
package module
v1.0.34-alpha Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 19, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 43



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This package is provided as-is, without any express or implied warranties. The user assumes all risks associated with the use of this package. The author and contributors to this package shall not be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this package, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages. This package is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional financial advice. Users are responsible for verifying the accuracy and reliability of the data generated by this package. Use of this package constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Okex V5 Golang API

A complete golang wrapper for Okex V5 API. Pretty simple and easy to use. For more info about Okex V5 API read here.


go get github.com/amir-the-h/okex@v1.0.34-alpha


package main

import (
  ws_public_requests "github.com/amir-the-h/okex/requests/ws/public"

func main() {
  apiKey := "YOUR-API-KEY"
  secretKey := "YOUR-SECRET-KEY"
  passphrase := "YOUR-PASS-PHRASE"
  dest := okex.NormalServer // The main API server
  ctx := context.Background()
  client, err := api.NewClient(ctx, apiKey, secretKey, passphrase, &dest)
  if err != nil {

  errChan := make(chan *events.Error)
  subChan := make(chan *events.Subscribe)
  uSubChan := make(chan *events.Unsubscribe)
  logChan := make(chan *events.Login)
  sucChan := make(chan *events.Success)
  client.Ws.SetChannels(errChan, subChan, uSubChan, logChan, sucChan)

  obCh := make(chan *public.OrderBook)
  err = client.Ws.Public.OrderBook(ws_public_requests.OrderBook{
    InstID: "BTC-USD-SWAP",
    Channel: "books",
  }, obCh)
  if err != nil {

  for {
    select {
    case <-logChan:
    case success := <-sucChan:
      log.Printf("[SUCCESS]\t%+v", success)
    case sub := <-subChan:
      channel, _ := sub.Arg.Get("channel")
      log.Printf("[Subscribed]\t%s", channel)
    case uSub := <-uSubChan:
      channel, _ := uSub.Arg.Get("channel")
      log.Printf("[Unsubscribed]\t%s", channel)
    case err := <-client.Ws.ErrChan:
      log.Printf("[Error]\t%+v", err)
      for _, datum := range err.Data {
        log.Printf("[Error]\t\t%+v", datum)
    case i := <-obCh:
      ch, _ := i.Arg.Get("channel")
      log.Printf("[Event]\t%s", ch)
      for _, p := range i.Books {
        for i := len(p.Asks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
          log.Printf("\t\tAsk\t%+v", p.Asks[i])
        for _, bid := range p.Bids {
          log.Printf("\t\tBid\t%+v", bid)
    case b := <-client.Ws.DoneChan:
      log.Printf("[End]:\t%v", b)

Supporting APIs


  • All requests, responses, and events are well typed and will convert into the language built-in types instead of using API's strings. Note that zero values will be replaced with non-existing data.
  • Fully automated authorization steps for both REST and WS
  • To receive websocket events you can choose RawEventChan , StructuredEventChan, or provide your own channels. More info



Package okex is generally a golang Api wrapper of Okex V5 API




View Source
const (
	RestURL      = BaseURL("https://www.okx.com")
	PublicWsURL  = BaseURL("wss://ws.okx.com:8443/ws/v5/public")
	PrivateWsURL = BaseURL("wss://ws.okx.com:8443/ws/v5/private")

	AwsRestURL      = BaseURL("https://aws.okx.com")
	AwsPublicWsURL  = BaseURL("wss://wsaws.okx.com:8443/ws/v5/public")
	AwsPrivateWsURL = BaseURL("wss://wsaws.okx.com:8443/ws/v5/private")

	DemoRestURL      = BaseURL("https://www.okx.com")
	DemoPublicWsURL  = BaseURL("wss://wspap.okx.com:8443/ws/v5/public?brokerId=9999")
	DemoPrivateWsURL = BaseURL("wss://wspap.okx.com:8443/ws/v5/private?brokerId=9999")

	NormalServer = Destination(iota + 1)
	AwsServer    = NormalServer + 1
	DemoServer   = AwsServer + 1

	SpotInstrument    = InstrumentType("SPOT")
	MarginInstrument  = InstrumentType("MARGIN")
	SwapInstrument    = InstrumentType("SWAP")
	FuturesInstrument = InstrumentType("FUTURES")
	OptionsInstrument = InstrumentType("OPTION")

