Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func GetInstrumentTypeFromAssetItem(a asset.Item) string
- func GetRateLimit() request.RateLimitDefinitions
- func IntervalFromString(interval kline.Interval, appendUTC bool) string
- type ADLWarning
- type APYItem
- type Account
- type AccountAndPositionRisk
- type AccountAssetValuation
- type AccountBalanceData
- type AccountConfigurationResponse
- type AccountDetail
- type AccountInstrument
- type AccountMode
- type AccountPosition
- type AccountPositionHistory
- type AccountRateLimit
- type AccountRiskState
- type ActiveFundingOrder
- type AdjustMarginBalanceResponse
- type AffilateInviteesDetail
- type AffilateRebateInfo
- type AlgoOrdInfo
- type AlgoOrder
- type AlgoOrderCancelParams
- type AlgoOrderDetail
- type AlgoOrderInfo
- type AlgoOrderParams
- type AlgoOrderPosition
- type AlgoOrderResponse
- type AlgoOrderWithdrawalProfit
- type AmendAlgoOrderParam
- type AmendAlgoResponse
- type AmendOrderRequestParams
- type AmendRecurringOrderParam
- type AmendSpreadOrderParam
- type AnnouncementDetail
- type AnnouncementTypeInfo
- type ArchiveReference
- type AssetBalance
- type AssetBillDetail
- type AutoLoan
- type AutoRepay
- type BETHAssetsBalance
- type BalanceAndPositionData
- type BalanceData
- type BillsArchiveInfo
- type BillsDetailQueryParameter
- type BillsDetailResp
- type BillsDetailResponse
- type BlockTicker
- type BlockTrade
- type Book5Data
- type BorrowAndRepay
- type BorrowInterestAndLimitResponse
- type BorrowOrRepay
- type BorrowRepayHistory
- type BorrowRepayHistoryItem
- type BorrowRepayItem
- type CancelClosePositionOrder
- type CancelFundingParam
- type CancelMMPResponse
- type CancelMassReqParam
- type CancelOrderRequestParam
- type CancelPurchaseOrRedemptionResponse
- type CancelQuoteRequestParams
- type CancelQuoteResponse
- type CancelQuotesRequestParams
- type CancelRFQRequestParam
- type CancelRFQRequestsParam
- type CancelRFQResponse
- type CancelResponse
- type CandleStick
- type CandlestickHistoryItem
- type CandlestickMarkPrice
- type CloseLeadingPositionParam
- type ClosePositionContractGridResponse
- type ClosePositionParams
- type ClosePositionResponse
- type ClosePositionsRequestParams
- type ComputeInvestmentDataParam
- type ComputeMarginBalance
- type ContractGridAlgoOrder
- type ContractOpenInterestHistoryItem
- type ContractTakerVolume
- type ConvertCurrency
- type ConvertCurrencyPair
- type ConvertHistory
- type ConvertTradeInput
- type ConvertTradeResponse
- type CopySetting
- type CopyTradingLeadTrader
- type CopyTradingNotification
- type CounterpartiesResponse
- type CreateQuoteParams
- type CreateRFQInput
- type CurrencyDepositResponseItem
- type CurrencyOneClickRepay
- type CurrencyResponse
- type CurrencyTakerFlow
- type DeliveryEstimatedPrice
- type DeliveryHistory
- type DeliveryHistoryDetail
- type DepositHistoryResponseItem
- type DepositWithdrawStatus
- type DiscountRate
- type DiscountRateInfoItem
- type EasyConvertDetail
- type EasyConvertFromData
- type EasyConvertItem
- type EconomicCalendar
- type EconomicCalendarResponse
- type EstimateQuoteRequestInput
- type EstimateQuoteResponse
- type ExchangeInfo
- type ExecuteQuoteParams
- type ExecuteQuoteResponse
- type ExpiryOpenInterestAndVolume
- type FiatDepositPaymentMethods
- type FiatItemInfo
- type FiatOrderDetail
- type FiatWithdrawalPaymentMethods
- type FillArchiveParam
- type FirstCopySettings
- type FixedLoanBorrowLimitInformation
- type FixedLoanBorrowOrderDetail
- type FixedLoanBorrowQuote
- type FundingBalance
- type FundingRateResponse
- type FundingTransferRequestInput
- type FundingTransferResponse
- type GreeksItem
- type GreeksType
- type GridAIParameterResponse
- type GridAlgoOrder
- type GridAlgoOrderAmend
- type GridAlgoOrderIDResponse
- type GridAlgoOrderResponse
- type GridSubOrderData
- type IncreaseDecreaseMargin
- type IncreaseDecreaseMarginInput
- type IndexComponent
- type IndexComponentItem
- type IndexTicker
- type Instrument
- type InstrumentFamilyTrade
- type InstrumentsFetchParams
- type InsuranceFundInformation
- type InsuranceFundInformationDetail
- type InsuranceFundInformationRequestParams
- type InterestAccruedData
- type InterestAndLoanDetail
- type InterestRateLoanQuotaBasic
- type InterestRateLoanQuotaItem
- type InterestRateResponse
- type InvestmentData
- type InvestmentResult
- type IsolatedMode
- type LeadPosition
- type LeadTraderCurrencyPreference
- type LeadTraderCurrentLeadPosition
- type LeadTraderStat
- type LeadTradersRank
- type LeadingInstrumentItem
- type LendingAPIHistoryItem
- type LendingHistory
- type LendingOrderDetail
- type LendingOrderParam
- type LendingOrderResponse
- type LendingRate
- type LendingSubOrder
- type LendingVolume
- type LeverageEstimatedInfo
- type LeverageInfo
- type LeverageResponse
- type Leverages
- type LightningDepositItem
- type LightningWithdrawalRequestInput
- type LightningWithdrawalResponse
- type LimitPriceResponse
- type LiquidationOrder
- type LiquidationOrderDetailItem
- type LiquidationOrderRequestParams
- type LoanBorrowAndReplay
- type LoanBorrowAndReplayInput
- type LongShortRatio
- type MMPConfig
- type MMPConfigDetail
- type MMPStatusResponse
- type MakerInstrumentSetting
- type MarginBalanceParam
- type MarginLendRatioItem
- type MarkPrice
- type MaximumBuyAndSell
- type MaximumLoanInstrument
- type MaximumTradableAmount
- type MaximumWithdrawal
- type MonthlyStatement
- type NonTradableAsset
- type Offer
- type OfferInvestData
- type Okx
- func (ok *Okx) AccountBalance(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]Account, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AccountGreeksSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, pair currency.Pair) error
- func (ok *Okx) ActivateOption(ctx context.Context) (types.Time, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AdjustMarginBalance(ctx context.Context, arg *MarginBalanceParam) (*AdjustMarginBalanceResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AdvanceAlgoOrdersSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) AlgoOrdersSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) AmendAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AmendAlgoOrderParam) (*AmendAlgoResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AmendCopySettings(ctx context.Context, arg *FirstCopySettings) (*ResponseSuccess, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AmendFixedLoanBorrowingOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID string, reborrow bool, renewMaxRate float64) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AmendGridAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *GridAlgoOrderAmend) (*GridAlgoOrderIDResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AmendLeadingInstruments(ctx context.Context, instrumentID, instrumentType string) ([]LeadingInstrumentItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AmendLendingOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID string, changeAmount, rate float64, ...) (string, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AmendMultipleOrders(ctx context.Context, args []AmendOrderRequestParams) ([]OrderData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AmendOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AmendOrderRequestParams) (*OrderData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AmendRecurringBuyOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AmendRecurringOrderParam) (*RecurringOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AmendSpreadOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AmendSpreadOrderParam) (*SpreadOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) AppendWsOrderbookItems(entries [][4]types.Number) (orderbook.Tranches, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ApplyBillDetails(ctx context.Context, year, quarter string) ([]BillsDetailResp, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ApplyForMonthlyStatement(ctx context.Context, month string) (types.Time, error)
- func (ok *Okx) BalanceAndPositionSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation, uid string) error
- func (ok *Okx) BlockTickerSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) BusinessSubscribe(channelsToSubscribe subscription.List) error
- func (ok *Okx) BusinessUnsubscribe(channelsToUnsubscribe subscription.List) error
- func (ok *Okx) CalculateOrderbookChecksum(orderbookData *WsOrderBookData) (int32, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CalculateUpdateOrderbookChecksum(orderbookData *orderbook.Base, checksumVal uint32) error
- func (ok *Okx) CancelAdvanceAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, args []AlgoOrderCancelParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, args []AlgoOrderCancelParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelAllDelayed(ctx context.Context, timeout int64, orderTag string) (*CancelResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelAllMMPOrders(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentFamily string, ...) (*CancelMMPResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelAllOrders(ctx context.Context, orderCancellation *order.Cancel) (order.CancelAllResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelAllRFQQuotes(ctx context.Context) (types.Time, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelAllRFQs(ctx context.Context) (types.Time, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelAllSpreadOrders(ctx context.Context, spreadID string) (bool, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelAllSpreadOrdersAfterCountdown(ctx context.Context, timeoutDuration int64) (*SpreadOrderCancellationResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelBatchOrders(ctx context.Context, o []order.Cancel) (*order.CancelBatchResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelClosePositionOrderForContractGrid(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelClosePositionOrder) (*ClosePositionContractGridResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelMultipleOrders(ctx context.Context, args []CancelOrderRequestParam) ([]OrderData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelMultipleQuote(ctx context.Context, arg CancelQuotesRequestParams) ([]CancelQuoteResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelMultipleRFQs(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelRFQRequestsParam) ([]CancelRFQResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelOrder(ctx context.Context, ord *order.Cancel) error
- func (ok *Okx) CancelPurchaseOrRedemption(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelFundingParam) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelQuote(ctx context.Context, quoteID, clientQuoteID string) (*CancelQuoteResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelRFQ(ctx context.Context, rfqID, clientRFQID string) (*CancelRFQResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelSingleOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelOrderRequestParam) (*OrderData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelSpreadOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID, clientOrderID string) (*SpreadOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelWithdrawal(ctx context.Context, withdrawalID string) (string, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CancelWithdrawalOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID string) (*OrderIDAndState, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CandlesticksSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation, channel string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) ChangePositionMargin(ctx context.Context, req *margin.PositionChangeRequest) (*margin.PositionChangeResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CloseLeadingPosition(ctx context.Context, arg *CloseLeadingPositionParam) (*PositionIDInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ClosePositionForContractID(ctx context.Context, arg *ClosePositionParams) (*ClosePositionContractGridResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ClosePositions(ctx context.Context, arg *ClosePositionsRequestParams) (*ClosePositionResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ComputeMarginBalance(ctx context.Context, arg MarginBalanceParam) (*ComputeMarginBalance, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ComputeMinInvestment(ctx context.Context, arg *ComputeInvestmentDataParam) (*InvestmentResult, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ContractGridAlgoOrders(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) ConvertFixedLoanToMarketLoan(ctx context.Context, orderID string) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ConvertTrade(ctx context.Context, arg *ConvertTradeInput) (*ConvertTradeResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CreateQuote(ctx context.Context, arg *CreateQuoteParams) (*QuoteResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CreateRFQ(ctx context.Context, arg *CreateRFQInput) (*RFQResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CreateWithdrawalOrder(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, ...) (*FiatOrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) CurrencyUnitConvert(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, quantity, orderPrice float64, ...) (*UnitConvertResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) EstimateQuote(ctx context.Context, arg *EstimateQuoteRequestInput) (*EstimateQuoteResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) EstimatedDeliveryExercisePriceSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) ExecuteQuote(ctx context.Context, rfqID, quoteID string) (*ExecuteQuoteResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) FetchTradablePairs(ctx context.Context, a asset.Item) (currency.Pairs, error)
- func (ok *Okx) FundingRateSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) FundingTransfer(ctx context.Context, arg *FundingTransferRequestInput) ([]FundingTransferResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GenerateDefaultBusinessSubscriptions() ([]subscription.Subscription, error)
- func (ok *Okx) Get24HTotalVolume(ctx context.Context) (*TradingVolumeIn24HR, error)
- func (ok *Okx) Get3MonthOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, arg *OrderHistoryRequestParams) ([]OrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) Get7DayOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, arg *OrderHistoryRequestParams) ([]OrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAPYHistory(ctx context.Context, days int64) ([]APYItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAccountAndPositionRisk(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string) ([]AccountAndPositionRisk, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAccountAssetValuation(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]AccountAssetValuation, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAccountConfiguration(ctx context.Context) ([]AccountConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAccountFundingHistory(ctx context.Context) ([]exchange.FundingHistory, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAccountInstruments(ctx context.Context, instrumentType asset.Item, ...) ([]AccountInstrument, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAccountRiskState(ctx context.Context) ([]AccountRiskState, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetActiveOrders(ctx context.Context, req *order.MultiOrderRequest) (order.FilteredOrders, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetActiveSpreadOrders(ctx context.Context, spreadID, orderType, state, beginID, endID string, ...) ([]SpreadOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAlgoOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, algoID, clientSuppliedAlgoID string) (*AlgoOrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAlgoOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]AlgoOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAlgoOrderList(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]AlgoOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAnnouncementTypes(ctx context.Context) ([]AnnouncementTypeInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAnnouncements(ctx context.Context, announcementType string, page int64) (*AnnouncementDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAssetBillsDetails(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, clientID string, ...) ([]AssetBillDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetAvailableTransferChains(ctx context.Context, cryptocurrency currency.Code) ([]string, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetBETHAssetsBalance(ctx context.Context) (*BETHAssetsBalance, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetBalance(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]AssetBalance, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetBillsDetail(ctx context.Context, arg *BillsDetailQueryParameter, route string, ...) ([]BillsDetailResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetBillsDetail3Months(ctx context.Context, arg *BillsDetailQueryParameter) ([]BillsDetailResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetBillsDetailLast7Days(ctx context.Context, arg *BillsDetailQueryParameter) ([]BillsDetailResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetBillsHistoryArchive(ctx context.Context, year, quarter string) ([]BillsArchiveInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetBlockTicker(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string) (*BlockTicker, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetBlockTickers(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, underlying string) ([]BlockTicker, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetBorrowAndRepayHistoryForVIPLoans(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]BorrowRepayHistory, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetBorrowAndRepayHistoryInQuickMarginMode(ctx context.Context, instrumentID currency.Pair, ccy currency.Code, ...) ([]BorrowRepayHistoryItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetBorrowInterestAndLimit(ctx context.Context, loanType int64, ccy currency.Code) ([]BorrowInterestAndLimitResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetBorrowRepayHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, eventType string, ...) ([]BorrowRepayItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetCandlestickData(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, interval kline.Interval, ...) ([]CandleStick, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetCandlesticks(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, interval kline.Interval, ...) ([]CandleStick, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetCandlesticksHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, interval kline.Interval, ...) ([]CandleStick, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetCollateralMode(ctx context.Context, item asset.Item) (collateral.Mode, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetCompletedSpreadOrdersLast7Days(ctx context.Context, spreadID, orderType, state, beginID, endID string, ...) ([]SpreadOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetContractsOpenInterestAndVolume(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, begin, end time.Time, ...) ([]OpenInterestVolume, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetConvertCurrencies(ctx context.Context) ([]ConvertCurrency, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetConvertCurrencyPair(ctx context.Context, fromCcy, toCcy currency.Code) (*ConvertCurrencyPair, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetConvertHistory(ctx context.Context, before, after time.Time, limit int64, tag string) ([]ConvertHistory, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetCopySettings(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, uniqueCode string) (*CopySetting, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetCounterparties(ctx context.Context) ([]CounterpartiesResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetCurrencyDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]CurrencyDepositResponseItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetCurrencyDepositHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, ...) ([]DepositHistoryResponseItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetCurrencyTradeURL(ctx context.Context, a asset.Item, cp currency.Pair) (string, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetCustodyTradingSubaccountList(ctx context.Context, subaccountName string) ([]SubaccountName, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetDailyLeadTraderPNL(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, uniqueCode, lastDays string) ([]TraderWeeklyProfitAndLoss, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetDeliveryHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, underlying, instrumentFamily string, ...) ([]DeliveryHistory, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, c currency.Code, _, chain string) (*deposit.Address, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetDepositOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, orderID string) (*FiatOrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetDepositWithdrawalStatus(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, ...) ([]DepositWithdrawStatus, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetDiscountRateAndInterestFreeQuota(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, discountLevel int8) ([]DiscountRate, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetEarnActiveOrders(ctx context.Context, productID, protocolType, state string, ccy currency.Code) ([]ActiveFundingOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetEasyConvertCurrencyList(ctx context.Context, source string) (*EasyConvertDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetEasyConvertHistory(ctx context.Context, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]EasyConvertItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetEconomicCalendarData(ctx context.Context, region, importance string, before, after time.Time, ...) ([]EconomicCalendar, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetEstimatedDeliveryPrice(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string) ([]DeliveryEstimatedPrice, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetExchangeRate(ctx context.Context) (*UsdCnyExchangeRate, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetExistingLeadingPositions(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentID string, ...) ([]PositionInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFee(ctx context.Context, feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFeeByType(ctx context.Context, feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFiatDepositOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, paymentMethod, state string, ...) ([]FiatOrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFiatDepositPaymentMethods(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) (*FiatDepositPaymentMethods, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFiatWithdrawalOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, paymentMethod, state string, ...) ([]FiatOrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFiatWithdrawalPaymentMethods(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) (*FiatWithdrawalPaymentMethods, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFixedLoanBorrowLimit(ctx context.Context) (*FixedLoanBorrowLimitInformation, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFixedLoanBorrowOrderList(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, orderID, state, term string, ...) ([]FixedLoanBorrowOrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFixedLoanBorrowQuote(ctx context.Context, borrowingCurrency currency.Code, ...) (*FixedLoanBorrowQuote, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFundingCurrencies(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]CurrencyResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFundingOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, productID, protocolType string, ccy currency.Code, ...) ([]ActiveFundingOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFundingRateHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]FundingRateResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFundsTransferState(ctx context.Context, transferID, clientID string, transferType int64) ([]TransferFundRateResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFuturesContractDetails(ctx context.Context, item asset.Item) ([]futures.Contract, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFuturesContractLongShortAccountRatio(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, period kline.Interval, ...) ([]TopTraderContractsLongShortRatio, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFuturesContractTakerVolume(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, period kline.Interval, ...) ([]ContractTakerVolume, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFuturesContractsOpenInterestHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, period kline.Interval, ...) ([]ContractOpenInterestHistoryItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFuturesPositionOrders(ctx context.Context, req *futures.PositionsRequest) ([]futures.PositionResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetFuturesPositionSummary(ctx context.Context, req *futures.PositionSummaryRequest) (*futures.PositionSummary, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetGreeks(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]GreeksItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetGridAIParameter(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, instrumentID, direction, duration string) ([]GridAIParameterResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetGridAlgoOrderDetails(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, algoID string) (*GridAlgoOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetGridAlgoOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]GridAlgoOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetGridAlgoOrderPositions(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, algoID string) ([]AlgoOrderPosition, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetGridAlgoOrdersList(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]GridAlgoOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetGridAlgoSubOrders(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]GridAlgoOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetHistoricCandles(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, interval kline.Interval, ...) (*kline.Item, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetHistoricCandlesExtended(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, interval kline.Interval, ...) (*kline.Item, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetHistoricIndexCandlesticksHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, after, before time.Time, ...) ([]CandlestickHistoryItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetHistoricTrades(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, ...) ([]trade.Data, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetHistoricalFundingRates(ctx context.Context, r *fundingrate.HistoricalRatesRequest) (*fundingrate.HistoricalRates, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetHistoryLeadTraders(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, after, before string, limit int64) ([]CopyTradingLeadTrader, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetHistoryOfManagedSubAccountTransfer(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, ...) ([]SubAccountTransfer, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetIndexCandlesticks(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, interval kline.Interval, ...) ([]CandleStick, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetIndexComponents(ctx context.Context, index string) (*IndexComponent, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetIndexTickers(ctx context.Context, quoteCurrency currency.Code, instID string) ([]IndexTicker, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetInstruments(ctx context.Context, arg *InstrumentsFetchParams) ([]Instrument, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetInsuranceFundInformation(ctx context.Context, arg *InsuranceFundInformationRequestParams) (*InsuranceFundInformation, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetInterestAccruedData(ctx context.Context, loanType, limit int64, ccy currency.Code, ...) ([]InterestAccruedData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetInterestRate(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]InterestRateResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetInterestRateAndLoanQuota(ctx context.Context) ([]InterestRateLoanQuotaItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetInterestRateAndLoanQuotaForVIPLoans(ctx context.Context) ([]VIPInterestRateAndLoanQuotaInformation, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetInviteesDetail(ctx context.Context, uid string) (*AffilateInviteesDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLatestFundingRates(ctx context.Context, r *fundingrate.LatestRateRequest) ([]fundingrate.LatestRateResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLeadTraderCurrencyPreferences(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, uniqueCode, lastDays string) ([]LeadTraderCurrencyPreference, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLeadTraderCurrentLeadPositions(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]LeadTraderCurrentLeadPosition, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLeadTraderLeadPositionHistory(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]LeadPosition, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLeadTraderStats(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, uniqueCode, lastDays string) ([]LeadTraderStat, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLeadTradersRanks(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]LeadTradersRank, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLeadingInstrument(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string) ([]LeadingInstrumentItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLeadingPositionsHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentID string, ...) ([]PositionInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLendingHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]LendingHistory, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLendingOrders(ctx context.Context, orderID, state string, ccy currency.Code, ...) ([]LendingOrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLendingSubOrderList(ctx context.Context, orderID, state string, startAt, endAt time.Time, ...) ([]LendingSubOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLeverage(ctx context.Context, item asset.Item, pair currency.Pair, ...) (float64, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLeverageEstimatedInfo(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]LeverageEstimatedInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLeverageRate(ctx context.Context, instrumentID, marginMode string, ccy currency.Code) ([]LeverageResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLightningDeposits(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, amount float64, to int64) ([]LightningDepositItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLimitPrice(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string) (*LimitPriceResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLiquidationOrders(ctx context.Context, arg *LiquidationOrderRequestParams) (*LiquidationOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetLongShortRatio(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, begin, end time.Time, ...) ([]LongShortRatio, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetMMPConfig(ctx context.Context, instrumentFamily string) ([]MMPConfigDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetMarginLendingRatio(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, begin, end time.Time, ...) ([]MarginLendRatioItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetMarkPrice(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]MarkPrice, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetMarkPriceCandlestickHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, after, before time.Time, ...) ([]CandlestickHistoryItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetMarkPriceCandlesticks(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, interval kline.Interval, ...) ([]CandleStick, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetMaximumAvailableTradableAmount(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, ...) ([]MaximumTradableAmount, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetMaximumBuySellAmountOROpenAmount(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, ...) ([]MaximumBuyAndSell, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetMaximumLoanOfInstrument(ctx context.Context, instrumentID, marginMode string, ...) ([]MaximumLoanInstrument, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetMaximumWithdrawals(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]MaximumWithdrawal, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetMonthlyStatement(ctx context.Context, month string) ([]MonthlyStatement, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetMultipleLeverages(ctx context.Context, marginMode, uniqueCode, instrumentID string) ([]Leverages, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetMyLeadTraders(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string) ([]CopyTradingLeadTrader, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetNonTradableAssets(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]NonTradableAsset, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOffers(ctx context.Context, productID, protocolType string, ccy currency.Code) ([]Offer, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOneClickRepayCurrencyList(ctx context.Context, debtType string) ([]CurrencyOneClickRepay, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOneClickRepayHistory(ctx context.Context, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]CurrencyOneClickRepay, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOpenInterest(ctx context.Context, k ...key.PairAsset) ([]futures.OpenInterest, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOpenInterestAndVolumeExpiry(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, period kline.Interval) ([]ExpiryOpenInterestAndVolume, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOpenInterestAndVolumeStrike(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, expTime time.Time, ...) ([]StrikeOpenInterestAndVolume, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOpenInterestData(ctx context.Context, instType, uly, instrumentFamily, instID string) ([]OpenInterest, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOptionMarketData(ctx context.Context, underlying, instrumentFamily string, expTime time.Time) ([]OptionMarketDataResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOptionTrades(ctx context.Context, instrumentID, instrumentFamily, optionType string) ([]OptionTrade, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOptionTradesByInstrumentFamily(ctx context.Context, instrumentFamily string) ([]InstrumentFamilyTrade, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOptionsOpenInterestAndVolume(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, period kline.Interval) ([]OpenInterestVolume, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOptionsTickBands(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentFamily string) ([]OptionTickBand, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOracle(ctx context.Context) (*OracleSmartContractResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOrderBookDepth(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, depth int64) (*OrderBookResponseDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, arg *OrderDetailRequestParam) (*OrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, req *order.MultiOrderRequest) (order.FilteredOrders, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOrderInfo(ctx context.Context, orderID string, pair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*order.Detail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetOrderList(ctx context.Context, arg *OrderListRequestParams) ([]OrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPMPositionLimitation(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, underlying, instrumentFamily string) ([]PMLimitationResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPairFromInstrumentID(instrumentID string) (currency.Pair, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPositionTiers(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]PositionTiers, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPositions(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentID, positionID string) ([]AccountPosition, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPositionsHistory(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]AccountPositionHistory, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPremiumHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]PremiumInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetProductInfo(ctx context.Context) (*ProductInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetProfitSharingDetails(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string, before, after time.Time, ...) ([]ProfitSharingItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPublicBlockTrades(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string) ([]BlockTrade, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPublicBorrowHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]PublicBorrowHistory, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPublicBorrowInfo(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]PublicBorrowInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPublicExchangeList(ctx context.Context) ([]ExchangeInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPublicRFQTrades(ctx context.Context, beginID, endID string, limit int64) ([]PublicTradesResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPublicSpreadOrderBooks(ctx context.Context, spreadID string, orderbookSize int64) ([]SpreadOrderbook, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPublicSpreadTickers(ctx context.Context, spreadID string) ([]SpreadTicker, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPublicSpreadTrades(ctx context.Context, spreadID string) ([]SpreadPublicTradeItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPublicSpreads(ctx context.Context, baseCurrency, instrumentID, spreadID, state string) ([]SpreadInstrument, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPublicUnderlyings(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string) ([]string, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPurchaseAndRedeemHistory(ctx context.Context, kind, status string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]PurchaseRedeemHistory, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetPutCallRatio(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, period kline.Interval) ([]OpenInterestVolumeRatio, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetQuoteProducts(ctx context.Context) ([]QuoteProduct, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetQuotes(ctx context.Context, arg *QuoteRequestParams) ([]QuoteResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetRFQTrades(ctx context.Context, arg *RFQTradesRequestParams) ([]RFQTradeResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetRFQs(ctx context.Context, arg *RFQRequestParams) ([]RFQResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetRecentTrades(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) ([]trade.Data, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetRecurringBuyOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, algoID string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]RecurringOrderItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetRecurringBuyOrderList(ctx context.Context, algoID, algoOrderState string, after, before time.Time, ...) ([]RecurringOrderItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetRecurringOrderDetails(ctx context.Context, algoID, algoOrderState string) (*RecurringOrderDeail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetRecurringSubOrders(ctx context.Context, algoID, orderID string, after, before time.Time, ...) ([]RecurringBuySubOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSavingBalance(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]SavingBalanceResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetServerTime(ctx context.Context, _ asset.Item) (time.Time, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSignalBotEventHistory(ctx context.Context, algoID string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]SignalBotEventHistory, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSignalBotOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, algoID string) (*SignalBotOrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSignalBotSubOrders(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]SubOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSignalOrderPositions(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, algoID string) (*SignalBotPosition, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSingleFundingRate(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string) (*FundingRateResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSpreadOrderDetails(ctx context.Context, orderID, clientOrderID string) (*SpreadOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSpreadTradesOfLast7Days(ctx context.Context, spreadID, tradeID, orderID, beginID, endID string, ...) ([]SpreadTrade, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSubAccountBorrowInterestAndLimit(ctx context.Context, subAccount string, ccy currency.Code) ([]SubAccounBorrowInterestAndLimit, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSubAccountMaximumWithdrawal(ctx context.Context, subAccountName string, ccy currency.Code) ([]SubAccountMaximumWithdrawal, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSubaccountFundingBalance(ctx context.Context, subaccountName string, ccy currency.Code) ([]FundingBalance, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSubaccountTradingBalance(ctx context.Context, subaccountName string) ([]SubaccountBalanceResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSubscriptionTemplate(_ *subscription.Subscription) (*template.Template, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSupportCoins(ctx context.Context) (*SupportedCoinsData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetSystemTime(ctx context.Context) (types.Time, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTakerFlow(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, period kline.Interval) (*CurrencyTakerFlow, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTakerVolume(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, ...) ([]TakerVolume, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTicker(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string) (*TickerResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTickers(ctx context.Context, instType, uly, instFamily string) ([]TickerResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTopTradersFuturesContractLongShortAccountRatio(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, period kline.Interval, ...) ([]TopTraderContractsLongShortRatio, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTopTradersFuturesContractLongShortPositionRatio(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, period kline.Interval, ...) ([]TopTraderContractsLongShortRatio, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTotalProfitSharing(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string) ([]TotalProfitSharing, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTradeAccountRateLimit(ctx context.Context) (*AccountRateLimit, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTradeFee(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]TradeFeeRate, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTrades(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, limit int64) ([]TradeResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTradesHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID, before, after string, limit int64) ([]TradeResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTransactionDetailsLast3Days(ctx context.Context, arg *TransactionDetailRequestParams) ([]TransactionDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetTransactionDetailsLast3Months(ctx context.Context, arg *TransactionDetailRequestParams) ([]TransactionDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetUnderlying(pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item) (string, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetUnrealizedProfitSharingDetails(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string) ([]ProfitSharingItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetUserAffiliateRebateInformation(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) (*AffilateRebateInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetVIPInterestAccruedData(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, orderID string, ...) ([]VIPInterestData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetVIPInterestDeductedData(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, orderID string, ...) ([]VIPInterestData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetVIPLoanOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, orderID string, ccy currency.Code, ...) (*VIPLoanOrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetVIPLoanOrderList(ctx context.Context, orderID, state string, ccy currency.Code, ...) ([]VIPLoanOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetWeeklyTraderProfitAndLoss(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, uniqueCode string) ([]TraderWeeklyProfitAndLoss, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetWithdrawalHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, ...) ([]WithdrawalHistoryResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetWithdrawalOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, orderID string) (*FiatOrderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GetWithdrawalsHistory(ctx context.Context, c currency.Code, _ asset.Item) ([]exchange.WithdrawalHistory, error)
- func (ok *Okx) GridPositionsSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation, algoID string) error
- func (ok *Okx) GridSubOrders(ctx context.Context, operation, algoID string) error
- func (ok *Okx) HistoryOfSubaccountTransfer(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, subaccountType, subaccountName string, ...) ([]SubaccountBillItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) IncreaseDecreaseMargin(ctx context.Context, arg *IncreaseDecreaseMarginInput) (*IncreaseDecreaseMargin, error)
- func (ok *Okx) IndexCandlesticksSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation, channel string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) IndexTickerChannel(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) InstantTriggerGridAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, algoID string) (*TriggeredGridAlgoOrderInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) InstrumentsSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) IsPerpetualFutureCurrency(a asset.Item, _ currency.Pair) (bool, error)
- func (ok *Okx) IsolatedMarginTradingSettings(ctx context.Context, arg *IsolatedMode) (*IsolatedMode, error)
- func (ok *Okx) LightningWithdrawal(ctx context.Context, arg *LightningWithdrawalRequestInput) (*LightningWithdrawalResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ManualBorrowAndRepayInQuickMarginMode(ctx context.Context, arg *BorrowAndRepay) (*BorrowAndRepay, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ManualBorrowOrRepay(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, side string, amount float64) (*BorrowOrRepay, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ManualRenewFixedLoanBorrowingOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID string, maxRate float64) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) MarkPriceCandlesticksSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation, channel string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) MarkPriceSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) MasterAccountsManageTransfersBetweenSubaccounts(ctx context.Context, arg *SubAccountAssetTransferParams) ([]TransferIDInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ModifyOrder(ctx context.Context, action *order.Modify) (*order.ModifyResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) NewPositionBuilder(ctx context.Context, arg *PositionBuilderParam) (*PositionBuilderDetail, error)
- func (ok *Okx) OpenInterestSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) OptionSummarySubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, pair currency.Pair) error
- func (ok *Okx) OrderBooksSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation, channel string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AlgoOrderParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceChaseAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AlgoOrderParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceEasyConvert(ctx context.Context, arg PlaceEasyConvertParam) ([]EasyConvertItem, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceFixedLoanBorrowingOrder(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, amount, maxRate, reborrowRate float64, ...) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceGridAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *GridAlgoOrder) (*GridAlgoOrderIDResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceIcebergOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AlgoOrderParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceLeadingStopOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *TPSLOrderParam) (*PositionIDInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceLendingOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *LendingOrderParam) (*LendingOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceMultipleOrders(ctx context.Context, args []PlaceOrderRequestParam) ([]OrderData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *PlaceOrderRequestParam) (*OrderData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceRecurringBuyOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *PlaceRecurringBuyOrderParam) (*RecurringOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceSpreadOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *SpreadOrderParam) (*SpreadOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceStopOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AlgoOrderParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceTWAPOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AlgoOrderParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceTakeProfitStopLossOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AlgoOrderParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceTrailingStopOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AlgoOrderParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PlaceTriggerAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AlgoOrderParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PositionRiskWarningSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) PreCheckOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *OrderPreCheckParams) (*OrderPreCheckResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PriceLimitSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) PublicBlockTradesSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) PublicStructureBlockTradesSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) Purchase(ctx context.Context, arg *PurchaseRequestParam) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) PurchaseETHStaking(ctx context.Context, amount float64) error
- func (ok *Okx) QuotesSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string) error
- func (ok *Okx) RFQSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation, uid string) error
- func (ok *Okx) RSIBackTesting(ctx context.Context, instrumentID, triggerCondition, duration string, ...) (*RSIBacktestingResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) Redeem(ctx context.Context, arg *RedeemRequestParam) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) RedeemETHStaking(ctx context.Context, amount float64) error
- func (ok *Okx) ReduceLiabilitiesForFixedLoan(ctx context.Context, orderID string, pendingRepay bool) (*ReduceLiabilities, error)
- func (ok *Okx) RepayFixedLoanBorrowingOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID string) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ResetMMPStatus(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentFamily string) (*MMPStatusResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ResetRFQMMPStatus(ctx context.Context) (time.Time, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ResetSubAccountAPIKey(ctx context.Context, arg *SubAccountAPIKeyParam) (*SubAccountAPIKeyResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SavingsPurchaseOrRedemption(ctx context.Context, arg *SavingsPurchaseRedemptionInput) (*SavingsPurchaseRedemptionResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SendHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, ep exchange.URL, f request.EndpointLimit, ...) (err error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetAccountMode(ctx context.Context, accountLevel string) (*AccountMode, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetAutoLoan(ctx context.Context, autoLoan bool) (*AutoLoan, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetAutoRepay(ctx context.Context, autoRepay bool) (*AutoRepay, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetCollateralMode(_ context.Context, _ asset.Item, _ collateral.Mode) error
- func (ok *Okx) SetDefaults()
- func (ok *Okx) SetFirstCopySettings(ctx context.Context, arg *FirstCopySettings) (*ResponseSuccess, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetGreeks(ctx context.Context, greeksType string) (*GreeksType, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetLendingRate(ctx context.Context, arg *LendingRate) (*LendingRate, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetLeverage(ctx context.Context, item asset.Item, pair currency.Pair, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) SetLeverageRate(ctx context.Context, arg *SetLeverageInput) (*SetLeverageResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetMMP(ctx context.Context, arg *MMPConfig) (*MMPConfig, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetMarginType(_ context.Context, _ asset.Item, _ currency.Pair, _ margin.Type) error
- func (ok *Okx) SetMultipleLeverages(ctx context.Context, arg *SetLeveragesParam) (*SetMultipleLeverageResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetPermissionOfTransferOut(ctx context.Context, arg *PermissionOfTransfer) ([]PermissionOfTransfer, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetPositionMode(ctx context.Context, positionMode string) (*PositionMode, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetQuoteProducts(ctx context.Context, args []SetQuoteProductParam) (*SetQuoteProductsResult, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetRiskOffsetAmount(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, clientSpotInUseAmount float64) (*RiskOffsetAmount, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetRiskOffsetType(ctx context.Context, riskOffsetType string) (*RiskOffsetType, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SetSubAccountVIPLoanAllocation(ctx context.Context, arg *SubAccountLoanAllocationParam) (bool, error)
- func (ok *Okx) Setup(exch *config.Exchange) error
- func (ok *Okx) Shutdown() error
- func (ok *Okx) SmallAssetsConvert(ctx context.Context, currency []string) (*SmallAssetConvertResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) SpotGridAlgoOrdersSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) SpotGridWithdrawProfit(ctx context.Context, algoID string) (*AlgoOrderWithdrawalProfit, error)
- func (ok *Okx) StatusSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) StopCopying(ctx context.Context, arg *StopCopyingParameter) (*ResponseSuccess, error)
- func (ok *Okx) StopGridAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, arg []StopGridAlgoOrderRequest) ([]GridAlgoOrderIDResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) StopRecurringBuyOrder(ctx context.Context, arg []StopRecurringBuyOrder) ([]RecurringOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) StructureBlockTradesSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string) error
- func (ok *Okx) SubmitOrder(ctx context.Context, s *order.Submit) (*order.SubmitResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) Subscribe(channelsToSubscribe subscription.List) error
- func (ok *Okx) SystemStatusResponse(ctx context.Context, state string) ([]SystemStatusResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) TickersSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) TradeOneClickRepay(ctx context.Context, arg TradeOneClickRepayParam) ([]CurrencyOneClickRepay, error)
- func (ok *Okx) TradesSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) Unsubscribe(channelsToUnsubscribe subscription.List) error
- func (ok *Okx) UpdateAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) (account.Holdings, error)
- func (ok *Okx) UpdateOrderExecutionLimits(ctx context.Context, a asset.Item) error
- func (ok *Okx) UpdateOrderbook(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*orderbook.Base, error)
- func (ok *Okx) UpdateTicker(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, a asset.Item) (*ticker.Price, error)
- func (ok *Okx) UpdateTickers(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) error
- func (ok *Okx) UpdateTradablePairs(ctx context.Context, forceUpdate bool) error
- func (ok *Okx) VIPLoansBorrowAndRepay(ctx context.Context, arg *LoanBorrowAndReplayInput) (*LoanBorrowAndReplay, error)
- func (ok *Okx) ValidateAPICredentials(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) error
- func (ok *Okx) ViewSubAccountList(ctx context.Context, enable bool, subaccountName string, ...) ([]SubaccountInfo, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds(ctx context.Context, withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WithdrawFiatFunds(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) Withdrawal(ctx context.Context, arg *WithdrawalInput) (*WithdrawalResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WsAccountSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) WsAmandSpreadOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AmendSpreadOrderParam) (*SpreadOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WsAmendMultipleOrders(ctx context.Context, args []AmendOrderRequestParams) ([]OrderData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WsAmendOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AmendOrderRequestParams) (*OrderData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WsAuth(ctx context.Context) error
- func (ok *Okx) WsCancelAllSpreadOrders(ctx context.Context, spreadID string) (bool, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WsCancelMultipleOrder(ctx context.Context, args []CancelOrderRequestParam) ([]OrderData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WsCancelOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelOrderRequestParam) (*OrderData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WsCancelSpreadOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID, clientOrderID string) (*SpreadOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WsConnect() error
- func (ok *Okx) WsConnectBusiness() error
- func (ok *Okx) WsHandleData(respRaw []byte) error
- func (ok *Okx) WsMassCancelOrders(ctx context.Context, args []CancelMassReqParam) (bool, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WsOrderChannel(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) WsPlaceMultipleOrders(ctx context.Context, args []PlaceOrderRequestParam) ([]OrderData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WsPlaceOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *PlaceOrderRequestParam) (*OrderData, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WsPlaceSpreadOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *SpreadOrderParam) (*SpreadOrderResponse, error)
- func (ok *Okx) WsPositionChannel(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, ...) error
- func (ok *Okx) WsProcessSnapshotOrderBook(data *WsOrderBookData, pair currency.Pair, assets []asset.Item) error
- func (ok *Okx) WsProcessUpdateOrderbook(data *WsOrderBookData, pair currency.Pair, assets []asset.Item) error
- func (ok *Okx) WsSpreadAuth(ctx context.Context) error
- type OpenInterest
- type OpenInterestVolume
- type OpenInterestVolumeRatio
- type OperationResponse
- type OptionMarketDataResponse
- type OptionTickBand
- type OptionTrade
- type OracleSmartContractResponse
- type OrderBookResponseDetail
- type OrderData
- type OrderDetail
- type OrderDetailRequestParam
- type OrderHistoryRequestParams
- type OrderIDAndState
- type OrderIDResponse
- type OrderLeg
- type OrderListRequestParams
- type OrderPreCheckParams
- type OrderPreCheckResponse
- type OrderbookItemDetail
- type PMLimitationResponse
- type PendingOrderItem
- type PermissionOfTransfer
- type PlaceEasyConvertParam
- type PlaceOrderRequestParam
- type PlaceRecurringBuyOrderParam
- type PositionBuilderData
- type PositionBuilderDetail
- type PositionBuilderInput
- type PositionBuilderParam
- type PositionBuilderResponse
- type PositionData
- type PositionDataDetail
- type PositionIDInfo
- type PositionInfo
- type PositionItem
- type PositionMode
- type PositionTiers
- type PremiumInfo
- type ProductInfo
- type ProfitSharingItem
- type PublicBlockTrades
- type PublicBorrowHistory
- type PublicBorrowInfo
- type PublicLendingOffer
- type PublicTrade
- type PublicTradesResponse
- type PurchaseInvestDataItem
- type PurchaseRedeemHistory
- type PurchaseRequestParam
- type QuoteLeg
- type QuoteProduct
- type QuoteRequestParams
- type QuoteResponse
- type RFQOrderLeg
- type RFQRequestParams
- type RFQResponse
- type RFQTradeLeg
- type RFQTradeResponse
- type RFQTradesRequestParams
- type RSIBacktestingResponse
- type RecurringBuyOrder
- type RecurringBuySubOrder
- type RecurringListItem
- type RecurringListItemDetailed
- type RecurringOrderDeail
- type RecurringOrderItem
- type RecurringOrderResponse
- type RedeemRequestParam
- type ReduceLiabilities
- type ResponseSuccess
- type RiskOffsetAmount
- type RiskOffsetType
- type SavingBalanceResponse
- type SavingsPurchaseRedemptionInput
- type SavingsPurchaseRedemptionResponse
- type ServerTime
- type SetLeverageInput
- type SetLeverageResponse
- type SetLeveragesParam
- type SetMultipleLeverageResponse
- type SetQuoteProductParam
- type SetQuoteProductsResult
- type SignalBotEventHistory
- type SignalBotOrderDetail
- type SignalBotPosition
- type SimulatedAsset
- type SimulatedPosition
- type SmallAssetConvertResponse
- type SpotGridAlgoData
- type SpreadInstrument
- type SpreadOrder
- type SpreadOrderCancellationResponse
- type SpreadOrderInfo
- type SpreadOrderParam
- type SpreadOrderResponse
- type SpreadOrderbook
- type SpreadPublicTradeItem
- type SpreadTicker
- type SpreadTrade
- type StopCopyingParameter
- type StopGridAlgoOrderParam
- type StopGridAlgoOrderRequest
- type StopRecurringBuyOrder
- type StrikeOpenInterestAndVolume
- type SubAccounBorrowInterestAndLimit
- type SubAccountAPIKeyParam
- type SubAccountAPIKeyResponse
- type SubAccountAssetTransferParams
- type SubAccountLoanAllocationParam
- type SubAccountMaximumWithdrawal
- type SubAccountTransfer
- type SubOrder
- type SubTPSLParams
- type SubaccountBalanceDetail
- type SubaccountBalanceResponse
- type SubaccountBillItem
- type SubaccountInfo
- type SubaccountName
- type SubscriptionInfo
- type SubscriptionOperationInput
- type SupportedCoinsData
- type SurplusLimitDetail
- type SystemStatusResponse
- type TPSLOrderParam
- type TakerVolume
- type TickerResponse
- type TopTraderContractsLongShortRatio
- type TotalProfitSharing
- type TradeFeeRate
- type TradeOneClickRepayParam
- type TradeResponse
- type TraderWeeklyProfitAndLoss
- type TradingVolumeIn24HR
- type TransactionDetail
- type TransactionDetailRequestParams
- type TransferFundRateResponse
- type TransferIDInfo
- type TriggeredGridAlgoOrderInfo
- type UnitConvertResponse
- type UsdCnyExchangeRate
- type VIPInterestData
- type VIPInterestRateAndLoanQuotaInformation
- type VIPLoanOrder
- type VIPLoanOrderDetail
- type WSInstrumentResponse
- type WSOpenInterestResponse
- type WSSubscriptionInformationList
- type WSTickerResponse
- type WebsocketEventRequest
- type WebsocketLoginData
- type WithdrawalHistoryResponse
- type WithdrawalInput
- type WithdrawalRecipientInformation
- type WithdrawalResponse
- type WsAccountChannelPushData
- type WsAdvancedAlgoOrder
- type WsAdvancedAlgoOrderDetail
- type WsAlgoOrder
- type WsAlgoOrderDetail
- type WsBalanceAndPosition
- type WsBlockTicker
- type WsBlockTradeResponse
- type WsContractGridAlgoOrder
- type WsDeliveryEstimatedPrice
- type WsDepositInfo
- type WsFundingRate
- type WsGreekData
- type WsGreeks
- type WsGridSubOrderData
- type WsIndexTicker
- type WsMarkPrice
- type WsOperationInput
- type WsOptionSummary
- type WsOptionTrades
- type WsOrder
- type WsOrderActionResponse
- type WsOrderBook
- type WsOrderBookData
- type WsOrderResponse
- type WsOrderbook5
- type WsPlaceOrderResponse
- type WsPositionResponse
- type WsPublicTradesResponse
- type WsQuote
- type WsQuoteData
- type WsRFQ
- type WsRFQData
- type WsSpotGridAlgoOrder
- type WsSpreadOrder
- type WsSpreadOrderTrade
- type WsSpreadOrderbook
- type WsSpreadOrderbookData
- type WsSpreadOrderbookItem
- type WsSpreadPublicTicker
- type WsSpreadPublicTrade
- type WsSpreadPushData
- type WsStructureBlocTrade
- type WsSystemStatusResponse
- type WsTradeOrder
- type WsWithdrawlInfo
Constants ¶
const ( // TradeModeCross trade mode, cross TradeModeCross = "cross" // TradeModeIsolated trade mode, isolated TradeModeIsolated = "isolated" // TradeModeCash trade mode, cash TradeModeCash = "cash" // AlgoOrdTypeGrid algo order type,grid AlgoOrdTypeGrid = "grid" // AlgoOrdTypeContractGrid algo order type, contract_grid AlgoOrdTypeContractGrid = "contract_grid" )
const ( StateUncompleted candlestickState = iota StateCompleted )
candlestickState represents index candlestick states.
