Overview ¶
Package event is a universal discord package that holds all the event types one can receive (currently only bot events).
Index ¶
Constants ¶
const ChannelCreate = "CHANNEL_CREATE"
ChannelCreate Sent when a new channel is created, relevant to the current user. The inner payload is a DM channel or guild channel object.
const ChannelDelete = "CHANNEL_DELETE"
ChannelDelete Sent when a channel relevant to the current user is deleted. The inner payload is a DM or Guild channel object.
const ChannelPinsUpdate = "CHANNEL_PINS_UPDATE"
ChannelPinsUpdate Sent when a message is pinned or unpinned in a text channel. This is not sent when a pinned message is deleted.
Fields: - ChannelID int64 or Snowflake - LastPinTimestamp time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
TODO fix.
const ChannelUpdate = "CHANNEL_UPDATE"
ChannelUpdate Sent when a channel is updated. The inner payload is a guild channel object.
const GuildBanAdd = "GUILD_BAN_ADD"
GuildBanAdd Sent when a user is banned from a guild. The inner payload is a user object, with an extra guild_id key.
const GuildBanRemove = "GUILD_BAN_REMOVE"
GuildBanRemove Sent when a user is unbanned from a guild. The inner payload is a user object, with an extra guild_id key.
const GuildCreate = "GUILD_CREATE"
GuildCreate This event can be sent in three different scenarios:
- When a user is initially connecting, to lazily load and backfill information for all unavailable guilds sent in the Ready event.
- When a Guild becomes available again to the client.
- When the current user joins a new Guild.
const GuildDelete = "GUILD_DELETE"
GuildDelete Sent when a guild becomes unavailable during a guild outage, or when the user leaves or is removed from a guild. The inner payload is an unavailable guild object. If the unavailable field is not set, the user was removed from the guild.
const GuildEmojisUpdate = "GUILD_EMOJI_UPDATE"
GuildEmojisUpdate Sent when a guild's emojis have been updated.
Fields: - GuildID Snowflake - Emojis []*Emoji
const GuildIntegrationsUpdate = "GUILD_INTEGRATIONS_UPDATE"
GuildIntegrationsUpdate Sent when a guild integration is updated.
Fields: - GuildID Snowflake
const GuildMemberAdd = "GUILD_MEMBER_ADD"
GuildMemberAdd Sent when a new user joins a guild. The inner payload is a guild member object with these extra fields:
GuildID Snowflake
Member *Member
const GuildMemberRemove = "GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVE"
GuildMemberRemove Sent when a user is removed from a guild (leave/kick/ban).
Fields: - GuildID Snowflake - User *User
const GuildMemberUpdate = "GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE"
GuildMemberUpdate Sent when a guild member is updated.
Fields: - GuildID Snowflake - Roles []Snowflake - User *User - Nick string
const GuildMembersChunk = "GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK"
GuildMembersChunk Sent in response to Gateway Request Guild Members.
Fields: - GuildID Snowflake - Members []*Member
const GuildRoleCreate = "GUILD_ROLE_CREATE"
GuildRoleCreate Sent when a guild role is created.
Fields: - GuildID Snowflake - Role *Role
const GuildRoleDelete = "GUILD_ROLE_DELETE"
GuildRoleDelete Sent when a guild role is created.
Fields: - GuildID Snowflake - RoleID Snowflake
const GuildRoleUpdate = "GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE"
GuildRoleUpdate Sent when a guild role is created.
Fields: - GuildID Snowflake - Role *Role
const GuildUpdate = "GUILD_UPDATE"
GuildUpdate Sent when a guild is updated. The inner payload is a guild object.
const MessageCreate = "MESSAGE_CREATE"
MessageCreate Sent when a message is created. The inner payload is a message object.
const MessageDelete = "MESSAGE_DELETE"
MessageDelete Sent when a message is deleted.
Fields: - ID Snowflake - ChannelID Snowflake
const MessageDeleteBulk = "MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK"
MessageDeleteBulk Sent when multiple messages are deleted at once.
Fields: - IDs []Snowflake - ChannelID Snowflake
const MessageReactionAdd = "MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD"
MessageReactionAdd Sent when a user adds a reaction to a message.
Fields: - UserID Snowflake - ChannelID Snowflake - MessageID Snowflake - Emoji *Emoji
const MessageReactionRemove = "MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE"
MessageReactionRemove Sent when a user removes a reaction from a message.
Fields: - UserID Snowflake - ChannelID Snowflake - MessageID Snowflake - Emoji *Emoji
const MessageReactionRemoveAll = "MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL"
MessageReactionRemoveAll Sent when a user explicitly removes all reactions from a message.
Fields: - ChannelID Snowflake - MessageID Snowflake
const MessageUpdate = "MESSAGE_UPDATE"
MessageUpdate Sent when a message is updated. The inner payload is a message object.
NOTE! Has _at_least_ the GuildID and ChannelID fields.
const PresenceUpdate = "PRESENCE_UPDATE"
PresenceUpdate A user's presence is their current state on a guild. This event is sent when a user's presence is updated for a guild.
Fields: - User *User - Roles []Snowflake - Game *Activity - GuildID Snowflake - Status string
const PresencesReplace = "PRESENCES_REPLACE"
PresencesReplace Holds and array of presence update objects
const Ready = "READY"
Ready The ready event is dispatched when a client has completed the initial handshake with the gateway (for new sessions). // The ready event can be the largest and most complex event the gateway will send, as it contains all the state // required for a client to begin interacting with the rest of the platform. // Fields: // - V int // - User *User // - PrivateChannels []*Channel // - Guilds []*GuildUnavailable // - SessionID string // - Trace []string
const Resumed = "RESUMED"
Resumed The resumed event is dispatched when a client has sent a resume payload to the gateway (for resuming existing sessions).
Fields: - Trace []string
const TypingStart = "TYPING_START"
TypingStart Sent when a user starts typing in a channel.
Fields: - ChannelID Snowflake - UserID Snowflake - TimestampUnix int
const UserUpdate = "USER_UPDATE"
UserUpdate Sent when properties about the user change. Inner payload is a user object.
const VoiceServerUpdate = "VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE"
VoiceServerUpdate Sent when a guild's voice server is updated. This is sent when initially connecting to voice, and when the current voice instance fails over to a new server.
Fields: - Token string - ChannelID Snowflake - Endpoint string
const VoiceStateUpdate = "VOICE_STATE_UPDATE"
VoiceStateUpdate Sent when someone joins/leaves/moves voice channels. Inner payload is a voice state object.
const WebhooksUpdate = "WEBHOOK_UPDATE"
WebhooksUpdate Sent when a guild channel's webhook is created, updated, or deleted.
Fields: - GuildID Snowflake - ChannelID Snowflake
Variables ¶
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Functions ¶
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Types ¶
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