGeneralCategorySpacingMark reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Spacing_Mark". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Spacing_Mark" known as "Mc", "Spacing_Mark".
func IsGeneralCategorySurrogate ¶
IsGeneralCategorySurrogate reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Surrogate". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Surrogate" known as "Cs", "Surrogate".
func IsGeneralCategorySymbol ¶
IsGeneralCategorySymbol reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Symbol". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Symbol" known as "S", "Symbol".
func IsGeneralCategoryTitlecaseLetter ¶
IsGeneralCategoryTitlecaseLetter reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Titlecase_Letter". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Titlecase_Letter" known as "Lt", "Titlecase_Letter".
func IsGeneralCategoryUnassigned ¶
IsGeneralCategoryUnassigned reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Unassigned". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Unassigned" known as "Cn", "Unassigned".
func IsGeneralCategoryUppercaseLetter ¶
IsGeneralCategoryUppercaseLetter reports whether the rune has property "General_Category"="Uppercase_Letter". Property "General_Category" known as "gc", "General_Category". Value "Uppercase_Letter" known as "Lu", "Uppercase_Letter".
func IsGraphemeBaseNo ¶
IsGraphemeBaseNo reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Base"="No". Property "Grapheme_Base" known as "Gr_Base", "Grapheme_Base". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsGraphemeBaseYes ¶
IsGraphemeBaseYes reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Base"="Yes". Property "Grapheme_Base" known as "Gr_Base", "Grapheme_Base". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakCR ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakCR reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="CR". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakControl ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakControl reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="Control". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break". Value "Control" known as "CN", "Control".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakEBase ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakEBase reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="E_Base". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break". Value "E_Base" known as "EB", "E_Base".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakEBaseGAZ ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakEBaseGAZ reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="E_Base_GAZ". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break". Value "E_Base_GAZ" known as "EBG", "E_Base_GAZ".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakEModifier ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakEModifier reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="E_Modifier". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break". Value "E_Modifier" known as "EM", "E_Modifier".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakExtend ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakExtend reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="Extend". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break". Value "Extend" known as "EX", "Extend".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakGlueAfterZwj ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakGlueAfterZwj reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="Glue_After_Zwj". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break". Value "Glue_After_Zwj" known as "GAZ", "Glue_After_Zwj".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakL ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakL reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="L". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakLF ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakLF reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="LF". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakLV ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakLV reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="LV". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakLVT ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakLVT reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="LVT". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakOther ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakOther reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="Other". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break". Value "Other" known as "XX", "Other".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakPrepend ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakPrepend reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="Prepend". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break". Value "Prepend" known as "PP", "Prepend".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakRegionalIndicator ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakRegionalIndicator reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="Regional_Indicator". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break". Value "Regional_Indicator" known as "RI", "Regional_Indicator".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakSpacingMark ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakSpacingMark reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="SpacingMark". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break". Value "SpacingMark" known as "SM", "SpacingMark".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakT ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakT reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="T". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakV ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakV reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="V". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break".
func IsGraphemeClusterBreakZWJ ¶
IsGraphemeClusterBreakZWJ reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break"="ZWJ". Property "Grapheme_Cluster_Break" known as "GCB", "Grapheme_Cluster_Break".
func IsGraphemeExtendNo ¶
IsGraphemeExtendNo reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Extend"="No". Property "Grapheme_Extend" known as "Gr_Ext", "Grapheme_Extend". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsGraphemeExtendYes ¶
IsGraphemeExtendYes reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Extend"="Yes". Property "Grapheme_Extend" known as "Gr_Ext", "Grapheme_Extend". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsGraphemeLinkNo ¶
IsGraphemeLinkNo reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Link"="No". Property "Grapheme_Link" known as "Gr_Link", "Grapheme_Link". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsGraphemeLinkYes ¶
IsGraphemeLinkYes reports whether the rune has property "Grapheme_Link"="Yes". Property "Grapheme_Link" known as "Gr_Link", "Grapheme_Link". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsHangulSyllableTypeLVSyllable ¶
IsHangulSyllableTypeLVSyllable reports whether the rune has property "Hangul_Syllable_Type"="LV_Syllable". Property "Hangul_Syllable_Type" known as "hst", "Hangul_Syllable_Type". Value "LV_Syllable" known as "LV", "LV_Syllable".
func IsHangulSyllableTypeLVTSyllable ¶
IsHangulSyllableTypeLVTSyllable reports whether the rune has property "Hangul_Syllable_Type"="LVT_Syllable". Property "Hangul_Syllable_Type" known as "hst", "Hangul_Syllable_Type". Value "LVT_Syllable" known as "LVT", "LVT_Syllable".
func IsHangulSyllableTypeLeadingJamo ¶
IsHangulSyllableTypeLeadingJamo reports whether the rune has property "Hangul_Syllable_Type"="Leading_Jamo". Property "Hangul_Syllable_Type" known as "hst", "Hangul_Syllable_Type". Value "Leading_Jamo" known as "L", "Leading_Jamo".
func IsHangulSyllableTypeNotApplicable ¶
IsHangulSyllableTypeNotApplicable reports whether the rune has property "Hangul_Syllable_Type"="Not_Applicable". Property "Hangul_Syllable_Type" known as "hst", "Hangul_Syllable_Type". Value "Not_Applicable" known as "NA", "Not_Applicable".
func IsHangulSyllableTypeTrailingJamo ¶
IsHangulSyllableTypeTrailingJamo reports whether the rune has property "Hangul_Syllable_Type"="Trailing_Jamo". Property "Hangul_Syllable_Type" known as "hst", "Hangul_Syllable_Type". Value "Trailing_Jamo" known as "T", "Trailing_Jamo".
func IsHangulSyllableTypeVowelJamo ¶
IsHangulSyllableTypeVowelJamo reports whether the rune has property "Hangul_Syllable_Type"="Vowel_Jamo". Property "Hangul_Syllable_Type" known as "hst", "Hangul_Syllable_Type". Value "Vowel_Jamo" known as "V", "Vowel_Jamo".
func IsHexDigitNo ¶
IsHexDigitNo reports whether the rune has property "Hex_Digit"="No". Property "Hex_Digit" known as "Hex", "Hex_Digit". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsHexDigitYes ¶
IsHexDigitYes reports whether the rune has property "Hex_Digit"="Yes". Property "Hex_Digit" known as "Hex", "Hex_Digit". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsHyphenNo ¶
IsHyphenNo reports whether the rune has property "Hyphen"="No". Property "Hyphen" known as "Hyphen", "Hyphen". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsHyphenYes ¶
IsHyphenYes reports whether the rune has property "Hyphen"="Yes". Property "Hyphen" known as "Hyphen", "Hyphen". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsIDContinueNo ¶
IsIDContinueNo reports whether the rune has property "ID_Continue"="No". Property "ID_Continue" known as "IDC", "ID_Continue". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsIDContinueYes ¶
IsIDContinueYes reports whether the rune has property "ID_Continue"="Yes". Property "ID_Continue" known as "IDC", "ID_Continue". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsIDSBinaryOperatorNo ¶
IsIDSBinaryOperatorNo reports whether the rune has property "IDS_Binary_Operator"="No". Property "IDS_Binary_Operator" known as "IDSB", "IDS_Binary_Operator". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsIDSBinaryOperatorYes ¶
IsIDSBinaryOperatorYes reports whether the rune has property "IDS_Binary_Operator"="Yes". Property "IDS_Binary_Operator" known as "IDSB", "IDS_Binary_Operator". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsIDSTrinaryOperatorNo ¶
IsIDSTrinaryOperatorNo reports whether the rune has property "IDS_Trinary_Operator"="No". Property "IDS_Trinary_Operator" known as "IDST", "IDS_Trinary_Operator". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsIDSTrinaryOperatorYes ¶
IsIDSTrinaryOperatorYes reports whether the rune has property "IDS_Trinary_Operator"="Yes". Property "IDS_Trinary_Operator" known as "IDST", "IDS_Trinary_Operator". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsIDStartNo ¶
IsIDStartNo reports whether the rune has property "ID_Start"="No". Property "ID_Start" known as "IDS", "ID_Start". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsIDStartYes ¶
IsIDStartYes reports whether the rune has property "ID_Start"="Yes". Property "ID_Start" known as "IDS", "ID_Start". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsIdeographicNo ¶
IsIdeographicNo reports whether the rune has property "Ideographic"="No". Property "Ideographic" known as "Ideo", "Ideographic". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsIdeographicYes ¶
IsIdeographicYes reports whether the rune has property "Ideographic"="Yes". Property "Ideographic" known as "Ideo", "Ideographic". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryBottom ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryBottom reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Bottom". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryBottomAndLeft ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryBottomAndLeft reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Bottom_And_Left". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryBottomAndRight ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryBottomAndRight reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Bottom_And_Right". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryLeft ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryLeft reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Left". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryLeftAndRight ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryLeftAndRight reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Left_And_Right". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryNA ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryNA reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="NA". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryOverstruck ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryOverstruck reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Overstruck". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryRight ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryRight reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Right". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryTop ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryTop reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Top". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndBottom ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndBottom reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Top_And_Bottom". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndBottomAndRight ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndBottomAndRight reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Top_And_Bottom_And_Right". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndLeft ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndLeft reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Top_And_Left". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndLeftAndRight ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndLeftAndRight reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Top_And_Left_And_Right". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndRight ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryTopAndRight reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Top_And_Right". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicPositionalCategoryVisualOrderLeft ¶
IsIndicPositionalCategoryVisualOrderLeft reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Positional_Category"="Visual_Order_Left". Property "Indic_Positional_Category" known as "InPC", "Indic_Positional_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryAvagraha ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryAvagraha reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Avagraha". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryBindu ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryBindu reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Bindu". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryBrahmiJoiningNumber ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryBrahmiJoiningNumber reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Brahmi_Joining_Number". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryCantillationMark ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryCantillationMark reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Cantillation_Mark". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonant ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonant reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Consonant". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantDead ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantDead reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Consonant_Dead". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantFinal ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantFinal reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Consonant_Final". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantHeadLetter ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantHeadLetter reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Consonant_Head_Letter". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantKiller ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantKiller reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Consonant_Killer". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantMedial ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantMedial reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Consonant_Medial". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPlaceholder ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPlaceholder reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Consonant_Placeholder". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPrecedingRepha ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPrecedingRepha reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Consonant_Preceding_Repha". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPrefixed ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantPrefixed reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Consonant_Prefixed". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantSubjoined ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantSubjoined reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Consonant_Subjoined". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantSucceedingRepha ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantSucceedingRepha reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Consonant_Succeeding_Repha". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantWithStacker ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryConsonantWithStacker reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Consonant_With_Stacker". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryGeminationMark ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryGeminationMark reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Gemination_Mark". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryInvisibleStacker ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryInvisibleStacker reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Invisible_Stacker". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryJoiner ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryJoiner reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Joiner". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryModifyingLetter ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryModifyingLetter reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Modifying_Letter". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryNonJoiner ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryNonJoiner reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Non_Joiner". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryNukta ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryNukta reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Nukta". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryNumber ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryNumber reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Number". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryNumberJoiner ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryNumberJoiner reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Number_Joiner". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryOther ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryOther reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Other". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryPureKiller ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryPureKiller reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Pure_Killer". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryRegisterShifter ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryRegisterShifter reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Register_Shifter". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategorySyllableModifier ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategorySyllableModifier reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Syllable_Modifier". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryToneLetter ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryToneLetter reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Tone_Letter". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryToneMark ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryToneMark reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Tone_Mark". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVirama ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVirama reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Virama". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVisarga ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVisarga reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Visarga". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVowel ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVowel reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Vowel". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVowelDependent ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVowelDependent reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Vowel_Dependent". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVowelIndependent ¶
IsIndicSyllabicCategoryVowelIndependent reports whether the rune has property "Indic_Syllabic_Category"="Vowel_Independent". Property "Indic_Syllabic_Category" known as "InSC", "Indic_Syllabic_Category".