Variables ¶
var (
ErrorCodes = map[string]error{}/* 515 elements not displayed */
ErrorCodes and their corresponding error messages
Functions ¶
func GetInstrumentTypeFromAssetItem ¶
GetInstrumentTypeFromAssetItem returns a string representation of asset.Item; which is an equivalent term for InstrumentType in Okx exchange
func GetRateLimit ¶
func GetRateLimit() request.RateLimitDefinitions
GetRateLimit returns a RateLimit instance, which implements the request.Limiter interface.
Types ¶
type ADLWarning ¶
type ADLWarning struct { Arg SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []struct { DecRate string `json:"decRate"` MaxBal string `json:"maxBal"` AdlRecRate types.Number `json:"adlRecRate"` AdlRecBal types.Number `json:"adlRecBal"` Balance types.Number `json:"bal"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` AdlRate types.Number `json:"adlRate"` InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily"` MaxBalTimestamp types.Time `json:"maxBalTs"` AdlType string `json:"adlType"` State string `json:"state"` AdlBalance types.Number `json:"adlBal"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` } `json:"data"` }
ADLWarning represents auto-deleveraging warning
type Account ¶
type Account struct { AdjustedEquity types.Number `json:"adjEq"` Details []AccountDetail `json:"details"` InitialMarginRequirement types.Number `json:"imr"` // Frozen equity for open positions and pending orders in USD level Applicable to Multi-currency margin and Portfolio margin IsolatedMarginEquity types.Number `json:"isoEq"` MgnRatio types.Number `json:"mgnRatio"` MaintenanceMarginRequirement types.Number `json:"mmr"` // Maintenance margin requirement in USD level Applicable to Multi-currency margin and Portfolio margin BorrowFrozen string `json:"borrowFroz"` NotionalUsd types.Number `json:"notionalUsd"` OrdFroz types.Number `json:"ordFroz"` // Margin frozen for pending orders in USD level Applicable to Multi-currency margin and Portfolio margin TotalEquity types.Number `json:"totalEq"` // Total Equity in USD level UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` // UpdateTime }
Account holds currency account balance and related information
type AccountAndPositionRisk ¶
type AccountAndPositionRisk struct { AdjEq string `json:"adjEq"` AccountBalanceData []AccountBalanceData `json:"balData"` PosData []PositionData `json:"posData"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
AccountAndPositionRisk holds information
type AccountAssetValuation ¶
type AccountAssetValuation struct { Details struct { Classic types.Number `json:"classic"` Earn types.Number `json:"earn"` Funding types.Number `json:"funding"` Trading types.Number `json:"trading"` } `json:"details"` TotalBalance types.Number `json:"totalBal"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
AccountAssetValuation represents view account asset valuation data
type AccountBalanceData ¶
type AccountBalanceData struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` DiscountEquity types.Number `json:"disEq"` // discount equity of the currency in USD level. Equity types.Number `json:"eq"` // Equity of the currency }
AccountBalanceData represents currency account balance
type AccountConfigurationResponse ¶
type AccountConfigurationResponse struct { UID string `json:"uid"` MainUID string `json:"mainUid"` AccountSelfTradePreventionMode string `json:"acctStpMode"` AccountLevel string `json:"acctLv"` // 1: Simple 2: Single-currency margin 3: Multi-currency margin 4:Portfolio margin AutoLoan bool `json:"autoLoan"` // Whether to borrow coins automatically true: borrow coins automatically false: not borrow coins automatically ContractIsolatedMode string `json:"ctIsoMode"` // Contract isolated margin trading settings automatic:Auto transfers autonomy:Manual transfers GreeksType string `json:"greeksType"` // Current display type of Greeks PA: Greeks in coins BS: Black-Scholes Greeks in dollars Level types.Number `json:"level"` // The user level of the current real trading volume on the platform, e.g lv1 LevelTemporary string `json:"levelTmp"` MarginIsolatedMode string `json:"mgnIsoMode"` // Margin isolated margin trading settings automatic:Auto transfers autonomy:Manual transfers PositionMode string `json:"posMode"` SpotOffsetType string `json:"spotOffsetType"` RoleType string `json:"roleType"` TraderInsts string `json:"traderInsts"` SpotRoleType string `json:"spotRoleType"` SpotTraderInsts string `json:"spotTraderInsts"` OptionalTradingAuth string `json:"opAuth"` // Whether the optional trading was activated 0: not activate 1: activated KYCLevel string `json:"kycLv"` Label string `json:"label"` IP string `json:"ip"` Permission string `json:"perm"` DiscountType string `json:"discountType"` LiquidationGear string `json:"liquidationGear"` EnableSpotBorrow bool `json:"enableSpotBorrow"` SpotBorrowAutoRepay bool `json:"spotBorrowAutoRepay"` }
AccountConfigurationResponse represents account configuration response
type AccountDetail ¶
type AccountDetail struct { Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` EquityOfCurrency types.Number `json:"eq"` CashBalance types.Number `json:"cashBal"` // Cash Balance UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` IsoEquity types.Number `json:"isoEq"` AvailableEquity types.Number `json:"availEq"` DiscountEquity types.Number `json:"disEq"` FixedBalance types.Number `json:"fixedBal"` AvailableBalance types.Number `json:"availBal"` MarginFrozenForOpenOrders types.Number `json:"ordFrozen"` CrossLiab types.Number `json:"crossLiab"` EquityUsd types.Number `json:"eqUsd"` FrozenBalance types.Number `json:"frozenBal"` Interest types.Number `json:"interest"` IsolatedLiabilities types.Number `json:"isoLiab"` IsoUpl types.Number `json:"isoUpl"` // Isolated unrealized profit and loss of the currency applicable to Single-currency margin and Multi-currency margin and Portfolio margin LiabilitiesOfCurrency types.Number `json:"liab"` MaxLoan types.Number `json:"maxLoan"` MarginRatio types.Number `json:"mgnRatio"` // Equity of the currency NotionalLever types.Number `json:"notionalLever"` // Leverage of the currency applicable to Single-currency margin Twap types.Number `json:"twap"` UPL types.Number `json:"upl"` // unrealized profit & loss of all margin and derivatives positions of currency. UPLLiabilities types.Number `json:"uplLiab"` StrategyEquity types.Number `json:"stgyEq"` // strategy equity TotalEquity types.Number `json:"totalEq"` // Total equity in USD level. Appears unused RewardBalance types.Number `json:"rewardBal"` InitialMarginRate types.Number `json:"imr"` MMR types.Number `json:"mmr"` // ross maintenance margin requirement at the currency level. Applicable to Spot and futures mode and when there is cross position SpotInUseAmount types.Number `json:"spotInUseAmt"` ClientSpotInUseAmount types.Number `json:"clSpotInUseAmt"` MaxSpotInUseAmount types.Number `json:"maxSpotInUse"` SpotIsolatedBalance types.Number `json:"spotIsoBal"` SmarkSyncEquity types.Number `json:"smtSyncEq"` SpotCopyTradingEquity types.Number `json:"spotCopyTradingEq"` SpotBalance types.Number `json:"spotBal"` OpenAvgPrice types.Number `json:"openAvgPx"` AccAvgPrice types.Number `json:"accAvgPx"` SpotUPL types.Number `json:"spotUpl"` SpotUplRatio types.Number `json:"spotUplRatio"` TotalPNL types.Number `json:"totalPnl"` TotalPNLRatio types.Number `json:"totalPnlRatio"` }
AccountDetail account detail information
type AccountInstrument ¶
type AccountInstrument struct { BaseCurrency string `json:"baseCcy"` ContractMultiplier string `json:"ctMult"` ContractType string `json:"ctType"` ContractValue string `json:"ctVal"` ContractValCurrency string `json:"ctValCcy"` ExpiryTime types.Time `json:"expTime"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstFamily string `json:"instFamily"` MaxLeverage string `json:"lever"` ListTime types.Time `json:"listTime"` LotSz types.Number `json:"lotSz"` // If it is a derivatives contract, the value is the number of contracts. If it is SPOT/MARGIN, the value is the quantity in base currency. MaxIcebergSz types.Number `json:"maxIcebergSz"` MaxLimitAmount types.Number `json:"maxLmtAmt"` MaxLimitSize types.Number `json:"maxLmtSz"` MaxMktAmount types.Number `json:"maxMktAmt"` MaxMktSize types.Number `json:"maxMktSz"` MaxStopSize types.Number `json:"maxStopSz"` MaxTriggerSz types.Number `json:"maxTriggerSz"` MaxTwapSize types.Number `json:"maxTwapSz"` MinSize types.Number `json:"minSz"` OptionType string `json:"optType"` QuoteCurrency string `json:"quoteCcy"` SettleCurrency string `json:"settleCcy"` State string `json:"state"` StrikePrice string `json:"stk"` TickSize types.Number `json:"tickSz"` Underlying string `json:"uly"` RuleType string `json:"ruleType"` }
AccountInstrument represents an account instrument
type AccountMode ¶
type AccountMode struct {
IsoMode string `json:"isoMode"`
AccountMode holds account mode
type AccountPosition ¶
type AccountPosition struct { AutoDeleveraging string `json:"adl"` // Auto-deleveraging (ADL) indicator Divided into 5 levels, from 1 to 5, the smaller the number, the weaker the adl intensity. AvailablePosition string `json:"availPos"` // Position that can be closed Only applicable to MARGIN, FUTURES/SWAP in the long-short mode, OPTION in Simple and isolated OPTION in margin Account. AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` DeltaBS string `json:"deltaBS"` // delta:Black-Scholes Greeks in dollars,only applicable to OPTION DeltaPA string `json:"deltaPA"` // delta:Greeks in coins,only applicable to OPTION GammaBS string `json:"gammaBS"` // gamma:Black-Scholes Greeks in dollars,only applicable to OPTION GammaPA string `json:"gammaPA"` // gamma:Greeks in coins,only applicable to OPTION InitialMarginRequirement types.Number `json:"imr"` // Initial margin requirement, only applicable to cross. InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType asset.Item `json:"instType"` Interest types.Number `json:"interest"` USDPrice types.Number `json:"usdPx"` LastTradePrice types.Number `json:"last"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` // Leverage, not applicable to OPTION seller Liabilities types.Number `json:"liab"` // Liabilities, only applicable to MARGIN. LiabilitiesCurrency string `json:"liabCcy"` // Liabilities currency, only applicable to MARGIN. LiquidationPrice types.Number `json:"liqPx"` // Estimated liquidation price Not applicable to OPTION MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPx"` Margin types.Number `json:"margin"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` MarginRatio types.Number `json:"mgnRatio"` MaintenanceMarginRequirement types.Number `json:"mmr"` // Maintenance margin requirement in USD level Applicable to Multi-currency margin and Portfolio margin NotionalUsd types.Number `json:"notionalUsd"` // Quality of Positions -- usd OptionValue types.Number `json:"optVal"` // Option Value, only application to position. QuantityOfPosition types.Number `json:"pos"` // Quantity of positions,In the mode of autonomous transfer from position to position, after the deposit is transferred, a position with pos of 0 will be generated PositionCurrency string `json:"posCcy"` PositionID string `json:"posId"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` ThetaBS string `json:"thetaBS"` // theta:Black-Scholes Greeks in dollars,only applicable to OPTION ThetaPA string `json:"thetaPA"` // theta:Greeks in coins,only applicable to OPTION TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` UpdatedTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` // Latest time position was adjusted, UPNL types.Number `json:"upl"` // Unrealized profit and loss UPLRatio types.Number `json:"uplRatio"` // Unrealized profit and loss ratio VegaBS string `json:"vegaBS"` // vega:Black-Scholes Greeks in dollars,only applicable to OPTION VegaPA string `json:"vegaPA"` // vega:Greeks in coins,only applicable to OPTION PushTime types.Time `json:"pTime"` // The time when the account position data is pushed. }
AccountPosition account position
type AccountPositionHistory ¶
type AccountPositionHistory struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` ManagementMode string `json:"mgnMode"` Type string `json:"type"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` OpenAveragePrice string `json:"openAvgPx"` CloseAveragePrice types.Number `json:"closeAvgPx"` Positions types.Number `json:"pos"` BaseBalance types.Number `json:"baseBal"` QuoteBalance types.Number `json:"quoteBal"` BaseBorrowed types.Number `json:"baseBorrowed"` BaseInterest types.Number `json:"baseInterest"` QuoteBorrowed types.Number `json:"quoteBorrowed"` QuoteInterest types.Number `json:"quoteInterest"` PositionCurrency string `json:"posCcy"` AvailablePositions string `json:"availPos"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPx"` UPL types.Number `json:"upl"` UPLRatio types.Number `json:"uplRatio"` UPLLastPrice types.Number `json:"uplLastPx"` UPLRatioLastPrice types.Number `json:"uplRatioLastPx"` Leverage string `json:"lever"` LiquidiationPrice types.Number `json:"liqPx"` InitialMarginRequirement types.Number `json:"imr"` Margin string `json:"margin"` MarginRatio types.Number `json:"mgnRatio"` MMR types.Number `json:"mmr"` Liabilities types.Number `json:"liab"` LiabilitiesCurrency string `json:"liabCcy"` Interest types.Number `json:"interest"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` OptionValue string `json:"optVal"` PendingCloseOrdLiabVal types.Number `json:"pendingCloseOrdLiabVal"` NotionalUSD string `json:"notionalUsd"` ADL string `json:"adl"` LastTradedPrice types.Number `json:"last"` IndexPrice types.Number `json:"idxPx"` USDPrice string `json:"usdPx"` BreakevenPrice string `json:"bePx"` DeltaBS string `json:"deltaBS"` DeltaPA string `json:"deltaPA"` GammaBS string `json:"gammaBS"` ThetaBS string `json:"thetaBS"` ThetaPA string `json:"thetaPA"` VegaBS string `json:"vegaBS"` VegaPA string `json:"vegaPA"` SpotInUseAmount types.Number `json:"spotInUseAmt"` SpotInUseCurrency string `json:"spotInUseCcy"` ClientSpotInUseAmount types.Number `json:"clSpotInUseAmt"` BizRefID string `json:"bizRefId"` BizRefType string `json:"bizRefType"` ProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"pnl"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` LiqPenalty types.Number `json:"liqPenalty"` CloseOrderAlgo types.Number `json:"closeOrderAlgo"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` CloseTotalPosition types.Number `json:"closeTotalPos"` OpenMaxPosition types.Number `json:"openMaxPos"` ProfitAndLossRatio types.Number `json:"pnlRatio"` PositionID string `json:"posId"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` TriggerPrice types.Number `json:"triggerPx"` Underlying string `json:"uly"` }
AccountPositionHistory hold account position history
type AccountRateLimit ¶
type AccountRateLimit struct { AccRateLimit types.Number `json:"accRateLimit"` FillRatio types.Number `json:"fillRatio"` MainFillRatio types.Number `json:"mainFillRatio"` NextAccRateLimit types.Number `json:"nextAccRateLimit"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
AccountRateLimit represents an account rate limit details
type AccountRiskState ¶
type AccountRiskState struct { IsTheAccountAtRisk string `json:"atRisk"` AtRiskIdx []interface{} `json:"atRiskIdx"` // derivatives risk unit list AtRiskMgn []interface{} `json:"atRiskMgn"` // margin risk unit list Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
AccountRiskState represents account risk state
type ActiveFundingOrder ¶
type ActiveFundingOrder struct { OrderID string `json:"ordId"` State string `json:"state"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Protocol string `json:"protocol"` ProtocolType string `json:"protocolType"` Term string `json:"term"` Apy string `json:"apy"` InvestData []struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` } `json:"investData"` EarningData []struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` EarningType string `json:"earningType"` Earnings types.Number `json:"earnings"` } `json:"earningData"` PurchasedTime types.Time `json:"purchasedTime"` FastRedemptionData []struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` RedeemingAmount types.Number `json:"redeemingAmt"` } `json:"fastRedemptionData"` EstimatedRedemptionSettlementTime types.Time `json:"estSettlementTime"` CancelRedemptionDeadline types.Time `json:"cancelRedemptionDeadline"` Tag string `json:"tag"` }
ActiveFundingOrder represents active purchase orders
type AdjustMarginBalanceResponse ¶
type AdjustMarginBalanceResponse struct {
AlgoID string `json:"algoId"`
AdjustMarginBalanceResponse represents algo ID for response for margin balance adjust request
type AffilateInviteesDetail ¶
type AffilateInviteesDetail struct { InviteeLevel types.Number `json:"inviteeLv"` JoinTime types.Time `json:"joinTime"` InviteeRebateRate types.Number `json:"inviteeRebateRate"` TotalCommission types.Number `json:"totalCommission"` FirstTradeTime types.Time `json:"firstTradeTime"` Level string `json:"level"` DepositAmount types.Number `json:"depAmt"` AccumulatedTradingVolume types.Number `json:"volMonth"` AccumulatedFee types.Number `json:"accFee"` KYCTime types.Time `json:"kycTime"` Region string `json:"region"` AffiliateCode string `json:"affiliateCode"` }
AffilateInviteesDetail represents affiliate invitee's detail
type AffilateRebateInfo ¶
AffilateRebateInfo represents rebate information
type AlgoOrdInfo ¶
type AlgoOrdInfo struct { AttachAlgoID string `json:"attachAlgoId,omitempty"` AttachAlgoClientOrderID string `json:"attachAlgoClOrdId,omitempty"` NewTakeProfitTriggerPrice float64 `json:"newTpTriggerPx,omitempty"` NewTakeProfitOrderPrice float64 `json:"newTpOrdPx,omitempty"` NewTakeProfitOrderKind string `json:"newTpOrdKind,omitempty"` // possible values are 'condition' and 'limit' NewStopLossTriggerPrice float64 `json:"newSlTriggerPx,omitempty"` NewStopLossOrderPrice float64 `json:"newSlOrdPx,omitempty"` NewTakkeProfitTriggerPriceType string `json:"newTpTriggerPxType,omitempty"` NewStopLossTriggerPriceType string `json:"newSlTriggerPxType,omitempty"` // possible values are 'last', 'index', and 'mark' NewSize float64 `json:"sz,omitempty"` AmendPriceOnTriggerType string `json:"amendPxOnTriggerType,omitempty"` // Whether to enable Cost-price SL. Only applicable to SL order of split TPs. '0': disable, the default value '1': Enable }
AlgoOrdInfo represents TP/SL info attached when placing an order
type AlgoOrder ¶
type AlgoOrder struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` StatusCode string `json:"sCode"` StatusMessage string `json:"sMsg"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` AlgoClientOrderID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` Tag string `json:"tag"` }
AlgoOrder algo order requests response
type AlgoOrderCancelParams ¶
type AlgoOrderCancelParams struct { AlgoOrderID string `json:"algoId"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` }
AlgoOrderCancelParams algo order request parameter
type AlgoOrderDetail ¶
type AlgoOrderDetail struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` OrderIDList []string `json:"ordIdList"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AttachAlgoOrds []string `json:"attachAlgoOrds"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` CloseFraction string `json:"closeFraction"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` Side string `json:"side"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` TradeMode string `json:"tdMode"` TargetCurrency string `json:"tgtCcy"` State string `json:"state"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` TpTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"tpTriggerPx"` TpTriggerPriceType string `json:"tpTriggerPxType"` TpOrdPrice types.Number `json:"tpOrdPx"` SlTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"slTriggerPx"` SlTriggerPriceType string `json:"slTriggerPxType"` TriggerPrice types.Number `json:"triggerPx"` TriggerPriceType string `json:"triggerPxType"` OrderPrice types.Number `json:"ordPx"` ActualSize types.Number `json:"actualSz"` ActualPrice types.Number `json:"actualPx"` ActualSide string `json:"actualSide"` PriceVar string `json:"pxVar"` PriceSpread types.Number `json:"pxSpread"` PriceLimit types.Number `json:"pxLimit"` SizeLimit types.Number `json:"szLimit"` Tag string `json:"tag"` TimeInterval string `json:"timeInterval"` CallbackRatio types.Number `json:"callbackRatio"` CallbackSpread string `json:"callbackSpread"` ActivePrice types.Number `json:"activePx"` MoveTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"moveTriggerPx"` ReduceOnly string `json:"reduceOnly"` TriggerTime types.Time `json:"triggerTime"` Last types.Number `json:"last"` // Last filled price while placing FailCode string `json:"failCode"` AlgoClOrdID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` AmendPriceOnTriggerType string `json:"amendPxOnTriggerType"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` }
AlgoOrderDetail represents an algo order detail
type AlgoOrderInfo ¶
type AlgoOrderInfo struct { AttachAlgoClientOrderID string `json:"attachAlgoClOrdId,omitempty"` TPTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"tpTriggerPx,omitempty"` TPOrderPrice types.Number `json:"tpOrdPx,omitempty"` TPOrderKind string `json:"tpOrdKind,omitempty"` StopLossTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"slTriggerPx,omitempty"` StopLossOrderPrice types.Number `json:"slOrdPx,omitempty"` TPTriggerPriceType string `json:"tpTriggerPxType,omitempty"` StopLossTriggerPriceType string `json:"slTriggerPxType,omitempty"` Size types.Number `json:"sz,omitempty"` }
AlgoOrderInfo represents an algo order info
type AlgoOrderParams ¶
type AlgoOrderParams struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` // Required TradeMode string `json:"tdMode"` // Required Currency string `json:"ccy,omitempty"` Side string `json:"side"` // Required PositionSide string `json:"posSide,omitempty"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` // Required Size float64 `json:"sz,string"` // Required ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly,omitempty"` OrderTag string `json:"tag,omitempty"` QuantityType string `json:"tgtCcy,omitempty"` AlgoClientOrderID string `json:"algoClOrdId,omitempty"` // Place Stop Order params TakeProfitOrderPrice float64 `json:"tpOrdPx,string,omitempty"` TakeProfitTriggerPrice float64 `json:"tpTriggerPx,string,omitempty"` TakeProfitTriggerPriceType string `json:"tpTriggerPxType,omitempty"` StopLossTriggerPrice float64 `json:"slTriggerPx,string,omitempty"` StopLossOrderPrice float64 `json:"slOrdPx,string,omitempty"` StopLossTriggerPriceType string `json:"slTriggerPxType,omitempty"` CancelOnClosePosition bool `json:"cxlOnClosePos,omitempty"` // For trigger and trailing stop order CallbackRatio float64 `json:"callbackRatio,omitempty,string"` ActivePrice float64 `json:"activePx,omitempty,string"` CallbackSpreadVariance float64 `json:"callbackSpread,omitempty,string"` // trigger algo orders params. // notice: Trigger orders are not available in the net mode of futures and perpetual swaps TriggerPrice float64 `json:"triggerPx,string,omitempty"` OrderPrice float64 `json:"orderPx,string,omitempty"` // if the price i -1, then the order will be executed on the market. TriggerPriceType string `json:"triggerPxType,omitempty"` // last, index, and mark PriceVariance float64 `json:"pxVar,omitempty,string"` // Optional PriceSpread float64 `json:"pxSpread,omitempty,string"` // Optional SizeLimit float64 `json:"szLimit,string,omitempty"` // Required LimitPrice float64 `json:"pxLimit,string,omitempty"` // Required // TWAPOrder TimeInterval kline.Interval `json:"interval,omitempty"` // Required // Chase order ChaseType string `json:"chaseType,omitempty"` // Possible values: "distance" and "ratio" ChaseValue float64 `json:"chaseVal,omitempty,string"` MaxChaseType string `json:"maxChaseType,omitempty"` MaxChaseValue float64 `json:"maxChaseVal,omitempty,string"` }
AlgoOrderParams holds algo order information
type AlgoOrderPosition ¶
type AlgoOrderPosition struct { AutoDecreasingLine string `json:"adl"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` InitialMarginRequirement string `json:"imr"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` LastTradedPrice types.Number `json:"last"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` LiquidationPrice types.Number `json:"liqPx"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPx"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` MarginRatio types.Number `json:"mgnRatio"` MaintenanceMarginRequirement string `json:"mmr"` NotionalUSD types.Number `json:"notionalUsd"` QuantityPosition types.Number `json:"pos"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` UnrealizedProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"upl"` UnrealizedProfitAndLossRatio types.Number `json:"uplRatio"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` }
AlgoOrderPosition represents algo order position detailed data
type AlgoOrderResponse ¶
type AlgoOrderResponse struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` AlgoOrderID string `json:"algoId"` Quantity types.Number `json:"sz"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` TradeMode string `json:"tdMode"` QuantityType string `json:"tgtCcy"` State string `json:"state"` Lever types.Number `json:"lever"` TakeProfitTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"tpTriggerPx"` TakeProfitTriggerPriceType string `json:"tpTriggerPxType"` TakeProfitOrdPrice types.Number `json:"tpOrdPx"` StopLossTriggerPriceType string `json:"slTriggerPxType"` StopLossTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"slTriggerPx"` TriggerPrice types.Number `json:"triggerPx"` TriggerPriceType string `json:"triggerPxType"` OrderPrice types.Number `json:"ordPx"` ActualSize types.Number `json:"actualSz"` ActualPrice types.Number `json:"actualPx"` ActualSide string `json:"actualSide"` PriceVar types.Number `json:"pxVar"` PriceSpread types.Number `json:"pxSpread"` PriceLimit types.Number `json:"pxLimit"` SizeLimit types.Number `json:"szLimit"` TimeInterval string `json:"timeInterval"` TriggerTime types.Time `json:"triggerTime"` CallbackRatio types.Number `json:"callbackRatio"` CallbackSpread string `json:"callbackSpread"` ActivePrice types.Number `json:"activePx"` MoveTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"moveTriggerPx"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` }
AlgoOrderResponse holds algo order information
type AlgoOrderWithdrawalProfit ¶
type AlgoOrderWithdrawalProfit struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` WithdrawProfit string `json:"profit"` }
AlgoOrderWithdrawalProfit algo withdrawal order profit info
type AmendAlgoOrderParam ¶
type AmendAlgoOrderParam struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId,omitempty"` ClientSuppliedAlgoOrderID string `json:"algoClOrdId,omitempty"` CancelOrderWhenFail bool `json:"cxlOnFail,omitempty"` // Whether the order needs to be automatically canceled when the order amendment fails Valid options: false or true, the default is false. RequestID string `json:"reqId,omitempty"` NewSize float64 `json:"newSz,omitempty,string"` // Take Profit Stop Loss Orders NewTakeProfitTriggerPrice float64 `json:"newTpTriggerPx,omitempty,string"` NewTakeProfitOrderPrice float64 `json:"newTpOrdPx,omitempty,string"` NewStopLossTriggerPrice float64 `json:"newSlTriggerPx,omitempty,string"` NewStopLossOrderPrice float64 `json:"newSlOrdPx,omitempty,string"` // Stop-loss order price If the price is -1, stop-loss will be executed at the market price. NewTakeProfitTriggerPriceType string `json:"newTpTriggerPxType,omitempty"` // Take-profit trigger price type'last': last price 'index': index price 'mark': mark price NewStopLossTriggerPriceType string `json:"newSlTriggerPxType,omitempty"` // Stop-loss trigger price type 'last': last price 'index': index price 'mark': mark price // Trigger Order parameters NewTriggerPrice float64 `json:"newTriggerPx,omitempty"` NewOrderPrice float64 `json:"newOrdPx,omitempty"` NewTriggerPriceType string `json:"newTriggerPxType,omitempty"` AttachAlgoOrders []SubTPSLParams `json:"attachAlgoOrds,omitempty"` }
AmendAlgoOrderParam request parameter to amend an algo order
type AmendAlgoResponse ¶
type AmendAlgoResponse struct { AlgoClientOrderID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` ReqID string `json:"reqId"` StatusCode string `json:"sCode"` StatusMessage string `json:"sMsg"` }
AmendAlgoResponse holds response information of amending an algo order
type AmendOrderRequestParams ¶
type AmendOrderRequestParams struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` CancelOnFail bool `json:"cxlOnFail,omitempty"` OrderID string `json:"ordId,omitempty"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId,omitempty"` ClientRequestID string `json:"reqId,omitempty"` NewQuantity float64 `json:"newSz,omitempty,string"` NewPrice float64 `json:"newPx,omitempty,string"` // Modify options orders using USD prices // Only applicable to options. // When modifying options orders, users can only fill in one of the following: newPx, newPxUsd, or newPxVol. NewPriceInUSD float64 `json:"newPxUsd,omitempty,string"` NewPriceVolatility float64 `json:"newPxVol,omitempty"` // Modify options orders based on implied volatility, where 1 represents 100%. Only applicable to options. AttachAlgoOrders []AlgoOrdInfo `json:"attachAlgoOrds,omitempty"` }
AmendOrderRequestParams represents amend order requesting parameters
type AmendRecurringOrderParam ¶
type AmendRecurringOrderParam struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` StrategyName string `json:"stgyName"` }
AmendRecurringOrderParam holds recurring order params
type AmendSpreadOrderParam ¶
type AmendSpreadOrderParam struct { OrderID string `json:"ordId"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` RequestID string `json:"reqId"` NewSize float64 `json:"newSz,omitempty,string"` NewPrice float64 `json:"newPx,omitempty,string"` }
AmendSpreadOrderParam holds amend parameters for spread order
type AnnouncementDetail ¶
type AnnouncementDetail struct { Details []struct { AnnouncementType string `json:"annType"` PushTime types.Time `json:"pTime"` Title string `json:"title"` URL string `json:"url"` } `json:"details"` TotalPage types.Number `json:"totalPage"` }
AnnouncementDetail represents an exchange's announcement detail
type AnnouncementTypeInfo ¶
type AnnouncementTypeInfo struct { AnnouncementType string `json:"annType"` AnnouncementTypeDesc string `json:"annTypeDesc"` }
AnnouncementTypeInfo represents an announcement type sample and it's description
type ArchiveReference ¶
type ArchiveReference struct { FileHref string `json:"fileHref"` State string `json:"state"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
ArchiveReference holds recently-filled transaction details archive link and timestamp information
type AssetBalance ¶
type AssetBalance struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` AvailBal types.Number `json:"availBal"` Balance types.Number `json:"bal"` FrozenBalance types.Number `json:"frozenBal"` }
AssetBalance represents account owner asset balance
type AssetBillDetail ¶
type AssetBillDetail struct { BillID string `json:"billId"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` ClientID string `json:"clientId"` BalanceChange types.Number `json:"balChg"` AccountBalance types.Number `json:"bal"` Type types.Number `json:"type"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
AssetBillDetail represents the billing record
type AutoLoan ¶
type AutoLoan struct {
AutoLoan bool `json:"autoLoan"`
AutoLoan holds auto loan information
type AutoRepay ¶
type AutoRepay struct {
AutoRepay bool `json:"autoRepay"`
AutoRepay represents an auto-repay request and response
type BETHAssetsBalance ¶
type BETHAssetsBalance struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` LatestInterestAccrual types.Number `json:"latestInterestAccrual"` TotalInterestAccrual types.Number `json:"totalInterestAccrual"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
BETHAssetsBalance balance is a snapshot summarized all BETH assets
type BalanceAndPositionData ¶
type BalanceAndPositionData struct { PushTime types.Time `json:"pTime"` EventType string `json:"eventType"` BalanceData []BalanceData `json:"balData"` PositionData []PositionDataDetail `json:"posData"` }
BalanceAndPositionData represents balance and position data with the push time
type BalanceData ¶
type BalanceData struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` CashBalance types.Number `json:"cashBal"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
BalanceData represents currency and it's Cash balance with the update time
type BillsArchiveInfo ¶
type BillsArchiveInfo struct { FileHref string `json:"fileHref"` State string `json:"state"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
BillsArchiveInfo represents a bill archive information
type BillsDetailQueryParameter ¶
type BillsDetailQueryParameter struct { InstrumentType string // Instrument type "SPOT" "MARGIN" "SWAP" "FUTURES" "OPTION" InstrumentID string Currency currency.Code MarginMode string // Margin mode "isolated" "cross" ContractType string // Contract type "linear" & "inverse" Only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP BillType uint64 // Bill type 1: Transfer 2: Trade 3: Delivery 4: Auto token conversion 5: Liquidation 6: Margin transfer 7: Interest deduction 8: Funding fee 9: ADL 10: Clawback 11: System token conversion 12: Strategy transfer 13: ddh BillSubType int64 // allowed bill subtype values are [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,11,12,14,160,161,162,110,111,118,119,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,110,125,126,127,128,131,132,170,171,172,112,113,117,173,174,200,201,202,203 ], link: After string Before string BeginTime time.Time EndTime time.Time Limit int64 }
BillsDetailQueryParameter represents bills detail query parameter
type BillsDetailResp ¶
BillsDetailResp represents response for applying for bill-details
type BillsDetailResponse ¶
type BillsDetailResponse struct { Balance types.Number `json:"bal"` BalanceChange types.Number `json:"balChg"` BillID string `json:"billId"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` ExecType string `json:"execType"` // Order flow type, T:taker M:maker Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` // Fee Negative number represents the user transaction fee charged by the platform. Positive number represents rebate. From string `json:"from"` // The remitting account 6: FUNDING 18: Trading account When bill type is not transfer, the field returns "". InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType asset.Item `json:"instType"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` Notes string `json:"notes"` // notes When bill type is not transfer, the field returns "". OrderID string `json:"ordId"` ProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"pnl"` PositionLevelBalance types.Number `json:"posBal"` PositionLevelBalanceChange types.Number `json:"posBalChg"` SubType string `json:"subType"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Interest types.Number `json:"interest"` Tag string `json:"tag"` FillTime types.Time `json:"fillTime"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` ClientOrdID string `json:"clOrdId"` FillIdxPrice types.Number `json:"fillIdxPx"` FillMarkPrice types.Number `json:"fillMarkPx"` FillPxVolume types.Number `json:"fillPxVol"` FillPxUSD types.Number `json:"fillPxUsd"` FillMarkVolume types.Number `json:"fillMarkVol"` FillFwdPrice types.Number `json:"fillFwdPx"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` To string `json:"to"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` Type string `json:"type"` }
BillsDetailResponse represents account bills information
type BlockTicker ¶
type BlockTicker struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` TradingVolumeInCCY24Hour types.Number `json:"volCcy24h"` TradingVolumeInUSD24Hour types.Number `json:"vol24h"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
BlockTicker holds block trading information
type BlockTrade ¶
type BlockTrade struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` FillVolatility types.Number `json:"fillVol"` ForwardPrice types.Number `json:"fwdPx"` IndexPrice types.Number `json:"idxPx"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPx"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
BlockTrade represents a block trade
type Book5Data ¶
type Book5Data struct { Asks [][4]types.Number `json:"asks"` Bids [][4]types.Number `json:"bids"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` SequenceID int64 `json:"seqId"` }
Book5Data stores the orderbook data for orderbook 5 websocket
type BorrowAndRepay ¶
type BorrowAndRepay struct { Amount float64 `json:"amt,string"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` LoanCcy currency.Code `json:"ccy"` Side string `json:"side"` // possible values: 'borrow' and 'repay' }
BorrowAndRepay manual holds manual borrow and repay in quick margin mode
type BorrowInterestAndLimitResponse ¶
type BorrowInterestAndLimitResponse struct { Debt string `json:"debt"` Interest string `json:"interest"` NextDiscountTime types.Time `json:"nextDiscountTime"` NextInterestTime types.Time `json:"nextInterestTime"` LoanAllocation types.Number `json:"loanAlloc"` Records []struct { AvailLoan types.Number `json:"availLoan"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Interest types.Number `json:"interest"` LoanQuota types.Number `json:"loanQuota"` PosLoan types.Number `json:"posLoan"` // Frozen amount for current account Only applicable to VIP loans Rate types.Number `json:"rate"` SurplusLimit types.Number `json:"surplusLmt"` SurplusLimitDetails SurplusLimitDetail `json:"surplusLmtDetails"` UsedLmt types.Number `json:"usedLmt"` UsedLoan types.Number `json:"usedLoan"` } `json:"records"` }
BorrowInterestAndLimitResponse represents borrow interest and limit rate for different loan type
type BorrowOrRepay ¶
type BorrowOrRepay struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` Side string `json:"side"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` }
BorrowOrRepay represents a borrow and repay operation response
type BorrowRepayHistory ¶
type BorrowRepayHistory struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` TradedLoan string `json:"tradedLoan"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` Type string `json:"type"` UsedLoan string `json:"usedLoan"` }
BorrowRepayHistory represents borrow and repay history item data
type BorrowRepayHistoryItem ¶
type BorrowRepayHistoryItem struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Side string `json:"side"` AccBorrowAmount types.Number `json:"accBorrowed"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` RefID string `json:"refId"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
BorrowRepayHistoryItem holds borrow or repay history item information
type BorrowRepayItem ¶
type BorrowRepayItem struct { AccBorrowed string `json:"accBorrowed"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` EventType string `json:"type"` }
BorrowRepayItem represents a borrow/repay history
type CancelClosePositionOrder ¶
type CancelClosePositionOrder struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` // Close position order ID }
CancelClosePositionOrder holds close position order parameter cancellation parameter
type CancelFundingParam ¶
type CancelFundingParam struct { OrderID string `json:"ordId"` ProtocolType string `json:"protocolType"` }
CancelFundingParam cancel purchase or redemption request
type CancelMMPResponse ¶
type CancelMMPResponse struct {
Result bool `json:"result"`
CancelMMPResponse holds the result of a cancel MMP response.
