Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ActivationTypeToInt(activationType data_types.ActivationType) int
- func AddActiveMitigationRequest(id int64, lifetime int, modified time.Time)
- func BlockerConfigurationParametersToMap(configParams []db_models.BlockerConfigurationParameter) map[string][]string
- func BlockerParametersToMap(params []db_models.BlockerParameter) map[string][]string
- func CheckOverlapTargetList(requestTargets []Target, currentTargets []Target) bool
- func CheckPeaceTimeSignalChannel(customerID int, clientIdentifier string) (bool, error)
- func ConnectDB() (*xorm.Engine, error)
- func ConvertQueryTypeToString(queryType int) (queryTypeString string)
- func ConvertToSecond(stringValue string) (second int)
- func CreateAccessGroup(aclType string, aclName string) string
- func CreateAccessList(aclType string, aclName string) string
- func CreateBaseline(customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, baselineList []Baseline, ...) (isConflict bool, err error)
- func CreateBlocker(blocker Blocker) (newBlocker db_models.Blocker, err error)
- func CreateConfigureSession(sessName string) string
- func CreateCustomer(customer Customer) (newCustomer db_models.Customer, err error)
- func CreateMitigationScope(mitigationScope MitigationScope, customer Customer, isIfMatchOption bool) (newMitigationScope db_models.MitigationScope, err error)
- func CreateProtection2(protection Protection) (newProtection db_models.Protection, err error)
- func CreateSignalSessionConfiguration(signalSessionConfiguration SignalSessionConfiguration, customer Customer) (newSignalSessionConfiguration db_models.SignalSessionConfiguration, err error)
- func CreateTargets(session *xorm.Session, telePreMitigationId int64, targets Targets) error
- func CreateTelemetryConfiguration(customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, ...) (err error)
- func CreateTelemetryParameterValue(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, protocols SetInt, ...) error
- func CreateTelemetryPreMitigation(customer *Customer, cuid string, cdid string, tmid int, ...) error
- func CreateTelemetrySetupBaseline(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, ...) error
- func CreateTelemetrySetupPipe(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, ...) error
- func CreateTelemetrySetupTelemetryConfiguration(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, ...) error
- func CreateTotalPipeCapacity(customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, ...) (isConflict bool, err error)
- func DeleteAllTelemetryPreMitigation(customerId int, cuid string) error
- func DeleteAllTelemetrySetup(customerId int, cuid string, cdid string) error
- func DeleteBaseline(session *xorm.Session, id int64) (err error)
- func DeleteBlockerById(blockerId int64) (err error)
- func DeleteCurrentUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation(engine *xorm.Engine, session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, ...) error
- func DeleteCustomer(customerId int) (err error)
- func DeleteMitigationScope(customerId int, clientIdentifier string, mitigationId int, ...) (err error)
- func DeleteOneTelemetryPreMitigation(customerId int, cuid string, tmid int) error
- func DeleteOneTelemetrySetup(customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, ...) error
- func DeleteProtection(mitigationScopeId int64) (err error)
- func DeleteProtectionById(id int64) (err error)
- func DeleteSignalSessionConfiguration(customerId int, sessionId int) (err error)
- func DeleteSignalSessionConfigurationByCustomerId(customerId int) (err error)
- func DeleteTelemetryAttackDetail(engine *xorm.Engine, session *xorm.Session, mitigationScopeId int64) error
- func DeleteTelemetryConfiguration(session *xorm.Session, teleConId int64) error
- func DeleteTelemetrySetupBaseline(engine *xorm.Engine, session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, ...) error
- func DeleteTelemetrySetupPipe(engine *xorm.Engine, session *xorm.Session, teleSetupId int64) error
- func DeleteTelemetrySetupTelemetryConfiguration(engine *xorm.Engine, session *xorm.Session, teleSetupId int64) error
- func DeleteUriFilteringAttackDetail(engine *xorm.Engine, session *xorm.Session, uriFilterPreMitigationId int64) error
- func ExecuteSQL(sql string) (res sql.Result, err error)
- func GetActiveMitigationMap() map[int64]ActiveMitigationRequest
- func GetAliasByName(engine *xorm.Engine, customerId int, cuid string, aliasNames []string) (aliases types.Aliases, err error)
- func GetAllMitigationScopes() (mitigations []db_models.MitigationScope, err error)
- func GetBlockerById(blockerId int64) (blocker db_models.Blocker, err error)
- func GetBlockerConfiguration(customerId int, targetType string) (blockerConfiguration *db_models.BlockerConfiguration, err error)
- func GetBlockerConfigurationParameters(blockerConfigurationId int64) (blockerConfigurationParameters []db_models.BlockerConfigurationParameter, ...)
- func GetBlockerParameters(blockerId int64) (blockerParameters []db_models.BlockerParameter, err error)
- func GetBlockers() (blockers []db_models.Blocker, err error)
- func GetControlFilteringByACLName(aclName string) (controlFilteringList []db_models.ControlFiltering, err error)
- func GetCuidByCustomerID(customerID int, clientIdentifier string) (cuid []string, err error)
- func GetFreshSessionMap() map[int]ActiveSessionConfiguration
- func GetLowestLoadBlocker(blockerType string) (blocker db_models.Blocker, err error)
- func GetMitigationByCustomerIdAndCuid(customerId int, cuid string) (mitigationList []db_models.MitigationScope, err error)
- func GetMitigationIds(customerId int, clientIdentifier string) (mitigationIds []int, err error)
- func GetMitigationIdsByCustomer(customerId int) (mitigationscopeIds []int64, err error)
- func GetMitigationScopeById(id int64) (*db_models.MitigationScope, error)
- func GetMitigationScopeValidator(blockerType string) mitigationScopeValidator
- func GetPreConfiguredMitigationIds(customerId int) (mitigationscopeIds []int64, err error)
- func GetProtectionParameters(protectionId int64) (goBGPParameters []db_models.GoBgpParameter, err error)
- func GetQueriesFromUriQuery(queries []string) (targetPrefix string, targetPort string, targetProtocol string, ...)
- func GetSession(engine *xorm.Engine) (*xorm.Session, error)
- func GetTelemetryAttackDetailById(id int64) (dbAttackDetail db_models.TelemetryAttackDetail, err error)
- func GetTelemetrySetupByCuid(customerId int, cuid string) (dbTelemetrySetupList []db_models.TelemetrySetup, err error)
- func GetTelemetrySetupByCuidAndNonNegativeTsid(customerId int, cuid string) (dbTelemetrySetupList []db_models.TelemetrySetup, err error)
- func GetTelemetrySetupByCuidAndSetupType(customerId int, cuid string, setupType string) (dbTelemetrySetupList []db_models.TelemetrySetup, err error)
- func GetTelemetrySetupByCustomerIdAndSetupType(customerId int, setupType string) (dbTelemetrySetupList []db_models.TelemetrySetup, err error)
- func GetTelemetrySetupByTsid(customerId int, cuid string, tsid int) (dbTelemetrySetupList []db_models.TelemetrySetup, err error)
- func GetTelemetrySetupByTsidAndSetupType(customerId int, cuid string, tsid int, setupType string) (dbTelemetrySetup db_models.TelemetrySetup, err error)
- func GetTelemetryTopTalkerById(id int64) (dbTopTalker db_models.TelemetryTopTalker, err error)
- func GetTmidListByCustomerIdAndCuid(customerId int, cuid string) (tmids []int, err error)
- func GetUriFilteringAttackDetailById(id int64) (dbAttackDetail db_models.UriFilteringAttackDetail, err error)
- func GetUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation(customerId int, cuid string, tmid *int, queries []string) ([]db_models.UriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation, error)
- func GetUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigationById(id int64) (dbPreMitigation db_models.UriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation, err error)
- func GetUriFilteringTopTalkerById(id int64) (dbTopTalker db_models.UriFilteringTopTalker, err error)
- func InitTable(rebuildFlag bool)
- func IsActive(status int) bool
- func IsContainIntValue(targetQuery string, targetValue int) bool
- func IsContainRangeValue(targetQuery string, lower int, upper int) bool
- func IsContainStringValue(targetQuery string, targetValue string) bool
- func IsExistTelemetryPreMitigationValueByQueries(queries []string, customerId int, cuid string, ...) (bool, error)
- func IsExistedVendorAttackMapping(engine *xorm.Engine, clientId int64, vendorId int, attackId int) (bool, error)
- func IsInCustomerDomain(customer *Customer, targets []Target) (errMsg string)
- func IsValid(targets []Target) (errMsg string)
- func MarshalFlowSpecRules(values []bgp.FlowSpecComponentInterface) []*any.Any
- func MarshalNLRI(value bgp.AddrPrefixInterface) *any.Any
- func MarshalPathAttributes(attrList []bgp.PathAttributeInterface) []*any.Any
- func NewExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeExtendedCommunities) *api.ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute
- func NewIP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeIP6ExtendedCommunities) *api.IP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute
- func NewRedirectExtendedCommunitiesAttribute(routeStr string) (bgp.PathAttributeInterface, error)
- func PortRangeOrOperatorToString(port *types.PortRangeOrOperator) (p string)
- func ProtectionStatusToDbModel(protectionId int64, status *ProtectionStatus) (newProtectionStatus db_models.ProtectionStatus)
- func ReConnectDB() (*xorm.Engine, error)
- func RefreshActiveSessionConfiguration(customerId int, sid int, maxAge uint)
- func RegisterBaseline(session *xorm.Session, teleSetupId int64, baseline Baseline) (*db_models.Baseline, error)
- func RegisterTelemetryConfiguration(session *xorm.Session, teleSetupId int64, ...) (*db_models.TelemetryConfiguration, error)
- func RegisterTelemetryParameterIntValue(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, parameterType string, ...) error
- func RegisterTelemetryParameterStringValue(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, parameterType string, ...) error
- func RegisterTelemetryPortRange(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, prefixType string, ...) error
- func RegisterTelemetryPrefix(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, prefixType string, ...) error
- func RegisterTelemetrySetup(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, ...) (*db_models.TelemetrySetup, error)
- func RegisterTotalConnectionCapacity(session *xorm.Session, teleBaselineId int64, tccs []TotalConnectionCapacity) error
- func RegisterTotalConnectionCapacityPerPort(session *xorm.Session, teleBaselineId int64, ...) error
- func RegisterTotalPipecapacity(session *xorm.Session, teleSetupId int64, pipeList []TotalPipeCapacity) error
- func RegisterTraffic(session *xorm.Session, tType string, prefixType string, typeId int64, ...) error
- func RegisterTrafficPerPort(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, trafficType string, ...) error
- func RegisterTrafficPerProtocol(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, trafficType string, ...) error
- func RegisterUnitConfiguration(session *xorm.Session, tConID int64, unitConfigList []UnitConfig) (err error)
- func RegisterUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tmid int, ...) error
- func RemoveACLByID(aclID int64, acl data_db_models.ACL) error
- func RemoveAccessGroup(aclType string, aclName string) string
- func RemoveAccessList(aclType string, aclName string) string
- func RemoveActiveMitigationRequest(id int64)
- func RemoveActiveSessionConfiguration(customerId int)
- func RemoveConfigureSession(sessName string) string
- func RemoveControlFilteringByID(controlFilteringID int64, controlFiltering db_models.ControlFiltering) error
- func SetTestMode(flag bool)
- func ShowSQL(display bool) (err error)
- func StartProtection(p Protection, b Blocker) (err error)
- func StopProtection(p Protection, b Blocker) (err error)
- func UpdateACLNameToMitigation(mitigationID int64) (string, error)
- func UpdateBaseline(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, ...) error
- func UpdateBlockerLoad(blockerId int64, diff int) (err error)
- func UpdateCustomer(customer Customer) (err error)
- func UpdateMitigationScope(mitigationScope MitigationScope, customer Customer, isIfMatchOption bool, ...) (err error)
- func UpdateMitigationScopeStatus(mitigationScopeId int64, status int) (err error)
- func UpdateProtection(protection Protection) (err error)
- func UpdateSignalSessionConfiguration(signalSessionConfiguration SignalSessionConfiguration, customer Customer) (err error)
- func UpdateTelemetryConfiguration(customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, ...) (err error)
- func UpdateTotalPipeCapacity(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, ...) error
- func ValidateAttackDetail(ads []messages.AttackDetail) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateBaseline(customer *Customer, cuid string, tsid int, data []messages.Baseline) (isPresent bool, isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateConflictForUnit(percentileList map[messages.UnitString]uint64, percentile uint64, ...) (errMsg string)
- func ValidateConflictScale(lowPercentileList map[messages.UnitString]uint64, ...) (errMsg string)
- func ValidateConflictScaleForUnit(percentileList map[messages.UnitString]uint64) (errMsg string)
- func ValidateDescriptionLang(desl string) (bool, string)
- func ValidatePort(port *int) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidatePortRange(targetPortRanges []messages.PortRange) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidatePrefix(customer *Customer, targetPrefixs []string, targetFqdns []string, ...) (errMsg string)
- func ValidateProtocol(protocol *uint8) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateProtocolList(protocolList []int) (errMsg string)
- func ValidateTargets(customer *Customer, target *messages.Target) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateTelemetryConfiguration(customerID int, cuid string, tsid int, ...) (isPresent bool, isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateTelemetryPreMitigation(customer *Customer, cuid string, tmid int, ...) (isPresent bool, isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateTotalAttackConnectionPort(tacs []messages.TotalAttackConnectionPort) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateTotalAttackConnectionProtocol(tacs []messages.TotalAttackConnectionProtocol) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateTotalConnectionCapacity(tccList []messages.TotalConnectionCapacity) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateTotalConnectionCapacityPerPort(tccList []messages.TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateTotalPipeCapacity(customerID int, cuid string, tsid int, data []messages.TotalPipeCapacity) (isPresent bool, isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateTraffic(trafficList []messages.Traffic) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateTrafficPerPort(trafficList []messages.TrafficPerPort) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateTrafficPerProtocol(trafficList []messages.TrafficPerProtocol) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- func ValidateUnit(unit *messages.UnitString) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
- type ACL
- type ACLBlockerList
- type ACLMapping
- func (mapping *ACLMapping) CreateACLRule() string
- func (mapping *ACLMapping) MapACLPort(sourcePort *types.PortRangeOrOperator, ...)
