💿🌊 cd-surfer
is a replacement for the endless cd
cycle on linux shells. It is meant to be a simple and fast TUI file manager.
Some features:
- No dependencies, single binary
- Fast navigation, less keytrokes than cd / ls
- Easy in-folder search (just start typing)
- Should be easy to integrate with any shell (currently it only supports bash)
wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andriykrefer/cdsurfer/master/install.sh | bash
- Restart the terminal to apply the config
Alternative Manual Install
- Download a pre-build binary in the releases section or compile it yourself with with
cd cmd/cd-surfer/ && go build .
- Move to /bin/cd-surfer with 755 permission
- Add the following lines to your
function s {
eval "$(/bin/cd-surfer "$@")"
- Restart the terminal to apply
Run the command s
- Arrow keys and / to navigate
- Alt+Backspace to go to the parent folder
- / (Slash) to manually input the desired path
- Just start typing (a-z, lowercase) to search inside folder. The search is case-insensitive.
- Alt+q to quit WITHOUT changing directory on the parent shell
- Ctrt+c or Esc to quit CHANGING directory on the parent shell
- PageUp / PageDown / Home / End working
- ~ to go to home directory
- Ctrl+u to clear the input (same as bash)
How it works
Unfortunately, there is easy way to directly change directories of the parent shell of a spawned process. The way cd-surfer
works is outputting the cd
command as a string, so the parent shell can evaluate it and change the directory.
TODO features/bugs
Despite that it is still lacking a lot o features I want in the, for a weekend projectec it is good enought to use in my daily routine. Besides, I do not want to make it a bloated software, so I will keep it simple, focusing on its core features.
Below is a list of its "roadmap":
Basic functions (cd and ls replacement) ✔
Search ✔
Manual path input ✔
- Better README.md
- Add help/info and tips in the software
- File operations
- Copy
- Move
- Delete
- Create folder
- Open Editor when select a file
- Create a config file for customizations
- Finish detailed file view
- Handle Symlinks
- Easy permissions editor
- Handle errors gracefully. For instance when a user tries to access a folder he does not have permissions
- Support for other shells besides bash
- Support for Windows and Mac
- Tabs