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Published: Mar 23, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 24 Imported by: 0


Once upon a time

Modified from:

Each time, you want to conduct a HTTP request, you must implement like

func postHTTPSample(ctx context.Context, payload request) (*response, error) {
	body, err := json.Marshal(payload)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	requestBody := bytes.NewBuffer(body)
	req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodPost, "http://localhost:8080/hello", requestBody)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	resp, err := http.defaultClient.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer func() {
		err := resp.Body.Close()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed")
	var respStruct response
	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&respStruct)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &respStruct, nil

There are some downsides that we can quickly point out from this code.

  • We have to write too much boiler plate verbose code from time to time.
    • That make refactoring changes like adding an tracing event will make a enormous effect to whole codebase.
    • Too much verbose things may leads to mini crackles on details from copy - pasting
    • Harder to maintain such a big code
  • Many library need to combine to achieve simple things: "bytes", "context", "fmt", "net/http", "encoding/json". New developer can't get a fast acquainting curve.

Take a nap and no more painful experience

With sling, we can quickly implement the same feature with significantly less verbosity than ever before

func postSlingSample(ctx context.Context, payload request) (*response, error) {
	var respStruct response

	_, err := sling.New().Base("http://localhost:8080").
		WithSuccessDecider(func(h *http.Response) bool {
			return h.StatusCode == http.StatusOK
	return &respStruct, err
  • What will you receive back?
    • Write less code, do more work, be more productive
    • An optimized HTTP dealing experience with best practice included
    • OpenTelemetry tracing & metrics default integrated
    • Extra valuable extension: auto retry, authorization...

What sling provided


Function Feature
New Create new sling client
Doer Set a new Doer (replacing http lib client default client with Doer, an interface provide Do function)

Request builder

Context builder
Function Feature
Context Get the current request context
SetContext Do the request with current context
AddHeader Add value to current header key
SetHeader Replace value for current header key
SetHeaders Replace current headers
SetBasicAuth Set up the Basic authorization header
SetAuthToken Set up standard Teko Bearer token
Path builder
Function Feature
Base Set up base host (use for all request use the same client instance)
Path Extend the URL by the given path
QueryStruct Extend the URL by the provided query parameter
Body builder
Function Feature
Body Provide request raw body
BodyProvider Provide request raw body with custom content type
BodyJSON Provide request body as content type "application/json"
BodyForm Provide request body as content type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Response config
Function Feature
ResponseDecoder Setup response decoder (JSON, XML, raw, etc...)
WithSuccessDecider Change the condition that differentiate if the request is success or not


Function Feature
Request Build request based on provided data
ReceiveSuccess Receive and parse the response body using the provided response decoder only if the request is success
Receive Receive and parse the response body using the provided response decoder if the request is success or failed
Do Do with custom HTTP request, receive and parse the response body using the provided response decoder if the request is success or failed


Default strategy
  • min retry wait: 1 sec
  • max retry wait: 30 sec
  • max retry times: 4
  • retry policy:
    • not retry if one of these errors occur:
      • too much redirects
      • invalid scheme
      • TLS certs invalid.
    • Otherwise, retry if
      • status code 429 (server is busy)
      • status code invalid
      • status code over 500 (may related to server outage)
  • backoff algorithm: Exponential Backoff with min and max wait time range
Available options
Function Feature
WithRetryTimes Set up the maximum retry times
WithRetryMaxWait Set up the maximum wait time before retry the request again
WithRetryMinWait Set up the minimum wait time before retry the request again
WithRetryPolicy Provide alternative retry policy
WithBackoff Provide alternative backoff calculate algorithm, Jitter backoff is available for swapping


  1. The success response have reliable struct, but the failed ones are not following any rules. We should handle it case by case. How do sling supports it?

    sling supports a raw body response struct for dealing with this problem. Example:

    var rawBody sling.Raw
    _, err := sling.New().AutoRetry().Base("http://localhost:8080").Get("/hello").ReceiveSuccess(&rawBody) 

    rawBody is a go byte slice wrapped all the response body. We can parse, log, do whatever we want with it now.

