Index ¶
- func DeleteCharactersCharacterIdContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func DeleteCharactersCharacterIdFittingsFittingId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func DeleteCharactersCharacterIdMailLabelsLabelId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func DeleteCharactersCharacterIdMailMailId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func DeleteFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func DeleteFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func DeleteFleetsFleetIdWingsWingId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetAlliances(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetAlliancesAllianceId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetAlliancesAllianceIdContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetAlliancesAllianceIdContactsLabels(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetAlliancesAllianceIdCorporations(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetAlliancesAllianceIdIcons(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdAgentsResearch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdAssets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdAttributes(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdBlueprints(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarks(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksFolders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendar(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdAttendees(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdClones(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdContactsLabels(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdContracts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdBids(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdCorporationhistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdFatigue(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdFittings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdFleet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStats(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdImplants(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdIndustryJobs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdKillmailsRecent(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdLocation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdLoyaltyPoints(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdMail(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdMailLabels(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdMailLists(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdMailUnread(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdMedals(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdMining(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdNotifications(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdNotificationsContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdOnline(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdOpportunities(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdOrders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdOrdersHistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdPlanets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdPortrait(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdRoles(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdSearch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdShip(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillqueue(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdSkills(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdStandings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdTitles(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdWallet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdWalletJournal(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCharactersCharacterIdWalletTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetContractsPublicBidsContractId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetContractsPublicItemsContractId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetContractsPublicRegionId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningExtractions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningObservers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningObserversObserverId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdAlliancehistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdAssets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdBlueprints(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarks(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksFolders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContactsLabels(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContainersLogs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContracts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdBids(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdCustomsOffices(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdFacilities(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStats(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdIcons(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdIndustryJobs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdKillmailsRecent(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMedals(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMedalsIssued(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembersLimit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembersTitles(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembertracking(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdOrders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdOrdersHistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdRoles(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdRolesHistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdShareholders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdStandings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbases(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbasesStarbaseId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdStructures(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdTitles(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdWallets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdWalletsDivisionJournal(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsCorporationIdWalletsDivisionTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetCorporationsNpccorps(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetDogmaAttributes(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetDogmaAttributesAttributeId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetDogmaEffects(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetDogmaEffectsEffectId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetFleetsFleetId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetFleetsFleetIdMembers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetFleetsFleetIdWings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetFwLeaderboards(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetFwLeaderboardsCharacters(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetFwLeaderboardsCorporations(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetFwStats(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetFwSystems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetFwWars(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetIncursions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetIndustryFacilities(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetIndustrySystems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetInsurancePrices(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHash(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetMarketsGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetMarketsGroupsMarketGroupId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetMarketsPrices(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetMarketsRegionIdHistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetMarketsRegionIdOrders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetMarketsRegionIdTypes(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetMarketsStructuresStructureId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetOpportunitiesGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetOpportunitiesGroupsGroupId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetOpportunitiesTasks(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetOpportunitiesTasksTaskId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetRouteOriginDestination(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetSovereigntyCampaigns(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetSovereigntyMap(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetSovereigntyStructures(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseAncestries(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseBloodlines(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseCategories(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseCategoriesCategoryId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseConstellations(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseFactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseGraphics(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseGraphicsGraphicId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseGroupsGroupId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseMoonsMoonId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniversePlanetsPlanetId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseRaces(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseRegions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseRegionsRegionId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseSchematicsSchematicId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseStargatesStargateId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseStarsStarId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseStationsStationId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseStructures(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseStructuresStructureId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseSystemJumps(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseSystemKills(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseSystems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseSystemsSystemId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseTypes(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetUniverseTypesTypeId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetWars(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetWarsWarId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func GetWarsWarIdKillmails(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func Logger(inner http.Handler, name string) http.Handler
- func PostCharactersAffiliation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostCharactersCharacterIdAssetsLocations(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostCharactersCharacterIdAssetsNames(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostCharactersCharacterIdContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostCharactersCharacterIdCspa(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostCharactersCharacterIdFittings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostCharactersCharacterIdMail(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostCharactersCharacterIdMailLabels(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsLocations(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsNames(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostFleetsFleetIdMembers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostFleetsFleetIdWings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdSquads(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostUiAutopilotWaypoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostUiOpenwindowContract(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostUiOpenwindowInformation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostUiOpenwindowMarketdetails(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostUiOpenwindowNewmail(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostUniverseIds(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PostUniverseNames(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PutCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PutCharactersCharacterIdContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PutCharactersCharacterIdMailMailId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PutFleetsFleetId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PutFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PutFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func PutFleetsFleetIdWingsWingId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- type BadRequest
- type DeleteCharactersCharacterIdMailLabelsLabelIdUnprocessableEntity
- type DeleteFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberIdNotFound
- type DeleteFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadIdNotFound
- type DeleteFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdNotFound
- type ErrorLimited
- type Forbidden
- type GatewayTimeout
- type GetAlliancesAllianceIdContacts200Ok
- type GetAlliancesAllianceIdContactsLabels200Ok
- type GetAlliancesAllianceIdIconsNotFound
- type GetAlliancesAllianceIdIconsOk
- type GetAlliancesAllianceIdNotFound
- type GetAlliancesAllianceIdOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdAgentsResearch200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdAssets200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdAttributesOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdBlueprints200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarks200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksCoordinates
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksFolders200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksItem
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksTarget
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendar200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdAttendees200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdAttendeesNotFound
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdNotFound
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdClonesHomeLocation
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdClonesJumpClone
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdClonesOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdContacts200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdContactsLabels200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdContracts200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdBids200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdBidsNotFound
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdItems200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdItemsNotFound
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdCorporationhistory200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdFatigueOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdFittings200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdFittingsItem
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdFleetNotFound
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdFleetOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStatsKills
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStatsOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStatsVictoryPoints
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdIndustryJobs200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdKillmailsRecent200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdLocationOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdLoyaltyPoints200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdMail200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailLabels200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailLists200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdNotFound
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdRecipient
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailRecipient
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdMedals200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdMedalsGraphic
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdMining200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdNotFound
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdNotifications200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdNotificationsContacts200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdOpportunities200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdOrders200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdOrdersHistory200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdPlanets200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdPortraitNotFound
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdPortraitOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdRolesOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdSearchOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdShipOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillqueue200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillsOk
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillsSkill
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdStandings200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdTitles200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdWalletJournal200Ok
- type GetCharactersCharacterIdWalletTransactions200Ok
- type GetContractsPublicBidsContractId200Ok
- type GetContractsPublicBidsContractIdForbidden
- type GetContractsPublicBidsContractIdNotFound
- type GetContractsPublicItemsContractId200Ok
- type GetContractsPublicItemsContractIdForbidden
- type GetContractsPublicItemsContractIdNotFound
- type GetContractsPublicRegionId200Ok
- type GetContractsPublicRegionIdNotFound
- type GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningExtractions200Ok
- type GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningObservers200Ok
- type GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningObserversObserverId200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdAlliancehistory200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdAssets200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBlueprints200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarks200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksCoordinates
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksFolders200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksItem
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContacts200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContactsLabels200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContainersLogs200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContracts200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdBids200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdBidsNotFound
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdItems200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdItemsError520
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdItemsNotFound
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdCustomsOffices200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisionsHangarHangar
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisionsOk
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisionsWalletWallet
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdFacilities200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStatsKills
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStatsOk
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStatsVictoryPoints
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdIconsNotFound
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdIconsOk
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdIndustryJobs200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdKillmailsRecent200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdMedals200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdMedalsIssued200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembersTitles200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembertracking200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdNotFound
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdOk
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdOrders200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdOrdersHistory200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdRoles200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdRolesHistory200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdShareholders200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStandings200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbases200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbasesStarbaseIdFuel
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbasesStarbaseIdOk
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStructures200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStructuresService
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdTitles200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdWallets200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdWalletsDivisionJournal200Ok
- type GetCorporationsCorporationIdWalletsDivisionTransactions200Ok
- type GetDogmaAttributesAttributeIdNotFound
- type GetDogmaAttributesAttributeIdOk
- type GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdDogmaAttribute
- type GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdDogmaEffect
- type GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdNotFound
- type GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdOk
- type GetDogmaEffectsEffectIdModifier
- type GetDogmaEffectsEffectIdNotFound
- type GetDogmaEffectsEffectIdOk
- type GetFleetsFleetIdMembers200Ok
- type GetFleetsFleetIdMembersNotFound
- type GetFleetsFleetIdNotFound
- type GetFleetsFleetIdOk
- type GetFleetsFleetIdWings200Ok
- type GetFleetsFleetIdWingsNotFound
- type GetFleetsFleetIdWingsSquad
- type GetFwLeaderboardsActiveTotalActiveTotal
- type GetFwLeaderboardsActiveTotalActiveTotal1
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersActiveTotalActiveTotal
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersActiveTotalActiveTotal1
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersKills
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersLastWeekLastWeek
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersLastWeekLastWeek1
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersOk
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersVictoryPoints
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersYesterdayYesterday
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersYesterdayYesterday1
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsActiveTotalActiveTotal
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsActiveTotalActiveTotal1
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsKills
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsLastWeekLastWeek
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsLastWeekLastWeek1
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsOk
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsVictoryPoints
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsYesterdayYesterday
- type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsYesterdayYesterday1
- type GetFwLeaderboardsKills
- type GetFwLeaderboardsLastWeekLastWeek
- type GetFwLeaderboardsLastWeekLastWeek1
- type GetFwLeaderboardsOk
- type GetFwLeaderboardsVictoryPoints
- type GetFwLeaderboardsYesterdayYesterday
- type GetFwLeaderboardsYesterdayYesterday1
- type GetFwStats200Ok
- type GetFwStatsKills
- type GetFwStatsVictoryPoints
- type GetFwSystems200Ok
- type GetFwWars200Ok
- type GetIncursions200Ok
- type GetIndustryFacilities200Ok
- type GetIndustrySystems200Ok
- type GetIndustrySystemsCostIndice
- type GetInsurancePrices200Ok
- type GetInsurancePricesLevel
- type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashAttacker
- type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashItem
- type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashItemsItem
- type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashOk
- type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashPosition
- type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashUnprocessableEntity
- type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashVictim
- type GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffers200Ok
- type GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffersNotFound
- type GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffersRequiredItem
- type GetMarketsGroupsMarketGroupIdNotFound
- type GetMarketsGroupsMarketGroupIdOk
- type GetMarketsPrices200Ok
- type GetMarketsRegionIdHistory200Ok
- type GetMarketsRegionIdHistoryError520
- type GetMarketsRegionIdHistoryNotFound
- type GetMarketsRegionIdHistoryUnprocessableEntity
- type GetMarketsRegionIdOrders200Ok
- type GetMarketsRegionIdOrdersNotFound
- type GetMarketsRegionIdOrdersUnprocessableEntity
- type GetMarketsRegionIdTypesNotFound
- type GetMarketsStructuresStructureId200Ok
- type GetOpportunitiesGroupsGroupIdOk
- type GetOpportunitiesTasksTaskIdOk
- type GetRouteOriginDestinationNotFound
- type GetSovereigntyCampaigns200Ok
- type GetSovereigntyCampaignsParticipant
- type GetSovereigntyMap200Ok
- type GetSovereigntyStructures200Ok
- type GetStatusOk
- type GetUniverseAncestries200Ok
- type GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltIdNotFound
- type GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltIdOk
- type GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltIdPosition
- type GetUniverseBloodlines200Ok
- type GetUniverseCategoriesCategoryIdNotFound
- type GetUniverseCategoriesCategoryIdOk
- type GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationIdNotFound
- type GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationIdOk
- type GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationIdPosition
- type GetUniverseFactions200Ok
- type GetUniverseGraphicsGraphicIdNotFound
- type GetUniverseGraphicsGraphicIdOk
- type GetUniverseGroupsGroupIdNotFound
- type GetUniverseGroupsGroupIdOk
- type GetUniverseMoonsMoonIdNotFound
- type GetUniverseMoonsMoonIdOk
- type GetUniverseMoonsMoonIdPosition
- type GetUniversePlanetsPlanetIdNotFound
- type GetUniversePlanetsPlanetIdOk
- type GetUniversePlanetsPlanetIdPosition
- type GetUniverseRaces200Ok
- type GetUniverseRegionsRegionIdNotFound
- type GetUniverseRegionsRegionIdOk
- type GetUniverseSchematicsSchematicIdNotFound
- type GetUniverseSchematicsSchematicIdOk
- type GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdDestination
- type GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdNotFound
- type GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdOk
- type GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdPosition
- type GetUniverseStarsStarIdOk
- type GetUniverseStationsStationIdOk
- type GetUniverseStructuresStructureIdNotFound
- type GetUniverseStructuresStructureIdOk
- type GetUniverseStructuresStructureIdPosition
- type GetUniverseSystemJumps200Ok
- type GetUniverseSystemKills200Ok
- type GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdNotFound
- type GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdOk
- type GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdPlanet
- type GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdPosition
- type GetUniverseTypesTypeIdDogmaAttribute
- type GetUniverseTypesTypeIdDogmaEffect
- type GetUniverseTypesTypeIdNotFound
- type GetUniverseTypesTypeIdOk
- type GetWarsWarIdAggressor
- type GetWarsWarIdAlly
- type GetWarsWarIdDefender
- type GetWarsWarIdKillmails200Ok
- type GetWarsWarIdKillmailsUnprocessableEntity
- type GetWarsWarIdOk
- type GetWarsWarIdUnprocessableEntity
- type InternalServerError
- type PostCharactersAffiliation200Ok
- type PostCharactersAffiliationNotFound
- type PostCharactersCharacterIdAssetsLocations200Ok
- type PostCharactersCharacterIdAssetsNames200Ok
- type PostCharactersCharacterIdFittingsCreated
- type PostCharactersCharacterIdFittingsFitting
- type PostCharactersCharacterIdFittingsItem
- type PostCharactersCharacterIdMailError520
- type PostCharactersCharacterIdMailLabelsLabel
- type PostCharactersCharacterIdMailMail
- type PostCharactersCharacterIdMailRecipient
- type PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsLocations200Ok
- type PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsLocationsNotFound
- type PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsNames200Ok
- type PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsNamesNotFound
- type PostFleetsFleetIdMembersInvitation
- type PostFleetsFleetIdMembersNotFound
- type PostFleetsFleetIdMembersUnprocessableEntity
- type PostFleetsFleetIdWingsCreated
- type PostFleetsFleetIdWingsNotFound
- type PostFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdSquadsCreated
- type PostFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdSquadsNotFound
- type PostUiOpenwindowNewmailNewMail
- type PostUiOpenwindowNewmailUnprocessableEntity
- type PostUniverseIdsAgent
- type PostUniverseIdsAlliance
- type PostUniverseIdsCharacter
- type PostUniverseIdsConstellation
- type PostUniverseIdsCorporation
- type PostUniverseIdsFaction
- type PostUniverseIdsInventoryType
- type PostUniverseIdsOk
- type PostUniverseIdsRegion
- type PostUniverseIdsStation
- type PostUniverseIdsSystem
- type PostUniverseNames200Ok
- type PostUniverseNamesNotFound
- type PutCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdResponse
- type PutCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdContents
- type PutFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberIdMovement
- type PutFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberIdNotFound
- type PutFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberIdUnprocessableEntity
- type PutFleetsFleetIdNewSettings
- type PutFleetsFleetIdNotFound
- type PutFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadIdNaming
- type PutFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadIdNotFound
- type PutFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdNaming
- type PutFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdNotFound
- type ServiceUnavailable
- type Unauthorized
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func DeleteCharactersCharacterIdContacts ¶
func DeleteCharactersCharacterIdContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func DeleteCharactersCharacterIdFittingsFittingId ¶
func DeleteCharactersCharacterIdFittingsFittingId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func DeleteCharactersCharacterIdMailLabelsLabelId ¶
func DeleteCharactersCharacterIdMailLabelsLabelId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func DeleteCharactersCharacterIdMailMailId ¶
func DeleteCharactersCharacterIdMailMailId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func DeleteFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberId ¶
func DeleteFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func DeleteFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadId ¶
func DeleteFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func DeleteFleetsFleetIdWingsWingId ¶
func DeleteFleetsFleetIdWingsWingId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetAlliances ¶
func GetAlliances(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetAlliancesAllianceId ¶
func GetAlliancesAllianceId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetAlliancesAllianceIdContacts ¶
func GetAlliancesAllianceIdContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetAlliancesAllianceIdContactsLabels ¶
func GetAlliancesAllianceIdContactsLabels(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetAlliancesAllianceIdCorporations ¶
func GetAlliancesAllianceIdCorporations(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetAlliancesAllianceIdIcons ¶
func GetAlliancesAllianceIdIcons(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterId ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdAgentsResearch ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdAgentsResearch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdAssets ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdAssets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdAttributes ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdAttributes(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdBlueprints ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdBlueprints(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarks ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarks(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksFolders ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksFolders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendar ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendar(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventId ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdAttendees ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdAttendees(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdClones ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdClones(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdContacts ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdContactsLabels ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdContactsLabels(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdContracts ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdContracts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdBids ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdBids(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdItems ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdCorporationhistory ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdCorporationhistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdFatigue ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdFatigue(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdFittings ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdFittings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdFleet ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdFleet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStats ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStats(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdImplants ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdImplants(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdIndustryJobs ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdIndustryJobs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdKillmailsRecent ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdKillmailsRecent(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdLocation ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdLocation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdLoyaltyPoints ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdLoyaltyPoints(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMail ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMail(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMailLabels ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMailLabels(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMailLists ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMailLists(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailId ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMailUnread ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMailUnread(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMedals ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMedals(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMining ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdMining(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdNotifications ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdNotifications(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdNotificationsContacts ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdNotificationsContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdOnline ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdOnline(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdOpportunities ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdOpportunities(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdOrders ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdOrders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdOrdersHistory ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdOrdersHistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdPlanets ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdPlanets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdPortrait ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdPortrait(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdRoles ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdRoles(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdSearch ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdSearch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdShip ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdShip(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillqueue ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillqueue(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdSkills ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdSkills(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdStandings ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdStandings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdTitles ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdTitles(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdWallet ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdWallet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdWalletJournal ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdWalletJournal(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCharactersCharacterIdWalletTransactions ¶
func GetCharactersCharacterIdWalletTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetContractsPublicBidsContractId ¶
func GetContractsPublicBidsContractId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetContractsPublicItemsContractId ¶
func GetContractsPublicItemsContractId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetContractsPublicRegionId ¶
func GetContractsPublicRegionId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningExtractions ¶
func GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningExtractions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningObservers ¶
func GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningObservers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningObserversObserverId ¶
func GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningObserversObserverId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationId ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdAlliancehistory ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdAlliancehistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdAssets ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdAssets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdBlueprints ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdBlueprints(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarks ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarks(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksFolders ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksFolders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContacts ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContactsLabels ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContactsLabels(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContainersLogs ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContainersLogs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContracts ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContracts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdBids ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdBids(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdItems ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdItems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdCustomsOffices ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdCustomsOffices(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisions ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdFacilities ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdFacilities(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStats ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStats(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdIcons ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdIcons(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdIndustryJobs ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdIndustryJobs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdKillmailsRecent ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdKillmailsRecent(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMedals ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMedals(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMedalsIssued ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMedalsIssued(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembers ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembersLimit ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembersLimit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembersTitles ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembersTitles(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembertracking ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembertracking(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdOrders ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdOrders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdOrdersHistory ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdOrdersHistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdRoles ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdRoles(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdRolesHistory ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdRolesHistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdShareholders ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdShareholders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdStandings ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdStandings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbases ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbases(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbasesStarbaseId ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbasesStarbaseId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdStructures ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdStructures(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdTitles ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdTitles(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdWallets ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdWallets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdWalletsDivisionJournal ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdWalletsDivisionJournal(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdWalletsDivisionTransactions ¶
func GetCorporationsCorporationIdWalletsDivisionTransactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetCorporationsNpccorps ¶
func GetCorporationsNpccorps(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetDogmaAttributes ¶
func GetDogmaAttributes(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetDogmaAttributesAttributeId ¶
func GetDogmaAttributesAttributeId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemId ¶
func GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetDogmaEffects ¶
func GetDogmaEffects(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetDogmaEffectsEffectId ¶
func GetDogmaEffectsEffectId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetFleetsFleetId ¶
func GetFleetsFleetId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetFleetsFleetIdMembers ¶
func GetFleetsFleetIdMembers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetFleetsFleetIdWings ¶
func GetFleetsFleetIdWings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetFwLeaderboards ¶
func GetFwLeaderboards(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetFwLeaderboardsCharacters ¶
func GetFwLeaderboardsCharacters(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetFwLeaderboardsCorporations ¶
func GetFwLeaderboardsCorporations(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetFwStats ¶
func GetFwStats(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetFwSystems ¶
func GetFwSystems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetIncursions ¶
func GetIncursions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetIndustryFacilities ¶
func GetIndustryFacilities(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetIndustrySystems ¶
func GetIndustrySystems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetInsurancePrices ¶
func GetInsurancePrices(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHash ¶
func GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHash(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffers ¶
func GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetMarketsGroups ¶
func GetMarketsGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetMarketsGroupsMarketGroupId ¶
func GetMarketsGroupsMarketGroupId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetMarketsPrices ¶
func GetMarketsPrices(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetMarketsRegionIdHistory ¶
func GetMarketsRegionIdHistory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetMarketsRegionIdOrders ¶
func GetMarketsRegionIdOrders(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetMarketsRegionIdTypes ¶
func GetMarketsRegionIdTypes(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetMarketsStructuresStructureId ¶
func GetMarketsStructuresStructureId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetOpportunitiesGroups ¶
func GetOpportunitiesGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetOpportunitiesGroupsGroupId ¶
func GetOpportunitiesGroupsGroupId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetOpportunitiesTasks ¶
func GetOpportunitiesTasks(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetOpportunitiesTasksTaskId ¶
func GetOpportunitiesTasksTaskId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetRouteOriginDestination ¶
func GetRouteOriginDestination(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetSovereigntyCampaigns ¶
func GetSovereigntyCampaigns(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetSovereigntyMap ¶
func GetSovereigntyMap(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetSovereigntyStructures ¶
func GetSovereigntyStructures(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseAncestries ¶
func GetUniverseAncestries(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltId ¶
func GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseBloodlines ¶
func GetUniverseBloodlines(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseCategories ¶
func GetUniverseCategories(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseCategoriesCategoryId ¶
func GetUniverseCategoriesCategoryId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseConstellations ¶
func GetUniverseConstellations(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationId ¶
func GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseFactions ¶
func GetUniverseFactions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseGraphics ¶
func GetUniverseGraphics(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseGraphicsGraphicId ¶
func GetUniverseGraphicsGraphicId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseGroups ¶
func GetUniverseGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseGroupsGroupId ¶
func GetUniverseGroupsGroupId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseMoonsMoonId ¶
func GetUniverseMoonsMoonId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniversePlanetsPlanetId ¶
func GetUniversePlanetsPlanetId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseRaces ¶
func GetUniverseRaces(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseRegions ¶
func GetUniverseRegions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseRegionsRegionId ¶
func GetUniverseRegionsRegionId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseSchematicsSchematicId ¶
func GetUniverseSchematicsSchematicId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseStargatesStargateId ¶
func GetUniverseStargatesStargateId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseStarsStarId ¶
func GetUniverseStarsStarId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseStationsStationId ¶
func GetUniverseStationsStationId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseStructures ¶
func GetUniverseStructures(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseStructuresStructureId ¶
func GetUniverseStructuresStructureId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseSystemJumps ¶
func GetUniverseSystemJumps(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseSystemKills ¶
func GetUniverseSystemKills(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseSystems ¶
func GetUniverseSystems(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseSystemsSystemId ¶
func GetUniverseSystemsSystemId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseTypes ¶
func GetUniverseTypes(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetUniverseTypesTypeId ¶
func GetUniverseTypesTypeId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetWarsWarId ¶
func GetWarsWarId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetWarsWarIdKillmails ¶
func GetWarsWarIdKillmails(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostCharactersAffiliation ¶
func PostCharactersAffiliation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostCharactersCharacterIdAssetsLocations ¶
func PostCharactersCharacterIdAssetsLocations(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostCharactersCharacterIdAssetsNames ¶
func PostCharactersCharacterIdAssetsNames(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostCharactersCharacterIdContacts ¶
func PostCharactersCharacterIdContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostCharactersCharacterIdCspa ¶
func PostCharactersCharacterIdCspa(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostCharactersCharacterIdFittings ¶
func PostCharactersCharacterIdFittings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostCharactersCharacterIdMail ¶
func PostCharactersCharacterIdMail(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostCharactersCharacterIdMailLabels ¶
func PostCharactersCharacterIdMailLabels(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsLocations ¶
func PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsLocations(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsNames ¶
func PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsNames(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostFleetsFleetIdMembers ¶
func PostFleetsFleetIdMembers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostFleetsFleetIdWings ¶
func PostFleetsFleetIdWings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdSquads ¶
func PostFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdSquads(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostUiAutopilotWaypoint ¶
func PostUiAutopilotWaypoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostUiOpenwindowContract ¶
func PostUiOpenwindowContract(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostUiOpenwindowInformation ¶
func PostUiOpenwindowInformation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostUiOpenwindowMarketdetails ¶
func PostUiOpenwindowMarketdetails(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostUiOpenwindowNewmail ¶
func PostUiOpenwindowNewmail(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostUniverseIds ¶
func PostUniverseIds(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PostUniverseNames ¶
func PostUniverseNames(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PutCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventId ¶
func PutCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PutCharactersCharacterIdContacts ¶
func PutCharactersCharacterIdContacts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PutCharactersCharacterIdMailMailId ¶
func PutCharactersCharacterIdMailMailId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PutFleetsFleetId ¶
func PutFleetsFleetId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PutFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberId ¶
func PutFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PutFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadId ¶
func PutFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func PutFleetsFleetIdWingsWingId ¶
func PutFleetsFleetIdWingsWingId(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
Types ¶
type BadRequest ¶
type BadRequest struct { /* Bad request message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Bad request model
type DeleteCharactersCharacterIdMailLabelsLabelIdUnprocessableEntity ¶
type DeleteCharactersCharacterIdMailLabelsLabelIdUnprocessableEntity struct { /* Unprocessable entity message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Unprocessable entity
type DeleteFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberIdNotFound ¶
type DeleteFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type DeleteFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadIdNotFound ¶
type DeleteFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type DeleteFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdNotFound ¶
type DeleteFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type ErrorLimited ¶
type ErrorLimited struct { /* Error limited message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Error limited model
type Forbidden ¶
type Forbidden struct { /* Forbidden message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` /* status code received from SSO */ SsoStatus int32 `json:"sso_status,omitempty"` }
Forbidden model
type GatewayTimeout ¶
type GatewayTimeout struct { /* Gateway timeout message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` /* number of seconds the request was given */ Timeout int32 `json:"timeout,omitempty"` }
Gateway timeout model
type GetAlliancesAllianceIdContacts200Ok ¶
type GetAlliancesAllianceIdContacts200Ok struct { /* contact_id integer */ ContactId int32 `json:"contact_id,omitempty"` /* contact_type string */ ContactType string `json:"contact_type,omitempty"` /* Custom label of the contact */ LabelId int64 `json:"label_id,omitempty"` /* Standing of the contact */ Standing float32 `json:"standing,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetAlliancesAllianceIdContactsLabels200Ok ¶