type CancelMassReqParam ¶
type CancelMassReqParam struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily"` }
CancelMassReqParam holds MMP batch cancel request parameters
type CancelOrderRequestParam ¶
type CancelOrderRequestParam struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId,omitempty"` }
CancelOrderRequestParam represents order parameters to cancel an order
type CancelPurchaseOrRedemptionResponse ¶
type CancelPurchaseOrRedemptionResponse struct { OrderIDResponse Tag string `json:"tag"` }
CancelPurchaseOrRedemptionResponse represents a response for canceling a purchase or redemption
type CancelQuoteRequestParams ¶
type CancelQuoteRequestParams struct { QuoteID string `json:"quoteId,omitempty"` ClientQuoteID string `json:"clQuoteId,omitempty"` }
CancelQuoteRequestParams represents cancel quote request params
type CancelQuoteResponse ¶
type CancelQuoteResponse struct { QuoteID string `json:"quoteId"` ClientQuoteID string `json:"clQuoteId"` StatusCode string `json:"sCode"` StatusMessage string `json:"sMsg"` }
CancelQuoteResponse represents cancel quote response
type CancelQuotesRequestParams ¶
type CancelQuotesRequestParams struct { QuoteIDs []string `json:"quoteIds,omitempty"` ClientQuoteIDs []string `json:"clQuoteIds,omitempty"` }
CancelQuotesRequestParams represents cancel multiple quotes request params
type CancelRFQRequestParam ¶
type CancelRFQRequestParam struct { RFQID string `json:"rfqId,omitempty"` ClientRFQID string `json:"clRfqId,omitempty"` }
CancelRFQRequestParam represents cancel RFQ order request params
type CancelRFQRequestsParam ¶
type CancelRFQRequestsParam struct { RFQIDs []string `json:"rfqIds"` ClientRFQIDs []string `json:"clRfqIds"` }
CancelRFQRequestsParam represents cancel multiple RFQ orders request params
type CancelRFQResponse ¶
type CancelRFQResponse struct { RFQID string `json:"rfqId"` ClientRFQID string `json:"clRfqId"` StatusCode string `json:"sCode"` StatusMessage string `json:"sMsg"` }
CancelRFQResponse represents cancel RFQ orders response
type CancelResponse ¶
type CancelResponse struct { TriggerTime types.Time `json:"triggerTime"` // The time the cancellation is triggered. triggerTime=0 means Cancel All After is disabled. Tag string `json:"tag"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` // The time the request is sent. }
CancelResponse represents a pending order cancellation response
type CandleStick ¶
type CandleStick struct { OpenTime types.Time OpenPrice types.Number HighestPrice types.Number LowestPrice types.Number ClosePrice types.Number Volume types.Number QuoteAssetVolume types.Number }
CandleStick stores candlestick price data.
func (*CandleStick) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *CandleStick) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes slice of data into Candlestick structure
type CandlestickHistoryItem ¶
type CandlestickHistoryItem struct { Timestamp types.Time OpenPrice types.Number HighestPrice types.Number LowestPrice types.Number ClosePrice types.Number Confirm candlestickState }
CandlestickHistoryItem retrieves historical candlestick charts for the index or mark price from recent years.
func (*CandlestickHistoryItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *CandlestickHistoryItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON converts the data slice into a CandlestickHistoryItem instance.
type CandlestickMarkPrice ¶
type CandlestickMarkPrice struct { Timestamp time.Time `json:"ts"` OpenPrice float64 `json:"o"` HighestPrice float64 `json:"h"` LowestPrice float64 `json:"l"` ClosePrice float64 `json:"s"` }
CandlestickMarkPrice represents candlestick mark price push data as a result of subscription to "mark-price-candle*" channel
type CloseLeadingPositionParam ¶
type CloseLeadingPositionParam struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` SubPositionID string `json:"subPosId"` Tag string `json:"tag"` }
CloseLeadingPositionParam request parameter for closing leading position
type ClosePositionContractGridResponse ¶
type ClosePositionContractGridResponse struct { AlgoClientOrderID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` Tag string `json:"tag"` }
ClosePositionContractGridResponse holds contract grid close position response data
type ClosePositionParams ¶
type ClosePositionParams struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` MarketCloseAllPositions bool `json:"mktClose"` // true: Market close all position, false:Close part of position Size float64 `json:"sz,omitempty,string"` Price float64 `json:"px,omitempty,string"` }
ClosePositionParams holds close position parameters
type ClosePositionResponse ¶
type ClosePositionResponse struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` }
ClosePositionResponse response data for close position
type ClosePositionsRequestParams ¶
type ClosePositionsRequestParams struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` // REQUIRED PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` // cross or isolated Currency string `json:"ccy"` AutomaticallyCanceled bool `json:"autoCxl"` ClientID string `json:"clOrdId,omitempty"` Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
ClosePositionsRequestParams input parameters for close position endpoints
type ComputeInvestmentDataParam ¶
type ComputeInvestmentDataParam struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` AlgoOrderType string `json:"algoOrdType"` // Algo order type 'grid': Spot grid 'contract_grid': Contract grid GridNumber float64 `json:"gridNum,string"` Direction string `json:"direction,omitempty"` // Contract grid type 'long','short', 'neutral' Only applicable to contract grid MaxPrice float64 `json:"maxPx,string"` MinPrice float64 `json:"minPx,string"` RunType string `json:"runType"` // Grid type 1: Arithmetic, 2: Geometric Leverage float64 `json:"lever,omitempty,string"` BasePosition bool `json:"basePos,omitempty"` InvestmentType string `json:"investmentType,omitempty"` TriggerStrategy string `json:"triggerStrategy,omitempty"` // TriggerStrategy possible values are 'instant', 'price', 'rsi' InvestmentData []InvestmentData `json:"investmentData,omitempty"` }
ComputeInvestmentDataParam holds parameter values for computing investment data
type ComputeMarginBalance ¶
type ComputeMarginBalance struct { Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` MaximumAmount types.Number `json:"maxAmt"` }
ComputeMarginBalance represents compute margin amount request response
type ContractGridAlgoOrder ¶
type ContractGridAlgoOrder struct { ActualLever string `json:"actualLever"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AlgoOrderType string `json:"algoOrdType"` AnnualizedRate types.Number `json:"annualizedRate"` ArbitrageNumber types.Number `json:"arbitrageNum"` BasePosition bool `json:"basePos"` CancelType string `json:"cancelType"` Direction string `json:"direction"` Equity types.Number `json:"eq"` FloatProfit types.Number `json:"floatProfit"` GridQuantity types.Number `json:"gridNum"` GridProfit types.Number `json:"gridProfit"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Investment string `json:"investment"` Leverage string `json:"lever"` LiqPrice types.Number `json:"liqPx"` MaxPrice types.Number `json:"maxPx"` MinPrice types.Number `json:"minPx"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` PushTime types.Time `json:"pTime"` PerMaxProfitRate types.Number `json:"perMaxProfitRate"` PerMinProfitRate types.Number `json:"perMinProfitRate"` ProfitAndLossRatio types.Number `json:"pnlRatio"` RunPrice types.Number `json:"runPx"` RunType string `json:"runType"` SingleAmount types.Number `json:"singleAmt"` SlTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"slTriggerPx"` State string `json:"state"` StopType string `json:"stopType"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Tag string `json:"tag"` TotalAnnualizedRate string `json:"totalAnnualizedRate"` TotalProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"totalPnl"` TakeProfitTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"tpTriggerPx"` TradeNumber string `json:"tradeNum"` TriggerTime types.Time `json:"triggerTime"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` Underlying string `json:"uly"` }
ContractGridAlgoOrder represents contract grid algo order
type ContractOpenInterestHistoryItem ¶
type ContractOpenInterestHistoryItem struct { Timestamp types.Time OpenInterestInContract types.Number OpenInterestInCurrency types.Number OpenInterestInUSD types.Number }
ContractOpenInterestHistoryItem represents an open interest information for contract
func (*ContractOpenInterestHistoryItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ContractOpenInterestHistoryItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes slice data into ContractOpenInterestHistoryItem instance
type ContractTakerVolume ¶
type ContractTakerVolume struct { Timestamp types.Time TakerSellVolume types.Number TakerBuyVolume types.Number }
ContractTakerVolume represents a contract taker sell and buy volume
func (*ContractTakerVolume) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ContractTakerVolume) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes a slice data into ContractTakerVolume
type ConvertCurrency ¶
type ConvertCurrency struct { Currency string `json:"currency"` Min types.Number `json:"min"` Max types.Number `json:"max"` }
ConvertCurrency represents currency conversion detailed data
type ConvertCurrencyPair ¶
type ConvertCurrencyPair struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` BaseCurrency string `json:"baseCcy"` BaseCurrencyMax types.Number `json:"baseCcyMax"` BaseCurrencyMin types.Number `json:"baseCcyMin"` QuoteCurrency string `json:"quoteCcy,omitempty"` QuoteCurrencyMax types.Number `json:"quoteCcyMax"` QuoteCurrencyMin types.Number `json:"quoteCcyMin"` }
ConvertCurrencyPair holds information related to conversion between two pairs
type ConvertHistory ¶
type ConvertHistory struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` FillPrice types.Number `json:"fillPx"` BaseCurrency string `json:"baseCcy"` QuoteCurrency string `json:"quoteCcy"` FillBaseSize types.Number `json:"fillBaseSz"` State string `json:"state"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` FillQuoteSize types.Number `json:"fillQuoteSz"` ClientRequestID string `json:"clTReqId"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
ConvertHistory holds convert trade history response
type ConvertTradeInput ¶
type ConvertTradeInput struct { BaseCurrency string `json:"baseCcy"` QuoteCurrency string `json:"quoteCcy"` Side string `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"sz,string"` SizeCurrency currency.Code `json:"szCcy"` QuoteID string `json:"quoteId"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clTReqId,omitempty"` Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
ConvertTradeInput represents convert trade request input
type ConvertTradeResponse ¶
type ConvertTradeResponse struct { BaseCurrency string `json:"baseCcy"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clTReqId"` FillBaseSize types.Number `json:"fillBaseSz"` FillPrice types.Number `json:"fillPx"` FillQuoteSize types.Number `json:"fillQuoteSz"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` QuoteCurrency string `json:"quoteCcy"` QuoteID string `json:"quoteId"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` State string `json:"state"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` SizeCurrency string `json:"szCcy"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
ConvertTradeResponse represents convert trade response
type CopySetting ¶
type CopySetting struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` CopyState string `json:"copyState"` CopyMarginMode string `json:"copyMgnMode"` SubPositionCloseType string `json:"subPosCloseType"` StopLossTotalAmount types.Number `json:"slTotalAmt"` CopyAmount types.Number `json:"copyAmt"` CopyInstrumentIDType string `json:"copyInstIdType"` CopyMode string `json:"copyMode"` CopyRatio types.Number `json:"copyRatio"` CopyTotalAmount types.Number `json:"copyTotalAmt"` InstrumentIDs []struct { Enabled string `json:"enabled"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` } `json:"instIds"` StopLossRatio types.Number `json:"slRatio"` TakeProfitRatio types.Number `json:"tpRatio"` }
CopySetting represents a copy setting response
type CopyTradingLeadTrader ¶
type CopyTradingLeadTrader struct { BeginCopyTime types.Time `json:"beginCopyTime"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` CopyTotalAmount types.Number `json:"copyTotalAmt"` CopyTotalProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"copyTotalPnl"` LeadMode string `json:"leadMode"` Margin types.Number `json:"margin"` NickName string `json:"nickName"` PortLink string `json:"portLink"` ProfitSharingRatio types.Number `json:"profitSharingRatio"` TodayProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"todayPnl"` UniqueCode string `json:"uniqueCode"` UnrealizedProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"upl"` CopyMode string `json:"copyMode"` CopyNum string `json:"copyNum"` CopyRatio types.Number `json:"copyRatio"` CopyRelID string `json:"copyRelId"` CopyState string `json:"copyState"` }
CopyTradingLeadTrader represents a lead trader information
type CopyTradingNotification ¶
type CopyTradingNotification struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []struct { AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` CopyTotalAmount types.Number `json:"copyTotalAmt"` InfoType string `json:"infoType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` MaxLeadTraderNumber string `json:"maxLeadTraderNum"` MinNotional types.Number `json:"minNotional"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` RmThreshold string `json:"rmThold"` // Lead trader can remove copy trader if balance of copy trader less than this value. Side string `json:"side"` StopLossTotalAmount types.Number `json:"slTotalAmt"` SlippageRatio types.Number `json:"slippageRatio"` SubPosID string `json:"subPosId"` UniqueCode string `json:"uniqueCode"` } `json:"data"` }
CopyTradingNotification holds copy-trading notifications
type CounterpartiesResponse ¶
type CounterpartiesResponse struct { TraderName string `json:"traderName"` TraderCode string `json:"traderCode"` Type string `json:"type"` }
CounterpartiesResponse represents
type CreateQuoteParams ¶
type CreateQuoteParams struct { RFQID string `json:"rfqId"` ClientQuoteID string `json:"clQuoteId"` QuoteSide string `json:"quoteSide"` Legs []QuoteLeg `json:"legs"` }
CreateQuoteParams holds information related to create quote
type CreateRFQInput ¶
type CreateRFQInput struct { Anonymous bool `json:"anonymous"` CounterParties []string `json:"counterparties"` ClientRFQID string `json:"clRfqId"` Legs []RFQOrderLeg `json:"legs"` }
CreateRFQInput RFQ create method input
type CurrencyDepositResponseItem ¶
type CurrencyDepositResponseItem struct { Tag string `json:"tag"` Chain string `json:"chain"` ContractAddress string `json:"ctAddr"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` ToBeneficiaryAccount string `json:"to"` Address string `json:"addr"` Selected bool `json:"selected"` Memo string `json:"memo"` DepositAddressAttachment map[string]string `json:"addrEx"` PaymentID string `json:"pmtId"` VerifiedName string `json:"verifiedName"` }
CurrencyDepositResponseItem represents the deposit address information item
type CurrencyOneClickRepay ¶
type CurrencyOneClickRepay struct { DebtCurrency string `json:"debtCcy"` FillFromSize types.Number `json:"fillFromSz"` FillRepaySize types.Number `json:"fillRepaySz"` FillDebtSize types.Number `json:"fillDebtSz"` FillToSize types.Number `json:"fillToSz"` RepayCurrency string `json:"repayCcy"` Status string `json:"status"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
CurrencyOneClickRepay represents the currency used for one-click repayment.
type CurrencyResponse ¶
type CurrencyResponse struct { Name string `json:"name"` // Chinese name of currency CanDeposit bool `json:"canDep"` // Availability to deposit from chain. false: not available true: available CanInternalTransfer bool `json:"canInternal"` // Availability to internal transfer. CanWithdraw bool `json:"canWd"` // Availability to withdraw to chain. Currency string `json:"ccy"` // Chain string `json:"chain"` // LogoLink string `json:"logoLink"` // Logo link of currency MainNet bool `json:"mainNet"` // If current chain is main net then return true, otherwise return false MaxFee types.Number `json:"maxFee"` // Minimum withdrawal fee MaxWithdrawal types.Number `json:"maxWd"` // Minimum amount of currency withdrawal in a single transaction MinFee types.Number `json:"minFee"` // Minimum withdrawal fee MinWithdrawal types.Number `json:"minWd"` // Minimum amount of currency withdrawal in a single transaction UsedWithdrawalQuota types.Number `json:"usedWdQuota"` // Amount of currency withdrawal used in the past 24 hours, unit in BTC WithdrawalQuota types.Number `json:"wdQuota"` // Minimum amount of currency withdrawal in a single transaction WithdrawalTickSize types.Number `json:"wdTickSz"` // Withdrawal precision, indicating the number of digits after the decimal point }
CurrencyResponse represents a currency item detail response data
type CurrencyTakerFlow ¶
type CurrencyTakerFlow struct { Timestamp types.Time CallBuyVolume types.Number CallSellVolume types.Number PutBuyVolume types.Number PutSellVolume types.Number CallBlockVolume types.Number PutBlockVolume types.Number }
CurrencyTakerFlow holds the taker volume information for a single currency
func (*CurrencyTakerFlow) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *CurrencyTakerFlow) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes a slice of byte data into CurrencyTakerFlow
type DeliveryEstimatedPrice ¶
type DeliveryEstimatedPrice struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` EstimatedDeliveryPrice types.Number `json:"settlePx"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
DeliveryEstimatedPrice holds an estimated delivery or exercise price response
type DeliveryHistory ¶
type DeliveryHistory struct { Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` Details []DeliveryHistoryDetail `json:"details"` }
DeliveryHistory represents list of delivery history detail items and timestamp information
type DeliveryHistoryDetail ¶
type DeliveryHistoryDetail struct { Type string `json:"type"` InstrumentID string `json:"insId"` DeliveryPrice types.Number `json:"px"` }
DeliveryHistoryDetail holds instrument ID and delivery price information detail
type DepositHistoryResponseItem ¶
type DepositHistoryResponseItem struct { Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` TransactionID string `json:"txId"` // Hash record of the deposit Currency string `json:"ccy"` Chain string `json:"chain"` From string `json:"from"` ToDepositAddress string `json:"to"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` State types.Number `json:"state"` DepositID string `json:"depId"` AreaCodeFrom string `json:"areaCodeFrom"` FromWithdrawalID string `json:"fromWdId"` ActualDepBlkConfirm string `json:"actualDepBlkConfirm"` }
DepositHistoryResponseItem deposit history response item
type DepositWithdrawStatus ¶
type DepositWithdrawStatus struct { WithdrawID string `json:"wdId"` TransactionID string `json:"txId"` State string `json:"state"` EstCompleteTime types.Time `json:"estCompleteTime"` }
DepositWithdrawStatus holds deposit withdraw status info
type DiscountRate ¶
type DiscountRate struct { Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` DiscountRateLevel string `json:"discountLv"` MinDiscountRate types.Number `json:"minDiscountRate"` DiscountInfo []DiscountRateInfoItem `json:"discountInfo"` }
DiscountRate represents the discount rate amount, currency, and other discount related information
type DiscountRateInfoItem ¶
type DiscountRateInfoItem struct { DiscountRate types.Number `json:"discountRate"` MaxAmount types.Number `json:"maxAmt"` MinAmount types.Number `json:"minAmt"` Tiers string `json:"tier"` LiqPenaltyRate types.Number `json:"liqPenaltyRate"` DiscountCurrencyEquity types.Number `json:"disCcyEq"` }
DiscountRateInfoItem represents discount info list item for discount rate response
type EasyConvertDetail ¶
type EasyConvertDetail struct { FromData []EasyConvertFromData `json:"fromData"` ToCurrency []string `json:"toCcy"` }
EasyConvertDetail represents easy convert currencies list and their detail
type EasyConvertFromData ¶
type EasyConvertFromData struct { FromAmount types.Number `json:"fromAmt"` FromCurrency string `json:"fromCcy"` }
EasyConvertFromData represents convert currency from detail
type EasyConvertItem ¶
type EasyConvertItem struct { FilFromSize types.Number `json:"fillFromSz"` FillToSize types.Number `json:"fillToSz"` FromCurrency string `json:"fromCcy"` Status string `json:"status"` ToCurrency string `json:"toCcy"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` Account string `json:"acct"` }
EasyConvertItem represents easy convert place order response
type EconomicCalendar ¶
type EconomicCalendar struct { Actual string `json:"actual"` CalendarID string `json:"calendarId"` Date types.Time `json:"date"` Region string `json:"region"` Category string `json:"category"` Event string `json:"event"` RefDate types.Time `json:"refDate"` Previous string `json:"previous"` Forecast string `json:"forecast"` Importance string `json:"importance"` PrevInitial string `json:"prevInitial"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Unit string `json:"unit"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` DateSpan string `json:"dateSpan"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
EconomicCalendar represents macro-economic calendar data
type EconomicCalendarResponse ¶
type EconomicCalendarResponse struct { Arg SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []EconomicCalendar `json:"data"` }
EconomicCalendarResponse represents response for economic calendar
type EstimateQuoteRequestInput ¶
type EstimateQuoteRequestInput struct { BaseCurrency currency.Code `json:"baseCcy,omitempty"` QuoteCurrency currency.Code `json:"quoteCcy,omitempty"` Side string `json:"side,omitempty"` RFQAmount float64 `json:"rfqSz,omitempty"` RFQSzCurrency string `json:"rfqSzCcy,omitempty"` ClientRequestOrderID string `json:"clQReqId,string,omitempty"` Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
EstimateQuoteRequestInput represents estimate quote request parameters
type EstimateQuoteResponse ¶
type EstimateQuoteResponse struct { BaseCurrency string `json:"baseCcy"` BaseSize types.Number `json:"baseSz"` ClientRequestID string `json:"clQReqId"` ConvertPrice types.Number `json:"cnvtPx"` OrigRFQSize types.Number `json:"origRfqSz"` QuoteCurrency string `json:"quoteCcy"` QuoteID string `json:"quoteId"` QuoteSize types.Number `json:"quoteSz"` QuoteTime types.Time `json:"quoteTime"` RFQSize types.Number `json:"rfqSz"` RFQSizeCurrency string `json:"rfqSzCcy"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` TTLMs string `json:"ttlMs"` // Validity period of quotation in milliseconds }
EstimateQuoteResponse represents estimate quote response data
type ExchangeInfo ¶
ExchangeInfo represents exchange information
type ExecuteQuoteParams ¶
type ExecuteQuoteParams struct { RFQID string `json:"rfqId,omitempty"` QuoteID string `json:"quoteId,omitempty"` }
ExecuteQuoteParams represents Execute quote request params
type ExecuteQuoteResponse ¶
type ExecuteQuoteResponse struct { BlockTradedID string `json:"blockTdId"` RFQID string `json:"rfqId"` ClientRFQID string `json:"clRfqId"` QuoteID string `json:"quoteId"` ClientQuoteID string `json:"clQuoteId"` TraderCode string `json:"tTraderCode"` MakerTraderCode string `json:"mTraderCode"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Legs []OrderLeg `json:"legs"` }
ExecuteQuoteResponse represents execute quote response
type ExpiryOpenInterestAndVolume ¶
type ExpiryOpenInterestAndVolume struct { Timestamp types.Time ExpiryTime time.Time CallOpenInterest types.Number PutOpenInterest types.Number CallVolume types.Number PutVolume types.Number }
ExpiryOpenInterestAndVolume represents open interest and trading volume of calls and puts for each upcoming expiration
func (*ExpiryOpenInterestAndVolume) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *ExpiryOpenInterestAndVolume) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes slice of data into ExpiryOpenInterestAndVolume structure
type FiatDepositPaymentMethods ¶
type FiatDepositPaymentMethods struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` PaymentMethod string `json:"paymentMethod"` FeeRate types.Number `json:"feeRate"` MinFee types.Number `json:"minFee"` Limits struct { DailyLimit types.Number `json:"dailyLimit"` DailyLimitRemaining types.Number `json:"dailyLimitRemaining"` WeeklyLimit types.Number `json:"weeklyLimit"` WeeklyLimitRemaining types.Number `json:"weeklyLimitRemaining"` MonthlyLimit types.Number `json:"monthlyLimit"` MonthlyLimitRemaining types.Number `json:"monthlyLimitRemaining"` MaxAmount types.Number `json:"maxAmt"` MinAmount types.Number `json:"minAmt"` LifetimeLimit types.Number `json:"lifetimeLimit"` } `json:"limits"` Accounts []struct { PaymentAcctID string `json:"paymentAcctId"` AccountNumber string `json:"acctNum"` RecipientName string `json:"recipientName"` BankName string `json:"bankName"` BankCode string `json:"bankCode"` State string `json:"state"` } `json:"accounts"` }
FiatDepositPaymentMethods represents a fiat deposit payment methods
type FiatItemInfo ¶
type FiatItemInfo struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` Taker types.Number `json:"taker"` Maker types.Number `json:"maker"` }
FiatItemInfo represents fiat currency with taker and maker fee details
type FiatOrderDetail ¶
type FiatOrderDetail struct { CreatTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` OrdID string `json:"ordId"` PaymentMethod string `json:"paymentMethod"` PaymentAcctID string `json:"paymentAcctId"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` State string `json:"state"` ClientID string `json:"clientId"` PaymentMethodID string `json:"paymentMethodId,omitempty"` }
FiatOrderDetail represents a fiat deposit/withdrawal order detail
type FiatWithdrawalPaymentMethods ¶
type FiatWithdrawalPaymentMethods struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` PaymentMethod string `json:"paymentMethod"` FeeRate types.Number `json:"feeRate"` MinFee types.Number `json:"minFee"` Limits struct { DailyLimit types.Number `json:"dailyLimit"` DailyLimitRemaining types.Number `json:"dailyLimitRemaining"` WeeklyLimit types.Number `json:"weeklyLimit"` WeeklyLimitRemaining types.Number `json:"weeklyLimitRemaining"` MonthlyLimit types.Number `json:"monthlyLimit"` MonthlyLimitRemaining types.Number `json:"monthlyLimitRemaining"` MaxAmount types.Number `json:"maxAmt"` MinAmount types.Number `json:"minAmt"` LifetimeLimit types.Number `json:"lifetimeLimit"` } `json:"limits"` Accounts []struct { PaymentAcctID string `json:"paymentAcctId"` AccountNumber string `json:"acctNum"` RecipientName string `json:"recipientName"` BankName string `json:"bankName"` BankCode string `json:"bankCode"` State string `json:"state"` } `json:"accounts"` }
FiatWithdrawalPaymentMethods represents a detailed information about fiat asset withdrawal payment methods and accounts
type FillArchiveParam ¶
FillArchiveParam transaction detail param for 2 year
type FirstCopySettings ¶
type FirstCopySettings struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType,omitempty"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` // Instrument ID. If there are multiple instruments, separate them with commas. Maximum of 200 instruments can be selected UniqueCode string `json:"uniqueCode"` CopyMarginMode string `json:"copyMgnMode,omitempty"` // Copy margin mode 'cross': cross 'isolated': isolated 'copy' CopyInstrumentIDType string `json:"copyInstIdType"` // Copy contract type set 'custom': custom by instId which is required;'copy': Keep your contracts consistent with this trader CopyMode string `json:"copyMode,omitempty"` // Possible values: 'fixed_amount', 'ratio_copy', 'copyRatio', and 'fixed_amount' CopyRatio float64 `json:"copyRatio,string"` CopyAmount float64 `json:"copyAmt,string,omitempty"` CopyTotalAmount float64 `json:"copyTotalAmt,string"` SubPosCloseType string `json:"subPosCloseType"` TakeProfitRatio float64 `json:"tpRatio,string,omitempty"` StopLossRatio float64 `json:"slRatio,string,omitempty"` StopLossTotalAmount float64 `json:"slTotalAmt,string,omitempty"` }
FirstCopySettings holds parameters first copy settings for the certain lead trader
type FixedLoanBorrowLimitInformation ¶
type FixedLoanBorrowLimitInformation struct { TotalBorrowLimit types.Number `json:"totalBorrowLmt"` TotalAvailableBorrow types.Number `json:"totalAvailBorrow"` Borrowed types.Number `json:"borrowed"` UsedAmount types.Number `json:"used"` AvailRepay string `json:"availRepay"` Details []struct { Borrowed types.Number `json:"borrowed"` AvailBorrow types.Number `json:"availBorrow"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` MinBorrow types.Number `json:"minBorrow"` Used types.Number `json:"used"` Term string `json:"term"` } `json:"details"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
FixedLoanBorrowLimitInformation represents a fixed loan borrow information
type FixedLoanBorrowOrderDetail ¶
type FixedLoanBorrowOrderDetail struct { OrderID string `json:"ordId"` AccruedInterest string `json:"accruedInterest"` ActualBorrowAmount types.Number `json:"actualBorrowAmt"` CreateTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` CurRate types.Number `json:"curRate"` DeadlinePenaltyInterest types.Number `json:"deadlinePenaltyInterest"` EarlyRepayPenaltyInterest types.Number `json:"earlyRepayPenaltyInterest"` ExpiryTime types.Time `json:"expiryTime"` FailedReason string `json:"failedReason"` ForceRepayTime types.Time `json:"forceRepayTime"` OverduePenaltyInterest types.Number `json:"overduePenaltyInterest"` PotentialPenaltyInterest types.Number `json:"potentialPenaltyInterest"` Reborrow bool `json:"reborrow"` ReborrowRate types.Number `json:"reborrowRate"` ReqBorrowAmount types.Number `json:"reqBorrowAmt"` SettleReason string `json:"settleReason"` State string `json:"state"` Term string `json:"term"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
FixedLoanBorrowOrderDetail represents a borrow order detail
type FixedLoanBorrowQuote ¶
type FixedLoanBorrowQuote struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` Term string `json:"term"` EstAvailBorrow types.Number `json:"estAvailBorrow"` EstRate types.Number `json:"estRate"` EstInterest types.Number `json:"estInterest"` PenaltyInterest types.Number `json:"penaltyInterest"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
FixedLoanBorrowQuote represents a fixed loan quote details
type FundingBalance ¶
type FundingBalance struct { AvailableBalance types.Number `json:"availBal"` Balance types.Number `json:"bal"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` FrozenBalance types.Number `json:"frozenBal"` }
FundingBalance holds function balance
type FundingRateResponse ¶
type FundingRateResponse struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` FundingRateMethod string `json:"method"` FundingRate types.Number `json:"fundingRate"` NextFundingRate types.Number `json:"nextFundingRate"` FundingTime types.Time `json:"fundingTime"` NextFundingTime types.Time `json:"nextFundingTime"` MinFundingRate types.Number `json:"minFundingRate"` MaxFundingRate types.Number `json:"maxFundingRate"` SettlementStateOfFundingRate string `json:"settState"` SettlementFundingRate types.Number `json:"settFundingRate"` Premium string `json:"premium"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
FundingRateResponse response data for the Funding Rate for an instruction type
type FundingTransferRequestInput ¶
type FundingTransferRequestInput struct { Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` TransferType int64 `json:"type,string"` Amount float64 `json:"amt,string"` RemittingAccountType string `json:"from"` // "6": Funding account, "18": Trading account BeneficiaryAccountType string `json:"to"` SubAccount string `json:"subAcct"` LoanTransfer bool `json:"loanTrans,string"` OmitPositionRisk bool `json:"omitPosRisk,omitempty,string"` ClientID string `json:"clientId"` // Client-supplied ID A combination of case-sensitive alphanumerics, all numbers, or all letters of up to 32 characters. }
FundingTransferRequestInput represents funding account request input
type FundingTransferResponse ¶
type FundingTransferResponse struct { TransferID string `json:"transId"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` ClientID string `json:"clientId"` From types.Number `json:"from"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` To types.Number `json:"to"` }
FundingTransferResponse represents funding transfer and trading account transfer response
type GreeksItem ¶
type GreeksItem struct { ThetaBS string `json:"thetaBS"` ThetaPA string `json:"thetaPA"` DeltaBS string `json:"deltaBS"` DeltaPA string `json:"deltaPA"` GammaBS string `json:"gammaBS"` GammaPA string `json:"gammaPA"` VegaBS string `json:"vegaBS"` VegaPA string `json:"vegaPA"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
GreeksItem represents greeks response
type GreeksType ¶
type GreeksType struct {
GreeksType string `json:"greeksType"` // Display type of Greeks. PA: Greeks in coins BS: Black-Scholes Greeks in dollars
GreeksType represents for greeks type response
type GridAIParameterResponse ¶
type GridAIParameterResponse struct { AlgoOrderType string `json:"algoOrdType"` AnnualizedRate string `json:"annualizedRate"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Direction string `json:"direction"` Duration string `json:"duration"` GridNum string `json:"gridNum"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` MaximumPrice types.Number `json:"maxPx"` MinimumInvestment types.Number `json:"minInvestment"` MinimumPrice types.Number `json:"minPx"` PerMaximumProfitRate types.Number `json:"perMaxProfitRate"` PerMinimumProfitRate types.Number `json:"perMinProfitRate"` RunType string `json:"runType"` }
GridAIParameterResponse represents gri AI parameter response
type GridAlgoOrder ¶
type GridAlgoOrder struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` AlgoOrdType string `json:"algoOrdType"` MaxPrice float64 `json:"maxPx,string"` MinPrice float64 `json:"minPx,string"` GridQuantity float64 `json:"gridNum,string"` GridType string `json:"runType"` // "1": Arithmetic, "2": Geometric Default is Arithmetic // Spot Grid Order QuoteSize float64 `json:"quoteSz,string"` // Invest amount for quote currency Either "instId" or "ccy" is required BaseSize float64 `json:"baseSz,string"` // Invest amount for base currency Either "instId" or "ccy" is required // Contract Grid Order BasePosition bool `json:"basePos"` // Whether or not open a position when strategy actives Default is false Neutral contract grid should omit the parameter Size float64 `json:"sz,string"` Direction string `json:"direction"` Leverage string `json:"lever"` }
GridAlgoOrder represents grid algo order
type GridAlgoOrderAmend ¶
type GridAlgoOrderAmend struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` StopLossTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"slTriggerPx"` TakeProfitTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"tpTriggerPx"` }
GridAlgoOrderAmend represents amend algo order response
type GridAlgoOrderIDResponse ¶
type GridAlgoOrderIDResponse struct { AlgoOrderID string `json:"algoId"` StatusCode string `json:"sCode"` StatusMessage string `json:"sMsg"` }
GridAlgoOrderIDResponse represents grid algo order
type GridAlgoOrderResponse ¶
type GridAlgoOrderResponse struct { ActualLever string `json:"actualLever"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AlgoOrderType string `json:"algoOrdType"` ArbitrageNumber string `json:"arbitrageNum"` BasePosition bool `json:"basePos"` BaseSize types.Number `json:"baseSz"` CancelType string `json:"cancelType"` Direction string `json:"direction"` FloatProfit types.Number `json:"floatProfit"` GridQuantity types.Number `json:"gridNum"` GridProfit string `json:"gridProfit"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Investment string `json:"investment"` Leverage string `json:"lever"` EstimatedLiquidationPrice types.Number `json:"liqPx"` MaximumPrice types.Number `json:"maxPx"` MinimumPrice types.Number `json:"minPx"` ProfitAndLossRatio types.Number `json:"pnlRatio"` QuoteSize types.Number `json:"quoteSz"` RunType string `json:"runType"` StopLossTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"slTriggerPx"` State string `json:"state"` StopResult string `json:"stopResult,omitempty"` StopType string `json:"stopType"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Tag string `json:"tag"` TotalProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"totalPnl"` TakeProfitTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"tpTriggerPx"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` Underlying string `json:"uly"` EquityOfStrength string `json:"eq,omitempty"` PerMaxProfitRate types.Number `json:"perMaxProfitRate,omitempty"` PerMinProfitRate types.Number `json:"perMinProfitRate,omitempty"` Profit types.Number `json:"profit,omitempty"` Runpx string `json:"runpx,omitempty"` SingleAmt types.Number `json:"singleAmt,omitempty"` TotalAnnualizedRate types.Number `json:"totalAnnualizedRate,omitempty"` TradeNumber string `json:"tradeNum,omitempty"` AnnualizedRate types.Number `json:"annualizedRate,omitempty"` CurBaseSize types.Number `json:"curBaseSz,omitempty"` CurQuoteSize types.Number `json:"curQuoteSz,omitempty"` }
GridAlgoOrderResponse is a complete information of grid algo order item response
type GridSubOrderData ¶
type GridSubOrderData struct { AccumulatedFillSize types.Number `json:"accFillSz"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AlgoOrderType string `json:"algoOrdType"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` ContractValue string `json:"ctVal"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCcy"` GroupID string `json:"groupId"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` PushTime types.Time `json:"pTime"` ProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"pnl"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` State string `json:"state"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Tag string `json:"tag"` TradeMode string `json:"tdMode"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
GridSubOrderData represents a single sub order detailed info
type IncreaseDecreaseMargin ¶
type IncreaseDecreaseMargin struct { Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Leverage types.Number `json:"leverage"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` Type string `json:"type"` }
IncreaseDecreaseMargin represents increase or decrease the margin of the isolated position response
type IncreaseDecreaseMarginInput ¶
type IncreaseDecreaseMarginInput struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` MarginBalanceType string `json:"type"` Amount float64 `json:"amt,string"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` }
IncreaseDecreaseMarginInput represents increase or decrease the margin of the isolated position
type IndexComponent ¶
type IndexComponent struct { Index string `json:"index"` Components []IndexComponentItem `json:"components"` Last types.Number `json:"last"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
IndexComponent represents index component data on the market
type IndexComponentItem ¶
type IndexComponentItem struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` SymbolPairPrice string `json:"symbolPx"` Weights string `json:"wgt"` ConvertToPrice string `json:"cnvPx"` ExchangeName string `json:"exch"` }
IndexComponentItem an item representing the index component item
type IndexTicker ¶
type IndexTicker struct { InstID string `json:"instId"` IdxPx types.Number `json:"idxPx"` High24H types.Number `json:"high24h"` SodUtc0 types.Number `json:"sodUtc0"` Open24H types.Number `json:"open24h"` Low24H types.Number `json:"low24h"` SodUtc8 types.Number `json:"sodUtc8"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
IndexTicker represents data from the index ticker.
