Examples of dubbo-go
What does this contain
A simplest example. It contain 'go-client', 'go-server', 'java-server' of dubbo protocol.
A direct example. This feature make start of dubbo-go get easy.
An async example. dubbo-go supports client to call server asynchronously.
A general example. It had validated zookeeper registry and different parameter lists of service.
And it has a comprehensive testing with dubbo/jsonrpc/grpc/rest protocol. You can refer to it to create your first complete dubbo-go project.
A generic example. It show how to use generic feature of dubbo-go.
Some examples of different config center. There are three -- zookeeper, apollo and nacos at present.
An example of multiple registries.
Some examples of different registry. There are kubernetes, nacos and etcd at present.
When use different registry, you need update config file, but also must import the registry package. see the etcd README
Some examples of different filter. Including custom_filter and tpslimit
Some router examples. Now, a condition router example is existing.
Some tracing examples. We have tracing support of dubbo/grpc/jsonrpc protocol at present.
How to build and run
Take helloworld
as an example
java server
cd helloworld/dubbo/java-server
sh build.sh
cd ./target
tar -zxvf user-info-server-0.2.0-assembly.tar.gz
cd ./user-info-server-0.2.0
sh ./bin/server.sh start
java client
cd helloworld/dubbo/java-client
sh build.sh
cd ./target
tar -zxvf user-info-client-0.2.0-assembly.tar.gz
cd ./user-info-client-0.2.0
sh ./bin/server.sh start
go server
- $ARCH = [linux, mac, windows] and $ENV = [dev, release, test]
cd helloworld/dubbo/go-server
sh ./assembly/$ARCH/$ENV.sh
cd ./target/linux/user_info_server-0.3.1-20190517-0930-release
# $SUFFIX is a suffix of config file,
# such as server_zookeeper.yml when $SUFFIX is "zookeeper",
# if $SUFFIX = "", default server.yml
sh ./bin/load.sh start $SUFFIX
go client
- $ARCH = [linux, mac, windows] and $ENV = [dev, release, test]
cd helloworld/dubbo/go-client
sh ./assembly/$ARCH/$ENV.sh
cd ./target/linux/user_info_client-0.3.1-20190517-0921-release
# $SUFFIX is a suffix of config file,
# such as client_zookeeper.yml when $SUFFIX = zookeeper",
# if $SUFFIX = "", config file is client.yml
sh ./bin/load_user_info_client.sh start $SUFFIX
How to debug with Goland
Edit Configurations
- Add
. eg: /home/xx/dubbogo-samples/helloworld/client/conf/log.yml
- Add
eg: /home/xx/dubbogo-samples/helloworld/client/conf/client.yml
- Add
eg: /home/xx/dubbogo-samples/helloworld/server/conf/server.yml
Apply & Run
How to contribute
If you want to add some samples, we hope that you can do this:
- Adding samples in appropriate directory. If you dont' know which directory you should put your samples into, you can get some advices from dubbo-go community.
- You must run the samples locally and there must be no any error.
- If your samples have some third party dependency, including another framework, we hope that you can provide some docs, script is better.
- Please make pr to https://github.com/dubbogo/dubbo-samples instead of https://github.com/apache/dubbo-samples. We will synchronize to apache/dubbo-samples regularly.