func IsJamoShortNameA ¶
IsJamoShortNameA reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="A". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameAE ¶
IsJamoShortNameAE reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="AE". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameB ¶
IsJamoShortNameB reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="B". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameBB ¶
IsJamoShortNameBB reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="BB". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameBS ¶
IsJamoShortNameBS reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="BS". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameC ¶
IsJamoShortNameC reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="C". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameD ¶
IsJamoShortNameD reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="D". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameDD ¶
IsJamoShortNameDD reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="DD". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameE ¶
IsJamoShortNameE reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="E". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameEO ¶
IsJamoShortNameEO reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="EO". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameEU ¶
IsJamoShortNameEU reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="EU". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameG ¶
IsJamoShortNameG reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="G". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameGG ¶
IsJamoShortNameGG reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="GG". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameGS ¶
IsJamoShortNameGS reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="GS". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameH ¶
IsJamoShortNameH reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="H". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameI ¶
IsJamoShortNameI reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="I". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameJ ¶
IsJamoShortNameJ reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="J". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameJJ ¶
IsJamoShortNameJJ reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="JJ". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameK ¶
IsJamoShortNameK reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="K". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameL ¶
IsJamoShortNameL reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="L". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameLB ¶
IsJamoShortNameLB reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="LB". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameLG ¶
IsJamoShortNameLG reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="LG". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameLH ¶
IsJamoShortNameLH reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="LH". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameLM ¶
IsJamoShortNameLM reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="LM". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameLP ¶
IsJamoShortNameLP reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="LP". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameLS ¶
IsJamoShortNameLS reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="LS". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameLT ¶
IsJamoShortNameLT reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="LT". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameM ¶
IsJamoShortNameM reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="M". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameN ¶
IsJamoShortNameN reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="N". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameNG ¶
IsJamoShortNameNG reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="NG". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameNH ¶
IsJamoShortNameNH reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="NH". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameNJ ¶
IsJamoShortNameNJ reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="NJ". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameNone ¶
IsJamoShortNameNone reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="None". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name". Value "None" known as "", "None", "<none>".
func IsJamoShortNameO ¶
IsJamoShortNameO reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="O". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameOE ¶
IsJamoShortNameOE reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="OE". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameP ¶
IsJamoShortNameP reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="P". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameR ¶
IsJamoShortNameR reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="R". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameS ¶
IsJamoShortNameS reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="S". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameSS ¶
IsJamoShortNameSS reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="SS". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameT ¶
IsJamoShortNameT reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="T". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameU ¶
IsJamoShortNameU reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="U". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameWA ¶
IsJamoShortNameWA reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="WA". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameWAE ¶
IsJamoShortNameWAE reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="WAE". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameWE ¶
IsJamoShortNameWE reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="WE". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameWEO ¶
IsJamoShortNameWEO reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="WEO". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameWI ¶
IsJamoShortNameWI reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="WI". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameYA ¶
IsJamoShortNameYA reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="YA". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameYAE ¶
IsJamoShortNameYAE reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="YAE". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameYE ¶
IsJamoShortNameYE reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="YE". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameYEO ¶
IsJamoShortNameYEO reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="YEO". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameYI ¶
IsJamoShortNameYI reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="YI". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameYO ¶
IsJamoShortNameYO reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="YO". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJamoShortNameYU ¶
IsJamoShortNameYU reports whether the rune has property "Jamo_Short_Name"="YU". Property "Jamo_Short_Name" known as "JSN", "Jamo_Short_Name".
func IsJoinControlNo ¶
IsJoinControlNo reports whether the rune has property "Join_Control"="No". Property "Join_Control" known as "Join_C", "Join_Control". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsJoinControlYes ¶
IsJoinControlYes reports whether the rune has property "Join_Control"="Yes". Property "Join_Control" known as "Join_C", "Join_Control". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsJoiningGroupAfricanFeh ¶
IsJoiningGroupAfricanFeh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="African_Feh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupAfricanNoon ¶
IsJoiningGroupAfricanNoon reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="African_Noon". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupAfricanQaf ¶
IsJoiningGroupAfricanQaf reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="African_Qaf". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupAin ¶
IsJoiningGroupAin reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Ain". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupAlaph ¶
IsJoiningGroupAlaph reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Alaph". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupAlef ¶
IsJoiningGroupAlef reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Alef". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupBeh ¶
IsJoiningGroupBeh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Beh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupBeth ¶
IsJoiningGroupBeth reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Beth". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupBurushaskiYehBarree ¶
IsJoiningGroupBurushaskiYehBarree reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Burushaski_Yeh_Barree". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupDal ¶
IsJoiningGroupDal reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Dal". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupDalathRish ¶
IsJoiningGroupDalathRish reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Dalath_Rish". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupE ¶
IsJoiningGroupE reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="E". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupFarsiYeh ¶
IsJoiningGroupFarsiYeh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Farsi_Yeh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupFe ¶
IsJoiningGroupFe reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Fe". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupFeh ¶
IsJoiningGroupFeh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Feh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupFinalSemkath ¶
IsJoiningGroupFinalSemkath reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Final_Semkath". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupGaf ¶
IsJoiningGroupGaf reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Gaf". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupGamal ¶
IsJoiningGroupGamal reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Gamal". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupHah ¶
IsJoiningGroupHah reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Hah". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupHamzaOnHehGoal ¶
IsJoiningGroupHamzaOnHehGoal reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Hamza_On_Heh_Goal". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group". Value "Hamza_On_Heh_Goal" known as "Teh_Marbuta_Goal", "Hamza_On_Heh_Goal".
