Go Project Template
Using bootstrap, vue.js, gorp (postgres), and jsontokens for auth.
Install go 1.6.2 or later
Install following depdendences:
go get github.com/gorilla/mux
go get github.com/gorilla/sessions
go get github.com/lib/pq
go get bitbucket.org/liamstask/goose/cmd/goose
go get golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt
go get github.com/goods/httpbuf
go get github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo
go get github.com/onsi/gomega
go get github.com/sclevine/agouti
go get gopkg.in/gorp.v1
go get github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go
go get github.com/kardianos/osext
To update dependencies:
go get -u github.com/gorilla/mux
go get -u github.com/gorilla/sessions
go get -u github.com/lib/pq
go get -u bitbucket.org/liamstask/goose/cmd/goose
go get -u golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt
go get -u github.com/goods/httpbuf
go get -u github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo
go get -u github.com/onsi/gomega
go get -u github.com/sclevine/agouti
go get -u gopkg.in/gorp.v1
go get -u github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go
go get -u github.com/kardianos/osext
The following are needed to run tests:
go get github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo
go get github.com/onsi/gomega
go get github.com/sclevine/agouti
To update:
go get -u github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo
go get -u github.com/onsi/gomega
go get -u github.com/sclevine/agouti
== Setting up secure keys ==
Generate the secure keys as follows.
- Install pwgen
sudo apt-get install pwgen
- Generate the keys for the cookie store
i. Generate an authentication key
pwgen -s 64 -1 -n
ii. Add the result of the above command to ~/.bashrc (or platform equivalent) (replace example passkey with output of 2.i.)
export GO_TEMPLATE_COOKIE_STORE_AUTHENTICATION_KEY=r4njzugGZk1esyzXT9CtqW5rYJaNex7J0EQtjfgM6wlwXr9kNio4hp9XjZiYeamr
iii. Generate an encryption key
pwgen -s 32 -1 -n
iv. Add the result of the above command to ~/.bashrc (or platform equivalent) (replace example passkey with output of 2.i.)
export GO_TEMPLATE_COOKIE_STORE_ENCRYPTION_KEY=r4njzugGZk1esyzXT9CtqW5rYJaNex7J0EQtjfgM6wlwXr9kNio4hp9XjZiYeamr
- Generate JWT a JWT signing key
i. generate the key
pwgen -s 32 -1 -n
ii. add the result of the above command ~/.bashrc (or platform equivalent) (replace example passkey with output of 2.i.)
export GO_TEMPLATE_JWT_KEY=sQyYUSy52odvX5Qdxt5SV1RsjuXEw7nm
== Setting up the database ==
- Launch the postgres command line
psql -U postgres -W
- Create the database
i. Repeat for developement and test databases as needed.
- Create the user:
CREATE USER gotemplate WITH PASSWORD 'password';
- Grant the new user access to the database:
i. Repeat for development and test databases as needed.
- Exit postgres
- Run the goose migrations
goose up -env production
i. Repeat for development and test databases as needed