运行 Admin
启动 Zookeeper
首先,你需要在本地启动一个 zookeeper server,用作 Admin 连接的注册/配置中心。
启动 Admin
Run with IDE
Once open this project in GoLand, a pre-configured Admin runnable task can be found from "Run Configuration" pop up menu as shown below.

Click the Run
button and you can get the Admin process started locally.
But before doing that, you might need to change the configuration file located at /conf/dubboadmin.yml
to make sure registry.address
is pointed to the zookeeper server you started before.
address: zookeeper://
config-center: zookeeper://
address: zookeeper://
Run with command line
$ export ADMIN_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/your/admin/project/conf/dubboadmin.yml
$ cd cmd/admin
$ go run .
If you also have the Java version admin running, make sure to use different port to avoid conflict.
为了能在 Admin 控制台看到一些示例数据,可以在本地启动一些示例项目。可参考以下两个链接,务必确保示例使用的注册中心指向你之前启动的 zookeeper server,如果示例中有使用 embeded zookeeper 则应该进行修改并指向你本地起的 zookeeper 集群。
- https://github.com/apache/dubbo-samples/tree/master/1-basic/dubbo-samples-spring-boot
- https://dubbo.apache.org/zh-cn/overview/quickstart/java/brief/