type GetAlliancesAllianceIdContactsLabels200Ok struct { /* label_id integer */ LabelId int64 `json:"label_id,omitempty"` /* label_name string */ LabelName string `json:"label_name,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetAlliancesAllianceIdIconsNotFound ¶
type GetAlliancesAllianceIdIconsNotFound struct { /* error message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
No image server for this datasource
type GetAlliancesAllianceIdIconsOk ¶
type GetAlliancesAllianceIdIconsOk struct { /* px128x128 string */ Px128x128 string `json:"px128x128,omitempty"` /* px64x64 string */ Px64x64 string `json:"px64x64,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetAlliancesAllianceIdNotFound ¶
type GetAlliancesAllianceIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetAlliancesAllianceIdOk ¶
type GetAlliancesAllianceIdOk struct { /* ID of the corporation that created the alliance */ CreatorCorporationId int32 `json:"creator_corporation_id,omitempty"` /* ID of the character that created the alliance */ CreatorId int32 `json:"creator_id,omitempty"` /* date_founded string */ DateFounded time.Time `json:"date_founded,omitempty"` /* the executor corporation ID, if this alliance is not closed */ ExecutorCorporationId int32 `json:"executor_corporation_id,omitempty"` /* Faction ID this alliance is fighting for, if this alliance is enlisted in factional warfare */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` /* the full name of the alliance */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* the short name of the alliance */ Ticker string `json:"ticker,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdAgentsResearch200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdAgentsResearch200Ok struct { /* agent_id integer */ AgentId int32 `json:"agent_id,omitempty"` /* points_per_day number */ PointsPerDay float32 `json:"points_per_day,omitempty"` /* remainder_points number */ RemainderPoints float32 `json:"remainder_points,omitempty"` /* skill_type_id integer */ SkillTypeId int32 `json:"skill_type_id,omitempty"` /* started_at string */ StartedAt time.Time `json:"started_at,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdAssets200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdAssets200Ok struct { /* is_blueprint_copy boolean */ IsBlueprintCopy bool `json:"is_blueprint_copy,omitempty"` /* is_singleton boolean */ IsSingleton bool `json:"is_singleton,omitempty"` /* item_id integer */ ItemId int64 `json:"item_id,omitempty"` /* location_flag string */ LocationFlag string `json:"location_flag,omitempty"` /* location_id integer */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* location_type string */ LocationType string `json:"location_type,omitempty"` /* quantity integer */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdAttributesOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdAttributesOk struct { /* Neural remapping cooldown after a character uses remap accrued over time */ AccruedRemapCooldownDate time.Time `json:"accrued_remap_cooldown_date,omitempty"` /* Number of available bonus character neural remaps */ BonusRemaps int32 `json:"bonus_remaps,omitempty"` /* charisma integer */ Charisma int32 `json:"charisma,omitempty"` /* intelligence integer */ Intelligence int32 `json:"intelligence,omitempty"` /* Datetime of last neural remap, including usage of bonus remaps */ LastRemapDate time.Time `json:"last_remap_date,omitempty"` /* memory integer */ Memory int32 `json:"memory,omitempty"` /* perception integer */ Perception int32 `json:"perception,omitempty"` /* willpower integer */ Willpower int32 `json:"willpower,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdBlueprints200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdBlueprints200Ok struct { /* Unique ID for this item. */ ItemId int64 `json:"item_id,omitempty"` /* Type of the location_id */ LocationFlag string `json:"location_flag,omitempty"` /* References a station, a ship or an item_id if this blueprint is located within a container. If the return value is an item_id, then the Character AssetList API must be queried to find the container using the given item_id to determine the correct location of the Blueprint. */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* Material Efficiency Level of the blueprint. */ MaterialEfficiency int32 `json:"material_efficiency,omitempty"` /* A range of numbers with a minimum of -2 and no maximum value where -1 is an original and -2 is a copy. It can be a positive integer if it is a stack of blueprint originals fresh from the market (e.g. no activities performed on them yet). */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* Number of runs remaining if the blueprint is a copy, -1 if it is an original. */ Runs int32 `json:"runs,omitempty"` /* Time Efficiency Level of the blueprint. */ TimeEfficiency int32 `json:"time_efficiency,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarks200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarks200Ok struct { /* bookmark_id integer */ BookmarkId int64 `json:"bookmark_id,omitempty"` /* create_date string */ CreateDate time.Time `json:"create_date,omitempty"` /* creator_id integer */ CreatorId int32 `json:"creator_id,omitempty"` /* folder_id integer */ FolderId int32 `json:"folder_id,omitempty"` /* memo string */ Memo string `json:"memo,omitempty"` /* note string */ Note string `json:"note,omitempty"` /* owner_id integer */ OwnerId int32 `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` /* */ Target GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksTarget `json:"target,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksCoordinates ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksCoordinates struct { /* x number */ X float64 `json:"x,omitempty"` /* y number */ Y float64 `json:"y,omitempty"` /* z number */ Z float64 `json:"z,omitempty"` }
coordinates object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksFolders200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksFolders200Ok struct { /* folder_id integer */ FolderId int32 `json:"folder_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* owner_id integer */ OwnerId int32 `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksItem ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksItem struct { /* item_id integer */ ItemId int64 `json:"item_id,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
item object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksTarget ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksTarget struct { /* */ Coordinates GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksCoordinates `json:"coordinates,omitempty"` /* */ Item GetCharactersCharacterIdBookmarksItem `json:"item,omitempty"` /* location_id integer */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` }
target object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendar200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendar200Ok struct { /* event_date string */ EventDate time.Time `json:"event_date,omitempty"` /* event_id integer */ EventId int32 `json:"event_id,omitempty"` /* event_response string */ EventResponse string `json:"event_response,omitempty"` /* importance integer */ Importance int32 `json:"importance,omitempty"` /* title string */ Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdAttendees200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdAttendees200Ok struct { /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* event_response string */ EventResponse string `json:"event_response,omitempty"` }
character_id and response of an attendee
type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdAttendeesNotFound ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdAttendeesNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdNotFound ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdOk struct { /* date string */ Date time.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` /* Length in minutes */ Duration int32 `json:"duration,omitempty"` /* event_id integer */ EventId int32 `json:"event_id,omitempty"` /* importance integer */ Importance int32 `json:"importance,omitempty"` /* owner_id integer */ OwnerId int32 `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` /* owner_name string */ OwnerName string `json:"owner_name,omitempty"` /* owner_type string */ OwnerType string `json:"owner_type,omitempty"` /* response string */ Response string `json:"response,omitempty"` /* text string */ Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` /* title string */ Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
Full details of a specific event
type GetCharactersCharacterIdClonesHomeLocation ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdClonesHomeLocation struct { /* location_id integer */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* location_type string */ LocationType string `json:"location_type,omitempty"` }
home_location object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdClonesJumpClone ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdClonesJumpClone struct { /* implants array */ Implants []int32 `json:"implants,omitempty"` /* location_id integer */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* location_type string */ LocationType string `json:"location_type,omitempty"` }
jump_clone object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdClonesOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdClonesOk struct { /* */ HomeLocation GetCharactersCharacterIdClonesHomeLocation `json:"home_location,omitempty"` /* jump_clones array */ JumpClones []GetCharactersCharacterIdClonesJumpClone `json:"jump_clones,omitempty"` /* last_jump_date string */ LastJumpDate time.Time `json:"last_jump_date,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContacts200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContacts200Ok struct { /* contact_id integer */ ContactId int32 `json:"contact_id,omitempty"` /* contact_type string */ ContactType string `json:"contact_type,omitempty"` /* Whether this contact is in the blocked list. Note a missing value denotes unknown, not true or false */ IsBlocked bool `json:"is_blocked,omitempty"` /* Whether this contact is being watched */ IsWatched bool `json:"is_watched,omitempty"` /* Custom label of the contact */ LabelId int64 `json:"label_id,omitempty"` /* Standing of the contact */ Standing float32 `json:"standing,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContactsLabels200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContactsLabels200Ok struct { /* label_id integer */ LabelId int64 `json:"label_id,omitempty"` /* label_name string */ LabelName string `json:"label_name,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContracts200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContracts200Ok struct { /* Who will accept the contract */ AcceptorId int32 `json:"acceptor_id,omitempty"` /* ID to whom the contract is assigned, can be alliance, corporation or character ID */ AssigneeId int32 `json:"assignee_id,omitempty"` /* To whom the contract is available */ Availability string `json:"availability,omitempty"` /* Buyout price (for Auctions only) */ Buyout float64 `json:"buyout,omitempty"` /* Collateral price (for Couriers only) */ Collateral float64 `json:"collateral,omitempty"` /* contract_id integer */ ContractId int32 `json:"contract_id,omitempty"` /* Date of confirmation of contract */ DateAccepted time.Time `json:"date_accepted,omitempty"` /* Date of completed of contract */ DateCompleted time.Time `json:"date_completed,omitempty"` /* Expiration date of the contract */ DateExpired time.Time `json:"date_expired,omitempty"` /* Сreation date of the contract */ DateIssued time.Time `json:"date_issued,omitempty"` /* Number of days to perform the contract */ DaysToComplete int32 `json:"days_to_complete,omitempty"` /* End location ID (for Couriers contract) */ EndLocationId int64 `json:"end_location_id,omitempty"` /* true if the contract was issued on behalf of the issuer's corporation */ ForCorporation bool `json:"for_corporation,omitempty"` /* Character's corporation ID for the issuer */ IssuerCorporationId int32 `json:"issuer_corporation_id,omitempty"` /* Character ID for the issuer */ IssuerId int32 `json:"issuer_id,omitempty"` /* Price of contract (for ItemsExchange and Auctions) */ Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty"` /* Remuneration for contract (for Couriers only) */ Reward float64 `json:"reward,omitempty"` /* Start location ID (for Couriers contract) */ StartLocationId int64 `json:"start_location_id,omitempty"` /* Status of the the contract */ Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` /* Title of the contract */ Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` /* Type of the contract */ Type_ string `json:"type,omitempty"` /* Volume of items in the contract */ Volume float64 `json:"volume,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdBids200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdBids200Ok struct { /* The amount bid, in ISK */ Amount float32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* Unique ID for the bid */ BidId int32 `json:"bid_id,omitempty"` /* Character ID of the bidder */ BidderId int32 `json:"bidder_id,omitempty"` /* Datetime when the bid was placed */ DateBid time.Time `json:"date_bid,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdBidsNotFound ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdBidsNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdItems200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdItems200Ok struct { /* true if the contract issuer has submitted this item with the contract, false if the isser is asking for this item in the contract */ IsIncluded bool `json:"is_included,omitempty"` /* is_singleton boolean */ IsSingleton bool `json:"is_singleton,omitempty"` /* Number of items in the stack */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* -1 indicates that the item is a singleton (non-stackable). If the item happens to be a Blueprint, -1 is an Original and -2 is a Blueprint Copy */ RawQuantity int32 `json:"raw_quantity,omitempty"` /* Unique ID for the item */ RecordId int64 `json:"record_id,omitempty"` /* Type ID for item */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdItemsNotFound ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdContractsContractIdItemsNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetCharactersCharacterIdCorporationhistory200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdCorporationhistory200Ok struct { /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* True if the corporation has been deleted */ IsDeleted bool `json:"is_deleted,omitempty"` /* An incrementing ID that can be used to canonically establish order of records in cases where dates may be ambiguous */ RecordId int32 `json:"record_id,omitempty"` /* start_date string */ StartDate time.Time `json:"start_date,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFatigueOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFatigueOk struct { /* Character's jump fatigue expiry */ JumpFatigueExpireDate time.Time `json:"jump_fatigue_expire_date,omitempty"` /* Character's last jump activation */ LastJumpDate time.Time `json:"last_jump_date,omitempty"` /* Character's last jump update */ LastUpdateDate time.Time `json:"last_update_date,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFittings200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFittings200Ok struct { /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* fitting_id integer */ FittingId int32 `json:"fitting_id,omitempty"` /* items array */ Items []GetCharactersCharacterIdFittingsItem `json:"items,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* ship_type_id integer */ ShipTypeId int32 `json:"ship_type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFittingsItem ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFittingsItem struct { /* flag integer */ Flag int32 `json:"flag,omitempty"` /* quantity integer */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
item object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFleetNotFound ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFleetNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFleetOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFleetOk struct { /* The character's current fleet ID */ FleetId int64 `json:"fleet_id,omitempty"` /* Member’s role in fleet */ Role string `json:"role,omitempty"` /* ID of the squad the member is in. If not applicable, will be set to -1 */ SquadId int64 `json:"squad_id,omitempty"` /* ID of the wing the member is in. If not applicable, will be set to -1 */ WingId int64 `json:"wing_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStatsKills ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStatsKills struct { /* Last week's total number of kills by a given character against enemy factions */ LastWeek int32 `json:"last_week,omitempty"` /* Total number of kills by a given character against enemy factions since the character enlisted */ Total int32 `json:"total,omitempty"` /* Yesterday's total number of kills by a given character against enemy factions */ Yesterday int32 `json:"yesterday,omitempty"` }
Summary of kills done by the given character against enemy factions
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStatsOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStatsOk struct { /* The given character's current faction rank */ CurrentRank int32 `json:"current_rank,omitempty"` /* The enlistment date of the given character into faction warfare. Will not be included if character is not enlisted in faction warfare */ EnlistedOn time.Time `json:"enlisted_on,omitempty"` /* The faction the given character is enlisted to fight for. Will not be included if character is not enlisted in faction warfare */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` /* The given character's highest faction rank achieved */ HighestRank int32 `json:"highest_rank,omitempty"` /* */ Kills GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStatsKills `json:"kills,omitempty"` /* */ VictoryPoints GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStatsVictoryPoints `json:"victory_points,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStatsVictoryPoints ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdFwStatsVictoryPoints struct { /* Last week's victory points gained by the given character */ LastWeek int32 `json:"last_week,omitempty"` /* Total victory points gained since the given character enlisted */ Total int32 `json:"total,omitempty"` /* Yesterday's victory points gained by the given character */ Yesterday int32 `json:"yesterday,omitempty"` }
Summary of victory points gained by the given character for the enlisted faction
type GetCharactersCharacterIdIndustryJobs200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdIndustryJobs200Ok struct { /* Job activity ID */ ActivityId int32 `json:"activity_id,omitempty"` /* blueprint_id integer */ BlueprintId int64 `json:"blueprint_id,omitempty"` /* Location ID of the location from which the blueprint was installed. Normally a station ID, but can also be an asset (e.g. container) or corporation facility */ BlueprintLocationId int64 `json:"blueprint_location_id,omitempty"` /* blueprint_type_id integer */ BlueprintTypeId int32 `json:"blueprint_type_id,omitempty"` /* ID of the character which completed this job */ CompletedCharacterId int32 `json:"completed_character_id,omitempty"` /* Date and time when this job was completed */ CompletedDate time.Time `json:"completed_date,omitempty"` /* The sume of job installation fee and industry facility tax */ Cost float64 `json:"cost,omitempty"` /* Job duration in seconds */ Duration int32 `json:"duration,omitempty"` /* Date and time when this job finished */ EndDate time.Time `json:"end_date,omitempty"` /* ID of the facility where this job is running */ FacilityId int64 `json:"facility_id,omitempty"` /* ID of the character which installed this job */ InstallerId int32 `json:"installer_id,omitempty"` /* Unique job ID */ JobId int32 `json:"job_id,omitempty"` /* Number of runs blueprint is licensed for */ LicensedRuns int32 `json:"licensed_runs,omitempty"` /* Location ID of the location to which the output of the job will be delivered. Normally a station ID, but can also be a corporation facility */ OutputLocationId int64 `json:"output_location_id,omitempty"` /* Date and time when this job was paused (i.e. time when the facility where this job was installed went offline) */ PauseDate time.Time `json:"pause_date,omitempty"` /* Chance of success for invention */ Probability float32 `json:"probability,omitempty"` /* Type ID of product (manufactured, copied or invented) */ ProductTypeId int32 `json:"product_type_id,omitempty"` /* Number of runs for a manufacturing job, or number of copies to make for a blueprint copy */ Runs int32 `json:"runs,omitempty"` /* Date and time when this job started */ StartDate time.Time `json:"start_date,omitempty"` /* ID of the station where industry facility is located */ StationId int64 `json:"station_id,omitempty"` /* status string */ Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` /* Number of successful runs for this job. Equal to runs unless this is an invention job */ SuccessfulRuns int32 `json:"successful_runs,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdKillmailsRecent200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdKillmailsRecent200Ok struct { /* A hash of this killmail */ KillmailHash string `json:"killmail_hash,omitempty"` /* ID of this killmail */ KillmailId int32 `json:"killmail_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdLocationOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdLocationOk struct { /* solar_system_id integer */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* station_id integer */ StationId int32 `json:"station_id,omitempty"` /* structure_id integer */ StructureId int64 `json:"structure_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdLoyaltyPoints200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdLoyaltyPoints200Ok struct { /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* loyalty_points integer */ LoyaltyPoints int32 `json:"loyalty_points,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMail200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMail200Ok struct { /* From whom the mail was sent */ From int32 `json:"from,omitempty"` /* is_read boolean */ IsRead bool `json:"is_read,omitempty"` /* labels array */ Labels []int32 `json:"labels,omitempty"` /* mail_id integer */ MailId int32 `json:"mail_id,omitempty"` /* Recipients of the mail */ Recipients []GetCharactersCharacterIdMailRecipient `json:"recipients,omitempty"` /* Mail subject */ Subject string `json:"subject,omitempty"` /* When the mail was sent */ Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailLabels200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailLabels200Ok struct { /* color string */ Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` /* label_id integer */ LabelId int32 `json:"label_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailLists200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailLists200Ok struct { /* Mailing list ID */ MailingListId int32 `json:"mailing_list_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdNotFound ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdOk struct { /* Mail's body */ Body string `json:"body,omitempty"` /* From whom the mail was sent */ From int32 `json:"from,omitempty"` /* Labels attached to the mail */ Labels []int32 `json:"labels,omitempty"` /* Whether the mail is flagged as read */ Read bool `json:"read,omitempty"` /* Recipients of the mail */ Recipients []GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdRecipient `json:"recipients,omitempty"` /* Mail subject */ Subject string `json:"subject,omitempty"` /* When the mail was sent */ Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdRecipient ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdRecipient struct { /* recipient_id integer */ RecipientId int32 `json:"recipient_id,omitempty"` /* recipient_type string */ RecipientType string `json:"recipient_type,omitempty"` }
recipient object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailRecipient ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMailRecipient struct { /* recipient_id integer */ RecipientId int32 `json:"recipient_id,omitempty"` /* recipient_type string */ RecipientType string `json:"recipient_type,omitempty"` }
recipient object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMedals200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMedals200Ok struct { /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* date string */ Date time.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* graphics array */ Graphics []GetCharactersCharacterIdMedalsGraphic `json:"graphics,omitempty"` /* issuer_id integer */ IssuerId int32 `json:"issuer_id,omitempty"` /* medal_id integer */ MedalId int32 `json:"medal_id,omitempty"` /* reason string */ Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` /* status string */ Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` /* title string */ Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMedalsGraphic ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMedalsGraphic struct { /* color integer */ Color int32 `json:"color,omitempty"` /* graphic string */ Graphic string `json:"graphic,omitempty"` /* layer integer */ Layer int32 `json:"layer,omitempty"` /* part integer */ Part int32 `json:"part,omitempty"` }
