A tool that tracks indie developers on Twitter and highlights up and coming developers
All configuration variables for game-scout exist in a config.json
file that must be in the same working directory as the game-scout executable. This is usually the root of the repository. The following is the default config.json
for game-scout:
"db": {
"host": "<DB_HOST>",
"user": "<DB_USER>",
"password": "<DB_USER_PASSWORD>",
"name": "<DB_NAME>",
"port": 5432,
"sslmode": false,
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"postgres_db_name": "postgres",
"default_phase_rw_access": {
"phase": 0,
"read": true,
"write": true
"phase_rw_access": []
"email": {
"debug": true,
"host": "",
"port": 587,
"from_name": "<EMAIL_FROM_NAME>",
"password": "<EMAIL_PASSWORD>",
"template_configs": {
"templates/measure.html": {
"max_image_width": 1024,
"max_image_height": 400,
"debug_to": [],
"to": [],
"subject_format": "Robo-scout's picks of the week 2/1/2006",
"attachment_name_format": "picks_of_the_week_2006_01_02",
"send_retries": 15,
"send_backoff": "30s",
"html2text_options": {
"TextOnly": true
"plain_only": true,
"send_day": 1
"templates/started.txt": {
"debug_to": [],
"to": [],
"subject_format": "Robo-scout has started Scout procedure for 2/1/2006",
"send_retries": 15,
"send_backoff": "30s",
"plain_only": true
"templates/error.txt": {
"debug_to": [],
"to": [],
"subject_format": "Robo-scout has encountered an error",
"send_retries": 15,
"send_backoff": "30s",
"plain_only": true
"templates/finished.txt": {
"debug_to": [],
"to": [],
"subject_format": "Robo-scout has finished the Scout procedure for 2/1/2006",
"send_retries": 15,
"send_backoff": "30s",
"plain_only": true
"tasks": {
"default_queue": "game-scout-tasks",
"results_expire_in": 3600,
"broker": "redis://localhost:6379",
"result_backend": "redis://localhost:6379",
"redis": {
"max_idle": 3,
"idle_timeout": 240,
"read_timeout": 15,
"write_timeout": 15,
"connect_timeout": 15,
"normal_tasks_poll_period": 1000,
"delayed_tasks_poll_period": 500
"periodic_task_signatures": {
"scout": {
"args": [
{"name": "batchSize", "type": "int", "value": 100},
{"name": "discoveryTweets", "type": "int", "value": 30250}
"cron": "0 10 * * *",
"retry_count": 3
"twitter": {
"api_key": "<TWITTER_API_KEY>",
"api_key_secret": "<TWITTER_API_SECRET>",
"bearer_token": "<TWITTER_API_BEARER_TOKEN>",
"password": "<TWITTER_PASSWORD>",
"hashtags": [],
"blacklisted_hashtags": [],
"headless": false,
"rate_limit": {
"tweets_per_month": 1650000,
"tweets_per_week": 385000,
"tweets_per_day": 55000,
"tweets_per_hour": 2200,
"tweets_per_minute": 1000,
"tweets_per_second": 200,
"time_per_request": "500ms"
"created_at_format": "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z",
"ignored_error_types": [
"reddit": {
"personal_use_script": "<PERSONAL_USE_SCRIPT_ID>",
"username": "<REDDIT_USERNAME>",
"password": "<REDDIT_PASSWORD>",
"subreddits": [],
"rate_limits": {
"requests_per_month": 2592000,
"requests_per_week": 604800,
"requests_per_day": 86400,
"requests_per_hour": 3600,
"requests_per_minute": 60,
"requests_per_second": 1,
"time_per_request": "1s"
"monday": {
"token": "<MONDAY_API_KEY>",
"mapping": {
"models.Game": {
"model_name": "models.Game",
"board_ids": [0],
"group_ids": ["games_from_twitter"],
"model_instance_id_column_id": "id",
"model_instance_upvotes_column_id": "upvotes",
"model_instance_downvotes_column_id": "downvotes",
"model_instance_watched_column_id": "watched",
"model_field_to_column_value_expr": {
"storefront": "build_status_label(game.Storefront.String())",
"developer_website": "build_link(len(game.VerifiedDeveloperUsernames) > 0 ? sprintf(\"\", game.GetVerifiedDeveloperUsernames()[0]) : \"\")",
"created_at": "build_date(now())",
"website": "build_link(game.Website.IsValid() ? game.Website.String : \"\")",
"id": "game.ID.String()",
"last_fetched": "build_date(now())"
"columns_to_update": ["last_fetched"]
"models.SteamApp": {
"model_name": "models.SteamApp",
"board_ids": [0],
"group_ids": ["steam_apps"],
"model_instance_id_column_id": "id",
"model_instance_upvotes_column_id": "upvotes",
"model_instance_downvotes_column_id": "downvotes",
"model_instance_watched_column_id": "watched",
"model_field_to_column_value_expr": {
"storefront": "build_status_label(\"Steam\")",
"developer_website": "build_link(game.VerifiedDeveloper(db()) != nil ? game.VerifiedDeveloper(db()).Link() : \"\")",
"created_at": "build_date(now())",
"website": "build_link(game.Website())",
"id": "str(game.ID)",
"last_fetched": "build_date(now())"
"columns_to_update": ["last_fetched"]
"scrape": {
"debug": true,
"storefronts": [
"storefront": "S",
"tags": {
"default_value": 10,
"upvotes_threshold": 25,
"values": {}
"storefront": "I",
"tags": {
"default_value": 500,
"upvotes_threshold": 0,
"values": {}
"weighted_model_expressions": {
"DeveloperSnapshot": [
"field": "Tweets",
"weight": 0.65,
"expression": "scale_range(clamp(float(field.Val), 100.0), 0.0, 100.0, 100_000.0, -500_000.0)"
"model_name": "DeveloperSnapshot",
"field": "TweetTimeRange",
"weight": 0.35,
"expression": "field.Ptr.IsValid() ? scale_range(clamp_min_max(field.Ptr.Ptr().Minutes(), 1.0, 10_000.0), 1.0, 10_000.0, -10_000.0, 10_000.0) : -10_000.0"
