Index ¶
- Variables
- func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time
- func PtrBool(v bool) *bool
- func PtrFloat32(v float32) *float32
- func PtrFloat64(v float64) *float64
- func PtrInt(v int) *int
- func PtrInt32(v int32) *int32
- func PtrInt64(v int64) *int64
- func PtrString(v string) *string
- func PtrTime(v time.Time) *time.Time
- type APIClient
- type APIKey
- type APIResponse
- type Action
- type ActionCollection
- func (o *ActionCollection) GetActions() []Action
- func (o *ActionCollection) GetActionsOk() (*[]Action, bool)
- func (o *ActionCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *ActionCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *ActionCollection) HasActions() bool
- func (o *ActionCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o ActionCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ActionCollection) SetActions(v []Action)
- func (o *ActionCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type ActionCollectionAllOf
- type ActionResource
- func (o *ActionResource) GetAction() Action
- func (o *ActionResource) GetActionOk() (*Action, bool)
- func (o *ActionResource) GetResource() Resource
- func (o *ActionResource) GetResourceOk() (*Resource, bool)
- func (o *ActionResource) HasAction() bool
- func (o *ActionResource) HasResource() bool
- func (o ActionResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ActionResource) SetAction(v Action)
- func (o *ActionResource) SetResource(v Resource)
- type BasicAuth
- type BasicDAGRun
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetDagId() string
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetDataIntervalEnd() time.Time
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetDataIntervalEndOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetDataIntervalStart() time.Time
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetDataIntervalStartOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetEndDate() time.Time
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetEndDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetLogicalDate() time.Time
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetLogicalDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetRunId() string
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetStartDate() time.Time
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetStartDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetState() DagState
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetStateOk() (*DagState, bool)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasDataIntervalEnd() bool
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasDataIntervalStart() bool
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasEndDate() bool
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasLogicalDate() bool
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasRunId() bool
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasStartDate() bool
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasState() bool
- func (o BasicDAGRun) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetDataIntervalEnd(v time.Time)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetDataIntervalEndNil()
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetDataIntervalStart(v time.Time)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetDataIntervalStartNil()
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetEndDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetEndDateNil()
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetLogicalDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetRunId(v string)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetStartDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetStartDateNil()
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetState(v DagState)
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) UnsetDataIntervalEnd()
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) UnsetDataIntervalStart()
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) UnsetEndDate()
- func (o *BasicDAGRun) UnsetStartDate()
- type ClassReference
- func (o *ClassReference) GetClassName() string
- func (o *ClassReference) GetClassNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ClassReference) GetModulePath() string
- func (o *ClassReference) GetModulePathOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ClassReference) HasClassName() bool
- func (o *ClassReference) HasModulePath() bool
- func (o ClassReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ClassReference) SetClassName(v string)
- func (o *ClassReference) SetModulePath(v string)
- type ClearDagRun
- type ClearTaskInstance
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetDryRun() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetDryRunOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetEndDate() string
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetEndDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetIncludeParentdag() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetIncludeParentdagOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetIncludeSubdags() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetIncludeSubdagsOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetOnlyFailed() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetOnlyFailedOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetOnlyRunning() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetOnlyRunningOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetResetDagRuns() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetResetDagRunsOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetStartDate() string
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetStartDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetTaskIds() []string
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetTaskIdsOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasDryRun() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasEndDate() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasIncludeParentdag() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasIncludeSubdags() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasOnlyFailed() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasOnlyRunning() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasResetDagRuns() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasStartDate() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasTaskIds() bool
- func (o ClearTaskInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetDryRun(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetEndDate(v string)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetIncludeParentdag(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetIncludeSubdags(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetOnlyFailed(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetOnlyRunning(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetResetDagRuns(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetStartDate(v string)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetTaskIds(v []string)
- type ClearTaskInstances
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetDagRunId() string
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetDagRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetDryRun() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetDryRunOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetEndDate() string
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetEndDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeDownstream() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeDownstreamOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeFuture() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeFutureOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeParentdag() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeParentdagOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludePast() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludePastOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeSubdags() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeSubdagsOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeUpstream() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeUpstreamOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetOnlyFailed() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetOnlyFailedOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetOnlyRunning() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetOnlyRunningOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetResetDagRuns() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetResetDagRunsOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetStartDate() string
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetStartDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetTaskIds() []string
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetTaskIdsOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasDagRunId() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasDryRun() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasEndDate() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeDownstream() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeFuture() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeParentdag() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludePast() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeSubdags() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeUpstream() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasOnlyFailed() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasOnlyRunning() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasResetDagRuns() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasStartDate() bool
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasTaskIds() bool
- func (o ClearTaskInstances) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetDagRunId(v string)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetDagRunIdNil()
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetDryRun(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetEndDate(v string)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeDownstream(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeFuture(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeParentdag(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludePast(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeSubdags(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeUpstream(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetOnlyFailed(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetOnlyRunning(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetResetDagRuns(v bool)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetStartDate(v string)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetTaskIds(v []string)
- func (o *ClearTaskInstances) UnsetDagRunId()
- type CollectionInfo
- type Config
- type ConfigApiApiGetConfigRequest
- type ConfigApiService
- type ConfigOption
- func (o *ConfigOption) GetKey() string
- func (o *ConfigOption) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ConfigOption) GetValue() string
- func (o *ConfigOption) GetValueOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ConfigOption) HasKey() bool
- func (o *ConfigOption) HasValue() bool
- func (o ConfigOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ConfigOption) SetKey(v string)
- func (o *ConfigOption) SetValue(v string)
- type ConfigSection
- func (o *ConfigSection) GetName() string
- func (o *ConfigSection) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ConfigSection) GetOptions() []ConfigOption
- func (o *ConfigSection) GetOptionsOk() (*[]ConfigOption, bool)
- func (o *ConfigSection) HasName() bool
- func (o *ConfigSection) HasOptions() bool
- func (o ConfigSection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ConfigSection) SetName(v string)
- func (o *ConfigSection) SetOptions(v []ConfigOption)
- type Configuration
- type Connection
- func (o *Connection) GetConnType() string
- func (o *Connection) GetConnTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Connection) GetConnectionId() string
- func (o *Connection) GetConnectionIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Connection) GetDescription() string
- func (o *Connection) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Connection) GetExtra() string
- func (o *Connection) GetExtraOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Connection) GetHost() string
- func (o *Connection) GetHostOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Connection) GetLogin() string
- func (o *Connection) GetLoginOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Connection) GetPassword() string
- func (o *Connection) GetPasswordOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Connection) GetPort() int32
- func (o *Connection) GetPortOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *Connection) GetSchema() string
- func (o *Connection) GetSchemaOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Connection) HasConnType() bool
- func (o *Connection) HasConnectionId() bool
- func (o *Connection) HasDescription() bool
- func (o *Connection) HasExtra() bool
- func (o *Connection) HasHost() bool
- func (o *Connection) HasLogin() bool
- func (o *Connection) HasPassword() bool
- func (o *Connection) HasPort() bool
- func (o *Connection) HasSchema() bool
- func (o Connection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Connection) SetConnType(v string)
- func (o *Connection) SetConnectionId(v string)
- func (o *Connection) SetDescription(v string)
- func (o *Connection) SetDescriptionNil()
- func (o *Connection) SetExtra(v string)
- func (o *Connection) SetExtraNil()
- func (o *Connection) SetHost(v string)
- func (o *Connection) SetHostNil()
- func (o *Connection) SetLogin(v string)
- func (o *Connection) SetLoginNil()
- func (o *Connection) SetPassword(v string)
- func (o *Connection) SetPort(v int32)
- func (o *Connection) SetPortNil()
- func (o *Connection) SetSchema(v string)
- func (o *Connection) SetSchemaNil()
- func (o *Connection) UnsetDescription()
- func (o *Connection) UnsetExtra()
- func (o *Connection) UnsetHost()
- func (o *Connection) UnsetLogin()
- func (o *Connection) UnsetPort()
- func (o *Connection) UnsetSchema()
- type ConnectionAllOf
- func (o *ConnectionAllOf) GetExtra() string
- func (o *ConnectionAllOf) GetExtraOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionAllOf) GetPassword() string
- func (o *ConnectionAllOf) GetPasswordOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionAllOf) HasExtra() bool
- func (o *ConnectionAllOf) HasPassword() bool
- func (o ConnectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ConnectionAllOf) SetExtra(v string)
- func (o *ConnectionAllOf) SetExtraNil()
- func (o *ConnectionAllOf) SetPassword(v string)
- func (o *ConnectionAllOf) UnsetExtra()
- type ConnectionApiApiDeleteConnectionRequest
- type ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionRequest
- type ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest
- func (r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) Execute() (ConnectionCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) Limit(limit int32) ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest
- func (r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) Offset(offset int32) ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest
- func (r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest
- type ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest
- func (r ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest) Connection(connection Connection) ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest
- func (r ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest) Execute() (Connection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest) UpdateMask(updateMask []string) ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest
- type ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest
- type ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest
- type ConnectionApiService
- func (a *ConnectionApiService) DeleteConnection(ctx _context.Context, connectionId string) ConnectionApiApiDeleteConnectionRequest
- func (a *ConnectionApiService) DeleteConnectionExecute(r ConnectionApiApiDeleteConnectionRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *ConnectionApiService) GetConnection(ctx _context.Context, connectionId string) ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionRequest
- func (a *ConnectionApiService) GetConnectionExecute(r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionRequest) (Connection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *ConnectionApiService) GetConnections(ctx _context.Context) ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest
- func (a *ConnectionApiService) GetConnectionsExecute(r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) (ConnectionCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *ConnectionApiService) PatchConnection(ctx _context.Context, connectionId string) ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest
- func (a *ConnectionApiService) PatchConnectionExecute(r ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest) (Connection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *ConnectionApiService) PostConnection(ctx _context.Context) ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest
- func (a *ConnectionApiService) PostConnectionExecute(r ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest) (Connection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *ConnectionApiService) TestConnection(ctx _context.Context) ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest
- func (a *ConnectionApiService) TestConnectionExecute(r ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest) (ConnectionTest, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type ConnectionCollection
- func (o *ConnectionCollection) GetConnections() []ConnectionCollectionItem
- func (o *ConnectionCollection) GetConnectionsOk() (*[]ConnectionCollectionItem, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *ConnectionCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionCollection) HasConnections() bool
- func (o *ConnectionCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o ConnectionCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ConnectionCollection) SetConnections(v []ConnectionCollectionItem)
- func (o *ConnectionCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type ConnectionCollectionAllOf
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionAllOf) GetConnections() []ConnectionCollectionItem
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionAllOf) GetConnectionsOk() (*[]ConnectionCollectionItem, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionAllOf) HasConnections() bool
- func (o ConnectionCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionAllOf) SetConnections(v []ConnectionCollectionItem)
- type ConnectionCollectionItem
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetConnType() string
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetConnTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetConnectionId() string
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetConnectionIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetDescription() string
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetHost() string
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetHostOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetLogin() string
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetLoginOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetPort() int32
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetPortOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetSchema() string
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetSchemaOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasConnType() bool
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasConnectionId() bool
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasDescription() bool
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasHost() bool
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasLogin() bool
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasPort() bool
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasSchema() bool
- func (o ConnectionCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetConnType(v string)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetConnectionId(v string)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetDescription(v string)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetDescriptionNil()
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetHost(v string)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetHostNil()
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetLogin(v string)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetLoginNil()
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetPort(v int32)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetPortNil()
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetSchema(v string)
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetSchemaNil()
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetDescription()
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetHost()
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetLogin()
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetPort()
- func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetSchema()
- type ConnectionTest
- func (o *ConnectionTest) GetMessage() string
- func (o *ConnectionTest) GetMessageOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionTest) GetStatus() bool
- func (o *ConnectionTest) GetStatusOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *ConnectionTest) HasMessage() bool
- func (o *ConnectionTest) HasStatus() bool
- func (o ConnectionTest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ConnectionTest) SetMessage(v string)
- func (o *ConnectionTest) SetStatus(v bool)
- type CronExpression
- func (o *CronExpression) GetType() string
- func (o *CronExpression) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *CronExpression) GetValue() string
- func (o *CronExpression) GetValueOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o CronExpression) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *CronExpression) SetType(v string)
- func (o *CronExpression) SetValue(v string)
- type DAG
- func (o *DAG) GetDagId() string
- func (o *DAG) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetDefaultView() string
- func (o *DAG) GetDefaultViewOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetDescription() string
- func (o *DAG) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetFileToken() string
- func (o *DAG) GetFileTokenOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetFileloc() string
- func (o *DAG) GetFilelocOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetHasImportErrors() bool
- func (o *DAG) GetHasImportErrorsOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits() bool
- func (o *DAG) GetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetIsActive() bool
- func (o *DAG) GetIsActiveOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetIsPaused() bool
- func (o *DAG) GetIsPausedOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetIsSubdag() bool
- func (o *DAG) GetIsSubdagOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetLastExpired() time.Time
- func (o *DAG) GetLastExpiredOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetLastParsedTime() time.Time
- func (o *DAG) GetLastParsedTimeOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetLastPickled() time.Time
- func (o *DAG) GetLastPickledOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetMaxActiveRuns() int32
- func (o *DAG) GetMaxActiveRunsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetMaxActiveTasks() int32
- func (o *DAG) GetMaxActiveTasksOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetNextDagrun() time.Time
- func (o *DAG) GetNextDagrunCreateAfter() time.Time
- func (o *DAG) GetNextDagrunCreateAfterOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd() time.Time
- func (o *DAG) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart() time.Time
- func (o *DAG) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetNextDagrunOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetOwners() []string
- func (o *DAG) GetOwnersOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetPickleId() string
- func (o *DAG) GetPickleIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetRootDagId() string
- func (o *DAG) GetRootDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetScheduleInterval() ScheduleInterval
- func (o *DAG) GetScheduleIntervalOk() (*ScheduleInterval, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetSchedulerLock() bool
- func (o *DAG) GetSchedulerLockOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetTags() []Tag
- func (o *DAG) GetTagsOk() (*[]Tag, bool)
- func (o *DAG) GetTimetableDescription() string
- func (o *DAG) GetTimetableDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAG) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasDefaultView() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasDescription() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasFileToken() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasFileloc() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasHasImportErrors() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasHasTaskConcurrencyLimits() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasIsActive() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasIsPaused() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasIsSubdag() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasLastExpired() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasLastParsedTime() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasLastPickled() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasMaxActiveRuns() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasMaxActiveTasks() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasNextDagrun() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasNextDagrunCreateAfter() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasNextDagrunDataIntervalStart() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasOwners() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasPickleId() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasRootDagId() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasScheduleInterval() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasSchedulerLock() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasTags() bool
- func (o *DAG) HasTimetableDescription() bool
- func (o DAG) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DAG) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *DAG) SetDefaultView(v string)
- func (o *DAG) SetDefaultViewNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetDescription(v string)
- func (o *DAG) SetDescriptionNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetFileToken(v string)
- func (o *DAG) SetFileloc(v string)
- func (o *DAG) SetHasImportErrors(v bool)
- func (o *DAG) SetHasImportErrorsNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits(v bool)
- func (o *DAG) SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetIsActive(v bool)
- func (o *DAG) SetIsActiveNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetIsPaused(v bool)
- func (o *DAG) SetIsPausedNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetIsSubdag(v bool)
- func (o *DAG) SetLastExpired(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAG) SetLastExpiredNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetLastParsedTime(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAG) SetLastParsedTimeNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetLastPickled(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAG) SetLastPickledNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetMaxActiveRuns(v int32)
- func (o *DAG) SetMaxActiveRunsNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetMaxActiveTasks(v int32)
- func (o *DAG) SetMaxActiveTasksNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetNextDagrun(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAG) SetNextDagrunCreateAfter(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAG) SetNextDagrunCreateAfterNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAG) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAG) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetNextDagrunNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetOwners(v []string)
- func (o *DAG) SetPickleId(v string)
- func (o *DAG) SetPickleIdNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetRootDagId(v string)
- func (o *DAG) SetRootDagIdNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetScheduleInterval(v ScheduleInterval)
- func (o *DAG) SetScheduleIntervalNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetSchedulerLock(v bool)
- func (o *DAG) SetSchedulerLockNil()
- func (o *DAG) SetTags(v []Tag)
- func (o *DAG) SetTimetableDescription(v string)
- func (o *DAG) SetTimetableDescriptionNil()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetDefaultView()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetDescription()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetHasImportErrors()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetIsActive()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetIsPaused()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetLastExpired()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetLastParsedTime()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetLastPickled()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetMaxActiveRuns()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetMaxActiveTasks()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetNextDagrun()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetNextDagrunCreateAfter()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetPickleId()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetRootDagId()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetScheduleInterval()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetSchedulerLock()
- func (o *DAG) UnsetTimetableDescription()
- type DAGApiApiDeleteDagRequest
- type DAGApiApiGetDagDetailsRequest
- type DAGApiApiGetDagRequest
- type DAGApiApiGetDagSourceRequest
- type DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) DagIdPattern(dagIdPattern string) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) Execute() (DAGCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) Limit(limit int32) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) Offset(offset int32) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) OnlyActive(onlyActive bool) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) Tags(tags []string) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
- type DAGApiApiGetTaskRequest
- type DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest
- type DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest
- type DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) DAG(dAG DAG) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) DagIdPattern(dagIdPattern string) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) Execute() (DAGCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) Limit(limit int32) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) Offset(offset int32) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) OnlyActive(onlyActive bool) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) Tags(tags []string) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
- func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) UpdateMask(updateMask []string) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
- type DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest
- type DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest
- type DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest
- type DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest
- type DAGApiService
- func (a *DAGApiService) DeleteDag(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiDeleteDagRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) DeleteDagExecute(r DAGApiApiDeleteDagRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGApiService) GetDag(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiGetDagRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) GetDagDetails(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiGetDagDetailsRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) GetDagDetailsExecute(r DAGApiApiGetDagDetailsRequest) (DAGDetail, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGApiService) GetDagExecute(r DAGApiApiGetDagRequest) (DAG, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGApiService) GetDagSource(ctx _context.Context, fileToken string) DAGApiApiGetDagSourceRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) GetDagSourceExecute(r DAGApiApiGetDagSourceRequest) (InlineResponse2001, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGApiService) GetDags(ctx _context.Context) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) GetDagsExecute(r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) (DAGCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGApiService) GetTask(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, taskId string) DAGApiApiGetTaskRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) GetTaskExecute(r DAGApiApiGetTaskRequest) (Task, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGApiService) GetTasks(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) GetTasksExecute(r DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest) (TaskCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGApiService) PatchDag(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) PatchDagExecute(r DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest) (DAG, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGApiService) PatchDags(ctx _context.Context) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) PatchDagsExecute(r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) (DAGCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGApiService) PostClearTaskInstances(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) PostClearTaskInstancesExecute(r DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest) (TaskInstanceReferenceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGApiService) PostSetTaskInstancesState(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) PostSetTaskInstancesStateExecute(r DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest) (TaskInstanceReferenceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGApiService) SetMappedTaskInstanceNote(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string, ...) DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) SetMappedTaskInstanceNoteExecute(r DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest) (TaskInstance, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGApiService) SetTaskInstanceNote(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string) DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest
- func (a *DAGApiService) SetTaskInstanceNoteExecute(r DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest) (TaskInstance, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type DAGCollection
- func (o *DAGCollection) GetDags() []DAG
- func (o *DAGCollection) GetDagsOk() (*[]DAG, bool)
- func (o *DAGCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *DAGCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *DAGCollection) HasDags() bool
- func (o *DAGCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o DAGCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DAGCollection) SetDags(v []DAG)
- func (o *DAGCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type DAGCollectionAllOf
- type DAGDetail
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetCatchup() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetCatchupOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetConcurrency() float32
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetConcurrencyOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetDagId() string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetDagRunTimeout() TimeDelta
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetDagRunTimeoutOk() (*TimeDelta, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetDefaultView() string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetDefaultViewOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetDescription() string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetDocMd() string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetDocMdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetEndDate() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetEndDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetFileToken() string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetFileTokenOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetFileloc() string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetFilelocOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetHasImportErrors() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetHasImportErrorsOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetIsActive() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetIsActiveOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetIsPaused() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetIsPausedOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetIsPausedUponCreation() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetIsPausedUponCreationOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetIsSubdag() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetIsSubdagOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetLastExpired() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetLastExpiredOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetLastParsed() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetLastParsedOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetLastParsedTime() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetLastParsedTimeOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetLastPickled() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetLastPickledOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetMaxActiveRuns() int32
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetMaxActiveRunsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetMaxActiveTasks() int32
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetMaxActiveTasksOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetNextDagrun() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunCreateAfter() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunCreateAfterOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetOrientation() string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetOrientationOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetOwners() []string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetOwnersOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetParams() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetParamsOk() (*map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetPickleId() string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetPickleIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetRootDagId() string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetRootDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetScheduleInterval() ScheduleInterval
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetScheduleIntervalOk() (*ScheduleInterval, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetSchedulerLock() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetSchedulerLockOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetStartDate() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetStartDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetTags() []Tag
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetTagsOk() (*[]Tag, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetTemplateSearchPath() []string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetTemplateSearchPathOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetTimetableDescription() string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetTimetableDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetTimezone() string
- func (o *DAGDetail) GetTimezoneOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasCatchup() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasConcurrency() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasDagRunTimeout() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasDefaultView() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasDescription() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasDocMd() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasEndDate() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasFileToken() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasFileloc() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasHasImportErrors() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasHasTaskConcurrencyLimits() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasIsActive() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasIsPaused() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasIsPausedUponCreation() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasIsSubdag() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasLastExpired() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasLastParsed() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasLastParsedTime() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasLastPickled() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasMaxActiveRuns() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasMaxActiveTasks() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasNextDagrun() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasNextDagrunCreateAfter() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasNextDagrunDataIntervalStart() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasOrientation() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasOwners() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasParams() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasPickleId() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasRenderTemplateAsNativeObj() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasRootDagId() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasScheduleInterval() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasSchedulerLock() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasStartDate() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasTags() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasTemplateSearchPath() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasTimetableDescription() bool
- func (o *DAGDetail) HasTimezone() bool
- func (o DAGDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetCatchup(v bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetConcurrency(v float32)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetDagRunTimeout(v TimeDelta)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetDefaultView(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetDescription(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetDescriptionNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetDocMd(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetDocMdNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetEndDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetEndDateNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetFileToken(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetFileloc(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetHasImportErrors(v bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetHasImportErrorsNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits(v bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetIsActive(v bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetIsActiveNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetIsPaused(v bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetIsPausedNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetIsPausedUponCreation(v bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetIsPausedUponCreationNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetIsSubdag(v bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetLastExpired(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetLastExpiredNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetLastParsed(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetLastParsedNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetLastParsedTime(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetLastParsedTimeNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetLastPickled(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetLastPickledNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetMaxActiveRuns(v int32)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetMaxActiveRunsNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetMaxActiveTasks(v int32)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetMaxActiveTasksNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetNextDagrun(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunCreateAfter(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunCreateAfterNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetOrientation(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetOwners(v []string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetParams(v map[string]interface{})
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetPickleId(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetPickleIdNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj(v bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetRootDagId(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetRootDagIdNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetScheduleInterval(v ScheduleInterval)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetScheduleIntervalNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetSchedulerLock(v bool)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetSchedulerLockNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetStartDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetStartDateNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetTags(v []Tag)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetTemplateSearchPath(v []string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetTimetableDescription(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetTimetableDescriptionNil()
- func (o *DAGDetail) SetTimezone(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetDescription()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetDocMd()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetEndDate()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetHasImportErrors()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetIsActive()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetIsPaused()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetIsPausedUponCreation()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetLastExpired()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetLastParsed()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetLastParsedTime()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetLastPickled()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetMaxActiveRuns()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetMaxActiveTasks()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetNextDagrun()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetNextDagrunCreateAfter()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetPickleId()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetRootDagId()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetScheduleInterval()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetSchedulerLock()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetStartDate()
- func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetTimetableDescription()
- type DAGDetailAllOf
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetCatchup() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetCatchupOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetConcurrency() float32
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetConcurrencyOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetDagRunTimeout() TimeDelta
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetDagRunTimeoutOk() (*TimeDelta, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetDefaultView() string
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetDefaultViewOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetDocMd() string
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetDocMdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetEndDate() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetEndDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetIsPausedUponCreation() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetIsPausedUponCreationOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetLastParsed() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetLastParsedOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetOrientation() string
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetOrientationOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetParams() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetParamsOk() (*map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetStartDate() time.Time
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetStartDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetTemplateSearchPath() []string
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetTemplateSearchPathOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetTimezone() string
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetTimezoneOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasCatchup() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasConcurrency() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasDagRunTimeout() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasDefaultView() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasDocMd() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasEndDate() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasIsPausedUponCreation() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasLastParsed() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasOrientation() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasParams() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasRenderTemplateAsNativeObj() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasStartDate() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasTemplateSearchPath() bool
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasTimezone() bool
- func (o DAGDetailAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetCatchup(v bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetConcurrency(v float32)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetDagRunTimeout(v TimeDelta)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetDefaultView(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetDocMd(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetDocMdNil()
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetEndDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetEndDateNil()
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetIsPausedUponCreation(v bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetIsPausedUponCreationNil()
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetLastParsed(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetLastParsedNil()
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetOrientation(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetParams(v map[string]interface{})
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj(v bool)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjNil()
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetStartDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetStartDateNil()
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetTemplateSearchPath(v []string)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetTimezone(v string)
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetDocMd()
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetEndDate()
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetIsPausedUponCreation()
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetLastParsed()
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj()
- func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetStartDate()
- type DAGRun
- func (o *DAGRun) GetConf() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *DAGRun) GetConfOk() (*map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetDagId() string
- func (o *DAGRun) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetDagRunId() string
- func (o *DAGRun) GetDagRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetDataIntervalEnd() time.Time
- func (o *DAGRun) GetDataIntervalEndOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetDataIntervalStart() time.Time
- func (o *DAGRun) GetDataIntervalStartOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetEndDate() time.Time
- func (o *DAGRun) GetEndDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetExecutionDate() time.Time
- func (o *DAGRun) GetExecutionDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetExternalTrigger() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) GetExternalTriggerOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetLastSchedulingDecision() time.Time
- func (o *DAGRun) GetLastSchedulingDecisionOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetLogicalDate() time.Time
- func (o *DAGRun) GetLogicalDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetNote() string
- func (o *DAGRun) GetNoteOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetRunType() string
- func (o *DAGRun) GetRunTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetStartDate() time.Time
- func (o *DAGRun) GetStartDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) GetState() DagState
- func (o *DAGRun) GetStateOk() (*DagState, bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) HasConf() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasDagRunId() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasDataIntervalEnd() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasDataIntervalStart() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasEndDate() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasExecutionDate() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasExternalTrigger() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasLastSchedulingDecision() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasLogicalDate() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasNote() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasRunType() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasStartDate() bool
- func (o *DAGRun) HasState() bool
- func (o DAGRun) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetConf(v map[string]interface{})
- func (o *DAGRun) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetDagRunId(v string)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetDagRunIdNil()
- func (o *DAGRun) SetDataIntervalEnd(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetDataIntervalEndNil()
- func (o *DAGRun) SetDataIntervalStart(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetDataIntervalStartNil()
- func (o *DAGRun) SetEndDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetEndDateNil()
- func (o *DAGRun) SetExecutionDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetExecutionDateNil()
- func (o *DAGRun) SetExternalTrigger(v bool)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetLastSchedulingDecision(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetLastSchedulingDecisionNil()
- func (o *DAGRun) SetLogicalDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetLogicalDateNil()
- func (o *DAGRun) SetNote(v string)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetNoteNil()
- func (o *DAGRun) SetRunType(v string)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetStartDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *DAGRun) SetStartDateNil()
- func (o *DAGRun) SetState(v DagState)
- func (o *DAGRun) UnsetDagRunId()
- func (o *DAGRun) UnsetDataIntervalEnd()
- func (o *DAGRun) UnsetDataIntervalStart()
- func (o *DAGRun) UnsetEndDate()
- func (o *DAGRun) UnsetExecutionDate()
- func (o *DAGRun) UnsetLastSchedulingDecision()
- func (o *DAGRun) UnsetLogicalDate()
- func (o *DAGRun) UnsetNote()
- func (o *DAGRun) UnsetStartDate()
- type DAGRunApiApiClearDagRunRequest
- type DAGRunApiApiDeleteDagRunRequest
- type DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunRequest
- type DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest
- type DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
- func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) EndDateGte(endDateGte time.Time) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
- func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) EndDateLte(endDateLte time.Time) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
- func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) Execute() (DAGRunCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) ExecutionDateGte(executionDateGte time.Time) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
- func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) ExecutionDateLte(executionDateLte time.Time) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
- func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) Limit(limit int32) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
- func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) Offset(offset int32) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
- func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
- func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) StartDateGte(startDateGte time.Time) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
- func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) StartDateLte(startDateLte time.Time) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
- func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) State(state []string) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
- type DAGRunApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest
- type DAGRunApiApiPostDagRunRequest
- type DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest
- type DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest
- type DAGRunApiService
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) ClearDagRun(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DAGRunApiApiClearDagRunRequest
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) ClearDagRunExecute(r DAGRunApiApiClearDagRunRequest) (DAGRun, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) DeleteDagRun(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DAGRunApiApiDeleteDagRunRequest
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) DeleteDagRunExecute(r DAGRunApiApiDeleteDagRunRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetDagRun(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunRequest
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetDagRunExecute(r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunRequest) (DAGRun, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetDagRuns(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetDagRunsBatch(ctx _context.Context) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetDagRunsBatchExecute(r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest) (DAGRunCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetDagRunsExecute(r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) (DAGRunCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetUpstreamDatasetEvents(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DAGRunApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetUpstreamDatasetEventsExecute(r DAGRunApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest) (DatasetEventCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) PostDagRun(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGRunApiApiPostDagRunRequest
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) PostDagRunExecute(r DAGRunApiApiPostDagRunRequest) (DAGRun, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) SetDagRunNote(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) SetDagRunNoteExecute(r DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest) (DAGRun, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) UpdateDagRunState(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest
- func (a *DAGRunApiService) UpdateDagRunStateExecute(r DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest) (DAGRun, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type DAGRunCollection
- func (o *DAGRunCollection) GetDagRuns() []DAGRun
- func (o *DAGRunCollection) GetDagRunsOk() (*[]DAGRun, bool)
- func (o *DAGRunCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *DAGRunCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *DAGRunCollection) HasDagRuns() bool
- func (o *DAGRunCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o DAGRunCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DAGRunCollection) SetDagRuns(v []DAGRun)
- func (o *DAGRunCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type DAGRunCollectionAllOf
- type DagScheduleDatasetReference
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetCreatedAt() string
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetCreatedAtOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetDagId() string
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetUpdatedAt() string
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetUpdatedAtOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) HasCreatedAt() bool
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) HasUpdatedAt() bool
- func (o DagScheduleDatasetReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) SetCreatedAt(v string)
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) SetDagIdNil()
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) SetUpdatedAt(v string)
- func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) UnsetDagId()
- type DagState
- type DagWarning
- func (o *DagWarning) GetDagId() string
- func (o *DagWarning) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DagWarning) GetMessage() string
- func (o *DagWarning) GetMessageOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DagWarning) GetTimestamp() string
- func (o *DagWarning) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DagWarning) GetWarningType() string
- func (o *DagWarning) GetWarningTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DagWarning) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *DagWarning) HasMessage() bool
- func (o *DagWarning) HasTimestamp() bool
- func (o *DagWarning) HasWarningType() bool
- func (o DagWarning) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DagWarning) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *DagWarning) SetMessage(v string)
- func (o *DagWarning) SetTimestamp(v string)
- func (o *DagWarning) SetWarningType(v string)
- type DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
- func (r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) DagId(dagId string) DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
- func (r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) Execute() (DagWarningCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) Limit(limit int32) DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
- func (r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) Offset(offset int32) DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
- func (r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
- func (r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) WarningType(warningType string) DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
- type DagWarningApiService
- type DagWarningCollection
- func (o *DagWarningCollection) GetImportErrors() []DagWarning
- func (o *DagWarningCollection) GetImportErrorsOk() (*[]DagWarning, bool)
- func (o *DagWarningCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *DagWarningCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *DagWarningCollection) HasImportErrors() bool
- func (o *DagWarningCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o DagWarningCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DagWarningCollection) SetImportErrors(v []DagWarning)
- func (o *DagWarningCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type DagWarningCollectionAllOf
- func (o *DagWarningCollectionAllOf) GetImportErrors() []DagWarning
- func (o *DagWarningCollectionAllOf) GetImportErrorsOk() (*[]DagWarning, bool)
- func (o *DagWarningCollectionAllOf) HasImportErrors() bool
- func (o DagWarningCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DagWarningCollectionAllOf) SetImportErrors(v []DagWarning)
- type Dataset
- func (o *Dataset) GetConsumingDags() []DagScheduleDatasetReference
- func (o *Dataset) GetConsumingDagsOk() (*[]DagScheduleDatasetReference, bool)
- func (o *Dataset) GetCreatedAt() string
- func (o *Dataset) GetCreatedAtOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Dataset) GetExtra() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *Dataset) GetExtraOk() (*map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *Dataset) GetId() int32
- func (o *Dataset) GetIdOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *Dataset) GetProducingTasks() []TaskOutletDatasetReference
- func (o *Dataset) GetProducingTasksOk() (*[]TaskOutletDatasetReference, bool)
- func (o *Dataset) GetUpdatedAt() string
- func (o *Dataset) GetUpdatedAtOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Dataset) GetUri() string
- func (o *Dataset) GetUriOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Dataset) HasConsumingDags() bool
- func (o *Dataset) HasCreatedAt() bool
- func (o *Dataset) HasExtra() bool
- func (o *Dataset) HasId() bool
- func (o *Dataset) HasProducingTasks() bool
- func (o *Dataset) HasUpdatedAt() bool
- func (o *Dataset) HasUri() bool
- func (o Dataset) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Dataset) SetConsumingDags(v []DagScheduleDatasetReference)
- func (o *Dataset) SetCreatedAt(v string)
- func (o *Dataset) SetExtra(v map[string]interface{})
- func (o *Dataset) SetId(v int32)
- func (o *Dataset) SetProducingTasks(v []TaskOutletDatasetReference)
- func (o *Dataset) SetUpdatedAt(v string)
- func (o *Dataset) SetUri(v string)
- type DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) DatasetId(datasetId int32) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) Execute() (DatasetEventCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) Limit(limit int32) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) Offset(offset int32) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) SourceDagId(sourceDagId string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) SourceMapIndex(sourceMapIndex int32) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) SourceRunId(sourceRunId string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) SourceTaskId(sourceTaskId string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
- type DatasetApiApiGetDatasetRequest
- type DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) Execute() (DatasetCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) Limit(limit int32) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) Offset(offset int32) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest
- func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) UriPattern(uriPattern string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest
- type DatasetApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest
- type DatasetApiService
- func (a *DatasetApiService) GetDataset(ctx _context.Context, uri string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetRequest
- func (a *DatasetApiService) GetDatasetEvents(ctx _context.Context) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
- func (a *DatasetApiService) GetDatasetEventsExecute(r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) (DatasetEventCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DatasetApiService) GetDatasetExecute(r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetRequest) (Dataset, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DatasetApiService) GetDatasets(ctx _context.Context) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest
- func (a *DatasetApiService) GetDatasetsExecute(r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) (DatasetCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *DatasetApiService) GetUpstreamDatasetEvents(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DatasetApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest
- func (a *DatasetApiService) GetUpstreamDatasetEventsExecute(r DatasetApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest) (DatasetEventCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type DatasetCollection
- func (o *DatasetCollection) GetDatasets() []Dataset
- func (o *DatasetCollection) GetDatasetsOk() (*[]Dataset, bool)
- func (o *DatasetCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *DatasetCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *DatasetCollection) HasDatasets() bool
- func (o *DatasetCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o DatasetCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DatasetCollection) SetDatasets(v []Dataset)
- func (o *DatasetCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type DatasetCollectionAllOf
- type DatasetEvent
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetCreatedDagruns() []BasicDAGRun
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetCreatedDagrunsOk() (*[]BasicDAGRun, bool)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetDatasetId() int32
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetDatasetIdOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetDatasetUri() string
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetDatasetUriOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetExtra() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetExtraOk() (*map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceDagId() string
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceMapIndex() int32
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceMapIndexOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceRunId() string
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceTaskId() string
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetTimestamp() string
- func (o *DatasetEvent) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) HasCreatedDagruns() bool
- func (o *DatasetEvent) HasDatasetId() bool
- func (o *DatasetEvent) HasDatasetUri() bool
- func (o *DatasetEvent) HasExtra() bool
- func (o *DatasetEvent) HasSourceDagId() bool
- func (o *DatasetEvent) HasSourceMapIndex() bool
- func (o *DatasetEvent) HasSourceRunId() bool
- func (o *DatasetEvent) HasSourceTaskId() bool
- func (o *DatasetEvent) HasTimestamp() bool
- func (o DatasetEvent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetCreatedDagruns(v []BasicDAGRun)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetDatasetId(v int32)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetDatasetUri(v string)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetExtra(v map[string]interface{})
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceDagId(v string)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceDagIdNil()
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceMapIndex(v int32)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceMapIndexNil()
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceRunId(v string)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceRunIdNil()
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceTaskId(v string)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceTaskIdNil()
- func (o *DatasetEvent) SetTimestamp(v string)
- func (o *DatasetEvent) UnsetSourceDagId()
- func (o *DatasetEvent) UnsetSourceMapIndex()
- func (o *DatasetEvent) UnsetSourceRunId()
- func (o *DatasetEvent) UnsetSourceTaskId()
- type DatasetEventCollection
- func (o *DatasetEventCollection) GetDatasetEvents() []DatasetEvent
- func (o *DatasetEventCollection) GetDatasetEventsOk() (*[]DatasetEvent, bool)
- func (o *DatasetEventCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *DatasetEventCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *DatasetEventCollection) HasDatasetEvents() bool
- func (o *DatasetEventCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o DatasetEventCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DatasetEventCollection) SetDatasetEvents(v []DatasetEvent)
- func (o *DatasetEventCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type DatasetEventCollectionAllOf
- func (o *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) GetDatasetEvents() []DatasetEvent
- func (o *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) GetDatasetEventsOk() (*[]DatasetEvent, bool)
- func (o *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) HasDatasetEvents() bool
- func (o DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) SetDatasetEvents(v []DatasetEvent)
- type Error
- func (o *Error) GetDetail() string
- func (o *Error) GetDetailOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Error) GetInstance() string
- func (o *Error) GetInstanceOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Error) GetStatus() float32
- func (o *Error) GetStatusOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *Error) GetTitle() string
- func (o *Error) GetTitleOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Error) GetType() string
- func (o *Error) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Error) HasDetail() bool
- func (o *Error) HasInstance() bool
- func (o Error) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Error) SetDetail(v string)
- func (o *Error) SetInstance(v string)
- func (o *Error) SetStatus(v float32)
- func (o *Error) SetTitle(v string)
- func (o *Error) SetType(v string)
- type EventLog
- func (o *EventLog) GetDagId() string
- func (o *EventLog) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *EventLog) GetEvent() string
- func (o *EventLog) GetEventLogId() int32
- func (o *EventLog) GetEventLogIdOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *EventLog) GetEventOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *EventLog) GetExecutionDate() time.Time
- func (o *EventLog) GetExecutionDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *EventLog) GetExtra() string
- func (o *EventLog) GetExtraOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *EventLog) GetOwner() string
- func (o *EventLog) GetOwnerOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *EventLog) GetTaskId() string
- func (o *EventLog) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *EventLog) GetWhen() time.Time
- func (o *EventLog) GetWhenOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *EventLog) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *EventLog) HasEvent() bool
- func (o *EventLog) HasEventLogId() bool
- func (o *EventLog) HasExecutionDate() bool
- func (o *EventLog) HasExtra() bool
- func (o *EventLog) HasOwner() bool
- func (o *EventLog) HasTaskId() bool
- func (o *EventLog) HasWhen() bool
- func (o EventLog) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *EventLog) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *EventLog) SetDagIdNil()
- func (o *EventLog) SetEvent(v string)
- func (o *EventLog) SetEventLogId(v int32)
- func (o *EventLog) SetExecutionDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *EventLog) SetExecutionDateNil()
- func (o *EventLog) SetExtra(v string)
- func (o *EventLog) SetExtraNil()
- func (o *EventLog) SetOwner(v string)
- func (o *EventLog) SetTaskId(v string)
- func (o *EventLog) SetTaskIdNil()
- func (o *EventLog) SetWhen(v time.Time)
- func (o *EventLog) UnsetDagId()
- func (o *EventLog) UnsetExecutionDate()
- func (o *EventLog) UnsetExtra()
- func (o *EventLog) UnsetTaskId()
- type EventLogApiApiGetEventLogRequest
- type EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest
- func (r EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) Execute() (EventLogCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) Limit(limit int32) EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest
- func (r EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) Offset(offset int32) EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest
- func (r EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest
- type EventLogApiService
- func (a *EventLogApiService) GetEventLog(ctx _context.Context, eventLogId int32) EventLogApiApiGetEventLogRequest
- func (a *EventLogApiService) GetEventLogExecute(r EventLogApiApiGetEventLogRequest) (EventLog, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *EventLogApiService) GetEventLogs(ctx _context.Context) EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest
- func (a *EventLogApiService) GetEventLogsExecute(r EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) (EventLogCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type EventLogCollection
- func (o *EventLogCollection) GetEventLogs() []EventLog
- func (o *EventLogCollection) GetEventLogsOk() (*[]EventLog, bool)
- func (o *EventLogCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *EventLogCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *EventLogCollection) HasEventLogs() bool
- func (o *EventLogCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o EventLogCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *EventLogCollection) SetEventLogs(v []EventLog)
- func (o *EventLogCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type EventLogCollectionAllOf
- func (o *EventLogCollectionAllOf) GetEventLogs() []EventLog
- func (o *EventLogCollectionAllOf) GetEventLogsOk() (*[]EventLog, bool)
- func (o *EventLogCollectionAllOf) HasEventLogs() bool
- func (o EventLogCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *EventLogCollectionAllOf) SetEventLogs(v []EventLog)
- type ExtraLink
- func (o *ExtraLink) GetClassRef() ClassReference
- func (o *ExtraLink) GetClassRefOk() (*ClassReference, bool)
- func (o *ExtraLink) GetHref() string
- func (o *ExtraLink) GetHrefOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ExtraLink) GetName() string
- func (o *ExtraLink) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ExtraLink) HasClassRef() bool
- func (o *ExtraLink) HasHref() bool
- func (o *ExtraLink) HasName() bool
- func (o ExtraLink) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ExtraLink) SetClassRef(v ClassReference)
- func (o *ExtraLink) SetHref(v string)
- func (o *ExtraLink) SetName(v string)
- type ExtraLinkCollection
- type GenericOpenAPIError
- type HealthInfo
- func (o *HealthInfo) GetMetadatabase() MetadatabaseStatus
- func (o *HealthInfo) GetMetadatabaseOk() (*MetadatabaseStatus, bool)
- func (o *HealthInfo) GetScheduler() SchedulerStatus
- func (o *HealthInfo) GetSchedulerOk() (*SchedulerStatus, bool)
- func (o *HealthInfo) HasMetadatabase() bool
- func (o *HealthInfo) HasScheduler() bool
- func (o HealthInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *HealthInfo) SetMetadatabase(v MetadatabaseStatus)
- func (o *HealthInfo) SetScheduler(v SchedulerStatus)
- type HealthStatus
- type ImportError
- func (o *ImportError) GetFilename() string
- func (o *ImportError) GetFilenameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ImportError) GetImportErrorId() int32
- func (o *ImportError) GetImportErrorIdOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *ImportError) GetStackTrace() string
- func (o *ImportError) GetStackTraceOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ImportError) GetTimestamp() string
- func (o *ImportError) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ImportError) HasFilename() bool
- func (o *ImportError) HasImportErrorId() bool
- func (o *ImportError) HasStackTrace() bool
- func (o *ImportError) HasTimestamp() bool
- func (o ImportError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ImportError) SetFilename(v string)
- func (o *ImportError) SetImportErrorId(v int32)
- func (o *ImportError) SetStackTrace(v string)
- func (o *ImportError) SetTimestamp(v string)
- type ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorRequest
- type ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest
- func (r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) Execute() (ImportErrorCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) Limit(limit int32) ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest
- func (r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) Offset(offset int32) ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest
- func (r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest
- type ImportErrorApiService
- func (a *ImportErrorApiService) GetImportError(ctx _context.Context, importErrorId int32) ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorRequest
- func (a *ImportErrorApiService) GetImportErrorExecute(r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorRequest) (ImportError, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *ImportErrorApiService) GetImportErrors(ctx _context.Context) ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest
- func (a *ImportErrorApiService) GetImportErrorsExecute(r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) (ImportErrorCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type ImportErrorCollection
- func (o *ImportErrorCollection) GetImportErrors() []ImportError
- func (o *ImportErrorCollection) GetImportErrorsOk() (*[]ImportError, bool)
- func (o *ImportErrorCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *ImportErrorCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *ImportErrorCollection) HasImportErrors() bool
- func (o *ImportErrorCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o ImportErrorCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ImportErrorCollection) SetImportErrors(v []ImportError)
- func (o *ImportErrorCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type ImportErrorCollectionAllOf
- func (o *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) GetImportErrors() []ImportError
- func (o *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) GetImportErrorsOk() (*[]ImportError, bool)
- func (o *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) HasImportErrors() bool
- func (o ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) SetImportErrors(v []ImportError)
- type InlineResponse200
- func (o *InlineResponse200) GetContent() string
- func (o *InlineResponse200) GetContentOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *InlineResponse200) GetContinuationToken() string
- func (o *InlineResponse200) GetContinuationTokenOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *InlineResponse200) HasContent() bool
- func (o *InlineResponse200) HasContinuationToken() bool
- func (o InlineResponse200) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *InlineResponse200) SetContent(v string)
- func (o *InlineResponse200) SetContinuationToken(v string)
- type InlineResponse2001
- type Job
- func (o *Job) GetDagId() string
- func (o *Job) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Job) GetEndDate() string
- func (o *Job) GetEndDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Job) GetExecutorClass() string
- func (o *Job) GetExecutorClassOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Job) GetHostname() string
- func (o *Job) GetHostnameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Job) GetId() int32
- func (o *Job) GetIdOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *Job) GetJobType() string
- func (o *Job) GetJobTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Job) GetLatestHeartbeat() string
- func (o *Job) GetLatestHeartbeatOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Job) GetStartDate() string
- func (o *Job) GetStartDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Job) GetState() string
- func (o *Job) GetStateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Job) GetUnixname() string
- func (o *Job) GetUnixnameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Job) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *Job) HasEndDate() bool
- func (o *Job) HasExecutorClass() bool
- func (o *Job) HasHostname() bool
- func (o *Job) HasId() bool
- func (o *Job) HasJobType() bool
- func (o *Job) HasLatestHeartbeat() bool
- func (o *Job) HasStartDate() bool
- func (o *Job) HasState() bool
- func (o *Job) HasUnixname() bool
- func (o Job) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Job) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *Job) SetDagIdNil()
- func (o *Job) SetEndDate(v string)
- func (o *Job) SetEndDateNil()
- func (o *Job) SetExecutorClass(v string)
- func (o *Job) SetExecutorClassNil()
- func (o *Job) SetHostname(v string)
- func (o *Job) SetHostnameNil()
- func (o *Job) SetId(v int32)
- func (o *Job) SetJobType(v string)
- func (o *Job) SetJobTypeNil()
- func (o *Job) SetLatestHeartbeat(v string)
- func (o *Job) SetLatestHeartbeatNil()
- func (o *Job) SetStartDate(v string)
- func (o *Job) SetStartDateNil()
- func (o *Job) SetState(v string)
- func (o *Job) SetStateNil()
- func (o *Job) SetUnixname(v string)
- func (o *Job) SetUnixnameNil()
- func (o *Job) UnsetDagId()
- func (o *Job) UnsetEndDate()
- func (o *Job) UnsetExecutorClass()
- func (o *Job) UnsetHostname()
- func (o *Job) UnsetJobType()
- func (o *Job) UnsetLatestHeartbeat()
- func (o *Job) UnsetStartDate()
- func (o *Job) UnsetState()
- func (o *Job) UnsetUnixname()
- type ListDagRunsForm
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetDagIds() []string
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetDagIdsOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetEndDateGte() time.Time
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetEndDateGteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetEndDateLte() time.Time
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetEndDateLteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetExecutionDateGte() time.Time
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetExecutionDateGteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetExecutionDateLte() time.Time
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetExecutionDateLteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetOrderBy() string
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetOrderByOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetPageLimit() int32
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetPageLimitOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetPageOffset() int32
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetPageOffsetOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetStartDateGte() time.Time
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetStartDateGteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetStartDateLte() time.Time
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetStartDateLteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetStates() []string
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetStatesOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasDagIds() bool
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasEndDateGte() bool
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasEndDateLte() bool
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasExecutionDateGte() bool
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasExecutionDateLte() bool
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasOrderBy() bool
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasPageLimit() bool
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasPageOffset() bool
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasStartDateGte() bool
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasStartDateLte() bool
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasStates() bool
- func (o ListDagRunsForm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetDagIds(v []string)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetEndDateGte(v time.Time)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetEndDateLte(v time.Time)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetExecutionDateGte(v time.Time)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetExecutionDateLte(v time.Time)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetOrderBy(v string)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetPageLimit(v int32)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetPageOffset(v int32)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetStartDateGte(v time.Time)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetStartDateLte(v time.Time)
- func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetStates(v []string)
- type ListTaskInstanceForm
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDagIds() []string
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDagIdsOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDurationGte() float32
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDurationGteOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDurationLte() float32
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDurationLteOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetEndDateGte() time.Time
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetEndDateGteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetEndDateLte() time.Time
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetEndDateLteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetExecutionDateGte() time.Time
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetExecutionDateGteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetExecutionDateLte() time.Time
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetExecutionDateLteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetPool() []string
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetPoolOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetQueue() []string
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetQueueOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStartDateGte() time.Time
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStartDateGteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStartDateLte() time.Time
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStartDateLteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetState() []TaskState
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStateOk() (*[]TaskState, bool)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasDagIds() bool
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasDurationGte() bool
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasDurationLte() bool
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasEndDateGte() bool
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasEndDateLte() bool
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasExecutionDateGte() bool
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasExecutionDateLte() bool
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasPool() bool
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasQueue() bool
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasStartDateGte() bool
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasStartDateLte() bool
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasState() bool
- func (o ListTaskInstanceForm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetDagIds(v []string)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetDurationGte(v float32)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetDurationLte(v float32)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetEndDateGte(v time.Time)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetEndDateLte(v time.Time)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetExecutionDateGte(v time.Time)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetExecutionDateLte(v time.Time)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetPool(v []string)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetQueue(v []string)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetStartDateGte(v time.Time)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetStartDateLte(v time.Time)
- func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetState(v []TaskState)
- type MetadatabaseStatus
- type MonitoringApiApiGetHealthRequest
- type MonitoringApiApiGetVersionRequest
- type MonitoringApiService
- func (a *MonitoringApiService) GetHealth(ctx _context.Context) MonitoringApiApiGetHealthRequest
- func (a *MonitoringApiService) GetHealthExecute(r MonitoringApiApiGetHealthRequest) (HealthInfo, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *MonitoringApiService) GetVersion(ctx _context.Context) MonitoringApiApiGetVersionRequest
- func (a *MonitoringApiService) GetVersionExecute(r MonitoringApiApiGetVersionRequest) (VersionInfo, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type NullableAction
- type NullableActionCollection
- func (v NullableActionCollection) Get() *ActionCollection
- func (v NullableActionCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableActionCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableActionCollection) Set(val *ActionCollection)
- func (v *NullableActionCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableActionCollection) Unset()
- type NullableActionCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableActionCollectionAllOf) Get() *ActionCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableActionCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableActionCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableActionCollectionAllOf) Set(val *ActionCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableActionCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableActionCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableActionResource
- func (v NullableActionResource) Get() *ActionResource
- func (v NullableActionResource) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableActionResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableActionResource) Set(val *ActionResource)
- func (v *NullableActionResource) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableActionResource) Unset()
- type NullableBasicDAGRun
- func (v NullableBasicDAGRun) Get() *BasicDAGRun
- func (v NullableBasicDAGRun) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableBasicDAGRun) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableBasicDAGRun) Set(val *BasicDAGRun)
- func (v *NullableBasicDAGRun) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableBasicDAGRun) Unset()
- type NullableBool
- type NullableClassReference
- func (v NullableClassReference) Get() *ClassReference
- func (v NullableClassReference) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableClassReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableClassReference) Set(val *ClassReference)
- func (v *NullableClassReference) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableClassReference) Unset()
- type NullableClearDagRun
- func (v NullableClearDagRun) Get() *ClearDagRun
- func (v NullableClearDagRun) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableClearDagRun) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableClearDagRun) Set(val *ClearDagRun)
- func (v *NullableClearDagRun) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableClearDagRun) Unset()
- type NullableClearTaskInstance
- func (v NullableClearTaskInstance) Get() *ClearTaskInstance
- func (v NullableClearTaskInstance) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableClearTaskInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableClearTaskInstance) Set(val *ClearTaskInstance)
- func (v *NullableClearTaskInstance) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableClearTaskInstance) Unset()
- type NullableClearTaskInstances
- func (v NullableClearTaskInstances) Get() *ClearTaskInstances
- func (v NullableClearTaskInstances) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableClearTaskInstances) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableClearTaskInstances) Set(val *ClearTaskInstances)
- func (v *NullableClearTaskInstances) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableClearTaskInstances) Unset()
- type NullableCollectionInfo
- func (v NullableCollectionInfo) Get() *CollectionInfo
- func (v NullableCollectionInfo) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableCollectionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableCollectionInfo) Set(val *CollectionInfo)
- func (v *NullableCollectionInfo) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableCollectionInfo) Unset()
- type NullableConfig
- type NullableConfigOption
- func (v NullableConfigOption) Get() *ConfigOption
- func (v NullableConfigOption) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableConfigOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableConfigOption) Set(val *ConfigOption)
- func (v *NullableConfigOption) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableConfigOption) Unset()
- type NullableConfigSection
- func (v NullableConfigSection) Get() *ConfigSection
- func (v NullableConfigSection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableConfigSection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableConfigSection) Set(val *ConfigSection)
- func (v *NullableConfigSection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableConfigSection) Unset()
- type NullableConnection
- type NullableConnectionAllOf
- func (v NullableConnectionAllOf) Get() *ConnectionAllOf
- func (v NullableConnectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableConnectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableConnectionAllOf) Set(val *ConnectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableConnectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableConnectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableConnectionCollection
- func (v NullableConnectionCollection) Get() *ConnectionCollection
- func (v NullableConnectionCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableConnectionCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableConnectionCollection) Set(val *ConnectionCollection)
- func (v *NullableConnectionCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableConnectionCollection) Unset()
- type NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) Get() *ConnectionCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) Set(val *ConnectionCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableConnectionCollectionItem
- func (v NullableConnectionCollectionItem) Get() *ConnectionCollectionItem
- func (v NullableConnectionCollectionItem) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableConnectionCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableConnectionCollectionItem) Set(val *ConnectionCollectionItem)
- func (v *NullableConnectionCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableConnectionCollectionItem) Unset()
- type NullableConnectionTest
- func (v NullableConnectionTest) Get() *ConnectionTest
- func (v NullableConnectionTest) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableConnectionTest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableConnectionTest) Set(val *ConnectionTest)
- func (v *NullableConnectionTest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableConnectionTest) Unset()
- type NullableCronExpression
- func (v NullableCronExpression) Get() *CronExpression
- func (v NullableCronExpression) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableCronExpression) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableCronExpression) Set(val *CronExpression)
- func (v *NullableCronExpression) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableCronExpression) Unset()
- type NullableDAG
- type NullableDAGCollection
- func (v NullableDAGCollection) Get() *DAGCollection
- func (v NullableDAGCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDAGCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDAGCollection) Set(val *DAGCollection)
- func (v *NullableDAGCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDAGCollection) Unset()
- type NullableDAGCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) Get() *DAGCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) Set(val *DAGCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableDAGDetail
- type NullableDAGDetailAllOf
- func (v NullableDAGDetailAllOf) Get() *DAGDetailAllOf
- func (v NullableDAGDetailAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDAGDetailAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDAGDetailAllOf) Set(val *DAGDetailAllOf)
- func (v *NullableDAGDetailAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDAGDetailAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableDAGRun
- type NullableDAGRunCollection
- func (v NullableDAGRunCollection) Get() *DAGRunCollection
- func (v NullableDAGRunCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDAGRunCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDAGRunCollection) Set(val *DAGRunCollection)
- func (v *NullableDAGRunCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDAGRunCollection) Unset()
- type NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) Get() *DAGRunCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) Set(val *DAGRunCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference
- func (v NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) Get() *DagScheduleDatasetReference
- func (v NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) Set(val *DagScheduleDatasetReference)
- func (v *NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) Unset()
- type NullableDagState
- type NullableDagWarning
- type NullableDagWarningCollection
- func (v NullableDagWarningCollection) Get() *DagWarningCollection
- func (v NullableDagWarningCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDagWarningCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDagWarningCollection) Set(val *DagWarningCollection)
- func (v *NullableDagWarningCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDagWarningCollection) Unset()
- type NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) Get() *DagWarningCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) Set(val *DagWarningCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableDataset
- type NullableDatasetCollection
- func (v NullableDatasetCollection) Get() *DatasetCollection
- func (v NullableDatasetCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDatasetCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDatasetCollection) Set(val *DatasetCollection)
- func (v *NullableDatasetCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDatasetCollection) Unset()
- type NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) Get() *DatasetCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) Set(val *DatasetCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableDatasetEvent
- func (v NullableDatasetEvent) Get() *DatasetEvent
- func (v NullableDatasetEvent) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDatasetEvent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDatasetEvent) Set(val *DatasetEvent)
- func (v *NullableDatasetEvent) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDatasetEvent) Unset()
- type NullableDatasetEventCollection
- func (v NullableDatasetEventCollection) Get() *DatasetEventCollection
- func (v NullableDatasetEventCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDatasetEventCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDatasetEventCollection) Set(val *DatasetEventCollection)
- func (v *NullableDatasetEventCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDatasetEventCollection) Unset()
- type NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) Get() *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) Set(val *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableError
- type NullableEventLog
- type NullableEventLogCollection
- func (v NullableEventLogCollection) Get() *EventLogCollection
- func (v NullableEventLogCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableEventLogCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableEventLogCollection) Set(val *EventLogCollection)
- func (v *NullableEventLogCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableEventLogCollection) Unset()
- type NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) Get() *EventLogCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) Set(val *EventLogCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableExtraLink
- type NullableExtraLinkCollection
- func (v NullableExtraLinkCollection) Get() *ExtraLinkCollection
- func (v NullableExtraLinkCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableExtraLinkCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableExtraLinkCollection) Set(val *ExtraLinkCollection)
- func (v *NullableExtraLinkCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableExtraLinkCollection) Unset()
- type NullableFloat32
- type NullableFloat64
- type NullableHealthInfo
- type NullableHealthStatus
- func (v NullableHealthStatus) Get() *HealthStatus
- func (v NullableHealthStatus) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableHealthStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableHealthStatus) Set(val *HealthStatus)
- func (v *NullableHealthStatus) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableHealthStatus) Unset()
- type NullableImportError
- func (v NullableImportError) Get() *ImportError
- func (v NullableImportError) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableImportError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableImportError) Set(val *ImportError)
- func (v *NullableImportError) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableImportError) Unset()
- type NullableImportErrorCollection
- func (v NullableImportErrorCollection) Get() *ImportErrorCollection
- func (v NullableImportErrorCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableImportErrorCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableImportErrorCollection) Set(val *ImportErrorCollection)
- func (v *NullableImportErrorCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableImportErrorCollection) Unset()
- type NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) Get() *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) Set(val *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableInlineResponse200
- func (v NullableInlineResponse200) Get() *InlineResponse200
- func (v NullableInlineResponse200) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableInlineResponse200) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableInlineResponse200) Set(val *InlineResponse200)
- func (v *NullableInlineResponse200) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableInlineResponse200) Unset()
- type NullableInlineResponse2001
- func (v NullableInlineResponse2001) Get() *InlineResponse2001
- func (v NullableInlineResponse2001) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableInlineResponse2001) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableInlineResponse2001) Set(val *InlineResponse2001)
- func (v *NullableInlineResponse2001) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableInlineResponse2001) Unset()
- type NullableInt
- type NullableInt32
- type NullableInt64
- type NullableJob
- type NullableListDagRunsForm
- func (v NullableListDagRunsForm) Get() *ListDagRunsForm
- func (v NullableListDagRunsForm) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableListDagRunsForm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableListDagRunsForm) Set(val *ListDagRunsForm)
- func (v *NullableListDagRunsForm) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableListDagRunsForm) Unset()
- type NullableListTaskInstanceForm
- func (v NullableListTaskInstanceForm) Get() *ListTaskInstanceForm
- func (v NullableListTaskInstanceForm) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableListTaskInstanceForm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableListTaskInstanceForm) Set(val *ListTaskInstanceForm)
- func (v *NullableListTaskInstanceForm) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableListTaskInstanceForm) Unset()
- type NullableMetadatabaseStatus
- func (v NullableMetadatabaseStatus) Get() *MetadatabaseStatus
- func (v NullableMetadatabaseStatus) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableMetadatabaseStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableMetadatabaseStatus) Set(val *MetadatabaseStatus)