func IsJoiningGroupHe ¶
IsJoiningGroupHe reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="He". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupHeh ¶
IsJoiningGroupHeh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Heh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupHehGoal ¶
IsJoiningGroupHehGoal reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Heh_Goal". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupHeth ¶
IsJoiningGroupHeth reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Heth". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupKaf ¶
IsJoiningGroupKaf reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Kaf". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupKaph ¶
IsJoiningGroupKaph reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Kaph". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupKhaph ¶
IsJoiningGroupKhaph reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Khaph". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupKnottedHeh ¶
IsJoiningGroupKnottedHeh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Knotted_Heh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupLam ¶
IsJoiningGroupLam reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Lam". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupLamadh ¶
IsJoiningGroupLamadh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Lamadh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamBha ¶
IsJoiningGroupMalayalamBha reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Malayalam_Bha". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamJa ¶
IsJoiningGroupMalayalamJa reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Malayalam_Ja". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamLla ¶
IsJoiningGroupMalayalamLla reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Malayalam_Lla". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamLlla ¶
IsJoiningGroupMalayalamLlla reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Malayalam_Llla". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamNga ¶
IsJoiningGroupMalayalamNga reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Malayalam_Nga". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamNna ¶
IsJoiningGroupMalayalamNna reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Malayalam_Nna". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamNnna ¶
IsJoiningGroupMalayalamNnna reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Malayalam_Nnna". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamNya ¶
IsJoiningGroupMalayalamNya reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Malayalam_Nya". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamRa ¶
IsJoiningGroupMalayalamRa reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Malayalam_Ra". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamSsa ¶
IsJoiningGroupMalayalamSsa reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Malayalam_Ssa". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMalayalamTta ¶
IsJoiningGroupMalayalamTta reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Malayalam_Tta". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanAleph ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanAleph reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Aleph". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanAyin ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanAyin reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Ayin". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanBeth ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanBeth reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Beth". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanDaleth ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanDaleth reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Daleth". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanDhamedh ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanDhamedh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Dhamedh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanFive ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanFive reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Five". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanGimel ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanGimel reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Gimel". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanHeth ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanHeth reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Heth". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanHundred ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanHundred reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Hundred". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanKaph ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanKaph reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Kaph". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanLamedh ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanLamedh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Lamedh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanMem ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanMem reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Mem". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanNun ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanNun reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Nun". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanOne ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanOne reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_One". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanPe ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanPe reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Pe". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanQoph ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanQoph reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Qoph". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanResh ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanResh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Resh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanSadhe ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanSadhe reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Sadhe". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanSamekh ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanSamekh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Samekh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanTaw ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanTaw reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Taw". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanTen ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanTen reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Ten". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanTeth ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanTeth reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Teth". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanThamedh ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanThamedh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Thamedh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanTwenty ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanTwenty reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Twenty". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanWaw ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanWaw reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Waw". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanYodh ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanYodh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Yodh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupManichaeanZayin ¶
IsJoiningGroupManichaeanZayin reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Manichaean_Zayin". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMeem ¶
IsJoiningGroupMeem reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Meem". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupMim ¶
IsJoiningGroupMim reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Mim". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupNoJoiningGroup ¶
IsJoiningGroupNoJoiningGroup reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="No_Joining_Group". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupNoon ¶
IsJoiningGroupNoon reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Noon". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupNun ¶
IsJoiningGroupNun reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Nun". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupNya ¶
IsJoiningGroupNya reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Nya". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupPe ¶
IsJoiningGroupPe reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Pe". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupQaf ¶
IsJoiningGroupQaf reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Qaf". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupQaph ¶
IsJoiningGroupQaph reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Qaph". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupReh ¶
IsJoiningGroupReh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Reh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupReversedPe ¶
IsJoiningGroupReversedPe reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Reversed_Pe". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupRohingyaYeh ¶
IsJoiningGroupRohingyaYeh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Rohingya_Yeh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupSad ¶
IsJoiningGroupSad reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Sad". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupSadhe ¶
IsJoiningGroupSadhe reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Sadhe". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupSeen ¶
IsJoiningGroupSeen reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Seen". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupSemkath ¶
IsJoiningGroupSemkath reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Semkath". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupShin ¶
IsJoiningGroupShin reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Shin". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupStraightWaw ¶
IsJoiningGroupStraightWaw reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Straight_Waw". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupSwashKaf ¶
IsJoiningGroupSwashKaf reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Swash_Kaf". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupSyriacWaw ¶
IsJoiningGroupSyriacWaw reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Syriac_Waw". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupTah ¶
IsJoiningGroupTah reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Tah". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupTaw ¶
IsJoiningGroupTaw reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Taw". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupTehMarbuta ¶
IsJoiningGroupTehMarbuta reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Teh_Marbuta". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupTeth ¶
IsJoiningGroupTeth reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Teth". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupWaw ¶
IsJoiningGroupWaw reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Waw". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupYeh ¶
IsJoiningGroupYeh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Yeh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupYehBarree ¶
IsJoiningGroupYehBarree reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Yeh_Barree". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupYehWithTail ¶
IsJoiningGroupYehWithTail reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Yeh_With_Tail". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupYudh ¶
IsJoiningGroupYudh reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Yudh". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupYudhHe ¶
IsJoiningGroupYudhHe reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Yudh_He". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupZain ¶
IsJoiningGroupZain reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Zain". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningGroupZhain ¶
IsJoiningGroupZhain reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Group"="Zhain". Property "Joining_Group" known as "jg", "Joining_Group".
func IsJoiningTypeDualJoining ¶
IsJoiningTypeDualJoining reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Type"="Dual_Joining". Property "Joining_Type" known as "jt", "Joining_Type". Value "Dual_Joining" known as "D", "Dual_Joining".
func IsJoiningTypeJoinCausing ¶
IsJoiningTypeJoinCausing reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Type"="Join_Causing". Property "Joining_Type" known as "jt", "Joining_Type". Value "Join_Causing" known as "C", "Join_Causing".
func IsJoiningTypeLeftJoining ¶
IsJoiningTypeLeftJoining reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Type"="Left_Joining". Property "Joining_Type" known as "jt", "Joining_Type". Value "Left_Joining" known as "L", "Left_Joining".
func IsJoiningTypeNonJoining ¶
IsJoiningTypeNonJoining reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Type"="Non_Joining". Property "Joining_Type" known as "jt", "Joining_Type". Value "Non_Joining" known as "U", "Non_Joining".
func IsJoiningTypeRightJoining ¶
IsJoiningTypeRightJoining reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Type"="Right_Joining". Property "Joining_Type" known as "jt", "Joining_Type". Value "Right_Joining" known as "R", "Right_Joining".
func IsJoiningTypeTransparent ¶
IsJoiningTypeTransparent reports whether the rune has property "Joining_Type"="Transparent". Property "Joining_Type" known as "jt", "Joining_Type". Value "Transparent" known as "T", "Transparent".
func IsLineBreakAlphabetic ¶
IsLineBreakAlphabetic reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Alphabetic". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Alphabetic" known as "AL", "Alphabetic".
func IsLineBreakAmbiguous ¶
IsLineBreakAmbiguous reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Ambiguous". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Ambiguous" known as "AI", "Ambiguous".
func IsLineBreakBreakAfter ¶
IsLineBreakBreakAfter reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Break_After". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Break_After" known as "BA", "Break_After".
func IsLineBreakBreakBefore ¶
IsLineBreakBreakBefore reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Break_Before". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Break_Before" known as "BB", "Break_Before".
func IsLineBreakBreakBoth ¶
IsLineBreakBreakBoth reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Break_Both". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Break_Both" known as "B2", "Break_Both".
func IsLineBreakBreakSymbols ¶
IsLineBreakBreakSymbols reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Break_Symbols". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Break_Symbols" known as "SY", "Break_Symbols".
func IsLineBreakCarriageReturn ¶
IsLineBreakCarriageReturn reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Carriage_Return". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Carriage_Return" known as "CR", "Carriage_Return".
func IsLineBreakCloseParenthesis ¶
IsLineBreakCloseParenthesis reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Close_Parenthesis". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Close_Parenthesis" known as "CP", "Close_Parenthesis".
func IsLineBreakClosePunctuation ¶
IsLineBreakClosePunctuation reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Close_Punctuation". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Close_Punctuation" known as "CL", "Close_Punctuation".
func IsLineBreakCombiningMark ¶
IsLineBreakCombiningMark reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Combining_Mark". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Combining_Mark" known as "CM", "Combining_Mark".
func IsLineBreakComplexContext ¶
IsLineBreakComplexContext reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Complex_Context". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Complex_Context" known as "SA", "Complex_Context".
func IsLineBreakConditionalJapaneseStarter ¶
IsLineBreakConditionalJapaneseStarter reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Conditional_Japanese_Starter". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Conditional_Japanese_Starter" known as "CJ", "Conditional_Japanese_Starter".
func IsLineBreakContingentBreak ¶
IsLineBreakContingentBreak reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Contingent_Break". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Contingent_Break" known as "CB", "Contingent_Break".
func IsLineBreakEBase ¶
IsLineBreakEBase reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="E_Base". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "E_Base" known as "EB", "E_Base".
func IsLineBreakEModifier ¶
IsLineBreakEModifier reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="E_Modifier". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "E_Modifier" known as "EM", "E_Modifier".
func IsLineBreakExclamation ¶
IsLineBreakExclamation reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Exclamation". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Exclamation" known as "EX", "Exclamation".
func IsLineBreakGlue ¶
IsLineBreakGlue reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Glue". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Glue" known as "GL", "Glue".
func IsLineBreakH2 ¶
IsLineBreakH2 reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="H2". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break".
func IsLineBreakH3 ¶
IsLineBreakH3 reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="H3". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break".
func IsLineBreakHebrewLetter ¶
IsLineBreakHebrewLetter reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Hebrew_Letter". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Hebrew_Letter" known as "HL", "Hebrew_Letter".
func IsLineBreakHyphen ¶
IsLineBreakHyphen reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Hyphen". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Hyphen" known as "HY", "Hyphen".
func IsLineBreakIdeographic ¶
IsLineBreakIdeographic reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Ideographic". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Ideographic" known as "ID", "Ideographic".
func IsLineBreakInfixNumeric ¶
IsLineBreakInfixNumeric reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Infix_Numeric". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Infix_Numeric" known as "IS", "Infix_Numeric".
func IsLineBreakInseparable ¶
IsLineBreakInseparable reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Inseparable". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Inseparable" known as "IN", "Inseparable", "Inseperable".
func IsLineBreakJL ¶
IsLineBreakJL reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="JL". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break".
func IsLineBreakJT ¶
IsLineBreakJT reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="JT". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break".