"model_name": "DeveloperSnapshot",
"field": "AverageDurationBetweenTweets",
"weight": 0.45,
"expression": "field.Ptr.IsValid() ? scale_range(clamp_min_max(field.Ptr.Ptr().Minutes(), 1.0, 10_000.0), 1.0, 10_000.0, -10_000.0, 10_000.0) : -10_000.0"
"model_name": "DeveloperSnapshot",
"field": "TweetsPublicMetrics",
"weight": 0.75,
"expression": "field.Val != nil ? [clamp(float(field.Val.Impressions), 1000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.URLLinkClicks), 1000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.UserProfileClicks), 1000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.Likes), 1000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.Replies), 1000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.Retweets), 1000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.Quotes), 1000.0)] : 0.0"
"model_name": "DeveloperSnapshot",
"field": "PostPublicMetrics",
"weight": 0.8,
"expression": "field.Val != nil ? [clamp(float(field.Val.Ups), 1000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.Downs), 1000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.Score), 1000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.UpvoteRatio), 1000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.NumberOfComments), 1000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.SubredditSubscribers), 1000.0)] : 0.0"
"model_name": "DeveloperSnapshot",
"field": "UserPublicMetrics",
"weight": 0.45,
"expression": "field.Val != nil ? [clamp(float(field.Val.Followers), 1000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.Following), 1000.0), scale_range(clamp(float(field.Val.Tweets), 10_000.0), 0.0, 10_000.0, 100_000.0, -1_000_000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.Listed), 1000.0)] : 0.0"
"model_name": "DeveloperSnapshot",
"field": "RedditPublicMetrics",
"weight": 0.55,
"expression": "field.Val != nil ? [clamp(float(field.Val.PostKarma), 5000.0), clamp(float(field.Val.CommentKarma), 5000.0)] : 0.0"
"model_name": "DeveloperSnapshot",
"field": "ContextAnnotationSet",
"weight": 0.55,
"expression": "field.Val != nil ? map(field.Val.ToSlice(), {#.Domain.Value()}) : 0.0"
"model_name": "DeveloperSnapshot",
"field": "Games",
"weight": 0.7,
"expression": "field.Val == 0.0 ? -15_000_000.0 : scale_range(clamp(float(field.Val), 100.0), 1.0, 100.0, 100_000.0, -5_000_000.0)"
"model_name": "DeveloperSnapshot",
"field": "GameWeightedScoresSum",
"weight": 0.8,
"expression": "model.Games > 0 ? field.Val / float(model.Games) : 0.0"
"model_name": "DeveloperSnapshot",
"field": "TimesHighlighted",
"weight": 0.9,
"expression": "float(field.Val) * -10000.0"
"Game": [
"model_name": "Game",
"field": "Publisher",
"weight": 0.55,
"expression": "field.Val.IsValid() ? -100000.0 : 4000.0"
"model_name": "Game",
"field": "TotalReviews",
"weight": 0.75,
"expression": "field.Val.IsValid() ? scale_range(clamp(float(field.Val.Int32 + 1), 5000.0), 1.0, 5000.0, 1000000.0, -1000000.0) : 0.0"
"model_name": "Game",
"field": "ReviewScore",
"weight": 0.65,
"expression": "field.Val.IsValid() ? field.Val.Float64 * 1500.0 : 0.0"
"model_name": "Game",
"field": "TotalUpvotes",
"weight": 0.45,
"expression": "field.Val.IsValid() ? scale_range(clamp(float(field.Val.Int32 * 2), 5000.0) * 2.0, 0.0, 10000.0, -1000.0, 10000.0) : 0.0"
"model_name": "Game",
"field": "TotalDownvotes",
"weight": 0.25,
"expression": "field.Val.IsValid() ? scale_range(clamp(float(field.Val.Int32 * 2), 5000.0) * 2.0, 0.0, 10000.0, -1000.0, 10000.0) : 0.0"
"model_name": "Game",
"field": "TotalComments",
"weight": 0.35,
"expression": "field.Val.IsValid() ? scale_range(clamp(float(field.Val.Int32 * 2), 5000.0) * 2.0, 0.0, 10000.0, -1000.0, 10000.0) : 0.0"
"model_name": "Game",
"field": "TagScore",
"weight": 0.25,
"expression": "field.Val.IsValid() ? field.Val.Float64 : 0.0"
"model_name": "Game",
"field": "Updates",
"weight": -0.15,
"expression": "float(field.Val + 1) / 1500.0"
"model_name": "Game",
"field": "ReleaseDate",
"weight": 0.7,
"expression": "field.Val.IsValid() && !field.Val.Time.IsZero() ? (abs(int(field.Val.Time.Sub(now())) - int(duration(\"month\"))) > int(duration(\"month\")) * 5 ? duration(boolMap(-1, 1)[int(field.Val.Time.Sub(now())) - int(duration(\"month\")) < 0] * int(duration(\"month\")) * 5).Hours() : duration(int(field.Val.Time.Sub(now())) - int(duration(\"month\"))).Hours()) : 0.0"
"model_name": "Game",
"field": "Votes",
"weight": 0.8,
"expression": "float(field.Val * 100000)"
"SteamApp": [
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "Publisher",
"weight": 0.55,
"expression": "field.Val.IsValid() ? -120000.0 : 4000.0"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "TotalReviews",
"weight": 0.75,
"expression": "scale_range(clamp(float(field.Val + 1), 5000.0), 1.0, 5000.0, 1000000.0, -1000000.0)"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "ReviewScore",
"weight": 0.65,
"expression": "field.Val * 1500.0"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "TotalUpvotes",
"weight": 0.45,
"expression": "scale_range(clamp(float(field.Val), 5000.0) * 2.0, 0.0, 10000.0, -1000.0, 10000.0)"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "TotalDownvotes",