- func (mapping *ACLMapping) MapACLTcpFlagsFlowWithFlagsBitmask(flag *types.FlagsBitmask)
- func (mapping *ACLMapping) MapDataChannelACLRule(protocol *uint8, sourceAddr *types.IPPrefix, destinationAddr *types.IPPrefix, ...)
- func (mapping *ACLMapping) MapMitigationACLRule(targetProtocol string, targetAddr string, targetPort string, srcAddr string, ...)
- type ACLTarget
- type ActivationType
- type ActiveMitigationRequest
- type ActiveSessionConfiguration
- type AddressRange
- type AristaACL
- type AttackDetail
- type AttackStatus
- type AuthenticationInformation
- type Baseline
- func DefaultBaseline() (baselineList []Baseline, err error)
- func GetBaselineByTeleSetupId(customerId int, cuid string, setupId int64) (baselineList []Baseline, err error)
- func NewBaseline() (baseline *Baseline)
- func NewBaselineList(baselines []messages.Baseline, aliases types.Aliases) (baselineList []Baseline, err error)
- type Blocker
- type BlockerBase
- type BlockerSelectionStrategy
- type BlockerType
- type ConfigurationParameterRange
- type ConflictCause
- type ConflictInformation
- type ConflictScope
- type ConflictStatus
- type ControlFiltering
- type Customer
- type CustomerNetworkInformation
- type Customers
- type FlowSpec
- type FlowSpecMapping
- func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) CreateExtendedCommunities() (bgp.PathAttributeInterface, error)
- func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) CreateFlowSpec() (bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, error)
- func (f *FlowSpecMapping) FromDB(data []byte) error
- func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapACLFragmentFlow(flags *types.IPv4Flags, aclFragment *types.Fragment)
- func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapACLPortFlow(sourcePort *types.PortRangeOrOperator, ...)
- func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapACLTcpFlagsFlowWithFlags(flags *types.TCPFlags)
- func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapACLTcpFlagsFlowWithFlagsBitmask(flag *types.FlagsBitmask)
- func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapDataChannelACLFlow(protocol *uint8, sourceAddr *types.IPPrefix, destinationAddr *types.IPPrefix, ...)
- func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapMitigationFlow(targetProtocols SetInt, targetAddress string, targetPorts []PortRange, ...)
- func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapMitigationICMPTypeFlow(icmpTypeRanges []ICMPTypeRange)
- func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapMitigationPortFlow(portRanges []PortRange)
- func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapMitigationSourcePortFlow(portRanges []PortRange)
- func (f *FlowSpecMapping) String() string
- func (f *FlowSpecMapping) ToDB() ([]byte, error)
- type FlowSpecTarget
- type FlowspecBitmask
- type FlowspecICMPType
- type FlowspecPort
- type GoAristaReceiver
- func (g *GoAristaReceiver) AristaConection() string
- func (g *GoAristaReceiver) AristaInterface() string
- func (g *GoAristaReceiver) Connect() (err error)
- func (g *GoAristaReceiver) ExecuteProtection(p Protection) (err error)
- func (g *GoAristaReceiver) GenerateProtectionCommand(m *MitigationScope) (c string, err error)
- func (g *GoAristaReceiver) RegisterProtection(r *MitigationOrDataChannelACL, targetID int64, customerID int, ...) (p Protection, err error)
- func (g *GoAristaReceiver) StopProtection(p Protection) (err error)
- func (g *GoAristaReceiver) Type() BlockerType
- func (g *GoAristaReceiver) UnregisterProtection(p Protection) (err error)
- type GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver
- func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) Connect() (err error)
- func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) ExecuteProtection(p Protection) (err error)
- func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) GenerateProtectionCommand(m *MitigationScope) (c string, err error)
- func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) RegisterProtection(r *MitigationOrDataChannelACL, targetID int64, customerID int, ...) (p Protection, err error)
- func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) StopProtection(p Protection) (err error)
- func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) Type() BlockerType
- func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) UnregisterProtection(p Protection) (err error)
- type GoBgpRtbhReceiver
- func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Connect() (err error)
- func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) ExecuteProtection(p Protection) (err error)
- func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) GenerateProtectionCommand(m *MitigationScope) (c string, err error)
- func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Host() string
- func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) NextHop() string
- func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Port() string
- func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) RegisterProtection(r *MitigationOrDataChannelACL, targetID int64, customerID int, ...) (p Protection, err error)
- func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) StopProtection(p Protection) (err error)
- func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Timeout() int
- func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Type() BlockerType
- func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) UnregisterProtection(p Protection) (err error)
- type ICMPTypeRange
- func GetTelemetrySourceIcmpTypeRange(engine *xorm.Engine, teleTopTalkerId int64) (icmpTypeRangeList []ICMPTypeRange, err error)
- func GetUriFilteringIcmpTypeRange(engine *xorm.Engine, teleTopTalkerId int64) (icmpTypeRangeList []ICMPTypeRange, err error)
- func NewICMPTypeRange(lower_type int, upper_type int) ICMPTypeRange
- type LoadBaseBlockerSelection
- type MessageEntity
- type MessageEntityValidator
- type MitigationOrDataChannelACL
- type MitigationScope
- func (s *MitigationScope) GetFqdnAsTarget() (targetList []Target, err error)
- func (s *MitigationScope) GetPrefixAsTarget() (targetList []Target)
- func (s *MitigationScope) GetTargetList() (targetList []Target, err error)
- func (s *MitigationScope) GetUriAsTarget() (targetList []Target, err error)
- func (s *MitigationScope) IsActive() bool
- type ParameterType
- type PercentilePeakAndCurrent
- func ConvertDataToPercentilePeakAndCurrent(low uint64, mid uint64, high uint64, peak uint64, current uint64) (ppac PercentilePeakAndCurrent)
- func GetModelsPercentilePeakAndCurrent(value *PercentilePeakAndCurrent) (sourceCount PercentilePeakAndCurrent)
- func GetTelemetrySourceCount(engine *xorm.Engine, adId int64) (PercentilePeakAndCurrent, error)
- func GetUriFilteringSourceCount(engine *xorm.Engine, adId int64) (PercentilePeakAndCurrent, error)
- func NewPercentilePeakAndCurrent(scRequest messages.PercentilePeakAndCurrent) (sourceCount PercentilePeakAndCurrent)
- type PercentileType
- type PortRange
- func GetTelemetryPortRange(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, prefixType string) (portRangeList []PortRange, err error)
- func GetTelemetrySourcePortRange(engine *xorm.Engine, teleTopTakerId int64) (portRangeList []PortRange, err error)
- func GetUriFilteringSourcePortRange(engine *xorm.Engine, teleTopTalkerId int64) (portRangeList []PortRange, err error)
- func NewPortRange(lower_port int, upper_port int) PortRange
- func NewTargetPortRange(portRanges []messages.PortRange) (portRangeList []PortRange)
- type Prefix
- func ConvertAddrStringToPrefix(addrString []string) []Prefix
- func GetTelemetryPrefix(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, prefixType string) (prefixList []Prefix, err error)
- func GetTelemetrySourcePrefix(engine *xorm.Engine, teleTopTalkerId int64) (prefix Prefix, err error)
- func GetUriFilteringSourcePrefix(engine *xorm.Engine, teleTopTalkerId int64) (prefix Prefix, err error)
- func NewPrefix(addrString string) (p Prefix, err error)
- func NewPrefixFromFQDN(fqdn string) (p []Prefix, err error)
- func NewPrefixFromIps(ips []net.IP) (p []Prefix, err error)
- func NewPrefixFromURI(uri string) (p []Prefix, err error)
- func NewTelemetryPrefix(prefixes []string) (prefixList []Prefix, err error)
- func RemoveOverlapPrefix(prefixlst []Prefix) []Prefix
- func (prefix Prefix) CheckValidRangeIpAddress(addressRangePrefixes AddressRange) (bool, []string)
- func (p *Prefix) Includes(other *Prefix) (ret bool)
- func (prefix *Prefix) IsBroadCast() bool
- func (prefix *Prefix) IsLoopback() bool
- func (prefix *Prefix) IsMulticast() bool
- func (p *Prefix) LastIP() (ip net.IP)
- func (p *Prefix) String() string
- func (p *Prefix) Validate(addr string) (ret bool)
- type PrefixType
- type Protection
- type ProtectionBase
- func (p ProtectionBase) AclName() string
- func (p ProtectionBase) Action() string
- func (p ProtectionBase) CustomerId() int
- func (p ProtectionBase) DroppedDataInfo() *ProtectionStatus
- func (p ProtectionBase) FinishedAt() time.Time
- func (p ProtectionBase) Id() int64
- func (p ProtectionBase) IsEnabled() bool
- func (p ProtectionBase) RecordTime() time.Time
- func (p ProtectionBase) SessionName() string
- func (p *ProtectionBase) SetAction(action string)
- func (p *ProtectionBase) SetFinishedAt(t time.Time)
- func (p *ProtectionBase) SetIsEnabled(e bool)
- func (p *ProtectionBase) SetSessionName(name string)
- func (p *ProtectionBase) SetStartedAt(t time.Time)
- func (p ProtectionBase) StartedAt() time.Time
- func (p ProtectionBase) TargetBlocker() Blocker
- func (p ProtectionBase) TargetId() int64
- func (p ProtectionBase) TargetType() string
- type ProtectionStatus
- type ProtectionType
- type QueryType
- type RTBH
- type Range
- type ScopeBlockerList
- type Set
- type SetInt
- type SetString
- func GetTelemetryParameterWithParameterTypeIsAlias(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, parameterType string) (aliasNameList SetString, err error)
- func GetTelemetryParameterWithParameterTypeIsFqdn(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, parameterType string) (fqdnList SetString, err error)
- func GetTelemetryParameterWithParameterTypeIsUri(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, parameterType string) (uriList SetString, err error)
- func NewSetString() SetString
- func (s SetString) AddList(list []string)
- func (s SetString) Append(value string)
- func (s SetString) Delete(value string)
- func (s SetString) FromParameterValue(array []db_models.ParameterValue)
- func (s SetString) Include(value string) bool
- func (s SetString) List() []string
- func (s SetString) ToInterfaceList() []interface{}
- type SetupType
- type SignalConfigurationParameter
- type SignalConfigurationValidator
- type SignalSessionConfiguration
- func GetCurrentSignalSessionConfiguration(customerId int) (signalSessionConfiguration *SignalSessionConfiguration, err error)
- func GetSignalSessionConfiguration(customerId int, sessionId int) (signalSessionConfiguration *SignalSessionConfiguration, err error)
- func NewSignalSessionConfiguration(sessionId int, payload messages.SignalConfigs) (s *SignalSessionConfiguration)
- type Storable
- type Target
- func GetAliasDataAsTargetList(aliases types.Aliases) (targetList []Target, err error)
- func GetTelemetryFqdnAsTarget(fqdns SetString) (targetList []Target, err error)
- func GetTelemetryPrefixAsTarget(prefixs []Prefix) (targetList []Target)
- func GetTelemetryTargetList(prefixs []Prefix, fqdns SetString, uris SetString) (targetList []Target, err error)
- func GetTelemetryUriAsTarget(uris SetString) (targetList []Target, err error)
- func GetUriFilteringTarget(customerId int, cuid string, ...) ([]Target, error)
- type TargetType
- type Targets
- type TelemetryAttackDetail
- type TelemetryConfiguration
- func DefaultValueTelemetryConfiguration() (telemetryConfiguration *TelemetryConfiguration)
- func GetTelemetryConfiguration(teleSetupId int64) (telemetryConfiguration *TelemetryConfiguration, err error)
- func NewTelemetryConfiguration(telemetryConfig *messages.TelemetryConfigurationCurrent) (t *TelemetryConfiguration)
- type TelemetryConfigurationParameter
- type TelemetryPreMitigation
- func GetUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigationAttributes(customerId int, cuid string, ...) (preMitigationList []TelemetryPreMitigation, err error)
- func NewTelemetryPreMitigation(customer *Customer, cuid string, dataRequest messages.PreOrOngoingMitigation, ...) (preMitigation *TelemetryPreMitigation, err error)
- type TelemetrySetUpConfiguration
- type TelemetryTopTalker
- type TelemetryTotalAttackConnection
- type TelemetryType
- type TopTalker
- type TotalAttackConnectionPort
- func ConvertDataToTotalAttackConnectionPort(dbData db_models.UriFilteringTotalAttackConnectionPort, ...) TotalAttackConnectionPort
- func GetUriFilteringTotalAttackConnectionPort(engine *xorm.Engine, telePreMitigationId int64) (tacList []TotalAttackConnectionPort, err error)
- func NewTotalAttackConnectionPerPort(tacRequests []messages.TotalAttackConnectionPort) (tacList []TotalAttackConnectionPort)
- type TotalAttackConnectionProtocol
- func ConvertDataToTotalAttackConnectionProtocol(dbData db_models.UriFilteringTotalAttackConnectionProtocol, ...) TotalAttackConnectionProtocol
- func GetUriFilteringTotalAttackConnectionProtocol(engine *xorm.Engine, prefixType string, prefixTypeId int64) (tacList []TotalAttackConnectionProtocol, err error)
- func NewTotalAttackConnectionPerProtocol(tacRequests []messages.TotalAttackConnectionProtocol) (tacList []TotalAttackConnectionProtocol)