func IsLineBreakJV ¶
IsLineBreakJV reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="JV". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break".
func IsLineBreakLineFeed ¶
IsLineBreakLineFeed reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Line_Feed". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Line_Feed" known as "LF", "Line_Feed".
func IsLineBreakMandatoryBreak ¶
IsLineBreakMandatoryBreak reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Mandatory_Break". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Mandatory_Break" known as "BK", "Mandatory_Break".
func IsLineBreakNextLine ¶
IsLineBreakNextLine reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Next_Line". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Next_Line" known as "NL", "Next_Line".
func IsLineBreakNonstarter ¶
IsLineBreakNonstarter reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Nonstarter". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Nonstarter" known as "NS", "Nonstarter".
func IsLineBreakNumeric ¶
IsLineBreakNumeric reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Numeric". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Numeric" known as "NU", "Numeric".
func IsLineBreakOpenPunctuation ¶
IsLineBreakOpenPunctuation reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Open_Punctuation". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Open_Punctuation" known as "OP", "Open_Punctuation".
func IsLineBreakPostfixNumeric ¶
IsLineBreakPostfixNumeric reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Postfix_Numeric". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Postfix_Numeric" known as "PO", "Postfix_Numeric".
func IsLineBreakPrefixNumeric ¶
IsLineBreakPrefixNumeric reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Prefix_Numeric". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Prefix_Numeric" known as "PR", "Prefix_Numeric".
func IsLineBreakQuotation ¶
IsLineBreakQuotation reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Quotation". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Quotation" known as "QU", "Quotation".
func IsLineBreakRegionalIndicator ¶
IsLineBreakRegionalIndicator reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Regional_Indicator". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Regional_Indicator" known as "RI", "Regional_Indicator".
func IsLineBreakSpace ¶
IsLineBreakSpace reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Space". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Space" known as "SP", "Space".
func IsLineBreakSurrogate ¶
IsLineBreakSurrogate reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Surrogate". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Surrogate" known as "SG", "Surrogate".
func IsLineBreakUnknown ¶
IsLineBreakUnknown reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Unknown". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Unknown" known as "XX", "Unknown".
func IsLineBreakWordJoiner ¶
IsLineBreakWordJoiner reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="Word_Joiner". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "Word_Joiner" known as "WJ", "Word_Joiner".
func IsLineBreakZWJ ¶
IsLineBreakZWJ reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="ZWJ". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break".
func IsLineBreakZWSpace ¶
IsLineBreakZWSpace reports whether the rune has property "Line_Break"="ZWSpace". Property "Line_Break" known as "lb", "Line_Break". Value "ZWSpace" known as "ZW", "ZWSpace".
func IsLogicalOrderExceptionNo ¶
IsLogicalOrderExceptionNo reports whether the rune has property "Logical_Order_Exception"="No". Property "Logical_Order_Exception" known as "LOE", "Logical_Order_Exception". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsLogicalOrderExceptionYes ¶
IsLogicalOrderExceptionYes reports whether the rune has property "Logical_Order_Exception"="Yes". Property "Logical_Order_Exception" known as "LOE", "Logical_Order_Exception". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsLowercaseNo ¶
IsLowercaseNo reports whether the rune has property "Lowercase"="No". Property "Lowercase" known as "Lower", "Lowercase". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsLowercaseYes ¶
IsLowercaseYes reports whether the rune has property "Lowercase"="Yes". Property "Lowercase" known as "Lower", "Lowercase". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsMathNo ¶
IsMathNo reports whether the rune has property "Math"="No". Property "Math" known as "Math", "Math". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsMathYes ¶
IsMathYes reports whether the rune has property "Math"="Yes". Property "Math" known as "Math", "Math". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsNFCQuickCheckMaybe ¶
IsNFCQuickCheckMaybe reports whether the rune has property "NFC_Quick_Check"="Maybe". Property "NFC_Quick_Check" known as "NFC_QC", "NFC_Quick_Check". Value "Maybe" known as "M", "Maybe".
func IsNFCQuickCheckNo ¶
IsNFCQuickCheckNo reports whether the rune has property "NFC_Quick_Check"="No". Property "NFC_Quick_Check" known as "NFC_QC", "NFC_Quick_Check". Value "No" known as "N", "No".
func IsNFCQuickCheckYes ¶
IsNFCQuickCheckYes reports whether the rune has property "NFC_Quick_Check"="Yes". Property "NFC_Quick_Check" known as "NFC_QC", "NFC_Quick_Check". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes".
func IsNFDQuickCheckNo ¶
IsNFDQuickCheckNo reports whether the rune has property "NFD_Quick_Check"="No". Property "NFD_Quick_Check" known as "NFD_QC", "NFD_Quick_Check". Value "No" known as "N", "No".
func IsNFDQuickCheckYes ¶
IsNFDQuickCheckYes reports whether the rune has property "NFD_Quick_Check"="Yes". Property "NFD_Quick_Check" known as "NFD_QC", "NFD_Quick_Check". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes".
func IsNFKCQuickCheckMaybe ¶
IsNFKCQuickCheckMaybe reports whether the rune has property "NFKC_Quick_Check"="Maybe". Property "NFKC_Quick_Check" known as "NFKC_QC", "NFKC_Quick_Check". Value "Maybe" known as "M", "Maybe".
func IsNFKCQuickCheckNo ¶
IsNFKCQuickCheckNo reports whether the rune has property "NFKC_Quick_Check"="No". Property "NFKC_Quick_Check" known as "NFKC_QC", "NFKC_Quick_Check". Value "No" known as "N", "No".
func IsNFKCQuickCheckYes ¶
IsNFKCQuickCheckYes reports whether the rune has property "NFKC_Quick_Check"="Yes". Property "NFKC_Quick_Check" known as "NFKC_QC", "NFKC_Quick_Check". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes".
func IsNFKDQuickCheckNo ¶
IsNFKDQuickCheckNo reports whether the rune has property "NFKD_Quick_Check"="No". Property "NFKD_Quick_Check" known as "NFKD_QC", "NFKD_Quick_Check". Value "No" known as "N", "No".
func IsNFKDQuickCheckYes ¶
IsNFKDQuickCheckYes reports whether the rune has property "NFKD_Quick_Check"="Yes". Property "NFKD_Quick_Check" known as "NFKD_QC", "NFKD_Quick_Check". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes".
func IsNoncharacterCodePointNo ¶
IsNoncharacterCodePointNo reports whether the rune has property "Noncharacter_Code_Point"="No". Property "Noncharacter_Code_Point" known as "NChar", "Noncharacter_Code_Point". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsNoncharacterCodePointYes ¶
IsNoncharacterCodePointYes reports whether the rune has property "Noncharacter_Code_Point"="Yes". Property "Noncharacter_Code_Point" known as "NChar", "Noncharacter_Code_Point". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsNumericTypeDecimal ¶
IsNumericTypeDecimal reports whether the rune has property "Numeric_Type"="Decimal". Property "Numeric_Type" known as "nt", "Numeric_Type". Value "Decimal" known as "De", "Decimal".
func IsNumericTypeDigit ¶
IsNumericTypeDigit reports whether the rune has property "Numeric_Type"="Digit". Property "Numeric_Type" known as "nt", "Numeric_Type". Value "Digit" known as "Di", "Digit".
func IsNumericTypeNone ¶
IsNumericTypeNone reports whether the rune has property "Numeric_Type"="None". Property "Numeric_Type" known as "nt", "Numeric_Type".
func IsNumericTypeNumeric ¶
IsNumericTypeNumeric reports whether the rune has property "Numeric_Type"="Numeric". Property "Numeric_Type" known as "nt", "Numeric_Type". Value "Numeric" known as "Nu", "Numeric".
