your MongoDB connection deserves a name: Go edition
An example on how to assign a name to a MongoDB connection in Go.
Get it running
- Start the MongoDB docker container:
$ docker run --rm \
--publish 27017:27017 \
--name ycdan-mongodb \
--detach \
- Compile the example program:
$ go build -o your-connection-deserves-a-name
- Start the example program:
$ ./your-connection-deserves-a-name
You should see something like
2021/07/30 18:46:37 Connecting to MongoDB on mongodb://root:secret@
2021/07/30 18:46:37 Connecting to MongoDB on mongodb://root:secret@ ... Successful
2021/07/30 18:46:37
2021/07/30 18:46:37 Keeping the connection open ...
2021/07/30 18:46:37 You can connect to the MongoDB server and execute the query:
2021/07/30 18:46:37 db.currentOp()
2021/07/30 18:46:37 Alternatively, you should see the `appName` in the logs of the MongoDB server.
2021/07/30 18:46:37
2021/07/30 18:46:37 Hit CTRL + C or cancel the process to stop.
2021/07/30 18:46:37
- Login into your mongodb instance and execute the query:
In the key appName
you can confirm your connection name:

Alternatively, you can also check the server logs:
"t": {
"$date": "2021-07-30T16:30:18.042+00:00"
"attr": {
"application": {
"name": "currency-conversion-app"
Don't know what this is all about?
Read the original blog post your database connection deserves a name @ andygrunwald.com.
Additionally, you can check out the projects README.