A live code reloader for Go code, no configuration required
Installation of gomon is easy: go get github.com/anacanm/gomon
This installs gomon into your $GOPATH/bin directory.
If go binaries are not globally executable for you, you'll want to create a permanent alias that executes $GOPATH/bin/gomon.
Here is a helpful article on how to create aliases.
You'll end up adding something like the following to your .zshrc or other terminal profile:
alias gomon="/Users/anacan/go/bin/gomon"
gomon is easy to use: cd to the root of your go project, and run gomon dir/to/start
Example: if your executable code is in cmd/, then cd into the root of your project and run gomon cmd/
If the go code that you want to run is in the root of your go project, just run gomon
by itself
By default, gomon only watches files that end with .go
If you want gomon to reload when other types of files are changed, add their file extension as a flag (don't include the ".")
Example: executing gomon to run the code in cmd/, reloading whenever a .go, .hbs, or .css file is changed:
gomon cmd -hbs -css