- func (v *NullableMetadatabaseStatus) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableMetadatabaseStatus) Unset()
- type NullablePluginCollection
- func (v NullablePluginCollection) Get() *PluginCollection
- func (v NullablePluginCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullablePluginCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullablePluginCollection) Set(val *PluginCollection)
- func (v *NullablePluginCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullablePluginCollection) Unset()
- type NullablePluginCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) Get() *PluginCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) Set(val *PluginCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullablePluginCollectionItem
- func (v NullablePluginCollectionItem) Get() *PluginCollectionItem
- func (v NullablePluginCollectionItem) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullablePluginCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullablePluginCollectionItem) Set(val *PluginCollectionItem)
- func (v *NullablePluginCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullablePluginCollectionItem) Unset()
- type NullablePool
- type NullablePoolCollection
- func (v NullablePoolCollection) Get() *PoolCollection
- func (v NullablePoolCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullablePoolCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullablePoolCollection) Set(val *PoolCollection)
- func (v *NullablePoolCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullablePoolCollection) Unset()
- type NullablePoolCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) Get() *PoolCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) Set(val *PoolCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableProvider
- type NullableProviderCollection
- func (v NullableProviderCollection) Get() *ProviderCollection
- func (v NullableProviderCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableProviderCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableProviderCollection) Set(val *ProviderCollection)
- func (v *NullableProviderCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableProviderCollection) Unset()
- type NullableRelativeDelta
- func (v NullableRelativeDelta) Get() *RelativeDelta
- func (v NullableRelativeDelta) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableRelativeDelta) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableRelativeDelta) Set(val *RelativeDelta)
- func (v *NullableRelativeDelta) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableRelativeDelta) Unset()
- type NullableResource
- type NullableRole
- type NullableRoleCollection
- func (v NullableRoleCollection) Get() *RoleCollection
- func (v NullableRoleCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableRoleCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableRoleCollection) Set(val *RoleCollection)
- func (v *NullableRoleCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableRoleCollection) Unset()
- type NullableRoleCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) Get() *RoleCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) Set(val *RoleCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableSLAMiss
- type NullableScheduleInterval
- func (v NullableScheduleInterval) Get() *ScheduleInterval
- func (v NullableScheduleInterval) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableScheduleInterval) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableScheduleInterval) Set(val *ScheduleInterval)
- func (v *NullableScheduleInterval) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableScheduleInterval) Unset()
- type NullableSchedulerStatus
- func (v NullableSchedulerStatus) Get() *SchedulerStatus
- func (v NullableSchedulerStatus) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableSchedulerStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableSchedulerStatus) Set(val *SchedulerStatus)
- func (v *NullableSchedulerStatus) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableSchedulerStatus) Unset()
- type NullableSetDagRunNote
- func (v NullableSetDagRunNote) Get() *SetDagRunNote
- func (v NullableSetDagRunNote) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableSetDagRunNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableSetDagRunNote) Set(val *SetDagRunNote)
- func (v *NullableSetDagRunNote) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableSetDagRunNote) Unset()
- type NullableSetTaskInstanceNote
- func (v NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) Get() *SetTaskInstanceNote
- func (v NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) Set(val *SetTaskInstanceNote)
- func (v *NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) Unset()
- type NullableString
- type NullableTag
- type NullableTask
- type NullableTaskCollection
- func (v NullableTaskCollection) Get() *TaskCollection
- func (v NullableTaskCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableTaskCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableTaskCollection) Set(val *TaskCollection)
- func (v *NullableTaskCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableTaskCollection) Unset()
- type NullableTaskExtraLinks
- func (v NullableTaskExtraLinks) Get() *TaskExtraLinks
- func (v NullableTaskExtraLinks) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableTaskExtraLinks) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableTaskExtraLinks) Set(val *TaskExtraLinks)
- func (v *NullableTaskExtraLinks) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableTaskExtraLinks) Unset()
- type NullableTaskInstance
- func (v NullableTaskInstance) Get() *TaskInstance
- func (v NullableTaskInstance) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableTaskInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableTaskInstance) Set(val *TaskInstance)
- func (v *NullableTaskInstance) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableTaskInstance) Unset()
- type NullableTaskInstanceCollection
- func (v NullableTaskInstanceCollection) Get() *TaskInstanceCollection
- func (v NullableTaskInstanceCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableTaskInstanceCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableTaskInstanceCollection) Set(val *TaskInstanceCollection)
- func (v *NullableTaskInstanceCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableTaskInstanceCollection) Unset()
- type NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) Get() *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) Set(val *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableTaskInstanceReference
- func (v NullableTaskInstanceReference) Get() *TaskInstanceReference
- func (v NullableTaskInstanceReference) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableTaskInstanceReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableTaskInstanceReference) Set(val *TaskInstanceReference)
- func (v *NullableTaskInstanceReference) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableTaskInstanceReference) Unset()
- type NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection
- func (v NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) Get() *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection
- func (v NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) Set(val *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection)
- func (v *NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) Unset()
- type NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference
- func (v NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) Get() *TaskOutletDatasetReference
- func (v NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) Set(val *TaskOutletDatasetReference)
- func (v *NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) Unset()
- type NullableTaskState
- type NullableTime
- type NullableTimeDelta
- type NullableTrigger
- type NullableTriggerRule
- func (v NullableTriggerRule) Get() *TriggerRule
- func (v NullableTriggerRule) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableTriggerRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableTriggerRule) Set(val *TriggerRule)
- func (v *NullableTriggerRule) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableTriggerRule) Unset()
- type NullableUpdateDagRunState
- func (v NullableUpdateDagRunState) Get() *UpdateDagRunState
- func (v NullableUpdateDagRunState) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateDagRunState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateDagRunState) Set(val *UpdateDagRunState)
- func (v *NullableUpdateDagRunState) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateDagRunState) Unset()
- type NullableUpdateTaskInstance
- func (v NullableUpdateTaskInstance) Get() *UpdateTaskInstance
- func (v NullableUpdateTaskInstance) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateTaskInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateTaskInstance) Set(val *UpdateTaskInstance)
- func (v *NullableUpdateTaskInstance) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateTaskInstance) Unset()
- type NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState
- func (v NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) Get() *UpdateTaskInstancesState
- func (v NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) Set(val *UpdateTaskInstancesState)
- func (v *NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) Unset()
- type NullableUser
- type NullableUserAllOf
- type NullableUserCollection
- func (v NullableUserCollection) Get() *UserCollection
- func (v NullableUserCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUserCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUserCollection) Set(val *UserCollection)
- func (v *NullableUserCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUserCollection) Unset()
- type NullableUserCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableUserCollectionAllOf) Get() *UserCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableUserCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUserCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUserCollectionAllOf) Set(val *UserCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableUserCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUserCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableUserCollectionItem
- func (v NullableUserCollectionItem) Get() *UserCollectionItem
- func (v NullableUserCollectionItem) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUserCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUserCollectionItem) Set(val *UserCollectionItem)
- func (v *NullableUserCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUserCollectionItem) Unset()
- type NullableUserCollectionItemRoles
- func (v NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) Get() *UserCollectionItemRoles
- func (v NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) Set(val *UserCollectionItemRoles)
- func (v *NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) Unset()
- type NullableVariable
- type NullableVariableAllOf
- func (v NullableVariableAllOf) Get() *VariableAllOf
- func (v NullableVariableAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableVariableAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableVariableAllOf) Set(val *VariableAllOf)
- func (v *NullableVariableAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableVariableAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableVariableCollection
- func (v NullableVariableCollection) Get() *VariableCollection
- func (v NullableVariableCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableVariableCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableVariableCollection) Set(val *VariableCollection)
- func (v *NullableVariableCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableVariableCollection) Unset()
- type NullableVariableCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) Get() *VariableCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) Set(val *VariableCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableVariableCollectionItem
- func (v NullableVariableCollectionItem) Get() *VariableCollectionItem
- func (v NullableVariableCollectionItem) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableVariableCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableVariableCollectionItem) Set(val *VariableCollectionItem)
- func (v *NullableVariableCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableVariableCollectionItem) Unset()
- type NullableVersionInfo
- func (v NullableVersionInfo) Get() *VersionInfo
- func (v NullableVersionInfo) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableVersionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableVersionInfo) Set(val *VersionInfo)
- func (v *NullableVersionInfo) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableVersionInfo) Unset()
- type NullableWeightRule
- type NullableXCom
- type NullableXComAllOf
- type NullableXComCollection
- func (v NullableXComCollection) Get() *XComCollection
- func (v NullableXComCollection) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableXComCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableXComCollection) Set(val *XComCollection)
- func (v *NullableXComCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableXComCollection) Unset()
- type NullableXComCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableXComCollectionAllOf) Get() *XComCollectionAllOf
- func (v NullableXComCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableXComCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableXComCollectionAllOf) Set(val *XComCollectionAllOf)
- func (v *NullableXComCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableXComCollectionAllOf) Unset()
- type NullableXComCollectionItem
- func (v NullableXComCollectionItem) Get() *XComCollectionItem
- func (v NullableXComCollectionItem) IsSet() bool
- func (v NullableXComCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (v *NullableXComCollectionItem) Set(val *XComCollectionItem)
- func (v *NullableXComCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
- func (v *NullableXComCollectionItem) Unset()
- type PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest
- func (r PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest) Execute() (ActionCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest) Limit(limit int32) PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest
- func (r PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest) Offset(offset int32) PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest
- type PermissionApiService
- type PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest
- type PluginApiService
- type PluginCollection
- func (o *PluginCollection) GetPlugins() []PluginCollectionItem
- func (o *PluginCollection) GetPluginsOk() (*[]PluginCollectionItem, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *PluginCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollection) HasPlugins() bool
- func (o *PluginCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o PluginCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *PluginCollection) SetPlugins(v []PluginCollectionItem)
- func (o *PluginCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type PluginCollectionAllOf
- func (o *PluginCollectionAllOf) GetPlugins() []PluginCollectionItem
- func (o *PluginCollectionAllOf) GetPluginsOk() (*[]PluginCollectionItem, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollectionAllOf) HasPlugins() bool
- func (o PluginCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *PluginCollectionAllOf) SetPlugins(v []PluginCollectionItem)
- type PluginCollectionItem
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetAppbuilderMenuItems() []*map[string]interface{}
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetAppbuilderMenuItemsOk() (*[]*map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetAppbuilderViews() []*map[string]interface{}
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetAppbuilderViewsOk() (*[]*map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetExecutors() []*string
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetExecutorsOk() (*[]*string, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetFlaskBlueprints() []*map[string]interface{}
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetFlaskBlueprintsOk() (*[]*map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetGlobalOperatorExtraLinks() []*map[string]interface{}
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetGlobalOperatorExtraLinksOk() (*[]*map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetHooks() []*string
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetHooksOk() (*[]*string, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetMacros() []*map[string]interface{}
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetMacrosOk() (*[]*map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetName() string
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetOperatorExtraLinks() []*map[string]interface{}
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetOperatorExtraLinksOk() (*[]*map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetSource() string
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetSourceOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasAppbuilderMenuItems() bool
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasAppbuilderViews() bool
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasExecutors() bool
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasFlaskBlueprints() bool
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasGlobalOperatorExtraLinks() bool
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasHooks() bool
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasMacros() bool
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasName() bool
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasOperatorExtraLinks() bool
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasSource() bool
- func (o PluginCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetAppbuilderMenuItems(v []*map[string]interface{})
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetAppbuilderViews(v []*map[string]interface{})
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetExecutors(v []*string)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetFlaskBlueprints(v []*map[string]interface{})
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetGlobalOperatorExtraLinks(v []*map[string]interface{})
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetHooks(v []*string)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetMacros(v []*map[string]interface{})
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetName(v string)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetOperatorExtraLinks(v []*map[string]interface{})
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetSource(v string)
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetSourceNil()
- func (o *PluginCollectionItem) UnsetSource()
- type Pool
- func (o *Pool) GetDescription() string
- func (o *Pool) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Pool) GetName() string
- func (o *Pool) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Pool) GetOccupiedSlots() int32
- func (o *Pool) GetOccupiedSlotsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *Pool) GetOpenSlots() int32
- func (o *Pool) GetOpenSlotsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *Pool) GetQueuedSlots() int32
- func (o *Pool) GetQueuedSlotsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *Pool) GetSlots() int32
- func (o *Pool) GetSlotsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *Pool) GetUsedSlots() int32
- func (o *Pool) GetUsedSlotsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *Pool) HasDescription() bool
- func (o *Pool) HasName() bool
- func (o *Pool) HasOccupiedSlots() bool
- func (o *Pool) HasOpenSlots() bool
- func (o *Pool) HasQueuedSlots() bool
- func (o *Pool) HasSlots() bool
- func (o *Pool) HasUsedSlots() bool
- func (o Pool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Pool) SetDescription(v string)
- func (o *Pool) SetDescriptionNil()
- func (o *Pool) SetName(v string)
- func (o *Pool) SetOccupiedSlots(v int32)
- func (o *Pool) SetOpenSlots(v int32)
- func (o *Pool) SetQueuedSlots(v int32)
- func (o *Pool) SetSlots(v int32)
- func (o *Pool) SetUsedSlots(v int32)
- func (o *Pool) UnsetDescription()
- type PoolApiApiDeletePoolRequest
- type PoolApiApiGetPoolRequest
- type PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest
- func (r PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) Execute() (PoolCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) Limit(limit int32) PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest
- func (r PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) Offset(offset int32) PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest
- func (r PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest
- type PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest
- type PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest
- type PoolApiService
- func (a *PoolApiService) DeletePool(ctx _context.Context, poolName string) PoolApiApiDeletePoolRequest
- func (a *PoolApiService) DeletePoolExecute(r PoolApiApiDeletePoolRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *PoolApiService) GetPool(ctx _context.Context, poolName string) PoolApiApiGetPoolRequest
- func (a *PoolApiService) GetPoolExecute(r PoolApiApiGetPoolRequest) (Pool, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *PoolApiService) GetPools(ctx _context.Context) PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest
- func (a *PoolApiService) GetPoolsExecute(r PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) (PoolCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *PoolApiService) PatchPool(ctx _context.Context, poolName string) PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest
- func (a *PoolApiService) PatchPoolExecute(r PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest) (Pool, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *PoolApiService) PostPool(ctx _context.Context) PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest
- func (a *PoolApiService) PostPoolExecute(r PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest) (Pool, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type PoolCollection
- func (o *PoolCollection) GetPools() []Pool
- func (o *PoolCollection) GetPoolsOk() (*[]Pool, bool)
- func (o *PoolCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *PoolCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *PoolCollection) HasPools() bool
- func (o *PoolCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o PoolCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *PoolCollection) SetPools(v []Pool)
- func (o *PoolCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type PoolCollectionAllOf
- type Provider
- func (o *Provider) GetDescription() string
- func (o *Provider) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Provider) GetPackageName() string
- func (o *Provider) GetPackageNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Provider) GetVersion() string
- func (o *Provider) GetVersionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Provider) HasDescription() bool
- func (o *Provider) HasPackageName() bool
- func (o *Provider) HasVersion() bool
- func (o Provider) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Provider) SetDescription(v string)
- func (o *Provider) SetPackageName(v string)
- func (o *Provider) SetVersion(v string)
- type ProviderApiApiGetProvidersRequest
- type ProviderApiService
- type ProviderCollection
- type RelativeDelta
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetDay() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetDayOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetDays() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetDaysOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetHour() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetHourOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetHours() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetHoursOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetLeapdays() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetLeapdaysOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMicrosecond() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMicrosecondOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMicroseconds() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMicrosecondsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMinute() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMinuteOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMinutes() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMinutesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMonth() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMonthOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMonths() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMonthsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetSecond() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetSecondOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetSeconds() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetSecondsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetType() string
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetYear() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetYearOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetYears() int32
- func (o *RelativeDelta) GetYearsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o RelativeDelta) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetDay(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetDays(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetHour(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetHours(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetLeapdays(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetMicrosecond(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetMicroseconds(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetMinute(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetMinutes(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetMonth(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetMonths(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetSecond(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetSeconds(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetType(v string)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetYear(v int32)
- func (o *RelativeDelta) SetYears(v int32)
- type Resource
- type Role
- func (o *Role) GetActions() []ActionResource
- func (o *Role) GetActionsOk() (*[]ActionResource, bool)
- func (o *Role) GetName() string
- func (o *Role) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Role) HasActions() bool
- func (o *Role) HasName() bool
- func (o Role) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Role) SetActions(v []ActionResource)
- func (o *Role) SetName(v string)
- type RoleApiApiDeleteRoleRequest
- type RoleApiApiGetRoleRequest
- type RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest
- func (r RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) Execute() (RoleCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) Limit(limit int32) RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest
- func (r RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) Offset(offset int32) RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest
- func (r RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest
- type RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest
- type RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest
- type RoleApiService
- func (a *RoleApiService) DeleteRole(ctx _context.Context, roleName string) RoleApiApiDeleteRoleRequest
- func (a *RoleApiService) DeleteRoleExecute(r RoleApiApiDeleteRoleRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *RoleApiService) GetRole(ctx _context.Context, roleName string) RoleApiApiGetRoleRequest
- func (a *RoleApiService) GetRoleExecute(r RoleApiApiGetRoleRequest) (Role, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *RoleApiService) GetRoles(ctx _context.Context) RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest
- func (a *RoleApiService) GetRolesExecute(r RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) (RoleCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *RoleApiService) PatchRole(ctx _context.Context, roleName string) RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest
- func (a *RoleApiService) PatchRoleExecute(r RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest) (Role, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *RoleApiService) PostRole(ctx _context.Context) RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest
- func (a *RoleApiService) PostRoleExecute(r RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest) (Role, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type RoleCollection
- func (o *RoleCollection) GetRoles() []Role
- func (o *RoleCollection) GetRolesOk() (*[]Role, bool)
- func (o *RoleCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *RoleCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *RoleCollection) HasRoles() bool
- func (o *RoleCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o RoleCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *RoleCollection) SetRoles(v []Role)
- func (o *RoleCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type RoleCollectionAllOf
- type SLAMiss
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetDagId() string
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetDescription() string
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetEmailSent() bool
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetEmailSentOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetExecutionDate() string
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetExecutionDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetNotificationSent() bool
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetNotificationSentOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetTaskId() string
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetTimestamp() string
- func (o *SLAMiss) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *SLAMiss) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *SLAMiss) HasDescription() bool
- func (o *SLAMiss) HasEmailSent() bool
- func (o *SLAMiss) HasExecutionDate() bool
- func (o *SLAMiss) HasNotificationSent() bool
- func (o *SLAMiss) HasTaskId() bool
- func (o *SLAMiss) HasTimestamp() bool
- func (o SLAMiss) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *SLAMiss) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *SLAMiss) SetDescription(v string)
- func (o *SLAMiss) SetDescriptionNil()
- func (o *SLAMiss) SetEmailSent(v bool)
- func (o *SLAMiss) SetExecutionDate(v string)
- func (o *SLAMiss) SetNotificationSent(v bool)
- func (o *SLAMiss) SetTaskId(v string)
- func (o *SLAMiss) SetTimestamp(v string)
- func (o *SLAMiss) UnsetDescription()
- type ScheduleInterval
- type SchedulerStatus
- func (o *SchedulerStatus) GetLatestSchedulerHeartbeat() string
- func (o *SchedulerStatus) GetLatestSchedulerHeartbeatOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *SchedulerStatus) GetStatus() HealthStatus
- func (o *SchedulerStatus) GetStatusOk() (*HealthStatus, bool)
- func (o *SchedulerStatus) HasLatestSchedulerHeartbeat() bool
- func (o *SchedulerStatus) HasStatus() bool
- func (o SchedulerStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *SchedulerStatus) SetLatestSchedulerHeartbeat(v string)
- func (o *SchedulerStatus) SetLatestSchedulerHeartbeatNil()
- func (o *SchedulerStatus) SetStatus(v HealthStatus)
- func (o *SchedulerStatus) UnsetLatestSchedulerHeartbeat()
- type ServerConfiguration
- type ServerConfigurations
- type ServerVariable
- type SetDagRunNote
- type SetTaskInstanceNote
- type Tag
- type Task
- func (o *Task) GetClassRef() ClassReference
- func (o *Task) GetClassRefOk() (*ClassReference, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetDependsOnPast() bool
- func (o *Task) GetDependsOnPastOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetDownstreamTaskIds() []string
- func (o *Task) GetDownstreamTaskIdsOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetEndDate() time.Time
- func (o *Task) GetEndDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetExecutionTimeout() TimeDelta
- func (o *Task) GetExecutionTimeoutOk() (*TimeDelta, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetExtraLinks() []TaskExtraLinks
- func (o *Task) GetExtraLinksOk() (*[]TaskExtraLinks, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetIsMapped() bool
- func (o *Task) GetIsMappedOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetOwner() string
- func (o *Task) GetOwnerOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetPool() string
- func (o *Task) GetPoolOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetPoolSlots() float32
- func (o *Task) GetPoolSlotsOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetPriorityWeight() float32
- func (o *Task) GetPriorityWeightOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetQueue() string
- func (o *Task) GetQueueOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetRetries() float32
- func (o *Task) GetRetriesOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetRetryDelay() TimeDelta
- func (o *Task) GetRetryDelayOk() (*TimeDelta, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetRetryExponentialBackoff() bool
- func (o *Task) GetRetryExponentialBackoffOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetStartDate() time.Time
- func (o *Task) GetStartDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetSubDag() DAG
- func (o *Task) GetSubDagOk() (*DAG, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetTaskId() string
- func (o *Task) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetTemplateFields() []string
- func (o *Task) GetTemplateFieldsOk() (*[]string, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetTriggerRule() TriggerRule
- func (o *Task) GetTriggerRuleOk() (*TriggerRule, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetUiColor() string
- func (o *Task) GetUiColorOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetUiFgcolor() string
- func (o *Task) GetUiFgcolorOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetWaitForDownstream() bool
- func (o *Task) GetWaitForDownstreamOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetWeightRule() WeightRule
- func (o *Task) GetWeightRuleOk() (*WeightRule, bool)
- func (o *Task) HasClassRef() bool
- func (o *Task) HasDependsOnPast() bool
- func (o *Task) HasDownstreamTaskIds() bool
- func (o *Task) HasEndDate() bool
- func (o *Task) HasExecutionTimeout() bool
- func (o *Task) HasExtraLinks() bool
- func (o *Task) HasIsMapped() bool
- func (o *Task) HasOwner() bool
- func (o *Task) HasPool() bool
- func (o *Task) HasPoolSlots() bool
- func (o *Task) HasPriorityWeight() bool
- func (o *Task) HasQueue() bool
- func (o *Task) HasRetries() bool
- func (o *Task) HasRetryDelay() bool
- func (o *Task) HasRetryExponentialBackoff() bool
- func (o *Task) HasStartDate() bool
- func (o *Task) HasSubDag() bool
- func (o *Task) HasTaskId() bool
- func (o *Task) HasTemplateFields() bool
- func (o *Task) HasTriggerRule() bool
- func (o *Task) HasUiColor() bool
- func (o *Task) HasUiFgcolor() bool
- func (o *Task) HasWaitForDownstream() bool
- func (o *Task) HasWeightRule() bool
- func (o Task) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Task) SetClassRef(v ClassReference)
- func (o *Task) SetDependsOnPast(v bool)
- func (o *Task) SetDownstreamTaskIds(v []string)
- func (o *Task) SetEndDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *Task) SetEndDateNil()
- func (o *Task) SetExecutionTimeout(v TimeDelta)
- func (o *Task) SetExtraLinks(v []TaskExtraLinks)
- func (o *Task) SetIsMapped(v bool)
- func (o *Task) SetOwner(v string)
- func (o *Task) SetPool(v string)
- func (o *Task) SetPoolSlots(v float32)
- func (o *Task) SetPriorityWeight(v float32)
- func (o *Task) SetQueue(v string)
- func (o *Task) SetQueueNil()
- func (o *Task) SetRetries(v float32)
- func (o *Task) SetRetryDelay(v TimeDelta)
- func (o *Task) SetRetryExponentialBackoff(v bool)
- func (o *Task) SetStartDate(v time.Time)
- func (o *Task) SetSubDag(v DAG)
- func (o *Task) SetTaskId(v string)
- func (o *Task) SetTemplateFields(v []string)
- func (o *Task) SetTriggerRule(v TriggerRule)
- func (o *Task) SetUiColor(v string)
- func (o *Task) SetUiFgcolor(v string)
- func (o *Task) SetWaitForDownstream(v bool)
- func (o *Task) SetWeightRule(v WeightRule)
- func (o *Task) UnsetEndDate()
- func (o *Task) UnsetQueue()
- type TaskCollection
- type TaskExtraLinks
- type TaskInstance
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetDagId() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetDagRunId() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetDagRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetDuration() float32
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetDurationOk() (*float32, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetEndDate() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetEndDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetExecutionDate() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetExecutionDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetExecutorConfig() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetExecutorConfigOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetHostname() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetHostnameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetMapIndex() int32
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetMapIndexOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetMaxTries() int32
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetMaxTriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetNote() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetNoteOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetOperator() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetOperatorOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetPid() int32
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetPidOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetPool() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetPoolOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetPoolSlots() int32
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetPoolSlotsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetPriorityWeight() int32
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetPriorityWeightOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetQueue() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetQueueOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetQueuedWhen() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetQueuedWhenOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetRenderedFields() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetRenderedFieldsOk() (*map[string]interface{}, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetSlaMiss() SLAMiss
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetSlaMissOk() (*SLAMiss, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetStartDate() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetStartDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetState() TaskState
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetStateOk() (*TaskState, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetTaskId() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetTrigger() Trigger
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetTriggerOk() (*Trigger, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetTriggererJob() Job
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetTriggererJobOk() (*Job, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetTryNumber() int32
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetTryNumberOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetUnixname() string
- func (o *TaskInstance) GetUnixnameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasDagRunId() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasDuration() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasEndDate() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasExecutionDate() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasExecutorConfig() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasHostname() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasMapIndex() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasMaxTries() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasNote() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasOperator() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasPid() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasPool() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasPoolSlots() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasPriorityWeight() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasQueue() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasQueuedWhen() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasRenderedFields() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasSlaMiss() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasStartDate() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasState() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasTaskId() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasTrigger() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasTriggererJob() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasTryNumber() bool
- func (o *TaskInstance) HasUnixname() bool
- func (o TaskInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetDagRunId(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetDuration(v float32)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetDurationNil()
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetEndDate(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetEndDateNil()
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetExecutionDate(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetExecutorConfig(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetHostname(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetMapIndex(v int32)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetMaxTries(v int32)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetNote(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetNoteNil()
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetOperator(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetOperatorNil()
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetPid(v int32)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetPidNil()
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetPool(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetPoolSlots(v int32)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetPriorityWeight(v int32)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetPriorityWeightNil()
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetQueue(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetQueueNil()
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetQueuedWhen(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetQueuedWhenNil()
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetRenderedFields(v map[string]interface{})
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetSlaMiss(v SLAMiss)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetSlaMissNil()
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetStartDate(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetStartDateNil()
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetState(v TaskState)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetTaskId(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetTrigger(v Trigger)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetTriggererJob(v Job)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetTryNumber(v int32)
- func (o *TaskInstance) SetUnixname(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetDuration()
- func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetEndDate()
- func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetNote()
- func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetOperator()
- func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetPid()
- func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetPriorityWeight()
- func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetQueue()
- func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetQueuedWhen()
- func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetSlaMiss()
- func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetStartDate()
- type TaskInstanceApiApiGetExtraLinksRequest
- type TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) Execute() (InlineResponse200, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) FullContent(fullContent bool) TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) MapIndex(mapIndex int32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) Token(token string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest
- type TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstanceRequest
- type TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) DurationGte(durationGte float32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) DurationLte(durationLte float32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) EndDateGte(endDateGte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) EndDateLte(endDateLte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Execute() (TaskInstanceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) ExecutionDateGte(executionDateGte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) ExecutionDateLte(executionDateLte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Limit(limit int32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Offset(offset int32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Pool(pool []string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Queue(queue []string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) StartDateGte(startDateGte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) StartDateLte(startDateLte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) State(state []string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- type TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstanceRequest
- type TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest
- type TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) DurationGte(durationGte float32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) DurationLte(durationLte float32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) EndDateGte(endDateGte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) EndDateLte(endDateLte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Execute() (TaskInstanceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) ExecutionDateGte(executionDateGte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) ExecutionDateLte(executionDateLte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Limit(limit int32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Offset(offset int32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Pool(pool []string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Queue(queue []string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) StartDateGte(startDateGte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) StartDateLte(startDateLte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) State(state []string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- type TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest
- type TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest
- type TaskInstanceApiService
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetExtraLinks(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetExtraLinksRequest
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetExtraLinksExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetExtraLinksRequest) (ExtraLinkCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetLog(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string, ...) TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetLogExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) (InlineResponse200, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetMappedTaskInstance(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string, ...) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstanceRequest
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetMappedTaskInstanceExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstanceRequest) (TaskInstance, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetMappedTaskInstances(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetMappedTaskInstancesExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) (TaskInstanceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstance(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstanceRequest
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstanceExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstanceRequest) (TaskInstance, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstances(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstancesBatch(ctx _context.Context) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstancesBatchExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest) (TaskInstanceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstancesExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) (TaskInstanceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) PatchMappedTaskInstance(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string, ...) TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) PatchMappedTaskInstanceExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest) (TaskInstanceReference, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) PatchTaskInstance(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string) TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest
- func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) PatchTaskInstanceExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest) (TaskInstanceReference, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type TaskInstanceCollection
- func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) GetTaskInstances() []TaskInstance
- func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) GetTaskInstancesOk() (*[]TaskInstance, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) HasTaskInstances() bool
- func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o TaskInstanceCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) SetTaskInstances(v []TaskInstance)
- func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- type TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf
- func (o *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) GetTaskInstances() []TaskInstance
- func (o *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) GetTaskInstancesOk() (*[]TaskInstance, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) HasTaskInstances() bool
- func (o TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) SetTaskInstances(v []TaskInstance)
- type TaskInstanceReference
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetDagId() string
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetDagRunId() string
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetDagRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetExecutionDate() string
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetExecutionDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetTaskId() string
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) HasDagRunId() bool
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) HasExecutionDate() bool
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) HasTaskId() bool
- func (o TaskInstanceReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) SetDagRunId(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) SetExecutionDate(v string)
- func (o *TaskInstanceReference) SetTaskId(v string)
- type TaskInstanceReferenceCollection
- func (o *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) GetTaskInstances() []TaskInstanceReference
- func (o *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) GetTaskInstancesOk() (*[]TaskInstanceReference, bool)
- func (o *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) HasTaskInstances() bool
- func (o TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) SetTaskInstances(v []TaskInstanceReference)
- type TaskOutletDatasetReference
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetCreatedAt() string
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetCreatedAtOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetDagId() string
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetTaskId() string
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetUpdatedAt() string
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetUpdatedAtOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) HasCreatedAt() bool
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) HasTaskId() bool
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) HasUpdatedAt() bool
- func (o TaskOutletDatasetReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetCreatedAt(v string)
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetDagIdNil()
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetTaskId(v string)
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetTaskIdNil()
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetUpdatedAt(v string)
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) UnsetDagId()
- func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) UnsetTaskId()
- type TaskState
- type TimeDelta
- func (o *TimeDelta) GetDays() int32
- func (o *TimeDelta) GetDaysOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *TimeDelta) GetMicroseconds() int32
- func (o *TimeDelta) GetMicrosecondsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *TimeDelta) GetSeconds() int32
- func (o *TimeDelta) GetSecondsOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *TimeDelta) GetType() string
- func (o *TimeDelta) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o TimeDelta) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *TimeDelta) SetDays(v int32)
- func (o *TimeDelta) SetMicroseconds(v int32)
- func (o *TimeDelta) SetSeconds(v int32)
- func (o *TimeDelta) SetType(v string)
- type Trigger
- func (o *Trigger) GetClasspath() string
- func (o *Trigger) GetClasspathOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Trigger) GetCreatedDate() string
- func (o *Trigger) GetCreatedDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Trigger) GetId() int32
- func (o *Trigger) GetIdOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *Trigger) GetKwargs() string
- func (o *Trigger) GetKwargsOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Trigger) GetTriggererId() int32
- func (o *Trigger) GetTriggererIdOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *Trigger) HasClasspath() bool
- func (o *Trigger) HasCreatedDate() bool
- func (o *Trigger) HasId() bool
- func (o *Trigger) HasKwargs() bool
- func (o *Trigger) HasTriggererId() bool
- func (o Trigger) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Trigger) SetClasspath(v string)
- func (o *Trigger) SetCreatedDate(v string)
- func (o *Trigger) SetId(v int32)
- func (o *Trigger) SetKwargs(v string)
- func (o *Trigger) SetTriggererId(v int32)
- func (o *Trigger) SetTriggererIdNil()
- func (o *Trigger) UnsetTriggererId()
- type TriggerRule
- type UpdateDagRunState
- type UpdateTaskInstance
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) GetDryRun() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) GetDryRunOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) GetNewState() string
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) GetNewStateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) HasDryRun() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) HasNewState() bool
- func (o UpdateTaskInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) SetDryRun(v bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) SetNewState(v string)
- type UpdateTaskInstancesState
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetDagRunId() string
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetDagRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetDryRun() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetDryRunOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetExecutionDate() string
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetExecutionDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeDownstream() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeDownstreamOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeFuture() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeFutureOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludePast() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludePastOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeUpstream() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeUpstreamOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetNewState() string
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetNewStateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetTaskId() string
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasDagRunId() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasDryRun() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasExecutionDate() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasIncludeDownstream() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasIncludeFuture() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasIncludePast() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasIncludeUpstream() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasNewState() bool
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasTaskId() bool
- func (o UpdateTaskInstancesState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetDagRunId(v string)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetDryRun(v bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetExecutionDate(v string)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetIncludeDownstream(v bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetIncludeFuture(v bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetIncludePast(v bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetIncludeUpstream(v bool)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetNewState(v string)
- func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetTaskId(v string)
- type User
- func (o *User) GetActive() bool
- func (o *User) GetActiveOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *User) GetChangedOn() string
- func (o *User) GetChangedOnOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetCreatedOn() string
- func (o *User) GetCreatedOnOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetEmail() string
- func (o *User) GetEmailOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetFailedLoginCount() int32
- func (o *User) GetFailedLoginCountOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *User) GetFirstName() string
- func (o *User) GetFirstNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetLastLogin() string
- func (o *User) GetLastLoginOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetLastName() string
- func (o *User) GetLastNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetLoginCount() int32
- func (o *User) GetLoginCountOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *User) GetPassword() string
- func (o *User) GetPasswordOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) GetRoles() []UserCollectionItemRoles
- func (o *User) GetRolesOk() (*[]UserCollectionItemRoles, bool)
- func (o *User) GetUsername() string
- func (o *User) GetUsernameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *User) HasActive() bool
- func (o *User) HasChangedOn() bool
- func (o *User) HasCreatedOn() bool
- func (o *User) HasEmail() bool
- func (o *User) HasFailedLoginCount() bool
- func (o *User) HasFirstName() bool
- func (o *User) HasLastLogin() bool
- func (o *User) HasLastName() bool
- func (o *User) HasLoginCount() bool
- func (o *User) HasPassword() bool
- func (o *User) HasRoles() bool
- func (o *User) HasUsername() bool
- func (o User) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *User) SetActive(v bool)
- func (o *User) SetActiveNil()
- func (o *User) SetChangedOn(v string)
- func (o *User) SetChangedOnNil()
- func (o *User) SetCreatedOn(v string)
- func (o *User) SetCreatedOnNil()
- func (o *User) SetEmail(v string)
- func (o *User) SetFailedLoginCount(v int32)
- func (o *User) SetFailedLoginCountNil()
- func (o *User) SetFirstName(v string)
- func (o *User) SetLastLogin(v string)
- func (o *User) SetLastLoginNil()
- func (o *User) SetLastName(v string)
- func (o *User) SetLoginCount(v int32)
- func (o *User) SetLoginCountNil()
- func (o *User) SetPassword(v string)
- func (o *User) SetRoles(v []UserCollectionItemRoles)
- func (o *User) SetUsername(v string)
- func (o *User) UnsetActive()
- func (o *User) UnsetChangedOn()
- func (o *User) UnsetCreatedOn()
- func (o *User) UnsetFailedLoginCount()
- func (o *User) UnsetLastLogin()
- func (o *User) UnsetLoginCount()
- type UserAllOf
- type UserApiApiDeleteUserRequest
- type UserApiApiGetUserRequest
- type UserApiApiGetUsersRequest
- func (r UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) Execute() (UserCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) Limit(limit int32) UserApiApiGetUsersRequest
- func (r UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) Offset(offset int32) UserApiApiGetUsersRequest
- func (r UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) UserApiApiGetUsersRequest
- type UserApiApiPatchUserRequest
- type UserApiApiPostUserRequest
- type UserApiService
- func (a *UserApiService) DeleteUser(ctx _context.Context, username string) UserApiApiDeleteUserRequest
- func (a *UserApiService) DeleteUserExecute(r UserApiApiDeleteUserRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *UserApiService) GetUser(ctx _context.Context, username string) UserApiApiGetUserRequest
- func (a *UserApiService) GetUserExecute(r UserApiApiGetUserRequest) (UserCollectionItem, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *UserApiService) GetUsers(ctx _context.Context) UserApiApiGetUsersRequest
- func (a *UserApiService) GetUsersExecute(r UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) (UserCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *UserApiService) PatchUser(ctx _context.Context, username string) UserApiApiPatchUserRequest
- func (a *UserApiService) PatchUserExecute(r UserApiApiPatchUserRequest) (Role, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *UserApiService) PostUser(ctx _context.Context) UserApiApiPostUserRequest
- func (a *UserApiService) PostUserExecute(r UserApiApiPostUserRequest) (User, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type UserCollection
- func (o *UserCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *UserCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *UserCollection) GetUsers() []UserCollectionItem
- func (o *UserCollection) GetUsersOk() (*[]UserCollectionItem, bool)
- func (o *UserCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o *UserCollection) HasUsers() bool
- func (o UserCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *UserCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- func (o *UserCollection) SetUsers(v []UserCollectionItem)
- type UserCollectionAllOf
- func (o *UserCollectionAllOf) GetUsers() []UserCollectionItem
- func (o *UserCollectionAllOf) GetUsersOk() (*[]UserCollectionItem, bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionAllOf) HasUsers() bool
- func (o UserCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *UserCollectionAllOf) SetUsers(v []UserCollectionItem)
- type UserCollectionItem
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetActive() bool
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetActiveOk() (*bool, bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetChangedOn() string
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetChangedOnOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetCreatedOn() string
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetCreatedOnOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetEmail() string
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetEmailOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetFailedLoginCount() int32
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetFailedLoginCountOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetFirstName() string
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetFirstNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetLastLogin() string
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetLastLoginOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetLastName() string
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetLastNameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetLoginCount() int32
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetLoginCountOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetRoles() []UserCollectionItemRoles
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetRolesOk() (*[]UserCollectionItemRoles, bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetUsername() string
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetUsernameOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasActive() bool
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasChangedOn() bool
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasCreatedOn() bool
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasEmail() bool
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasFailedLoginCount() bool
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasFirstName() bool
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasLastLogin() bool
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasLastName() bool
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasLoginCount() bool
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasRoles() bool
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasUsername() bool
- func (o UserCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetActive(v bool)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetActiveNil()
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetChangedOn(v string)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetChangedOnNil()
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetCreatedOn(v string)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetCreatedOnNil()
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetEmail(v string)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetFailedLoginCount(v int32)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetFailedLoginCountNil()
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetFirstName(v string)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetLastLogin(v string)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetLastLoginNil()
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetLastName(v string)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetLoginCount(v int32)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetLoginCountNil()
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetRoles(v []UserCollectionItemRoles)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetUsername(v string)
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) UnsetActive()
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) UnsetChangedOn()
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) UnsetCreatedOn()
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) UnsetFailedLoginCount()
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) UnsetLastLogin()
- func (o *UserCollectionItem) UnsetLoginCount()
- type UserCollectionItemRoles
- type Variable
- func (o *Variable) GetDescription() string
- func (o *Variable) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Variable) GetKey() string
- func (o *Variable) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Variable) GetValue() string
- func (o *Variable) GetValueOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *Variable) HasDescription() bool
- func (o *Variable) HasKey() bool
- func (o *Variable) HasValue() bool
- func (o Variable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *Variable) SetDescription(v string)
- func (o *Variable) SetDescriptionNil()
- func (o *Variable) SetKey(v string)
- func (o *Variable) SetValue(v string)
- func (o *Variable) UnsetDescription()
- type VariableAllOf
- type VariableApiApiDeleteVariableRequest
- type VariableApiApiGetVariableRequest
- type VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest
- func (r VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) Execute() (VariableCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) Limit(limit int32) VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest
- func (r VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) Offset(offset int32) VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest
- func (r VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest
- type VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest
- func (r VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest) Execute() (Variable, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (r VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest) UpdateMask(updateMask []string) VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest
- func (r VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest) Variable(variable Variable) VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest
- type VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest
- type VariableApiService
- func (a *VariableApiService) DeleteVariable(ctx _context.Context, variableKey string) VariableApiApiDeleteVariableRequest
- func (a *VariableApiService) DeleteVariableExecute(r VariableApiApiDeleteVariableRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *VariableApiService) GetVariable(ctx _context.Context, variableKey string) VariableApiApiGetVariableRequest
- func (a *VariableApiService) GetVariableExecute(r VariableApiApiGetVariableRequest) (Variable, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *VariableApiService) GetVariables(ctx _context.Context) VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest
- func (a *VariableApiService) GetVariablesExecute(r VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) (VariableCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *VariableApiService) PatchVariable(ctx _context.Context, variableKey string) VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest
- func (a *VariableApiService) PatchVariableExecute(r VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest) (Variable, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *VariableApiService) PostVariables(ctx _context.Context) VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest
- func (a *VariableApiService) PostVariablesExecute(r VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest) (Variable, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type VariableCollection
- func (o *VariableCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *VariableCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *VariableCollection) GetVariables() []VariableCollectionItem
- func (o *VariableCollection) GetVariablesOk() (*[]VariableCollectionItem, bool)
- func (o *VariableCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o *VariableCollection) HasVariables() bool
- func (o VariableCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *VariableCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- func (o *VariableCollection) SetVariables(v []VariableCollectionItem)
- type VariableCollectionAllOf
- func (o *VariableCollectionAllOf) GetVariables() []VariableCollectionItem
- func (o *VariableCollectionAllOf) GetVariablesOk() (*[]VariableCollectionItem, bool)
- func (o *VariableCollectionAllOf) HasVariables() bool
- func (o VariableCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *VariableCollectionAllOf) SetVariables(v []VariableCollectionItem)
- type VariableCollectionItem
- func (o *VariableCollectionItem) GetDescription() string
- func (o *VariableCollectionItem) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *VariableCollectionItem) GetKey() string
- func (o *VariableCollectionItem) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *VariableCollectionItem) HasDescription() bool
- func (o *VariableCollectionItem) HasKey() bool
- func (o VariableCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *VariableCollectionItem) SetDescription(v string)
- func (o *VariableCollectionItem) SetDescriptionNil()
- func (o *VariableCollectionItem) SetKey(v string)
- func (o *VariableCollectionItem) UnsetDescription()
- type VersionInfo
- func (o *VersionInfo) GetGitVersion() string
- func (o *VersionInfo) GetGitVersionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *VersionInfo) GetVersion() string
- func (o *VersionInfo) GetVersionOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *VersionInfo) HasGitVersion() bool
- func (o *VersionInfo) HasVersion() bool
- func (o VersionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *VersionInfo) SetGitVersion(v string)
- func (o *VersionInfo) SetGitVersionNil()
- func (o *VersionInfo) SetVersion(v string)
- func (o *VersionInfo) UnsetGitVersion()
- type WeightRule
- type XCom
- func (o *XCom) GetDagId() string
- func (o *XCom) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *XCom) GetExecutionDate() string
- func (o *XCom) GetExecutionDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *XCom) GetKey() string
- func (o *XCom) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *XCom) GetTaskId() string
- func (o *XCom) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *XCom) GetTimestamp() string
- func (o *XCom) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *XCom) GetValue() string
- func (o *XCom) GetValueOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *XCom) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *XCom) HasExecutionDate() bool
- func (o *XCom) HasKey() bool
- func (o *XCom) HasTaskId() bool
- func (o *XCom) HasTimestamp() bool
- func (o *XCom) HasValue() bool
- func (o XCom) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *XCom) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *XCom) SetExecutionDate(v string)
- func (o *XCom) SetKey(v string)
- func (o *XCom) SetTaskId(v string)
- func (o *XCom) SetTimestamp(v string)
- func (o *XCom) SetValue(v string)
- type XComAllOf
- type XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest
- type XComApiApiGetXcomEntryRequest
- type XComApiService
- func (a *XComApiService) GetXcomEntries(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string) XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest
- func (a *XComApiService) GetXcomEntriesExecute(r XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest) (XComCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- func (a *XComApiService) GetXcomEntry(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string, ...) XComApiApiGetXcomEntryRequest
- func (a *XComApiService) GetXcomEntryExecute(r XComApiApiGetXcomEntryRequest) (XCom, *_nethttp.Response, error)
- type XComCollection
- func (o *XComCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
- func (o *XComCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
- func (o *XComCollection) GetXcomEntries() []XComCollectionItem
- func (o *XComCollection) GetXcomEntriesOk() (*[]XComCollectionItem, bool)
- func (o *XComCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
- func (o *XComCollection) HasXcomEntries() bool
- func (o XComCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *XComCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
- func (o *XComCollection) SetXcomEntries(v []XComCollectionItem)
- type XComCollectionAllOf
- func (o *XComCollectionAllOf) GetXcomEntries() []XComCollectionItem
- func (o *XComCollectionAllOf) GetXcomEntriesOk() (*[]XComCollectionItem, bool)
- func (o *XComCollectionAllOf) HasXcomEntries() bool
- func (o XComCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *XComCollectionAllOf) SetXcomEntries(v []XComCollectionItem)
- type XComCollectionItem
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetDagId() string
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetExecutionDate() string
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetExecutionDateOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetKey() string
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetTaskId() string
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetTimestamp() string
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) HasDagId() bool
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) HasExecutionDate() bool
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) HasKey() bool
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) HasTaskId() bool
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) HasTimestamp() bool
- func (o XComCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) SetDagId(v string)
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) SetExecutionDate(v string)
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) SetKey(v string)
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) SetTaskId(v string)
- func (o *XComCollectionItem) SetTimestamp(v string)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( // ContextOAuth2 takes an oauth2.TokenSource as authentication for the request. ContextOAuth2 = contextKey("token") // ContextBasicAuth takes BasicAuth as authentication for the request. ContextBasicAuth = contextKey("basic") // ContextAccessToken takes a string oauth2 access token as authentication for the request. ContextAccessToken = contextKey("accesstoken") // ContextAPIKeys takes a string apikey as authentication for the request ContextAPIKeys = contextKey("apiKeys") // ContextHttpSignatureAuth takes HttpSignatureAuth as authentication for the request. ContextHttpSignatureAuth = contextKey("httpsignature") // ContextServerIndex uses a server configuration from the index. ContextServerIndex = contextKey("serverIndex") // ContextOperationServerIndices uses a server configuration from the index mapping. ContextOperationServerIndices = contextKey("serverOperationIndices") // ContextServerVariables overrides a server configuration variables. ContextServerVariables = contextKey("serverVariables") // ContextOperationServerVariables overrides a server configuration variables using operation specific values. ContextOperationServerVariables = contextKey("serverOperationVariables") )
var AllowedDagStateEnumValues = []DagState{
All allowed values of DagState enum
var AllowedHealthStatusEnumValues = []HealthStatus{
All allowed values of HealthStatus enum
var AllowedTaskStateEnumValues = []TaskState{
All allowed values of TaskState enum
var AllowedTriggerRuleEnumValues = []TriggerRule{
All allowed values of TriggerRule enum
var AllowedWeightRuleEnumValues = []WeightRule{
All allowed values of WeightRule enum
Functions ¶
func CacheExpires ¶
CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request.
func PtrFloat32 ¶
PtrFloat32 is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given float value.
func PtrFloat64 ¶
PtrFloat64 is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given float value.
Types ¶
type APIClient ¶
type APIClient struct { ConfigApi *ConfigApiService ConnectionApi *ConnectionApiService DAGApi *DAGApiService DAGRunApi *DAGRunApiService DagWarningApi *DagWarningApiService DatasetApi *DatasetApiService EventLogApi *EventLogApiService ImportErrorApi *ImportErrorApiService MonitoringApi *MonitoringApiService PermissionApi *PermissionApiService PluginApi *PluginApiService PoolApi *PoolApiService ProviderApi *ProviderApiService RoleApi *RoleApiService TaskInstanceApi *TaskInstanceApiService UserApi *UserApiService VariableApi *VariableApiService XComApi *XComApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
APIClient manages communication with the Airflow API (Stable) API v2.5.0 In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient.
func NewAPIClient ¶
func NewAPIClient(cfg *Configuration) *APIClient
NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Requires a userAgent string describing your application. optionally a custom http.Client to allow for advanced features such as caching.
func (*APIClient) GetConfig ¶
func (c *APIClient) GetConfig() *Configuration
Allow modification of underlying config for alternate implementations and testing Caution: modifying the configuration while live can cause data races and potentially unwanted behavior
type APIKey ¶
APIKey provides API key based authentication to a request passed via context using ContextAPIKey
type APIResponse ¶
type APIResponse struct { *http.Response `json:"-"` Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Operation is the name of the OpenAPI operation. Operation string `json:"operation,omitempty"` // RequestURL is the request URL. This value is always available, even if the // embedded *http.Response is nil. RequestURL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Method is the HTTP method used for the request. This value is always // available, even if the embedded *http.Response is nil. Method string `json:"method,omitempty"` // Payload holds the contents of the response body (which may be nil or empty). // This is provided here as the raw response.Body() reader will have already // been drained. Payload []byte `json:"-"` }
APIResponse stores the API response returned by the server.
func NewAPIResponse ¶
func NewAPIResponse(r *http.Response) *APIResponse
NewAPIResponse returns a new APIResponse object.
func NewAPIResponseWithError ¶
func NewAPIResponseWithError(errorMessage string) *APIResponse
NewAPIResponseWithError returns a new APIResponse object with the provided error message.
type Action ¶
type Action struct { // The name of the permission \"action\" Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
Action An action Item. *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewAction ¶
func NewAction() *Action
NewAction instantiates a new Action object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewActionWithDefaults ¶
func NewActionWithDefaults() *Action
NewActionWithDefaults instantiates a new Action object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Action) GetNameOk ¶
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (Action) MarshalJSON ¶
type ActionCollection ¶
type ActionCollection struct { Actions *[]Action `json:"actions,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
ActionCollection A collection of actions. *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewActionCollection ¶
func NewActionCollection() *ActionCollection
NewActionCollection instantiates a new ActionCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewActionCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewActionCollectionWithDefaults() *ActionCollection
NewActionCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new ActionCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ActionCollection) GetActions ¶
func (o *ActionCollection) GetActions() []Action
GetActions returns the Actions field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ActionCollection) GetActionsOk ¶
func (o *ActionCollection) GetActionsOk() (*[]Action, bool)
GetActionsOk returns a tuple with the Actions field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ActionCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *ActionCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ActionCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *ActionCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ActionCollection) HasActions ¶
func (o *ActionCollection) HasActions() bool
HasActions returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ActionCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *ActionCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ActionCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ActionCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ActionCollection) SetActions ¶
func (o *ActionCollection) SetActions(v []Action)
SetActions gets a reference to the given []Action and assigns it to the Actions field.
func (*ActionCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *ActionCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type ActionCollectionAllOf ¶
type ActionCollectionAllOf struct {
Actions *[]Action `json:"actions,omitempty"`
ActionCollectionAllOf struct for ActionCollectionAllOf
func NewActionCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewActionCollectionAllOf() *ActionCollectionAllOf
NewActionCollectionAllOf instantiates a new ActionCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewActionCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewActionCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *ActionCollectionAllOf
NewActionCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new ActionCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ActionCollectionAllOf) GetActions ¶
func (o *ActionCollectionAllOf) GetActions() []Action
GetActions returns the Actions field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ActionCollectionAllOf) GetActionsOk ¶
func (o *ActionCollectionAllOf) GetActionsOk() (*[]Action, bool)
GetActionsOk returns a tuple with the Actions field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ActionCollectionAllOf) HasActions ¶
func (o *ActionCollectionAllOf) HasActions() bool
HasActions returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ActionCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ActionCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ActionCollectionAllOf) SetActions ¶
func (o *ActionCollectionAllOf) SetActions(v []Action)
SetActions gets a reference to the given []Action and assigns it to the Actions field.
type ActionResource ¶
type ActionResource struct { Action *Action `json:"action,omitempty"` Resource *Resource `json:"resource,omitempty"` }
ActionResource The Action-Resource item. *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewActionResource ¶
func NewActionResource() *ActionResource
NewActionResource instantiates a new ActionResource object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewActionResourceWithDefaults ¶
func NewActionResourceWithDefaults() *ActionResource
NewActionResourceWithDefaults instantiates a new ActionResource object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ActionResource) GetAction ¶
func (o *ActionResource) GetAction() Action
GetAction returns the Action field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ActionResource) GetActionOk ¶
func (o *ActionResource) GetActionOk() (*Action, bool)
GetActionOk returns a tuple with the Action field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ActionResource) GetResource ¶
func (o *ActionResource) GetResource() Resource
GetResource returns the Resource field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ActionResource) GetResourceOk ¶
func (o *ActionResource) GetResourceOk() (*Resource, bool)
GetResourceOk returns a tuple with the Resource field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ActionResource) HasAction ¶
func (o *ActionResource) HasAction() bool
HasAction returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ActionResource) HasResource ¶
func (o *ActionResource) HasResource() bool
HasResource returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ActionResource) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ActionResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ActionResource) SetAction ¶
func (o *ActionResource) SetAction(v Action)
SetAction gets a reference to the given Action and assigns it to the Action field.
func (*ActionResource) SetResource ¶
func (o *ActionResource) SetResource(v Resource)
SetResource gets a reference to the given Resource and assigns it to the Resource field.
type BasicAuth ¶
type BasicAuth struct { UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` }
BasicAuth provides basic http authentication to a request passed via context using ContextBasicAuth
type BasicDAGRun ¶
type BasicDAGRun struct { // Run ID. RunId *string `json:"run_id,omitempty"` DagId *string `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` // The logical date (previously called execution date). This is the time or interval covered by this DAG run, according to the DAG definition. The value of this field can be set only when creating the object. If you try to modify the field of an existing object, the request fails with an BAD_REQUEST error. This together with DAG_ID are a unique key. *New in version 2.2.0* LogicalDate *time.Time `json:"logical_date,omitempty"` // The start time. The time when DAG run was actually created. *Changed in version 2.1.3*: Field becomes nullable. StartDate NullableTime `json:"start_date,omitempty"` EndDate NullableTime `json:"end_date,omitempty"` DataIntervalStart NullableTime `json:"data_interval_start,omitempty"` DataIntervalEnd NullableTime `json:"data_interval_end,omitempty"` State *DagState `json:"state,omitempty"` }
BasicDAGRun struct for BasicDAGRun
func NewBasicDAGRun ¶
func NewBasicDAGRun() *BasicDAGRun
NewBasicDAGRun instantiates a new BasicDAGRun object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewBasicDAGRunWithDefaults ¶
func NewBasicDAGRunWithDefaults() *BasicDAGRun
NewBasicDAGRunWithDefaults instantiates a new BasicDAGRun object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetDagId ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetDagId() string
GetDagId returns the DagId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetDagIdOk ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetDataIntervalEnd ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetDataIntervalEnd() time.Time
GetDataIntervalEnd returns the DataIntervalEnd field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetDataIntervalEndOk ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetDataIntervalEndOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetDataIntervalEndOk returns a tuple with the DataIntervalEnd field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetDataIntervalStart ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetDataIntervalStart() time.Time
GetDataIntervalStart returns the DataIntervalStart field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetDataIntervalStartOk ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetDataIntervalStartOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetDataIntervalStartOk returns a tuple with the DataIntervalStart field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetEndDate ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetEndDate() time.Time
GetEndDate returns the EndDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetEndDateOk ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetEndDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetEndDateOk returns a tuple with the EndDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetLogicalDate ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetLogicalDate() time.Time
GetLogicalDate returns the LogicalDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetLogicalDateOk ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetLogicalDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetLogicalDateOk returns a tuple with the LogicalDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetRunId ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetRunId() string
GetRunId returns the RunId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetRunIdOk ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetRunIdOk returns a tuple with the RunId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetStartDate ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetStartDate() time.Time
GetStartDate returns the StartDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetStartDateOk ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetStartDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetStartDateOk returns a tuple with the StartDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetState ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetState() DagState
GetState returns the State field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*BasicDAGRun) GetStateOk ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) GetStateOk() (*DagState, bool)
GetStateOk returns a tuple with the State field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*BasicDAGRun) HasDagId ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasDagId() bool
HasDagId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BasicDAGRun) HasDataIntervalEnd ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasDataIntervalEnd() bool
HasDataIntervalEnd returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BasicDAGRun) HasDataIntervalStart ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasDataIntervalStart() bool
HasDataIntervalStart returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BasicDAGRun) HasEndDate ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasEndDate() bool
HasEndDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BasicDAGRun) HasLogicalDate ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasLogicalDate() bool
HasLogicalDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BasicDAGRun) HasRunId ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasRunId() bool
HasRunId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BasicDAGRun) HasStartDate ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasStartDate() bool
HasStartDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*BasicDAGRun) HasState ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) HasState() bool
HasState returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (BasicDAGRun) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o BasicDAGRun) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BasicDAGRun) SetDagId ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetDagId(v string)
SetDagId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*BasicDAGRun) SetDataIntervalEnd ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetDataIntervalEnd(v time.Time)
SetDataIntervalEnd gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the DataIntervalEnd field.
func (*BasicDAGRun) SetDataIntervalEndNil ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetDataIntervalEndNil()
SetDataIntervalEndNil sets the value for DataIntervalEnd to be an explicit nil
func (*BasicDAGRun) SetDataIntervalStart ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetDataIntervalStart(v time.Time)
SetDataIntervalStart gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the DataIntervalStart field.
func (*BasicDAGRun) SetDataIntervalStartNil ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetDataIntervalStartNil()
SetDataIntervalStartNil sets the value for DataIntervalStart to be an explicit nil
func (*BasicDAGRun) SetEndDate ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetEndDate(v time.Time)
SetEndDate gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the EndDate field.
func (*BasicDAGRun) SetEndDateNil ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetEndDateNil()
SetEndDateNil sets the value for EndDate to be an explicit nil
func (*BasicDAGRun) SetLogicalDate ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetLogicalDate(v time.Time)
SetLogicalDate gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the LogicalDate field.
func (*BasicDAGRun) SetRunId ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetRunId(v string)
SetRunId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the RunId field.
func (*BasicDAGRun) SetStartDate ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetStartDate(v time.Time)
SetStartDate gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the StartDate field.
func (*BasicDAGRun) SetStartDateNil ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetStartDateNil()
SetStartDateNil sets the value for StartDate to be an explicit nil
func (*BasicDAGRun) SetState ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) SetState(v DagState)
SetState gets a reference to the given DagState and assigns it to the State field.
func (*BasicDAGRun) UnsetDataIntervalEnd ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) UnsetDataIntervalEnd()
UnsetDataIntervalEnd ensures that no value is present for DataIntervalEnd, not even an explicit nil
func (*BasicDAGRun) UnsetDataIntervalStart ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) UnsetDataIntervalStart()
UnsetDataIntervalStart ensures that no value is present for DataIntervalStart, not even an explicit nil
func (*BasicDAGRun) UnsetEndDate ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) UnsetEndDate()
UnsetEndDate ensures that no value is present for EndDate, not even an explicit nil
func (*BasicDAGRun) UnsetStartDate ¶
func (o *BasicDAGRun) UnsetStartDate()
UnsetStartDate ensures that no value is present for StartDate, not even an explicit nil
type ClassReference ¶
type ClassReference struct { ModulePath *string `json:"module_path,omitempty"` ClassName *string `json:"class_name,omitempty"` }
ClassReference Class reference
func NewClassReference ¶
func NewClassReference() *ClassReference
NewClassReference instantiates a new ClassReference object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewClassReferenceWithDefaults ¶
func NewClassReferenceWithDefaults() *ClassReference
NewClassReferenceWithDefaults instantiates a new ClassReference object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ClassReference) GetClassName ¶
func (o *ClassReference) GetClassName() string
GetClassName returns the ClassName field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClassReference) GetClassNameOk ¶
func (o *ClassReference) GetClassNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetClassNameOk returns a tuple with the ClassName field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClassReference) GetModulePath ¶
func (o *ClassReference) GetModulePath() string
GetModulePath returns the ModulePath field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClassReference) GetModulePathOk ¶
func (o *ClassReference) GetModulePathOk() (*string, bool)
GetModulePathOk returns a tuple with the ModulePath field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClassReference) HasClassName ¶
func (o *ClassReference) HasClassName() bool
HasClassName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClassReference) HasModulePath ¶
func (o *ClassReference) HasModulePath() bool
HasModulePath returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ClassReference) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ClassReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ClassReference) SetClassName ¶
func (o *ClassReference) SetClassName(v string)
SetClassName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ClassName field.
func (*ClassReference) SetModulePath ¶
func (o *ClassReference) SetModulePath(v string)
SetModulePath gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ModulePath field.
type ClearDagRun ¶
type ClearDagRun struct { // If set, don't actually run this operation. The response will contain a list of task instances planned to be cleaned, but not modified in any way. DryRun *bool `json:"dry_run,omitempty"` }
ClearDagRun struct for ClearDagRun
func NewClearDagRun ¶
func NewClearDagRun() *ClearDagRun
NewClearDagRun instantiates a new ClearDagRun object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewClearDagRunWithDefaults ¶
func NewClearDagRunWithDefaults() *ClearDagRun
NewClearDagRunWithDefaults instantiates a new ClearDagRun object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ClearDagRun) GetDryRun ¶
func (o *ClearDagRun) GetDryRun() bool
GetDryRun returns the DryRun field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearDagRun) GetDryRunOk ¶
func (o *ClearDagRun) GetDryRunOk() (*bool, bool)
GetDryRunOk returns a tuple with the DryRun field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearDagRun) HasDryRun ¶
func (o *ClearDagRun) HasDryRun() bool
HasDryRun returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ClearDagRun) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ClearDagRun) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ClearDagRun) SetDryRun ¶
func (o *ClearDagRun) SetDryRun(v bool)
SetDryRun gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the DryRun field.
type ClearTaskInstance ¶
type ClearTaskInstance struct { // If set, don't actually run this operation. The response will contain a list of task instances planned to be cleaned, but not modified in any way. DryRun *bool `json:"dry_run,omitempty"` // A list of task ids to clear. *New in version 2.1.0* TaskIds *[]string `json:"task_ids,omitempty"` // The minimum execution date to clear. StartDate *string `json:"start_date,omitempty"` // The maximum execution date to clear. EndDate *string `json:"end_date,omitempty"` // Only clear failed tasks. OnlyFailed *bool `json:"only_failed,omitempty"` // Only clear running tasks. OnlyRunning *bool `json:"only_running,omitempty"` // Clear tasks in subdags and clear external tasks indicated by ExternalTaskMarker. IncludeSubdags *bool `json:"include_subdags,omitempty"` // Clear tasks in the parent dag of the subdag. IncludeParentdag *bool `json:"include_parentdag,omitempty"` // Set state of DAG runs to RUNNING. ResetDagRuns *bool `json:"reset_dag_runs,omitempty"` }
ClearTaskInstance struct for ClearTaskInstance
func NewClearTaskInstance ¶
func NewClearTaskInstance() *ClearTaskInstance
NewClearTaskInstance instantiates a new ClearTaskInstance object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewClearTaskInstanceWithDefaults ¶
func NewClearTaskInstanceWithDefaults() *ClearTaskInstance
NewClearTaskInstanceWithDefaults instantiates a new ClearTaskInstance object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetDryRun ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetDryRun() bool
GetDryRun returns the DryRun field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetDryRunOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetDryRunOk() (*bool, bool)
GetDryRunOk returns a tuple with the DryRun field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetEndDate ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetEndDate() string
GetEndDate returns the EndDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetEndDateOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetEndDateOk() (*string, bool)
GetEndDateOk returns a tuple with the EndDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetIncludeParentdag ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetIncludeParentdag() bool
GetIncludeParentdag returns the IncludeParentdag field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetIncludeParentdagOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetIncludeParentdagOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIncludeParentdagOk returns a tuple with the IncludeParentdag field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetIncludeSubdags ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetIncludeSubdags() bool
GetIncludeSubdags returns the IncludeSubdags field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetIncludeSubdagsOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetIncludeSubdagsOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIncludeSubdagsOk returns a tuple with the IncludeSubdags field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetOnlyFailed ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetOnlyFailed() bool
GetOnlyFailed returns the OnlyFailed field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetOnlyFailedOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetOnlyFailedOk() (*bool, bool)
GetOnlyFailedOk returns a tuple with the OnlyFailed field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetOnlyRunning ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetOnlyRunning() bool
GetOnlyRunning returns the OnlyRunning field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetOnlyRunningOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetOnlyRunningOk() (*bool, bool)
GetOnlyRunningOk returns a tuple with the OnlyRunning field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetResetDagRuns ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetResetDagRuns() bool
GetResetDagRuns returns the ResetDagRuns field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetResetDagRunsOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetResetDagRunsOk() (*bool, bool)
GetResetDagRunsOk returns a tuple with the ResetDagRuns field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetStartDate ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetStartDate() string
GetStartDate returns the StartDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetStartDateOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetStartDateOk() (*string, bool)
GetStartDateOk returns a tuple with the StartDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetTaskIds ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetTaskIds() []string
GetTaskIds returns the TaskIds field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) GetTaskIdsOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) GetTaskIdsOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetTaskIdsOk returns a tuple with the TaskIds field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) HasDryRun ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasDryRun() bool
HasDryRun returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) HasEndDate ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasEndDate() bool
HasEndDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) HasIncludeParentdag ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasIncludeParentdag() bool
HasIncludeParentdag returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) HasIncludeSubdags ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasIncludeSubdags() bool
HasIncludeSubdags returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) HasOnlyFailed ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasOnlyFailed() bool
HasOnlyFailed returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) HasOnlyRunning ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasOnlyRunning() bool
HasOnlyRunning returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) HasResetDagRuns ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasResetDagRuns() bool
HasResetDagRuns returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) HasStartDate ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasStartDate() bool
HasStartDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) HasTaskIds ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) HasTaskIds() bool
HasTaskIds returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ClearTaskInstance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ClearTaskInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ClearTaskInstance) SetDryRun ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetDryRun(v bool)
SetDryRun gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the DryRun field.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) SetEndDate ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetEndDate(v string)
SetEndDate gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the EndDate field.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) SetIncludeParentdag ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetIncludeParentdag(v bool)
SetIncludeParentdag gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IncludeParentdag field.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) SetIncludeSubdags ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetIncludeSubdags(v bool)
SetIncludeSubdags gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IncludeSubdags field.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) SetOnlyFailed ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetOnlyFailed(v bool)
SetOnlyFailed gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the OnlyFailed field.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) SetOnlyRunning ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetOnlyRunning(v bool)
SetOnlyRunning gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the OnlyRunning field.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) SetResetDagRuns ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetResetDagRuns(v bool)
SetResetDagRuns gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the ResetDagRuns field.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) SetStartDate ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetStartDate(v string)
SetStartDate gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the StartDate field.