- type TotalAttackConnectionType
- type TotalConnectionCapacity
- type TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort
- func GetTotalConnectionCapacityPerPort(engine *xorm.Engine, teleBaselineId int64) (tccList []TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort, err error)
- func NewTotalConnectionCapacityPerPort(totalConnectionCapacities []messages.TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort) (totalConnectionCapacityList []TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort)
- type TotalPipeCapacity
- type Traffic
- func GetModelsTraffic(traffics []Traffic) (trafficList []Traffic)
- func GetTelemetryTraffic(engine *xorm.Engine, prefixType string, prefixTypeId int64, trafficType string) (trafficList []Traffic, err error)
- func GetTraffic(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, prefixType string, ...) (trafficList []Traffic, err error)
- func GetUriFilteringTraffic(engine *xorm.Engine, prefixType string, preMitigationId int64, ...) (trafficList []Traffic, err error)
- func NewTelemetryTotalAttackTraffic(teleTraffics []messages.Traffic) (trafficList []Traffic)
- func NewTraffic(traffics []messages.Traffic) (trafficList []Traffic)
- type TrafficPerPort
- func GetTrafficPerPort(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, trafficType string) (trafficList []TrafficPerPort, err error)
- func GetUriFilteringTrafficPerPort(engine *xorm.Engine, preMitigationId int64, trafficType string) (trafficList []TrafficPerPort, err error)
- func NewTrafficPerPort(traffics []messages.TrafficPerPort) (trafficList []TrafficPerPort)
- type TrafficPerProtocol
- func GetTrafficPerProtocol(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, trafficType string) (trafficList []TrafficPerProtocol, err error)
- func GetUriFilteringTrafficPerProtocol(engine *xorm.Engine, preMitigationId int64, trafficType string) (trafficList []TrafficPerProtocol, err error)
- func NewTrafficPerProtocol(traffics []messages.TrafficPerProtocol) (trafficList []TrafficPerProtocol)
- type UnitConfig
- type UriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation
Constants ¶
const ( ARISTA_BLOCKER_CONNECTION = "aristaConnection" ARISTA_BLOCKER_INTERFACE = "aristaInterface" )
const ( BLOCKER_TYPE_GO_ARISTA = "Arista-ACL" PROTECTION_TYPE_ARISTA = "AristaACL" ARISTA_NAME = "name" ANY_VALUE = "any" IPV4_VALUE = "ip" IPV6_VALUE = "ipv6" ACTION_TYPE_DENY = "deny" ACTION_TYPE_PERMIT = "permit" FRAGMENTS_VALUE = "fragments" EMPTY_VALUE = "" TTL_KEY = "ttl" HOPLIMIT_KEY = "hop-limit" PORT_RANGE = "range" DSCP_KEY = "dscp" ECN_KEY = "ecn" ECN_VALUE_CE = "ce" ECN_VALUE_ECT = "ect" ECN_VALUE_ECT_CE = "ect-ce" ECN_VALUE_NON_ECT = "non-ect" INTERFACE_VALUE = "interface" ACCESS_LIST_VALUE = "access-list" ACCESS_GROUP_VALUE = "access-group" CONFIGURE_SESSION = "configure session" COMMIT_VALUE = "commit" EXIT_VALUE = "exit" NO_VALUE = "no" INBOUND_PACKET = "in" IPV4_PERMIT_RULE = "permit ip any any" IPV6_PERMIT_RULE = "permit ipv6 any any" LEN_CMDS_ACL_WITHOUT_RULE = 3 )
const ( BLOCKER_TYPE_GoBGP_FLOWSPEC = "GoBGP-FlowSpec" PROTECTION_TYPE_FLOWSPEC = "FlowSpec" IPV4_FLOW_SPEC = "ipv4-flowspec" IPV6_FLOW_SPEC = "ipv6-flowspec" ACTION_TYPE_DISCARD = "discard" ACTION_TYPE_ACCEPT = "accept" ACTION_TYPE_RATE_LIMIT = "rate-limit" ACTION_TYPE_REDIRECT = "redirect" )
const ( AnyMitigationScopeId int64 = 0 InProgress int = 1 SuccessfullyMitigated int = 2 Stopped int = 3 ExceedCapability int = 4 ActiveButTerminating int = 5 Terminated int = 6 Withdrawn int = 7 Triggered int = 8 )
const (
const IP_PREFIX_LENGTH int = 32
const ValidationError string = "validation error"
Variables ¶
var BlockerSelectionService *blockerSelectionService
declare instance variables
var DefaultTsid = -1
Functions ¶
func ActivationTypeToInt ¶
func ActivationTypeToInt(activationType data_types.ActivationType) int
* Parse ACL activation type to int activation type * * return: * int activation type
func BlockerConfigurationParametersToMap ¶
func BlockerConfigurationParametersToMap(configParams []db_models.BlockerConfigurationParameter) map[string][]string
func BlockerParametersToMap ¶
func BlockerParametersToMap(params []db_models.BlockerParameter) map[string][]string
func CheckOverlapTargetList ¶
* Check overlap targets(target_prefix, target_fqdn, target_uri) * return: * true: if request targets overlap with current targets * false: else
func CheckPeaceTimeSignalChannel ¶
* Check peace time signal channel
func ConvertQueryTypeToString ¶
Convert query-type to string
func ConvertToSecond ¶
Convert the interval(string) or the sample(string) to second(int)
func CreateAccessGroup ¶
* Create ip/ipv6 access group to apply acl to interface
func CreateAccessList ¶
* Create ip/ipv6 access list
func CreateBaseline ¶
func CreateBaseline(customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, baselineList []Baseline, isPresent bool) (isConflict bool, err error)
Create baseline
func CreateBlocker ¶
* Stores a Blocker object to the database * * parameter: * blocker Blocker * return: * newBlocker db_models.Blocker * err error
func CreateConfigureSession ¶
* Create configure session
func CreateCustomer ¶
* Create a new customer object and store it to the DB. * If the customer object with same customer_id is already in the DB, update the object with new values. * * parameter: * customer Customer * return: * err error
func CreateMitigationScope ¶
func CreateMitigationScope(mitigationScope MitigationScope, customer Customer, isIfMatchOption bool) (newMitigationScope db_models.MitigationScope, err error)
* Create a new MitigationScope object and store it to the DB. * If there exists an object with same CustomerID and PolicyID, update the object. * * parameter: * mitigationScope MitigationScope * customer Customer * return: * err error
func CreateProtection2 ¶
func CreateProtection2(protection Protection) (newProtection db_models.Protection, err error)
* Stores a Protection object to the DB. * * parameter: * protection ProtectionBase * protectionStatus ProtectionStatus * protectionParameters db_models.ProtectionParameter * return: * err error
func CreateSignalSessionConfiguration ¶
func CreateSignalSessionConfiguration(signalSessionConfiguration SignalSessionConfiguration, customer Customer) (newSignalSessionConfiguration db_models.SignalSessionConfiguration, err error)
* Stores SignalSessionConfiguration to the DB. * * parameter: * signalSessionConfiguration SignalSessionConfiguration * customer Customer * return: * err error
func CreateTargets ¶
Create targets
func CreateTelemetryConfiguration ¶
func CreateTelemetryConfiguration(customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, telemetryConfiguration *TelemetryConfiguration) (err error)
Create telemetry configuration
func CreateTelemetryParameterValue ¶
func CreateTelemetryParameterValue(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, protocols SetInt, fqdns SetString, uris SetString, aliasNames SetString) error
Registed telemetry parameter value (target-protocol, target-fqdn, target-uri) to DB
func CreateTelemetryPreMitigation ¶
func CreateTelemetryPreMitigation(customer *Customer, cuid string, cdid string, tmid int, dataRequest messages.PreOrOngoingMitigation, aliases types.Aliases, isPresent bool) error
Create telemetry pre-mitigation that is called by controller
func CreateTelemetrySetupBaseline ¶
func CreateTelemetrySetupBaseline(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, baselineList []Baseline) error
Create telemetry setup with setup_type is 'baseline'
func CreateTelemetrySetupPipe ¶
func CreateTelemetrySetupPipe(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, pipeList []TotalPipeCapacity) error
Create telemetry setup with setup_type is 'pipe'
func CreateTelemetrySetupTelemetryConfiguration ¶
func CreateTelemetrySetupTelemetryConfiguration(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, telemetryConfiguration *TelemetryConfiguration) error
Create telemetry setup with setup_type is 'telemetry_configuration'
func CreateTotalPipeCapacity ¶
func CreateTotalPipeCapacity(customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, pipeList []TotalPipeCapacity, isPresent bool) (isConflict bool, err error)
Create total pipe capacity
func DeleteAllTelemetryPreMitigation ¶
Delete all telemetry pre-mitigation
func DeleteAllTelemetrySetup ¶
Delete all telemetry configuration
func DeleteBaseline ¶
Delete baseline
func DeleteBlockerById ¶
* Delete the Blocker by the Blocker ID. * * parameter: * blockerId Blocker ID * return: * error error
func DeleteCurrentUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation ¶
func DeleteCurrentUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation(engine *xorm.Engine, session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, tmid int) error
Delete current uri filtering telemetry pre-mitigation
func DeleteCustomer ¶
* Delete a customer by customer ID. * * parameter: * customer_id Customer ID * return: * error error
func DeleteMitigationScope ¶
func DeleteMitigationScope(customerId int, clientIdentifier string, mitigationId int, mitigationScopeId int64) (err error)
* Deletes a mitigation scope object by a customerId and a mitigationId. * Indicate either mitigationScopeId or set of (customerId, clientIdentifier, mitigationId) * customerId id of the Customer * mitigationId mitigation id of the mitigation scope object * mitigationScopeId mitigatoin scope id of the mitigation scope object * return: * mitigationScope mitigation-scope * error error
func DeleteOneTelemetryPreMitigation ¶
Delete one telemetry pre-mitigation
func DeleteOneTelemetrySetup ¶
func DeleteOneTelemetrySetup(customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, dbTelemetrySetupList []db_models.TelemetrySetup) error
Delete one telemetry setup configuration
func DeleteProtection ¶
* Deletes a protection by the mitigation ID. * * parameter: * mitigationId mitigation ID * return: * error error
func DeleteProtectionById ¶
func DeleteSignalSessionConfiguration ¶
* Deletes the SignalSessionConfiguration by the customer ID and session id. * * parameter: * customerId customer ID * sessionId session ID * return: * error error
func DeleteSignalSessionConfigurationByCustomerId ¶
* Deletes the SignalSessionConfiguration by the customer ID * * parameter: * customerId customer ID * return: * error error
func DeleteTelemetryAttackDetail ¶
func DeleteTelemetryAttackDetail(engine *xorm.Engine, session *xorm.Session, mitigationScopeId int64) error
Delete telemetry attack_detail
func DeleteTelemetryConfiguration ¶
Delete telemetry configuration
func DeleteTelemetrySetupBaseline ¶
func DeleteTelemetrySetupBaseline(engine *xorm.Engine, session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, teleSetupId int64) error
Delete telemetry setup with setup type is 'baseline'
func DeleteTelemetrySetupPipe ¶
Delete telemetry setup with setup type is 'pipe'
func DeleteTelemetrySetupTelemetryConfiguration ¶
func DeleteTelemetrySetupTelemetryConfiguration(engine *xorm.Engine, session *xorm.Session, teleSetupId int64) error
Delete telemetry setup with setup type is 'telemetry_configuration'
func DeleteUriFilteringAttackDetail ¶
func DeleteUriFilteringAttackDetail(engine *xorm.Engine, session *xorm.Session, uriFilterPreMitigationId int64) error
Delete uri filtering attack detail
func GetActiveMitigationMap ¶
func GetActiveMitigationMap() map[int64]ActiveMitigationRequest
func GetAliasByName ¶
func GetAliasByName(engine *xorm.Engine, customerId int, cuid string, aliasNames []string) (aliases types.Aliases, err error)
Get alias by name list (the name list from baseline/pre-mitigation)
func GetAllMitigationScopes ¶
func GetAllMitigationScopes() (mitigations []db_models.MitigationScope, err error)
* Get all mitigationScope. * * parameter: * return: * mitigations list of mitigation request * err error
func GetBlockerConfiguration ¶
func GetBlockerConfiguration(customerId int, targetType string) (blockerConfiguration *db_models.BlockerConfiguration, err error)
* Get blocker configuration by customerID and targetType
func GetBlockerConfigurationParameters ¶
func GetBlockerConfigurationParameters(blockerConfigurationId int64) (blockerConfigurationParameters []db_models.BlockerConfigurationParameter, err error)
* Obtain the designated BlockerConfigurationParameters by the Blocker COnfiguration ID. * * parameter: * blockerConfigurationId the Blocker Configuration ID * return: * blockerConfigurationParameters the Blocker Configuration Parameter * error error
func GetBlockerParameters ¶
func GetBlockerParameters(blockerId int64) (blockerParameters []db_models.BlockerParameter, err error)
* Obtain the designated BlockerParameters by the Blocker ID. * * parameter: * blockerId Blocker ID * return: * BlockerParameter BlockerParameter * error error
func GetBlockers ¶
* Obtain all the blocker information stored in the database. * * return: * blockers a list of blockers * error error
func GetControlFilteringByACLName ¶
func GetControlFilteringByACLName(aclName string) (controlFilteringList []db_models.ControlFiltering, err error)
* Get control filtering from mitigation scope id
func GetCuidByCustomerID ¶
* Find cuid by a customerId. * * parameter: * customerId id of the Customer * return: * cuid of mitigation * error error
func GetFreshSessionMap ¶
func GetFreshSessionMap() map[int]ActiveSessionConfiguration
func GetLowestLoadBlocker ¶
* Obtain the blocker with the least load. * If the load values are same, capacity information are used to break the tie.
