a custom K8s controller example to watch for the creation, update, deletion of user defined custom resources.
1 Define custom resource
1.1 define API group name / Version / Resource name
- The API group name
- The Version
- Resource name
1.2 create the directory structure
mkdir -p pkg/apis/customresource/v1
1.3 add API group name const in register file
touch pkg/apis/customresource/register.go
package has the same name as the custom resource
package customresource
// GroupName for customresource
const GroupName = "nokube.xyz"
1.4 create the resource structs
touch pkg/apis/customresource/v1/types.go
// +<tag_name>[=value]
are indicators for code generator
— generate a client for the package
— when generating the client, there is no status stored for the package
— generate deepcopy logic (required) implementing the runtime.Object interface (for both CustomResource
and CustomResourceList
1.5 create a doc source file for the package
touch pkg/apis/customresource/v1/doc.go
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package
// +groupName=nokube.xyz
package v1
// +groupName=nokube.xyz
inform the generator what the API group name is
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package
deepcopy should be generated for all types in the package
1.6 add functions to handle adding types to the schemes
touch pkg/apis/customresource/v1/register.go
2 Run the code generator
run code-gen.sh
shell script to do all the heavy lifting via k8s.io/code-generator
3 Wire up the generated code
3.1 to return custom resource clientset instance to interact with CustomResource
in main.go
// retrieve the Kubernetes cluster client from outside of the cluster.
func getKubeClient() (kubernetes.Interface, resourceclientset.Interface) {
var kubeConfigPath string
if !inCluster {
// resolve path to `$HOME/.kube/config`
kubeConfigPath = path.Join(userHomeDir(), "/.kube/config")
config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", kubeConfigPath)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("BuildConfigFromFlags: %v", err)
client, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("client NewForConfig: %v", err)
resourceClient, err := resourceclientset.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("resourceClient NewForConfig: %v", err)
logger.Println("Successfully get k8s client")
return client, resourceClient
// New creates a Controller instance.
func New(client kubernetes.Interface, resourceClient resourceclientset.Interface) *Controller {
informer := resourceinformerV1.NewCustomResourceInformer(
// ...
4 Add Custom Resource Definition
mkdir crd
# touch crd/customresource.yml
kubectl apply -f crd/customresource.yml
kubectl get customresourcedefinition
5 Run the controller
go run main.go
# touch customresource-deploy.yml
kubectl apply -f customresource-deploy.yml
kubectl get CustomResource
6 Clean up
kubectl delete CustomResource example-customresource
kubectl delete -f crd/customresource.yml