type Instrument ¶
type Instrument struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily"` Underlying string `json:"uly"` Category string `json:"category"` BaseCurrency string `json:"baseCcy"` QuoteCurrency string `json:"quoteCcy"` SettlementCurrency string `json:"settleCcy"` ContractValue types.Number `json:"ctVal"` ContractMultiplier types.Number `json:"ctMult"` ContractValueCurrency string `json:"ctValCcy"` OptionType string `json:"optType"` StrikePrice types.Number `json:"stk"` ListTime types.Time `json:"listTime"` ExpTime types.Time `json:"expTime"` MaxLeverage types.Number `json:"lever"` TickSize types.Number `json:"tickSz"` LotSize types.Number `json:"lotSz"` MinimumOrderSize types.Number `json:"minSz"` ContractType string `json:"ctType"` Alias string `json:"alias"` State string `json:"state"` MaxQuantityOfSpotLimitOrder types.Number `json:"maxLmtSz"` MaxQuantityOfMarketLimitOrder types.Number `json:"maxMktSz"` MaxQuantityOfSpotTwapLimitOrder types.Number `json:"maxTwapSz"` MaxSpotIcebergSize types.Number `json:"maxIcebergSz"` MaxTriggerSize types.Number `json:"maxTriggerSz"` MaxStopSize types.Number `json:"maxStopSz"` }
Instrument representing an instrument with open contract
type InstrumentFamilyTrade ¶
type InstrumentFamilyTrade struct { Vol24H types.Number `json:"vol24h"` TradeInfo []struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` Side string `json:"side"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` } `json:"tradeInfo"` OptionType string `json:"optType"` }
InstrumentFamilyTrade represents transaction information of instrument. instrument family, e.g. BTC-USD Applicable to OPTION
type InstrumentsFetchParams ¶
type InstrumentsFetchParams struct { InstrumentType string // Mandatory Underlying string // Optional InstrumentFamily string InstrumentID string // Optional }
InstrumentsFetchParams request params for requesting list of instruments
type InsuranceFundInformation ¶
type InsuranceFundInformation struct { Details []InsuranceFundInformationDetail `json:"details"` InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Total types.Number `json:"total"` }
InsuranceFundInformation holds insurance fund information data
type InsuranceFundInformationDetail ¶
type InsuranceFundInformationDetail struct { Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Balance types.Number `json:"balance"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` InsuranceType string `json:"type"` MaxBalance types.Number `json:"maxBal"` MaxBalTimestamp types.Time `json:"maxBalTs"` RealTimeInsuranceDeclineRate types.Number `json:"decRate"` ADLType string `json:"adlType"` }
InsuranceFundInformationDetail represents an Insurance fund information item for a single currency and type
type InsuranceFundInformationRequestParams ¶
type InsuranceFundInformationRequestParams struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InsuranceType string `json:"type"` // Type values allowed are `liquidation_balance_deposit, bankruptcy_loss, and platform_revenue` Underlying string `json:"uly"` InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily"` Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` Before time.Time `json:"before"` After time.Time `json:"after"` Limit int64 `json:"limit"` }
InsuranceFundInformationRequestParams insurance fund balance information
type InterestAccruedData ¶
type InterestAccruedData struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Interest types.Number `json:"interest"` InterestRate types.Number `json:"interestRate"` // Interest rate in an hour. Liability types.Number `json:"liab"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` // Margin mode "cross" "isolated" Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` LoanType string `json:"type"` }
InterestAccruedData represents interest rate accrued response
type InterestAndLoanDetail ¶
type InterestAndLoanDetail struct { InterestRateDiscount types.Number `json:"irDiscount"` LoanQuotaCoefficient types.Number `json:"loanQuotaCoef"` UserLevel string `json:"level"` }
InterestAndLoanDetail represents an interest rate and loan quota information
type InterestRateLoanQuotaBasic ¶
type InterestRateLoanQuotaBasic struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` LoanQuota string `json:"quota"` InterestRate types.Number `json:"rate"` }
InterestRateLoanQuotaBasic holds the basic Currency, loan,and interest rate information
type InterestRateLoanQuotaItem ¶
type InterestRateLoanQuotaItem struct { Basic []InterestRateLoanQuotaBasic `json:"basic"` VIP []InterestAndLoanDetail `json:"vip"` Regular []InterestAndLoanDetail `json:"regular"` }
InterestRateLoanQuotaItem holds the basic Currency, loan,interest rate, and other level and VIP related information
type InterestRateResponse ¶
type InterestRateResponse struct { InterestRate types.Number `json:"interestRate"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` }
InterestRateResponse represents interest rate response
type InvestmentData ¶
type InvestmentData struct { Amount float64 `json:"amt,string"` Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` }
InvestmentData holds investment data parameter
type InvestmentResult ¶
type InvestmentResult struct { MinInvestmentData []InvestmentData `json:"minInvestmentData"` SingleAmount types.Number `json:"singleAmt"` }
InvestmentResult holds investment response
type IsolatedMode ¶
type IsolatedMode struct { IsoMode string `json:"isoMode"` // "automatic":Auto transfers "autonomy":Manual transfers InstrumentType string `json:"type"` // Instrument type "MARGIN" "CONTRACTS" }
IsolatedMode represents Isolated margin trading settings
type LeadPosition ¶
type LeadPosition struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` CloseAveragePrice types.Number `json:"closeAvgPx"` CloseTime types.Time `json:"closeTime"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` Margin types.Number `json:"margin"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` OpenAveragePrice types.Number `json:"openAvgPx"` OpenTime types.Time `json:"openTime"` ProfitAndLoss string `json:"pnl"` ProfitAndLossRatio types.Number `json:"pnlRatio"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` SubPosition string `json:"subPos"` SubPositionID string `json:"subPosId"` UniqueCode string `json:"uniqueCode"` }
LeadPosition holds lead trader completed leading position
type LeadTraderCurrencyPreference ¶
type LeadTraderCurrencyPreference struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` Ratio types.Number `json:"ratio"` }
LeadTraderCurrencyPreference holds public preference currency
type LeadTraderCurrentLeadPosition ¶
type LeadTraderCurrentLeadPosition struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Lever types.Number `json:"lever"` Margin types.Number `json:"margin"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPx"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` OpenAvgPrice types.Number `json:"openAvgPx"` OpenTime types.Time `json:"openTime"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` SubPos string `json:"subPos"` SubPosID string `json:"subPosId"` UniqueCode string `json:"uniqueCode"` UPL types.Number `json:"upl"` UPLRatio types.Number `json:"uplRatio"` }
LeadTraderCurrentLeadPosition holds leading positions of lead trader
type LeadTraderStat ¶
type LeadTraderStat struct { AvgSubPosNotional types.Number `json:"avgSubPosNotional"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` CurCopyTraderPnl types.Number `json:"curCopyTraderPnl"` InvestAmount types.Number `json:"investAmt"` LossDays string `json:"lossDays"` ProfitDays string `json:"profitDays"` WinRatio types.Number `json:"winRatio"` }
LeadTraderStat represents lead trader performance info
type LeadTradersRank ¶
type LeadTradersRank struct { DataVer string `json:"dataVer"` Ranks []struct { AccCopyTraderNum string `json:"accCopyTraderNum"` Aum string `json:"aum"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` CopyState string `json:"copyState"` CopyTraderNum string `json:"copyTraderNum"` LeadDays string `json:"leadDays"` MaxCopyTraderNum string `json:"maxCopyTraderNum"` NickName string `json:"nickName"` Pnl types.Number `json:"pnl"` PnlRatio types.Number `json:"pnlRatio"` PnlRatios []struct { BeginTimestamp types.Time `json:"beginTs"` PnlRatio types.Number `json:"pnlRatio"` } `json:"pnlRatios"` PortLink string `json:"portLink"` TraderInsts []string `json:"traderInsts"` UniqueCode string `json:"uniqueCode"` WinRatio types.Number `json:"winRatio"` } `json:"ranks"` TotalPage string `json:"totalPage"` }
LeadTradersRank represents lead traders rank info
type LeadingInstrumentItem ¶
type LeadingInstrumentItem struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` }
LeadingInstrumentItem represents leading instrument info and it's status
type LendingAPIHistoryItem ¶
type LendingAPIHistoryItem struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` Rate types.Number `json:"rate"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
LendingAPIHistoryItem represents a lending API history item
type LendingHistory ¶
type LendingHistory struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Earnings types.Number `json:"earnings"` Rate types.Number `json:"rate"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
LendingHistory holds lending history responses
type LendingOrderDetail ¶
type LendingOrderDetail struct { OrderID string `json:"ordId"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` AutoRenewal bool `json:"autoRenewal"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` EarningAmount types.Number `json:"earningAmt"` PendingAmount types.Number `json:"pendingAmt"` Rate types.Number `json:"rate"` State string `json:"state"` Term string `json:"term"` TotalInterest string `json:"totalInterest"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` SettledTime types.Time `json:"settledTime"` StartTime types.Time `json:"startTime"` }
LendingOrderDetail represents a lending order detail
type LendingOrderParam ¶
type LendingOrderParam struct { Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` Amount float64 `json:"amt,omitempty,string"` Rate float64 `json:"rate,omitempty,string"` Term string `json:"term"` AutoRenewal bool `json:"autoRenewal,omitempty"` }
LendingOrderParam represents a lending order request parameters
type LendingOrderResponse ¶
type LendingOrderResponse []struct { OrderID string `json:"ordId"` }
LendingOrderResponse represents an order ID response after placing a lending order
type LendingRate ¶
LendingRate represents the response containing the lending rate.
type LendingSubOrder ¶
type LendingSubOrder struct { AccruedInterest string `json:"accruedInterest"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` EarlyTerminatedPenalty string `json:"earlyTerminatedPenalty"` ExpiryTime types.Time `json:"expiryTime"` FinalSettlementTime types.Time `json:"finalSettlementTime"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` OverdueInterest string `json:"overdueInterest"` Rate string `json:"rate"` SettledTime types.Time `json:"settledTime"` State string `json:"state"` SubOrdID string `json:"subOrdId"` Term string `json:"term"` TotalInterest string `json:"totalInterest"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
LendingSubOrder represents a lending sub-order detail
type LendingVolume ¶
type LendingVolume struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` PendingVol types.Number `json:"pendingVol"` RateRangeFrom string `json:"rateRangeFrom"` RateRangeTo string `json:"rateRangeTo"` Term string `json:"term"` }
LendingVolume represents a lending volume detail for a specific currency
type LeverageEstimatedInfo ¶
type LeverageEstimatedInfo struct { EstimatedAvailQuoteTrans string `json:"estAvailQuoteTrans"` EstimatedAvailTrans string `json:"estAvailTrans"` EstimatedLiqPrice types.Number `json:"estLiqPx"` EstimatedMaxAmount types.Number `json:"estMaxAmt"` EstimatedMargin types.Number `json:"estMgn"` EstimatedQuoteMaxAmount types.Number `json:"estQuoteMaxAmt"` EstimatedQuoteMargin types.Number `json:"estQuoteMgn"` ExistOrd bool `json:"existOrd"` // Whether there is pending orders MaxLeverage types.Number `json:"maxLever"` MinLeverage types.Number `json:"minLever"` }
LeverageEstimatedInfo leverage estimated info response
type LeverageInfo ¶
type LeverageInfo struct { Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` }
LeverageInfo holds leverage information
type LeverageResponse ¶
type LeverageResponse struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` }
LeverageResponse instrument ID leverage response
type Leverages ¶
type Leverages struct { LeadTraderLevers []LeverageInfo `json:"leadTraderLevers"` MyLevers []LeverageInfo `json:"myLevers"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` }
Leverages holds batch leverage info
type LightningDepositItem ¶
type LightningDepositItem struct { CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Invoice string `json:"invoice"` }
LightningDepositItem for creating an invoice
type LightningWithdrawalRequestInput ¶
type LightningWithdrawalRequestInput struct { Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` // REQUIRED Token symbol. Currently only BTC is supported. Invoice string `json:"invoice"` // REQUIRED Invoice text Memo string `json:"memo"` // Lightning withdrawal memo }
LightningWithdrawalRequestInput to request Lightning Withdrawal requests
type LightningWithdrawalResponse ¶
type LightningWithdrawalResponse struct { WithdrawalID string `json:"wdId"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` }
LightningWithdrawalResponse response item for holding lightning withdrawal requests
type LimitPriceResponse ¶
type LimitPriceResponse struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` BuyLimit types.Number `json:"buyLmt"` SellLimit types.Number `json:"sellLmt"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
LimitPriceResponse hold an information for
type LiquidationOrder ¶
type LiquidationOrder struct { Details []LiquidationOrderDetailItem `json:"details"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` TotalLoss types.Number `json:"totalLoss"` Underlying string `json:"uly"` InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily"` }
LiquidationOrder represents liquidation order item detailed information
type LiquidationOrderDetailItem ¶
type LiquidationOrderDetailItem struct { BankruptcyLoss string `json:"bkLoss"` BankruptcyPrice types.Number `json:"bkPx"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` Side string `json:"side"` // May be empty QuantityOfLiquidation types.Number `json:"sz"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
LiquidationOrderDetailItem represents the detail information of liquidation order
type LiquidationOrderRequestParams ¶
type LiquidationOrderRequestParams struct { InstrumentType string MarginMode string // values are either isolated or crossed InstrumentID string Currency currency.Code Underlying string Alias string State string Before time.Time After time.Time Limit int64 }
LiquidationOrderRequestParams holds information to request liquidation orders
type LoanBorrowAndReplay ¶
type LoanBorrowAndReplay struct { Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` AvailableLoan types.Number `json:"availLoan"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` LoanQuota types.Number `json:"loanQuota"` PosLoan string `json:"posLoan"` Side string `json:"side"` // borrow or repay UsedLoan string `json:"usedLoan"` }
LoanBorrowAndReplay loans borrow and repay
type LoanBorrowAndReplayInput ¶
type LoanBorrowAndReplayInput struct { Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` Side string `json:"side,omitempty"` Amount float64 `json:"amt,string,omitempty"` }
LoanBorrowAndReplayInput represents currency VIP borrow or repay request params
type LongShortRatio ¶
LongShortRatio represents the ratio of users with net long vs net short positions for futures and perpetual swaps
func (*LongShortRatio) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *LongShortRatio) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes a slice of data into LongShortRatio
type MMPConfig ¶
type MMPConfig struct { InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily"` TimeInterval int64 `json:"timeInterval,string"` FrozenInterval int64 `json:"frozenInterval,string"` // Frozen period (ms). "0" means the trade will remain frozen until you request "Reset MMP Status" to unfrozen QuantityLimit float64 `json:"qtyLimit,string"` }
MMPConfig holds request/response structure to set Market Maker Protection (MMP)
type MMPConfigDetail ¶
type MMPConfigDetail struct { FrozenInterval types.Number `json:"frozenInterval"` InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily"` MMPFrozen bool `json:"mmpFrozen"` MMPFrozenUntil string `json:"mmpFrozenUntil"` QuantityLimit types.Number `json:"qtyLimit"` TimeInterval int64 `json:"timeInterval"` }
MMPConfigDetail holds MMP config details
type MMPStatusResponse ¶
type MMPStatusResponse struct {
Result bool `json:"result"`
MMPStatusResponse holds MMP reset status response
type MakerInstrumentSetting ¶
type MakerInstrumentSetting struct { Underlying string `json:"uly"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` MaxBlockSize types.Number `json:"maxBlockSz"` MakerPriceBand types.Number `json:"makerPxBand"` }
MakerInstrumentSetting represents set quote product setting info
type MarginBalanceParam ¶
type MarginBalanceParam struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AdjustMarginBalanceType string `json:"type"` Amount float64 `json:"amt,string"` // Adjust margin balance amount Either amt or percent is required. Percentage float64 `json:"percent,string,omitempty"` // Adjust margin balance percentage, used In Adjusting margin balance }
MarginBalanceParam represents compute margin balance request param
type MarginLendRatioItem ¶
MarginLendRatioItem represents margin lend ration information and creation timestamp
func (*MarginLendRatioItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *MarginLendRatioItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes a slice of data into MarginLendRatio
type MarkPrice ¶
type MarkPrice struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPx"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
MarkPrice represents a mark price information for a single instrument ID
type MaximumBuyAndSell ¶
type MaximumBuyAndSell struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` MaximumBuy types.Number `json:"maxBuy"` MaximumSell types.Number `json:"maxSell"` }
MaximumBuyAndSell get maximum buy , sell amount or open amount
type MaximumLoanInstrument ¶
type MaximumLoanInstrument struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` MarginCurrency string `json:"mgnCcy"` MaxLoan types.Number `json:"maxLoan"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` }
MaximumLoanInstrument represents maximum loan of an instrument ID
type MaximumTradableAmount ¶
type MaximumTradableAmount struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` AvailBuy string `json:"availBuy"` AvailSell string `json:"availSell"` }
MaximumTradableAmount represents get maximum tradable amount response
type MaximumWithdrawal ¶
type MaximumWithdrawal struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` MaximumWithdrawal types.Number `json:"maxWd"` // Max withdrawal (not allowing borrowed crypto transfer out under Multi-currency margin) MaximumWithdrawalEx types.Number `json:"maxWdEx"` // Max withdrawal (allowing borrowed crypto transfer out under Multi-currency margin) SpotOffsetMaxWithdrawal types.Number `json:"spotOffsetMaxWd"` SpotOffsetMaxWdEx types.Number `json:"spotOffsetMaxWdEx"` }
MaximumWithdrawal represents maximum withdrawal amount query response
type MonthlyStatement ¶
type MonthlyStatement struct { FileHref string `json:"fileHref"` State string `json:"state"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
MonthlyStatement represents the information and download link for a monthly statement document.
type NonTradableAsset ¶
type NonTradableAsset struct { Balance types.Number `json:"bal"` CanWithdraw bool `json:"canWd"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Chain string `json:"chain"` CtAddr string `json:"ctAddr"` LogoLink string `json:"logoLink"` Name string `json:"name"` NeedTag bool `json:"needTag"` WithdrawAll bool `json:"wdAll"` FeeCurrency currency.Code `json:"feeCcy"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` MinWithdrawal types.Number `json:"minWd"` WithdrawTickSize types.Number `json:"wdTickSz"` BurningFeeRate types.Number `json:"burningFeeRate"` }
NonTradableAsset holds non-tradable asset detail
type Offer ¶
type Offer struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` ProductID string `json:"productId"` Protocol string `json:"protocol"` ProtocolType string `json:"protocolType"` EarningCurrency []string `json:"earningCcy"` Term string `json:"term"` Apy types.Number `json:"apy"` EarlyRedeem bool `json:"earlyRedeem"` InvestData []OfferInvestData `json:"investData"` EarningData []struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` EarningType string `json:"earningType"` } `json:"earningData"` State string `json:"state"` FastRedemptionDailyLimit types.Number `json:"fastRedemptionDailyLimit"` }
Offer represents an investment offer information for different 'staking' and 'defi' protocols
type OfferInvestData ¶
type OfferInvestData struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` Balance types.Number `json:"bal"` MinimumAmount types.Number `json:"minAmt"` MaximumAmount types.Number `json:"maxAmt"` }
OfferInvestData represents currencies invest data information for an offer
type Okx ¶
type Okx struct { exchange.Base WsResponseMultiplexer wsRequestDataChannelsMultiplexer // WsRequestSemaphore channel is used to block write operation on the websocket connection to reduce contention; a kind of bounded parallelism. // it is made to hold up to 20 integers so that up to 20 write operations can be called over the websocket connection at a time. // and when the operation is completed the thread releases (consumes) one value from the channel so that the other waiting operation can enter. // ok.WsRequestSemaphore <- 1 // defer func() { <-ok.WsRequestSemaphore }() WsRequestSemaphore chan int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Okx is the overarching type across this package
func (*Okx) AccountBalance ¶
AccountBalance retrieves a list of assets (with non-zero balance), remaining balance, and available amount in the trading account. Interest-free quota and discount rates are public data and not displayed on the account interface
func (*Okx) AccountGreeksSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) AccountGreeksSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, pair currency.Pair) error
AccountGreeksSubscription algo order subscription to retrieve account greeks information. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as increase/decrease positions or cash balance in account, and will also be pushed in regular interval according to subscription granularity.
func (*Okx) ActivateOption ¶
ActivateOption activates option
func (*Okx) AdjustMarginBalance ¶
func (ok *Okx) AdjustMarginBalance(ctx context.Context, arg *MarginBalanceParam) (*AdjustMarginBalanceResponse, error)
AdjustMarginBalance retrieves adjust margin balance with 'add' and 'reduce' balance type
func (*Okx) AdvanceAlgoOrdersSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) AdvanceAlgoOrdersSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair, algoID string) error
AdvanceAlgoOrdersSubscription algo order subscription to retrieve advance algo orders (including Iceberg order, TWAP order, Trailing order). Data will be pushed when first subscribed. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as placing/canceling order.
func (*Okx) AlgoOrdersSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) AlgoOrdersSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
AlgoOrdersSubscription for subscribing to algo - order channels
func (*Okx) AmendAlgoOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) AmendAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AmendAlgoOrderParam) (*AmendAlgoResponse, error)
AmendAlgoOrder amend unfilled algo orders (Support stop order only, not including Move_order_stop order, Trigger order, Iceberg order, TWAP order, Trailing Stop order). Only applicable to Futures and Perpetual swap
func (*Okx) AmendCopySettings ¶
func (ok *Okx) AmendCopySettings(ctx context.Context, arg *FirstCopySettings) (*ResponseSuccess, error)
AmendCopySettings amends need to use this endpoint for amending copy settings
func (*Okx) AmendFixedLoanBorrowingOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) AmendFixedLoanBorrowingOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID string, reborrow bool, renewMaxRate float64) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
AmendFixedLoanBorrowingOrder amends a fixed loan borrowing order
func (*Okx) AmendGridAlgoOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) AmendGridAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *GridAlgoOrderAmend) (*GridAlgoOrderIDResponse, error)
AmendGridAlgoOrder supported contract grid algo order amendment
func (*Okx) AmendLeadingInstruments ¶
func (ok *Okx) AmendLeadingInstruments(ctx context.Context, instrumentID, instrumentType string) ([]LeadingInstrumentItem, error)
AmendLeadingInstruments amend current leading instruments, need to set initial leading instruments while applying to become a leading trader. All non-leading contracts can't have position or pending orders for the current request when setting non-leading contracts as leading contracts
func (*Okx) AmendLendingOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) AmendLendingOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID string, changeAmount, rate float64, autoRenewal bool) (string, error)
AmendLendingOrder amends a lending order
func (*Okx) AmendMultipleOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) AmendMultipleOrders(ctx context.Context, args []AmendOrderRequestParams) ([]OrderData, error)
AmendMultipleOrders amend incomplete orders in batches. Maximum 20 orders can be amended at a time. Request parameters should be passed in the form of an array
func (*Okx) AmendOrder ¶
AmendOrder an incomplete order
func (*Okx) AmendRecurringBuyOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) AmendRecurringBuyOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AmendRecurringOrderParam) (*RecurringOrderResponse, error)
AmendRecurringBuyOrder amends recurring order
func (*Okx) AmendSpreadOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) AmendSpreadOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AmendSpreadOrderParam) (*SpreadOrderResponse, error)
AmendSpreadOrder amends incomplete spread order
func (*Okx) AppendWsOrderbookItems ¶
AppendWsOrderbookItems adds websocket orderbook data bid/asks into an orderbook item array
func (*Okx) ApplyBillDetails ¶
func (ok *Okx) ApplyBillDetails(ctx context.Context, year, quarter string) ([]BillsDetailResp, error)
ApplyBillDetails apply for bill data since 1 February, 2021 except for the current quarter. Quarter, valid value is Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
func (*Okx) ApplyForMonthlyStatement ¶
ApplyForMonthlyStatement requests a monthly statement for any month within the past year
func (*Okx) BalanceAndPositionSubscription ¶
BalanceAndPositionSubscription retrieve account balance and position information. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as filled order, funding transfer.
func (*Okx) BlockTickerSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) BlockTickerSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
BlockTickerSubscription a method to subscribe and unsubscribe to a "block-tickers" channel to retrieve the latest block trading volume in the last 24 hours. The data will be pushed when triggered by transaction execution event. In addition, it will also be pushed in 5 minutes interval according to subscription granularity.
func (*Okx) BusinessSubscribe ¶
func (ok *Okx) BusinessSubscribe(channelsToSubscribe subscription.List) error
BusinessSubscribe sends a websocket subscription request to several channels to receive data.
func (*Okx) BusinessUnsubscribe ¶
func (ok *Okx) BusinessUnsubscribe(channelsToUnsubscribe subscription.List) error
BusinessUnsubscribe sends a websocket unsubscription request to several channels to receive data.
func (*Okx) CalculateOrderbookChecksum ¶
func (ok *Okx) CalculateOrderbookChecksum(orderbookData *WsOrderBookData) (int32, error)
CalculateOrderbookChecksum alternates over the first 25 bid and ask entries from websocket data.
func (*Okx) CalculateUpdateOrderbookChecksum ¶
func (ok *Okx) CalculateUpdateOrderbookChecksum(orderbookData *orderbook.Base, checksumVal uint32) error
CalculateUpdateOrderbookChecksum alternates over the first 25 bid and ask entries of a merged orderbook. The checksum is made up of the price and the quantity with a semicolon (:) deliminating them. This will also work when there are less than 25 entries (for whatever reason) eg Bid:Ask:Bid:Ask:Ask:Ask
func (*Okx) CancelAdvanceAlgoOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelAdvanceAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, args []AlgoOrderCancelParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
CancelAdvanceAlgoOrder Cancel unfilled algo orders A maximum of 10 orders can be canceled at a time. Request parameters should be passed in the form of an array
func (*Okx) CancelAlgoOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, args []AlgoOrderCancelParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
CancelAlgoOrder to cancel unfilled algo orders (not including Iceberg order, TWAP order, Trailing Stop order). A maximum of 10 orders can be canceled at a time. Request parameters should be passed in the form of an array
func (*Okx) CancelAllDelayed ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelAllDelayed(ctx context.Context, timeout int64, orderTag string) (*CancelResponse, error)
CancelAllDelayed cancel all pending orders after the countdown timeout. Applicable to all trading symbols through order book (except Spread trading)
func (*Okx) CancelAllMMPOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelAllMMPOrders(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentFamily string, lockInterval int64) (*CancelMMPResponse, error)
CancelAllMMPOrders cancel all the MMP pending orders of an instrument family. Only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode, and MMP privilege is required
func (*Okx) CancelAllOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelAllOrders(ctx context.Context, orderCancellation *order.Cancel) (order.CancelAllResponse, error)
CancelAllOrders cancels all orders associated with a currency pair
func (*Okx) CancelAllRFQQuotes ¶
CancelAllRFQQuotes cancels all active quote orders
func (*Okx) CancelAllRFQs ¶
CancelAllRFQs cancels all active RFQs
func (*Okx) CancelAllSpreadOrders ¶
CancelAllSpreadOrders cancels all spread orders and return success message spreadID is optional the function returns success status and error message
func (*Okx) CancelAllSpreadOrdersAfterCountdown ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelAllSpreadOrdersAfterCountdown(ctx context.Context, timeoutDuration int64) (*SpreadOrderCancellationResponse, error)
CancelAllSpreadOrdersAfterCountdown cancel all pending orders after the countdown timeout. Only applicable to spread trading
func (*Okx) CancelBatchOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelBatchOrders(ctx context.Context, o []order.Cancel) (*order.CancelBatchResponse, error)
CancelBatchOrders cancels orders by their corresponding ID numbers
func (*Okx) CancelClosePositionOrderForContractGrid ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelClosePositionOrderForContractGrid(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelClosePositionOrder) (*ClosePositionContractGridResponse, error)
CancelClosePositionOrderForContractGrid cancels close position order for contract grid
func (*Okx) CancelMultipleOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelMultipleOrders(ctx context.Context, args []CancelOrderRequestParam) ([]OrderData, error)
CancelMultipleOrders cancel incomplete orders in batches. Maximum 20 orders can be canceled at a time. Request parameters should be passed in the form of an array
func (*Okx) CancelMultipleQuote ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelMultipleQuote(ctx context.Context, arg CancelQuotesRequestParams) ([]CancelQuoteResponse, error)
CancelMultipleQuote cancels multiple active quotes in a single batch, with a maximum of 100 quote orders cancellable at once
func (*Okx) CancelMultipleRFQs ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelMultipleRFQs(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelRFQRequestsParam) ([]CancelRFQResponse, error)
CancelMultipleRFQs cancel multiple active RFQs in a single batch. Maximum 100 RFQ orders can be canceled at a time
func (*Okx) CancelOrder ¶
CancelOrder cancels an order by its corresponding ID number
func (*Okx) CancelPurchaseOrRedemption ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelPurchaseOrRedemption(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelFundingParam) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
CancelPurchaseOrRedemption cancels Purchases or Redemptions after cancelling, returning funds will go to the funding account
func (*Okx) CancelQuote ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelQuote(ctx context.Context, quoteID, clientQuoteID string) (*CancelQuoteResponse, error)
CancelQuote cancels an existing active quote you have created in response to an RFQ
func (*Okx) CancelRFQ ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelRFQ(ctx context.Context, rfqID, clientRFQID string) (*CancelRFQResponse, error)
CancelRFQ cancels a request for quotation
func (*Okx) CancelSingleOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelSingleOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *CancelOrderRequestParam) (*OrderData, error)
CancelSingleOrder cancel an incomplete order
func (*Okx) CancelSpreadOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) CancelSpreadOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID, clientOrderID string) (*SpreadOrderResponse, error)
CancelSpreadOrder cancels an incomplete spread order
func (*Okx) CancelWithdrawal ¶
CancelWithdrawal cancels a normal withdrawal request but cannot be used to cancel Lightning withdrawals
func (*Okx) CancelWithdrawalOrder ¶
CancelWithdrawalOrder cancel a pending fiat withdrawal order, currently only applicable to TRY
func (*Okx) CandlesticksSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) CandlesticksSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation, channel string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
CandlesticksSubscription to subscribe or unsubscribe to "candle" channels to retrieve the candlesticks data of an instrument. the push frequency is the fastest interval 500ms push the data.
func (*Okx) ChangePositionMargin ¶
func (ok *Okx) ChangePositionMargin(ctx context.Context, req *margin.PositionChangeRequest) (*margin.PositionChangeResponse, error)
ChangePositionMargin will modify a position/currencies margin parameters
func (*Okx) CloseLeadingPosition ¶
func (ok *Okx) CloseLeadingPosition(ctx context.Context, arg *CloseLeadingPositionParam) (*PositionIDInfo, error)
CloseLeadingPosition close a leading position once a time
func (*Okx) ClosePositionForContractID ¶
func (ok *Okx) ClosePositionForContractID(ctx context.Context, arg *ClosePositionParams) (*ClosePositionContractGridResponse, error)
ClosePositionForContractID close position when the contract grid stop type is 'keep position'
func (*Okx) ClosePositions ¶
func (ok *Okx) ClosePositions(ctx context.Context, arg *ClosePositionsRequestParams) (*ClosePositionResponse, error)
ClosePositions close all positions of an instrument via a market order
func (*Okx) ComputeMarginBalance ¶
func (ok *Okx) ComputeMarginBalance(ctx context.Context, arg MarginBalanceParam) (*ComputeMarginBalance, error)
ComputeMarginBalance computes margin balance with 'add' and 'reduce' balance type
func (*Okx) ComputeMinInvestment ¶
func (ok *Okx) ComputeMinInvestment(ctx context.Context, arg *ComputeInvestmentDataParam) (*InvestmentResult, error)
ComputeMinInvestment computes minimum investment
func (*Okx) ContractGridAlgoOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) ContractGridAlgoOrders(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair, algoID string) error
ContractGridAlgoOrders to retrieve contract grid algo orders. Data will be pushed when first subscribed. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as placing/canceling order.
func (*Okx) ConvertFixedLoanToMarketLoan ¶
func (ok *Okx) ConvertFixedLoanToMarketLoan(ctx context.Context, orderID string) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
ConvertFixedLoanToMarketLoan converts fixed loan to market loan
func (*Okx) ConvertTrade ¶
func (ok *Okx) ConvertTrade(ctx context.Context, arg *ConvertTradeInput) (*ConvertTradeResponse, error)
ConvertTrade converts a base currency to quote currency
func (*Okx) CreateQuote ¶
func (ok *Okx) CreateQuote(ctx context.Context, arg *CreateQuoteParams) (*QuoteResponse, error)
CreateQuote allows the user to Quote an RFQ that they are a counterparty to. The user MUST quote the entire RFQ and not part of the legs or part of the quantity. Partial quoting or partial fills are not allowed
func (*Okx) CreateRFQ ¶
func (ok *Okx) CreateRFQ(ctx context.Context, arg *CreateRFQInput) (*RFQResponse, error)
CreateRFQ Creates a new RFQ
func (*Okx) CreateWithdrawalOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) CreateWithdrawalOrder(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, paymentAccountID, paymentMethod, clientID string, amount float64) (*FiatOrderDetail, error)
CreateWithdrawalOrder initiate a fiat withdrawal request (Authenticated endpoint, Only for API keys with "Withdrawal" access)
func (*Okx) CurrencyUnitConvert ¶
func (ok *Okx) CurrencyUnitConvert(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, quantity, orderPrice float64, convertType uint, unitOfCcy currency.Code, operationTypeOpen bool) (*UnitConvertResponse, error)
CurrencyUnitConvert convert currency to contract, or contract to currency
func (*Okx) EstimateQuote ¶
func (ok *Okx) EstimateQuote(ctx context.Context, arg *EstimateQuoteRequestInput) (*EstimateQuoteResponse, error)
EstimateQuote retrieves quote estimation detail result given the base and quote currency
func (*Okx) EstimatedDeliveryExercisePriceSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) EstimatedDeliveryExercisePriceSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
EstimatedDeliveryExercisePriceSubscription to subscribe or unsubscribe to "estimated-price" channel to retrieve the estimated delivery/exercise price of FUTURES contracts and OPTION.
func (*Okx) ExecuteQuote ¶
func (ok *Okx) ExecuteQuote(ctx context.Context, rfqID, quoteID string) (*ExecuteQuoteResponse, error)
ExecuteQuote executes a Quote. It is only used by the creator of the RFQ
func (*Okx) FetchTradablePairs ¶
FetchTradablePairs returns a list of the exchanges tradable pairs
func (*Okx) FundingRateSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) FundingRateSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
FundingRateSubscription a method to subscribe and unsubscribe to "funding-rate" channel. retrieve funding rate. Data will be pushed in 30s to 90s.
func (*Okx) FundingTransfer ¶
func (ok *Okx) FundingTransfer(ctx context.Context, arg *FundingTransferRequestInput) ([]FundingTransferResponse, error)
FundingTransfer transfer of funds between your funding account and trading account, and from the master account to sub-accounts
func (*Okx) GenerateDefaultBusinessSubscriptions ¶
func (ok *Okx) GenerateDefaultBusinessSubscriptions() ([]subscription.Subscription, error)
GenerateDefaultBusinessSubscriptions returns a list of default subscriptions to business stream.