"weight": 0.25,
"expression": "scale_range(clamp(float(field.Val), 5000.0) * 2.0, 0.0, 10000.0, -1000.0, 10000.0)"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "TotalComments",
"weight": 0.35,
"expression": "scale_range(clamp(float(field.Val), 5000.0) * 2.0, 0.0, 10000.0, -1000.0, 10000.0)"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "TagScore",
"weight": 0.25,
"expression": "field.Val == 0 && model.ReleaseDate.After(now()) ? 5000.0 : field.Val"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "Updates",
"weight": -0.55,
"expression": "field.Val == 0 ? float(field.Val + 1) / 150000.0 : float(field.Val + 1) / 1500.0"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "AssetModifiedTime",
"weight": 0.2,
"expression": "scale_range(duration(clamp(float(now().Sub(field.Val)), float(duration(\"month\")) * 5.0)).Hours(), 0.0, 24.0 * 30.0 * 5.0, 2000.0, 0.0)"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "CreatedAt",
"weight": 0.8,
"expression": "scale_range(duration(clamp(float(now().Sub(field.Val)), float(duration(\"month\")) * 5.0)).Hours(), 0.0, 24.0 * 30.0 * 5.0, 2000.0, 0.0)"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "ReleaseDate",
"weight": 0.6,
"expression": "duration(abs(int(field.Val.Sub(now())) - int(duration(\"month\"))) > int(duration(\"month\")) * 5 ? boolMap(-1, 1)[int(field.Val.Sub(now())) - int(duration(\"month\")) < 0] * int(duration(\"month\")) * 5 : int(field.Val.Sub(now())) - int(duration(\"month\"))).Hours()"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "TimesHighlighted",
"weight": 0.9,
"expression": "float(field.Val) * -10000.0"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "OwnersOnly",
"weight": 0.7,
"expression": "boolMap(-100000.0, 100.0)[field.Val]"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "HasStorepage",
"weight": 0.7,
"expression": "boolMap(100.0, -50000.0)[field.Val]"
"model_name": "SteamApp",
"field": "Votes",
"weight": 0.8,
"expression": "float(field.Val * 100000)"
"constants": {
"scout_timeout": "5h",
"transform_tweet_workers": 5,
"reddit_subreddit_scrape_workers": 5,
"reddit_discovery_batch_workers": 5,
"reddit_binding_paginator_wait_time": "500ms",
"reddit_comments_per_post": 100,
"reddit_posts_per_subreddit": 50,
"update_developer_workers": 7,
"update_producer_finished_job_timeout": "2s",
"update_producer_finished_job_max_timeouts": 2700,
"max_update_tweets": 11,
"max_update_posts": 11,
"reddit_producer_batch_multiplier": 1.3,
"reddit_producer_batch_sleep_time": "5m",
"seconds_between_discovery_batches": "3s",
"seconds_between_update_batches": "30s",
"max_total_discovery_tweets_daily_percent": 0.55,
"max_enabled_developers_after_enable_phase": 2250,
"max_enabled_developers_after_disable_phase": 2062,
"max_developers_to_enable": 188,
"percentage_of_disabled_developers_to_delete": 0.025,
"stale_developer_days": 70,
"discovery_game_scrape_workers": 10,
"discovery_max_concurrent_game_scrape_workers": 9,
"update_game_scrape_workers": 10,
"update_max_concurrent_game_scrape_workers": 9,
"min_scrape_storefronts_for_game_worker_wait_time": "100ms",
"max_scrape_storefronts_for_game_worker_wait_time": "500ms",
"max_games_per_tweet": 10,
"max_games_per_post": 10,
"max_trend_workers": 10,
"max_top_steam_apps": 10,
"sock_steam_app_scrape_workers": 5,
"sock_max_concurrent_steam_app_scrape_workers": 4,
"sock_max_steam_app_scraper_jobs": 2048,
"sock_steam_app_scraper_jobs_per_minute": 15,
"sock_steam_app_scraper_drop_jobs_threshold": 512,
"sock_min_steam_app_scraper_wait_time": "100ms",
"sock_max_steam_app_scraper_wait_time": "500ms",
"sock_steam_app_scrape_consumers": 10,
"sock_dropper_wait_time": "1m",
"scrape_max_tries": 3,
"scrape_min_delay": "2s"
"SteamWebPipes": {
"Disable": false,
"BinaryLocation": "ScoutWebPipes/bin/Debug/<OS_ARCH>/publish/ScoutWebPipes",
"Location": "ws://",
"DatabaseConnectionString": "",
"X509Certificate": "cert.pfx"
Remember to update all the values containing a placeholder (e.g. <TWITTER_PASSWORD>
), to their actual values, and set the debug
and headless
flags accordingly.
This contains the DB settings. Game-scout uses GORM as an ORM for a PostgreSQL DB to store its findings. Please note that (at the moment) there is no option to use another DB server.
Key | Type | Description |
host |
string |
The hostname/address of the PostgreSQL DB that GORM will connect to |
user |
string |
The username of the user that will be used to connect to the PostgreSQL DB |
password |
string |
The password of the user that will be used to connect to the DB |
name |
string |
The name of the DB to connect to |
port |
int |
The port on which the PostgreSQL server is running |
sslmode |
bool |
Whether the PostgreSQL server is running in SSL mode |
timezone |
string |
The timezone which the PostgreSQL server uses |
postgres_db_name |
string |
The name of the main PostgreSQL database. This is used so that we can create and drop the test database when running tests. |
default_phase_rw_access |
object |
This isn't used just yet |
phase_rw_access |
array |
This isn't used just yet |
This contains the settings for sending emails and email templates.