func (*ClearTaskInstance) SetTaskIds ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstance) SetTaskIds(v []string)
SetTaskIds gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the TaskIds field.
type ClearTaskInstances ¶
type ClearTaskInstances struct { // If set, don't actually run this operation. The response will contain a list of task instances planned to be cleaned, but not modified in any way. DryRun *bool `json:"dry_run,omitempty"` // A list of task ids to clear. *New in version 2.1.0* TaskIds *[]string `json:"task_ids,omitempty"` // The minimum execution date to clear. StartDate *string `json:"start_date,omitempty"` // The maximum execution date to clear. EndDate *string `json:"end_date,omitempty"` // Only clear failed tasks. OnlyFailed *bool `json:"only_failed,omitempty"` // Only clear running tasks. OnlyRunning *bool `json:"only_running,omitempty"` // Clear tasks in subdags and clear external tasks indicated by ExternalTaskMarker. IncludeSubdags *bool `json:"include_subdags,omitempty"` // Clear tasks in the parent dag of the subdag. IncludeParentdag *bool `json:"include_parentdag,omitempty"` // Set state of DAG runs to RUNNING. ResetDagRuns *bool `json:"reset_dag_runs,omitempty"` // The DagRun ID for this task instance DagRunId NullableString `json:"dag_run_id,omitempty"` // If set to true, upstream tasks are also affected. IncludeUpstream *bool `json:"include_upstream,omitempty"` // If set to true, downstream tasks are also affected. IncludeDownstream *bool `json:"include_downstream,omitempty"` // If set to True, also tasks from future DAG Runs are affected. IncludeFuture *bool `json:"include_future,omitempty"` // If set to True, also tasks from past DAG Runs are affected. IncludePast *bool `json:"include_past,omitempty"` }
ClearTaskInstances struct for ClearTaskInstances
func NewClearTaskInstances ¶
func NewClearTaskInstances() *ClearTaskInstances
NewClearTaskInstances instantiates a new ClearTaskInstances object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewClearTaskInstancesWithDefaults ¶
func NewClearTaskInstancesWithDefaults() *ClearTaskInstances
NewClearTaskInstancesWithDefaults instantiates a new ClearTaskInstances object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetDagRunId ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetDagRunId() string
GetDagRunId returns the DagRunId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetDagRunIdOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetDagRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDagRunIdOk returns a tuple with the DagRunId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetDryRun ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetDryRun() bool
GetDryRun returns the DryRun field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetDryRunOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetDryRunOk() (*bool, bool)
GetDryRunOk returns a tuple with the DryRun field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetEndDate ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetEndDate() string
GetEndDate returns the EndDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetEndDateOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetEndDateOk() (*string, bool)
GetEndDateOk returns a tuple with the EndDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeDownstream ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeDownstream() bool
GetIncludeDownstream returns the IncludeDownstream field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeDownstreamOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeDownstreamOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIncludeDownstreamOk returns a tuple with the IncludeDownstream field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeFuture ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeFuture() bool
GetIncludeFuture returns the IncludeFuture field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeFutureOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeFutureOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIncludeFutureOk returns a tuple with the IncludeFuture field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeParentdag ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeParentdag() bool
GetIncludeParentdag returns the IncludeParentdag field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeParentdagOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeParentdagOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIncludeParentdagOk returns a tuple with the IncludeParentdag field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludePast ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludePast() bool
GetIncludePast returns the IncludePast field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludePastOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludePastOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIncludePastOk returns a tuple with the IncludePast field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeSubdags ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeSubdags() bool
GetIncludeSubdags returns the IncludeSubdags field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeSubdagsOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeSubdagsOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIncludeSubdagsOk returns a tuple with the IncludeSubdags field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeUpstream ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeUpstream() bool
GetIncludeUpstream returns the IncludeUpstream field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeUpstreamOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetIncludeUpstreamOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIncludeUpstreamOk returns a tuple with the IncludeUpstream field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetOnlyFailed ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetOnlyFailed() bool
GetOnlyFailed returns the OnlyFailed field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetOnlyFailedOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetOnlyFailedOk() (*bool, bool)
GetOnlyFailedOk returns a tuple with the OnlyFailed field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetOnlyRunning ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetOnlyRunning() bool
GetOnlyRunning returns the OnlyRunning field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetOnlyRunningOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetOnlyRunningOk() (*bool, bool)
GetOnlyRunningOk returns a tuple with the OnlyRunning field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetResetDagRuns ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetResetDagRuns() bool
GetResetDagRuns returns the ResetDagRuns field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetResetDagRunsOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetResetDagRunsOk() (*bool, bool)
GetResetDagRunsOk returns a tuple with the ResetDagRuns field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetStartDate ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetStartDate() string
GetStartDate returns the StartDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetStartDateOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetStartDateOk() (*string, bool)
GetStartDateOk returns a tuple with the StartDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetTaskIds ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetTaskIds() []string
GetTaskIds returns the TaskIds field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) GetTaskIdsOk ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) GetTaskIdsOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetTaskIdsOk returns a tuple with the TaskIds field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasDagRunId ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasDagRunId() bool
HasDagRunId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasDryRun ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasDryRun() bool
HasDryRun returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasEndDate ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasEndDate() bool
HasEndDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeDownstream ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeDownstream() bool
HasIncludeDownstream returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeFuture ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeFuture() bool
HasIncludeFuture returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeParentdag ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeParentdag() bool
HasIncludeParentdag returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludePast ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludePast() bool
HasIncludePast returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeSubdags ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeSubdags() bool
HasIncludeSubdags returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeUpstream ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasIncludeUpstream() bool
HasIncludeUpstream returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasOnlyFailed ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasOnlyFailed() bool
HasOnlyFailed returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasOnlyRunning ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasOnlyRunning() bool
HasOnlyRunning returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasResetDagRuns ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasResetDagRuns() bool
HasResetDagRuns returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasStartDate ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasStartDate() bool
HasStartDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) HasTaskIds ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) HasTaskIds() bool
HasTaskIds returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ClearTaskInstances) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ClearTaskInstances) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetDagRunId ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetDagRunId(v string)
SetDagRunId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the DagRunId field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetDagRunIdNil ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetDagRunIdNil()
SetDagRunIdNil sets the value for DagRunId to be an explicit nil
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetDryRun ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetDryRun(v bool)
SetDryRun gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the DryRun field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetEndDate ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetEndDate(v string)
SetEndDate gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the EndDate field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeDownstream ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeDownstream(v bool)
SetIncludeDownstream gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IncludeDownstream field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeFuture ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeFuture(v bool)
SetIncludeFuture gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IncludeFuture field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeParentdag ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeParentdag(v bool)
SetIncludeParentdag gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IncludeParentdag field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludePast ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludePast(v bool)
SetIncludePast gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IncludePast field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeSubdags ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeSubdags(v bool)
SetIncludeSubdags gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IncludeSubdags field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeUpstream ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetIncludeUpstream(v bool)
SetIncludeUpstream gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IncludeUpstream field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetOnlyFailed ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetOnlyFailed(v bool)
SetOnlyFailed gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the OnlyFailed field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetOnlyRunning ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetOnlyRunning(v bool)
SetOnlyRunning gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the OnlyRunning field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetResetDagRuns ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetResetDagRuns(v bool)
SetResetDagRuns gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the ResetDagRuns field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetStartDate ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetStartDate(v string)
SetStartDate gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the StartDate field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) SetTaskIds ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) SetTaskIds(v []string)
SetTaskIds gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the TaskIds field.
func (*ClearTaskInstances) UnsetDagRunId ¶
func (o *ClearTaskInstances) UnsetDagRunId()
UnsetDagRunId ensures that no value is present for DagRunId, not even an explicit nil
type CollectionInfo ¶
type CollectionInfo struct { // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
CollectionInfo Metadata about collection.
func NewCollectionInfo ¶
func NewCollectionInfo() *CollectionInfo
NewCollectionInfo instantiates a new CollectionInfo object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewCollectionInfoWithDefaults ¶
func NewCollectionInfoWithDefaults() *CollectionInfo
NewCollectionInfoWithDefaults instantiates a new CollectionInfo object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*CollectionInfo) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *CollectionInfo) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*CollectionInfo) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *CollectionInfo) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CollectionInfo) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *CollectionInfo) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (CollectionInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o CollectionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CollectionInfo) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *CollectionInfo) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type Config ¶
type Config struct {
Sections *[]ConfigSection `json:"sections,omitempty"`
Config The configuration.
func NewConfig ¶
func NewConfig() *Config
NewConfig instantiates a new Config object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewConfigWithDefaults ¶
func NewConfigWithDefaults() *Config
NewConfigWithDefaults instantiates a new Config object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Config) GetSections ¶
func (o *Config) GetSections() []ConfigSection
GetSections returns the Sections field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Config) GetSectionsOk ¶
func (o *Config) GetSectionsOk() (*[]ConfigSection, bool)
GetSectionsOk returns a tuple with the Sections field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Config) HasSections ¶
HasSections returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (Config) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Config) SetSections ¶
func (o *Config) SetSections(v []ConfigSection)
SetSections gets a reference to the given []ConfigSection and assigns it to the Sections field.
type ConfigApiApiGetConfigRequest ¶
type ConfigApiApiGetConfigRequest struct { ApiService *ConfigApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ConfigApiService ¶
type ConfigApiService service
ConfigApiService ConfigApi service
func (*ConfigApiService) GetConfig ¶
func (a *ConfigApiService) GetConfig(ctx _context.Context) ConfigApiApiGetConfigRequest
GetConfig Get current configuration
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return ConfigApiApiGetConfigRequest
func (*ConfigApiService) GetConfigExecute ¶
func (a *ConfigApiService) GetConfigExecute(r ConfigApiApiGetConfigRequest) (Config, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Config
type ConfigOption ¶
type ConfigOption struct { Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
ConfigOption The option of configuration.
func NewConfigOption ¶
func NewConfigOption() *ConfigOption
NewConfigOption instantiates a new ConfigOption object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewConfigOptionWithDefaults ¶
func NewConfigOptionWithDefaults() *ConfigOption
NewConfigOptionWithDefaults instantiates a new ConfigOption object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ConfigOption) GetKey ¶
func (o *ConfigOption) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ConfigOption) GetKeyOk ¶
func (o *ConfigOption) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ConfigOption) GetValue ¶
func (o *ConfigOption) GetValue() string
GetValue returns the Value field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ConfigOption) GetValueOk ¶
func (o *ConfigOption) GetValueOk() (*string, bool)
GetValueOk returns a tuple with the Value field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ConfigOption) HasKey ¶
func (o *ConfigOption) HasKey() bool
HasKey returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ConfigOption) HasValue ¶
func (o *ConfigOption) HasValue() bool
HasValue returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ConfigOption) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ConfigOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ConfigOption) SetKey ¶
func (o *ConfigOption) SetKey(v string)
SetKey gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Key field.
func (*ConfigOption) SetValue ¶
func (o *ConfigOption) SetValue(v string)
SetValue gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Value field.
type ConfigSection ¶
type ConfigSection struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Options *[]ConfigOption `json:"options,omitempty"` }
ConfigSection The section of configuration.
func NewConfigSection ¶
func NewConfigSection() *ConfigSection
NewConfigSection instantiates a new ConfigSection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewConfigSectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewConfigSectionWithDefaults() *ConfigSection
NewConfigSectionWithDefaults instantiates a new ConfigSection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ConfigSection) GetName ¶
func (o *ConfigSection) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ConfigSection) GetNameOk ¶
func (o *ConfigSection) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ConfigSection) GetOptions ¶
func (o *ConfigSection) GetOptions() []ConfigOption
GetOptions returns the Options field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ConfigSection) GetOptionsOk ¶
func (o *ConfigSection) GetOptionsOk() (*[]ConfigOption, bool)
GetOptionsOk returns a tuple with the Options field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ConfigSection) HasName ¶
func (o *ConfigSection) HasName() bool
HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ConfigSection) HasOptions ¶
func (o *ConfigSection) HasOptions() bool
HasOptions returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ConfigSection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ConfigSection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ConfigSection) SetName ¶
func (o *ConfigSection) SetName(v string)
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (*ConfigSection) SetOptions ¶
func (o *ConfigSection) SetOptions(v []ConfigOption)
SetOptions gets a reference to the given []ConfigOption and assigns it to the Options field.
type Configuration ¶
type Configuration struct { Host string `json:"host,omitempty"` Scheme string `json:"scheme,omitempty"` DefaultHeader map[string]string `json:"defaultHeader,omitempty"` UserAgent string `json:"userAgent,omitempty"` Debug bool `json:"debug,omitempty"` Servers ServerConfigurations OperationServers map[string]ServerConfigurations HTTPClient *http.Client }
Configuration stores the configuration of the API client
func NewConfiguration ¶
func NewConfiguration() *Configuration
NewConfiguration returns a new Configuration object
func (*Configuration) AddDefaultHeader ¶
func (c *Configuration) AddDefaultHeader(key string, value string)
AddDefaultHeader adds a new HTTP header to the default header in the request
func (*Configuration) ServerURLWithContext ¶
ServerURLWithContext returns a new server URL given an endpoint
type Connection ¶
type Connection struct { // The connection ID. ConnectionId *string `json:"connection_id,omitempty"` // The connection type. ConnType *string `json:"conn_type,omitempty"` // The description of the connection. Description NullableString `json:"description,omitempty"` // Host of the connection. Host NullableString `json:"host,omitempty"` // Login of the connection. Login NullableString `json:"login,omitempty"` // Schema of the connection. Schema NullableString `json:"schema,omitempty"` // Port of the connection. Port NullableInt32 `json:"port,omitempty"` // Password of the connection. Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // Other values that cannot be put into another field, e.g. RSA keys. Extra NullableString `json:"extra,omitempty"` }
Connection Full representation of the connection.
func NewConnection ¶
func NewConnection() *Connection
NewConnection instantiates a new Connection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewConnectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewConnectionWithDefaults() *Connection
NewConnectionWithDefaults instantiates a new Connection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Connection) GetConnType ¶
func (o *Connection) GetConnType() string
GetConnType returns the ConnType field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Connection) GetConnTypeOk ¶
func (o *Connection) GetConnTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetConnTypeOk returns a tuple with the ConnType field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Connection) GetConnectionId ¶
func (o *Connection) GetConnectionId() string
GetConnectionId returns the ConnectionId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Connection) GetConnectionIdOk ¶
func (o *Connection) GetConnectionIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetConnectionIdOk returns a tuple with the ConnectionId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Connection) GetDescription ¶
func (o *Connection) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Connection) GetDescriptionOk ¶
func (o *Connection) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Connection) GetExtra ¶
func (o *Connection) GetExtra() string
GetExtra returns the Extra field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Connection) GetExtraOk ¶
func (o *Connection) GetExtraOk() (*string, bool)
GetExtraOk returns a tuple with the Extra field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Connection) GetHost ¶
func (o *Connection) GetHost() string
GetHost returns the Host field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Connection) GetHostOk ¶
func (o *Connection) GetHostOk() (*string, bool)
GetHostOk returns a tuple with the Host field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Connection) GetLogin ¶
func (o *Connection) GetLogin() string
GetLogin returns the Login field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Connection) GetLoginOk ¶
func (o *Connection) GetLoginOk() (*string, bool)
GetLoginOk returns a tuple with the Login field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Connection) GetPassword ¶
func (o *Connection) GetPassword() string
GetPassword returns the Password field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Connection) GetPasswordOk ¶
func (o *Connection) GetPasswordOk() (*string, bool)
GetPasswordOk returns a tuple with the Password field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Connection) GetPort ¶
func (o *Connection) GetPort() int32
GetPort returns the Port field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Connection) GetPortOk ¶
func (o *Connection) GetPortOk() (*int32, bool)
GetPortOk returns a tuple with the Port field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Connection) GetSchema ¶
func (o *Connection) GetSchema() string
GetSchema returns the Schema field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Connection) GetSchemaOk ¶
func (o *Connection) GetSchemaOk() (*string, bool)
GetSchemaOk returns a tuple with the Schema field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Connection) HasConnType ¶
func (o *Connection) HasConnType() bool
HasConnType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Connection) HasConnectionId ¶
func (o *Connection) HasConnectionId() bool
HasConnectionId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Connection) HasDescription ¶
func (o *Connection) HasDescription() bool
HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Connection) HasExtra ¶
func (o *Connection) HasExtra() bool
HasExtra returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Connection) HasHost ¶
func (o *Connection) HasHost() bool
HasHost returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Connection) HasLogin ¶
func (o *Connection) HasLogin() bool
HasLogin returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Connection) HasPassword ¶
func (o *Connection) HasPassword() bool
HasPassword returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Connection) HasPort ¶
func (o *Connection) HasPort() bool
HasPort returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Connection) HasSchema ¶
func (o *Connection) HasSchema() bool
HasSchema returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (Connection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o Connection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Connection) SetConnType ¶
func (o *Connection) SetConnType(v string)
SetConnType gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ConnType field.
func (*Connection) SetConnectionId ¶
func (o *Connection) SetConnectionId(v string)
SetConnectionId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ConnectionId field.
func (*Connection) SetDescription ¶
func (o *Connection) SetDescription(v string)
SetDescription gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Description field.
func (*Connection) SetDescriptionNil ¶
func (o *Connection) SetDescriptionNil()
SetDescriptionNil sets the value for Description to be an explicit nil
func (*Connection) SetExtra ¶
func (o *Connection) SetExtra(v string)
SetExtra gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Extra field.
func (*Connection) SetExtraNil ¶
func (o *Connection) SetExtraNil()
SetExtraNil sets the value for Extra to be an explicit nil
func (*Connection) SetHost ¶
func (o *Connection) SetHost(v string)
SetHost gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Host field.
func (*Connection) SetHostNil ¶
func (o *Connection) SetHostNil()
SetHostNil sets the value for Host to be an explicit nil
func (*Connection) SetLogin ¶
func (o *Connection) SetLogin(v string)
SetLogin gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Login field.
func (*Connection) SetLoginNil ¶
func (o *Connection) SetLoginNil()
SetLoginNil sets the value for Login to be an explicit nil
func (*Connection) SetPassword ¶
func (o *Connection) SetPassword(v string)
SetPassword gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Password field.
func (*Connection) SetPort ¶
func (o *Connection) SetPort(v int32)
SetPort gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the Port field.
func (*Connection) SetPortNil ¶
func (o *Connection) SetPortNil()
SetPortNil sets the value for Port to be an explicit nil
func (*Connection) SetSchema ¶
func (o *Connection) SetSchema(v string)
SetSchema gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Schema field.
func (*Connection) SetSchemaNil ¶
func (o *Connection) SetSchemaNil()
SetSchemaNil sets the value for Schema to be an explicit nil
func (*Connection) UnsetDescription ¶
func (o *Connection) UnsetDescription()
UnsetDescription ensures that no value is present for Description, not even an explicit nil
func (*Connection) UnsetExtra ¶
func (o *Connection) UnsetExtra()
UnsetExtra ensures that no value is present for Extra, not even an explicit nil
func (*Connection) UnsetHost ¶
func (o *Connection) UnsetHost()
UnsetHost ensures that no value is present for Host, not even an explicit nil
func (*Connection) UnsetLogin ¶
func (o *Connection) UnsetLogin()
UnsetLogin ensures that no value is present for Login, not even an explicit nil
func (*Connection) UnsetPort ¶
func (o *Connection) UnsetPort()
UnsetPort ensures that no value is present for Port, not even an explicit nil
func (*Connection) UnsetSchema ¶
func (o *Connection) UnsetSchema()
UnsetSchema ensures that no value is present for Schema, not even an explicit nil
type ConnectionAllOf ¶
type ConnectionAllOf struct { // Password of the connection. Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` // Other values that cannot be put into another field, e.g. RSA keys. Extra NullableString `json:"extra,omitempty"` }
ConnectionAllOf struct for ConnectionAllOf
func NewConnectionAllOf ¶
func NewConnectionAllOf() *ConnectionAllOf
NewConnectionAllOf instantiates a new ConnectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewConnectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewConnectionAllOfWithDefaults() *ConnectionAllOf
NewConnectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new ConnectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ConnectionAllOf) GetExtra ¶
func (o *ConnectionAllOf) GetExtra() string
GetExtra returns the Extra field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*ConnectionAllOf) GetExtraOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionAllOf) GetExtraOk() (*string, bool)
GetExtraOk returns a tuple with the Extra field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*ConnectionAllOf) GetPassword ¶
func (o *ConnectionAllOf) GetPassword() string
GetPassword returns the Password field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ConnectionAllOf) GetPasswordOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionAllOf) GetPasswordOk() (*string, bool)
GetPasswordOk returns a tuple with the Password field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ConnectionAllOf) HasExtra ¶
func (o *ConnectionAllOf) HasExtra() bool
HasExtra returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ConnectionAllOf) HasPassword ¶
func (o *ConnectionAllOf) HasPassword() bool
HasPassword returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ConnectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ConnectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ConnectionAllOf) SetExtra ¶
func (o *ConnectionAllOf) SetExtra(v string)
SetExtra gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Extra field.
func (*ConnectionAllOf) SetExtraNil ¶
func (o *ConnectionAllOf) SetExtraNil()
SetExtraNil sets the value for Extra to be an explicit nil
func (*ConnectionAllOf) SetPassword ¶
func (o *ConnectionAllOf) SetPassword(v string)
SetPassword gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Password field.
func (*ConnectionAllOf) UnsetExtra ¶
func (o *ConnectionAllOf) UnsetExtra()
UnsetExtra ensures that no value is present for Extra, not even an explicit nil
type ConnectionApiApiDeleteConnectionRequest ¶
type ConnectionApiApiDeleteConnectionRequest struct { ApiService *ConnectionApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionRequest ¶
type ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionRequest struct { ApiService *ConnectionApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionRequest) Execute() (Connection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest ¶
type ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest struct { ApiService *ConnectionApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) Execute() (ConnectionCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) Limit ¶
func (r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) Limit(limit int32) ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) Offset ¶
func (r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) Offset(offset int32) ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
type ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest ¶
type ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest struct { ApiService *ConnectionApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest) Connection ¶
func (r ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest) Connection(connection Connection) ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest
func (ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest) Execute() (Connection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest) UpdateMask ¶
func (r ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest) UpdateMask(updateMask []string) ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest
The fields to update on the resource. If absent or empty, all modifiable fields are updated. A comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields.
type ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest ¶
type ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest struct { ApiService *ConnectionApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest) Connection ¶
func (r ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest) Connection(connection Connection) ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest
func (ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest) Execute() (Connection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest ¶
type ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest struct { ApiService *ConnectionApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest) Connection ¶
func (r ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest) Connection(connection Connection) ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest
func (ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest) Execute() (ConnectionTest, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type ConnectionApiService ¶
type ConnectionApiService service
ConnectionApiService ConnectionApi service
func (*ConnectionApiService) DeleteConnection ¶
func (a *ConnectionApiService) DeleteConnection(ctx _context.Context, connectionId string) ConnectionApiApiDeleteConnectionRequest
DeleteConnection Delete a connection
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param connectionId The connection ID. @return ConnectionApiApiDeleteConnectionRequest
func (*ConnectionApiService) DeleteConnectionExecute ¶
func (a *ConnectionApiService) DeleteConnectionExecute(r ConnectionApiApiDeleteConnectionRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
func (*ConnectionApiService) GetConnection ¶
func (a *ConnectionApiService) GetConnection(ctx _context.Context, connectionId string) ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionRequest
GetConnection Get a connection
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param connectionId The connection ID. @return ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionRequest
func (*ConnectionApiService) GetConnectionExecute ¶
func (a *ConnectionApiService) GetConnectionExecute(r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionRequest) (Connection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Connection
func (*ConnectionApiService) GetConnections ¶
func (a *ConnectionApiService) GetConnections(ctx _context.Context) ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest
GetConnections List connections
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest
func (*ConnectionApiService) GetConnectionsExecute ¶
func (a *ConnectionApiService) GetConnectionsExecute(r ConnectionApiApiGetConnectionsRequest) (ConnectionCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return ConnectionCollection
func (*ConnectionApiService) PatchConnection ¶
func (a *ConnectionApiService) PatchConnection(ctx _context.Context, connectionId string) ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest
PatchConnection Update a connection
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param connectionId The connection ID. @return ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest
func (*ConnectionApiService) PatchConnectionExecute ¶
func (a *ConnectionApiService) PatchConnectionExecute(r ConnectionApiApiPatchConnectionRequest) (Connection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Connection
func (*ConnectionApiService) PostConnection ¶
func (a *ConnectionApiService) PostConnection(ctx _context.Context) ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest
PostConnection Create a connection
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest
func (*ConnectionApiService) PostConnectionExecute ¶
func (a *ConnectionApiService) PostConnectionExecute(r ConnectionApiApiPostConnectionRequest) (Connection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Connection
func (*ConnectionApiService) TestConnection ¶
func (a *ConnectionApiService) TestConnection(ctx _context.Context) ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest
TestConnection Test a connection
Test a connection.
*New in version 2.2.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest
func (*ConnectionApiService) TestConnectionExecute ¶
func (a *ConnectionApiService) TestConnectionExecute(r ConnectionApiApiTestConnectionRequest) (ConnectionTest, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return ConnectionTest
type ConnectionCollection ¶
type ConnectionCollection struct { Connections *[]ConnectionCollectionItem `json:"connections,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
ConnectionCollection Collection of connections. *Changed in version 2.1.0*: 'total_entries' field is added.
func NewConnectionCollection ¶
func NewConnectionCollection() *ConnectionCollection
NewConnectionCollection instantiates a new ConnectionCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewConnectionCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewConnectionCollectionWithDefaults() *ConnectionCollection
NewConnectionCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new ConnectionCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ConnectionCollection) GetConnections ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollection) GetConnections() []ConnectionCollectionItem
GetConnections returns the Connections field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ConnectionCollection) GetConnectionsOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollection) GetConnectionsOk() (*[]ConnectionCollectionItem, bool)
GetConnectionsOk returns a tuple with the Connections field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ConnectionCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ConnectionCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ConnectionCollection) HasConnections ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollection) HasConnections() bool
HasConnections returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ConnectionCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ConnectionCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ConnectionCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ConnectionCollection) SetConnections ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollection) SetConnections(v []ConnectionCollectionItem)
SetConnections gets a reference to the given []ConnectionCollectionItem and assigns it to the Connections field.
func (*ConnectionCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type ConnectionCollectionAllOf ¶
type ConnectionCollectionAllOf struct {
Connections *[]ConnectionCollectionItem `json:"connections,omitempty"`
ConnectionCollectionAllOf struct for ConnectionCollectionAllOf
func NewConnectionCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewConnectionCollectionAllOf() *ConnectionCollectionAllOf
NewConnectionCollectionAllOf instantiates a new ConnectionCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewConnectionCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewConnectionCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *ConnectionCollectionAllOf
NewConnectionCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new ConnectionCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ConnectionCollectionAllOf) GetConnections ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionAllOf) GetConnections() []ConnectionCollectionItem
GetConnections returns the Connections field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ConnectionCollectionAllOf) GetConnectionsOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionAllOf) GetConnectionsOk() (*[]ConnectionCollectionItem, bool)
GetConnectionsOk returns a tuple with the Connections field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ConnectionCollectionAllOf) HasConnections ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionAllOf) HasConnections() bool
HasConnections returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ConnectionCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ConnectionCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ConnectionCollectionAllOf) SetConnections ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionAllOf) SetConnections(v []ConnectionCollectionItem)
SetConnections gets a reference to the given []ConnectionCollectionItem and assigns it to the Connections field.
type ConnectionCollectionItem ¶
type ConnectionCollectionItem struct { // The connection ID. ConnectionId *string `json:"connection_id,omitempty"` // The connection type. ConnType *string `json:"conn_type,omitempty"` // The description of the connection. Description NullableString `json:"description,omitempty"` // Host of the connection. Host NullableString `json:"host,omitempty"` // Login of the connection. Login NullableString `json:"login,omitempty"` // Schema of the connection. Schema NullableString `json:"schema,omitempty"` // Port of the connection. Port NullableInt32 `json:"port,omitempty"` }
ConnectionCollectionItem Connection collection item. The password and extra fields are only available when retrieving a single object due to the sensitivity of this data.
func NewConnectionCollectionItem ¶
func NewConnectionCollectionItem() *ConnectionCollectionItem
NewConnectionCollectionItem instantiates a new ConnectionCollectionItem object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewConnectionCollectionItemWithDefaults ¶
func NewConnectionCollectionItemWithDefaults() *ConnectionCollectionItem
NewConnectionCollectionItemWithDefaults instantiates a new ConnectionCollectionItem object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetConnType ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetConnType() string
GetConnType returns the ConnType field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetConnTypeOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetConnTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetConnTypeOk returns a tuple with the ConnType field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetConnectionId ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetConnectionId() string
GetConnectionId returns the ConnectionId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetConnectionIdOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetConnectionIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetConnectionIdOk returns a tuple with the ConnectionId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetDescription ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetDescriptionOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetHost ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetHost() string
GetHost returns the Host field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetHostOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetHostOk() (*string, bool)
GetHostOk returns a tuple with the Host field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetLogin ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetLogin() string
GetLogin returns the Login field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetLoginOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetLoginOk() (*string, bool)
GetLoginOk returns a tuple with the Login field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetPort ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetPort() int32
GetPort returns the Port field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetPortOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetPortOk() (*int32, bool)
GetPortOk returns a tuple with the Port field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetSchema ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetSchema() string
GetSchema returns the Schema field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) GetSchemaOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) GetSchemaOk() (*string, bool)
GetSchemaOk returns a tuple with the Schema field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) HasConnType ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasConnType() bool
HasConnType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) HasConnectionId ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasConnectionId() bool
HasConnectionId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) HasDescription ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasDescription() bool
HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) HasHost ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasHost() bool
HasHost returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) HasLogin ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasLogin() bool
HasLogin returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) HasPort ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasPort() bool
HasPort returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) HasSchema ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) HasSchema() bool
HasSchema returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ConnectionCollectionItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ConnectionCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) SetConnType ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetConnType(v string)
SetConnType gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ConnType field.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) SetConnectionId ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetConnectionId(v string)
SetConnectionId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ConnectionId field.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) SetDescription ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetDescription(v string)
SetDescription gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Description field.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) SetDescriptionNil ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetDescriptionNil()
SetDescriptionNil sets the value for Description to be an explicit nil
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) SetHost ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetHost(v string)
SetHost gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Host field.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) SetHostNil ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetHostNil()
SetHostNil sets the value for Host to be an explicit nil
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) SetLogin ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetLogin(v string)
SetLogin gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Login field.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) SetLoginNil ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetLoginNil()
SetLoginNil sets the value for Login to be an explicit nil
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) SetPort ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetPort(v int32)
SetPort gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the Port field.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) SetPortNil ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetPortNil()
SetPortNil sets the value for Port to be an explicit nil
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) SetSchema ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetSchema(v string)
SetSchema gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Schema field.
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) SetSchemaNil ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) SetSchemaNil()
SetSchemaNil sets the value for Schema to be an explicit nil
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetDescription ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetDescription()
UnsetDescription ensures that no value is present for Description, not even an explicit nil
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetHost ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetHost()
UnsetHost ensures that no value is present for Host, not even an explicit nil
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetLogin ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetLogin()
UnsetLogin ensures that no value is present for Login, not even an explicit nil
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetPort ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetPort()
UnsetPort ensures that no value is present for Port, not even an explicit nil
func (*ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetSchema ¶
func (o *ConnectionCollectionItem) UnsetSchema()
UnsetSchema ensures that no value is present for Schema, not even an explicit nil
type ConnectionTest ¶
type ConnectionTest struct { // The status of the request. Status *bool `json:"status,omitempty"` // The success or failure message of the request. Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
ConnectionTest Connection test results. *New in version 2.2.0*
func NewConnectionTest ¶
func NewConnectionTest() *ConnectionTest
NewConnectionTest instantiates a new ConnectionTest object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewConnectionTestWithDefaults ¶
func NewConnectionTestWithDefaults() *ConnectionTest
NewConnectionTestWithDefaults instantiates a new ConnectionTest object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ConnectionTest) GetMessage ¶
func (o *ConnectionTest) GetMessage() string
GetMessage returns the Message field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ConnectionTest) GetMessageOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionTest) GetMessageOk() (*string, bool)
GetMessageOk returns a tuple with the Message field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ConnectionTest) GetStatus ¶
func (o *ConnectionTest) GetStatus() bool
GetStatus returns the Status field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ConnectionTest) GetStatusOk ¶
func (o *ConnectionTest) GetStatusOk() (*bool, bool)
GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ConnectionTest) HasMessage ¶
func (o *ConnectionTest) HasMessage() bool
HasMessage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ConnectionTest) HasStatus ¶
func (o *ConnectionTest) HasStatus() bool
HasStatus returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ConnectionTest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ConnectionTest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ConnectionTest) SetMessage ¶
func (o *ConnectionTest) SetMessage(v string)
SetMessage gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Message field.
func (*ConnectionTest) SetStatus ¶
func (o *ConnectionTest) SetStatus(v bool)
SetStatus gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the Status field.
type CronExpression ¶
CronExpression Cron expression
func NewCronExpression ¶
func NewCronExpression(type_ string, value string) *CronExpression
NewCronExpression instantiates a new CronExpression object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewCronExpressionWithDefaults ¶
func NewCronExpressionWithDefaults() *CronExpression
NewCronExpressionWithDefaults instantiates a new CronExpression object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*CronExpression) GetType ¶
func (o *CronExpression) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field value
func (*CronExpression) GetTypeOk ¶
func (o *CronExpression) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*CronExpression) GetValue ¶
func (o *CronExpression) GetValue() string
GetValue returns the Value field value
func (*CronExpression) GetValueOk ¶
func (o *CronExpression) GetValueOk() (*string, bool)
GetValueOk returns a tuple with the Value field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (CronExpression) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o CronExpression) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CronExpression) SetType ¶
func (o *CronExpression) SetType(v string)
SetType sets field value
func (*CronExpression) SetValue ¶
func (o *CronExpression) SetValue(v string)
SetValue sets field value
type DAG ¶
type DAG struct { // The ID of the DAG. DagId *string `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` // If the DAG is SubDAG then it is the top level DAG identifier. Otherwise, null. RootDagId NullableString `json:"root_dag_id,omitempty"` // Whether the DAG is paused. IsPaused NullableBool `json:"is_paused,omitempty"` // Whether the DAG is currently seen by the scheduler(s). *New in version 2.1.1* *Changed in version 2.2.0*: Field is read-only. IsActive NullableBool `json:"is_active,omitempty"` // Whether the DAG is SubDAG. IsSubdag *bool `json:"is_subdag,omitempty"` // The last time the DAG was parsed. *New in version 2.3.0* LastParsedTime NullableTime `json:"last_parsed_time,omitempty"` // The last time the DAG was pickled. *New in version 2.3.0* LastPickled NullableTime `json:"last_pickled,omitempty"` // Time when the DAG last received a refresh signal (e.g. the DAG's \"refresh\" button was clicked in the web UI) *New in version 2.3.0* LastExpired NullableTime `json:"last_expired,omitempty"` // Whether (one of) the scheduler is scheduling this DAG at the moment *New in version 2.3.0* SchedulerLock NullableBool `json:"scheduler_lock,omitempty"` // Foreign key to the latest pickle_id *New in version 2.3.0* PickleId NullableString `json:"pickle_id,omitempty"` // Default view of the DAG inside the webserver *New in version 2.3.0* DefaultView NullableString `json:"default_view,omitempty"` // The absolute path to the file. Fileloc *string `json:"fileloc,omitempty"` // The key containing the encrypted path to the file. Encryption and decryption take place only on the server. This prevents the client from reading an non-DAG file. This also ensures API extensibility, because the format of encrypted data may change. FileToken *string `json:"file_token,omitempty"` Owners *[]string `json:"owners,omitempty"` // User-provided DAG description, which can consist of several sentences or paragraphs that describe DAG contents. Description NullableString `json:"description,omitempty"` ScheduleInterval NullableScheduleInterval `json:"schedule_interval,omitempty"` // Timetable/Schedule Interval description. *New in version 2.3.0* TimetableDescription NullableString `json:"timetable_description,omitempty"` // List of tags. Tags []Tag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Maximum number of active tasks that can be run on the DAG *New in version 2.3.0* MaxActiveTasks NullableInt32 `json:"max_active_tasks,omitempty"` // Maximum number of active DAG runs for the DAG *New in version 2.3.0* MaxActiveRuns NullableInt32 `json:"max_active_runs,omitempty"` // Whether the DAG has task concurrency limits *New in version 2.3.0* HasTaskConcurrencyLimits NullableBool `json:"has_task_concurrency_limits,omitempty"` // Whether the DAG has import errors *New in version 2.3.0* HasImportErrors NullableBool `json:"has_import_errors,omitempty"` // The logical date of the next dag run. *New in version 2.3.0* NextDagrun NullableTime `json:"next_dagrun,omitempty"` // The start of the interval of the next dag run. *New in version 2.3.0* NextDagrunDataIntervalStart NullableTime `json:"next_dagrun_data_interval_start,omitempty"` // The end of the interval of the next dag run. *New in version 2.3.0* NextDagrunDataIntervalEnd NullableTime `json:"next_dagrun_data_interval_end,omitempty"` // Earliest time at which this “next_dagrun“ can be created. *New in version 2.3.0* NextDagrunCreateAfter NullableTime `json:"next_dagrun_create_after,omitempty"` }
func NewDAG ¶
func NewDAG() *DAG
NewDAG instantiates a new DAG object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDAGWithDefaults ¶
func NewDAGWithDefaults() *DAG
NewDAGWithDefaults instantiates a new DAG object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DAG) GetDagIdOk ¶
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAG) GetDefaultView ¶
GetDefaultView returns the DefaultView field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetDefaultViewOk ¶
GetDefaultViewOk returns a tuple with the DefaultView field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetDescription ¶
GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetDescriptionOk ¶
GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetFileToken ¶
GetFileToken returns the FileToken field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAG) GetFileTokenOk ¶
GetFileTokenOk returns a tuple with the FileToken field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAG) GetFileloc ¶
GetFileloc returns the Fileloc field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAG) GetFilelocOk ¶
GetFilelocOk returns a tuple with the Fileloc field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAG) GetHasImportErrors ¶
GetHasImportErrors returns the HasImportErrors field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetHasImportErrorsOk ¶
GetHasImportErrorsOk returns a tuple with the HasImportErrors field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits ¶
GetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits returns the HasTaskConcurrencyLimits field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsOk ¶
GetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsOk returns a tuple with the HasTaskConcurrencyLimits field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetIsActive ¶
GetIsActive returns the IsActive field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetIsActiveOk ¶
GetIsActiveOk returns a tuple with the IsActive field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetIsPaused ¶
GetIsPaused returns the IsPaused field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetIsPausedOk ¶
GetIsPausedOk returns a tuple with the IsPaused field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetIsSubdag ¶
GetIsSubdag returns the IsSubdag field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAG) GetIsSubdagOk ¶
GetIsSubdagOk returns a tuple with the IsSubdag field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAG) GetLastExpired ¶
GetLastExpired returns the LastExpired field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetLastExpiredOk ¶
GetLastExpiredOk returns a tuple with the LastExpired field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetLastParsedTime ¶
GetLastParsedTime returns the LastParsedTime field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetLastParsedTimeOk ¶
GetLastParsedTimeOk returns a tuple with the LastParsedTime field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetLastPickled ¶
GetLastPickled returns the LastPickled field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetLastPickledOk ¶
GetLastPickledOk returns a tuple with the LastPickled field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetMaxActiveRuns ¶
GetMaxActiveRuns returns the MaxActiveRuns field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetMaxActiveRunsOk ¶
GetMaxActiveRunsOk returns a tuple with the MaxActiveRuns field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetMaxActiveTasks ¶
GetMaxActiveTasks returns the MaxActiveTasks field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetMaxActiveTasksOk ¶
GetMaxActiveTasksOk returns a tuple with the MaxActiveTasks field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetNextDagrun ¶
GetNextDagrun returns the NextDagrun field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetNextDagrunCreateAfter ¶
GetNextDagrunCreateAfter returns the NextDagrunCreateAfter field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetNextDagrunCreateAfterOk ¶
GetNextDagrunCreateAfterOk returns a tuple with the NextDagrunCreateAfter field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd ¶
GetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd returns the NextDagrunDataIntervalEnd field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndOk ¶
GetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndOk returns a tuple with the NextDagrunDataIntervalEnd field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart ¶
GetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart returns the NextDagrunDataIntervalStart field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartOk ¶
GetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartOk returns a tuple with the NextDagrunDataIntervalStart field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetNextDagrunOk ¶
GetNextDagrunOk returns a tuple with the NextDagrun field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetOwnersOk ¶
GetOwnersOk returns a tuple with the Owners field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAG) GetPickleId ¶
GetPickleId returns the PickleId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetPickleIdOk ¶
GetPickleIdOk returns a tuple with the PickleId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetRootDagId ¶
GetRootDagId returns the RootDagId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetRootDagIdOk ¶
GetRootDagIdOk returns a tuple with the RootDagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetScheduleInterval ¶
func (o *DAG) GetScheduleInterval() ScheduleInterval
GetScheduleInterval returns the ScheduleInterval field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetScheduleIntervalOk ¶
func (o *DAG) GetScheduleIntervalOk() (*ScheduleInterval, bool)
GetScheduleIntervalOk returns a tuple with the ScheduleInterval field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetSchedulerLock ¶
GetSchedulerLock returns the SchedulerLock field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetSchedulerLockOk ¶
GetSchedulerLockOk returns a tuple with the SchedulerLock field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetTags ¶
GetTags returns the Tags field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetTagsOk ¶
GetTagsOk returns a tuple with the Tags field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) GetTimetableDescription ¶
GetTimetableDescription returns the TimetableDescription field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAG) GetTimetableDescriptionOk ¶
GetTimetableDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the TimetableDescription field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAG) HasDefaultView ¶
HasDefaultView returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasDescription ¶
HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasFileToken ¶
HasFileToken returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasFileloc ¶
HasFileloc returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasHasImportErrors ¶
HasHasImportErrors returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasHasTaskConcurrencyLimits ¶
HasHasTaskConcurrencyLimits returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasIsActive ¶
HasIsActive returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasIsPaused ¶
HasIsPaused returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasIsSubdag ¶
HasIsSubdag returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasLastExpired ¶
HasLastExpired returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasLastParsedTime ¶
HasLastParsedTime returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasLastPickled ¶
HasLastPickled returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasMaxActiveRuns ¶
HasMaxActiveRuns returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasMaxActiveTasks ¶
HasMaxActiveTasks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasNextDagrun ¶
HasNextDagrun returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasNextDagrunCreateAfter ¶
HasNextDagrunCreateAfter returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd ¶
HasNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasNextDagrunDataIntervalStart ¶
HasNextDagrunDataIntervalStart returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasPickleId ¶
HasPickleId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasRootDagId ¶
HasRootDagId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasScheduleInterval ¶
HasScheduleInterval returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasSchedulerLock ¶
HasSchedulerLock returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAG) HasTimetableDescription ¶
HasTimetableDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DAG) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*DAG) SetDagId ¶
SetDagId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*DAG) SetDefaultView ¶
SetDefaultView gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the DefaultView field.
func (*DAG) SetDefaultViewNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetDefaultViewNil()
SetDefaultViewNil sets the value for DefaultView to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetDescription ¶
SetDescription gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Description field.
func (*DAG) SetDescriptionNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetDescriptionNil()
SetDescriptionNil sets the value for Description to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetFileToken ¶
SetFileToken gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the FileToken field.
func (*DAG) SetFileloc ¶
SetFileloc gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Fileloc field.
func (*DAG) SetHasImportErrors ¶
SetHasImportErrors gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the HasImportErrors field.
func (*DAG) SetHasImportErrorsNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetHasImportErrorsNil()
SetHasImportErrorsNil sets the value for HasImportErrors to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits ¶
SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the HasTaskConcurrencyLimits field.
func (*DAG) SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsNil()
SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsNil sets the value for HasTaskConcurrencyLimits to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetIsActive ¶
SetIsActive gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the IsActive field.
func (*DAG) SetIsActiveNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetIsActiveNil()
SetIsActiveNil sets the value for IsActive to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetIsPaused ¶
SetIsPaused gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the IsPaused field.
func (*DAG) SetIsPausedNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetIsPausedNil()
SetIsPausedNil sets the value for IsPaused to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetIsSubdag ¶
SetIsSubdag gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IsSubdag field.
func (*DAG) SetLastExpired ¶
SetLastExpired gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the LastExpired field.
func (*DAG) SetLastExpiredNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetLastExpiredNil()
SetLastExpiredNil sets the value for LastExpired to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetLastParsedTime ¶
SetLastParsedTime gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the LastParsedTime field.
func (*DAG) SetLastParsedTimeNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetLastParsedTimeNil()
SetLastParsedTimeNil sets the value for LastParsedTime to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetLastPickled ¶
SetLastPickled gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the LastPickled field.
func (*DAG) SetLastPickledNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetLastPickledNil()
SetLastPickledNil sets the value for LastPickled to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetMaxActiveRuns ¶
SetMaxActiveRuns gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the MaxActiveRuns field.
func (*DAG) SetMaxActiveRunsNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetMaxActiveRunsNil()
SetMaxActiveRunsNil sets the value for MaxActiveRuns to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetMaxActiveTasks ¶
SetMaxActiveTasks gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the MaxActiveTasks field.
func (*DAG) SetMaxActiveTasksNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetMaxActiveTasksNil()
SetMaxActiveTasksNil sets the value for MaxActiveTasks to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetNextDagrun ¶
SetNextDagrun gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the NextDagrun field.
func (*DAG) SetNextDagrunCreateAfter ¶
SetNextDagrunCreateAfter gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the NextDagrunCreateAfter field.
func (*DAG) SetNextDagrunCreateAfterNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetNextDagrunCreateAfterNil()
SetNextDagrunCreateAfterNil sets the value for NextDagrunCreateAfter to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd ¶
SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the NextDagrunDataIntervalEnd field.
func (*DAG) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndNil()
SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndNil sets the value for NextDagrunDataIntervalEnd to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart ¶
SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the NextDagrunDataIntervalStart field.
func (*DAG) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartNil()
SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartNil sets the value for NextDagrunDataIntervalStart to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetNextDagrunNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetNextDagrunNil()
SetNextDagrunNil sets the value for NextDagrun to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetOwners ¶
SetOwners gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Owners field.
func (*DAG) SetPickleId ¶
SetPickleId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the PickleId field.
func (*DAG) SetPickleIdNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetPickleIdNil()
SetPickleIdNil sets the value for PickleId to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetRootDagId ¶
SetRootDagId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the RootDagId field.
func (*DAG) SetRootDagIdNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetRootDagIdNil()
SetRootDagIdNil sets the value for RootDagId to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetScheduleInterval ¶
func (o *DAG) SetScheduleInterval(v ScheduleInterval)
SetScheduleInterval gets a reference to the given NullableScheduleInterval and assigns it to the ScheduleInterval field.
func (*DAG) SetScheduleIntervalNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetScheduleIntervalNil()
SetScheduleIntervalNil sets the value for ScheduleInterval to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetSchedulerLock ¶
SetSchedulerLock gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the SchedulerLock field.
func (*DAG) SetSchedulerLockNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetSchedulerLockNil()
SetSchedulerLockNil sets the value for SchedulerLock to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) SetTimetableDescription ¶
SetTimetableDescription gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the TimetableDescription field.
func (*DAG) SetTimetableDescriptionNil ¶
func (o *DAG) SetTimetableDescriptionNil()
SetTimetableDescriptionNil sets the value for TimetableDescription to be an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetDefaultView ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetDefaultView()
UnsetDefaultView ensures that no value is present for DefaultView, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetDescription ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetDescription()
UnsetDescription ensures that no value is present for Description, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetHasImportErrors ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetHasImportErrors()
UnsetHasImportErrors ensures that no value is present for HasImportErrors, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits()
UnsetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits ensures that no value is present for HasTaskConcurrencyLimits, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetIsActive ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetIsActive()
UnsetIsActive ensures that no value is present for IsActive, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetIsPaused ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetIsPaused()
UnsetIsPaused ensures that no value is present for IsPaused, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetLastExpired ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetLastExpired()
UnsetLastExpired ensures that no value is present for LastExpired, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetLastParsedTime ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetLastParsedTime()
UnsetLastParsedTime ensures that no value is present for LastParsedTime, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetLastPickled ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetLastPickled()
UnsetLastPickled ensures that no value is present for LastPickled, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetMaxActiveRuns ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetMaxActiveRuns()
UnsetMaxActiveRuns ensures that no value is present for MaxActiveRuns, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetMaxActiveTasks ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetMaxActiveTasks()
UnsetMaxActiveTasks ensures that no value is present for MaxActiveTasks, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetNextDagrun ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetNextDagrun()
UnsetNextDagrun ensures that no value is present for NextDagrun, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetNextDagrunCreateAfter ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetNextDagrunCreateAfter()
UnsetNextDagrunCreateAfter ensures that no value is present for NextDagrunCreateAfter, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd()
UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd ensures that no value is present for NextDagrunDataIntervalEnd, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart()
UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart ensures that no value is present for NextDagrunDataIntervalStart, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetPickleId ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetPickleId()
UnsetPickleId ensures that no value is present for PickleId, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetRootDagId ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetRootDagId()
UnsetRootDagId ensures that no value is present for RootDagId, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetScheduleInterval ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetScheduleInterval()
UnsetScheduleInterval ensures that no value is present for ScheduleInterval, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetSchedulerLock ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetSchedulerLock()
UnsetSchedulerLock ensures that no value is present for SchedulerLock, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAG) UnsetTimetableDescription ¶
func (o *DAG) UnsetTimetableDescription()
UnsetTimetableDescription ensures that no value is present for TimetableDescription, not even an explicit nil
type DAGApiApiDeleteDagRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiDeleteDagRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DAGApiApiGetDagDetailsRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiGetDagDetailsRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DAGApiApiGetDagRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiGetDagRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DAGApiApiGetDagSourceRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiGetDagSourceRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGApiApiGetDagSourceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGApiApiGetDagSourceRequest) Execute() (InlineResponse2001, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) DagIdPattern ¶
func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) DagIdPattern(dagIdPattern string) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
If set, only return DAGs with dag_ids matching this pattern.
func (DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) Execute() (DAGCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) Limit ¶
func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) Limit(limit int32) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) Offset ¶
func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) Offset(offset int32) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) OnlyActive ¶
func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) OnlyActive(onlyActive bool) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
Only filter active DAGs. *New in version 2.1.1*
func (DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
func (DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) Tags ¶
func (r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) Tags(tags []string) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
List of tags to filter results. *New in version 2.2.0*
type DAGApiApiGetTaskRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiGetTaskRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest) Execute() (TaskCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
type DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest) DAG ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest) DAG(dAG DAG) DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest
func (DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest) Execute() (DAG, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest) UpdateMask ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest) UpdateMask(updateMask []string) DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest
The fields to update on the resource. If absent or empty, all modifiable fields are updated. A comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields.
type DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) DAG ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) DAG(dAG DAG) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
func (DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) DagIdPattern ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) DagIdPattern(dagIdPattern string) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
If set, only update DAGs with dag_ids matching this pattern.
func (DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) Execute() (DAGCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) Limit ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) Limit(limit int32) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) Offset ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) Offset(offset int32) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) OnlyActive ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) OnlyActive(onlyActive bool) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
Only filter active DAGs. *New in version 2.1.1*
func (DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) Tags ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) Tags(tags []string) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
List of tags to filter results. *New in version 2.2.0*
func (DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) UpdateMask ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) UpdateMask(updateMask []string) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
The fields to update on the resource. If absent or empty, all modifiable fields are updated. A comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields.
type DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest) ClearTaskInstances ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest) ClearTaskInstances(clearTaskInstances ClearTaskInstances) DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest
Parameters of action
func (DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest) Execute() (TaskInstanceReferenceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest) Execute() (TaskInstanceReferenceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest) UpdateTaskInstancesState ¶
func (r DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest) UpdateTaskInstancesState(updateTaskInstancesState UpdateTaskInstancesState) DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest
Parameters of action
type DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest) Execute() (TaskInstance, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest) SetTaskInstanceNote ¶
func (r DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest) SetTaskInstanceNote(setTaskInstanceNote SetTaskInstanceNote) DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest
Parameters of set Task Instance note.
type DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest ¶
type DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest struct { ApiService *DAGApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest) Execute() (TaskInstance, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest) SetTaskInstanceNote ¶
func (r DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest) SetTaskInstanceNote(setTaskInstanceNote SetTaskInstanceNote) DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest
Parameters of set Task Instance note.
type DAGApiService ¶
type DAGApiService service
DAGApiService DAGApi service
func (*DAGApiService) DeleteDag ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) DeleteDag(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiDeleteDagRequest
DeleteDag Delete a DAG
Deletes all metadata related to the DAG, including finished DAG Runs and Tasks. Logs are not deleted. This action cannot be undone.
*New in version 2.2.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @return DAGApiApiDeleteDagRequest
func (*DAGApiService) DeleteDagExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) DeleteDagExecute(r DAGApiApiDeleteDagRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
func (*DAGApiService) GetDag ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) GetDag(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiGetDagRequest
GetDag Get basic information about a DAG
Presents only information available in database (DAGModel). If you need detailed information, consider using GET /dags/{dag_id}/details.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @return DAGApiApiGetDagRequest
func (*DAGApiService) GetDagDetails ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) GetDagDetails(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiGetDagDetailsRequest
GetDagDetails Get a simplified representation of DAG
The response contains many DAG attributes, so the response can be large. If possible, consider using GET /dags/{dag_id}.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @return DAGApiApiGetDagDetailsRequest
func (*DAGApiService) GetDagDetailsExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) GetDagDetailsExecute(r DAGApiApiGetDagDetailsRequest) (DAGDetail, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DAGDetail
func (*DAGApiService) GetDagExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) GetDagExecute(r DAGApiApiGetDagRequest) (DAG, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DAG
func (*DAGApiService) GetDagSource ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) GetDagSource(ctx _context.Context, fileToken string) DAGApiApiGetDagSourceRequest
GetDagSource Get a source code
Get a source code using file token.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param fileToken The key containing the encrypted path to the file. Encryption and decryption take place only on the server. This prevents the client from reading an non-DAG file. This also ensures API extensibility, because the format of encrypted data may change. @return DAGApiApiGetDagSourceRequest
func (*DAGApiService) GetDagSourceExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) GetDagSourceExecute(r DAGApiApiGetDagSourceRequest) (InlineResponse2001, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return InlineResponse2001
func (*DAGApiService) GetDags ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) GetDags(ctx _context.Context) DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
GetDags List DAGs
List DAGs in the database. `dag_id_pattern` can be set to match dags of a specific pattern
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest
func (*DAGApiService) GetDagsExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) GetDagsExecute(r DAGApiApiGetDagsRequest) (DAGCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DAGCollection
func (*DAGApiService) GetTask ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) GetTask(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, taskId string) DAGApiApiGetTaskRequest
GetTask Get simplified representation of a task
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param taskId The task ID. @return DAGApiApiGetTaskRequest
func (*DAGApiService) GetTaskExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) GetTaskExecute(r DAGApiApiGetTaskRequest) (Task, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Task
func (*DAGApiService) GetTasks ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) GetTasks(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest
GetTasks Get tasks for DAG
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @return DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest
func (*DAGApiService) GetTasksExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) GetTasksExecute(r DAGApiApiGetTasksRequest) (TaskCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return TaskCollection
func (*DAGApiService) PatchDag ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) PatchDag(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest
PatchDag Update a DAG
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @return DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest
func (*DAGApiService) PatchDagExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) PatchDagExecute(r DAGApiApiPatchDagRequest) (DAG, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DAG
func (*DAGApiService) PatchDags ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) PatchDags(ctx _context.Context) DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
PatchDags Update DAGs
Update DAGs of a given dag_id_pattern using UpdateMask. This endpoint allows specifying `~` as the dag_id_pattern to update all DAGs. *New in version 2.3.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest
func (*DAGApiService) PatchDagsExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) PatchDagsExecute(r DAGApiApiPatchDagsRequest) (DAGCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DAGCollection
func (*DAGApiService) PostClearTaskInstances ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) PostClearTaskInstances(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest
PostClearTaskInstances Clear a set of task instances
Clears a set of task instances associated with the DAG for a specified date range.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @return DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest
func (*DAGApiService) PostClearTaskInstancesExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) PostClearTaskInstancesExecute(r DAGApiApiPostClearTaskInstancesRequest) (TaskInstanceReferenceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return TaskInstanceReferenceCollection
func (*DAGApiService) PostSetTaskInstancesState ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) PostSetTaskInstancesState(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest
PostSetTaskInstancesState Set a state of task instances
Updates the state for multiple task instances simultaneously.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @return DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest
func (*DAGApiService) PostSetTaskInstancesStateExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) PostSetTaskInstancesStateExecute(r DAGApiApiPostSetTaskInstancesStateRequest) (TaskInstanceReferenceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return TaskInstanceReferenceCollection
func (*DAGApiService) SetMappedTaskInstanceNote ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) SetMappedTaskInstanceNote(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string, mapIndex int32) DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest
SetMappedTaskInstanceNote Update the TaskInstance note.
Update the manual user note of a mapped Task Instance.
*New in version 2.5.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @param taskId The task ID. @param mapIndex The map index. @return DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest
func (*DAGApiService) SetMappedTaskInstanceNoteExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) SetMappedTaskInstanceNoteExecute(r DAGApiApiSetMappedTaskInstanceNoteRequest) (TaskInstance, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return TaskInstance
func (*DAGApiService) SetTaskInstanceNote ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) SetTaskInstanceNote(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string) DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest
SetTaskInstanceNote Update the TaskInstance note.
Update the manual user note of a non-mapped Task Instance.