func (*Okx) Get24HTotalVolume ¶
func (ok *Okx) Get24HTotalVolume(ctx context.Context) (*TradingVolumeIn24HR, error)
Get24HTotalVolume The 24-hour trading volume is calculated on a rolling basis, using USD as the pricing unit
func (*Okx) Get3MonthOrderHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) Get3MonthOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, arg *OrderHistoryRequestParams) ([]OrderDetail, error)
Get3MonthOrderHistory retrieves the completed order data for the last 7 days, and the incomplete orders that have been cancelled are only reserved for 2 hours
func (*Okx) Get7DayOrderHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) Get7DayOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, arg *OrderHistoryRequestParams) ([]OrderDetail, error)
Get7DayOrderHistory retrieves the completed order data for the last 7 days, and the incomplete orders that have been cancelled are only reserved for 2 hours
func (*Okx) GetAPYHistory ¶
GetAPYHistory retrieves Annual percentage yield(APY) history
func (*Okx) GetAccountAndPositionRisk ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetAccountAndPositionRisk(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string) ([]AccountAndPositionRisk, error)
GetAccountAndPositionRisk get account and position risks
func (*Okx) GetAccountAssetValuation ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetAccountAssetValuation(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]AccountAssetValuation, error)
GetAccountAssetValuation view account asset valuation
func (*Okx) GetAccountConfiguration ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetAccountConfiguration(ctx context.Context) ([]AccountConfigurationResponse, error)
GetAccountConfiguration retrieves current account configuration
func (*Okx) GetAccountFundingHistory ¶
GetAccountFundingHistory returns funding history, deposits and withdrawals
func (*Okx) GetAccountInstruments ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetAccountInstruments(ctx context.Context, instrumentType asset.Item, underlying, instrumentFamily, instrumentID string) ([]AccountInstrument, error)
GetAccountInstruments retrieve available instruments info of current account
func (*Okx) GetAccountRiskState ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetAccountRiskState(ctx context.Context) ([]AccountRiskState, error)
GetAccountRiskState gets the account risk status. only applicable to Portfolio margin account
func (*Okx) GetActiveOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetActiveOrders(ctx context.Context, req *order.MultiOrderRequest) (order.FilteredOrders, error)
GetActiveOrders retrieves any orders that are active/open
func (*Okx) GetActiveSpreadOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetActiveSpreadOrders(ctx context.Context, spreadID, orderType, state, beginID, endID string, limit int64) ([]SpreadOrder, error)
GetActiveSpreadOrders retrieves list of incomplete spread orders
func (*Okx) GetAlgoOrderDetail ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetAlgoOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, algoID, clientSuppliedAlgoID string) (*AlgoOrderDetail, error)
GetAlgoOrderDetail retrieves algo order details
func (*Okx) GetAlgoOrderHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetAlgoOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, orderType, state, algoOrderID, instrumentType, instrumentID string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]AlgoOrderResponse, error)
GetAlgoOrderHistory load a list of all algo orders under the current account in the last 3 months
func (*Okx) GetAlgoOrderList ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetAlgoOrderList(ctx context.Context, orderType, algoOrderID, clientOrderID, instrumentType, instrumentID string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]AlgoOrderResponse, error)
GetAlgoOrderList retrieves a list of untriggered Algo orders under the current account
func (*Okx) GetAnnouncementTypes ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetAnnouncementTypes(ctx context.Context) ([]AnnouncementTypeInfo, error)
GetAnnouncementTypes represents a list of announcement types
func (*Okx) GetAnnouncements ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetAnnouncements(ctx context.Context, announcementType string, page int64) (*AnnouncementDetail, error)
GetAnnouncements get announcements, the response is sorted by pTime with the most recent first. The sort will not be affected if the announcement is updated. Every page has 20 records
There are differences between public endpoint and private endpoint. For public endpoint, the response is restricted based on your request IP. For private endpoint, the response is restricted based on your country of residence
func (*Okx) GetAssetBillsDetails ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetAssetBillsDetails(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, clientID string, after, before time.Time, billType, limit int64) ([]AssetBillDetail, error)
GetAssetBillsDetails query the billing record, you can get the latest 1 month historical data Bills type possible values are listed here:
func (*Okx) GetAvailableTransferChains ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetAvailableTransferChains(ctx context.Context, cryptocurrency currency.Code) ([]string, error)
GetAvailableTransferChains returns the available transfer blockchains for the specific cryptocurrency
func (*Okx) GetBETHAssetsBalance ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetBETHAssetsBalance(ctx context.Context) (*BETHAssetsBalance, error)
GetBETHAssetsBalance balance is a snapshot summarized all BETH assets in trading and funding accounts. Also, the snapshot updates hourly
func (*Okx) GetBalance ¶
GetBalance retrieves the funding account balances of all the assets and the amount that is available or on hold
func (*Okx) GetBillsDetail ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetBillsDetail(ctx context.Context, arg *BillsDetailQueryParameter, route string, epl request.EndpointLimit) ([]BillsDetailResponse, error)
GetBillsDetail retrieves the bills of the account
func (*Okx) GetBillsDetail3Months ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetBillsDetail3Months(ctx context.Context, arg *BillsDetailQueryParameter) ([]BillsDetailResponse, error)
GetBillsDetail3Months retrieves the account’s bills. The bill refers to all transaction records that result in changing the balance of an account. Pagination is supported, and the response is sorted with most recent first. This endpoint can retrieve data from the last 3 months
func (*Okx) GetBillsDetailLast7Days ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetBillsDetailLast7Days(ctx context.Context, arg *BillsDetailQueryParameter) ([]BillsDetailResponse, error)
GetBillsDetailLast7Days The bill refers to all transaction records that result in changing the balance of an account. Pagination is supported, and the response is sorted with the most recent first. This endpoint can retrieve data from the last 7 days
func (*Okx) GetBillsHistoryArchive ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetBillsHistoryArchive(ctx context.Context, year, quarter string) ([]BillsArchiveInfo, error)
GetBillsHistoryArchive retrieves bill data archive
func (*Okx) GetBlockTicker ¶
GetBlockTicker retrieves the latest block trading volume in the last 24 hours
func (*Okx) GetBlockTickers ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetBlockTickers(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, underlying string) ([]BlockTicker, error)
GetBlockTickers retrieves the latest block trading volume in the last 24 hours. Instrument Type Is Mandatory, and Underlying is Optional
func (*Okx) GetBorrowAndRepayHistoryForVIPLoans ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetBorrowAndRepayHistoryForVIPLoans(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]BorrowRepayHistory, error)
GetBorrowAndRepayHistoryForVIPLoans retrieves borrow and repay history for VIP loans
func (*Okx) GetBorrowAndRepayHistoryInQuickMarginMode ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetBorrowAndRepayHistoryInQuickMarginMode(ctx context.Context, instrumentID currency.Pair, ccy currency.Code, side, afterPaginationID, beforePaginationID string, beginTime, endTime time.Time, limit int64) ([]BorrowRepayHistoryItem, error)
GetBorrowAndRepayHistoryInQuickMarginMode retrieves borrow and repay history in quick margin mode
func (*Okx) GetBorrowInterestAndLimit ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetBorrowInterestAndLimit(ctx context.Context, loanType int64, ccy currency.Code) ([]BorrowInterestAndLimitResponse, error)
GetBorrowInterestAndLimit borrow interest and limit
func (*Okx) GetBorrowRepayHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetBorrowRepayHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, eventType string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]BorrowRepayItem, error)
GetBorrowRepayHistory retrieve the borrow/repay history under Spot mode
func (*Okx) GetCandlestickData ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetCandlestickData(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, interval kline.Interval, before, after time.Time, limit int64, route string, rateLimit request.EndpointLimit) ([]CandleStick, error)
GetCandlestickData handles fetching the data for both the default GetCandlesticks, GetCandlesticksHistory, and GetIndexCandlesticks() methods
func (*Okx) GetCandlesticks ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetCandlesticks(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, interval kline.Interval, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]CandleStick, error)
GetCandlesticks retrieve the candlestick charts. This endpoint can retrieve the latest 1,440 data entries. Charts are returned in groups based on the requested bar
func (*Okx) GetCandlesticksHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetCandlesticksHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, interval kline.Interval, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]CandleStick, error)
GetCandlesticksHistory retrieve history candlestick charts from recent years
func (*Okx) GetCollateralMode ¶
GetCollateralMode returns the collateral type for your account
func (*Okx) GetCompletedSpreadOrdersLast7Days ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetCompletedSpreadOrdersLast7Days(ctx context.Context, spreadID, orderType, state, beginID, endID string, begin, end time.Time, limit int64) ([]SpreadOrder, error)
GetCompletedSpreadOrdersLast7Days retrieve the completed order data for the last 7 days, and the incomplete orders (filledSz =0 & state = canceled) that have been canceled are only reserved for 2 hours. Results are returned in counter chronological order
func (*Okx) GetContractsOpenInterestAndVolume ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetContractsOpenInterestAndVolume(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, begin, end time.Time, period kline.Interval) ([]OpenInterestVolume, error)
GetContractsOpenInterestAndVolume retrieves the open interest and trading volume for futures and perpetual swaps
func (*Okx) GetConvertCurrencies ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetConvertCurrencies(ctx context.Context) ([]ConvertCurrency, error)
GetConvertCurrencies retrieves the currency conversion information
func (*Okx) GetConvertCurrencyPair ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetConvertCurrencyPair(ctx context.Context, fromCcy, toCcy currency.Code) (*ConvertCurrencyPair, error)
GetConvertCurrencyPair retrieves the currency conversion response detail given the 'currency from' and 'currency to'
func (*Okx) GetConvertHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetConvertHistory(ctx context.Context, before, after time.Time, limit int64, tag string) ([]ConvertHistory, error)
GetConvertHistory gets the recent history
func (*Okx) GetCopySettings ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetCopySettings(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, uniqueCode string) (*CopySetting, error)
GetCopySettings retrieve the copy settings about certain lead trader
func (*Okx) GetCounterparties ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetCounterparties(ctx context.Context) ([]CounterpartiesResponse, error)
GetCounterparties retrieves the list of counterparties that the user has permissions to trade with
func (*Okx) GetCurrencyDepositAddress ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetCurrencyDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]CurrencyDepositResponseItem, error)
GetCurrencyDepositAddress retrieve the deposit addresses of currencies, including previously-used addresses
func (*Okx) GetCurrencyDepositHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetCurrencyDepositHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, depositID, transactionID, fromWithdrawalID, depositType string, after, before time.Time, state, limit int64) ([]DepositHistoryResponseItem, error)
GetCurrencyDepositHistory retrieves deposit records and withdrawal status information depending on the currency, timestamp, and chronological order. Possible deposit 'type' are Deposit Type '3': internal transfer '4': deposit from chain
func (*Okx) GetCurrencyTradeURL ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetCurrencyTradeURL(ctx context.Context, a asset.Item, cp currency.Pair) (string, error)
GetCurrencyTradeURL returns the URL to the exchange's trade page for the given asset and currency pair
func (*Okx) GetCustodyTradingSubaccountList ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetCustodyTradingSubaccountList(ctx context.Context, subaccountName string) ([]SubaccountName, error)
GetCustodyTradingSubaccountList the trading team uses this interface to view the list of sub-accounts currently under escrow usersEntrustSubaccountList ="users/entrust-subaccount-list"
func (*Okx) GetDailyLeadTraderPNL ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetDailyLeadTraderPNL(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, uniqueCode, lastDays string) ([]TraderWeeklyProfitAndLoss, error)
GetDailyLeadTraderPNL retrieve lead trader daily pnl. Results are returned in counter chronological order. Last days "1": last 7 days "2": last 30 days "3": last 90 days "4": last 365 days
func (*Okx) GetDeliveryHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetDeliveryHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, underlying, instrumentFamily string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]DeliveryHistory, error)
GetDeliveryHistory retrieves the estimated delivery price of the last 3 months, which will only have a return value one hour before the delivery/exercise
func (*Okx) GetDepositAddress ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, c currency.Code, _, chain string) (*deposit.Address, error)
GetDepositAddress returns a deposit address for a specified currency
func (*Okx) GetDepositOrderDetail ¶
GetDepositOrderDetail retrieves fiat deposit order detail
func (*Okx) GetDepositWithdrawalStatus ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetDepositWithdrawalStatus(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, withdrawalID, transactionID, addressTo, chain string) ([]DepositWithdrawStatus, error)
GetDepositWithdrawalStatus retrieves the detailed status and estimated completion time for deposits and withdrawals
func (*Okx) GetDiscountRateAndInterestFreeQuota ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetDiscountRateAndInterestFreeQuota(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, discountLevel int8) ([]DiscountRate, error)
GetDiscountRateAndInterestFreeQuota retrieves discount rate level and interest-free quota
func (*Okx) GetEarnActiveOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetEarnActiveOrders(ctx context.Context, productID, protocolType, state string, ccy currency.Code) ([]ActiveFundingOrder, error)
GetEarnActiveOrders retrieves active orders
func (*Okx) GetEasyConvertCurrencyList ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetEasyConvertCurrencyList(ctx context.Context, source string) (*EasyConvertDetail, error)
GetEasyConvertCurrencyList retrieve list of small convertibles and mainstream currencies. Only applicable to the crypto balance less than $10
func (*Okx) GetEasyConvertHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetEasyConvertHistory(ctx context.Context, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]EasyConvertItem, error)
GetEasyConvertHistory retrieves the history and status of easy convert trades
func (*Okx) GetEconomicCalendarData ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetEconomicCalendarData(ctx context.Context, region, importance string, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]EconomicCalendar, error)
GetEconomicCalendarData retrieves the macro-economic calendar data within 3 months. Historical data from 3 months ago is only available to users with trading fee tier VIP1 and above
func (*Okx) GetEstimatedDeliveryPrice ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetEstimatedDeliveryPrice(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string) ([]DeliveryEstimatedPrice, error)
GetEstimatedDeliveryPrice retrieves the estimated delivery price which will only have a return value one hour before the delivery/exercise
func (*Okx) GetExchangeRate ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetExchangeRate(ctx context.Context) (*UsdCnyExchangeRate, error)
GetExchangeRate this interface provides the average exchange rate data for 2 weeks from USD to CNY
func (*Okx) GetExistingLeadingPositions ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetExistingLeadingPositions(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentID string, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]PositionInfo, error)
GetExistingLeadingPositions retrieves leading positions that are not closed
func (*Okx) GetFeeByType ¶
GetFeeByType returns an estimate of fee based on the type of transaction
func (*Okx) GetFiatDepositOrderHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFiatDepositOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, paymentMethod, state string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]FiatOrderDetail, error)
GetFiatDepositOrderHistory retrieves fiat deposit order history
func (*Okx) GetFiatDepositPaymentMethods ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFiatDepositPaymentMethods(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) (*FiatDepositPaymentMethods, error)
GetFiatDepositPaymentMethods to display all the available fiat deposit payment methods
func (*Okx) GetFiatWithdrawalOrderHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFiatWithdrawalOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, paymentMethod, state string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]FiatOrderDetail, error)
GetFiatWithdrawalOrderHistory retrieves fiat withdrawal order history
func (*Okx) GetFiatWithdrawalPaymentMethods ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFiatWithdrawalPaymentMethods(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) (*FiatWithdrawalPaymentMethods, error)
GetFiatWithdrawalPaymentMethods to display all the available fiat withdrawal payment methods
func (*Okx) GetFixedLoanBorrowLimit ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFixedLoanBorrowLimit(ctx context.Context) (*FixedLoanBorrowLimitInformation, error)
GetFixedLoanBorrowLimit retrieves a fixed loadn borrow limit information
func (*Okx) GetFixedLoanBorrowOrderList ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFixedLoanBorrowOrderList(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, orderID, state, term string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]FixedLoanBorrowOrderDetail, error)
GetFixedLoanBorrowOrderList retrieves fixed loan borrow order list State '1': Borrowing '2': Borrowed '3': Settled (Repaid) '4': Borrow failed '5': Overdue '6': Settling '7': Reborrowing '8': Pending repay
func (*Okx) GetFixedLoanBorrowQuote ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFixedLoanBorrowQuote(ctx context.Context, borrowingCurrency currency.Code, borrowType, term, orderID string, amount, maxRate float64) (*FixedLoanBorrowQuote, error)
GetFixedLoanBorrowQuote retrieves a fixed loan borrow quote information
func (*Okx) GetFundingCurrencies ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFundingCurrencies(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]CurrencyResponse, error)
GetFundingCurrencies retrieve a list of all currencies
func (*Okx) GetFundingOrderHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFundingOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, productID, protocolType string, ccy currency.Code, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]ActiveFundingOrder, error)
GetFundingOrderHistory retrieves funding order history valid protocol types are 'staking' and 'defi'
func (*Okx) GetFundingRateHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFundingRateHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]FundingRateResponse, error)
GetFundingRateHistory retrieves funding rate history. This endpoint can retrieve data from the last 3 months
func (*Okx) GetFundsTransferState ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFundsTransferState(ctx context.Context, transferID, clientID string, transferType int64) ([]TransferFundRateResponse, error)
GetFundsTransferState get funding rate response
func (*Okx) GetFuturesContractDetails ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFuturesContractDetails(ctx context.Context, item asset.Item) ([]futures.Contract, error)
GetFuturesContractDetails returns details about futures contracts
func (*Okx) GetFuturesContractLongShortAccountRatio ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFuturesContractLongShortAccountRatio(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, period kline.Interval, startAt, endAt time.Time, limit int64) ([]TopTraderContractsLongShortRatio, error)
GetFuturesContractLongShortAccountRatio retrieve the account long/short ratio of a contract. This endpoint returns a maximum of 1440 records
func (*Okx) GetFuturesContractTakerVolume ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFuturesContractTakerVolume(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, period kline.Interval, unit, limit int64, startAt, endAt time.Time) ([]ContractTakerVolume, error)
GetFuturesContractTakerVolume retrieve the contract taker volume for both buyers and sellers. This endpoint returns a maximum of 1440 records. The unit of buy/sell volume, the default is 1. '0': Crypto '1': Contracts '2': U
func (*Okx) GetFuturesContractsOpenInterestHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFuturesContractsOpenInterestHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, period kline.Interval, startAt, endAt time.Time, limit int64) ([]ContractOpenInterestHistoryItem, error)
GetFuturesContractsOpenInterestHistory retrieve the contract open interest statistics of futures and perp. This endpoint returns a maximum of 1440 records
func (*Okx) GetFuturesPositionOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFuturesPositionOrders(ctx context.Context, req *futures.PositionsRequest) ([]futures.PositionResponse, error)
GetFuturesPositionOrders returns the orders for futures positions
func (*Okx) GetFuturesPositionSummary ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetFuturesPositionSummary(ctx context.Context, req *futures.PositionSummaryRequest) (*futures.PositionSummary, error)
GetFuturesPositionSummary returns position summary details for an active position
func (*Okx) GetGridAIParameter ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetGridAIParameter(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, instrumentID, direction, duration string) ([]GridAIParameterResponse, error)
GetGridAIParameter retrieves grid AI parameter
func (*Okx) GetGridAlgoOrderDetails ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetGridAlgoOrderDetails(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, algoID string) (*GridAlgoOrderResponse, error)
GetGridAlgoOrderDetails retrieves grid algo order details
func (*Okx) GetGridAlgoOrderHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetGridAlgoOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, algoID, instrumentID, instrumentType, after, before string, limit int64) ([]GridAlgoOrderResponse, error)
GetGridAlgoOrderHistory retrieves list of grid algo orders with the complete data including the stopped orders
func (*Okx) GetGridAlgoOrderPositions ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetGridAlgoOrderPositions(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, algoID string) ([]AlgoOrderPosition, error)
GetGridAlgoOrderPositions retrieves grid algo order positions
func (*Okx) GetGridAlgoOrdersList ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetGridAlgoOrdersList(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, algoID, instrumentID, instrumentType, after, before string, limit int64) ([]GridAlgoOrderResponse, error)
GetGridAlgoOrdersList retrieves list of pending grid algo orders with the complete data
func (*Okx) GetGridAlgoSubOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetGridAlgoSubOrders(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, algoID, subOrderType, groupID, after, before string, limit int64) ([]GridAlgoOrderResponse, error)
GetGridAlgoSubOrders retrieves grid algo sub orders
func (*Okx) GetHistoricCandles ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetHistoricCandles(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, interval kline.Interval, start, end time.Time) (*kline.Item, error)
GetHistoricCandles returns candles between a time period for a set time interval
func (*Okx) GetHistoricCandlesExtended ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetHistoricCandlesExtended(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, interval kline.Interval, start, end time.Time) (*kline.Item, error)
GetHistoricCandlesExtended returns candles between a time period for a set time interval
func (*Okx) GetHistoricIndexCandlesticksHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetHistoricIndexCandlesticksHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, after, before time.Time, bar kline.Interval, limit int64) ([]CandlestickHistoryItem, error)
GetHistoricIndexCandlesticksHistory retrieve the candlestick charts of the index from recent years
func (*Okx) GetHistoricTrades ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetHistoricTrades(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, timestampStart, timestampEnd time.Time) ([]trade.Data, error)
GetHistoricTrades retrieves historic trade data within the timeframe provided
func (*Okx) GetHistoricalFundingRates ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetHistoricalFundingRates(ctx context.Context, r *fundingrate.HistoricalRatesRequest) (*fundingrate.HistoricalRates, error)
GetHistoricalFundingRates returns funding rates for a given asset and currency for a time period
func (*Okx) GetHistoryLeadTraders ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetHistoryLeadTraders(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, after, before string, limit int64) ([]CopyTradingLeadTrader, error)
GetHistoryLeadTraders retrieve my history lead traders
func (*Okx) GetHistoryOfManagedSubAccountTransfer ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetHistoryOfManagedSubAccountTransfer(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, transferType, subAccountName, subAccountUID string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]SubAccountTransfer, error)
GetHistoryOfManagedSubAccountTransfer retrieves managed sub-account transfers. nly applicable to the trading team's master account to getting transfer records of managed sub accounts entrusted to oneself
func (*Okx) GetIndexCandlesticks ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetIndexCandlesticks(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, interval kline.Interval, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]CandleStick, error)
GetIndexCandlesticks retrieve the candlestick charts of the index. This endpoint can retrieve the latest 1,440 data entries. Charts are returned in groups based on the requested bar. the response is a list of Candlestick data
func (*Okx) GetIndexComponents ¶
GetIndexComponents returns the index component information data on the market
func (*Okx) GetIndexTickers ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetIndexTickers(ctx context.Context, quoteCurrency currency.Code, instID string) ([]IndexTicker, error)
GetIndexTickers Retrieves index tickers
func (*Okx) GetInstruments ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetInstruments(ctx context.Context, arg *InstrumentsFetchParams) ([]Instrument, error)
GetInstruments retrieve a list of instruments with open contracts
func (*Okx) GetInsuranceFundInformation ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetInsuranceFundInformation(ctx context.Context, arg *InsuranceFundInformationRequestParams) (*InsuranceFundInformation, error)
GetInsuranceFundInformation returns insurance fund balance information
func (*Okx) GetInterestAccruedData ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetInterestAccruedData(ctx context.Context, loanType, limit int64, ccy currency.Code, instrumentID, marginMode string, after, before time.Time) ([]InterestAccruedData, error)
GetInterestAccruedData retrieves data on accrued interest
func (*Okx) GetInterestRate ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetInterestRate(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]InterestRateResponse, error)
GetInterestRate get the user's current leveraged currency borrowing interest rate
func (*Okx) GetInterestRateAndLoanQuota ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetInterestRateAndLoanQuota(ctx context.Context) ([]InterestRateLoanQuotaItem, error)
GetInterestRateAndLoanQuota retrieves an interest rate and loan quota information for various currencies
func (*Okx) GetInterestRateAndLoanQuotaForVIPLoans ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetInterestRateAndLoanQuotaForVIPLoans(ctx context.Context) ([]VIPInterestRateAndLoanQuotaInformation, error)
GetInterestRateAndLoanQuotaForVIPLoans retrieves an interest rate and loan quota information for VIP users of various currencies
func (*Okx) GetInviteesDetail ¶
GetInviteesDetail retrieves affiliate invitees details
func (*Okx) GetLatestFundingRates ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLatestFundingRates(ctx context.Context, r *fundingrate.LatestRateRequest) ([]fundingrate.LatestRateResponse, error)
GetLatestFundingRates returns the latest funding rates data
func (*Okx) GetLeadTraderCurrencyPreferences ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLeadTraderCurrencyPreferences(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, uniqueCode, lastDays string) ([]LeadTraderCurrencyPreference, error)
GetLeadTraderCurrencyPreferences retrieves the most frequently traded crypto of this lead trader. Results are sorted by ratio from large to small
func (*Okx) GetLeadTraderCurrentLeadPositions ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLeadTraderCurrentLeadPositions(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, uniqueCode, afterSubPositionID, beforeSubPositionID string, limit int64) ([]LeadTraderCurrentLeadPosition, error)
GetLeadTraderCurrentLeadPositions get current leading positions of lead trader Instrument type "SPOT" "SWAP"
func (*Okx) GetLeadTraderLeadPositionHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLeadTraderLeadPositionHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, uniqueCode, afterSubPositionID, beforeSubPositionID string, limit int64) ([]LeadPosition, error)
GetLeadTraderLeadPositionHistory retrieve the lead trader completed leading position of the last 3 months. Returns reverse chronological order with subPosId
func (*Okx) GetLeadTraderStats ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLeadTraderStats(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, uniqueCode, lastDays string) ([]LeadTraderStat, error)
GetLeadTraderStats retrieves key data related to lead trader performance
func (*Okx) GetLeadTradersRanks ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLeadTradersRanks(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, sortType, state, minLeadDays, minAssets, maxAssets, minAssetUnderManagement, maxAssetUnderManagement, dataVersion, page string, limit int64) ([]LeadTradersRank, error)
GetLeadTradersRanks retrieve lead trader ranks. Instrument type: SWAP, the default value Sort type"overview": overview, the default value "pnl": profit and loss "aum": assets under management "win_ratio": win ratio "pnl_ratio": pnl ratio "current_copy_trader_pnl": current copy trader pnl Lead trader state: "0": All lead traders, the default, including vacancy and non-vacancy "1": lead traders who have vacancy Minimum lead days '1': 7 days '2': 30 days '3': 90 days '4': 180 days
func (*Okx) GetLeadingInstrument ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLeadingInstrument(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string) ([]LeadingInstrumentItem, error)
GetLeadingInstrument retrieves leading instruments
func (*Okx) GetLeadingPositionsHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLeadingPositionsHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentID string, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]PositionInfo, error)
GetLeadingPositionsHistory leading trader retrieves the completed leading position of the last 3 months. Returns reverse chronological order with subPosId
func (*Okx) GetLendingHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLendingHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]LendingHistory, error)
GetLendingHistory lending history
func (*Okx) GetLendingOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLendingOrders(ctx context.Context, orderID, state string, ccy currency.Code, startAt, endAt time.Time, limit int64) ([]LendingOrderDetail, error)
GetLendingOrders retrieves list of lending orders. State: possible values are 'pending', 'earning', 'expired', 'settled'
func (*Okx) GetLendingSubOrderList ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLendingSubOrderList(ctx context.Context, orderID, state string, startAt, endAt time.Time, limit int64) ([]LendingSubOrder, error)
GetLendingSubOrderList retrieves a lending sub-orders list
func (*Okx) GetLeverage ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLeverage(ctx context.Context, item asset.Item, pair currency.Pair, marginType margin.Type, orderSide order.Side) (float64, error)
GetLeverage gets the account's initial leverage for the asset type and pair
func (*Okx) GetLeverageEstimatedInfo ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLeverageEstimatedInfo(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, marginMode, leverage, positionSide, instrumentID string, ccy currency.Code) ([]LeverageEstimatedInfo, error)
GetLeverageEstimatedInfo retrieves leverage estimated information. Instrument type: possible values are MARGIN, SWAP, FUTURES
func (*Okx) GetLeverageRate ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLeverageRate(ctx context.Context, instrumentID, marginMode string, ccy currency.Code) ([]LeverageResponse, error)
GetLeverageRate retrieves leverage data for different instrument id or margin mode
func (*Okx) GetLightningDeposits ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLightningDeposits(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, amount float64, to int64) ([]LightningDepositItem, error)
GetLightningDeposits users can create up to 10 thousand different invoices within 24 hours. this method fetches list of lightning deposits filtered by a currency and amount
func (*Okx) GetLimitPrice ¶
GetLimitPrice retrieves the highest buy limit and lowest sell limit of the instrument
func (*Okx) GetLiquidationOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLiquidationOrders(ctx context.Context, arg *LiquidationOrderRequestParams) (*LiquidationOrder, error)
GetLiquidationOrders retrieves information on liquidation orders in the last day
func (*Okx) GetLongShortRatio ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetLongShortRatio(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, begin, end time.Time, period kline.Interval) ([]LongShortRatio, error)
GetLongShortRatio retrieves the ratio of users with net long vs net short positions for futures and perpetual swaps
func (*Okx) GetMMPConfig ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetMMPConfig(ctx context.Context, instrumentFamily string) ([]MMPConfigDetail, error)
GetMMPConfig retrieves MMP configure information Only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode, and MMP privilege is required
func (*Okx) GetMarginLendingRatio ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetMarginLendingRatio(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, begin, end time.Time, period kline.Interval) ([]MarginLendRatioItem, error)
GetMarginLendingRatio retrieves the ratio of cumulative amount between currency margin quote currency and base currency
func (*Okx) GetMarkPrice ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetMarkPrice(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, underlying, instrumentFamily, instrumentID string) ([]MarkPrice, error)
GetMarkPrice retrieve mark price
func (*Okx) GetMarkPriceCandlestickHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetMarkPriceCandlestickHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, after, before time.Time, bar kline.Interval, limit int64) ([]CandlestickHistoryItem, error)
GetMarkPriceCandlestickHistory retrieve the candlestick charts of the mark price from recent years
func (*Okx) GetMarkPriceCandlesticks ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetMarkPriceCandlesticks(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, interval kline.Interval, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]CandleStick, error)
GetMarkPriceCandlesticks retrieve the candlestick charts of mark price. This endpoint can retrieve the latest 1,440 data entries. Charts are returned in groups based on the requested bar
func (*Okx) GetMaximumAvailableTradableAmount ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetMaximumAvailableTradableAmount(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, instrumentID, tradeMode, quickMarginType string, reduceOnly, upSpotOffset bool, price float64) ([]MaximumTradableAmount, error)
GetMaximumAvailableTradableAmount retrieves the maximum tradable amount for specific instrument id, and/or currency
func (*Okx) GetMaximumBuySellAmountOROpenAmount ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetMaximumBuySellAmountOROpenAmount(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, instrumentID, tradeMode, leverage string, price float64, unSpotOffset bool) ([]MaximumBuyAndSell, error)
GetMaximumBuySellAmountOROpenAmount retrieves the maximum buy or sell amount for a sell id
func (*Okx) GetMaximumLoanOfInstrument ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetMaximumLoanOfInstrument(ctx context.Context, instrumentID, marginMode string, mgnCurrency currency.Code) ([]MaximumLoanInstrument, error)
GetMaximumLoanOfInstrument returns list of maximum loan of instruments
func (*Okx) GetMaximumWithdrawals ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetMaximumWithdrawals(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]MaximumWithdrawal, error)
GetMaximumWithdrawals retrieves the maximum transferable amount from a trading account to a funding account for quick margin borrowing and repayment
func (*Okx) GetMonthlyStatement ¶
GetMonthlyStatement retrieves monthly statements for the past year. Month is in the form of Jan, Feb, March etc.
func (*Okx) GetMultipleLeverages ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetMultipleLeverages(ctx context.Context, marginMode, uniqueCode, instrumentID string) ([]Leverages, error)
GetMultipleLeverages retrieve leverages that belong to the lead trader and you
func (*Okx) GetMyLeadTraders ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetMyLeadTraders(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string) ([]CopyTradingLeadTrader, error)
GetMyLeadTraders retrieve my lead traders
func (*Okx) GetNonTradableAssets ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetNonTradableAssets(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]NonTradableAsset, error)
GetNonTradableAssets retrieves non tradable assets
func (*Okx) GetOffers ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOffers(ctx context.Context, productID, protocolType string, ccy currency.Code) ([]Offer, error)
GetOffers retrieves list of offers for different protocols
func (*Okx) GetOneClickRepayCurrencyList ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOneClickRepayCurrencyList(ctx context.Context, debtType string) ([]CurrencyOneClickRepay, error)
GetOneClickRepayCurrencyList retrieves list of debt currency data and repay currencies. Debt currencies include both cross and isolated debts. debt level "cross", and "isolated" are allowed
func (*Okx) GetOneClickRepayHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOneClickRepayHistory(ctx context.Context, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]CurrencyOneClickRepay, error)
GetOneClickRepayHistory get the history and status of one-click repay trades
func (*Okx) GetOpenInterest ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOpenInterest(ctx context.Context, k ...key.PairAsset) ([]futures.OpenInterest, error)
GetOpenInterest returns the open interest rate for a given asset pair
func (*Okx) GetOpenInterestAndVolumeExpiry ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOpenInterestAndVolumeExpiry(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, period kline.Interval) ([]ExpiryOpenInterestAndVolume, error)
GetOpenInterestAndVolumeExpiry retrieves the open interest and trading volume of calls and puts for each upcoming expiration
func (*Okx) GetOpenInterestAndVolumeStrike ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOpenInterestAndVolumeStrike(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, expTime time.Time, period kline.Interval) ([]StrikeOpenInterestAndVolume, error)
GetOpenInterestAndVolumeStrike retrieves the taker volume for both buyers and sellers of calls and puts
func (*Okx) GetOpenInterestData ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOpenInterestData(ctx context.Context, instType, uly, instrumentFamily, instID string) ([]OpenInterest, error)
GetOpenInterestData retrieves the total open interest for contracts on OKX
func (*Okx) GetOptionMarketData ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOptionMarketData(ctx context.Context, underlying, instrumentFamily string, expTime time.Time) ([]OptionMarketDataResponse, error)
GetOptionMarketData retrieves option market data
func (*Okx) GetOptionTrades ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOptionTrades(ctx context.Context, instrumentID, instrumentFamily, optionType string) ([]OptionTrade, error)
GetOptionTrades retrieves option trades Option type, 'C': Call 'P': put
func (*Okx) GetOptionTradesByInstrumentFamily ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOptionTradesByInstrumentFamily(ctx context.Context, instrumentFamily string) ([]InstrumentFamilyTrade, error)
GetOptionTradesByInstrumentFamily retrieve the recent transactions of an instrument under same instFamily. The maximum is 100
func (*Okx) GetOptionsOpenInterestAndVolume ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOptionsOpenInterestAndVolume(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, period kline.Interval) ([]OpenInterestVolume, error)
GetOptionsOpenInterestAndVolume retrieves the open interest and trading volume for options
func (*Okx) GetOptionsTickBands ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOptionsTickBands(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentFamily string) ([]OptionTickBand, error)
GetOptionsTickBands retrieves option tick bands information. Instrument type OPTION
func (*Okx) GetOracle ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOracle(ctx context.Context) (*OracleSmartContractResponse, error)
GetOracle Get the crypto price of signing using Open Oracle smart contract
func (*Okx) GetOrderBookDepth ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOrderBookDepth(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, depth int64) (*OrderBookResponseDetail, error)
GetOrderBookDepth returns the recent order asks and bids before specified timestamp
func (*Okx) GetOrderDetail ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, arg *OrderDetailRequestParam) (*OrderDetail, error)
GetOrderDetail retrieves order details given instrument id and order identification
func (*Okx) GetOrderHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, req *order.MultiOrderRequest) (order.FilteredOrders, error)
GetOrderHistory retrieves account order information Can Limit response to specific order status
func (*Okx) GetOrderInfo ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOrderInfo(ctx context.Context, orderID string, pair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*order.Detail, error)
GetOrderInfo returns order information based on order ID
func (*Okx) GetOrderList ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetOrderList(ctx context.Context, arg *OrderListRequestParams) ([]OrderDetail, error)
GetOrderList retrieves all incomplete orders under the current account
func (*Okx) GetPMPositionLimitation ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPMPositionLimitation(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, underlying, instrumentFamily string) ([]PMLimitationResponse, error)
GetPMPositionLimitation retrieve cross position limitation of SWAP/FUTURES/OPTION under Portfolio margin mode
func (*Okx) GetPairFromInstrumentID ¶
GetPairFromInstrumentID returns a currency pair give an instrument ID and asset Item, which represents the instrument type
func (*Okx) GetPositionTiers ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPositionTiers(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, tradeMode, underlying, instrumentFamily, instrumentID, tiers string, ccy currency.Code) ([]PositionTiers, error)
GetPositionTiers retrieves position tiers information,maximum leverage depends on your borrowings and margin ratio
func (*Okx) GetPositions ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPositions(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentID, positionID string) ([]AccountPosition, error)
GetPositions retrieves information on your positions. When the account is in net mode, net positions will be displayed, and when the account is in long/short mode, long or short positions will be displayed
func (*Okx) GetPositionsHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPositionsHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentID, marginMode, positionID string, closePositionType, limit int64, after, before time.Time) ([]AccountPositionHistory, error)
GetPositionsHistory retrieves the updated position data for the last 3 months
func (*Okx) GetPremiumHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPremiumHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]PremiumInfo, error)
GetPremiumHistory returns premium data in the past 6 months
func (*Okx) GetProductInfo ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetProductInfo(ctx context.Context) (*ProductInfo, error)
GetProductInfo retrieves ETH staking products
func (*Okx) GetProfitSharingDetails ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetProfitSharingDetails(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]ProfitSharingItem, error)
GetProfitSharingDetails gets profits shared details for the last 3 months
func (*Okx) GetPublicBlockTrades ¶
GetPublicBlockTrades retrieves the recent block trading transactions of an instrument. Descending order by tradeId
func (*Okx) GetPublicBorrowHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPublicBorrowHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]PublicBorrowHistory, error)
GetPublicBorrowHistory return list of publix borrow history
func (*Okx) GetPublicBorrowInfo ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPublicBorrowInfo(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]PublicBorrowInfo, error)
GetPublicBorrowInfo returns the public borrow info
func (*Okx) GetPublicExchangeList ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPublicExchangeList(ctx context.Context) ([]ExchangeInfo, error)
GetPublicExchangeList retrieves exchanges
func (*Okx) GetPublicRFQTrades ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPublicRFQTrades(ctx context.Context, beginID, endID string, limit int64) ([]PublicTradesResponse, error)
GetPublicRFQTrades retrieves recent executed block trades
func (*Okx) GetPublicSpreadOrderBooks ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPublicSpreadOrderBooks(ctx context.Context, spreadID string, orderbookSize int64) ([]SpreadOrderbook, error)
GetPublicSpreadOrderBooks retrieve the order book of the spread
func (*Okx) GetPublicSpreadTickers ¶
GetPublicSpreadTickers retrieve the latest price snapshot, best bid/ask price, and trading volume in the last 24 hours
func (*Okx) GetPublicSpreadTrades ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPublicSpreadTrades(ctx context.Context, spreadID string) ([]SpreadPublicTradeItem, error)
GetPublicSpreadTrades retrieve the recent transactions of an instrument (at most 500 records per request). Results are returned in counter chronological order
func (*Okx) GetPublicSpreads ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPublicSpreads(ctx context.Context, baseCurrency, instrumentID, spreadID, state string) ([]SpreadInstrument, error)
GetPublicSpreads retrieve all available spreads based on the request parameters
func (*Okx) GetPublicUnderlyings ¶
GetPublicUnderlyings returns list of underlyings for various instrument types
func (*Okx) GetPurchaseAndRedeemHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPurchaseAndRedeemHistory(ctx context.Context, kind, status string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]PurchaseRedeemHistory, error)
GetPurchaseAndRedeemHistory retrieves purchase and redeem history kind possible values are 'purchase' and 'redeem' Status 'pending' 'success' 'failed'
func (*Okx) GetPutCallRatio ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetPutCallRatio(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, period kline.Interval) ([]OpenInterestVolumeRatio, error)
GetPutCallRatio retrieves the open interest ration and trading volume ratio of calls vs puts
func (*Okx) GetQuoteProducts ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetQuoteProducts(ctx context.Context) ([]QuoteProduct, error)
GetQuoteProducts retrieve the products which makers want to quote and receive RFQs for, and the corresponding price and size limit
func (*Okx) GetQuotes ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetQuotes(ctx context.Context, arg *QuoteRequestParams) ([]QuoteResponse, error)
GetQuotes retrieves all Quotes where the user is a counterparty, either as the creator or the receiver
func (*Okx) GetRFQTrades ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetRFQTrades(ctx context.Context, arg *RFQTradesRequestParams) ([]RFQTradeResponse, error)
GetRFQTrades retrieves executed trades where the user is a counterparty, either as the creator or the receiver
func (*Okx) GetRFQs ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetRFQs(ctx context.Context, arg *RFQRequestParams) ([]RFQResponse, error)
GetRFQs retrieves details of RFQs where the user is a counterparty, either as the creator or the recipient
func (*Okx) GetRecentTrades ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetRecentTrades(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) ([]trade.Data, error)
GetRecentTrades returns the most recent trades for a currency and asset
func (*Okx) GetRecurringBuyOrderHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetRecurringBuyOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, algoID string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]RecurringOrderItem, error)
GetRecurringBuyOrderHistory retrieves recurring buy order history
func (*Okx) GetRecurringBuyOrderList ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetRecurringBuyOrderList(ctx context.Context, algoID, algoOrderState string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]RecurringOrderItem, error)
GetRecurringBuyOrderList retrieves recurring buy order list
func (*Okx) GetRecurringOrderDetails ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetRecurringOrderDetails(ctx context.Context, algoID, algoOrderState string) (*RecurringOrderDeail, error)
GetRecurringOrderDetails retrieves a single recurring order detail
func (*Okx) GetRecurringSubOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetRecurringSubOrders(ctx context.Context, algoID, orderID string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]RecurringBuySubOrder, error)
GetRecurringSubOrders retrieves recurring buy sub orders
func (*Okx) GetSavingBalance ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSavingBalance(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code) ([]SavingBalanceResponse, error)
GetSavingBalance returns saving balance, and only assets in the funding account can be used for saving
func (*Okx) GetServerTime ¶
GetServerTime returns the current exchange server time.