Key | Type | Description |
debug |
bool |
Whether to send the templates to the debug_to addresses rather than the to addresses |
host |
string |
The hostname/address of the SMTP server to send emails to |
from |
string |
The email address that we will be sending emails from |
from_name |
string |
The name of the sender |
password |
string |
The password of the sender |
template_configs |
map[email.TemplatePath]*TemplateConfig as object |
All the configurations for the templates that will be sent by game-scout |
Template config
Contains the configuration for a single email template (see the email package, template.go
and email/templates
). Game-scout uses the html2text library to convert HTML content into plain-text to produce a plain-text version of the body for a template.
Key | Type | Description |
max_image_width |
int |
Maximum width of any converted base64 images that are going to be displayed in the template |
max_image_height |
int |
Maximum height of any converted base64 images that are going to be displayed in the template |
debug_to |
[]string |
Recipients that this template will be sent to when the email debug flag is set |
to |
[]string |
Recipients that this template will be sent to when the email debug flag is not set |
subject_format |
string |
Time format of the subject of the emails sent for this template |
attachment_name_format |
string |
Time format of the filename of the file that will be attached to emails sent for this template. File extensions should not be included |
send_retries |
int |
Number of times the SMTP send method should be retried. If it is negative then it will be retried forever |
send_backoff |
time.Duration as string |
Duration that will be multiplied by the current retry number to produce a wait time that will be slept for when an error occurs whilst sending this template |
html2text_options |
html2text.Options as object |
html2text.Options used when sending instances of this template in an email |
plain_only |
bool |
Whether to only send the plain-text when sending instances of this template in an email. If it is not set then HTML content will also be added |
send_day |
time.Weekday as int |
The time.Weekday that instances of this template are sent. This is ignored if the email debug flag is set |
This contains the settings for the machinery task manager and scheduled tasks. Game-scout is designed to run with Redis as a broker. However, because machinery supports a wider range of brokers it might be possible to extend this functionality in the future. The logic for most of the task scheduling in game-scout can be found in the tasks
package, and workers.go
Key | Type | Description |
default_queue |
string |
The name of the default queue in redis to push tasks to |
results_expire_in |
int |
How long to store results for in seconds |
broker |
string |
The address to the broker |
result_backend |
string |
The address to the result backend |
redis |
config.RedisConfig as object |
See this file for more details |
periodic_task_signatures |
map[string]PeriodicTaskSignature as object |
All the configurations for the periodic tasks that will be run. At the moment the only task that is registered is the scout task. |
Periodic task signature
Represents the task signature for a periodic task in game-scout. The only periodic task you should worry about registering is the main Scout
Key | Type | Description |
args |
[]tasks.Arg as object |
The arguments for this periodic task |
cron |
string |
The cron string |
retry_count |
int |
The number of times to retry this task if it fails |
This contains the settings for the Twitter API and the Discovery phase of the Scout procedure. Game-scout requires the details of your developer Twitter account (the one to which your API keys are bound to). Game-scout uses these to determine your Tweet cap/how many Tweets you can fetch for the current month.
Key | Type | Description |
api_key |
string |
Your Twitter API key |
api_key_secret |
string |
Your Twitter API secret |
bearer_token |
string |
Your Twitter API bearer token |
username |
string |
Your Twitter login username/email. This is used for determining your current Tweet cap |
password |
string |
Your Twitter login password. This is used for determining your current Tweet cap |
hashtags |
[]string |
The hashtags to search for in the Discovery phase. Note: that you need to take into account your Twitter dev account's query limitations. |
blacklisted_hashtags |
[]string |
The hashtags to blacklist in the Discovery phase. Note: that you need to take into account your Twitter dev account's query limitations. |
headless |
bool |
Whether to run the playwright browser that is used to fetch your Tweet cap in headless mode |
rate_limits |
*TwitterRateLimits as object |
The rate limits for each timeframe to abide by when requesting resources from the Twitter API. See the Rate limits section for more details |
tweet_cap_location |
string |
The path (relative to the root of the repository) to save/load the Tweet cap cache to/from. This is a JSON file that contains the remaining number of Tweets for your account for the month. This is used by game-scout to know how many Tweets it can request per-day and per-month. |
created_at_format |
string |
The time format that the Twitter API uses for the created_at fields of various resources. This should be set to the ISO 8601 standard i.e. "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z" . |
ignored_error_types |
[]string |
The errors from the Twitter API that can be safely ignored. This is a list of URLs to the Twitter API documentation's explanations of the error to be ignored. I recommend setting this to ["", ""] . |
Twitter rate limits
One thing to note when setting your rate limits is that it is better to be pessimistic than optimistic. To set the rate limits for my own Elevated account I used percentages, rounding down, and averages of the tweets_per_month
and tweets_per_second
Key | Type | Description | You should use these as a default (when using a Twitter API account with Elevated access) |
tweets_per_month |
uint64 |
The number of Tweets that can safely be requested per-month. I would recommend setting this to 80-85% of the Tweet cap for your account, so that you can use the rest for testing/other purposes. | 1650000 |
tweets_per_week |
uint64 |
The number of Tweets that can safely be requested per-week. | tweets_per_day * 7 = 385000 |
tweets_per_day |
uint64 |
The number of Tweets that can safely be requested per-day. I use this metric to calculate the tweets_per_week , tweets_per_hour and tweets_per_minute . |
tweets_per_month / 30 = 55000 |
tweets_per_hour |
uint64 |
The number of Tweets that can safely be requested per-hour. | rounded_down_to_nearest_100(tweets_per_day / 24) = 2200 |
tweets_per_minute |
uint64 |
The number of Tweets that can safely be requested per-minute. | (tweets_per_day - tweets_per_second) / 2 = 1000 |
tweets_per_second |
uint64 |
The number of Tweets that can safely be requested per-second. I set this to the maximum number of Tweets that can be requested by an endpoint that returns Tweets (100), divided by time_per_request / 1s . |
100 / (time_per_request / 1s) = 200 |
time_per_request |
time.Duration as string |
The average time that a request to the Twitter API should be completed. Set this to something that is more towards the end of "worst-case". | 500ms |
This contains the settings for the personal use script used to access the Reddit API in the Discovery and Update phases of the procedure. Game-scout requires the details of the Reddit account which provisioned the personal use script in order to authenticate on the API using OAuth.