*New in version 2.5.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @param taskId The task ID. @return DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest
func (*DAGApiService) SetTaskInstanceNoteExecute ¶
func (a *DAGApiService) SetTaskInstanceNoteExecute(r DAGApiApiSetTaskInstanceNoteRequest) (TaskInstance, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return TaskInstance
type DAGCollection ¶
type DAGCollection struct { Dags *[]DAG `json:"dags,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
DAGCollection Collection of DAGs. *Changed in version 2.1.0*: 'total_entries' field is added.
func NewDAGCollection ¶
func NewDAGCollection() *DAGCollection
NewDAGCollection instantiates a new DAGCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDAGCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewDAGCollectionWithDefaults() *DAGCollection
NewDAGCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new DAGCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DAGCollection) GetDags ¶
func (o *DAGCollection) GetDags() []DAG
GetDags returns the Dags field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGCollection) GetDagsOk ¶
func (o *DAGCollection) GetDagsOk() (*[]DAG, bool)
GetDagsOk returns a tuple with the Dags field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DAGCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *DAGCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGCollection) HasDags ¶
func (o *DAGCollection) HasDags() bool
HasDags returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DAGCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DAGCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DAGCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DAGCollection) SetDags ¶
func (o *DAGCollection) SetDags(v []DAG)
SetDags gets a reference to the given []DAG and assigns it to the Dags field.
func (*DAGCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DAGCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type DAGCollectionAllOf ¶
type DAGCollectionAllOf struct {
Dags *[]DAG `json:"dags,omitempty"`
DAGCollectionAllOf struct for DAGCollectionAllOf
func NewDAGCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewDAGCollectionAllOf() *DAGCollectionAllOf
NewDAGCollectionAllOf instantiates a new DAGCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDAGCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewDAGCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *DAGCollectionAllOf
NewDAGCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new DAGCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DAGCollectionAllOf) GetDags ¶
func (o *DAGCollectionAllOf) GetDags() []DAG
GetDags returns the Dags field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGCollectionAllOf) GetDagsOk ¶
func (o *DAGCollectionAllOf) GetDagsOk() (*[]DAG, bool)
GetDagsOk returns a tuple with the Dags field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGCollectionAllOf) HasDags ¶
func (o *DAGCollectionAllOf) HasDags() bool
HasDags returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DAGCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DAGCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DAGCollectionAllOf) SetDags ¶
func (o *DAGCollectionAllOf) SetDags(v []DAG)
SetDags gets a reference to the given []DAG and assigns it to the Dags field.
type DAGDetail ¶
type DAGDetail struct { // The ID of the DAG. DagId *string `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` // If the DAG is SubDAG then it is the top level DAG identifier. Otherwise, null. RootDagId NullableString `json:"root_dag_id,omitempty"` // Whether the DAG is paused. IsPaused NullableBool `json:"is_paused,omitempty"` // Whether the DAG is currently seen by the scheduler(s). *New in version 2.1.1* *Changed in version 2.2.0*: Field is read-only. IsActive NullableBool `json:"is_active,omitempty"` // Whether the DAG is SubDAG. IsSubdag *bool `json:"is_subdag,omitempty"` // The last time the DAG was parsed. *New in version 2.3.0* LastParsedTime NullableTime `json:"last_parsed_time,omitempty"` // The last time the DAG was pickled. *New in version 2.3.0* LastPickled NullableTime `json:"last_pickled,omitempty"` // Time when the DAG last received a refresh signal (e.g. the DAG's \"refresh\" button was clicked in the web UI) *New in version 2.3.0* LastExpired NullableTime `json:"last_expired,omitempty"` // Whether (one of) the scheduler is scheduling this DAG at the moment *New in version 2.3.0* SchedulerLock NullableBool `json:"scheduler_lock,omitempty"` // Foreign key to the latest pickle_id *New in version 2.3.0* PickleId NullableString `json:"pickle_id,omitempty"` DefaultView *string `json:"default_view,omitempty"` // The absolute path to the file. Fileloc *string `json:"fileloc,omitempty"` // The key containing the encrypted path to the file. Encryption and decryption take place only on the server. This prevents the client from reading an non-DAG file. This also ensures API extensibility, because the format of encrypted data may change. FileToken *string `json:"file_token,omitempty"` Owners *[]string `json:"owners,omitempty"` // User-provided DAG description, which can consist of several sentences or paragraphs that describe DAG contents. Description NullableString `json:"description,omitempty"` ScheduleInterval NullableScheduleInterval `json:"schedule_interval,omitempty"` // Timetable/Schedule Interval description. *New in version 2.3.0* TimetableDescription NullableString `json:"timetable_description,omitempty"` // List of tags. Tags []Tag `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Maximum number of active tasks that can be run on the DAG *New in version 2.3.0* MaxActiveTasks NullableInt32 `json:"max_active_tasks,omitempty"` // Maximum number of active DAG runs for the DAG *New in version 2.3.0* MaxActiveRuns NullableInt32 `json:"max_active_runs,omitempty"` // Whether the DAG has task concurrency limits *New in version 2.3.0* HasTaskConcurrencyLimits NullableBool `json:"has_task_concurrency_limits,omitempty"` // Whether the DAG has import errors *New in version 2.3.0* HasImportErrors NullableBool `json:"has_import_errors,omitempty"` // The logical date of the next dag run. *New in version 2.3.0* NextDagrun NullableTime `json:"next_dagrun,omitempty"` // The start of the interval of the next dag run. *New in version 2.3.0* NextDagrunDataIntervalStart NullableTime `json:"next_dagrun_data_interval_start,omitempty"` // The end of the interval of the next dag run. *New in version 2.3.0* NextDagrunDataIntervalEnd NullableTime `json:"next_dagrun_data_interval_end,omitempty"` // Earliest time at which this “next_dagrun“ can be created. *New in version 2.3.0* NextDagrunCreateAfter NullableTime `json:"next_dagrun_create_after,omitempty"` Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` Catchup *bool `json:"catchup,omitempty"` Orientation *string `json:"orientation,omitempty"` Concurrency *float32 `json:"concurrency,omitempty"` // The DAG's start date. *Changed in version 2.0.1*: Field becomes nullable. StartDate NullableTime `json:"start_date,omitempty"` DagRunTimeout *TimeDelta `json:"dag_run_timeout,omitempty"` DocMd NullableString `json:"doc_md,omitempty"` // User-specified DAG params. *New in version 2.0.1* Params *map[string]interface{} `json:"params,omitempty"` // The DAG's end date. *New in version 2.3.0*. EndDate NullableTime `json:"end_date,omitempty"` // Whether the DAG is paused upon creation. *New in version 2.3.0* IsPausedUponCreation NullableBool `json:"is_paused_upon_creation,omitempty"` // The last time the DAG was parsed. *New in version 2.3.0* LastParsed NullableTime `json:"last_parsed,omitempty"` // The template search path. *New in version 2.3.0* TemplateSearchPath []string `json:"template_search_path,omitempty"` // Whether to render templates as native Python objects. *New in version 2.3.0* RenderTemplateAsNativeObj NullableBool `json:"render_template_as_native_obj,omitempty"` }
DAGDetail DAG details. For details see: [airflow.models.DAG](
func NewDAGDetail ¶
func NewDAGDetail() *DAGDetail
NewDAGDetail instantiates a new DAGDetail object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDAGDetailWithDefaults ¶
func NewDAGDetailWithDefaults() *DAGDetail
NewDAGDetailWithDefaults instantiates a new DAGDetail object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DAGDetail) GetCatchup ¶
GetCatchup returns the Catchup field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetail) GetCatchupOk ¶
GetCatchupOk returns a tuple with the Catchup field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) GetConcurrency ¶
GetConcurrency returns the Concurrency field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetail) GetConcurrencyOk ¶
GetConcurrencyOk returns a tuple with the Concurrency field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) GetDagIdOk ¶
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) GetDagRunTimeout ¶
GetDagRunTimeout returns the DagRunTimeout field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetail) GetDagRunTimeoutOk ¶
GetDagRunTimeoutOk returns a tuple with the DagRunTimeout field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) GetDefaultView ¶
GetDefaultView returns the DefaultView field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetail) GetDefaultViewOk ¶
GetDefaultViewOk returns a tuple with the DefaultView field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) GetDescription ¶
GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetDescriptionOk ¶
GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetDocMd ¶
GetDocMd returns the DocMd field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetDocMdOk ¶
GetDocMdOk returns a tuple with the DocMd field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetEndDate ¶
GetEndDate returns the EndDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetEndDateOk ¶
GetEndDateOk returns a tuple with the EndDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetFileToken ¶
GetFileToken returns the FileToken field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetail) GetFileTokenOk ¶
GetFileTokenOk returns a tuple with the FileToken field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) GetFileloc ¶
GetFileloc returns the Fileloc field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetail) GetFilelocOk ¶
GetFilelocOk returns a tuple with the Fileloc field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) GetHasImportErrors ¶
GetHasImportErrors returns the HasImportErrors field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetHasImportErrorsOk ¶
GetHasImportErrorsOk returns a tuple with the HasImportErrors field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits ¶
GetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits returns the HasTaskConcurrencyLimits field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsOk ¶
GetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsOk returns a tuple with the HasTaskConcurrencyLimits field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetIsActive ¶
GetIsActive returns the IsActive field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetIsActiveOk ¶
GetIsActiveOk returns a tuple with the IsActive field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetIsPaused ¶
GetIsPaused returns the IsPaused field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetIsPausedOk ¶
GetIsPausedOk returns a tuple with the IsPaused field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetIsPausedUponCreation ¶
GetIsPausedUponCreation returns the IsPausedUponCreation field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetIsPausedUponCreationOk ¶
GetIsPausedUponCreationOk returns a tuple with the IsPausedUponCreation field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetIsSubdag ¶
GetIsSubdag returns the IsSubdag field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetail) GetIsSubdagOk ¶
GetIsSubdagOk returns a tuple with the IsSubdag field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) GetLastExpired ¶
GetLastExpired returns the LastExpired field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetLastExpiredOk ¶
GetLastExpiredOk returns a tuple with the LastExpired field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetLastParsed ¶
GetLastParsed returns the LastParsed field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetLastParsedOk ¶
GetLastParsedOk returns a tuple with the LastParsed field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetLastParsedTime ¶
GetLastParsedTime returns the LastParsedTime field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetLastParsedTimeOk ¶
GetLastParsedTimeOk returns a tuple with the LastParsedTime field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetLastPickled ¶
GetLastPickled returns the LastPickled field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetLastPickledOk ¶
GetLastPickledOk returns a tuple with the LastPickled field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetMaxActiveRuns ¶
GetMaxActiveRuns returns the MaxActiveRuns field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetMaxActiveRunsOk ¶
GetMaxActiveRunsOk returns a tuple with the MaxActiveRuns field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetMaxActiveTasks ¶
GetMaxActiveTasks returns the MaxActiveTasks field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetMaxActiveTasksOk ¶
GetMaxActiveTasksOk returns a tuple with the MaxActiveTasks field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetNextDagrun ¶
GetNextDagrun returns the NextDagrun field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunCreateAfter ¶
GetNextDagrunCreateAfter returns the NextDagrunCreateAfter field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunCreateAfterOk ¶
GetNextDagrunCreateAfterOk returns a tuple with the NextDagrunCreateAfter field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd ¶
GetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd returns the NextDagrunDataIntervalEnd field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndOk ¶
GetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndOk returns a tuple with the NextDagrunDataIntervalEnd field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart ¶
GetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart returns the NextDagrunDataIntervalStart field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartOk ¶
GetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartOk returns a tuple with the NextDagrunDataIntervalStart field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetNextDagrunOk ¶
GetNextDagrunOk returns a tuple with the NextDagrun field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetOrientation ¶
GetOrientation returns the Orientation field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetail) GetOrientationOk ¶
GetOrientationOk returns a tuple with the Orientation field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) GetOwners ¶
GetOwners returns the Owners field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetail) GetOwnersOk ¶
GetOwnersOk returns a tuple with the Owners field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) GetParams ¶
GetParams returns the Params field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetail) GetParamsOk ¶
GetParamsOk returns a tuple with the Params field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) GetPickleId ¶
GetPickleId returns the PickleId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetPickleIdOk ¶
GetPickleIdOk returns a tuple with the PickleId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj ¶
GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj returns the RenderTemplateAsNativeObj field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjOk ¶
GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjOk returns a tuple with the RenderTemplateAsNativeObj field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetRootDagId ¶
GetRootDagId returns the RootDagId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetRootDagIdOk ¶
GetRootDagIdOk returns a tuple with the RootDagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetScheduleInterval ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) GetScheduleInterval() ScheduleInterval
GetScheduleInterval returns the ScheduleInterval field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetScheduleIntervalOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) GetScheduleIntervalOk() (*ScheduleInterval, bool)
GetScheduleIntervalOk returns a tuple with the ScheduleInterval field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetSchedulerLock ¶
GetSchedulerLock returns the SchedulerLock field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetSchedulerLockOk ¶
GetSchedulerLockOk returns a tuple with the SchedulerLock field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetStartDate ¶
GetStartDate returns the StartDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetStartDateOk ¶
GetStartDateOk returns a tuple with the StartDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetTags ¶
GetTags returns the Tags field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetTagsOk ¶
GetTagsOk returns a tuple with the Tags field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetTemplateSearchPath ¶
GetTemplateSearchPath returns the TemplateSearchPath field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetTemplateSearchPathOk ¶
GetTemplateSearchPathOk returns a tuple with the TemplateSearchPath field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetTimetableDescription ¶
GetTimetableDescription returns the TimetableDescription field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetail) GetTimetableDescriptionOk ¶
GetTimetableDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the TimetableDescription field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetail) GetTimezone ¶
GetTimezone returns the Timezone field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetail) GetTimezoneOk ¶
GetTimezoneOk returns a tuple with the Timezone field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasCatchup ¶
HasCatchup returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasConcurrency ¶
HasConcurrency returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasDagRunTimeout ¶
HasDagRunTimeout returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasDefaultView ¶
HasDefaultView returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasDescription ¶
HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasEndDate ¶
HasEndDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasFileToken ¶
HasFileToken returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasFileloc ¶
HasFileloc returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasHasImportErrors ¶
HasHasImportErrors returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasHasTaskConcurrencyLimits ¶
HasHasTaskConcurrencyLimits returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasIsActive ¶
HasIsActive returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasIsPaused ¶
HasIsPaused returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasIsPausedUponCreation ¶
HasIsPausedUponCreation returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasIsSubdag ¶
HasIsSubdag returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasLastExpired ¶
HasLastExpired returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasLastParsed ¶
HasLastParsed returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasLastParsedTime ¶
HasLastParsedTime returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasLastPickled ¶
HasLastPickled returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasMaxActiveRuns ¶
HasMaxActiveRuns returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasMaxActiveTasks ¶
HasMaxActiveTasks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasNextDagrun ¶
HasNextDagrun returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasNextDagrunCreateAfter ¶
HasNextDagrunCreateAfter returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd ¶
HasNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasNextDagrunDataIntervalStart ¶
HasNextDagrunDataIntervalStart returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasOrientation ¶
HasOrientation returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasPickleId ¶
HasPickleId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasRenderTemplateAsNativeObj ¶
HasRenderTemplateAsNativeObj returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasRootDagId ¶
HasRootDagId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasScheduleInterval ¶
HasScheduleInterval returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasSchedulerLock ¶
HasSchedulerLock returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasStartDate ¶
HasStartDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasTemplateSearchPath ¶
HasTemplateSearchPath returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasTimetableDescription ¶
HasTimetableDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetail) HasTimezone ¶
HasTimezone returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DAGDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*DAGDetail) SetCatchup ¶
SetCatchup gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the Catchup field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetConcurrency ¶
SetConcurrency gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the Concurrency field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetDagId ¶
SetDagId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetDagRunTimeout ¶
SetDagRunTimeout gets a reference to the given TimeDelta and assigns it to the DagRunTimeout field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetDefaultView ¶
SetDefaultView gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DefaultView field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetDescription ¶
SetDescription gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Description field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetDescriptionNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetDescriptionNil()
SetDescriptionNil sets the value for Description to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetDocMd ¶
SetDocMd gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the DocMd field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetDocMdNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetDocMdNil()
SetDocMdNil sets the value for DocMd to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetEndDate ¶
SetEndDate gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the EndDate field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetEndDateNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetEndDateNil()
SetEndDateNil sets the value for EndDate to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetFileToken ¶
SetFileToken gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the FileToken field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetFileloc ¶
SetFileloc gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Fileloc field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetHasImportErrors ¶
SetHasImportErrors gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the HasImportErrors field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetHasImportErrorsNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetHasImportErrorsNil()
SetHasImportErrorsNil sets the value for HasImportErrors to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits ¶
SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the HasTaskConcurrencyLimits field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsNil()
SetHasTaskConcurrencyLimitsNil sets the value for HasTaskConcurrencyLimits to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetIsActive ¶
SetIsActive gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the IsActive field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetIsActiveNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetIsActiveNil()
SetIsActiveNil sets the value for IsActive to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetIsPaused ¶
SetIsPaused gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the IsPaused field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetIsPausedNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetIsPausedNil()
SetIsPausedNil sets the value for IsPaused to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetIsPausedUponCreation ¶
SetIsPausedUponCreation gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the IsPausedUponCreation field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetIsPausedUponCreationNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetIsPausedUponCreationNil()
SetIsPausedUponCreationNil sets the value for IsPausedUponCreation to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetIsSubdag ¶
SetIsSubdag gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IsSubdag field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetLastExpired ¶
SetLastExpired gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the LastExpired field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetLastExpiredNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetLastExpiredNil()
SetLastExpiredNil sets the value for LastExpired to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetLastParsed ¶
SetLastParsed gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the LastParsed field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetLastParsedNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetLastParsedNil()
SetLastParsedNil sets the value for LastParsed to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetLastParsedTime ¶
SetLastParsedTime gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the LastParsedTime field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetLastParsedTimeNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetLastParsedTimeNil()
SetLastParsedTimeNil sets the value for LastParsedTime to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetLastPickled ¶
SetLastPickled gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the LastPickled field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetLastPickledNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetLastPickledNil()
SetLastPickledNil sets the value for LastPickled to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetMaxActiveRuns ¶
SetMaxActiveRuns gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the MaxActiveRuns field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetMaxActiveRunsNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetMaxActiveRunsNil()
SetMaxActiveRunsNil sets the value for MaxActiveRuns to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetMaxActiveTasks ¶
SetMaxActiveTasks gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the MaxActiveTasks field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetMaxActiveTasksNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetMaxActiveTasksNil()
SetMaxActiveTasksNil sets the value for MaxActiveTasks to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetNextDagrun ¶
SetNextDagrun gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the NextDagrun field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunCreateAfter ¶
SetNextDagrunCreateAfter gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the NextDagrunCreateAfter field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunCreateAfterNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunCreateAfterNil()
SetNextDagrunCreateAfterNil sets the value for NextDagrunCreateAfter to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd ¶
SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the NextDagrunDataIntervalEnd field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndNil()
SetNextDagrunDataIntervalEndNil sets the value for NextDagrunDataIntervalEnd to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart ¶
SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the NextDagrunDataIntervalStart field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartNil()
SetNextDagrunDataIntervalStartNil sets the value for NextDagrunDataIntervalStart to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetNextDagrunNil()
SetNextDagrunNil sets the value for NextDagrun to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetOrientation ¶
SetOrientation gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Orientation field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetOwners ¶
SetOwners gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Owners field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetParams ¶
SetParams gets a reference to the given map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the Params field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetPickleId ¶
SetPickleId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the PickleId field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetPickleIdNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetPickleIdNil()
SetPickleIdNil sets the value for PickleId to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj ¶
SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the RenderTemplateAsNativeObj field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjNil()
SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjNil sets the value for RenderTemplateAsNativeObj to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetRootDagId ¶
SetRootDagId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the RootDagId field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetRootDagIdNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetRootDagIdNil()
SetRootDagIdNil sets the value for RootDagId to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetScheduleInterval ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetScheduleInterval(v ScheduleInterval)
SetScheduleInterval gets a reference to the given NullableScheduleInterval and assigns it to the ScheduleInterval field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetScheduleIntervalNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetScheduleIntervalNil()
SetScheduleIntervalNil sets the value for ScheduleInterval to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetSchedulerLock ¶
SetSchedulerLock gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the SchedulerLock field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetSchedulerLockNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetSchedulerLockNil()
SetSchedulerLockNil sets the value for SchedulerLock to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetStartDate ¶
SetStartDate gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the StartDate field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetStartDateNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetStartDateNil()
SetStartDateNil sets the value for StartDate to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetTags ¶
SetTags gets a reference to the given []Tag and assigns it to the Tags field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetTemplateSearchPath ¶
SetTemplateSearchPath gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the TemplateSearchPath field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetTimetableDescription ¶
SetTimetableDescription gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the TimetableDescription field.
func (*DAGDetail) SetTimetableDescriptionNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) SetTimetableDescriptionNil()
SetTimetableDescriptionNil sets the value for TimetableDescription to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) SetTimezone ¶
SetTimezone gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Timezone field.
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetDescription ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetDescription()
UnsetDescription ensures that no value is present for Description, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetDocMd ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetDocMd()
UnsetDocMd ensures that no value is present for DocMd, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetEndDate ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetEndDate()
UnsetEndDate ensures that no value is present for EndDate, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetHasImportErrors ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetHasImportErrors()
UnsetHasImportErrors ensures that no value is present for HasImportErrors, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits()
UnsetHasTaskConcurrencyLimits ensures that no value is present for HasTaskConcurrencyLimits, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetIsActive ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetIsActive()
UnsetIsActive ensures that no value is present for IsActive, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetIsPaused ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetIsPaused()
UnsetIsPaused ensures that no value is present for IsPaused, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetIsPausedUponCreation ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetIsPausedUponCreation()
UnsetIsPausedUponCreation ensures that no value is present for IsPausedUponCreation, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetLastExpired ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetLastExpired()
UnsetLastExpired ensures that no value is present for LastExpired, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetLastParsed ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetLastParsed()
UnsetLastParsed ensures that no value is present for LastParsed, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetLastParsedTime ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetLastParsedTime()
UnsetLastParsedTime ensures that no value is present for LastParsedTime, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetLastPickled ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetLastPickled()
UnsetLastPickled ensures that no value is present for LastPickled, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetMaxActiveRuns ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetMaxActiveRuns()
UnsetMaxActiveRuns ensures that no value is present for MaxActiveRuns, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetMaxActiveTasks ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetMaxActiveTasks()
UnsetMaxActiveTasks ensures that no value is present for MaxActiveTasks, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetNextDagrun ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetNextDagrun()
UnsetNextDagrun ensures that no value is present for NextDagrun, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetNextDagrunCreateAfter ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetNextDagrunCreateAfter()
UnsetNextDagrunCreateAfter ensures that no value is present for NextDagrunCreateAfter, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd()
UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalEnd ensures that no value is present for NextDagrunDataIntervalEnd, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart()
UnsetNextDagrunDataIntervalStart ensures that no value is present for NextDagrunDataIntervalStart, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetPickleId ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetPickleId()
UnsetPickleId ensures that no value is present for PickleId, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj()
UnsetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj ensures that no value is present for RenderTemplateAsNativeObj, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetRootDagId ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetRootDagId()
UnsetRootDagId ensures that no value is present for RootDagId, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetScheduleInterval ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetScheduleInterval()
UnsetScheduleInterval ensures that no value is present for ScheduleInterval, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetSchedulerLock ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetSchedulerLock()
UnsetSchedulerLock ensures that no value is present for SchedulerLock, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetStartDate ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetStartDate()
UnsetStartDate ensures that no value is present for StartDate, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetail) UnsetTimetableDescription ¶
func (o *DAGDetail) UnsetTimetableDescription()
UnsetTimetableDescription ensures that no value is present for TimetableDescription, not even an explicit nil
type DAGDetailAllOf ¶
type DAGDetailAllOf struct { Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` Catchup *bool `json:"catchup,omitempty"` Orientation *string `json:"orientation,omitempty"` Concurrency *float32 `json:"concurrency,omitempty"` // The DAG's start date. *Changed in version 2.0.1*: Field becomes nullable. StartDate NullableTime `json:"start_date,omitempty"` DagRunTimeout *TimeDelta `json:"dag_run_timeout,omitempty"` DocMd NullableString `json:"doc_md,omitempty"` DefaultView *string `json:"default_view,omitempty"` // User-specified DAG params. *New in version 2.0.1* Params *map[string]interface{} `json:"params,omitempty"` // The DAG's end date. *New in version 2.3.0*. EndDate NullableTime `json:"end_date,omitempty"` // Whether the DAG is paused upon creation. *New in version 2.3.0* IsPausedUponCreation NullableBool `json:"is_paused_upon_creation,omitempty"` // The last time the DAG was parsed. *New in version 2.3.0* LastParsed NullableTime `json:"last_parsed,omitempty"` // The template search path. *New in version 2.3.0* TemplateSearchPath []string `json:"template_search_path,omitempty"` // Whether to render templates as native Python objects. *New in version 2.3.0* RenderTemplateAsNativeObj NullableBool `json:"render_template_as_native_obj,omitempty"` }
DAGDetailAllOf struct for DAGDetailAllOf
func NewDAGDetailAllOf ¶
func NewDAGDetailAllOf() *DAGDetailAllOf
NewDAGDetailAllOf instantiates a new DAGDetailAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDAGDetailAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewDAGDetailAllOfWithDefaults() *DAGDetailAllOf
NewDAGDetailAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new DAGDetailAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetCatchup ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetCatchup() bool
GetCatchup returns the Catchup field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetCatchupOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetCatchupOk() (*bool, bool)
GetCatchupOk returns a tuple with the Catchup field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetConcurrency ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetConcurrency() float32
GetConcurrency returns the Concurrency field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetConcurrencyOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetConcurrencyOk() (*float32, bool)
GetConcurrencyOk returns a tuple with the Concurrency field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetDagRunTimeout ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetDagRunTimeout() TimeDelta
GetDagRunTimeout returns the DagRunTimeout field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetDagRunTimeoutOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetDagRunTimeoutOk() (*TimeDelta, bool)
GetDagRunTimeoutOk returns a tuple with the DagRunTimeout field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetDefaultView ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetDefaultView() string
GetDefaultView returns the DefaultView field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetDefaultViewOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetDefaultViewOk() (*string, bool)
GetDefaultViewOk returns a tuple with the DefaultView field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetDocMd ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetDocMd() string
GetDocMd returns the DocMd field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetDocMdOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetDocMdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDocMdOk returns a tuple with the DocMd field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetEndDate ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetEndDate() time.Time
GetEndDate returns the EndDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetEndDateOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetEndDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetEndDateOk returns a tuple with the EndDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetIsPausedUponCreation ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetIsPausedUponCreation() bool
GetIsPausedUponCreation returns the IsPausedUponCreation field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetIsPausedUponCreationOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetIsPausedUponCreationOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIsPausedUponCreationOk returns a tuple with the IsPausedUponCreation field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetLastParsed ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetLastParsed() time.Time
GetLastParsed returns the LastParsed field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetLastParsedOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetLastParsedOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetLastParsedOk returns a tuple with the LastParsed field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetOrientation ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetOrientation() string
GetOrientation returns the Orientation field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetOrientationOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetOrientationOk() (*string, bool)
GetOrientationOk returns a tuple with the Orientation field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetParams ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetParams() map[string]interface{}
GetParams returns the Params field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetParamsOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetParamsOk() (*map[string]interface{}, bool)
GetParamsOk returns a tuple with the Params field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj() bool
GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj returns the RenderTemplateAsNativeObj field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjOk() (*bool, bool)
GetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjOk returns a tuple with the RenderTemplateAsNativeObj field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetStartDate ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetStartDate() time.Time
GetStartDate returns the StartDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetStartDateOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetStartDateOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetStartDateOk returns a tuple with the StartDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetTemplateSearchPath ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetTemplateSearchPath() []string
GetTemplateSearchPath returns the TemplateSearchPath field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetTemplateSearchPathOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetTemplateSearchPathOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetTemplateSearchPathOk returns a tuple with the TemplateSearchPath field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetTimezone ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetTimezone() string
GetTimezone returns the Timezone field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) GetTimezoneOk ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) GetTimezoneOk() (*string, bool)
GetTimezoneOk returns a tuple with the Timezone field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasCatchup ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasCatchup() bool
HasCatchup returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasConcurrency ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasConcurrency() bool
HasConcurrency returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasDagRunTimeout ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasDagRunTimeout() bool
HasDagRunTimeout returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasDefaultView ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasDefaultView() bool
HasDefaultView returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasDocMd ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasDocMd() bool
HasDocMd returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasEndDate ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasEndDate() bool
HasEndDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasIsPausedUponCreation ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasIsPausedUponCreation() bool
HasIsPausedUponCreation returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasLastParsed ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasLastParsed() bool
HasLastParsed returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasOrientation ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasOrientation() bool
HasOrientation returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasParams ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasParams() bool
HasParams returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasRenderTemplateAsNativeObj ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasRenderTemplateAsNativeObj() bool
HasRenderTemplateAsNativeObj returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasStartDate ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasStartDate() bool
HasStartDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasTemplateSearchPath ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasTemplateSearchPath() bool
HasTemplateSearchPath returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) HasTimezone ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) HasTimezone() bool
HasTimezone returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DAGDetailAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DAGDetailAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetCatchup ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetCatchup(v bool)
SetCatchup gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the Catchup field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetConcurrency ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetConcurrency(v float32)
SetConcurrency gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the Concurrency field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetDagRunTimeout ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetDagRunTimeout(v TimeDelta)
SetDagRunTimeout gets a reference to the given TimeDelta and assigns it to the DagRunTimeout field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetDefaultView ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetDefaultView(v string)
SetDefaultView gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DefaultView field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetDocMd ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetDocMd(v string)
SetDocMd gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the DocMd field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetDocMdNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetDocMdNil()
SetDocMdNil sets the value for DocMd to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetEndDate ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetEndDate(v time.Time)
SetEndDate gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the EndDate field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetEndDateNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetEndDateNil()
SetEndDateNil sets the value for EndDate to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetIsPausedUponCreation ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetIsPausedUponCreation(v bool)
SetIsPausedUponCreation gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the IsPausedUponCreation field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetIsPausedUponCreationNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetIsPausedUponCreationNil()
SetIsPausedUponCreationNil sets the value for IsPausedUponCreation to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetLastParsed ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetLastParsed(v time.Time)
SetLastParsed gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the LastParsed field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetLastParsedNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetLastParsedNil()
SetLastParsedNil sets the value for LastParsed to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetOrientation ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetOrientation(v string)
SetOrientation gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Orientation field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetParams ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetParams(v map[string]interface{})
SetParams gets a reference to the given map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the Params field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj(v bool)
SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the RenderTemplateAsNativeObj field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjNil()
SetRenderTemplateAsNativeObjNil sets the value for RenderTemplateAsNativeObj to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetStartDate ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetStartDate(v time.Time)
SetStartDate gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the StartDate field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetStartDateNil ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetStartDateNil()
SetStartDateNil sets the value for StartDate to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetTemplateSearchPath ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetTemplateSearchPath(v []string)
SetTemplateSearchPath gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the TemplateSearchPath field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) SetTimezone ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) SetTimezone(v string)
SetTimezone gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Timezone field.
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetDocMd ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetDocMd()
UnsetDocMd ensures that no value is present for DocMd, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetEndDate ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetEndDate()
UnsetEndDate ensures that no value is present for EndDate, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetIsPausedUponCreation ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetIsPausedUponCreation()
UnsetIsPausedUponCreation ensures that no value is present for IsPausedUponCreation, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetLastParsed ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetLastParsed()
UnsetLastParsed ensures that no value is present for LastParsed, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj()
UnsetRenderTemplateAsNativeObj ensures that no value is present for RenderTemplateAsNativeObj, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetStartDate ¶
func (o *DAGDetailAllOf) UnsetStartDate()
UnsetStartDate ensures that no value is present for StartDate, not even an explicit nil
type DAGRun ¶
type DAGRun struct { // Run ID. The value of this field can be set only when creating the object. If you try to modify the field of an existing object, the request fails with an BAD_REQUEST error. If not provided, a value will be generated based on execution_date. If the specified dag_run_id is in use, the creation request fails with an ALREADY_EXISTS error. This together with DAG_ID are a unique key. DagRunId NullableString `json:"dag_run_id,omitempty"` DagId *string `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` // The logical date (previously called execution date). This is the time or interval covered by this DAG run, according to the DAG definition. The value of this field can be set only when creating the object. If you try to modify the field of an existing object, the request fails with an BAD_REQUEST error. This together with DAG_ID are a unique key. *New in version 2.2.0* LogicalDate NullableTime `json:"logical_date,omitempty"` // The execution date. This is the same as logical_date, kept for backwards compatibility. If both this field and logical_date are provided but with different values, the request will fail with an BAD_REQUEST error. *Changed in version 2.2.0*: Field becomes nullable. *Deprecated since version 2.2.0*: Use 'logical_date' instead. // Deprecated ExecutionDate NullableTime `json:"execution_date,omitempty"` // The start time. The time when DAG run was actually created. *Changed in version 2.1.3*: Field becomes nullable. StartDate NullableTime `json:"start_date,omitempty"` EndDate NullableTime `json:"end_date,omitempty"` DataIntervalStart NullableTime `json:"data_interval_start,omitempty"` DataIntervalEnd NullableTime `json:"data_interval_end,omitempty"` LastSchedulingDecision NullableTime `json:"last_scheduling_decision,omitempty"` RunType *string `json:"run_type,omitempty"` State *DagState `json:"state,omitempty"` ExternalTrigger *bool `json:"external_trigger,omitempty"` // JSON object describing additional configuration parameters. The value of this field can be set only when creating the object. If you try to modify the field of an existing object, the request fails with an BAD_REQUEST error. Conf *map[string]interface{} `json:"conf,omitempty"` // Contains manually entered notes by the user about the DagRun. *New in version 2.5.0* Note NullableString `json:"note,omitempty"` }
DAGRun struct for DAGRun
func NewDAGRun ¶
func NewDAGRun() *DAGRun
NewDAGRun instantiates a new DAGRun object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDAGRunWithDefaults ¶
func NewDAGRunWithDefaults() *DAGRun
NewDAGRunWithDefaults instantiates a new DAGRun object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DAGRun) GetConfOk ¶
GetConfOk returns a tuple with the Conf field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGRun) GetDagIdOk ¶
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGRun) GetDagRunId ¶
GetDagRunId returns the DagRunId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGRun) GetDagRunIdOk ¶
GetDagRunIdOk returns a tuple with the DagRunId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGRun) GetDataIntervalEnd ¶
GetDataIntervalEnd returns the DataIntervalEnd field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGRun) GetDataIntervalEndOk ¶
GetDataIntervalEndOk returns a tuple with the DataIntervalEnd field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGRun) GetDataIntervalStart ¶
GetDataIntervalStart returns the DataIntervalStart field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGRun) GetDataIntervalStartOk ¶
GetDataIntervalStartOk returns a tuple with the DataIntervalStart field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGRun) GetEndDate ¶
GetEndDate returns the EndDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGRun) GetEndDateOk ¶
GetEndDateOk returns a tuple with the EndDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGRun) GetExecutionDate ¶
GetExecutionDate returns the ExecutionDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null). Deprecated
func (*DAGRun) GetExecutionDateOk ¶
GetExecutionDateOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned Deprecated
func (*DAGRun) GetExternalTrigger ¶
GetExternalTrigger returns the ExternalTrigger field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGRun) GetExternalTriggerOk ¶
GetExternalTriggerOk returns a tuple with the ExternalTrigger field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGRun) GetLastSchedulingDecision ¶
GetLastSchedulingDecision returns the LastSchedulingDecision field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGRun) GetLastSchedulingDecisionOk ¶
GetLastSchedulingDecisionOk returns a tuple with the LastSchedulingDecision field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGRun) GetLogicalDate ¶
GetLogicalDate returns the LogicalDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGRun) GetLogicalDateOk ¶
GetLogicalDateOk returns a tuple with the LogicalDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGRun) GetNote ¶
GetNote returns the Note field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGRun) GetNoteOk ¶
GetNoteOk returns a tuple with the Note field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGRun) GetRunType ¶
GetRunType returns the RunType field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGRun) GetRunTypeOk ¶
GetRunTypeOk returns a tuple with the RunType field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGRun) GetStartDate ¶
GetStartDate returns the StartDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DAGRun) GetStartDateOk ¶
GetStartDateOk returns a tuple with the StartDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DAGRun) GetStateOk ¶
GetStateOk returns a tuple with the State field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGRun) HasDagRunId ¶
HasDagRunId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGRun) HasDataIntervalEnd ¶
HasDataIntervalEnd returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGRun) HasDataIntervalStart ¶
HasDataIntervalStart returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGRun) HasEndDate ¶
HasEndDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGRun) HasExecutionDate ¶
HasExecutionDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGRun) HasExternalTrigger ¶
HasExternalTrigger returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGRun) HasLastSchedulingDecision ¶
HasLastSchedulingDecision returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGRun) HasLogicalDate ¶
HasLogicalDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGRun) HasRunType ¶
HasRunType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGRun) HasStartDate ¶
HasStartDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DAGRun) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*DAGRun) SetConf ¶
SetConf gets a reference to the given map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the Conf field.
func (*DAGRun) SetDagId ¶
SetDagId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*DAGRun) SetDagRunId ¶
SetDagRunId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the DagRunId field.
func (*DAGRun) SetDagRunIdNil ¶
func (o *DAGRun) SetDagRunIdNil()
SetDagRunIdNil sets the value for DagRunId to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) SetDataIntervalEnd ¶
SetDataIntervalEnd gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the DataIntervalEnd field.
func (*DAGRun) SetDataIntervalEndNil ¶
func (o *DAGRun) SetDataIntervalEndNil()
SetDataIntervalEndNil sets the value for DataIntervalEnd to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) SetDataIntervalStart ¶
SetDataIntervalStart gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the DataIntervalStart field.
func (*DAGRun) SetDataIntervalStartNil ¶
func (o *DAGRun) SetDataIntervalStartNil()
SetDataIntervalStartNil sets the value for DataIntervalStart to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) SetEndDate ¶
SetEndDate gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the EndDate field.
func (*DAGRun) SetEndDateNil ¶
func (o *DAGRun) SetEndDateNil()
SetEndDateNil sets the value for EndDate to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) SetExecutionDate ¶
SetExecutionDate gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the ExecutionDate field. Deprecated
func (*DAGRun) SetExecutionDateNil ¶
func (o *DAGRun) SetExecutionDateNil()
SetExecutionDateNil sets the value for ExecutionDate to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) SetExternalTrigger ¶
SetExternalTrigger gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the ExternalTrigger field.
func (*DAGRun) SetLastSchedulingDecision ¶
SetLastSchedulingDecision gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the LastSchedulingDecision field.
func (*DAGRun) SetLastSchedulingDecisionNil ¶
func (o *DAGRun) SetLastSchedulingDecisionNil()
SetLastSchedulingDecisionNil sets the value for LastSchedulingDecision to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) SetLogicalDate ¶
SetLogicalDate gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the LogicalDate field.
func (*DAGRun) SetLogicalDateNil ¶
func (o *DAGRun) SetLogicalDateNil()
SetLogicalDateNil sets the value for LogicalDate to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) SetNote ¶
SetNote gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Note field.
func (*DAGRun) SetNoteNil ¶
func (o *DAGRun) SetNoteNil()
SetNoteNil sets the value for Note to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) SetRunType ¶
SetRunType gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the RunType field.
func (*DAGRun) SetStartDate ¶
SetStartDate gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the StartDate field.
func (*DAGRun) SetStartDateNil ¶
func (o *DAGRun) SetStartDateNil()
SetStartDateNil sets the value for StartDate to be an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) SetState ¶
SetState gets a reference to the given DagState and assigns it to the State field.
func (*DAGRun) UnsetDagRunId ¶
func (o *DAGRun) UnsetDagRunId()
UnsetDagRunId ensures that no value is present for DagRunId, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) UnsetDataIntervalEnd ¶
func (o *DAGRun) UnsetDataIntervalEnd()
UnsetDataIntervalEnd ensures that no value is present for DataIntervalEnd, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) UnsetDataIntervalStart ¶
func (o *DAGRun) UnsetDataIntervalStart()
UnsetDataIntervalStart ensures that no value is present for DataIntervalStart, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) UnsetEndDate ¶
func (o *DAGRun) UnsetEndDate()
UnsetEndDate ensures that no value is present for EndDate, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) UnsetExecutionDate ¶
func (o *DAGRun) UnsetExecutionDate()
UnsetExecutionDate ensures that no value is present for ExecutionDate, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) UnsetLastSchedulingDecision ¶
func (o *DAGRun) UnsetLastSchedulingDecision()
UnsetLastSchedulingDecision ensures that no value is present for LastSchedulingDecision, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) UnsetLogicalDate ¶
func (o *DAGRun) UnsetLogicalDate()
UnsetLogicalDate ensures that no value is present for LogicalDate, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) UnsetNote ¶
func (o *DAGRun) UnsetNote()
UnsetNote ensures that no value is present for Note, not even an explicit nil
func (*DAGRun) UnsetStartDate ¶
func (o *DAGRun) UnsetStartDate()
UnsetStartDate ensures that no value is present for StartDate, not even an explicit nil
type DAGRunApiApiClearDagRunRequest ¶
type DAGRunApiApiClearDagRunRequest struct { ApiService *DAGRunApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGRunApiApiClearDagRunRequest) ClearDagRun ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiClearDagRunRequest) ClearDagRun(clearDagRun ClearDagRun) DAGRunApiApiClearDagRunRequest
type DAGRunApiApiDeleteDagRunRequest ¶
type DAGRunApiApiDeleteDagRunRequest struct { ApiService *DAGRunApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunRequest ¶
type DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunRequest struct { ApiService *DAGRunApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest ¶
type DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest struct { ApiService *DAGRunApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest) Execute() (DAGRunCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest) ListDagRunsForm ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest) ListDagRunsForm(listDagRunsForm ListDagRunsForm) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest
type DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest ¶
type DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest struct { ApiService *DAGRunApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) EndDateGte ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) EndDateGte(endDateGte time.Time) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) EndDateLte ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) EndDateLte(endDateLte time.Time) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) Execute() (DAGRunCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) ExecutionDateGte ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) ExecutionDateGte(executionDateGte time.Time) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
Returns objects greater or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) ExecutionDateLte ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) ExecutionDateLte(executionDateLte time.Time) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) Limit ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) Limit(limit int32) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) Offset ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) Offset(offset int32) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) StartDateGte ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) StartDateGte(startDateGte time.Time) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) StartDateLte ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) StartDateLte(startDateLte time.Time) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
Returns objects less or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) State ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) State(state []string) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition).
type DAGRunApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest ¶
type DAGRunApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest struct { ApiService *DAGRunApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGRunApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest) Execute() (DatasetEventCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type DAGRunApiApiPostDagRunRequest ¶
type DAGRunApiApiPostDagRunRequest struct { ApiService *DAGRunApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGRunApiApiPostDagRunRequest) DAGRun ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiPostDagRunRequest) DAGRun(dAGRun DAGRun) DAGRunApiApiPostDagRunRequest
type DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest ¶
type DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest struct { ApiService *DAGRunApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest) Execute() (DAGRun, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest) SetDagRunNote ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest) SetDagRunNote(setDagRunNote SetDagRunNote) DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest
Parameters of set DagRun note.
type DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest ¶
type DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest struct { ApiService *DAGRunApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest) Execute() (DAGRun, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest) UpdateDagRunState ¶
func (r DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest) UpdateDagRunState(updateDagRunState UpdateDagRunState) DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest
type DAGRunApiService ¶
type DAGRunApiService service
DAGRunApiService DAGRunApi service
func (*DAGRunApiService) ClearDagRun ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) ClearDagRun(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DAGRunApiApiClearDagRunRequest
ClearDagRun Clear a DAG run
Clear a DAG run.
*New in version 2.4.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @return DAGRunApiApiClearDagRunRequest
func (*DAGRunApiService) ClearDagRunExecute ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) ClearDagRunExecute(r DAGRunApiApiClearDagRunRequest) (DAGRun, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DAGRun
func (*DAGRunApiService) DeleteDagRun ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) DeleteDagRun(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DAGRunApiApiDeleteDagRunRequest
DeleteDagRun Delete a DAG run
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @return DAGRunApiApiDeleteDagRunRequest
func (*DAGRunApiService) DeleteDagRunExecute ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) DeleteDagRunExecute(r DAGRunApiApiDeleteDagRunRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
func (*DAGRunApiService) GetDagRun ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetDagRun(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunRequest
GetDagRun Get a DAG run
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @return DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunRequest
func (*DAGRunApiService) GetDagRunExecute ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetDagRunExecute(r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunRequest) (DAGRun, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DAGRun
func (*DAGRunApiService) GetDagRuns ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetDagRuns(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
GetDagRuns List DAG runs
This endpoint allows specifying `~` as the dag_id to retrieve DAG runs for all DAGs.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @return DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest
func (*DAGRunApiService) GetDagRunsBatch ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetDagRunsBatch(ctx _context.Context) DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest
GetDagRunsBatch List DAG runs (batch)
This endpoint is a POST to allow filtering across a large number of DAG IDs, where as a GET it would run in to maximum HTTP request URL length limit.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest
func (*DAGRunApiService) GetDagRunsBatchExecute ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetDagRunsBatchExecute(r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsBatchRequest) (DAGRunCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DAGRunCollection
func (*DAGRunApiService) GetDagRunsExecute ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetDagRunsExecute(r DAGRunApiApiGetDagRunsRequest) (DAGRunCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DAGRunCollection
func (*DAGRunApiService) GetUpstreamDatasetEvents ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetUpstreamDatasetEvents(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DAGRunApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest
GetUpstreamDatasetEvents Get dataset events for a DAG run
Get datasets for a dag run.
*New in version 2.4.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @return DAGRunApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest
func (*DAGRunApiService) GetUpstreamDatasetEventsExecute ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) GetUpstreamDatasetEventsExecute(r DAGRunApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest) (DatasetEventCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DatasetEventCollection
func (*DAGRunApiService) PostDagRun ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) PostDagRun(ctx _context.Context, dagId string) DAGRunApiApiPostDagRunRequest
PostDagRun Trigger a new DAG run
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @return DAGRunApiApiPostDagRunRequest
func (*DAGRunApiService) PostDagRunExecute ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) PostDagRunExecute(r DAGRunApiApiPostDagRunRequest) (DAGRun, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DAGRun
func (*DAGRunApiService) SetDagRunNote ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) SetDagRunNote(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest
SetDagRunNote Update the DagRun note.
Update the manual user note of a DagRun.
*New in version 2.5.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @return DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest
func (*DAGRunApiService) SetDagRunNoteExecute ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) SetDagRunNoteExecute(r DAGRunApiApiSetDagRunNoteRequest) (DAGRun, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DAGRun
func (*DAGRunApiService) UpdateDagRunState ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) UpdateDagRunState(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest
UpdateDagRunState Modify a DAG run
Modify a DAG run.
*New in version 2.2.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @return DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest
func (*DAGRunApiService) UpdateDagRunStateExecute ¶
func (a *DAGRunApiService) UpdateDagRunStateExecute(r DAGRunApiApiUpdateDagRunStateRequest) (DAGRun, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DAGRun
type DAGRunCollection ¶
type DAGRunCollection struct { DagRuns *[]DAGRun `json:"dag_runs,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
DAGRunCollection Collection of DAG runs. *Changed in version 2.1.0*: 'total_entries' field is added.
func NewDAGRunCollection ¶
func NewDAGRunCollection() *DAGRunCollection
NewDAGRunCollection instantiates a new DAGRunCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDAGRunCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewDAGRunCollectionWithDefaults() *DAGRunCollection
NewDAGRunCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new DAGRunCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DAGRunCollection) GetDagRuns ¶
func (o *DAGRunCollection) GetDagRuns() []DAGRun
GetDagRuns returns the DagRuns field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGRunCollection) GetDagRunsOk ¶
func (o *DAGRunCollection) GetDagRunsOk() (*[]DAGRun, bool)
GetDagRunsOk returns a tuple with the DagRuns field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGRunCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DAGRunCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGRunCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *DAGRunCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGRunCollection) HasDagRuns ¶
func (o *DAGRunCollection) HasDagRuns() bool
HasDagRuns returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DAGRunCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DAGRunCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DAGRunCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DAGRunCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DAGRunCollection) SetDagRuns ¶
func (o *DAGRunCollection) SetDagRuns(v []DAGRun)
SetDagRuns gets a reference to the given []DAGRun and assigns it to the DagRuns field.
func (*DAGRunCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DAGRunCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type DAGRunCollectionAllOf ¶
type DAGRunCollectionAllOf struct {
DagRuns *[]DAGRun `json:"dag_runs,omitempty"`
DAGRunCollectionAllOf struct for DAGRunCollectionAllOf
func NewDAGRunCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewDAGRunCollectionAllOf() *DAGRunCollectionAllOf
NewDAGRunCollectionAllOf instantiates a new DAGRunCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDAGRunCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewDAGRunCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *DAGRunCollectionAllOf
NewDAGRunCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new DAGRunCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DAGRunCollectionAllOf) GetDagRuns ¶
func (o *DAGRunCollectionAllOf) GetDagRuns() []DAGRun
GetDagRuns returns the DagRuns field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DAGRunCollectionAllOf) GetDagRunsOk ¶
func (o *DAGRunCollectionAllOf) GetDagRunsOk() (*[]DAGRun, bool)
GetDagRunsOk returns a tuple with the DagRuns field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DAGRunCollectionAllOf) HasDagRuns ¶
func (o *DAGRunCollectionAllOf) HasDagRuns() bool
HasDagRuns returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DAGRunCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DAGRunCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DAGRunCollectionAllOf) SetDagRuns ¶
func (o *DAGRunCollectionAllOf) SetDagRuns(v []DAGRun)
SetDagRuns gets a reference to the given []DAGRun and assigns it to the DagRuns field.
type DagScheduleDatasetReference ¶
type DagScheduleDatasetReference struct { // The DAG ID that depends on the dataset. DagId NullableString `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` // The dataset reference creation time CreatedAt *string `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // The dataset reference update time UpdatedAt *string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
DagScheduleDatasetReference A datasets reference to a downstream DAG. *New in version 2.4.0*
func NewDagScheduleDatasetReference ¶
func NewDagScheduleDatasetReference() *DagScheduleDatasetReference
NewDagScheduleDatasetReference instantiates a new DagScheduleDatasetReference object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDagScheduleDatasetReferenceWithDefaults ¶
func NewDagScheduleDatasetReferenceWithDefaults() *DagScheduleDatasetReference
NewDagScheduleDatasetReferenceWithDefaults instantiates a new DagScheduleDatasetReference object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetCreatedAt() string
GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetCreatedAtOk ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetCreatedAtOk() (*string, bool)
GetCreatedAtOk returns a tuple with the CreatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetDagId ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetDagId() string
GetDagId returns the DagId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetDagIdOk ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetUpdatedAt() string
GetUpdatedAt returns the UpdatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetUpdatedAtOk ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) GetUpdatedAtOk() (*string, bool)
GetUpdatedAtOk returns a tuple with the UpdatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) HasCreatedAt ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) HasCreatedAt() bool
HasCreatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) HasDagId ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) HasDagId() bool
HasDagId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) HasUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) HasUpdatedAt() bool
HasUpdatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DagScheduleDatasetReference) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DagScheduleDatasetReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) SetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) SetCreatedAt(v string)
SetCreatedAt gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the CreatedAt field.
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) SetDagId ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) SetDagId(v string)
SetDagId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) SetDagIdNil ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) SetDagIdNil()
SetDagIdNil sets the value for DagId to be an explicit nil
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) SetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) SetUpdatedAt(v string)
SetUpdatedAt gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the UpdatedAt field.
func (*DagScheduleDatasetReference) UnsetDagId ¶
func (o *DagScheduleDatasetReference) UnsetDagId()
UnsetDagId ensures that no value is present for DagId, not even an explicit nil
type DagState ¶
type DagState string
DagState DAG State. *Changed in version 2.1.3*: 'queued' is added as a possible value.
const ( DAGSTATE_QUEUED DagState = "queued" DAGSTATE_RUNNING DagState = "running" DAGSTATE_SUCCESS DagState = "success" DAGSTATE_FAILED DagState = "failed" )
List of DagState
func NewDagStateFromValue ¶
NewDagStateFromValue returns a pointer to a valid DagState for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum
func (*DagState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DagWarning ¶
type DagWarning struct { // The dag_id. DagId *string `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` // The warning type for the dag warning. WarningType *string `json:"warning_type,omitempty"` // The message for the dag warning. Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // The time when this warning was logged. Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` }
DagWarning struct for DagWarning
func NewDagWarning ¶
func NewDagWarning() *DagWarning
NewDagWarning instantiates a new DagWarning object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDagWarningWithDefaults ¶
func NewDagWarningWithDefaults() *DagWarning
NewDagWarningWithDefaults instantiates a new DagWarning object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DagWarning) GetDagId ¶
func (o *DagWarning) GetDagId() string
GetDagId returns the DagId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DagWarning) GetDagIdOk ¶
func (o *DagWarning) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DagWarning) GetMessage ¶
func (o *DagWarning) GetMessage() string
GetMessage returns the Message field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DagWarning) GetMessageOk ¶
func (o *DagWarning) GetMessageOk() (*string, bool)
GetMessageOk returns a tuple with the Message field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DagWarning) GetTimestamp ¶
func (o *DagWarning) GetTimestamp() string
GetTimestamp returns the Timestamp field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DagWarning) GetTimestampOk ¶
func (o *DagWarning) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
GetTimestampOk returns a tuple with the Timestamp field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DagWarning) GetWarningType ¶
func (o *DagWarning) GetWarningType() string
GetWarningType returns the WarningType field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DagWarning) GetWarningTypeOk ¶
func (o *DagWarning) GetWarningTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetWarningTypeOk returns a tuple with the WarningType field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DagWarning) HasDagId ¶
func (o *DagWarning) HasDagId() bool
HasDagId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DagWarning) HasMessage ¶
func (o *DagWarning) HasMessage() bool
HasMessage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DagWarning) HasTimestamp ¶
func (o *DagWarning) HasTimestamp() bool
HasTimestamp returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DagWarning) HasWarningType ¶
func (o *DagWarning) HasWarningType() bool
HasWarningType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DagWarning) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DagWarning) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DagWarning) SetDagId ¶
func (o *DagWarning) SetDagId(v string)
SetDagId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*DagWarning) SetMessage ¶
func (o *DagWarning) SetMessage(v string)
SetMessage gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Message field.
func (*DagWarning) SetTimestamp ¶
func (o *DagWarning) SetTimestamp(v string)
SetTimestamp gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Timestamp field.
func (*DagWarning) SetWarningType ¶
func (o *DagWarning) SetWarningType(v string)
SetWarningType gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the WarningType field.
type DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest ¶
type DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest struct { ApiService *DagWarningApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) DagId ¶
func (r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) DagId(dagId string) DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
If set, only return DAG warnings with this dag_id.
func (DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) Execute() (DagWarningCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) Limit ¶
func (r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) Limit(limit int32) DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) Offset ¶
func (r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) Offset(offset int32) DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
func (DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) WarningType ¶
func (r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) WarningType(warningType string) DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
If set, only return DAG warnings with this type.
type DagWarningApiService ¶
type DagWarningApiService service
DagWarningApiService DagWarningApi service
func (*DagWarningApiService) GetDagWarnings ¶
func (a *DagWarningApiService) GetDagWarnings(ctx _context.Context) DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
GetDagWarnings List dag warnings
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest
func (*DagWarningApiService) GetDagWarningsExecute ¶
func (a *DagWarningApiService) GetDagWarningsExecute(r DagWarningApiApiGetDagWarningsRequest) (DagWarningCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DagWarningCollection
type DagWarningCollection ¶
type DagWarningCollection struct { ImportErrors *[]DagWarning `json:"import_errors,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
DagWarningCollection Collection of DAG warnings.
func NewDagWarningCollection ¶
func NewDagWarningCollection() *DagWarningCollection
NewDagWarningCollection instantiates a new DagWarningCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDagWarningCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewDagWarningCollectionWithDefaults() *DagWarningCollection
NewDagWarningCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new DagWarningCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DagWarningCollection) GetImportErrors ¶
func (o *DagWarningCollection) GetImportErrors() []DagWarning
GetImportErrors returns the ImportErrors field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DagWarningCollection) GetImportErrorsOk ¶
func (o *DagWarningCollection) GetImportErrorsOk() (*[]DagWarning, bool)
GetImportErrorsOk returns a tuple with the ImportErrors field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DagWarningCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DagWarningCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DagWarningCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *DagWarningCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DagWarningCollection) HasImportErrors ¶
func (o *DagWarningCollection) HasImportErrors() bool
HasImportErrors returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DagWarningCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DagWarningCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DagWarningCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DagWarningCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DagWarningCollection) SetImportErrors ¶
func (o *DagWarningCollection) SetImportErrors(v []DagWarning)
SetImportErrors gets a reference to the given []DagWarning and assigns it to the ImportErrors field.
func (*DagWarningCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DagWarningCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type DagWarningCollectionAllOf ¶
type DagWarningCollectionAllOf struct {
ImportErrors *[]DagWarning `json:"import_errors,omitempty"`
DagWarningCollectionAllOf struct for DagWarningCollectionAllOf
func NewDagWarningCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewDagWarningCollectionAllOf() *DagWarningCollectionAllOf
NewDagWarningCollectionAllOf instantiates a new DagWarningCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDagWarningCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewDagWarningCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *DagWarningCollectionAllOf
NewDagWarningCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new DagWarningCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DagWarningCollectionAllOf) GetImportErrors ¶
func (o *DagWarningCollectionAllOf) GetImportErrors() []DagWarning
GetImportErrors returns the ImportErrors field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DagWarningCollectionAllOf) GetImportErrorsOk ¶
func (o *DagWarningCollectionAllOf) GetImportErrorsOk() (*[]DagWarning, bool)
GetImportErrorsOk returns a tuple with the ImportErrors field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DagWarningCollectionAllOf) HasImportErrors ¶
func (o *DagWarningCollectionAllOf) HasImportErrors() bool
HasImportErrors returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DagWarningCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DagWarningCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DagWarningCollectionAllOf) SetImportErrors ¶
func (o *DagWarningCollectionAllOf) SetImportErrors(v []DagWarning)
SetImportErrors gets a reference to the given []DagWarning and assigns it to the ImportErrors field.
type Dataset ¶
type Dataset struct { // The dataset id Id *int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` // The dataset uri Uri *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` // The dataset extra Extra map[string]interface{} `json:"extra,omitempty"` // The dataset creation time CreatedAt *string `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // The dataset update time UpdatedAt *string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` ConsumingDags *[]DagScheduleDatasetReference `json:"consuming_dags,omitempty"` ProducingTasks *[]TaskOutletDatasetReference `json:"producing_tasks,omitempty"` }
Dataset A dataset item. *New in version 2.4.0*
func NewDataset ¶
func NewDataset() *Dataset
NewDataset instantiates a new Dataset object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDatasetWithDefaults ¶
func NewDatasetWithDefaults() *Dataset
NewDatasetWithDefaults instantiates a new Dataset object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Dataset) GetConsumingDags ¶
func (o *Dataset) GetConsumingDags() []DagScheduleDatasetReference
GetConsumingDags returns the ConsumingDags field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Dataset) GetConsumingDagsOk ¶
func (o *Dataset) GetConsumingDagsOk() (*[]DagScheduleDatasetReference, bool)
GetConsumingDagsOk returns a tuple with the ConsumingDags field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Dataset) GetCreatedAt ¶
GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Dataset) GetCreatedAtOk ¶
GetCreatedAtOk returns a tuple with the CreatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Dataset) GetExtra ¶
GetExtra returns the Extra field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Dataset) GetExtraOk ¶
GetExtraOk returns a tuple with the Extra field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Dataset) GetIdOk ¶
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Dataset) GetProducingTasks ¶
func (o *Dataset) GetProducingTasks() []TaskOutletDatasetReference
GetProducingTasks returns the ProducingTasks field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Dataset) GetProducingTasksOk ¶
func (o *Dataset) GetProducingTasksOk() (*[]TaskOutletDatasetReference, bool)
GetProducingTasksOk returns a tuple with the ProducingTasks field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Dataset) GetUpdatedAt ¶
GetUpdatedAt returns the UpdatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Dataset) GetUpdatedAtOk ¶
GetUpdatedAtOk returns a tuple with the UpdatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Dataset) GetUriOk ¶
GetUriOk returns a tuple with the Uri field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Dataset) HasConsumingDags ¶
HasConsumingDags returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Dataset) HasCreatedAt ¶
HasCreatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Dataset) HasProducingTasks ¶
HasProducingTasks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Dataset) HasUpdatedAt ¶
HasUpdatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (Dataset) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Dataset) SetConsumingDags ¶
func (o *Dataset) SetConsumingDags(v []DagScheduleDatasetReference)
SetConsumingDags gets a reference to the given []DagScheduleDatasetReference and assigns it to the ConsumingDags field.
func (*Dataset) SetCreatedAt ¶
SetCreatedAt gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the CreatedAt field.
func (*Dataset) SetExtra ¶
SetExtra gets a reference to the given map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the Extra field.
func (*Dataset) SetProducingTasks ¶
func (o *Dataset) SetProducingTasks(v []TaskOutletDatasetReference)
SetProducingTasks gets a reference to the given []TaskOutletDatasetReference and assigns it to the ProducingTasks field.
func (*Dataset) SetUpdatedAt ¶
SetUpdatedAt gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the UpdatedAt field.
type DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest ¶
type DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest struct { ApiService *DatasetApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) DatasetId ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) DatasetId(datasetId int32) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
The Dataset ID that updated the dataset.
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) Execute() (DatasetEventCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) Limit ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) Limit(limit int32) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) Offset ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) Offset(offset int32) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) SourceDagId ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) SourceDagId(sourceDagId string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
The DAG ID that updated the dataset.
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) SourceMapIndex ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) SourceMapIndex(sourceMapIndex int32) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
The map index that updated the dataset.
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) SourceRunId ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) SourceRunId(sourceRunId string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
The DAG run ID that updated the dataset.
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) SourceTaskId ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) SourceTaskId(sourceTaskId string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
The task ID that updated the dataset.
type DatasetApiApiGetDatasetRequest ¶
type DatasetApiApiGetDatasetRequest struct { ApiService *DatasetApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest ¶
type DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest struct { ApiService *DatasetApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) Execute() (DatasetCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) Limit ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) Limit(limit int32) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) Offset ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) Offset(offset int32) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
func (DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) UriPattern ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) UriPattern(uriPattern string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest
If set, only return datasets with uris matching this pattern.
type DatasetApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest ¶
type DatasetApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest struct { ApiService *DatasetApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (DatasetApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r DatasetApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest) Execute() (DatasetEventCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type DatasetApiService ¶
type DatasetApiService service
DatasetApiService DatasetApi service
func (*DatasetApiService) GetDataset ¶
func (a *DatasetApiService) GetDataset(ctx _context.Context, uri string) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetRequest
GetDataset Get a dataset
Get a dataset by uri.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param uri The encoded Dataset URI @return DatasetApiApiGetDatasetRequest
func (*DatasetApiService) GetDatasetEvents ¶
func (a *DatasetApiService) GetDatasetEvents(ctx _context.Context) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
GetDatasetEvents Get dataset events
Get dataset events
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest
func (*DatasetApiService) GetDatasetEventsExecute ¶
func (a *DatasetApiService) GetDatasetEventsExecute(r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetEventsRequest) (DatasetEventCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DatasetEventCollection
func (*DatasetApiService) GetDatasetExecute ¶
func (a *DatasetApiService) GetDatasetExecute(r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetRequest) (Dataset, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Dataset
func (*DatasetApiService) GetDatasets ¶
func (a *DatasetApiService) GetDatasets(ctx _context.Context) DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest
GetDatasets List datasets
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest
func (*DatasetApiService) GetDatasetsExecute ¶
func (a *DatasetApiService) GetDatasetsExecute(r DatasetApiApiGetDatasetsRequest) (DatasetCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DatasetCollection
func (*DatasetApiService) GetUpstreamDatasetEvents ¶
func (a *DatasetApiService) GetUpstreamDatasetEvents(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) DatasetApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest
GetUpstreamDatasetEvents Get dataset events for a DAG run
Get datasets for a dag run.