graphic object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMining200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdMining200Ok struct { /* date string */ Date string `json:"date,omitempty"` /* quantity integer */ Quantity int64 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* solar_system_id integer */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdNotFound ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetCharactersCharacterIdNotifications200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdNotifications200Ok struct { /* is_read boolean */ IsRead bool `json:"is_read,omitempty"` /* notification_id integer */ NotificationId int64 `json:"notification_id,omitempty"` /* sender_id integer */ SenderId int32 `json:"sender_id,omitempty"` /* sender_type string */ SenderType string `json:"sender_type,omitempty"` /* text string */ Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` /* timestamp string */ Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` /* type string */ Type_ string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdNotificationsContacts200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdNotificationsContacts200Ok struct { /* message string */ Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` /* notification_id integer */ NotificationId int32 `json:"notification_id,omitempty"` /* send_date string */ SendDate time.Time `json:"send_date,omitempty"` /* sender_character_id integer */ SenderCharacterId int32 `json:"sender_character_id,omitempty"` /* A number representing the standing level the receiver has been added at by the sender. The standing levels are as follows: -10 -> Terrible | -5 -> Bad | 0 -> Neutral | 5 -> Good | 10 -> Excellent */ StandingLevel float32 `json:"standing_level,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdOk struct { /* The character's alliance ID */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* Creation date of the character */ Birthday time.Time `json:"birthday,omitempty"` /* bloodline_id integer */ BloodlineId int32 `json:"bloodline_id,omitempty"` /* The character's corporation ID */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* ID of the faction the character is fighting for, if the character is enlisted in Factional Warfare */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` /* gender string */ Gender string `json:"gender,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* race_id integer */ RaceId int32 `json:"race_id,omitempty"` /* security_status number */ SecurityStatus float32 `json:"security_status,omitempty"` /* The individual title of the character */ Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdOpportunities200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdOpportunities200Ok struct { /* completed_at string */ CompletedAt time.Time `json:"completed_at,omitempty"` /* task_id integer */ TaskId int32 `json:"task_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdOrders200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdOrders200Ok struct { /* Wallet division for the buyer or seller of this order. Always 1000 for characters. Currently 1000 through 1006 for corporations */ AccountId int32 `json:"account_id,omitempty"` /* Number of days the order is valid for (starting from the issued date). An order expires at time issued + duration */ Duration int32 `json:"duration,omitempty"` /* For buy orders, the amount of ISK in escrow */ Escrow float64 `json:"escrow,omitempty"` /* True for a bid (buy) order. False for an offer (sell) order */ IsBuyOrder bool `json:"is_buy_order,omitempty"` /* is_corp boolean */ IsCorp bool `json:"is_corp,omitempty"` /* Date and time when this order was issued */ Issued time.Time `json:"issued,omitempty"` /* ID of the location where order was placed */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* For bids (buy orders), the minimum quantity that will be accepted in a matching offer (sell order) */ MinVolume int32 `json:"min_volume,omitempty"` /* Unique order ID */ OrderId int64 `json:"order_id,omitempty"` /* Cost per unit for this order */ Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty"` /* Valid order range, numbers are ranges in jumps */ Range_ string `json:"range,omitempty"` /* ID of the region where order was placed */ RegionId int32 `json:"region_id,omitempty"` /* Current order state */ State string `json:"state,omitempty"` /* The type ID of the item transacted in this order */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` /* Quantity of items still required or offered */ VolumeRemain int32 `json:"volume_remain,omitempty"` /* Quantity of items required or offered at time order was placed */ VolumeTotal int32 `json:"volume_total,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdOrdersHistory200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdOrdersHistory200Ok struct { /* Number of days the order was valid for (starting from the issued date). An order expires at time issued + duration */ Duration int32 `json:"duration,omitempty"` /* For buy orders, the amount of ISK in escrow */ Escrow float64 `json:"escrow,omitempty"` /* True if the order is a bid (buy) order */ IsBuyOrder bool `json:"is_buy_order,omitempty"` /* Signifies whether the buy/sell order was placed on behalf of a corporation. */ IsCorporation bool `json:"is_corporation,omitempty"` /* Date and time when this order was issued */ Issued time.Time `json:"issued,omitempty"` /* ID of the location where order was placed */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* For buy orders, the minimum quantity that will be accepted in a matching sell order */ MinVolume int32 `json:"min_volume,omitempty"` /* Unique order ID */ OrderId int64 `json:"order_id,omitempty"` /* Cost per unit for this order */ Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty"` /* Valid order range, numbers are ranges in jumps */ Range_ string `json:"range,omitempty"` /* ID of the region where order was placed */ RegionId int32 `json:"region_id,omitempty"` /* Current order state */ State string `json:"state,omitempty"` /* The type ID of the item transacted in this order */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` /* Quantity of items still required or offered */ VolumeRemain int32 `json:"volume_remain,omitempty"` /* Quantity of items required or offered at time order was placed */ VolumeTotal int32 `json:"volume_total,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdPlanets200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdPlanets200Ok struct { /* last_update string */ LastUpdate time.Time `json:"last_update,omitempty"` /* num_pins integer */ NumPins int32 `json:"num_pins,omitempty"` /* owner_id integer */ OwnerId int32 `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` /* planet_id integer */ PlanetId int32 `json:"planet_id,omitempty"` /* planet_type string */ PlanetType string `json:"planet_type,omitempty"` /* solar_system_id integer */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* upgrade_level integer */ UpgradeLevel int32 `json:"upgrade_level,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdPortraitNotFound ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdPortraitNotFound struct { /* error message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
No image server for this datasource
type GetCharactersCharacterIdPortraitOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdPortraitOk struct { /* 128x128 string */ Var128x128 string `json:"128x128,omitempty"` /* 256x256 string */ Var256x256 string `json:"256x256,omitempty"` /* 512x512 string */ Var512x512 string `json:"512x512,omitempty"` /* 64x64 string */ Var64x64 string `json:"64x64,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdRolesOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdRolesOk struct { /* roles array */ Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"` /* roles_at_base array */ RolesAtBase []string `json:"roles_at_base,omitempty"` /* roles_at_hq array */ RolesAtHq []string `json:"roles_at_hq,omitempty"` /* roles_at_other array */ RolesAtOther []string `json:"roles_at_other,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdSearchOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdSearchOk struct { /* agent array */ Agent []int32 `json:"agent,omitempty"` /* alliance array */ Alliance []int32 `json:"alliance,omitempty"` /* character array */ Character []int32 `json:"character,omitempty"` /* constellation array */ Constellation []int32 `json:"constellation,omitempty"` /* corporation array */ Corporation []int32 `json:"corporation,omitempty"` /* faction array */ Faction []int32 `json:"faction,omitempty"` /* inventory_type array */ InventoryType []int32 `json:"inventory_type,omitempty"` /* region array */ Region []int32 `json:"region,omitempty"` /* solar_system array */ SolarSystem []int32 `json:"solar_system,omitempty"` /* station array */ Station []int32 `json:"station,omitempty"` /* structure array */ Structure []int64 `json:"structure,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdShipOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdShipOk struct { /* Item id's are unique to a ship and persist until it is repackaged. This value can be used to track repeated uses of a ship, or detect when a pilot changes into a different instance of the same ship type. */ ShipItemId int64 `json:"ship_item_id,omitempty"` /* ship_name string */ ShipName string `json:"ship_name,omitempty"` /* ship_type_id integer */ ShipTypeId int32 `json:"ship_type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillqueue200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillqueue200Ok struct { /* Date on which training of the skill will complete. Omitted if the skill queue is paused. */ FinishDate time.Time `json:"finish_date,omitempty"` /* finished_level integer */ FinishedLevel int32 `json:"finished_level,omitempty"` /* level_end_sp integer */ LevelEndSp int32 `json:"level_end_sp,omitempty"` /* Amount of SP that was in the skill when it started training it's current level. Used to calculate % of current level complete. */ LevelStartSp int32 `json:"level_start_sp,omitempty"` /* queue_position integer */ QueuePosition int32 `json:"queue_position,omitempty"` /* skill_id integer */ SkillId int32 `json:"skill_id,omitempty"` /* start_date string */ StartDate time.Time `json:"start_date,omitempty"` /* training_start_sp integer */ TrainingStartSp int32 `json:"training_start_sp,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillsOk ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillsOk struct { /* skills array */ Skills []GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillsSkill `json:"skills,omitempty"` /* total_sp integer */ TotalSp int64 `json:"total_sp,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillsSkill ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdSkillsSkill struct { /* current_skill_level integer */ CurrentSkillLevel int32 `json:"current_skill_level,omitempty"` /* skill_id integer */ SkillId int32 `json:"skill_id,omitempty"` /* skillpoints_in_skill integer */ SkillpointsInSkill int64 `json:"skillpoints_in_skill,omitempty"` }
skill object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdStandings200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdStandings200Ok struct { /* from_id integer */ FromId int32 `json:"from_id,omitempty"` /* from_type string */ FromType string `json:"from_type,omitempty"` /* standing number */ Standing float32 `json:"standing,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdTitles200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdTitles200Ok struct { /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* title_id integer */ TitleId int32 `json:"title_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdWalletJournal200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdWalletJournal200Ok struct { /* The amount of ISK given or taken from the wallet as a result of the given transaction. Positive when ISK is deposited into the wallet and negative when ISK is withdrawn */ Amount float64 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* Wallet balance after transaction occurred */ Balance float64 `json:"balance,omitempty"` /* An ID that gives extra context to the particular transaction. Because of legacy reasons the context is completely different per ref_type and means different things. It is also possible to not have a context_id */ ContextId int64 `json:"context_id,omitempty"` /* The type of the given context_id if present */ ContextIdType string `json:"context_id_type,omitempty"` /* Date and time of transaction */ Date time.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` /* The reason for the transaction, mirrors what is seen in the client */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* The id of the first party involved in the transaction. This attribute has no consistency and is different or non existant for particular ref_types. The description attribute will help make sense of what this attribute means. For more info about the given ID it can be dropped into the /universe/names/ ESI route to determine its type and name */ FirstPartyId int32 `json:"first_party_id,omitempty"` /* Unique journal reference ID */ Id int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* The user stated reason for the transaction. Only applies to some ref_types */ Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` /* \"The transaction type for the given. transaction. Different transaction types will populate different attributes.\" */ RefType string `json:"ref_type,omitempty"` /* The id of the second party involved in the transaction. This attribute has no consistency and is different or non existant for particular ref_types. The description attribute will help make sense of what this attribute means. For more info about the given ID it can be dropped into the /universe/names/ ESI route to determine its type and name */ SecondPartyId int32 `json:"second_party_id,omitempty"` /* Tax amount received. Only applies to tax related transactions */ Tax float64 `json:"tax,omitempty"` /* The corporation ID receiving any tax paid. Only applies to tax related transactions */ TaxReceiverId int32 `json:"tax_receiver_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCharactersCharacterIdWalletTransactions200Ok ¶
type GetCharactersCharacterIdWalletTransactions200Ok struct { /* client_id integer */ ClientId int32 `json:"client_id,omitempty"` /* Date and time of transaction */ Date time.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` /* is_buy boolean */ IsBuy bool `json:"is_buy,omitempty"` /* is_personal boolean */ IsPersonal bool `json:"is_personal,omitempty"` /* journal_ref_id integer */ JournalRefId int64 `json:"journal_ref_id,omitempty"` /* location_id integer */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* quantity integer */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* Unique transaction ID */ TransactionId int64 `json:"transaction_id,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` /* Amount paid per unit */ UnitPrice float64 `json:"unit_price,omitempty"` }
wallet transaction
type GetContractsPublicBidsContractId200Ok ¶
type GetContractsPublicBidsContractId200Ok struct { /* The amount bid, in ISK */ Amount float32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* Unique ID for the bid */ BidId int32 `json:"bid_id,omitempty"` /* Datetime when the bid was placed */ DateBid time.Time `json:"date_bid,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetContractsPublicBidsContractIdForbidden ¶
type GetContractsPublicBidsContractIdForbidden struct { /* Forbidden message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
type GetContractsPublicBidsContractIdNotFound ¶
type GetContractsPublicBidsContractIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetContractsPublicItemsContractId200Ok ¶
type GetContractsPublicItemsContractId200Ok struct { /* is_blueprint_copy boolean */ IsBlueprintCopy bool `json:"is_blueprint_copy,omitempty"` /* true if the contract issuer has submitted this item with the contract, false if the isser is asking for this item in the contract */ IsIncluded bool `json:"is_included,omitempty"` /* Unique ID for the item being sold. Not present if item is being requested by contract rather than sold with contract */ ItemId int64 `json:"item_id,omitempty"` /* Material Efficiency Level of the blueprint */ MaterialEfficiency int32 `json:"material_efficiency,omitempty"` /* Number of items in the stack */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* Unique ID for the item, used by the contract system */ RecordId int64 `json:"record_id,omitempty"` /* Number of runs remaining if the blueprint is a copy, -1 if it is an original */ Runs int32 `json:"runs,omitempty"` /* Time Efficiency Level of the blueprint */ TimeEfficiency int32 `json:"time_efficiency,omitempty"` /* Type ID for item */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetContractsPublicItemsContractIdForbidden ¶
type GetContractsPublicItemsContractIdForbidden struct { /* Forbidden message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
type GetContractsPublicItemsContractIdNotFound ¶
type GetContractsPublicItemsContractIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetContractsPublicRegionId200Ok ¶
type GetContractsPublicRegionId200Ok struct { /* Buyout price (for Auctions only) */ Buyout float64 `json:"buyout,omitempty"` /* Collateral price (for Couriers only) */ Collateral float64 `json:"collateral,omitempty"` /* contract_id integer */ ContractId int32 `json:"contract_id,omitempty"` /* Expiration date of the contract */ DateExpired time.Time `json:"date_expired,omitempty"` /* Сreation date of the contract */ DateIssued time.Time `json:"date_issued,omitempty"` /* Number of days to perform the contract */ DaysToComplete int32 `json:"days_to_complete,omitempty"` /* End location ID (for Couriers contract) */ EndLocationId int64 `json:"end_location_id,omitempty"` /* true if the contract was issued on behalf of the issuer's corporation */ ForCorporation bool `json:"for_corporation,omitempty"` /* Character's corporation ID for the issuer */ IssuerCorporationId int32 `json:"issuer_corporation_id,omitempty"` /* Character ID for the issuer */ IssuerId int32 `json:"issuer_id,omitempty"` /* Price of contract (for ItemsExchange and Auctions) */ Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty"` /* Remuneration for contract (for Couriers only) */ Reward float64 `json:"reward,omitempty"` /* Start location ID (for Couriers contract) */ StartLocationId int64 `json:"start_location_id,omitempty"` /* Title of the contract */ Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` /* Type of the contract */ Type_ string `json:"type,omitempty"` /* Volume of items in the contract */ Volume float64 `json:"volume,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetContractsPublicRegionIdNotFound ¶
type GetContractsPublicRegionIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningExtractions200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningExtractions200Ok struct { /* The time at which the chunk being extracted will arrive and can be fractured by the moon mining drill. */ ChunkArrivalTime time.Time `json:"chunk_arrival_time,omitempty"` /* The time at which the current extraction was initiated. */ ExtractionStartTime time.Time `json:"extraction_start_time,omitempty"` /* moon_id integer */ MoonId int32 `json:"moon_id,omitempty"` /* The time at which the chunk being extracted will naturally fracture if it is not first fractured by the moon mining drill. */ NaturalDecayTime time.Time `json:"natural_decay_time,omitempty"` /* structure_id integer */ StructureId int64 `json:"structure_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningObservers200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningObservers200Ok struct { /* last_updated string */ LastUpdated string `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` /* The entity that was observing the asteroid field when it was mined. */ ObserverId int64 `json:"observer_id,omitempty"` /* The category of the observing entity */ ObserverType string `json:"observer_type,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningObserversObserverId200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationCorporationIdMiningObserversObserverId200Ok struct { /* The character that did the mining */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* last_updated string */ LastUpdated string `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` /* quantity integer */ Quantity int64 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* The corporation id of the character at the time data was recorded. */ RecordedCorporationId int32 `json:"recorded_corporation_id,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdAlliancehistory200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdAlliancehistory200Ok struct { /* alliance_id integer */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* True if the alliance has been closed */ IsDeleted bool `json:"is_deleted,omitempty"` /* An incrementing ID that can be used to canonically establish order of records in cases where dates may be ambiguous */ RecordId int32 `json:"record_id,omitempty"` /* start_date string */ StartDate time.Time `json:"start_date,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdAssets200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdAssets200Ok struct { /* is_blueprint_copy boolean */ IsBlueprintCopy bool `json:"is_blueprint_copy,omitempty"` /* is_singleton boolean */ IsSingleton bool `json:"is_singleton,omitempty"` /* item_id integer */ ItemId int64 `json:"item_id,omitempty"` /* location_flag string */ LocationFlag string `json:"location_flag,omitempty"` /* location_id integer */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* location_type string */ LocationType string `json:"location_type,omitempty"` /* quantity integer */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBlueprints200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBlueprints200Ok struct { /* Unique ID for this item. */ ItemId int64 `json:"item_id,omitempty"` /* Type of the location_id */ LocationFlag string `json:"location_flag,omitempty"` /* References a station, a ship or an item_id if this blueprint is located within a container. */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* Material Efficiency Level of the blueprint. */ MaterialEfficiency int32 `json:"material_efficiency,omitempty"` /* A range of numbers with a minimum of -2 and no maximum value where -1 is an original and -2 is a copy. It can be a positive integer if it is a stack of blueprint originals fresh from the market (e.g. no activities performed on them yet). */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* Number of runs remaining if the blueprint is a copy, -1 if it is an original. */ Runs int32 `json:"runs,omitempty"` /* Time Efficiency Level of the blueprint. */ TimeEfficiency int32 `json:"time_efficiency,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarks200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarks200Ok struct { /* bookmark_id integer */ BookmarkId int32 `json:"bookmark_id,omitempty"` /* */ Coordinates GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksCoordinates `json:"coordinates,omitempty"` /* created string */ Created time.Time `json:"created,omitempty"` /* creator_id integer */ CreatorId int32 `json:"creator_id,omitempty"` /* folder_id integer */ FolderId int32 `json:"folder_id,omitempty"` /* */ Item GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksItem `json:"item,omitempty"` /* label string */ Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` /* location_id integer */ LocationId int32 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* notes string */ Notes string `json:"notes,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksCoordinates ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksCoordinates struct { /* x number */ X float64 `json:"x,omitempty"` /* y number */ Y float64 `json:"y,omitempty"` /* z number */ Z float64 `json:"z,omitempty"` }
Optional object that is returned if a bookmark was made on a planet or a random location in space.
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksFolders200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksFolders200Ok struct { /* creator_id integer */ CreatorId int32 `json:"creator_id,omitempty"` /* folder_id integer */ FolderId int32 `json:"folder_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksItem ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdBookmarksItem struct { /* item_id integer */ ItemId int64 `json:"item_id,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
Optional object that is returned if a bookmark was made on a particular item.
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContacts200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContacts200Ok struct { /* contact_id integer */ ContactId int32 `json:"contact_id,omitempty"` /* contact_type string */ ContactType string `json:"contact_type,omitempty"` /* Whether this contact is being watched */ IsWatched bool `json:"is_watched,omitempty"` /* Custom label of the contact */ LabelId int64 `json:"label_id,omitempty"` /* Standing of the contact */ Standing float32 `json:"standing,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContactsLabels200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContactsLabels200Ok struct { /* label_id integer */ LabelId int64 `json:"label_id,omitempty"` /* label_name string */ LabelName string `json:"label_name,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContainersLogs200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContainersLogs200Ok struct { /* action string */ Action string `json:"action,omitempty"` /* ID of the character who performed the action. */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* ID of the container */ ContainerId int64 `json:"container_id,omitempty"` /* Type ID of the container */ ContainerTypeId int32 `json:"container_type_id,omitempty"` /* location_flag string */ LocationFlag string `json:"location_flag,omitempty"` /* location_id integer */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* Timestamp when this log was created */ LoggedAt time.Time `json:"logged_at,omitempty"` /* new_config_bitmask integer */ NewConfigBitmask int32 `json:"new_config_bitmask,omitempty"` /* old_config_bitmask integer */ OldConfigBitmask int32 `json:"old_config_bitmask,omitempty"` /* Type of password set if action is of type SetPassword or EnterPassword */ PasswordType string `json:"password_type,omitempty"` /* Quantity of the item being acted upon */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* Type ID of the item being acted upon */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContracts200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContracts200Ok struct { /* Who will accept the contract */ AcceptorId int32 `json:"acceptor_id,omitempty"` /* ID to whom the contract is assigned, can be corporation or character ID */ AssigneeId int32 `json:"assignee_id,omitempty"` /* To whom the contract is available */ Availability string `json:"availability,omitempty"` /* Buyout price (for Auctions only) */ Buyout float64 `json:"buyout,omitempty"` /* Collateral price (for Couriers only) */ Collateral float64 `json:"collateral,omitempty"` /* contract_id integer */ ContractId int32 `json:"contract_id,omitempty"` /* Date of confirmation of contract */ DateAccepted time.Time `json:"date_accepted,omitempty"` /* Date of completed of contract */ DateCompleted time.Time `json:"date_completed,omitempty"` /* Expiration date of the contract */ DateExpired time.Time `json:"date_expired,omitempty"` /* Сreation date of the contract */ DateIssued time.Time `json:"date_issued,omitempty"` /* Number of days to perform the contract */ DaysToComplete int32 `json:"days_to_complete,omitempty"` /* End location ID (for Couriers contract) */ EndLocationId int64 `json:"end_location_id,omitempty"` /* true if the contract was issued on behalf of the issuer's corporation */ ForCorporation bool `json:"for_corporation,omitempty"` /* Character's corporation ID for the issuer */ IssuerCorporationId int32 `json:"issuer_corporation_id,omitempty"` /* Character ID for the issuer */ IssuerId int32 `json:"issuer_id,omitempty"` /* Price of contract (for ItemsExchange and Auctions) */ Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty"` /* Remuneration for contract (for Couriers only) */ Reward float64 `json:"reward,omitempty"` /* Start location ID (for Couriers contract) */ StartLocationId int64 `json:"start_location_id,omitempty"` /* Status of the the contract */ Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` /* Title of the contract */ Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` /* Type of the contract */ Type_ string `json:"type,omitempty"` /* Volume of items in the contract */ Volume float64 `json:"volume,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdBids200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdBids200Ok struct { /* The amount bid, in ISK */ Amount float32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* Unique ID for the bid */ BidId int32 `json:"bid_id,omitempty"` /* Character ID of the bidder */ BidderId int32 `json:"bidder_id,omitempty"` /* Datetime when the bid was placed */ DateBid time.Time `json:"date_bid,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdBidsNotFound ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdBidsNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdItems200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdItems200Ok struct { /* true if the contract issuer has submitted this item with the contract, false if the isser is asking for this item in the contract */ IsIncluded bool `json:"is_included,omitempty"` /* is_singleton boolean */ IsSingleton bool `json:"is_singleton,omitempty"` /* Number of items in the stack */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* -1 indicates that the item is a singleton (non-stackable). If the item happens to be a Blueprint, -1 is an Original and -2 is a Blueprint Copy */ RawQuantity int32 `json:"raw_quantity,omitempty"` /* Unique ID for the item */ RecordId int64 `json:"record_id,omitempty"` /* Type ID for item */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdItemsError520 ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdItemsError520 struct { /* Error 520 message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Error 520