func IsOtherAlphabeticNo ¶
IsOtherAlphabeticNo reports whether the rune has property "Other_Alphabetic"="No". Property "Other_Alphabetic" known as "OAlpha", "Other_Alphabetic". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsOtherAlphabeticYes ¶
IsOtherAlphabeticYes reports whether the rune has property "Other_Alphabetic"="Yes". Property "Other_Alphabetic" known as "OAlpha", "Other_Alphabetic". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsOtherDefaultIgnorableCodePointNo ¶
IsOtherDefaultIgnorableCodePointNo reports whether the rune has property "Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point"="No". Property "Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point" known as "ODI", "Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsOtherDefaultIgnorableCodePointYes ¶
IsOtherDefaultIgnorableCodePointYes reports whether the rune has property "Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point"="Yes". Property "Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point" known as "ODI", "Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsOtherGraphemeExtendNo ¶
IsOtherGraphemeExtendNo reports whether the rune has property "Other_Grapheme_Extend"="No". Property "Other_Grapheme_Extend" known as "OGr_Ext", "Other_Grapheme_Extend". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsOtherGraphemeExtendYes ¶
IsOtherGraphemeExtendYes reports whether the rune has property "Other_Grapheme_Extend"="Yes". Property "Other_Grapheme_Extend" known as "OGr_Ext", "Other_Grapheme_Extend". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsOtherIDContinueNo ¶
IsOtherIDContinueNo reports whether the rune has property "Other_ID_Continue"="No". Property "Other_ID_Continue" known as "OIDC", "Other_ID_Continue". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsOtherIDContinueYes ¶
IsOtherIDContinueYes reports whether the rune has property "Other_ID_Continue"="Yes". Property "Other_ID_Continue" known as "OIDC", "Other_ID_Continue". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsOtherIDStartNo ¶
IsOtherIDStartNo reports whether the rune has property "Other_ID_Start"="No". Property "Other_ID_Start" known as "OIDS", "Other_ID_Start". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsOtherIDStartYes ¶
IsOtherIDStartYes reports whether the rune has property "Other_ID_Start"="Yes". Property "Other_ID_Start" known as "OIDS", "Other_ID_Start". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsOtherLowercaseNo ¶
IsOtherLowercaseNo reports whether the rune has property "Other_Lowercase"="No". Property "Other_Lowercase" known as "OLower", "Other_Lowercase". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsOtherLowercaseYes ¶
IsOtherLowercaseYes reports whether the rune has property "Other_Lowercase"="Yes". Property "Other_Lowercase" known as "OLower", "Other_Lowercase". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsOtherMathNo ¶
IsOtherMathNo reports whether the rune has property "Other_Math"="No". Property "Other_Math" known as "OMath", "Other_Math". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsOtherMathYes ¶
IsOtherMathYes reports whether the rune has property "Other_Math"="Yes". Property "Other_Math" known as "OMath", "Other_Math". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsOtherUppercaseNo ¶
IsOtherUppercaseNo reports whether the rune has property "Other_Uppercase"="No". Property "Other_Uppercase" known as "OUpper", "Other_Uppercase". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsOtherUppercaseYes ¶
IsOtherUppercaseYes reports whether the rune has property "Other_Uppercase"="Yes". Property "Other_Uppercase" known as "OUpper", "Other_Uppercase". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsPatternSyntaxNo ¶
IsPatternSyntaxNo reports whether the rune has property "Pattern_Syntax"="No". Property "Pattern_Syntax" known as "Pat_Syn", "Pattern_Syntax". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsPatternSyntaxYes ¶
IsPatternSyntaxYes reports whether the rune has property "Pattern_Syntax"="Yes". Property "Pattern_Syntax" known as "Pat_Syn", "Pattern_Syntax". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsPatternWhiteSpaceNo ¶
IsPatternWhiteSpaceNo reports whether the rune has property "Pattern_White_Space"="No". Property "Pattern_White_Space" known as "Pat_WS", "Pattern_White_Space". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsPatternWhiteSpaceYes ¶
IsPatternWhiteSpaceYes reports whether the rune has property "Pattern_White_Space"="Yes". Property "Pattern_White_Space" known as "Pat_WS", "Pattern_White_Space". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsPrependedConcatenationMarkNo ¶
IsPrependedConcatenationMarkNo reports whether the rune has property "Prepended_Concatenation_Mark"="No". Property "Prepended_Concatenation_Mark" known as "PCM", "Prepended_Concatenation_Mark". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsPrependedConcatenationMarkYes ¶
IsPrependedConcatenationMarkYes reports whether the rune has property "Prepended_Concatenation_Mark"="Yes". Property "Prepended_Concatenation_Mark" known as "PCM", "Prepended_Concatenation_Mark". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsQuotationMarkNo ¶
IsQuotationMarkNo reports whether the rune has property "Quotation_Mark"="No". Property "Quotation_Mark" known as "QMark", "Quotation_Mark". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsQuotationMarkYes ¶
IsQuotationMarkYes reports whether the rune has property "Quotation_Mark"="Yes". Property "Quotation_Mark" known as "QMark", "Quotation_Mark". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsRadicalNo ¶
IsRadicalNo reports whether the rune has property "Radical"="No". Property "Radical" known as "Radical", "Radical". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsRadicalYes ¶
IsRadicalYes reports whether the rune has property "Radical"="Yes". Property "Radical" known as "Radical", "Radical". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsRegionalIndicatorNo ¶
IsRegionalIndicatorNo reports whether the rune has property "Regional_Indicator"="No". Property "Regional_Indicator" known as "RI", "Regional_Indicator". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsRegionalIndicatorYes ¶
IsRegionalIndicatorYes reports whether the rune has property "Regional_Indicator"="Yes". Property "Regional_Indicator" known as "RI", "Regional_Indicator". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsScriptAdlam ¶
IsScriptAdlam reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Adlam". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Adlam" known as "Adlm", "Adlam".
func IsScriptAhom ¶
IsScriptAhom reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Ahom". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script".
func IsScriptAnatolianHieroglyphs ¶
IsScriptAnatolianHieroglyphs reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Anatolian_Hieroglyphs". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Anatolian_Hieroglyphs" known as "Hluw", "Anatolian_Hieroglyphs".
func IsScriptArabic ¶
IsScriptArabic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Arabic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Arabic" known as "Arab", "Arabic".
func IsScriptArmenian ¶
IsScriptArmenian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Armenian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Armenian" known as "Armn", "Armenian".
func IsScriptAvestan ¶
IsScriptAvestan reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Avestan". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Avestan" known as "Avst", "Avestan".
func IsScriptBalinese ¶
IsScriptBalinese reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Balinese". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Balinese" known as "Bali", "Balinese".
func IsScriptBamum ¶
IsScriptBamum reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Bamum". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Bamum" known as "Bamu", "Bamum".
func IsScriptBassaVah ¶
IsScriptBassaVah reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Bassa_Vah". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Bassa_Vah" known as "Bass", "Bassa_Vah".
func IsScriptBatak ¶
IsScriptBatak reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Batak". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Batak" known as "Batk", "Batak".
func IsScriptBengali ¶
IsScriptBengali reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Bengali". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Bengali" known as "Beng", "Bengali".
func IsScriptBhaiksuki ¶
IsScriptBhaiksuki reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Bhaiksuki". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Bhaiksuki" known as "Bhks", "Bhaiksuki".
func IsScriptBopomofo ¶
IsScriptBopomofo reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Bopomofo". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Bopomofo" known as "Bopo", "Bopomofo".
func IsScriptBrahmi ¶
IsScriptBrahmi reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Brahmi". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Brahmi" known as "Brah", "Brahmi".
func IsScriptBraille ¶
IsScriptBraille reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Braille". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Braille" known as "Brai", "Braille".
func IsScriptBuginese ¶
IsScriptBuginese reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Buginese". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Buginese" known as "Bugi", "Buginese".
func IsScriptBuhid ¶
IsScriptBuhid reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Buhid". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Buhid" known as "Buhd", "Buhid".
func IsScriptCanadianAboriginal ¶
IsScriptCanadianAboriginal reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Canadian_Aboriginal". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Canadian_Aboriginal" known as "Cans", "Canadian_Aboriginal".
func IsScriptCarian ¶
IsScriptCarian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Carian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Carian" known as "Cari", "Carian".
func IsScriptCaucasianAlbanian ¶
IsScriptCaucasianAlbanian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Caucasian_Albanian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Caucasian_Albanian" known as "Aghb", "Caucasian_Albanian".
func IsScriptChakma ¶
IsScriptChakma reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Chakma". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Chakma" known as "Cakm", "Chakma".
func IsScriptCham ¶
IsScriptCham reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Cham". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script".
func IsScriptCherokee ¶
IsScriptCherokee reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Cherokee". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Cherokee" known as "Cher", "Cherokee".
func IsScriptCommon ¶
IsScriptCommon reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Common". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Common" known as "Zyyy", "Common".
func IsScriptCoptic ¶
IsScriptCoptic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Coptic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Coptic" known as "Copt", "Coptic", "Qaac".
func IsScriptCuneiform ¶
IsScriptCuneiform reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Cuneiform". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Cuneiform" known as "Xsux", "Cuneiform".
func IsScriptCypriot ¶
IsScriptCypriot reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Cypriot". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Cypriot" known as "Cprt", "Cypriot".
func IsScriptCyrillic ¶
IsScriptCyrillic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Cyrillic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Cyrillic" known as "Cyrl", "Cyrillic".
func IsScriptDeseret ¶
IsScriptDeseret reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Deseret". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Deseret" known as "Dsrt", "Deseret".
func IsScriptDevanagari ¶
IsScriptDevanagari reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Devanagari". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Devanagari" known as "Deva", "Devanagari".
func IsScriptDuployan ¶
IsScriptDuployan reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Duployan". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Duployan" known as "Dupl", "Duployan".
func IsScriptEgyptianHieroglyphs ¶
IsScriptEgyptianHieroglyphs reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Egyptian_Hieroglyphs". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Egyptian_Hieroglyphs" known as "Egyp", "Egyptian_Hieroglyphs".
func IsScriptElbasan ¶
IsScriptElbasan reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Elbasan". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Elbasan" known as "Elba", "Elbasan".
func IsScriptEthiopic ¶
IsScriptEthiopic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Ethiopic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Ethiopic" known as "Ethi", "Ethiopic".
func IsScriptGeorgian ¶
IsScriptGeorgian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Georgian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Georgian" known as "Geor", "Georgian".
func IsScriptGlagolitic ¶
IsScriptGlagolitic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Glagolitic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Glagolitic" known as "Glag", "Glagolitic".
func IsScriptGothic ¶
IsScriptGothic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Gothic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Gothic" known as "Goth", "Gothic".
func IsScriptGrantha ¶
IsScriptGrantha reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Grantha". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Grantha" known as "Gran", "Grantha".
func IsScriptGreek ¶
IsScriptGreek reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Greek". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Greek" known as "Grek", "Greek".
func IsScriptGujarati ¶
IsScriptGujarati reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Gujarati". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Gujarati" known as "Gujr", "Gujarati".
func IsScriptGurmukhi ¶
IsScriptGurmukhi reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Gurmukhi". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Gurmukhi" known as "Guru", "Gurmukhi".
func IsScriptHan ¶
IsScriptHan reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Han". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Han" known as "Hani", "Han".