*New in version 2.4.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @return DatasetApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest
func (*DatasetApiService) GetUpstreamDatasetEventsExecute ¶
func (a *DatasetApiService) GetUpstreamDatasetEventsExecute(r DatasetApiApiGetUpstreamDatasetEventsRequest) (DatasetEventCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return DatasetEventCollection
type DatasetCollection ¶
type DatasetCollection struct { Datasets *[]Dataset `json:"datasets,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
DatasetCollection A collection of datasets. *New in version 2.4.0*
func NewDatasetCollection ¶
func NewDatasetCollection() *DatasetCollection
NewDatasetCollection instantiates a new DatasetCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDatasetCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewDatasetCollectionWithDefaults() *DatasetCollection
NewDatasetCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new DatasetCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DatasetCollection) GetDatasets ¶
func (o *DatasetCollection) GetDatasets() []Dataset
GetDatasets returns the Datasets field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DatasetCollection) GetDatasetsOk ¶
func (o *DatasetCollection) GetDatasetsOk() (*[]Dataset, bool)
GetDatasetsOk returns a tuple with the Datasets field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DatasetCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DatasetCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DatasetCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *DatasetCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DatasetCollection) HasDatasets ¶
func (o *DatasetCollection) HasDatasets() bool
HasDatasets returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DatasetCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DatasetCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DatasetCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DatasetCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DatasetCollection) SetDatasets ¶
func (o *DatasetCollection) SetDatasets(v []Dataset)
SetDatasets gets a reference to the given []Dataset and assigns it to the Datasets field.
func (*DatasetCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DatasetCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type DatasetCollectionAllOf ¶
type DatasetCollectionAllOf struct {
Datasets *[]Dataset `json:"datasets,omitempty"`
DatasetCollectionAllOf struct for DatasetCollectionAllOf
func NewDatasetCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewDatasetCollectionAllOf() *DatasetCollectionAllOf
NewDatasetCollectionAllOf instantiates a new DatasetCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDatasetCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewDatasetCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *DatasetCollectionAllOf
NewDatasetCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new DatasetCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DatasetCollectionAllOf) GetDatasets ¶
func (o *DatasetCollectionAllOf) GetDatasets() []Dataset
GetDatasets returns the Datasets field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DatasetCollectionAllOf) GetDatasetsOk ¶
func (o *DatasetCollectionAllOf) GetDatasetsOk() (*[]Dataset, bool)
GetDatasetsOk returns a tuple with the Datasets field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DatasetCollectionAllOf) HasDatasets ¶
func (o *DatasetCollectionAllOf) HasDatasets() bool
HasDatasets returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DatasetCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DatasetCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DatasetCollectionAllOf) SetDatasets ¶
func (o *DatasetCollectionAllOf) SetDatasets(v []Dataset)
SetDatasets gets a reference to the given []Dataset and assigns it to the Datasets field.
type DatasetEvent ¶
type DatasetEvent struct { // The dataset id DatasetId *int32 `json:"dataset_id,omitempty"` // The URI of the dataset DatasetUri *string `json:"dataset_uri,omitempty"` // The dataset event extra Extra map[string]interface{} `json:"extra,omitempty"` // The DAG ID that updated the dataset. SourceDagId NullableString `json:"source_dag_id,omitempty"` // The task ID that updated the dataset. SourceTaskId NullableString `json:"source_task_id,omitempty"` // The DAG run ID that updated the dataset. SourceRunId NullableString `json:"source_run_id,omitempty"` // The task map index that updated the dataset. SourceMapIndex NullableInt32 `json:"source_map_index,omitempty"` CreatedDagruns *[]BasicDAGRun `json:"created_dagruns,omitempty"` // The dataset event creation time Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` }
DatasetEvent A dataset event. *New in version 2.4.0*
func NewDatasetEvent ¶
func NewDatasetEvent() *DatasetEvent
NewDatasetEvent instantiates a new DatasetEvent object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDatasetEventWithDefaults ¶
func NewDatasetEventWithDefaults() *DatasetEvent
NewDatasetEventWithDefaults instantiates a new DatasetEvent object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DatasetEvent) GetCreatedDagruns ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetCreatedDagruns() []BasicDAGRun
GetCreatedDagruns returns the CreatedDagruns field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DatasetEvent) GetCreatedDagrunsOk ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetCreatedDagrunsOk() (*[]BasicDAGRun, bool)
GetCreatedDagrunsOk returns a tuple with the CreatedDagruns field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DatasetEvent) GetDatasetId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetDatasetId() int32
GetDatasetId returns the DatasetId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DatasetEvent) GetDatasetIdOk ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetDatasetIdOk() (*int32, bool)
GetDatasetIdOk returns a tuple with the DatasetId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DatasetEvent) GetDatasetUri ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetDatasetUri() string
GetDatasetUri returns the DatasetUri field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DatasetEvent) GetDatasetUriOk ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetDatasetUriOk() (*string, bool)
GetDatasetUriOk returns a tuple with the DatasetUri field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DatasetEvent) GetExtra ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetExtra() map[string]interface{}
GetExtra returns the Extra field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DatasetEvent) GetExtraOk ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetExtraOk() (*map[string]interface{}, bool)
GetExtraOk returns a tuple with the Extra field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DatasetEvent) GetSourceDagId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceDagId() string
GetSourceDagId returns the SourceDagId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DatasetEvent) GetSourceDagIdOk ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetSourceDagIdOk returns a tuple with the SourceDagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DatasetEvent) GetSourceMapIndex ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceMapIndex() int32
GetSourceMapIndex returns the SourceMapIndex field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DatasetEvent) GetSourceMapIndexOk ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceMapIndexOk() (*int32, bool)
GetSourceMapIndexOk returns a tuple with the SourceMapIndex field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DatasetEvent) GetSourceRunId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceRunId() string
GetSourceRunId returns the SourceRunId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DatasetEvent) GetSourceRunIdOk ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetSourceRunIdOk returns a tuple with the SourceRunId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DatasetEvent) GetSourceTaskId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceTaskId() string
GetSourceTaskId returns the SourceTaskId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*DatasetEvent) GetSourceTaskIdOk ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetSourceTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetSourceTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the SourceTaskId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*DatasetEvent) GetTimestamp ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetTimestamp() string
GetTimestamp returns the Timestamp field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DatasetEvent) GetTimestampOk ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
GetTimestampOk returns a tuple with the Timestamp field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DatasetEvent) HasCreatedDagruns ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) HasCreatedDagruns() bool
HasCreatedDagruns returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DatasetEvent) HasDatasetId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) HasDatasetId() bool
HasDatasetId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DatasetEvent) HasDatasetUri ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) HasDatasetUri() bool
HasDatasetUri returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DatasetEvent) HasExtra ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) HasExtra() bool
HasExtra returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DatasetEvent) HasSourceDagId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) HasSourceDagId() bool
HasSourceDagId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DatasetEvent) HasSourceMapIndex ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) HasSourceMapIndex() bool
HasSourceMapIndex returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DatasetEvent) HasSourceRunId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) HasSourceRunId() bool
HasSourceRunId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DatasetEvent) HasSourceTaskId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) HasSourceTaskId() bool
HasSourceTaskId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DatasetEvent) HasTimestamp ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) HasTimestamp() bool
HasTimestamp returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DatasetEvent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DatasetEvent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DatasetEvent) SetCreatedDagruns ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetCreatedDagruns(v []BasicDAGRun)
SetCreatedDagruns gets a reference to the given []BasicDAGRun and assigns it to the CreatedDagruns field.
func (*DatasetEvent) SetDatasetId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetDatasetId(v int32)
SetDatasetId gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the DatasetId field.
func (*DatasetEvent) SetDatasetUri ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetDatasetUri(v string)
SetDatasetUri gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DatasetUri field.
func (*DatasetEvent) SetExtra ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetExtra(v map[string]interface{})
SetExtra gets a reference to the given map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the Extra field.
func (*DatasetEvent) SetSourceDagId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceDagId(v string)
SetSourceDagId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the SourceDagId field.
func (*DatasetEvent) SetSourceDagIdNil ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceDagIdNil()
SetSourceDagIdNil sets the value for SourceDagId to be an explicit nil
func (*DatasetEvent) SetSourceMapIndex ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceMapIndex(v int32)
SetSourceMapIndex gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the SourceMapIndex field.
func (*DatasetEvent) SetSourceMapIndexNil ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceMapIndexNil()
SetSourceMapIndexNil sets the value for SourceMapIndex to be an explicit nil
func (*DatasetEvent) SetSourceRunId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceRunId(v string)
SetSourceRunId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the SourceRunId field.
func (*DatasetEvent) SetSourceRunIdNil ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceRunIdNil()
SetSourceRunIdNil sets the value for SourceRunId to be an explicit nil
func (*DatasetEvent) SetSourceTaskId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceTaskId(v string)
SetSourceTaskId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the SourceTaskId field.
func (*DatasetEvent) SetSourceTaskIdNil ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetSourceTaskIdNil()
SetSourceTaskIdNil sets the value for SourceTaskId to be an explicit nil
func (*DatasetEvent) SetTimestamp ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) SetTimestamp(v string)
SetTimestamp gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Timestamp field.
func (*DatasetEvent) UnsetSourceDagId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) UnsetSourceDagId()
UnsetSourceDagId ensures that no value is present for SourceDagId, not even an explicit nil
func (*DatasetEvent) UnsetSourceMapIndex ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) UnsetSourceMapIndex()
UnsetSourceMapIndex ensures that no value is present for SourceMapIndex, not even an explicit nil
func (*DatasetEvent) UnsetSourceRunId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) UnsetSourceRunId()
UnsetSourceRunId ensures that no value is present for SourceRunId, not even an explicit nil
func (*DatasetEvent) UnsetSourceTaskId ¶
func (o *DatasetEvent) UnsetSourceTaskId()
UnsetSourceTaskId ensures that no value is present for SourceTaskId, not even an explicit nil
type DatasetEventCollection ¶
type DatasetEventCollection struct { DatasetEvents *[]DatasetEvent `json:"dataset_events,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
DatasetEventCollection A collection of dataset events. *New in version 2.4.0*
func NewDatasetEventCollection ¶
func NewDatasetEventCollection() *DatasetEventCollection
NewDatasetEventCollection instantiates a new DatasetEventCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDatasetEventCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewDatasetEventCollectionWithDefaults() *DatasetEventCollection
NewDatasetEventCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new DatasetEventCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DatasetEventCollection) GetDatasetEvents ¶
func (o *DatasetEventCollection) GetDatasetEvents() []DatasetEvent
GetDatasetEvents returns the DatasetEvents field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DatasetEventCollection) GetDatasetEventsOk ¶
func (o *DatasetEventCollection) GetDatasetEventsOk() (*[]DatasetEvent, bool)
GetDatasetEventsOk returns a tuple with the DatasetEvents field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DatasetEventCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DatasetEventCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DatasetEventCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *DatasetEventCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DatasetEventCollection) HasDatasetEvents ¶
func (o *DatasetEventCollection) HasDatasetEvents() bool
HasDatasetEvents returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*DatasetEventCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DatasetEventCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DatasetEventCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DatasetEventCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DatasetEventCollection) SetDatasetEvents ¶
func (o *DatasetEventCollection) SetDatasetEvents(v []DatasetEvent)
SetDatasetEvents gets a reference to the given []DatasetEvent and assigns it to the DatasetEvents field.
func (*DatasetEventCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *DatasetEventCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type DatasetEventCollectionAllOf ¶
type DatasetEventCollectionAllOf struct {
DatasetEvents *[]DatasetEvent `json:"dataset_events,omitempty"`
DatasetEventCollectionAllOf struct for DatasetEventCollectionAllOf
func NewDatasetEventCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewDatasetEventCollectionAllOf() *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf
NewDatasetEventCollectionAllOf instantiates a new DatasetEventCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewDatasetEventCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewDatasetEventCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf
NewDatasetEventCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new DatasetEventCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) GetDatasetEvents ¶
func (o *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) GetDatasetEvents() []DatasetEvent
GetDatasetEvents returns the DatasetEvents field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) GetDatasetEventsOk ¶
func (o *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) GetDatasetEventsOk() (*[]DatasetEvent, bool)
GetDatasetEventsOk returns a tuple with the DatasetEvents field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) HasDatasetEvents ¶
func (o *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) HasDatasetEvents() bool
HasDatasetEvents returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) SetDatasetEvents ¶
func (o *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) SetDatasetEvents(v []DatasetEvent)
SetDatasetEvents gets a reference to the given []DatasetEvent and assigns it to the DatasetEvents field.
type Error ¶
type Error struct { // A URI reference [RFC3986] that identifies the problem type. This specification encourages that, when dereferenced, it provide human-readable documentation for the problem type. Type string `json:"type"` // A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. Title string `json:"title"` // The HTTP status code generated by the API server for this occurrence of the problem. Status float32 `json:"status"` // A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. Detail *string `json:"detail,omitempty"` // A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced. Instance *string `json:"instance,omitempty"` }
Error [RFC7807]( compliant response.
func NewError ¶
NewError instantiates a new Error object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewErrorWithDefaults ¶
func NewErrorWithDefaults() *Error
NewErrorWithDefaults instantiates a new Error object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Error) GetDetailOk ¶
GetDetailOk returns a tuple with the Detail field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Error) GetInstance ¶
GetInstance returns the Instance field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Error) GetInstanceOk ¶
GetInstanceOk returns a tuple with the Instance field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Error) GetStatusOk ¶
GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Error) GetTitleOk ¶
GetTitleOk returns a tuple with the Title field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Error) GetTypeOk ¶
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Error) HasInstance ¶
HasInstance returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (Error) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Error) SetDetail ¶
SetDetail gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Detail field.
func (*Error) SetInstance ¶
SetInstance gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Instance field.
type EventLog ¶
type EventLog struct { // The event log ID EventLogId *int32 `json:"event_log_id,omitempty"` // The time when these events happened. When *time.Time `json:"when,omitempty"` // The DAG ID DagId NullableString `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` // The DAG ID TaskId NullableString `json:"task_id,omitempty"` // A key describing the type of event. Event *string `json:"event,omitempty"` // When the event was dispatched for an object having execution_date, the value of this field. ExecutionDate NullableTime `json:"execution_date,omitempty"` // Name of the user who triggered these events a. Owner *string `json:"owner,omitempty"` // Other information that was not included in the other fields, e.g. the complete CLI command. Extra NullableString `json:"extra,omitempty"` }
EventLog Log of user operations via CLI or Web UI.
func NewEventLog ¶
func NewEventLog() *EventLog
NewEventLog instantiates a new EventLog object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewEventLogWithDefaults ¶
func NewEventLogWithDefaults() *EventLog
NewEventLogWithDefaults instantiates a new EventLog object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*EventLog) GetDagId ¶
GetDagId returns the DagId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*EventLog) GetDagIdOk ¶
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*EventLog) GetEventLogId ¶
GetEventLogId returns the EventLogId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*EventLog) GetEventLogIdOk ¶
GetEventLogIdOk returns a tuple with the EventLogId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*EventLog) GetEventOk ¶
GetEventOk returns a tuple with the Event field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*EventLog) GetExecutionDate ¶
GetExecutionDate returns the ExecutionDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*EventLog) GetExecutionDateOk ¶
GetExecutionDateOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*EventLog) GetExtra ¶
GetExtra returns the Extra field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*EventLog) GetExtraOk ¶
GetExtraOk returns a tuple with the Extra field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*EventLog) GetOwnerOk ¶
GetOwnerOk returns a tuple with the Owner field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*EventLog) GetTaskId ¶
GetTaskId returns the TaskId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*EventLog) GetTaskIdOk ¶
GetTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the TaskId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*EventLog) GetWhenOk ¶
GetWhenOk returns a tuple with the When field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*EventLog) HasEventLogId ¶
HasEventLogId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*EventLog) HasExecutionDate ¶
HasExecutionDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (EventLog) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*EventLog) SetDagId ¶
SetDagId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*EventLog) SetDagIdNil ¶
func (o *EventLog) SetDagIdNil()
SetDagIdNil sets the value for DagId to be an explicit nil
func (*EventLog) SetEvent ¶
SetEvent gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Event field.
func (*EventLog) SetEventLogId ¶
SetEventLogId gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the EventLogId field.
func (*EventLog) SetExecutionDate ¶
SetExecutionDate gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the ExecutionDate field.
func (*EventLog) SetExecutionDateNil ¶
func (o *EventLog) SetExecutionDateNil()
SetExecutionDateNil sets the value for ExecutionDate to be an explicit nil
func (*EventLog) SetExtra ¶
SetExtra gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Extra field.
func (*EventLog) SetExtraNil ¶
func (o *EventLog) SetExtraNil()
SetExtraNil sets the value for Extra to be an explicit nil
func (*EventLog) SetOwner ¶
SetOwner gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Owner field.
func (*EventLog) SetTaskId ¶
SetTaskId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the TaskId field.
func (*EventLog) SetTaskIdNil ¶
func (o *EventLog) SetTaskIdNil()
SetTaskIdNil sets the value for TaskId to be an explicit nil
func (*EventLog) SetWhen ¶
SetWhen gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the When field.
func (*EventLog) UnsetDagId ¶
func (o *EventLog) UnsetDagId()
UnsetDagId ensures that no value is present for DagId, not even an explicit nil
func (*EventLog) UnsetExecutionDate ¶
func (o *EventLog) UnsetExecutionDate()
UnsetExecutionDate ensures that no value is present for ExecutionDate, not even an explicit nil
func (*EventLog) UnsetExtra ¶
func (o *EventLog) UnsetExtra()
UnsetExtra ensures that no value is present for Extra, not even an explicit nil
func (*EventLog) UnsetTaskId ¶
func (o *EventLog) UnsetTaskId()
UnsetTaskId ensures that no value is present for TaskId, not even an explicit nil
type EventLogApiApiGetEventLogRequest ¶
type EventLogApiApiGetEventLogRequest struct { ApiService *EventLogApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest ¶
type EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest struct { ApiService *EventLogApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) Execute() (EventLogCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) Limit ¶
func (r EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) Limit(limit int32) EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) Offset ¶
func (r EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) Offset(offset int32) EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
type EventLogApiService ¶
type EventLogApiService service
EventLogApiService EventLogApi service
func (*EventLogApiService) GetEventLog ¶
func (a *EventLogApiService) GetEventLog(ctx _context.Context, eventLogId int32) EventLogApiApiGetEventLogRequest
GetEventLog Get a log entry
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param eventLogId The event log ID. @return EventLogApiApiGetEventLogRequest
func (*EventLogApiService) GetEventLogExecute ¶
func (a *EventLogApiService) GetEventLogExecute(r EventLogApiApiGetEventLogRequest) (EventLog, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return EventLog
func (*EventLogApiService) GetEventLogs ¶
func (a *EventLogApiService) GetEventLogs(ctx _context.Context) EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest
GetEventLogs List log entries
List log entries from event log.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest
func (*EventLogApiService) GetEventLogsExecute ¶
func (a *EventLogApiService) GetEventLogsExecute(r EventLogApiApiGetEventLogsRequest) (EventLogCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return EventLogCollection
type EventLogCollection ¶
type EventLogCollection struct { EventLogs *[]EventLog `json:"event_logs,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
EventLogCollection Collection of event logs. *Changed in version 2.1.0*: 'total_entries' field is added.
func NewEventLogCollection ¶
func NewEventLogCollection() *EventLogCollection
NewEventLogCollection instantiates a new EventLogCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewEventLogCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewEventLogCollectionWithDefaults() *EventLogCollection
NewEventLogCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new EventLogCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*EventLogCollection) GetEventLogs ¶
func (o *EventLogCollection) GetEventLogs() []EventLog
GetEventLogs returns the EventLogs field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*EventLogCollection) GetEventLogsOk ¶
func (o *EventLogCollection) GetEventLogsOk() (*[]EventLog, bool)
GetEventLogsOk returns a tuple with the EventLogs field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*EventLogCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *EventLogCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*EventLogCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *EventLogCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*EventLogCollection) HasEventLogs ¶
func (o *EventLogCollection) HasEventLogs() bool
HasEventLogs returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*EventLogCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *EventLogCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (EventLogCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o EventLogCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*EventLogCollection) SetEventLogs ¶
func (o *EventLogCollection) SetEventLogs(v []EventLog)
SetEventLogs gets a reference to the given []EventLog and assigns it to the EventLogs field.
func (*EventLogCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *EventLogCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type EventLogCollectionAllOf ¶
type EventLogCollectionAllOf struct {
EventLogs *[]EventLog `json:"event_logs,omitempty"`
EventLogCollectionAllOf struct for EventLogCollectionAllOf
func NewEventLogCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewEventLogCollectionAllOf() *EventLogCollectionAllOf
NewEventLogCollectionAllOf instantiates a new EventLogCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewEventLogCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewEventLogCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *EventLogCollectionAllOf
NewEventLogCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new EventLogCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*EventLogCollectionAllOf) GetEventLogs ¶
func (o *EventLogCollectionAllOf) GetEventLogs() []EventLog
GetEventLogs returns the EventLogs field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*EventLogCollectionAllOf) GetEventLogsOk ¶
func (o *EventLogCollectionAllOf) GetEventLogsOk() (*[]EventLog, bool)
GetEventLogsOk returns a tuple with the EventLogs field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*EventLogCollectionAllOf) HasEventLogs ¶
func (o *EventLogCollectionAllOf) HasEventLogs() bool
HasEventLogs returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (EventLogCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o EventLogCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*EventLogCollectionAllOf) SetEventLogs ¶
func (o *EventLogCollectionAllOf) SetEventLogs(v []EventLog)
SetEventLogs gets a reference to the given []EventLog and assigns it to the EventLogs field.
type ExtraLink ¶
type ExtraLink struct { ClassRef *ClassReference `json:"class_ref,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` }
ExtraLink Additional links containing additional information about the task.
func NewExtraLink ¶
func NewExtraLink() *ExtraLink
NewExtraLink instantiates a new ExtraLink object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewExtraLinkWithDefaults ¶
func NewExtraLinkWithDefaults() *ExtraLink
NewExtraLinkWithDefaults instantiates a new ExtraLink object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ExtraLink) GetClassRef ¶
func (o *ExtraLink) GetClassRef() ClassReference
GetClassRef returns the ClassRef field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ExtraLink) GetClassRefOk ¶
func (o *ExtraLink) GetClassRefOk() (*ClassReference, bool)
GetClassRefOk returns a tuple with the ClassRef field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ExtraLink) GetHrefOk ¶
GetHrefOk returns a tuple with the Href field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ExtraLink) GetNameOk ¶
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ExtraLink) HasClassRef ¶
HasClassRef returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ExtraLink) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*ExtraLink) SetClassRef ¶
func (o *ExtraLink) SetClassRef(v ClassReference)
SetClassRef gets a reference to the given ClassReference and assigns it to the ClassRef field.
type ExtraLinkCollection ¶
type ExtraLinkCollection struct {
ExtraLinks *[]ExtraLink `json:"extra_links,omitempty"`
ExtraLinkCollection The collection of extra links.
func NewExtraLinkCollection ¶
func NewExtraLinkCollection() *ExtraLinkCollection
NewExtraLinkCollection instantiates a new ExtraLinkCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewExtraLinkCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewExtraLinkCollectionWithDefaults() *ExtraLinkCollection
NewExtraLinkCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new ExtraLinkCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ExtraLinkCollection) GetExtraLinks ¶
func (o *ExtraLinkCollection) GetExtraLinks() []ExtraLink
GetExtraLinks returns the ExtraLinks field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ExtraLinkCollection) GetExtraLinksOk ¶
func (o *ExtraLinkCollection) GetExtraLinksOk() (*[]ExtraLink, bool)
GetExtraLinksOk returns a tuple with the ExtraLinks field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ExtraLinkCollection) HasExtraLinks ¶
func (o *ExtraLinkCollection) HasExtraLinks() bool
HasExtraLinks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ExtraLinkCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ExtraLinkCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ExtraLinkCollection) SetExtraLinks ¶
func (o *ExtraLinkCollection) SetExtraLinks(v []ExtraLink)
SetExtraLinks gets a reference to the given []ExtraLink and assigns it to the ExtraLinks field.
type GenericOpenAPIError ¶
type GenericOpenAPIError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GenericOpenAPIError Provides access to the body, error and model on returned errors.
func (GenericOpenAPIError) Body ¶
func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Body() []byte
Body returns the raw bytes of the response
func (GenericOpenAPIError) Error ¶
func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Error() string
Error returns non-empty string if there was an error.
func (GenericOpenAPIError) Model ¶
func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Model() interface{}
Model returns the unpacked model of the error
type HealthInfo ¶
type HealthInfo struct { Metadatabase *MetadatabaseStatus `json:"metadatabase,omitempty"` Scheduler *SchedulerStatus `json:"scheduler,omitempty"` }
HealthInfo Instance status information.
func NewHealthInfo ¶
func NewHealthInfo() *HealthInfo
NewHealthInfo instantiates a new HealthInfo object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewHealthInfoWithDefaults ¶
func NewHealthInfoWithDefaults() *HealthInfo
NewHealthInfoWithDefaults instantiates a new HealthInfo object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*HealthInfo) GetMetadatabase ¶
func (o *HealthInfo) GetMetadatabase() MetadatabaseStatus
GetMetadatabase returns the Metadatabase field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HealthInfo) GetMetadatabaseOk ¶
func (o *HealthInfo) GetMetadatabaseOk() (*MetadatabaseStatus, bool)
GetMetadatabaseOk returns a tuple with the Metadatabase field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HealthInfo) GetScheduler ¶
func (o *HealthInfo) GetScheduler() SchedulerStatus
GetScheduler returns the Scheduler field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*HealthInfo) GetSchedulerOk ¶
func (o *HealthInfo) GetSchedulerOk() (*SchedulerStatus, bool)
GetSchedulerOk returns a tuple with the Scheduler field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*HealthInfo) HasMetadatabase ¶
func (o *HealthInfo) HasMetadatabase() bool
HasMetadatabase returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*HealthInfo) HasScheduler ¶
func (o *HealthInfo) HasScheduler() bool
HasScheduler returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (HealthInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o HealthInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*HealthInfo) SetMetadatabase ¶
func (o *HealthInfo) SetMetadatabase(v MetadatabaseStatus)
SetMetadatabase gets a reference to the given MetadatabaseStatus and assigns it to the Metadatabase field.
func (*HealthInfo) SetScheduler ¶
func (o *HealthInfo) SetScheduler(v SchedulerStatus)
SetScheduler gets a reference to the given SchedulerStatus and assigns it to the Scheduler field.
type HealthStatus ¶
type HealthStatus string
HealthStatus Health status
const ( HEALTHSTATUS_HEALTHY HealthStatus = "healthy" HEALTHSTATUS_UNHEALTHY HealthStatus = "unhealthy" )
List of HealthStatus
func NewHealthStatusFromValue ¶
func NewHealthStatusFromValue(v string) (*HealthStatus, error)
NewHealthStatusFromValue returns a pointer to a valid HealthStatus for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum
func (HealthStatus) IsValid ¶
func (v HealthStatus) IsValid() bool
IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise
func (HealthStatus) Ptr ¶
func (v HealthStatus) Ptr() *HealthStatus
Ptr returns reference to HealthStatus value
func (*HealthStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *HealthStatus) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
type ImportError ¶
type ImportError struct { // The import error ID. ImportErrorId *int32 `json:"import_error_id,omitempty"` // The time when this error was created. Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // The filename Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` // The full stackstrace.. StackTrace *string `json:"stack_trace,omitempty"` }
ImportError struct for ImportError
func NewImportError ¶
func NewImportError() *ImportError
NewImportError instantiates a new ImportError object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewImportErrorWithDefaults ¶
func NewImportErrorWithDefaults() *ImportError
NewImportErrorWithDefaults instantiates a new ImportError object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ImportError) GetFilename ¶
func (o *ImportError) GetFilename() string
GetFilename returns the Filename field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ImportError) GetFilenameOk ¶
func (o *ImportError) GetFilenameOk() (*string, bool)
GetFilenameOk returns a tuple with the Filename field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ImportError) GetImportErrorId ¶
func (o *ImportError) GetImportErrorId() int32
GetImportErrorId returns the ImportErrorId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ImportError) GetImportErrorIdOk ¶
func (o *ImportError) GetImportErrorIdOk() (*int32, bool)
GetImportErrorIdOk returns a tuple with the ImportErrorId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ImportError) GetStackTrace ¶
func (o *ImportError) GetStackTrace() string
GetStackTrace returns the StackTrace field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ImportError) GetStackTraceOk ¶
func (o *ImportError) GetStackTraceOk() (*string, bool)
GetStackTraceOk returns a tuple with the StackTrace field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ImportError) GetTimestamp ¶
func (o *ImportError) GetTimestamp() string
GetTimestamp returns the Timestamp field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ImportError) GetTimestampOk ¶
func (o *ImportError) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
GetTimestampOk returns a tuple with the Timestamp field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ImportError) HasFilename ¶
func (o *ImportError) HasFilename() bool
HasFilename returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ImportError) HasImportErrorId ¶
func (o *ImportError) HasImportErrorId() bool
HasImportErrorId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ImportError) HasStackTrace ¶
func (o *ImportError) HasStackTrace() bool
HasStackTrace returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ImportError) HasTimestamp ¶
func (o *ImportError) HasTimestamp() bool
HasTimestamp returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ImportError) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ImportError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ImportError) SetFilename ¶
func (o *ImportError) SetFilename(v string)
SetFilename gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Filename field.
func (*ImportError) SetImportErrorId ¶
func (o *ImportError) SetImportErrorId(v int32)
SetImportErrorId gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the ImportErrorId field.
func (*ImportError) SetStackTrace ¶
func (o *ImportError) SetStackTrace(v string)
SetStackTrace gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the StackTrace field.
func (*ImportError) SetTimestamp ¶
func (o *ImportError) SetTimestamp(v string)
SetTimestamp gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Timestamp field.
type ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorRequest ¶
type ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorRequest struct { ApiService *ImportErrorApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorRequest) Execute() (ImportError, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest ¶
type ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest struct { ApiService *ImportErrorApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) Execute() (ImportErrorCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) Limit ¶
func (r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) Limit(limit int32) ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) Offset ¶
func (r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) Offset(offset int32) ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
type ImportErrorApiService ¶
type ImportErrorApiService service
ImportErrorApiService ImportErrorApi service
func (*ImportErrorApiService) GetImportError ¶
func (a *ImportErrorApiService) GetImportError(ctx _context.Context, importErrorId int32) ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorRequest
GetImportError Get an import error
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param importErrorId The import error ID. @return ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorRequest
func (*ImportErrorApiService) GetImportErrorExecute ¶
func (a *ImportErrorApiService) GetImportErrorExecute(r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorRequest) (ImportError, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return ImportError
func (*ImportErrorApiService) GetImportErrors ¶
func (a *ImportErrorApiService) GetImportErrors(ctx _context.Context) ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest
GetImportErrors List import errors
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest
func (*ImportErrorApiService) GetImportErrorsExecute ¶
func (a *ImportErrorApiService) GetImportErrorsExecute(r ImportErrorApiApiGetImportErrorsRequest) (ImportErrorCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return ImportErrorCollection
type ImportErrorCollection ¶
type ImportErrorCollection struct { ImportErrors *[]ImportError `json:"import_errors,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
ImportErrorCollection Collection of import errors. *Changed in version 2.1.0*: 'total_entries' field is added.
func NewImportErrorCollection ¶
func NewImportErrorCollection() *ImportErrorCollection
NewImportErrorCollection instantiates a new ImportErrorCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewImportErrorCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewImportErrorCollectionWithDefaults() *ImportErrorCollection
NewImportErrorCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new ImportErrorCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ImportErrorCollection) GetImportErrors ¶
func (o *ImportErrorCollection) GetImportErrors() []ImportError
GetImportErrors returns the ImportErrors field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ImportErrorCollection) GetImportErrorsOk ¶
func (o *ImportErrorCollection) GetImportErrorsOk() (*[]ImportError, bool)
GetImportErrorsOk returns a tuple with the ImportErrors field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ImportErrorCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *ImportErrorCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ImportErrorCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *ImportErrorCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ImportErrorCollection) HasImportErrors ¶
func (o *ImportErrorCollection) HasImportErrors() bool
HasImportErrors returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ImportErrorCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *ImportErrorCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ImportErrorCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ImportErrorCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ImportErrorCollection) SetImportErrors ¶
func (o *ImportErrorCollection) SetImportErrors(v []ImportError)
SetImportErrors gets a reference to the given []ImportError and assigns it to the ImportErrors field.
func (*ImportErrorCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *ImportErrorCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type ImportErrorCollectionAllOf ¶
type ImportErrorCollectionAllOf struct {
ImportErrors *[]ImportError `json:"import_errors,omitempty"`
ImportErrorCollectionAllOf struct for ImportErrorCollectionAllOf
func NewImportErrorCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewImportErrorCollectionAllOf() *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf
NewImportErrorCollectionAllOf instantiates a new ImportErrorCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewImportErrorCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewImportErrorCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf
NewImportErrorCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new ImportErrorCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) GetImportErrors ¶
func (o *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) GetImportErrors() []ImportError
GetImportErrors returns the ImportErrors field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) GetImportErrorsOk ¶
func (o *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) GetImportErrorsOk() (*[]ImportError, bool)
GetImportErrorsOk returns a tuple with the ImportErrors field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) HasImportErrors ¶
func (o *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) HasImportErrors() bool
HasImportErrors returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) SetImportErrors ¶
func (o *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) SetImportErrors(v []ImportError)
SetImportErrors gets a reference to the given []ImportError and assigns it to the ImportErrors field.
type InlineResponse200 ¶
type InlineResponse200 struct { ContinuationToken *string `json:"continuation_token,omitempty"` Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` }
InlineResponse200 struct for InlineResponse200
func NewInlineResponse200 ¶
func NewInlineResponse200() *InlineResponse200
NewInlineResponse200 instantiates a new InlineResponse200 object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInlineResponse200WithDefaults ¶
func NewInlineResponse200WithDefaults() *InlineResponse200
NewInlineResponse200WithDefaults instantiates a new InlineResponse200 object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*InlineResponse200) GetContent ¶
func (o *InlineResponse200) GetContent() string
GetContent returns the Content field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InlineResponse200) GetContentOk ¶
func (o *InlineResponse200) GetContentOk() (*string, bool)
GetContentOk returns a tuple with the Content field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InlineResponse200) GetContinuationToken ¶
func (o *InlineResponse200) GetContinuationToken() string
GetContinuationToken returns the ContinuationToken field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InlineResponse200) GetContinuationTokenOk ¶
func (o *InlineResponse200) GetContinuationTokenOk() (*string, bool)
GetContinuationTokenOk returns a tuple with the ContinuationToken field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InlineResponse200) HasContent ¶
func (o *InlineResponse200) HasContent() bool
HasContent returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*InlineResponse200) HasContinuationToken ¶
func (o *InlineResponse200) HasContinuationToken() bool
HasContinuationToken returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (InlineResponse200) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o InlineResponse200) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*InlineResponse200) SetContent ¶
func (o *InlineResponse200) SetContent(v string)
SetContent gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Content field.
func (*InlineResponse200) SetContinuationToken ¶
func (o *InlineResponse200) SetContinuationToken(v string)
SetContinuationToken gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ContinuationToken field.
type InlineResponse2001 ¶
type InlineResponse2001 struct {
Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"`
InlineResponse2001 struct for InlineResponse2001
func NewInlineResponse2001 ¶
func NewInlineResponse2001() *InlineResponse2001
NewInlineResponse2001 instantiates a new InlineResponse2001 object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInlineResponse2001WithDefaults ¶
func NewInlineResponse2001WithDefaults() *InlineResponse2001
NewInlineResponse2001WithDefaults instantiates a new InlineResponse2001 object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*InlineResponse2001) GetContent ¶
func (o *InlineResponse2001) GetContent() string
GetContent returns the Content field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*InlineResponse2001) GetContentOk ¶
func (o *InlineResponse2001) GetContentOk() (*string, bool)
GetContentOk returns a tuple with the Content field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*InlineResponse2001) HasContent ¶
func (o *InlineResponse2001) HasContent() bool
HasContent returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (InlineResponse2001) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o InlineResponse2001) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*InlineResponse2001) SetContent ¶
func (o *InlineResponse2001) SetContent(v string)
SetContent gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Content field.
type Job ¶
type Job struct { Id *int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` DagId NullableString `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` State NullableString `json:"state,omitempty"` JobType NullableString `json:"job_type,omitempty"` StartDate NullableString `json:"start_date,omitempty"` EndDate NullableString `json:"end_date,omitempty"` LatestHeartbeat NullableString `json:"latest_heartbeat,omitempty"` ExecutorClass NullableString `json:"executor_class,omitempty"` Hostname NullableString `json:"hostname,omitempty"` Unixname NullableString `json:"unixname,omitempty"` }
Job struct for Job
func NewJob ¶
func NewJob() *Job
NewJob instantiates a new Job object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewJobWithDefaults ¶
func NewJobWithDefaults() *Job
NewJobWithDefaults instantiates a new Job object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Job) GetDagId ¶
GetDagId returns the DagId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Job) GetDagIdOk ¶
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Job) GetEndDate ¶
GetEndDate returns the EndDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Job) GetEndDateOk ¶
GetEndDateOk returns a tuple with the EndDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Job) GetExecutorClass ¶
GetExecutorClass returns the ExecutorClass field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Job) GetExecutorClassOk ¶
GetExecutorClassOk returns a tuple with the ExecutorClass field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Job) GetHostname ¶
GetHostname returns the Hostname field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Job) GetHostnameOk ¶
GetHostnameOk returns a tuple with the Hostname field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Job) GetIdOk ¶
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Job) GetJobType ¶
GetJobType returns the JobType field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Job) GetJobTypeOk ¶
GetJobTypeOk returns a tuple with the JobType field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Job) GetLatestHeartbeat ¶
GetLatestHeartbeat returns the LatestHeartbeat field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Job) GetLatestHeartbeatOk ¶
GetLatestHeartbeatOk returns a tuple with the LatestHeartbeat field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Job) GetStartDate ¶
GetStartDate returns the StartDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Job) GetStartDateOk ¶
GetStartDateOk returns a tuple with the StartDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Job) GetState ¶
GetState returns the State field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Job) GetStateOk ¶
GetStateOk returns a tuple with the State field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Job) GetUnixname ¶
GetUnixname returns the Unixname field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Job) GetUnixnameOk ¶
GetUnixnameOk returns a tuple with the Unixname field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Job) HasEndDate ¶
HasEndDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Job) HasExecutorClass ¶
HasExecutorClass returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Job) HasHostname ¶
HasHostname returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Job) HasJobType ¶
HasJobType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Job) HasLatestHeartbeat ¶
HasLatestHeartbeat returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Job) HasStartDate ¶
HasStartDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Job) HasUnixname ¶
HasUnixname returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (Job) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Job) SetDagId ¶
SetDagId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*Job) SetDagIdNil ¶
func (o *Job) SetDagIdNil()
SetDagIdNil sets the value for DagId to be an explicit nil
func (*Job) SetEndDate ¶
SetEndDate gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the EndDate field.
func (*Job) SetEndDateNil ¶
func (o *Job) SetEndDateNil()
SetEndDateNil sets the value for EndDate to be an explicit nil
func (*Job) SetExecutorClass ¶
SetExecutorClass gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the ExecutorClass field.
func (*Job) SetExecutorClassNil ¶
func (o *Job) SetExecutorClassNil()
SetExecutorClassNil sets the value for ExecutorClass to be an explicit nil
func (*Job) SetHostname ¶
SetHostname gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Hostname field.
func (*Job) SetHostnameNil ¶
func (o *Job) SetHostnameNil()
SetHostnameNil sets the value for Hostname to be an explicit nil
func (*Job) SetJobType ¶
SetJobType gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the JobType field.
func (*Job) SetJobTypeNil ¶
func (o *Job) SetJobTypeNil()
SetJobTypeNil sets the value for JobType to be an explicit nil
func (*Job) SetLatestHeartbeat ¶
SetLatestHeartbeat gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the LatestHeartbeat field.
func (*Job) SetLatestHeartbeatNil ¶
func (o *Job) SetLatestHeartbeatNil()
SetLatestHeartbeatNil sets the value for LatestHeartbeat to be an explicit nil
func (*Job) SetStartDate ¶
SetStartDate gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the StartDate field.
func (*Job) SetStartDateNil ¶
func (o *Job) SetStartDateNil()
SetStartDateNil sets the value for StartDate to be an explicit nil
func (*Job) SetState ¶
SetState gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the State field.
func (*Job) SetStateNil ¶
func (o *Job) SetStateNil()
SetStateNil sets the value for State to be an explicit nil
func (*Job) SetUnixname ¶
SetUnixname gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Unixname field.
func (*Job) SetUnixnameNil ¶
func (o *Job) SetUnixnameNil()
SetUnixnameNil sets the value for Unixname to be an explicit nil
func (*Job) UnsetDagId ¶
func (o *Job) UnsetDagId()
UnsetDagId ensures that no value is present for DagId, not even an explicit nil
func (*Job) UnsetEndDate ¶
func (o *Job) UnsetEndDate()
UnsetEndDate ensures that no value is present for EndDate, not even an explicit nil
func (*Job) UnsetExecutorClass ¶
func (o *Job) UnsetExecutorClass()
UnsetExecutorClass ensures that no value is present for ExecutorClass, not even an explicit nil
func (*Job) UnsetHostname ¶
func (o *Job) UnsetHostname()
UnsetHostname ensures that no value is present for Hostname, not even an explicit nil
func (*Job) UnsetJobType ¶
func (o *Job) UnsetJobType()
UnsetJobType ensures that no value is present for JobType, not even an explicit nil
func (*Job) UnsetLatestHeartbeat ¶
func (o *Job) UnsetLatestHeartbeat()
UnsetLatestHeartbeat ensures that no value is present for LatestHeartbeat, not even an explicit nil
func (*Job) UnsetStartDate ¶
func (o *Job) UnsetStartDate()
UnsetStartDate ensures that no value is present for StartDate, not even an explicit nil
func (*Job) UnsetState ¶
func (o *Job) UnsetState()
UnsetState ensures that no value is present for State, not even an explicit nil
func (*Job) UnsetUnixname ¶
func (o *Job) UnsetUnixname()
UnsetUnixname ensures that no value is present for Unixname, not even an explicit nil
type ListDagRunsForm ¶
type ListDagRunsForm struct { // The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0* OrderBy *string `json:"order_by,omitempty"` // The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set. PageOffset *int32 `json:"page_offset,omitempty"` // The numbers of items to return. PageLimit *int32 `json:"page_limit,omitempty"` // Return objects with specific DAG IDs. The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition). DagIds *[]string `json:"dag_ids,omitempty"` // Return objects with specific states. The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition). States *[]string `json:"states,omitempty"` // Returns objects greater or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_lte key to receive only the selected period. ExecutionDateGte *time.Time `json:"execution_date_gte,omitempty"` // Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_gte key to receive only the selected period. ExecutionDateLte *time.Time `json:"execution_date_lte,omitempty"` // Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte key to receive only the selected period. StartDateGte *time.Time `json:"start_date_gte,omitempty"` // Returns objects less or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period StartDateLte *time.Time `json:"start_date_lte,omitempty"` // Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with end_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period. EndDateGte *time.Time `json:"end_date_gte,omitempty"` // Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with end_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period. EndDateLte *time.Time `json:"end_date_lte,omitempty"` }
ListDagRunsForm struct for ListDagRunsForm
func NewListDagRunsForm ¶
func NewListDagRunsForm() *ListDagRunsForm
NewListDagRunsForm instantiates a new ListDagRunsForm object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewListDagRunsFormWithDefaults ¶
func NewListDagRunsFormWithDefaults() *ListDagRunsForm
NewListDagRunsFormWithDefaults instantiates a new ListDagRunsForm object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetDagIds ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetDagIds() []string
GetDagIds returns the DagIds field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetDagIdsOk ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetDagIdsOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetDagIdsOk returns a tuple with the DagIds field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetEndDateGte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetEndDateGte() time.Time
GetEndDateGte returns the EndDateGte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetEndDateGteOk ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetEndDateGteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetEndDateGteOk returns a tuple with the EndDateGte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetEndDateLte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetEndDateLte() time.Time
GetEndDateLte returns the EndDateLte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetEndDateLteOk ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetEndDateLteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetEndDateLteOk returns a tuple with the EndDateLte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetExecutionDateGte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetExecutionDateGte() time.Time
GetExecutionDateGte returns the ExecutionDateGte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetExecutionDateGteOk ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetExecutionDateGteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetExecutionDateGteOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionDateGte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetExecutionDateLte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetExecutionDateLte() time.Time
GetExecutionDateLte returns the ExecutionDateLte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetExecutionDateLteOk ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetExecutionDateLteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetExecutionDateLteOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionDateLte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetOrderBy ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetOrderBy() string
GetOrderBy returns the OrderBy field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetOrderByOk ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetOrderByOk() (*string, bool)
GetOrderByOk returns a tuple with the OrderBy field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetPageLimit ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetPageLimit() int32
GetPageLimit returns the PageLimit field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetPageLimitOk ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetPageLimitOk() (*int32, bool)
GetPageLimitOk returns a tuple with the PageLimit field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetPageOffset ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetPageOffset() int32
GetPageOffset returns the PageOffset field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetPageOffsetOk ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetPageOffsetOk() (*int32, bool)
GetPageOffsetOk returns a tuple with the PageOffset field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetStartDateGte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetStartDateGte() time.Time
GetStartDateGte returns the StartDateGte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetStartDateGteOk ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetStartDateGteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetStartDateGteOk returns a tuple with the StartDateGte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetStartDateLte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetStartDateLte() time.Time
GetStartDateLte returns the StartDateLte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetStartDateLteOk ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetStartDateLteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetStartDateLteOk returns a tuple with the StartDateLte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetStates ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetStates() []string
GetStates returns the States field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) GetStatesOk ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) GetStatesOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetStatesOk returns a tuple with the States field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) HasDagIds ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasDagIds() bool
HasDagIds returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) HasEndDateGte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasEndDateGte() bool
HasEndDateGte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) HasEndDateLte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasEndDateLte() bool
HasEndDateLte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) HasExecutionDateGte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasExecutionDateGte() bool
HasExecutionDateGte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) HasExecutionDateLte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasExecutionDateLte() bool
HasExecutionDateLte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) HasOrderBy ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasOrderBy() bool
HasOrderBy returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) HasPageLimit ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasPageLimit() bool
HasPageLimit returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) HasPageOffset ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasPageOffset() bool
HasPageOffset returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) HasStartDateGte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasStartDateGte() bool
HasStartDateGte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) HasStartDateLte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasStartDateLte() bool
HasStartDateLte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) HasStates ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) HasStates() bool
HasStates returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ListDagRunsForm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ListDagRunsForm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ListDagRunsForm) SetDagIds ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetDagIds(v []string)
SetDagIds gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the DagIds field.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) SetEndDateGte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetEndDateGte(v time.Time)
SetEndDateGte gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the EndDateGte field.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) SetEndDateLte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetEndDateLte(v time.Time)
SetEndDateLte gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the EndDateLte field.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) SetExecutionDateGte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetExecutionDateGte(v time.Time)
SetExecutionDateGte gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the ExecutionDateGte field.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) SetExecutionDateLte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetExecutionDateLte(v time.Time)
SetExecutionDateLte gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the ExecutionDateLte field.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) SetOrderBy ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetOrderBy(v string)
SetOrderBy gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the OrderBy field.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) SetPageLimit ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetPageLimit(v int32)
SetPageLimit gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the PageLimit field.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) SetPageOffset ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetPageOffset(v int32)
SetPageOffset gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the PageOffset field.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) SetStartDateGte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetStartDateGte(v time.Time)
SetStartDateGte gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the StartDateGte field.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) SetStartDateLte ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetStartDateLte(v time.Time)
SetStartDateLte gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the StartDateLte field.
func (*ListDagRunsForm) SetStates ¶
func (o *ListDagRunsForm) SetStates(v []string)
SetStates gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the States field.
type ListTaskInstanceForm ¶
type ListTaskInstanceForm struct { // Return objects with specific DAG IDs. The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition). DagIds *[]string `json:"dag_ids,omitempty"` // Returns objects greater or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period. ExecutionDateGte *time.Time `json:"execution_date_gte,omitempty"` // Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period. ExecutionDateLte *time.Time `json:"execution_date_lte,omitempty"` // Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period. StartDateGte *time.Time `json:"start_date_gte,omitempty"` // Returns objects less or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period. StartDateLte *time.Time `json:"start_date_lte,omitempty"` // Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period. EndDateGte *time.Time `json:"end_date_gte,omitempty"` // Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period. EndDateLte *time.Time `json:"end_date_lte,omitempty"` // Returns objects greater than or equal to the specified values. This can be combined with duration_lte parameter to receive only the selected period. DurationGte *float32 `json:"duration_gte,omitempty"` // Returns objects less than or equal to the specified values. This can be combined with duration_gte parameter to receive only the selected range. DurationLte *float32 `json:"duration_lte,omitempty"` // The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition). State *[]TaskState `json:"state,omitempty"` // The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition). Pool *[]string `json:"pool,omitempty"` // The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition). Queue *[]string `json:"queue,omitempty"` }
ListTaskInstanceForm struct for ListTaskInstanceForm
func NewListTaskInstanceForm ¶
func NewListTaskInstanceForm() *ListTaskInstanceForm
NewListTaskInstanceForm instantiates a new ListTaskInstanceForm object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewListTaskInstanceFormWithDefaults ¶
func NewListTaskInstanceFormWithDefaults() *ListTaskInstanceForm
NewListTaskInstanceFormWithDefaults instantiates a new ListTaskInstanceForm object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDagIds ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDagIds() []string
GetDagIds returns the DagIds field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDagIdsOk ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDagIdsOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetDagIdsOk returns a tuple with the DagIds field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDurationGte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDurationGte() float32
GetDurationGte returns the DurationGte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDurationGteOk ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDurationGteOk() (*float32, bool)
GetDurationGteOk returns a tuple with the DurationGte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDurationLte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDurationLte() float32
GetDurationLte returns the DurationLte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDurationLteOk ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetDurationLteOk() (*float32, bool)
GetDurationLteOk returns a tuple with the DurationLte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetEndDateGte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetEndDateGte() time.Time
GetEndDateGte returns the EndDateGte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetEndDateGteOk ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetEndDateGteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetEndDateGteOk returns a tuple with the EndDateGte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetEndDateLte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetEndDateLte() time.Time
GetEndDateLte returns the EndDateLte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetEndDateLteOk ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetEndDateLteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetEndDateLteOk returns a tuple with the EndDateLte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetExecutionDateGte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetExecutionDateGte() time.Time
GetExecutionDateGte returns the ExecutionDateGte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetExecutionDateGteOk ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetExecutionDateGteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetExecutionDateGteOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionDateGte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetExecutionDateLte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetExecutionDateLte() time.Time
GetExecutionDateLte returns the ExecutionDateLte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetExecutionDateLteOk ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetExecutionDateLteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetExecutionDateLteOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionDateLte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetPool ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetPool() []string
GetPool returns the Pool field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetPoolOk ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetPoolOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetPoolOk returns a tuple with the Pool field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetQueue ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetQueue() []string
GetQueue returns the Queue field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetQueueOk ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetQueueOk() (*[]string, bool)
GetQueueOk returns a tuple with the Queue field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStartDateGte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStartDateGte() time.Time
GetStartDateGte returns the StartDateGte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStartDateGteOk ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStartDateGteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetStartDateGteOk returns a tuple with the StartDateGte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStartDateLte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStartDateLte() time.Time
GetStartDateLte returns the StartDateLte field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStartDateLteOk ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStartDateLteOk() (*time.Time, bool)
GetStartDateLteOk returns a tuple with the StartDateLte field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetState ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetState() []TaskState
GetState returns the State field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStateOk ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) GetStateOk() (*[]TaskState, bool)
GetStateOk returns a tuple with the State field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) HasDagIds ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasDagIds() bool
HasDagIds returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) HasDurationGte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasDurationGte() bool
HasDurationGte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) HasDurationLte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasDurationLte() bool
HasDurationLte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) HasEndDateGte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasEndDateGte() bool
HasEndDateGte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) HasEndDateLte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasEndDateLte() bool
HasEndDateLte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) HasExecutionDateGte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasExecutionDateGte() bool
HasExecutionDateGte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) HasExecutionDateLte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasExecutionDateLte() bool
HasExecutionDateLte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) HasPool ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasPool() bool
HasPool returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) HasQueue ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasQueue() bool
HasQueue returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) HasStartDateGte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasStartDateGte() bool
HasStartDateGte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) HasStartDateLte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasStartDateLte() bool
HasStartDateLte returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) HasState ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) HasState() bool
HasState returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ListTaskInstanceForm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ListTaskInstanceForm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) SetDagIds ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetDagIds(v []string)
SetDagIds gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the DagIds field.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) SetDurationGte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetDurationGte(v float32)
SetDurationGte gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the DurationGte field.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) SetDurationLte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetDurationLte(v float32)
SetDurationLte gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the DurationLte field.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) SetEndDateGte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetEndDateGte(v time.Time)
SetEndDateGte gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the EndDateGte field.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) SetEndDateLte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetEndDateLte(v time.Time)
SetEndDateLte gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the EndDateLte field.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) SetExecutionDateGte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetExecutionDateGte(v time.Time)
SetExecutionDateGte gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the ExecutionDateGte field.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) SetExecutionDateLte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetExecutionDateLte(v time.Time)
SetExecutionDateLte gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the ExecutionDateLte field.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) SetPool ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetPool(v []string)
SetPool gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Pool field.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) SetQueue ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetQueue(v []string)
SetQueue gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Queue field.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) SetStartDateGte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetStartDateGte(v time.Time)
SetStartDateGte gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the StartDateGte field.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) SetStartDateLte ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetStartDateLte(v time.Time)
SetStartDateLte gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the StartDateLte field.
func (*ListTaskInstanceForm) SetState ¶
func (o *ListTaskInstanceForm) SetState(v []TaskState)
SetState gets a reference to the given []TaskState and assigns it to the State field.
type MetadatabaseStatus ¶
type MetadatabaseStatus struct {
Status *HealthStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
MetadatabaseStatus The status of the metadatabase.
func NewMetadatabaseStatus ¶
func NewMetadatabaseStatus() *MetadatabaseStatus
NewMetadatabaseStatus instantiates a new MetadatabaseStatus object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewMetadatabaseStatusWithDefaults ¶
func NewMetadatabaseStatusWithDefaults() *MetadatabaseStatus
NewMetadatabaseStatusWithDefaults instantiates a new MetadatabaseStatus object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*MetadatabaseStatus) GetStatus ¶
func (o *MetadatabaseStatus) GetStatus() HealthStatus
GetStatus returns the Status field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*MetadatabaseStatus) GetStatusOk ¶
func (o *MetadatabaseStatus) GetStatusOk() (*HealthStatus, bool)
GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*MetadatabaseStatus) HasStatus ¶
func (o *MetadatabaseStatus) HasStatus() bool
HasStatus returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (MetadatabaseStatus) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o MetadatabaseStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*MetadatabaseStatus) SetStatus ¶
func (o *MetadatabaseStatus) SetStatus(v HealthStatus)
SetStatus gets a reference to the given HealthStatus and assigns it to the Status field.