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdItemsNotFound ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdContractsContractIdItemsNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdCustomsOffices200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdCustomsOffices200Ok struct { /* Only present if alliance access is allowed */ AllianceTaxRate float32 `json:"alliance_tax_rate,omitempty"` /* standing_level and any standing related tax rate only present when this is true */ AllowAccessWithStandings bool `json:"allow_access_with_standings,omitempty"` /* allow_alliance_access boolean */ AllowAllianceAccess bool `json:"allow_alliance_access,omitempty"` /* bad_standing_tax_rate number */ BadStandingTaxRate float32 `json:"bad_standing_tax_rate,omitempty"` /* corporation_tax_rate number */ CorporationTaxRate float32 `json:"corporation_tax_rate,omitempty"` /* Tax rate for entities with excellent level of standing, only present if this level is allowed, same for all other standing related tax rates */ ExcellentStandingTaxRate float32 `json:"excellent_standing_tax_rate,omitempty"` /* good_standing_tax_rate number */ GoodStandingTaxRate float32 `json:"good_standing_tax_rate,omitempty"` /* neutral_standing_tax_rate number */ NeutralStandingTaxRate float32 `json:"neutral_standing_tax_rate,omitempty"` /* unique ID of this customs office */ OfficeId int64 `json:"office_id,omitempty"` /* reinforce_exit_end integer */ ReinforceExitEnd int32 `json:"reinforce_exit_end,omitempty"` /* Together with reinforce_exit_end, marks a 2-hour period where this customs office could exit reinforcement mode during the day after initial attack */ ReinforceExitStart int32 `json:"reinforce_exit_start,omitempty"` /* Access is allowed only for entities with this level of standing or better */ StandingLevel string `json:"standing_level,omitempty"` /* ID of the solar system this customs office is located in */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` /* terrible_standing_tax_rate number */ TerribleStandingTaxRate float32 `json:"terrible_standing_tax_rate,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisionsHangarHangar ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisionsHangarHangar struct { /* division integer */ Division int32 `json:"division,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
hangar object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisionsOk ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisionsOk struct { /* hangar array */ Hangar []GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisionsHangarHangar `json:"hangar,omitempty"` /* wallet array */ Wallet []GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisionsWalletWallet `json:"wallet,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisionsWalletWallet ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdDivisionsWalletWallet struct { /* division integer */ Division int32 `json:"division,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
wallet object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdFacilities200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdFacilities200Ok struct { /* facility_id integer */ FacilityId int64 `json:"facility_id,omitempty"` /* system_id integer */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStatsKills ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStatsKills struct { /* Last week's total number of kills by members of the given corporation against enemy factions */ LastWeek int32 `json:"last_week,omitempty"` /* Total number of kills by members of the given corporation against enemy factions since the corporation enlisted */ Total int32 `json:"total,omitempty"` /* Yesterday's total number of kills by members of the given corporation against enemy factions */ Yesterday int32 `json:"yesterday,omitempty"` }
Summary of kills done by the given corporation against enemy factions
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStatsOk ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStatsOk struct { /* The enlistment date of the given corporation into faction warfare. Will not be included if corporation is not enlisted in faction warfare */ EnlistedOn time.Time `json:"enlisted_on,omitempty"` /* The faction the given corporation is enlisted to fight for. Will not be included if corporation is not enlisted in faction warfare */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` /* */ Kills GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStatsKills `json:"kills,omitempty"` /* How many pilots the enlisted corporation has. Will not be included if corporation is not enlisted in faction warfare */ Pilots int32 `json:"pilots,omitempty"` /* */ VictoryPoints GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStatsVictoryPoints `json:"victory_points,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStatsVictoryPoints ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdFwStatsVictoryPoints struct { /* Last week's victory points gained by members of the given corporation */ LastWeek int32 `json:"last_week,omitempty"` /* Total victory points gained since the given corporation enlisted */ Total int32 `json:"total,omitempty"` /* Yesterday's victory points gained by members of the given corporation */ Yesterday int32 `json:"yesterday,omitempty"` }
Summary of victory points gained by the given corporation for the enlisted faction
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdIconsNotFound ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdIconsNotFound struct { /* error message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
No image server for this datasource
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdIconsOk ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdIconsOk struct { /* px128x128 string */ Px128x128 string `json:"px128x128,omitempty"` /* px256x256 string */ Px256x256 string `json:"px256x256,omitempty"` /* px64x64 string */ Px64x64 string `json:"px64x64,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdIndustryJobs200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdIndustryJobs200Ok struct { /* Job activity ID */ ActivityId int32 `json:"activity_id,omitempty"` /* blueprint_id integer */ BlueprintId int64 `json:"blueprint_id,omitempty"` /* Location ID of the location from which the blueprint was installed. Normally a station ID, but can also be an asset (e.g. container) or corporation facility */ BlueprintLocationId int64 `json:"blueprint_location_id,omitempty"` /* blueprint_type_id integer */ BlueprintTypeId int32 `json:"blueprint_type_id,omitempty"` /* ID of the character which completed this job */ CompletedCharacterId int32 `json:"completed_character_id,omitempty"` /* Date and time when this job was completed */ CompletedDate time.Time `json:"completed_date,omitempty"` /* The sume of job installation fee and industry facility tax */ Cost float64 `json:"cost,omitempty"` /* Job duration in seconds */ Duration int32 `json:"duration,omitempty"` /* Date and time when this job finished */ EndDate time.Time `json:"end_date,omitempty"` /* ID of the facility where this job is running */ FacilityId int64 `json:"facility_id,omitempty"` /* ID of the character which installed this job */ InstallerId int32 `json:"installer_id,omitempty"` /* Unique job ID */ JobId int32 `json:"job_id,omitempty"` /* Number of runs blueprint is licensed for */ LicensedRuns int32 `json:"licensed_runs,omitempty"` /* ID of the location for the industry facility */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* Location ID of the location to which the output of the job will be delivered. Normally a station ID, but can also be a corporation facility */ OutputLocationId int64 `json:"output_location_id,omitempty"` /* Date and time when this job was paused (i.e. time when the facility where this job was installed went offline) */ PauseDate time.Time `json:"pause_date,omitempty"` /* Chance of success for invention */ Probability float32 `json:"probability,omitempty"` /* Type ID of product (manufactured, copied or invented) */ ProductTypeId int32 `json:"product_type_id,omitempty"` /* Number of runs for a manufacturing job, or number of copies to make for a blueprint copy */ Runs int32 `json:"runs,omitempty"` /* Date and time when this job started */ StartDate time.Time `json:"start_date,omitempty"` /* status string */ Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` /* Number of successful runs for this job. Equal to runs unless this is an invention job */ SuccessfulRuns int32 `json:"successful_runs,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdKillmailsRecent200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdKillmailsRecent200Ok struct { /* A hash of this killmail */ KillmailHash string `json:"killmail_hash,omitempty"` /* ID of this killmail */ KillmailId int32 `json:"killmail_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdMedals200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdMedals200Ok struct { /* created_at string */ CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` /* ID of the character who created this medal */ CreatorId int32 `json:"creator_id,omitempty"` /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* medal_id integer */ MedalId int32 `json:"medal_id,omitempty"` /* title string */ Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdMedalsIssued200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdMedalsIssued200Ok struct { /* ID of the character who was rewarded this medal */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* issued_at string */ IssuedAt time.Time `json:"issued_at,omitempty"` /* ID of the character who issued the medal */ IssuerId int32 `json:"issuer_id,omitempty"` /* medal_id integer */ MedalId int32 `json:"medal_id,omitempty"` /* reason string */ Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` /* status string */ Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembersTitles200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembersTitles200Ok struct { /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* A list of title_id */ Titles []int32 `json:"titles,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembertracking200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdMembertracking200Ok struct { /* base_id integer */ BaseId int32 `json:"base_id,omitempty"` /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* location_id integer */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* logoff_date string */ LogoffDate time.Time `json:"logoff_date,omitempty"` /* logon_date string */ LogonDate time.Time `json:"logon_date,omitempty"` /* ship_type_id integer */ ShipTypeId int32 `json:"ship_type_id,omitempty"` /* start_date string */ StartDate time.Time `json:"start_date,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdNotFound ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdOk ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdOk struct { /* ID of the alliance that corporation is a member of, if any */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* ceo_id integer */ CeoId int32 `json:"ceo_id,omitempty"` /* creator_id integer */ CreatorId int32 `json:"creator_id,omitempty"` /* date_founded string */ DateFounded time.Time `json:"date_founded,omitempty"` /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` /* home_station_id integer */ HomeStationId int32 `json:"home_station_id,omitempty"` /* member_count integer */ MemberCount int32 `json:"member_count,omitempty"` /* the full name of the corporation */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Shares int64 `json:"shares,omitempty"` /* tax_rate number */ TaxRate float32 `json:"tax_rate,omitempty"` /* the short name of the corporation */ Ticker string `json:"ticker,omitempty"` /* url string */ Url string `json:"url,omitempty"` /* war_eligible boolean */ WarEligible bool `json:"war_eligible,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdOrders200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdOrders200Ok struct { /* Number of days for which order is valid (starting from the issued date). An order expires at time issued + duration */ Duration int32 `json:"duration,omitempty"` /* For buy orders, the amount of ISK in escrow */ Escrow float64 `json:"escrow,omitempty"` /* True if the order is a bid (buy) order */ IsBuyOrder bool `json:"is_buy_order,omitempty"` /* Date and time when this order was issued */ Issued time.Time `json:"issued,omitempty"` /* ID of the location where order was placed */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* For buy orders, the minimum quantity that will be accepted in a matching sell order */ MinVolume int32 `json:"min_volume,omitempty"` /* Unique order ID */ OrderId int64 `json:"order_id,omitempty"` /* Cost per unit for this order */ Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty"` /* Valid order range, numbers are ranges in jumps */ Range_ string `json:"range,omitempty"` /* ID of the region where order was placed */ RegionId int32 `json:"region_id,omitempty"` /* The type ID of the item transacted in this order */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` /* Quantity of items still required or offered */ VolumeRemain int32 `json:"volume_remain,omitempty"` /* Quantity of items required or offered at time order was placed */ VolumeTotal int32 `json:"volume_total,omitempty"` /* The corporation wallet division used for this order. */ WalletDivision int32 `json:"wallet_division,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdOrdersHistory200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdOrdersHistory200Ok struct { /* Number of days the order was valid for (starting from the issued date). An order expires at time issued + duration */ Duration int32 `json:"duration,omitempty"` /* For buy orders, the amount of ISK in escrow */ Escrow float64 `json:"escrow,omitempty"` /* True if the order is a bid (buy) order */ IsBuyOrder bool `json:"is_buy_order,omitempty"` /* Date and time when this order was issued */ Issued time.Time `json:"issued,omitempty"` /* ID of the location where order was placed */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* For buy orders, the minimum quantity that will be accepted in a matching sell order */ MinVolume int32 `json:"min_volume,omitempty"` /* Unique order ID */ OrderId int64 `json:"order_id,omitempty"` /* Cost per unit for this order */ Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty"` /* Valid order range, numbers are ranges in jumps */ Range_ string `json:"range,omitempty"` /* ID of the region where order was placed */ RegionId int32 `json:"region_id,omitempty"` /* Current order state */ State string `json:"state,omitempty"` /* The type ID of the item transacted in this order */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` /* Quantity of items still required or offered */ VolumeRemain int32 `json:"volume_remain,omitempty"` /* Quantity of items required or offered at time order was placed */ VolumeTotal int32 `json:"volume_total,omitempty"` /* The corporation wallet division used for this order */ WalletDivision int32 `json:"wallet_division,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdRoles200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdRoles200Ok struct { /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* grantable_roles array */ GrantableRoles []string `json:"grantable_roles,omitempty"` /* grantable_roles_at_base array */ GrantableRolesAtBase []string `json:"grantable_roles_at_base,omitempty"` /* grantable_roles_at_hq array */ GrantableRolesAtHq []string `json:"grantable_roles_at_hq,omitempty"` /* grantable_roles_at_other array */ GrantableRolesAtOther []string `json:"grantable_roles_at_other,omitempty"` /* roles array */ Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"` /* roles_at_base array */ RolesAtBase []string `json:"roles_at_base,omitempty"` /* roles_at_hq array */ RolesAtHq []string `json:"roles_at_hq,omitempty"` /* roles_at_other array */ RolesAtOther []string `json:"roles_at_other,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdRolesHistory200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdRolesHistory200Ok struct { /* changed_at string */ ChangedAt time.Time `json:"changed_at,omitempty"` /* The character whose roles are changed */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* ID of the character who issued this change */ IssuerId int32 `json:"issuer_id,omitempty"` /* new_roles array */ NewRoles []string `json:"new_roles,omitempty"` /* old_roles array */ OldRoles []string `json:"old_roles,omitempty"` /* role_type string */ RoleType string `json:"role_type,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdShareholders200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdShareholders200Ok struct { int64 `json:"share_count,omitempty"` ShareholderId int32 `json:"shareholder_id,omitempty"` ShareholderType string `json:"shareholder_type,omitempty"` }ShareCount
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStandings200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStandings200Ok struct { /* from_id integer */ FromId int32 `json:"from_id,omitempty"` /* from_type string */ FromType string `json:"from_type,omitempty"` /* standing number */ Standing float32 `json:"standing,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbases200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbases200Ok struct { /* The moon this starbase (POS) is anchored on, unanchored POSes do not have this information */ MoonId int32 `json:"moon_id,omitempty"` /* When the POS onlined, for starbases (POSes) in online state */ OnlinedSince time.Time `json:"onlined_since,omitempty"` /* When the POS will be out of reinforcement, for starbases (POSes) in reinforced state */ ReinforcedUntil time.Time `json:"reinforced_until,omitempty"` /* Unique ID for this starbase (POS) */ StarbaseId int64 `json:"starbase_id,omitempty"` /* state string */ State string `json:"state,omitempty"` /* The solar system this starbase (POS) is in, unanchored POSes have this information */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` /* Starbase (POS) type */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` /* When the POS started unanchoring, for starbases (POSes) in unanchoring state */ UnanchorAt time.Time `json:"unanchor_at,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbasesStarbaseIdFuel ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbasesStarbaseIdFuel struct { /* quantity integer */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
fuel object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbasesStarbaseIdOk ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbasesStarbaseIdOk struct { /* allow_alliance_members boolean */ AllowAllianceMembers bool `json:"allow_alliance_members,omitempty"` /* allow_corporation_members boolean */ AllowCorporationMembers bool `json:"allow_corporation_members,omitempty"` /* Who can anchor starbase (POS) and its structures */ Anchor string `json:"anchor,omitempty"` /* attack_if_at_war boolean */ AttackIfAtWar bool `json:"attack_if_at_war,omitempty"` /* attack_if_other_security_status_dropping boolean */ AttackIfOtherSecurityStatusDropping bool `json:"attack_if_other_security_status_dropping,omitempty"` /* Starbase (POS) will attack if target's security standing is lower than this value */ AttackSecurityStatusThreshold float32 `json:"attack_security_status_threshold,omitempty"` /* Starbase (POS) will attack if target's standing is lower than this value */ AttackStandingThreshold float32 `json:"attack_standing_threshold,omitempty"` /* Who can take fuel blocks out of the starbase (POS)'s fuel bay */ FuelBayTake string `json:"fuel_bay_take,omitempty"` /* Who can view the starbase (POS)'s fule bay. Characters either need to have required role or belong to the starbase (POS) owner's corporation or alliance, as described by the enum, all other access settings follows the same scheme */ FuelBayView string `json:"fuel_bay_view,omitempty"` /* Fuel blocks and other things that will be consumed when operating a starbase (POS) */ Fuels []GetCorporationsCorporationIdStarbasesStarbaseIdFuel `json:"fuels,omitempty"` /* Who can offline starbase (POS) and its structures */ Offline string `json:"offline,omitempty"` /* Who can online starbase (POS) and its structures */ Online string `json:"online,omitempty"` /* Who can unanchor starbase (POS) and its structures */ Unanchor string `json:"unanchor,omitempty"` /* True if the starbase (POS) is using alliance standings, otherwise using corporation's */ UseAllianceStandings bool `json:"use_alliance_standings,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStructures200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStructures200Ok struct { /* ID of the corporation that owns the structure */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* Date on which the structure will run out of fuel */ FuelExpires time.Time `json:"fuel_expires,omitempty"` /* The date and time when the structure's newly requested reinforcement times (e.g. next_reinforce_hour and next_reinforce_day) will take effect */ NextReinforceApply time.Time `json:"next_reinforce_apply,omitempty"` /* The requested change to reinforce_hour that will take effect at the time shown by next_reinforce_apply */ NextReinforceHour int32 `json:"next_reinforce_hour,omitempty"` /* The requested change to reinforce_weekday that will take effect at the time shown by next_reinforce_apply */ NextReinforceWeekday int32 `json:"next_reinforce_weekday,omitempty"` /* The id of the ACL profile for this citadel */ ProfileId int32 `json:"profile_id,omitempty"` /* The hour of day that determines the four hour window when the structure will randomly exit its reinforcement periods and become vulnerable to attack against its armor and/or hull. The structure will become vulnerable at a random time that is +/- 2 hours centered on the value of this property */ ReinforceHour int32 `json:"reinforce_hour,omitempty"` /* The day of the week when the structure exits its final reinforcement period and becomes vulnerable to attack against its hull. Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6 */ ReinforceWeekday int32 `json:"reinforce_weekday,omitempty"` /* Contains a list of service upgrades, and their state */ Services []GetCorporationsCorporationIdStructuresService `json:"services,omitempty"` /* state string */ State string `json:"state,omitempty"` /* Date at which the structure will move to it's next state */ StateTimerEnd time.Time `json:"state_timer_end,omitempty"` /* Date at which the structure entered it's current state */ StateTimerStart time.Time `json:"state_timer_start,omitempty"` /* The Item ID of the structure */ StructureId int64 `json:"structure_id,omitempty"` /* The solar system the structure is in */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` /* The type id of the structure */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` /* Date at which the structure will unanchor */ UnanchorsAt time.Time `json:"unanchors_at,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStructuresService ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdStructuresService struct { /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* state string */ State string `json:"state,omitempty"` }
service object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdTitles200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdTitles200Ok struct { /* grantable_roles array */ GrantableRoles []string `json:"grantable_roles,omitempty"` /* grantable_roles_at_base array */ GrantableRolesAtBase []string `json:"grantable_roles_at_base,omitempty"` /* grantable_roles_at_hq array */ GrantableRolesAtHq []string `json:"grantable_roles_at_hq,omitempty"` /* grantable_roles_at_other array */ GrantableRolesAtOther []string `json:"grantable_roles_at_other,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* roles array */ Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"` /* roles_at_base array */ RolesAtBase []string `json:"roles_at_base,omitempty"` /* roles_at_hq array */ RolesAtHq []string `json:"roles_at_hq,omitempty"` /* roles_at_other array */ RolesAtOther []string `json:"roles_at_other,omitempty"` /* title_id integer */ TitleId int32 `json:"title_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdWallets200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdWallets200Ok struct { /* balance number */ Balance float64 `json:"balance,omitempty"` /* division integer */ Division int32 `json:"division,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdWalletsDivisionJournal200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdWalletsDivisionJournal200Ok struct { /* The amount of ISK given or taken from the wallet as a result of the given transaction. Positive when ISK is deposited into the wallet and negative when ISK is withdrawn */ Amount float64 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* Wallet balance after transaction occurred */ Balance float64 `json:"balance,omitempty"` /* An ID that gives extra context to the particular transaction. Because of legacy reasons the context is completely different per ref_type and means different things. It is also possible to not have a context_id */ ContextId int64 `json:"context_id,omitempty"` /* The type of the given context_id if present */ ContextIdType string `json:"context_id_type,omitempty"` /* Date and time of transaction */ Date time.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` /* The reason for the transaction, mirrors what is seen in the client */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* The id of the first party involved in the transaction. This attribute has no consistency and is different or non existant for particular ref_types. The description attribute will help make sense of what this attribute means. For more info about the given ID it can be dropped into the /universe/names/ ESI route to determine its type and name */ FirstPartyId int32 `json:"first_party_id,omitempty"` /* Unique journal reference ID */ Id int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* The user stated reason for the transaction. Only applies to some ref_types */ Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` /* \"The transaction type for the given. transaction. Different transaction types will populate different attributes. Note: If you have an existing XML API application that is using ref_types, you will need to know which string ESI ref_type maps to which integer. You can look at the following file to see string->int mappings:\" */ RefType string `json:"ref_type,omitempty"` /* The id of the second party involved in the transaction. This attribute has no consistency and is different or non existant for particular ref_types. The description attribute will help make sense of what this attribute means. For more info about the given ID it can be dropped into the /universe/names/ ESI route to determine its type and name */ SecondPartyId int32 `json:"second_party_id,omitempty"` /* Tax amount received. Only applies to tax related transactions */ Tax float64 `json:"tax,omitempty"` /* The corporation ID receiving any tax paid. Only applies to tax related transactions */ TaxReceiverId int32 `json:"tax_receiver_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdWalletsDivisionTransactions200Ok ¶
type GetCorporationsCorporationIdWalletsDivisionTransactions200Ok struct { /* client_id integer */ ClientId int32 `json:"client_id,omitempty"` /* Date and time of transaction */ Date time.Time `json:"date,omitempty"` /* is_buy boolean */ IsBuy bool `json:"is_buy,omitempty"` /* -1 if there is no corresponding wallet journal entry */ JournalRefId int64 `json:"journal_ref_id,omitempty"` /* location_id integer */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* quantity integer */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* Unique transaction ID */ TransactionId int64 `json:"transaction_id,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` /* Amount paid per unit */ UnitPrice float64 `json:"unit_price,omitempty"` }