func GetMitigationByCustomerIdAndCuid ¶
func GetMitigationByCustomerIdAndCuid(customerId int, cuid string) (mitigationList []db_models.MitigationScope, err error)
Get mitigation by customerId and cuid
func GetMitigationIds ¶
* Find all mitigationId by a customerId. * * parameter: * customerId id of the Customer * return: * mitigationIds list of mitigation id * error error
func GetMitigationIdsByCustomer ¶
Find all mitigationIds with status is 2 by a customerId
func GetMitigationScopeById ¶
func GetMitigationScopeById(id int64) (*db_models.MitigationScope, error)
Get mitigation scope by id
func GetMitigationScopeValidator ¶
func GetMitigationScopeValidator(blockerType string) mitigationScopeValidator
Return mitigation scope validator by input blocker type (goBgpScopeValidator or goAristaScopeValidator)
func GetPreConfiguredMitigationIds ¶
* Find all mitigationIds with status is 8 by a customerId * * parameter: * customerId id of the Customer * return: * mitigationIds list of mitigation id * error error
func GetProtectionParameters ¶
func GetProtectionParameters(protectionId int64) (goBGPParameters []db_models.GoBgpParameter, err error)
* Obtains a list of ProtectionParameter objects by ID of the parent Protection. * * parameter: * protectionId id of the parent Protection * return: * ProtectionParameter []db_models.ProtectionParameter * error error
func GetQueriesFromUriQuery ¶
func GetQueriesFromUriQuery(queries []string) (targetPrefix string, targetPort string, targetProtocol string, targetFqdn string, targetUri string, aliasName string, sourcePrefix string, sourcePort string, sourceIcmpType string, content string, errMsg string)
Get queries from Uri-query
func GetTelemetryAttackDetailById ¶
func GetTelemetryAttackDetailById(id int64) (dbAttackDetail db_models.TelemetryAttackDetail, err error)
Get telemetry attack detail by Id
func GetTelemetrySetupByCuid ¶
func GetTelemetrySetupByCuid(customerId int, cuid string) (dbTelemetrySetupList []db_models.TelemetrySetup, err error)
Get telemetry setup by cuid
func GetTelemetrySetupByCuidAndNonNegativeTsid ¶
func GetTelemetrySetupByCuidAndNonNegativeTsid(customerId int, cuid string) (dbTelemetrySetupList []db_models.TelemetrySetup, err error)
Get telemetry setup by cuid and tsid >= 0
func GetTelemetrySetupByCuidAndSetupType ¶
func GetTelemetrySetupByCuidAndSetupType(customerId int, cuid string, setupType string) (dbTelemetrySetupList []db_models.TelemetrySetup, err error)
Get telemetry setup by cuid and setup type (telemetry_configuration, pipe, baseline)
func GetTelemetrySetupByCustomerIdAndSetupType ¶
func GetTelemetrySetupByCustomerIdAndSetupType(customerId int, setupType string) (dbTelemetrySetupList []db_models.TelemetrySetup, err error)
Get telemetry setup by customerId and setup type (telemetry_configuration, pipe, baseline)
func GetTelemetrySetupByTsid ¶
func GetTelemetrySetupByTsid(customerId int, cuid string, tsid int) (dbTelemetrySetupList []db_models.TelemetrySetup, err error)
Get telemetry setup by tsid
func GetTelemetrySetupByTsidAndSetupType ¶
func GetTelemetrySetupByTsidAndSetupType(customerId int, cuid string, tsid int, setupType string) (dbTelemetrySetup db_models.TelemetrySetup, err error)
Get telemetry setup by tsid and setup type (telemetry_configuration, pipe, baseline)
func GetTelemetryTopTalkerById ¶
func GetTelemetryTopTalkerById(id int64) (dbTopTalker db_models.TelemetryTopTalker, err error)
Get telemetry top talker by Id
func GetTmidListByCustomerIdAndCuid ¶
Get tmids (telemetry_pre_mitigation and uri_filtering_telemetry_pre_mitigation) by customer_id and cuid
func GetUriFilteringAttackDetailById ¶
func GetUriFilteringAttackDetailById(id int64) (dbAttackDetail db_models.UriFilteringAttackDetail, err error)
Get uri filtering attack detail by id
func GetUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation ¶
func GetUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation(customerId int, cuid string, tmid *int, queries []string) ([]db_models.UriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation, error)
Get uri filtering telemetry pre-mitigation
func GetUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigationById ¶
func GetUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigationById(id int64) (dbPreMitigation db_models.UriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation, err error)
Get uri filtering telemetry pre-mitigation by id
func GetUriFilteringTopTalkerById ¶
func GetUriFilteringTopTalkerById(id int64) (dbTopTalker db_models.UriFilteringTopTalker, err error)
Get uri filtering top talker by id
func InitTable ¶
func InitTable(rebuildFlag bool)
* Create all system tables. * if the rebuildFlag is set, drop all and recreate them. * * parameter: * rebuildFlag indicates whether we should re-create the tables. * return: * error error
func IsActive ¶
* Return status that is active or inactive * * return: * bool * true status is active * false status is inactive
func IsContainIntValue ¶
Check contain integer value between uri-query and target-value target-protocol
func IsContainRangeValue ¶
Check contain range values between uri-query and target-value target-port
func IsContainStringValue ¶
Check contain string value between uri-query and target-value target-prefix, target-fqdn, alias-name
func IsExistTelemetryPreMitigationValueByQueries ¶
func IsExistTelemetryPreMitigationValueByQueries(queries []string, customerId int, cuid string, preMitigation db_models.UriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation) (bool, error)
* Check existed uri filtering telemetry pre-mitigation by uri-query * return: * true: if existed * false: if doesn't exist
func IsExistedVendorAttackMapping ¶
func IsExistedVendorAttackMapping(engine *xorm.Engine, clientId int64, vendorId int, attackId int) (bool, error)
* Check vendor-mapping is exist * true: if existed * false: if doesn't exist
func IsInCustomerDomain ¶
* Check if the target prefix is not included in customer's domain address * parameters: * customer the customer * targets list of mitigation target address * return: string * "" all targets are in customer's domain * errMsg some of targets is not in customer's domain
func IsValid ¶
* Check if the target prefix include multicast, broadcast or loopback ip address * parameters: * targets list of mitigation target address * return: string * "" all targets are valid * errMsg some of targets is invalid
func MarshalFlowSpecRules ¶
func MarshalFlowSpecRules(values []bgp.FlowSpecComponentInterface) []*any.Any
* Marshal Flowspec Rules * Base on func MarshalFlowSpecRules(), packet "" from GoBGP open source
func MarshalNLRI ¶
func MarshalNLRI(value bgp.AddrPrefixInterface) *any.Any
* Marshal nlri * Base on func MarshalNLRI(), packet "" from GoBGP open source
func MarshalPathAttributes ¶
func MarshalPathAttributes(attrList []bgp.PathAttributeInterface) []*any.Any
* Marshal path attributes * Base on func MarshalPathAttributes(), packet "" from GoBGP open source
func NewExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeExtendedCommunities) *api.ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute
* New Extended Communities Attribute * Base on func NewExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(), packet "" from GoBGP open source
func NewIP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewIP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeIP6ExtendedCommunities) *api.IP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute
* New IP6 Extended Communities Attribute * Base on func NewIP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(), packet "" from GoBGP open source
func NewRedirectExtendedCommunitiesAttribute ¶
func NewRedirectExtendedCommunitiesAttribute(routeStr string) (bgp.PathAttributeInterface, error)
* New Redirect Extended Communities Attribute * Base on func redirectParser() and, packet "" from GoBGP open source
func PortRangeOrOperatorToString ¶
func PortRangeOrOperatorToString(port *types.PortRangeOrOperator) (p string)
* Convert port to string
func ProtectionStatusToDbModel ¶
func ProtectionStatusToDbModel(protectionId int64, status *ProtectionStatus) (newProtectionStatus db_models.ProtectionStatus)
func RefreshActiveSessionConfiguration ¶
* Refresh or update an active session configuration when client request Get with sid * or request Put with sid to update session configuration
func RegisterBaseline ¶
func RegisterBaseline(session *xorm.Session, teleSetupId int64, baseline Baseline) (*db_models.Baseline, error)
Registed baseline to DB
func RegisterTelemetryConfiguration ¶
func RegisterTelemetryConfiguration(session *xorm.Session, teleSetupId int64, telemetryConfiguration *TelemetryConfiguration) (*db_models.TelemetryConfiguration, error)
Registered telemetry configuration to DB
func RegisterTelemetryParameterIntValue ¶
func RegisterTelemetryParameterIntValue(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, parameterType string, intValues SetInt) error
Registered telemetry parameter int value
func RegisterTelemetryParameterStringValue ¶
func RegisterTelemetryParameterStringValue(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, parameterType string, stringValues SetString) error
Registered telemetry parameter string value
func RegisterTelemetryPortRange ¶
func RegisterTelemetryPortRange(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, prefixType string, portRanges []PortRange) error
Registed telemetry port range to DB
func RegisterTelemetryPrefix ¶
func RegisterTelemetryPrefix(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, prefixType string, prefixs []Prefix) error
Registered telemetry prefix to DB
func RegisterTelemetrySetup ¶
func RegisterTelemetrySetup(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, setupType string) (*db_models.TelemetrySetup, error)
Registed telemetry setup to DB
func RegisterTotalConnectionCapacity ¶
func RegisterTotalConnectionCapacity(session *xorm.Session, teleBaselineId int64, tccs []TotalConnectionCapacity) error
Registered total connection capacity to DB
func RegisterTotalConnectionCapacityPerPort ¶
func RegisterTotalConnectionCapacityPerPort(session *xorm.Session, teleBaselineId int64, tccs []TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort) error
Registered total connection capacity per port to DB
func RegisterTotalPipecapacity ¶
func RegisterTotalPipecapacity(session *xorm.Session, teleSetupId int64, pipeList []TotalPipeCapacity) error
Registed total pipe capacity to DB
func RegisterTraffic ¶
func RegisterTraffic(session *xorm.Session, tType string, prefixType string, typeId int64, trafficType string, traffics []Traffic) error
Registered traffic to DB
func RegisterTrafficPerPort ¶
func RegisterTrafficPerPort(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, trafficType string, traffics []TrafficPerPort) error
Registered traffic per port to DB
func RegisterTrafficPerProtocol ¶
func RegisterTrafficPerProtocol(session *xorm.Session, tType string, typeId int64, trafficType string, traffics []TrafficPerProtocol) error
Registered traffic per procol to DB
func RegisterUnitConfiguration ¶
func RegisterUnitConfiguration(session *xorm.Session, tConID int64, unitConfigList []UnitConfig) (err error)
Registered unit configuration to DB
func RegisterUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation ¶
func RegisterUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tmid int, newPreMitigation *TelemetryPreMitigation) error
Register uri filtering telemetry pre-mitigation
func RemoveACLByID ¶
* Remove Acl by ID
func RemoveAccessGroup ¶
* Remove ip/ipv6 access group to remove acl from interface
func RemoveAccessList ¶
* Remove ip/ipv6 access list
func RemoveActiveMitigationRequest ¶
func RemoveActiveMitigationRequest(id int64)
func RemoveActiveSessionConfiguration ¶
func RemoveActiveSessionConfiguration(customerId int)
* Remove by customer id an active session configuration out of map when it is deleted * or expired max-age and reset to default value
func RemoveConfigureSession ¶
* Remove configure session
func RemoveControlFilteringByID ¶
func RemoveControlFilteringByID(controlFilteringID int64, controlFiltering db_models.ControlFiltering) error
* Remove control filtering by ID
func StartProtection ¶
func StartProtection(p Protection, b Blocker) (err error)
* Updates a protection object in the DB on the invocation of the protection. * 1. turn the is_enabled field on and updates the started_at with current datetime. * 2. increase the value in the load field of the blocker.
func StopProtection ¶
func StopProtection(p Protection, b Blocker) (err error)
* Updates a protection object in the DB on the termination of the protection. * 1. turn the is_enabled field off and updates the finished_at with current datetime. * 2. decrease the value in the load field of the blocker.
