Example of using Mtproto for Telegram bot
Mtproto lib can be used with Telegram bot, that can acess to full Telegram API, not just the simplified Telegram Bot API.
First, you need to create your telegram bot, like you did this in any another case. Don't know how? Read this official guide
Next we must register our app as usual and obtain all data that we need to run any other examples in this package.
Then fill this code in:
const (
// from https://my.telegram.org/apps
TgAppID = XXXXX // integer value from "App api_id" field
TgAppHash = "XXXXXXXXXXXX" // string value from "App api_hash" field
TgTestServer = "" // string value from "Test configuration" field
TgProdServer = "" // string value from "Production configuration" field
// from https://t.me/BotFather
TgBotToken = "XXXXX" // bot token from BotFather
TgBotUserName = "YourBotUserName" // username of the bot
Okay, you've got bot token, appID, appHash, saved your app public keys, added test and prod ip addresses. What next?
just run in this folder:
go run main.go
And done! That's full example of how to run bot api under mtproto! Easy-peasy!