wallet transaction
type GetDogmaAttributesAttributeIdNotFound ¶
type GetDogmaAttributesAttributeIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetDogmaAttributesAttributeIdOk ¶
type GetDogmaAttributesAttributeIdOk struct { /* attribute_id integer */ AttributeId int32 `json:"attribute_id,omitempty"` /* default_value number */ DefaultValue float32 `json:"default_value,omitempty"` /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* display_name string */ DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` /* high_is_good boolean */ HighIsGood bool `json:"high_is_good,omitempty"` /* icon_id integer */ IconId int32 `json:"icon_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* published boolean */ Published bool `json:"published,omitempty"` /* stackable boolean */ Stackable bool `json:"stackable,omitempty"` /* unit_id integer */ UnitId int32 `json:"unit_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdDogmaAttribute ¶
type GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdDogmaAttribute struct { /* attribute_id integer */ AttributeId int32 `json:"attribute_id,omitempty"` /* value number */ Value float32 `json:"value,omitempty"` }
dogma_attribute object
type GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdDogmaEffect ¶
type GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdDogmaEffect struct { /* effect_id integer */ EffectId int32 `json:"effect_id,omitempty"` /* is_default boolean */ IsDefault bool `json:"is_default,omitempty"` }
dogma_effect object
type GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdNotFound ¶
type GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdOk ¶
type GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdOk struct { /* The ID of the character who created the item */ CreatedBy int32 `json:"created_by,omitempty"` /* dogma_attributes array */ DogmaAttributes []GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdDogmaAttribute `json:"dogma_attributes,omitempty"` /* dogma_effects array */ DogmaEffects []GetDogmaDynamicItemsTypeIdItemIdDogmaEffect `json:"dogma_effects,omitempty"` /* The type ID of the mutator used to generate the dynamic item. */ MutatorTypeId int32 `json:"mutator_type_id,omitempty"` /* The type ID of the source item the mutator was applied to create the dynamic item. */ SourceTypeId int32 `json:"source_type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetDogmaEffectsEffectIdModifier ¶
type GetDogmaEffectsEffectIdModifier struct { /* domain string */ Domain string `json:"domain,omitempty"` /* func string */ Func_ string `json:"func,omitempty"` /* modified_attribute_id integer */ ModifiedAttributeId int32 `json:"modified_attribute_id,omitempty"` /* modifying_attribute_id integer */ ModifyingAttributeId int32 `json:"modifying_attribute_id,omitempty"` /* operator integer */ Operator int32 `json:"operator,omitempty"` }
modifier object
type GetDogmaEffectsEffectIdNotFound ¶
type GetDogmaEffectsEffectIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetDogmaEffectsEffectIdOk ¶
type GetDogmaEffectsEffectIdOk struct { /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* disallow_auto_repeat boolean */ DisallowAutoRepeat bool `json:"disallow_auto_repeat,omitempty"` /* discharge_attribute_id integer */ DischargeAttributeId int32 `json:"discharge_attribute_id,omitempty"` /* display_name string */ DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"` /* duration_attribute_id integer */ DurationAttributeId int32 `json:"duration_attribute_id,omitempty"` /* effect_category integer */ EffectCategory int32 `json:"effect_category,omitempty"` /* effect_id integer */ EffectId int32 `json:"effect_id,omitempty"` /* electronic_chance boolean */ ElectronicChance bool `json:"electronic_chance,omitempty"` /* falloff_attribute_id integer */ FalloffAttributeId int32 `json:"falloff_attribute_id,omitempty"` /* icon_id integer */ IconId int32 `json:"icon_id,omitempty"` /* is_assistance boolean */ IsAssistance bool `json:"is_assistance,omitempty"` /* is_offensive boolean */ IsOffensive bool `json:"is_offensive,omitempty"` /* is_warp_safe boolean */ IsWarpSafe bool `json:"is_warp_safe,omitempty"` /* modifiers array */ Modifiers []GetDogmaEffectsEffectIdModifier `json:"modifiers,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* post_expression integer */ PostExpression int32 `json:"post_expression,omitempty"` /* pre_expression integer */ PreExpression int32 `json:"pre_expression,omitempty"` /* published boolean */ Published bool `json:"published,omitempty"` /* range_attribute_id integer */ RangeAttributeId int32 `json:"range_attribute_id,omitempty"` /* range_chance boolean */ RangeChance bool `json:"range_chance,omitempty"` /* tracking_speed_attribute_id integer */ TrackingSpeedAttributeId int32 `json:"tracking_speed_attribute_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetFleetsFleetIdMembers200Ok ¶
type GetFleetsFleetIdMembers200Ok struct { /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* join_time string */ JoinTime time.Time `json:"join_time,omitempty"` /* Member’s role in fleet */ Role string `json:"role,omitempty"` /* Localized role names */ RoleName string `json:"role_name,omitempty"` /* ship_type_id integer */ ShipTypeId int32 `json:"ship_type_id,omitempty"` /* Solar system the member is located in */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* ID of the squad the member is in. If not applicable, will be set to -1 */ SquadId int64 `json:"squad_id,omitempty"` /* Station in which the member is docked in, if applicable */ StationId int64 `json:"station_id,omitempty"` /* Whether the member take fleet warps */ TakesFleetWarp bool `json:"takes_fleet_warp,omitempty"` /* ID of the wing the member is in. If not applicable, will be set to -1 */ WingId int64 `json:"wing_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetFleetsFleetIdMembersNotFound ¶
type GetFleetsFleetIdMembersNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetFleetsFleetIdNotFound ¶
type GetFleetsFleetIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetFleetsFleetIdOk ¶
type GetFleetsFleetIdOk struct { /* Is free-move enabled */ IsFreeMove bool `json:"is_free_move,omitempty"` /* Does the fleet have an active fleet advertisement */ IsRegistered bool `json:"is_registered,omitempty"` /* Is EVE Voice enabled */ IsVoiceEnabled bool `json:"is_voice_enabled,omitempty"` /* Fleet MOTD in CCP flavoured HTML */ Motd string `json:"motd,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetFleetsFleetIdWings200Ok ¶
type GetFleetsFleetIdWings200Ok struct { /* id integer */ Id int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* squads array */ Squads []GetFleetsFleetIdWingsSquad `json:"squads,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetFleetsFleetIdWingsNotFound ¶
type GetFleetsFleetIdWingsNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetFleetsFleetIdWingsSquad ¶
type GetFleetsFleetIdWingsSquad struct { /* id integer */ Id int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
squad object
type GetFwLeaderboardsActiveTotalActiveTotal ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsActiveTotalActiveTotal struct { /* Amount of kills */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` }
active_total object
type GetFwLeaderboardsActiveTotalActiveTotal1 ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsActiveTotalActiveTotal1 struct { /* Amount of victory points */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` }
active_total object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersActiveTotalActiveTotal ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersActiveTotalActiveTotal struct { /* Amount of kills */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` }
active_total object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersActiveTotalActiveTotal1 ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersActiveTotalActiveTotal1 struct { /* Amount of victory points */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` }
active_total object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersKills ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersKills struct { /* Top 100 ranking of pilots active in faction warfare by total kills. A pilot is considered \"active\" if they have participated in faction warfare in the past 14 days */ ActiveTotal []GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersActiveTotalActiveTotal `json:"active_total,omitempty"` /* Top 100 ranking of pilots by kills in the past week */ LastWeek []GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersLastWeekLastWeek `json:"last_week,omitempty"` /* Top 100 ranking of pilots by kills in the past day */ Yesterday []GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersYesterdayYesterday `json:"yesterday,omitempty"` }
Top 100 rankings of pilots by number of kills from yesterday, last week and in total
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersLastWeekLastWeek ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersLastWeekLastWeek struct { /* Amount of kills */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` }
last_week object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersLastWeekLastWeek1 ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersLastWeekLastWeek1 struct { /* Amount of victory points */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` }
last_week object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersOk ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersOk struct { /* */ Kills GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersKills `json:"kills,omitempty"` /* */ VictoryPoints GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersVictoryPoints `json:"victory_points,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersVictoryPoints ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersVictoryPoints struct { /* Top 100 ranking of pilots active in faction warfare by total victory points. A pilot is considered \"active\" if they have participated in faction warfare in the past 14 days */ ActiveTotal []GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersActiveTotalActiveTotal1 `json:"active_total,omitempty"` /* Top 100 ranking of pilots by victory points in the past week */ LastWeek []GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersLastWeekLastWeek1 `json:"last_week,omitempty"` /* Top 100 ranking of pilots by victory points in the past day */ Yesterday []GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersYesterdayYesterday1 `json:"yesterday,omitempty"` }
Top 100 rankings of pilots by victory points from yesterday, last week and in total
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersYesterdayYesterday ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersYesterdayYesterday struct { /* Amount of kills */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` }
yesterday object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersYesterdayYesterday1 ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCharactersYesterdayYesterday1 struct { /* Amount of victory points */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` }
yesterday object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsActiveTotalActiveTotal ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsActiveTotalActiveTotal struct { /* Amount of kills */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` }
active_total object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsActiveTotalActiveTotal1 ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsActiveTotalActiveTotal1 struct { /* Amount of victory points */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` }
active_total object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsKills ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsKills struct { /* Top 10 ranking of corporations active in faction warfare by total kills. A corporation is considered \"active\" if they have participated in faction warfare in the past 14 days */ ActiveTotal []GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsActiveTotalActiveTotal `json:"active_total,omitempty"` /* Top 10 ranking of corporations by kills in the past week */ LastWeek []GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsLastWeekLastWeek `json:"last_week,omitempty"` /* Top 10 ranking of corporations by kills in the past day */ Yesterday []GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsYesterdayYesterday `json:"yesterday,omitempty"` }
Top 10 rankings of corporations by number of kills from yesterday, last week and in total
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsLastWeekLastWeek ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsLastWeekLastWeek struct { /* Amount of kills */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` }
last_week object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsLastWeekLastWeek1 ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsLastWeekLastWeek1 struct { /* Amount of victory points */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` }
last_week object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsOk ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsOk struct { /* */ Kills GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsKills `json:"kills,omitempty"` /* */ VictoryPoints GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsVictoryPoints `json:"victory_points,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsVictoryPoints ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsVictoryPoints struct { /* Top 10 ranking of corporations active in faction warfare by total victory points. A corporation is considered \"active\" if they have participated in faction warfare in the past 14 days */ ActiveTotal []GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsActiveTotalActiveTotal1 `json:"active_total,omitempty"` /* Top 10 ranking of corporations by victory points in the past week */ LastWeek []GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsLastWeekLastWeek1 `json:"last_week,omitempty"` /* Top 10 ranking of corporations by victory points in the past day */ Yesterday []GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsYesterdayYesterday1 `json:"yesterday,omitempty"` }
Top 10 rankings of corporations by victory points from yesterday, last week and in total
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsYesterdayYesterday ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsYesterdayYesterday struct { /* Amount of kills */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` }
yesterday object
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsYesterdayYesterday1 ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsCorporationsYesterdayYesterday1 struct { /* Amount of victory points */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` }
yesterday object
type GetFwLeaderboardsKills ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsKills struct { /* Top 4 ranking of factions active in faction warfare by total kills. A faction is considered \"active\" if they have participated in faction warfare in the past 14 days */ ActiveTotal []GetFwLeaderboardsActiveTotalActiveTotal `json:"active_total,omitempty"` /* Top 4 ranking of factions by kills in the past week */ LastWeek []GetFwLeaderboardsLastWeekLastWeek `json:"last_week,omitempty"` /* Top 4 ranking of factions by kills in the past day */ Yesterday []GetFwLeaderboardsYesterdayYesterday `json:"yesterday,omitempty"` }
Top 4 rankings of factions by number of kills from yesterday, last week and in total
type GetFwLeaderboardsLastWeekLastWeek ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsLastWeekLastWeek struct { /* Amount of kills */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` }
last_week object
type GetFwLeaderboardsLastWeekLastWeek1 ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsLastWeekLastWeek1 struct { /* Amount of victory points */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` }
last_week object
type GetFwLeaderboardsOk ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsOk struct { /* */ Kills GetFwLeaderboardsKills `json:"kills,omitempty"` /* */ VictoryPoints GetFwLeaderboardsVictoryPoints `json:"victory_points,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetFwLeaderboardsVictoryPoints ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsVictoryPoints struct { /* Top 4 ranking of factions active in faction warfare by total victory points. A faction is considered \"active\" if they have participated in faction warfare in the past 14 days */ ActiveTotal []GetFwLeaderboardsActiveTotalActiveTotal1 `json:"active_total,omitempty"` /* Top 4 ranking of factions by victory points in the past week */ LastWeek []GetFwLeaderboardsLastWeekLastWeek1 `json:"last_week,omitempty"` /* Top 4 ranking of factions by victory points in the past day */ Yesterday []GetFwLeaderboardsYesterdayYesterday1 `json:"yesterday,omitempty"` }
Top 4 rankings of factions by victory points from yesterday, last week and in total
type GetFwLeaderboardsYesterdayYesterday ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsYesterdayYesterday struct { /* Amount of kills */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` }
yesterday object
type GetFwLeaderboardsYesterdayYesterday1 ¶
type GetFwLeaderboardsYesterdayYesterday1 struct { /* Amount of victory points */ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"` /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` }
yesterday object
type GetFwStats200Ok ¶
type GetFwStats200Ok struct { /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` /* */ Kills GetFwStatsKills `json:"kills,omitempty"` /* How many pilots fight for the given faction */ Pilots int32 `json:"pilots,omitempty"` /* The number of solar systems controlled by the given faction */ SystemsControlled int32 `json:"systems_controlled,omitempty"` /* */ VictoryPoints GetFwStatsVictoryPoints `json:"victory_points,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetFwStatsKills ¶
type GetFwStatsKills struct { /* Last week's total number of kills against enemy factions */ LastWeek int32 `json:"last_week,omitempty"` /* Total number of kills against enemy factions since faction warfare began */ Total int32 `json:"total,omitempty"` /* Yesterday's total number of kills against enemy factions */ Yesterday int32 `json:"yesterday,omitempty"` }
Summary of kills against an enemy faction for the given faction
type GetFwStatsVictoryPoints ¶
type GetFwStatsVictoryPoints struct { /* Last week's victory points gained */ LastWeek int32 `json:"last_week,omitempty"` /* Total victory points gained since faction warfare began */ Total int32 `json:"total,omitempty"` /* Yesterday's victory points gained */ Yesterday int32 `json:"yesterday,omitempty"` }
Summary of victory points gained for the given faction
type GetFwSystems200Ok ¶
type GetFwSystems200Ok struct { /* contested string */ Contested string `json:"contested,omitempty"` /* occupier_faction_id integer */ OccupierFactionId int32 `json:"occupier_faction_id,omitempty"` /* owner_faction_id integer */ OwnerFactionId int32 `json:"owner_faction_id,omitempty"` /* solar_system_id integer */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* victory_points integer */ VictoryPoints int32 `json:"victory_points,omitempty"` /* victory_points_threshold integer */ VictoryPointsThreshold int32 `json:"victory_points_threshold,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetFwWars200Ok ¶
type GetFwWars200Ok struct { /* The faction ID of the enemy faction. */ AgainstId int32 `json:"against_id,omitempty"` /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetIncursions200Ok ¶
type GetIncursions200Ok struct { /* The constellation id in which this incursion takes place */ ConstellationId int32 `json:"constellation_id,omitempty"` /* The attacking faction's id */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` /* Whether the final encounter has boss or not */ HasBoss bool `json:"has_boss,omitempty"` /* A list of infested solar system ids that are a part of this incursion */ InfestedSolarSystems []int32 `json:"infested_solar_systems,omitempty"` /* Influence of this incursion as a float from 0 to 1 */ Influence float32 `json:"influence,omitempty"` /* Staging solar system for this incursion */ StagingSolarSystemId int32 `json:"staging_solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* The state of this incursion */ State string `json:"state,omitempty"` /* The type of this incursion */ Type_ string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetIndustryFacilities200Ok ¶
type GetIndustryFacilities200Ok struct { /* ID of the facility */ FacilityId int64 `json:"facility_id,omitempty"` /* Owner of the facility */ OwnerId int32 `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` /* Region ID where the facility is */ RegionId int32 `json:"region_id,omitempty"` /* Solar system ID where the facility is */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* Tax imposed by the facility */ Tax float32 `json:"tax,omitempty"` /* Type ID of the facility */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetIndustrySystems200Ok ¶
type GetIndustrySystems200Ok struct { /* cost_indices array */ CostIndices []GetIndustrySystemsCostIndice `json:"cost_indices,omitempty"` /* solar_system_id integer */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetIndustrySystemsCostIndice ¶
type GetIndustrySystemsCostIndice struct { /* activity string */ Activity string `json:"activity,omitempty"` /* cost_index number */ CostIndex float32 `json:"cost_index,omitempty"` }
cost_indice object
type GetInsurancePrices200Ok ¶
type GetInsurancePrices200Ok struct { /* A list of a available insurance levels for this ship type */ Levels []GetInsurancePricesLevel `json:"levels,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetInsurancePricesLevel ¶
type GetInsurancePricesLevel struct { /* cost number */ Cost float32 `json:"cost,omitempty"` /* Localized insurance level */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* payout number */ Payout float32 `json:"payout,omitempty"` }
level object
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashAttacker ¶
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashAttacker struct { /* alliance_id integer */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* damage_done integer */ DamageDone int32 `json:"damage_done,omitempty"` /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` /* Was the attacker the one to achieve the final blow */ FinalBlow bool `json:"final_blow,omitempty"` /* Security status for the attacker */ SecurityStatus float32 `json:"security_status,omitempty"` /* What ship was the attacker flying */ ShipTypeId int32 `json:"ship_type_id,omitempty"` /* What weapon was used by the attacker for the kill */ WeaponTypeId int32 `json:"weapon_type_id,omitempty"` }
attacker object
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashItem ¶
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashItem struct { /* Flag for the location of the item */ Flag int32 `json:"flag,omitempty"` /* item_type_id integer */ ItemTypeId int32 `json:"item_type_id,omitempty"` /* items array */ Items []GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashItemsItem `json:"items,omitempty"` /* How many of the item were destroyed if any */ QuantityDestroyed int64 `json:"quantity_destroyed,omitempty"` /* How many of the item were dropped if any */ QuantityDropped int64 `json:"quantity_dropped,omitempty"` /* singleton integer */ Singleton int32 `json:"singleton,omitempty"` }
item object
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashItemsItem ¶
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashItemsItem struct { /* flag integer */ Flag int32 `json:"flag,omitempty"` /* item_type_id integer */ ItemTypeId int32 `json:"item_type_id,omitempty"` /* quantity_destroyed integer */ QuantityDestroyed int64 `json:"quantity_destroyed,omitempty"` /* quantity_dropped integer */ QuantityDropped int64 `json:"quantity_dropped,omitempty"` /* singleton integer */ Singleton int32 `json:"singleton,omitempty"` }
item object
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashOk ¶
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashOk struct { /* attackers array */ Attackers []GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashAttacker `json:"attackers,omitempty"` /* ID of the killmail */ KillmailId int32 `json:"killmail_id,omitempty"` /* Time that the victim was killed and the killmail generated */ KillmailTime time.Time `json:"killmail_time,omitempty"` /* Moon if the kill took place at one */ MoonId int32 `json:"moon_id,omitempty"` /* Solar system that the kill took place in */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* */ Victim GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashVictim `json:"victim,omitempty"` /* War if the killmail is generated in relation to an official war */ WarId int32 `json:"war_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashPosition ¶
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashPosition struct { /* x number */ X float64 `json:"x,omitempty"` /* y number */ Y float64 `json:"y,omitempty"` /* z number */ Z float64 `json:"z,omitempty"` }
Coordinates of the victim in Cartesian space relative to the Sun
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashUnprocessableEntity ¶
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashUnprocessableEntity struct { /* Unprocessable entity message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Unprocessable entity
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashVictim ¶
type GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashVictim struct { /* alliance_id integer */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* character_id integer */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* How much total damage was taken by the victim */ DamageTaken int32 `json:"damage_taken,omitempty"` /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` /* items array */ Items []GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashItem `json:"items,omitempty"` /* */ Position GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashPosition `json:"position,omitempty"` /* The ship that the victim was piloting and was destroyed */ ShipTypeId int32 `json:"ship_type_id,omitempty"` }
victim object
type GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffers200Ok ¶
type GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffers200Ok struct { /* Analysis kredit cost */ AkCost int32 `json:"ak_cost,omitempty"` /* isk_cost integer */ IskCost int64 `json:"isk_cost,omitempty"` /* lp_cost integer */ LpCost int32 `json:"lp_cost,omitempty"` /* offer_id integer */ OfferId int32 `json:"offer_id,omitempty"` /* quantity integer */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* required_items array */ RequiredItems []GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffersRequiredItem `json:"required_items,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffersNotFound ¶
type GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffersNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffersRequiredItem ¶
type GetLoyaltyStoresCorporationIdOffersRequiredItem struct { /* quantity integer */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
required_item object
type GetMarketsGroupsMarketGroupIdNotFound ¶
type GetMarketsGroupsMarketGroupIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetMarketsGroupsMarketGroupIdOk ¶
