Apache Beam Playground
Beam Playground is an interactive environment to try out Beam transforms and examples. The vision for the Playground is to be a web application where users can try out Beam without having to install/initialize a Beam environment.
Getting Started
Copy the configuration file
After checkout, run:
cp playground/frontend/lib/config.example.dart playground/frontend/lib/config.g.dart
This is a temporarily required step. See more:
See playground/ for details on requirements and setup.
The following command is used to build and serve the frontend app locally:
flutter run -d chrome
Run the following command to generate a release build:
flutter build web
This produces build/web
directory with static files. Deploy them to your web server.
The app is deployed to production as a Docker container. You can also run it in Docker locally. This is useful if:
- You do not have Flutter and do not want to install it.
- You want to mimic the release environment in the closest way possible.
To run the frontend app with Docker, run this in the frontend directory:
docker build -t playground-frontend .
docker run -p 1234:8080 playground-frontend
The container sets up NGINX on port 8080. This example exposes it as port 1234 on the host, and the app can be accessed at http://localhost:1234
Code Generation
This project relies on generated code for some functionality: deserializers, test mocks, constants for asset files, extracted Beam symbols for the editor, etc.
All generated files are version-controlled, so after checkout the project is immediately runnable. However, after changes you may need to re-run code generation.
Standard Dart Code Generator
Most of the generated files are produced by running the standard Dart code generator. This only requires Flutter, but must be called on multiple locations. For convenience, run this single command:
./gradlew :playground:frontend:generateCode
Generating Beam Symbols Dictionaries
- Python 3.8+ with packages:
Other SDKs will add more requirements as we add extraction scripts for them.
To generate all project's generated files including symbol dictionaries, run:
./gradlew :playground:frontend:generate
Deleting Generated Files
For consistency, it is recommended that you delete and re-generate all files before committing if you have all required tools on your machine. To delete all generated files, run:
./gradlew :playground:frontend:cleanGenerated
Pre-commit Checks
To run all pre-commit checks, execute this in the beam root:
./gradlew :playground:frontend:precommit
This includes:
- Tests.
- Linter.
Code style
Code can be automatically reformatted using:
flutter format ./lib
The project is in the process of migrating from the built-in Flutter localization to easy_localization. It temporarily uses both ways.
Flutter Built-in Localization
To add a new localization, follow next steps:
Create app_YOUR_LOCALE_CODE.arb file with your key-translation pairs, except description tags, in lib/l10n directory (use app_en.arb as example).
Add Locale('YOUR_LOCALE_CODE') object to static const locales variable in lib/l10n/l10n.dart file.
Run the following command to generate a build and localization files:
flutter build web
To add a new localization (using fr
as an example):
. Fill it with content copied from an existing translation file in another language. -
. Fill it with content copied from an existing translation file in another language. -
Add the locale to the list in
The app could be configured using gradle task (e.g. api url)
cd beam
./gradlew :playground:frontend:createConfig
For more information see See
The full list of commands can be found here
Contribution guide
If you'd like to contribute to the Apache Beam Playground website, read our contribution guide where you can find detailed instructions on how to work with the playground.