simple tool to autogenerate timing metrics using go ast
PreBuild Step
go_perf_tracker actually will be a prebuild step for your application. go_perf_tracker regenerates files after adding
defer perf_tracker.CalculateFunctionPerf(time.Now(), "FuntionName")
with appropriate imports at the start of each function provided.
For this to work you need to add dependency of go_perf_tracker in your application. We are working towards removing this constraint.
To get the latest released version use:
GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/aman-bansal/go_perf_tracker/@latest
Run Instructions
You will need to provide the path for config file. Config must be in json format
with file path vs functions mapping whose performance needs to be logged.
for example:
"path/to/file":["funcName1", "funcName2"]
run this commandgo_perf_tracker -config=test/config.json
this will regenerate those files with performance logging line.
Scope of Improvement
- Can think of taking performance function via configuration. Then no need to add dependency.
- Can add client for statsd to emit metrics.
- If the process fails in between, then there is possibility that few of the files are already generated which are now
in inconsistent state. Can save file initially in cache and recreate the original one if it fails.
- Can add extra check if the function is already defined don't add it again and again.
Issue Reporting
If you found any issues or wanted to suggest any enhancement, do create an issue in the repo itself or shoot an email to bansalaman2905[at]gmail[dot]com.