type GetMarketsGroupsMarketGroupIdOk struct { /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* market_group_id integer */ MarketGroupId int32 `json:"market_group_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* parent_group_id integer */ ParentGroupId int32 `json:"parent_group_id,omitempty"` /* types array */ Types []int32 `json:"types,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetMarketsPrices200Ok ¶
type GetMarketsPrices200Ok struct { /* adjusted_price number */ AdjustedPrice float64 `json:"adjusted_price,omitempty"` /* average_price number */ AveragePrice float64 `json:"average_price,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetMarketsRegionIdHistory200Ok ¶
type GetMarketsRegionIdHistory200Ok struct { /* average number */ Average float64 `json:"average,omitempty"` /* The date of this historical statistic entry */ Date string `json:"date,omitempty"` /* highest number */ Highest float64 `json:"highest,omitempty"` /* lowest number */ Lowest float64 `json:"lowest,omitempty"` /* Total number of orders happened that day */ OrderCount int64 `json:"order_count,omitempty"` /* Total */ Volume int64 `json:"volume,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetMarketsRegionIdHistoryError520 ¶
type GetMarketsRegionIdHistoryError520 struct { /* Error 520 message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Error 520
type GetMarketsRegionIdHistoryNotFound ¶
type GetMarketsRegionIdHistoryNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetMarketsRegionIdHistoryUnprocessableEntity ¶
type GetMarketsRegionIdHistoryUnprocessableEntity struct { /* Unprocessable entity message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Unprocessable entity
type GetMarketsRegionIdOrders200Ok ¶
type GetMarketsRegionIdOrders200Ok struct { /* duration integer */ Duration int32 `json:"duration,omitempty"` /* is_buy_order boolean */ IsBuyOrder bool `json:"is_buy_order,omitempty"` /* issued string */ Issued time.Time `json:"issued,omitempty"` /* location_id integer */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* min_volume integer */ MinVolume int32 `json:"min_volume,omitempty"` /* order_id integer */ OrderId int64 `json:"order_id,omitempty"` /* price number */ Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty"` /* range string */ Range_ string `json:"range,omitempty"` /* The solar system this order was placed */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` /* volume_remain integer */ VolumeRemain int32 `json:"volume_remain,omitempty"` /* volume_total integer */ VolumeTotal int32 `json:"volume_total,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetMarketsRegionIdOrdersNotFound ¶
type GetMarketsRegionIdOrdersNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetMarketsRegionIdOrdersUnprocessableEntity ¶
type GetMarketsRegionIdOrdersUnprocessableEntity struct { /* Unprocessable entity message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Unprocessable entity
type GetMarketsRegionIdTypesNotFound ¶
type GetMarketsRegionIdTypesNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetMarketsStructuresStructureId200Ok ¶
type GetMarketsStructuresStructureId200Ok struct { /* duration integer */ Duration int32 `json:"duration,omitempty"` /* is_buy_order boolean */ IsBuyOrder bool `json:"is_buy_order,omitempty"` /* issued string */ Issued time.Time `json:"issued,omitempty"` /* location_id integer */ LocationId int64 `json:"location_id,omitempty"` /* min_volume integer */ MinVolume int32 `json:"min_volume,omitempty"` /* order_id integer */ OrderId int64 `json:"order_id,omitempty"` /* price number */ Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty"` /* range string */ Range_ string `json:"range,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` /* volume_remain integer */ VolumeRemain int32 `json:"volume_remain,omitempty"` /* volume_total integer */ VolumeTotal int32 `json:"volume_total,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetOpportunitiesGroupsGroupIdOk ¶
type GetOpportunitiesGroupsGroupIdOk struct { /* The groups that are connected to this group on the opportunities map */ ConnectedGroups []int32 `json:"connected_groups,omitempty"` /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* group_id integer */ GroupId int32 `json:"group_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* notification string */ Notification string `json:"notification,omitempty"` /* Tasks need to complete for this group */ RequiredTasks []int32 `json:"required_tasks,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetOpportunitiesTasksTaskIdOk ¶
type GetOpportunitiesTasksTaskIdOk struct { /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* notification string */ Notification string `json:"notification,omitempty"` /* task_id integer */ TaskId int32 `json:"task_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetRouteOriginDestinationNotFound ¶
type GetRouteOriginDestinationNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetSovereigntyCampaigns200Ok ¶
type GetSovereigntyCampaigns200Ok struct { /* Score for all attacking parties, only present in Defense Events. */ AttackersScore float32 `json:"attackers_score,omitempty"` /* Unique ID for this campaign. */ CampaignId int32 `json:"campaign_id,omitempty"` /* The constellation in which the campaign will take place. */ ConstellationId int32 `json:"constellation_id,omitempty"` /* Defending alliance, only present in Defense Events */ DefenderId int32 `json:"defender_id,omitempty"` /* Score for the defending alliance, only present in Defense Events. */ DefenderScore float32 `json:"defender_score,omitempty"` /* Type of event this campaign is for. tcu_defense, ihub_defense and station_defense are referred to as \"Defense Events\", station_freeport as \"Freeport Events\". */ EventType string `json:"event_type,omitempty"` /* Alliance participating and their respective scores, only present in Freeport Events. */ Participants []GetSovereigntyCampaignsParticipant `json:"participants,omitempty"` /* The solar system the structure is located in. */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* Time the event is scheduled to start. */ StartTime time.Time `json:"start_time,omitempty"` /* The structure item ID that is related to this campaign. */ StructureId int64 `json:"structure_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetSovereigntyCampaignsParticipant ¶
type GetSovereigntyCampaignsParticipant struct { /* alliance_id integer */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* score number */ Score float32 `json:"score,omitempty"` }
participant object
type GetSovereigntyMap200Ok ¶
type GetSovereigntyMap200Ok struct { /* alliance_id integer */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` /* system_id integer */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetSovereigntyStructures200Ok ¶
type GetSovereigntyStructures200Ok struct { /* The alliance that owns the structure. */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* Solar system in which the structure is located. */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* Unique item ID for this structure. */ StructureId int64 `json:"structure_id,omitempty"` /* A reference to the type of structure this is. */ StructureTypeId int32 `json:"structure_type_id,omitempty"` /* The occupancy level for the next or current vulnerability window. This takes into account all development indexes and capital system bonuses. Also known as Activity Defense Multiplier from in the client. It increases the time that attackers must spend using their entosis links on the structure. */ VulnerabilityOccupancyLevel float32 `json:"vulnerability_occupancy_level,omitempty"` /* The time at which the next or current vulnerability window ends. At the end of a vulnerability window the next window is recalculated and locked in along with the vulnerabilityOccupancyLevel. If the structure is not in 100% entosis control of the defender, it will go in to 'overtime' and stay vulnerable for as long as that situation persists. Only once the defenders have 100% entosis control and has the vulnerableEndTime passed does the vulnerability interval expire and a new one is calculated. */ VulnerableEndTime time.Time `json:"vulnerable_end_time,omitempty"` /* The next time at which the structure will become vulnerable. Or the start time of the current window if current time is between this and vulnerableEndTime. */ VulnerableStartTime time.Time `json:"vulnerable_start_time,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetStatusOk ¶
type GetStatusOk struct { /* Current online player count */ Players int32 `json:"players,omitempty"` /* Running version as string */ ServerVersion string `json:"server_version,omitempty"` /* Server start timestamp */ StartTime time.Time `json:"start_time,omitempty"` /* If the server is in VIP mode */ Vip bool `json:"vip,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseAncestries200Ok ¶
type GetUniverseAncestries200Ok struct { /* The bloodline associated with this ancestry */ BloodlineId int32 `json:"bloodline_id,omitempty"` /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* icon_id integer */ IconId int32 `json:"icon_id,omitempty"` /* id integer */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* short_description string */ ShortDescription string `json:"short_description,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltIdOk struct { /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* */ Position GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltIdPosition `json:"position,omitempty"` /* The solar system this asteroid belt is in */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltIdPosition ¶
type GetUniverseAsteroidBeltsAsteroidBeltIdPosition struct { /* x number */ X float64 `json:"x,omitempty"` /* y number */ Y float64 `json:"y,omitempty"` /* z number */ Z float64 `json:"z,omitempty"` }
position object
type GetUniverseBloodlines200Ok ¶
type GetUniverseBloodlines200Ok struct { /* bloodline_id integer */ BloodlineId int32 `json:"bloodline_id,omitempty"` /* charisma integer */ Charisma int32 `json:"charisma,omitempty"` /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* intelligence integer */ Intelligence int32 `json:"intelligence,omitempty"` /* memory integer */ Memory int32 `json:"memory,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* perception integer */ Perception int32 `json:"perception,omitempty"` /* race_id integer */ RaceId int32 `json:"race_id,omitempty"` /* ship_type_id integer */ ShipTypeId int32 `json:"ship_type_id,omitempty"` /* willpower integer */ Willpower int32 `json:"willpower,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseCategoriesCategoryIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniverseCategoriesCategoryIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetUniverseCategoriesCategoryIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseCategoriesCategoryIdOk struct { /* category_id integer */ CategoryId int32 `json:"category_id,omitempty"` /* groups array */ Groups []int32 `json:"groups,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* published boolean */ Published bool `json:"published,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationIdOk struct { /* constellation_id integer */ ConstellationId int32 `json:"constellation_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* */ Position GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationIdPosition `json:"position,omitempty"` /* The region this constellation is in */ RegionId int32 `json:"region_id,omitempty"` /* systems array */ Systems []int32 `json:"systems,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationIdPosition ¶
type GetUniverseConstellationsConstellationIdPosition struct { /* x number */ X float64 `json:"x,omitempty"` /* y number */ Y float64 `json:"y,omitempty"` /* z number */ Z float64 `json:"z,omitempty"` }
position object
type GetUniverseFactions200Ok ¶
type GetUniverseFactions200Ok struct { /* corporation_id integer */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* faction_id integer */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` /* is_unique boolean */ IsUnique bool `json:"is_unique,omitempty"` /* militia_corporation_id integer */ MilitiaCorporationId int32 `json:"militia_corporation_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* size_factor number */ SizeFactor float32 `json:"size_factor,omitempty"` /* solar_system_id integer */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* station_count integer */ StationCount int32 `json:"station_count,omitempty"` /* station_system_count integer */ StationSystemCount int32 `json:"station_system_count,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseGraphicsGraphicIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniverseGraphicsGraphicIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetUniverseGraphicsGraphicIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseGraphicsGraphicIdOk struct { /* collision_file string */ CollisionFile string `json:"collision_file,omitempty"` /* graphic_file string */ GraphicFile string `json:"graphic_file,omitempty"` /* graphic_id integer */ GraphicId int32 `json:"graphic_id,omitempty"` /* icon_folder string */ IconFolder string `json:"icon_folder,omitempty"` /* sof_dna string */ SofDna string `json:"sof_dna,omitempty"` /* sof_fation_name string */ SofFationName string `json:"sof_fation_name,omitempty"` /* sof_hull_name string */ SofHullName string `json:"sof_hull_name,omitempty"` /* sof_race_name string */ SofRaceName string `json:"sof_race_name,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseGroupsGroupIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniverseGroupsGroupIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetUniverseGroupsGroupIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseGroupsGroupIdOk struct { /* category_id integer */ CategoryId int32 `json:"category_id,omitempty"` /* group_id integer */ GroupId int32 `json:"group_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* published boolean */ Published bool `json:"published,omitempty"` /* types array */ Types []int32 `json:"types,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseMoonsMoonIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniverseMoonsMoonIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetUniverseMoonsMoonIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseMoonsMoonIdOk struct { /* moon_id integer */ MoonId int32 `json:"moon_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* */ Position GetUniverseMoonsMoonIdPosition `json:"position,omitempty"` /* The solar system this moon is in */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseMoonsMoonIdPosition ¶
type GetUniverseMoonsMoonIdPosition struct { /* x number */ X float64 `json:"x,omitempty"` /* y number */ Y float64 `json:"y,omitempty"` /* z number */ Z float64 `json:"z,omitempty"` }
position object
type GetUniversePlanetsPlanetIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniversePlanetsPlanetIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetUniversePlanetsPlanetIdOk ¶
type GetUniversePlanetsPlanetIdOk struct { /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* planet_id integer */ PlanetId int32 `json:"planet_id,omitempty"` /* */ Position GetUniversePlanetsPlanetIdPosition `json:"position,omitempty"` /* The solar system this planet is in */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniversePlanetsPlanetIdPosition ¶
type GetUniversePlanetsPlanetIdPosition struct { /* x number */ X float64 `json:"x,omitempty"` /* y number */ Y float64 `json:"y,omitempty"` /* z number */ Z float64 `json:"z,omitempty"` }
position object
type GetUniverseRaces200Ok ¶
type GetUniverseRaces200Ok struct { /* The alliance generally associated with this race */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* race_id integer */ RaceId int32 `json:"race_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseRegionsRegionIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniverseRegionsRegionIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetUniverseRegionsRegionIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseRegionsRegionIdOk struct { /* constellations array */ Constellations []int32 `json:"constellations,omitempty"` /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* region_id integer */ RegionId int32 `json:"region_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseSchematicsSchematicIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniverseSchematicsSchematicIdNotFound struct { /* error message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Schematic not found
type GetUniverseSchematicsSchematicIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseSchematicsSchematicIdOk struct { /* Time in seconds to process a run */ CycleTime int32 `json:"cycle_time,omitempty"` /* schematic_name string */ SchematicName string `json:"schematic_name,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdDestination ¶
type GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdDestination struct { /* The stargate this stargate connects to */ StargateId int32 `json:"stargate_id,omitempty"` /* The solar system this stargate connects to */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` }
destination object
type GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdOk struct { /* */ Destination GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdDestination `json:"destination,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* */ Position GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdPosition `json:"position,omitempty"` /* stargate_id integer */ StargateId int32 `json:"stargate_id,omitempty"` /* The solar system this stargate is in */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdPosition ¶
type GetUniverseStargatesStargateIdPosition struct { /* x number */ X float64 `json:"x,omitempty"` /* y number */ Y float64 `json:"y,omitempty"` /* z number */ Z float64 `json:"z,omitempty"` }
position object
type GetUniverseStarsStarIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseStarsStarIdOk struct { /* Age of star in years */ Age int64 `json:"age,omitempty"` /* luminosity number */ Luminosity float32 `json:"luminosity,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* radius integer */ Radius int64 `json:"radius,omitempty"` /* solar_system_id integer */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* spectral_class string */ SpectralClass string `json:"spectral_class,omitempty"` /* temperature integer */ Temperature int32 `json:"temperature,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseStationsStationIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseStationsStationIdOk struct { /* solar_system_id integer */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* the full name of the station */ StationName string `json:"station_name,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseStructuresStructureIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniverseStructuresStructureIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetUniverseStructuresStructureIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseStructuresStructureIdOk struct { /* The full name of the structure */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* */ Position GetUniverseStructuresStructureIdPosition `json:"position,omitempty"` /* solar_system_id integer */ SolarSystemId int32 `json:"solar_system_id,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseStructuresStructureIdPosition ¶
type GetUniverseStructuresStructureIdPosition struct { /* x number */ X float64 `json:"x,omitempty"` /* y number */ Y float64 `json:"y,omitempty"` /* z number */ Z float64 `json:"z,omitempty"` }
Coordinates of the structure in Cartesian space relative to the Sun, in metres.
type GetUniverseSystemJumps200Ok ¶
type GetUniverseSystemJumps200Ok struct { /* ship_jumps integer */ ShipJumps int32 `json:"ship_jumps,omitempty"` /* system_id integer */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseSystemKills200Ok ¶
type GetUniverseSystemKills200Ok struct { /* Number of NPC ships killed in this system */ NpcKills int32 `json:"npc_kills,omitempty"` /* Number of pods killed in this system */ PodKills int32 `json:"pod_kills,omitempty"` /* Number of player and NPC ships killed in this system */ ShipKills int32 `json:"ship_kills,omitempty"` /* system_id integer */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdOk struct { /* The constellation this solar system is in */ ConstellationId int32 `json:"constellation_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* planets array */ Planets []GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdPlanet `json:"planets,omitempty"` /* */ Position GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdPosition `json:"position,omitempty"` /* security_class string */ SecurityClass string `json:"security_class,omitempty"` /* security_status number */ SecurityStatus float32 `json:"security_status,omitempty"` /* star_id integer */ StarId int32 `json:"star_id,omitempty"` /* stargates array */ Stargates []int32 `json:"stargates,omitempty"` /* stations array */ Stations []int32 `json:"stations,omitempty"` /* system_id integer */ SystemId int32 `json:"system_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdPlanet ¶
type GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdPlanet struct { /* asteroid_belts array */ AsteroidBelts []int32 `json:"asteroid_belts,omitempty"` /* moons array */ Moons []int32 `json:"moons,omitempty"` /* planet_id integer */ PlanetId int32 `json:"planet_id,omitempty"` }
planet object
type GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdPosition ¶
type GetUniverseSystemsSystemIdPosition struct { /* x number */ X float64 `json:"x,omitempty"` /* y number */ Y float64 `json:"y,omitempty"` /* z number */ Z float64 `json:"z,omitempty"` }
position object
type GetUniverseTypesTypeIdDogmaAttribute ¶
type GetUniverseTypesTypeIdDogmaAttribute struct { /* attribute_id integer */ AttributeId int32 `json:"attribute_id,omitempty"` /* value number */ Value float32 `json:"value,omitempty"` }
dogma_attribute object
type GetUniverseTypesTypeIdDogmaEffect ¶
type GetUniverseTypesTypeIdDogmaEffect struct { /* effect_id integer */ EffectId int32 `json:"effect_id,omitempty"` /* is_default boolean */ IsDefault bool `json:"is_default,omitempty"` }
dogma_effect object
type GetUniverseTypesTypeIdNotFound ¶
type GetUniverseTypesTypeIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type GetUniverseTypesTypeIdOk ¶
type GetUniverseTypesTypeIdOk struct { /* capacity number */ Capacity float32 `json:"capacity,omitempty"` /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* dogma_attributes array */ DogmaAttributes []GetUniverseTypesTypeIdDogmaAttribute `json:"dogma_attributes,omitempty"` /* dogma_effects array */ DogmaEffects []GetUniverseTypesTypeIdDogmaEffect `json:"dogma_effects,omitempty"` /* graphic_id integer */ GraphicId int32 `json:"graphic_id,omitempty"` /* group_id integer */ GroupId int32 `json:"group_id,omitempty"` /* icon_id integer */ IconId int32 `json:"icon_id,omitempty"` /* mass number */ Mass float32 `json:"mass,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* portion_size integer */ PortionSize int32 `json:"portion_size,omitempty"` /* published boolean */ Published bool `json:"published,omitempty"` /* radius number */ Radius float32 `json:"radius,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` /* volume number */ Volume float32 `json:"volume,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetWarsWarIdAggressor ¶
type GetWarsWarIdAggressor struct { /* Alliance ID if and only if the aggressor is an alliance */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* Corporation ID if and only if the aggressor is a corporation */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* ISK value of ships the aggressor has destroyed */ IskDestroyed float32 `json:"isk_destroyed,omitempty"` /* The number of ships the aggressor has killed */ ShipsKilled int32 `json:"ships_killed,omitempty"` }
The aggressor corporation or alliance that declared this war, only contains either corporation_id or alliance_id
type GetWarsWarIdAlly ¶
type GetWarsWarIdAlly struct { /* Alliance ID if and only if this ally is an alliance */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* Corporation ID if and only if this ally is a corporation */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` }
ally object
type GetWarsWarIdDefender ¶
type GetWarsWarIdDefender struct { /* Alliance ID if and only if the defender is an alliance */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* Corporation ID if and only if the defender is a corporation */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* ISK value of ships the defender has killed */ IskDestroyed float32 `json:"isk_destroyed,omitempty"` /* The number of ships the defender has killed */ ShipsKilled int32 `json:"ships_killed,omitempty"` }
The defending corporation or alliance that declared this war, only contains either corporation_id or alliance_id
type GetWarsWarIdKillmails200Ok ¶
type GetWarsWarIdKillmails200Ok struct { /* A hash of this killmail */ KillmailHash string `json:"killmail_hash,omitempty"` /* ID of this killmail */ KillmailId int32 `json:"killmail_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetWarsWarIdKillmailsUnprocessableEntity ¶
type GetWarsWarIdKillmailsUnprocessableEntity struct { /* Unprocessable entity message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Unprocessable entity
type GetWarsWarIdOk ¶
type GetWarsWarIdOk struct { /* */ Aggressor GetWarsWarIdAggressor `json:"aggressor,omitempty"` /* allied corporations or alliances, each object contains either corporation_id or alliance_id */ Allies []GetWarsWarIdAlly `json:"allies,omitempty"` /* Time that the war was declared */ Declared time.Time `json:"declared,omitempty"` /* */ Defender GetWarsWarIdDefender `json:"defender,omitempty"` /* Time the war ended and shooting was no longer allowed */ Finished time.Time `json:"finished,omitempty"` /* ID of the specified war */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* Was the war declared mutual by both parties */ Mutual bool `json:"mutual,omitempty"` /* Is the war currently open for allies or not */ OpenForAllies bool `json:"open_for_allies,omitempty"` /* Time the war was retracted but both sides could still shoot each other */ Retracted time.Time `json:"retracted,omitempty"` /* Time when the war started and both sides could shoot each other */ Started time.Time `json:"started,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type GetWarsWarIdUnprocessableEntity ¶
type GetWarsWarIdUnprocessableEntity struct { /* Unprocessable entity message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Unprocessable entity
type InternalServerError ¶
type InternalServerError struct { /* Internal server error message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Internal server error model
type PostCharactersAffiliation200Ok ¶
type PostCharactersAffiliation200Ok struct { /* The character's alliance ID, if their corporation is in an alliance */ AllianceId int32 `json:"alliance_id,omitempty"` /* The character's ID */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* The character's corporation ID */ CorporationId int32 `json:"corporation_id,omitempty"` /* The character's faction ID, if their corporation is in a faction */ FactionId int32 `json:"faction_id,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type PostCharactersAffiliationNotFound ¶
type PostCharactersAffiliationNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type PostCharactersCharacterIdAssetsLocations200Ok ¶
type PostCharactersCharacterIdAssetsLocations200Ok struct { /* item_id integer */ ItemId int64 `json:"item_id,omitempty"` /* x number */ X float64 `json:"x,omitempty"` /* y number */ Y float64 `json:"y,omitempty"` /* z number */ Z float64 `json:"z,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type PostCharactersCharacterIdAssetsNames200Ok ¶
