Note about development
go to and fork it to
your account
Now in your environment run
go get
and Navigate to the top level of the repository service-assurance-poc
cd to service-assurance-poc
Rename the current origin remote to upstream
git remote rename origin upstream
From here, the best approach would be to create a feature branch and work from there.
git checkout -t -b new-feature
// create new feature commits
git add files
git commit -m "message"
git push origin new-feature
Don’t forget to pull the changes from upstream before sending in a PR. This
helps avoid merge conflicts.
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
Service Assurance Smart Agent POC
- Enabling Barometer with amqp1.0 plugin will write metrics to amqp1.0
- Running a SA-Smart Agent Service will start 3 services
- qpid router listener, to consume all incoming collectd json
- http server to expose metrics from collectd for Prometheus to scrape.
- CacheServer to cache all incoming data from amqp1.0 plugin
- Install barometer, amqp1.0 dispatcher,Prometheus and Elastic Search.
Single node installation
Barometer installation
From Barometer User guide:
Read barometer docker user guide barometer docker user
Installing barometer collectd container WITHOUT AMQP plugin
$ git clone
$ cd barometer/docker/barometer-collectd
$ sudo docker build -t opnfv/barometer-collectd -f Dockerfile .
Installing barometer collectd container WITH AMQP plugin
Applying AMQP1.0 plugin patch to build docker images
In order to apply AMQP1.0 plugin as patch for the docker image before building.
I copied the project to public github and made following changes to the project
For reference see below. You can skip this section to "Build with AMQP1.0
Collectd configuration
LoadPlugin amqp1
<Plugin amqp1>
<Transport "name">
Host ""
Port "5672"
# User "guest"
# Password "guest"
Address "collectd"
# <Instance "log">
# Format JSON
# PreSettle false
# </Instance>
<Instance "notify">
Format JSON
PreSettle true
Notify true
<Instance "telemetry">
Format JSON
PreSettle false
WORKDIR ${repos_dir}
RUN git clone
WORKDIR ${repos_dir}/barometer/systems
Build with AMQP1.0 plugin
$ git clone
$ cd barometer/docker/barometer-collectd
$ sudo docker build --no-cache -t opnfv/barometer-collectd -f Dockerfile .
To Deploy Barometer container
docker run -tid --net=host \
-v `pwd`/collect_config:/opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf.d \
-v /var/run:/var/run \
-v /tmp:/tmp \
--privileged opnfv/barometer-collectd /
Here pwd
/collect_config contains all collectd configuration files. Enable and disable plugin under this directory
QPID Dispatcher installation (Read setting up standalone qpid-ansible read-me file. )
git clone
cd qpid-ansible
change under hosts standalone server name
ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yaml --tags config-standalone,router,start,status --limit standalone
Prometheus Installation
You can use kube-ansible to
deploy the initialy Kubernetes platform, and then layer a minimal Prometheus
Operator deployment on top of that with the playbooks in the ansible/
TODO: Provide better instructions here since we have the playbooks.
Service Assurance Smart Gateway installation
git clone
We make use of dep
to satisfy the
dependencies. Once you've installed dep
it should be as simple as running the
following command to get the vendored dependencies.
dep ensure -v -vendor-only
Smart Gateway Usage
Test : Running Benchmark
$ go test -bench=.
For running EVENTS with AMQP use following option
$ go run events.go -amqp1EventURL= -eshost=
With configuration file
$ go run events.go --config sa.event.congig.json
For running METRICS with AMQP and Prometheus use following option
$ go run metrics.go -mhost=localhost -mport=8081 -amqp1MetricURL=
With configuration file
$ go run metrics.go --config sa.metrics.config.json
With debug
$ go run metrics.go --config sa.metrics.config.json --debug
For running metrics with Sample data, without AMQP use the following option.
Sample Data for metrics
$ go run metrics.go -mhost=localhost -mport=8081 -usesample=true -h=10 -p=100 -t=-1
--- Usage Details
-config string
Path to configuration file(optional).if provided ignores all command line options"
-amqp1MetricURL string
AMQP1.0 listener example
-count int
Stop after receiving this many messages in total(-1 forever) (OPTIONAL) (default -1)
-h int
No of hosts : Sample hosts required (default 1). (default 1)
-mhost string
Metrics url for Prometheus to export. (default "localhost")
-mport int
Metrics port for Prometheus to export (http://localhost:<port>/metrics) (default 8081)
Include cpu usage info in http requests (degrades performance)
-p int
No of plugins: Sample plugins per host(default 100). (default 100)
-t int
No of times to run sample data (default 1) -1 for ever. (default 1)
Use sample data instead of amqp.This will not fetch any data from amqp (OPTIONAL)
Enable debug
Container Image Builds
You will need Docker 17.05 or later, since we're making use of multi-stage
builds. With Docker installed, images can be built with the use of the
image which makes use of ONBUILD
Building Events Consumer
docker build --tag nfvpe/events_consumer:latest -f docker/events/Dockerfile .
Building Metrics Consumer
docker build --tag nfvpe/metrics_consumer:latest -f docker/metrics/Dockerfile .