A web application, that lets you to share your regular reads and your books with your friends and keeps you updated with your friends activiteis as well.
Getting Started
Application is under development phase, Coming Soon!
Technology Stack Used
- FrontEnd Design: HTML & CSS
- Algorithms and animations: JavaScript
- Server hosting: GO Web Framework
- Web hosting: Heroku
Version of API : V1.0
API Documentation
All responses come in standard JSON. All requests must include a content-type
of application/json
and the body must be valid JSON.
Response Codes
200: Success
201: Created
400: Bad request
401: Unauthorized
404: Cannot be found
405: Method not allowed
50x: Server Error
Error and Success Message Example
"data": ""
Custom SignUp
You send: You send the details required to signup.
You get: An Error-Message
or a Success-Message
depending on the status of the account created
Authorization Token: Not required
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: xy
"name": "abc",
"username": "user",
"email": "foo",
"password": "1234567",
"cpassword": "1234567"
Successful Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: xy
"success": true,
"Token" : "hgsvcdvbhjcu76tdghev3bneidf87ydtegwvb3e"
Google signup
You send: Your credentials and authorization to the app.
You get: An API-Token
and a Success-Message
with which you can make further actions.
Authorization Token: Not required
Request: sent to google oauth.
Successful Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: xy
"token": "e3b0iuytfgvbjkio876yghhjio9098765rtfgvb",
You send: Your credentials and authorization to the app.
You get: An API-Token
and a Success-Message
with which you can make further actions.
Authorization Token: Not required
Request: sent to twitter oauth.
Successful Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: xy
"token": "e3b0iuytfgvbjkio876yghhjio9098765rtfgvb",
Thank You
Made with Love ❤️️ & Passion 🙏.