Key | Type | Description |
personal_use_script |
string |
The ID of the personal use script that was set up for game-scout scraping. |
secret |
string |
The secret that must be sent to the Reddit API access-token endpoint to acquire an OAuth token. |
user_agent |
string |
Used in requests to the Reddit API to identify game-scout. |
username |
string |
The username for the Reddit account related to the personal use script. For use in the acquirement of the OAuth token. |
password |
string |
The password for the Reddit account related to the personal use script. For use in the acquirement of the OAuth token. |
subreddits |
[]string |
The list of subreddits to scrape. E.g. "GameDevelopment" (notice the lack of "r/" prefix). |
rate_limits |
*RedditRateLimits as object |
Contains the rate limits per-unit of time. |
Reddit rate limits
Again, better to be pessimistic than optimistic here. Because the Reddit API limits requests to a 5-minute period, and there is no caps to worry about, these rate limits are solely based off of the 60 requests per-minute.
Key | Type | Description | You should use these as a default |
requests_per_month |
uint64 |
The number of requests that can be made safely to the Reddit API per-month. | requests_per_day * 30 = 2592000 |
requests_per_week |
uint64 |
The number of requests that can be made safely to the Reddit API per-week. | requests_per_day * 7 = 604800 |
requests_per_day |
uint64 |
The number of requests that can be made safely to the Reddit API per-day. | requests_per_hour * 24 = 86400 |
requests_per_hour |
uint64 |
The number of requests that can be made safely to the Reddit API per-hour. | requests_per_minute * 60 = 3600 |
requests_per_minute |
uint64 |
The number of requests that can be made safely to the Reddit API per-minute. | 60 |
requests_per_second |
uint64 |
The number of requests that can be made safely to the Reddit API per-second. | requests_per_minute / 60 = 1 |
time_per_request |
time.Duration as string |
The average time that a request to the Twitter API should be completed. Set this to something that is more towards the end of "worst-case". | 1s |
game-scout has a Monday integration to mirror over each Game and SteamApp mentioned in the reports sent out by the Measure phase to a chosen board/group combo. This procedure uses the expr library to map the fields in each Game/SteamApp to a column value that can be posted by the Monday API. These expressions are contained in separate mappings for each GameModel (i.e. Game and SteamApp) from their Monday column ID, to the expression that will generate the column value to POST to the Monday API. These expressions are compiled on start, and are passed a game
variable that contains either a *models.Game
or a *models.SteamApp
, as well as the set of following function signatures:
Signature | Description | Example |
db() *gorm.DB |
Returns the default DB connection used by game-scout to connect to the PostgreSQL ORM. | game.VerifiedDeveloper(db()) : Calls the VerifiedDeveloper method for a Game/SteamApp which requires a *gorm.DB instance. |
str(v any) string |
Returns the string representation of the given value. This is done using fmt.Sprintf and the %v verb. |
str(game.ID) : Converts the uint64 ID of a SteamApp to a string. |
sprintf(format string, a ...any) string |
fmt.Sprintf function. |
sprintf("", game.GetVerifiedDeveloperUsernames()[0]) : Constructs a URL for the Twitter handle for a Game. |
now() time.Time |
Returns the result of time.Now().UTC() . |
build_date(now()) : Builds a monday.DateTime for today. |
build_date(t time.Time) monday.DateTime |
Returns a monday.DateTime that can be used when POSTing to the Monday API to set Date columns on Monday. The time segment of the given time will be zeroed so just the date, month and year is set. |
build_date(now()) : Builds a monday.DateTime for today. |
build_date_time(t time.Time) monday.DateTime |
Returns a monday.DateTime that can be used when POSTing to the Monday API to set DateTime columns on Monday. |
build_date_time(now()) : Builds a monday.DateTime for now. |
build_status_index(index int) monday.StatusIndex |
Returns a monday.StatusIndex that can be used when POSTing to the Monday API to set Status columns by index on Monday. The given integer should be an index of an existing label for the mapped status column. |
build_status_index(0) : Builds a monday.StatusIndex for the first label. |
build_status_label(label string) monday.StatusLabel |
Returns a monday.StatusLabel that can be used when POSTing to the Monday API to set Status columns by label name on Monday. The given string should be the name of an existing label for the mapped status column. |
build_status_label(game.Storefront.String()) Builds a monday.StatusLabel for a Game's Storefront. |
build_link(...string) monday.Link |
Returns a monday.Link that can be used when POSTing to the Monday API to set Link columns. If one string is given then the link will not be named, if two are given then the link will have the URL of the first argument and be named whatever the second argument is. |
build_link(game.Website.IsValid() ? game.Website.String : "") : Builds a monday.Link for a Game's Website, or the empty string if Website is null. Note that here the text displayed for this link will be the same as the URL to which the link links. |
The monday
package contains all the types and bindings that are used by game-scout to interact with the Monday API, so if you need further information on the types mentioned above as well as the specifics behind adding items to Monday boards, this is a good place to start.