func UpdateACLNameToMitigation ¶
* Update acl_name for mitigation scope
func UpdateBaseline ¶
func UpdateBaseline(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, baselineList []Baseline) error
Update baseline
func UpdateBlockerLoad ¶
* Update the load value of a Blocker * * parameter: * blockerId id * diff diff of the load value * return: * error error
func UpdateCustomer ¶
* Update a customer object. * * parameter: * customer Customer * return: * err error
func UpdateMitigationScope ¶
func UpdateMitigationScope(mitigationScope MitigationScope, customer Customer, isIfMatchOption bool, isDeleteFunc bool) (err error)
* Updates a MitigationScope object in the DB. * * parameter: * mitigationScope MitigationScope * customer Customer * return: * err error
func UpdateMitigationScopeStatus ¶
* Updates a MitigationScope status in the DB. * * parameter: * mitigationScopeId int64 * status int * return: * err error
func UpdateProtection ¶
func UpdateProtection(protection Protection) (err error)
* Updates a Protection object in the DB. * * parameter: * protection ProtectionBase * return: * err error
func UpdateSignalSessionConfiguration ¶
func UpdateSignalSessionConfiguration(signalSessionConfiguration SignalSessionConfiguration, customer Customer) (err error)
* Updates SignalSessionConfiguration in the DB. * * parameter: * signalSessionConfiguration SignalSessionConfiguration * customer Customer * return: * err error
func UpdateTelemetryConfiguration ¶
func UpdateTelemetryConfiguration(customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, telemetryConfiguration *TelemetryConfiguration) (err error)
Update telemetry configuration
func UpdateTotalPipeCapacity ¶
func UpdateTotalPipeCapacity(session *xorm.Session, customerId int, cuid string, cdid string, tsid int, pipeList []TotalPipeCapacity) error
Update total pipe capacity
func ValidateAttackDetail ¶
func ValidateAttackDetail(ads []messages.AttackDetail) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Validate attack-detail
func ValidateBaseline ¶
func ValidateBaseline(customer *Customer, cuid string, tsid int, data []messages.Baseline) (isPresent bool, isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Validate baseline
func ValidateConflictForUnit ¶
func ValidateConflictForUnit(percentileList map[messages.UnitString]uint64, percentile uint64, unit messages.UnitString) (errMsg string)
- Check conflict for unit
- parameter:
- percentileList: the list with key is unit, value is value of
- low-percentile-g/mid-percentile-g/high-percentile-g/peak-g/current-g
- percentile: the value of low-percentile-g/mid-percentile-g/high-percentile-g/peak-g/current-g
- unit: the unit
- return
- errMsg:
- if unit is not conflict, errMsg is ""
- if unit is conflict, errMsg is not ""
func ValidateConflictScale ¶
func ValidateConflictScale(lowPercentileList map[messages.UnitString]uint64, midPercentileList map[messages.UnitString]uint64, highPercentileList map[messages.UnitString]uint64, peakPercentileList map[messages.UnitString]uint64, currentPercentileList map[messages.UnitString]uint64) (errMsg string)
- Validate unit for low-percentile-g, mid-percentile-g, high-percentile-g, peak-g, current-g
- parameter:
- lowPercentileList: the list with key is unit, value is value of low-percentile-g
- midPercentileList: the list with key is unit, value is value of mid-percentile-g
- highPercentileList: the list with key is unit, value is value of high-percentile-g
- peakPercentileList: the list with key is unit, value is value of peak-g
- currentPercentileList: the list with key is unit, value is value of current-g
- return
- errMsg:
- if unit is not conflict, errMsg is ""
- if unit is conflict, errMsg is not ""
func ValidateConflictScaleForUnit ¶
func ValidateConflictScaleForUnit(percentileList map[messages.UnitString]uint64) (errMsg string)
- Auto scale and check conflict for unit
- parameter:
- percentileList: the list with key is unit, value is value of
- low-percentile-g/mid-percentile-g/high-percentile-g/peak-g/current-g
- return
- errMsg:
- if unit is not conflict, errMsg is ""
- if unit is conflict, errMsg is not ""
func ValidateDescriptionLang ¶
Validate description-lang
func ValidatePort ¶
Validate port
func ValidatePortRange ¶
func ValidatePortRange(targetPortRanges []messages.PortRange) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Validate port range
func ValidatePrefix ¶
func ValidatePrefix(customer *Customer, targetPrefixs []string, targetFqdns []string, targetUris []string) (errMsg string)
Validate prefix
func ValidateProtocol ¶
Validate protocol
func ValidateProtocolList ¶
Validate protocol
func ValidateTargets ¶
func ValidateTargets(customer *Customer, target *messages.Target) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Validate targets (target_prefix, target_port_range, target_uri, target_fqdn)
func ValidateTelemetryConfiguration ¶
func ValidateTelemetryConfiguration(customerID int, cuid string, tsid int, data *messages.TelemetryConfigurationCurrent) (isPresent bool, isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Validate telemetry configuration
func ValidateTelemetryPreMitigation ¶
func ValidateTelemetryPreMitigation(customer *Customer, cuid string, tmid int, data messages.PreOrOngoingMitigation) (isPresent bool, isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Validate telemetry pre-mitigation
func ValidateTotalAttackConnectionPort ¶
func ValidateTotalAttackConnectionPort(tacs []messages.TotalAttackConnectionPort) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Valdate total-attack-connection-port
func ValidateTotalAttackConnectionProtocol ¶
func ValidateTotalAttackConnectionProtocol(tacs []messages.TotalAttackConnectionProtocol) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Valdate total-attack-connection-protocol
func ValidateTotalConnectionCapacity ¶
func ValidateTotalConnectionCapacity(tccList []messages.TotalConnectionCapacity) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Validate total connection capacity
func ValidateTotalConnectionCapacityPerPort ¶
func ValidateTotalConnectionCapacityPerPort(tccList []messages.TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Validate total connection capacity per port
func ValidateTotalPipeCapacity ¶
func ValidateTotalPipeCapacity(customerID int, cuid string, tsid int, data []messages.TotalPipeCapacity) (isPresent bool, isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Validate total pipe capacity
func ValidateTraffic ¶
Validate traffic
func ValidateTrafficPerPort ¶
func ValidateTrafficPerPort(trafficList []messages.TrafficPerPort) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Validate traffic per port
func ValidateTrafficPerProtocol ¶
func ValidateTrafficPerProtocol(trafficList []messages.TrafficPerProtocol) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Validate traffic per protocol
func ValidateUnit ¶
func ValidateUnit(unit *messages.UnitString) (isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMsg string)
Validate unit
Types ¶
type ACLBlockerList ¶
type ACLMapping ¶
type ACLMapping struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Arista ACL that mapping with mitigation request or data channel ACL
func (*ACLMapping) CreateACLRule ¶
func (mapping *ACLMapping) CreateACLRule() string
* Create acl rule * * parameter: * actionType the type of action "permit" or "deny" * protocol the protocol * sourceAddress the source address (TCP/UDP) * destAddress the destination address * sourcePort the source port (TCP/UDP) * destPort the destination port * ttl the ttl * fragment the fragment * flagBits the flag bits (TCP) * messageType the message (ICMP) * * return rule with type string *
func (*ACLMapping) MapACLPort ¶
func (mapping *ACLMapping) MapACLPort(sourcePort *types.PortRangeOrOperator, destinationPort *types.PortRangeOrOperator)
* Map data channel port-range-or-operator to arista ACL rule
func (*ACLMapping) MapACLTcpFlagsFlowWithFlagsBitmask ¶
func (mapping *ACLMapping) MapACLTcpFlagsFlowWithFlagsBitmask(flag *types.FlagsBitmask)
* Map data channel tcp flags bitmask to Arista Acl tcp-flags
func (*ACLMapping) MapDataChannelACLRule ¶
func (mapping *ACLMapping) MapDataChannelACLRule(protocol *uint8, sourceAddr *types.IPPrefix, destinationAddr *types.IPPrefix, ttl *uint8, dscp *uint8, ecn *uint8)
* Map protocol, source address, destination address and ttl to arista ACL rule
func (*ACLMapping) MapMitigationACLRule ¶
func (mapping *ACLMapping) MapMitigationACLRule(targetProtocol string, targetAddr string, targetPort string, srcAddr string, srcPort string, srcICMPType string)
* Map protocol, source address, destination address to arista ACL rule
type ACLTarget ¶
type ACLTarget struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CreateACLTargetsForDataChannel ¶
* Create ACL target for data channel ACL
func CreateACLTargetsForMitigation ¶
func CreateACLTargetsForMitigation(m *MitigationScope) []ACLTarget
* Create ACL target for mitigation request
type ActivationType ¶
type ActivationType int
const ( ActiveWhenMitigating ActivationType = iota + 1 Immediate Deactivate )
type ActiveMitigationRequest ¶
* Struct for Active Mitigation Request.
func CreateActiveMitigationRequest ¶
func CreateActiveMitigationRequest(id int64, lifetime int) (acm ActiveMitigationRequest)
type ActiveSessionConfiguration ¶
* Struct for Fresh Session Configuration.
type AddressRange ¶
type AddressRange struct {
Prefixes []Prefix
func (*AddressRange) Includes ¶
func (a *AddressRange) Includes(prefix Prefix) bool
* Check if the AddressRange includes the prefix. * * parameter: * prefix Prefix * return: * bool true/false
func (*AddressRange) Validate ¶
func (a *AddressRange) Validate(prefix Prefix) bool
* Validate the prefix ownerships of the Customer. * * parameter: * prefix Prefix * return: * bool true/false
type AristaACL ¶
type AristaACL struct { ProtectionBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAristaProtection ¶
func NewAristaProtection(base ProtectionBase, params []db_models.AristaParameter) *AristaACL
func (*AristaACL) AclTargets ¶
func (AristaACL) Type ¶
func (p AristaACL) Type() ProtectionType
type AttackDetail ¶
type AttackDetail struct { VendorId int AttackId int DescriptionLang string AttackDescription string AttackSeverity messages.AttackSeverityString StartTime messages.Uint64String EndTime messages.Uint64String SourceCount PercentilePeakAndCurrent TopTalker []TopTalker }
func GetUriFilteringAttackDetail ¶
func GetUriFilteringAttackDetail(engine *xorm.Engine, customerId int, cuid string, preMitigationId int64) ([]AttackDetail, error)
Get uri filtering attack detail
func NewAttackDetail ¶
func NewAttackDetail(adRequests []messages.AttackDetail) (attackDetailList []AttackDetail, err error)
New attack detail
type AttackStatus ¶
type AttackStatus int
const ( UnderAttack AttackStatus = iota + 1 AttackSuccessfullyMitigated )
type AuthenticationInformation ¶
type AuthenticationInformation struct { }
type Baseline ¶
type Baseline struct { Id int64 BaselineId int TargetPrefix []Prefix TargetPortRange []PortRange TargetProtocol SetInt FQDN SetString URI SetString AliasName SetString TotalTrafficNormal []Traffic TotalTrafficNormalPerProtocol []TrafficPerProtocol TotalTrafficNormalPerPort []TrafficPerPort TotalConnectionCapacity []TotalConnectionCapacity TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort []TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort TargetList []Target }
func DefaultBaseline ¶
Default value of baseline
func GetBaselineByTeleSetupId ¶
func GetBaselineByTeleSetupId(customerId int, cuid string, setupId int64) (baselineList []Baseline, err error)
Get baseline by teleSetupId
func NewBaseline ¶
func NewBaseline() (baseline *Baseline)
type Blocker ¶
type Blocker interface { GenerateProtectionCommand(mitigationScope *MitigationScope) (command string, err error) Connect() error ExecuteProtection(protection Protection) error StopProtection(protection Protection) error RegisterProtection(r *MitigationOrDataChannelACL, targetID int64, customerID int, targetType string) (Protection, error) UnregisterProtection(protection Protection) error Id() int64 Capacity() int Load() int SetLoad(l int) Type() BlockerType }
type BlockerBase ¶
type BlockerBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
define Blocker struct
func (BlockerBase) Capacity ¶
func (b BlockerBase) Capacity() int
func (*BlockerBase) Id ¶
func (b *BlockerBase) Id() int64
func (BlockerBase) Load ¶
func (b BlockerBase) Load() int
func (*BlockerBase) SetLoad ¶
func (b *BlockerBase) SetLoad(l int)
func (*BlockerBase) Sync ¶
func (b *BlockerBase) Sync()
type BlockerSelectionStrategy ¶
type BlockerSelectionStrategy interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Blocker selection algorithm interface
type BlockerType ¶
type BlockerType string
type ConfigurationParameterRange ¶
type ConfigurationParameterRange struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewConfigurationParameterRange ¶
func NewConfigurationParameterRange(min_value float64, max_value float64) *ConfigurationParameterRange
* Create a new ConfigurationParameterRange * * parameter: * min_value min_value of the range * max_value max_value of the range * return: * configurationParameterRange ConfigurationParameterRange
func (*ConfigurationParameterRange) Includes ¶
func (p *ConfigurationParameterRange) Includes(parameter float64) bool
* Check whether the value of the argument is within the range. * * parameter: * parameter ConfigurationParameter to be compared * return: * bool true/false
func (*ConfigurationParameterRange) StartingOn ¶
func (p *ConfigurationParameterRange) StartingOn(start float64) *ConfigurationParameterRange
* Create a ConfigurationParameterRange with the upper open-ended parameters. * * parameter: * end max_value of the range * return: * configurationParameterRange ConfigurationParameterRange
func (*ConfigurationParameterRange) UpTo ¶
func (p *ConfigurationParameterRange) UpTo(end float64) *ConfigurationParameterRange
* Create a ConfigurationParameterRange with the lower open-ended parameter. * * parameter: * end max_value of the range * return: * configurationParameterRange ConfigurationParameterRange
type ConflictCause ¶
type ConflictCause int
type ConflictInformation ¶
type ConflictInformation struct { ConflictStatus ConflictStatus ConflictCause ConflictCause ConflictScope *ConflictScope RetryTimer int }
func (*ConflictInformation) ParseToResponse ¶
func (conflictInfo *ConflictInformation) ParseToResponse() *messages.ConflictInformation
* Parse Conflict Information model to response model * parameter: * conflictInfo Conflict Information model * return: Conflict Information response model
type ConflictScope ¶
