grep like util for csv
Getting Started
Build the executable with go build
./csvGrep --help
will give you this:
Usage of ./csvGrep:
-C value
list of columns to operate on by name
-c value
list of columns to operate on
-e string
regex pattern to match
-f string
path to input file instead of stdin
-s string
separator character (defaults to a comma) (default ",")
-v invert (like -v in grep) return only the rows that *don't* fulfill the pattern
- Find bad strings (????? instead of names) in the customers file:
./csvGrep -e="[?]{4,}" -f="./customers.csv"
- Search in specific column
head -n1 customers.csv
head -n1 customers.csv | ./csvGrep -e="Name" -c=2
head -n1 customers.csv | csvGrep -e="Name" -c=0
- Find gmail customers in the first 10 rows:
head -n10 customers.csv | csvGrep -C="email" -e="gmail"
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