  2. The JSON parser work not as expected. Some fields cannot be parsed.

    We use the standard go encoding/json library for encoding and decoding JSON payload. Please recheck if the payload is strictly conform the JSON - go struct type conversion. For loosely type conversion, you can do some trick with other external lib like mitchellh/mapstructure, implement it as a custom decoder and register it. We should be good to go now.



Package sling is a Go HTTP client library for creating and sending API requests.

Slings store HTTP Request properties to simplify sending requests and decoding responses. Check the examples to learn how to compose a Sling into your API client.


Use a Sling to set path, method, header, query, or body properties and create an http.Request.

type Params struct {
    Count int `url:"count,omitempty"`
params := &Params{Count: 5}

req, err := sling.New().Get("").QueryStruct(params).Request()


Use Path to set or extend the URL for created Requests. Extension means the path will be resolved relative to the existing URL.

// creates a GET request to
req, err := sling.New().Base("").Path("foo/").Path("bar").Request()

Use Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete, or Head which are exactly the same as Path except they set the HTTP method too.

req, err := sling.New().Post("")


Add or Set headers for requests created by a Sling.

s := sling.New().Base(baseUrl).Set("User-Agent", "Gophergram API Client")
req, err := s.New().Get("gophergram/list").Request()


Define url parameter structs ( Use QueryStruct to encode a struct as query parameters on requests.

// Github Issue Parameters
type IssueParams struct {
    Filter    string `url:"filter,omitempty"`
    State     string `url:"state,omitempty"`
    Labels    string `url:"labels,omitempty"`
    Sort      string `url:"sort,omitempty"`
    Direction string `url:"direction,omitempty"`
    Since     string `url:"since,omitempty"`

githubBase := sling.New().Base("").Client(httpClient)

path := fmt.Sprintf("repos/%s/%s/issues", owner, repo)
params := &IssueParams{Sort: "updated", State: "open"}
req, err := githubBase.New().Get(path).QueryStruct(params).Request()

Json Body

Define JSON tagged structs ( Use BodyJSON to JSON encode a struct as the Body on requests.

type IssueRequest struct {
    Title     string   `json:"title,omitempty"`
    Body      string   `json:"body,omitempty"`
    Assignee  string   `json:"assignee,omitempty"`
    Milestone int      `json:"milestone,omitempty"`
    Labels    []string `json:"labels,omitempty"`

githubBase := sling.New().Base("").Client(httpClient)
path := fmt.Sprintf("repos/%s/%s/issues", owner, repo)

body := &IssueRequest{
    Title: "Test title",
    Body:  "Some issue",
req, err := githubBase.New().Post(path).BodyJSON(body).Request()

Requests will include an "application/json" Content-Type header.

Form Body

Define url tagged structs ( Use BodyForm to form url encode a struct as the Body on requests.

type StatusUpdateParams struct {
    Status             string   `url:"status,omitempty"`
    InReplyToStatusId  int64    `url:"in_reply_to_status_id,omitempty"`
    MediaIds           []int64  `url:"media_ids,omitempty,comma"`

tweetParams := &StatusUpdateParams{Status: "writing some Go"}
req, err := twitterBase.New().Post(path).BodyForm(tweetParams).Request()

Requests will include an "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Content-Type header.

Plain Body

Use Body to set a plain io.Reader on requests created by a Sling.

body := strings.NewReader("raw body")
req, err := sling.New().Base("").Body(body).Request()

Set a content type header, if desired (e.g. Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")).

Extend a Sling

Each Sling generates an http.Request (say with some path and query params) each time Request() is called, based on its state. When creating different slings, you may wish to extend an existing Sling to minimize duplication (e.g. a common client).

Each Sling instance provides a New() method which creates an independent copy, so setting properties on the child won't mutate the parent Sling.

const twitterApi = ""
base := sling.New().Base(twitterApi).Client(authClient)

// statuses/show.json Sling
tweetShowSling := base.New().Get("statuses/show.json").QueryStruct(params)
req, err := tweetShowSling.Request()

// statuses/update.json Sling
tweetPostSling := base.New().Post("statuses/update.json").BodyForm(params)
req, err := tweetPostSling.Request()

Without the calls to base.New(), tweetShowSling and tweetPostSling would reference the base Sling and POST to "", which is undesired.