func (*Okx) GetSignalBotEventHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSignalBotEventHistory(ctx context.Context, algoID string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]SignalBotEventHistory, error)
GetSignalBotEventHistory retrieves signal bot event history
func (*Okx) GetSignalBotOrderDetail ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSignalBotOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, algoID string) (*SignalBotOrderDetail, error)
GetSignalBotOrderDetail create and customize your own signals while gaining access to a diverse selection of signals from top providers. Empower your trading strategies and stay ahead of the game with our comprehensive signal trading platform
func (*Okx) GetSignalBotSubOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSignalBotSubOrders(ctx context.Context, algoID, algoOrderType, subOrderType, clientOrderID, afterPaginationID, beforePaginationID string, begin, end time.Time, limit int64) ([]SubOrder, error)
GetSignalBotSubOrders retrieves historical filled sub orders and designated sub orders
func (*Okx) GetSignalOrderPositions ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSignalOrderPositions(ctx context.Context, algoOrderType, algoID string) (*SignalBotPosition, error)
GetSignalOrderPositions retrieves signal bot order positions
func (*Okx) GetSingleFundingRate ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSingleFundingRate(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string) (*FundingRateResponse, error)
GetSingleFundingRate returns the latest funding rate
func (*Okx) GetSpreadOrderDetails ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSpreadOrderDetails(ctx context.Context, orderID, clientOrderID string) (*SpreadOrder, error)
GetSpreadOrderDetails retrieves spread order details
func (*Okx) GetSpreadTradesOfLast7Days ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSpreadTradesOfLast7Days(ctx context.Context, spreadID, tradeID, orderID, beginID, endID string, begin, end time.Time, limit int64) ([]SpreadTrade, error)
GetSpreadTradesOfLast7Days retrieve historical transaction details for the last 7 days. Results are returned in counter chronological order
func (*Okx) GetSubAccountBorrowInterestAndLimit ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSubAccountBorrowInterestAndLimit(ctx context.Context, subAccount string, ccy currency.Code) ([]SubAccounBorrowInterestAndLimit, error)
GetSubAccountBorrowInterestAndLimit retrieves sub-account borrow interest and limit Only applicable to master account API keys. Only return VIP loan information
func (*Okx) GetSubAccountMaximumWithdrawal ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSubAccountMaximumWithdrawal(ctx context.Context, subAccountName string, ccy currency.Code) ([]SubAccountMaximumWithdrawal, error)
GetSubAccountMaximumWithdrawal retrieve the maximum withdrawal information of a sub-account via the master account (applies to master accounts only). If no currency is specified, the transferable amount of all owned currencies will be returned
func (*Okx) GetSubaccountFundingBalance ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSubaccountFundingBalance(ctx context.Context, subaccountName string, ccy currency.Code) ([]FundingBalance, error)
GetSubaccountFundingBalance query detailed balance info of Funding Account of a sub-account via the master account (applies to master accounts only)
func (*Okx) GetSubaccountTradingBalance ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSubaccountTradingBalance(ctx context.Context, subaccountName string) ([]SubaccountBalanceResponse, error)
GetSubaccountTradingBalance query detailed balance info of Trading Account of a sub-account via the master account (applies to master accounts only)
func (*Okx) GetSubscriptionTemplate ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSubscriptionTemplate(_ *subscription.Subscription) (*template.Template, error)
GetSubscriptionTemplate returns a subscription channel template
func (*Okx) GetSupportCoins ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetSupportCoins(ctx context.Context) (*SupportedCoinsData, error)
GetSupportCoins retrieves the currencies supported by the trading data endpoints
func (*Okx) GetSystemTime ¶
GetSystemTime retrieve API server time
func (*Okx) GetTakerFlow ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetTakerFlow(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, period kline.Interval) (*CurrencyTakerFlow, error)
GetTakerFlow shows the relative buy/sell volume for calls and puts It shows whether traders are bullish or bearish on price and volatility
func (*Okx) GetTakerVolume ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetTakerVolume(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, instrumentType, instrumentFamily string, begin, end time.Time, period kline.Interval) ([]TakerVolume, error)
GetTakerVolume retrieves the taker volume for both buyers and sellers
func (*Okx) GetTicker ¶
GetTicker retrieves the latest price snapshot, best bid/ask price, and trading volume in the last 24 hours
func (*Okx) GetTickers ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetTickers(ctx context.Context, instType, uly, instFamily string) ([]TickerResponse, error)
GetTickers retrieves the latest price snapshots best bid/ ask price, and trading volume in the last 24 hours
func (*Okx) GetTopTradersFuturesContractLongShortAccountRatio ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetTopTradersFuturesContractLongShortAccountRatio(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, period kline.Interval, startAt, endAt time.Time, limit int64) ([]TopTraderContractsLongShortRatio, error)
GetTopTradersFuturesContractLongShortAccountRatio retrieve the account net long/short ratio of a contract for top traders. Top traders refer to the top 5% of traders with the largest open position value. This endpoint returns a maximum of 1440 records
func (*Okx) GetTopTradersFuturesContractLongShortPositionRatio ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetTopTradersFuturesContractLongShortPositionRatio(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, period kline.Interval, startAt, endAt time.Time, limit int64) ([]TopTraderContractsLongShortRatio, error)
GetTopTradersFuturesContractLongShortPositionRatio retrieve the position long/short ratio of a contract for top traders. Top traders refer to the top 5% of traders with the largest open position value. This endpoint returns a maximum of 1440 records
func (*Okx) GetTotalProfitSharing ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetTotalProfitSharing(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string) ([]TotalProfitSharing, error)
GetTotalProfitSharing gets the total amount of profit shared since joining the platform. Instrument type 'SPOT' 'SWAP' It returns all types by default
func (*Okx) GetTradeAccountRateLimit ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetTradeAccountRateLimit(ctx context.Context) (*AccountRateLimit, error)
GetTradeAccountRateLimit get account rate limit related information. Only new order requests and amendment order requests will be counted towards this limit. For batch order requests consisting of multiple orders, each order will be counted individually
func (*Okx) GetTradeFee ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetTradeFee(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentID, underlying, instrumentFamily, ruleType string) ([]TradeFeeRate, error)
GetTradeFee queries the trade fee rates for various instrument types and their respective IDs
func (*Okx) GetTrades ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetTrades(ctx context.Context, instrumentID string, limit int64) ([]TradeResponse, error)
GetTrades retrieve the recent transactions of an instrument
func (*Okx) GetTradesHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetTradesHistory(ctx context.Context, instrumentID, before, after string, limit int64) ([]TradeResponse, error)
GetTradesHistory retrieves the recent transactions of an instrument from the last 3 months with pagination
func (*Okx) GetTransactionDetailsLast3Days ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetTransactionDetailsLast3Days(ctx context.Context, arg *TransactionDetailRequestParams) ([]TransactionDetail, error)
GetTransactionDetailsLast3Days retrieves recently-filled transaction details in the last 3 day
func (*Okx) GetTransactionDetailsLast3Months ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetTransactionDetailsLast3Months(ctx context.Context, arg *TransactionDetailRequestParams) ([]TransactionDetail, error)
GetTransactionDetailsLast3Months retrieve recently-filled transaction details in the last 3 months
func (*Okx) GetUnderlying ¶
GetUnderlying returns the instrument ID for the corresponding asset pairs and asset type( Instrument Type )
func (*Okx) GetUnrealizedProfitSharingDetails ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetUnrealizedProfitSharingDetails(ctx context.Context, instrumentType string) ([]ProfitSharingItem, error)
GetUnrealizedProfitSharingDetails gets leading trader gets the profit sharing details that are expected to be shared in the next settlement cycle. The unrealized profit sharing details will update once there copy position is closed
func (*Okx) GetUserAffiliateRebateInformation ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetUserAffiliateRebateInformation(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) (*AffilateRebateInfo, error)
GetUserAffiliateRebateInformation this endpoint is used to get the user's affiliate rebate information for affiliate
func (*Okx) GetVIPInterestAccruedData ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetVIPInterestAccruedData(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, orderID string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]VIPInterestData, error)
GetVIPInterestAccruedData retrieves VIP interest accrued data
func (*Okx) GetVIPInterestDeductedData ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetVIPInterestDeductedData(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, orderID string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]VIPInterestData, error)
GetVIPInterestDeductedData retrieves a VIP interest deducted data
func (*Okx) GetVIPLoanOrderDetail ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetVIPLoanOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, orderID string, ccy currency.Code, after, before time.Time, limit int64) (*VIPLoanOrderDetail, error)
GetVIPLoanOrderDetail retrieves list of loan order details
func (*Okx) GetVIPLoanOrderList ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetVIPLoanOrderList(ctx context.Context, orderID, state string, ccy currency.Code, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]VIPLoanOrder, error)
GetVIPLoanOrderList retrieves VIP loan order list state: possible values are 1:Borrowing 2:Borrowed 3:Repaying 4:Repaid 5:Borrow failed
func (*Okx) GetWeeklyTraderProfitAndLoss ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetWeeklyTraderProfitAndLoss(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, uniqueCode string) ([]TraderWeeklyProfitAndLoss, error)
GetWeeklyTraderProfitAndLoss retrieve lead trader weekly pnl. Results are returned in counter chronological order
func (*Okx) GetWithdrawalHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetWithdrawalHistory(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, withdrawalID, clientID, transactionID, state string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]WithdrawalHistoryResponse, error)
GetWithdrawalHistory retrieves the withdrawal records according to the currency, withdrawal status, and time range in reverse chronological order. The 100 most recent records are returned by default
func (*Okx) GetWithdrawalOrderDetail ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetWithdrawalOrderDetail(ctx context.Context, orderID string) (*FiatOrderDetail, error)
GetWithdrawalOrderDetail retrieves fiat withdrawal order detail
func (*Okx) GetWithdrawalsHistory ¶
func (ok *Okx) GetWithdrawalsHistory(ctx context.Context, c currency.Code, _ asset.Item) ([]exchange.WithdrawalHistory, error)
GetWithdrawalsHistory returns previous withdrawals data
func (*Okx) GridPositionsSubscription ¶
GridPositionsSubscription to retrieve grid positions. Data will be pushed when first subscribed. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as placing/canceling order.
func (*Okx) GridSubOrders ¶
GridSubOrders to retrieve grid sub orders. Data will be pushed when first subscribed. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as placing order.
func (*Okx) HistoryOfSubaccountTransfer ¶
func (ok *Okx) HistoryOfSubaccountTransfer(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, subaccountType, subaccountName string, before, after time.Time, limit int64) ([]SubaccountBillItem, error)
HistoryOfSubaccountTransfer retrieves subaccount transfer histories; applies to master accounts only. retrieve the transfer data for the last 3 months
func (*Okx) IncreaseDecreaseMargin ¶
func (ok *Okx) IncreaseDecreaseMargin(ctx context.Context, arg *IncreaseDecreaseMarginInput) (*IncreaseDecreaseMargin, error)
IncreaseDecreaseMargin Increase or decrease the margin of the isolated position. Margin reduction may result in the change of the actual leverage
func (*Okx) IndexCandlesticksSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) IndexCandlesticksSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation, channel string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
IndexCandlesticksSubscription a method to subscribe and unsubscribe to "index-candle*" channel to retrieve the candlesticks data of the index. Data will be pushed every 500 ms.
func (*Okx) IndexTickerChannel ¶
func (ok *Okx) IndexTickerChannel(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
IndexTickerChannel a method to subscribe and unsubscribe to "index-tickers" channel
func (*Okx) InstantTriggerGridAlgoOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) InstantTriggerGridAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, algoID string) (*TriggeredGridAlgoOrderInfo, error)
InstantTriggerGridAlgoOrder triggers grid algo order
func (*Okx) InstrumentsSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) InstrumentsSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
InstrumentsSubscription to subscribe for instruments. The full instrument list will be pushed for the first time after subscription. Subsequently, the instruments will be pushed if there is any change to the instrument’s state (such as delivery of FUTURES, exercise of OPTION, listing of new contracts / trading pairs, trading suspension, etc.).
func (*Okx) IsPerpetualFutureCurrency ¶
IsPerpetualFutureCurrency ensures a given asset and currency is a perpetual future
func (*Okx) IsolatedMarginTradingSettings ¶
func (ok *Okx) IsolatedMarginTradingSettings(ctx context.Context, arg *IsolatedMode) (*IsolatedMode, error)
IsolatedMarginTradingSettings configures the currency margin and sets the isolated margin trading mode for futures or perpetual contracts
func (*Okx) LightningWithdrawal ¶
func (ok *Okx) LightningWithdrawal(ctx context.Context, arg *LightningWithdrawalRequestInput) (*LightningWithdrawalResponse, error)
LightningWithdrawal to withdraw a currency from an invoice
func (*Okx) ManualBorrowAndRepayInQuickMarginMode ¶
func (ok *Okx) ManualBorrowAndRepayInQuickMarginMode(ctx context.Context, arg *BorrowAndRepay) (*BorrowAndRepay, error)
ManualBorrowAndRepayInQuickMarginMode initiates a new manual borrow and repayment process in Quick Margin mode
func (*Okx) ManualBorrowOrRepay ¶
func (ok *Okx) ManualBorrowOrRepay(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, side string, amount float64) (*BorrowOrRepay, error)
ManualBorrowOrRepay borrow or repay assets. only applicable to Spot mode (enabled borrowing)
func (*Okx) ManualRenewFixedLoanBorrowingOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) ManualRenewFixedLoanBorrowingOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID string, maxRate float64) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
ManualRenewFixedLoanBorrowingOrder manual renew fixed loan borrowing order
func (*Okx) MarkPriceCandlesticksSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) MarkPriceCandlesticksSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation, channel string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
MarkPriceCandlesticksSubscription to subscribe or unsubscribe to "mark-price-candles" channels to retrieve the candlesticks data of the mark price. Data will be pushed every 500 ms.
func (*Okx) MarkPriceSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) MarkPriceSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
MarkPriceSubscription to subscribe or unsubscribe to the "mark-price" to retrieve the mark price. Data will be pushed every 200 ms when the mark price changes, and will be pushed every 10 seconds when the mark price does not change.
func (*Okx) MasterAccountsManageTransfersBetweenSubaccounts ¶
func (ok *Okx) MasterAccountsManageTransfersBetweenSubaccounts(ctx context.Context, arg *SubAccountAssetTransferParams) ([]TransferIDInfo, error)
MasterAccountsManageTransfersBetweenSubaccounts master accounts manage the transfers between sub-accounts applies to master accounts only
func (*Okx) ModifyOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) ModifyOrder(ctx context.Context, action *order.Modify) (*order.ModifyResponse, error)
ModifyOrder will allow of changing orderbook placement and limit to market conversion
func (*Okx) NewPositionBuilder ¶
func (ok *Okx) NewPositionBuilder(ctx context.Context, arg *PositionBuilderParam) (*PositionBuilderDetail, error)
NewPositionBuilder calculates portfolio margin information for virtual position/assets or current position of the user. You can add up to 200 virtual positions and 200 virtual assets in one request
func (*Okx) OpenInterestSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) OpenInterestSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
OpenInterestSubscription to subscribe or unsubscribe to "open-interest" channel to retrieve the open interest. Data will be pushed every 3 seconds.
func (*Okx) OptionSummarySubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) OptionSummarySubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, pair currency.Pair) error
OptionSummarySubscription a method to subscribe or unsubscribe to "opt-summary" channel to retrieve detailed pricing information of all OPTION contracts. Data will be pushed at once.
func (*Okx) OrderBooksSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) OrderBooksSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation, channel string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
OrderBooksSubscription subscribe or unsubscribe to "books*" channel to retrieve order book data.
func (*Okx) PlaceAlgoOrder ¶
PlaceAlgoOrder order includes trigger, oco, chase, conditional, iceberg, twap and trailing orders. chase order only applicable to futures and swap orders
func (*Okx) PlaceChaseAlgoOrder ¶
PlaceChaseAlgoOrder places an order that adjusts the price of an open limit order to match the current market price
func (*Okx) PlaceEasyConvert ¶
func (ok *Okx) PlaceEasyConvert(ctx context.Context, arg PlaceEasyConvertParam) ([]EasyConvertItem, error)
PlaceEasyConvert converts small currencies to mainstream currencies. Only applicable to the crypto balance less than $10
func (*Okx) PlaceFixedLoanBorrowingOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) PlaceFixedLoanBorrowingOrder(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, amount, maxRate, reborrowRate float64, term string, reborrow bool) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
PlaceFixedLoanBorrowingOrder for new borrowing orders, they belong to the IOC (immediately close and cancel the remaining) type. For renewal orders, they belong to the FOK (Fill-or-kill) type
func (*Okx) PlaceGridAlgoOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) PlaceGridAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *GridAlgoOrder) (*GridAlgoOrderIDResponse, error)
PlaceGridAlgoOrder place spot grid algo order
func (*Okx) PlaceIcebergOrder ¶
PlaceIcebergOrder to place iceberg algo order
func (*Okx) PlaceLeadingStopOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) PlaceLeadingStopOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *TPSLOrderParam) (*PositionIDInfo, error)
PlaceLeadingStopOrder holds leading trader sets TP/SL for the current leading position that are not closed
func (*Okx) PlaceLendingOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) PlaceLendingOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *LendingOrderParam) (*LendingOrderResponse, error)
PlaceLendingOrder places a lending order
func (*Okx) PlaceMultipleOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) PlaceMultipleOrders(ctx context.Context, args []PlaceOrderRequestParam) ([]OrderData, error)
PlaceMultipleOrders to place orders in batches. Maximum 20 orders can be placed at a time. Request parameters should be passed in the form of an array
func (*Okx) PlaceOrder ¶
PlaceOrder places an order
func (*Okx) PlaceRecurringBuyOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) PlaceRecurringBuyOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *PlaceRecurringBuyOrderParam) (*RecurringOrderResponse, error)
PlaceRecurringBuyOrder recurring buy is a strategy for investing a fixed amount in crypto at fixed intervals. An appropriate recurring approach in volatile markets allows you to buy crypto at lower costs. Learn more The API endpoints of Recurring buy require authentication
func (*Okx) PlaceSpreadOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) PlaceSpreadOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *SpreadOrderParam) (*SpreadOrderResponse, error)
PlaceSpreadOrder places new spread order
func (*Okx) PlaceStopOrder ¶
PlaceStopOrder places a stop order. The order type should be "conditional" because stop orders are used for conditional take-profit or stop-loss scenarios.
func (*Okx) PlaceTWAPOrder ¶
PlaceTWAPOrder to place TWAP algo orders
func (*Okx) PlaceTakeProfitStopLossOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) PlaceTakeProfitStopLossOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AlgoOrderParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
PlaceTakeProfitStopLossOrder places conditional and oco orders When placing net TP/SL order (ordType=conditional) and both take-profit and stop-loss parameters are sent, only stop-loss logic will be performed and take-profit logic will be ignored
func (*Okx) PlaceTrailingStopOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) PlaceTrailingStopOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AlgoOrderParams) (*AlgoOrder, error)
PlaceTrailingStopOrder to place trailing stop order
func (*Okx) PlaceTriggerAlgoOrder ¶
PlaceTriggerAlgoOrder fetches algo trigger orders for SWAP market types
func (*Okx) PositionRiskWarningSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) PositionRiskWarningSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
PositionRiskWarningSubscription this push channel is only used as a risk warning, and is not recommended as a risk judgment for strategic trading In the case that the market is not moving violently, there may be the possibility that the position has been liquidated at the same time that this message is pushed.
func (*Okx) PreCheckOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) PreCheckOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *OrderPreCheckParams) (*OrderPreCheckResponse, error)
PreCheckOrder returns the account information before and after placing a potential order Only applicable to Multi-currency margin mode, and Portfolio margin mode
func (*Okx) PriceLimitSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) PriceLimitSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
PriceLimitSubscription subscribe or unsubscribe to "price-limit" channel to retrieve the maximum buy price and minimum sell price of the instrument. Data will be pushed every 5 seconds when there are changes in limits, and will not be pushed when there is no changes on limit.
func (*Okx) PublicBlockTradesSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) PublicBlockTradesSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
PublicBlockTradesSubscription a method to subscribe and unsubscribe to a "public-block-trades" channel to retrieve the recent block trades data by individual legs. Each leg in a block trade is pushed in a separate update. Data will be pushed whenever there is a block trade.
func (*Okx) PublicStructureBlockTradesSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) PublicStructureBlockTradesSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
PublicStructureBlockTradesSubscription a method to subscribe or unsubscribe to "public-struc-block-trades" channel
func (*Okx) Purchase ¶
func (ok *Okx) Purchase(ctx context.Context, arg *PurchaseRequestParam) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
Purchase invest on specific product
func (*Okx) PurchaseETHStaking ¶
PurchaseETHStaking staking ETH for BETH Only the assets in the funding account can be used
func (*Okx) QuotesSubscription ¶
QuotesSubscription subscription to retrieve Quote subscription
func (*Okx) RFQSubscription ¶
RFQSubscription subscription to retrieve RFQ updates on RFQ orders.
func (*Okx) RSIBackTesting ¶
func (ok *Okx) RSIBackTesting(ctx context.Context, instrumentID, triggerCondition, duration string, threshold, timePeriod int64, timeFrame kline.Interval) (*RSIBacktestingResponse, error)
RSIBackTesting relative strength index(RSI) backtesting Parameters:
TriggerCondition: possible values are "cross_up" "cross_down" "above" "below" "cross" Default is cross_down
Threshold: The value should be an integer between 1 to 100
func (*Okx) Redeem ¶
func (ok *Okx) Redeem(ctx context.Context, arg *RedeemRequestParam) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
Redeem redemption of investment
func (*Okx) RedeemETHStaking ¶
RedeemETHStaking only the assets in the funding account can be used. If your BETH is in your trading account, you can make funding transfer first
func (*Okx) ReduceLiabilitiesForFixedLoan ¶
func (ok *Okx) ReduceLiabilitiesForFixedLoan(ctx context.Context, orderID string, pendingRepay bool) (*ReduceLiabilities, error)
ReduceLiabilitiesForFixedLoan provide the function of "setting pending repay state / canceling pending repay state" for fixed loan order
func (*Okx) RepayFixedLoanBorrowingOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) RepayFixedLoanBorrowingOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID string) (*OrderIDResponse, error)
RepayFixedLoanBorrowingOrder repays fixed loan borrowing order
func (*Okx) ResetMMPStatus ¶
func (ok *Okx) ResetMMPStatus(ctx context.Context, instrumentType, instrumentFamily string) (*MMPStatusResponse, error)
ResetMMPStatus reset the MMP status to be inactive. you can unfreeze by this endpoint once MMP is triggered. Only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode, and MMP privilege is required
func (*Okx) ResetRFQMMPStatus ¶
ResetRFQMMPStatus reset the MMP status to be inactive
func (*Okx) ResetSubAccountAPIKey ¶
func (ok *Okx) ResetSubAccountAPIKey(ctx context.Context, arg *SubAccountAPIKeyParam) (*SubAccountAPIKeyResponse, error)
ResetSubAccountAPIKey applies to master accounts only and master accounts APIKey must be linked to IP addresses
func (*Okx) SavingsPurchaseOrRedemption ¶
func (ok *Okx) SavingsPurchaseOrRedemption(ctx context.Context, arg *SavingsPurchaseRedemptionInput) (*SavingsPurchaseRedemptionResponse, error)
SavingsPurchaseOrRedemption creates a purchase or redemption instance
func (*Okx) SendHTTPRequest ¶
func (ok *Okx) SendHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, ep exchange.URL, f request.EndpointLimit, httpMethod, requestPath string, data, result any, authenticated request.AuthType, useAsItIs ...bool) (err error)
SendHTTPRequest sends an authenticated http request to a desired path with a JSON payload (of present) URL arguments must be in the request path and not as url.URL values
func (*Okx) SetAccountMode ¶
SetAccountMode to set on the Web/App for the first set of every account mode. Account mode 1: Simple mode 2: Single-currency margin mode 3: Multi-currency margin code 4: Portfolio margin mode
func (*Okx) SetAutoLoan ¶
SetAutoLoan only applicable to Multi-currency margin and Portfolio margin
func (*Okx) SetAutoRepay ¶
SetAutoRepay represents an auto-repay. Only applicable to Spot mode (enabled borrowing)
func (*Okx) SetCollateralMode ¶
SetCollateralMode sets the collateral type for your account
func (*Okx) SetFirstCopySettings ¶
func (ok *Okx) SetFirstCopySettings(ctx context.Context, arg *FirstCopySettings) (*ResponseSuccess, error)
SetFirstCopySettings set first copy settings for the certain lead trader. You need to first copy settings after stopping copying
func (*Okx) SetGreeks ¶
SetGreeks set the display type of Greeks. PA: Greeks in coins BS: Black-Scholes Greeks in dollars
func (*Okx) SetLendingRate ¶
func (ok *Okx) SetLendingRate(ctx context.Context, arg *LendingRate) (*LendingRate, error)
SetLendingRate sets an assets lending rate
func (*Okx) SetLeverage ¶
func (ok *Okx) SetLeverage(ctx context.Context, item asset.Item, pair currency.Pair, marginType margin.Type, amount float64, orderSide order.Side) error
SetLeverage sets the account's initial leverage for the asset type and pair
func (*Okx) SetLeverageRate ¶
func (ok *Okx) SetLeverageRate(ctx context.Context, arg *SetLeverageInput) (*SetLeverageResponse, error)
SetLeverageRate sets a leverage setting for instrument id
func (*Okx) SetMMP ¶
SetMMP set MMP configure Only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode, and MMP privilege is required
func (*Okx) SetMarginType ¶
SetMarginType sets the default margin type for when opening a new position okx allows this to be set with an order, however this sets a default
func (*Okx) SetMultipleLeverages ¶
func (ok *Okx) SetMultipleLeverages(ctx context.Context, arg *SetLeveragesParam) (*SetMultipleLeverageResponse, error)
SetMultipleLeverages set Multiple leverages
func (*Okx) SetPermissionOfTransferOut ¶
func (ok *Okx) SetPermissionOfTransferOut(ctx context.Context, arg *PermissionOfTransfer) ([]PermissionOfTransfer, error)
SetPermissionOfTransferOut set permission of transfer out for sub-account(only applicable to master account). Sub-account can transfer out to master account by default
func (*Okx) SetPositionMode ¶
SetPositionMode FUTURES and SWAP support both long/short mode and net mode. In net mode, users can only have positions in one direction; In long/short mode, users can hold positions in long and short directions. Position mode 'long_short_mode': long/short, only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP'net_mode': net
func (*Okx) SetQuoteProducts ¶
func (ok *Okx) SetQuoteProducts(ctx context.Context, args []SetQuoteProductParam) (*SetQuoteProductsResult, error)
SetQuoteProducts customize the products which makers want to quote and receive RFQs for, and the corresponding price and size limit
func (*Okx) SetRiskOffsetAmount ¶
func (ok *Okx) SetRiskOffsetAmount(ctx context.Context, ccy currency.Code, clientSpotInUseAmount float64) (*RiskOffsetAmount, error)
SetRiskOffsetAmount set risk offset amount. This does not represent the actual spot risk offset amount. Only applicable to Portfolio Margin Mode
func (*Okx) SetRiskOffsetType ¶
func (ok *Okx) SetRiskOffsetType(ctx context.Context, riskOffsetType string) (*RiskOffsetType, error)
SetRiskOffsetType configure the risk offset type in portfolio margin mode. riskOffsetType possible values are: 1: Spot-derivatives (USDT) risk offset 2: Spot-derivatives (Crypto) risk offset 3:Derivatives only mode
func (*Okx) SetSubAccountVIPLoanAllocation ¶
func (ok *Okx) SetSubAccountVIPLoanAllocation(ctx context.Context, arg *SubAccountLoanAllocationParam) (bool, error)
SetSubAccountVIPLoanAllocation set the VIP loan allocation of sub-accounts. Only Applicable to master account API keys with Trade access
func (*Okx) SmallAssetsConvert ¶
func (ok *Okx) SmallAssetsConvert(ctx context.Context, currency []string) (*SmallAssetConvertResponse, error)
SmallAssetsConvert Convert small assets in funding account to OKB. Only one convert is allowed within 24 hours
func (*Okx) SpotGridAlgoOrdersSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) SpotGridAlgoOrdersSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair, algoID string) error
SpotGridAlgoOrdersSubscription to retrieve spot grid algo orders. Data will be pushed when first subscribed. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as placing/canceling order.
func (*Okx) SpotGridWithdrawProfit ¶
func (ok *Okx) SpotGridWithdrawProfit(ctx context.Context, algoID string) (*AlgoOrderWithdrawalProfit, error)
SpotGridWithdrawProfit returns the spot grid orders withdrawal profit given an instrument id
func (*Okx) StatusSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) StatusSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
StatusSubscription get the status of system maintenance and push when the system maintenance status changes. First subscription: "Push the latest change data"; every time there is a state change, push the changed content
func (*Okx) StopCopying ¶
func (ok *Okx) StopCopying(ctx context.Context, arg *StopCopyingParameter) (*ResponseSuccess, error)
StopCopying need to use this endpoint for amending copy settings
func (*Okx) StopGridAlgoOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) StopGridAlgoOrder(ctx context.Context, arg []StopGridAlgoOrderRequest) ([]GridAlgoOrderIDResponse, error)
StopGridAlgoOrder stop a batch of grid algo orders. A maximum of 10 orders can be canceled per request
func (*Okx) StopRecurringBuyOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) StopRecurringBuyOrder(ctx context.Context, arg []StopRecurringBuyOrder) ([]RecurringOrderResponse, error)
StopRecurringBuyOrder stops recurring buy order. A maximum of 10 orders can be stopped per request
func (*Okx) StructureBlockTradesSubscription ¶
StructureBlockTradesSubscription to retrieve Structural block subscription
func (*Okx) SubmitOrder ¶
SubmitOrder submits a new order
func (*Okx) Subscribe ¶
func (ok *Okx) Subscribe(channelsToSubscribe subscription.List) error
Subscribe sends a websocket subscription request to several channels to receive data.
func (*Okx) SystemStatusResponse ¶
func (ok *Okx) SystemStatusResponse(ctx context.Context, state string) ([]SystemStatusResponse, error)
SystemStatusResponse retrieves the system status. state supports valid values 'scheduled', 'ongoing', 'pre_open', 'completed', and 'canceled'
func (*Okx) TickersSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) TickersSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
TickersSubscription subscribing to "ticker" channel to retrieve the last traded price, bid price, ask price and 24-hour trading volume of instruments. Data will be pushed every 100 ms.
func (*Okx) TradeOneClickRepay ¶
func (ok *Okx) TradeOneClickRepay(ctx context.Context, arg TradeOneClickRepayParam) ([]CurrencyOneClickRepay, error)
TradeOneClickRepay trade one-click repay to repay cross debts. Isolated debts are not applicable. The maximum repayment amount is based on the remaining available balance of funding and trading accounts
func (*Okx) TradesSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) TradesSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
TradesSubscription to subscribe or unsubscribe to "trades" channel to retrieve the recent trades data. Data will be pushed whenever there is a trade. Every update contain only one trade.
func (*Okx) Unsubscribe ¶
func (ok *Okx) Unsubscribe(channelsToUnsubscribe subscription.List) error
Unsubscribe sends a websocket unsubscription request to several channels to receive data.
func (*Okx) UpdateAccountInfo ¶
func (ok *Okx) UpdateAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) (account.Holdings, error)
UpdateAccountInfo retrieves balances for all enabled currencies.
func (*Okx) UpdateOrderExecutionLimits ¶
UpdateOrderExecutionLimits sets exchange execution order limits for an asset type
func (*Okx) UpdateOrderbook ¶
func (ok *Okx) UpdateOrderbook(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*orderbook.Base, error)
UpdateOrderbook updates and returns the orderbook for a currency pair
func (*Okx) UpdateTicker ¶
func (ok *Okx) UpdateTicker(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, a asset.Item) (*ticker.Price, error)
UpdateTicker updates and returns the ticker for a currency pair
func (*Okx) UpdateTickers ¶
UpdateTickers updates all currency pairs of a given asset type
func (*Okx) UpdateTradablePairs ¶
UpdateTradablePairs updates the exchanges available pairs and stores them in the exchanges config
func (*Okx) VIPLoansBorrowAndRepay ¶
func (ok *Okx) VIPLoansBorrowAndRepay(ctx context.Context, arg *LoanBorrowAndReplayInput) (*LoanBorrowAndReplay, error)
VIPLoansBorrowAndRepay creates VIP borrow or repay for a currency
func (*Okx) ValidateAPICredentials ¶
ValidateAPICredentials validates current credentials used for wrapper
func (*Okx) ViewSubAccountList ¶
func (ok *Okx) ViewSubAccountList(ctx context.Context, enable bool, subaccountName string, after, before time.Time, limit int64) ([]SubaccountInfo, error)
ViewSubAccountList applies to master accounts only
func (*Okx) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds ¶
func (ok *Okx) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds(ctx context.Context, withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted
func (*Okx) WithdrawFiatFunds ¶
func (ok *Okx) WithdrawFiatFunds(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
WithdrawFiatFunds returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted
func (*Okx) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank ¶
func (ok *Okx) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted
func (*Okx) Withdrawal ¶
func (ok *Okx) Withdrawal(ctx context.Context, arg *WithdrawalInput) (*WithdrawalResponse, error)
Withdrawal to perform a withdrawal action. Sub-account does not support withdrawal
func (*Okx) WsAccountSubscription ¶
func (ok *Okx) WsAccountSubscription(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
WsAccountSubscription retrieve account information. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as placing order, canceling order, transaction execution, etc. It will also be pushed in regular interval according to subscription granularity.
func (*Okx) WsAmandSpreadOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) WsAmandSpreadOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *AmendSpreadOrderParam) (*SpreadOrderResponse, error)
WsAmandSpreadOrder amends incomplete spread order through the websocket channel.
func (*Okx) WsAmendMultipleOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) WsAmendMultipleOrders(ctx context.Context, args []AmendOrderRequestParams) ([]OrderData, error)
WsAmendMultipleOrders a request through the websocket connection to amend multiple trade orders.
func (*Okx) WsAmendOrder ¶
WsAmendOrder method to amend trade order using a request thought the websocket channel.
func (*Okx) WsAuth ¶
WsAuth will connect to Okx's Private websocket connection and Authenticate with a login payload.
func (*Okx) WsCancelAllSpreadOrders ¶
WsCancelAllSpreadOrders cancels all spread orders and return success message through the websocket channel.
func (*Okx) WsCancelMultipleOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) WsCancelMultipleOrder(ctx context.Context, args []CancelOrderRequestParam) ([]OrderData, error)
WsCancelMultipleOrder cancel multiple order through the websocket channel.
func (*Okx) WsCancelOrder ¶
WsCancelOrder websocket function to cancel a trade order
func (*Okx) WsCancelSpreadOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) WsCancelSpreadOrder(ctx context.Context, orderID, clientOrderID string) (*SpreadOrderResponse, error)
WsCancelSpreadOrder cancels an incomplete spread order through the websocket connection.
func (*Okx) WsConnectBusiness ¶
WsConnectBusiness connects to a business websocket channel.
func (*Okx) WsHandleData ¶
WsHandleData will read websocket raw data and pass to appropriate handler
func (*Okx) WsMassCancelOrders ¶
WsMassCancelOrders cancel all the MMP pending orders of an instrument family. Only applicable to Option in Portfolio Margin mode, and MMP privilege is required.
func (*Okx) WsOrderChannel ¶
func (ok *Okx) WsOrderChannel(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair, _ string) error
WsOrderChannel for subscribing for orders.
func (*Okx) WsPlaceMultipleOrders ¶
func (ok *Okx) WsPlaceMultipleOrders(ctx context.Context, args []PlaceOrderRequestParam) ([]OrderData, error)
WsPlaceMultipleOrders creates an order through the websocket stream.
func (*Okx) WsPlaceOrder ¶
WsPlaceOrder places an order thought the websocket connection stream, and returns a SubmitResponse and error message.
func (*Okx) WsPlaceSpreadOrder ¶
func (ok *Okx) WsPlaceSpreadOrder(ctx context.Context, arg *SpreadOrderParam) (*SpreadOrderResponse, error)
WsPlaceSpreadOrder places a spread order thought the websocket connection stream, and returns a SubmitResponse and error message.
func (*Okx) WsPositionChannel ¶
func (ok *Okx) WsPositionChannel(ctx context.Context, operation string, assetType asset.Item, pair currency.Pair) error
WsPositionChannel retrieve the position data. The first snapshot will be sent in accordance with the granularity of the subscription. Data will be pushed when certain actions, such placing or canceling an order, trigger it. It will also be pushed periodically based on the granularity of the subscription.
func (*Okx) WsProcessSnapshotOrderBook ¶
func (ok *Okx) WsProcessSnapshotOrderBook(data *WsOrderBookData, pair currency.Pair, assets []asset.Item) error
WsProcessSnapshotOrderBook processes snapshot order books
func (*Okx) WsProcessUpdateOrderbook ¶
func (ok *Okx) WsProcessUpdateOrderbook(data *WsOrderBookData, pair currency.Pair, assets []asset.Item) error
WsProcessUpdateOrderbook updates an existing orderbook using websocket data After merging WS data, it will sort, validate and finally update the existing orderbook
type OpenInterest ¶
type OpenInterest struct { InstrumentType asset.Item `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` OpenInterest types.Number `json:"oi"` OpenInterestCurrency types.Number `json:"oiCcy"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
OpenInterest Retrieve the total open interest for contracts on OKX
func (*OpenInterest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (a *OpenInterest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON decoder for OpenInterestResponse instance.
