Any Naming System node
Please see Any Naming System repository for rationale and more info.
This global singleton node provides access to AnyNS smart contracts. You can call smart contracts either directly or by using this dRPC service.
Building and Running
- To build:
make deps build
- To run:
go run ./cmd --c=NODE_CONFIG
- To run as a client:
go run ./cmd --c=CLIENT_CONFIG --cl --cmd=COMMAND --params=PARAMS_JSON
Available client commands
1. is-name-available
Check if name is available. If not - it will return information
Parameters: '{ "FullName": "xxx.any"}'
Example: go run ./cmd --c=config-client.yml --cl --cmd=is-name-available --params='{ "FullName": "xxx.any"}'
2. name-register
Create an operation to register a new name.
Parameters: '{ "FullName": "suppa.any", "OwnerAnyAddress": "A6WVkd1MxX1i7hGQCcDhMFvfEzokPppRzxve2wdhTZ8jZTio", "OwnerEthAddress": "0xe595e2BA3f0cE990d8037e07250c5C78ce40f8fF", "SpaceId": "bafybeibs62gqtignuckfqlcr7lhhihgzh2vorxtmc5afm6uxh4zdcmuwuu"}'
.yml config files
Please see example in the 'etc' subfolder.
NOTICE: in order to call methods as an Admin - account.signKey
should be used to sign messages.
That's why you can run N ns nodes with different account.peerId
and account.peerKey
but with SAME account.signKey
Contracts section
// use your own geth node or Infura/Alchemy/Moralis/etc API
registry: 0xc0D3c96aE923Da6b45E6d4c21a0424730a20BCA9
resolver: 0x34F9c5CB9b6dcc036e045a15af20CEdC0dE4dcB2
registrar: 0x6BA138bb7B1Bdea2B127D55D7C8F0DC9467b424E
privateController: 0x45bA047AD44e35FbF5A1375F79ea3872ceDB1732
nameWrapper: 0xFe69BF9B3fD69d09977b37b5953C8B43687f3B23
// Admin address
admin: 0x61d1eeE7FBF652482DEa98A1Df591C626bA09a60
// Admin key
adminPk: XXX
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