Recap: If you wish to extend a Sling, create a new child copy with New().


Define a JSON struct to decode a type from 2XX success responses. Use ReceiveSuccess(successV interface{}) to send a new Request and decode the response body into successV if it succeeds.

// Github Issue (abbreviated)
type Issue struct {
    Title  string `json:"title"`
    Body   string `json:"body"`

issues := new([]Issue)
resp, err := githubBase.New().Get(path).QueryStruct(params).ReceiveSuccess(issues)
fmt.Println(issues, resp, err)

Most APIs return failure responses with JSON error details. To decode these, define success and failure JSON structs. Use Receive(successV, failureV interface{}) to send a new Request that will automatically decode the response into the successV for 2XX responses or into failureV for non-2XX responses.

type GithubError struct {
    Message string `json:"message"`
    Errors  []struct {
        Resource string `json:"resource"`
        Field    string `json:"field"`
        Code     string `json:"code"`
    } `json:"errors"`
    DocumentationURL string `json:"documentation_url"`

issues := new([]Issue)
githubError := new(GithubError)
resp, err := githubBase.New().Get(path).QueryStruct(params).Receive(issues, githubError)
fmt.Println(issues, githubError, resp, err)

Pass a nil successV or failureV argument to skip JSON decoding into that value.



View Source
const (
	MethodGet     = "GET"
	MethodPost    = "POST"
	MethodPut     = "PUT"
	MethodDelete  = "DELETE"
	MethodPatch   = "PATCH"
	MethodHead    = "HEAD"
	MethodOptions = "OPTIONS"
	MethodTrace   = "TRACE"
	MethodConnect = "CONNECT"


This section is empty.


func DecodeOnSuccess

func DecodeOnSuccess(resp *http.Response) bool

DecodeOnSuccess decide that we should decode on success response (http code 2xx)

func DefaultBackoff

func DefaultBackoff(min, max time.Duration, attemptNum int, resp *http.Response) time.Duration

DefaultBackoff provides a default callback for Client.Backoff which will perform exponential backoff based on the attempt number and limited by the provided minimum and maximum durations.

It also tries to parse Retry-After response header when a http.StatusTooManyRequests (HTTP Code 429) is found in the resp parameter. Hence it will return the number of seconds the server states it may be ready to process more requests from this client.

func DefaultRetryPolicy

func DefaultRetryPolicy(ctx context.Context, resp *http.Response, err error) (bool, error)

DefaultRetryPolicy provides a default callback for Client.CheckRetry, which will retry on connection errors and server errors.

func ErrorPropagatedRetryPolicy

func ErrorPropagatedRetryPolicy(ctx context.Context, resp *http.Response, err error) (bool, error)

ErrorPropagatedRetryPolicy is the same as DefaultRetryPolicy, except it propagates errors back instead of returning nil. This allows you to inspect why it decided to retry or not.

func LinearJitterBackoff

func LinearJitterBackoff(min, max time.Duration, attemptNum int, resp *http.Response) time.Duration

LinearJitterBackoff provides a callback for Client.Backoff which will perform linear backoff based on the attempt number and with jitter to prevent a thundering herd.

min and max here are *not* absolute values. The number to be multiplied by the attempt number will be chosen at random from between them, thus they are bounding the jitter.

For instance: * To get strictly linear backoff of one second increasing each retry, set both to one second (1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, ...) * To get a small amount of jitter centered around one second increasing each retry, set to around one second, such as a min of 800ms and max of 1200ms (892ms, 2102ms, 2945ms, 4312ms, ...) * To get extreme jitter, set to a very wide spread, such as a min of 100ms and a max of 20s (15382ms, 292ms, 51321ms, 35234ms, ...)


type Backoff

type Backoff func(min, max time.Duration, attemptNum int, resp *http.Response) time.Duration

Backoff specifies a policy for how long to wait between retries. It is called after a failing request to determine the amount of time that should pass before trying again.