	MarginCrossMode    = MarginMode("cross")
	MarginIsolatedMode = MarginMode("isolated")

	ContractLinearType  = ContractType("linear")
	ContractInverseType = ContractType("inverse")

	BillTransferType              = BillType(1)
	BillTradeType                 = BillType(2)
	BillDeliveryType              = BillType(3)
	BillAutoTokenConversionType   = BillType(4)
	BillLiquidationType           = BillType(5)
	BillMarginTransferType        = BillType(6)
	BillInterestDeductionType     = BillType(7)
	BillFundingFeeType            = BillType(8)
	BillADLType                   = BillType(9)
	BillClawbackType              = BillType(10)
	BillSystemTokenConversionType = BillType(11)
	BillStrategyTransferType      = BillType(12)

	BillBuySubType                              = BillSubType(1)
	BillSellSubType                             = BillSubType(2)
	BillOpenLongSubType                         = BillSubType(3)
	BillOpenShortSubType                        = BillSubType(4)
	BillCloseLongSubType                        = BillSubType(5)
	BillCloseShortSubType                       = BillSubType(6)
	BillInterestDeductionSubType                = BillSubType(9)
	BillTransferInSubType                       = BillSubType(11)
	BillTransferOutSubType                      = BillSubType(12)
	BillManualMarginIncreaseSubType             = BillSubType(160)
	BillManualMarginDecreaseSubType             = BillSubType(161)
	BillAutoMarginIncreaseSubType               = BillSubType(162)
	BillAutoBuySubType                          = BillSubType(110)
	BillAutoSellSubType                         = BillSubType(111)
	BillSystemTokenConversionTransferInSubType  = BillSubType(118)
	BillSystemTokenConversionTransferOutSubType = BillSubType(119)
	BillPartialLiquidationCloseLongSubType      = BillSubType(100)
	BillPartialLiquidationCloseShortSubType     = BillSubType(101)
	BillPartialLiquidationBuySubType            = BillSubType(102)
	BillPartialLiquidationSellSubType           = BillSubType(103)
	BillLiquidationLongSubType                  = BillSubType(104)
	BillLiquidationShortSubType                 = BillSubType(105)
	BillLiquidationBuySubType                   = BillSubType(106)
	BillLiquidationSellSubType                  = BillSubType(107)
	BillLiquidationTransferInSubType            = BillSubType(110)
	BillLiquidationTransferOutSubType           = BillSubType(111)
	BillADLCloseLongSubType                     = BillSubType(125)
	BillADLCloseShortSubType                    = BillSubType(126)
	BillADLBuySubType                           = BillSubType(127)
	BillADLSellSubType                          = BillSubType(128)
	BillExercisedSubType                        = BillSubType(170)
	BillCounterpartyExercisedSubType            = BillSubType(171)
	BillExpiredOTMSubType                       = BillSubType(172)
	BillDeliveryLongSubType                     = BillSubType(112)
	BillDeliveryShortSubType                    = BillSubType(113)
	BillDeliveryExerciseClawbackSubType         = BillSubType(117)
	BillFundingFeeExpenseSubType                = BillSubType(173)
	BillFundingFeeIncomeSubType                 = BillSubType(174)
	BillSystemTransferInSubType                 = BillSubType(200)
	BillManuallyTransferInSubType               = BillSubType(201)
	BillSystemTransferOutSubType                = BillSubType(202)
	BillManuallyTransferOutSubType              = BillSubType(203)

	PositionLongShortMode = PositionType("long_short_mode")
	PositionNetMode       = PositionType("net_mode")

	PositionLongSide  = PositionSide("long")
	PositionShortSide = PositionSide("short")
	PositionNetSide   = PositionSide("net")

	TpSide = ActualSide("tp")
	SlSide = ActualSide("sl")

	TradeCrossMode    = TradeMode("cross")
	TradeIsolatedMode = TradeMode("isolated")
	TradeCashMode     = TradeMode("cash")

	CountIncrease = CountAction("add")
	CountDecrease = CountAction("reduce")

	OrderBuy  = OrderSide("buy")
	OrderSell = OrderSide("sell")