type ConflictScope struct { MitigationId int TargetProtocol SetInt TargetFQDN SetString TargetURI SetString AliasName SetString TargetIP []Prefix TargetPrefix []Prefix TargetPortRange []PortRange Acl []ACL }
func (*ConflictScope) ParseToResponse ¶
func (conflictScope *ConflictScope) ParseToResponse() *messages.ConflictScope
* Parse Conflict Scope model to response model * parameter: * conflictScope Conflict Scope model * return: Conflict Scope response model
type ConflictStatus ¶
type ConflictStatus int
const ( REJECTED ConflictStatus = iota + 1 DEACTIVATED DEACTIVATED_ALL )
type ControlFiltering ¶
type ControlFiltering struct { ACLName string ActivationType *messages.ActivationTypeString }
func GetControlFilteringByMitigationScopeID ¶
func GetControlFilteringByMitigationScopeID(engine *xorm.Engine, customerID int, clientIdentifier string, mitigationScopeID int64) (controlFilteringList []ControlFiltering, err error)
* Get control filtering from mitigation scope id
type Customer ¶
type Customer struct { Id int CommonName string CustomerNetworkInformation *CustomerNetworkInformation }
func GetCustomer ¶
* Find a customer by customer ID. * * parameter: * customer_id Customer ID * return: * customer Customer * error error
func GetCustomerByCommonName ¶
* find Customer by the common name in the certificate. * * parameter: * cn client common name * return: * customer request source Customer * error error
func GetCustomerById ¶
* find Customer by the integer customer ID. * * parameter: * customerId CustomerId in the database. * return: * customer request source Customer * error error
func GetCustomerCommonName ¶
* Find a customer by CommonName * * parameter: * customer_id Customer ID * return: * customer Customer * error error
func NewCustomer ¶
func NewCustomer() *Customer
func (*Customer) GetOngoingProtection ¶
func (c *Customer) GetOngoingProtection() (p []Protection)
type CustomerNetworkInformation ¶
type CustomerNetworkInformation struct { FQDN SetString URI SetString AddressRange AddressRange }
func NewCustomerNetworkInformation ¶
func NewCustomerNetworkInformation() *CustomerNetworkInformation
type FlowSpec ¶
type FlowSpec struct { ProtectionBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFlowSpecProtection ¶
func NewFlowSpecProtection(base ProtectionBase, params []db_models.FlowSpecParameter) *FlowSpec
* Flowspec protection constructor
func (*FlowSpec) FlowSpecTargets ¶
func (g *FlowSpec) FlowSpecTargets() []FlowSpecTarget
func (FlowSpec) Type ¶
func (g FlowSpec) Type() ProtectionType
type FlowSpecMapping ¶
type FlowSpecMapping struct { DestinationPrefix string `json:"destination"` SourcePrefix string `json:"source"` Protocol []int `json:"protocol"` Port []FlowspecPort `json:"port"` DestinationPort []FlowspecPort `json:"destination-port"` SourcePort []FlowspecPort `json:"source-port"` ImcpType []FlowspecICMPType `json:"imcp-type"` ImcpCode *int `json:"imcp-code"` TcpFlags []FlowspecBitmask `json:"tcp-flags"` PacketLength *int `json:"packet-length"` Dscp *int `json:"dscp"` Fragment *FlowspecBitmask `json:"fragment"` FlowLabel *int `json:"label"` TrafficActionType string `json:"action_type"` TrafficActionValue string `json:"action_value"` FlowType string `json:"flow-type"` }
GoBGP Flowspec object that mapping with mitigation request or data channel ACL
func (*FlowSpecMapping) CreateExtendedCommunities ¶
func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) CreateExtendedCommunities() (bgp.PathAttributeInterface, error)
* Create flow spec extended community (traffic filtering action) * * parameter: * trafficActionType the type of action "accept", "discard", "rate-limit" or "redirect" * trafficActionCode the value of traffic action * * return flow spec path attribute *
func (*FlowSpecMapping) CreateFlowSpec ¶
func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) CreateFlowSpec() (bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, error)
* Create flow spec * * parameter: * trafficActionType the type of action "accept", "discard", "rate-limit" or "redirect" * trafficActionCode the value of traffic action * destinationPrefix the destination address * sourcePrefix the source address * protocol the protocol * fragment the fragment * tcpFlags the flag bits (TCP) * port the destination/source port (TCP/UDP) * destinationPort the destination port (TCP/UDP) * sourcePort the source port (TCP/UDP) * packetLength the length of the packet * icmpType the icmp message type (ICMP) * icmpCode the icmp message code (ICMP) * dcsp the dscp * flowLabel the flow label (Ipv6) * * return flow spec as interface type *
func (*FlowSpecMapping) FromDB ¶
func (f *FlowSpecMapping) FromDB(data []byte) error
func (*FlowSpecMapping) MapACLFragmentFlow ¶
func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapACLFragmentFlow(flags *types.IPv4Flags, aclFragment *types.Fragment)
* Map data channel flags and fragment to GoBGP flow spec fragment
func (*FlowSpecMapping) MapACLPortFlow ¶
func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapACLPortFlow(sourcePort *types.PortRangeOrOperator, destinationPort *types.PortRangeOrOperator)
* Map data channel port-range-or-operator to GoBGP flow spec
func (*FlowSpecMapping) MapACLTcpFlagsFlowWithFlags ¶
func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapACLTcpFlagsFlowWithFlags(flags *types.TCPFlags)
* Map data channel tcp flags to GoBGP flow spec tcp-flags
func (*FlowSpecMapping) MapACLTcpFlagsFlowWithFlagsBitmask ¶
func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapACLTcpFlagsFlowWithFlagsBitmask(flag *types.FlagsBitmask)
* Map data channel tcp flags bitmaks to GoBGP flow spec tcp-flags
func (*FlowSpecMapping) MapDataChannelACLFlow ¶
func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapDataChannelACLFlow(protocol *uint8, sourceAddr *types.IPPrefix, destinationAddr *types.IPPrefix, length *uint16, dscp *uint8)
* Map protocol, source address, destination address and packet length to GoBGP Flow Spec
func (*FlowSpecMapping) MapMitigationFlow ¶
func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapMitigationFlow(targetProtocols SetInt, targetAddress string, targetPorts []PortRange, sourceAddress string, sourcePorts []PortRange, sourceICMPTypes []ICMPTypeRange)
* Map protocol, source address, destination address to GoBGP Flow Spec
func (*FlowSpecMapping) MapMitigationICMPTypeFlow ¶
func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapMitigationICMPTypeFlow(icmpTypeRanges []ICMPTypeRange)
* Map mitigation icmp type range to GoBGP flow spec icmp type
func (*FlowSpecMapping) MapMitigationPortFlow ¶
func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapMitigationPortFlow(portRanges []PortRange)
* Map mitigation port range to GoBGP flow spec destination port
func (*FlowSpecMapping) MapMitigationSourcePortFlow ¶
func (mapping *FlowSpecMapping) MapMitigationSourcePortFlow(portRanges []PortRange)
* Map mitigation source port range to GoBGP flow spec source port
func (*FlowSpecMapping) String ¶
func (f *FlowSpecMapping) String() string
func (*FlowSpecMapping) ToDB ¶
func (f *FlowSpecMapping) ToDB() ([]byte, error)
type FlowSpecTarget ¶
type FlowSpecTarget struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CreateFlowSpecTargetsForDataChannelACL ¶
func CreateFlowSpecTargetsForDataChannelACL(acl *types.ACL) ([]FlowSpecTarget, error)
* Create FlowSpec target for data channel ACL * * parameter: * acl the data channel acl * * return * flowspecTargets the list of flowspec * err the error
func CreateFlowSpecTargetsForMitigation ¶
func CreateFlowSpecTargetsForMitigation(m *MitigationScope, vrf string) ([]FlowSpecTarget, error)
* Create FlowSpec target for mitigation request * * parameter: * m the mitigation request * vrf the virtual routing forwarding as customer configuration * * return * flowspecTargets the list of flowspec * err the error
func (*FlowSpecTarget) FlowSpec ¶
func (flow *FlowSpecTarget) FlowSpec() []byte
func (*FlowSpecTarget) FlowType ¶
func (flow *FlowSpecTarget) FlowType() string
func (*FlowSpecTarget) String ¶
func (flow *FlowSpecTarget) String() string
type FlowspecBitmask ¶
GoBGP Flowspec bitmask that mapping with mitigation request or data channel flags
type FlowspecICMPType ¶
type FlowspecICMPType struct { LowerType *int `json:"lower-type"` UpperType *int `json:"upper-type"` }
GoBGP Flowspec icmp type that mapping with mitigation request or data channel icmp type
type FlowspecPort ¶
type FlowspecPort struct { LowerPort *int `json:"lower-port"` UpperPort *int `json:"upper-port"` Operator *uint8 `json:"operator"` Port *int `json:"port"` }
GoBGP Flowspec port that mapping with mitigation request or data channel port
func ACLPortToFlowspecPort ¶
func ACLPortToFlowspecPort(port *types.PortRangeOrOperator) []FlowspecPort
* Convert data channel Acl port to flow spec port
type GoAristaReceiver ¶
type GoAristaReceiver struct { BlockerBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
implements Blocker
func NewGoAristaReceiver ¶
func NewGoAristaReceiver(base BlockerBase, configParams map[string][]string) *GoAristaReceiver
func (*GoAristaReceiver) AristaConection ¶
func (g *GoAristaReceiver) AristaConection() string
func (*GoAristaReceiver) AristaInterface ¶
func (g *GoAristaReceiver) AristaInterface() string
func (*GoAristaReceiver) Connect ¶
func (g *GoAristaReceiver) Connect() (err error)
func (*GoAristaReceiver) ExecuteProtection ¶
func (g *GoAristaReceiver) ExecuteProtection(p Protection) (err error)
* Execute protection * 1. Connect to arista and create rule ACL * 2. Start protection * parameter: * p the protection * return: * err error
func (*GoAristaReceiver) GenerateProtectionCommand ¶
func (g *GoAristaReceiver) GenerateProtectionCommand(m *MitigationScope) (c string, err error)
func (*GoAristaReceiver) RegisterProtection ¶
func (g *GoAristaReceiver) RegisterProtection(r *MitigationOrDataChannelACL, targetID int64, customerID int, targetType string) (p Protection, err error)
* Register protection with acl is mititgation request or data channel acl * * parameter: * r the mitigation request or the data channel acl * targetID the target_id of protection * customerID the Id of Customer * targetType the target_type of protection * return: * p the new protection * err error
func (*GoAristaReceiver) StopProtection ¶
func (g *GoAristaReceiver) StopProtection(p Protection) (err error)
* Stop protection * 1. Connect to arista and remove rule ACL * 2. Stop protection * parameter: * p the protection * return: * err error
func (*GoAristaReceiver) Type ¶
func (g *GoAristaReceiver) Type() BlockerType
func (*GoAristaReceiver) UnregisterProtection ¶
func (g *GoAristaReceiver) UnregisterProtection(p Protection) (err error)
* Remove protection * parameter: * p the protection * return: * err error
type GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver ¶
type GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver struct { BlockerBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
implements Blocker
func NewGoBgpFlowSpecReceiver ¶
func NewGoBgpFlowSpecReceiver(base BlockerBase, params map[string][]string, configParams map[string][]string) *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver
func (*GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) Connect ¶
func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) Connect() (err error)
func (*GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) ExecuteProtection ¶
func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) ExecuteProtection(p Protection) (err error)
* Execute protection * 1. Connect to gobgp and create flow spec * 2. Start protection * parameter: * p the protection * return: * err error
func (*GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) GenerateProtectionCommand ¶
func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) GenerateProtectionCommand(m *MitigationScope) (c string, err error)
func (*GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) RegisterProtection ¶
func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) RegisterProtection(r *MitigationOrDataChannelACL, targetID int64, customerID int, targetType string) (p Protection, err error)
* Register protection with flow spec is mititgation request or data channel acl * * parameter: * r the mitigation request or the data channel acl * targetID the target_id of protection * customerID the Id of Customer * targetType the target_type of protection * return: * p the new protection * err error
func (*GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) StopProtection ¶
func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) StopProtection(p Protection) (err error)
* Stop protection * 1. Connect to gobgp and remove flow spec * 2. Stop protection * parameter: * p the protection * return: * err error
func (*GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) Type ¶
func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) Type() BlockerType
func (*GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) UnregisterProtection ¶
func (g *GoBgpFlowSpecReceiver) UnregisterProtection(p Protection) (err error)
* Remove protection * parameter: * p the protection * return: * err error
type GoBgpRtbhReceiver ¶
type GoBgpRtbhReceiver struct { BlockerBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
implements Blocker
func NewGoBgpRtbhReceiver ¶
func NewGoBgpRtbhReceiver(base BlockerBase, params map[string][]string) *GoBgpRtbhReceiver
func (*GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Connect ¶
func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Connect() (err error)
func (*GoBgpRtbhReceiver) ExecuteProtection ¶
func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) ExecuteProtection(p Protection) (err error)
* Invoke GoBGP RTBH[Remotely Triggered Black Hole]
func (*GoBgpRtbhReceiver) GenerateProtectionCommand ¶
func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) GenerateProtectionCommand(m *MitigationScope) (c string, err error)
func (*GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Host ¶
func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Host() string
func (*GoBgpRtbhReceiver) NextHop ¶
func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) NextHop() string
func (*GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Port ¶
func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Port() string
func (*GoBgpRtbhReceiver) RegisterProtection ¶
func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) RegisterProtection(r *MitigationOrDataChannelACL, targetID int64, customerID int, targetType string) (p Protection, err error)
func (*GoBgpRtbhReceiver) StopProtection ¶
func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) StopProtection(p Protection) (err error)
* Stop GoBGP RTBH.