type BodyProvider

type BodyProvider interface {
	// ContentType returns the Content-Type of the body.
	ContentType() string
	// Body returns the io.Reader body.
	Body() (io.Reader, error)

BodyProvider provides Body content for http.Request attachment.

type CheckRetry

type CheckRetry func(ctx context.Context, resp *http.Response, err error) (bool, error)

CheckRetry specifies a policy for handling retries. It is called following each request with the response and error values returned by the http.Client. If CheckRetry returns false, the Client stops retrying and returns the response to the caller. If CheckRetry returns an error, that error value is returned in lieu of the error from the request. The Client will close any response body when retrying, but if the retry is aborted it is up to the CheckRetry callback to properly close any response body before returning.

type ContextExtractor

type ContextExtractor func(context.Context) map[string]interface{}

type Doer

type Doer interface {
	Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, []byte, error)

Doer executes http requests. It is implemented by *http.Client. You can wrap *http.Client with layers of Doers to form a stack of client-side middleware.

type ErrorHandler

type ErrorHandler func(resp *http.Response, err error, numTries int) (*http.Response, error)

ErrorHandler is called if retries are expired, containing the last status from the http library. If not specified, default behavior for the library is to close the body and return an error indicating how many tries were attempted. If overriding this, be sure to close the body if needed.

type Fields

type Fields map[string]interface{}

type HttpWrapper

type HttpWrapper struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewHttpWrapper

func NewHttpWrapper(client *http.Client) *HttpWrapper

func (*HttpWrapper) Do

func (h *HttpWrapper) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, []byte, error)

type JsonpbDecoder

type JsonpbDecoder struct {

jsonDecoder decodes http response JSON into a JSON-tagged struct value.

func (JsonpbDecoder) Decode

func (d JsonpbDecoder) Decode(bytes []byte, v interface{}) error

Decode decodes the Response Body into the value pointed to by v. Caller must provide a non-nil v and close the resp.Body.

type Logger

type Logger interface {
	WithContext(ctx context.Context) Logger
	WithFields(keyValues Fields) Logger

	Info(msg string)
	Infof(format string, args ...interface{})

	Error(msg string)
	Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})

func NewDefaultLogger

func NewDefaultLogger() Logger

type Raw

type Raw []byte

Raw is response's raw data

type ReaderFunc

type ReaderFunc func() (io.Reader, error)

ReaderFunc is the type of function that can be given natively to NewRequest

type Request

type Request struct {

	// Embed an HTTP request directly. This makes a *Request act exactly
	// like an *http.Request so that all meta methods are supported.
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Request wraps the metadata needed to create HTTP requests.

func FromRequest

func FromRequest(r *http.Request) (*Request, error)

FromRequest wraps an http.Request in a retryablehttp.Request

type Response

type Response struct {
	RawData []byte

Response is a http response wrapper

func NewResponse

func NewResponse(response *http.Response, rawData []byte) *Response

type ResponseDecoder

type ResponseDecoder interface {
	// Decode decodes the response into the value pointed to by v.
	Decode(bytes []byte, v interface{}) error

ResponseDecoder decodes http responses into struct values.

type RetryDoer

type RetryDoer struct {
	HTTPClient Doer   // Internal HTTP client.
	Logger     Logger // Customer logger instance. Can be either Logger or LeveledLogger

	RetryWaitMin time.Duration // Minimum time to wait
	RetryWaitMax time.Duration // Maximum time to wait
	RetryMax     int           // Maximum number of retries

	// CheckRetry specifies the policy for handling retries, and is called
	// after each request. The default policy is DefaultRetryPolicy.
	CheckRetry CheckRetry

	// Backoff specifies the policy for how long to wait between retries
	Backoff Backoff

	// ErrorHandler specifies the custom error handler to use, if any
	ErrorHandler ErrorHandler

func NewRetryDoer

func NewRetryDoer(doer Doer, opts ...RetryOption) *RetryDoer

NewRetryDoer creates a new Client with default settings.

func (*RetryDoer) Do

func (c *RetryDoer) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, []byte, error)

func (*RetryDoer) DoCustom

func (c *RetryDoer) DoCustom(req *Request) (*http.Response, []byte, error)