Key | Type | Description |
token |
string |
The bearer token used to authenticate for your linked Monday organisation. |
mapping |
map[string]*MondayMappingConfig as object |
A mapping of GameModel Model names (i.e. models.Game or models.SteamApp ) to MondayMappingConfig s. |
test_mapping |
map[string]*MondayMappingConfig as object |
A copy of mapping that is only used for testing. This is so you can keep the Monday boards used for testing separate from the boards used in production. |
Key | Type | Description | Example |
model_name |
string |
The name of the model that this MondayMappingConfig is for. This should either be "models.SteamApp" or "models.Game". |
models.Game /models.SteamApp |
board_ids |
[]int |
The assigned IDs of the boards used to track models.SteamApp /models.Game from the Measure Phase. Newly created Monday-ified models.Game /models.SteamApp will always be added to the first board in this list. |
[1234567890] |
group_ids |
[]string |
The assigned IDs of the groups within the board_ids used to track models.SteamApp /models.Game from the Measure Phase. Groups that models.Game are in should never intersect with the boards that models.SteamApp are in, or if this is not possible, boards between the two models.GameModel should be unique. Newly created Monday-ified models.Game /models.SteamApp will always be added to the first group in this list. |
["games", "downvoted_games"] |
model_instance_id_column_id |
string |
The assigned ID of the column within the BoardID used to store the ID of the models.SteamApp/models.Game instance in game-scout. | id |
model_instance_upvotes_column_id |
string |
The assigned ID of the column within the BoardID used to store the number of upvotes of the related models.SteamApp/models.Game. | upvotes |
model_instance_downvotes_column_id |
string |
The assigned ID of the column within the BoardID used to store the number of downvotes of the related models.SteamApp/models.Game. | downvotes |
model_instance_watched_column_id |
string |
The assigned ID of the column within the BoardID used to store the value of the Watched field of the related models.SteamApp/models.Game. If this is set for a models.SteamApp/models.Game, then the instance will be included in a separate section of the Measure email until this flag is unset. | watched |
model_field_to_column_value_expr |
map[string]string as object |
Represents a mapping from Monday column IDs to expressions that can be compiled using expr.Eval to convert a field from a given models.Game/models.SteamApp instance to a value that Monday can use. This is used when creating models.Game/models.SteamApp in their BoardID in the Measure Phase. |
See example config above |
columns_to_update |
[]string |
A list of Monday column IDs to update for existing models.SteamApp /models.Game within the linked Monday board_ids or group_ids . models.SteamApp /models.Game instances that exist in the linked Monday board_ids or group_ids will be updated at the start of the Measure Phase using their mapped expressions in model_field_to_column_value_expr . |
["last_fetched", "link"] |
This contains the settings for the scrape procedures that are run for the different supported Storefronts, as well as general configuration settings/constants for game-scout. At the moment, the only supported Storefronts are Steam and Itch.IO.
Key | Type | Description |
debug |
bool |
Used as a sort of global debug flag throughout the game-scout system |
storefronts |
[]*StorefrontConfig as array |
The configurations for each supported storefront. See the Storefront config section for more details |
weighted_model_expressions |
map[string][]*WeightedModelFieldEvaluator as object |
Mapping of models.WeightedModel names (with no package prefix) to an array of WeightedModelFieldEvaluator s that are used to calculate each the value of each field which contributes to the weighted score of a models.WeightedModel instance. |
constants |
ScrapeConstants as object |
The constants used throughout the Scout procedure as well as the ScoutWebPipes co-process |
Weighted model field evaluators
Key | Type | Description |
model_name |
string |
The name of the models.WeightedModel that this WeightedModelFieldEvaluator is for. This is not prefixed by the package name. |
field |
string |
The name of the field within the models.WeightedModel instance that this WeightedModelFieldEvaluator will evaluate. |
weight |
float64 |
The weight of this field , which affects how much it influences the weighted score/weighted average for each models.WeightedModel instance. If this is negative, then the value produced by the evaluated expression will have its inverse taken before multiplying by the weight . |
expression |
string |
The raw source code for the expression that will be compiled by Compile to produce a vm.Program that is used to calculate the weighted value for this field for a models.WeightedModel instance. The expression should return a float64 value, or a list of float64 values, that have not yet had the weight applied to it. |
s contain expressions that calculated the value that will be used to calculate the weighted score of an instance of a models.WeightedModel
. They store the models.WeightedModel
's name, the name of the field, the weighting of the field, and the expression that will be used to evaluate the weighted score.
The weighted score for a models.WeightedModel
instance is a weighted average of all the values for each field with an expression. A negative weight for a field indicates that the inverse of the models.WeightedModel
instance should be taken first before that value is multiplied by the weight.
On startup, the expressions for each field for each models.WeightedModel
will be compiled. Each expression is passed the following variables:
- "model": The
instance. - "field.Val": The value of the appropriate field from the models.WeightModel instance.
- "field.Ptr": A pointer to the value of "field.Val". This is useful when the field value has pointer receiver methods. This is only set if the "field" value can be addressed by reflect.