type MonitoringApiApiGetHealthRequest ¶
type MonitoringApiApiGetHealthRequest struct { ApiService *MonitoringApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (MonitoringApiApiGetHealthRequest) Execute ¶
func (r MonitoringApiApiGetHealthRequest) Execute() (HealthInfo, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type MonitoringApiApiGetVersionRequest ¶
type MonitoringApiApiGetVersionRequest struct { ApiService *MonitoringApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (MonitoringApiApiGetVersionRequest) Execute ¶
func (r MonitoringApiApiGetVersionRequest) Execute() (VersionInfo, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type MonitoringApiService ¶
type MonitoringApiService service
MonitoringApiService MonitoringApi service
func (*MonitoringApiService) GetHealth ¶
func (a *MonitoringApiService) GetHealth(ctx _context.Context) MonitoringApiApiGetHealthRequest
GetHealth Get instance status
Get the status of Airflow's metadatabase and scheduler. It includes info about metadatabase and last heartbeat of scheduler.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return MonitoringApiApiGetHealthRequest
func (*MonitoringApiService) GetHealthExecute ¶
func (a *MonitoringApiService) GetHealthExecute(r MonitoringApiApiGetHealthRequest) (HealthInfo, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return HealthInfo
func (*MonitoringApiService) GetVersion ¶
func (a *MonitoringApiService) GetVersion(ctx _context.Context) MonitoringApiApiGetVersionRequest
GetVersion Get version information
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return MonitoringApiApiGetVersionRequest
func (*MonitoringApiService) GetVersionExecute ¶
func (a *MonitoringApiService) GetVersionExecute(r MonitoringApiApiGetVersionRequest) (VersionInfo, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return VersionInfo
type NullableAction ¶
type NullableAction struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableAction ¶
func NewNullableAction(val *Action) *NullableAction
func (NullableAction) Get ¶
func (v NullableAction) Get() *Action
func (NullableAction) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableAction) IsSet() bool
func (NullableAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableAction) Set ¶
func (v *NullableAction) Set(val *Action)
func (*NullableAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableAction) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableAction) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableAction) Unset()
type NullableActionCollection ¶
type NullableActionCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableActionCollection ¶
func NewNullableActionCollection(val *ActionCollection) *NullableActionCollection
func (NullableActionCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableActionCollection) Get() *ActionCollection
func (NullableActionCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableActionCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableActionCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableActionCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableActionCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableActionCollection) Set(val *ActionCollection)
func (*NullableActionCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableActionCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableActionCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableActionCollection) Unset()
type NullableActionCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableActionCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableActionCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableActionCollectionAllOf(val *ActionCollectionAllOf) *NullableActionCollectionAllOf
func (NullableActionCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableActionCollectionAllOf) Get() *ActionCollectionAllOf
func (NullableActionCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableActionCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableActionCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableActionCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableActionCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableActionCollectionAllOf) Set(val *ActionCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableActionCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableActionCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableActionCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableActionCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableActionResource ¶
type NullableActionResource struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableActionResource ¶
func NewNullableActionResource(val *ActionResource) *NullableActionResource
func (NullableActionResource) Get ¶
func (v NullableActionResource) Get() *ActionResource
func (NullableActionResource) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableActionResource) IsSet() bool
func (NullableActionResource) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableActionResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableActionResource) Set ¶
func (v *NullableActionResource) Set(val *ActionResource)
func (*NullableActionResource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableActionResource) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableActionResource) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableActionResource) Unset()
type NullableBasicDAGRun ¶
type NullableBasicDAGRun struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableBasicDAGRun ¶
func NewNullableBasicDAGRun(val *BasicDAGRun) *NullableBasicDAGRun
func (NullableBasicDAGRun) Get ¶
func (v NullableBasicDAGRun) Get() *BasicDAGRun
func (NullableBasicDAGRun) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableBasicDAGRun) IsSet() bool
func (NullableBasicDAGRun) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableBasicDAGRun) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableBasicDAGRun) Set ¶
func (v *NullableBasicDAGRun) Set(val *BasicDAGRun)
func (*NullableBasicDAGRun) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableBasicDAGRun) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableBasicDAGRun) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableBasicDAGRun) Unset()
type NullableBool ¶
type NullableBool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableBool ¶
func NewNullableBool(val *bool) *NullableBool
func (NullableBool) Get ¶
func (v NullableBool) Get() *bool
func (NullableBool) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableBool) IsSet() bool
func (NullableBool) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableBool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableBool) Set ¶
func (v *NullableBool) Set(val *bool)
func (*NullableBool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableBool) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableBool) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableBool) Unset()
type NullableClassReference ¶
type NullableClassReference struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableClassReference ¶
func NewNullableClassReference(val *ClassReference) *NullableClassReference
func (NullableClassReference) Get ¶
func (v NullableClassReference) Get() *ClassReference
func (NullableClassReference) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableClassReference) IsSet() bool
func (NullableClassReference) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableClassReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableClassReference) Set ¶
func (v *NullableClassReference) Set(val *ClassReference)
func (*NullableClassReference) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableClassReference) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableClassReference) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableClassReference) Unset()
type NullableClearDagRun ¶
type NullableClearDagRun struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableClearDagRun ¶
func NewNullableClearDagRun(val *ClearDagRun) *NullableClearDagRun
func (NullableClearDagRun) Get ¶
func (v NullableClearDagRun) Get() *ClearDagRun
func (NullableClearDagRun) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableClearDagRun) IsSet() bool
func (NullableClearDagRun) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableClearDagRun) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableClearDagRun) Set ¶
func (v *NullableClearDagRun) Set(val *ClearDagRun)
func (*NullableClearDagRun) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableClearDagRun) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableClearDagRun) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableClearDagRun) Unset()
type NullableClearTaskInstance ¶
type NullableClearTaskInstance struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableClearTaskInstance ¶
func NewNullableClearTaskInstance(val *ClearTaskInstance) *NullableClearTaskInstance
func (NullableClearTaskInstance) Get ¶
func (v NullableClearTaskInstance) Get() *ClearTaskInstance
func (NullableClearTaskInstance) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableClearTaskInstance) IsSet() bool
func (NullableClearTaskInstance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableClearTaskInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableClearTaskInstance) Set ¶
func (v *NullableClearTaskInstance) Set(val *ClearTaskInstance)
func (*NullableClearTaskInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableClearTaskInstance) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableClearTaskInstance) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableClearTaskInstance) Unset()
type NullableClearTaskInstances ¶
type NullableClearTaskInstances struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableClearTaskInstances ¶
func NewNullableClearTaskInstances(val *ClearTaskInstances) *NullableClearTaskInstances
func (NullableClearTaskInstances) Get ¶
func (v NullableClearTaskInstances) Get() *ClearTaskInstances
func (NullableClearTaskInstances) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableClearTaskInstances) IsSet() bool
func (NullableClearTaskInstances) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableClearTaskInstances) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableClearTaskInstances) Set ¶
func (v *NullableClearTaskInstances) Set(val *ClearTaskInstances)
func (*NullableClearTaskInstances) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableClearTaskInstances) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableClearTaskInstances) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableClearTaskInstances) Unset()
type NullableCollectionInfo ¶
type NullableCollectionInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableCollectionInfo ¶
func NewNullableCollectionInfo(val *CollectionInfo) *NullableCollectionInfo
func (NullableCollectionInfo) Get ¶
func (v NullableCollectionInfo) Get() *CollectionInfo
func (NullableCollectionInfo) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableCollectionInfo) IsSet() bool
func (NullableCollectionInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableCollectionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableCollectionInfo) Set ¶
func (v *NullableCollectionInfo) Set(val *CollectionInfo)
func (*NullableCollectionInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableCollectionInfo) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableCollectionInfo) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableCollectionInfo) Unset()
type NullableConfig ¶
type NullableConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableConfig ¶
func NewNullableConfig(val *Config) *NullableConfig
func (NullableConfig) Get ¶
func (v NullableConfig) Get() *Config
func (NullableConfig) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableConfig) IsSet() bool
func (NullableConfig) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableConfig) Set ¶
func (v *NullableConfig) Set(val *Config)
func (*NullableConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableConfig) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableConfig) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableConfig) Unset()
type NullableConfigOption ¶
type NullableConfigOption struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableConfigOption ¶
func NewNullableConfigOption(val *ConfigOption) *NullableConfigOption
func (NullableConfigOption) Get ¶
func (v NullableConfigOption) Get() *ConfigOption
func (NullableConfigOption) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableConfigOption) IsSet() bool
func (NullableConfigOption) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableConfigOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableConfigOption) Set ¶
func (v *NullableConfigOption) Set(val *ConfigOption)
func (*NullableConfigOption) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableConfigOption) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableConfigOption) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableConfigOption) Unset()
type NullableConfigSection ¶
type NullableConfigSection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableConfigSection ¶
func NewNullableConfigSection(val *ConfigSection) *NullableConfigSection
func (NullableConfigSection) Get ¶
func (v NullableConfigSection) Get() *ConfigSection
func (NullableConfigSection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableConfigSection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableConfigSection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableConfigSection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableConfigSection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableConfigSection) Set(val *ConfigSection)
func (*NullableConfigSection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableConfigSection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableConfigSection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableConfigSection) Unset()
type NullableConnection ¶
type NullableConnection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableConnection ¶
func NewNullableConnection(val *Connection) *NullableConnection
func (NullableConnection) Get ¶
func (v NullableConnection) Get() *Connection
func (NullableConnection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableConnection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableConnection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableConnection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableConnection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableConnection) Set(val *Connection)
func (*NullableConnection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableConnection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableConnection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableConnection) Unset()
type NullableConnectionAllOf ¶
type NullableConnectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableConnectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableConnectionAllOf(val *ConnectionAllOf) *NullableConnectionAllOf
func (NullableConnectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableConnectionAllOf) Get() *ConnectionAllOf
func (NullableConnectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableConnectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableConnectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableConnectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableConnectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionAllOf) Set(val *ConnectionAllOf)
func (*NullableConnectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableConnectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableConnectionCollection ¶
type NullableConnectionCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableConnectionCollection ¶
func NewNullableConnectionCollection(val *ConnectionCollection) *NullableConnectionCollection
func (NullableConnectionCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableConnectionCollection) Get() *ConnectionCollection
func (NullableConnectionCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableConnectionCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableConnectionCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableConnectionCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableConnectionCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionCollection) Set(val *ConnectionCollection)
func (*NullableConnectionCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableConnectionCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionCollection) Unset()
type NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableConnectionCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableConnectionCollectionAllOf(val *ConnectionCollectionAllOf) *NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf
func (NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) Get() *ConnectionCollectionAllOf
func (NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) Set(val *ConnectionCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableConnectionCollectionItem ¶
type NullableConnectionCollectionItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableConnectionCollectionItem ¶
func NewNullableConnectionCollectionItem(val *ConnectionCollectionItem) *NullableConnectionCollectionItem
func (NullableConnectionCollectionItem) Get ¶
func (v NullableConnectionCollectionItem) Get() *ConnectionCollectionItem
func (NullableConnectionCollectionItem) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableConnectionCollectionItem) IsSet() bool
func (NullableConnectionCollectionItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableConnectionCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableConnectionCollectionItem) Set ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionCollectionItem) Set(val *ConnectionCollectionItem)
func (*NullableConnectionCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableConnectionCollectionItem) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionCollectionItem) Unset()
type NullableConnectionTest ¶
type NullableConnectionTest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableConnectionTest ¶
func NewNullableConnectionTest(val *ConnectionTest) *NullableConnectionTest
func (NullableConnectionTest) Get ¶
func (v NullableConnectionTest) Get() *ConnectionTest
func (NullableConnectionTest) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableConnectionTest) IsSet() bool
func (NullableConnectionTest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableConnectionTest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableConnectionTest) Set ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionTest) Set(val *ConnectionTest)
func (*NullableConnectionTest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionTest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableConnectionTest) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableConnectionTest) Unset()
type NullableCronExpression ¶
type NullableCronExpression struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableCronExpression ¶
func NewNullableCronExpression(val *CronExpression) *NullableCronExpression
func (NullableCronExpression) Get ¶
func (v NullableCronExpression) Get() *CronExpression
func (NullableCronExpression) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableCronExpression) IsSet() bool
func (NullableCronExpression) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableCronExpression) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableCronExpression) Set ¶
func (v *NullableCronExpression) Set(val *CronExpression)
func (*NullableCronExpression) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableCronExpression) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableCronExpression) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableCronExpression) Unset()
type NullableDAG ¶
type NullableDAG struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDAG ¶
func NewNullableDAG(val *DAG) *NullableDAG
func (NullableDAG) Get ¶
func (v NullableDAG) Get() *DAG
func (NullableDAG) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDAG) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDAG) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDAG) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDAG) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDAG) Set(val *DAG)
func (*NullableDAG) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDAG) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDAG) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDAG) Unset()
type NullableDAGCollection ¶
type NullableDAGCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDAGCollection ¶
func NewNullableDAGCollection(val *DAGCollection) *NullableDAGCollection
func (NullableDAGCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableDAGCollection) Get() *DAGCollection
func (NullableDAGCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDAGCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDAGCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDAGCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDAGCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDAGCollection) Set(val *DAGCollection)
func (*NullableDAGCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDAGCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDAGCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDAGCollection) Unset()
type NullableDAGCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableDAGCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDAGCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableDAGCollectionAllOf(val *DAGCollectionAllOf) *NullableDAGCollectionAllOf
func (NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) Get() *DAGCollectionAllOf
func (NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) Set(val *DAGCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDAGCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableDAGDetail ¶
type NullableDAGDetail struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDAGDetail ¶
func NewNullableDAGDetail(val *DAGDetail) *NullableDAGDetail
func (NullableDAGDetail) Get ¶
func (v NullableDAGDetail) Get() *DAGDetail
func (NullableDAGDetail) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDAGDetail) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDAGDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDAGDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDAGDetail) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDAGDetail) Set(val *DAGDetail)
func (*NullableDAGDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDAGDetail) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDAGDetail) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDAGDetail) Unset()
type NullableDAGDetailAllOf ¶
type NullableDAGDetailAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDAGDetailAllOf ¶
func NewNullableDAGDetailAllOf(val *DAGDetailAllOf) *NullableDAGDetailAllOf
func (NullableDAGDetailAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableDAGDetailAllOf) Get() *DAGDetailAllOf
func (NullableDAGDetailAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDAGDetailAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDAGDetailAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDAGDetailAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDAGDetailAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDAGDetailAllOf) Set(val *DAGDetailAllOf)
func (*NullableDAGDetailAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDAGDetailAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDAGDetailAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDAGDetailAllOf) Unset()
type NullableDAGRun ¶
type NullableDAGRun struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDAGRun ¶
func NewNullableDAGRun(val *DAGRun) *NullableDAGRun
func (NullableDAGRun) Get ¶
func (v NullableDAGRun) Get() *DAGRun
func (NullableDAGRun) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDAGRun) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDAGRun) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDAGRun) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDAGRun) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDAGRun) Set(val *DAGRun)
func (*NullableDAGRun) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDAGRun) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDAGRun) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDAGRun) Unset()
type NullableDAGRunCollection ¶
type NullableDAGRunCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDAGRunCollection ¶
func NewNullableDAGRunCollection(val *DAGRunCollection) *NullableDAGRunCollection
func (NullableDAGRunCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableDAGRunCollection) Get() *DAGRunCollection
func (NullableDAGRunCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDAGRunCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDAGRunCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDAGRunCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDAGRunCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDAGRunCollection) Set(val *DAGRunCollection)
func (*NullableDAGRunCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDAGRunCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDAGRunCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDAGRunCollection) Unset()
type NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf(val *DAGRunCollectionAllOf) *NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf
func (NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) Get() *DAGRunCollectionAllOf
func (NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) Set(val *DAGRunCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDAGRunCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference ¶
type NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDagScheduleDatasetReference ¶
func NewNullableDagScheduleDatasetReference(val *DagScheduleDatasetReference) *NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference
func (NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) Get ¶
func (v NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) Get() *DagScheduleDatasetReference
func (NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) Set(val *DagScheduleDatasetReference)
func (*NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDagScheduleDatasetReference) Unset()
type NullableDagState ¶
type NullableDagState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDagState ¶
func NewNullableDagState(val *DagState) *NullableDagState
func (NullableDagState) Get ¶
func (v NullableDagState) Get() *DagState
func (NullableDagState) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDagState) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDagState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDagState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDagState) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDagState) Set(val *DagState)
func (*NullableDagState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDagState) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDagState) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDagState) Unset()
type NullableDagWarning ¶
type NullableDagWarning struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDagWarning ¶
func NewNullableDagWarning(val *DagWarning) *NullableDagWarning
func (NullableDagWarning) Get ¶
func (v NullableDagWarning) Get() *DagWarning
func (NullableDagWarning) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDagWarning) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDagWarning) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDagWarning) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDagWarning) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDagWarning) Set(val *DagWarning)
func (*NullableDagWarning) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDagWarning) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDagWarning) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDagWarning) Unset()
type NullableDagWarningCollection ¶
type NullableDagWarningCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDagWarningCollection ¶
func NewNullableDagWarningCollection(val *DagWarningCollection) *NullableDagWarningCollection
func (NullableDagWarningCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableDagWarningCollection) Get() *DagWarningCollection
func (NullableDagWarningCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDagWarningCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDagWarningCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDagWarningCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDagWarningCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDagWarningCollection) Set(val *DagWarningCollection)
func (*NullableDagWarningCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDagWarningCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDagWarningCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDagWarningCollection) Unset()
type NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf(val *DagWarningCollectionAllOf) *NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf
func (NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) Get() *DagWarningCollectionAllOf
func (NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) Set(val *DagWarningCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDagWarningCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableDataset ¶
type NullableDataset struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDataset ¶
func NewNullableDataset(val *Dataset) *NullableDataset
func (NullableDataset) Get ¶
func (v NullableDataset) Get() *Dataset
func (NullableDataset) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDataset) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDataset) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDataset) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDataset) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDataset) Set(val *Dataset)
func (*NullableDataset) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDataset) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDataset) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDataset) Unset()
type NullableDatasetCollection ¶
type NullableDatasetCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDatasetCollection ¶
func NewNullableDatasetCollection(val *DatasetCollection) *NullableDatasetCollection
func (NullableDatasetCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableDatasetCollection) Get() *DatasetCollection
func (NullableDatasetCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDatasetCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDatasetCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDatasetCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDatasetCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetCollection) Set(val *DatasetCollection)
func (*NullableDatasetCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDatasetCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetCollection) Unset()
type NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDatasetCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableDatasetCollectionAllOf(val *DatasetCollectionAllOf) *NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf
func (NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) Get() *DatasetCollectionAllOf
func (NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) Set(val *DatasetCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableDatasetEvent ¶
type NullableDatasetEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDatasetEvent ¶
func NewNullableDatasetEvent(val *DatasetEvent) *NullableDatasetEvent
func (NullableDatasetEvent) Get ¶
func (v NullableDatasetEvent) Get() *DatasetEvent
func (NullableDatasetEvent) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDatasetEvent) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDatasetEvent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDatasetEvent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDatasetEvent) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetEvent) Set(val *DatasetEvent)
func (*NullableDatasetEvent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetEvent) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDatasetEvent) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetEvent) Unset()
type NullableDatasetEventCollection ¶
type NullableDatasetEventCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDatasetEventCollection ¶
func NewNullableDatasetEventCollection(val *DatasetEventCollection) *NullableDatasetEventCollection
func (NullableDatasetEventCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableDatasetEventCollection) Get() *DatasetEventCollection
func (NullableDatasetEventCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDatasetEventCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDatasetEventCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDatasetEventCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDatasetEventCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetEventCollection) Set(val *DatasetEventCollection)
func (*NullableDatasetEventCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetEventCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDatasetEventCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetEventCollection) Unset()
type NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf(val *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf) *NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf
func (NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) Get() *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf
func (NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) Set(val *DatasetEventCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableDatasetEventCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableError ¶
type NullableError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableError ¶
func NewNullableError(val *Error) *NullableError
func (NullableError) Get ¶
func (v NullableError) Get() *Error
func (NullableError) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableError) IsSet() bool
func (NullableError) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableError) Set ¶
func (v *NullableError) Set(val *Error)
func (*NullableError) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableError) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableError) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableError) Unset()
type NullableEventLog ¶
type NullableEventLog struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableEventLog ¶
func NewNullableEventLog(val *EventLog) *NullableEventLog
func (NullableEventLog) Get ¶
func (v NullableEventLog) Get() *EventLog
func (NullableEventLog) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableEventLog) IsSet() bool
func (NullableEventLog) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableEventLog) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableEventLog) Set ¶
func (v *NullableEventLog) Set(val *EventLog)
func (*NullableEventLog) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableEventLog) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableEventLog) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableEventLog) Unset()
type NullableEventLogCollection ¶
type NullableEventLogCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableEventLogCollection ¶
func NewNullableEventLogCollection(val *EventLogCollection) *NullableEventLogCollection
func (NullableEventLogCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableEventLogCollection) Get() *EventLogCollection
func (NullableEventLogCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableEventLogCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableEventLogCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableEventLogCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableEventLogCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableEventLogCollection) Set(val *EventLogCollection)
func (*NullableEventLogCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableEventLogCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableEventLogCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableEventLogCollection) Unset()
type NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableEventLogCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableEventLogCollectionAllOf(val *EventLogCollectionAllOf) *NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf
func (NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) Get() *EventLogCollectionAllOf
func (NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) Set(val *EventLogCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableEventLogCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableExtraLink ¶
type NullableExtraLink struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableExtraLink ¶
func NewNullableExtraLink(val *ExtraLink) *NullableExtraLink
func (NullableExtraLink) Get ¶
func (v NullableExtraLink) Get() *ExtraLink
func (NullableExtraLink) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableExtraLink) IsSet() bool
func (NullableExtraLink) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableExtraLink) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableExtraLink) Set ¶
func (v *NullableExtraLink) Set(val *ExtraLink)
func (*NullableExtraLink) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableExtraLink) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableExtraLink) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableExtraLink) Unset()
type NullableExtraLinkCollection ¶
type NullableExtraLinkCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableExtraLinkCollection ¶
func NewNullableExtraLinkCollection(val *ExtraLinkCollection) *NullableExtraLinkCollection
func (NullableExtraLinkCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableExtraLinkCollection) Get() *ExtraLinkCollection
func (NullableExtraLinkCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableExtraLinkCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableExtraLinkCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableExtraLinkCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableExtraLinkCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableExtraLinkCollection) Set(val *ExtraLinkCollection)
func (*NullableExtraLinkCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableExtraLinkCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableExtraLinkCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableExtraLinkCollection) Unset()
type NullableFloat32 ¶
type NullableFloat32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableFloat32 ¶
func NewNullableFloat32(val *float32) *NullableFloat32
func (NullableFloat32) Get ¶
func (v NullableFloat32) Get() *float32
func (NullableFloat32) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableFloat32) IsSet() bool
func (NullableFloat32) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableFloat32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableFloat32) Set ¶
func (v *NullableFloat32) Set(val *float32)
func (*NullableFloat32) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableFloat32) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableFloat32) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableFloat32) Unset()
type NullableFloat64 ¶
type NullableFloat64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableFloat64 ¶
func NewNullableFloat64(val *float64) *NullableFloat64
func (NullableFloat64) Get ¶
func (v NullableFloat64) Get() *float64
func (NullableFloat64) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableFloat64) IsSet() bool
func (NullableFloat64) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableFloat64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableFloat64) Set ¶
func (v *NullableFloat64) Set(val *float64)
func (*NullableFloat64) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableFloat64) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableFloat64) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableFloat64) Unset()
type NullableHealthInfo ¶
type NullableHealthInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableHealthInfo ¶
func NewNullableHealthInfo(val *HealthInfo) *NullableHealthInfo
func (NullableHealthInfo) Get ¶
func (v NullableHealthInfo) Get() *HealthInfo
func (NullableHealthInfo) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableHealthInfo) IsSet() bool
func (NullableHealthInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableHealthInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableHealthInfo) Set ¶
func (v *NullableHealthInfo) Set(val *HealthInfo)
func (*NullableHealthInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableHealthInfo) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableHealthInfo) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableHealthInfo) Unset()
type NullableHealthStatus ¶
type NullableHealthStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableHealthStatus ¶
func NewNullableHealthStatus(val *HealthStatus) *NullableHealthStatus
func (NullableHealthStatus) Get ¶
func (v NullableHealthStatus) Get() *HealthStatus
func (NullableHealthStatus) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableHealthStatus) IsSet() bool
func (NullableHealthStatus) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableHealthStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableHealthStatus) Set ¶
func (v *NullableHealthStatus) Set(val *HealthStatus)
func (*NullableHealthStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableHealthStatus) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableHealthStatus) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableHealthStatus) Unset()
type NullableImportError ¶
type NullableImportError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableImportError ¶
func NewNullableImportError(val *ImportError) *NullableImportError
func (NullableImportError) Get ¶
func (v NullableImportError) Get() *ImportError
func (NullableImportError) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableImportError) IsSet() bool
func (NullableImportError) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableImportError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableImportError) Set ¶
func (v *NullableImportError) Set(val *ImportError)
func (*NullableImportError) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableImportError) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableImportError) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableImportError) Unset()
type NullableImportErrorCollection ¶
type NullableImportErrorCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableImportErrorCollection ¶
func NewNullableImportErrorCollection(val *ImportErrorCollection) *NullableImportErrorCollection
func (NullableImportErrorCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableImportErrorCollection) Get() *ImportErrorCollection
func (NullableImportErrorCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableImportErrorCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableImportErrorCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableImportErrorCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableImportErrorCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableImportErrorCollection) Set(val *ImportErrorCollection)
func (*NullableImportErrorCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableImportErrorCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableImportErrorCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableImportErrorCollection) Unset()
type NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf(val *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf) *NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf
func (NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) Get() *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf
func (NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) Set(val *ImportErrorCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableImportErrorCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableInlineResponse200 ¶
type NullableInlineResponse200 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInlineResponse200 ¶
func NewNullableInlineResponse200(val *InlineResponse200) *NullableInlineResponse200
func (NullableInlineResponse200) Get ¶
func (v NullableInlineResponse200) Get() *InlineResponse200
func (NullableInlineResponse200) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInlineResponse200) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInlineResponse200) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInlineResponse200) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInlineResponse200) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInlineResponse200) Set(val *InlineResponse200)
func (*NullableInlineResponse200) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInlineResponse200) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInlineResponse200) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInlineResponse200) Unset()
type NullableInlineResponse2001 ¶
type NullableInlineResponse2001 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInlineResponse2001 ¶
func NewNullableInlineResponse2001(val *InlineResponse2001) *NullableInlineResponse2001
func (NullableInlineResponse2001) Get ¶
func (v NullableInlineResponse2001) Get() *InlineResponse2001
func (NullableInlineResponse2001) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInlineResponse2001) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInlineResponse2001) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInlineResponse2001) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInlineResponse2001) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInlineResponse2001) Set(val *InlineResponse2001)
func (*NullableInlineResponse2001) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInlineResponse2001) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInlineResponse2001) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInlineResponse2001) Unset()
type NullableInt ¶
type NullableInt struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInt ¶
func NewNullableInt(val *int) *NullableInt
func (NullableInt) Get ¶
func (v NullableInt) Get() *int
func (NullableInt) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInt) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInt) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInt) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInt) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInt) Set(val *int)
func (*NullableInt) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInt) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInt) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInt) Unset()
type NullableInt32 ¶
type NullableInt32 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInt32 ¶
func NewNullableInt32(val *int32) *NullableInt32
func (NullableInt32) Get ¶
func (v NullableInt32) Get() *int32
func (NullableInt32) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInt32) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInt32) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInt32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInt32) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInt32) Set(val *int32)
func (*NullableInt32) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInt32) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInt32) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInt32) Unset()
type NullableInt64 ¶
type NullableInt64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableInt64 ¶
func NewNullableInt64(val *int64) *NullableInt64
func (NullableInt64) Get ¶
func (v NullableInt64) Get() *int64
func (NullableInt64) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableInt64) IsSet() bool
func (NullableInt64) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableInt64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableInt64) Set ¶
func (v *NullableInt64) Set(val *int64)
func (*NullableInt64) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableInt64) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableInt64) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableInt64) Unset()
type NullableJob ¶
type NullableJob struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableJob ¶
func NewNullableJob(val *Job) *NullableJob
func (NullableJob) Get ¶
func (v NullableJob) Get() *Job
func (NullableJob) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableJob) IsSet() bool
func (NullableJob) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableJob) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableJob) Set ¶
func (v *NullableJob) Set(val *Job)
func (*NullableJob) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableJob) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableJob) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableJob) Unset()
type NullableListDagRunsForm ¶
type NullableListDagRunsForm struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableListDagRunsForm ¶
func NewNullableListDagRunsForm(val *ListDagRunsForm) *NullableListDagRunsForm
func (NullableListDagRunsForm) Get ¶
func (v NullableListDagRunsForm) Get() *ListDagRunsForm
func (NullableListDagRunsForm) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableListDagRunsForm) IsSet() bool
func (NullableListDagRunsForm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableListDagRunsForm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableListDagRunsForm) Set ¶
func (v *NullableListDagRunsForm) Set(val *ListDagRunsForm)
func (*NullableListDagRunsForm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableListDagRunsForm) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableListDagRunsForm) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableListDagRunsForm) Unset()
type NullableListTaskInstanceForm ¶
type NullableListTaskInstanceForm struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableListTaskInstanceForm ¶
func NewNullableListTaskInstanceForm(val *ListTaskInstanceForm) *NullableListTaskInstanceForm
func (NullableListTaskInstanceForm) Get ¶
func (v NullableListTaskInstanceForm) Get() *ListTaskInstanceForm
func (NullableListTaskInstanceForm) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableListTaskInstanceForm) IsSet() bool
func (NullableListTaskInstanceForm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableListTaskInstanceForm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableListTaskInstanceForm) Set ¶
func (v *NullableListTaskInstanceForm) Set(val *ListTaskInstanceForm)
func (*NullableListTaskInstanceForm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableListTaskInstanceForm) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableListTaskInstanceForm) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableListTaskInstanceForm) Unset()
type NullableMetadatabaseStatus ¶
type NullableMetadatabaseStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableMetadatabaseStatus ¶
func NewNullableMetadatabaseStatus(val *MetadatabaseStatus) *NullableMetadatabaseStatus
func (NullableMetadatabaseStatus) Get ¶
func (v NullableMetadatabaseStatus) Get() *MetadatabaseStatus
func (NullableMetadatabaseStatus) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableMetadatabaseStatus) IsSet() bool
func (NullableMetadatabaseStatus) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableMetadatabaseStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableMetadatabaseStatus) Set ¶
func (v *NullableMetadatabaseStatus) Set(val *MetadatabaseStatus)
func (*NullableMetadatabaseStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableMetadatabaseStatus) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableMetadatabaseStatus) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableMetadatabaseStatus) Unset()
type NullablePluginCollection ¶
type NullablePluginCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePluginCollection ¶
func NewNullablePluginCollection(val *PluginCollection) *NullablePluginCollection
func (NullablePluginCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullablePluginCollection) Get() *PluginCollection
func (NullablePluginCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePluginCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePluginCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePluginCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePluginCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePluginCollection) Set(val *PluginCollection)
func (*NullablePluginCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePluginCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePluginCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePluginCollection) Unset()
type NullablePluginCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullablePluginCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePluginCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullablePluginCollectionAllOf(val *PluginCollectionAllOf) *NullablePluginCollectionAllOf
func (NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) Get() *PluginCollectionAllOf
func (NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) Set(val *PluginCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePluginCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullablePluginCollectionItem ¶
type NullablePluginCollectionItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePluginCollectionItem ¶
func NewNullablePluginCollectionItem(val *PluginCollectionItem) *NullablePluginCollectionItem
func (NullablePluginCollectionItem) Get ¶
func (v NullablePluginCollectionItem) Get() *PluginCollectionItem
func (NullablePluginCollectionItem) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePluginCollectionItem) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePluginCollectionItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePluginCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePluginCollectionItem) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePluginCollectionItem) Set(val *PluginCollectionItem)
func (*NullablePluginCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePluginCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePluginCollectionItem) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePluginCollectionItem) Unset()
type NullablePool ¶
type NullablePool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePool ¶
func NewNullablePool(val *Pool) *NullablePool
func (NullablePool) Get ¶
func (v NullablePool) Get() *Pool
func (NullablePool) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePool) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePool) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePool) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePool) Set(val *Pool)
func (*NullablePool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePool) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePool) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePool) Unset()
type NullablePoolCollection ¶
type NullablePoolCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePoolCollection ¶
func NewNullablePoolCollection(val *PoolCollection) *NullablePoolCollection
func (NullablePoolCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullablePoolCollection) Get() *PoolCollection
func (NullablePoolCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePoolCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePoolCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePoolCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePoolCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePoolCollection) Set(val *PoolCollection)
func (*NullablePoolCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePoolCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePoolCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePoolCollection) Unset()
type NullablePoolCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullablePoolCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullablePoolCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullablePoolCollectionAllOf(val *PoolCollectionAllOf) *NullablePoolCollectionAllOf
func (NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) Get() *PoolCollectionAllOf
func (NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) Set(val *PoolCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullablePoolCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableProvider ¶
type NullableProvider struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableProvider ¶
func NewNullableProvider(val *Provider) *NullableProvider
func (NullableProvider) Get ¶
func (v NullableProvider) Get() *Provider
func (NullableProvider) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableProvider) IsSet() bool
func (NullableProvider) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableProvider) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableProvider) Set ¶
func (v *NullableProvider) Set(val *Provider)
func (*NullableProvider) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableProvider) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableProvider) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableProvider) Unset()
type NullableProviderCollection ¶
type NullableProviderCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableProviderCollection ¶
func NewNullableProviderCollection(val *ProviderCollection) *NullableProviderCollection
func (NullableProviderCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableProviderCollection) Get() *ProviderCollection
func (NullableProviderCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableProviderCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableProviderCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableProviderCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableProviderCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableProviderCollection) Set(val *ProviderCollection)
func (*NullableProviderCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableProviderCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableProviderCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableProviderCollection) Unset()
type NullableRelativeDelta ¶
type NullableRelativeDelta struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableRelativeDelta ¶
func NewNullableRelativeDelta(val *RelativeDelta) *NullableRelativeDelta
func (NullableRelativeDelta) Get ¶
func (v NullableRelativeDelta) Get() *RelativeDelta
func (NullableRelativeDelta) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableRelativeDelta) IsSet() bool
func (NullableRelativeDelta) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableRelativeDelta) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableRelativeDelta) Set ¶
func (v *NullableRelativeDelta) Set(val *RelativeDelta)
func (*NullableRelativeDelta) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableRelativeDelta) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableRelativeDelta) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableRelativeDelta) Unset()
type NullableResource ¶
type NullableResource struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableResource ¶
func NewNullableResource(val *Resource) *NullableResource
func (NullableResource) Get ¶
func (v NullableResource) Get() *Resource
func (NullableResource) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableResource) IsSet() bool
func (NullableResource) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableResource) Set ¶
func (v *NullableResource) Set(val *Resource)
func (*NullableResource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableResource) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableResource) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableResource) Unset()
type NullableRole ¶
type NullableRole struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableRole ¶
func NewNullableRole(val *Role) *NullableRole
func (NullableRole) Get ¶
func (v NullableRole) Get() *Role
func (NullableRole) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableRole) IsSet() bool
func (NullableRole) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableRole) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableRole) Set ¶
func (v *NullableRole) Set(val *Role)
func (*NullableRole) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableRole) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableRole) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableRole) Unset()
type NullableRoleCollection ¶
type NullableRoleCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableRoleCollection ¶
func NewNullableRoleCollection(val *RoleCollection) *NullableRoleCollection
func (NullableRoleCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableRoleCollection) Get() *RoleCollection
func (NullableRoleCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableRoleCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableRoleCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableRoleCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableRoleCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableRoleCollection) Set(val *RoleCollection)
func (*NullableRoleCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableRoleCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableRoleCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableRoleCollection) Unset()
type NullableRoleCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableRoleCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableRoleCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableRoleCollectionAllOf(val *RoleCollectionAllOf) *NullableRoleCollectionAllOf
func (NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) Get() *RoleCollectionAllOf
func (NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) Set(val *RoleCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableRoleCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableSLAMiss ¶
type NullableSLAMiss struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableSLAMiss ¶
func NewNullableSLAMiss(val *SLAMiss) *NullableSLAMiss
func (NullableSLAMiss) Get ¶
func (v NullableSLAMiss) Get() *SLAMiss
func (NullableSLAMiss) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableSLAMiss) IsSet() bool
func (NullableSLAMiss) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableSLAMiss) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableSLAMiss) Set ¶
func (v *NullableSLAMiss) Set(val *SLAMiss)
func (*NullableSLAMiss) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableSLAMiss) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableSLAMiss) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableSLAMiss) Unset()
type NullableScheduleInterval ¶
type NullableScheduleInterval struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableScheduleInterval ¶
func NewNullableScheduleInterval(val *ScheduleInterval) *NullableScheduleInterval
func (NullableScheduleInterval) Get ¶
func (v NullableScheduleInterval) Get() *ScheduleInterval
func (NullableScheduleInterval) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableScheduleInterval) IsSet() bool
func (NullableScheduleInterval) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableScheduleInterval) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableScheduleInterval) Set ¶
func (v *NullableScheduleInterval) Set(val *ScheduleInterval)
func (*NullableScheduleInterval) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableScheduleInterval) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableScheduleInterval) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableScheduleInterval) Unset()
type NullableSchedulerStatus ¶
type NullableSchedulerStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableSchedulerStatus ¶
func NewNullableSchedulerStatus(val *SchedulerStatus) *NullableSchedulerStatus
func (NullableSchedulerStatus) Get ¶
func (v NullableSchedulerStatus) Get() *SchedulerStatus
func (NullableSchedulerStatus) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableSchedulerStatus) IsSet() bool
func (NullableSchedulerStatus) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableSchedulerStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableSchedulerStatus) Set ¶
func (v *NullableSchedulerStatus) Set(val *SchedulerStatus)
func (*NullableSchedulerStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableSchedulerStatus) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableSchedulerStatus) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableSchedulerStatus) Unset()
type NullableSetDagRunNote ¶
type NullableSetDagRunNote struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableSetDagRunNote ¶
func NewNullableSetDagRunNote(val *SetDagRunNote) *NullableSetDagRunNote
func (NullableSetDagRunNote) Get ¶
func (v NullableSetDagRunNote) Get() *SetDagRunNote
func (NullableSetDagRunNote) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableSetDagRunNote) IsSet() bool
func (NullableSetDagRunNote) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableSetDagRunNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableSetDagRunNote) Set ¶
func (v *NullableSetDagRunNote) Set(val *SetDagRunNote)
func (*NullableSetDagRunNote) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableSetDagRunNote) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableSetDagRunNote) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableSetDagRunNote) Unset()
type NullableSetTaskInstanceNote ¶
type NullableSetTaskInstanceNote struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableSetTaskInstanceNote ¶
func NewNullableSetTaskInstanceNote(val *SetTaskInstanceNote) *NullableSetTaskInstanceNote
func (NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) Get ¶
func (v NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) Get() *SetTaskInstanceNote
func (NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) IsSet() bool
func (NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) Set ¶
func (v *NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) Set(val *SetTaskInstanceNote)
func (*NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableSetTaskInstanceNote) Unset()
type NullableString ¶
type NullableString struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableString ¶
func NewNullableString(val *string) *NullableString
func (NullableString) Get ¶
func (v NullableString) Get() *string
func (NullableString) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableString) IsSet() bool
func (NullableString) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableString) Set ¶
func (v *NullableString) Set(val *string)
func (*NullableString) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableString) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableString) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableString) Unset()
type NullableTag ¶
type NullableTag struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTag ¶
func NewNullableTag(val *Tag) *NullableTag
func (NullableTag) Get ¶
func (v NullableTag) Get() *Tag
func (NullableTag) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTag) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTag) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTag) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTag) Set(val *Tag)
func (*NullableTag) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTag) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTag) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTag) Unset()
type NullableTask ¶
type NullableTask struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTask ¶
func NewNullableTask(val *Task) *NullableTask
func (NullableTask) Get ¶
func (v NullableTask) Get() *Task
func (NullableTask) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTask) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTask) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTask) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTask) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTask) Set(val *Task)
func (*NullableTask) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTask) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTask) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTask) Unset()
type NullableTaskCollection ¶
type NullableTaskCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTaskCollection ¶
func NewNullableTaskCollection(val *TaskCollection) *NullableTaskCollection
func (NullableTaskCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableTaskCollection) Get() *TaskCollection
func (NullableTaskCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTaskCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTaskCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTaskCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTaskCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTaskCollection) Set(val *TaskCollection)
func (*NullableTaskCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTaskCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTaskCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTaskCollection) Unset()
type NullableTaskExtraLinks ¶
type NullableTaskExtraLinks struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTaskExtraLinks ¶
func NewNullableTaskExtraLinks(val *TaskExtraLinks) *NullableTaskExtraLinks
func (NullableTaskExtraLinks) Get ¶
func (v NullableTaskExtraLinks) Get() *TaskExtraLinks
func (NullableTaskExtraLinks) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTaskExtraLinks) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTaskExtraLinks) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTaskExtraLinks) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTaskExtraLinks) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTaskExtraLinks) Set(val *TaskExtraLinks)
func (*NullableTaskExtraLinks) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTaskExtraLinks) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTaskExtraLinks) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTaskExtraLinks) Unset()
type NullableTaskInstance ¶
type NullableTaskInstance struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTaskInstance ¶
func NewNullableTaskInstance(val *TaskInstance) *NullableTaskInstance
func (NullableTaskInstance) Get ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstance) Get() *TaskInstance
func (NullableTaskInstance) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstance) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTaskInstance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTaskInstance) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstance) Set(val *TaskInstance)
func (*NullableTaskInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstance) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTaskInstance) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstance) Unset()
type NullableTaskInstanceCollection ¶
type NullableTaskInstanceCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTaskInstanceCollection ¶
func NewNullableTaskInstanceCollection(val *TaskInstanceCollection) *NullableTaskInstanceCollection
func (NullableTaskInstanceCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstanceCollection) Get() *TaskInstanceCollection
func (NullableTaskInstanceCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstanceCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTaskInstanceCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstanceCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTaskInstanceCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstanceCollection) Set(val *TaskInstanceCollection)
func (*NullableTaskInstanceCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstanceCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTaskInstanceCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstanceCollection) Unset()
type NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf(val *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) *NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf
func (NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) Get() *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf
func (NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) Set(val *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableTaskInstanceReference ¶
type NullableTaskInstanceReference struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTaskInstanceReference ¶
func NewNullableTaskInstanceReference(val *TaskInstanceReference) *NullableTaskInstanceReference
func (NullableTaskInstanceReference) Get ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstanceReference) Get() *TaskInstanceReference
func (NullableTaskInstanceReference) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstanceReference) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTaskInstanceReference) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstanceReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTaskInstanceReference) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstanceReference) Set(val *TaskInstanceReference)
func (*NullableTaskInstanceReference) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstanceReference) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTaskInstanceReference) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstanceReference) Unset()
type NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection ¶
type NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection ¶
func NewNullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection(val *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) *NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection
func (NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) Set(val *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection)
func (*NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTaskInstanceReferenceCollection) Unset()
type NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference ¶
type NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTaskOutletDatasetReference ¶
func NewNullableTaskOutletDatasetReference(val *TaskOutletDatasetReference) *NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference
func (NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) Get ¶
func (v NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) Get() *TaskOutletDatasetReference
func (NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) Set(val *TaskOutletDatasetReference)
func (*NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTaskOutletDatasetReference) Unset()
type NullableTaskState ¶
type NullableTaskState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTaskState ¶
func NewNullableTaskState(val *TaskState) *NullableTaskState
func (NullableTaskState) Get ¶
func (v NullableTaskState) Get() *TaskState
func (NullableTaskState) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTaskState) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTaskState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTaskState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTaskState) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTaskState) Set(val *TaskState)
func (*NullableTaskState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTaskState) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTaskState) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTaskState) Unset()
type NullableTime ¶
type NullableTime struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTime ¶
func NewNullableTime(val *time.Time) *NullableTime
func (NullableTime) Get ¶
func (v NullableTime) Get() *time.Time
func (NullableTime) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTime) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTime) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTime) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTime) Set(val *time.Time)
func (*NullableTime) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTime) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTime) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTime) Unset()
type NullableTimeDelta ¶
type NullableTimeDelta struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTimeDelta ¶
func NewNullableTimeDelta(val *TimeDelta) *NullableTimeDelta
func (NullableTimeDelta) Get ¶
func (v NullableTimeDelta) Get() *TimeDelta
func (NullableTimeDelta) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTimeDelta) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTimeDelta) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTimeDelta) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTimeDelta) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTimeDelta) Set(val *TimeDelta)
func (*NullableTimeDelta) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTimeDelta) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTimeDelta) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTimeDelta) Unset()
type NullableTrigger ¶
type NullableTrigger struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTrigger ¶
func NewNullableTrigger(val *Trigger) *NullableTrigger
func (NullableTrigger) Get ¶
func (v NullableTrigger) Get() *Trigger
func (NullableTrigger) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTrigger) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTrigger) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTrigger) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTrigger) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTrigger) Set(val *Trigger)
func (*NullableTrigger) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTrigger) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTrigger) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTrigger) Unset()
type NullableTriggerRule ¶
type NullableTriggerRule struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableTriggerRule ¶
func NewNullableTriggerRule(val *TriggerRule) *NullableTriggerRule
func (NullableTriggerRule) Get ¶
func (v NullableTriggerRule) Get() *TriggerRule
func (NullableTriggerRule) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableTriggerRule) IsSet() bool
func (NullableTriggerRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableTriggerRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableTriggerRule) Set ¶
func (v *NullableTriggerRule) Set(val *TriggerRule)
func (*NullableTriggerRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableTriggerRule) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableTriggerRule) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableTriggerRule) Unset()
type NullableUpdateDagRunState ¶
type NullableUpdateDagRunState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateDagRunState ¶
func NewNullableUpdateDagRunState(val *UpdateDagRunState) *NullableUpdateDagRunState
func (NullableUpdateDagRunState) Get ¶
func (v NullableUpdateDagRunState) Get() *UpdateDagRunState
func (NullableUpdateDagRunState) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUpdateDagRunState) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateDagRunState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUpdateDagRunState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateDagRunState) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateDagRunState) Set(val *UpdateDagRunState)
func (*NullableUpdateDagRunState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateDagRunState) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateDagRunState) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateDagRunState) Unset()
type NullableUpdateTaskInstance ¶
type NullableUpdateTaskInstance struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateTaskInstance ¶
func NewNullableUpdateTaskInstance(val *UpdateTaskInstance) *NullableUpdateTaskInstance
func (NullableUpdateTaskInstance) Get ¶
func (v NullableUpdateTaskInstance) Get() *UpdateTaskInstance
func (NullableUpdateTaskInstance) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUpdateTaskInstance) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateTaskInstance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUpdateTaskInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateTaskInstance) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateTaskInstance) Set(val *UpdateTaskInstance)
func (*NullableUpdateTaskInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateTaskInstance) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateTaskInstance) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateTaskInstance) Unset()
type NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState ¶
type NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUpdateTaskInstancesState ¶
func NewNullableUpdateTaskInstancesState(val *UpdateTaskInstancesState) *NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState
func (NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) Get ¶
func (v NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) Get() *UpdateTaskInstancesState
func (NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) Set(val *UpdateTaskInstancesState)
func (*NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUpdateTaskInstancesState) Unset()
type NullableUser ¶
type NullableUser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUser ¶
func NewNullableUser(val *User) *NullableUser
func (NullableUser) Get ¶
func (v NullableUser) Get() *User
func (NullableUser) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUser) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUser) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUser) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUser) Set(val *User)
func (*NullableUser) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUser) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUser) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUser) Unset()
type NullableUserAllOf ¶
type NullableUserAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUserAllOf ¶
func NewNullableUserAllOf(val *UserAllOf) *NullableUserAllOf
func (NullableUserAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableUserAllOf) Get() *UserAllOf
func (NullableUserAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUserAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUserAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUserAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUserAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUserAllOf) Set(val *UserAllOf)
func (*NullableUserAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUserAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUserAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUserAllOf) Unset()
type NullableUserCollection ¶
type NullableUserCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUserCollection ¶
func NewNullableUserCollection(val *UserCollection) *NullableUserCollection
func (NullableUserCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableUserCollection) Get() *UserCollection
func (NullableUserCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUserCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUserCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUserCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUserCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUserCollection) Set(val *UserCollection)
func (*NullableUserCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUserCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUserCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUserCollection) Unset()
type NullableUserCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableUserCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUserCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableUserCollectionAllOf(val *UserCollectionAllOf) *NullableUserCollectionAllOf
func (NullableUserCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableUserCollectionAllOf) Get() *UserCollectionAllOf
func (NullableUserCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUserCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUserCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUserCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUserCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUserCollectionAllOf) Set(val *UserCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableUserCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUserCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUserCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUserCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableUserCollectionItem ¶
type NullableUserCollectionItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUserCollectionItem ¶
func NewNullableUserCollectionItem(val *UserCollectionItem) *NullableUserCollectionItem
func (NullableUserCollectionItem) Get ¶
func (v NullableUserCollectionItem) Get() *UserCollectionItem
func (NullableUserCollectionItem) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUserCollectionItem) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUserCollectionItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUserCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUserCollectionItem) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUserCollectionItem) Set(val *UserCollectionItem)
func (*NullableUserCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUserCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUserCollectionItem) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUserCollectionItem) Unset()
type NullableUserCollectionItemRoles ¶
type NullableUserCollectionItemRoles struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableUserCollectionItemRoles ¶
func NewNullableUserCollectionItemRoles(val *UserCollectionItemRoles) *NullableUserCollectionItemRoles
func (NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) Get ¶
func (v NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) Get() *UserCollectionItemRoles
func (NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) IsSet() bool
func (NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) Set ¶
func (v *NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) Set(val *UserCollectionItemRoles)
func (*NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableUserCollectionItemRoles) Unset()
type NullableVariable ¶
type NullableVariable struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableVariable ¶
func NewNullableVariable(val *Variable) *NullableVariable
func (NullableVariable) Get ¶
func (v NullableVariable) Get() *Variable
func (NullableVariable) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableVariable) IsSet() bool
func (NullableVariable) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableVariable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableVariable) Set ¶
func (v *NullableVariable) Set(val *Variable)
func (*NullableVariable) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableVariable) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableVariable) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableVariable) Unset()
type NullableVariableAllOf ¶
type NullableVariableAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableVariableAllOf ¶
func NewNullableVariableAllOf(val *VariableAllOf) *NullableVariableAllOf
func (NullableVariableAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableVariableAllOf) Get() *VariableAllOf
func (NullableVariableAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableVariableAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableVariableAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableVariableAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableVariableAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableVariableAllOf) Set(val *VariableAllOf)
func (*NullableVariableAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableVariableAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableVariableAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableVariableAllOf) Unset()
type NullableVariableCollection ¶
type NullableVariableCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableVariableCollection ¶
func NewNullableVariableCollection(val *VariableCollection) *NullableVariableCollection
func (NullableVariableCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableVariableCollection) Get() *VariableCollection
func (NullableVariableCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableVariableCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableVariableCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableVariableCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableVariableCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableVariableCollection) Set(val *VariableCollection)
func (*NullableVariableCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableVariableCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableVariableCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableVariableCollection) Unset()
type NullableVariableCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableVariableCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableVariableCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableVariableCollectionAllOf(val *VariableCollectionAllOf) *NullableVariableCollectionAllOf
func (NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) Get() *VariableCollectionAllOf
func (NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) Set(val *VariableCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableVariableCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableVariableCollectionItem ¶
type NullableVariableCollectionItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableVariableCollectionItem ¶
func NewNullableVariableCollectionItem(val *VariableCollectionItem) *NullableVariableCollectionItem
func (NullableVariableCollectionItem) Get ¶
func (v NullableVariableCollectionItem) Get() *VariableCollectionItem
func (NullableVariableCollectionItem) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableVariableCollectionItem) IsSet() bool
func (NullableVariableCollectionItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableVariableCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableVariableCollectionItem) Set ¶
func (v *NullableVariableCollectionItem) Set(val *VariableCollectionItem)
func (*NullableVariableCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableVariableCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableVariableCollectionItem) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableVariableCollectionItem) Unset()
type NullableVersionInfo ¶
type NullableVersionInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableVersionInfo ¶
func NewNullableVersionInfo(val *VersionInfo) *NullableVersionInfo
func (NullableVersionInfo) Get ¶
func (v NullableVersionInfo) Get() *VersionInfo
func (NullableVersionInfo) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableVersionInfo) IsSet() bool
func (NullableVersionInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableVersionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableVersionInfo) Set ¶
func (v *NullableVersionInfo) Set(val *VersionInfo)
func (*NullableVersionInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableVersionInfo) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableVersionInfo) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableVersionInfo) Unset()
type NullableWeightRule ¶
type NullableWeightRule struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableWeightRule ¶
func NewNullableWeightRule(val *WeightRule) *NullableWeightRule
func (NullableWeightRule) Get ¶
func (v NullableWeightRule) Get() *WeightRule
func (NullableWeightRule) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableWeightRule) IsSet() bool
func (NullableWeightRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableWeightRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableWeightRule) Set ¶
func (v *NullableWeightRule) Set(val *WeightRule)
func (*NullableWeightRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableWeightRule) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableWeightRule) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableWeightRule) Unset()
type NullableXCom ¶
type NullableXCom struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableXCom ¶
func NewNullableXCom(val *XCom) *NullableXCom
func (NullableXCom) Get ¶
func (v NullableXCom) Get() *XCom
func (NullableXCom) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableXCom) IsSet() bool
func (NullableXCom) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableXCom) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableXCom) Set ¶
func (v *NullableXCom) Set(val *XCom)
func (*NullableXCom) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableXCom) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableXCom) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableXCom) Unset()
type NullableXComAllOf ¶
type NullableXComAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableXComAllOf ¶
func NewNullableXComAllOf(val *XComAllOf) *NullableXComAllOf
func (NullableXComAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableXComAllOf) Get() *XComAllOf
func (NullableXComAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableXComAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableXComAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableXComAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableXComAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableXComAllOf) Set(val *XComAllOf)
func (*NullableXComAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableXComAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableXComAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableXComAllOf) Unset()
type NullableXComCollection ¶
type NullableXComCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableXComCollection ¶
func NewNullableXComCollection(val *XComCollection) *NullableXComCollection
func (NullableXComCollection) Get ¶
func (v NullableXComCollection) Get() *XComCollection
func (NullableXComCollection) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableXComCollection) IsSet() bool
func (NullableXComCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableXComCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableXComCollection) Set ¶
func (v *NullableXComCollection) Set(val *XComCollection)
func (*NullableXComCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableXComCollection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableXComCollection) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableXComCollection) Unset()
type NullableXComCollectionAllOf ¶
type NullableXComCollectionAllOf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableXComCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewNullableXComCollectionAllOf(val *XComCollectionAllOf) *NullableXComCollectionAllOf
func (NullableXComCollectionAllOf) Get ¶
func (v NullableXComCollectionAllOf) Get() *XComCollectionAllOf
func (NullableXComCollectionAllOf) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableXComCollectionAllOf) IsSet() bool
func (NullableXComCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableXComCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableXComCollectionAllOf) Set ¶
func (v *NullableXComCollectionAllOf) Set(val *XComCollectionAllOf)
func (*NullableXComCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableXComCollectionAllOf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableXComCollectionAllOf) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableXComCollectionAllOf) Unset()
type NullableXComCollectionItem ¶
type NullableXComCollectionItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullableXComCollectionItem ¶
func NewNullableXComCollectionItem(val *XComCollectionItem) *NullableXComCollectionItem
func (NullableXComCollectionItem) Get ¶
func (v NullableXComCollectionItem) Get() *XComCollectionItem
func (NullableXComCollectionItem) IsSet ¶
func (v NullableXComCollectionItem) IsSet() bool
func (NullableXComCollectionItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (v NullableXComCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*NullableXComCollectionItem) Set ¶
func (v *NullableXComCollectionItem) Set(val *XComCollectionItem)
func (*NullableXComCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *NullableXComCollectionItem) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
func (*NullableXComCollectionItem) Unset ¶
func (v *NullableXComCollectionItem) Unset()
type PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest ¶
type PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest struct { ApiService *PermissionApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest) Execute() (ActionCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest) Limit ¶
func (r PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest) Limit(limit int32) PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest) Offset ¶
func (r PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest) Offset(offset int32) PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
type PermissionApiService ¶
type PermissionApiService service
PermissionApiService PermissionApi service
func (*PermissionApiService) GetPermissions ¶
func (a *PermissionApiService) GetPermissions(ctx _context.Context) PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest
GetPermissions List permissions
Get a list of permissions.
*New in version 2.1.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest
func (*PermissionApiService) GetPermissionsExecute ¶
func (a *PermissionApiService) GetPermissionsExecute(r PermissionApiApiGetPermissionsRequest) (ActionCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return ActionCollection
type PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest ¶
type PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest struct { ApiService *PluginApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest) Execute() (PluginCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest) Limit ¶
func (r PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest) Limit(limit int32) PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest) Offset ¶
func (r PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest) Offset(offset int32) PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
type PluginApiService ¶
type PluginApiService service
PluginApiService PluginApi service
func (*PluginApiService) GetPlugins ¶
func (a *PluginApiService) GetPlugins(ctx _context.Context) PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest
GetPlugins Get a list of loaded plugins
Get a list of loaded plugins.
*New in version 2.1.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest
func (*PluginApiService) GetPluginsExecute ¶
func (a *PluginApiService) GetPluginsExecute(r PluginApiApiGetPluginsRequest) (PluginCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return PluginCollection
type PluginCollection ¶
type PluginCollection struct { Plugins *[]PluginCollectionItem `json:"plugins,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
PluginCollection A collection of plugin. *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewPluginCollection ¶
func NewPluginCollection() *PluginCollection
NewPluginCollection instantiates a new PluginCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewPluginCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewPluginCollectionWithDefaults() *PluginCollection
NewPluginCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new PluginCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*PluginCollection) GetPlugins ¶
func (o *PluginCollection) GetPlugins() []PluginCollectionItem
GetPlugins returns the Plugins field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PluginCollection) GetPluginsOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollection) GetPluginsOk() (*[]PluginCollectionItem, bool)
GetPluginsOk returns a tuple with the Plugins field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PluginCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *PluginCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PluginCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PluginCollection) HasPlugins ¶
func (o *PluginCollection) HasPlugins() bool
HasPlugins returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PluginCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *PluginCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (PluginCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o PluginCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PluginCollection) SetPlugins ¶
func (o *PluginCollection) SetPlugins(v []PluginCollectionItem)
SetPlugins gets a reference to the given []PluginCollectionItem and assigns it to the Plugins field.
func (*PluginCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *PluginCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type PluginCollectionAllOf ¶
type PluginCollectionAllOf struct {
Plugins *[]PluginCollectionItem `json:"plugins,omitempty"`
PluginCollectionAllOf struct for PluginCollectionAllOf
func NewPluginCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewPluginCollectionAllOf() *PluginCollectionAllOf
NewPluginCollectionAllOf instantiates a new PluginCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewPluginCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewPluginCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *PluginCollectionAllOf
NewPluginCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new PluginCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*PluginCollectionAllOf) GetPlugins ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionAllOf) GetPlugins() []PluginCollectionItem
GetPlugins returns the Plugins field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PluginCollectionAllOf) GetPluginsOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionAllOf) GetPluginsOk() (*[]PluginCollectionItem, bool)
GetPluginsOk returns a tuple with the Plugins field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionAllOf) HasPlugins ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionAllOf) HasPlugins() bool
HasPlugins returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (PluginCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o PluginCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PluginCollectionAllOf) SetPlugins ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionAllOf) SetPlugins(v []PluginCollectionItem)
SetPlugins gets a reference to the given []PluginCollectionItem and assigns it to the Plugins field.
type PluginCollectionItem ¶
type PluginCollectionItem struct { // The name of the plugin Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The plugin hooks Hooks *[]*string `json:"hooks,omitempty"` // The plugin executors Executors *[]*string `json:"executors,omitempty"` // The plugin macros Macros *[]*map[string]interface{} `json:"macros,omitempty"` // The flask blueprints FlaskBlueprints *[]*map[string]interface{} `json:"flask_blueprints,omitempty"` // The appuilder views AppbuilderViews *[]*map[string]interface{} `json:"appbuilder_views,omitempty"` // The Flask Appbuilder menu items AppbuilderMenuItems *[]*map[string]interface{} `json:"appbuilder_menu_items,omitempty"` // The global operator extra links GlobalOperatorExtraLinks *[]*map[string]interface{} `json:"global_operator_extra_links,omitempty"` // Operator extra links OperatorExtraLinks *[]*map[string]interface{} `json:"operator_extra_links,omitempty"` // The plugin source Source NullableString `json:"source,omitempty"` }
PluginCollectionItem A plugin Item. *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewPluginCollectionItem ¶
func NewPluginCollectionItem() *PluginCollectionItem
NewPluginCollectionItem instantiates a new PluginCollectionItem object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewPluginCollectionItemWithDefaults ¶
func NewPluginCollectionItemWithDefaults() *PluginCollectionItem
NewPluginCollectionItemWithDefaults instantiates a new PluginCollectionItem object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetAppbuilderMenuItems ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetAppbuilderMenuItems() []*map[string]interface{}
GetAppbuilderMenuItems returns the AppbuilderMenuItems field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetAppbuilderMenuItemsOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetAppbuilderMenuItemsOk() (*[]*map[string]interface{}, bool)
GetAppbuilderMenuItemsOk returns a tuple with the AppbuilderMenuItems field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetAppbuilderViews ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetAppbuilderViews() []*map[string]interface{}
GetAppbuilderViews returns the AppbuilderViews field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetAppbuilderViewsOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetAppbuilderViewsOk() (*[]*map[string]interface{}, bool)
GetAppbuilderViewsOk returns a tuple with the AppbuilderViews field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetExecutors ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetExecutors() []*string
GetExecutors returns the Executors field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetExecutorsOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetExecutorsOk() (*[]*string, bool)
GetExecutorsOk returns a tuple with the Executors field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetFlaskBlueprints ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetFlaskBlueprints() []*map[string]interface{}
GetFlaskBlueprints returns the FlaskBlueprints field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetFlaskBlueprintsOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetFlaskBlueprintsOk() (*[]*map[string]interface{}, bool)
GetFlaskBlueprintsOk returns a tuple with the FlaskBlueprints field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetGlobalOperatorExtraLinks ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetGlobalOperatorExtraLinks() []*map[string]interface{}
GetGlobalOperatorExtraLinks returns the GlobalOperatorExtraLinks field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetGlobalOperatorExtraLinksOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetGlobalOperatorExtraLinksOk() (*[]*map[string]interface{}, bool)
GetGlobalOperatorExtraLinksOk returns a tuple with the GlobalOperatorExtraLinks field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetHooks ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetHooks() []*string
GetHooks returns the Hooks field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetHooksOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetHooksOk() (*[]*string, bool)
GetHooksOk returns a tuple with the Hooks field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetMacros ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetMacros() []*map[string]interface{}
GetMacros returns the Macros field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetMacrosOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetMacrosOk() (*[]*map[string]interface{}, bool)
GetMacrosOk returns a tuple with the Macros field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetName ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetNameOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetOperatorExtraLinks ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetOperatorExtraLinks() []*map[string]interface{}
GetOperatorExtraLinks returns the OperatorExtraLinks field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetOperatorExtraLinksOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetOperatorExtraLinksOk() (*[]*map[string]interface{}, bool)
GetOperatorExtraLinksOk returns a tuple with the OperatorExtraLinks field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetSource ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetSource() string
GetSource returns the Source field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*PluginCollectionItem) GetSourceOk ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) GetSourceOk() (*string, bool)
GetSourceOk returns a tuple with the Source field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*PluginCollectionItem) HasAppbuilderMenuItems ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasAppbuilderMenuItems() bool
HasAppbuilderMenuItems returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) HasAppbuilderViews ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasAppbuilderViews() bool
HasAppbuilderViews returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) HasExecutors ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasExecutors() bool
HasExecutors returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) HasFlaskBlueprints ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasFlaskBlueprints() bool
HasFlaskBlueprints returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) HasGlobalOperatorExtraLinks ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasGlobalOperatorExtraLinks() bool
HasGlobalOperatorExtraLinks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) HasHooks ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasHooks() bool
HasHooks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) HasMacros ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasMacros() bool
HasMacros returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) HasName ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasName() bool
HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) HasOperatorExtraLinks ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasOperatorExtraLinks() bool
HasOperatorExtraLinks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) HasSource ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) HasSource() bool
HasSource returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (PluginCollectionItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o PluginCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PluginCollectionItem) SetAppbuilderMenuItems ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetAppbuilderMenuItems(v []*map[string]interface{})
SetAppbuilderMenuItems gets a reference to the given []*map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the AppbuilderMenuItems field.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) SetAppbuilderViews ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetAppbuilderViews(v []*map[string]interface{})
SetAppbuilderViews gets a reference to the given []*map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the AppbuilderViews field.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) SetExecutors ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetExecutors(v []*string)
SetExecutors gets a reference to the given []*string and assigns it to the Executors field.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) SetFlaskBlueprints ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetFlaskBlueprints(v []*map[string]interface{})
SetFlaskBlueprints gets a reference to the given []*map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the FlaskBlueprints field.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) SetGlobalOperatorExtraLinks ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetGlobalOperatorExtraLinks(v []*map[string]interface{})
SetGlobalOperatorExtraLinks gets a reference to the given []*map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the GlobalOperatorExtraLinks field.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) SetHooks ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetHooks(v []*string)
SetHooks gets a reference to the given []*string and assigns it to the Hooks field.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) SetMacros ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetMacros(v []*map[string]interface{})
SetMacros gets a reference to the given []*map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the Macros field.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) SetName ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetName(v string)
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) SetOperatorExtraLinks ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetOperatorExtraLinks(v []*map[string]interface{})
SetOperatorExtraLinks gets a reference to the given []*map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the OperatorExtraLinks field.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) SetSource ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetSource(v string)
SetSource gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Source field.
func (*PluginCollectionItem) SetSourceNil ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) SetSourceNil()
SetSourceNil sets the value for Source to be an explicit nil
func (*PluginCollectionItem) UnsetSource ¶
func (o *PluginCollectionItem) UnsetSource()
UnsetSource ensures that no value is present for Source, not even an explicit nil
type Pool ¶
type Pool struct { // The name of pool. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The maximum number of slots that can be assigned to tasks. One job may occupy one or more slots. Slots *int32 `json:"slots,omitempty"` // The number of slots used by running/queued tasks at the moment. OccupiedSlots *int32 `json:"occupied_slots,omitempty"` // The number of slots used by running tasks at the moment. UsedSlots *int32 `json:"used_slots,omitempty"` // The number of slots used by queued tasks at the moment. QueuedSlots *int32 `json:"queued_slots,omitempty"` // The number of free slots at the moment. OpenSlots *int32 `json:"open_slots,omitempty"` // The description of the pool. *New in version 2.3.0* Description NullableString `json:"description,omitempty"` }
Pool The pool
func NewPool ¶
func NewPool() *Pool
NewPool instantiates a new Pool object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewPoolWithDefaults ¶
func NewPoolWithDefaults() *Pool
NewPoolWithDefaults instantiates a new Pool object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Pool) GetDescription ¶
GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Pool) GetDescriptionOk ¶
GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Pool) GetNameOk ¶
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Pool) GetOccupiedSlots ¶
GetOccupiedSlots returns the OccupiedSlots field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Pool) GetOccupiedSlotsOk ¶
GetOccupiedSlotsOk returns a tuple with the OccupiedSlots field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Pool) GetOpenSlots ¶
GetOpenSlots returns the OpenSlots field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Pool) GetOpenSlotsOk ¶
GetOpenSlotsOk returns a tuple with the OpenSlots field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Pool) GetQueuedSlots ¶
GetQueuedSlots returns the QueuedSlots field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Pool) GetQueuedSlotsOk ¶
GetQueuedSlotsOk returns a tuple with the QueuedSlots field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Pool) GetSlotsOk ¶
GetSlotsOk returns a tuple with the Slots field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Pool) GetUsedSlots ¶
GetUsedSlots returns the UsedSlots field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Pool) GetUsedSlotsOk ¶
GetUsedSlotsOk returns a tuple with the UsedSlots field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Pool) HasDescription ¶
HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Pool) HasOccupiedSlots ¶
HasOccupiedSlots returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Pool) HasOpenSlots ¶
HasOpenSlots returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Pool) HasQueuedSlots ¶
HasQueuedSlots returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Pool) HasUsedSlots ¶
HasUsedSlots returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (Pool) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Pool) SetDescription ¶
SetDescription gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Description field.
func (*Pool) SetDescriptionNil ¶
func (o *Pool) SetDescriptionNil()
SetDescriptionNil sets the value for Description to be an explicit nil
func (*Pool) SetName ¶
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (*Pool) SetOccupiedSlots ¶
SetOccupiedSlots gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the OccupiedSlots field.
func (*Pool) SetOpenSlots ¶
SetOpenSlots gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the OpenSlots field.
func (*Pool) SetQueuedSlots ¶
SetQueuedSlots gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the QueuedSlots field.
func (*Pool) SetSlots ¶
SetSlots gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Slots field.
func (*Pool) SetUsedSlots ¶
SetUsedSlots gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the UsedSlots field.
func (*Pool) UnsetDescription ¶
func (o *Pool) UnsetDescription()
UnsetDescription ensures that no value is present for Description, not even an explicit nil
type PoolApiApiDeletePoolRequest ¶
type PoolApiApiDeletePoolRequest struct { ApiService *PoolApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type PoolApiApiGetPoolRequest ¶
type PoolApiApiGetPoolRequest struct { ApiService *PoolApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest ¶
type PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest struct { ApiService *PoolApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) Execute ¶
func (r PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) Execute() (PoolCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) Limit ¶
func (r PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) Limit(limit int32) PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) Offset ¶
func (r PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) Offset(offset int32) PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
type PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest ¶
type PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest struct { ApiService *PoolApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest) Execute ¶
func (r PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest) Execute() (Pool, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest) Pool ¶
func (r PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest) Pool(pool Pool) PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest
func (PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest) UpdateMask ¶
func (r PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest) UpdateMask(updateMask []string) PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest
The fields to update on the resource. If absent or empty, all modifiable fields are updated. A comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields.
type PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest ¶
type PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest struct { ApiService *PoolApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest) Execute ¶
func (r PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest) Execute() (Pool, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest) Pool ¶
func (r PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest) Pool(pool Pool) PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest
type PoolApiService ¶
type PoolApiService service
PoolApiService PoolApi service
func (*PoolApiService) DeletePool ¶
func (a *PoolApiService) DeletePool(ctx _context.Context, poolName string) PoolApiApiDeletePoolRequest
DeletePool Delete a pool
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param poolName The pool name. @return PoolApiApiDeletePoolRequest
func (*PoolApiService) DeletePoolExecute ¶
func (a *PoolApiService) DeletePoolExecute(r PoolApiApiDeletePoolRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
func (*PoolApiService) GetPool ¶
func (a *PoolApiService) GetPool(ctx _context.Context, poolName string) PoolApiApiGetPoolRequest
GetPool Get a pool
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param poolName The pool name. @return PoolApiApiGetPoolRequest
func (*PoolApiService) GetPoolExecute ¶
func (a *PoolApiService) GetPoolExecute(r PoolApiApiGetPoolRequest) (Pool, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Pool
func (*PoolApiService) GetPools ¶
func (a *PoolApiService) GetPools(ctx _context.Context) PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest
GetPools List pools
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest
func (*PoolApiService) GetPoolsExecute ¶
func (a *PoolApiService) GetPoolsExecute(r PoolApiApiGetPoolsRequest) (PoolCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return PoolCollection
func (*PoolApiService) PatchPool ¶
func (a *PoolApiService) PatchPool(ctx _context.Context, poolName string) PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest
PatchPool Update a pool
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param poolName The pool name. @return PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest
func (*PoolApiService) PatchPoolExecute ¶
func (a *PoolApiService) PatchPoolExecute(r PoolApiApiPatchPoolRequest) (Pool, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Pool
func (*PoolApiService) PostPool ¶
func (a *PoolApiService) PostPool(ctx _context.Context) PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest
PostPool Create a pool
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest
func (*PoolApiService) PostPoolExecute ¶
func (a *PoolApiService) PostPoolExecute(r PoolApiApiPostPoolRequest) (Pool, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Pool
type PoolCollection ¶
type PoolCollection struct { Pools *[]Pool `json:"pools,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
PoolCollection Collection of pools. *Changed in version 2.1.0*: 'total_entries' field is added.
func NewPoolCollection ¶
func NewPoolCollection() *PoolCollection
NewPoolCollection instantiates a new PoolCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewPoolCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewPoolCollectionWithDefaults() *PoolCollection
NewPoolCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new PoolCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*PoolCollection) GetPools ¶
func (o *PoolCollection) GetPools() []Pool
GetPools returns the Pools field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PoolCollection) GetPoolsOk ¶
func (o *PoolCollection) GetPoolsOk() (*[]Pool, bool)
GetPoolsOk returns a tuple with the Pools field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PoolCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *PoolCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PoolCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *PoolCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PoolCollection) HasPools ¶
func (o *PoolCollection) HasPools() bool
HasPools returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*PoolCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *PoolCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (PoolCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o PoolCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PoolCollection) SetPools ¶
func (o *PoolCollection) SetPools(v []Pool)
SetPools gets a reference to the given []Pool and assigns it to the Pools field.
func (*PoolCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *PoolCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type PoolCollectionAllOf ¶
type PoolCollectionAllOf struct {
Pools *[]Pool `json:"pools,omitempty"`
PoolCollectionAllOf struct for PoolCollectionAllOf
func NewPoolCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewPoolCollectionAllOf() *PoolCollectionAllOf
NewPoolCollectionAllOf instantiates a new PoolCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewPoolCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewPoolCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *PoolCollectionAllOf
NewPoolCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new PoolCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*PoolCollectionAllOf) GetPools ¶
func (o *PoolCollectionAllOf) GetPools() []Pool
GetPools returns the Pools field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*PoolCollectionAllOf) GetPoolsOk ¶
func (o *PoolCollectionAllOf) GetPoolsOk() (*[]Pool, bool)
GetPoolsOk returns a tuple with the Pools field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*PoolCollectionAllOf) HasPools ¶
func (o *PoolCollectionAllOf) HasPools() bool
HasPools returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (PoolCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o PoolCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PoolCollectionAllOf) SetPools ¶
func (o *PoolCollectionAllOf) SetPools(v []Pool)
SetPools gets a reference to the given []Pool and assigns it to the Pools field.
type Provider ¶
type Provider struct { // The package name of the provider. PackageName *string `json:"package_name,omitempty"` // The description of the provider. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The version of the provider. Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
Provider The provider *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewProvider ¶
func NewProvider() *Provider
NewProvider instantiates a new Provider object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewProviderWithDefaults ¶
func NewProviderWithDefaults() *Provider
NewProviderWithDefaults instantiates a new Provider object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Provider) GetDescription ¶
GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Provider) GetDescriptionOk ¶
GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Provider) GetPackageName ¶
GetPackageName returns the PackageName field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Provider) GetPackageNameOk ¶
GetPackageNameOk returns a tuple with the PackageName field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Provider) GetVersion ¶
GetVersion returns the Version field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Provider) GetVersionOk ¶
GetVersionOk returns a tuple with the Version field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Provider) HasDescription ¶
HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Provider) HasPackageName ¶
HasPackageName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Provider) HasVersion ¶
HasVersion returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (Provider) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Provider) SetDescription ¶
SetDescription gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Description field.
func (*Provider) SetPackageName ¶
SetPackageName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the PackageName field.
func (*Provider) SetVersion ¶
SetVersion gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Version field.
type ProviderApiApiGetProvidersRequest ¶
type ProviderApiApiGetProvidersRequest struct { ApiService *ProviderApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ProviderApiApiGetProvidersRequest) Execute ¶
func (r ProviderApiApiGetProvidersRequest) Execute() (ProviderCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type ProviderApiService ¶
type ProviderApiService service
ProviderApiService ProviderApi service
func (*ProviderApiService) GetProviders ¶
func (a *ProviderApiService) GetProviders(ctx _context.Context) ProviderApiApiGetProvidersRequest
GetProviders List providers
Get a list of providers.