Do wraps calling an HTTP method with retries.

type RetryOption

type RetryOption func(doer *RetryDoer)

func WithErrorHandler

func WithErrorHandler(errorHandler ErrorHandler) RetryOption

func WithLogger

func WithLogger(logger Logger) RetryOption

func WithRetryBackoff

func WithRetryBackoff(backoff Backoff) RetryOption

func WithRetryPolicy

func WithRetryPolicy(retryPolicy CheckRetry) RetryOption

func WithRetryTimes

func WithRetryTimes(times int) RetryOption

func WithRetryWaitMax

func WithRetryWaitMax(wait time.Duration) RetryOption

func WithRetryWaitMin

func WithRetryWaitMin(wait time.Duration) RetryOption

type Sling

type Sling struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Sling is an HTTP Request builder and sender.

func New

func New() *Sling

New returns a new Sling with an http DefaultClient.

func (*Sling) AddHeader

func (s *Sling) AddHeader(key, value string) *Sling

Add adds the key, value pair in Headers, appending values for existing keys to the key's values. Header keys are canonicalized.

func (*Sling) AutoRetry

func (s *Sling) AutoRetry(opts ...RetryOption) *Sling

func (*Sling) Base

func (s *Sling) Base(rawURL string) *Sling

Base sets the rawURL. If you intend to extend the url with Path, baseUrl should be specified with a trailing slash.

func (*Sling) Body

func (s *Sling) Body(body io.Reader) *Sling

Body sets the Sling's body. The body value will be set as the Body on new requests (see Request()). If the provided body is also an io.Closer, the request Body will be closed by http.Client methods.

func (*Sling) BodyForm

func (s *Sling) BodyForm(bodyForm interface{}) *Sling

BodyForm sets the Sling's bodyForm. The value pointed to by the bodyForm will be url encoded as the Body on new requests (see Request()). The bodyForm argument should be a pointer to a url tagged struct. See for details.

func (*Sling) BodyJSON

func (s *Sling) BodyJSON(bodyJSON interface{}) *Sling

BodyJSON sets the Sling's bodyJSON. The value pointed to by the bodyJSON will be JSON encoded as the Body on new requests (see Request()). The bodyJSON argument should be a pointer to a JSON tagged struct. See for details.

func (*Sling) BodyProvider

func (s *Sling) BodyProvider(body BodyProvider) *Sling

BodyProvider sets the Sling's body provider.

func (*Sling) Client

func (s *Sling) Client(httpWrapper *HttpWrapper) *Sling

Client sets the http Client used to do requests. If a nil client is given, the http.DefaultClient will be used.

func (*Sling) Connect

func (s *Sling) Connect(pathURL string) *Sling

Connect sets the Sling method to CONNECT and sets the given pathURL.

func (*Sling) Context

func (s *Sling) Context() context.Context

Context method returns the Context if its already set in request otherwise it creates new one using `context.Background()`.

func (*Sling) Delete

func (s *Sling) Delete(pathURL string) *Sling

Delete sets the Sling method to DELETE and sets the given pathURL.

func (*Sling) Do

func (s *Sling) Do(req *http.Request, successV, failureV interface{}) (*Response, error)

Do sends an HTTP request and returns the response. Success responses (2XX) are JSON decoded into the value pointed to by successV and other responses are JSON decoded into the value pointed to by failureV. If the status code of response is 204(no content) or the Content-Length is 0, decoding is skipped. Any error sending the request or decoding the response is returned.

func (*Sling) Doer

func (s *Sling) Doer(doer Doer) *Sling

Doer sets the custom Doer implementation used to do requests. If a nil client is given, the http.DefaultClient will be used.

func (*Sling) Get

func (s *Sling) Get(pathURL string) *Sling

Get sets the Sling method to GET and sets the given pathURL.

func (*Sling) Head

func (s *Sling) Head(pathURL string) *Sling

Head sets the Sling method to HEAD and sets the given pathURL.

func (*Sling) New

func (s *Sling) New() *Sling

New returns a copy of a Sling for creating a new Sling with properties from a parent Sling. For example,

parentSling := sling.New().Client(client).Base("")
fooSling := parentSling.New().Get("foo/")
barSling := parentSling.New().Get("bar/")

fooSling and barSling will both use the same client, but send requests to and respectively.