As well as these variables, the following functions are also provided:
Signature | Description | Example |
abs(x int|uint|float|time.Duration) int|uint|float|time.Duration |
Returns the absolute value of x . |
abs(duration("month")) : Returns the absolute value of the time.Duration for a month. I.e. calls time.Duration.Abs() . |
float(x int|uint|float|time.Duration) float64 |
Returns the value x as a float64 . |
float(1) : Returns the float64 representation of the integer literal: 1 , which would be 1.0 . |
int(x int|uint|float|time.Duration) int64 |
Returns the value x as a int64 . |
int(1.0) : Returns the int64 representation of the floating-point literal: 1.0 , which would be 1 . |
scale_range(x, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax float64) float64 |
Scales the given float x , that is between xMin and xMax , so that it is between yMin and yMax . Also supports inverse ranges, where yMax is less than the yMin . |
scale_range(50.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0, 1.0) : Scales the floating-point literal: 50.0 , that is between 0.0 and 100.0 , so that it is between 0.0 and 1.0 . This invocation would return 0.5 . |
clamp(x, max float64) float64 |
Clamps x to a maximum of max . |
clamp(1.1, 1.0) : Clamps 1.1 to a maximum of 1.0 . This invocation would return 1.0 . |
clamp_min_max(x, min, max float64) float64 |
Clamps x to a minimum of min , and a maximum of max . |
clamp_min_max(-0.1, 0.0, 1.0) : Clamps -0.1 to a minimum of 0.0 , and a maximum of 1.0 . This invocation would return 0.0 . |
now() time.Time |
Returns the result of time.Now().UTC() . |
now() : Returns the time now in UTC. |
duration(x string|time.Duration|int|int64) time.Duration |
If x is one of the following string s: "nanosecond" , "microsecond" , "millisecond" , "second" , "minute" , "hour" , "day" , "week" , or "month" then a time.Duration representing that duration will be returned. Otherwise, the string will be parsed into a time.Duration using time.ParseDuration . If x is not a string then it will be cast to an int64 and converted to a time.Duration instance and returned. |
duration("month") : Returns the equivalent of time.Hour * 24 * 30 . |
boolMap(y, n any) map[bool]any |
Constructs a map[bool]any where y will be bound to the true key, and n will be bound to the false key. |
boolMap("yes", "no")[boolVar] : Implements a simple yes-or-no switch for a boolean value. |
When int
, uint
, or float
are written, this refers to all possible bit sizes.
Storefront config
Key | Type | Description |
storefront |
models.Storefront as string |
The models.Storefront that this config applies to |
tags |
*TagConfig as object |
The tag config for this Storefront |
Configuration settings for tag scraping. This only really applies to the models.SteamStorefront
Key | Type | Description |
default_value |
float64 |
Default value for tags that are not included in the values map. The value of each tag for a models.Game (on the models.SteamStorefront ) will be multiplied by the number of upvotes it has then accumulated. The average of this accumulated value will be used to calculate models.Game.WeightedScore . |
upvotes_threshold |
float64 |
The threshold for the number of upvotes a tag should have (i.e. >=) to be included in the accumulated value of all the tags for a models.Game . If this is not set (== 0), then all the tags will be added. |
values |
map[string]float64 |
Map of tag names to values. It is useful for soft "banning" tags that we don't want to see in a game. |
Scrape constants
The defaults for these values (shown here), are based off of a Twitter developer account with Elevated access.
Key | Type | Description | You should use these as a default (when using a Twitter API account with Elevated access) |
scout_timeout |
time.Duration as string |
Maximum duration that the Scout procedure can be run for. If it runs longer than this it will be stopped using a panic. The Scout procedure should take no longer than 4 hours to run with the given default constants provided below. |
5h |
transform_tweet_workers |
int |
Number of TransformWorker that will be spun up in the DiscoveryBatch . |
5 |
reddit_subreddit_scrape_workers |
int |
Number of redditSubredditScraper workers to start in RedditDiscoveryPhase . |
5 |
reddit_discovery_batch_workers |
int |
Number of redditDiscoveryBatchWorker to start in RedditDiscoveryPhase . |
5 |
reddit_binding_paginator_wait_time |
int |
The waitTime to supply to any api.Paginator created for the Reddit api.API . |
500ms |
reddit_comments_per_post |
int |
Number of comments to retrieve per-post in SubredditFetch . |
100 |
reddit_posts_per_subreddit |
int |
The number of posts to process per-subreddit. If there are more posts than this in top for the current week then we will divide the number of total posts available with reddit_posts_per_subreddit and use this number as the number of posts to skip before processing another post. |
50 |
update_developer_workers |
int |
Number of updateDeveloperWorker that will be spun up in the Update phase. |
7 |
update_producer_finished_job_timeout |
time.Duration as string |
The amount of time that a producer within the Update Phase will wait after not seeing any new finished jobs. | 2s |
update_producer_finished_job_max_timeouts |
int |
The number of timeouts that can occur within a producer in the Update Phase before dropping that batch of jobs. The total amount of time represented by this constant can be calculated using the following formula: update_producer_finished_job_timeout * update_producer_finished_job_max_timeouts . |
2700 : 2700 * 2s = 1h30m |
max_update_tweets |
int |
Maximum number of tweets fetched per models.Developer in the Update phase. |
11 |
max_update_posts |
int |
Maximum number of Reddit posts fetched per models.Developer in the Update phase. |
11 |
reddit_producer_batch_multiplier |
float64 |
Multiplier that will be applied to the batch size (passed into the Scout procedure) for the redditBatchProducer in the Update Phase. |
1.3 |
reddit_producer_batch_sleep_time |
time.Duration as string |
Minimum amount of time to sleep after each queued batch of jobs the redditBatchProducer routine executes in the Update Phase. |
5m |
seconds_between_discovery_batches |
time.Duration as string |
Number of seconds to sleep between DiscoveryBatch batches. |
3s |
seconds_between_update_batches |
time.Duration as string |
Number of seconds to sleep between queue batches of updateDeveloperJob . |
30s |
max_total_discovery_tweets_daily_percent |
float64 |
