protoc-gen-gotag (PGGT)
PGGT is a protoc plugin used to add/replace struct tags on generated protobuf messages.
Get it using go get
It supports the following features,
New tags like xml, sql, bson etc... can be added to struct messages of protobuf. Example
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
import "tagger/tagger.proto";
message Example {
string with_new_tags = 1 [(tagger.tags) = "graphql:\"withNewTags,optional\"" ];
string with_new_multiple = 2 [(tagger.tags) = "graphql:\"withNewTags,optional\" xml:\"multi,omitempty\"" ];
string replace_default = 3 [(tagger.tags) = "json:\"replacePrevious\""] ;
oneof one_of {
option (tagger.oneof_tags) = "graphql:\"withNewTags,optional\"";
string a = 5 [(tagger.tags) = "json:\"A\""];
int32 b_jk = 6 [(tagger.tags) = "json:\"b_Jk\""];
message SecondMessage {
string with_new_tags = 1 [(tagger.tags) = "graphql:\"withNewTags,optional\"" ];
string with_new_multiple = 2 [(tagger.tags) = "graphql:\"withNewTags,optional\" xml:\"multi,omitempty\"" ];
string replace_default = 3 [(tagger.tags) = "json:\"replacePrevious\""] ;
Then struct tags can be added by running this command after the regular protobuf generation command.
protoc -I /usr/local/include \
-I . \
--gotag_out=output_path={OUTPUT-PATH}:. example/example.proto
In the above example tags like graphql and xml will be added whereas existing tags such as json are replaced with the supplied values.
It is very useful to ignore XXX* fields in protobuf generated messages. The go protocol buffer compiler adds json:"-"
tag to all XXX* fields. Additional tags can be added to these fields using the 'xxx' option of PGGT. It can be done like this. All '+' characters will be replaced with ':'.
protoc -I /usr/local/include \
-I . \
--gotag_out=xxx="graphql+\"-\" bson+\"-\"",output_path={OUTPUT-PATH}:. example/example.proto
This should always run after protocol buffer compiler has run. The command such as the one below will fail/produce unexpected results.
protoc -I /usr/local/include \
-I . \
--go_out=:. \
--gotag_out=xxx="graphql+\"-\" bson+\"-\"",output_path={OUTPUT-PATH}:. example/example.proto