Terraform data source (read: READ ONLY) provider for 1Password.
This provider does not create resources in 1Password. It requires
the user to have a 1Password account and to have created items in 1Password
prior to using. If you are interested in managing 1Password items through
terraform, please check out https://github.com/anasinnyk/terraform-provider-1password.
Download the 1Password CLI for your system here.
Install terraform. On Window's you can use scoop
scoop install terraform
- Download the latest release.
Add the
file into the plugins directory.
- On Window's, it's
- On Mac, it's
- On Linux, it's
Read more about where to put third-party plugins
Create a variables file terraform.tfvars
and make sure it is added to
your .gitignore
so you do not expose your 1Password credentials.
Learn more about terraform variables here.
Add the following variables to the terraform.tfvars
# terraform.tfvars
password = "<your 1Password password>"
secret_key = "<your 1Password secret key>"
Next, create a terraform file providers.tf
and add the provider.
# providers.tf
variable "onepassword_password" {
description = "Login password for 1Password"
variable "onepassword_secret_key" {
description = "Login secret key for 1Password"
provider "onepassword" {
email = "test@testing.com"
password = "${var.onepassword_password}"
secret_key = "${var.onepassword_secret_key}"
subdomain = "test" # Optional. Comes from <subdomain>.1password.com.
Start using the provider to pull secrets. Let's say we
wanted to create a Kubernetes secret for our Redshift cluster.
We could create an item in 1Password called 'Redshift' in the
'Private' vault.

We could then create a onepassword_item
data source to define a Kubernetes secret.
data "onepassword_item" "prod_redshift" {
vault = "Private"
item = "Redshift"
resource "kubernetes_secret" "redshift" {
metadata {
name = "redshift"
namespace = "default"
data {
"redshift-user" = "${data.onepassword_item.dev_redshift.result["username"]}"
"redshift-password" = "${data.onepassword_item.dev_redshift.result["password"]}"
"redshift-host" = "${data.onepassword_item.dev_redshift.result["server"]}"
"redshift-database" = "${data.onepassword_item.dev_redshift.result["database"]}"
Read more about creating Kubernetes secrets in terraform
We could also use a document that has been uploaded to 1Password. This is useful for
certificates or PEM files that are used to connect to services.

Create a onepassword_document
data source.
data "onepassword_document" "mongo_cert" {
vault = "Private"
document = "MongoDB Cert"
resource "kubernetes_secret" "mongo_cert" {
metadata {
name = "mongo-cert"
namespace = "default"
data {
"mongo-cert" = "${data.onepassword_item.mongo_cert.result}"
The data source reads the contents of the file as a string.
Install go. On Window's you can use scoop
scoop install go
Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/ameier38/terraform-provider-onepassword.git
Run acceptance tests.
go test ./onepassword
On macOS or Linux, set the environment variable with export TF_ACC=true
Build the package.
go build
Move the generated program to the terraform plugins directory.
For example, on Windows you could run the following:
mv -Force .\terraform-provider-onepassword.exe C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\terraform.d\plugins\windows_amd64\
Create a tag.
git tag -a v0.1.1 -m "Next release"
git push origin v0.1.1
Create a release.
If you find a 🐛 please create an issue
and I will try to help resolve. If you would like to improve the library, feel free to
open a pull request.