func IsScriptHangul ¶
IsScriptHangul reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Hangul". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Hangul" known as "Hang", "Hangul".
func IsScriptHanunoo ¶
IsScriptHanunoo reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Hanunoo". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Hanunoo" known as "Hano", "Hanunoo".
func IsScriptHatran ¶
IsScriptHatran reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Hatran". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Hatran" known as "Hatr", "Hatran".
func IsScriptHebrew ¶
IsScriptHebrew reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Hebrew". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Hebrew" known as "Hebr", "Hebrew".
func IsScriptHiragana ¶
IsScriptHiragana reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Hiragana". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Hiragana" known as "Hira", "Hiragana".
func IsScriptImperialAramaic ¶
IsScriptImperialAramaic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Imperial_Aramaic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Imperial_Aramaic" known as "Armi", "Imperial_Aramaic".
func IsScriptInherited ¶
IsScriptInherited reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Inherited". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Inherited" known as "Zinh", "Inherited", "Qaai".
func IsScriptInscriptionalPahlavi ¶
IsScriptInscriptionalPahlavi reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Inscriptional_Pahlavi". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Inscriptional_Pahlavi" known as "Phli", "Inscriptional_Pahlavi".
func IsScriptInscriptionalParthian ¶
IsScriptInscriptionalParthian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Inscriptional_Parthian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Inscriptional_Parthian" known as "Prti", "Inscriptional_Parthian".
func IsScriptJavanese ¶
IsScriptJavanese reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Javanese". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Javanese" known as "Java", "Javanese".
func IsScriptKaithi ¶
IsScriptKaithi reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Kaithi". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Kaithi" known as "Kthi", "Kaithi".
func IsScriptKannada ¶
IsScriptKannada reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Kannada". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Kannada" known as "Knda", "Kannada".
func IsScriptKatakana ¶
IsScriptKatakana reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Katakana". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Katakana" known as "Kana", "Katakana".
func IsScriptKatakanaOrHiragana ¶
IsScriptKatakanaOrHiragana reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Katakana_Or_Hiragana". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Katakana_Or_Hiragana" known as "Hrkt", "Katakana_Or_Hiragana".
func IsScriptKayahLi ¶
IsScriptKayahLi reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Kayah_Li". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Kayah_Li" known as "Kali", "Kayah_Li".
func IsScriptKharoshthi ¶
IsScriptKharoshthi reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Kharoshthi". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Kharoshthi" known as "Khar", "Kharoshthi".
func IsScriptKhmer ¶
IsScriptKhmer reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Khmer". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Khmer" known as "Khmr", "Khmer".
func IsScriptKhojki ¶
IsScriptKhojki reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Khojki". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Khojki" known as "Khoj", "Khojki".
func IsScriptKhudawadi ¶
IsScriptKhudawadi reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Khudawadi". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Khudawadi" known as "Sind", "Khudawadi".
func IsScriptLao ¶
IsScriptLao reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Lao". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Lao" known as "Laoo", "Lao".
func IsScriptLatin ¶
IsScriptLatin reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Latin". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Latin" known as "Latn", "Latin".
func IsScriptLepcha ¶
IsScriptLepcha reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Lepcha". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Lepcha" known as "Lepc", "Lepcha".
func IsScriptLimbu ¶
IsScriptLimbu reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Limbu". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Limbu" known as "Limb", "Limbu".
func IsScriptLinearA ¶
IsScriptLinearA reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Linear_A". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Linear_A" known as "Lina", "Linear_A".
func IsScriptLinearB ¶
IsScriptLinearB reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Linear_B". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Linear_B" known as "Linb", "Linear_B".
func IsScriptLisu ¶
IsScriptLisu reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Lisu". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script".
func IsScriptLycian ¶
IsScriptLycian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Lycian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Lycian" known as "Lyci", "Lycian".
func IsScriptLydian ¶
IsScriptLydian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Lydian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Lydian" known as "Lydi", "Lydian".
func IsScriptMahajani ¶
IsScriptMahajani reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Mahajani". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Mahajani" known as "Mahj", "Mahajani".
func IsScriptMalayalam ¶
IsScriptMalayalam reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Malayalam". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Malayalam" known as "Mlym", "Malayalam".
func IsScriptMandaic ¶
IsScriptMandaic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Mandaic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Mandaic" known as "Mand", "Mandaic".
func IsScriptManichaean ¶
IsScriptManichaean reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Manichaean". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Manichaean" known as "Mani", "Manichaean".
func IsScriptMarchen ¶
IsScriptMarchen reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Marchen". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Marchen" known as "Marc", "Marchen".
func IsScriptMasaramGondi ¶
IsScriptMasaramGondi reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Masaram_Gondi". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Masaram_Gondi" known as "Gonm", "Masaram_Gondi".
func IsScriptMeeteiMayek ¶
IsScriptMeeteiMayek reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Meetei_Mayek". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Meetei_Mayek" known as "Mtei", "Meetei_Mayek".
func IsScriptMendeKikakui ¶
IsScriptMendeKikakui reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Mende_Kikakui". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Mende_Kikakui" known as "Mend", "Mende_Kikakui".
func IsScriptMeroiticCursive ¶
IsScriptMeroiticCursive reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Meroitic_Cursive". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Meroitic_Cursive" known as "Merc", "Meroitic_Cursive".
func IsScriptMeroiticHieroglyphs ¶
IsScriptMeroiticHieroglyphs reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Meroitic_Hieroglyphs". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Meroitic_Hieroglyphs" known as "Mero", "Meroitic_Hieroglyphs".
func IsScriptMiao ¶
IsScriptMiao reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Miao". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Miao" known as "Plrd", "Miao".
func IsScriptModi ¶
IsScriptModi reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Modi". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script".
func IsScriptMongolian ¶
IsScriptMongolian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Mongolian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Mongolian" known as "Mong", "Mongolian".
func IsScriptMro ¶
IsScriptMro reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Mro". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Mro" known as "Mroo", "Mro".
func IsScriptMultani ¶
IsScriptMultani reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Multani". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Multani" known as "Mult", "Multani".
func IsScriptMyanmar ¶
IsScriptMyanmar reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Myanmar". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Myanmar" known as "Mymr", "Myanmar".
func IsScriptNabataean ¶
IsScriptNabataean reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Nabataean". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Nabataean" known as "Nbat", "Nabataean".
func IsScriptNewTaiLue ¶
IsScriptNewTaiLue reports whether the rune has property "Script"="New_Tai_Lue". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "New_Tai_Lue" known as "Talu", "New_Tai_Lue".
func IsScriptNewa ¶
IsScriptNewa reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Newa". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script".
func IsScriptNko ¶
IsScriptNko reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Nko". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Nko" known as "Nkoo", "Nko".
func IsScriptNushu ¶
IsScriptNushu reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Nushu". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Nushu" known as "Nshu", "Nushu".
func IsScriptOgham ¶
IsScriptOgham reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Ogham". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Ogham" known as "Ogam", "Ogham".
func IsScriptOlChiki ¶
IsScriptOlChiki reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Ol_Chiki". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Ol_Chiki" known as "Olck", "Ol_Chiki".
func IsScriptOldHungarian ¶
IsScriptOldHungarian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Old_Hungarian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Old_Hungarian" known as "Hung", "Old_Hungarian".
func IsScriptOldItalic ¶
IsScriptOldItalic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Old_Italic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Old_Italic" known as "Ital", "Old_Italic".
func IsScriptOldNorthArabian ¶
IsScriptOldNorthArabian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Old_North_Arabian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Old_North_Arabian" known as "Narb", "Old_North_Arabian".
func IsScriptOldPermic ¶
IsScriptOldPermic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Old_Permic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Old_Permic" known as "Perm", "Old_Permic".
func IsScriptOldPersian ¶
IsScriptOldPersian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Old_Persian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Old_Persian" known as "Xpeo", "Old_Persian".
func IsScriptOldSouthArabian ¶
IsScriptOldSouthArabian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Old_South_Arabian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Old_South_Arabian" known as "Sarb", "Old_South_Arabian".
func IsScriptOldTurkic ¶
IsScriptOldTurkic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Old_Turkic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Old_Turkic" known as "Orkh", "Old_Turkic".
func IsScriptOriya ¶
IsScriptOriya reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Oriya". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Oriya" known as "Orya", "Oriya".
func IsScriptOsage ¶
IsScriptOsage reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Osage". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Osage" known as "Osge", "Osage".
func IsScriptOsmanya ¶
IsScriptOsmanya reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Osmanya". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Osmanya" known as "Osma", "Osmanya".
func IsScriptPahawhHmong ¶
IsScriptPahawhHmong reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Pahawh_Hmong". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Pahawh_Hmong" known as "Hmng", "Pahawh_Hmong".
func IsScriptPalmyrene ¶
IsScriptPalmyrene reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Palmyrene". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Palmyrene" known as "Palm", "Palmyrene".
func IsScriptPauCinHau ¶
IsScriptPauCinHau reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Pau_Cin_Hau". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Pau_Cin_Hau" known as "Pauc", "Pau_Cin_Hau".
func IsScriptPhagsPa ¶
IsScriptPhagsPa reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Phags_Pa". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Phags_Pa" known as "Phag", "Phags_Pa".
func IsScriptPhoenician ¶
IsScriptPhoenician reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Phoenician". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Phoenician" known as "Phnx", "Phoenician".
func IsScriptPsalterPahlavi ¶
IsScriptPsalterPahlavi reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Psalter_Pahlavi". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Psalter_Pahlavi" known as "Phlp", "Psalter_Pahlavi".