type OpenInterestVolume ¶
type OpenInterestVolume struct { Timestamp types.Time OpenInterest types.Number Volume types.Number }
OpenInterestVolume represents open interest and trading volume item for currencies of futures and perpetual swaps
func (*OpenInterestVolume) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (p *OpenInterestVolume) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes json data into OpenInterestVolume struct
type OpenInterestVolumeRatio ¶
type OpenInterestVolumeRatio struct { Timestamp types.Time OpenInterestRatio types.Number VolumeRatio types.Number }
OpenInterestVolumeRatio represents open interest and trading volume ratio for currencies of futures and perpetual swaps
func (*OpenInterestVolumeRatio) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *OpenInterestVolumeRatio) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes json data into OpenInterestVolumeRatio
type OperationResponse ¶
type OperationResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` Operation string `json:"op"` Code string `json:"code"` Msg string `json:"msg"` }
OperationResponse holds common operation identification
type OptionMarketDataResponse ¶
type OptionMarketDataResponse struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Underlying string `json:"uly"` Delta types.Number `json:"delta"` Gamma types.Number `json:"gamma"` Theta types.Number `json:"theta"` Vega types.Number `json:"vega"` DeltaBS types.Number `json:"deltaBS"` GammaBS types.Number `json:"gammaBS"` ThetaBS types.Number `json:"thetaBS"` VegaBS types.Number `json:"vegaBS"` RealVol types.Number `json:"realVol"` BidVolatility types.Number `json:"bidVol"` AskVolatility types.Number `json:"askVol"` MarkVolatility types.Number `json:"markVol"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` ForwardPrice types.Number `json:"fwdPx"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
OptionMarketDataResponse holds response data for option market data
type OptionTickBand ¶
type OptionTickBand struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily"` TickBand []struct { MinPrice types.Number `json:"minPx"` MaxPrice types.Number `json:"maxPx"` TickSize types.Number `json:"tickSz"` } `json:"tickBand"` }
OptionTickBand holds option band information
type OptionTrade ¶
type OptionTrade struct { FillVolume types.Number `json:"fillVol"` ForwardPrice types.Number `json:"fwdPx"` IndexPrice types.Number `json:"idxPx"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPx"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` OptionType string `json:"optType"` Side string `json:"side"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
OptionTrade holds option trade item
type OracleSmartContractResponse ¶
type OracleSmartContractResponse struct { Messages []string `json:"messages"` Prices map[string]string `json:"prices"` Signatures []string `json:"signatures"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
OracleSmartContractResponse represents the cryptocurrency price signed using the Open Oracle smart contract.
type OrderBookResponseDetail ¶
type OrderBookResponseDetail struct { Asks []OrderbookItemDetail Bids []OrderbookItemDetail GenerationTimestamp time.Time }
OrderBookResponseDetail contains the ask and bid orders, structured with fields that include the timestamp of order generation.
type OrderData ¶
type OrderData struct { OrderID string `json:"ordId,omitempty"` RequestID string `json:"reqId,omitempty"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId,omitempty"` Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"` StatusCode string `json:"sCode,omitempty"` StatusMessage string `json:"sMsg,omitempty"` }
OrderData response message for place, cancel, and amend an order requests.
type OrderDetail ¶
type OrderDetail struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` Tag string `json:"tag"` ProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"pnl"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` TradeMode string `json:"tdMode"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` FillTime types.Time `json:"fillTime"` Source string `json:"source"` State string `json:"state"` TakeProfitTriggerPriceType string `json:"tpTriggerPxType"` StopLossTriggerPriceType string `json:"slTriggerPxType"` StopLossOrderPrice types.Number `json:"slOrdPx"` RebateCurrency string `json:"rebateCcy"` QuantityType string `json:"tgtCcy"` // base_ccy and quote_ccy Category string `json:"category"` // normal, twap, adl, full_liquidation, partial_liquidation, delivery, ddh AccumulatedFillSize types.Number `json:"accFillSz"` FillPrice types.Number `json:"fillPx"` FillSize types.Number `json:"fillSz"` RebateAmount types.Number `json:"rebate"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCcy"` TransactionFee types.Number `json:"fee"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` TakeProfitTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"tpTriggerPx"` TakeProfitOrderPrice types.Number `json:"tpOrdPx"` StopLossTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"slTriggerPx"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` AlgoClOrdID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AttachAlgoClOrdID string `json:"attachAlgoClOrdId"` AttachAlgoOrds []any `json:"attachAlgoOrds"` CancelSource string `json:"cancelSource"` CancelSourceReason string `json:"cancelSourceReason"` IsTakeProfitLimit string `json:"isTpLimit"` LinkedAlgoOrd struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` } `json:"linkedAlgoOrd"` PriceType string `json:"pxType"` PriceVolume types.Number `json:"pxVol"` PriceUSD types.Number `json:"pxUsd"` QuickMgnType string `json:"quickMgnType"` ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly,string,omitempty"` SelfTradePreventionID string `json:"stpId"` SelfTradePreventionMode string `json:"stpMode"` }
OrderDetail holds detailed information about an order.
type OrderDetailRequestParam ¶
type OrderDetailRequestParam struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` }
OrderDetailRequestParam payload data to request order detail
type OrderHistoryRequestParams ¶
type OrderHistoryRequestParams struct { OrderListRequestParams Category string `json:"category"` // twap, adl, full_liquidation, partial_liquidation, delivery, ddh }
OrderHistoryRequestParams holds parameters to request order data history of last 7 days
type OrderIDAndState ¶
OrderIDAndState represents an orderID and state information
type OrderIDResponse ¶
type OrderIDResponse struct { OrderID string `json:"orderId"` Tag string `json:"tag"` // Optional to most ID responses }
OrderIDResponse represents purchase order ID
type OrderLeg ¶
type OrderLeg struct { Price types.Number `json:"px"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Side string `json:"side"` TargetCurrency string `json:"tgtCcy"` // available in REST only Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCcy"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` }
OrderLeg represents legs information for both websocket and REST available Quote information
type OrderListRequestParams ¶
type OrderListRequestParams struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` // SPOT , MARGIN, SWAP, FUTURES , OPTIONS Underlying string `json:"uly"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` OrderType string `json:"orderType"` State string `json:"state"` // live, partially_filled Before string `json:"before,omitempty"` // used for order IDs After string `json:"after,omitempty"` // used for order IDs Start time.Time `json:"begin"` End time.Time `json:"end"` Limit int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
OrderListRequestParams represents order list requesting parameters
type OrderPreCheckParams ¶
type OrderPreCheckParams struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` TradeMode string `json:"tdMode"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` Side string `json:"side"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` Size float64 `json:"sz,omitempty"` Price float64 `json:"px,omitempty"` ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly,omitempty"` TargetCurrency string `json:"tgtCcy,omitempty"` AttachAlgoOrders []AlgoOrderInfo `json:"attachAlgoOrds,omitempty"` }
OrderPreCheckParams represents an order pre-check parameters
type OrderPreCheckResponse ¶
type OrderPreCheckResponse struct { AdjEq types.Number `json:"adjEq"` AdjEqChg types.Number `json:"adjEqChg"` AvailBal types.Number `json:"availBal"` AvailBalChg types.Number `json:"availBalChg"` IMR types.Number `json:"imr"` IMRChg types.Number `json:"imrChg"` Liab types.Number `json:"liab"` LiabChg types.Number `json:"liabChg"` LiabChgCurrency string `json:"liabChgCcy"` LiquidiationPrice types.Number `json:"liqPx"` LiquidiationPriceDiff string `json:"liqPxDiff"` LiquidiationPriceDiffRatio types.Number `json:"liqPxDiffRatio"` MgnRatio types.Number `json:"mgnRatio"` MgnRatioChg types.Number `json:"mgnRatioChg"` MMR types.Number `json:"mmr"` MMRChange types.Number `json:"mmrChg"` PosBalance types.Number `json:"posBal"` PosBalChange types.Number `json:"posBalChg"` Type string `json:"type"` }
OrderPreCheckResponse represents an order pre-checks response of account information for placing orders
type OrderbookItemDetail ¶
type OrderbookItemDetail struct { DepthPrice types.Number Amount types.Number LiquidationOrders types.Number NumberOfOrders types.Number }
OrderbookItemDetail represents detailed information about currency bids.
func (*OrderbookItemDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *OrderbookItemDetail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes byte data into OrderbookItemDetail instance
type PMLimitationResponse ¶
type PMLimitationResponse struct { MaximumSize types.Number `json:"maxSz"` PositionType string `json:"postType"` Underlying string `json:"uly"` InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily"` }
PMLimitationResponse represents portfolio margin mode limitation for specific underlying
type PendingOrderItem ¶
type PendingOrderItem struct { AccumulatedFillSize types.Number `json:"accFillSz"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Category string `json:"category"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` FeeCurrency currency.Code `json:"feeCcy"` LastFilledPrice types.Number `json:"fillPx"` LastFilledSize types.Number `json:"fillSz"` FillTime types.Time `json:"fillTime"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` ProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"pnl"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` RebateAmount types.Number `json:"rebate"` RebateCurrency string `json:"rebateCcy"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` StopLossOrdPrice types.Number `json:"slOrdPx"` StopLossTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"slTriggerPx"` StopLossTriggerPriceType string `json:"slTriggerPxType"` State string `json:"state"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Tag string `json:"tag"` SizeType string `json:"tgtCcy"` TradeMode string `json:"tdMode"` Source string `json:"source"` TakeProfitOrdPrice types.Number `json:"tpOrdPx"` TakeProfitTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"tpTriggerPx"` TakeProfitTriggerPriceType string `json:"tpTriggerPxType"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
PendingOrderItem represents a pending order Item in pending orders list
type PermissionOfTransfer ¶
type PermissionOfTransfer struct { SubAcct string `json:"subAcct"` CanTransOut bool `json:"canTransOut"` }
PermissionOfTransfer represents subaccount transfer information and it's permission
type PlaceEasyConvertParam ¶
type PlaceEasyConvertParam struct { FromCurrency []string `json:"fromCcy"` ToCurrency string `json:"toCcy"` Source string `json:"source,omitempty"` }
PlaceEasyConvertParam represents easy convert request params
type PlaceOrderRequestParam ¶
type PlaceOrderRequestParam struct { AssetType asset.Item `json:"-"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` TradeMode string `json:"tdMode,omitempty"` // cash isolated ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId,omitempty"` Currency string `json:"ccy,omitempty"` // Only applicable to cross MARGIN orders in Single-currency margin. OrderTag string `json:"tag,omitempty"` Side string `json:"side,omitempty"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide,omitempty"` OrderType string `json:"ordType,omitempty"` Amount float64 `json:"sz,string,omitempty"` Price float64 `json:"px,string,omitempty"` ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly,string,omitempty"` QuantityType string `json:"tgtCcy,omitempty"` // values base_ccy and quote_ccy // Added in the websocket requests BanAmend bool `json:"banAmend,omitempty"` // Whether the SPOT Market Order size can be amended by the system. ExpiryTime types.Time `json:"expTime,omitempty"` }
PlaceOrderRequestParam requesting parameter for placing an order
type PlaceRecurringBuyOrderParam ¶
type PlaceRecurringBuyOrderParam struct { Tag string `json:"tag"` ClientSuppliedAlgoOrderID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` StrategyName string `json:"stgyName"` // Custom name for trading bot Amount float64 `json:"amt,string"` RecurringList []RecurringListItem `json:"recurringList"` Period string `json:"period"` // Period 'monthly' 'weekly' 'daily' // Recurring buy date // When the period is monthly, the value range is an integer of [1,28] // When the period is weekly, the value range is an integer of [1,7] // When the period is daily, the value is 1 RecurringDay string `json:"recurringDay"` RecurringTime int64 `json:"recurringTime,string"` // Recurring buy time, the value range is an integer of [0,23] TimeZone string `json:"timeZone"` TradeMode string `json:"tdMode"` // Trading mode Margin mode: 'cross' Non-Margin mode: 'cash' InvestmentCurrency string `json:"investmentCcy"` }
PlaceRecurringBuyOrderParam holds parameters for placing recurring order
type PositionBuilderData ¶
type PositionBuilderData struct { Delta string `json:"delta"` Gamma string `json:"gamma"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` NotionalUSD types.Number `json:"notionalUsd"` // Quantity of positions usd QuantityOfPosition types.Number `json:"pos"` // Quantity of positions Theta string `json:"theta"` // Sensitivity of option price to remaining maturity Vega string `json:"vega"` // Sensitivity of option price to implied volatility }
PositionBuilderData represent a position item
type PositionBuilderDetail ¶
type PositionBuilderDetail struct { Assets []struct { AvailEq types.Number `json:"availEq"` BorrowIMR types.Number `json:"borrowImr"` BorrowMMR types.Number `json:"borrowMmr"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` SpotInUse string `json:"spotInUse"` } `json:"assets"` BorrowMMR string `json:"borrowMmr"` DerivMMR string `json:"derivMmr"` Equity string `json:"eq"` MarginRatio types.Number `json:"marginRatio"` RiskUnitData []struct { Delta string `json:"delta"` Gamma string `json:"gamma"` IMR string `json:"imr"` IndexUsd string `json:"indexUsd"` Mmr string `json:"mmr"` Mr1 string `json:"mr1"` Mr1FinalResult struct { PNL types.Number `json:"pnl"` SpotShock string `json:"spotShock"` VolShock string `json:"volShock"` } `json:"mr1FinalResult"` Mr1Scenarios struct { VolSame map[string]string `json:"volSame"` VolShockDown map[string]string `json:"volShockDown"` VolShockUp map[string]string `json:"volShockUp"` } `json:"mr1Scenarios"` Mr2 string `json:"mr2"` Mr3 string `json:"mr3"` Mr4 string `json:"mr4"` Mr5 string `json:"mr5"` Mr6 string `json:"mr6"` Mr6FinalResult struct { PNL types.Number `json:"pnl"` SpotShock string `json:"spotShock"` } `json:"mr6FinalResult"` Mr7 string `json:"mr7"` Portfolios []struct { Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Delta types.Number `json:"delta"` Gamma types.Number `json:"gamma"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` IsRealPos bool `json:"isRealPos"` NotionalUsd string `json:"notionalUsd"` Theta string `json:"theta"` Vega string `json:"vega"` } `json:"portfolios"` RiskUnit string `json:"riskUnit"` Theta string `json:"theta"` Vega string `json:"vega"` } `json:"riskUnitData"` TotalImr types.Number `json:"totalImr"` TotalMmr types.Number `json:"totalMmr"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
PositionBuilderDetail represents details of portfolio margin information for virtual position/assets or current position of the user
type PositionBuilderInput ¶
type PositionBuilderInput struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType,omitempty"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId,omitempty"` ImportExistingPosition bool `json:"inclRealPos,omitempty"` // "true":Import existing positions and hedge with simulated ones "false":Only use simulated positions The default is true ListOfPositions []PositionItem `json:"simPos,omitempty"` PositionsCount uint64 `json:"pos,omitempty"` }
PositionBuilderInput represents request parameter for position builder item
type PositionBuilderParam ¶
type PositionBuilderParam struct { InclRealPosAndEq bool `json:"inclRealPosAndEq"` SimPos []SimulatedPosition `json:"simPos"` SimAsset []SimulatedAsset `json:"simAsset"` SpotOffsetType string `json:"spotOffsetType"` GreeksType string `json:"greeksType"` }
PositionBuilderParam represents a position builder parameters
type PositionBuilderResponse ¶
type PositionBuilderResponse struct { InitialMarginRequirement string `json:"imr"` // Initial margin requirement of riskUnit dimension MaintenanceMarginRequirement string `json:"mmr"` // Maintenance margin requirement of riskUnit dimension SpotAndVolumeMovement string `json:"mr1"` ThetaDecay string `json:"mr2"` VegaTermStructure string `json:"mr3"` BasicRisk string `json:"mr4"` InterestRateRisk string `json:"mr5"` ExtremeMarketMove string `json:"mr6"` TransactionCostAndSlippage string `json:"mr7"` PositionData []PositionBuilderData `json:"posData"` // List of positions RiskUnit string `json:"riskUnit"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
PositionBuilderResponse represents a position builder endpoint response
type PositionData ¶
type PositionData struct { BaseBalance types.Number `json:"baseBal"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` ManagementMode string `json:"mgnMode"` NotionalCurrency string `json:"notionalCcy"` NotionalUSD types.Number `json:"notionalUsd"` Position string `json:"pos"` PositionedCurrency string `json:"posCcy"` PositionedID string `json:"posId"` PositionedSide string `json:"posSide"` QuoteBalance types.Number `json:"quoteBal"` }
PositionData holds account position data
type PositionDataDetail ¶
type PositionDataDetail struct { PositionID string `json:"posId"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` Position string `json:"pos"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` PositionCurrency string `json:"posCcy"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTIme"` }
PositionDataDetail position data information for the websocket push data
type PositionIDInfo ¶
PositionIDInfo holds place positions information
type PositionInfo ¶
type PositionInfo struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` Lever types.Number `json:"lever"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` OpenAvgPrice types.Number `json:"openAvgPx"` OpenOrderID string `json:"openOrdId"` OpenTime types.Time `json:"openTime"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` SlTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"slTriggerPx"` SubPos string `json:"subPos"` SubPosID string `json:"subPosId"` TpTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"tpTriggerPx"` CloseAveragePrice types.Number `json:"closeAvgPx"` CloseTime types.Time `json:"closeTime"` }
PositionInfo represents a positions detail
type PositionItem ¶
PositionItem represents current position of the user
type PositionMode ¶
type PositionMode struct {
PositionMode string `json:"posMode"` // "long_short_mode": long/short, only applicable to FUTURES/SWAP "net_mode": net
PositionMode represents position mode response
type PositionTiers ¶
type PositionTiers struct { BaseMaxLoan string `json:"baseMaxLoan"` InitialMarginRequirement string `json:"imr"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` MaximumLeverage string `json:"maxLever"` MaximumSize types.Number `json:"maxSz"` MinSize types.Number `json:"minSz"` MaintenanceMarginRequirement string `json:"mmr"` OptionalMarginFactor string `json:"optMgnFactor"` QuoteMaxLoan string `json:"quoteMaxLoan"` Tier string `json:"tier"` Underlying string `json:"uly"` }
PositionTiers represents position tier detailed information
type PremiumInfo ¶
type PremiumInfo struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Premium string `json:"premium"` Timestamp string `json:"ts"` }
PremiumInfo represents data on premiums for the past 6 months.
type ProductInfo ¶
ProductInfo represents ETH staking information
type ProfitSharingItem ¶
type ProfitSharingItem struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` NickName string `json:"nickName"` ProfitSharingAmount types.Number `json:"profitSharingAmt"` ProfitSharingID string `json:"profitSharingId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
ProfitSharingItem holds profit sharing information
type PublicBlockTrades ¶
type PublicBlockTrades struct { Arg SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []PublicTrade `json:"data"` }
PublicBlockTrades holds public block trades
type PublicBorrowHistory ¶
type PublicBorrowHistory struct { Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Rate types.Number `json:"rate"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
PublicBorrowHistory holds a currencies borrow history
type PublicBorrowInfo ¶
type PublicBorrowInfo struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` AverageAmount types.Number `json:"avgAmt"` AverageAmountUSD types.Number `json:"avgAmtUsd"` AverageRate types.Number `json:"avgRate"` PreviousRate types.Number `json:"preRate"` EstimatedRate types.Number `json:"estRate"` }
PublicBorrowInfo holds a currency's borrow info
type PublicLendingOffer ¶
type PublicLendingOffer struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` LendQuota string `json:"lendQuota"` MinLendingAmount types.Number `json:"minLend"` Rate types.Number `json:"rate"` Term string `json:"term"` }
PublicLendingOffer represents a lending offer detail
type PublicTrade ¶
type PublicTrade struct { FillVolume types.Number `json:"fillVol"` ForwardPrice types.Number `json:"fwdPx"` IndexPrice types.Number `json:"idxPx"` InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPx"` OptionType string `json:"optType"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Side string `json:"side"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
PublicTrade represents public trade item for option, block, and others
type PublicTradesResponse ¶
type PublicTradesResponse struct { BlockTradeID string `json:"blockTdId"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Legs []RFQTradeLeg `json:"legs"` }
PublicTradesResponse represents data will be pushed whenever there is a block trade
type PurchaseInvestDataItem ¶
type PurchaseInvestDataItem struct { Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` Amount float64 `json:"amt,string"` }
PurchaseInvestDataItem represents purchase invest data information having the currency and amount information
type PurchaseRedeemHistory ¶
type PurchaseRedeemHistory struct { Amt types.Number `json:"amt"` CompletedTime types.Time `json:"completedTime"` EstCompletedTime types.Time `json:"estCompletedTime"` RequestTime types.Time `json:"requestTime"` Status string `json:"status"` Type string `json:"type"` }
PurchaseRedeemHistory holds purchase and redeem history
type PurchaseRequestParam ¶
type PurchaseRequestParam struct { ProductID string `json:"productId"` Term int64 `json:"term,string,omitempty"` InvestData []PurchaseInvestDataItem `json:"investData"` }
PurchaseRequestParam represents purchase request param specific product
type QuoteLeg ¶
type QuoteLeg struct { Price float64 `json:"px,string"` SizeOfQuoteLeg float64 `json:"sz,string"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` // TargetCurrency represents target currency TargetCurrency string `json:"tgtCcy,omitempty"` }
QuoteLeg the legs of the Quote
func (*QuoteLeg) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON serialized QuoteLeg instance into bytes
type QuoteProduct ¶
type QuoteProduct struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType,omitempty"` IncludeALL bool `json:"includeALL"` Data []struct { Underlying string `json:"uly"` MaxBlockSize types.Number `json:"maxBlockSz"` MakerPriceBand types.Number `json:"makerPxBand"` } `json:"data"` InstrumentType0 string `json:"instType:,omitempty"` }
QuoteProduct represents products which makers want to quote and receive RFQs for
type QuoteRequestParams ¶
type QuoteRequestParams struct { RFQID string ClientRFQID string QuoteID string ClientQuoteID string State string BeginID string EndID string Limit int64 }
QuoteRequestParams request params
type QuoteResponse ¶
type QuoteResponse struct { CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` ValidUntil types.Time `json:"validUntil"` QuoteID string `json:"quoteId"` ClientQuoteID string `json:"clQuoteId"` RFQID string `json:"rfqId"` QuoteSide string `json:"quoteSide"` ClientRFQID string `json:"clRfqId"` TraderCode string `json:"traderCode"` State string `json:"state"` Legs []QuoteLeg `json:"legs"` }
QuoteResponse holds create quote response variables
type RFQOrderLeg ¶
type RFQOrderLeg struct { Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Side string `json:"side"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` TgtCurrency string `json:"tgtCcy,omitempty"` }
RFQOrderLeg represents RFQ Order responses leg
type RFQRequestParams ¶
type RFQRequestParams struct { RFQID string ClientRFQID string State string BeginningID string EndID string Limit int64 }
RFQRequestParams represents get RFQ orders param
type RFQResponse ¶
type RFQResponse struct { CreateTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` ValidUntil types.Time `json:"validUntil"` TraderCode string `json:"traderCode"` RFQID string `json:"rfqId"` ClientRFQID string `json:"clRfqId"` State string `json:"state"` Counterparties []string `json:"counterparties"` Legs []struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Side string `json:"side"` TgtCurrency string `json:"tgtCcy"` } `json:"legs"` }
RFQResponse RFQ response detail
type RFQTradeLeg ¶
type RFQTradeLeg struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Side string `json:"side"` Size string `json:"sz"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCcy"` }
RFQTradeLeg RFQ trade response leg
type RFQTradeResponse ¶
type RFQTradeResponse struct { RFQID string `json:"rfqId"` ClientRFQID string `json:"clRfqId"` QuoteID string `json:"quoteId"` ClientQuoteID string `json:"clQuoteId"` BlockTradeID string `json:"blockTdId"` Legs []RFQTradeLeg `json:"legs"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` TakerTraderCode string `json:"tTraderCode"` MakerTraderCode string `json:"mTraderCode"` }
RFQTradeResponse RFQ trade response
type RFQTradesRequestParams ¶
type RFQTradesRequestParams struct { RFQID string ClientRFQID string QuoteID string BlockTradeID string ClientQuoteID string State string BeginID string EndID string Limit int64 }
RFQTradesRequestParams represents RFQ trades request param
type RSIBacktestingResponse ¶
type RSIBacktestingResponse struct {
TriggerNumber string `json:"triggerNum"`
RSIBacktestingResponse holds response for relative strength index(RSI) backtesting
type RecurringBuyOrder ¶
type RecurringBuyOrder struct { AlgoClOrdID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AlgoOrderType string `json:"algoOrdType"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Cycles string `json:"cycles"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InvestmentAmount types.Number `json:"investmentAmt"` InvestmentCurrency string `json:"investmentCcy"` MarketCap string `json:"mktCap"` NextInvestTime types.Time `json:"nextInvestTime"` PushTime types.Time `json:"pTime"` Period string `json:"period"` ProfitAndLossRatio types.Number `json:"pnlRatio"` RecurringDay string `json:"recurringDay"` RecurringHour string `json:"recurringHour"` RecurringList []struct { AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Profit string `json:"profit"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Ratio types.Number `json:"ratio"` TotalAmount types.Number `json:"totalAmt"` } `json:"recurringList"` RecurringTime string `json:"recurringTime"` State string `json:"state"` StrategyName string `json:"stgyName"` Tag string `json:"tag"` TimeZone string `json:"timeZone"` TotalAnnRate string `json:"totalAnnRate"` TotalPnl string `json:"totalPnl"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
RecurringBuyOrder represents a recurring buy order instance
type RecurringBuySubOrder ¶
type RecurringBuySubOrder struct { AccFillSize types.Number `json:"accFillSz"` AlgoClientOrdID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AlgoOrderType string `json:"algoOrdType"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCcy"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Side string `json:"side"` State string `json:"state"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Tag string `json:"tag"` TradeMode string `json:"tdMode"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
RecurringBuySubOrder holds recurring buy sub order detail
type RecurringListItem ¶
type RecurringListItem struct { Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` Ratio float64 `json:"ratio,string"` }
RecurringListItem holds recurring list item
type RecurringListItemDetailed ¶
type RecurringListItemDetailed struct { AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Profit types.Number `json:"profit"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Ratio types.Number `json:"ratio"` TotalAmount types.Number `json:"totalAmt"` }
RecurringListItemDetailed holds a detailed instance of recurring list item
type RecurringOrderDeail ¶
type RecurringOrderDeail struct { RecurringListItem RecurringList []RecurringListItemDetailed `json:"recurringList"` }
RecurringOrderDeail holds detailed information about recurring order
type RecurringOrderItem ¶
type RecurringOrderItem struct { AlgoClOrdID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AlgoOrdType string `json:"algoOrdType"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Cycles string `json:"cycles"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InvestmentAmount types.Number `json:"investmentAmt"` InvestmentCurrency string `json:"investmentCcy"` MarketCap string `json:"mktCap"` Period string `json:"period"` ProfitAndLossRatio types.Number `json:"pnlRatio"` RecurringDay string `json:"recurringDay"` RecurringList []RecurringListItem `json:"recurringList"` RecurringTime string `json:"recurringTime"` State string `json:"state"` StgyName string `json:"stgyName"` Tag string `json:"tag"` TimeZone string `json:"timeZone"` TotalAnnRate types.Number `json:"totalAnnRate"` TotalPnl types.Number `json:"totalPnl"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
RecurringOrderItem holds recurring order info
type RecurringOrderResponse ¶
type RecurringOrderResponse struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AlgoClientOrderID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` StatusCode string `json:"sCode"` StatusMessage string `json:"sMsg"` }
RecurringOrderResponse holds recurring order response
type RedeemRequestParam ¶
type RedeemRequestParam struct { OrderID string `json:"ordId"` ProtocolType string `json:"protocolType"` AllowEarlyRedeem bool `json:"allowEarlyRedeem"` }
RedeemRequestParam represents redeem request input param
type ReduceLiabilities ¶
type ReduceLiabilities struct { OrderID string `json:"ordId"` PendingRepay bool `json:"pendingRepay"` }
ReduceLiabilities represents a response after reducing liabilities
type ResponseSuccess ¶
type ResponseSuccess struct { Result bool `json:"result"` StatusCode string `json:"sCode,omitempty"` StatusMessage string `json:"sMsg,omitempty"` }
ResponseSuccess holds responses having a status result value
type RiskOffsetAmount ¶
type RiskOffsetAmount struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` ClientSpotInUseAmount types.Number `json:"clSpotInUseAmt"` }
RiskOffsetAmount represents risk offset amount
type RiskOffsetType ¶
type RiskOffsetType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
RiskOffsetType represents risk offset type value
type SavingBalanceResponse ¶
type SavingBalanceResponse struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` Earnings types.Number `json:"earnings"` RedemptAmount types.Number `json:"redemptAmt"` Rate types.Number `json:"rate"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` LoanAmount types.Number `json:"loanAmt"` PendingAmount types.Number `json:"pendingAmt"` }
SavingBalanceResponse holds the response data for a savings balance.