func (*GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Timeout ¶
func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Timeout() int
func (*GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Type ¶
func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) Type() BlockerType
func (*GoBgpRtbhReceiver) UnregisterProtection ¶
func (g *GoBgpRtbhReceiver) UnregisterProtection(p Protection) (err error)
type ICMPTypeRange ¶
func GetTelemetrySourceIcmpTypeRange ¶
func GetTelemetrySourceIcmpTypeRange(engine *xorm.Engine, teleTopTalkerId int64) (icmpTypeRangeList []ICMPTypeRange, err error)
Get telemetry source icmp type range
func GetUriFilteringIcmpTypeRange ¶
func GetUriFilteringIcmpTypeRange(engine *xorm.Engine, teleTopTalkerId int64) (icmpTypeRangeList []ICMPTypeRange, err error)
Get uri filtering icmp type range
func NewICMPTypeRange ¶
func NewICMPTypeRange(lower_type int, upper_type int) ICMPTypeRange
* Create a new icmp type range. * * parameter: * LowerType LowerTYpe * UpperType UpperType * return: * ICMPTypeRange ICMPTypeRange
type LoadBaseBlockerSelection ¶
type LoadBaseBlockerSelection struct{}
Blocker selection strategy which select the blockers with lowest loads. implements BlockerSelectionStrategy
type MessageEntity ¶
type MessageEntity interface{}
type MessageEntityValidator ¶
type MessageEntityValidator interface {
Validate(m MessageEntity, c *Customer) (ret bool)
type MitigationOrDataChannelACL ¶
type MitigationOrDataChannelACL struct { MitigationRequest *MitigationScope DataChannelACL *types.ACL }
type MitigationScope ¶
type MitigationScope struct { MitigationId int MitigationScopeId int64 TargetProtocol SetInt FQDN SetString URI SetString AliasName SetString Lifetime int Status int AttackStatus int TriggerMitigation bool TargetIP []Prefix TargetPrefix []Prefix SourcePrefix []Prefix TargetPortRange []PortRange SourcePortRange []PortRange SourceICMPTypeRange []ICMPTypeRange Customer *Customer ClientIdentifier string ClientDomainIdentifier string AclName string TargetList []Target // List of target prefix/fqdn/uri ControlFilteringList []ControlFiltering TelemetryTotalTraffic []Traffic TelemetryTotalAttackTraffic []Traffic TelemetryTotalAttackConnection TelemetryTotalAttackConnection TelemetryAttackDetail []TelemetryAttackDetail }
func GetMitigationScope ¶
func GetMitigationScope(customerId int, clientIdentifier string, mitigationId int, mitigationScopeId int64, queries []string) (mitigationScope *MitigationScope, err error)
* Obtains a mitigation scope object by a customerId and a mitigationId. * Indicate either mitigationScopeId or set of (customerId, clientIdentifier, mitigationId) * * parameter: * customerId id of the Customer * mitigationId mitigation id of the mitigation scope object * mitigationScopeId mitigatoin scope id of the mitigation scope object * return: * mitigationScope mitigation-scope * error error
func NewMitigationScope ¶
func NewMitigationScope(c *Customer, clientIdentifier string) (s *MitigationScope)
Mitigation Scope constructor
func (*MitigationScope) GetFqdnAsTarget ¶
func (s *MitigationScope) GetFqdnAsTarget() (targetList []Target, err error)
* Get mitigation FQDNs as target type * * return: * targetList list of the target FQDNs * err error
func (*MitigationScope) GetPrefixAsTarget ¶
func (s *MitigationScope) GetPrefixAsTarget() (targetList []Target)
* Get mitigation prefixes as target type * * return: * targetList list of the target Prefixes
func (*MitigationScope) GetTargetList ¶
func (s *MitigationScope) GetTargetList() (targetList []Target, err error)
* Get list of mitigation target Prefixes/FQDNs/URIs * * return: * targetList list of the target Prefixes/FQDNs/URIs * err error
func (*MitigationScope) GetUriAsTarget ¶
func (s *MitigationScope) GetUriAsTarget() (targetList []Target, err error)
* Get mitigation URIs as target type * * return: * targetList list of the target URIs * err error
func (*MitigationScope) IsActive ¶
func (s *MitigationScope) IsActive() bool
* Return mitigation status that is active or inactive * * return: * bool * true mitigation is active * false mitigation is inactive
type ParameterType ¶
type ParameterType string
const ( TARGET_PROTOCOL ParameterType = "TARGET_PROTOCOL" TARGET_FQDN ParameterType = "FQDN" TARGET_URI ParameterType = "URI" ALIAS_NAME ParameterType = "ALIAS_NAME" )
type PercentilePeakAndCurrent ¶
type PercentilePeakAndCurrent struct { LowPercentileG messages.Uint64String MidPercentileG messages.Uint64String HighPercentileG messages.Uint64String PeakG messages.Uint64String CurrentG messages.Uint64String }
func ConvertDataToPercentilePeakAndCurrent ¶
func ConvertDataToPercentilePeakAndCurrent(low uint64, mid uint64, high uint64, peak uint64, current uint64) (ppac PercentilePeakAndCurrent)
Cobvert data to PercentilePeakAndCurrent
func GetModelsPercentilePeakAndCurrent ¶
func GetModelsPercentilePeakAndCurrent(value *PercentilePeakAndCurrent) (sourceCount PercentilePeakAndCurrent)
Get percentile peak and current with type is PercentilePeakAndCurrent
func GetTelemetrySourceCount ¶
func GetTelemetrySourceCount(engine *xorm.Engine, adId int64) (PercentilePeakAndCurrent, error)
Get telemetry source count
func GetUriFilteringSourceCount ¶
func GetUriFilteringSourceCount(engine *xorm.Engine, adId int64) (PercentilePeakAndCurrent, error)
Get uri filtering source count
func NewPercentilePeakAndCurrent ¶
func NewPercentilePeakAndCurrent(scRequest messages.PercentilePeakAndCurrent) (sourceCount PercentilePeakAndCurrent)
New percentile peak and current
type PercentileType ¶
type PercentileType string
type PortRange ¶
func GetTelemetryPortRange ¶
func GetTelemetryPortRange(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, prefixType string) (portRangeList []PortRange, err error)
Get telemetry port range
func GetTelemetrySourcePortRange ¶
func GetTelemetrySourcePortRange(engine *xorm.Engine, teleTopTakerId int64) (portRangeList []PortRange, err error)
Get telemetry source port range
func GetUriFilteringSourcePortRange ¶
func GetUriFilteringSourcePortRange(engine *xorm.Engine, teleTopTalkerId int64) (portRangeList []PortRange, err error)
Get uri filtering source port range
func NewPortRange ¶
* Create a new port range. * * parameter: * LowerPort LowerPort * UpperPort UpperPort * return: * PortRange PortRange
func NewTargetPortRange ¶
New target port range
type Prefix ¶
Object to store CIDR
func GetTelemetryPrefix ¶
func GetTelemetryPrefix(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, prefixType string) (prefixList []Prefix, err error)
Get telemetry prefix
func GetTelemetrySourcePrefix ¶
func GetTelemetrySourcePrefix(engine *xorm.Engine, teleTopTalkerId int64) (prefix Prefix, err error)
Get telemetry source prefix
func GetUriFilteringSourcePrefix ¶
func GetUriFilteringSourcePrefix(engine *xorm.Engine, teleTopTalkerId int64) (prefix Prefix, err error)
Get uri filtering source prefix
func NewPrefixFromFQDN ¶
* Create new prefixes from FQDN format strings. * parameters: * fqdn fqdn input string * return: * p ip prefix of the fqdn * err error
func NewPrefixFromURI ¶
* Create new prefixes from URI format strings. * parameters: * uri uri input string * return: * p ip prefix of the uri * err error
func NewTelemetryPrefix ¶
New telemetry prefix
func RemoveOverlapPrefix ¶
Remove overlap prefix
func (Prefix) CheckValidRangeIpAddress ¶
func (prefix Prefix) CheckValidRangeIpAddress(addressRangePrefixes AddressRange) (bool, []string)
Check validate range ip address
func (*Prefix) IsBroadCast ¶
IsBroadCast reports whether ip is a broadcast address.
func (*Prefix) IsLoopback ¶
IsLoopback reports whether ip is a loopback address.
func (*Prefix) IsMulticast ¶
IsMulticast reports whether ip is a multicast address.
type PrefixType ¶
type PrefixType string
type Protection ¶
type Protection interface { Id() int64 CustomerId() int TargetId() int64 TargetType() string AclName() string SessionName() string SetSessionName(name string) Action() string SetAction(action string) IsEnabled() bool SetIsEnabled(b bool) Type() ProtectionType TargetBlocker() Blocker StartedAt() time.Time SetStartedAt(t time.Time) FinishedAt() time.Time SetFinishedAt(t time.Time) RecordTime() time.Time DroppedDataInfo() *ProtectionStatus }
func GetActiveProtectionByTargetIDAndTargetType ¶
func GetActiveProtectionByTargetIDAndTargetType(targetID int64, targetType string) (p Protection, err error)
func GetProtectionById ¶
func GetProtectionById(id int64) (p Protection, err error)
type ProtectionBase ¶
type ProtectionBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Protection Base
func GetProtectionBase ¶
func GetProtectionBase(mitigationScopeId int64) (protection ProtectionBase, err error)
* Obtains a Protection object by ID. * * parameter: * mitigationId mitigation ID * return: * protection Protection * error error
func (ProtectionBase) AclName ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) AclName() string
func (ProtectionBase) Action ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) Action() string
func (ProtectionBase) CustomerId ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) CustomerId() int
func (ProtectionBase) DroppedDataInfo ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) DroppedDataInfo() *ProtectionStatus
func (ProtectionBase) FinishedAt ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) FinishedAt() time.Time
func (ProtectionBase) Id ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) Id() int64
func (ProtectionBase) IsEnabled ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) IsEnabled() bool
func (ProtectionBase) RecordTime ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) RecordTime() time.Time
func (ProtectionBase) SessionName ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) SessionName() string
func (*ProtectionBase) SetAction ¶
func (p *ProtectionBase) SetAction(action string)
func (*ProtectionBase) SetFinishedAt ¶
func (p *ProtectionBase) SetFinishedAt(t time.Time)
func (*ProtectionBase) SetIsEnabled ¶
func (p *ProtectionBase) SetIsEnabled(e bool)
func (*ProtectionBase) SetSessionName ¶
func (p *ProtectionBase) SetSessionName(name string)
func (*ProtectionBase) SetStartedAt ¶
func (p *ProtectionBase) SetStartedAt(t time.Time)
func (ProtectionBase) StartedAt ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) StartedAt() time.Time
func (ProtectionBase) TargetBlocker ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) TargetBlocker() Blocker
func (ProtectionBase) TargetId ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) TargetId() int64
func (ProtectionBase) TargetType ¶
func (p ProtectionBase) TargetType() string
type ProtectionStatus ¶
type ProtectionStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewProtectionStatus ¶
func NewProtectionStatus(id int64, bytesDropped, packetsDropped, bpsDropped, ppsDropped int) *ProtectionStatus
func (*ProtectionStatus) BpsDropped ¶
func (p *ProtectionStatus) BpsDropped() int
func (*ProtectionStatus) BytesDropped ¶
func (p *ProtectionStatus) BytesDropped() int
func (*ProtectionStatus) Id ¶
func (p *ProtectionStatus) Id() int64
func (*ProtectionStatus) PacketDropped ¶
func (p *ProtectionStatus) PacketDropped() int
func (*ProtectionStatus) PpsDropped ¶
func (p *ProtectionStatus) PpsDropped() int
func (*ProtectionStatus) SetId ¶
func (p *ProtectionStatus) SetId(id int64)
type ProtectionType ¶
type ProtectionType string
type RTBH ¶
type RTBH struct { ProtectionBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
implements Protection
func NewRTBHProtection ¶
func NewRTBHProtection(base ProtectionBase, params []db_models.GoBgpParameter) *RTBH
func (*RTBH) RtbhTargets ¶
func (RTBH) Type ¶
func (r RTBH) Type() ProtectionType
type ScopeBlockerList ¶
type ScopeBlockerList struct { Scope *MitigationScope Blocker Blocker }
type Set ¶
type Set interface { ToInterfaceList() []interface{} FromParameterValue([]db_models.ParameterValue) }
type SetInt ¶
type SetInt map[int]struct{}
func GetTelemetryParameterWithParameterTypeIsProtocol ¶
func GetTelemetryParameterWithParameterTypeIsProtocol(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, parameterType string) (protocolList SetInt, err error)
Get telemetry parameter with parameter type is 'protocol'
func (SetInt) FromParameterValue ¶
func (s SetInt) FromParameterValue(array []db_models.ParameterValue)
func (SetInt) ToInterfaceList ¶
func (s SetInt) ToInterfaceList() []interface{}
type SetString ¶
type SetString map[string]struct{}
func GetTelemetryParameterWithParameterTypeIsAlias ¶
func GetTelemetryParameterWithParameterTypeIsAlias(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, parameterType string) (aliasNameList SetString, err error)
Get telemetry parameter with parameter type is 'alias'
func GetTelemetryParameterWithParameterTypeIsFqdn ¶
func GetTelemetryParameterWithParameterTypeIsFqdn(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, parameterType string) (fqdnList SetString, err error)
Get telemetry parameter with parameter type is 'fqdn'
func GetTelemetryParameterWithParameterTypeIsUri ¶
func GetTelemetryParameterWithParameterTypeIsUri(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, parameterType string) (uriList SetString, err error)
Get telemetry parameter with parameter type is 'uri'
func NewSetString ¶
func NewSetString() SetString
func (SetString) FromParameterValue ¶
func (s SetString) FromParameterValue(array []db_models.ParameterValue)
func (SetString) ToInterfaceList ¶
func (s SetString) ToInterfaceList() []interface{}
type SignalConfigurationParameter ¶
type SignalConfigurationParameter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SignalConfigurationValidator ¶
type SignalConfigurationValidator struct {
SignalConfigurationParameter SignalConfigurationParameter
implements SignalSessionConfigurationValidator
func (*SignalConfigurationValidator) CheckMissingSessionConfiguration ¶
func (v *SignalConfigurationValidator) CheckMissingSessionConfiguration(data *messages.SignalConfigs, c Customer) (ret bool, errMessage string)
*Check missing session config
func (*SignalConfigurationValidator) Validate ¶
func (v *SignalConfigurationValidator) Validate(m MessageEntity, c Customer) (isPresent bool, isUnprocessableEntity bool, errMessage string)
define validate
type SignalSessionConfiguration ¶
type SignalSessionConfiguration struct { SessionId int HeartbeatInterval int MissingHbAllowed int MaxRetransmit int AckTimeout float64 AckRandomFactor float64 MaxPayload int NonMaxRetransmit int NonTimeout float64 NonReceiveTimeout float64 NonProbingWait float64 NonPartialWait float64 HeartbeatIntervalIdle int MissingHbAllowedIdle int MaxRetransmitIdle int AckTimeoutIdle float64 AckRandomFactorIdle float64 MaxPayloadIdle int NonMaxRetransmitIdle int NonTimeoutIdle float64 NonReceiveTimeoutIdle float64 NonProbingWaitIdle float64 NonPartialWaitIdle float64 }
func GetCurrentSignalSessionConfiguration ¶
func GetCurrentSignalSessionConfiguration(customerId int) (signalSessionConfiguration *SignalSessionConfiguration, err error)
* Obtains the current SignalSessionConfiguration by the customer ID. * * parameter: * customerId id of the customer * return: * signalSessionConfiguration SignalSessionConfiguration * error error