func IsScriptRejang ¶
IsScriptRejang reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Rejang". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Rejang" known as "Rjng", "Rejang".
func IsScriptRunic ¶
IsScriptRunic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Runic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Runic" known as "Runr", "Runic".
func IsScriptSamaritan ¶
IsScriptSamaritan reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Samaritan". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Samaritan" known as "Samr", "Samaritan".
func IsScriptSaurashtra ¶
IsScriptSaurashtra reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Saurashtra". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Saurashtra" known as "Saur", "Saurashtra".
func IsScriptSharada ¶
IsScriptSharada reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Sharada". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Sharada" known as "Shrd", "Sharada".
func IsScriptShavian ¶
IsScriptShavian reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Shavian". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Shavian" known as "Shaw", "Shavian".
func IsScriptSiddham ¶
IsScriptSiddham reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Siddham". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Siddham" known as "Sidd", "Siddham".
func IsScriptSignWriting ¶
IsScriptSignWriting reports whether the rune has property "Script"="SignWriting". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "SignWriting" known as "Sgnw", "SignWriting".
func IsScriptSinhala ¶
IsScriptSinhala reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Sinhala". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Sinhala" known as "Sinh", "Sinhala".
func IsScriptSoraSompeng ¶
IsScriptSoraSompeng reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Sora_Sompeng". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Sora_Sompeng" known as "Sora", "Sora_Sompeng".
func IsScriptSoyombo ¶
IsScriptSoyombo reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Soyombo". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Soyombo" known as "Soyo", "Soyombo".
func IsScriptSundanese ¶
IsScriptSundanese reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Sundanese". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Sundanese" known as "Sund", "Sundanese".
func IsScriptSylotiNagri ¶
IsScriptSylotiNagri reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Syloti_Nagri". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Syloti_Nagri" known as "Sylo", "Syloti_Nagri".
func IsScriptSyriac ¶
IsScriptSyriac reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Syriac". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Syriac" known as "Syrc", "Syriac".
func IsScriptTagalog ¶
IsScriptTagalog reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Tagalog". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Tagalog" known as "Tglg", "Tagalog".
func IsScriptTagbanwa ¶
IsScriptTagbanwa reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Tagbanwa". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Tagbanwa" known as "Tagb", "Tagbanwa".
func IsScriptTaiLe ¶
IsScriptTaiLe reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Tai_Le". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Tai_Le" known as "Tale", "Tai_Le".
func IsScriptTaiTham ¶
IsScriptTaiTham reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Tai_Tham". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Tai_Tham" known as "Lana", "Tai_Tham".
func IsScriptTaiViet ¶
IsScriptTaiViet reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Tai_Viet". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Tai_Viet" known as "Tavt", "Tai_Viet".
func IsScriptTakri ¶
IsScriptTakri reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Takri". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Takri" known as "Takr", "Takri".
func IsScriptTamil ¶
IsScriptTamil reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Tamil". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Tamil" known as "Taml", "Tamil".
func IsScriptTangut ¶
IsScriptTangut reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Tangut". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Tangut" known as "Tang", "Tangut".
func IsScriptTelugu ¶
IsScriptTelugu reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Telugu". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Telugu" known as "Telu", "Telugu".
func IsScriptThaana ¶
IsScriptThaana reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Thaana". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Thaana" known as "Thaa", "Thaana".
func IsScriptThai ¶
IsScriptThai reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Thai". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script".
func IsScriptTibetan ¶
IsScriptTibetan reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Tibetan". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Tibetan" known as "Tibt", "Tibetan".
func IsScriptTifinagh ¶
IsScriptTifinagh reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Tifinagh". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Tifinagh" known as "Tfng", "Tifinagh".
func IsScriptTirhuta ¶
IsScriptTirhuta reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Tirhuta". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Tirhuta" known as "Tirh", "Tirhuta".
func IsScriptUgaritic ¶
IsScriptUgaritic reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Ugaritic". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Ugaritic" known as "Ugar", "Ugaritic".
func IsScriptUnknown ¶
IsScriptUnknown reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Unknown". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Unknown" known as "Zzzz", "Unknown".
func IsScriptVai ¶
IsScriptVai reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Vai". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Vai" known as "Vaii", "Vai".
func IsScriptWarangCiti ¶
IsScriptWarangCiti reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Warang_Citi". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Warang_Citi" known as "Wara", "Warang_Citi".
func IsScriptYi ¶
IsScriptYi reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Yi". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Yi" known as "Yiii", "Yi".
func IsScriptZanabazarSquare ¶
IsScriptZanabazarSquare reports whether the rune has property "Script"="Zanabazar_Square". Property "Script" known as "sc", "Script". Value "Zanabazar_Square" known as "Zanb", "Zanabazar_Square".
func IsSentenceBreakATerm ¶
IsSentenceBreakATerm reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="ATerm". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "ATerm" known as "AT", "ATerm".
func IsSentenceBreakCR ¶
IsSentenceBreakCR reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="CR". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break".
func IsSentenceBreakClose ¶
IsSentenceBreakClose reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="Close". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "Close" known as "CL", "Close".
func IsSentenceBreakExtend ¶
IsSentenceBreakExtend reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="Extend". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "Extend" known as "EX", "Extend".
func IsSentenceBreakFormat ¶
IsSentenceBreakFormat reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="Format". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "Format" known as "FO", "Format".
func IsSentenceBreakLF ¶
IsSentenceBreakLF reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="LF". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break".
func IsSentenceBreakLower ¶
IsSentenceBreakLower reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="Lower". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "Lower" known as "LO", "Lower".
func IsSentenceBreakNumeric ¶
IsSentenceBreakNumeric reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="Numeric". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "Numeric" known as "NU", "Numeric".
func IsSentenceBreakOLetter ¶
IsSentenceBreakOLetter reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="OLetter". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "OLetter" known as "LE", "OLetter".
func IsSentenceBreakOther ¶
IsSentenceBreakOther reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="Other". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "Other" known as "XX", "Other".
func IsSentenceBreakSContinue ¶
IsSentenceBreakSContinue reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="SContinue". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "SContinue" known as "SC", "SContinue".
func IsSentenceBreakSTerm ¶
IsSentenceBreakSTerm reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="STerm". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "STerm" known as "ST", "STerm".
func IsSentenceBreakSep ¶
IsSentenceBreakSep reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="Sep". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "Sep" known as "SE", "Sep".
func IsSentenceBreakSp ¶
IsSentenceBreakSp reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="Sp". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "Sp" known as "SP", "Sp".
func IsSentenceBreakUpper ¶
IsSentenceBreakUpper reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Break"="Upper". Property "Sentence_Break" known as "SB", "Sentence_Break". Value "Upper" known as "UP", "Upper".
func IsSentenceTerminalNo ¶
IsSentenceTerminalNo reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Terminal"="No". Property "Sentence_Terminal" known as "STerm", "Sentence_Terminal". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsSentenceTerminalYes ¶
IsSentenceTerminalYes reports whether the rune has property "Sentence_Terminal"="Yes". Property "Sentence_Terminal" known as "STerm", "Sentence_Terminal". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsSoftDottedNo ¶
IsSoftDottedNo reports whether the rune has property "Soft_Dotted"="No". Property "Soft_Dotted" known as "SD", "Soft_Dotted". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsSoftDottedYes ¶
IsSoftDottedYes reports whether the rune has property "Soft_Dotted"="Yes". Property "Soft_Dotted" known as "SD", "Soft_Dotted". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsTerminalPunctuationNo ¶
IsTerminalPunctuationNo reports whether the rune has property "Terminal_Punctuation"="No". Property "Terminal_Punctuation" known as "Term", "Terminal_Punctuation". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsTerminalPunctuationYes ¶
IsTerminalPunctuationYes reports whether the rune has property "Terminal_Punctuation"="Yes". Property "Terminal_Punctuation" known as "Term", "Terminal_Punctuation". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsUnifiedIdeographNo ¶
IsUnifiedIdeographNo reports whether the rune has property "Unified_Ideograph"="No". Property "Unified_Ideograph" known as "UIdeo", "Unified_Ideograph". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsUnifiedIdeographYes ¶
IsUnifiedIdeographYes reports whether the rune has property "Unified_Ideograph"="Yes". Property "Unified_Ideograph" known as "UIdeo", "Unified_Ideograph". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsUppercaseNo ¶
IsUppercaseNo reports whether the rune has property "Uppercase"="No". Property "Uppercase" known as "Upper", "Uppercase". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsUppercaseYes ¶
IsUppercaseYes reports whether the rune has property "Uppercase"="Yes". Property "Uppercase" known as "Upper", "Uppercase". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsVariationSelectorNo ¶
IsVariationSelectorNo reports whether the rune has property "Variation_Selector"="No". Property "Variation_Selector" known as "VS", "Variation_Selector". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsVariationSelectorYes ¶
IsVariationSelectorYes reports whether the rune has property "Variation_Selector"="Yes". Property "Variation_Selector" known as "VS", "Variation_Selector". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsVerticalOrientationRotated ¶
IsVerticalOrientationRotated reports whether the rune has property "Vertical_Orientation"="Rotated". Property "Vertical_Orientation" known as "vo", "Vertical_Orientation". Value "Rotated" known as "R", "Rotated".
func IsVerticalOrientationTransformedRotated ¶
IsVerticalOrientationTransformedRotated reports whether the rune has property "Vertical_Orientation"="Transformed_Rotated". Property "Vertical_Orientation" known as "vo", "Vertical_Orientation". Value "Transformed_Rotated" known as "Tr", "Transformed_Rotated".