type SavingsPurchaseRedemptionInput ¶
type SavingsPurchaseRedemptionInput struct { Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` // REQUIRED: Amount float64 `json:"amt,string"` // REQUIRED: purchase or redemption amount ActionType string `json:"side"` // REQUIRED: action type 'purchase' or 'redemption' Rate float64 `json:"rate,string"` // REQUIRED: }
SavingsPurchaseRedemptionInput input json to SavingPurchase Post method
type SavingsPurchaseRedemptionResponse ¶
type SavingsPurchaseRedemptionResponse struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` ActionType string `json:"side"` Account string `json:"acct"` // '6': Funding account '18': Trading account Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Rate types.Number `json:"rate"` }
SavingsPurchaseRedemptionResponse formats the JSON response for the SavingPurchase or SavingRedemption POST methods
type ServerTime ¶
ServerTime returning the server time instance
type SetLeverageInput ¶
type SetLeverageInput struct { Leverage float64 `json:"lever,string"` // set leverage for isolated MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` // Margin Mode "cross" and "isolated" InstrumentID string `json:"instId,omitempty"` // Optional: Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy,omitempty"` // Optional: PositionSide string `json:"posSide,omitempty"` AssetType asset.Item `json:"-"` }
SetLeverageInput represents set leverage request input
type SetLeverageResponse ¶
type SetLeverageResponse struct { Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` // Margin Mode "cross" and "isolated" InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` // "long", "short", and "net" }
SetLeverageResponse represents set leverage response
type SetLeveragesParam ¶
type SetLeveragesParam struct { MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` Leverage int64 `json:"lever,string"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId,omitempty"` // Instrument ID. If there are multiple instruments, separate them with commas. Maximum of 200 instruments can be selected }
SetLeveragesParam sets leverage parameter
type SetMultipleLeverageResponse ¶
type SetMultipleLeverageResponse struct { FailInstrumentID string `json:"failInstId"` Result string `json:"result"` SuccInstrumentID string `json:"succInstId"` }
SetMultipleLeverageResponse represents multiple leverage response
type SetQuoteProductParam ¶
type SetQuoteProductParam struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Data []MakerInstrumentSetting `json:"data"` }
SetQuoteProductParam represents set quote product request param
type SetQuoteProductsResult ¶
type SetQuoteProductsResult struct {
Result bool `json:"result"`
SetQuoteProductsResult represents set quote products result
type SignalBotEventHistory ¶
type SignalBotEventHistory struct { AlertMsg time.Time `json:"alertMsg"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` EventCreationTime types.Time `json:"eventCtime"` EventProcessMessage string `json:"eventProcessMsg"` EventStatus string `json:"eventStatus"` EventUtime types.Time `json:"eventUtime"` EventType string `json:"eventType"` TriggeredOrdData []struct { ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` } `json:"triggeredOrdData"` }
SignalBotEventHistory holds history information for signal bot
type SignalBotOrderDetail ¶
type SignalBotOrderDetail struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` ClientSuppliedAlgoID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` AlgoOrderType string `json:"algoOrdType"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentIDs []string `json:"instIds"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` State string `json:"state"` CancelType string `json:"cancelType"` TotalPNL types.Number `json:"totalPnl"` ProfitAndLossRatio types.Number `json:"pnlRatio"` TotalEq types.Number `json:"totalEq"` FloatPNL types.Number `json:"floatPnl"` FrozenBalance types.Number `json:"frozenBal"` AvailableBalance types.Number `json:"availBal"` Lever types.Number `json:"lever"` InvestAmount types.Number `json:"investAmt"` SubOrdType string `json:"subOrdType"` Ratio types.Number `json:"ratio"` EntrySettingParam struct { AllowMultipleEntry bool `json:"allowMultipleEntry"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` EntryType string `json:"entryType"` Ratio types.Number `json:"ratio"` } `json:"entrySettingParam"` ExitSettingParam struct { StopLossPercentage types.Number `json:"slPct"` TakeProfitPercentage types.Number `json:"tpPct"` TakeProfitSlType string `json:"tpSlType"` } `json:"exitSettingParam"` SignalChanID string `json:"signalChanId"` SignalChanName string `json:"signalChanName"` SignalSourceType string `json:"signalSourceType"` TotalPnlRatio types.Number `json:"totalPnlRatio"` RealizedPnl types.Number `json:"realizedPnl"` }
SignalBotOrderDetail holds detail of signal bot order
type SignalBotPosition ¶
type SignalBotPosition struct { AutoDecreaseLine string `json:"adl"` AlgoClientOrderID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` InitialMarginRequirement string `json:"imr"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Last types.Number `json:"last"` Lever types.Number `json:"lever"` LiquidationPrice types.Number `json:"liqPx"` MarkPrice types.Number `json:"markPx"` MarginMode string `json:"mgnMode"` MgnRatio types.Number `json:"mgnRatio"` // Margin mode 'cross' 'isolated' MaintenanceMarginRequirement string `json:"mmr"` NotionalUSD string `json:"notionalUsd"` Position string `json:"pos"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` // Position side 'net' UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` UnrealizedProfitAndLoss string `json:"upl"` UplRatio types.Number `json:"uplRatio"` // Unrealized profit and loss ratio }
SignalBotPosition holds signal bot position information
type SimulatedAsset ¶
SimulatedAsset represents a simulated asset detail
type SimulatedPosition ¶
SimulatedPosition represents a simulated position detail of a new position builder
type SmallAssetConvertResponse ¶
type SmallAssetConvertResponse struct { Details []struct { Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` // Quantity of currency assets before conversion Currency string `json:"ccy"` // ConvertAmount types.Number `json:"cnvAmt"` // Quantity of OKB after conversion ConversionFee types.Number `json:"fee"` // Fee for conversion, unit in OKB } `json:"details"` TotalConvertAmount types.Number `json:"totalCnvAmt"` // Total quantity of OKB after conversion }
SmallAssetConvertResponse represents a response of converting a small asset to OKB
type SpotGridAlgoData ¶
type SpotGridAlgoData struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AlgoOrderType string `json:"algoOrdType"` AnnualizedRate types.Number `json:"annualizedRate"` ArbitrageNumber types.Number `json:"arbitrageNum"` BaseSize types.Number `json:"baseSz"` // Algo order stop reason 0: None 1: Manual stop 2: Take profit // 3: Stop loss 4: Risk control 5: delivery CancelType string `json:"cancelType"` CurBaseSize types.Number `json:"curBaseSz"` CurQuoteSize types.Number `json:"curQuoteSz"` FloatProfit types.Number `json:"floatProfit"` GridNumber string `json:"gridNum"` GridProfit types.Number `json:"gridProfit"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Investment types.Number `json:"investment"` MaximumPrice types.Number `json:"maxPx"` MinimumPrice types.Number `json:"minPx"` PerMaximumProfitRate types.Number `json:"perMaxProfitRate"` PerMinimumProfitRate types.Number `json:"perMinProfitRate"` ProfitAndLossRatio types.Number `json:"pnlRatio"` QuoteSize types.Number `json:"quoteSz"` RunPrice types.Number `json:"runPx"` RunType string `json:"runType"` SingleAmount types.Number `json:"singleAmt"` StopLossTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"slTriggerPx"` State string `json:"state"` // Stop result of spot grid // 0: default, 1: Successful selling of currency at market price, // -1: Failed to sell currency at market price StopResult string `json:"stopResult"` // Stop type Spot grid 1: Sell base currency 2: Keep base currency // Contract grid 1: Market Close All positions 2: Keep positions StopType string `json:"stopType"` TotalAnnualizedRate types.Number `json:"totalAnnualizedRate"` TotalProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"totalPnl"` TakeProfitTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"tpTriggerPx"` TradeNum types.Number `json:"tradeNum"` TriggerTime types.Time `json:"triggerTime"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` PushTime types.Time `json:"pTime"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
SpotGridAlgoData represents spot grid algo orders
type SpreadInstrument ¶
type SpreadInstrument struct { SpreadID string `json:"sprdId"` SpreadType string `json:"sprdType"` State string `json:"state"` BaseCurrency string `json:"baseCcy"` SizeCurrency string `json:"szCcy"` QuoteCurrency string `json:"quoteCcy"` TickSize types.Number `json:"tickSz"` MinSize types.Number `json:"minSz"` LotSize types.Number `json:"lotSz"` ListTime types.Time `json:"listTime"` Legs []struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Side string `json:"side"` } `json:"legs"` ExpTime types.Time `json:"expTime"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
SpreadInstrument retrieve all available spreads based on the request parameters
type SpreadOrder ¶
type SpreadOrder struct { TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` SpreadID string `json:"sprdId"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` Tag string `json:"tag"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` Side string `json:"side"` FillSize types.Number `json:"fillSz"` FillPrice types.Number `json:"fillPx"` AccFillSize types.Number `json:"accFillSz"` PendingFillSize types.Number `json:"pendingFillSz"` PendingSettleSize types.Number `json:"pendingSettleSz"` CanceledSize types.Number `json:"canceledSz"` State string `json:"state"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` CancelSource string `json:"cancelSource"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` }
SpreadOrder holds spread order details
type SpreadOrderCancellationResponse ¶
type SpreadOrderCancellationResponse struct { TriggerTime types.Time `json:"triggerTime"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
SpreadOrderCancellationResponse represents a spread order cancellation response
type SpreadOrderInfo ¶
type SpreadOrderInfo struct { ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` Tag string `json:"tag"` StatusCode string `json:"sCode"` StatusMessage string `json:"sMsg"` }
SpreadOrderInfo holds spread order response information
type SpreadOrderParam ¶
type SpreadOrderParam struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` SpreadID string `json:"sprdId,omitempty"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId,omitempty"` Side string `json:"side"` // Order side, buy sell OrderType string `json:"ordType"` // Order type 'limit': Limit order 'post_only': Post-only order 'ioc': Immediate-or-cancel order Size float64 `json:"sz,string"` Price float64 `json:"px,string"` Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
SpreadOrderParam holds parameters for spread orders
type SpreadOrderResponse ¶
type SpreadOrderResponse struct { StatusCode string `json:"sCode"` StatusMessage string `json:"sMsg"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` Tag string `json:"tag"` // Added when amending spread order through websocket RequestID string `json:"reqId"` }
SpreadOrderResponse represents a spread create order response
type SpreadOrderbook ¶
type SpreadOrderbook struct { // Asks and Bids are [3]string; price, quantity, and # number of orders at the price Asks [][]types.Number `json:"asks"` Bids [][]types.Number `json:"bids"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
SpreadOrderbook holds spread orderbook information
type SpreadPublicTradeItem ¶
type SpreadPublicTradeItem struct { SprdID string `json:"sprdId"` Side string `json:"side"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
SpreadPublicTradeItem represents publicly available trade order instance
type SpreadTicker ¶
type SpreadTicker struct { SpreadID string `json:"sprdId"` Last types.Number `json:"last"` LastSize types.Number `json:"lastSz"` AskPrice types.Number `json:"askPx"` AskSize types.Number `json:"askSz"` BidPrice types.Number `json:"bidPx"` BidSize types.Number `json:"bidSz"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
SpreadTicker represents a ticker instance
type SpreadTrade ¶
type SpreadTrade struct { SpreadID string `json:"sprdId"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` Tag string `json:"tag"` FillPrice types.Number `json:"fillPx"` FillSize types.Number `json:"fillSz"` State string `json:"state"` Side string `json:"side"` ExecType string `json:"execType"` Timestamp string `json:"ts"` Legs []struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Side string `json:"side"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCcy"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` } `json:"legs"` Code string `json:"code"` Msg string `json:"msg"` }
SpreadTrade holds spread trade transaction instance
type StopCopyingParameter ¶
type StopCopyingParameter struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType,omitempty"` UniqueCode string `json:"uniqueCode"` SubPositionCloseType string `json:"subPosCloseType"` }
StopCopyingParameter holds stop copying request parameter
type StopGridAlgoOrderParam ¶
type StopGridAlgoOrderParam struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` StopType string `json:"stopType"` AlgoOrderType string `json:"algoOrdType"` }
StopGridAlgoOrderParam holds stop grid algo order parameter
type StopGridAlgoOrderRequest ¶
type StopGridAlgoOrderRequest struct { AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` StopType uint64 `json:"stopType,string"` // Spot grid "1": Sell base currency "2": Keep base currency | Contract grid "1": Market Close All positions "2": Keep positions AlgoOrderType string `json:"algoOrdType"` }
StopGridAlgoOrderRequest represents stop grid algo order request parameter
type StopRecurringBuyOrder ¶
type StopRecurringBuyOrder struct {
AlgoID string `json:"algoId"`
StopRecurringBuyOrder stop recurring order
type StrikeOpenInterestAndVolume ¶
type StrikeOpenInterestAndVolume struct { Timestamp types.Time Strike types.Number CallOpenInterest types.Number PutOpenInterest types.Number CallVolume types.Number PutVolume types.Number }
StrikeOpenInterestAndVolume represents open interest and volume for both buyers and sellers of calls and puts
func (*StrikeOpenInterestAndVolume) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *StrikeOpenInterestAndVolume) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes slice of byte data into StrikeOpenInterestAndVolume
type SubAccounBorrowInterestAndLimit ¶
type SubAccounBorrowInterestAndLimit struct { SubAcct string `json:"subAcct"` Debt types.Number `json:"debt"` Interest types.Number `json:"interest"` NextDiscountTime types.Time `json:"nextDiscountTime"` NextInterestTime types.Time `json:"nextInterestTime"` LoanAlloc types.Number `json:"loanAlloc"` Records []struct { AvailLoan types.Number `json:"availLoan"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Interest types.Number `json:"interest"` LoanQuota types.Number `json:"loanQuota"` PosLoan string `json:"posLoan"` Rate types.Number `json:"rate"` SurplusLmt string `json:"surplusLmt"` SurplusLmtDetails struct { AllAcctRemainingQuota types.Number `json:"allAcctRemainingQuota"` CurAcctRemainingQuota types.Number `json:"curAcctRemainingQuota"` PlatRemainingQuota types.Number `json:"platRemainingQuota"` } `json:"surplusLmtDetails"` UsedLmt types.Number `json:"usedLmt"` UsedLoan types.Number `json:"usedLoan"` } `json:"records"` }
SubAccounBorrowInterestAndLimit represents sub-account borrow interest and limit
type SubAccountAPIKeyParam ¶
type SubAccountAPIKeyParam struct { SubAccountName string `json:"subAcct"` // Sub-account name APIKey string `json:"apiKey"` // Sub-accountAPI public key Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Sub-account APIKey label APIKeyPermission string `json:"perm,omitempty"` // Sub-account APIKey permissions IP string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Sub-account APIKey linked IP addresses, separate with commas if more than Permissions []string `json:"-"` }
SubAccountAPIKeyParam represents Reset the APIKey of a sub-account request param
type SubAccountAPIKeyResponse ¶
type SubAccountAPIKeyResponse struct { IP string `json:"ip"` SubAccountName string `json:"subAcct"` APIKey string `json:"apiKey"` Label string `json:"label"` APIKeyPermission string `json:"perm"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
SubAccountAPIKeyResponse represents sub-account api key reset response
type SubAccountAssetTransferParams ¶
type SubAccountAssetTransferParams struct { Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` // {REQUIRED} Amount float64 `json:"amt,string"` // {REQUIRED} From int64 `json:"from,string"` // {REQUIRED} 6:Funding Account 18:Trading account To int64 `json:"to,string"` // {REQUIRED} 6:Funding Account 18:Trading account FromSubAccount string `json:"fromSubAccount"` // {REQUIRED} subaccount name. ToSubAccount string `json:"toSubAccount"` // {REQUIRED} destination sub-account LoanTransfer bool `json:"loanTrans,omitempty"` OmitPositionRisk bool `json:"omitPosRisk,omitempty"` }
SubAccountAssetTransferParams represents subaccount asset transfer request parameters
type SubAccountLoanAllocationParam ¶
type SubAccountLoanAllocationParam struct { Enable bool `json:"enable"` Alloc []subAccountVIPLoanAllocationInfo `json:"alloc"` }
SubAccountLoanAllocationParam holds parameter for VIP sub-account loan allocation
type SubAccountMaximumWithdrawal ¶
type SubAccountMaximumWithdrawal struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` MaxWd types.Number `json:"maxWd"` MaxWdEx types.Number `json:"maxWdEx"` SpotOffsetMaxWd types.Number `json:"spotOffsetMaxWd"` SpotOffsetMaxWdEx types.Number `json:"spotOffsetMaxWdEx"` }
SubAccountMaximumWithdrawal holds sub-account maximum withdrawal information
type SubAccountTransfer ¶
type SubAccountTransfer struct { BillID string `json:"billId"` Type string `json:"type"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` SubAccount string `json:"subAcct"` SubUID string `json:"subUid"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
SubAccountTransfer holds sub-account transfer instance
type SubOrder ¶
type SubOrder struct { AccountFillSize types.Number `json:"accFillSz"` AlgoClientOrderID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` AlgoOrdType string `json:"algoOrdType"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` CtVal string `json:"ctVal"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCcy"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` ProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"pnl"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Side string `json:"side"` State string `json:"state"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Tag string `json:"tag"` TdMode string `json:"tdMode"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` }
SubOrder holds signal bot sub orders
type SubTPSLParams ¶
type SubTPSLParams struct { NewTakeProfitTriggerPrice float64 `json:"newTpTriggerPx,omitempty,string"` NewTakeProfitOrderPrice float64 `json:"newTpOrdPx,omitempty,string"` NewStopLossTriggerPrice float64 `json:"newSlTriggerPx,omitempty,string"` NewStopLossOrderPrice float64 `json:"newSlOrdPx,omitempty,string"` // Stop-loss order price If the price is -1, stop-loss will be executed at the market price. NewTakeProfitTriggerPriceType string `json:"newTpTriggerPxType,omitempty"` // Take-profit trigger price type'last': last price 'index': index price 'mark': mark price NewStopLossTriggerPriceType string `json:"newSlTriggerPxType,omitempty"` // Stop-loss trigger price type 'last': last price 'index': index price 'mark': mark price }
SubTPSLParams represents take-profit and stop-loss price parameters to be used by algo orders
type SubaccountBalanceDetail ¶
type SubaccountBalanceDetail struct { AvailableBalance types.Number `json:"availBal"` AvailableEquity types.Number `json:"availEq"` CashBalance types.Number `json:"cashBal"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` CrossLiability types.Number `json:"crossLiab"` DiscountEquity types.Number `json:"disEq"` Equity types.Number `json:"eq"` EquityUSD types.Number `json:"eqUsd"` FrozenBalance types.Number `json:"frozenBal"` Interest types.Number `json:"interest"` IsoEquity string `json:"isoEq"` IsolatedLiabilities types.Number `json:"isoLiab"` LiabilitiesOfCurrency string `json:"liab"` MaxLoan types.Number `json:"maxLoan"` MarginRatio types.Number `json:"mgnRatio"` NotionalLeverage string `json:"notionalLever"` OrdFrozen string `json:"ordFrozen"` Twap string `json:"twap"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` UnrealizedProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"upl"` UnrealizedProfitAndLiabilities string `json:"uplLiab"` FixedBalance types.Number `json:"fixedBal"` BorrowFroz types.Number `json:"borrowFroz"` SpotISOBalance types.Number `json:"spotIsoBal"` SMTSyncEquity types.Number `json:"smtSyncEq"` }
SubaccountBalanceDetail represents subaccount balance detail
type SubaccountBalanceResponse ¶
type SubaccountBalanceResponse struct { AdjustedEffectiveEquity string `json:"adjEq"` Details []SubaccountBalanceDetail `json:"details"` Imr string `json:"imr"` IsolatedMarginEquity string `json:"isoEq"` MarginRatio types.Number `json:"mgnRatio"` MaintenanceMarginRequirement types.Number `json:"mmr"` NotionalUSD types.Number `json:"notionalUsd"` OrdFroz types.Number `json:"ordFroz"` TotalEq types.Number `json:"totalEq"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` BorrowFroz types.Number `json:"borrowFroz"` UPL types.Number `json:"upl"` }
SubaccountBalanceResponse represents subaccount balance response
type SubaccountBillItem ¶
type SubaccountBillItem struct { BillID string `json:"billId"` Type string `json:"type"` AccountCurrencyBalance string `json:"ccy"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` SubAccount string `json:"subAcct"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
SubaccountBillItem represents subaccount balance bill item
type SubaccountInfo ¶
type SubaccountInfo struct { Enable bool `json:"enable"` SubAccountName string `json:"subAcct"` SubaccountType string `json:"type"` // sub-account note SubaccountLabel string `json:"label"` MobileNumber string `json:"mobile"` // Mobile number that linked with the sub-account. GoogleAuth bool `json:"gAuth"` // If the sub-account switches on the Google Authenticator for login authentication. CanTransferOut bool `json:"canTransOut"` // If can transfer out, false: can not transfer out, true: can transfer. Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
SubaccountInfo represents subaccount information detail
type SubaccountName ¶
type SubaccountName struct {
SubaccountName string `json:"subAcct"`
SubaccountName represents single subaccount name
type SubscriptionInfo ¶
type SubscriptionInfo struct { Channel string `json:"channel,omitempty"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId,omitempty"` InstrumentFamily string `json:"instFamily,omitempty"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType,omitempty"` Underlying string `json:"uly,omitempty"` UID string `json:"uid,omitempty"` // user identifier // For Algo Orders AlgoID string `json:"algoId,omitempty"` Currency string `json:"ccy,omitempty"` SpreadID string `json:"sprdId,omitempty"` }
SubscriptionInfo holds the channel and instrument IDs
type SubscriptionOperationInput ¶
type SubscriptionOperationInput struct { Operation string `json:"op"` Arguments []SubscriptionInfo `json:"args"` }
SubscriptionOperationInput represents the account channel input data
type SupportedCoinsData ¶
type SupportedCoinsData struct { Contract []string `json:"contract"` TradingOptions []string `json:"option"` Spot []string `json:"spot"` }
SupportedCoinsData holds information about currencies supported by the trading data endpoints
type SurplusLimitDetail ¶
type SurplusLimitDetail struct { AllAcctRemainingQuota string `json:"allAcctRemainingQuota"` CurAcctRemainingQuota string `json:"curAcctRemainingQuota"` PlatRemainingQuota string `json:"platRemainingQuota"` }
SurplusLimitDetail represents details of available amount across all sub-accounts. The value of surplusLmt is the minimum value within this array
type SystemStatusResponse ¶
type SystemStatusResponse struct { Title string `json:"title"` State string `json:"state"` Begin types.Time `json:"begin"` // Begin time of system maintenance, End types.Time `json:"end"` // Time of resuming trading totally. Href string `json:"href"` // Hyperlink for system maintenance details ServiceType string `json:"serviceType"` System string `json:"system"` ScheduleDescription string `json:"scheDesc"` PreOpenBegin string `json:"preOpenBegin"` MaintenanceType string `json:"maintType"` Environment string `json:"env"` // Environment '1': Production Trading '2': Demo Trading // PushTime timestamp information when the data is pushed PushTime types.Time `json:"ts"` }
SystemStatusResponse represents the system status and other details
type TPSLOrderParam ¶
type TPSLOrderParam struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` SubPositionID string `json:"subPosId"` TakeProfitTriggerPrice float64 `json:"tpTriggerPx,omitempty,string"` StopLossTriggerPrice float64 `json:"slTriggerPx,omitempty,string"` TakeProfitOrderPrice float64 `json:"tpOrdPx,omitempty,string"` StopLossOrderPrice float64 `json:"slOrdPx,omitempty,string"` TakePofitTriggerPriceType string `json:"tpTriggerPriceType,omitempty,string"` // last: last price, 'index': index price 'mark': mark price Default is 'last' StopLossTriggerPriceType string `jsonL:"slTriggerPxType,omitempty,string"` // Stop-loss trigger price type 'last': last price 'index': index price 'mark': mark price Default is 'last' SubPositionType string `json:"subPosType,omitempty,string"` // 'lead': lead trading, the default value 'copy': copy trading Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty,string"` }
TPSLOrderParam holds Take profit and stop loss order parameters
type TakerVolume ¶
TakerVolume represents taker volume information with creation timestamp
func (*TakerVolume) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (t *TakerVolume) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes a slice of data into TakerVolume
type TickerResponse ¶
type TickerResponse struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` LastTradePrice types.Number `json:"last"` LastTradeSize types.Number `json:"lastSz"` BestAskPrice types.Number `json:"askPx"` BestAskSize types.Number `json:"askSz"` BestBidPrice types.Number `json:"bidPx"` BestBidSize types.Number `json:"bidSz"` Open24H types.Number `json:"open24h"` High24H types.Number `json:"high24h"` Low24H types.Number `json:"low24h"` VolCcy24H types.Number `json:"volCcy24h"` Vol24H types.Number `json:"vol24h"` OpenPriceInUTC0 string `json:"sodUtc0"` OpenPriceInUTC8 string `json:"sodUtc8"` TickerDataGenerationTime types.Time `json:"ts"` }
TickerResponse represents the detailed data from the market ticker endpoint.
type TopTraderContractsLongShortRatio ¶
TopTraderContractsLongShortRatio represents the timestamp and ratio information of top traders long and short accounts/positions
func (*TopTraderContractsLongShortRatio) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (t *TopTraderContractsLongShortRatio) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON deserializes slice data into TopTraderContractsLongShortRatio instance
type TotalProfitSharing ¶
type TotalProfitSharing struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` TotalProfitSharingAmount types.Number `json:"totalProfitSharingAmt"` }
TotalProfitSharing holds information about total amount of profit shared since joining the platform
type TradeFeeRate ¶
type TradeFeeRate struct { Category string `json:"category"` DeliveryFeeRate types.Number `json:"delivery"` Exercise string `json:"exercise"` InstrumentType asset.Item `json:"instType"` FeeRateLevel string `json:"level"` FeeRateMaker types.Number `json:"maker"` FeeRateTaker types.Number `json:"taker"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` FeeRateMakerUSDT types.Number `json:"makerU"` FeeRateTakerUSDT types.Number `json:"takerU"` FeeRateMakerUSDC types.Number `json:"makerUSDC"` FeeRateTakerUSDC types.Number `json:"takerUSDC"` RuleType string `json:"ruleType"` Fiat []FiatItemInfo `json:"fiat"` }
TradeFeeRate holds trade fee rate information for a given instrument type
type TradeOneClickRepayParam ¶
type TradeOneClickRepayParam struct { DebtCurrency []string `json:"debtCcy"` RepayCurrency string `json:"repayCcy"` }
TradeOneClickRepayParam represents click one repay param
type TradeResponse ¶
type TradeResponse struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Quantity types.Number `json:"sz"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` Count string `json:"count"` }
TradeResponse represents the recent transaction instance
type TraderWeeklyProfitAndLoss ¶
type TraderWeeklyProfitAndLoss struct { BeginTimestamp types.Time `json:"beginTs"` ProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"pnl"` ProfitAndLossRatio types.Number `json:"pnlRatio"` }
TraderWeeklyProfitAndLoss represents lead trader weekly pnl
type TradingVolumeIn24HR ¶
type TradingVolumeIn24HR struct { BlockVolumeInCNY types.Number `json:"blockVolCny"` BlockVolumeInUSD types.Number `json:"blockVolUsd"` TradingVolumeInUSD types.Number `json:"volUsd"` TradingVolumeInCny types.Number `json:"volCny"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
TradingVolumeIn24HR response model
type TransactionDetail ¶
type TransactionDetail struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` TransactionType string `json:"subType"` BillID string `json:"billId"` Tag string `json:"tag"` FillPrice types.Number `json:"fillPx"` FillSize types.Number `json:"fillSz"` FillIndexPrice types.Number `json:"fillIdxPx"` FillProfitAndLoss types.Number `json:"fillPnl"` FillPriceVolatility types.Number `json:"fillPxVol"` FillPriceUSD types.Number `json:"fillPxUsd"` MarkVolatilityWhenFilled types.Number `json:"fillMarkVol"` ForwardPriceWhenFilled types.Number `json:"fillFwdPx"` MarkPriceWhenFilled types.Number `json:"fillMarkPx"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` ExecType string `json:"execType"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCcy"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` FillTime types.Time `json:"fillTime"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
TransactionDetail holds recently-filled transaction detail data
type TransactionDetailRequestParams ¶
type TransactionDetailRequestParams struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` // SPOT , MARGIN, SWAP, FUTURES , option Underlying string `json:"uly"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` OrderType string `json:"orderType"` SubType string `json:"subType,omitempty"` After string `json:"after"` // after billid Before string `json:"before"` // before billid Begin time.Time `json:"begin"` End time.Time `json:"end"` Limit int64 `json:"limit"` }
TransactionDetailRequestParams retrieve recently-filled transaction details in the last 3 day
type TransferFundRateResponse ¶
type TransferFundRateResponse struct { Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` ClientID string `json:"clientId"` From string `json:"from"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` State string `json:"state"` SubAccount string `json:"subAcct"` To string `json:"to"` ToInstrumentID string `json:"toInstId"` TransferID string `json:"transId"` Type types.Number `json:"type"` }
TransferFundRateResponse represents funding transfer rate response
type TransferIDInfo ¶
type TransferIDInfo struct {
TransferID string `json:"transId"`
TransferIDInfo represents master account transfer between subaccount
type TriggeredGridAlgoOrderInfo ¶
type TriggeredGridAlgoOrderInfo struct { AlgoClientOrderID string `json:"algoClOrdId"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` }
TriggeredGridAlgoOrderInfo holds grid algo order info
type UnitConvertResponse ¶
type UnitConvertResponse struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` ConvertType types.Number `json:"type"` Unit string `json:"unit"` }
UnitConvertResponse unit convert response
type UsdCnyExchangeRate ¶
UsdCnyExchangeRate the exchange rate for converting from USD to CNV
type VIPInterestData ¶
type VIPInterestData struct { OrderID string `json:"ordId"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Interest types.Number `json:"interest"` InterestRate types.Number `json:"interestRate"` Liability types.Number `json:"liab"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
VIPInterestData holds interest accrued/deducted data
type VIPInterestRateAndLoanQuotaInformation ¶
type VIPInterestRateAndLoanQuotaInformation struct { InterestRateLoanQuotaBasic LevelList []struct { Level string `json:"level"` LoanQuota types.Number `json:"loanQuota"` } `json:"levelList"` }
VIPInterestRateAndLoanQuotaInformation holds interest rate and loan quoata information for VIP users
type VIPLoanOrder ¶
type VIPLoanOrder struct { OrderID string `json:"ordId"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` State string `json:"state"` BorrowAmount types.Number `json:"borrowAmt"` CurrentRate types.Number `json:"curRate"` DueAmount types.Number `json:"dueAmt"` NextRefreshTime types.Time `json:"nextRefreshTime"` OriginalRate types.Number `json:"origRate"` RepayAmount types.Number `json:"repayAmt"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
VIPLoanOrder holds VIP loan items
type VIPLoanOrderDetail ¶
type VIPLoanOrderDetail struct { Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` FailReason string `json:"failReason"` Rate types.Number `json:"rate"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` Type string `json:"type"` // Operation Type: 1:Borrow 2:Repayment 3:System Repayment 4:Interest Rate Refresh }
VIPLoanOrderDetail holds vip loan order detail
type WSInstrumentResponse ¶
type WSInstrumentResponse struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []Instrument `json:"data"` }
WSInstrumentResponse represents websocket instruments push message
type WSOpenInterestResponse ¶
type WSOpenInterestResponse struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []OpenInterest `json:"data"` }
WSOpenInterestResponse represents an open interest instance
type WSSubscriptionInformationList ¶
type WSSubscriptionInformationList struct { Operation string `json:"op"` Arguments []SubscriptionInfo `json:"args"` }
WSSubscriptionInformationList websocket subscription and unsubscription operation inputs
type WSTickerResponse ¶
type WSTickerResponse struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []TickerResponse `json:"data"` }
WSTickerResponse represents websocket ticker response
type WebsocketEventRequest ¶
type WebsocketEventRequest struct { Operation string `json:"op"` // 1--subscribe 2--unsubscribe 3--login Arguments []WebsocketLoginData `json:"args"` // args: the value is the channel name, which can be one or more channels }
WebsocketEventRequest contains event data for a websocket channel
type WebsocketLoginData ¶
type WebsocketLoginData struct { APIKey string `json:"apiKey"` Passphrase string `json:"passphrase"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp,string"` Sign string `json:"sign"` }
WebsocketLoginData represents the websocket login data input json data
type WithdrawalHistoryResponse ¶
type WithdrawalHistoryResponse struct { Currency string `json:"ccy"` ChainName string `json:"chain"` NonTradableAsset bool `json:"nonTradableAsset"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` FromRemittingAddress string `json:"from"` ToReceivingAddress string `json:"to"` AreaCodeFrom string `json:"areaCodeFrom"` AreaCodeTo string `json:"areaCodeTo"` Tag string `json:"tag"` WithdrawalFee types.Number `json:"fee"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCcy"` Memo string `json:"memo"` AddrEx string `json:"addrEx"` ClientID string `json:"clientId"` TransactionID string `json:"txId"` // Hash record of the withdrawal. This parameter will not be returned for internal transfers. StateOfWithdrawal string `json:"state"` WithdrawalID string `json:"wdId"` PaymentID string `json:"pmtId"` }
WithdrawalHistoryResponse represents the withdrawal response history
type WithdrawalInput ¶
type WithdrawalInput struct { Currency currency.Code `json:"ccy"` Amount float64 `json:"amt,string"` TransactionFee float64 `json:"fee,string"` WithdrawalDestination string `json:"dest"` ChainName string `json:"chain"` ToAddress string `json:"toAddr"` ClientID string `json:"clientId"` AreaCode string `json:"areaCode,omitempty"` RecipientInformation *WithdrawalRecipientInformation `json:"rcvrInfo,omitempty"` }
WithdrawalInput represents request parameters for cryptocurrency withdrawal
type WithdrawalRecipientInformation ¶
type WithdrawalRecipientInformation struct { WalletType string `json:"walletType,omitempty"` ExchangeID string `json:"exchId,omitempty"` ReceiverFirstName string `json:"rcvrFirstName,omitempty"` ReceiverLastName string `json:"rcvrLastName,omitempty"` ReceiverCountry string `json:"rcvrCountry,omitempty"` ReceiverCountrySubDivision string `json:"rcvrCountrySubDivision,omitempty"` ReceiverTownName string `json:"rcvrTownName,omitempty"` ReceiverStreetName string `json:"rcvrStreetName,omitempty"` }
WithdrawalRecipientInformation represents a recipient information for withdrawal
type WithdrawalResponse ¶
type WithdrawalResponse struct { Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` WithdrawalID string `json:"wdId"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` ClientID string `json:"clientId"` Chain string `json:"chain"` }
WithdrawalResponse cryptocurrency withdrawal response
type WsAccountChannelPushData ¶
type WsAccountChannelPushData struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []Account `json:"data,omitempty"` }
WsAccountChannelPushData holds the websocket push data following the subscription
type WsAdvancedAlgoOrder ¶
type WsAdvancedAlgoOrder struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []WsAdvancedAlgoOrderDetail `json:"data"` }
WsAdvancedAlgoOrder advanced algo order response
type WsAdvancedAlgoOrderDetail ¶
type WsAdvancedAlgoOrderDetail struct { ActualPrice types.Number `json:"actualPx"` ActualSide string `json:"actualSide"` ActualSize types.Number `json:"actualSz"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Count string `json:"count"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` Leverage types.Number `json:"lever"` NotionalUSD types.Number `json:"notionalUsd"` OrderPrice types.Number `json:"ordPx"` OrdType string `json:"ordType"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` PriceLimit types.Number `json:"pxLimit"` PriceSpread types.Number `json:"pxSpread"` PriceVariation string `json:"pxVar"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` StopLossOrderPrice types.Number `json:"slOrdPx"` StopLossTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"slTriggerPx"` State string `json:"state"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` SizeLimit types.Number `json:"szLimit"` TradeMode string `json:"tdMode"` TimeInterval string `json:"timeInterval"` TakeProfitOrderPrice types.Number `json:"tpOrdPx"` TakeProfitTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"tpTriggerPx"` Tag string `json:"tag"` TriggerPrice types.Number `json:"triggerPx"` CallbackRatio types.Number `json:"callbackRatio"` CallbackSpread string `json:"callbackSpread"` ActivePrice types.Number `json:"activePx"` MoveTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"moveTriggerPx"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` PushTime types.Time `json:"pTime"` TriggerTime types.Time `json:"triggerTime"` }
WsAdvancedAlgoOrderDetail advanced algo order response pushed through the websocket conn
type WsAlgoOrder ¶
type WsAlgoOrder struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []WsAlgoOrderDetail `json:"data"` }
WsAlgoOrder algo order detailed data
type WsAlgoOrderDetail ¶
type WsAlgoOrderDetail struct { InstrumentType string `json:"instType"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` AlgoID string `json:"algoId"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` TradeMode string `json:"tdMode"` TargetCurrency string `json:"tgtCcy"` NotionalUsd string `json:"notionalUsd"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` Side order.Side `json:"side"` PositionSide string `json:"posSide"` State string `json:"state"` Leverage string `json:"lever"` TakeProfitTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"tpTriggerPx"` TakeProfitTriggerPriceType string `json:"tpTriggerPxType"` TakeProfitOrdPrice types.Number `json:"tpOrdPx"` StopLossTriggerPrice types.Number `json:"slTriggerPx"` StopLossTriggerPriceType string `json:"slTriggerPxType"` TriggerPrice types.Number `json:"triggerPx"` TriggerPriceType string `json:"triggerPxType"` OrderPrice types.Number `json:"ordPx"` ActualSize types.Number `json:"actualSz"` ActualPrice types.Number `json:"actualPx"` Tag string `json:"tag"` ActualSide string `json:"actualSide"` TriggerTime types.Time `json:"triggerTime"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` }
WsAlgoOrderDetail algo order response pushed through the websocket conn
type WsBalanceAndPosition ¶
type WsBalanceAndPosition struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []BalanceAndPositionData `json:"data"` }
WsBalanceAndPosition websocket push data for lis of BalanceAndPosition information
type WsBlockTicker ¶
type WsBlockTicker struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []BlockTicker `json:"data"` }
WsBlockTicker represents websocket push data as a result of subscription to channel "block-tickers"
type WsBlockTradeResponse ¶
type WsBlockTradeResponse struct { CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` RFQID string `json:"rfqId"` ClientRFQID string `json:"clRfqId"` QuoteID string `json:"quoteId"` ClientQuoteID string `json:"clQuoteId"` BlockTradeID string `json:"blockTdId"` TakerTraderCode string `json:"tTraderCode"` MakerTraderCode string `json:"mTraderCode"` Legs []OrderLeg `json:"legs"` }
WsBlockTradeResponse represents a structure block order information
type WsContractGridAlgoOrder ¶
type WsContractGridAlgoOrder struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []ContractGridAlgoOrder `json:"data"` }
WsContractGridAlgoOrder represents websocket push data for "grid-orders-contract" subscription
type WsDeliveryEstimatedPrice ¶
type WsDeliveryEstimatedPrice struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []DeliveryEstimatedPrice `json:"data"` }
WsDeliveryEstimatedPrice represents an estimated delivery/exercise price push data as a result of subscription to "estimated-price" channel
type WsDepositInfo ¶
type WsDepositInfo struct { ActualDepBulkConfirm string `json:"actualDepBlkConfirm"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` AreaCodeFrom string `json:"areaCodeFrom"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Chain string `json:"chain"` DepositID string `json:"depId"` From string `json:"from"` FromWdID string `json:"fromWdId"` // Internal transfer initiator's withdrawal ID PushTime types.Time `json:"pTime"` State string `json:"state"` SubAccount string `json:"subAcct"` To string `json:"to"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` TransactionID string `json:"txId"` UID string `json:"uid"` }
WsDepositInfo represents a deposit information
type WsFundingRate ¶
type WsFundingRate struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []FundingRateResponse `json:"data"` }
WsFundingRate represents websocket push data funding rate response
type WsGreekData ¶
type WsGreekData struct { ThetaBS string `json:"thetaBS"` ThetaPA string `json:"thetaPA"` DeltaBS string `json:"deltaBS"` DeltaPA string `json:"deltaPA"` GammaBS string `json:"gammaBS"` GammaPA string `json:"gammaPA"` VegaBS string `json:"vegaBS"` VegaPA string `json:"vegaPA"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
WsGreekData greeks push data through websocket channel
type WsGreeks ¶
type WsGreeks struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []WsGreekData `json:"data"` }
WsGreeks greeks push data with the subscription info through websocket channel
type WsGridSubOrderData ¶
type WsGridSubOrderData struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []GridSubOrderData `json:"data"` }
WsGridSubOrderData to retrieve grid sub orders. Data will be pushed when first subscribed. Data will be pushed when triggered by events such as placing order
type WsIndexTicker ¶
type WsIndexTicker struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []IndexTicker `json:"data"` }
WsIndexTicker represents websocket push data index ticker response
type WsMarkPrice ¶
type WsMarkPrice struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []MarkPrice `json:"data"` }
WsMarkPrice represents an estimated mark price push data as a result of subscription to "mark-price" channel
type WsOperationInput ¶
type WsOperationInput struct { ID string `json:"id"` Operation string `json:"op"` Arguments any `json:"args"` }
WsOperationInput for all websocket request inputs
type WsOptionSummary ¶
type WsOptionSummary struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []OptionMarketDataResponse `json:"data"` }
WsOptionSummary represents option summary
type WsOptionTrades ¶
type WsOptionTrades struct { Arg SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []PublicTrade `json:"data"` }
WsOptionTrades represents option trade data
type WsOrder ¶
type WsOrder struct { PendingOrderItem AmendResult string `json:"amendResult"` Code string `json:"code"` ExecType string `json:"execType"` FillFee types.Number `json:"fillFee"` FillFeeCurrency string `json:"fillFeeCcy"` FillNotionalUsd types.Number `json:"fillNotionalUsd"` Msg string `json:"msg"` NotionalUSD types.Number `json:"notionalUsd"` ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly,string"` RequestID string `json:"reqId"` }
WsOrder represents a websocket order
type WsOrderActionResponse ¶
type WsOrderActionResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` Operation string `json:"op"` Data []OrderData `json:"data"` Code string `json:"code"` Msg string `json:"msg"` }
WsOrderActionResponse holds websocket response Amendment request
type WsOrderBook ¶
type WsOrderBook struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Action string `json:"action"` Data []WsOrderBookData `json:"data"` }
WsOrderBook order book represents order book push data which is returned as a result of subscription to "books*" channel
type WsOrderBookData ¶
type WsOrderBookData struct { Asks [][4]types.Number `json:"asks"` Bids [][4]types.Number `json:"bids"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` Checksum int32 `json:"checksum,omitempty"` }
WsOrderBookData represents a book order push data
type WsOrderResponse ¶
type WsOrderResponse struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []WsOrder `json:"data"` }
WsOrderResponse holds order list push data through the websocket connection
type WsOrderbook5 ¶
type WsOrderbook5 struct { Argument struct { Channel string `json:"channel"` InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` } `json:"arg"` Data []Book5Data `json:"data"` }
WsOrderbook5 stores the orderbook data for orderbook 5 websocket
type WsPlaceOrderResponse ¶
type WsPlaceOrderResponse struct { OperationResponse Data []OrderData `json:"data"` }
WsPlaceOrderResponse place order response thought the websocket connection
type WsPositionResponse ¶
type WsPositionResponse struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Arguments []AccountPosition `json:"data"` }
WsPositionResponse represents pushed position data through the websocket channel
type WsPublicTradesResponse ¶
type WsPublicTradesResponse struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []PublicTradesResponse `json:"data"` }
WsPublicTradesResponse represents websocket push data of structured block trades as a result of subscription to "public-struc-block-trades"
type WsQuote ¶
type WsQuote struct { Arguments SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []WsQuoteData `json:"data"` }
WsQuote represents websocket push data for "quotes" subscription
type WsQuoteData ¶
type WsQuoteData struct { ValidUntil types.Time `json:"validUntil"` UpdatedTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Legs []OrderLeg `json:"legs"` QuoteID string `json:"quoteId"` RFQID string `json:"rfqId"` TraderCode string `json:"traderCode"` QuoteSide string `json:"quoteSide"` State string `json:"state"` ClientQuoteID string `json:"clQuoteId"` }
WsQuoteData represents a single quote order information
type WsRFQ ¶
type WsRFQ struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []WsRFQData `json:"data"` }
WsRFQ represents websocket push data for "rfqs" subscription
type WsRFQData ¶
type WsRFQData struct { CreationTime time.Time `json:"cTime"` UpdateTime time.Time `json:"uTime"` TraderCode string `json:"traderCode"` RFQID string `json:"rfqId"` ClientRFQID string `json:"clRfqId"` State string `json:"state"` ValidUntil string `json:"validUntil"` Counterparties []string `json:"counterparties"` Legs []RFQOrderLeg `json:"legs"` }
WsRFQData represents rfq order response data streamed through the websocket channel
type WsSpotGridAlgoOrder ¶
type WsSpotGridAlgoOrder struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []SpotGridAlgoData `json:"data"` }
WsSpotGridAlgoOrder represents websocket push data for "struc-block-trades" subscription
type WsSpreadOrder ¶
type WsSpreadOrder struct { SpreadID string `json:"sprdId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` Tag string `json:"tag"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` Side string `json:"side"` FillSize types.Number `json:"fillSz"` FillPrice types.Number `json:"fillPx"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` AccFillSize types.Number `json:"accFillSz"` PendingFillSize types.Number `json:"pendingFillSz"` PendingSettleSize types.Number `json:"pendingSettleSz"` CanceledSize types.Number `json:"canceledSz"` State string `json:"state"` AveragePrice types.Number `json:"avgPx"` CancelSource string `json:"cancelSource"` UpdateTime types.Time `json:"uTime"` CreationTime types.Time `json:"cTime"` Code string `json:"code"` Msg string `json:"msg"` }
WsSpreadOrder represents spread order detail
type WsSpreadOrderTrade ¶
type WsSpreadOrderTrade struct { Argument struct { Channel string `json:"channel"` SpreadID string `json:"sprdId"` UID string `json:"uid"` } `json:"arg"` Data []struct { SpreadID string `json:"sprdId"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` OrderID string `json:"ordId"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdId"` Tag string `json:"tag"` FillPrice types.Number `json:"fillPx"` FillSize types.Number `json:"fillSz"` State string `json:"state"` Side string `json:"side"` ExecType string `json:"execType"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` Legs []struct { InstrumentID string `json:"instId"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Side string `json:"side"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCcy"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` } `json:"legs"` Code string `json:"code"` Msg string `json:"msg"` } `json:"data"` }
WsSpreadOrderTrade trade of an order
type WsSpreadOrderbook ¶
type WsSpreadOrderbook struct { Arg struct { Channel string `json:"channel"` SpreadID string `json:"sprdId"` } `json:"arg"` Data []struct { Asks [][3]types.Number `json:"asks"` Bids [][3]types.Number `json:"bids"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` } `json:"data"` }
WsSpreadOrderbook holds spread orderbook data
func (*WsSpreadOrderbook) ExtractSpreadOrder ¶
func (a *WsSpreadOrderbook) ExtractSpreadOrder() (*WsSpreadOrderbookData, error)
ExtractSpreadOrder extracts WsSpreadOrderbookData from a WsSpreadOrderbook instance
type WsSpreadOrderbookData ¶
type WsSpreadOrderbookData struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []WsSpreadOrderbookItem }
WsSpreadOrderbookData represents orderbook response for spread instruments
type WsSpreadOrderbookItem ¶
type WsSpreadOrderbookItem struct { Asks []orderbook.Tranche Bids []orderbook.Tranche Timestamp time.Time }
WsSpreadOrderbookItem represents an orderbook asks and bids details
type WsSpreadPublicTicker ¶
type WsSpreadPublicTicker struct { SpreadID string `json:"sprdId"` Last types.Number `json:"last"` LastSize types.Number `json:"lastSz"` AskPrice types.Number `json:"askPx"` AskSize types.Number `json:"askSz"` BidPrice types.Number `json:"bidPx"` BidSize types.Number `json:"bidSz"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
WsSpreadPublicTicker holds spread public ticker data
type WsSpreadPublicTrade ¶
type WsSpreadPublicTrade struct { SpreadID string `json:"sprdId"` Side string `json:"side"` Size types.Number `json:"sz"` Price types.Number `json:"px"` TradeID string `json:"tradeId"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` }
WsSpreadPublicTrade holds trades data from sprd-public-trades
type WsSpreadPushData ¶
type WsSpreadPushData struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data any `json:"data"` }
WsSpreadPushData holds push data
type WsStructureBlocTrade ¶
type WsStructureBlocTrade struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []WsBlockTradeResponse `json:"data"` }
WsStructureBlocTrade represents websocket push data for "struc-block-trades" subscription
type WsSystemStatusResponse ¶
type WsSystemStatusResponse struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []SystemStatusResponse `json:"data"` }
WsSystemStatusResponse represents websocket push data system status push data
type WsTradeOrder ¶
type WsTradeOrder struct { Argument SubscriptionInfo `json:"arg"` Data []TradeResponse `json:"data"` }
WsTradeOrder represents a trade push data response as a result subscription to "trades" channel
type WsWithdrawlInfo ¶
type WsWithdrawlInfo struct { AddrEx any `json:"addrEx"` Amount types.Number `json:"amt"` AreaCodeFrom string `json:"areaCodeFrom"` AreaCodeTo string `json:"areaCodeTo"` Currency string `json:"ccy"` Chain string `json:"chain"` ClientID string `json:"clientId"` Fee types.Number `json:"fee"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCcy"` From string `json:"from"` Memo string `json:"memo"` NonTradableAsset bool `json:"nonTradableAsset"` PushTime types.Time `json:"pTime"` PmtID string `json:"pmtId"` State string `json:"state"` SubAcct string `json:"subAcct"` Tag string `json:"tag"` To string `json:"to"` Timestamp types.Time `json:"ts"` TransactionID string `json:"txId"` UID string `json:"uid"` WithdrawalID string `json:"wdId"` }
WsWithdrawlInfo represents push notification is triggered when a withdrawal is initiated or the withdrawal status changes