	GreekInCoin    = GreekType("PA")
	GreekInDollars = GreekType("PB")

	Bar1m  = BarSize("1m")
	Bar3m  = BarSize("3m")
	Bar5m  = BarSize("5m")
	Bar15m = BarSize("15m")
	Bar30m = BarSize("130")
	Bar1H  = BarSize("1H")
	Bar2H  = BarSize("2H")
	Bar4H  = BarSize("4H")
	Bar6H  = BarSize("6H")
	Bar8H  = BarSize("8H")
	Bar12H = BarSize("12H")
	Bar1D  = BarSize("1D")
	Bar1W  = BarSize("1W")
	Bar1M  = BarSize("1M")
	Bar3M  = BarSize("3M")
	Bar6M  = BarSize("6M")
	Bar1Y  = BarSize("1Y")

	TradeBuySide  = TradeSide("buy")
	TradeSellSide = TradeSide("sell")

	LoginOperation            = Operation("login")
	SubscribeOperation        = Operation("subscribe")
	UnsubscribeOperation      = Operation("unsubscribe")
	OrderOperation            = Operation("order")
	BatchOrderOperation       = Operation("batch-orders")
	CancelOrderOperation      = Operation("cancel-order")
	BatchCancelOrderOperation = Operation("batch-cancel-orders")
	AmendOrderOperation       = Operation("amend-order")
	BatchAmendOrderOperation  = Operation("batch-amend-orders")

	OrderMarket          = OrderType("market")
	OrderLimit           = OrderType("limit")
	OrderPostOnly        = OrderType("post_only")
	OrderFOK             = OrderType("fok")
	OrderIOC             = OrderType("ioc")
	OrderOptimalLimitIoc = OrderType("optimal_limit_ioc")

	AlgoOrderConditional = AlgoOrderType("conditional")
	AlgoOrderOCO         = AlgoOrderType("oco")
	AlgoOrderTrigger     = AlgoOrderType("trigger")
	AlgoOrderIceberg     = AlgoOrderType("iceberg")
	AlgoOrderTwap        = AlgoOrderType("twap")

	QuantityBaseCcy  = QuantityType("base_ccy")
	QuantityQuoteCcy = QuantityType("quote_ccy")

	OrderTakerFlow = OrderFlowType("T")
	OrderMakerFlow = OrderFlowType("M")

	ClassA = FeeCategory(1)
	ClassB = FeeCategory(2)
	ClassC = FeeCategory(3)
	ClassD = FeeCategory(4)

	OrderCancel          = OrderState("canceled")
	OrderPause           = OrderState("pause")
	OrderLive            = OrderState("live")
	OrderPartiallyFilled = OrderState("partially_filled")
	OrderFilled          = OrderState("filled")
	OrderUnfilled        = OrderState("unfilled")

	TransferWithinAccount     = TransferType(0)
	MasterAccountToSubAccount = TransferType(1)
	MasterSubAccountToAccount = TransferType(2)

	SpotAccount    = AccountType(1)
	FuturesAccount = AccountType(3)
	MarginAccount  = AccountType(5)
	FundingAccount = AccountType(6)
	SwapAccount    = AccountType(9)
	OptionsAccount = AccountType(12)
	UnifiedAccount = AccountType(18)

	WaitingForConfirmation     = DepositState(0)
	DepositCredited            = DepositState(1)
	DepositSuccessful          = DepositState(2)
	DepositTemporarySuspension = DepositState(8)

	WithdrawalOkexDestination           = WithdrawalDestination(3)
	WithdrawalDigitalAddressDestination = WithdrawalDestination(4)

	WithdrawalPendingCancel              = WithdrawalState(-3)
	WithdrawalCanceled                   = WithdrawalState(-2)
	WithdrawalFailed                     = WithdrawalState(-1)
	WithdrawalPending                    = WithdrawalState(0)
	WithdrawalSending                    = WithdrawalState(1)
	WithdrawalSent                       = WithdrawalState(2)
	WithdrawalAwaitingEmailVerification  = WithdrawalState(3)
	WithdrawalAwaitingManualVerification = WithdrawalState(4)
	WithdrawalIdentityManualVerification = WithdrawalState(5)

	ActionPurchase = ActionType("purchase")
	ActionRedempt  = ActionType("redempt")