func GetSignalSessionConfiguration ¶
func GetSignalSessionConfiguration(customerId int, sessionId int) (signalSessionConfiguration *SignalSessionConfiguration, err error)
* Obtains the SignalSessionConfiguration by the customer ID. * * parameter: * customerId id of the customer * sessionId id of the session * return: * signalSessionConfiguration SignalSessionConfiguration * error error
func NewSignalSessionConfiguration ¶
func NewSignalSessionConfiguration(sessionId int, payload messages.SignalConfigs) (s *SignalSessionConfiguration)
* Store newly created SignalSessionConfiguration objects to the DB. * * parameter: * sessionId sessionId * payload SignalConfigs * return: * s SignalSessionConfiguration
type Target ¶
type Target struct { TargetPrefix Prefix TargetType TargetType TargetValue string // original value from json }
func GetAliasDataAsTargetList ¶
Get alias data as TargetList
func GetTelemetryFqdnAsTarget ¶
Get telemetry fqdn as target
func GetTelemetryPrefixAsTarget ¶
Get telemetry prefix as target
func GetTelemetryTargetList ¶
func GetTelemetryTargetList(prefixs []Prefix, fqdns SetString, uris SetString) (targetList []Target, err error)
Get telemetry target list
func GetTelemetryUriAsTarget ¶
Get telemetry uri as target
func GetUriFilteringTarget ¶
func GetUriFilteringTarget(customerId int, cuid string, ufPreMitigation db_models.UriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation) ([]Target, error)
Get uri filtering target
type TargetType ¶
type TargetType string
const ( IP_ADDRESS TargetType = "ip-address" IP_PREFIX TargetType = "prefix" FQDN TargetType = "fqdn" URI TargetType = "uri" )
type Targets ¶
type TelemetryAttackDetail ¶
type TelemetryAttackDetail struct { VendorId int AttackId int AttackDescription string AttackSeverity messages.AttackSeverityString StartTime messages.Uint64String EndTime messages.Uint64String SourceCount PercentilePeakAndCurrent TopTalker []TelemetryTopTalker }
func GetTelemetryAttackDetail ¶
func GetTelemetryAttackDetail(engine *xorm.Engine, mitigationScopeId int64) ([]TelemetryAttackDetail, error)
Get telemetry attack detail
func NewTelemetryAttackDetail ¶
func NewTelemetryAttackDetail(adRequests []messages.TelemetryAttackDetail) (attackDetailList []TelemetryAttackDetail, err error)
New telemetry attack-detail
type TelemetryConfiguration ¶
type TelemetryConfiguration struct { MeasurementInterval messages.IntervalString MeasurementSample messages.SampleString LowPercentile float64 MidPercentile float64 HighPercentile float64 UnitConfigList []UnitConfig ServerOriginatedTelemetry bool TelemetryNotifyInterval int }
func DefaultValueTelemetryConfiguration ¶
func DefaultValueTelemetryConfiguration() (telemetryConfiguration *TelemetryConfiguration)
Default value of telemetry configuration
func GetTelemetryConfiguration ¶
func GetTelemetryConfiguration(teleSetupId int64) (telemetryConfiguration *TelemetryConfiguration, err error)
Get telemetry configuration
func NewTelemetryConfiguration ¶
func NewTelemetryConfiguration(telemetryConfig *messages.TelemetryConfigurationCurrent) (t *TelemetryConfiguration)
New telemetry configuration
type TelemetryConfigurationParameter ¶
type TelemetryConfigurationParameter struct { MeasurementInterval ConfigurationParameterRange MeasurementSample ConfigurationParameterRange LowPercentile ConfigurationParameterRange MidPercentile ConfigurationParameterRange HighPercentile ConfigurationParameterRange TelemetryNotifyInterval ConfigurationParameterRange }
type TelemetryPreMitigation ¶
type TelemetryPreMitigation struct { Cuid string Cdid string Tmid int Targets Targets TotalTraffic []Traffic TotalTrafficProtocol []TrafficPerProtocol TotalTrafficPort []TrafficPerPort TotalAttackTraffic []Traffic TotalAttackTrafficProtocol []TrafficPerProtocol TotalAttackTrafficPort []TrafficPerPort TotalAttackConnectionProtocol []TotalAttackConnectionProtocol TotalAttackConnectionPort []TotalAttackConnectionPort AttackDetail []AttackDetail }
func GetUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigationAttributes ¶
func GetUriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigationAttributes(customerId int, cuid string, ufPreMitigations []db_models.UriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation) (preMitigationList []TelemetryPreMitigation, err error)
Get uri filtering telemetry pre-mitigation attributes
func NewTelemetryPreMitigation ¶
func NewTelemetryPreMitigation(customer *Customer, cuid string, dataRequest messages.PreOrOngoingMitigation, aliases types.Aliases) (preMitigation *TelemetryPreMitigation, err error)
New telemetry pre-mtigation
type TelemetrySetUpConfiguration ¶
type TelemetrySetUpConfiguration struct { Cuid string Cdid string Tsid int TelemetryConfiguration TelemetryConfiguration TotalPipeCapacity []TotalPipeCapacity Baseline []Baseline }
type TelemetryTopTalker ¶
type TelemetryTopTalker struct { SpoofedStatus bool SourcePrefix Prefix SourcePortRange []PortRange SourceIcmpTypeRange []ICMPTypeRange TotalAttackTraffic []Traffic TotalAttackConnection TelemetryTotalAttackConnection }
func GetTelemetryTopTalker ¶
func GetTelemetryTopTalker(engine *xorm.Engine, adId int64) ([]TelemetryTopTalker, error)
Get telemetry top talker
func NewTelemetryTopTalker ¶
func NewTelemetryTopTalker(ttRequest messages.TelemetryTopTalker) (talkerList []TelemetryTopTalker, err error)
New telemetry top talker
type TelemetryTotalAttackConnection ¶
type TelemetryTotalAttackConnection struct { ConnectionC PercentilePeakAndCurrent EmbryonicC PercentilePeakAndCurrent ConnectionPsC PercentilePeakAndCurrent RequestPsC PercentilePeakAndCurrent PartialRequestC PercentilePeakAndCurrent }
func GetTelemetryTotalAttackConnection ¶
func GetTelemetryTotalAttackConnection(engine *xorm.Engine, prefixType string, prefixTypeId int64) (tac TelemetryTotalAttackConnection, err error)
Get telemetry total attack connection
type TelemetryType ¶
type TelemetryType string
type TopTalker ¶
type TopTalker struct { SpoofedStatus bool SourcePrefix Prefix SourcePortRange []PortRange SourceIcmpTypeRange []ICMPTypeRange TotalAttackTraffic []Traffic TotalAttackConnectionProtocol []TotalAttackConnectionProtocol }
func GetUriFilteringTopTalker ¶
Get uri filtering top talker
type TotalAttackConnectionPort ¶
type TotalAttackConnectionPort struct { Protocol int Port int ConnectionC PercentilePeakAndCurrent EmbryonicC PercentilePeakAndCurrent ConnectionPsC PercentilePeakAndCurrent RequestPsC PercentilePeakAndCurrent PartialRequestC PercentilePeakAndCurrent }
func ConvertDataToTotalAttackConnectionPort ¶
func ConvertDataToTotalAttackConnectionPort(dbData db_models.UriFilteringTotalAttackConnectionPort, tac TotalAttackConnectionPort) TotalAttackConnectionPort
Convert data to TotalAttackConnectionPort
func GetUriFilteringTotalAttackConnectionPort ¶
func GetUriFilteringTotalAttackConnectionPort(engine *xorm.Engine, telePreMitigationId int64) (tacList []TotalAttackConnectionPort, err error)
Get uri filtering total attack connection port
func NewTotalAttackConnectionPerPort ¶
func NewTotalAttackConnectionPerPort(tacRequests []messages.TotalAttackConnectionPort) (tacList []TotalAttackConnectionPort)
New total attack connection port
type TotalAttackConnectionProtocol ¶
type TotalAttackConnectionProtocol struct { Protocol int ConnectionC PercentilePeakAndCurrent EmbryonicC PercentilePeakAndCurrent ConnectionPsC PercentilePeakAndCurrent RequestPsC PercentilePeakAndCurrent PartialRequestC PercentilePeakAndCurrent }
func ConvertDataToTotalAttackConnectionProtocol ¶
func ConvertDataToTotalAttackConnectionProtocol(dbData db_models.UriFilteringTotalAttackConnectionProtocol, tac TotalAttackConnectionProtocol) TotalAttackConnectionProtocol
Convert data to TotalAttackConnectionProtocol
func GetUriFilteringTotalAttackConnectionProtocol ¶
func GetUriFilteringTotalAttackConnectionProtocol(engine *xorm.Engine, prefixType string, prefixTypeId int64) (tacList []TotalAttackConnectionProtocol, err error)
Get uri filtering total attack connection protocol
func NewTotalAttackConnectionPerProtocol ¶
func NewTotalAttackConnectionPerProtocol(tacRequests []messages.TotalAttackConnectionProtocol) (tacList []TotalAttackConnectionProtocol)
New total attack connection protocol
type TotalAttackConnectionType ¶
type TotalAttackConnectionType string
const ( CONNECTION_C TotalAttackConnectionType = "CONNECTION-C" EMBRYONIC_C TotalAttackConnectionType = "EMBRYONIC-C" CONNECTION_PS_C TotalAttackConnectionType = "CONNECTION-PS-C" REQUEST_PS_C TotalAttackConnectionType = "REQUEST-PS-C" PARTIAL_REQUEST_C TotalAttackConnectionType = "PARTIAL-REQUEST-C" )
type TotalConnectionCapacity ¶
type TotalConnectionCapacity struct { TotalConnectionCapacityId int64 Protocol int Connection messages.Uint64String ConnectionClient messages.Uint64String Embryonic messages.Uint64String EmbryonicClient messages.Uint64String ConnectionPs messages.Uint64String ConnectionClientPs messages.Uint64String RequestPs messages.Uint64String RequestClientPs messages.Uint64String PartialRequestMax messages.Uint64String PartialRequestClientMax messages.Uint64String }
func GetTotalConnectionCapacity ¶
func GetTotalConnectionCapacity(engine *xorm.Engine, teleBaselineId int64) (tccList []TotalConnectionCapacity, err error)
Get total connection capacity
func NewTotalConnectionCapacity ¶
func NewTotalConnectionCapacity(totalConnectionCapacities []messages.TotalConnectionCapacity) (totalConnectionCapacityList []TotalConnectionCapacity)
New total connection capacity
type TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort ¶
type TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort struct { TotalConnectionCapacityId int64 Protocol int Port int Connection messages.Uint64String ConnectionClient messages.Uint64String Embryonic messages.Uint64String EmbryonicClient messages.Uint64String ConnectionPs messages.Uint64String ConnectionClientPs messages.Uint64String RequestPs messages.Uint64String RequestClientPs messages.Uint64String PartialRequestMax messages.Uint64String PartialRequestClientMax messages.Uint64String }
func GetTotalConnectionCapacityPerPort ¶
func GetTotalConnectionCapacityPerPort(engine *xorm.Engine, teleBaselineId int64) (tccList []TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort, err error)
Get total connection capacity per port
func NewTotalConnectionCapacityPerPort ¶
func NewTotalConnectionCapacityPerPort(totalConnectionCapacities []messages.TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort) (totalConnectionCapacityList []TotalConnectionCapacityPerPort)
New total connection capacity per port
type TotalPipeCapacity ¶
type TotalPipeCapacity struct { LinkId string Capacity messages.Uint64String Unit messages.UnitString }
func DefaultTotalPipeCapacity ¶
func DefaultTotalPipeCapacity() (pipeList []TotalPipeCapacity)
Default value of total pipe capacity
func GetTotalPipeCapacity ¶
func GetTotalPipeCapacity(teleSetupId int64) (totalPipeCapacityList []TotalPipeCapacity, err error)
Get total pipe capacity
func NewTotalPipeCapacity ¶
func NewTotalPipeCapacity(pipes []messages.TotalPipeCapacity) (pipeList []TotalPipeCapacity)
New total pipe capacity
type Traffic ¶
type Traffic struct { TrafficId int64 Unit messages.UnitString LowPercentileG messages.Uint64String MidPercentileG messages.Uint64String HighPercentileG messages.Uint64String PeakG messages.Uint64String CurrentG messages.Uint64String }
func GetModelsTraffic ¶
Get traffic with type is Traffic
func GetTelemetryTraffic ¶
func GetTelemetryTraffic(engine *xorm.Engine, prefixType string, prefixTypeId int64, trafficType string) (trafficList []Traffic, err error)
Get telemetry traffic
func GetTraffic ¶
func GetTraffic(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, prefixType string, trafficType string) (trafficList []Traffic, err error)
Get traffic
func GetUriFilteringTraffic ¶
func GetUriFilteringTraffic(engine *xorm.Engine, prefixType string, preMitigationId int64, trafficType string) (trafficList []Traffic, err error)
Get uri filtering traffic
func NewTelemetryTotalAttackTraffic ¶
New telemetry total-attack-traffic
type TrafficPerPort ¶
type TrafficPerPort struct { TrafficId int64 Unit messages.UnitString Port int LowPercentileG messages.Uint64String MidPercentileG messages.Uint64String HighPercentileG messages.Uint64String PeakG messages.Uint64String CurrentG messages.Uint64String }
func GetTrafficPerPort ¶
func GetTrafficPerPort(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, trafficType string) (trafficList []TrafficPerPort, err error)
Get traffic per port
func GetUriFilteringTrafficPerPort ¶
func GetUriFilteringTrafficPerPort(engine *xorm.Engine, preMitigationId int64, trafficType string) (trafficList []TrafficPerPort, err error)
Get uri filtering traffic per port
func NewTrafficPerPort ¶
func NewTrafficPerPort(traffics []messages.TrafficPerPort) (trafficList []TrafficPerPort)
New traffic per port
type TrafficPerProtocol ¶
type TrafficPerProtocol struct { TrafficId int64 Unit messages.UnitString Protocol int LowPercentileG messages.Uint64String MidPercentileG messages.Uint64String HighPercentileG messages.Uint64String PeakG messages.Uint64String CurrentG messages.Uint64String }
func GetTrafficPerProtocol ¶
func GetTrafficPerProtocol(engine *xorm.Engine, tType string, typeId int64, trafficType string) (trafficList []TrafficPerProtocol, err error)
Get traffic per protocol
func GetUriFilteringTrafficPerProtocol ¶
func GetUriFilteringTrafficPerProtocol(engine *xorm.Engine, preMitigationId int64, trafficType string) (trafficList []TrafficPerProtocol, err error)
Get uri filtering traffic per protocol
func NewTrafficPerProtocol ¶
func NewTrafficPerProtocol(traffics []messages.TrafficPerProtocol) (trafficList []TrafficPerProtocol)
New traffic per protocol
type UnitConfig ¶
type UnitConfig struct { Unit messages.UnitString UnitStatus bool }
type UriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation ¶
type UriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation struct { Cuid string Cdid string Tmid int TargetList []Target }
func GetUriFilteringPreMitigationList ¶
func GetUriFilteringPreMitigationList(engine *xorm.Engine, customerId int, cuid string) ([]UriFilteringTelemetryPreMitigation, error)
Get uri filtering pre-mitigation list
Source Files ¶
- active_mitigation_request.go
- blocker.go
- customer.go
- fresh_session_configuration.go
- go_arista_receiver.go
- go_arista_scope_validator.go
- go_bgp_flowspec_receiver.go
- go_bgp_flowspec_scope_validator.go
- go_bgp_rtbh_receiver.go
- go_bgp_scope_validator.go
- message_entity_validator.go
- mitigation_scope.go
- mitigation_scope_validator.go
- models.go
- prefix.go
- protection.go
- range.go
- session_configuration_parameters.go
- set.go
- signal_configuration_validator.go
- storable.go
- telemetry_pre_mitigation.go
- telemetry_pre_mitigation_validator.go
- telemetry_setup_configuration.go
- telemetry_setup_configuration_validator.go
- xorm.go
- xorm_blocker_dao.go
- xorm_customer_dao.go
- xorm_dao.go
- xorm_mitigation_scope_dao.go
- xorm_protection_dao.go
- xorm_signal_session_configuration_dao.go
- xorm_telemetry_pre_mitigation_dao.go
- xorm_telemetry_setup_configuration_dao.go