type PostCharactersCharacterIdAssetsNames200Ok struct { /* item_id integer */ ItemId int64 `json:"item_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type PostCharactersCharacterIdFittingsCreated ¶
type PostCharactersCharacterIdFittingsCreated struct { /* fitting_id integer */ FittingId int32 `json:"fitting_id,omitempty"` }
201 created object
type PostCharactersCharacterIdFittingsFitting ¶
type PostCharactersCharacterIdFittingsFitting struct { /* description string */ Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` /* items array */ Items []PostCharactersCharacterIdFittingsItem `json:"items,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` /* ship_type_id integer */ ShipTypeId int32 `json:"ship_type_id,omitempty"` }
fitting object
type PostCharactersCharacterIdFittingsItem ¶
type PostCharactersCharacterIdFittingsItem struct { /* flag integer */ Flag int32 `json:"flag,omitempty"` /* quantity integer */ Quantity int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"` /* type_id integer */ TypeId int32 `json:"type_id,omitempty"` }
item object
type PostCharactersCharacterIdMailError520 ¶
type PostCharactersCharacterIdMailError520 struct { /* Error 520 message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Error 520
type PostCharactersCharacterIdMailLabelsLabel ¶
type PostCharactersCharacterIdMailLabelsLabel struct { /* Hexadecimal string representing label color, in RGB format */ Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
label object
type PostCharactersCharacterIdMailMail ¶
type PostCharactersCharacterIdMailMail struct { /* approved_cost integer */ ApprovedCost int64 `json:"approved_cost,omitempty"` /* body string */ Body string `json:"body,omitempty"` /* recipients array */ Recipients []PostCharactersCharacterIdMailRecipient `json:"recipients,omitempty"` /* subject string */ Subject string `json:"subject,omitempty"` }
mail object
type PostCharactersCharacterIdMailRecipient ¶
type PostCharactersCharacterIdMailRecipient struct { /* recipient_id integer */ RecipientId int32 `json:"recipient_id,omitempty"` /* recipient_type string */ RecipientType string `json:"recipient_type,omitempty"` }
recipient object
type PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsLocations200Ok ¶
type PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsLocations200Ok struct { /* item_id integer */ ItemId int64 `json:"item_id,omitempty"` /* x number */ X float64 `json:"x,omitempty"` /* y number */ Y float64 `json:"y,omitempty"` /* z number */ Z float64 `json:"z,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsLocationsNotFound ¶
type PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsLocationsNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsNames200Ok ¶
type PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsNames200Ok struct { /* item_id integer */ ItemId int64 `json:"item_id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsNamesNotFound ¶
type PostCorporationsCorporationIdAssetsNamesNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type PostFleetsFleetIdMembersInvitation ¶
type PostFleetsFleetIdMembersInvitation struct { /* The character you want to invite */ CharacterId int32 `json:"character_id,omitempty"` /* If a character is invited with the `fleet_commander` role, neither `wing_id` or `squad_id` should be specified. If a character is invited with the `wing_commander` role, only `wing_id` should be specified. If a character is invited with the `squad_commander` role, both `wing_id` and `squad_id` should be specified. If a character is invited with the `squad_member` role, `wing_id` and `squad_id` should either both be specified or not specified at all. If they aren’t specified, the invited character will join any squad with available positions. */ Role string `json:"role,omitempty"` /* squad_id integer */ SquadId int64 `json:"squad_id,omitempty"` /* wing_id integer */ WingId int64 `json:"wing_id,omitempty"` }
invitation object
type PostFleetsFleetIdMembersNotFound ¶
type PostFleetsFleetIdMembersNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type PostFleetsFleetIdMembersUnprocessableEntity ¶
type PostFleetsFleetIdMembersUnprocessableEntity struct { /* error message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
422 unprocessable entity object
type PostFleetsFleetIdWingsCreated ¶
type PostFleetsFleetIdWingsCreated struct { /* The wing_id of the newly created wing */ WingId int64 `json:"wing_id,omitempty"` }
201 created object
type PostFleetsFleetIdWingsNotFound ¶
type PostFleetsFleetIdWingsNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type PostFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdSquadsCreated ¶
type PostFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdSquadsCreated struct { /* The squad_id of the newly created squad */ SquadId int64 `json:"squad_id,omitempty"` }
201 created object
type PostFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdSquadsNotFound ¶
type PostFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdSquadsNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type PostUiOpenwindowNewmailNewMail ¶
type PostUiOpenwindowNewmailNewMail struct { /* body string */ Body string `json:"body,omitempty"` /* recipients array */ Recipients []int32 `json:"recipients,omitempty"` /* subject string */ Subject string `json:"subject,omitempty"` /* to_corp_or_alliance_id integer */ ToCorpOrAllianceId int32 `json:"to_corp_or_alliance_id,omitempty"` /* Corporations, alliances and mailing lists are all types of mailing groups. You may only send to one mailing group, at a time, so you may fill out either this field or the to_corp_or_alliance_ids field */ ToMailingListId int32 `json:"to_mailing_list_id,omitempty"` }
new_mail object
type PostUiOpenwindowNewmailUnprocessableEntity ¶
type PostUiOpenwindowNewmailUnprocessableEntity struct { /* Unprocessable entity message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Unprocessable entity
type PostUniverseIdsAgent ¶
type PostUniverseIdsAgent struct { /* id integer */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
agent object
type PostUniverseIdsAlliance ¶
type PostUniverseIdsAlliance struct { /* id integer */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
alliance object
type PostUniverseIdsCharacter ¶
type PostUniverseIdsCharacter struct { /* id integer */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
character object
type PostUniverseIdsConstellation ¶
type PostUniverseIdsConstellation struct { /* id integer */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
constellation object
type PostUniverseIdsCorporation ¶
type PostUniverseIdsCorporation struct { /* id integer */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
corporation object
type PostUniverseIdsFaction ¶
type PostUniverseIdsFaction struct { /* id integer */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
faction object
type PostUniverseIdsInventoryType ¶
type PostUniverseIdsInventoryType struct { /* id integer */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
inventory_type object
type PostUniverseIdsOk ¶
type PostUniverseIdsOk struct { /* agents array */ Agents []PostUniverseIdsAgent `json:"agents,omitempty"` /* alliances array */ Alliances []PostUniverseIdsAlliance `json:"alliances,omitempty"` /* characters array */ Characters []PostUniverseIdsCharacter `json:"characters,omitempty"` /* constellations array */ Constellations []PostUniverseIdsConstellation `json:"constellations,omitempty"` /* corporations array */ Corporations []PostUniverseIdsCorporation `json:"corporations,omitempty"` /* factions array */ Factions []PostUniverseIdsFaction `json:"factions,omitempty"` /* inventory_types array */ InventoryTypes []PostUniverseIdsInventoryType `json:"inventory_types,omitempty"` /* regions array */ Regions []PostUniverseIdsRegion `json:"regions,omitempty"` /* stations array */ Stations []PostUniverseIdsStation `json:"stations,omitempty"` /* systems array */ Systems []PostUniverseIdsSystem `json:"systems,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type PostUniverseIdsRegion ¶
type PostUniverseIdsRegion struct { /* id integer */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
region object
type PostUniverseIdsStation ¶
type PostUniverseIdsStation struct { /* id integer */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
station object
type PostUniverseIdsSystem ¶
type PostUniverseIdsSystem struct { /* id integer */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
system object
type PostUniverseNames200Ok ¶
type PostUniverseNames200Ok struct { /* category string */ Category string `json:"category,omitempty"` /* id integer */ Id int32 `json:"id,omitempty"` /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
200 ok object
type PostUniverseNamesNotFound ¶
type PostUniverseNamesNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type PutCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdResponse ¶
type PutCharactersCharacterIdCalendarEventIdResponse struct { /* response string */ Response string `json:"response,omitempty"` }
response object
type PutCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdContents ¶
type PutCharactersCharacterIdMailMailIdContents struct { /* Labels to assign to the mail. Pre-existing labels are unassigned. */ Labels []int32 `json:"labels,omitempty"` /* Whether the mail is flagged as read */ Read bool `json:"read,omitempty"` }
contents object
type PutFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberIdMovement ¶
type PutFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberIdMovement struct { /* If a character is moved to the `fleet_commander` role, neither `wing_id` or `squad_id` should be specified. If a character is moved to the `wing_commander` role, only `wing_id` should be specified. If a character is moved to the `squad_commander` role, both `wing_id` and `squad_id` should be specified. If a character is moved to the `squad_member` role, both `wing_id` and `squad_id` should be specified. */ Role string `json:"role,omitempty"` /* squad_id integer */ SquadId int64 `json:"squad_id,omitempty"` /* wing_id integer */ WingId int64 `json:"wing_id,omitempty"` }
movement object
type PutFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberIdNotFound ¶
type PutFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type PutFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberIdUnprocessableEntity ¶
type PutFleetsFleetIdMembersMemberIdUnprocessableEntity struct { /* error message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
422 unprocessable entity object
type PutFleetsFleetIdNewSettings ¶
type PutFleetsFleetIdNewSettings struct { /* Should free-move be enabled in the fleet */ IsFreeMove bool `json:"is_free_move,omitempty"` /* New fleet MOTD in CCP flavoured HTML */ Motd string `json:"motd,omitempty"` }
new_settings object
type PutFleetsFleetIdNotFound ¶
type PutFleetsFleetIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type PutFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadIdNaming ¶
type PutFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadIdNaming struct { /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
naming object
type PutFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadIdNotFound ¶
type PutFleetsFleetIdSquadsSquadIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type PutFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdNaming ¶
type PutFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdNaming struct { /* name string */ Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
naming object
type PutFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdNotFound ¶
type PutFleetsFleetIdWingsWingIdNotFound struct { /* Not found message */ Error_ string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
Not found
type ServiceUnavailable ¶
type ServiceUnavailable struct { string `json:"error,omitempty"` }Error_
Service unavailable model
type Unauthorized ¶
type Unauthorized struct { string `json:"error,omitempty"` }Error_
Unauthorized model
Source Files
- api_alliance.go
- api_assets.go
- api_bookmarks.go
- api_calendar.go
- api_character.go
- api_clones.go
- api_contacts.go
- api_contracts.go
- api_corporation.go
- api_dogma.go
- api_faction_warfare.go
- api_fittings.go
- api_fleets.go
- api_incursions.go
- api_industry.go
- api_insurance.go
- api_killmails.go
- api_location.go
- api_loyalty.go
- api_mail.go
- api_market.go
- api_opportunities.go
- api_planetary_interaction.go
- api_routes.go
- api_search.go
- api_skills.go
- api_sovereignty.go
- api_status.go
- api_universe.go
- api_user_interface.go
- api_wallet.go
- api_wars.go
- logger.go
- model_bad_request.go
- model_delete_characters_character_id_mail_labels_label_id_unprocessable_entity.go
- model_delete_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_not_found.go
- model_delete_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id_not_found.go
- model_delete_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_not_found.go
- model_error_limited.go
- model_forbidden.go
- model_gateway_timeout.go
- model_get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts_200_ok.go
- model_get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts_labels_200_ok.go
- model_get_alliances_alliance_id_icons_not_found.go
- model_get_alliances_alliance_id_icons_ok.go
- model_get_alliances_alliance_id_not_found.go
- model_get_alliances_alliance_id_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_agents_research_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_assets_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_attributes_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_blueprints_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_coordinates.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_folders_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_item.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_target.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_calendar_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_attendees_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_attendees_not_found.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_not_found.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_clones_home_location.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_clones_jump_clone.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_clones_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_contacts_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_contacts_labels_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_contracts_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_not_found.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items_not_found.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_corporationhistory_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_fatigue_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_fittings_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_fittings_item.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_fleet_not_found.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_fleet_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_kills.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_victory_points.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_killmails_recent_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_location_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_loyalty_points_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_mail_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_mail_labels_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_mail_lists_200_ok.go
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- model_get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_ok.go
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- model_get_characters_character_id_mail_recipient.go
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- model_get_characters_character_id_medals_graphic.go
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- model_get_characters_character_id_not_found.go
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- model_get_characters_character_id_notifications_contacts_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_opportunities_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_orders_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_orders_history_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_planets_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_portrait_not_found.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_portrait_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_roles_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_search_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_ship_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_skillqueue_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_skills_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_skills_skill.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_standings_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_titles_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_200_ok.go
- model_get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_200_ok.go
- model_get_contracts_public_bids_contract_id_200_ok.go
- model_get_contracts_public_bids_contract_id_forbidden.go
- model_get_contracts_public_bids_contract_id_not_found.go
- model_get_contracts_public_items_contract_id_200_ok.go
- model_get_contracts_public_items_contract_id_forbidden.go
- model_get_contracts_public_items_contract_id_not_found.go
- model_get_contracts_public_region_id_200_ok.go
- model_get_contracts_public_region_id_not_found.go
- model_get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_extractions_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_alliancehistory_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_assets_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_coordinates.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_folders_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_item.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts_labels_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_not_found.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items_error_520.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items_not_found.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions_hangar_hangar.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions_wallet_wallet.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_facilities_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_kills.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_victory_points.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_icons_not_found.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_icons_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_killmails_recent_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_members_titles_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_not_found.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_shareholders_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_standings_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_fuel.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_service.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_200_ok.go
- model_get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions_200_ok.go
- model_get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_not_found.go
- model_get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_ok.go
- model_get_dogma_dynamic_items_type_id_item_id_dogma_attribute.go
- model_get_dogma_dynamic_items_type_id_item_id_dogma_effect.go
- model_get_dogma_dynamic_items_type_id_item_id_not_found.go
- model_get_dogma_dynamic_items_type_id_item_id_ok.go
- model_get_dogma_effects_effect_id_modifier.go
- model_get_dogma_effects_effect_id_not_found.go
- model_get_dogma_effects_effect_id_ok.go
- model_get_fleets_fleet_id_members_200_ok.go
- model_get_fleets_fleet_id_members_not_found.go
- model_get_fleets_fleet_id_not_found.go
- model_get_fleets_fleet_id_ok.go
- model_get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_200_ok.go
- model_get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_not_found.go
- model_get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_squad.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_active_total_active_total.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_active_total_active_total_1.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_characters_active_total_active_total.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_characters_active_total_active_total_1.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_characters_kills.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_characters_last_week_last_week.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_characters_last_week_last_week_1.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_characters_ok.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_characters_victory_points.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_characters_yesterday_yesterday.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_characters_yesterday_yesterday_1.go
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- model_get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_active_total_active_total_1.go
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- model_get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_last_week_last_week.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_last_week_last_week_1.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_ok.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_victory_points.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_yesterday_yesterday.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_yesterday_yesterday_1.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_kills.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_last_week_last_week.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_last_week_last_week_1.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_ok.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_victory_points.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_yesterday_yesterday.go
- model_get_fw_leaderboards_yesterday_yesterday_1.go
- model_get_fw_stats_200_ok.go
- model_get_fw_stats_kills.go
- model_get_fw_stats_victory_points.go
- model_get_fw_systems_200_ok.go
- model_get_fw_wars_200_ok.go
- model_get_incursions_200_ok.go
- model_get_industry_facilities_200_ok.go
- model_get_industry_systems_200_ok.go
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- model_get_insurance_prices_level.go
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- model_get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_ok.go
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- model_get_universe_factions_200_ok.go
- model_get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_not_found.go
- model_get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_ok.go
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- model_get_universe_groups_group_id_ok.go
- model_get_universe_moons_moon_id_not_found.go
- model_get_universe_moons_moon_id_ok.go
- model_get_universe_moons_moon_id_position.go
- model_get_universe_planets_planet_id_not_found.go
- model_get_universe_planets_planet_id_ok.go
- model_get_universe_planets_planet_id_position.go
- model_get_universe_races_200_ok.go
- model_get_universe_regions_region_id_not_found.go
- model_get_universe_regions_region_id_ok.go
- model_get_universe_schematics_schematic_id_not_found.go
- model_get_universe_schematics_schematic_id_ok.go
- model_get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_destination.go
- model_get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_not_found.go
- model_get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_ok.go
- model_get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_position.go
- model_get_universe_stars_star_id_ok.go
- model_get_universe_stations_station_id_ok.go
- model_get_universe_structures_structure_id_not_found.go
- model_get_universe_structures_structure_id_ok.go
- model_get_universe_structures_structure_id_position.go
- model_get_universe_system_jumps_200_ok.go
- model_get_universe_system_kills_200_ok.go
- model_get_universe_systems_system_id_not_found.go
- model_get_universe_systems_system_id_ok.go
- model_get_universe_systems_system_id_planet.go
- model_get_universe_systems_system_id_position.go
- model_get_universe_types_type_id_dogma_attribute.go
- model_get_universe_types_type_id_dogma_effect.go
- model_get_universe_types_type_id_not_found.go
- model_get_universe_types_type_id_ok.go
- model_get_wars_war_id_aggressor.go
- model_get_wars_war_id_ally.go
- model_get_wars_war_id_defender.go
- model_get_wars_war_id_killmails_200_ok.go
- model_get_wars_war_id_killmails_unprocessable_entity.go
- model_get_wars_war_id_ok.go
- model_get_wars_war_id_unprocessable_entity.go
- model_internal_server_error.go
- model_post_characters_affiliation_200_ok.go
- model_post_characters_affiliation_not_found.go
- model_post_characters_character_id_assets_locations_200_ok.go
- model_post_characters_character_id_assets_names_200_ok.go
- model_post_characters_character_id_fittings_created.go
- model_post_characters_character_id_fittings_fitting.go
- model_post_characters_character_id_fittings_item.go
- model_post_characters_character_id_mail_error_520.go
- model_post_characters_character_id_mail_labels_label.go
- model_post_characters_character_id_mail_mail.go
- model_post_characters_character_id_mail_recipient.go
- model_post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations_200_ok.go
- model_post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations_not_found.go
- model_post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_names_200_ok.go
- model_post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_names_not_found.go
- model_post_fleets_fleet_id_members_invitation.go
- model_post_fleets_fleet_id_members_not_found.go
- model_post_fleets_fleet_id_members_unprocessable_entity.go
- model_post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_created.go
- model_post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_not_found.go
- model_post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_squads_created.go
- model_post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_squads_not_found.go
- model_post_ui_openwindow_newmail_new_mail.go
- model_post_ui_openwindow_newmail_unprocessable_entity.go
- model_post_universe_ids_agent.go
- model_post_universe_ids_alliance.go
- model_post_universe_ids_character.go
- model_post_universe_ids_constellation.go
- model_post_universe_ids_corporation.go
- model_post_universe_ids_faction.go
- model_post_universe_ids_inventory_type.go
- model_post_universe_ids_ok.go
- model_post_universe_ids_region.go
- model_post_universe_ids_station.go
- model_post_universe_ids_system.go
- model_post_universe_names_200_ok.go
- model_post_universe_names_not_found.go
- model_put_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_response.go
- model_put_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_contents.go
- model_put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_movement.go
- model_put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_not_found.go
- model_put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_unprocessable_entity.go
- model_put_fleets_fleet_id_new_settings.go
- model_put_fleets_fleet_id_not_found.go
- model_put_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id_naming.go
- model_put_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id_not_found.go
- model_put_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_naming.go
- model_put_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_not_found.go
- model_service_unavailable.go
- model_unauthorized.go
- routers.go