	APIKeyReadOnly = APIKeyAccess("read_only")
	APIKeyTrade    = APIKeyAccess("trade")

	OptionCall = OptionType("C")
	OptionPut  = OptionType("P")

	AliasThisWeek    = AliasType("this_week")
	AliasNextWeek    = AliasType("next_week")
	AliasQuarter     = AliasType("quarter")
	AliasNextQuarter = AliasType("next_quarter")

	InstrumentLive    = InstrumentState("live")
	InstrumentSuspend = InstrumentState("suspend")
	InstrumentPreOpen = InstrumentState("preopen")

	Delivery   = DeliveryExerciseType("delivery")
	Exercise   = DeliveryExerciseType("exercised")
	ExpiredOtm = DeliveryExerciseType("expired_otm")

	CandleStick1Y  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle1Y")
	CandleStick6M  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle6M")
	CandleStick3M  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle3M")
	CandleStick1M  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle1M")
	CandleStick5D  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle5D")
	CandleStick3D  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle3D")
	CandleStick2D  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle2D")
	CandleStick1D  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle1D")
	CandleStick12H = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle12H")
	CandleStick6H  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle6H")
	CandleStick4H  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle4H")
	CandleStick2H  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle2H")
	CandleStick1H  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle1H")
	CandleStick30m = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle30m")
	CandleStick15m = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle15m")
	CandleStick5m  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle5m")
	CandleStick3m  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle3m")
	CandleStick1m  = CandleStickWsBarSize("candle1m")


This section is empty.


func S2M

func S2M(i interface{}) map[string]string


type APIKeyAccess

type APIKeyAccess string

type AccountType

type AccountType uint8

func (*AccountType) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *AccountType) UnmarshalJSON(s []byte) (err error)

type ActionType

type ActionType string

type ActualSide

type ActualSide string

type AlgoOrderType

type AlgoOrderType string

type AliasType

type AliasType string

type BarSize

type BarSize string

func (BarSize) Duration

func (t BarSize) Duration() time.Duration

type BaseURL

type BaseURL string

type BillSubType

type BillSubType uint8

func (*BillSubType) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *BillSubType) UnmarshalJSON(s []byte) (err error)

type BillType

type BillType uint8

func (*BillType) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *BillType) UnmarshalJSON(s []byte) (err error)

type CandleStickWsBarSize

type CandleStickWsBarSize string

type ChannelName

type ChannelName string

type ClientError

type ClientError error

type ContractType

type ContractType string

type CountAction

type CountAction string

type DeliveryExerciseType

type DeliveryExerciseType string

type DepositState

type DepositState uint8

func (*DepositState) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *DepositState) UnmarshalJSON(s []byte) (err error)

type Destination

type Destination int

type EventType

type EventType string

type FeeCategory

type FeeCategory uint8

func (*FeeCategory) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *FeeCategory) UnmarshalJSON(s []byte) (err error)

type GreekType

type GreekType string

type InstrumentState

type InstrumentState string

type InstrumentType

type InstrumentType string

type JSONFloat64

type JSONFloat64 float64

func (*JSONFloat64) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *JSONFloat64) UnmarshalJSON(s []byte) (err error)

type JSONInt64

type JSONInt64 int64

func (*JSONInt64) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *JSONInt64) UnmarshalJSON(s []byte) (err error)

type JSONTime

type JSONTime time.Time

func (*JSONTime) String

func (t *JSONTime) String() string

func (*JSONTime) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *JSONTime) UnmarshalJSON(s []byte) (err error)

type MarginMode

type MarginMode string

type Operation

type Operation string

type OptionType

type OptionType string

type OrderFlowType

type OrderFlowType string

type OrderSide

type OrderSide string

type OrderState

type OrderState string

type OrderType

type OrderType string

type PositionSide

type PositionSide string

type PositionType

type PositionType string

type QuantityType

type QuantityType string

type TradeMode

type TradeMode string

type TradeSide

type TradeSide string

type TransferType

type TransferType uint8

type WithdrawalDestination

type WithdrawalDestination uint8

type WithdrawalState

type WithdrawalState int8

func (*WithdrawalState) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *WithdrawalState) UnmarshalJSON(s []byte) (err error)

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