*New in version 2.1.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return ProviderApiApiGetProvidersRequest
func (*ProviderApiService) GetProvidersExecute ¶
func (a *ProviderApiService) GetProvidersExecute(r ProviderApiApiGetProvidersRequest) (ProviderCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return ProviderCollection
type ProviderCollection ¶
type ProviderCollection struct {
Providers *[]Provider `json:"providers,omitempty"`
ProviderCollection Collection of providers. *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewProviderCollection ¶
func NewProviderCollection() *ProviderCollection
NewProviderCollection instantiates a new ProviderCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewProviderCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewProviderCollectionWithDefaults() *ProviderCollection
NewProviderCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new ProviderCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*ProviderCollection) GetProviders ¶
func (o *ProviderCollection) GetProviders() []Provider
GetProviders returns the Providers field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*ProviderCollection) GetProvidersOk ¶
func (o *ProviderCollection) GetProvidersOk() (*[]Provider, bool)
GetProvidersOk returns a tuple with the Providers field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*ProviderCollection) HasProviders ¶
func (o *ProviderCollection) HasProviders() bool
HasProviders returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (ProviderCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ProviderCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ProviderCollection) SetProviders ¶
func (o *ProviderCollection) SetProviders(v []Provider)
SetProviders gets a reference to the given []Provider and assigns it to the Providers field.
type RelativeDelta ¶
type RelativeDelta struct { Type string `json:"__type"` Years int32 `json:"years"` Months int32 `json:"months"` Days int32 `json:"days"` Leapdays int32 `json:"leapdays"` Hours int32 `json:"hours"` Minutes int32 `json:"minutes"` Seconds int32 `json:"seconds"` Microseconds int32 `json:"microseconds"` Year int32 `json:"year"` Month int32 `json:"month"` Day int32 `json:"day"` Hour int32 `json:"hour"` Minute int32 `json:"minute"` Second int32 `json:"second"` Microsecond int32 `json:"microsecond"` }
RelativeDelta Relative delta
func NewRelativeDelta ¶
func NewRelativeDelta(type_ string, years int32, months int32, days int32, leapdays int32, hours int32, minutes int32, seconds int32, microseconds int32, year int32, month int32, day int32, hour int32, minute int32, second int32, microsecond int32) *RelativeDelta
NewRelativeDelta instantiates a new RelativeDelta object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewRelativeDeltaWithDefaults ¶
func NewRelativeDeltaWithDefaults() *RelativeDelta
NewRelativeDeltaWithDefaults instantiates a new RelativeDelta object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*RelativeDelta) GetDay ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetDay() int32
GetDay returns the Day field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetDayOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetDayOk() (*int32, bool)
GetDayOk returns a tuple with the Day field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetDays ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetDays() int32
GetDays returns the Days field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetDaysOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetDaysOk() (*int32, bool)
GetDaysOk returns a tuple with the Days field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetHour ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetHour() int32
GetHour returns the Hour field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetHourOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetHourOk() (*int32, bool)
GetHourOk returns a tuple with the Hour field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetHours ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetHours() int32
GetHours returns the Hours field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetHoursOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetHoursOk() (*int32, bool)
GetHoursOk returns a tuple with the Hours field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetLeapdays ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetLeapdays() int32
GetLeapdays returns the Leapdays field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetLeapdaysOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetLeapdaysOk() (*int32, bool)
GetLeapdaysOk returns a tuple with the Leapdays field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetMicrosecond ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMicrosecond() int32
GetMicrosecond returns the Microsecond field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetMicrosecondOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMicrosecondOk() (*int32, bool)
GetMicrosecondOk returns a tuple with the Microsecond field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetMicroseconds ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMicroseconds() int32
GetMicroseconds returns the Microseconds field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetMicrosecondsOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMicrosecondsOk() (*int32, bool)
GetMicrosecondsOk returns a tuple with the Microseconds field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetMinute ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMinute() int32
GetMinute returns the Minute field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetMinuteOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMinuteOk() (*int32, bool)
GetMinuteOk returns a tuple with the Minute field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetMinutes ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMinutes() int32
GetMinutes returns the Minutes field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetMinutesOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMinutesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetMinutesOk returns a tuple with the Minutes field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetMonth ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMonth() int32
GetMonth returns the Month field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetMonthOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMonthOk() (*int32, bool)
GetMonthOk returns a tuple with the Month field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetMonths ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMonths() int32
GetMonths returns the Months field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetMonthsOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetMonthsOk() (*int32, bool)
GetMonthsOk returns a tuple with the Months field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetSecond ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetSecond() int32
GetSecond returns the Second field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetSecondOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetSecondOk() (*int32, bool)
GetSecondOk returns a tuple with the Second field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetSeconds ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetSeconds() int32
GetSeconds returns the Seconds field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetSecondsOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetSecondsOk() (*int32, bool)
GetSecondsOk returns a tuple with the Seconds field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetType ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetType() string
GetType returns the Type field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetTypeOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool)
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetYear ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetYear() int32
GetYear returns the Year field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetYearOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetYearOk() (*int32, bool)
GetYearOk returns a tuple with the Year field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RelativeDelta) GetYears ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetYears() int32
GetYears returns the Years field value
func (*RelativeDelta) GetYearsOk ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) GetYearsOk() (*int32, bool)
GetYearsOk returns a tuple with the Years field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (RelativeDelta) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o RelativeDelta) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*RelativeDelta) SetHours ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) SetHours(v int32)
SetHours sets field value
func (*RelativeDelta) SetLeapdays ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) SetLeapdays(v int32)
SetLeapdays sets field value
func (*RelativeDelta) SetMicrosecond ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) SetMicrosecond(v int32)
SetMicrosecond sets field value
func (*RelativeDelta) SetMicroseconds ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) SetMicroseconds(v int32)
SetMicroseconds sets field value
func (*RelativeDelta) SetMinute ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) SetMinute(v int32)
SetMinute sets field value
func (*RelativeDelta) SetMinutes ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) SetMinutes(v int32)
SetMinutes sets field value
func (*RelativeDelta) SetMonth ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) SetMonth(v int32)
SetMonth sets field value
func (*RelativeDelta) SetMonths ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) SetMonths(v int32)
SetMonths sets field value
func (*RelativeDelta) SetSecond ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) SetSecond(v int32)
SetSecond sets field value
func (*RelativeDelta) SetSeconds ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) SetSeconds(v int32)
SetSeconds sets field value
func (*RelativeDelta) SetYears ¶
func (o *RelativeDelta) SetYears(v int32)
SetYears sets field value
type Resource ¶
type Resource struct { // The name of the resource Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
Resource A resource on which permissions are granted. *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewResource ¶
func NewResource() *Resource
NewResource instantiates a new Resource object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewResourceWithDefaults ¶
func NewResourceWithDefaults() *Resource
NewResourceWithDefaults instantiates a new Resource object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Resource) GetNameOk ¶
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (Resource) MarshalJSON ¶
type Role ¶
type Role struct { // The name of the role *Changed in version 2.3.0*: A minimum character length requirement ('minLength') is added. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Actions *[]ActionResource `json:"actions,omitempty"` }
Role a role item. *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewRole ¶
func NewRole() *Role
NewRole instantiates a new Role object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewRoleWithDefaults ¶
func NewRoleWithDefaults() *Role
NewRoleWithDefaults instantiates a new Role object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Role) GetActions ¶
func (o *Role) GetActions() []ActionResource
GetActions returns the Actions field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Role) GetActionsOk ¶
func (o *Role) GetActionsOk() (*[]ActionResource, bool)
GetActionsOk returns a tuple with the Actions field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Role) GetNameOk ¶
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Role) HasActions ¶
HasActions returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (Role) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Role) SetActions ¶
func (o *Role) SetActions(v []ActionResource)
SetActions gets a reference to the given []ActionResource and assigns it to the Actions field.
type RoleApiApiDeleteRoleRequest ¶
type RoleApiApiDeleteRoleRequest struct { ApiService *RoleApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RoleApiApiGetRoleRequest ¶
type RoleApiApiGetRoleRequest struct { ApiService *RoleApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest ¶
type RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest struct { ApiService *RoleApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) Execute ¶
func (r RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) Execute() (RoleCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) Limit ¶
func (r RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) Limit(limit int32) RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) Offset ¶
func (r RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) Offset(offset int32) RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
type RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest ¶
type RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest struct { ApiService *RoleApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest) Execute ¶
func (r RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest) Execute() (Role, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest) Role ¶
func (r RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest) Role(role Role) RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest
func (RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest) UpdateMask ¶
func (r RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest) UpdateMask(updateMask []string) RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest
The fields to update on the resource. If absent or empty, all modifiable fields are updated. A comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields.
type RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest ¶
type RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest struct { ApiService *RoleApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest) Execute ¶
func (r RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest) Execute() (Role, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest) Role ¶
func (r RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest) Role(role Role) RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest
type RoleApiService ¶
type RoleApiService service
RoleApiService RoleApi service
func (*RoleApiService) DeleteRole ¶
func (a *RoleApiService) DeleteRole(ctx _context.Context, roleName string) RoleApiApiDeleteRoleRequest
DeleteRole Delete a role
Delete a role.
*New in version 2.1.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param roleName The role name @return RoleApiApiDeleteRoleRequest
func (*RoleApiService) DeleteRoleExecute ¶
func (a *RoleApiService) DeleteRoleExecute(r RoleApiApiDeleteRoleRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
func (*RoleApiService) GetRole ¶
func (a *RoleApiService) GetRole(ctx _context.Context, roleName string) RoleApiApiGetRoleRequest
GetRole Get a role
Get a role.
*New in version 2.1.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param roleName The role name @return RoleApiApiGetRoleRequest
func (*RoleApiService) GetRoleExecute ¶
func (a *RoleApiService) GetRoleExecute(r RoleApiApiGetRoleRequest) (Role, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Role
func (*RoleApiService) GetRoles ¶
func (a *RoleApiService) GetRoles(ctx _context.Context) RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest
GetRoles List roles
Get a list of roles.
*New in version 2.1.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest
func (*RoleApiService) GetRolesExecute ¶
func (a *RoleApiService) GetRolesExecute(r RoleApiApiGetRolesRequest) (RoleCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return RoleCollection
func (*RoleApiService) PatchRole ¶
func (a *RoleApiService) PatchRole(ctx _context.Context, roleName string) RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest
PatchRole Update a role
Update a role.
*New in version 2.1.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param roleName The role name @return RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest
func (*RoleApiService) PatchRoleExecute ¶
func (a *RoleApiService) PatchRoleExecute(r RoleApiApiPatchRoleRequest) (Role, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Role
func (*RoleApiService) PostRole ¶
func (a *RoleApiService) PostRole(ctx _context.Context) RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest
PostRole Create a role
Create a new role.
*New in version 2.1.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest
func (*RoleApiService) PostRoleExecute ¶
func (a *RoleApiService) PostRoleExecute(r RoleApiApiPostRoleRequest) (Role, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Role
type RoleCollection ¶
type RoleCollection struct { Roles *[]Role `json:"roles,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
RoleCollection A collection of roles. *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewRoleCollection ¶
func NewRoleCollection() *RoleCollection
NewRoleCollection instantiates a new RoleCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewRoleCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewRoleCollectionWithDefaults() *RoleCollection
NewRoleCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new RoleCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*RoleCollection) GetRoles ¶
func (o *RoleCollection) GetRoles() []Role
GetRoles returns the Roles field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*RoleCollection) GetRolesOk ¶
func (o *RoleCollection) GetRolesOk() (*[]Role, bool)
GetRolesOk returns a tuple with the Roles field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RoleCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *RoleCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*RoleCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *RoleCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RoleCollection) HasRoles ¶
func (o *RoleCollection) HasRoles() bool
HasRoles returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*RoleCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *RoleCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (RoleCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o RoleCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*RoleCollection) SetRoles ¶
func (o *RoleCollection) SetRoles(v []Role)
SetRoles gets a reference to the given []Role and assigns it to the Roles field.
func (*RoleCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *RoleCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type RoleCollectionAllOf ¶
type RoleCollectionAllOf struct {
Roles *[]Role `json:"roles,omitempty"`
RoleCollectionAllOf struct for RoleCollectionAllOf
func NewRoleCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewRoleCollectionAllOf() *RoleCollectionAllOf
NewRoleCollectionAllOf instantiates a new RoleCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewRoleCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewRoleCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *RoleCollectionAllOf
NewRoleCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new RoleCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*RoleCollectionAllOf) GetRoles ¶
func (o *RoleCollectionAllOf) GetRoles() []Role
GetRoles returns the Roles field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*RoleCollectionAllOf) GetRolesOk ¶
func (o *RoleCollectionAllOf) GetRolesOk() (*[]Role, bool)
GetRolesOk returns a tuple with the Roles field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*RoleCollectionAllOf) HasRoles ¶
func (o *RoleCollectionAllOf) HasRoles() bool
HasRoles returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (RoleCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o RoleCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*RoleCollectionAllOf) SetRoles ¶
func (o *RoleCollectionAllOf) SetRoles(v []Role)
SetRoles gets a reference to the given []Role and assigns it to the Roles field.
type SLAMiss ¶
type SLAMiss struct { // The task ID. TaskId *string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` // The DAG ID. DagId *string `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` ExecutionDate *string `json:"execution_date,omitempty"` EmailSent *bool `json:"email_sent,omitempty"` Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` Description NullableString `json:"description,omitempty"` NotificationSent *bool `json:"notification_sent,omitempty"` }
SLAMiss struct for SLAMiss
func NewSLAMiss ¶
func NewSLAMiss() *SLAMiss
NewSLAMiss instantiates a new SLAMiss object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewSLAMissWithDefaults ¶
func NewSLAMissWithDefaults() *SLAMiss
NewSLAMissWithDefaults instantiates a new SLAMiss object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*SLAMiss) GetDagIdOk ¶
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SLAMiss) GetDescription ¶
GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*SLAMiss) GetDescriptionOk ¶
GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*SLAMiss) GetEmailSent ¶
GetEmailSent returns the EmailSent field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SLAMiss) GetEmailSentOk ¶
GetEmailSentOk returns a tuple with the EmailSent field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SLAMiss) GetExecutionDate ¶
GetExecutionDate returns the ExecutionDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SLAMiss) GetExecutionDateOk ¶
GetExecutionDateOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SLAMiss) GetNotificationSent ¶
GetNotificationSent returns the NotificationSent field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SLAMiss) GetNotificationSentOk ¶
GetNotificationSentOk returns a tuple with the NotificationSent field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SLAMiss) GetTaskIdOk ¶
GetTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the TaskId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SLAMiss) GetTimestamp ¶
GetTimestamp returns the Timestamp field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SLAMiss) GetTimestampOk ¶
GetTimestampOk returns a tuple with the Timestamp field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SLAMiss) HasDescription ¶
HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*SLAMiss) HasEmailSent ¶
HasEmailSent returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*SLAMiss) HasExecutionDate ¶
HasExecutionDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*SLAMiss) HasNotificationSent ¶
HasNotificationSent returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*SLAMiss) HasTimestamp ¶
HasTimestamp returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (SLAMiss) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*SLAMiss) SetDagId ¶
SetDagId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*SLAMiss) SetDescription ¶
SetDescription gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Description field.
func (*SLAMiss) SetDescriptionNil ¶
func (o *SLAMiss) SetDescriptionNil()
SetDescriptionNil sets the value for Description to be an explicit nil
func (*SLAMiss) SetEmailSent ¶
SetEmailSent gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the EmailSent field.
func (*SLAMiss) SetExecutionDate ¶
SetExecutionDate gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ExecutionDate field.
func (*SLAMiss) SetNotificationSent ¶
SetNotificationSent gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the NotificationSent field.
func (*SLAMiss) SetTaskId ¶
SetTaskId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TaskId field.
func (*SLAMiss) SetTimestamp ¶
SetTimestamp gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Timestamp field.
func (*SLAMiss) UnsetDescription ¶
func (o *SLAMiss) UnsetDescription()
UnsetDescription ensures that no value is present for Description, not even an explicit nil
type ScheduleInterval ¶
type ScheduleInterval struct { CronExpression *CronExpression RelativeDelta *RelativeDelta TimeDelta *TimeDelta }
ScheduleInterval Schedule interval. Defines how often DAG runs, this object gets added to your latest task instance's execution_date to figure out the next schedule.
func (*ScheduleInterval) MarshalJSON ¶
func (src *ScheduleInterval) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
Marshal data from the first non-nil pointers in the struct to JSON
func (*ScheduleInterval) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (dst *ScheduleInterval) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
Unmarshal JSON data into any of the pointers in the struct
type SchedulerStatus ¶
type SchedulerStatus struct { Status *HealthStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` // The time the scheduler last do a heartbeat. LatestSchedulerHeartbeat NullableString `json:"latest_scheduler_heartbeat,omitempty"` }
SchedulerStatus The status and the latest scheduler heartbeat.
func NewSchedulerStatus ¶
func NewSchedulerStatus() *SchedulerStatus
NewSchedulerStatus instantiates a new SchedulerStatus object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewSchedulerStatusWithDefaults ¶
func NewSchedulerStatusWithDefaults() *SchedulerStatus
NewSchedulerStatusWithDefaults instantiates a new SchedulerStatus object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*SchedulerStatus) GetLatestSchedulerHeartbeat ¶
func (o *SchedulerStatus) GetLatestSchedulerHeartbeat() string
GetLatestSchedulerHeartbeat returns the LatestSchedulerHeartbeat field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*SchedulerStatus) GetLatestSchedulerHeartbeatOk ¶
func (o *SchedulerStatus) GetLatestSchedulerHeartbeatOk() (*string, bool)
GetLatestSchedulerHeartbeatOk returns a tuple with the LatestSchedulerHeartbeat field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*SchedulerStatus) GetStatus ¶
func (o *SchedulerStatus) GetStatus() HealthStatus
GetStatus returns the Status field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SchedulerStatus) GetStatusOk ¶
func (o *SchedulerStatus) GetStatusOk() (*HealthStatus, bool)
GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SchedulerStatus) HasLatestSchedulerHeartbeat ¶
func (o *SchedulerStatus) HasLatestSchedulerHeartbeat() bool
HasLatestSchedulerHeartbeat returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*SchedulerStatus) HasStatus ¶
func (o *SchedulerStatus) HasStatus() bool
HasStatus returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (SchedulerStatus) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o SchedulerStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*SchedulerStatus) SetLatestSchedulerHeartbeat ¶
func (o *SchedulerStatus) SetLatestSchedulerHeartbeat(v string)
SetLatestSchedulerHeartbeat gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the LatestSchedulerHeartbeat field.
func (*SchedulerStatus) SetLatestSchedulerHeartbeatNil ¶
func (o *SchedulerStatus) SetLatestSchedulerHeartbeatNil()
SetLatestSchedulerHeartbeatNil sets the value for LatestSchedulerHeartbeat to be an explicit nil
func (*SchedulerStatus) SetStatus ¶
func (o *SchedulerStatus) SetStatus(v HealthStatus)
SetStatus gets a reference to the given HealthStatus and assigns it to the Status field.
func (*SchedulerStatus) UnsetLatestSchedulerHeartbeat ¶
func (o *SchedulerStatus) UnsetLatestSchedulerHeartbeat()
UnsetLatestSchedulerHeartbeat ensures that no value is present for LatestSchedulerHeartbeat, not even an explicit nil
type ServerConfiguration ¶
type ServerConfiguration struct { URL string Description string Variables map[string]ServerVariable }
ServerConfiguration stores the information about a server
type ServerConfigurations ¶
type ServerConfigurations []ServerConfiguration
ServerConfigurations stores multiple ServerConfiguration items
type ServerVariable ¶
ServerVariable stores the information about a server variable
type SetDagRunNote ¶
type SetDagRunNote struct { // Custom notes left by users for this Dag Run. Note *string `json:"note,omitempty"` }
SetDagRunNote struct for SetDagRunNote
func NewSetDagRunNote ¶
func NewSetDagRunNote() *SetDagRunNote
NewSetDagRunNote instantiates a new SetDagRunNote object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewSetDagRunNoteWithDefaults ¶
func NewSetDagRunNoteWithDefaults() *SetDagRunNote
NewSetDagRunNoteWithDefaults instantiates a new SetDagRunNote object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*SetDagRunNote) GetNote ¶
func (o *SetDagRunNote) GetNote() string
GetNote returns the Note field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*SetDagRunNote) GetNoteOk ¶
func (o *SetDagRunNote) GetNoteOk() (*string, bool)
GetNoteOk returns a tuple with the Note field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*SetDagRunNote) HasNote ¶
func (o *SetDagRunNote) HasNote() bool
HasNote returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (SetDagRunNote) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o SetDagRunNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*SetDagRunNote) SetNote ¶
func (o *SetDagRunNote) SetNote(v string)
SetNote gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Note field.
type SetTaskInstanceNote ¶
type SetTaskInstanceNote struct { // The custom note to set for this Task Instance. Note string `json:"note"` }
SetTaskInstanceNote struct for SetTaskInstanceNote
func NewSetTaskInstanceNote ¶
func NewSetTaskInstanceNote(note string) *SetTaskInstanceNote
NewSetTaskInstanceNote instantiates a new SetTaskInstanceNote object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewSetTaskInstanceNoteWithDefaults ¶
func NewSetTaskInstanceNoteWithDefaults() *SetTaskInstanceNote
NewSetTaskInstanceNoteWithDefaults instantiates a new SetTaskInstanceNote object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*SetTaskInstanceNote) GetNote ¶
func (o *SetTaskInstanceNote) GetNote() string
GetNote returns the Note field value
func (*SetTaskInstanceNote) GetNoteOk ¶
func (o *SetTaskInstanceNote) GetNoteOk() (*string, bool)
GetNoteOk returns a tuple with the Note field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (SetTaskInstanceNote) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o SetTaskInstanceNote) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*SetTaskInstanceNote) SetNote ¶
func (o *SetTaskInstanceNote) SetNote(v string)
SetNote sets field value
type Tag ¶
type Tag struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Tag Tag
func NewTag ¶
func NewTag() *Tag
NewTag instantiates a new Tag object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTagWithDefaults ¶
func NewTagWithDefaults() *Tag
NewTagWithDefaults instantiates a new Tag object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Tag) GetNameOk ¶
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (Tag) MarshalJSON ¶
type Task ¶
type Task struct { ClassRef *ClassReference `json:"class_ref,omitempty"` TaskId *string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` Owner *string `json:"owner,omitempty"` StartDate *time.Time `json:"start_date,omitempty"` EndDate NullableTime `json:"end_date,omitempty"` TriggerRule *TriggerRule `json:"trigger_rule,omitempty"` ExtraLinks *[]TaskExtraLinks `json:"extra_links,omitempty"` DependsOnPast *bool `json:"depends_on_past,omitempty"` IsMapped *bool `json:"is_mapped,omitempty"` WaitForDownstream *bool `json:"wait_for_downstream,omitempty"` Retries *float32 `json:"retries,omitempty"` Queue NullableString `json:"queue,omitempty"` Pool *string `json:"pool,omitempty"` PoolSlots *float32 `json:"pool_slots,omitempty"` ExecutionTimeout *TimeDelta `json:"execution_timeout,omitempty"` RetryDelay *TimeDelta `json:"retry_delay,omitempty"` RetryExponentialBackoff *bool `json:"retry_exponential_backoff,omitempty"` PriorityWeight *float32 `json:"priority_weight,omitempty"` WeightRule *WeightRule `json:"weight_rule,omitempty"` // Color in hexadecimal notation. UiColor *string `json:"ui_color,omitempty"` // Color in hexadecimal notation. UiFgcolor *string `json:"ui_fgcolor,omitempty"` TemplateFields *[]string `json:"template_fields,omitempty"` SubDag *DAG `json:"sub_dag,omitempty"` DownstreamTaskIds *[]string `json:"downstream_task_ids,omitempty"` }
Task For details see: [airflow.models.BaseOperator](
func NewTask ¶
func NewTask() *Task
NewTask instantiates a new Task object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTaskWithDefaults ¶
func NewTaskWithDefaults() *Task
NewTaskWithDefaults instantiates a new Task object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Task) GetClassRef ¶
func (o *Task) GetClassRef() ClassReference
GetClassRef returns the ClassRef field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetClassRefOk ¶
func (o *Task) GetClassRefOk() (*ClassReference, bool)
GetClassRefOk returns a tuple with the ClassRef field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetDependsOnPast ¶
GetDependsOnPast returns the DependsOnPast field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetDependsOnPastOk ¶
GetDependsOnPastOk returns a tuple with the DependsOnPast field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetDownstreamTaskIds ¶
GetDownstreamTaskIds returns the DownstreamTaskIds field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetDownstreamTaskIdsOk ¶
GetDownstreamTaskIdsOk returns a tuple with the DownstreamTaskIds field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetEndDate ¶
GetEndDate returns the EndDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Task) GetEndDateOk ¶
GetEndDateOk returns a tuple with the EndDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Task) GetExecutionTimeout ¶
GetExecutionTimeout returns the ExecutionTimeout field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetExecutionTimeoutOk ¶
GetExecutionTimeoutOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionTimeout field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetExtraLinks ¶
func (o *Task) GetExtraLinks() []TaskExtraLinks
GetExtraLinks returns the ExtraLinks field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetExtraLinksOk ¶
func (o *Task) GetExtraLinksOk() (*[]TaskExtraLinks, bool)
GetExtraLinksOk returns a tuple with the ExtraLinks field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetIsMapped ¶
GetIsMapped returns the IsMapped field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetIsMappedOk ¶
GetIsMappedOk returns a tuple with the IsMapped field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetOwnerOk ¶
GetOwnerOk returns a tuple with the Owner field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetPoolOk ¶
GetPoolOk returns a tuple with the Pool field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetPoolSlots ¶
GetPoolSlots returns the PoolSlots field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetPoolSlotsOk ¶
GetPoolSlotsOk returns a tuple with the PoolSlots field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetPriorityWeight ¶
GetPriorityWeight returns the PriorityWeight field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetPriorityWeightOk ¶
GetPriorityWeightOk returns a tuple with the PriorityWeight field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetQueue ¶
GetQueue returns the Queue field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Task) GetQueueOk ¶
GetQueueOk returns a tuple with the Queue field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Task) GetRetries ¶
GetRetries returns the Retries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetRetriesOk ¶
GetRetriesOk returns a tuple with the Retries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetRetryDelay ¶
GetRetryDelay returns the RetryDelay field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetRetryDelayOk ¶
GetRetryDelayOk returns a tuple with the RetryDelay field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetRetryExponentialBackoff ¶
GetRetryExponentialBackoff returns the RetryExponentialBackoff field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetRetryExponentialBackoffOk ¶
GetRetryExponentialBackoffOk returns a tuple with the RetryExponentialBackoff field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetStartDate ¶
GetStartDate returns the StartDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetStartDateOk ¶
GetStartDateOk returns a tuple with the StartDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetSubDagOk ¶
GetSubDagOk returns a tuple with the SubDag field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetTaskIdOk ¶
GetTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the TaskId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetTemplateFields ¶
GetTemplateFields returns the TemplateFields field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetTemplateFieldsOk ¶
GetTemplateFieldsOk returns a tuple with the TemplateFields field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetTriggerRule ¶
func (o *Task) GetTriggerRule() TriggerRule
GetTriggerRule returns the TriggerRule field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetTriggerRuleOk ¶
func (o *Task) GetTriggerRuleOk() (*TriggerRule, bool)
GetTriggerRuleOk returns a tuple with the TriggerRule field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetUiColor ¶
GetUiColor returns the UiColor field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetUiColorOk ¶
GetUiColorOk returns a tuple with the UiColor field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetUiFgcolor ¶
GetUiFgcolor returns the UiFgcolor field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetUiFgcolorOk ¶
GetUiFgcolorOk returns a tuple with the UiFgcolor field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetWaitForDownstream ¶
GetWaitForDownstream returns the WaitForDownstream field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetWaitForDownstreamOk ¶
GetWaitForDownstreamOk returns a tuple with the WaitForDownstream field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) GetWeightRule ¶
func (o *Task) GetWeightRule() WeightRule
GetWeightRule returns the WeightRule field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Task) GetWeightRuleOk ¶
func (o *Task) GetWeightRuleOk() (*WeightRule, bool)
GetWeightRuleOk returns a tuple with the WeightRule field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Task) HasClassRef ¶
HasClassRef returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasDependsOnPast ¶
HasDependsOnPast returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasDownstreamTaskIds ¶
HasDownstreamTaskIds returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasEndDate ¶
HasEndDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasExecutionTimeout ¶
HasExecutionTimeout returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasExtraLinks ¶
HasExtraLinks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasIsMapped ¶
HasIsMapped returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasPoolSlots ¶
HasPoolSlots returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasPriorityWeight ¶
HasPriorityWeight returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasRetries ¶
HasRetries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasRetryDelay ¶
HasRetryDelay returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasRetryExponentialBackoff ¶
HasRetryExponentialBackoff returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasStartDate ¶
HasStartDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasTemplateFields ¶
HasTemplateFields returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasTriggerRule ¶
HasTriggerRule returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasUiColor ¶
HasUiColor returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasUiFgcolor ¶
HasUiFgcolor returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasWaitForDownstream ¶
HasWaitForDownstream returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Task) HasWeightRule ¶
HasWeightRule returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (Task) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Task) SetClassRef ¶
func (o *Task) SetClassRef(v ClassReference)
SetClassRef gets a reference to the given ClassReference and assigns it to the ClassRef field.
func (*Task) SetDependsOnPast ¶
SetDependsOnPast gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the DependsOnPast field.
func (*Task) SetDownstreamTaskIds ¶
SetDownstreamTaskIds gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the DownstreamTaskIds field.
func (*Task) SetEndDate ¶
SetEndDate gets a reference to the given NullableTime and assigns it to the EndDate field.
func (*Task) SetEndDateNil ¶
func (o *Task) SetEndDateNil()
SetEndDateNil sets the value for EndDate to be an explicit nil
func (*Task) SetExecutionTimeout ¶
SetExecutionTimeout gets a reference to the given TimeDelta and assigns it to the ExecutionTimeout field.
func (*Task) SetExtraLinks ¶
func (o *Task) SetExtraLinks(v []TaskExtraLinks)
SetExtraLinks gets a reference to the given []TaskExtraLinks and assigns it to the ExtraLinks field.
func (*Task) SetIsMapped ¶
SetIsMapped gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IsMapped field.
func (*Task) SetOwner ¶
SetOwner gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Owner field.
func (*Task) SetPool ¶
SetPool gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Pool field.
func (*Task) SetPoolSlots ¶
SetPoolSlots gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the PoolSlots field.
func (*Task) SetPriorityWeight ¶
SetPriorityWeight gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the PriorityWeight field.
func (*Task) SetQueue ¶
SetQueue gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Queue field.
func (*Task) SetQueueNil ¶
func (o *Task) SetQueueNil()
SetQueueNil sets the value for Queue to be an explicit nil
func (*Task) SetRetries ¶
SetRetries gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the Retries field.
func (*Task) SetRetryDelay ¶
SetRetryDelay gets a reference to the given TimeDelta and assigns it to the RetryDelay field.
func (*Task) SetRetryExponentialBackoff ¶
SetRetryExponentialBackoff gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the RetryExponentialBackoff field.
func (*Task) SetStartDate ¶
SetStartDate gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the StartDate field.
func (*Task) SetSubDag ¶
SetSubDag gets a reference to the given DAG and assigns it to the SubDag field.
func (*Task) SetTaskId ¶
SetTaskId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TaskId field.
func (*Task) SetTemplateFields ¶
SetTemplateFields gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the TemplateFields field.
func (*Task) SetTriggerRule ¶
func (o *Task) SetTriggerRule(v TriggerRule)
SetTriggerRule gets a reference to the given TriggerRule and assigns it to the TriggerRule field.
func (*Task) SetUiColor ¶
SetUiColor gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the UiColor field.
func (*Task) SetUiFgcolor ¶
SetUiFgcolor gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the UiFgcolor field.
func (*Task) SetWaitForDownstream ¶
SetWaitForDownstream gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the WaitForDownstream field.
func (*Task) SetWeightRule ¶
func (o *Task) SetWeightRule(v WeightRule)
SetWeightRule gets a reference to the given WeightRule and assigns it to the WeightRule field.
func (*Task) UnsetEndDate ¶
func (o *Task) UnsetEndDate()
UnsetEndDate ensures that no value is present for EndDate, not even an explicit nil
func (*Task) UnsetQueue ¶
func (o *Task) UnsetQueue()
UnsetQueue ensures that no value is present for Queue, not even an explicit nil
type TaskCollection ¶
type TaskCollection struct {
Tasks *[]Task `json:"tasks,omitempty"`
TaskCollection Collection of tasks.
func NewTaskCollection ¶
func NewTaskCollection() *TaskCollection
NewTaskCollection instantiates a new TaskCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTaskCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewTaskCollectionWithDefaults() *TaskCollection
NewTaskCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new TaskCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*TaskCollection) GetTasks ¶
func (o *TaskCollection) GetTasks() []Task
GetTasks returns the Tasks field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskCollection) GetTasksOk ¶
func (o *TaskCollection) GetTasksOk() (*[]Task, bool)
GetTasksOk returns a tuple with the Tasks field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskCollection) HasTasks ¶
func (o *TaskCollection) HasTasks() bool
HasTasks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (TaskCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o TaskCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*TaskCollection) SetTasks ¶
func (o *TaskCollection) SetTasks(v []Task)
SetTasks gets a reference to the given []Task and assigns it to the Tasks field.
type TaskExtraLinks ¶
type TaskExtraLinks struct {
ClassRef *ClassReference `json:"class_ref,omitempty"`
TaskExtraLinks struct for TaskExtraLinks
func NewTaskExtraLinks ¶
func NewTaskExtraLinks() *TaskExtraLinks
NewTaskExtraLinks instantiates a new TaskExtraLinks object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTaskExtraLinksWithDefaults ¶
func NewTaskExtraLinksWithDefaults() *TaskExtraLinks
NewTaskExtraLinksWithDefaults instantiates a new TaskExtraLinks object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*TaskExtraLinks) GetClassRef ¶
func (o *TaskExtraLinks) GetClassRef() ClassReference
GetClassRef returns the ClassRef field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskExtraLinks) GetClassRefOk ¶
func (o *TaskExtraLinks) GetClassRefOk() (*ClassReference, bool)
GetClassRefOk returns a tuple with the ClassRef field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskExtraLinks) HasClassRef ¶
func (o *TaskExtraLinks) HasClassRef() bool
HasClassRef returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (TaskExtraLinks) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o TaskExtraLinks) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*TaskExtraLinks) SetClassRef ¶
func (o *TaskExtraLinks) SetClassRef(v ClassReference)
SetClassRef gets a reference to the given ClassReference and assigns it to the ClassRef field.
type TaskInstance ¶
type TaskInstance struct { TaskId *string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` DagId *string `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` // The DagRun ID for this task instance *New in version 2.3.0* DagRunId *string `json:"dag_run_id,omitempty"` ExecutionDate *string `json:"execution_date,omitempty"` StartDate NullableString `json:"start_date,omitempty"` EndDate NullableString `json:"end_date,omitempty"` Duration NullableFloat32 `json:"duration,omitempty"` State *TaskState `json:"state,omitempty"` TryNumber *int32 `json:"try_number,omitempty"` MapIndex *int32 `json:"map_index,omitempty"` MaxTries *int32 `json:"max_tries,omitempty"` Hostname *string `json:"hostname,omitempty"` Unixname *string `json:"unixname,omitempty"` Pool *string `json:"pool,omitempty"` PoolSlots *int32 `json:"pool_slots,omitempty"` Queue NullableString `json:"queue,omitempty"` PriorityWeight NullableInt32 `json:"priority_weight,omitempty"` // *Changed in version 2.1.1*: Field becomes nullable. Operator NullableString `json:"operator,omitempty"` QueuedWhen NullableString `json:"queued_when,omitempty"` Pid NullableInt32 `json:"pid,omitempty"` ExecutorConfig *string `json:"executor_config,omitempty"` SlaMiss NullableSLAMiss `json:"sla_miss,omitempty"` // JSON object describing rendered fields. *New in version 2.3.0* RenderedFields *map[string]interface{} `json:"rendered_fields,omitempty"` Trigger *Trigger `json:"trigger,omitempty"` TriggererJob *Job `json:"triggerer_job,omitempty"` // Contains manually entered notes by the user about the TaskInstance. *New in version 2.5.0* Note NullableString `json:"note,omitempty"` }
TaskInstance struct for TaskInstance
func NewTaskInstance ¶
func NewTaskInstance() *TaskInstance
NewTaskInstance instantiates a new TaskInstance object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTaskInstanceWithDefaults ¶
func NewTaskInstanceWithDefaults() *TaskInstance
NewTaskInstanceWithDefaults instantiates a new TaskInstance object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*TaskInstance) GetDagId ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetDagId() string
GetDagId returns the DagId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetDagIdOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetDagRunId ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetDagRunId() string
GetDagRunId returns the DagRunId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetDagRunIdOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetDagRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDagRunIdOk returns a tuple with the DagRunId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetDuration ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetDuration() float32
GetDuration returns the Duration field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*TaskInstance) GetDurationOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetDurationOk() (*float32, bool)
GetDurationOk returns a tuple with the Duration field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*TaskInstance) GetEndDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetEndDate() string
GetEndDate returns the EndDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*TaskInstance) GetEndDateOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetEndDateOk() (*string, bool)
GetEndDateOk returns a tuple with the EndDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*TaskInstance) GetExecutionDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetExecutionDate() string
GetExecutionDate returns the ExecutionDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetExecutionDateOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetExecutionDateOk() (*string, bool)
GetExecutionDateOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetExecutorConfig ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetExecutorConfig() string
GetExecutorConfig returns the ExecutorConfig field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetExecutorConfigOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetExecutorConfigOk() (*string, bool)
GetExecutorConfigOk returns a tuple with the ExecutorConfig field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetHostname ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetHostname() string
GetHostname returns the Hostname field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetHostnameOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetHostnameOk() (*string, bool)
GetHostnameOk returns a tuple with the Hostname field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetMapIndex ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetMapIndex() int32
GetMapIndex returns the MapIndex field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetMapIndexOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetMapIndexOk() (*int32, bool)
GetMapIndexOk returns a tuple with the MapIndex field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetMaxTries ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetMaxTries() int32
GetMaxTries returns the MaxTries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetMaxTriesOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetMaxTriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetMaxTriesOk returns a tuple with the MaxTries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetNote ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetNote() string
GetNote returns the Note field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*TaskInstance) GetNoteOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetNoteOk() (*string, bool)
GetNoteOk returns a tuple with the Note field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*TaskInstance) GetOperator ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetOperator() string
GetOperator returns the Operator field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*TaskInstance) GetOperatorOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetOperatorOk() (*string, bool)
GetOperatorOk returns a tuple with the Operator field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*TaskInstance) GetPid ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetPid() int32
GetPid returns the Pid field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*TaskInstance) GetPidOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetPidOk() (*int32, bool)
GetPidOk returns a tuple with the Pid field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*TaskInstance) GetPool ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetPool() string
GetPool returns the Pool field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetPoolOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetPoolOk() (*string, bool)
GetPoolOk returns a tuple with the Pool field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetPoolSlots ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetPoolSlots() int32
GetPoolSlots returns the PoolSlots field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetPoolSlotsOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetPoolSlotsOk() (*int32, bool)
GetPoolSlotsOk returns a tuple with the PoolSlots field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetPriorityWeight ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetPriorityWeight() int32
GetPriorityWeight returns the PriorityWeight field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*TaskInstance) GetPriorityWeightOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetPriorityWeightOk() (*int32, bool)
GetPriorityWeightOk returns a tuple with the PriorityWeight field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*TaskInstance) GetQueue ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetQueue() string
GetQueue returns the Queue field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*TaskInstance) GetQueueOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetQueueOk() (*string, bool)
GetQueueOk returns a tuple with the Queue field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*TaskInstance) GetQueuedWhen ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetQueuedWhen() string
GetQueuedWhen returns the QueuedWhen field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*TaskInstance) GetQueuedWhenOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetQueuedWhenOk() (*string, bool)
GetQueuedWhenOk returns a tuple with the QueuedWhen field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*TaskInstance) GetRenderedFields ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetRenderedFields() map[string]interface{}
GetRenderedFields returns the RenderedFields field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetRenderedFieldsOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetRenderedFieldsOk() (*map[string]interface{}, bool)
GetRenderedFieldsOk returns a tuple with the RenderedFields field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetSlaMiss ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetSlaMiss() SLAMiss
GetSlaMiss returns the SlaMiss field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*TaskInstance) GetSlaMissOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetSlaMissOk() (*SLAMiss, bool)
GetSlaMissOk returns a tuple with the SlaMiss field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*TaskInstance) GetStartDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetStartDate() string
GetStartDate returns the StartDate field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*TaskInstance) GetStartDateOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetStartDateOk() (*string, bool)
GetStartDateOk returns a tuple with the StartDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*TaskInstance) GetState ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetState() TaskState
GetState returns the State field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetStateOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetStateOk() (*TaskState, bool)
GetStateOk returns a tuple with the State field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetTaskId ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetTaskId() string
GetTaskId returns the TaskId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetTaskIdOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the TaskId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetTrigger ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetTrigger() Trigger
GetTrigger returns the Trigger field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetTriggerOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetTriggerOk() (*Trigger, bool)
GetTriggerOk returns a tuple with the Trigger field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetTriggererJob ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetTriggererJob() Job
GetTriggererJob returns the TriggererJob field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetTriggererJobOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetTriggererJobOk() (*Job, bool)
GetTriggererJobOk returns a tuple with the TriggererJob field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetTryNumber ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetTryNumber() int32
GetTryNumber returns the TryNumber field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetTryNumberOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetTryNumberOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTryNumberOk returns a tuple with the TryNumber field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) GetUnixname ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetUnixname() string
GetUnixname returns the Unixname field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstance) GetUnixnameOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) GetUnixnameOk() (*string, bool)
GetUnixnameOk returns a tuple with the Unixname field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasDagId ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasDagId() bool
HasDagId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasDagRunId ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasDagRunId() bool
HasDagRunId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasDuration ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasDuration() bool
HasDuration returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasEndDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasEndDate() bool
HasEndDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasExecutionDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasExecutionDate() bool
HasExecutionDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasExecutorConfig ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasExecutorConfig() bool
HasExecutorConfig returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasHostname ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasHostname() bool
HasHostname returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasMapIndex ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasMapIndex() bool
HasMapIndex returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasMaxTries ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasMaxTries() bool
HasMaxTries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasNote ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasNote() bool
HasNote returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasOperator ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasOperator() bool
HasOperator returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasPid ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasPid() bool
HasPid returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasPool ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasPool() bool
HasPool returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasPoolSlots ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasPoolSlots() bool
HasPoolSlots returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasPriorityWeight ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasPriorityWeight() bool
HasPriorityWeight returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasQueue ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasQueue() bool
HasQueue returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasQueuedWhen ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasQueuedWhen() bool
HasQueuedWhen returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasRenderedFields ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasRenderedFields() bool
HasRenderedFields returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasSlaMiss ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasSlaMiss() bool
HasSlaMiss returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasStartDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasStartDate() bool
HasStartDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasState ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasState() bool
HasState returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasTaskId ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasTaskId() bool
HasTaskId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasTrigger ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasTrigger() bool
HasTrigger returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasTriggererJob ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasTriggererJob() bool
HasTriggererJob returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasTryNumber ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasTryNumber() bool
HasTryNumber returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstance) HasUnixname ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) HasUnixname() bool
HasUnixname returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (TaskInstance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o TaskInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*TaskInstance) SetDagId ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetDagId(v string)
SetDagId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetDagRunId ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetDagRunId(v string)
SetDagRunId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagRunId field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetDuration ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetDuration(v float32)
SetDuration gets a reference to the given NullableFloat32 and assigns it to the Duration field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetDurationNil ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetDurationNil()
SetDurationNil sets the value for Duration to be an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) SetEndDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetEndDate(v string)
SetEndDate gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the EndDate field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetEndDateNil ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetEndDateNil()
SetEndDateNil sets the value for EndDate to be an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) SetExecutionDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetExecutionDate(v string)
SetExecutionDate gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ExecutionDate field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetExecutorConfig ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetExecutorConfig(v string)
SetExecutorConfig gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ExecutorConfig field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetHostname ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetHostname(v string)
SetHostname gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Hostname field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetMapIndex ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetMapIndex(v int32)
SetMapIndex gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the MapIndex field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetMaxTries ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetMaxTries(v int32)
SetMaxTries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the MaxTries field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetNote ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetNote(v string)
SetNote gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Note field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetNoteNil ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetNoteNil()
SetNoteNil sets the value for Note to be an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) SetOperator ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetOperator(v string)
SetOperator gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Operator field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetOperatorNil ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetOperatorNil()
SetOperatorNil sets the value for Operator to be an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) SetPid ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetPid(v int32)
SetPid gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the Pid field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetPidNil ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetPidNil()
SetPidNil sets the value for Pid to be an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) SetPool ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetPool(v string)
SetPool gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Pool field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetPoolSlots ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetPoolSlots(v int32)
SetPoolSlots gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the PoolSlots field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetPriorityWeight ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetPriorityWeight(v int32)
SetPriorityWeight gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the PriorityWeight field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetPriorityWeightNil ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetPriorityWeightNil()
SetPriorityWeightNil sets the value for PriorityWeight to be an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) SetQueue ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetQueue(v string)
SetQueue gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Queue field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetQueueNil ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetQueueNil()
SetQueueNil sets the value for Queue to be an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) SetQueuedWhen ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetQueuedWhen(v string)
SetQueuedWhen gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the QueuedWhen field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetQueuedWhenNil ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetQueuedWhenNil()
SetQueuedWhenNil sets the value for QueuedWhen to be an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) SetRenderedFields ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetRenderedFields(v map[string]interface{})
SetRenderedFields gets a reference to the given map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the RenderedFields field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetSlaMiss ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetSlaMiss(v SLAMiss)
SetSlaMiss gets a reference to the given NullableSLAMiss and assigns it to the SlaMiss field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetSlaMissNil ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetSlaMissNil()
SetSlaMissNil sets the value for SlaMiss to be an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) SetStartDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetStartDate(v string)
SetStartDate gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the StartDate field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetStartDateNil ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetStartDateNil()
SetStartDateNil sets the value for StartDate to be an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) SetState ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetState(v TaskState)
SetState gets a reference to the given TaskState and assigns it to the State field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetTaskId ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetTaskId(v string)
SetTaskId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TaskId field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetTrigger ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetTrigger(v Trigger)
SetTrigger gets a reference to the given Trigger and assigns it to the Trigger field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetTriggererJob ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetTriggererJob(v Job)
SetTriggererJob gets a reference to the given Job and assigns it to the TriggererJob field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetTryNumber ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetTryNumber(v int32)
SetTryNumber gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TryNumber field.
func (*TaskInstance) SetUnixname ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) SetUnixname(v string)
SetUnixname gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Unixname field.
func (*TaskInstance) UnsetDuration ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetDuration()
UnsetDuration ensures that no value is present for Duration, not even an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) UnsetEndDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetEndDate()
UnsetEndDate ensures that no value is present for EndDate, not even an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) UnsetNote ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetNote()
UnsetNote ensures that no value is present for Note, not even an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) UnsetOperator ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetOperator()
UnsetOperator ensures that no value is present for Operator, not even an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) UnsetPid ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetPid()
UnsetPid ensures that no value is present for Pid, not even an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) UnsetPriorityWeight ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetPriorityWeight()
UnsetPriorityWeight ensures that no value is present for PriorityWeight, not even an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) UnsetQueue ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetQueue()
UnsetQueue ensures that no value is present for Queue, not even an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) UnsetQueuedWhen ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetQueuedWhen()
UnsetQueuedWhen ensures that no value is present for QueuedWhen, not even an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) UnsetSlaMiss ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetSlaMiss()
UnsetSlaMiss ensures that no value is present for SlaMiss, not even an explicit nil
func (*TaskInstance) UnsetStartDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstance) UnsetStartDate()
UnsetStartDate ensures that no value is present for StartDate, not even an explicit nil
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetExtraLinksRequest ¶
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetExtraLinksRequest struct { ApiService *TaskInstanceApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetExtraLinksRequest) Execute ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetExtraLinksRequest) Execute() (ExtraLinkCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest ¶
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest struct { ApiService *TaskInstanceApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) Execute ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) Execute() (InlineResponse200, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) FullContent ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) FullContent(fullContent bool) TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest
A full content will be returned. By default, only the first fragment will be returned.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) MapIndex ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) MapIndex(mapIndex int32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest
Filter on map index for mapped task.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) Token ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) Token(token string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest
A token that allows you to continue fetching logs. If passed, it will specify the location from which the download should be continued.
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstanceRequest ¶
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstanceRequest struct { ApiService *TaskInstanceApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstanceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstanceRequest) Execute() (TaskInstance, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest ¶
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest struct { ApiService *TaskInstanceApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) DurationGte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) DurationGte(durationGte float32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects greater than or equal to the specified values. This can be combined with duration_lte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) DurationLte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) DurationLte(durationLte float32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects less than or equal to the specified values. This can be combined with duration_gte parameter to receive only the selected range.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) EndDateGte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) EndDateGte(endDateGte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) EndDateLte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) EndDateLte(endDateLte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Execute ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Execute() (TaskInstanceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) ExecutionDateGte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) ExecutionDateGte(executionDateGte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects greater or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) ExecutionDateLte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) ExecutionDateLte(executionDateLte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Limit ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Limit(limit int32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Offset ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Offset(offset int32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Pool ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Pool(pool []string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition).
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Queue ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) Queue(queue []string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition).
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) StartDateGte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) StartDateGte(startDateGte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) StartDateLte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) StartDateLte(startDateLte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects less or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) State ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) State(state []string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition).
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstanceRequest ¶
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstanceRequest struct { ApiService *TaskInstanceApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstanceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstanceRequest) Execute() (TaskInstance, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest ¶
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest struct { ApiService *TaskInstanceApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest) Execute ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest) Execute() (TaskInstanceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest) ListTaskInstanceForm ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest) ListTaskInstanceForm(listTaskInstanceForm ListTaskInstanceForm) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest ¶
type TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest struct { ApiService *TaskInstanceApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) DurationGte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) DurationGte(durationGte float32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects greater than or equal to the specified values. This can be combined with duration_lte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) DurationLte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) DurationLte(durationLte float32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects less than or equal to the specified values. This can be combined with duration_gte parameter to receive only the selected range.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) EndDateGte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) EndDateGte(endDateGte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) EndDateLte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) EndDateLte(endDateLte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Execute ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Execute() (TaskInstanceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) ExecutionDateGte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) ExecutionDateGte(executionDateGte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects greater or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) ExecutionDateLte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) ExecutionDateLte(executionDateLte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date. This can be combined with execution_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Limit ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Limit(limit int32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Offset ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Offset(offset int32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Pool ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Pool(pool []string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition).
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Queue ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) Queue(queue []string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition).
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) StartDateGte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) StartDateGte(startDateGte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects greater or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) StartDateLte ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) StartDateLte(startDateLte time.Time) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
Returns objects less or equal the specified date. This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the selected period.
func (TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) State ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) State(state []string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR condition).
type TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest ¶
type TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest struct { ApiService *TaskInstanceApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest) Execute() (TaskInstanceReference, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest) UpdateTaskInstance ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest) UpdateTaskInstance(updateTaskInstance UpdateTaskInstance) TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest
Parameters of action
type TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest ¶
type TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest struct { ApiService *TaskInstanceApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest) Execute ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest) Execute() (TaskInstanceReference, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest) UpdateTaskInstance ¶
func (r TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest) UpdateTaskInstance(updateTaskInstance UpdateTaskInstance) TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest
Parameters of action
type TaskInstanceApiService ¶
type TaskInstanceApiService service
TaskInstanceApiService TaskInstanceApi service
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetExtraLinks ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetExtraLinks(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetExtraLinksRequest
GetExtraLinks List extra links
List extra links for task instance.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @param taskId The task ID. @return TaskInstanceApiApiGetExtraLinksRequest
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetExtraLinksExecute ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetExtraLinksExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetExtraLinksRequest) (ExtraLinkCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return ExtraLinkCollection
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetLog ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetLog(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string, taskTryNumber int32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest
GetLog Get logs
Get logs for a specific task instance and its try number.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @param taskId The task ID. @param taskTryNumber The task try number. @return TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetLogExecute ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetLogExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetLogRequest) (InlineResponse200, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return InlineResponse200
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetMappedTaskInstance ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetMappedTaskInstance(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string, mapIndex int32) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstanceRequest
GetMappedTaskInstance Get a mapped task instance
Get details of a mapped task instance.
*New in version 2.3.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @param taskId The task ID. @param mapIndex The map index. @return TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstanceRequest
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetMappedTaskInstanceExecute ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetMappedTaskInstanceExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstanceRequest) (TaskInstance, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return TaskInstance
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetMappedTaskInstances ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetMappedTaskInstances(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
GetMappedTaskInstances List mapped task instances
Get details of all mapped task instances.
*New in version 2.3.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @param taskId The task ID. @return TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetMappedTaskInstancesExecute ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetMappedTaskInstancesExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetMappedTaskInstancesRequest) (TaskInstanceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return TaskInstanceCollection
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstance ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstance(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstanceRequest
GetTaskInstance Get a task instance
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @param taskId The task ID. @return TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstanceRequest
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstanceExecute ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstanceExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstanceRequest) (TaskInstance, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return TaskInstance
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstances ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstances(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
GetTaskInstances List task instances
This endpoint allows specifying `~` as the dag_id, dag_run_id to retrieve DAG runs for all DAGs and DAG runs.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @return TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstancesBatch ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstancesBatch(ctx _context.Context) TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest
GetTaskInstancesBatch List task instances (batch)
List task instances from all DAGs and DAG runs. This endpoint is a POST to allow filtering across a large number of DAG IDs, where as a GET it would run in to maximum HTTP request URL length limits.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstancesBatchExecute ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstancesBatchExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesBatchRequest) (TaskInstanceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return TaskInstanceCollection
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstancesExecute ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) GetTaskInstancesExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiGetTaskInstancesRequest) (TaskInstanceCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return TaskInstanceCollection
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) PatchMappedTaskInstance ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) PatchMappedTaskInstance(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string, mapIndex int32) TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest
PatchMappedTaskInstance Updates the state of a mapped task instance
Updates the state for single mapped task instance. *New in version 2.5.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @param taskId The task ID. @param mapIndex The map index. @return TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) PatchMappedTaskInstanceExecute ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) PatchMappedTaskInstanceExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiPatchMappedTaskInstanceRequest) (TaskInstanceReference, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return TaskInstanceReference
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) PatchTaskInstance ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) PatchTaskInstance(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string) TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest
PatchTaskInstance Updates the state of a task instance
Updates the state for single task instance. *New in version 2.5.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @param taskId The task ID. @return TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest
func (*TaskInstanceApiService) PatchTaskInstanceExecute ¶
func (a *TaskInstanceApiService) PatchTaskInstanceExecute(r TaskInstanceApiApiPatchTaskInstanceRequest) (TaskInstanceReference, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return TaskInstanceReference
type TaskInstanceCollection ¶
type TaskInstanceCollection struct { TaskInstances *[]TaskInstance `json:"task_instances,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
TaskInstanceCollection Collection of task instances. *Changed in version 2.1.0*: 'total_entries' field is added.
func NewTaskInstanceCollection ¶
func NewTaskInstanceCollection() *TaskInstanceCollection
NewTaskInstanceCollection instantiates a new TaskInstanceCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTaskInstanceCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewTaskInstanceCollectionWithDefaults() *TaskInstanceCollection
NewTaskInstanceCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new TaskInstanceCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*TaskInstanceCollection) GetTaskInstances ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) GetTaskInstances() []TaskInstance
GetTaskInstances returns the TaskInstances field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstanceCollection) GetTaskInstancesOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) GetTaskInstancesOk() (*[]TaskInstance, bool)
GetTaskInstancesOk returns a tuple with the TaskInstances field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstanceCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstanceCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstanceCollection) HasTaskInstances ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) HasTaskInstances() bool
HasTaskInstances returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstanceCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (TaskInstanceCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o TaskInstanceCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*TaskInstanceCollection) SetTaskInstances ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) SetTaskInstances(v []TaskInstance)
SetTaskInstances gets a reference to the given []TaskInstance and assigns it to the TaskInstances field.
func (*TaskInstanceCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
type TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf ¶
type TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf struct {
TaskInstances *[]TaskInstance `json:"task_instances,omitempty"`
TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf struct for TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf
func NewTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf() *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf
NewTaskInstanceCollectionAllOf instantiates a new TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTaskInstanceCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewTaskInstanceCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf
NewTaskInstanceCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) GetTaskInstances ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) GetTaskInstances() []TaskInstance
GetTaskInstances returns the TaskInstances field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) GetTaskInstancesOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) GetTaskInstancesOk() (*[]TaskInstance, bool)
GetTaskInstancesOk returns a tuple with the TaskInstances field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) HasTaskInstances ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) HasTaskInstances() bool
HasTaskInstances returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) SetTaskInstances ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceCollectionAllOf) SetTaskInstances(v []TaskInstance)
SetTaskInstances gets a reference to the given []TaskInstance and assigns it to the TaskInstances field.
type TaskInstanceReference ¶
type TaskInstanceReference struct { // The task ID. TaskId *string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` // The DAG ID. DagId *string `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` ExecutionDate *string `json:"execution_date,omitempty"` // The DAG run ID. DagRunId *string `json:"dag_run_id,omitempty"` }
TaskInstanceReference struct for TaskInstanceReference
func NewTaskInstanceReference ¶
func NewTaskInstanceReference() *TaskInstanceReference
NewTaskInstanceReference instantiates a new TaskInstanceReference object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTaskInstanceReferenceWithDefaults ¶
func NewTaskInstanceReferenceWithDefaults() *TaskInstanceReference
NewTaskInstanceReferenceWithDefaults instantiates a new TaskInstanceReference object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*TaskInstanceReference) GetDagId ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetDagId() string
GetDagId returns the DagId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) GetDagIdOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) GetDagRunId ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetDagRunId() string
GetDagRunId returns the DagRunId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) GetDagRunIdOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetDagRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDagRunIdOk returns a tuple with the DagRunId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) GetExecutionDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetExecutionDate() string
GetExecutionDate returns the ExecutionDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) GetExecutionDateOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetExecutionDateOk() (*string, bool)
GetExecutionDateOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) GetTaskId ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetTaskId() string
GetTaskId returns the TaskId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) GetTaskIdOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the TaskId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) HasDagId ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) HasDagId() bool
HasDagId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) HasDagRunId ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) HasDagRunId() bool
HasDagRunId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) HasExecutionDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) HasExecutionDate() bool
HasExecutionDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) HasTaskId ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) HasTaskId() bool
HasTaskId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (TaskInstanceReference) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o TaskInstanceReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*TaskInstanceReference) SetDagId ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) SetDagId(v string)
SetDagId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) SetDagRunId ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) SetDagRunId(v string)
SetDagRunId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagRunId field.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) SetExecutionDate ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) SetExecutionDate(v string)
SetExecutionDate gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ExecutionDate field.
func (*TaskInstanceReference) SetTaskId ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReference) SetTaskId(v string)
SetTaskId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TaskId field.
type TaskInstanceReferenceCollection ¶
type TaskInstanceReferenceCollection struct {
TaskInstances *[]TaskInstanceReference `json:"task_instances,omitempty"`
TaskInstanceReferenceCollection struct for TaskInstanceReferenceCollection
func NewTaskInstanceReferenceCollection ¶
func NewTaskInstanceReferenceCollection() *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection
NewTaskInstanceReferenceCollection instantiates a new TaskInstanceReferenceCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTaskInstanceReferenceCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewTaskInstanceReferenceCollectionWithDefaults() *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection
NewTaskInstanceReferenceCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new TaskInstanceReferenceCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) GetTaskInstances ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) GetTaskInstances() []TaskInstanceReference
GetTaskInstances returns the TaskInstances field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) GetTaskInstancesOk ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) GetTaskInstancesOk() (*[]TaskInstanceReference, bool)
GetTaskInstancesOk returns a tuple with the TaskInstances field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) HasTaskInstances ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) HasTaskInstances() bool
HasTaskInstances returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) SetTaskInstances ¶
func (o *TaskInstanceReferenceCollection) SetTaskInstances(v []TaskInstanceReference)
SetTaskInstances gets a reference to the given []TaskInstanceReference and assigns it to the TaskInstances field.
type TaskOutletDatasetReference ¶
type TaskOutletDatasetReference struct { // The DAG ID that updates the dataset. DagId NullableString `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` // The task ID that updates the dataset. TaskId NullableString `json:"task_id,omitempty"` // The dataset creation time CreatedAt *string `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // The dataset update time UpdatedAt *string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
TaskOutletDatasetReference A datasets reference to an upstream task. *New in version 2.4.0*
func NewTaskOutletDatasetReference ¶
func NewTaskOutletDatasetReference() *TaskOutletDatasetReference
NewTaskOutletDatasetReference instantiates a new TaskOutletDatasetReference object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTaskOutletDatasetReferenceWithDefaults ¶
func NewTaskOutletDatasetReferenceWithDefaults() *TaskOutletDatasetReference
NewTaskOutletDatasetReferenceWithDefaults instantiates a new TaskOutletDatasetReference object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetCreatedAt() string
GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetCreatedAtOk ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetCreatedAtOk() (*string, bool)
GetCreatedAtOk returns a tuple with the CreatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetDagId ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetDagId() string
GetDagId returns the DagId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetDagIdOk ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetTaskId ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetTaskId() string
GetTaskId returns the TaskId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetTaskIdOk ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the TaskId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetUpdatedAt() string
GetUpdatedAt returns the UpdatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetUpdatedAtOk ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) GetUpdatedAtOk() (*string, bool)
GetUpdatedAtOk returns a tuple with the UpdatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) HasCreatedAt ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) HasCreatedAt() bool
HasCreatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) HasDagId ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) HasDagId() bool
HasDagId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) HasTaskId ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) HasTaskId() bool
HasTaskId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) HasUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) HasUpdatedAt() bool
HasUpdatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (TaskOutletDatasetReference) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o TaskOutletDatasetReference) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetCreatedAt(v string)
SetCreatedAt gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the CreatedAt field.
