This program acts as a secure bridge between an ssh server and supported cloud providers.
This lets you use sftp and scp client to access cloud providers like dropbox without
installing any closed source software on your devices :).
Any sftp or scp client should work, I have tested with filezilla and openssh sftp/scp.
Sshfs will work in the future for simple transfers and directory listing, but will never work for random
file access such as running complex applications.
Project Status
Alpha, read only mode should be safe, but there are definitely bugs, the code hasn't been battle tested at all, and there
isn't much free time to work on it.
Currently only dropbox is supported.
Using filezilla to upload to dropbox:
How to use:
First, compile sftpplease:
$ git clone https://github.com/andrewchambers/sftpplease
$ cd sftpplease/cmd/sftpplease
$ go build
$ ./sftpplease -help
Install the sftpplease binary on your desired server.
Next create a dedicated user account on your server, (for example a dropbox user).
Next create an authorized keys file with a forced command for this user:
restrict,command="/path/to/sftpplease -read-only -vfs dropbox:YOUR_API_TOKEN", ssh-rsa YOURSSHKEY...
Now you can use sftp and scp to access your dropbox account :):
$ sftp dropbox@your.server.com
$ scp ./file.txt dropbox@your.server.com:/
Currently supported providers
Creating a dropbox api token
If you are able to give a donation, it would help progress greatly.
- bitcoin: 34FrF1vr59Cg5Sz1Hnd17GPcqztCgpui48
- paypal
Credits and thanks