func IsVerticalOrientationTransformedUpright ¶
IsVerticalOrientationTransformedUpright reports whether the rune has property "Vertical_Orientation"="Transformed_Upright". Property "Vertical_Orientation" known as "vo", "Vertical_Orientation". Value "Transformed_Upright" known as "Tu", "Transformed_Upright".
func IsVerticalOrientationUpright ¶
IsVerticalOrientationUpright reports whether the rune has property "Vertical_Orientation"="Upright". Property "Vertical_Orientation" known as "vo", "Vertical_Orientation". Value "Upright" known as "U", "Upright".
func IsWhiteSpaceNo ¶
IsWhiteSpaceNo reports whether the rune has property "White_Space"="No". Property "White_Space" known as "WSpace", "White_Space", "space". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsWhiteSpaceYes ¶
IsWhiteSpaceYes reports whether the rune has property "White_Space"="Yes". Property "White_Space" known as "WSpace", "White_Space", "space". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsWordBreakALetter ¶
IsWordBreakALetter reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="ALetter". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "ALetter" known as "LE", "ALetter".
func IsWordBreakCR ¶
IsWordBreakCR reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="CR". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break".
func IsWordBreakDoubleQuote ¶
IsWordBreakDoubleQuote reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="Double_Quote". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "Double_Quote" known as "DQ", "Double_Quote".
func IsWordBreakEBase ¶
IsWordBreakEBase reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="E_Base". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "E_Base" known as "EB", "E_Base".
func IsWordBreakEBaseGAZ ¶
IsWordBreakEBaseGAZ reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="E_Base_GAZ". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "E_Base_GAZ" known as "EBG", "E_Base_GAZ".
func IsWordBreakEModifier ¶
IsWordBreakEModifier reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="E_Modifier". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "E_Modifier" known as "EM", "E_Modifier".
func IsWordBreakExtend ¶
IsWordBreakExtend reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="Extend". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break".
func IsWordBreakExtendNumLet ¶
IsWordBreakExtendNumLet reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="ExtendNumLet". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "ExtendNumLet" known as "EX", "ExtendNumLet".
func IsWordBreakFormat ¶
IsWordBreakFormat reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="Format". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "Format" known as "FO", "Format".
func IsWordBreakGlueAfterZwj ¶
IsWordBreakGlueAfterZwj reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="Glue_After_Zwj". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "Glue_After_Zwj" known as "GAZ", "Glue_After_Zwj".
func IsWordBreakHebrewLetter ¶
IsWordBreakHebrewLetter reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="Hebrew_Letter". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "Hebrew_Letter" known as "HL", "Hebrew_Letter".
func IsWordBreakKatakana ¶
IsWordBreakKatakana reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="Katakana". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "Katakana" known as "KA", "Katakana".
func IsWordBreakLF ¶
IsWordBreakLF reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="LF". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break".
func IsWordBreakMidLetter ¶
IsWordBreakMidLetter reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="MidLetter". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "MidLetter" known as "ML", "MidLetter".
func IsWordBreakMidNum ¶
IsWordBreakMidNum reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="MidNum". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "MidNum" known as "MN", "MidNum".
func IsWordBreakMidNumLet ¶
IsWordBreakMidNumLet reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="MidNumLet". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "MidNumLet" known as "MB", "MidNumLet".
func IsWordBreakNewline ¶
IsWordBreakNewline reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="Newline". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "Newline" known as "NL", "Newline".
func IsWordBreakNumeric ¶
IsWordBreakNumeric reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="Numeric". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "Numeric" known as "NU", "Numeric".
func IsWordBreakOther ¶
IsWordBreakOther reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="Other". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "Other" known as "XX", "Other".
func IsWordBreakRegionalIndicator ¶
IsWordBreakRegionalIndicator reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="Regional_Indicator". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "Regional_Indicator" known as "RI", "Regional_Indicator".
func IsWordBreakSingleQuote ¶
IsWordBreakSingleQuote reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="Single_Quote". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break". Value "Single_Quote" known as "SQ", "Single_Quote".
func IsWordBreakZWJ ¶
IsWordBreakZWJ reports whether the rune has property "Word_Break"="ZWJ". Property "Word_Break" known as "WB", "Word_Break".
func IsXIDContinueNo ¶
IsXIDContinueNo reports whether the rune has property "XID_Continue"="No". Property "XID_Continue" known as "XIDC", "XID_Continue". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsXIDContinueYes ¶
IsXIDContinueYes reports whether the rune has property "XID_Continue"="Yes". Property "XID_Continue" known as "XIDC", "XID_Continue". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
func IsXIDStartNo ¶
IsXIDStartNo reports whether the rune has property "XID_Start"="No". Property "XID_Start" known as "XIDS", "XID_Start". Value "No" known as "N", "No", "F", "False".
func IsXIDStartYes ¶
IsXIDStartYes reports whether the rune has property "XID_Start"="Yes". Property "XID_Start" known as "XIDS", "XID_Start". Value "Yes" known as "Y", "Yes", "T", "True".
Types ¶
This section is empty.
Source Files ¶
- common.go
- is-000-gen.go
- is-001-gen.go
- is-002-gen.go
- is-003-gen.go
- is-004-gen.go
- is-005-gen.go
- is-006-gen.go
- is-007-gen.go
- is-008-gen.go
- is-009-gen.go
- is-010-gen.go
- is-011-gen.go
- is-012-gen.go
- is-013-gen.go
- is-014-gen.go
- is-015-gen.go
- is-016-gen.go
- is-017-gen.go
- is-018-gen.go
- is-019-gen.go
- is-020-gen.go
- is-021-gen.go
- is-022-gen.go
- is-023-gen.go
- is-024-gen.go
- is-025-gen.go
- is-026-gen.go
- is-027-gen.go
- is-028-gen.go
- is-029-gen.go
- is-030-gen.go
- is-031-gen.go
- is-032-gen.go
- is-033-gen.go
- is-034-gen.go
- is-035-gen.go
- is-036-gen.go
- is-037-gen.go
- is-038-gen.go
- is-039-gen.go
- is-040-gen.go
- is-041-gen.go
- is-042-gen.go
- is-043-gen.go
- is-044-gen.go
- is-045-gen.go
- is-046-gen.go
- is-047-gen.go
- is-048-gen.go
- is-049-gen.go
- is-050-gen.go
- is-051-gen.go
- is-052-gen.go
- is-053-gen.go
- is-054-gen.go
- is-055-gen.go
- is-056-gen.go
- is-057-gen.go
- is-058-gen.go
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- is-061-gen.go
- is-062-gen.go
- is-063-gen.go
- is-064-gen.go
- is-065-gen.go
- is-066-gen.go
- is-067-gen.go
- is-068-gen.go
- is-069-gen.go
- is-070-gen.go
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- is-073-gen.go
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- is-077-gen.go
- is-078-gen.go
- is-079-gen.go
- is-080-gen.go
- is-081-gen.go
- meta-gen.go
- other-gen.go
- tables-000-gen.go
- tables-001-gen.go
- tables-002-gen.go
- tables-003-gen.go
- tables-004-gen.go
- tables-005-gen.go
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- tables-014-gen.go
- tables-015-gen.go
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- tables-018-gen.go
- tables-019-gen.go
- tables-020-gen.go
- tables-021-gen.go
- tables-022-gen.go
- tables-023-gen.go
- tables-024-gen.go
- tables-025-gen.go
- tables-026-gen.go
- tables-027-gen.go
- tables-028-gen.go
- tables-029-gen.go
- tables-030-gen.go
- tables-031-gen.go
- tables-032-gen.go
- tables-033-gen.go
- tables-034-gen.go
- tables-035-gen.go
- tables-036-gen.go
- tables-037-gen.go
- tables-038-gen.go
- tables-039-gen.go
- tables-040-gen.go
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- tables-042-gen.go
- tables-043-gen.go
- tables-044-gen.go
- tables-045-gen.go
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- tables-048-gen.go
- tables-049-gen.go
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- tables-051-gen.go
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- tables-053-gen.go
- tables-054-gen.go
- tables-055-gen.go
- tables-056-gen.go
- tables-057-gen.go
- tables-058-gen.go
- tables-059-gen.go
- tables-060-gen.go
- tables-061-gen.go
- tables-062-gen.go
- tables-063-gen.go
- tables-064-gen.go
- tables-065-gen.go
- tables-066-gen.go
- tables-067-gen.go
- tables-068-gen.go
- tables-069-gen.go
- tables-070-gen.go
- tables-071-gen.go
- tables-072-gen.go
- tables-073-gen.go
- tables-074-gen.go
- tables-075-gen.go
- tables-076-gen.go
- tables-077-gen.go
- tables-078-gen.go
- tables-079-gen.go
- tables-080-gen.go
- tables-081-gen.go
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Package bidih implements Unicode bidirectional algorithm (TR9) also known as BIDI.
Package bidih implements Unicode bidirectional algorithm (TR9) also known as BIDI. |
Package boundaryh implements boundary Unicode algorithms: - Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm (TR14) - finds possible line breaking position, - Unicode Text Segmentation (TR29) - finds grapheme clusters, words and sentences boundary.
Package boundaryh implements boundary Unicode algorithms: - Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm (TR14) - finds possible line breaking position, - Unicode Text Segmentation (TR29) - finds grapheme clusters, words and sentences boundary. |
Package ucd provides a parser for Unicode Character Database files, the format of which is defined in
Package ucd provides a parser for Unicode Character Database files, the format of which is defined in |