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetDagId ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetDagId(v string)
SetDagId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetDagIdNil ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetDagIdNil()
SetDagIdNil sets the value for DagId to be an explicit nil
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetTaskId ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetTaskId(v string)
SetTaskId gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the TaskId field.
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetTaskIdNil ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetTaskIdNil()
SetTaskIdNil sets the value for TaskId to be an explicit nil
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) SetUpdatedAt(v string)
SetUpdatedAt gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the UpdatedAt field.
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) UnsetDagId ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) UnsetDagId()
UnsetDagId ensures that no value is present for DagId, not even an explicit nil
func (*TaskOutletDatasetReference) UnsetTaskId ¶
func (o *TaskOutletDatasetReference) UnsetTaskId()
UnsetTaskId ensures that no value is present for TaskId, not even an explicit nil
type TaskState ¶
type TaskState string
TaskState Task state. *Changed in version 2.0.2*: 'removed' is added as a possible value. *Changed in version 2.2.0*: 'deferred' is added as a possible value. *Changed in version 2.4.0*: 'sensing' state has been removed. *Changed in version 2.4.2*: 'restarting' is added as a possible value
const ( TASKSTATE_SUCCESS TaskState = "success" TASKSTATE_RUNNING TaskState = "running" TASKSTATE_FAILED TaskState = "failed" TASKSTATE_UPSTREAM_FAILED TaskState = "upstream_failed" TASKSTATE_SKIPPED TaskState = "skipped" TASKSTATE_UP_FOR_RETRY TaskState = "up_for_retry" TASKSTATE_UP_FOR_RESCHEDULE TaskState = "up_for_reschedule" TASKSTATE_QUEUED TaskState = "queued" TASKSTATE_NONE TaskState = "none" TASKSTATE_SCHEDULED TaskState = "scheduled" TASKSTATE_DEFERRED TaskState = "deferred" TASKSTATE_REMOVED TaskState = "removed" TASKSTATE_RESTARTING TaskState = "restarting" )
List of TaskState
func NewTaskStateFromValue ¶
NewTaskStateFromValue returns a pointer to a valid TaskState for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum
func (*TaskState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TimeDelta ¶
type TimeDelta struct { Type string `json:"__type"` Days int32 `json:"days"` Seconds int32 `json:"seconds"` Microseconds int32 `json:"microseconds"` }
TimeDelta Time delta
func NewTimeDelta ¶
NewTimeDelta instantiates a new TimeDelta object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTimeDeltaWithDefaults ¶
func NewTimeDeltaWithDefaults() *TimeDelta
NewTimeDeltaWithDefaults instantiates a new TimeDelta object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*TimeDelta) GetDaysOk ¶
GetDaysOk returns a tuple with the Days field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TimeDelta) GetMicroseconds ¶
GetMicroseconds returns the Microseconds field value
func (*TimeDelta) GetMicrosecondsOk ¶
GetMicrosecondsOk returns a tuple with the Microseconds field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TimeDelta) GetSeconds ¶
GetSeconds returns the Seconds field value
func (*TimeDelta) GetSecondsOk ¶
GetSecondsOk returns a tuple with the Seconds field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*TimeDelta) GetTypeOk ¶
GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (TimeDelta) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*TimeDelta) SetMicroseconds ¶
SetMicroseconds sets field value
type Trigger ¶
type Trigger struct { Id *int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` Classpath *string `json:"classpath,omitempty"` Kwargs *string `json:"kwargs,omitempty"` CreatedDate *string `json:"created_date,omitempty"` TriggererId NullableInt32 `json:"triggerer_id,omitempty"` }
Trigger struct for Trigger
func NewTrigger ¶
func NewTrigger() *Trigger
NewTrigger instantiates a new Trigger object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewTriggerWithDefaults ¶
func NewTriggerWithDefaults() *Trigger
NewTriggerWithDefaults instantiates a new Trigger object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Trigger) GetClasspath ¶
GetClasspath returns the Classpath field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Trigger) GetClasspathOk ¶
GetClasspathOk returns a tuple with the Classpath field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Trigger) GetCreatedDate ¶
GetCreatedDate returns the CreatedDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*Trigger) GetCreatedDateOk ¶
GetCreatedDateOk returns a tuple with the CreatedDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Trigger) GetIdOk ¶
GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Trigger) GetKwargsOk ¶
GetKwargsOk returns a tuple with the Kwargs field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Trigger) GetTriggererId ¶
GetTriggererId returns the TriggererId field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Trigger) GetTriggererIdOk ¶
GetTriggererIdOk returns a tuple with the TriggererId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Trigger) HasClasspath ¶
HasClasspath returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Trigger) HasCreatedDate ¶
HasCreatedDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*Trigger) HasTriggererId ¶
HasTriggererId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (Trigger) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Trigger) SetClasspath ¶
SetClasspath gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Classpath field.
func (*Trigger) SetCreatedDate ¶
SetCreatedDate gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the CreatedDate field.
func (*Trigger) SetKwargs ¶
SetKwargs gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Kwargs field.
func (*Trigger) SetTriggererId ¶
SetTriggererId gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the TriggererId field.
func (*Trigger) SetTriggererIdNil ¶
func (o *Trigger) SetTriggererIdNil()
SetTriggererIdNil sets the value for TriggererId to be an explicit nil
func (*Trigger) UnsetTriggererId ¶
func (o *Trigger) UnsetTriggererId()
UnsetTriggererId ensures that no value is present for TriggererId, not even an explicit nil
type TriggerRule ¶
type TriggerRule string
TriggerRule Trigger rule. *Changed in version 2.2.0*: 'none_failed_min_one_success' is added as a possible value.
const ( TRIGGERRULE_ALL_SUCCESS TriggerRule = "all_success" TRIGGERRULE_ALL_FAILED TriggerRule = "all_failed" TRIGGERRULE_ALL_DONE TriggerRule = "all_done" TRIGGERRULE_ONE_SUCCESS TriggerRule = "one_success" TRIGGERRULE_ONE_FAILED TriggerRule = "one_failed" TRIGGERRULE_NONE_FAILED TriggerRule = "none_failed" TRIGGERRULE_NONE_SKIPPED TriggerRule = "none_skipped" TRIGGERRULE_NONE_FAILED_OR_SKIPPED TriggerRule = "none_failed_or_skipped" TRIGGERRULE_NONE_FAILED_MIN_ONE_SUCCESS TriggerRule = "none_failed_min_one_success" TRIGGERRULE_DUMMY TriggerRule = "dummy" )
List of TriggerRule
func NewTriggerRuleFromValue ¶
func NewTriggerRuleFromValue(v string) (*TriggerRule, error)
NewTriggerRuleFromValue returns a pointer to a valid TriggerRule for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum
func (TriggerRule) IsValid ¶
func (v TriggerRule) IsValid() bool
IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise
func (TriggerRule) Ptr ¶
func (v TriggerRule) Ptr() *TriggerRule
Ptr returns reference to TriggerRule value
func (*TriggerRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *TriggerRule) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
type UpdateDagRunState ¶
type UpdateDagRunState struct { // The state to set this DagRun State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` }
UpdateDagRunState Modify the state of a DAG run. *New in version 2.2.0*
func NewUpdateDagRunState ¶
func NewUpdateDagRunState() *UpdateDagRunState
NewUpdateDagRunState instantiates a new UpdateDagRunState object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateDagRunStateWithDefaults ¶
func NewUpdateDagRunStateWithDefaults() *UpdateDagRunState
NewUpdateDagRunStateWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateDagRunState object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateDagRunState) GetState ¶
func (o *UpdateDagRunState) GetState() string
GetState returns the State field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateDagRunState) GetStateOk ¶
func (o *UpdateDagRunState) GetStateOk() (*string, bool)
GetStateOk returns a tuple with the State field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateDagRunState) HasState ¶
func (o *UpdateDagRunState) HasState() bool
HasState returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (UpdateDagRunState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UpdateDagRunState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpdateDagRunState) SetState ¶
func (o *UpdateDagRunState) SetState(v string)
SetState gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the State field.
type UpdateTaskInstance ¶
type UpdateTaskInstance struct { // If set, don't actually run this operation. The response will contain the task instance planned to be affected, but won't be modified in any way. DryRun *bool `json:"dry_run,omitempty"` // Expected new state. NewState *string `json:"new_state,omitempty"` }
UpdateTaskInstance struct for UpdateTaskInstance
func NewUpdateTaskInstance ¶
func NewUpdateTaskInstance() *UpdateTaskInstance
NewUpdateTaskInstance instantiates a new UpdateTaskInstance object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateTaskInstanceWithDefaults ¶
func NewUpdateTaskInstanceWithDefaults() *UpdateTaskInstance
NewUpdateTaskInstanceWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateTaskInstance object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateTaskInstance) GetDryRun ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) GetDryRun() bool
GetDryRun returns the DryRun field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateTaskInstance) GetDryRunOk ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) GetDryRunOk() (*bool, bool)
GetDryRunOk returns a tuple with the DryRun field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstance) GetNewState ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) GetNewState() string
GetNewState returns the NewState field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateTaskInstance) GetNewStateOk ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) GetNewStateOk() (*string, bool)
GetNewStateOk returns a tuple with the NewState field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstance) HasDryRun ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) HasDryRun() bool
HasDryRun returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstance) HasNewState ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) HasNewState() bool
HasNewState returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (UpdateTaskInstance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UpdateTaskInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpdateTaskInstance) SetDryRun ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) SetDryRun(v bool)
SetDryRun gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the DryRun field.
func (*UpdateTaskInstance) SetNewState ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstance) SetNewState(v string)
SetNewState gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the NewState field.
type UpdateTaskInstancesState ¶
type UpdateTaskInstancesState struct { // If set, don't actually run this operation. The response will contain a list of task instances planned to be affected, but won't be modified in any way. DryRun *bool `json:"dry_run,omitempty"` // The task ID. TaskId *string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` // The execution date. Either set this or dag_run_id but not both. ExecutionDate *string `json:"execution_date,omitempty"` // The task instance's DAG run ID. Either set this or execution_date but not both. *New in version 2.3.0* DagRunId *string `json:"dag_run_id,omitempty"` // If set to true, upstream tasks are also affected. IncludeUpstream *bool `json:"include_upstream,omitempty"` // If set to true, downstream tasks are also affected. IncludeDownstream *bool `json:"include_downstream,omitempty"` // If set to True, also tasks from future DAG Runs are affected. IncludeFuture *bool `json:"include_future,omitempty"` // If set to True, also tasks from past DAG Runs are affected. IncludePast *bool `json:"include_past,omitempty"` // Expected new state. NewState *string `json:"new_state,omitempty"` }
UpdateTaskInstancesState struct for UpdateTaskInstancesState
func NewUpdateTaskInstancesState ¶
func NewUpdateTaskInstancesState() *UpdateTaskInstancesState
NewUpdateTaskInstancesState instantiates a new UpdateTaskInstancesState object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUpdateTaskInstancesStateWithDefaults ¶
func NewUpdateTaskInstancesStateWithDefaults() *UpdateTaskInstancesState
NewUpdateTaskInstancesStateWithDefaults instantiates a new UpdateTaskInstancesState object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetDagRunId ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetDagRunId() string
GetDagRunId returns the DagRunId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetDagRunIdOk ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetDagRunIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDagRunIdOk returns a tuple with the DagRunId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetDryRun ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetDryRun() bool
GetDryRun returns the DryRun field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetDryRunOk ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetDryRunOk() (*bool, bool)
GetDryRunOk returns a tuple with the DryRun field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetExecutionDate ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetExecutionDate() string
GetExecutionDate returns the ExecutionDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetExecutionDateOk ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetExecutionDateOk() (*string, bool)
GetExecutionDateOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeDownstream ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeDownstream() bool
GetIncludeDownstream returns the IncludeDownstream field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeDownstreamOk ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeDownstreamOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIncludeDownstreamOk returns a tuple with the IncludeDownstream field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeFuture ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeFuture() bool
GetIncludeFuture returns the IncludeFuture field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeFutureOk ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeFutureOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIncludeFutureOk returns a tuple with the IncludeFuture field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludePast ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludePast() bool
GetIncludePast returns the IncludePast field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludePastOk ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludePastOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIncludePastOk returns a tuple with the IncludePast field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeUpstream ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeUpstream() bool
GetIncludeUpstream returns the IncludeUpstream field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeUpstreamOk ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetIncludeUpstreamOk() (*bool, bool)
GetIncludeUpstreamOk returns a tuple with the IncludeUpstream field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetNewState ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetNewState() string
GetNewState returns the NewState field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetNewStateOk ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetNewStateOk() (*string, bool)
GetNewStateOk returns a tuple with the NewState field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetTaskId ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetTaskId() string
GetTaskId returns the TaskId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetTaskIdOk ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the TaskId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasDagRunId ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasDagRunId() bool
HasDagRunId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasDryRun ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasDryRun() bool
HasDryRun returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasExecutionDate ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasExecutionDate() bool
HasExecutionDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasIncludeDownstream ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasIncludeDownstream() bool
HasIncludeDownstream returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasIncludeFuture ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasIncludeFuture() bool
HasIncludeFuture returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasIncludePast ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasIncludePast() bool
HasIncludePast returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasIncludeUpstream ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasIncludeUpstream() bool
HasIncludeUpstream returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasNewState ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasNewState() bool
HasNewState returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasTaskId ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) HasTaskId() bool
HasTaskId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (UpdateTaskInstancesState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UpdateTaskInstancesState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetDagRunId ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetDagRunId(v string)
SetDagRunId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagRunId field.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetDryRun ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetDryRun(v bool)
SetDryRun gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the DryRun field.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetExecutionDate ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetExecutionDate(v string)
SetExecutionDate gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ExecutionDate field.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetIncludeDownstream ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetIncludeDownstream(v bool)
SetIncludeDownstream gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IncludeDownstream field.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetIncludeFuture ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetIncludeFuture(v bool)
SetIncludeFuture gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IncludeFuture field.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetIncludePast ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetIncludePast(v bool)
SetIncludePast gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IncludePast field.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetIncludeUpstream ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetIncludeUpstream(v bool)
SetIncludeUpstream gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IncludeUpstream field.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetNewState ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetNewState(v string)
SetNewState gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the NewState field.
func (*UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetTaskId ¶
func (o *UpdateTaskInstancesState) SetTaskId(v string)
SetTaskId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TaskId field.
type User ¶
type User struct { // The user's first name. *Changed in version 2.4.0*: The requirement for this to be non-empty was removed. FirstName *string `json:"first_name,omitempty"` // The user's last name. *Changed in version 2.4.0*: The requirement for this to be non-empty was removed. LastName *string `json:"last_name,omitempty"` // The username. *Changed in version 2.2.0*: A minimum character length requirement ('minLength') is added. Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // The user's email. *Changed in version 2.2.0*: A minimum character length requirement ('minLength') is added. Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` // Whether the user is active Active NullableBool `json:"active,omitempty"` // The last user login LastLogin NullableString `json:"last_login,omitempty"` // The login count LoginCount NullableInt32 `json:"login_count,omitempty"` // The number of times the login failed FailedLoginCount NullableInt32 `json:"failed_login_count,omitempty"` // User roles. *Changed in version 2.2.0*: Field is no longer read-only. Roles *[]UserCollectionItemRoles `json:"roles,omitempty"` // The date user was created CreatedOn NullableString `json:"created_on,omitempty"` // The date user was changed ChangedOn NullableString `json:"changed_on,omitempty"` Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"` }
User A user object with sensitive data. *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewUser ¶
func NewUser() *User
NewUser instantiates a new User object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUserWithDefaults ¶
func NewUserWithDefaults() *User
NewUserWithDefaults instantiates a new User object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*User) GetActive ¶
GetActive returns the Active field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*User) GetActiveOk ¶
GetActiveOk returns a tuple with the Active field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*User) GetChangedOn ¶
GetChangedOn returns the ChangedOn field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*User) GetChangedOnOk ¶
GetChangedOnOk returns a tuple with the ChangedOn field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*User) GetCreatedOn ¶
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*User) GetCreatedOnOk ¶
GetCreatedOnOk returns a tuple with the CreatedOn field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*User) GetEmailOk ¶
GetEmailOk returns a tuple with the Email field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) GetFailedLoginCount ¶
GetFailedLoginCount returns the FailedLoginCount field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*User) GetFailedLoginCountOk ¶
GetFailedLoginCountOk returns a tuple with the FailedLoginCount field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*User) GetFirstName ¶
GetFirstName returns the FirstName field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetFirstNameOk ¶
GetFirstNameOk returns a tuple with the FirstName field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) GetLastLogin ¶
GetLastLogin returns the LastLogin field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*User) GetLastLoginOk ¶
GetLastLoginOk returns a tuple with the LastLogin field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*User) GetLastName ¶
GetLastName returns the LastName field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetLastNameOk ¶
GetLastNameOk returns a tuple with the LastName field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) GetLoginCount ¶
GetLoginCount returns the LoginCount field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*User) GetLoginCountOk ¶
GetLoginCountOk returns a tuple with the LoginCount field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*User) GetPassword ¶
GetPassword returns the Password field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetPasswordOk ¶
GetPasswordOk returns a tuple with the Password field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) GetRoles ¶
func (o *User) GetRoles() []UserCollectionItemRoles
GetRoles returns the Roles field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetRolesOk ¶
func (o *User) GetRolesOk() (*[]UserCollectionItemRoles, bool)
GetRolesOk returns a tuple with the Roles field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) GetUsername ¶
GetUsername returns the Username field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*User) GetUsernameOk ¶
GetUsernameOk returns a tuple with the Username field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*User) HasChangedOn ¶
HasChangedOn returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*User) HasCreatedOn ¶
HasCreatedOn returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*User) HasFailedLoginCount ¶
HasFailedLoginCount returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*User) HasFirstName ¶
HasFirstName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*User) HasLastLogin ¶
HasLastLogin returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*User) HasLastName ¶
HasLastName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*User) HasLoginCount ¶
HasLoginCount returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*User) HasPassword ¶
HasPassword returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*User) HasUsername ¶
HasUsername returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (User) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*User) SetActive ¶
SetActive gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the Active field.
func (*User) SetActiveNil ¶
func (o *User) SetActiveNil()
SetActiveNil sets the value for Active to be an explicit nil
func (*User) SetChangedOn ¶
SetChangedOn gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the ChangedOn field.
func (*User) SetChangedOnNil ¶
func (o *User) SetChangedOnNil()
SetChangedOnNil sets the value for ChangedOn to be an explicit nil
func (*User) SetCreatedOn ¶
SetCreatedOn gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the CreatedOn field.
func (*User) SetCreatedOnNil ¶
func (o *User) SetCreatedOnNil()
SetCreatedOnNil sets the value for CreatedOn to be an explicit nil
func (*User) SetEmail ¶
SetEmail gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Email field.
func (*User) SetFailedLoginCount ¶
SetFailedLoginCount gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the FailedLoginCount field.
func (*User) SetFailedLoginCountNil ¶
func (o *User) SetFailedLoginCountNil()
SetFailedLoginCountNil sets the value for FailedLoginCount to be an explicit nil
func (*User) SetFirstName ¶
SetFirstName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the FirstName field.
func (*User) SetLastLogin ¶
SetLastLogin gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the LastLogin field.
func (*User) SetLastLoginNil ¶
func (o *User) SetLastLoginNil()
SetLastLoginNil sets the value for LastLogin to be an explicit nil
func (*User) SetLastName ¶
SetLastName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the LastName field.
func (*User) SetLoginCount ¶
SetLoginCount gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the LoginCount field.
func (*User) SetLoginCountNil ¶
func (o *User) SetLoginCountNil()
SetLoginCountNil sets the value for LoginCount to be an explicit nil
func (*User) SetPassword ¶
SetPassword gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Password field.
func (*User) SetRoles ¶
func (o *User) SetRoles(v []UserCollectionItemRoles)
SetRoles gets a reference to the given []UserCollectionItemRoles and assigns it to the Roles field.
func (*User) SetUsername ¶
SetUsername gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Username field.
func (*User) UnsetActive ¶
func (o *User) UnsetActive()
UnsetActive ensures that no value is present for Active, not even an explicit nil
func (*User) UnsetChangedOn ¶
func (o *User) UnsetChangedOn()
UnsetChangedOn ensures that no value is present for ChangedOn, not even an explicit nil
func (*User) UnsetCreatedOn ¶
func (o *User) UnsetCreatedOn()
UnsetCreatedOn ensures that no value is present for CreatedOn, not even an explicit nil
func (*User) UnsetFailedLoginCount ¶
func (o *User) UnsetFailedLoginCount()
UnsetFailedLoginCount ensures that no value is present for FailedLoginCount, not even an explicit nil
func (*User) UnsetLastLogin ¶
func (o *User) UnsetLastLogin()
UnsetLastLogin ensures that no value is present for LastLogin, not even an explicit nil
func (*User) UnsetLoginCount ¶
func (o *User) UnsetLoginCount()
UnsetLoginCount ensures that no value is present for LoginCount, not even an explicit nil
type UserAllOf ¶
type UserAllOf struct {
Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"`
UserAllOf struct for UserAllOf
func NewUserAllOf ¶
func NewUserAllOf() *UserAllOf
NewUserAllOf instantiates a new UserAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUserAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewUserAllOfWithDefaults() *UserAllOf
NewUserAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new UserAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UserAllOf) GetPassword ¶
GetPassword returns the Password field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserAllOf) GetPasswordOk ¶
GetPasswordOk returns a tuple with the Password field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UserAllOf) HasPassword ¶
HasPassword returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (UserAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*UserAllOf) SetPassword ¶
SetPassword gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Password field.
type UserApiApiDeleteUserRequest ¶
type UserApiApiDeleteUserRequest struct { ApiService *UserApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UserApiApiGetUserRequest ¶
type UserApiApiGetUserRequest struct { ApiService *UserApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (UserApiApiGetUserRequest) Execute ¶
func (r UserApiApiGetUserRequest) Execute() (UserCollectionItem, *_nethttp.Response, error)
type UserApiApiGetUsersRequest ¶
type UserApiApiGetUsersRequest struct { ApiService *UserApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) Execute ¶
func (r UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) Execute() (UserCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) Limit ¶
func (r UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) Limit(limit int32) UserApiApiGetUsersRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) Offset ¶
func (r UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) Offset(offset int32) UserApiApiGetUsersRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) UserApiApiGetUsersRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
type UserApiApiPatchUserRequest ¶
type UserApiApiPatchUserRequest struct { ApiService *UserApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (UserApiApiPatchUserRequest) Execute ¶
func (r UserApiApiPatchUserRequest) Execute() (Role, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (UserApiApiPatchUserRequest) UpdateMask ¶
func (r UserApiApiPatchUserRequest) UpdateMask(updateMask []string) UserApiApiPatchUserRequest
The fields to update on the resource. If absent or empty, all modifiable fields are updated. A comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields.
func (UserApiApiPatchUserRequest) User ¶
func (r UserApiApiPatchUserRequest) User(user User) UserApiApiPatchUserRequest
type UserApiApiPostUserRequest ¶
type UserApiApiPostUserRequest struct { ApiService *UserApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (UserApiApiPostUserRequest) Execute ¶
func (r UserApiApiPostUserRequest) Execute() (User, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (UserApiApiPostUserRequest) User ¶
func (r UserApiApiPostUserRequest) User(user User) UserApiApiPostUserRequest
type UserApiService ¶
type UserApiService service
UserApiService UserApi service
func (*UserApiService) DeleteUser ¶
func (a *UserApiService) DeleteUser(ctx _context.Context, username string) UserApiApiDeleteUserRequest
DeleteUser Delete a user
Delete a user with a specific username.
*New in version 2.2.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param username The username of the user. *New in version 2.1.0* @return UserApiApiDeleteUserRequest
func (*UserApiService) DeleteUserExecute ¶
func (a *UserApiService) DeleteUserExecute(r UserApiApiDeleteUserRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
func (*UserApiService) GetUser ¶
func (a *UserApiService) GetUser(ctx _context.Context, username string) UserApiApiGetUserRequest
GetUser Get a user
Get a user with a specific username.
*New in version 2.1.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param username The username of the user. *New in version 2.1.0* @return UserApiApiGetUserRequest
func (*UserApiService) GetUserExecute ¶
func (a *UserApiService) GetUserExecute(r UserApiApiGetUserRequest) (UserCollectionItem, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return UserCollectionItem
func (*UserApiService) GetUsers ¶
func (a *UserApiService) GetUsers(ctx _context.Context) UserApiApiGetUsersRequest
GetUsers List users
Get a list of users.
*New in version 2.1.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return UserApiApiGetUsersRequest
func (*UserApiService) GetUsersExecute ¶
func (a *UserApiService) GetUsersExecute(r UserApiApiGetUsersRequest) (UserCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return UserCollection
func (*UserApiService) PatchUser ¶
func (a *UserApiService) PatchUser(ctx _context.Context, username string) UserApiApiPatchUserRequest
PatchUser Update a user
Update fields for a user.
*New in version 2.2.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param username The username of the user. *New in version 2.1.0* @return UserApiApiPatchUserRequest
func (*UserApiService) PatchUserExecute ¶
func (a *UserApiService) PatchUserExecute(r UserApiApiPatchUserRequest) (Role, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Role
func (*UserApiService) PostUser ¶
func (a *UserApiService) PostUser(ctx _context.Context) UserApiApiPostUserRequest
PostUser Create a user
Create a new user with unique username and email.
*New in version 2.2.0*
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return UserApiApiPostUserRequest
func (*UserApiService) PostUserExecute ¶
func (a *UserApiService) PostUserExecute(r UserApiApiPostUserRequest) (User, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return User
type UserCollection ¶
type UserCollection struct { Users *[]UserCollectionItem `json:"users,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
UserCollection Collection of users. *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewUserCollection ¶
func NewUserCollection() *UserCollection
NewUserCollection instantiates a new UserCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUserCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewUserCollectionWithDefaults() *UserCollection
NewUserCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new UserCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UserCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *UserCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *UserCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UserCollection) GetUsers ¶
func (o *UserCollection) GetUsers() []UserCollectionItem
GetUsers returns the Users field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserCollection) GetUsersOk ¶
func (o *UserCollection) GetUsersOk() (*[]UserCollectionItem, bool)
GetUsersOk returns a tuple with the Users field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UserCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *UserCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UserCollection) HasUsers ¶
func (o *UserCollection) HasUsers() bool
HasUsers returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (UserCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UserCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UserCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *UserCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
func (*UserCollection) SetUsers ¶
func (o *UserCollection) SetUsers(v []UserCollectionItem)
SetUsers gets a reference to the given []UserCollectionItem and assigns it to the Users field.
type UserCollectionAllOf ¶
type UserCollectionAllOf struct {
Users *[]UserCollectionItem `json:"users,omitempty"`
UserCollectionAllOf struct for UserCollectionAllOf
func NewUserCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewUserCollectionAllOf() *UserCollectionAllOf
NewUserCollectionAllOf instantiates a new UserCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUserCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewUserCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *UserCollectionAllOf
NewUserCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new UserCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UserCollectionAllOf) GetUsers ¶
func (o *UserCollectionAllOf) GetUsers() []UserCollectionItem
GetUsers returns the Users field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserCollectionAllOf) GetUsersOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionAllOf) GetUsersOk() (*[]UserCollectionItem, bool)
GetUsersOk returns a tuple with the Users field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UserCollectionAllOf) HasUsers ¶
func (o *UserCollectionAllOf) HasUsers() bool
HasUsers returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (UserCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UserCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UserCollectionAllOf) SetUsers ¶
func (o *UserCollectionAllOf) SetUsers(v []UserCollectionItem)
SetUsers gets a reference to the given []UserCollectionItem and assigns it to the Users field.
type UserCollectionItem ¶
type UserCollectionItem struct { // The user's first name. *Changed in version 2.4.0*: The requirement for this to be non-empty was removed. FirstName *string `json:"first_name,omitempty"` // The user's last name. *Changed in version 2.4.0*: The requirement for this to be non-empty was removed. LastName *string `json:"last_name,omitempty"` // The username. *Changed in version 2.2.0*: A minimum character length requirement ('minLength') is added. Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` // The user's email. *Changed in version 2.2.0*: A minimum character length requirement ('minLength') is added. Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` // Whether the user is active Active NullableBool `json:"active,omitempty"` // The last user login LastLogin NullableString `json:"last_login,omitempty"` // The login count LoginCount NullableInt32 `json:"login_count,omitempty"` // The number of times the login failed FailedLoginCount NullableInt32 `json:"failed_login_count,omitempty"` // User roles. *Changed in version 2.2.0*: Field is no longer read-only. Roles *[]UserCollectionItemRoles `json:"roles,omitempty"` // The date user was created CreatedOn NullableString `json:"created_on,omitempty"` // The date user was changed ChangedOn NullableString `json:"changed_on,omitempty"` }
UserCollectionItem A user object. *New in version 2.1.0*
func NewUserCollectionItem ¶
func NewUserCollectionItem() *UserCollectionItem
NewUserCollectionItem instantiates a new UserCollectionItem object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUserCollectionItemWithDefaults ¶
func NewUserCollectionItemWithDefaults() *UserCollectionItem
NewUserCollectionItemWithDefaults instantiates a new UserCollectionItem object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetActive ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetActive() bool
GetActive returns the Active field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetActiveOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetActiveOk() (*bool, bool)
GetActiveOk returns a tuple with the Active field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetChangedOn ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetChangedOn() string
GetChangedOn returns the ChangedOn field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetChangedOnOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetChangedOnOk() (*string, bool)
GetChangedOnOk returns a tuple with the ChangedOn field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetCreatedOn ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetCreatedOn() string
GetCreatedOn returns the CreatedOn field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetCreatedOnOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetCreatedOnOk() (*string, bool)
GetCreatedOnOk returns a tuple with the CreatedOn field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetEmail ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetEmail() string
GetEmail returns the Email field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetEmailOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetEmailOk() (*string, bool)
GetEmailOk returns a tuple with the Email field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetFailedLoginCount ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetFailedLoginCount() int32
GetFailedLoginCount returns the FailedLoginCount field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetFailedLoginCountOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetFailedLoginCountOk() (*int32, bool)
GetFailedLoginCountOk returns a tuple with the FailedLoginCount field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetFirstName ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetFirstName() string
GetFirstName returns the FirstName field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetFirstNameOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetFirstNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetFirstNameOk returns a tuple with the FirstName field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetLastLogin ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetLastLogin() string
GetLastLogin returns the LastLogin field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetLastLoginOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetLastLoginOk() (*string, bool)
GetLastLoginOk returns a tuple with the LastLogin field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetLastName ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetLastName() string
GetLastName returns the LastName field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetLastNameOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetLastNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetLastNameOk returns a tuple with the LastName field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetLoginCount ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetLoginCount() int32
GetLoginCount returns the LoginCount field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetLoginCountOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetLoginCountOk() (*int32, bool)
GetLoginCountOk returns a tuple with the LoginCount field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetRoles ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetRoles() []UserCollectionItemRoles
GetRoles returns the Roles field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetRolesOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetRolesOk() (*[]UserCollectionItemRoles, bool)
GetRolesOk returns a tuple with the Roles field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetUsername ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetUsername() string
GetUsername returns the Username field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserCollectionItem) GetUsernameOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) GetUsernameOk() (*string, bool)
GetUsernameOk returns a tuple with the Username field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) HasActive ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasActive() bool
HasActive returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) HasChangedOn ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasChangedOn() bool
HasChangedOn returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) HasCreatedOn ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasCreatedOn() bool
HasCreatedOn returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) HasEmail ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasEmail() bool
HasEmail returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) HasFailedLoginCount ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasFailedLoginCount() bool
HasFailedLoginCount returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) HasFirstName ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasFirstName() bool
HasFirstName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) HasLastLogin ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasLastLogin() bool
HasLastLogin returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) HasLastName ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasLastName() bool
HasLastName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) HasLoginCount ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasLoginCount() bool
HasLoginCount returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) HasRoles ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasRoles() bool
HasRoles returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItem) HasUsername ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) HasUsername() bool
HasUsername returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (UserCollectionItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UserCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetActive ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetActive(v bool)
SetActive gets a reference to the given NullableBool and assigns it to the Active field.
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetActiveNil ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetActiveNil()
SetActiveNil sets the value for Active to be an explicit nil
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetChangedOn ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetChangedOn(v string)
SetChangedOn gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the ChangedOn field.
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetChangedOnNil ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetChangedOnNil()
SetChangedOnNil sets the value for ChangedOn to be an explicit nil
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetCreatedOn ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetCreatedOn(v string)
SetCreatedOn gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the CreatedOn field.
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetCreatedOnNil ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetCreatedOnNil()
SetCreatedOnNil sets the value for CreatedOn to be an explicit nil
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetEmail ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetEmail(v string)
SetEmail gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Email field.
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetFailedLoginCount ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetFailedLoginCount(v int32)
SetFailedLoginCount gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the FailedLoginCount field.
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetFailedLoginCountNil ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetFailedLoginCountNil()
SetFailedLoginCountNil sets the value for FailedLoginCount to be an explicit nil
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetFirstName ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetFirstName(v string)
SetFirstName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the FirstName field.
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetLastLogin ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetLastLogin(v string)
SetLastLogin gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the LastLogin field.
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetLastLoginNil ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetLastLoginNil()
SetLastLoginNil sets the value for LastLogin to be an explicit nil
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetLastName ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetLastName(v string)
SetLastName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the LastName field.
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetLoginCount ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetLoginCount(v int32)
SetLoginCount gets a reference to the given NullableInt32 and assigns it to the LoginCount field.
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetLoginCountNil ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetLoginCountNil()
SetLoginCountNil sets the value for LoginCount to be an explicit nil
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetRoles ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetRoles(v []UserCollectionItemRoles)
SetRoles gets a reference to the given []UserCollectionItemRoles and assigns it to the Roles field.
func (*UserCollectionItem) SetUsername ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) SetUsername(v string)
SetUsername gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Username field.
func (*UserCollectionItem) UnsetActive ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) UnsetActive()
UnsetActive ensures that no value is present for Active, not even an explicit nil
func (*UserCollectionItem) UnsetChangedOn ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) UnsetChangedOn()
UnsetChangedOn ensures that no value is present for ChangedOn, not even an explicit nil
func (*UserCollectionItem) UnsetCreatedOn ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) UnsetCreatedOn()
UnsetCreatedOn ensures that no value is present for CreatedOn, not even an explicit nil
func (*UserCollectionItem) UnsetFailedLoginCount ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) UnsetFailedLoginCount()
UnsetFailedLoginCount ensures that no value is present for FailedLoginCount, not even an explicit nil
func (*UserCollectionItem) UnsetLastLogin ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) UnsetLastLogin()
UnsetLastLogin ensures that no value is present for LastLogin, not even an explicit nil
func (*UserCollectionItem) UnsetLoginCount ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItem) UnsetLoginCount()
UnsetLoginCount ensures that no value is present for LoginCount, not even an explicit nil
type UserCollectionItemRoles ¶
type UserCollectionItemRoles struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
UserCollectionItemRoles struct for UserCollectionItemRoles
func NewUserCollectionItemRoles ¶
func NewUserCollectionItemRoles() *UserCollectionItemRoles
NewUserCollectionItemRoles instantiates a new UserCollectionItemRoles object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewUserCollectionItemRolesWithDefaults ¶
func NewUserCollectionItemRolesWithDefaults() *UserCollectionItemRoles
NewUserCollectionItemRolesWithDefaults instantiates a new UserCollectionItemRoles object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*UserCollectionItemRoles) GetName ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItemRoles) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*UserCollectionItemRoles) GetNameOk ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItemRoles) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*UserCollectionItemRoles) HasName ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItemRoles) HasName() bool
HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (UserCollectionItemRoles) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o UserCollectionItemRoles) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UserCollectionItemRoles) SetName ¶
func (o *UserCollectionItemRoles) SetName(v string)
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
type Variable ¶
type Variable struct { Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // The description of the variable. *New in version 2.4.0* Description NullableString `json:"description,omitempty"` Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
Variable Full representation of Variable
func NewVariable ¶
func NewVariable() *Variable
NewVariable instantiates a new Variable object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewVariableWithDefaults ¶
func NewVariableWithDefaults() *Variable
NewVariableWithDefaults instantiates a new Variable object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*Variable) GetDescription ¶
GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*Variable) GetDescriptionOk ¶
GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*Variable) GetKeyOk ¶
GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Variable) GetValueOk ¶
GetValueOk returns a tuple with the Value field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*Variable) HasDescription ¶
HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (Variable) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Variable) SetDescription ¶
SetDescription gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Description field.
func (*Variable) SetDescriptionNil ¶
func (o *Variable) SetDescriptionNil()
SetDescriptionNil sets the value for Description to be an explicit nil
func (*Variable) SetKey ¶
SetKey gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Key field.
func (*Variable) SetValue ¶
SetValue gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Value field.
func (*Variable) UnsetDescription ¶
func (o *Variable) UnsetDescription()
UnsetDescription ensures that no value is present for Description, not even an explicit nil
type VariableAllOf ¶
type VariableAllOf struct {
Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"`
VariableAllOf struct for VariableAllOf
func NewVariableAllOf ¶
func NewVariableAllOf() *VariableAllOf
NewVariableAllOf instantiates a new VariableAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewVariableAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewVariableAllOfWithDefaults() *VariableAllOf
NewVariableAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new VariableAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*VariableAllOf) GetValue ¶
func (o *VariableAllOf) GetValue() string
GetValue returns the Value field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*VariableAllOf) GetValueOk ¶
func (o *VariableAllOf) GetValueOk() (*string, bool)
GetValueOk returns a tuple with the Value field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*VariableAllOf) HasValue ¶
func (o *VariableAllOf) HasValue() bool
HasValue returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (VariableAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o VariableAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*VariableAllOf) SetValue ¶
func (o *VariableAllOf) SetValue(v string)
SetValue gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Value field.
type VariableApiApiDeleteVariableRequest ¶
type VariableApiApiDeleteVariableRequest struct { ApiService *VariableApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type VariableApiApiGetVariableRequest ¶
type VariableApiApiGetVariableRequest struct { ApiService *VariableApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest ¶
type VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest struct { ApiService *VariableApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) Execute ¶
func (r VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) Execute() (VariableCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) Limit ¶
func (r VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) Limit(limit int32) VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) Offset ¶
func (r VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) Offset(offset int32) VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
func (VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) OrderBy ¶
func (r VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) OrderBy(orderBy string) VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest
The name of the field to order the results by. Prefix a field name with `-` to reverse the sort order. *New in version 2.1.0*
type VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest ¶
type VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest struct { ApiService *VariableApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest) Execute ¶
func (r VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest) Execute() (Variable, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest) UpdateMask ¶
func (r VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest) UpdateMask(updateMask []string) VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest
The fields to update on the resource. If absent or empty, all modifiable fields are updated. A comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields.
func (VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest) Variable ¶
func (r VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest) Variable(variable Variable) VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest
type VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest ¶
type VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest struct { ApiService *VariableApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest) Execute ¶
func (r VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest) Execute() (Variable, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest) Variable ¶
func (r VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest) Variable(variable Variable) VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest
type VariableApiService ¶
type VariableApiService service
VariableApiService VariableApi service
func (*VariableApiService) DeleteVariable ¶
func (a *VariableApiService) DeleteVariable(ctx _context.Context, variableKey string) VariableApiApiDeleteVariableRequest
DeleteVariable Delete a variable
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param variableKey The variable Key. @return VariableApiApiDeleteVariableRequest
func (*VariableApiService) DeleteVariableExecute ¶
func (a *VariableApiService) DeleteVariableExecute(r VariableApiApiDeleteVariableRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
func (*VariableApiService) GetVariable ¶
func (a *VariableApiService) GetVariable(ctx _context.Context, variableKey string) VariableApiApiGetVariableRequest
GetVariable Get a variable
Get a variable by key.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param variableKey The variable Key. @return VariableApiApiGetVariableRequest
func (*VariableApiService) GetVariableExecute ¶
func (a *VariableApiService) GetVariableExecute(r VariableApiApiGetVariableRequest) (Variable, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Variable
func (*VariableApiService) GetVariables ¶
func (a *VariableApiService) GetVariables(ctx _context.Context) VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest
GetVariables List variables
The collection does not contain data. To get data, you must get a single entity.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest
func (*VariableApiService) GetVariablesExecute ¶
func (a *VariableApiService) GetVariablesExecute(r VariableApiApiGetVariablesRequest) (VariableCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return VariableCollection
func (*VariableApiService) PatchVariable ¶
func (a *VariableApiService) PatchVariable(ctx _context.Context, variableKey string) VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest
PatchVariable Update a variable
Update a variable by key.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param variableKey The variable Key. @return VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest
func (*VariableApiService) PatchVariableExecute ¶
func (a *VariableApiService) PatchVariableExecute(r VariableApiApiPatchVariableRequest) (Variable, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Variable
func (*VariableApiService) PostVariables ¶
func (a *VariableApiService) PostVariables(ctx _context.Context) VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest
PostVariables Create a variable
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @return VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest
func (*VariableApiService) PostVariablesExecute ¶
func (a *VariableApiService) PostVariablesExecute(r VariableApiApiPostVariablesRequest) (Variable, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return Variable
type VariableCollection ¶
type VariableCollection struct { Variables *[]VariableCollectionItem `json:"variables,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
VariableCollection Collection of variables. *Changed in version 2.1.0*: 'total_entries' field is added.
func NewVariableCollection ¶
func NewVariableCollection() *VariableCollection
NewVariableCollection instantiates a new VariableCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewVariableCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewVariableCollectionWithDefaults() *VariableCollection
NewVariableCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new VariableCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*VariableCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *VariableCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*VariableCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *VariableCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*VariableCollection) GetVariables ¶
func (o *VariableCollection) GetVariables() []VariableCollectionItem
GetVariables returns the Variables field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*VariableCollection) GetVariablesOk ¶
func (o *VariableCollection) GetVariablesOk() (*[]VariableCollectionItem, bool)
GetVariablesOk returns a tuple with the Variables field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*VariableCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *VariableCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*VariableCollection) HasVariables ¶
func (o *VariableCollection) HasVariables() bool
HasVariables returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (VariableCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o VariableCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*VariableCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *VariableCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
func (*VariableCollection) SetVariables ¶
func (o *VariableCollection) SetVariables(v []VariableCollectionItem)
SetVariables gets a reference to the given []VariableCollectionItem and assigns it to the Variables field.
type VariableCollectionAllOf ¶
type VariableCollectionAllOf struct {
Variables *[]VariableCollectionItem `json:"variables,omitempty"`
VariableCollectionAllOf struct for VariableCollectionAllOf
func NewVariableCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewVariableCollectionAllOf() *VariableCollectionAllOf
NewVariableCollectionAllOf instantiates a new VariableCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewVariableCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewVariableCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *VariableCollectionAllOf
NewVariableCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new VariableCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*VariableCollectionAllOf) GetVariables ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionAllOf) GetVariables() []VariableCollectionItem
GetVariables returns the Variables field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*VariableCollectionAllOf) GetVariablesOk ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionAllOf) GetVariablesOk() (*[]VariableCollectionItem, bool)
GetVariablesOk returns a tuple with the Variables field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*VariableCollectionAllOf) HasVariables ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionAllOf) HasVariables() bool
HasVariables returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (VariableCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o VariableCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*VariableCollectionAllOf) SetVariables ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionAllOf) SetVariables(v []VariableCollectionItem)
SetVariables gets a reference to the given []VariableCollectionItem and assigns it to the Variables field.
type VariableCollectionItem ¶
type VariableCollectionItem struct { Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // The description of the variable. *New in version 2.4.0* Description NullableString `json:"description,omitempty"` }
VariableCollectionItem XCom entry collection item. The value field are only available when retrieving a single object due to the sensitivity of this data.
func NewVariableCollectionItem ¶
func NewVariableCollectionItem() *VariableCollectionItem
NewVariableCollectionItem instantiates a new VariableCollectionItem object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewVariableCollectionItemWithDefaults ¶
func NewVariableCollectionItemWithDefaults() *VariableCollectionItem
NewVariableCollectionItemWithDefaults instantiates a new VariableCollectionItem object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*VariableCollectionItem) GetDescription ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionItem) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*VariableCollectionItem) GetDescriptionOk ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionItem) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)
GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*VariableCollectionItem) GetKey ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionItem) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*VariableCollectionItem) GetKeyOk ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionItem) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*VariableCollectionItem) HasDescription ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionItem) HasDescription() bool
HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*VariableCollectionItem) HasKey ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionItem) HasKey() bool
HasKey returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (VariableCollectionItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o VariableCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*VariableCollectionItem) SetDescription ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionItem) SetDescription(v string)
SetDescription gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the Description field.
func (*VariableCollectionItem) SetDescriptionNil ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionItem) SetDescriptionNil()
SetDescriptionNil sets the value for Description to be an explicit nil
func (*VariableCollectionItem) SetKey ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionItem) SetKey(v string)
SetKey gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Key field.
func (*VariableCollectionItem) UnsetDescription ¶
func (o *VariableCollectionItem) UnsetDescription()
UnsetDescription ensures that no value is present for Description, not even an explicit nil
type VersionInfo ¶
type VersionInfo struct { // The version of Airflow Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` // The git version (including git commit hash) GitVersion NullableString `json:"git_version,omitempty"` }
VersionInfo Version information.
func NewVersionInfo ¶
func NewVersionInfo() *VersionInfo
NewVersionInfo instantiates a new VersionInfo object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewVersionInfoWithDefaults ¶
func NewVersionInfoWithDefaults() *VersionInfo
NewVersionInfoWithDefaults instantiates a new VersionInfo object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*VersionInfo) GetGitVersion ¶
func (o *VersionInfo) GetGitVersion() string
GetGitVersion returns the GitVersion field value if set, zero value otherwise (both if not set or set to explicit null).
func (*VersionInfo) GetGitVersionOk ¶
func (o *VersionInfo) GetGitVersionOk() (*string, bool)
GetGitVersionOk returns a tuple with the GitVersion field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. NOTE: If the value is an explicit nil, `nil, true` will be returned
func (*VersionInfo) GetVersion ¶
func (o *VersionInfo) GetVersion() string
GetVersion returns the Version field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*VersionInfo) GetVersionOk ¶
func (o *VersionInfo) GetVersionOk() (*string, bool)
GetVersionOk returns a tuple with the Version field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*VersionInfo) HasGitVersion ¶
func (o *VersionInfo) HasGitVersion() bool
HasGitVersion returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*VersionInfo) HasVersion ¶
func (o *VersionInfo) HasVersion() bool
HasVersion returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (VersionInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o VersionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*VersionInfo) SetGitVersion ¶
func (o *VersionInfo) SetGitVersion(v string)
SetGitVersion gets a reference to the given NullableString and assigns it to the GitVersion field.
func (*VersionInfo) SetGitVersionNil ¶
func (o *VersionInfo) SetGitVersionNil()
SetGitVersionNil sets the value for GitVersion to be an explicit nil
func (*VersionInfo) SetVersion ¶
func (o *VersionInfo) SetVersion(v string)
SetVersion gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Version field.
func (*VersionInfo) UnsetGitVersion ¶
func (o *VersionInfo) UnsetGitVersion()
UnsetGitVersion ensures that no value is present for GitVersion, not even an explicit nil
type WeightRule ¶
type WeightRule string
WeightRule Weight rule.
const ( WEIGHTRULE_DOWNSTREAM WeightRule = "downstream" WEIGHTRULE_UPSTREAM WeightRule = "upstream" WEIGHTRULE_ABSOLUTE WeightRule = "absolute" )
List of WeightRule
func NewWeightRuleFromValue ¶
func NewWeightRuleFromValue(v string) (*WeightRule, error)
NewWeightRuleFromValue returns a pointer to a valid WeightRule for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum
func (WeightRule) IsValid ¶
func (v WeightRule) IsValid() bool
IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise
func (WeightRule) Ptr ¶
func (v WeightRule) Ptr() *WeightRule
Ptr returns reference to WeightRule value
func (*WeightRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (v *WeightRule) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error
type XCom ¶
type XCom struct { Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` ExecutionDate *string `json:"execution_date,omitempty"` TaskId *string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` DagId *string `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` // The value Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
XCom Full representations of XCom entry.
func NewXCom ¶
func NewXCom() *XCom
NewXCom instantiates a new XCom object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewXComWithDefaults ¶
func NewXComWithDefaults() *XCom
NewXComWithDefaults instantiates a new XCom object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*XCom) GetDagIdOk ¶
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XCom) GetExecutionDate ¶
GetExecutionDate returns the ExecutionDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*XCom) GetExecutionDateOk ¶
GetExecutionDateOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XCom) GetKeyOk ¶
GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XCom) GetTaskIdOk ¶
GetTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the TaskId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XCom) GetTimestamp ¶
GetTimestamp returns the Timestamp field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*XCom) GetTimestampOk ¶
GetTimestampOk returns a tuple with the Timestamp field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XCom) GetValueOk ¶
GetValueOk returns a tuple with the Value field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XCom) HasExecutionDate ¶
HasExecutionDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*XCom) HasTimestamp ¶
HasTimestamp returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (XCom) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*XCom) SetDagId ¶
SetDagId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*XCom) SetExecutionDate ¶
SetExecutionDate gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ExecutionDate field.
func (*XCom) SetTaskId ¶
SetTaskId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TaskId field.
func (*XCom) SetTimestamp ¶
SetTimestamp gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Timestamp field.
type XComAllOf ¶
type XComAllOf struct { // The value Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
XComAllOf struct for XComAllOf
func NewXComAllOf ¶
func NewXComAllOf() *XComAllOf
NewXComAllOf instantiates a new XComAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewXComAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewXComAllOfWithDefaults() *XComAllOf
NewXComAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new XComAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*XComAllOf) GetValueOk ¶
GetValueOk returns a tuple with the Value field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (XComAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
type XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest ¶
type XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest struct { ApiService *XComApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest) Execute ¶
func (r XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest) Execute() (XComCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
func (XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest) Limit ¶
func (r XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest) Limit(limit int32) XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest
The numbers of items to return.
func (XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest) Offset ¶
func (r XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest) Offset(offset int32) XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
type XComApiApiGetXcomEntryRequest ¶
type XComApiApiGetXcomEntryRequest struct { ApiService *XComApiService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (XComApiApiGetXcomEntryRequest) Deserialize ¶
func (r XComApiApiGetXcomEntryRequest) Deserialize(deserialize bool) XComApiApiGetXcomEntryRequest
Whether to deserialize an XCom value when using a custom XCom backend. The XCom API endpoint calls `orm_deserialize_value` by default since an XCom may contain value that is potentially expensive to deserialize in the web server. Setting this to true overrides the consideration, and calls `deserialize_value` instead. This parameter is not meaningful when using the default XCom backend. *New in version 2.4.0*
type XComApiService ¶
type XComApiService service
XComApiService XComApi service
func (*XComApiService) GetXcomEntries ¶
func (a *XComApiService) GetXcomEntries(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string) XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest
GetXcomEntries List XCom entries
This endpoint allows specifying `~` as the dag_id, dag_run_id, task_id to retrieve XCOM entries for for all DAGs, DAG runs and task instances. XCom values won't be returned as they can be large. Use this endpoint to get a list of XCom entries and then fetch individual entry to get value.
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @param taskId The task ID. @return XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest
func (*XComApiService) GetXcomEntriesExecute ¶
func (a *XComApiService) GetXcomEntriesExecute(r XComApiApiGetXcomEntriesRequest) (XComCollection, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return XComCollection
func (*XComApiService) GetXcomEntry ¶
func (a *XComApiService) GetXcomEntry(ctx _context.Context, dagId string, dagRunId string, taskId string, xcomKey string) XComApiApiGetXcomEntryRequest
GetXcomEntry Get an XCom entry
@param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background(). @param dagId The DAG ID. @param dagRunId The DAG run ID. @param taskId The task ID. @param xcomKey The XCom key. @return XComApiApiGetXcomEntryRequest
func (*XComApiService) GetXcomEntryExecute ¶
func (a *XComApiService) GetXcomEntryExecute(r XComApiApiGetXcomEntryRequest) (XCom, *_nethttp.Response, error)
Execute executes the request
@return XCom
type XComCollection ¶
type XComCollection struct { XcomEntries *[]XComCollectionItem `json:"xcom_entries,omitempty"` // Count of objects in the current result set. TotalEntries *int32 `json:"total_entries,omitempty"` }
XComCollection Collection of XCom entries. *Changed in version 2.1.0*: 'total_entries' field is added.
func NewXComCollection ¶
func NewXComCollection() *XComCollection
NewXComCollection instantiates a new XComCollection object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewXComCollectionWithDefaults ¶
func NewXComCollectionWithDefaults() *XComCollection
NewXComCollectionWithDefaults instantiates a new XComCollection object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*XComCollection) GetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *XComCollection) GetTotalEntries() int32
GetTotalEntries returns the TotalEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*XComCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk ¶
func (o *XComCollection) GetTotalEntriesOk() (*int32, bool)
GetTotalEntriesOk returns a tuple with the TotalEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XComCollection) GetXcomEntries ¶
func (o *XComCollection) GetXcomEntries() []XComCollectionItem
GetXcomEntries returns the XcomEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*XComCollection) GetXcomEntriesOk ¶
func (o *XComCollection) GetXcomEntriesOk() (*[]XComCollectionItem, bool)
GetXcomEntriesOk returns a tuple with the XcomEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XComCollection) HasTotalEntries ¶
func (o *XComCollection) HasTotalEntries() bool
HasTotalEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*XComCollection) HasXcomEntries ¶
func (o *XComCollection) HasXcomEntries() bool
HasXcomEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (XComCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o XComCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*XComCollection) SetTotalEntries ¶
func (o *XComCollection) SetTotalEntries(v int32)
SetTotalEntries gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the TotalEntries field.
func (*XComCollection) SetXcomEntries ¶
func (o *XComCollection) SetXcomEntries(v []XComCollectionItem)
SetXcomEntries gets a reference to the given []XComCollectionItem and assigns it to the XcomEntries field.
type XComCollectionAllOf ¶
type XComCollectionAllOf struct {
XcomEntries *[]XComCollectionItem `json:"xcom_entries,omitempty"`
XComCollectionAllOf struct for XComCollectionAllOf
func NewXComCollectionAllOf ¶
func NewXComCollectionAllOf() *XComCollectionAllOf
NewXComCollectionAllOf instantiates a new XComCollectionAllOf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewXComCollectionAllOfWithDefaults ¶
func NewXComCollectionAllOfWithDefaults() *XComCollectionAllOf
NewXComCollectionAllOfWithDefaults instantiates a new XComCollectionAllOf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*XComCollectionAllOf) GetXcomEntries ¶
func (o *XComCollectionAllOf) GetXcomEntries() []XComCollectionItem
GetXcomEntries returns the XcomEntries field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*XComCollectionAllOf) GetXcomEntriesOk ¶
func (o *XComCollectionAllOf) GetXcomEntriesOk() (*[]XComCollectionItem, bool)
GetXcomEntriesOk returns a tuple with the XcomEntries field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XComCollectionAllOf) HasXcomEntries ¶
func (o *XComCollectionAllOf) HasXcomEntries() bool
HasXcomEntries returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (XComCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o XComCollectionAllOf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*XComCollectionAllOf) SetXcomEntries ¶
func (o *XComCollectionAllOf) SetXcomEntries(v []XComCollectionItem)
SetXcomEntries gets a reference to the given []XComCollectionItem and assigns it to the XcomEntries field.
type XComCollectionItem ¶
type XComCollectionItem struct { Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` ExecutionDate *string `json:"execution_date,omitempty"` TaskId *string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` DagId *string `json:"dag_id,omitempty"` }
XComCollectionItem XCom entry collection item. The value field is only available when reading a single object due to the size of the value.
func NewXComCollectionItem ¶
func NewXComCollectionItem() *XComCollectionItem
NewXComCollectionItem instantiates a new XComCollectionItem object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewXComCollectionItemWithDefaults ¶
func NewXComCollectionItemWithDefaults() *XComCollectionItem
NewXComCollectionItemWithDefaults instantiates a new XComCollectionItem object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func (*XComCollectionItem) GetDagId ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetDagId() string
GetDagId returns the DagId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*XComCollectionItem) GetDagIdOk ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetDagIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetDagIdOk returns a tuple with the DagId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XComCollectionItem) GetExecutionDate ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetExecutionDate() string
GetExecutionDate returns the ExecutionDate field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*XComCollectionItem) GetExecutionDateOk ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetExecutionDateOk() (*string, bool)
GetExecutionDateOk returns a tuple with the ExecutionDate field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XComCollectionItem) GetKey ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*XComCollectionItem) GetKeyOk ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)
GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XComCollectionItem) GetTaskId ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetTaskId() string
GetTaskId returns the TaskId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*XComCollectionItem) GetTaskIdOk ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool)
GetTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the TaskId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XComCollectionItem) GetTimestamp ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetTimestamp() string
GetTimestamp returns the Timestamp field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (*XComCollectionItem) GetTimestampOk ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) GetTimestampOk() (*string, bool)
GetTimestampOk returns a tuple with the Timestamp field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (*XComCollectionItem) HasDagId ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) HasDagId() bool
HasDagId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*XComCollectionItem) HasExecutionDate ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) HasExecutionDate() bool
HasExecutionDate returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*XComCollectionItem) HasKey ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) HasKey() bool
HasKey returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*XComCollectionItem) HasTaskId ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) HasTaskId() bool
HasTaskId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (*XComCollectionItem) HasTimestamp ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) HasTimestamp() bool
HasTimestamp returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (XComCollectionItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o XComCollectionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*XComCollectionItem) SetDagId ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) SetDagId(v string)
SetDagId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DagId field.
func (*XComCollectionItem) SetExecutionDate ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) SetExecutionDate(v string)
SetExecutionDate gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ExecutionDate field.
func (*XComCollectionItem) SetKey ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) SetKey(v string)
SetKey gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Key field.
func (*XComCollectionItem) SetTaskId ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) SetTaskId(v string)
SetTaskId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TaskId field.
func (*XComCollectionItem) SetTimestamp ¶
func (o *XComCollectionItem) SetTimestamp(v string)
SetTimestamp gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Timestamp field.
Source Files
- api_config.go
- api_connection.go
- api_dag.go
- api_dag_run.go
- api_dag_warning.go
- api_dataset.go
- api_event_log.go
- api_import_error.go
- api_monitoring.go
- api_permission.go
- api_plugin.go
- api_pool.go
- api_provider.go
- api_role.go
- api_task_instance.go
- api_user.go
- api_variable.go
- api_x_com.go
- client.go
- configuration.go
- model_action.go
- model_action_collection.go
- model_action_collection_all_of.go
- model_action_resource.go
- model_basic_dag_run.go
- model_class_reference.go
- model_clear_dag_run.go
- model_clear_task_instance.go
- model_clear_task_instances.go
- model_collection_info.go
- model_config.go
- model_config_option.go
- model_config_section.go
- model_connection.go
- model_connection_all_of.go
- model_connection_collection.go
- model_connection_collection_all_of.go
- model_connection_collection_item.go
- model_connection_test_.go
- model_cron_expression.go
- model_dag.go
- model_dag_collection.go
- model_dag_collection_all_of.go
- model_dag_detail.go
- model_dag_detail_all_of.go
- model_dag_run.go
- model_dag_run_collection.go
- model_dag_run_collection_all_of.go
- model_dag_schedule_dataset_reference.go
- model_dag_state.go
- model_dag_warning.go
- model_dag_warning_collection.go
- model_dag_warning_collection_all_of.go
- model_dataset.go
- model_dataset_collection.go
- model_dataset_collection_all_of.go
- model_dataset_event.go
- model_dataset_event_collection.go
- model_dataset_event_collection_all_of.go
- model_error.go
- model_event_log.go
- model_event_log_collection.go
- model_event_log_collection_all_of.go
- model_extra_link.go
- model_extra_link_collection.go
- model_health_info.go
- model_health_status.go
- model_import_error.go
- model_import_error_collection.go
- model_import_error_collection_all_of.go
- model_inline_response_200.go
- model_inline_response_200_1.go
- model_job.go
- model_list_dag_runs_form.go
- model_list_task_instance_form.go
- model_metadatabase_status.go
- model_plugin_collection.go
- model_plugin_collection_all_of.go
- model_plugin_collection_item.go
- model_pool.go
- model_pool_collection.go
- model_pool_collection_all_of.go
- model_provider.go
- model_provider_collection.go
- model_relative_delta.go
- model_resource.go
- model_role.go
- model_role_collection.go
- model_role_collection_all_of.go
- model_schedule_interval.go
- model_scheduler_status.go
- model_set_dag_run_note.go
- model_set_task_instance_note.go
- model_sla_miss.go
- model_tag.go
- model_task.go
- model_task_collection.go
- model_task_extra_links.go
- model_task_instance.go
- model_task_instance_collection.go
- model_task_instance_collection_all_of.go
- model_task_instance_reference.go
- model_task_instance_reference_collection.go
- model_task_outlet_dataset_reference.go
- model_task_state.go
- model_time_delta.go
- model_trigger.go
- model_trigger_rule.go
- model_update_dag_run_state.go
- model_update_task_instance.go
- model_update_task_instances_state.go
- model_user.go
- model_user_all_of.go
- model_user_collection.go
- model_user_collection_all_of.go
- model_user_collection_item.go
- model_user_collection_item_roles.go
- model_variable.go
- model_variable_all_of.go
- model_variable_collection.go
- model_variable_collection_all_of.go
- model_variable_collection_item.go
- model_version_info.go
- model_weight_rule.go
- model_x_com.go
- model_x_com_all_of.go
- model_x_com_collection.go
- model_x_com_collection_all_of.go
- model_x_com_collection_item.go
- response.go
- utils.go