Maximum percentage that the discoveryTweets (parameter to the Scout procedure) number can be out of myTwitter.TweetsPerDay . |
0.55 |
max_enabled_developers_after_enable_phase |
float64 |
Number of enabled models.Developer s that should exist after the Enable phase for each models.DeveloperType . |
maxTotalUpdateTweets / maxUpdateTweets = 2250 |
max_enabled_developers_after_disable_phase |
float64 |
Number of models.Developer s to keep in the Disable phase for each models.DeveloperType . |
floor(maxEnabledDevelopersAfterEnablePhase * 0.9165) = 2062 |
max_developers_to_enable |
float64 |
Maximum number of models.Developer s that can be re-enabled in the Enable phase for each models.DeveloperType . |
ciel(maxEnabledDevelopersAfterEnablePhase - maxEnabledDevelopersAfterDisablePhase) = 188 |
percentage_of_disabled_developers_to_delete |
float64 |
Percentage of all disabled models.Developer s to delete in the Delete phase. |
0.025 |
stale_developer_days |
int |
Number of days after which a developer can become stale if their latest snapshot was created stale_developer_days ago. |
70 |
discovery_game_scrape_workers |
int |
Number of models.StorefrontScrapers to start in the Discovery phase. |
10 |
discovery_max_concurrent_game_scrape_workers |
int |
Number of models.StorefrontScrapers that can be processing a job at the same time in the Discovery Phase. |
9 |
update_game_scrape_workers |
int |
Number of models.StorefrontScrapers to start in the Update phase. |
10 |
update_max_concurrent_game_scrape_workers |
int |
Number of models.StorefrontScrapers that can be processing a job at the same time in the Update Phase. |
9 |
min_scrape_storefronts_for_game_worker_wait_time |
time.Duration as string |
Minimum amount of time for a models.StorefrontScrapers to wait after completing a job in the Discovery and Update Phase. |
100ms |
max_scrape_storefronts_for_game_worker_wait_time |
time.Duration as string |
Maximum amount of time for a models.StorefrontScrapers to wait after completing a job in the Discovery and Update Phase. |
500ms |
max_games_per_tweet |
int |
Maximum number of games for each tweet we process in the Discovery and Update Phase. This is needed so that we don't overload the queue to the models.StorefrontScrapers . |
10 |
max_games_per_post |
int |
Maximum number of games for each Reddit post we process in the Discovery and Update Phase. This is needed so that we don't overload the queue to the models.StorefrontScrapers . |
10 |
max_trend_workers |
int |
Maximum number of trendFinder workers to start to find the models.Trend , models.DeveloperSnapshot s, and models.Game s for a models.Developer to use in the models.TrendingDev field in email.MeasureContext for the email.Measure email email.Template . |
10 |
max_trending_developers |
int |
Maximum number of models.TrendingDev to feature within the email.Measure email email.Template . |
10 |
max_top_steam_apps |
int |
Maximum number of models.SteamApp to feature within the email.Measure email email.Template . |
10 |
sock_steam_app_scrape_workers |
int |
Number of models.StorefrontScrapers to start in the goroutine that will watch the output of the ScoutWebPipes co-process. |
5 |
sock_max_concurrent_steam_app_scrape_workers |
int |
Number of models.StorefrontScrapers that can be processing a job at the same time in the websocket client. |
4 |
sock_max_steam_app_scraper_jobs |
int |
Maximum number of jobs that can be queued for the models.StorefrontScrapers instance in the websocket client. |
2048 |
sock_steam_app_scraper_jobs_per_minute |
int |
Number of models.SteamApp the websocket client should be completing every minute. If it falls below this threshold, and the number of jobs in the models.StorefrontScrapers queue is above sock_steam_app_scraper_drop_jobs_threshold then the dropper goroutine will drop some jobs the next time it is running. |
15 |
sock_steam_app_scraper_drop_jobs_threshold |
int |
Threshold of jobs in the models.StorefrontScrapers at which the dropper goroutine will start to drop jobs to make room. |
sockMaxSteamAppScraperJobs / 4 = 512 |
sock_min_steam_app_scraper_wait_time |
time.Duration as string |
Minimum amount of time for a models.StorefrontScrapers to wait after completing a job in the websocket client. |
100ms |
sock_max_steam_app_scraper_wait_time |
time.Duration as string |
Maximum amount of time for a models.StorefrontScrapers to wait after completing a job in the websocket client. |
500ms |
sock_steam_app_scrape_consumers |
int |
Number of consumers to start in the websocket client to consume the scraped models.SteamApp from the models.StorefrontScrapers instance. |
10 |
sock_dropper_wait_time |
time.Duration as string |
Amount time for the dropper goroutine to wait each time it has been run. | 1m |
scrape_max_tries |
int |
Maximum number of tries that is passed to a models.GameModelStorefrontScraper from models.ScrapeStorefrontForGameModel in a models.StorefrontScrapers instance. This affects the number of times a certain scrape procedure will be retried for a certain models.Storefront . |
3 |
scrape_min_delay |
time.Duration as string |
Minimum wait time after an unsuccessful try that is passed to a models.GameModelStorefrontScraper from models.ScrapeStorefrontForGameModel in a models.StorefrontScrapers instance. This affects the wait time after an unsuccessful call to a scrape procedure for a certain models.Storefront . |
2s |
Steam web pipes
This contains the settings for the Steam web pipes co-process. This is an additional process spawned off when running go run . worker
/game-scout worker
that will connect to the Steam PICS changelist network and publish any changelists that it captures to a websocket that will be scraped by a goroutine listening as a client on this websocket. It is used to determine newly updated Steam store pages by favouring apps with a lower number of total updates (see models.SteamApp
). The code for this co-process is taken from the SteamWebPipes repository by xPaw.
Key | Type | Description |
Disable |
bool |
Whether to disable the ScoutWebPipes co-process. |
BinaryLocation |
string |
The relative location to the built ScoutWebPipes /SteamWebPipes binary |
Location |
string |
The address on which to start the websocket |
DatabaseConnectionString |
string |
This is only provided for completeness for the SteamWebPipes process and is not used as we keep track of any models.SteamApp s that we scrape in game-scout's PostgreSQL DB. |
X509Certificate |
string |
The location to the X509 certification |
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.