Note that query and body values are copied so if pointer values are used, mutating the original value will mutate the value within the child Sling.

func (*Sling) Options

func (s *Sling) Options(pathURL string) *Sling

Options sets the Sling method to OPTIONS and sets the given pathURL.

func (*Sling) Patch

func (s *Sling) Patch(pathURL string) *Sling

Patch sets the Sling method to PATCH and sets the given pathURL.

func (*Sling) Path

func (s *Sling) Path(path string) *Sling

Path extends the rawURL with the given path by resolving the reference to an absolute URL. If parsing errors occur, the rawURL is left unmodified.

func (*Sling) Post

func (s *Sling) Post(pathURL string) *Sling

Post sets the Sling method to POST and sets the given pathURL.

func (*Sling) Put

func (s *Sling) Put(pathURL string) *Sling

Put sets the Sling method to PUT and sets the given pathURL.

func (*Sling) QueryParams

func (s *Sling) QueryParams(params map[string]string) *Sling

func (*Sling) QueryStruct

func (s *Sling) QueryStruct(queryStruct interface{}) *Sling

QueryStruct appends the queryStruct to the Sling's queryStructs. The value pointed to by each queryStruct will be encoded as url query parameters on new requests (see Request()). The queryStruct argument should be a pointer to a url tagged struct. See for details.

func (*Sling) Receive

func (s *Sling) Receive(successV, failureV interface{}) (*Response, error)

Receive creates a new HTTP request and returns the response. Success responses (2XX) are JSON decoded into the value pointed to by successV and other responses are JSON decoded into the value pointed to by failureV. If the status code of response is 204(no content) or the Content-Lenght is 0, decoding is skipped. Any error creating the request, sending it, or decoding the response is returned. Receive is shorthand for calling Request and Do.

func (*Sling) ReceiveSuccess

func (s *Sling) ReceiveSuccess(successV interface{}) (*Response, error)

ReceiveSuccess creates a new HTTP request and returns the response. Success responses (2XX) are JSON decoded into the value pointed to by successV. Any error creating the request, sending it, or decoding a 2XX response is returned.

func (*Sling) Request

func (s *Sling) Request() (*http.Request, error)

Request returns a new http.Request created with the Sling properties. Returns any errors parsing the rawURL, encoding query structs, encoding the body, or creating the http.Request.

func (*Sling) ResponseDecoder

func (s *Sling) ResponseDecoder(decoder ResponseDecoder) *Sling

ResponseDecoder sets the Sling's response decoder.

func (*Sling) SetBasicAuth

func (s *Sling) SetBasicAuth(username, password string) *Sling

SetBasicAuth sets the Authorization header to use HTTP Basic Authentication with the provided username and password. With HTTP Basic Authentication the provided username and password are not encrypted.

func (*Sling) SetBearerAuth

func (s *Sling) SetBearerAuth(token string) *Sling

SetBearerAuth sets the Authorization header to use HTTP Bearer Authentication with the provided token.

func (*Sling) SetContext

func (s *Sling) SetContext(ctx context.Context) *Sling

SetContext method sets the context.Context for current Request. It allows to interrupt the request execution if ctx.Done() channel is closed. See article and the "context" package documentation.

func (*Sling) SetHeader

func (s *Sling) SetHeader(key, value string) *Sling

Set sets the key, value pair in Headers, replacing existing values associated with key. Header keys are canonicalized.

func (*Sling) Trace

func (s *Sling) Trace(pathURL string) *Sling

Trace sets the Sling method to TRACE and sets the given pathURL.

func (*Sling) WithSuccessDecider

func (s *Sling) WithSuccessDecider(isSuccess SuccessDecider) *Sling

type SuccessDecider

type SuccessDecider func(*http.Response) bool

SuccessDecider decide should we decode the response or not

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL