Index ¶
- Constants
- type Action
- type ActionExecutionResult
- type ActionItem
- type ActionListItem
- type ActionSequence
- type ActionsArrayItem
- type AdhocMessage
- type AdhocMessageTemplate
- type AirQualityData
- type AlternativeItem
- type Alternatives
- type App
- type AppClassification
- type AppDeviceDetails
- type AppOAuth
- type AppRegisterRequest
- type AppRegisterResponse
- type AppTargetStatus
- type AppType
- type AppUISettings
- type Argument
- type ArgumentName
- type ArgumentType
- type ArmState
- type ArrayOperand
- type AttributeProperties
- type AttributePropertiesData
- type AttributePropertiesUnit
- type AttributePropertiesValue
- func (m *AttributePropertiesValue) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m AttributePropertiesValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *AttributePropertiesValue) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *AttributePropertiesValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (m *AttributePropertiesValue) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type AttributeSchema
- type AttributeState
- type Automation
- type AutomationAction
- type AutomationCondition
- func (m *AutomationCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m AutomationCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *AutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *AutomationCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *AutomationCondition) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type AutomationForCapability
- type AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0
- type AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0
- type AutomationListItem
- func (m *AutomationListItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m AutomationListItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *AutomationListItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *AutomationListItem) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *AutomationListItem) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type BasicPlusArrayItem
- func (m *BasicPlusArrayItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m BasicPlusArrayItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *BasicPlusArrayItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *BasicPlusArrayItem) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *BasicPlusArrayItem) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type BasicPlusItem
- type BetweenCondition
- type BleD2DDeviceDetails
- type BleDeviceDetails
- type Capability
- type CapabilityAttribute
- type CapabilityAttributeEnumCommandsItems0
- type CapabilityCommand
- type CapabilityKey
- type CapabilityPresentation
- func (m *CapabilityPresentation) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m CapabilityPresentation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *CapabilityPresentation) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *CapabilityPresentation) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *CapabilityPresentation) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type CapabilityPresentationForPUT
- type CapabilityReference
- type CapabilityStatus
- type CapabilitySubscriptionDetail
- type CapabilitySummary
- type CapabilityValue
- type CommandAction
- type CommandActionExecutionResult
- type CommandArguments
- type CommandExecutionResult
- type CommandResult
- type CommandSequence
- type CommandStatus
- type Component
- type ComponentStatus
- type ComponentTranslations
- type Condition
- type ConditionAggregationMode
- type ConfigEntries
- type ConfigEntry
- type ConfigMap
- type CreateAppRequest
- type CreateAppResponse
- type CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest
- func (m *CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type CreateCapabilityRequest
- type CreateDeviceConfigRequest
- type CreateDeviceConfigRequestAutomation
- type CreateDeviceConfigRequestDashboard
- type CreateDeviceEventsResponse
- type CreateDeviceProfileRequest
- type CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest
- type CreateInstalledAppEventsResponse
- type CreateLocationRequest
- type CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest
- type CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest
- type CreateRoomRequest
- type CronSchedule
- type Dashboard
- type DashboardCardLifecycle
- type DashboardForCapability
- type DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0
- type DashboardForCapabilityStatesItems0
- type DateOperand
- type DateReference
- type DateTimeOperand
- type DayOfWeek
- type DeleteAppResponse
- type DeleteDeviceCommandsResponse
- type DeleteDeviceProfileResponse
- type DeleteInstalledAppResponse
- type DeleteLocationResponse
- type DeleteNamespaceResponse
- type DeleteRoomResponse
- type DeleteScheduleResponse
- type DetailView
- type DetailViewForCapability
- type DetailViewForCapabilityItems0
- type DetailViewItem
- type DetailViewListItem
- func (m *DetailViewListItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m DetailViewListItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *DetailViewListItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *DetailViewListItem) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *DetailViewListItem) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type Device
- type DeviceActivity
- type DeviceCategory
- type DeviceCommand
- type DeviceCommandsEvent
- type DeviceCommandsEventCommand
- type DeviceCommandsRequest
- type DeviceCommandsResponse
- type DeviceComponent
- type DeviceComponentReference
- type DeviceConfig
- type DeviceConfigEntry
- type DeviceConfiguration
- type DeviceConfigurationAutomation
- type DeviceConfigurationDashboard
- type DeviceEvent
- type DeviceEventsRequest
- type DeviceHealthDetail
- type DeviceHealthEvent
- type DeviceInstallRequest
- type DeviceInstallRequestApp
- type DeviceIntegrationType
- type DeviceLifecycle
- type DeviceLifecycleCreate
- type DeviceLifecycleCreateCategoriesItems0
- type DeviceLifecycleDelete
- type DeviceLifecycleDetail
- type DeviceLifecycleEvent
- type DeviceLifecycleMove
- type DeviceLifecycleUpdate
- type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiff
- type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNew
- type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0
- func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCategoriesItems0
- type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOld
- type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0
- func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCategoriesItems0
- type DeviceLifecycleUpdateLabelDiff
- type DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel
- type DeviceOperand
- type DevicePresentation
- type DeviceProfileMetadata
- type DeviceProfileReference
- type DeviceProfileResponse
- type DeviceProfileStatus
- type DeviceResults
- type DeviceStateEvent
- type DeviceStatus
- type DeviceStatusHealthState
- type DeviceSubscriptionDetail
- type DossierDevicePresentation
- type DpInfo
- type DpInfoItems0
- type DthDeviceDetails
- type EndpointApp
- type EqualsCondition
- type Error
- type ErrorResponse
- type EventOwnerType
- type EventType
- type EveryAction
- type ExcludeItemsAttributes
- type ExcludeItemsAttributesItems0
- type ExcludeItemsCommands
- type ExcludeItemsCommandsItems0
- type ExcludedActionItem
- type ExcludedActionItemExcludeItems0
- type ExcludedActionItemID
- func (m *ExcludedActionItemID) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m ExcludedActionItemID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *ExcludedActionItemID) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *ExcludedActionItemID) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *ExcludedActionItemID) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type ExcludedConditionItem
- type ExcludedConditionItemExcludeItems0
- type ExcludedConditionItemID
- func (m *ExcludedConditionItemID) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m ExcludedConditionItemID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *ExcludedConditionItemID) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *ExcludedConditionItemID) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *ExcludedConditionItemID) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry
- func (m *ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry
- func (m *ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type ExecutionResult
- type Feature
- type FeatureItems0
- type FormattedLabel
- type GenerateAppOAuthRequest
- type GenerateAppOAuthResponse
- type GetAppSettingsResponse
- type GreaterThanCondition
- func (m *GreaterThanCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m GreaterThanCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *GreaterThanCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *GreaterThanCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *GreaterThanCondition) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition
- func (m *GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type Group
- type HubHealthDetail
- type HubHealthEvent
- type IconImage
- type IconURL
- type IfAction
- type IfActionExecutionResult
- type IfActionSequence
- type IfExecutionResult
- type InstallConfiguration
- type InstallConfigurationDetail
- type InstallConfigurationStatus
- type InstalledApp
- type InstalledAppIconImage
- type InstalledAppLifecycle
- type InstalledAppLifecycleCreate
- type InstalledAppLifecycleDelete
- type InstalledAppLifecycleError
- type InstalledAppLifecycleEvent
- type InstalledAppLifecycleInstall
- type InstalledAppLifecycleOther
- type InstalledAppLifecycleUpdate
- type InstalledAppStatus
- type InstalledAppType
- type InstalledAppUI
- type Interval
- type IntervalUnit
- type IrDeviceDetails
- type IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes
- func (m *IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (m *IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type IsaResults
- type LambdaSmartApp
- type Language
- type LanguageItem
- type LessThanCondition
- func (m *LessThanCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m LessThanCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *LessThanCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *LessThanCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *LessThanCondition) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type LessThanOrEqualsCondition
- func (m *LessThanOrEqualsCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m LessThanOrEqualsCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *LessThanOrEqualsCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *LessThanOrEqualsCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *LessThanOrEqualsCondition) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type Link
- type Links
- type ListBase
- type ListForArgument
- type ListForAutomationAction
- func (m *ListForAutomationAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m ListForAutomationAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *ListForAutomationAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *ListForAutomationAction) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *ListForAutomationAction) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type ListForAutomationCondition
- func (m *ListForAutomationCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m ListForAutomationCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *ListForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *ListForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *ListForAutomationCondition) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type ListForDetailView
- type ListForDetailViewCommand
- type ListForDetailViewState
- type LocaleReference
- type LocaleTag
- type LocaleVariables
- type Location
- type LocationAction
- type LocationActionExecutionResult
- type LocationAttribute
- type LocationOperand
- type LocationParent
- type LocationParentTypes
- type MapOperand
- type Message
- type MessageConfig
- type MessageTemplate
- type MessageType
- type Mnmn
- type Mode
- type ModeConfig
- type ModeEvent
- type ModeSubscriptionDetail
- type MultiArgCommand
- type MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0
- type Namespace
- type Notice
- type NoticeAction
- type NoticeCode
- type NumberField
- type NumberFieldForArgument
- type NumberFieldForAutomationAction
- type NumberFieldForAutomationCondition
- type OnceSchedule
- type Operand
- type OperandAggregationMode
- type Operator
- type Owner
- type PagedApp
- type PagedApps
- type PagedCapabilities
- type PagedDeviceProfiles
- type PagedDevices
- type PagedInstallConfigurations
- type PagedInstalledApps
- type PagedLocation
- type PagedLocations
- type PagedMessageTemplate
- type PagedRooms
- type PagedRules
- type PagedSchedules
- type PagedSubscriptions
- type PatchItem
- type PermissionConfig
- type PlayPause
- type PlayPauseAO1State
- type PlayPauseCommand
- type PlayPauseCommandCommand
- type PlayStop
- type PlayStopAO1State
- type PlayStopCommand
- type PlayStopCommandCommand
- type PoCodes
- type PredefinedMessage
- type PrincipalType
- type PublicDeviceConfiguration
- func (m *PublicDeviceConfiguration) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PublicDeviceConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PublicDeviceConfiguration) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PublicDeviceConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PublicDeviceConfiguration) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PushButton
- type Range
- type Room
- type Rule
- type RuleExecutionResponse
- type RuleRequest
- type SceneAction
- type SceneActionSequence
- type SceneArgument
- type SceneCapability
- type SceneCommand
- type SceneComponent
- type SceneConfig
- type SceneDevice
- type SceneDeviceGroup
- type SceneDeviceGroupRequest
- type SceneDeviceRequest
- type SceneLifecycle
- type SceneLifecycleCreate
- type SceneLifecycleDelete
- type SceneLifecycleDetail
- type SceneLifecycleEvent
- type SceneLifecycleUpdate
- type SceneMode
- type SceneModeRequest
- type ScenePagedResult
- type SceneRequest
- type SceneSecurityModeRequest
- type SceneSleepRequest
- type SceneSummary
- type Schedule
- type ScheduleRequest
- type SecurityArmStateDetail
- type SecurityArmStateEvent
- type Sequence
- type ServiceCapabilities
- type SignatureType
- type SimpleCondition
- type SimpleValue
- type SleepAction
- type SleepActionExecutionResult
- type Slider
- type SliderAllOf1
- type SliderBase
- type SliderForArgument
- func (m *SliderForArgument) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m SliderForArgument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *SliderForArgument) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *SliderForArgument) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *SliderForArgument) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type SliderForAutomationAction
- func (m *SliderForAutomationAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m SliderForAutomationAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *SliderForAutomationAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *SliderForAutomationAction) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *SliderForAutomationAction) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type SliderForAutomationCondition
- func (m *SliderForAutomationCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m SliderForAutomationCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *SliderForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *SliderForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *SliderForAutomationCondition) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest
- type SmartAppEventRequest
- type StandardSuccessResponse
- type StandbyPowerSwitch
- func (m *StandbyPowerSwitch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m StandbyPowerSwitch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *StandbyPowerSwitch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *StandbyPowerSwitch) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *StandbyPowerSwitch) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type StandbyPowerSwitchAllOf1
- type StandbyPowerSwitchAllOf2
- type StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard
- func (m *StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboardAllOf1
- type StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboardAllOf2
- type State
- type StateItem
- type StatesArrayItem
- type Step
- type Stepper
- type StepperCommand
- type StringConfig
- type Subscription
- type SubscriptionDelete
- type SubscriptionFilter
- type SubscriptionFilterAttributes
- type SubscriptionFilterCapabilities
- type SubscriptionFilterComponents
- type SubscriptionFilterEventTypes
- type SubscriptionFilterTypes
- type SubscriptionFilterValues
- type SubscriptionFilters
- type SubscriptionID
- type SubscriptionRequest
- type SubscriptionSource
- type SubscriptionTarget
- type SubscriptionTargetValue
- type SupportedValues
- type Switch
- type SwitchAllOf0
- type SwitchAllOf3
- type SwitchCommand
- type SwitchCommandCommand
- type SwitchForArgument
- type SwitchForDashboard
- func (m *SwitchForDashboard) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m SwitchForDashboard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *SwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *SwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *SwitchForDashboard) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type SwitchForDashboardAllOf0
- type SwitchForDashboardAllOf3
- type SwitchState
- type SwitchStateForDashboard
- type SwitchStateForDashboardState
- type SwitchStateState
- type Tags
- type TextField
- type TextFieldForArgument
- type TextFieldForAutomationAction
- type TextFieldForAutomationCondition
- type TimeOperand
- type TimeReference
- type TimerEvent
- type TimerType
- type ToggleSwitch
- type ToggleSwitchAllOf0
- type ToggleSwitchAllOf2
- type ToggleSwitchForDashboard
- func (m *ToggleSwitchForDashboard) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m ToggleSwitchForDashboard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *ToggleSwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *ToggleSwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *ToggleSwitchForDashboard) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf0
- type ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf2
- type ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf3
- type TriggerMode
- type Unit
- type UpdateAppOAuthRequest
- type UpdateAppRequest
- type UpdateAppSettingsRequest
- type UpdateAppSettingsResponse
- type UpdateCapabilityRequest
- type UpdateDeviceProfileRequest
- type UpdateDeviceRequest
- type UpdateDeviceRequestComponentsItems0
- type UpdateLocationRequest
- type UpdateRoomRequest
- type UpdateSignatureTypeRequest
- type UpdateSignatureTypeResponse
- type Value
- type ValueType
- type Version
- type Vid
- type ViperDeviceDetails
- type VisibleCondition
- type WeatherData
- type WeatherEvent
- type WebhookSmartApp
Constants ¶
const ( // AlternativeItemTypeInactive captures enum value "inactive" AlternativeItemTypeInactive string = "inactive" // AlternativeItemTypeActive captures enum value "active" AlternativeItemTypeActive string = "active" )
const ( // AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeSlider captures enum value "slider" AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeSlider string = "slider" // AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeList captures enum value "list" AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeList string = "list" // AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeNumberField captures enum value "numberField" AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeNumberField string = "numberField" // AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeTextField captures enum value "textField" AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeTextField string = "textField" // AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeMultiArgCommand captures enum value "multiArgCommand" AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeMultiArgCommand string = "multiArgCommand" )
const ( // AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0DisplayTypeSlider captures enum value "slider" AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0DisplayTypeSlider string = "slider" // AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0DisplayTypeList captures enum value "list" AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0DisplayTypeList string = "list" // AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0DisplayTypeNumberField captures enum value "numberField" AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0DisplayTypeNumberField string = "numberField" // AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0DisplayTypeTextField captures enum value "textField" AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0DisplayTypeTextField string = "textField" )
const ( // BasicPlusItemDisplayTypeStepper captures enum value "stepper" BasicPlusItemDisplayTypeStepper string = "stepper" // BasicPlusItemDisplayTypeFeature captures enum value "feature" BasicPlusItemDisplayTypeFeature string = "feature" )
const ( // CapabilityStatusProposed captures enum value "proposed" CapabilityStatusProposed string = "proposed" // CapabilityStatusLive captures enum value "live" CapabilityStatusLive string = "live" // CapabilityStatusDeprecated captures enum value "deprecated" CapabilityStatusDeprecated string = "deprecated" // CapabilityStatusDead captures enum value "dead" CapabilityStatusDead string = "dead" )
const ( // CapabilitySummaryStatusProposed captures enum value "proposed" CapabilitySummaryStatusProposed string = "proposed" // CapabilitySummaryStatusLive captures enum value "live" CapabilitySummaryStatusLive string = "live" // CapabilitySummaryStatusDeprecated captures enum value "deprecated" CapabilitySummaryStatusDeprecated string = "deprecated" // CapabilitySummaryStatusDead captures enum value "dead" CapabilitySummaryStatusDead string = "dead" )
const ( // ConfigEntryValueTypeSTRING captures enum value "STRING" ConfigEntryValueTypeSTRING string = "STRING" // ConfigEntryValueTypeDEVICE captures enum value "DEVICE" ConfigEntryValueTypeDEVICE string = "DEVICE" // ConfigEntryValueTypePERMISSION captures enum value "PERMISSION" ConfigEntryValueTypePERMISSION string = "PERMISSION" // ConfigEntryValueTypeMODE captures enum value "MODE" ConfigEntryValueTypeMODE string = "MODE" // ConfigEntryValueTypeSCENE captures enum value "SCENE" ConfigEntryValueTypeSCENE string = "SCENE" // ConfigEntryValueTypeMESSAGE captures enum value "MESSAGE" ConfigEntryValueTypeMESSAGE string = "MESSAGE" )
const ( // CreateDeviceConfigRequestTypeDth captures enum value "dth" CreateDeviceConfigRequestTypeDth string = "dth" // CreateDeviceConfigRequestTypeProfile captures enum value "profile" CreateDeviceConfigRequestTypeProfile string = "profile" )
const ( // DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypePushButton captures enum value "pushButton" DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypePushButton string = "pushButton" // DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeToggleSwitch captures enum value "toggleSwitch" DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeToggleSwitch string = "toggleSwitch" // DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeSwitch captures enum value "switch" DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeSwitch string = "switch" // DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeStandbyPowerSwitch captures enum value "standbyPowerSwitch" DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypeStandbyPowerSwitch string = "standbyPowerSwitch" // DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypePlayPause captures enum value "playPause" DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypePlayPause string = "playPause" // DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypePlayStop captures enum value "playStop" DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0DisplayTypePlayStop string = "playStop" )
const ( // DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeToggleSwitch captures enum value "toggleSwitch" DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeToggleSwitch string = "toggleSwitch" // DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeStandbyPowerSwitch captures enum value "standbyPowerSwitch" DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeStandbyPowerSwitch string = "standbyPowerSwitch" // DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeSwitch captures enum value "switch" DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeSwitch string = "switch" // DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeSlider captures enum value "slider" DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeSlider string = "slider" // DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypePushButton captures enum value "pushButton" DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypePushButton string = "pushButton" // DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypePlayPause captures enum value "playPause" DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypePlayPause string = "playPause" // DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypePlayStop captures enum value "playStop" DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypePlayStop string = "playStop" // DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeList captures enum value "list" DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeList string = "list" // DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeTextField captures enum value "textField" DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeTextField string = "textField" // DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeNumberField captures enum value "numberField" DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeNumberField string = "numberField" // DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeStepper captures enum value "stepper" DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeStepper string = "stepper" // DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeState captures enum value "state" DetailViewForCapabilityItems0DisplayTypeState string = "state" )
const ( // DeviceConfigurationTypeDth captures enum value "dth" DeviceConfigurationTypeDth string = "dth" // DeviceConfigurationTypeProfile captures enum value "profile" DeviceConfigurationTypeProfile string = "profile" )
const ( // DeviceHealthEventReasonNONE captures enum value "NONE" DeviceHealthEventReasonNONE string = "NONE" // DeviceHealthEventReasonSERVICEUNAVAILABLE captures enum value "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" DeviceHealthEventReasonSERVICEUNAVAILABLE string = "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" // DeviceHealthEventReasonHUBOFFLINE captures enum value "HUB_OFFLINE" DeviceHealthEventReasonHUBOFFLINE string = "HUB_OFFLINE" // DeviceHealthEventReasonZWAVEOFFLINE captures enum value "ZWAVE_OFFLINE" DeviceHealthEventReasonZWAVEOFFLINE string = "ZWAVE_OFFLINE" // DeviceHealthEventReasonZIGBEEOFFLINE captures enum value "ZIGBEE_OFFLINE" DeviceHealthEventReasonZIGBEEOFFLINE string = "ZIGBEE_OFFLINE" // DeviceHealthEventReasonBLUETOOTHOFFLINE captures enum value "BLUETOOTH_OFFLINE" DeviceHealthEventReasonBLUETOOTHOFFLINE string = "BLUETOOTH_OFFLINE" // DeviceHealthEventReasonHUBDISCONNECTED captures enum value "HUB_DISCONNECTED" DeviceHealthEventReasonHUBDISCONNECTED string = "HUB_DISCONNECTED" )
const ( // DeviceHealthEventStatusOFFLINE captures enum value "OFFLINE" DeviceHealthEventStatusOFFLINE string = "OFFLINE" // DeviceHealthEventStatusONLINE captures enum value "ONLINE" DeviceHealthEventStatusONLINE string = "ONLINE" // DeviceHealthEventStatusUNHEALTHY captures enum value "UNHEALTHY" DeviceHealthEventStatusUNHEALTHY string = "UNHEALTHY" )
const ( // DeviceStatusHealthStateStateONLINE captures enum value "ONLINE" DeviceStatusHealthStateStateONLINE string = "ONLINE" // DeviceStatusHealthStateStateOFFLINE captures enum value "OFFLINE" DeviceStatusHealthStateStateOFFLINE string = "OFFLINE" )
const ( // DpInfoItems0OsAndroid captures enum value "android" DpInfoItems0OsAndroid string = "android" // DpInfoItems0OsIos captures enum value "ios" DpInfoItems0OsIos string = "ios" // DpInfoItems0OsWeb captures enum value "web" DpInfoItems0OsWeb string = "web" )
const ( // HubHealthEventReasonNONE captures enum value "NONE" HubHealthEventReasonNONE string = "NONE" // HubHealthEventReasonDISCONNECTED captures enum value "DISCONNECTED" HubHealthEventReasonDISCONNECTED string = "DISCONNECTED" // HubHealthEventReasonINACTIVE captures enum value "INACTIVE" HubHealthEventReasonINACTIVE string = "INACTIVE" )
const ( // HubHealthEventStatusOFFLINE captures enum value "OFFLINE" HubHealthEventStatusOFFLINE string = "OFFLINE" // HubHealthEventStatusONLINE captures enum value "ONLINE" HubHealthEventStatusONLINE string = "ONLINE" // HubHealthEventStatusZWAVEOFFLINE captures enum value "ZWAVE_OFFLINE" HubHealthEventStatusZWAVEOFFLINE string = "ZWAVE_OFFLINE" // HubHealthEventStatusZWAVEONLINE captures enum value "ZWAVE_ONLINE" HubHealthEventStatusZWAVEONLINE string = "ZWAVE_ONLINE" // HubHealthEventStatusZIGBEEOFFLINE captures enum value "ZIGBEE_OFFLINE" HubHealthEventStatusZIGBEEOFFLINE string = "ZIGBEE_OFFLINE" // HubHealthEventStatusZIGBEEONLINE captures enum value "ZIGBEE_ONLINE" HubHealthEventStatusZIGBEEONLINE string = "ZIGBEE_ONLINE" // HubHealthEventStatusBLUETOOTHOFFLINE captures enum value "BLUETOOTH_OFFLINE" HubHealthEventStatusBLUETOOTHOFFLINE string = "BLUETOOTH_OFFLINE" // HubHealthEventStatusBLUETOOTHONLINE captures enum value "BLUETOOTH_ONLINE" HubHealthEventStatusBLUETOOTHONLINE string = "BLUETOOTH_ONLINE" )
const ( // InstalledAppPrincipalTypeLOCATION captures enum value "LOCATION" InstalledAppPrincipalTypeLOCATION string = "LOCATION" // InstalledAppPrincipalTypeUSERLEVEL captures enum value "USER_LEVEL" InstalledAppPrincipalTypeUSERLEVEL string = "USER_LEVEL" )
const ( // IsaResultsPartnerSTConnectionConnected captures enum value "connected" IsaResultsPartnerSTConnectionConnected string = "connected" // IsaResultsPartnerSTConnectionDisconnected captures enum value "disconnected" IsaResultsPartnerSTConnectionDisconnected string = "disconnected" )
const ( // MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0DisplayTypeSwitch captures enum value "switch" MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0DisplayTypeSwitch string = "switch" // MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0DisplayTypeSlider captures enum value "slider" MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0DisplayTypeSlider string = "slider" // MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0DisplayTypeList captures enum value "list" MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0DisplayTypeList string = "list" // MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0DisplayTypeTextField captures enum value "textField" MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0DisplayTypeTextField string = "textField" // MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0DisplayTypeNumberField captures enum value "numberField" MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0DisplayTypeNumberField string = "numberField" )
const ( // NamespaceOwnerTypeUser captures enum value "user" NamespaceOwnerTypeUser string = "user" // NamespaceOwnerTypeOrganization captures enum value "organization" NamespaceOwnerTypeOrganization string = "organization" // NamespaceOwnerTypeSystem captures enum value "system" NamespaceOwnerTypeSystem string = "system" )
const ( // OwnerOwnerTypeUSER captures enum value "USER" OwnerOwnerTypeUSER string = "USER" // OwnerOwnerTypeSYSTEM captures enum value "SYSTEM" OwnerOwnerTypeSYSTEM string = "SYSTEM" // OwnerOwnerTypeIMPLICIT captures enum value "IMPLICIT" OwnerOwnerTypeIMPLICIT string = "IMPLICIT" )
const ( // PatchItemOpAdd captures enum value "add" PatchItemOpAdd string = "add" // PatchItemOpReplace captures enum value "replace" PatchItemOpReplace string = "replace" // PatchItemOpRemove captures enum value "remove" PatchItemOpRemove string = "remove" )
const ( // SceneCapabilityStatusProposed captures enum value "proposed" SceneCapabilityStatusProposed string = "proposed" // SceneCapabilityStatusLive captures enum value "live" SceneCapabilityStatusLive string = "live" // SceneCapabilityStatusDeprecated captures enum value "deprecated" SceneCapabilityStatusDeprecated string = "deprecated" // SceneCapabilityStatusDead captures enum value "dead" SceneCapabilityStatusDead string = "dead" )
const ( // SceneSecurityModeRequestSecuritySetArmStay captures enum value "setArmStay" SceneSecurityModeRequestSecuritySetArmStay string = "setArmStay" // SceneSecurityModeRequestSecuritySetArmAway captures enum value "setArmAway" SceneSecurityModeRequestSecuritySetArmAway string = "setArmAway" // SceneSecurityModeRequestSecurityDisarm captures enum value "disarm" SceneSecurityModeRequestSecurityDisarm string = "disarm" )
const ( // SecurityArmStateEventArmStateUNKNOWN captures enum value "UNKNOWN" SecurityArmStateEventArmStateUNKNOWN string = "UNKNOWN" // SecurityArmStateEventArmStateARMEDSTAY captures enum value "ARMED_STAY" SecurityArmStateEventArmStateARMEDSTAY string = "ARMED_STAY" // SecurityArmStateEventArmStateARMEDAWAY captures enum value "ARMED_AWAY" SecurityArmStateEventArmStateARMEDAWAY string = "ARMED_AWAY" // SecurityArmStateEventArmStateDISARMED captures enum value "DISARMED" SecurityArmStateEventArmStateDISARMED string = "DISARMED" )
const ( // SimpleValueValueTypeNULLVALUE captures enum value "NULL_VALUE" SimpleValueValueTypeNULLVALUE string = "NULL_VALUE" // SimpleValueValueTypeINTVALUE captures enum value "INT_VALUE" SimpleValueValueTypeINTVALUE string = "INT_VALUE" // SimpleValueValueTypeDOUBLEVALUE captures enum value "DOUBLE_VALUE" SimpleValueValueTypeDOUBLEVALUE string = "DOUBLE_VALUE" // SimpleValueValueTypeSTRINGVALUE captures enum value "STRING_VALUE" SimpleValueValueTypeSTRINGVALUE string = "STRING_VALUE" // SimpleValueValueTypeBOOLEANVALUE captures enum value "BOOLEAN_VALUE" SimpleValueValueTypeBOOLEANVALUE string = "BOOLEAN_VALUE" )
const ( // WeatherDataConditionStateUNKNOWN captures enum value "UNKNOWN" WeatherDataConditionStateUNKNOWN string = "UNKNOWN" // WeatherDataConditionStateCLEAR captures enum value "CLEAR" WeatherDataConditionStateCLEAR string = "CLEAR" // WeatherDataConditionStateSNOW captures enum value "SNOW" WeatherDataConditionStateSNOW string = "SNOW" // WeatherDataConditionStateRAIN captures enum value "RAIN" WeatherDataConditionStateRAIN string = "RAIN" )
const ( // AttributePropertiesDataTypeObject captures enum value "object" AttributePropertiesDataTypeObject string = "object" )
const ( // AttributePropertiesUnitTypeString captures enum value "string" AttributePropertiesUnitTypeString string = "string" )
const ( // AttributeSchemaTypeObject captures enum value "object" AttributeSchemaTypeObject string = "object" )
const ( // StandardSuccessResponseStatusSuccess captures enum value "success" StandardSuccessResponseStatusSuccess string = "success" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Action ¶
type Action struct { // command Command *CommandAction `json:"command,omitempty"` // every Every *EveryAction `json:"every,omitempty"` // if If *IfAction `json:"if,omitempty"` // location Location *LocationAction `json:"location,omitempty"` // sleep Sleep *SleepAction `json:"sleep,omitempty"` }
Action action
swagger:model Action
func (*Action) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Action) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ActionExecutionResult ¶
type ActionExecutionResult struct { // action Id // Required: true ActionID *string `json:"actionId"` // command Command []*CommandActionExecutionResult `json:"command"` // if If *IfActionExecutionResult `json:"if,omitempty"` // location Location *LocationActionExecutionResult `json:"location,omitempty"` // sleep Sleep *SleepActionExecutionResult `json:"sleep,omitempty"` }
ActionExecutionResult The result of an action execution
swagger:model ActionExecutionResult
func (*ActionExecutionResult) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ActionExecutionResult) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ActionExecutionResult) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ActionExecutionResult) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ActionItem ¶
type ActionItem struct { // Specify the type of UI component to use to display this action or state. The corresponding field must also be included. For example, if you specify "switch" here, you must also include the "switch" key and its object definition for this action or state. // Required: true // Enum: [pushButton toggleSwitch switch standbyPowerSwitch playPause playStop] DisplayType *string `json:"displayType"` // group Group Group `json:"group,omitempty"` // play pause PlayPause *PlayPause `json:"playPause,omitempty"` // play stop PlayStop *PlayStop `json:"playStop,omitempty"` // push button PushButton *PushButton `json:"pushButton,omitempty"` // standby power switch StandbyPowerSwitch *StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard `json:"standbyPowerSwitch,omitempty"` // switch Switch *SwitchForDashboard `json:"switch,omitempty"` // toggle switch ToggleSwitch *ToggleSwitchForDashboard `json:"toggleSwitch,omitempty"` }
ActionItem action item
swagger:model actionItem
func (*ActionItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ActionItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ActionItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ActionItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ActionItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ActionItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ActionItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ActionItem) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ActionListItem ¶
type ActionListItem struct { AutomationAction // component Component Component `json:"component,omitempty"` // To exclude specified automation in `exclude` when this item is selected by the user. Exclusion []*ExcludedActionItem `json:"exclusion"` // visible condition VisibleCondition *VisibleCondition `json:"visibleCondition,omitempty"` }
ActionListItem action list item
swagger:model actionListItem
func (*ActionListItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ActionListItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ActionListItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ActionListItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ActionListItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ActionListItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ActionListItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ActionListItem) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ActionSequence ¶
type ActionSequence struct { // actions Actions Sequence `json:"actions,omitempty"` }
ActionSequence action sequence
swagger:model ActionSequence
func (*ActionSequence) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ActionSequence) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ActionSequence) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ActionSequence) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ActionsArrayItem ¶
type ActionsArrayItem struct { ActionItem CapabilityKey // component Component Component `json:"component,omitempty"` // visible condition VisibleCondition *VisibleCondition `json:"visibleCondition,omitempty"` }
ActionsArrayItem actions array item
swagger:model actionsArrayItem
func (*ActionsArrayItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ActionsArrayItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ActionsArrayItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ActionsArrayItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ActionsArrayItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ActionsArrayItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ActionsArrayItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ActionsArrayItem) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type AdhocMessage ¶
type AdhocMessage struct { // A map<string,string> with the key representing the variable name, and the value representing the verbiage // to be replaced in template string. `defaultVariables` will only be used if there are no matching locale-level // (template) variables for that key. // DefaultVariables map[string]string `json:"defaultVariables,omitempty"` // fallback locale // Required: true FallbackLocale LocaleTag `json:"fallbackLocale"` // A list of templates representing the same message in different languages. // Required: true // Max Items: 35 // Min Items: 1 Templates []*AdhocMessageTemplate `json:"templates"` }
AdhocMessage An adhoc message contains a list of message templates representing the same message in different locales. The system will serve the template with the locale that best matches the Recipient's language preferences. If the user's language preferences do not correlate to any message templates, the template defined by the `fallbackLocale` will be used. Variables from the template matching the locale of the Message will be assigned first, then `defaultVariables`.
swagger:model AdhocMessage
func (*AdhocMessage) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AdhocMessage) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AdhocMessage) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AdhocMessage) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AdhocMessageTemplate ¶
type AdhocMessageTemplate struct { // locale tag // Required: true LocaleTag LocaleTag `json:"localeTag"` // A message template string. Specify variables using the double curly braces convention. // i.e. "Hello, {{ firstName }}!" // // Required: true Template *string `json:"template"` // A map<string,string> with the key representing the variable name, and the value representing the verbiage // to be replaced in template string. // Variables map[string]string `json:"variables,omitempty"` }
AdhocMessageTemplate A message template definition, representing a message in a specific locale and it's variables.
swagger:model AdhocMessageTemplate
func (*AdhocMessageTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AdhocMessageTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AdhocMessageTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AdhocMessageTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AirQualityData ¶
type AirQualityData struct { // air quality index AirQualityIndex int64 `json:"airQualityIndex,omitempty"` // co amount in ugm3 CoAmountInUgm3 float64 `json:"coAmountInUgm3,omitempty"` // co index CoIndex int64 `json:"coIndex,omitempty"` // no2 amount in ugm3 No2AmountInUgm3 float64 `json:"no2AmountInUgm3,omitempty"` // no2 index No2Index int64 `json:"no2Index,omitempty"` // o3 amount in ugm3 O3AmountInUgm3 float64 `json:"o3AmountInUgm3,omitempty"` // o3 index O3Index int64 `json:"o3Index,omitempty"` // pm10 amount in ugm3 Pm10AmountInUgm3 float64 `json:"pm10AmountInUgm3,omitempty"` // pm10 index Pm10Index int64 `json:"pm10Index,omitempty"` // pm25 amount in ugm3 Pm25AmountInUgm3 float64 `json:"pm25AmountInUgm3,omitempty"` // pm25 index Pm25Index int64 `json:"pm25Index,omitempty"` // so2 amount in ugm3 So2AmountInUgm3 float64 `json:"so2AmountInUgm3,omitempty"` // so2 index So2Index int64 `json:"so2Index,omitempty"` }
AirQualityData Air quality data
swagger:model AirQualityData
func (*AirQualityData) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AirQualityData) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AirQualityData) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AirQualityData) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AlternativeItem ¶
type AlternativeItem struct { // Additional description for each value. This description is shown in detail view or automation under this particular key. Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // icon Url IconURL IconURL `json:"iconUrl,omitempty"` // The label string to be displayed when the 'key' is evaluated. // Required: true Key *string `json:"key"` // This shows the active or inactive state of the value. Active is shown in color, while inactive value is shown dimmed in the UI view. For example, Motion sensor capability would have `detected` as active and in color and `clear` as inactive and dimmed so that a user can see the `detected` event easily. // Enum: [inactive active] Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // The alternative string to be displayed when the `key` is selected. // Required: true Value *string `json:"value"` }
AlternativeItem alternative item
swagger:model alternativeItem
func (*AlternativeItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AlternativeItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AlternativeItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AlternativeItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Alternatives ¶
type Alternatives []*AlternativeItem
Alternatives A collection of strings that can replace the attribute value in the `label` or `value`. Must be human-readable for the UI client to display.
swagger:model alternatives
type App ¶
type App struct { // A globally unique identifier for an app. // Format: uuid AppID strfmt.UUID `json:"appId,omitempty"` // A user defined unique identifier for an app. It is alpha-numeric, may contain dashes, // underscores, periods, and be less then 250 characters long. It must be unique within your account. // AppName string `json:"appName,omitempty"` // app type AppType AppType `json:"appType,omitempty"` // An App maybe associated to many classifications. A classification drives how the integration is presented // to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients. These classifications include: // * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Automation" tab in mobile clients. // * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a "Service". // * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Device" tab in mobile clients. // * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Connected Services" menu in mobile clients. // * HIDDEN - Denotes an integration that should not display in mobile clients // Classifications []AppClassification `json:"classifications"` // A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String // Format: date-time CreatedDate strfmt.DateTime `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // A default description for an app. // // Max Length: 250 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // A default display name for an app. // // Max Length: 75 DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // icon image IconImage *IconImage `json:"iconImage,omitempty"` // System generated metadata that impacts eligibility requirements around installing an App. InstallMetadata map[string]string `json:"installMetadata,omitempty"` // lambda smart app LambdaSmartApp *LambdaSmartApp `json:"lambdaSmartApp,omitempty"` // A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String // Format: date-time LastUpdatedDate strfmt.DateTime `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // owner Owner *Owner `json:"owner,omitempty"` // principal type PrincipalType PrincipalType `json:"principalType,omitempty"` // Inform the installation systems that a particular app can only be installed once within a user's account. // SingleInstance *bool `json:"singleInstance,omitempty"` // ui UI *AppUISettings `json:"ui,omitempty"` // webhook smart app WebhookSmartApp *WebhookSmartApp `json:"webhookSmartApp,omitempty"` }
App app
swagger:model App
func (*App) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*App) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AppClassification ¶
type AppClassification string
AppClassification An App maybe associated to many classifications. A classification drives how the integration is presented to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients. These classifications include: * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Automation" tab in mobile clients. * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a "Service". * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Device" tab in mobile clients. * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Connected Services" menu in mobile clients. * HIDDEN - Denotes an integration that should not display in mobile clients
swagger:model AppClassification
const ( // AppClassificationAUTOMATION captures enum value "AUTOMATION" AppClassificationAUTOMATION AppClassification = "AUTOMATION" // AppClassificationSERVICE captures enum value "SERVICE" AppClassificationSERVICE AppClassification = "SERVICE" // AppClassificationDEVICE captures enum value "DEVICE" AppClassificationDEVICE AppClassification = "DEVICE" // AppClassificationCONNECTEDSERVICE captures enum value "CONNECTED_SERVICE" AppClassificationCONNECTEDSERVICE AppClassification = "CONNECTED_SERVICE" // AppClassificationHIDDEN captures enum value "HIDDEN" AppClassificationHIDDEN AppClassification = "HIDDEN" // AppClassificationLABS captures enum value "LABS" AppClassificationLABS AppClassification = "LABS" )
type AppDeviceDetails ¶
type AppDeviceDetails struct { // A field to store an ID from a system external to SmartThings. // Max Length: 64 ExternalID string `json:"externalId,omitempty"` // The ID of the installed app that integrates this device. InstalledAppID string `json:"installedAppId,omitempty"` // profile Profile *DeviceProfileReference `json:"profile,omitempty"` }
AppDeviceDetails app device details
swagger:model AppDeviceDetails
func (*AppDeviceDetails) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AppDeviceDetails) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AppDeviceDetails) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AppDeviceDetails) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AppOAuth ¶
type AppOAuth struct { // A name given to the OAuth Client. ClientName string `json:"clientName,omitempty"` // A list of redirect URIs. // Max Items: 10 // Min Items: 0 RedirectUris []strfmt.URI `json:"redirectUris"` // A list of SmartThings API OAuth scope identifiers that maybe required to execute your integration. Scope []string `json:"scope"` }
AppOAuth app o auth
swagger:model AppOAuth
func (*AppOAuth) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AppOAuth) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AppRegisterRequest ¶
type AppRegisterRequest interface{}
AppRegisterRequest Prepares to subscribe an endpoint by sending the endpoint a confirmation message
swagger:model AppRegisterRequest
type AppRegisterResponse ¶
type AppRegisterResponse interface{}
AppRegisterResponse A response object for successful app registration push.
swagger:model AppRegisterResponse
type AppTargetStatus ¶
type AppTargetStatus string
AppTargetStatus The registration status of a target url.
swagger:model AppTargetStatus
const ( // AppTargetStatusPENDING captures enum value "PENDING" AppTargetStatusPENDING AppTargetStatus = "PENDING" // AppTargetStatusCONFIRMED captures enum value "CONFIRMED" AppTargetStatusCONFIRMED AppTargetStatus = "CONFIRMED" )
type AppUISettings ¶
type AppUISettings struct { // dashboard cards enabled // Required: true DashboardCardsEnabled *bool `json:"dashboardCardsEnabled"` // plugin Id PluginID string `json:"pluginId,omitempty"` // plugin Uri // Format: uri PluginURI strfmt.URI `json:"pluginUri,omitempty"` // pre install dashboard cards enabled // Required: true PreInstallDashboardCardsEnabled *bool `json:"preInstallDashboardCardsEnabled"` }
AppUISettings A collection of settings to drive user interface in SmartThings clients. Currently, only applicable for LAMBDA_SMART_APP and WEBHOOK_SMART_APP app types.
swagger:model AppUISettings
func (*AppUISettings) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AppUISettings) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AppUISettings) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AppUISettings) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Argument ¶
type Argument struct { // A name that is unique within the command. Used for i18n and named argument command execution. // Required: true // Pattern: ^[[a-z]*([A-Z][a-z]*)*]{1,36}$ Name *string `json:"name"` // Whether or not the argument must be supplied. // If the argument is at the end of the arguments array then it can be completely ignored. // If the argument is followed by another argument `null` must be supplied. // Optional *bool `json:"optional,omitempty"` // [JSON schema]( for the argument. The API implements JSON schema version 4. For more info regarding JSON schema, please read [Understanding JSON Schema]( // // Required: true Schema interface{} `json:"schema"` }
Argument argument
swagger:model Argument
func (*Argument) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Argument) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ArgumentName ¶
type ArgumentName string
ArgumentName Argument name of a command
swagger:model argumentName
type ArgumentType ¶
type ArgumentType string
ArgumentType The data type of the `argument`. It's automatically filled from the given capability.
swagger:model argumentType
type ArrayOperand ¶
type ArrayOperand struct { // aggregation Aggregation OperandAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"` // operands // Required: true Operands []*Operand `json:"operands"` }
ArrayOperand array operand
swagger:model ArrayOperand
func (*ArrayOperand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ArrayOperand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ArrayOperand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ArrayOperand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AttributeProperties ¶
type AttributeProperties struct { // data Data *AttributePropertiesData `json:"data,omitempty"` // unit Unit *AttributePropertiesUnit `json:"unit,omitempty"` // value // Required: true Value *AttributePropertiesValue `json:"value"` }
AttributeProperties Data type and value properties used to describe the attribute.
swagger:model AttributeProperties
func (*AttributeProperties) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AttributeProperties) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AttributeProperties) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AttributeProperties) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AttributePropertiesData ¶
type AttributePropertiesData struct { // Indicates if properties not explicitly defined by the schema are allowed. Default is false. AdditionalProperties *bool `json:"additionalProperties,omitempty"` // Objects can be described in JSON schema for the `data` that should be stored on this attribute. Properties interface{} `json:"properties,omitempty"` // An array of the properties the `data` schema requires. Required []string `json:"required"` // The data type for the `data` schema is object. // Required: true // Enum: [object] Type *string `json:"type"` }
AttributePropertiesData Special case details may be desired to describe the attribute that may not be used the same as a value. Some examples are a timeout or a lock code.
swagger:model AttributePropertiesData
func (*AttributePropertiesData) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AttributePropertiesData) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AttributePropertiesData) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AttributePropertiesData) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AttributePropertiesUnit ¶
type AttributePropertiesUnit struct { // The default unit to be used for the attribute value. Default string `json:"default,omitempty"` // Array of all possible units for the attribute value. Enum []string `json:"enum"` // Data type for the unit. This is defined by capability schema as a `string`. // Enum: [string] Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
AttributePropertiesUnit The unit which describes the value of the attribute.
swagger:model AttributePropertiesUnit
func (*AttributePropertiesUnit) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AttributePropertiesUnit) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AttributePropertiesUnit) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AttributePropertiesUnit) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AttributePropertiesValue ¶
type AttributePropertiesValue struct { // Array of possible values or a `minimum:` `maximum:` can be defined for `integer` type. Enum []string `json:"enum"` // Data type of the attribute's value. Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // attribute properties value AttributePropertiesValue map[string]interface{} `json:"-"` }
AttributePropertiesValue Properties that describe the value of an attribute.
swagger:model AttributePropertiesValue
func (*AttributePropertiesValue) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AttributePropertiesValue) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (AttributePropertiesValue) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AttributePropertiesValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with additional properties into a JSON object
func (*AttributePropertiesValue) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AttributePropertiesValue) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AttributePropertiesValue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AttributePropertiesValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with additional properties from JSON
type AttributeSchema ¶
type AttributeSchema struct { // additional properties // Enum: [false] AdditionalProperties bool `json:"additionalProperties,omitempty"` // properties // Required: true Properties *AttributeProperties `json:"properties"` // Provide requirement for `value`, `unit`, and `data` fields. Required []string `json:"required"` // The capability's name, no spaces. Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` // For schema this will always be object and is the only allowed value. // Enum: [object] Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
AttributeSchema [JSON schema]( for the attribute. The API implements JSON schema version 4. For more info regarding JSON schema, please read [Understanding JSON Schema](
swagger:model AttributeSchema
func (*AttributeSchema) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AttributeSchema) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AttributeSchema) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AttributeSchema) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AttributeState ¶
type AttributeState struct { // data Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` // Will always be 0 timezone offset // Format: date-time Timestamp strfmt.DateTime `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // unit Unit string `json:"unit,omitempty"` // value Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
AttributeState attribute state
swagger:model AttributeState
func (*AttributeState) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AttributeState) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AttributeState) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AttributeState) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Automation ¶
type Automation struct { // To specify the actions of device control based on the device state in the automation view of SmartThings app. Actions []*ActionListItem `json:"actions"` // To specify the conditions of device state to trigger actions in the automation view of SmartThings app. Conditions []*AutomationListItem `json:"conditions"` }
Automation In the SmartThings app, you can build custom Automations to automatically trigger actions when certain condition regarding device's state is met.
swagger:model automation
func (*Automation) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *Automation) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Automation) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *Automation) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AutomationAction ¶
type AutomationAction struct { CapabilityKey // Specify the type of UI component to use to display this action or state. The corresponding field must also be included. For example, if you specify "switch" here, you must also include the "switch" key and its object definition for this action or state. // Required: true // Enum: [slider list textField numberField multiArgCommand] DisplayType *string `json:"displayType"` // The effect used to emphasize this resource widget. The default value is false. If the emphasis value is true and this object has alternatives, a list will appear without a label Emphasis bool `json:"emphasis,omitempty"` // label // Required: true Label *string `json:"label"` // list List *ListForAutomationAction `json:"list,omitempty"` // multi arg command MultiArgCommand *MultiArgCommand `json:"multiArgCommand,omitempty"` // number field NumberField *NumberFieldForAutomationAction `json:"numberField,omitempty"` // slider Slider *SliderForAutomationAction `json:"slider,omitempty"` // text field TextField *TextFieldForAutomationAction `json:"textField,omitempty"` }
AutomationAction automation action
swagger:model automationAction
func (*AutomationAction) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AutomationAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (AutomationAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AutomationAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*AutomationAction) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AutomationAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AutomationAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AutomationAction) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type AutomationCondition ¶
type AutomationCondition struct { CapabilityKey // Specify the type of UI component to use to display this action or state. The corresponding field must also be included. For example, if you specify "switch" here, you must also include the "switch" key and its object definition for this action or state. // Required: true // Enum: [slider list numberField textField] DisplayType *string `json:"displayType"` // The effect used to emphasize this resource widget. The default value is false. If the emphasis value is true and this object has alternatives, a list will appear without a label Emphasis bool `json:"emphasis,omitempty"` // label // Required: true Label *string `json:"label"` // list List *ListForAutomationCondition `json:"list,omitempty"` // number field NumberField *NumberFieldForAutomationCondition `json:"numberField,omitempty"` // slider Slider *SliderForAutomationCondition `json:"slider,omitempty"` // text field TextField *TextFieldForAutomationCondition `json:"textField,omitempty"` }
AutomationCondition automation condition
swagger:model automationCondition
func (*AutomationCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AutomationCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (AutomationCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AutomationCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*AutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AutomationCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AutomationCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type AutomationForCapability ¶
type AutomationForCapability struct { // To specify the actions of device control based on the device state in the automation view of SmartThings app. Actions []*AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0 `json:"actions"` // To specify the conditions of device state to trigger actions in the automation view of SmartThings app. Conditions []*AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0 `json:"conditions"` }
AutomationForCapability In the SmartThings app, you can build custom Automations to automatically trigger actions when certain condition regarding device state is met.
swagger:model automationForCapability
func (*AutomationForCapability) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AutomationForCapability) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AutomationForCapability) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AutomationForCapability) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0 ¶
type AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0 struct { // Specify the type of UI component to use to display this action or state. The corresponding field must also be included. For example, if you specify "switch" here, you must also include the "switch" key and its object definition for this action or state. // Required: true // Enum: [slider list numberField textField multiArgCommand] DisplayType *string `json:"displayType"` // The effect used to emphasize this resource widget. The default value is false. If the emphasis value is true and this object has alternatives, a list will appear without a label Emphasis bool `json:"emphasis,omitempty"` // label // Required: true Label *string `json:"label"` // list List *ListForAutomationAction `json:"list,omitempty"` // multi arg command MultiArgCommand *MultiArgCommand `json:"multiArgCommand,omitempty"` // number field NumberField *NumberFieldForAutomationAction `json:"numberField,omitempty"` // slider Slider *SliderForAutomationAction `json:"slider,omitempty"` // text field TextField *TextFieldForAutomationAction `json:"textField,omitempty"` }
AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0 automation for capability actions items0
swagger:model AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0
func (*AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AutomationForCapabilityActionsItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0 ¶
type AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0 struct { // Specify the type of UI component to use to display this action or state. The corresponding field must also be included. For example, if you specify "switch" here, you must also include the "switch" key and its object definition for this action or state. // Required: true // Enum: [slider list numberField textField] DisplayType *string `json:"displayType"` // The effect used to emphasize this resource widget. The default value is false. If the emphasis value is true and this object has alternatives, a list will appear without a label Emphasis bool `json:"emphasis,omitempty"` // label // Required: true Label *string `json:"label"` // list List *ListForAutomationCondition `json:"list,omitempty"` // number field NumberField *NumberFieldForAutomationCondition `json:"numberField,omitempty"` // slider Slider *SliderForAutomationCondition `json:"slider,omitempty"` // text field TextField *TextFieldForAutomationCondition `json:"textField,omitempty"` }
AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0 automation for capability conditions items0
swagger:model AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0
func (*AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AutomationForCapabilityConditionsItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AutomationListItem ¶
type AutomationListItem struct { AutomationCondition // component Component Component `json:"component,omitempty"` // To exclude specified automation in `exclude` when this item is selected by the user. Exclusion []*ExcludedConditionItem `json:"exclusion"` // visible condition VisibleCondition *VisibleCondition `json:"visibleCondition,omitempty"` }
AutomationListItem automation list item
swagger:model automationListItem
func (*AutomationListItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AutomationListItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (AutomationListItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AutomationListItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*AutomationListItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AutomationListItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AutomationListItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AutomationListItem) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type BasicPlusArrayItem ¶
type BasicPlusArrayItem struct { BasicPlusItem CapabilityKey // component Component Component `json:"component,omitempty"` }
BasicPlusArrayItem basic plus array item
swagger:model basicPlusArrayItem
func (*BasicPlusArrayItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *BasicPlusArrayItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (BasicPlusArrayItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m BasicPlusArrayItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*BasicPlusArrayItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *BasicPlusArrayItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*BasicPlusArrayItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *BasicPlusArrayItem) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type BasicPlusItem ¶
type BasicPlusItem struct { // Specify the type of UI component to use to display this action or state. The corresponding field must also be included. For example, if you specify "switch" here, you must also include the "switch" key and its object definition for this action or state. // Required: true // Enum: [stepper feature] DisplayType *string `json:"displayType"` // feature Feature Feature `json:"feature,omitempty"` // stepper Stepper *Stepper `json:"stepper,omitempty"` // visible condition VisibleCondition *VisibleCondition `json:"visibleCondition,omitempty"` }
BasicPlusItem To specify the function of the device using the extended area of the dashboard card.
swagger:model basicPlusItem
func (*BasicPlusItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *BasicPlusItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*BasicPlusItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *BasicPlusItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type BetweenCondition ¶
type BetweenCondition struct { // aggregation Aggregation ConditionAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"` // end // Required: true End *Operand `json:"end"` // start // Required: true Start *Operand `json:"start"` // value // Required: true Value *Operand `json:"value"` }
BetweenCondition between condition
swagger:model BetweenCondition
func (*BetweenCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *BetweenCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*BetweenCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *BetweenCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type BleD2DDeviceDetails ¶
type BleD2DDeviceDetails struct { // BLE Advertising Id. AdvertisingID string `json:"advertisingId,omitempty"` // Key for the decrypt. Cipher string `json:"cipher,omitempty"` // configuration Url ConfigurationURL string `json:"configurationUrl,omitempty"` // configuration version ConfigurationVersion string `json:"configurationVersion,omitempty"` // Security encryption key. EncryptionKey string `json:"encryptionKey,omitempty"` // Unique device identifier. Identifier string `json:"identifier,omitempty"` // metadata Metadata interface{} `json:"metadata,omitempty"` }
BleD2DDeviceDetails ble d2 d device details
swagger:model BleD2DDeviceDetails
func (*BleD2DDeviceDetails) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *BleD2DDeviceDetails) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*BleD2DDeviceDetails) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *BleD2DDeviceDetails) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type BleDeviceDetails ¶
type BleDeviceDetails interface{}
BleDeviceDetails ble device details
swagger:model BleDeviceDetails
type Capability ¶
type Capability struct { // A mapping of attribute names to their definitions. All attribute names are lower camelcase. Attributes map[string]CapabilityAttribute `json:"attributes,omitempty"` // A mapping of command names to their definitions. All command names are lower camelcase. Commands map[string]CapabilityCommand `json:"commands,omitempty"` // A URL safe unique identifier for the capability. // Required: true ID *string `json:"id"` // An alphanumeric English language name for the capability. // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // The status of the capability. // * __proposed__ - The capability is currently under development / in review. The capability definition may go through changes, some of which may currently not function properly. // * __live__ - The capability has been through review and the definition has been codified. Once a definition transitions from proposed to live, it cannot be altered. // * __deprecated__ - The capability is marked for removal in future versions. It should only be used during a short period of time to allow for existing integrations and automations to continue to work while the transition to a newer definition is made. // * __dead__ - A previously deprecated definition is now ready for removal. Usage of the deprecated definition had dropped to a sufficiently low enough level to warrant removal. The dead definition still exists but it can no longer be used or implemented by devices. // // Required: true // Enum: [proposed live deprecated dead] Status *string `json:"status"` // The version number of the capability. // Required: true Version *int64 `json:"version"` }
Capability capability
swagger:model Capability
func (*Capability) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *Capability) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Capability) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *Capability) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CapabilityAttribute ¶
type CapabilityAttribute struct { // a list of objects that specify which commands set this attribute EnumCommands []*CapabilityAttributeEnumCommandsItems0 `json:"enumCommands"` // schema Schema *AttributeSchema `json:"schema,omitempty"` // The name of the command that sets this attribute Setter string `json:"setter,omitempty"` }
CapabilityAttribute capability attribute
swagger:model CapabilityAttribute
func (*CapabilityAttribute) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityAttribute) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CapabilityAttribute) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityAttribute) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CapabilityAttributeEnumCommandsItems0 ¶
type CapabilityAttributeEnumCommandsItems0 struct { // the command that sets this attribute to the associated value // Required: true Command *string `json:"command"` // the value that this command will set the attribute to // Required: true Value *string `json:"value"` }
CapabilityAttributeEnumCommandsItems0 capability attribute enum commands items0
swagger:model CapabilityAttributeEnumCommandsItems0
func (*CapabilityAttributeEnumCommandsItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityAttributeEnumCommandsItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CapabilityAttributeEnumCommandsItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityAttributeEnumCommandsItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CapabilityCommand ¶
type CapabilityCommand struct { // An array of argument definitions. The arguments must be supplied in the order specified. Arguments []*Argument `json:"arguments"` // The name of the command. Unique for the capability // Required: true // Pattern: ^[[a-z]*([A-Z][a-z]*)*]{1,36}$ Name *string `json:"name"` }
CapabilityCommand capability command
swagger:model CapabilityCommand
func (*CapabilityCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CapabilityCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CapabilityKey ¶
type CapabilityKey struct { // capability // Required: true Capability *string `json:"capability"` // version Version Version `json:"version,omitempty"` }
CapabilityKey capability key
swagger:model capabilityKey
func (*CapabilityKey) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityKey) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CapabilityKey) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityKey) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CapabilityPresentation ¶
type CapabilityPresentation struct { // id ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` // version Version Version `json:"version,omitempty"` CapabilityPresentationForPUT }
CapabilityPresentation capability presentation
swagger:model capabilityPresentation
func (*CapabilityPresentation) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityPresentation) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (CapabilityPresentation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m CapabilityPresentation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*CapabilityPresentation) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityPresentation) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CapabilityPresentation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *CapabilityPresentation) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type CapabilityPresentationForPUT ¶
type CapabilityPresentationForPUT struct { // automation Automation *AutomationForCapability `json:"automation,omitempty"` // dashboard Dashboard *DashboardForCapability `json:"dashboard,omitempty"` // detail view DetailView DetailViewForCapability `json:"detailView,omitempty"` }
CapabilityPresentationForPUT The capability presentation describes how the capability will look in the app, what actions and states are shown, as well as how conditions and actions are expressed in an automation.
swagger:model capabilityPresentationForPUT
func (*CapabilityPresentationForPUT) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityPresentationForPUT) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CapabilityPresentationForPUT) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityPresentationForPUT) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CapabilityReference ¶
type CapabilityReference struct { // id // Required: true ID *string `json:"id"` // version Version int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` }
CapabilityReference capability reference
swagger:model CapabilityReference
func (*CapabilityReference) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityReference) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CapabilityReference) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityReference) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CapabilityStatus ¶
type CapabilityStatus map[string]AttributeState
CapabilityStatus A map of Attribute name to Attribute state.
swagger:model CapabilityStatus
type CapabilitySubscriptionDetail ¶
type CapabilitySubscriptionDetail struct { // Name of the capabilities attribute or * for all. // Max Length: 256 // Min Length: 1 Attribute string `json:"attribute,omitempty"` // Name of the capability that is subscribed to. // Required: true // Max Length: 128 // Min Length: 1 Capability *string `json:"capability"` // The id of the location that both the app and source device are in. // Required: true LocationID *string `json:"locationId"` // List of modes that the subscription will execute for. If not provided then all modes will be supported. Modes []string `json:"modes"` // Only execute the subscription if the subscribed event is a state change from previous events. StateChangeOnly *bool `json:"stateChangeOnly,omitempty"` // A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app. Must be unique per installed app. SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"` // A particular value for the attribute that will trigger the subscription or * for all. // Max Length: 256 Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
CapabilitySubscriptionDetail Details of a subscription of source type CAPABILITY. The combination of subscribed values must be unique per installed app.
swagger:model CapabilitySubscriptionDetail
func (*CapabilitySubscriptionDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilitySubscriptionDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CapabilitySubscriptionDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilitySubscriptionDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CapabilitySummary ¶
type CapabilitySummary struct { // A URL safe unique identifier for the capability. // Required: true ID *string `json:"id"` // The status of the capability. // * __proposed__ - The capability is under a review and refinement process. The capability definition may go through changes, some of which may be breaking. // * __live__ - The capability has been through review and the definition has been solidified. Live capabilities can no longer be altered. // * __deprecated__ - The capability is marked for removal and should only be used during a period of migration to allow for existing integrations and automations to continue to work. // * __dead__ - The usage of a deprecated capability has dropped to a sufficiently low level to warrant removal. The capability definition still exists but can no longer be used by automations or implemented by devices. // // Required: true // Enum: [proposed live deprecated dead] Status *string `json:"status"` // The version number of the capability. // Required: true Version *int64 `json:"version"` }
CapabilitySummary capability summary
swagger:model CapabilitySummary
func (*CapabilitySummary) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilitySummary) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CapabilitySummary) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilitySummary) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CapabilityValue ¶
type CapabilityValue struct { // A list of values supported among those defined in the capability alternatives. For instance, a device may not support `auto` for supported thermostat fan modes, so this field might be an array containing `on` and `off`. EnabledValues []string `json:"enabledValues"` // This can be either command name or attribute name. // Required: true Key *string `json:"key"` // range Range Range `json:"range,omitempty"` // step Step Step `json:"step,omitempty"` }
CapabilityValue capability value
swagger:model capabilityValue
func (*CapabilityValue) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityValue) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CapabilityValue) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CapabilityValue) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CommandAction ¶
type CommandAction struct { // commands // Required: true Commands []*DeviceCommand `json:"commands"` // devices // Required: true Devices []string `json:"devices"` // The sequence in which the commands are to be executed i.e. Serial or Parallel (default) Sequence *CommandSequence `json:"sequence,omitempty"` }
CommandAction command action
swagger:model CommandAction
func (*CommandAction) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CommandAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CommandAction) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CommandAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CommandActionExecutionResult ¶
type CommandActionExecutionResult struct { // Device ID for device actions // Required: true DeviceID *string `json:"deviceId"` // result // Required: true Result CommandExecutionResult `json:"result"` }
CommandActionExecutionResult The result of a command action execution
swagger:model CommandActionExecutionResult
func (*CommandActionExecutionResult) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CommandActionExecutionResult) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CommandActionExecutionResult) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CommandActionExecutionResult) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CommandArguments ¶
type CommandArguments string
CommandArguments command arguments
swagger:model CommandArguments
type CommandExecutionResult ¶
type CommandExecutionResult string
CommandExecutionResult command execution result
swagger:model CommandExecutionResult
const ( // CommandExecutionResultSuccess captures enum value "Success" CommandExecutionResultSuccess CommandExecutionResult = "Success" // CommandExecutionResultFailure captures enum value "Failure" CommandExecutionResultFailure CommandExecutionResult = "Failure" // CommandExecutionResultOffline captures enum value "Offline" CommandExecutionResultOffline CommandExecutionResult = "Offline" )
type CommandResult ¶
type CommandResult struct { // A UUID used for tracking the individual command. // Format: uuid ID strfmt.UUID `json:"id,omitempty"` // status Status CommandStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
CommandResult command result
swagger:model CommandResult
func (*CommandResult) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CommandResult) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CommandResult) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CommandResult) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CommandSequence ¶
type CommandSequence struct { // commands Commands Sequence `json:"commands,omitempty"` // devices Devices Sequence `json:"devices,omitempty"` }
CommandSequence command sequence
swagger:model CommandSequence
func (*CommandSequence) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CommandSequence) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CommandSequence) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CommandSequence) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CommandStatus ¶
type CommandStatus string
CommandStatus `ACCEPTED`: the command is processing but it's outcome is unknown `COMPLETED`: the command has successfully completed `FAILED`: the command has failed
swagger:model CommandStatus
const ( // CommandStatusACCEPTED captures enum value "ACCEPTED" CommandStatusACCEPTED CommandStatus = "ACCEPTED" // CommandStatusCOMPLETED captures enum value "COMPLETED" CommandStatusCOMPLETED CommandStatus = "COMPLETED" // CommandStatusFAILED captures enum value "FAILED" CommandStatusFAILED CommandStatus = "FAILED" )
type ComponentStatus ¶
type ComponentStatus map[string]CapabilityStatus
ComponentStatus A map of capabilityId to Capability status.
swagger:model ComponentStatus
type ComponentTranslations ¶
type ComponentTranslations struct { // UTF-8 text describing the component. // Max Length: 255 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Short UTF-8 text used when displaying the component. // Max Length: 25 Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` }
ComponentTranslations A map of i18n translations.
swagger:model ComponentTranslations
func (*ComponentTranslations) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ComponentTranslations) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ComponentTranslations) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ComponentTranslations) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Condition ¶
type Condition struct { // and And []*Condition `json:"and"` // between Between *BetweenCondition `json:"between,omitempty"` // equals Equals *EqualsCondition `json:"equals,omitempty"` // greater than GreaterThan *GreaterThanCondition `json:"greaterThan,omitempty"` // greater than or equals GreaterThanOrEquals *GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition `json:"greaterThanOrEquals,omitempty"` // less than LessThan *LessThanCondition `json:"lessThan,omitempty"` // less than or equals LessThanOrEquals *LessThanOrEqualsCondition `json:"lessThanOrEquals,omitempty"` // not Not *Condition `json:"not,omitempty"` // or Or []*Condition `json:"or"` }
Condition condition
swagger:model Condition
func (*Condition) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Condition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConditionAggregationMode ¶
type ConditionAggregationMode string
ConditionAggregationMode condition aggregation mode
swagger:model ConditionAggregationMode
const ( // ConditionAggregationModeAny captures enum value "Any" ConditionAggregationModeAny ConditionAggregationMode = "Any" // ConditionAggregationModeAll captures enum value "All" ConditionAggregationModeAll ConditionAggregationMode = "All" )
type ConfigEntries ¶
type ConfigEntries []*ConfigEntry
ConfigEntries A list of available configuration values.
swagger:model ConfigEntries
type ConfigEntry ¶
type ConfigEntry struct { // The config if valueType is DEVICE, meaningless otherwise DeviceConfig *DeviceConfig `json:"deviceConfig,omitempty"` // The config if valueType is MESSAGE, meaningless otherwise MessageConfig *MessageConfig `json:"messageConfig,omitempty"` // The config if valueType is MODE, meaningless otherwise ModeConfig *ModeConfig `json:"modeConfig,omitempty"` // The config if valueType is PERMISSION, meaningless otherwise PermissionConfig *PermissionConfig `json:"permissionConfig,omitempty"` // The config if valueType is SCENE, meaningless otherwise SceneConfig *SceneConfig `json:"sceneConfig,omitempty"` // The config if valueType is STRING, meaningless otherwise StringConfig *StringConfig `json:"stringConfig,omitempty"` // The value type. // Enum: [STRING DEVICE PERMISSION MODE SCENE MESSAGE] ValueType string `json:"valueType,omitempty"` }
ConfigEntry A configuration value type and the correspodning configuration.
swagger:model ConfigEntry
func (*ConfigEntry) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigEntry) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConfigEntry) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigEntry) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConfigMap ¶
type ConfigMap map[string]ConfigEntries
ConfigMap A multi-map of configurations for an Installed App. The map 'key' is the configuration name and the 'value' is an array of ConfigEntry models each containing a value and associated permissions. The config key is alpha-numeric, may contain dashes, underscores, periods, and must be less then 50 characters long.
swagger:model ConfigMap
type CreateAppRequest ¶
type CreateAppRequest struct { // A globally unique, developer-defined identifier for an app. It is alpha-numeric, may contain dashes, // underscores, periods, and must be less then 250 characters long. // // Required: true AppName *string `json:"appName"` // app type // Required: true AppType AppType `json:"appType"` // An App maybe associated to many classifications. A classification drives how the integration is presented // to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients. These classifications include: // * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Automation" tab in mobile clients. // * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a "Service". // * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Device" tab in mobile clients. // * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Connected Services" menu in mobile clients. // * HIDDEN - Denotes an integration that should not display in mobile clients // // Required: true Classifications []AppClassification `json:"classifications"` // A default description for an app. // // Required: true // Max Length: 250 Description *string `json:"description"` // A default display name for an app. // // Required: true // Max Length: 75 DisplayName *string `json:"displayName"` // icon image IconImage *IconImage `json:"iconImage,omitempty"` // lambda smart app LambdaSmartApp *CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest `json:"lambdaSmartApp,omitempty"` // oauth Oauth *AppOAuth `json:"oauth,omitempty"` // principal type PrincipalType PrincipalType `json:"principalType,omitempty"` // Inform the installation systems that a particular app can only be installed once within a user's account. // SingleInstance *bool `json:"singleInstance,omitempty"` // ui UI *AppUISettings `json:"ui,omitempty"` // webhook smart app WebhookSmartApp *CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest `json:"webhookSmartApp,omitempty"` }
CreateAppRequest create app request
swagger:model CreateAppRequest
func (*CreateAppRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateAppRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateAppRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateAppRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateAppResponse ¶
type CreateAppResponse struct { // app App *App `json:"app,omitempty"` // The OAuth Client ID. // Format: uuid OauthClientID strfmt.UUID `json:"oauthClientId,omitempty"` // The OAuth Client Secret. // Format: uuid OauthClientSecret strfmt.UUID `json:"oauthClientSecret,omitempty"` }
CreateAppResponse A response object containing the newly created App and OAuth client details.
swagger:model CreateAppResponse
func (*CreateAppResponse) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateAppResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateAppResponse) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateAppResponse) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest ¶
type CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest struct { CapabilityPresentationForPUT // id // Required: true ID *string `json:"id"` // version // Required: true Version Version `json:"version"` }
CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest create capability presentation request
swagger:model CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest
func (*CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *CreateCapabilityPresentationRequest) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type CreateCapabilityRequest ¶
type CreateCapabilityRequest struct { // A mapping of attribute names to their definitions. All attribute names are lower camelcase. Required if no commands are specified. Attributes map[string]CapabilityAttribute `json:"attributes,omitempty"` // A mapping of command names to their definitions. All command names are lower camelcase. Required if no attributes are specified. Commands map[string]CapabilityCommand `json:"commands,omitempty"` // An alphanumeric English language name for the capability. // Required: true // Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9 ]{1,35}$ Name *string `json:"name"` }
CreateCapabilityRequest create capability request
swagger:model CreateCapabilityRequest
func (*CreateCapabilityRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateCapabilityRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateCapabilityRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateCapabilityRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateDeviceConfigRequest ¶
type CreateDeviceConfigRequest struct { // automation Automation *CreateDeviceConfigRequestAutomation `json:"automation,omitempty"` // dashboard Dashboard *CreateDeviceConfigRequestDashboard `json:"dashboard,omitempty"` // detail view DetailView []*DeviceConfigEntry `json:"detailView"` // icon Url IconURL IconURL `json:"iconUrl,omitempty"` // type // Enum: [dth profile] Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
CreateDeviceConfigRequest create device config request
swagger:model CreateDeviceConfigRequest
func (*CreateDeviceConfigRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateDeviceConfigRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateDeviceConfigRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateDeviceConfigRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateDeviceConfigRequestAutomation ¶
type CreateDeviceConfigRequestAutomation struct { // actions Actions []*DeviceConfigEntry `json:"actions"` // conditions Conditions []*DeviceConfigEntry `json:"conditions"` }
CreateDeviceConfigRequestAutomation create device config request automation
swagger:model CreateDeviceConfigRequestAutomation
func (*CreateDeviceConfigRequestAutomation) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateDeviceConfigRequestAutomation) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateDeviceConfigRequestAutomation) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateDeviceConfigRequestAutomation) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateDeviceConfigRequestDashboard ¶
type CreateDeviceConfigRequestDashboard struct { // actions Actions []*DeviceConfigEntry `json:"actions"` // states States []*DeviceConfigEntry `json:"states"` }
CreateDeviceConfigRequestDashboard create device config request dashboard
swagger:model CreateDeviceConfigRequestDashboard
func (*CreateDeviceConfigRequestDashboard) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateDeviceConfigRequestDashboard) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateDeviceConfigRequestDashboard) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateDeviceConfigRequestDashboard) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateDeviceEventsResponse ¶
type CreateDeviceEventsResponse interface{}
CreateDeviceEventsResponse create device events response
swagger:model CreateDeviceEventsResponse
type CreateDeviceProfileRequest ¶
type CreateDeviceProfileRequest struct { // A list of components for this profile. Exactly 1 component ID must be `main`. // Required: true // Max Items: 20 // Min Items: 1 Components []*DeviceComponentReference `json:"components"` // metadata Metadata DeviceProfileMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // A name for the device profile. // Required: true // Max Length: 100 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` }
CreateDeviceProfileRequest create device profile request
swagger:model CreateDeviceProfileRequest
func (*CreateDeviceProfileRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateDeviceProfileRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateDeviceProfileRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateDeviceProfileRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest ¶
type CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest struct { // An array of smartapp dashboard card events used to trigger client behavior for dashboard cards. // Dashboard card events are directives to a SmartThings client to take actions in relation to lifecycle changes // to a specific dashboard card. These events are not delivered to the web plugin event handler. // // Max Items: 8 // Min Items: 1 SmartAppDashboardCardEvents []*SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest `json:"smartAppDashboardCardEvents"` // An array of smartapp events used to trigger client behavior in loaded web plugin detail pages. Events will // be delivered to JavaScript event handler of all active client processes related to parameterized installed app. // // Max Items: 8 // Min Items: 1 SmartAppEvents []*SmartAppEventRequest `json:"smartAppEvents"` }
CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest create installed app events request
swagger:model CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest
func (*CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateInstalledAppEventsResponse ¶
type CreateInstalledAppEventsResponse interface{}
CreateInstalledAppEventsResponse create installed app events response
swagger:model CreateInstalledAppEventsResponse
type CreateLocationRequest ¶
type CreateLocationRequest struct { // Additional information about the location that allows SmartThings to further define your location. AdditionalProperties map[string]string `json:"additionalProperties,omitempty"` // An ISO Alpha-3 country code. (i.e. GBR, USA) // Required: true CountryCode *string `json:"countryCode"` // A geographical latitude. Latitude float64 `json:"latitude,omitempty"` // An IETF BCP 47 language tag representing the chosen locale for this location. Locale string `json:"locale,omitempty"` // A geographical longitude. Longitude float64 `json:"longitude,omitempty"` // A nickname given for the location (eg. Home) // Required: true // Max Length: 40 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // parent Parent *LocationParent `json:"parent,omitempty"` // The radius in meters around latitude and longitude which defines this location. RegionRadius int64 `json:"regionRadius,omitempty"` // The desired temperature scale used within location. Value can be F or C. TemperatureScale string `json:"temperatureScale,omitempty"` }
CreateLocationRequest create location request
swagger:model CreateLocationRequest
func (*CreateLocationRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateLocationRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateLocationRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateLocationRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest ¶
type CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest struct { // A list of AWS arns referencing a Lambda function. // Required: true Functions []string `json:"functions"` }
CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest Details related to a Lambda Smart App implementation. This model should only be specified for apps of type LAMBDA_SMART_APP.
swagger:model CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest
func (*CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest ¶
type CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest struct { // A URL that should be invoked during execution. // Required: true TargetURL *string `json:"targetUrl"` }
CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest Details related to a Webhook Smart App implementation. This model should only be specified for apps of type WEBHOOK_SMART_APP.
swagger:model CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest
func (*CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateRoomRequest ¶
type CreateRoomRequest struct { // A name given for the room (eg. Living Room) // Required: true // Max Length: 40 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` }
CreateRoomRequest create room request
swagger:model CreateRoomRequest
func (*CreateRoomRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateRoomRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateRoomRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateRoomRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CronSchedule ¶
type CronSchedule struct { // The cron expression for the schedule for CRON schedules. // The format matches that specified by the [Quartz scheduler]( but should not include the seconds (1st) // field. The exact second will be chosen at random but will remain consistent. The years part must be les than 2 years from now. // // Required: true // Max Length: 256 Expression *string `json:"expression"` // The timezone id for CRON schedules. // Required: true Timezone *string `json:"timezone"` }
CronSchedule cron schedule
swagger:model CronSchedule
func (*CronSchedule) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CronSchedule) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CronSchedule) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CronSchedule) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Dashboard ¶
type Dashboard struct { // actions Actions []*ActionsArrayItem `json:"actions"` // basic plus BasicPlus []*BasicPlusArrayItem `json:"basicPlus"` // states States []*StatesArrayItem `json:"states"` }
Dashboard dashboard
swagger:model dashboard
func (*Dashboard) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Dashboard) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DashboardCardLifecycle ¶
type DashboardCardLifecycle string
DashboardCardLifecycle dashboard card lifecycle
swagger:model DashboardCardLifecycle
const ( // DashboardCardLifecycleUPDATE captures enum value "UPDATE" DashboardCardLifecycleUPDATE DashboardCardLifecycle = "UPDATE" // DashboardCardLifecycleDELETE captures enum value "DELETE" DashboardCardLifecycleDELETE DashboardCardLifecycle = "DELETE" )
type DashboardForCapability ¶
type DashboardForCapability struct { // actions Actions []*DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0 `json:"actions"` // basic plus BasicPlus []*BasicPlusItem `json:"basicPlus"` // states States []*DashboardForCapabilityStatesItems0 `json:"states"` }
DashboardForCapability The dashboard is the main view in the SmartThings app that shows a list of devices and their state.
swagger:model dashboardForCapability
func (*DashboardForCapability) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DashboardForCapability) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DashboardForCapability) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DashboardForCapability) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0 ¶
type DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0 struct { // Specify the type of UI component to use to display this action or state. The corresponding field must also be included. For example, if you specify "switch" here, you must also include the "switch" key and its object definition for this action or state. // Required: true // Enum: [pushButton toggleSwitch switch standbyPowerSwitch playPause playStop] DisplayType *string `json:"displayType"` // group Group Group `json:"group,omitempty"` // play pause PlayPause *PlayPause `json:"playPause,omitempty"` // play stop PlayStop *PlayStop `json:"playStop,omitempty"` // push button PushButton *PushButton `json:"pushButton,omitempty"` // standby power switch StandbyPowerSwitch *StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard `json:"standbyPowerSwitch,omitempty"` // switch Switch *SwitchForDashboard `json:"switch,omitempty"` // toggle switch ToggleSwitch *ToggleSwitchForDashboard `json:"toggleSwitch,omitempty"` }
DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0 dashboard for capability actions items0
swagger:model DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0
func (*DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DashboardForCapabilityActionsItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DashboardForCapabilityStatesItems0 ¶
type DashboardForCapabilityStatesItems0 struct { // alternatives Alternatives interface{} `json:"alternatives,omitempty"` // group Group Group `json:"group,omitempty"` // label // Required: true Label FormattedLabel `json:"label"` }
DashboardForCapabilityStatesItems0 dashboard for capability states items0
swagger:model DashboardForCapabilityStatesItems0
func (*DashboardForCapabilityStatesItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DashboardForCapabilityStatesItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DashboardForCapabilityStatesItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DashboardForCapabilityStatesItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DateOperand ¶
type DateOperand struct { // day // Maximum: 31 // Minimum: 1 Day int32 `json:"day,omitempty"` // days of week DaysOfWeek []DayOfWeek `json:"daysOfWeek"` // month // Maximum: 12 // Minimum: 1 Month int32 `json:"month,omitempty"` // reference Reference DateReference `json:"reference,omitempty"` // A java time zone ID reference TimeZoneID string `json:"timeZoneId,omitempty"` // year Year int32 `json:"year,omitempty"` }
DateOperand date operand
swagger:model DateOperand
func (*DateOperand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DateOperand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DateOperand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DateOperand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DateReference ¶
type DateReference string
DateReference date reference
swagger:model DateReference
const ( // DateReferenceToday captures enum value "Today" DateReferenceToday DateReference = "Today" )
type DateTimeOperand ¶
type DateTimeOperand struct { // day // Maximum: 31 // Minimum: 1 Day int32 `json:"day,omitempty"` // days of week DaysOfWeek []DayOfWeek `json:"daysOfWeek"` // month // Maximum: 12 // Minimum: 1 Month int32 `json:"month,omitempty"` // offset Offset *Interval `json:"offset,omitempty"` // reference // Required: true Reference TimeReference `json:"reference"` // A java time zone ID reference TimeZoneID string `json:"timeZoneId,omitempty"` // year Year int32 `json:"year,omitempty"` }
DateTimeOperand date time operand
swagger:model DateTimeOperand
func (*DateTimeOperand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DateTimeOperand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DateTimeOperand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DateTimeOperand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DayOfWeek ¶
type DayOfWeek string
DayOfWeek day of week
swagger:model DayOfWeek
const ( // DayOfWeekSun captures enum value "Sun" DayOfWeekSun DayOfWeek = "Sun" // DayOfWeekMon captures enum value "Mon" DayOfWeekMon DayOfWeek = "Mon" // DayOfWeekTue captures enum value "Tue" DayOfWeekTue DayOfWeek = "Tue" // DayOfWeekWed captures enum value "Wed" DayOfWeekWed DayOfWeek = "Wed" // DayOfWeekThu captures enum value "Thu" DayOfWeekThu DayOfWeek = "Thu" // DayOfWeekFri captures enum value "Fri" DayOfWeekFri DayOfWeek = "Fri" // DayOfWeekSat captures enum value "Sat" DayOfWeekSat DayOfWeek = "Sat" )
type DeleteAppResponse ¶
type DeleteAppResponse interface{}
DeleteAppResponse An empty object 200 response.
swagger:model DeleteAppResponse
type DeleteDeviceCommandsResponse ¶
type DeleteDeviceCommandsResponse interface{}
DeleteDeviceCommandsResponse delete device commands response
swagger:model DeleteDeviceCommandsResponse
type DeleteDeviceProfileResponse ¶
type DeleteDeviceProfileResponse interface{}
DeleteDeviceProfileResponse delete device profile response
swagger:model DeleteDeviceProfileResponse
type DeleteInstalledAppResponse ¶
type DeleteInstalledAppResponse struct { // count Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` }
DeleteInstalledAppResponse The number of deleted installed apps.
swagger:model DeleteInstalledAppResponse
func (*DeleteInstalledAppResponse) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeleteInstalledAppResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeleteInstalledAppResponse) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeleteInstalledAppResponse) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeleteLocationResponse ¶
type DeleteLocationResponse interface{}
DeleteLocationResponse An empty object response.
swagger:model DeleteLocationResponse
type DeleteNamespaceResponse ¶
type DeleteNamespaceResponse interface{}
DeleteNamespaceResponse delete namespace response
swagger:model DeleteNamespaceResponse
type DeleteRoomResponse ¶
type DeleteRoomResponse interface{}
DeleteRoomResponse An empty object response.
swagger:model DeleteRoomResponse
type DeleteScheduleResponse ¶
type DeleteScheduleResponse interface{}
DeleteScheduleResponse Delete schedule response
swagger:model DeleteScheduleResponse
type DetailView ¶
type DetailView []*DetailViewListItem
DetailView detail view
swagger:model detailView
type DetailViewForCapability ¶
type DetailViewForCapability []*DetailViewForCapabilityItems0
DetailViewForCapability detail view for capability
swagger:model detailViewForCapability
type DetailViewForCapabilityItems0 ¶
type DetailViewForCapabilityItems0 struct { // Specify the type of UI component to use to display this action or state. The corresponding field must also be included. For example, if you specify "switch" here, you must also include the "switch" key and its object definition for this action or state. // Required: true // Enum: [toggleSwitch standbyPowerSwitch switch slider pushButton playPause playStop list textField numberField stepper state] DisplayType *string `json:"displayType"` // label // Required: true Label *string `json:"label"` // list List *ListForDetailView `json:"list,omitempty"` // number field NumberField *NumberField `json:"numberField,omitempty"` // play pause PlayPause *PlayPause `json:"playPause,omitempty"` // play stop PlayStop *PlayStop `json:"playStop,omitempty"` // push button PushButton *PushButton `json:"pushButton,omitempty"` // slider Slider *Slider `json:"slider,omitempty"` // standby power switch StandbyPowerSwitch *StandbyPowerSwitch `json:"standbyPowerSwitch,omitempty"` // state State *State `json:"state,omitempty"` // stepper Stepper *Stepper `json:"stepper,omitempty"` // switch Switch *Switch `json:"switch,omitempty"` // text field TextField *TextField `json:"textField,omitempty"` // toggle switch ToggleSwitch *ToggleSwitch `json:"toggleSwitch,omitempty"` }
DetailViewForCapabilityItems0 detail view for capability items0
swagger:model DetailViewForCapabilityItems0
func (*DetailViewForCapabilityItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailViewForCapabilityItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailViewForCapabilityItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailViewForCapabilityItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailViewItem ¶
type DetailViewItem struct { CapabilityKey // Specify the type of UI component to use to display this action or state. The corresponding field must also be included. For example, if you specify "switch" here, you must also include the "switch" key and its object definition for this action or state. // Required: true // Enum: [toggleSwitch standbyPowerSwitch switch slider pushButton playPause playStop list textField numberField stepper state multiArgCommand] DisplayType *string `json:"displayType"` // label // Required: true Label *string `json:"label"` // list List *ListForDetailView `json:"list,omitempty"` // multi arg command MultiArgCommand *MultiArgCommand `json:"multiArgCommand,omitempty"` // number field NumberField *NumberField `json:"numberField,omitempty"` // play pause PlayPause *PlayPause `json:"playPause,omitempty"` // play stop PlayStop *PlayStop `json:"playStop,omitempty"` // push button PushButton *PushButton `json:"pushButton,omitempty"` // slider Slider *Slider `json:"slider,omitempty"` // standby power switch StandbyPowerSwitch *StandbyPowerSwitch `json:"standbyPowerSwitch,omitempty"` // state State *State `json:"state,omitempty"` // stepper Stepper *Stepper `json:"stepper,omitempty"` // switch Switch *Switch `json:"switch,omitempty"` // text field TextField *TextField `json:"textField,omitempty"` // toggle switch ToggleSwitch *ToggleSwitch `json:"toggleSwitch,omitempty"` }
DetailViewItem detail view item
swagger:model detailViewItem
func (*DetailViewItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailViewItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (DetailViewItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DetailViewItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*DetailViewItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailViewItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailViewItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *DetailViewItem) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type DetailViewListItem ¶
type DetailViewListItem struct { DetailViewItem // component Component Component `json:"component,omitempty"` // visible condition VisibleCondition *VisibleCondition `json:"visibleCondition,omitempty"` }
DetailViewListItem detail view list item
swagger:model detailViewListItem
func (*DetailViewListItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailViewListItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (DetailViewListItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m DetailViewListItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*DetailViewListItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailViewListItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailViewListItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *DetailViewListItem) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type Device ¶
type Device struct { // Device Profile information for the SmartApp. This field will be empty if device type is not ENDPOINT_APP. App *AppDeviceDetails `json:"app,omitempty"` // Bluetooth device information. This field will be empty if device type is not BLE. Ble BleDeviceDetails `json:"ble,omitempty"` // Bluetooth device to device information. This field will be empty if device type is not BLE_D2D. BleD2D *BleD2DDeviceDetails `json:"bleD2D,omitempty"` // Device details for all child devices of the device. ChildDevices []*Device `json:"childDevices"` // The IDs of all compenents on the device. Components []*DeviceComponent `json:"components"` // The identifier for the device instance. // Required: true DeviceID *string `json:"deviceId"` // The device manufacturer code. DeviceManufacturerCode string `json:"deviceManufacturerCode,omitempty"` // Deprecated please look under "dth". DeviceNetworkType string `json:"deviceNetworkType,omitempty"` // Deprecated please look under "dth". DeviceTypeID string `json:"deviceTypeId,omitempty"` // Deprecated please look under "dth". DeviceTypeName string `json:"deviceTypeName,omitempty"` // Device Profile information for DTH. This field will be empty if device type is not DTH. Dth *DthDeviceDetails `json:"dth,omitempty"` // IR device information. This field will be empty if device type is not IR. Ir *IrDeviceDetails `json:"ir,omitempty"` // IR_OCF device information. This field will be empty if device type is not IR_OCF. IrOcf *IrDeviceDetails `json:"irOcf,omitempty"` // The name that a user chooses for the device. This defaults to the same value as name. Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // The ID of the Location with which the device is associated. LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // The device manufacturer name. // Required: true ManufacturerName *string `json:"manufacturerName"` // The name that the device integration (Device Handler or SmartApp) defines for the device. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The identifier for the owner of the device instance. OwnerID string `json:"ownerId,omitempty"` // An non-unique id that is used to help drive UI information. // Required: true PresentationID *string `json:"presentationId"` // profile Profile *DeviceProfileReference `json:"profile,omitempty"` // Restriction tier of the device, if any. // Required: true RestrictionTier *int64 `json:"restrictionTier"` // The ID of the Room with which the device is associated. If the device is not associated with any room, then this field will be null. RoomID string `json:"roomId,omitempty"` // type // Required: true Type DeviceIntegrationType `json:"type"` // Viper device information. This field will be empty if device type is not VIPER. Viper *ViperDeviceDetails `json:"viper,omitempty"` }
Device device
swagger:model Device
func (*Device) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Device) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceActivity ¶
type DeviceActivity struct { // attribute name Attribute string `json:"attribute,omitempty"` // capability name Capability string `json:"capability,omitempty"` // device component ID. Not nullable. // Required: true Component *string `json:"component"` // device component label. Nullable. ComponentLabel string `json:"componentLabel,omitempty"` // data Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` // Device ID DeviceID string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"` // Device nick name DeviceName string `json:"deviceName,omitempty"` // Location ID LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // Location name LocationName string `json:"locationName,omitempty"` // Translated human readable string (localized) Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` // The IS0-8601 date time strings in UTC of the activity // Format: date-time Time strfmt.DateTime `json:"time,omitempty"` // translated attribute name based on 'Accept-Language' requested in header TranslatedAttributeName string `json:"translatedAttributeName,omitempty"` // translated attribute value based on 'Accept-Language' requested in header TranslatedAttributeValue string `json:"translatedAttributeValue,omitempty"` // unit Unit string `json:"unit,omitempty"` // attribute value Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
DeviceActivity device activity
swagger:model DeviceActivity
func (*DeviceActivity) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceActivity) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceActivity) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceActivity) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceCategory ¶
type DeviceCategory struct { // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` }
DeviceCategory A case-sensitive string from the pre-defined list of valid categories [/devicecategories](#/operation/listCategories).
swagger:model DeviceCategory
func (*DeviceCategory) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceCategory) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceCategory) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceCategory) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceCommand ¶
type DeviceCommand struct { // Arguments of the command. // All the required arguments defined in the capability's command argument definition must be provided. // The type of the arguments are dependent on the type of the capability's command argument. // Please refer to the capabilities definition at // Arguments []interface{} `json:"arguments"` // Capability that this command relates to. This must be a capability of the component. // Required: true Capability *string `json:"capability"` // Name of the command, this must be valid for the capability. // Required: true Command *string `json:"command"` // The name of the component on this device, default is 'main'. The component must be valid for the device. Component *string `json:"component,omitempty"` }
DeviceCommand device command
swagger:model DeviceCommand
func (*DeviceCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceCommandsEvent ¶
type DeviceCommandsEvent struct { // commands Commands []*DeviceCommandsEventCommand `json:"commands"` // The guid of the device that the commands are for. DeviceID string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"` // The id of the event. EventID string `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The external ID that was set during install of a device. ExternalID string `json:"externalId,omitempty"` // The device profile ID of the device instance. ProfileID string `json:"profileId,omitempty"` }
DeviceCommandsEvent An event that contains commands for devices that were created by this app.
swagger:model DeviceCommandsEvent
func (*DeviceCommandsEvent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceCommandsEvent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceCommandsEvent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceCommandsEvent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceCommandsEventCommand ¶
type DeviceCommandsEventCommand struct { // arguments Arguments []interface{} `json:"arguments"` // capability Capability string `json:"capability,omitempty"` // command Command string `json:"command,omitempty"` // component Id ComponentID string `json:"componentId,omitempty"` }
DeviceCommandsEventCommand device commands event command
swagger:model DeviceCommandsEventCommand
func (*DeviceCommandsEventCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceCommandsEventCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceCommandsEventCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceCommandsEventCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceCommandsRequest ¶
type DeviceCommandsRequest struct { // An array of commands to execute on the Device. Commands []*DeviceCommand `json:"commands"` }
DeviceCommandsRequest device commands request
swagger:model DeviceCommandsRequest
func (*DeviceCommandsRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceCommandsRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceCommandsRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceCommandsRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceCommandsResponse ¶
type DeviceCommandsResponse struct { // results Results []*CommandResult `json:"results"` }
DeviceCommandsResponse device commands response
swagger:model DeviceCommandsResponse
func (*DeviceCommandsResponse) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceCommandsResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceCommandsResponse) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceCommandsResponse) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceComponent ¶
type DeviceComponent struct { // capabilities // Required: true Capabilities []*CapabilityReference `json:"capabilities"` // categories // Required: true Categories []*DeviceCategory `json:"categories"` // id // Required: true ID *string `json:"id"` // UTF-8 label for the component. Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` }
DeviceComponent device component
swagger:model DeviceComponent
func (*DeviceComponent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceComponent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceComponent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceComponent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceComponentReference ¶
type DeviceComponentReference struct { // A list of `[ 1..20 ]` capabilities for this component. // Required: true // Max Items: 20 // Min Items: 1 Capabilities []*CapabilityReference `json:"capabilities"` // categories Categories []*DeviceCategory `json:"categories"` // id // Required: true ID *string `json:"id"` }
DeviceComponentReference device component reference
swagger:model DeviceComponentReference
func (*DeviceComponentReference) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceComponentReference) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceComponentReference) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceComponentReference) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceConfig ¶
type DeviceConfig struct { // The component ID on the device. ComponentID string `json:"componentId,omitempty"` // The ID of the device. DeviceID string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"` // permissions // Max Items: 25 Permissions []string `json:"permissions"` }
DeviceConfig A device and component configuration with any required permissions.
swagger:model DeviceConfig
func (*DeviceConfig) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceConfig) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceConfig) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceConfig) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceConfigEntry ¶
type DeviceConfigEntry struct { // capability // Required: true Capability *string `json:"capability"` // component // Required: true Component *string `json:"component"` // A format which is applied some operations(add / replace / remove) from the rfc6902( Please note that array in the patch is sequentially processed. Patch []*PatchItem `json:"patch"` // A list of valid values for the command argument or attribute that can override those defined by the alternatives provided in the capability presentation. Values []*CapabilityValue `json:"values"` // version Version Version `json:"version,omitempty"` // visible condition VisibleCondition *VisibleCondition `json:"visibleCondition,omitempty"` }
DeviceConfigEntry device config entry
swagger:model deviceConfigEntry
func (*DeviceConfigEntry) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceConfigEntry) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceConfigEntry) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceConfigEntry) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceConfiguration ¶
type DeviceConfiguration struct { // automation Automation *DeviceConfigurationAutomation `json:"automation,omitempty"` // dashboard Dashboard *DeviceConfigurationDashboard `json:"dashboard,omitempty"` // detail view DetailView []*DeviceConfigEntry `json:"detailView"` // dp info DpInfo DpInfo `json:"dpInfo,omitempty"` // icon Url IconURL IconURL `json:"iconUrl,omitempty"` // mnmn // Required: true Mnmn Mnmn `json:"mnmn"` // type // Enum: [dth profile] Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // vid // Required: true Vid Vid `json:"vid"` }
DeviceConfiguration device configuration
swagger:model deviceConfiguration
func (*DeviceConfiguration) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceConfiguration) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceConfiguration) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceConfiguration) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceConfigurationAutomation ¶
type DeviceConfigurationAutomation struct { // actions Actions []*ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry `json:"actions"` // conditions Conditions []*ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry `json:"conditions"` }
DeviceConfigurationAutomation device configuration automation
swagger:model DeviceConfigurationAutomation
func (*DeviceConfigurationAutomation) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceConfigurationAutomation) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceConfigurationAutomation) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceConfigurationAutomation) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceConfigurationDashboard ¶
type DeviceConfigurationDashboard struct { // actions Actions []*DeviceConfigEntry `json:"actions"` // states States []*DeviceConfigEntry `json:"states"` }
DeviceConfigurationDashboard device configuration dashboard
swagger:model DeviceConfigurationDashboard
func (*DeviceConfigurationDashboard) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceConfigurationDashboard) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceConfigurationDashboard) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceConfigurationDashboard) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceEvent ¶
type DeviceEvent struct { // The name of the DEVICE_EVENT. This typically corresponds to an attribute name of the device-handler’s capabilities. Attribute string `json:"attribute,omitempty"` // The name of the capability associated with the DEVICE_EVENT. Capability string `json:"capability,omitempty"` // The name of the component on the device that the event is associated with. ComponentID string `json:"componentId,omitempty"` // json map as defined by capability data schema Data interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` // The ID of the device associated with the DEVICE_EVENT. DeviceID string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"` // The ID of the event. EventID string `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The ID of the location in which the event was triggered. LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // ID for what owns the device event. Works in tandem with `ownerType` as a composite identifier. OwnerID string `json:"ownerId,omitempty"` // owner type OwnerType EventOwnerType `json:"ownerType,omitempty"` // Whether or not the state of the device has changed as a result of the DEVICE_EVENT. StateChange bool `json:"stateChange,omitempty"` // The name of subscription that caused delivery. SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"` // The value of the event. The type of the value is dependent on the capability's attribute type. // Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` // The root level data type of the value field. The data types are representitive of standard JSON data types. // ValueType string `json:"valueType,omitempty"` }
DeviceEvent An event on a device that matched a subscription for this app.
swagger:model DeviceEvent
func (*DeviceEvent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceEvent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceEvent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceEvent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceEventsRequest ¶
type DeviceEventsRequest struct { // An array of attribute state updates. // Max Items: 8 // Min Items: 1 DeviceEvents []*DeviceStateEvent `json:"deviceEvents"` }
DeviceEventsRequest device events request
swagger:model DeviceEventsRequest
func (*DeviceEventsRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceEventsRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceEventsRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceEventsRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceHealthDetail ¶
type DeviceHealthDetail struct { // An array of GUIDs of devices being subscribed to. A max of 20 GUIDs are allowed. // Max Items: 20 DeviceIds []string `json:"deviceIds"` // The id of the location that both the app and source device are in. LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app. SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"` }
DeviceHealthDetail Details of a subscription of source type DEVICE_HEALTH. Only one of deviceIds or locationId should be supplied.
swagger:model DeviceHealthDetail
func (*DeviceHealthDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceHealthDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceHealthDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceHealthDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceHealthEvent ¶
type DeviceHealthEvent struct { // The id of the device. DeviceID string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"` // The id of the event. EventID string `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the hub. HubID string `json:"hubId,omitempty"` // The id of the location in which the event was triggered. LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // The reason the device is offline. // // Enum: [NONE SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE HUB_OFFLINE ZWAVE_OFFLINE ZIGBEE_OFFLINE BLUETOOTH_OFFLINE HUB_DISCONNECTED] Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` // The status of the device. // // Enum: [OFFLINE ONLINE UNHEALTHY] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` }
DeviceHealthEvent An event that represents a change in the health of the a device.
swagger:model DeviceHealthEvent
func (*DeviceHealthEvent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceHealthEvent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceHealthEvent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceHealthEvent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceInstallRequest ¶
type DeviceInstallRequest struct { // app // Required: true App *DeviceInstallRequestApp `json:"app"` // The label for the device. Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` // The ID of the Location with which the device is associated. // Required: true LocationID *string `json:"locationId"` }
DeviceInstallRequest device install request
swagger:model DeviceInstallRequest
func (*DeviceInstallRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceInstallRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceInstallRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceInstallRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceInstallRequestApp ¶
type DeviceInstallRequestApp struct { // A field to store an ID from a system external to SmartThings. // Max Length: 64 ExternalID string `json:"externalId,omitempty"` // The ID of the installed application // Required: true InstalledAppID *string `json:"installedAppId"` // The device profile Id // Required: true ProfileID *string `json:"profileId"` }
DeviceInstallRequestApp device install request app
swagger:model DeviceInstallRequestApp
func (*DeviceInstallRequestApp) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceInstallRequestApp) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceInstallRequestApp) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceInstallRequestApp) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceIntegrationType ¶
type DeviceIntegrationType string
DeviceIntegrationType The type of device integration (may be null). If the type is DTH, the device implementation is a groovy Device Handler and the details are in the "dth" field. If the type is ENDPOINT_APP, the device implementation is a SmartApp and the details are in the "app" field. If the type is IR, the details are in the "ir" field. If the type is IR_OCF, the details are in the "irOcf" field. If the type is VIPER, the details are in the "viper" field.
swagger:model DeviceIntegrationType
const ( // DeviceIntegrationTypeBLE captures enum value "BLE" DeviceIntegrationTypeBLE DeviceIntegrationType = "BLE" // DeviceIntegrationTypeBLED2D captures enum value "BLE_D2D" DeviceIntegrationTypeBLED2D DeviceIntegrationType = "BLE_D2D" // DeviceIntegrationTypeDTH captures enum value "DTH" DeviceIntegrationTypeDTH DeviceIntegrationType = "DTH" // DeviceIntegrationTypeENDPOINTAPP captures enum value "ENDPOINT_APP" DeviceIntegrationTypeENDPOINTAPP DeviceIntegrationType = "ENDPOINT_APP" // DeviceIntegrationTypeHUB captures enum value "HUB" DeviceIntegrationTypeHUB DeviceIntegrationType = "HUB" // DeviceIntegrationTypeIR captures enum value "IR" DeviceIntegrationTypeIR DeviceIntegrationType = "IR" // DeviceIntegrationTypeIROCF captures enum value "IR_OCF" DeviceIntegrationTypeIROCF DeviceIntegrationType = "IR_OCF" // DeviceIntegrationTypeMQTT captures enum value "MQTT" DeviceIntegrationTypeMQTT DeviceIntegrationType = "MQTT" // DeviceIntegrationTypeOCF captures enum value "OCF" DeviceIntegrationTypeOCF DeviceIntegrationType = "OCF" // DeviceIntegrationTypePENGYOU captures enum value "PENGYOU" DeviceIntegrationTypePENGYOU DeviceIntegrationType = "PENGYOU" // DeviceIntegrationTypeVIDEO captures enum value "VIDEO" DeviceIntegrationTypeVIDEO DeviceIntegrationType = "VIDEO" // DeviceIntegrationTypeVIPER captures enum value "VIPER" DeviceIntegrationTypeVIPER DeviceIntegrationType = "VIPER" // DeviceIntegrationTypeWATCH captures enum value "WATCH" DeviceIntegrationTypeWATCH DeviceIntegrationType = "WATCH" )
type DeviceLifecycle ¶
type DeviceLifecycle string
DeviceLifecycle The device lifecycle. The lifecycle will be one of: * CREATE - Invoked when a device is created. * DELETE - Invoked when a device is deleted. * UPDATE - Invoked when a device is updated. * MOVE_FROM - Invoked when a device is moved from a location. * MOVE_TO - Invoked when a device is moved to a location.
swagger:model DeviceLifecycle
const ( // DeviceLifecycleCREATE captures enum value "CREATE" DeviceLifecycleCREATE DeviceLifecycle = "CREATE" // DeviceLifecycleDELETE captures enum value "DELETE" DeviceLifecycleDELETE DeviceLifecycle = "DELETE" // DeviceLifecycleUPDATE captures enum value "UPDATE" DeviceLifecycleUPDATE DeviceLifecycle = "UPDATE" // DeviceLifecycleMOVEFROM captures enum value "MOVE_FROM" DeviceLifecycleMOVEFROM DeviceLifecycle = "MOVE_FROM" // DeviceLifecycleMOVETO captures enum value "MOVE_TO" DeviceLifecycleMOVETO DeviceLifecycle = "MOVE_TO" )
type DeviceLifecycleCreate ¶
type DeviceLifecycleCreate struct { // categories Categories []*DeviceLifecycleCreateCategoriesItems0 `json:"categories"` // manufacturer name ManufacturerName string `json:"manufacturerName,omitempty"` // presentation Id PresentationID string `json:"presentationId,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleCreate Create device lifecycle.
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleCreate
func (*DeviceLifecycleCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleCreateCategoriesItems0 ¶
type DeviceLifecycleCreateCategoriesItems0 struct { // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleCreateCategoriesItems0 device lifecycle create categories items0
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleCreateCategoriesItems0
func (*DeviceLifecycleCreateCategoriesItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleCreateCategoriesItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleCreateCategoriesItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleCreateCategoriesItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleDelete ¶
type DeviceLifecycleDelete interface{}
DeviceLifecycleDelete Delete device lifecycle.
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleDelete
type DeviceLifecycleDetail ¶
type DeviceLifecycleDetail struct { // An array of GUIDs of devices being subscribed to. A max of 20 GUIDs are allowed. // Max Items: 20 DeviceIds []string `json:"deviceIds"` // The id of the location that both the app and source device are in. LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app. SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleDetail Details of a subscription of source type DEVICE_LIFECYCLE. Only one of deviceIds or locationId should be supplied.
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleDetail
func (*DeviceLifecycleDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleEvent ¶
type DeviceLifecycleEvent struct { // create Create *DeviceLifecycleCreate `json:"create,omitempty"` // delete Delete DeviceLifecycleDelete `json:"delete,omitempty"` // The id of the device. DeviceID string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"` // The name of the device DeviceName string `json:"deviceName,omitempty"` // The id of the event. EventID string `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // lifecycle Lifecycle DeviceLifecycle `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"` // The id of the location in which the event was triggered. LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // move from MoveFrom *DeviceLifecycleMove `json:"moveFrom,omitempty"` // move to MoveTo *DeviceLifecycleMove `json:"moveTo,omitempty"` // ID for what owns the device lifecyle event. Works in tandem with `ownerType` as a composite identifier. OwnerID string `json:"ownerId,omitempty"` // owner type OwnerType EventOwnerType `json:"ownerType,omitempty"` // The principal that made the change Principal string `json:"principal,omitempty"` // update Update *DeviceLifecycleUpdate `json:"update,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleEvent A device lifecycle event.
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleEvent
func (*DeviceLifecycleEvent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleEvent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleEvent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleEvent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleMove ¶
type DeviceLifecycleMove struct { // location Id LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleMove Move device lifecycle.
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleMove
func (*DeviceLifecycleMove) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleMove) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleMove) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleMove) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleUpdate ¶
type DeviceLifecycleUpdate struct { // component diff ComponentDiff *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiff `json:"componentDiff,omitempty"` // label diff LabelDiff *DeviceLifecycleUpdateLabelDiff `json:"labelDiff,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleUpdate Update device lifecycle.
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleUpdate
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiff ¶
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiff struct { // new New *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNew `json:"new,omitempty"` // old Old *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOld `json:"old,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiff device lifecycle update component diff
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiff
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiff) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiff) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiff) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiff) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNew ¶
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNew struct { // capabilities Capabilities []*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0 `json:"capabilities"` // categories Categories []*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCategoriesItems0 `json:"categories"` // id ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` // label Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNew device lifecycle update component diff new
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNew
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNew) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNew) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNew) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNew) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0 ¶
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0 struct { // id ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` // version Version int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0 device lifecycle update component diff new capabilities items0
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCapabilitiesItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCategoriesItems0 ¶
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCategoriesItems0 struct { // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCategoriesItems0 device lifecycle update component diff new categories items0
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCategoriesItems0
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCategoriesItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCategoriesItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCategoriesItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffNewCategoriesItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOld ¶
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOld struct { // capabilities Capabilities []*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0 `json:"capabilities"` // categories Categories []*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCategoriesItems0 `json:"categories"` // id ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` // label Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOld device lifecycle update component diff old
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOld
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOld) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOld) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOld) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOld) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0 ¶
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0 struct { // id ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` // version Version int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0 device lifecycle update component diff old capabilities items0
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCapabilitiesItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCategoriesItems0 ¶
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCategoriesItems0 struct { // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCategoriesItems0 device lifecycle update component diff old categories items0
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCategoriesItems0
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCategoriesItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCategoriesItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCategoriesItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateComponentDiffOldCategoriesItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateLabelDiff ¶
type DeviceLifecycleUpdateLabelDiff struct { // new New string `json:"new,omitempty"` // old Old string `json:"old,omitempty"` }
DeviceLifecycleUpdateLabelDiff device lifecycle update label diff
swagger:model DeviceLifecycleUpdateLabelDiff
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateLabelDiff) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateLabelDiff) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceLifecycleUpdateLabelDiff) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceLifecycleUpdateLabelDiff) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel ¶
type DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel string
DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel For hub-connected devices on protocols with multiple security levels, the security level the device was added with. Values ZWAVE_S2_FAILED, ZWAVE_S0_FAILED, ZWAVE_S2_DOWNGRADE, and ZWAVE_S0_DOWNGRADE should be treated as failures and prompt the user to remove and re-add the device. Other Z-Wave values are success cases.
swagger:model DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel
const ( // DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelUNKNOWN captures enum value "UNKNOWN" DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelUNKNOWN DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel = "UNKNOWN" // DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVELEGACYNONSECURE captures enum value "ZWAVE_LEGACY_NON_SECURE" DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVELEGACYNONSECURE DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel = "ZWAVE_LEGACY_NON_SECURE" // DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES0LEGACY captures enum value "ZWAVE_S0_LEGACY" DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES0LEGACY DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel = "ZWAVE_S0_LEGACY" // DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES0FALLBACK captures enum value "ZWAVE_S0_FALLBACK" DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES0FALLBACK DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel = "ZWAVE_S0_FALLBACK" // DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES2UNAUTHENTICATED captures enum value "ZWAVE_S2_UNAUTHENTICATED" DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES2UNAUTHENTICATED DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel = "ZWAVE_S2_UNAUTHENTICATED" // DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES2AUTHENTICATED captures enum value "ZWAVE_S2_AUTHENTICATED" DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES2AUTHENTICATED DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel = "ZWAVE_S2_AUTHENTICATED" // DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES2ACCESSCONTROL captures enum value "ZWAVE_S2_ACCESS_CONTROL" DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES2ACCESSCONTROL DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel = "ZWAVE_S2_ACCESS_CONTROL" // DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES2FAILED captures enum value "ZWAVE_S2_FAILED" DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES2FAILED DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel = "ZWAVE_S2_FAILED" // DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES0FAILED captures enum value "ZWAVE_S0_FAILED" DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES0FAILED DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel = "ZWAVE_S0_FAILED" // DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES2DOWNGRADE captures enum value "ZWAVE_S2_DOWNGRADE" DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES2DOWNGRADE DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel = "ZWAVE_S2_DOWNGRADE" // DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES0DOWNGRADE captures enum value "ZWAVE_S0_DOWNGRADE" DeviceNetworkSecurityLevelZWAVES0DOWNGRADE DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel = "ZWAVE_S0_DOWNGRADE" )
type DeviceOperand ¶
type DeviceOperand struct { // aggregation Aggregation OperandAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"` // attribute // Required: true Attribute *string `json:"attribute"` // capability // Required: true Capability *string `json:"capability"` // component // Required: true Component *string `json:"component"` // devices // Required: true Devices []string `json:"devices"` // path Path string `json:"path,omitempty"` // trigger Trigger TriggerMode `json:"trigger,omitempty"` }
DeviceOperand device operand
swagger:model DeviceOperand
func (*DeviceOperand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceOperand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceOperand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceOperand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DevicePresentation ¶
type DevicePresentation struct { // automation Automation *Automation `json:"automation,omitempty"` // dashboard Dashboard *Dashboard `json:"dashboard,omitempty"` // detail view DetailView DetailView `json:"detailView,omitempty"` // dp info // Required: true DpInfo DpInfo `json:"dpInfo"` // icon Url IconURL IconURL `json:"iconUrl,omitempty"` // language Language Language `json:"language,omitempty"` // mnmn // Required: true Mnmn Mnmn `json:"mnmn"` // vid // Required: true Vid Vid `json:"vid"` }
DevicePresentation device presentation
swagger:model devicePresentation
func (*DevicePresentation) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DevicePresentation) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DevicePresentation) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DevicePresentation) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceProfileMetadata ¶
DeviceProfileMetadata Additional information about the device profile, limited to 10 entries.
swagger:model DeviceProfileMetadata
type DeviceProfileReference ¶
type DeviceProfileReference struct { // The device profile Id ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` }
DeviceProfileReference device profile reference
swagger:model DeviceProfileReference
func (*DeviceProfileReference) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceProfileReference) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceProfileReference) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceProfileReference) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceProfileResponse ¶
type DeviceProfileResponse struct { // components Components []*DeviceComponent `json:"components"` // id ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` // metadata Metadata DeviceProfileMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // status Status DeviceProfileStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
DeviceProfileResponse device profile response
swagger:model DeviceProfileResponse
func (*DeviceProfileResponse) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceProfileResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceProfileResponse) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceProfileResponse) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceProfileStatus ¶
type DeviceProfileStatus string
DeviceProfileStatus The lifecycle status of a device profile. 'DEVELOPMENT' - Device profile can be modified. The profile is only available to the developer and can only be used with a self-published app. 'PUBLISHED' - Device profile can be shared with other users, but cannot be modified.
swagger:model DeviceProfileStatus
const ( // DeviceProfileStatusDEVELOPMENT captures enum value "DEVELOPMENT" DeviceProfileStatusDEVELOPMENT DeviceProfileStatus = "DEVELOPMENT" // DeviceProfileStatusPUBLISHED captures enum value "PUBLISHED" DeviceProfileStatusPUBLISHED DeviceProfileStatus = "PUBLISHED" )
type DeviceResults ¶
type DeviceResults struct { // deviceId created by DM DeviceID string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"` // initial device name from the partner Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
DeviceResults device results
swagger:model DeviceResults
func (*DeviceResults) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceResults) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceResults) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceResults) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceStateEvent ¶
type DeviceStateEvent struct { // Name of the capability attribute that this event relates to. Attribute string `json:"attribute,omitempty"` // Capability that this event relates to. Capability string `json:"capability,omitempty"` // The name of the component on this device, default is 'main'. Component string `json:"component,omitempty"` // Key value pairs about the state of the device. Valid values depend on the capability. Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` // Unit of the value field. Unit string `json:"unit,omitempty"` // Value associated with the event. The valid value depends on the capability. // Required: true Value interface{} `json:"value"` }
DeviceStateEvent device state event
swagger:model DeviceStateEvent
func (*DeviceStateEvent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceStateEvent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceStateEvent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceStateEvent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceStatus ¶
type DeviceStatus struct { // A map of componentId to Component status. Components map[string]ComponentStatus `json:"components,omitempty"` // health state HealthState *DeviceStatusHealthState `json:"healthState,omitempty"` }
DeviceStatus The status of a Device.
swagger:model DeviceStatus
func (*DeviceStatus) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceStatus) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceStatus) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceStatusHealthState ¶
type DeviceStatusHealthState struct { // Last reported date/time in UTC // Format: date-time LastUpdatedDate strfmt.DateTime `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Current state of the device // Enum: [ONLINE OFFLINE] State string `json:"state,omitempty"` }
DeviceStatusHealthState device status health state
swagger:model DeviceStatusHealthState
func (*DeviceStatusHealthState) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceStatusHealthState) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceStatusHealthState) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceStatusHealthState) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DeviceSubscriptionDetail ¶
type DeviceSubscriptionDetail struct { // Name of the capabilities attribute or * for all. // Max Length: 256 // Min Length: 1 Attribute string `json:"attribute,omitempty"` // Name of the capability that is subscribed to or * for all. // Max Length: 128 // Min Length: 1 Capability string `json:"capability,omitempty"` // The component ID on the device that is subscribed to or * for all. ComponentID *string `json:"componentId,omitempty"` // The GUID of the device that is subscribed to. // Required: true DeviceID *string `json:"deviceId"` // List of mode ID's that the subscription will execute for. If not provided then all modes will be supported. Modes []string `json:"modes"` // Only execute the subscription if the subscribed event is a state change from previous events. StateChangeOnly bool `json:"stateChangeOnly,omitempty"` // A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app. Must be unique per installed app. SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"` // A particular value for the attribute that will trigger the subscription or * for all. // Max Length: 256 Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
DeviceSubscriptionDetail Details of a subscription of source type DEVICE. The combination of subscribed values must be unique per installed app.
swagger:model DeviceSubscriptionDetail
func (*DeviceSubscriptionDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceSubscriptionDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DeviceSubscriptionDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DeviceSubscriptionDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DossierDevicePresentation ¶
type DossierDevicePresentation struct { // automation Automation *Automation `json:"automation,omitempty"` // dashboard Dashboard *Dashboard `json:"dashboard,omitempty"` // detail view DetailView DetailView `json:"detailView,omitempty"` // dp info // Required: true DpInfo DpInfo `json:"dpInfo"` // icon Url IconURL IconURL `json:"iconUrl,omitempty"` // language Language Language `json:"language,omitempty"` // Secondary namespacing key for grouping presentations (formerly `mnmn`) // Required: true ManufacturerName *string `json:"manufacturerName"` // DEPRECATED: Secondary namespacing key for grouping presentations Mnmn string `json:"mnmn,omitempty"` // System generated identifier that corresponds to a device presentation (formerly `vid`) // Required: true PresentationID *string `json:"presentationId"` // DEPRECATED: System generated identifier that corresponds to a device presentation Vid string `json:"vid,omitempty"` }
DossierDevicePresentation dossier device presentation
swagger:model DossierDevicePresentation
func (*DossierDevicePresentation) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DossierDevicePresentation) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DossierDevicePresentation) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DossierDevicePresentation) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DpInfo ¶
type DpInfo []*DpInfoItems0
DpInfo Information used for obtaining details page plugins on different platforms. Array of Details page link objects.
swagger:model dpInfo
type DpInfoItems0 ¶
type DpInfoItems0 struct { // This is linked to obtain the vendor-specific device details page. The device's dashboard card opens the detail view using this link when the user clicks the device card. // Required: true DpURI *string `json:"dpUri"` // This describes operating mode after onboarding. `easySetup` will launch the plugin for setting up your device while `deviceControl` will launch the plugin for controlling the device directly after onboarding. OperatingMode string `json:"operatingMode,omitempty"` // The OS of the UI Client used to show the details page. 'iOS': iOS SmartThings 'android': Android SmartThings // Required: true // Enum: [android ios web] Os *string `json:"os"` }
DpInfoItems0 dp info items0
swagger:model DpInfoItems0
func (*DpInfoItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DpInfoItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DpInfoItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DpInfoItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DthDeviceDetails ¶
type DthDeviceDetails struct { // True if the device setup has been completed so the device is ready to use. // Required: true CompletedSetup *bool `json:"completedSetup"` // The device network type. DeviceNetworkType string `json:"deviceNetworkType,omitempty"` // The identifier for the device's DeviceType. // Required: true DeviceTypeID *string `json:"deviceTypeId"` // The name for the device's DeviceType. // Required: true DeviceTypeName *string `json:"deviceTypeName"` // True if the device is executing locally on the hub ExecutingLocally bool `json:"executingLocally,omitempty"` // The hub that the device is connected to. HubID string `json:"hubId,omitempty"` // The ID of the installed groovy application InstalledGroovyAppID string `json:"installedGroovyAppId,omitempty"` // network security level NetworkSecurityLevel DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel `json:"networkSecurityLevel,omitempty"` }
DthDeviceDetails dth device details
swagger:model DthDeviceDetails
func (*DthDeviceDetails) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DthDeviceDetails) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DthDeviceDetails) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DthDeviceDetails) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type EndpointApp ¶
type EndpointApp struct { // The name of the endpoint app AppName string `json:"appName,omitempty"` // Possible values - "", "cst", "wwst", "review" CertificationStatus string `json:"certificationStatus,omitempty"` // Viper endpoint app id for the partner EndpointAppID string `json:"endpointAppId,omitempty"` // Possible values - "lambda" or "webhook" HostingType string `json:"hostingType,omitempty"` // url of partner icon Icon string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // url of partner icon in 2x dimensions Icon2x string `json:"icon2x,omitempty"` // url of partner icon in 3x dimensions Icon3x string `json:"icon3x,omitempty"` // lambda arn of the partner for US region (default) LambdaArn string `json:"lambdaArn,omitempty"` // lambda arn of the partner for AP region LambdaArnAP string `json:"lambdaArnAP,omitempty"` // lambda arn of the partner for CN region LambdaArnCN string `json:"lambdaArnCN,omitempty"` // lambda arn of the partner for EU region LambdaArnEU string `json:"lambdaArnEU,omitempty"` // oAuth authorization url of the partner OAuthAuthorizationURL string `json:"oAuthAuthorizationUrl,omitempty"` // Client id for the partner oAuth OAuthClientID string `json:"oAuthClientId,omitempty"` // Client secret for the partner oAuth OAuthClientSecret string `json:"oAuthClientSecret,omitempty"` // oAuth scope for the partner. Example "remote_control:all" for Lifx OAuthScope string `json:"oAuthScope,omitempty"` // oAuth token refresh url of the partner OAuthTokenURL string `json:"oAuthTokenUrl,omitempty"` // The name of the partner/brand PartnerName string `json:"partnerName,omitempty"` // Possible values - "alexa-schema", "st-schema", "google-schema" SchemaType string `json:"schemaType,omitempty"` // Email for the partner UserEmail string `json:"userEmail,omitempty"` // user id for the partner UserID string `json:"userId,omitempty"` // webhook url for the partner WebhookURL string `json:"webhookUrl,omitempty"` }
EndpointApp endpoint app
swagger:model EndpointApp
func (*EndpointApp) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EndpointApp) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EndpointApp) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EndpointApp) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type EqualsCondition ¶
type EqualsCondition struct {
EqualsCondition equals condition
swagger:model EqualsCondition
func (*EqualsCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EqualsCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (EqualsCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m EqualsCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*EqualsCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EqualsCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EqualsCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *EqualsCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type Error ¶
type Error struct { // Machine readable error code. Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` // details Details []*Error `json:"details"` // Human readable error message. Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` // Optional field used to point to a problamatic part of the request. Target string `json:"target,omitempty"` }
Error Details about the error.
swagger:model Error
func (*Error) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Error) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ErrorResponse ¶
type ErrorResponse struct { // error Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"` // A correlation id used for reference when contacting support. RequestID string `json:"requestId,omitempty"` }
ErrorResponse error response
swagger:model ErrorResponse
func (*ErrorResponse) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ErrorResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ErrorResponse) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ErrorResponse) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type EventOwnerType ¶
type EventOwnerType string
EventOwnerType Type of owner for the Event. `ownerType` and `ownerId` work in tandem as a composite identifier. Possible values include: * `NOT_SET` (default) * `LOCATION` (future use) Many services are not yet configured to look at ownerId to get the location id. * `USER` (most common use) The only way to specify a user id through the ownerId field.
swagger:model EventOwnerType
const ( // EventOwnerTypeNOTSET captures enum value "NOT_SET" EventOwnerTypeNOTSET EventOwnerType = "NOT_SET" // EventOwnerTypeLOCATION captures enum value "LOCATION" EventOwnerTypeLOCATION EventOwnerType = "LOCATION" // EventOwnerTypeUSER captures enum value "USER" EventOwnerTypeUSER EventOwnerType = "USER" )
type EventType ¶
type EventType string
EventType The type of event passed to the app being executed. The type will be one of:
- DEVICE_COMMANDS_EVENT - _Only applicable for cloud-to-cloud device integration apps._ An event as a result of a device command execution request.
- DEVICE_EVENT - A device event as a result of a subscription the app created.
- DEVICE_HEALTH_EVENT - A device health event as a result of a change in a device's health.
- DEVICE_LIFECYCLE_EVENT - A device lifecycle event as the result of a life change to the device.
- HUB_HEALTH_EVENT - A hub health event as a result of a change in a hub's health.
- MODE_EVENT - A mode event is triggered when the location's mode is changed.
- SCENE_LIFECYCLE_EVENT - A scene lifecycle event as a result of a life change to the scene.
- SECURITY_ARM_STATE_EVENT - A security arm state event as a result of a change in the arm state of a security system.
- TIMER_EVENT - An event as a result of a scheduled app execution.
- WEATHER_EVENT - An event with weather information.
swagger:model EventType
type EveryAction ¶
type EveryAction struct { // actions // Required: true Actions []*Action `json:"actions"` // interval Interval *Interval `json:"interval,omitempty"` // The sequence in which the actions are to be executed i.e. Serial (default) or Parallel Sequence *ActionSequence `json:"sequence,omitempty"` // specific Specific *DateTimeOperand `json:"specific,omitempty"` }
EveryAction every action
swagger:model EveryAction
func (*EveryAction) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EveryAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EveryAction) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EveryAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ExcludeItemsAttributes ¶
type ExcludeItemsAttributes []*ExcludeItemsAttributesItems0
ExcludeItemsAttributes exclude items attributes
swagger:model excludeItemsAttributes
type ExcludeItemsAttributesItems0 ¶
type ExcludeItemsAttributesItems0 struct { // To exclude only some values of the attribute ExcludedValues []string `json:"excludedValues"` // Attribute name to be excluded // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` }
ExcludeItemsAttributesItems0 exclude items attributes items0
swagger:model ExcludeItemsAttributesItems0
func (*ExcludeItemsAttributesItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludeItemsAttributesItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExcludeItemsAttributesItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludeItemsAttributesItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ExcludeItemsCommands ¶
type ExcludeItemsCommands []*ExcludeItemsCommandsItems0
ExcludeItemsCommands exclude items commands
swagger:model excludeItemsCommands
type ExcludeItemsCommandsItems0 ¶
type ExcludeItemsCommandsItems0 struct { // To exclude only some values of the attribute ExcludedValues []string `json:"excludedValues"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` }
ExcludeItemsCommandsItems0 exclude items commands items0
swagger:model ExcludeItemsCommandsItems0
func (*ExcludeItemsCommandsItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludeItemsCommandsItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExcludeItemsCommandsItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludeItemsCommandsItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ExcludedActionItem ¶
type ExcludedActionItem struct { // exclude // Required: true Exclude []*ExcludedActionItemExcludeItems0 `json:"exclude"` // To express that a specific value is selected Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
ExcludedActionItem excluded action item
swagger:model excludedActionItem
func (*ExcludedActionItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedActionItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExcludedActionItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedActionItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ExcludedActionItemExcludeItems0 ¶
type ExcludedActionItemExcludeItems0 struct { // capability // Required: true Capability *string `json:"capability"` // commands Commands ExcludeItemsCommands `json:"commands,omitempty"` // To specify target component to exclude, if it's omitted then all components with this capability will be excluded Component string `json:"component,omitempty"` // version Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` }
ExcludedActionItemExcludeItems0 excluded action item exclude items0
swagger:model ExcludedActionItemExcludeItems0
func (*ExcludedActionItemExcludeItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedActionItemExcludeItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExcludedActionItemExcludeItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedActionItemExcludeItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ExcludedActionItemID ¶
type ExcludedActionItemID struct { // The index of the array in the given capability to which this exclusion object will be inserted ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` ExcludedActionItem }
ExcludedActionItemID excluded action item Id
swagger:model excludedActionItemId
func (*ExcludedActionItemID) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedActionItemID) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ExcludedActionItemID) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ExcludedActionItemID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ExcludedActionItemID) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedActionItemID) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExcludedActionItemID) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ExcludedActionItemID) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ExcludedConditionItem ¶
type ExcludedConditionItem struct { // exclude // Required: true Exclude []*ExcludedConditionItemExcludeItems0 `json:"exclude"` // To express that a specific value is selected Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
ExcludedConditionItem excluded condition item
swagger:model excludedConditionItem
func (*ExcludedConditionItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedConditionItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExcludedConditionItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedConditionItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ExcludedConditionItemExcludeItems0 ¶
type ExcludedConditionItemExcludeItems0 struct { // attributes Attributes ExcludeItemsAttributes `json:"attributes,omitempty"` // capability // Required: true Capability *string `json:"capability"` // component Component string `json:"component,omitempty"` // version Version *int64 `json:"version,omitempty"` }
ExcludedConditionItemExcludeItems0 excluded condition item exclude items0
swagger:model ExcludedConditionItemExcludeItems0
func (*ExcludedConditionItemExcludeItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedConditionItemExcludeItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExcludedConditionItemExcludeItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedConditionItemExcludeItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ExcludedConditionItemID ¶
type ExcludedConditionItemID struct { // The index of the array in the given capability to which this exclusion object will be inserted ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` ExcludedConditionItem }
ExcludedConditionItemID excluded condition item Id
swagger:model excludedConditionItemId
func (*ExcludedConditionItemID) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedConditionItemID) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ExcludedConditionItemID) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ExcludedConditionItemID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ExcludedConditionItemID) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedConditionItemID) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExcludedConditionItemID) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ExcludedConditionItemID) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry ¶
type ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry struct { DeviceConfigEntry // To exclude specified automation in `exclude` when this item is selected by the user. Exclusion []*ExcludedActionItemID `json:"exclusion"` }
ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry excluded device action config entry
swagger:model excludedDeviceActionConfigEntry
func (*ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ExcludedDeviceActionConfigEntry) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry ¶
type ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry struct { DeviceConfigEntry // To exclude specified automation in `exclude` when this item is selected by the user. Exclusion []*ExcludedConditionItemID `json:"exclusion"` }
ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry excluded device condition config entry
swagger:model excludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry
func (*ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ExcludedDeviceConditionConfigEntry) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ExecutionResult ¶
type ExecutionResult string
ExecutionResult execution result
swagger:model ExecutionResult
const ( // ExecutionResultSuccess captures enum value "Success" ExecutionResultSuccess ExecutionResult = "Success" // ExecutionResultFailure captures enum value "Failure" ExecutionResultFailure ExecutionResult = "Failure" )
type Feature ¶
type Feature []*FeatureItems0
Feature Including a basicPlus item with the “feature” display type adds a shortcut item to the desired detail view.
swagger:model feature
type FeatureItems0 ¶
type FeatureItems0 struct { // The name of the feature to be added to the detail view. For example, if the feature is specified as "cooking", then a detail view item will be added called "cooking" // Required: true Key *string `json:"key"` // The alternative string of given 'key' value. // Required: true Value *string `json:"value"` }
FeatureItems0 feature items0
swagger:model FeatureItems0
func (*FeatureItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *FeatureItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*FeatureItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *FeatureItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type FormattedLabel ¶
type FormattedLabel string
FormattedLabel This displays a string. This can be a formatted string with variables. Example: `{{attribute.value}} {{attribute.unit}}` (where `attribute` is the name of an attribute in your capability)
swagger:model formattedLabel
type GenerateAppOAuthRequest ¶
type GenerateAppOAuthRequest struct { // A name given to the OAuth Client. ClientName string `json:"clientName,omitempty"` // A list of SmartThings API OAuth scope identifiers that maybe required to execute your integration. Scope []string `json:"scope"` }
GenerateAppOAuthRequest generate app o auth request
swagger:model GenerateAppOAuthRequest
func (*GenerateAppOAuthRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GenerateAppOAuthRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*GenerateAppOAuthRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GenerateAppOAuthRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type GenerateAppOAuthResponse ¶
type GenerateAppOAuthResponse struct { // oauth client details OauthClientDetails *AppOAuth `json:"oauthClientDetails,omitempty"` // The OAuth Client ID. // Format: uuid OauthClientID strfmt.UUID `json:"oauthClientId,omitempty"` // The OAuth Client Secret. // Format: uuid OauthClientSecret strfmt.UUID `json:"oauthClientSecret,omitempty"` }
GenerateAppOAuthResponse A response object containing a new OAuth Client and it's details.
swagger:model GenerateAppOAuthResponse
func (*GenerateAppOAuthResponse) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GenerateAppOAuthResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*GenerateAppOAuthResponse) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GenerateAppOAuthResponse) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type GetAppSettingsResponse ¶
type GetAppSettingsResponse struct { // settings Settings map[string]string `json:"settings,omitempty"` }
GetAppSettingsResponse Settings for a given app
swagger:model GetAppSettingsResponse
func (*GetAppSettingsResponse) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GetAppSettingsResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*GetAppSettingsResponse) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GetAppSettingsResponse) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type GreaterThanCondition ¶
type GreaterThanCondition struct {
GreaterThanCondition greater than condition
swagger:model GreaterThanCondition
func (*GreaterThanCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GreaterThanCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (GreaterThanCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m GreaterThanCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*GreaterThanCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GreaterThanCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*GreaterThanCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *GreaterThanCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition ¶
type GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition struct {
GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition greater than or equals condition
swagger:model GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition
func (*GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type Group ¶
type Group string
Group The group name to which this belongs. Some complex devices can be shown grouped in the dashboard card. This is used for grouping states and actions in the dashboard.
swagger:model group
type HubHealthDetail ¶
type HubHealthDetail struct { // The id of the location that both the app and hubs are in // Required: true LocationID *string `json:"locationId"` // A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app. SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"` }
HubHealthDetail Details of a subscription of souce type HUB_HEALTH
swagger:model HubHealthDetail
func (*HubHealthDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *HubHealthDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*HubHealthDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *HubHealthDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type HubHealthEvent ¶
type HubHealthEvent struct { // The id of the event. EventID string `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the hub. HubID string `json:"hubId,omitempty"` // The id of the location in which the event was triggered. LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // The reason the hub is offline. // // Enum: [NONE DISCONNECTED INACTIVE] Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` // The status of the hub. // // Enum: [OFFLINE ONLINE ZWAVE_OFFLINE ZWAVE_ONLINE ZIGBEE_OFFLINE ZIGBEE_ONLINE BLUETOOTH_OFFLINE BLUETOOTH_ONLINE] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` }
HubHealthEvent An event that represents a change in the health of a hub.
swagger:model HubHealthEvent
func (*HubHealthEvent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *HubHealthEvent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*HubHealthEvent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *HubHealthEvent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IconImage ¶
type IconImage struct { // A default icon image url for an app. https url required. // // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
IconImage A default icon image for the app.
swagger:model IconImage
func (*IconImage) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IconImage) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IconURL ¶
type IconURL string
IconURL Preloaded iconId or URL used to retrieve icons to be drawn on the UI Client.
swagger:model iconUrl
type IfAction ¶
type IfAction struct { Condition // else Else []*Action `json:"else"` // The sequence in which the actions are to be executed Sequence *IfActionSequence `json:"sequence,omitempty"` // then Then []*Action `json:"then"` }
IfAction if action
swagger:model IfAction
func (*IfAction) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (IfAction) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*IfAction) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IfAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type IfActionExecutionResult ¶
type IfActionExecutionResult struct { // result // Required: true Result IfExecutionResult `json:"result"` }
IfActionExecutionResult The result of a if action execution
swagger:model IfActionExecutionResult
func (*IfActionExecutionResult) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IfActionExecutionResult) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IfActionExecutionResult) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IfActionExecutionResult) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IfActionSequence ¶
type IfActionSequence struct { // else Else Sequence `json:"else,omitempty"` // then Then Sequence `json:"then,omitempty"` }
IfActionSequence if action sequence
swagger:model IfActionSequence
func (*IfActionSequence) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IfActionSequence) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IfActionSequence) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IfActionSequence) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IfExecutionResult ¶
type IfExecutionResult string
IfExecutionResult if execution result
swagger:model IfExecutionResult
const ( // IfExecutionResultTrue captures enum value "True" IfExecutionResultTrue IfExecutionResult = "True" // IfExecutionResultFalse captures enum value "False" IfExecutionResultFalse IfExecutionResult = "False" )
type InstallConfiguration ¶
type InstallConfiguration struct { // The ID to this configration instance. // Format: uuid ConfigurationID strfmt.UUID `json:"configurationId,omitempty"` // configuration status ConfigurationStatus InstallConfigurationStatus `json:"configurationStatus,omitempty"` // A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String // Format: date-time CreatedDate strfmt.DateTime `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // The ID of the installed app. // Format: uuid InstalledAppID strfmt.UUID `json:"installedAppId,omitempty"` // A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String // Format: date-time LastUpdatedDate strfmt.DateTime `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` }
InstallConfiguration An configuration instance of an Installed App.
swagger:model InstallConfiguration
func (*InstallConfiguration) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstallConfiguration) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InstallConfiguration) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstallConfiguration) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InstallConfigurationDetail ¶
type InstallConfigurationDetail struct { // config Config ConfigMap `json:"config,omitempty"` // The ID to this configration instance. // Format: uuid ConfigurationID strfmt.UUID `json:"configurationId,omitempty"` // configuration status ConfigurationStatus InstallConfigurationStatus `json:"configurationStatus,omitempty"` // A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String // Format: date-time CreatedDate strfmt.DateTime `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // The ID of the installed app. // Format: uuid InstalledAppID strfmt.UUID `json:"installedAppId,omitempty"` // A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String // Format: date-time LastUpdatedDate strfmt.DateTime `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` }
InstallConfigurationDetail Encompasses both a configuration value, and any required permissions that maybe needed.
swagger:model InstallConfigurationDetail
func (*InstallConfigurationDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstallConfigurationDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InstallConfigurationDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstallConfigurationDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InstallConfigurationStatus ¶
type InstallConfigurationStatus string
InstallConfigurationStatus Denotes the current state of a configuration instance. 'STAGED' configuration is used during active modification to config. A configuration is marked 'DONE' once it is deemed finished. At this point it is immutable, meaning it can't be changed. A status of 'AUTHORIZED' means the apps permissions have been authorized by the consumer. Installed Apps in 'AUTHORIZED' state are fully installed and used by the SmartThings platform. A status of 'REVOKED' means the apps permissions have been revoked.
swagger:model InstallConfigurationStatus
const ( // InstallConfigurationStatusSTAGED captures enum value "STAGED" InstallConfigurationStatusSTAGED InstallConfigurationStatus = "STAGED" // InstallConfigurationStatusDONE captures enum value "DONE" InstallConfigurationStatusDONE InstallConfigurationStatus = "DONE" // InstallConfigurationStatusAUTHORIZED captures enum value "AUTHORIZED" InstallConfigurationStatusAUTHORIZED InstallConfigurationStatus = "AUTHORIZED" // InstallConfigurationStatusREVOKED captures enum value "REVOKED" InstallConfigurationStatusREVOKED InstallConfigurationStatus = "REVOKED" )
type InstalledApp ¶
type InstalledApp struct { // The ID of the app. // Required: true AppID *string `json:"appId"` // An App maybe associated to many classifications. A classification drives how the integration is presented // to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients. These classifications include: // * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Automation" tab in mobile clients. // * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a "Service". // * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Device" tab in mobile clients. // * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Connected Services" menu in mobile clients. // * HIDDEN - Denotes an integration that should not display in mobile clients // // Required: true Classifications []string `json:"classifications"` // A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String // Required: true // Format: date-time CreatedDate *strfmt.DateTime `json:"createdDate"` // A user defined name for the installed app. May be null. // Max Length: 100 DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // icon image IconImage *InstalledAppIconImage `json:"iconImage,omitempty"` // The ID of the installed app. // Required: true // Format: uuid InstalledAppID *strfmt.UUID `json:"installedAppId"` // installed app status // Required: true InstalledAppStatus InstalledAppStatus `json:"installedAppStatus"` // installed app type // Required: true InstalledAppType InstalledAppType `json:"installedAppType"` // A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String // Required: true // Format: date-time LastUpdatedDate *strfmt.DateTime `json:"lastUpdatedDate"` // The ID of the location to which the installed app may belong. // Format: uuid LocationID strfmt.UUID `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // notices // Required: true Notices []*Notice `json:"notices"` // owner // Required: true Owner *Owner `json:"owner"` // Denotes the principal type to be used with the app. Default is LOCATION. // Required: true // Enum: [LOCATION USER_LEVEL] PrincipalType *string `json:"principalType"` // A reference to an upstream system. For example, Behaviors would reference the behaviorId. May be null. // ReferenceID string `json:"referenceId,omitempty"` // Restriction tier of the install, if any. RestrictionTier int64 `json:"restrictionTier,omitempty"` // Inform the installation systems that the associated app can only be installed once within a user's account. // // Required: true SingleInstance bool `json:"singleInstance"` // ui UI *InstalledAppUI `json:"ui,omitempty"` }
InstalledApp installed app
swagger:model InstalledApp
func (*InstalledApp) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstalledApp) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InstalledApp) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstalledApp) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InstalledAppIconImage ¶
type InstalledAppIconImage struct { // A default icon image url for an app. https url required. // // Format: uri URL strfmt.URI `json:"url,omitempty"` }
InstalledAppIconImage A default icon image for the app.
swagger:model InstalledAppIconImage
func (*InstalledAppIconImage) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstalledAppIconImage) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InstalledAppIconImage) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstalledAppIconImage) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InstalledAppLifecycle ¶
type InstalledAppLifecycle string
InstalledAppLifecycle The installed app lifecycle. The lifecycle will be one of: * CREATE - Invoked when an application is created. * INSTALL - Invoked when an application is installed. * UPDATE - Invoked when an application is updated. * DELETE - Invoked when an application is deleted. * OTHER -
swagger:model InstalledAppLifecycle
const ( // InstalledAppLifecycleCREATE captures enum value "CREATE" InstalledAppLifecycleCREATE InstalledAppLifecycle = "CREATE" // InstalledAppLifecycleINSTALL captures enum value "INSTALL" InstalledAppLifecycleINSTALL InstalledAppLifecycle = "INSTALL" // InstalledAppLifecycleUPDATE captures enum value "UPDATE" InstalledAppLifecycleUPDATE InstalledAppLifecycle = "UPDATE" // InstalledAppLifecycleDELETE captures enum value "DELETE" InstalledAppLifecycleDELETE InstalledAppLifecycle = "DELETE" // InstalledAppLifecycleOTHER captures enum value "OTHER" InstalledAppLifecycleOTHER InstalledAppLifecycle = "OTHER" )
type InstalledAppLifecycleCreate ¶
type InstalledAppLifecycleCreate interface{}
InstalledAppLifecycleCreate Create installed app lifecycle.
swagger:model InstalledAppLifecycleCreate
type InstalledAppLifecycleDelete ¶
type InstalledAppLifecycleDelete interface{}
InstalledAppLifecycleDelete Delete installed app lifecycle.
swagger:model InstalledAppLifecycleDelete
type InstalledAppLifecycleError ¶
type InstalledAppLifecycleError struct { // code Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` // details Details []*InstalledAppLifecycleError `json:"details"` // message Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` // target Target string `json:"target,omitempty"` }
InstalledAppLifecycleError installed app lifecycle error
swagger:model InstalledAppLifecycleError
func (*InstalledAppLifecycleError) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstalledAppLifecycleError) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InstalledAppLifecycleError) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstalledAppLifecycleError) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InstalledAppLifecycleEvent ¶
type InstalledAppLifecycleEvent struct { // The ID of the application. AppID string `json:"appId,omitempty"` // create Create InstalledAppLifecycleCreate `json:"create,omitempty"` // delete Delete InstalledAppLifecycleDelete `json:"delete,omitempty"` // error Error *InstalledAppLifecycleError `json:"error,omitempty"` // The id of the event. EventID string `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // install Install InstalledAppLifecycleInstall `json:"install,omitempty"` // The ID of the installed application. InstalledAppID string `json:"installedAppId,omitempty"` // lifecycle Lifecycle InstalledAppLifecycle `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"` // The ID of the location in which the event was triggered. LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // other Other InstalledAppLifecycleOther `json:"other,omitempty"` // update Update InstalledAppLifecycleUpdate `json:"update,omitempty"` }
InstalledAppLifecycleEvent An Installed App Lifecycle Event.
swagger:model InstalledAppLifecycleEvent
func (*InstalledAppLifecycleEvent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstalledAppLifecycleEvent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InstalledAppLifecycleEvent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstalledAppLifecycleEvent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type InstalledAppLifecycleInstall ¶
type InstalledAppLifecycleInstall interface{}
InstalledAppLifecycleInstall Install installed app lifecycle.
swagger:model InstalledAppLifecycleInstall
type InstalledAppLifecycleOther ¶
type InstalledAppLifecycleOther interface{}
InstalledAppLifecycleOther Other installed app lifecycle.
swagger:model InstalledAppLifecycleOther
type InstalledAppLifecycleUpdate ¶
type InstalledAppLifecycleUpdate interface{}
InstalledAppLifecycleUpdate Update installed app lifecycle.
swagger:model InstalledAppLifecycleUpdate
type InstalledAppStatus ¶
type InstalledAppStatus string
InstalledAppStatus Denotes the current state of an install. 'PENDING' is used during active modification to the install's config prior to 'AUTHORIZATION'. A status of 'AUTHORIZED' means the install's permissions have been authorized by the consumer. Installed Apps in 'AUTHORIZED' state are fully installed and usable by the SmartThings platform. A status of 'REVOKED' means the install's permissions have been revoked. A status of 'DISABLED' means a previously 'AUTHORIZED' Installed App will not execute.
swagger:model InstalledAppStatus
const ( // InstalledAppStatusPENDING captures enum value "PENDING" InstalledAppStatusPENDING InstalledAppStatus = "PENDING" // InstalledAppStatusAUTHORIZED captures enum value "AUTHORIZED" InstalledAppStatusAUTHORIZED InstalledAppStatus = "AUTHORIZED" // InstalledAppStatusREVOKED captures enum value "REVOKED" InstalledAppStatusREVOKED InstalledAppStatus = "REVOKED" // InstalledAppStatusDISABLED captures enum value "DISABLED" InstalledAppStatusDISABLED InstalledAppStatus = "DISABLED" )
type InstalledAppType ¶
type InstalledAppType string
InstalledAppType Denotes the type of installed app.
swagger:model InstalledAppType
const ( // InstalledAppTypeLAMBDASMARTAPP captures enum value "LAMBDA_SMART_APP" InstalledAppTypeLAMBDASMARTAPP InstalledAppType = "LAMBDA_SMART_APP" // InstalledAppTypeWEBHOOKSMARTAPP captures enum value "WEBHOOK_SMART_APP" InstalledAppTypeWEBHOOKSMARTAPP InstalledAppType = "WEBHOOK_SMART_APP" )
type InstalledAppUI ¶
type InstalledAppUI struct { // dashboard cards enabled // Required: true DashboardCardsEnabled *bool `json:"dashboardCardsEnabled"` // plugin Id PluginID string `json:"pluginId,omitempty"` // plugin Uri // Format: uri PluginURI strfmt.URI `json:"pluginUri,omitempty"` // pre install dashboard cards enabled // Required: true PreInstallDashboardCardsEnabled *bool `json:"preInstallDashboardCardsEnabled"` }
InstalledAppUI A collection of settings to drive user interface in SmartThings clients. Currently, only applicable for LAMBDA_SMART_APP and WEBHOOK_SMART_APP app types.
swagger:model InstalledAppUI
func (*InstalledAppUI) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstalledAppUI) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*InstalledAppUI) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *InstalledAppUI) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Interval ¶
type Interval struct { // unit // Required: true Unit IntervalUnit `json:"unit"` // value // Required: true Value *Operand `json:"value"` }
Interval interval
swagger:model Interval
func (*Interval) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Interval) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IntervalUnit ¶
type IntervalUnit string
IntervalUnit interval unit
swagger:model IntervalUnit
const ( // IntervalUnitSecond captures enum value "Second" IntervalUnitSecond IntervalUnit = "Second" // IntervalUnitMinute captures enum value "Minute" IntervalUnitMinute IntervalUnit = "Minute" // IntervalUnitHour captures enum value "Hour" IntervalUnitHour IntervalUnit = "Hour" // IntervalUnitDay captures enum value "Day" IntervalUnitDay IntervalUnit = "Day" // IntervalUnitWeek captures enum value "Week" IntervalUnitWeek IntervalUnit = "Week" // IntervalUnitMonth captures enum value "Month" IntervalUnitMonth IntervalUnit = "Month" // IntervalUnitYear captures enum value "Year" IntervalUnitYear IntervalUnit = "Year" )
type IrDeviceDetails ¶
type IrDeviceDetails struct { // list of child devices ChildDevices []*IrDeviceDetails `json:"childDevices"` // function codes FunctionCodes *IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes `json:"functionCodes,omitempty"` // The id of the ircode IrCode string `json:"irCode,omitempty"` // Key value pairs stored in the conductor for the device. // UI Metadata information // Metadata interface{} `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // The OCF Device Type OcfDeviceType string `json:"ocfDeviceType,omitempty"` // The id of the Parent device. ParentDeviceID string `json:"parentDeviceId,omitempty"` // The id of the profile that describes the device components and capabilities. ProfileID string `json:"profileId,omitempty"` }
IrDeviceDetails ir device details
swagger:model IrDeviceDetails
func (*IrDeviceDetails) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IrDeviceDetails) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IrDeviceDetails) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IrDeviceDetails) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes ¶
type IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes struct { // default Default string `json:"default,omitempty"` // ir device details function codes additional properties IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodesAdditionalProperties map[string]interface{} `json:"-"` }
IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes List of IR function codes
swagger:model IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes
func (*IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with additional properties into a JSON object
func (*IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with additional properties from JSON
type IsaResults ¶
type IsaResults struct { // Viper connector name given by partner eg Lifx (Connect) // Required: true AppName *string `json:"appName"` // url of partner icon // Required: true Icon *string `json:"icon"` // url of partner icon in 2x dimensions // Required: true Icon2x *string `json:"icon2x"` // url of partner icon in 3x dimensions // Required: true Icon3x *string `json:"icon3x"` // isaId installed for the user // Required: true IsaID *string `json:"isaId"` // location of the installed smart app // Required: true LocationID *string `json:"locationId"` // Parnter name eg Lifx Inc // Required: true PartnerName *string `json:"partnerName"` // connection status between partner and ST platform // Required: true // Enum: [connected disconnected] PartnerSTConnection *string `json:"partnerSTConnection"` }
IsaResults isa results
swagger:model IsaResults
func (*IsaResults) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IsaResults) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IsaResults) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IsaResults) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type LambdaSmartApp ¶
type LambdaSmartApp struct { // A list of AWS arns referencing a Lambda function. Functions []string `json:"functions"` }
LambdaSmartApp Details related to a Lambda Smart App implementation. This model will only be available for apps of type LAMBDA_SMART_APP.
swagger:model LambdaSmartApp
func (*LambdaSmartApp) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LambdaSmartApp) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*LambdaSmartApp) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LambdaSmartApp) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type LanguageItem ¶
type LanguageItem struct { // ICU locale // Required: true Locale *string `json:"locale"` // The list of resources that contain translated text // Required: true PoCodes []*PoCodes `json:"poCodes"` }
LanguageItem language item
swagger:model languageItem
func (*LanguageItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LanguageItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*LanguageItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LanguageItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type LessThanCondition ¶
type LessThanCondition struct {
LessThanCondition less than condition
swagger:model LessThanCondition
func (*LessThanCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LessThanCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (LessThanCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m LessThanCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*LessThanCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LessThanCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*LessThanCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *LessThanCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type LessThanOrEqualsCondition ¶
type LessThanOrEqualsCondition struct {
LessThanOrEqualsCondition less than or equals condition
swagger:model LessThanOrEqualsCondition
func (*LessThanOrEqualsCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LessThanOrEqualsCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (LessThanOrEqualsCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m LessThanOrEqualsCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*LessThanOrEqualsCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LessThanOrEqualsCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*LessThanOrEqualsCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *LessThanOrEqualsCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type Link ¶
type Link struct { // An absolute URL linking to a resource. Href string `json:"href,omitempty"` }
Link link
swagger:model Link
func (*Link) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Link) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Links ¶
type Links struct { // next Next *Link `json:"next,omitempty"` // previous Previous *Link `json:"previous,omitempty"` }
Links links
swagger:model Links
func (*Links) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Links) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListBase ¶
type ListBase struct { // alternatives // Required: true Alternatives Alternatives `json:"alternatives"` // supported values SupportedValues SupportedValues `json:"supportedValues,omitempty"` }
ListBase list base
swagger:model listBase
func (*ListBase) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListBase) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListForArgument ¶
type ListForArgument struct { ListBase // name // Required: true Name ArgumentName `json:"name"` }
ListForArgument list for argument
swagger:model listForArgument
func (*ListForArgument) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListForArgument) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ListForArgument) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ListForArgument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ListForArgument) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListForArgument) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListForArgument) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ListForArgument) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ListForAutomationAction ¶
type ListForAutomationAction struct { ListBase // The name of the command that is called when an item is chosen from the list Command string `json:"command,omitempty"` }
ListForAutomationAction list for automation action
swagger:model listForAutomationAction
func (*ListForAutomationAction) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListForAutomationAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ListForAutomationAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ListForAutomationAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ListForAutomationAction) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListForAutomationAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListForAutomationAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ListForAutomationAction) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ListForAutomationCondition ¶
ListForAutomationCondition list for automation condition
swagger:model listForAutomationCondition
func (*ListForAutomationCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListForAutomationCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ListForAutomationCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ListForAutomationCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ListForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ListForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ListForDetailView ¶
type ListForDetailView struct { // command Command *ListForDetailViewCommand `json:"command,omitempty"` // state State *ListForDetailViewState `json:"state,omitempty"` }
ListForDetailView To specify available values shown in a drop-down UI. User can select one of the value among the list items
swagger:model listForDetailView
func (*ListForDetailView) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListForDetailView) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListForDetailView) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListForDetailView) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListForDetailViewCommand ¶
type ListForDetailViewCommand struct { // alternatives // Required: true Alternatives Alternatives `json:"alternatives"` // name refers to command name and key of the alternatives is the argument of the command Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // supported values SupportedValues SupportedValues `json:"supportedValues,omitempty"` }
ListForDetailViewCommand list for detail view command
swagger:model ListForDetailViewCommand
func (*ListForDetailViewCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListForDetailViewCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListForDetailViewCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListForDetailViewCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListForDetailViewState ¶
type ListForDetailViewState struct { // alternatives // Required: true Alternatives interface{} `json:"alternatives"` // value // Required: true Value Value `json:"value"` }
ListForDetailViewState list for detail view state
swagger:model ListForDetailViewState
func (*ListForDetailViewState) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListForDetailViewState) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListForDetailViewState) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListForDetailViewState) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type LocaleReference ¶
type LocaleReference struct { // tag Tag LocaleTag `json:"tag,omitempty"` }
LocaleReference locale reference
swagger:model LocaleReference
func (*LocaleReference) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LocaleReference) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*LocaleReference) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LocaleReference) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type LocaleTag ¶
type LocaleTag string
LocaleTag The tag of the locale as defined in [RFC bcp47](
swagger:model LocaleTag
type LocaleVariables ¶
type LocaleVariables struct { // locale tag // Required: true LocaleTag LocaleTag `json:"localeTag"` // A map<string,string> with the key representing the variable name, and the value representing the verbiage // to be replaced in template string. // Variables map[string]string `json:"variables,omitempty"` }
LocaleVariables Message template variables associated with a certain locale.
swagger:model LocaleVariables
func (*LocaleVariables) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LocaleVariables) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*LocaleVariables) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LocaleVariables) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Location ¶
type Location struct { // Additional information about the location that allows SmartThings to further define your location. AdditionalProperties map[string]string `json:"additionalProperties,omitempty"` // Not currently in use. BackgroundImage string `json:"backgroundImage,omitempty"` // An ISO Alpha-3 country code. (i.e. GBR, USA) CountryCode string `json:"countryCode,omitempty"` // A geographical latitude. Latitude float64 `json:"latitude,omitempty"` // An IETF BCP 47 language tag representing the chosen locale for this location. Locale string `json:"locale,omitempty"` // The ID of the location. // Format: uuid LocationID strfmt.UUID `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // A geographical longitude. Longitude float64 `json:"longitude,omitempty"` // A name given for the location (eg. Home) Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // parent Parent *LocationParent `json:"parent,omitempty"` // The radius in meters around latitude and longitude which defines this location. RegionRadius int32 `json:"regionRadius,omitempty"` // The desired temperature scale used within location. Value can be F or C. TemperatureScale string `json:"temperatureScale,omitempty"` // An ID matching the Java Time Zone ID of the location. Automatically generated if latitude and longitude have been // provided. // TimeZoneID string `json:"timeZoneId,omitempty"` }
Location location
swagger:model Location
func (*Location) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Location) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type LocationAction ¶
type LocationAction struct { // mode Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"` }
LocationAction location action
swagger:model LocationAction
func (*LocationAction) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LocationAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*LocationAction) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LocationAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type LocationActionExecutionResult ¶
type LocationActionExecutionResult struct { // Location ID for location actions // Required: true LocationID *string `json:"locationId"` // result // Required: true Result ExecutionResult `json:"result"` }
LocationActionExecutionResult The result of a location action execution
swagger:model LocationActionExecutionResult
func (*LocationActionExecutionResult) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LocationActionExecutionResult) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*LocationActionExecutionResult) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LocationActionExecutionResult) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type LocationAttribute ¶
type LocationAttribute string
LocationAttribute location attribute
swagger:model LocationAttribute
const ( // LocationAttributeFineDust captures enum value "FineDust" LocationAttributeFineDust LocationAttribute = "FineDust" // LocationAttributeFineDustIndex captures enum value "FineDustIndex" LocationAttributeFineDustIndex LocationAttribute = "FineDustIndex" // LocationAttributeHumidity captures enum value "Humidity" LocationAttributeHumidity LocationAttribute = "Humidity" // LocationAttributeMode captures enum value "Mode" LocationAttributeMode LocationAttribute = "Mode" // LocationAttributeSecurity captures enum value "Security" LocationAttributeSecurity LocationAttribute = "Security" // LocationAttributeTemperature captures enum value "Temperature" LocationAttributeTemperature LocationAttribute = "Temperature" // LocationAttributeUltraFineDust captures enum value "UltraFineDust" LocationAttributeUltraFineDust LocationAttribute = "UltraFineDust" // LocationAttributeUltraFineDustIndex captures enum value "UltraFineDustIndex" LocationAttributeUltraFineDustIndex LocationAttribute = "UltraFineDustIndex" // LocationAttributeWeather captures enum value "Weather" LocationAttributeWeather LocationAttribute = "Weather" )
type LocationOperand ¶
type LocationOperand struct { // attribute // Required: true Attribute LocationAttribute `json:"attribute"` // trigger Trigger TriggerMode `json:"trigger,omitempty"` }
LocationOperand location operand
swagger:model LocationOperand
func (*LocationOperand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LocationOperand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*LocationOperand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LocationOperand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type LocationParent ¶
type LocationParent struct { // The ID of the parent // Max Length: 36 // Min Length: 36 ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` // type Type LocationParentTypes `json:"type,omitempty"` }
LocationParent The parent of a Location
swagger:model LocationParent
func (*LocationParent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LocationParent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*LocationParent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *LocationParent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type LocationParentTypes ¶
type LocationParentTypes string
LocationParentTypes The type of the location's parent.
swagger:model LocationParentTypes
const ( // LocationParentTypesLOCATIONGROUP captures enum value "LOCATIONGROUP" LocationParentTypesLOCATIONGROUP LocationParentTypes = "LOCATIONGROUP" // LocationParentTypesACCOUNT captures enum value "ACCOUNT" LocationParentTypesACCOUNT LocationParentTypes = "ACCOUNT" )
type Message ¶
type Message struct { // fallback locale // Required: true FallbackLocale LocaleTag `json:"fallbackLocale"` // A list of templates representing the same message in different languages. // Required: true // Max Items: 35 // Min Items: 1 Templates []*MessageTemplate `json:"templates"` }
Message A Message contains a list of message templates representing the same message in different locales. The system will serve the template with the locale that best matches the Recipient's language preferences. If the user's language preferences do not correlate to any message templates, the template defined by the `fallbackLocale` will be used.
swagger:model Message
func (*Message) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Message) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type MessageConfig ¶
type MessageConfig struct { // The key value of the message group. MessageGroupKey string `json:"messageGroupKey,omitempty"` }
MessageConfig A message configuration.
swagger:model MessageConfig
func (*MessageConfig) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *MessageConfig) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*MessageConfig) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *MessageConfig) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type MessageTemplate ¶
type MessageTemplate struct { // locale tag // Required: true LocaleTag LocaleTag `json:"localeTag"` // A message template string. Specify variables using the double curly braces convention. // i.e. "Hello, {{ firstName }}!" // // Required: true Template *string `json:"template"` }
MessageTemplate A message template definition, representing a message in a specific locale.
swagger:model MessageTemplate
func (*MessageTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *MessageTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*MessageTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *MessageTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type MessageType ¶
type MessageType string
MessageType The expected message format to be sent.
swagger:model MessageType
const ( // MessageTypePREDEFINED captures enum value "PREDEFINED" MessageTypePREDEFINED MessageType = "PREDEFINED" // MessageTypeADHOC captures enum value "ADHOC" MessageTypeADHOC MessageType = "ADHOC" )
type Mode ¶
type Mode struct { // Globally unique id for the mode. // Required: true ID *string `json:"id"` // A name provided by the User. Unique per location, updatable. // Required: true // Max Length: 25 // Min Length: 1 Label *string `json:"label"` // A name provided when the mode was created. The name is unique per location, and can not be updated. // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` }
Mode mode
swagger:model Mode
func (*Mode) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Mode) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ModeConfig ¶
type ModeConfig struct { // The ID of the mode. ModeID string `json:"modeId,omitempty"` }
ModeConfig A mode configuration.
swagger:model ModeConfig
func (*ModeConfig) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ModeConfig) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ModeConfig) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ModeConfig) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ModeEvent ¶
type ModeEvent struct { // The id of the event. EventID string `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the location in which the event was triggered. LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // The ID of the mode associated with a MODE_EVENT. ModeID string `json:"modeId,omitempty"` }
ModeEvent mode event
swagger:model ModeEvent
func (*ModeEvent) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ModeEvent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ModeSubscriptionDetail ¶
type ModeSubscriptionDetail struct { // The GUID for the location to subscribe to mode changes. // Required: true LocationID *string `json:"locationId"` }
ModeSubscriptionDetail Details of a subscription of source type MODE. This will subscribe to all mode changes for the given location. The installed app can then act on the resulting mode change event accordingly.
swagger:model ModeSubscriptionDetail
func (*ModeSubscriptionDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ModeSubscriptionDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ModeSubscriptionDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ModeSubscriptionDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type MultiArgCommand ¶
type MultiArgCommand struct { // arguments // Required: true Arguments []*MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0 `json:"arguments"` // Command name to trigger // Required: true Command *string `json:"command"` }
MultiArgCommand To specify multiple arguments command and displayType of each argument.
swagger:model multiArgCommand
func (*MultiArgCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *MultiArgCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*MultiArgCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *MultiArgCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0 ¶
type MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0 struct { // Specify the type of UI component to use to display this action or state. The corresponding field must also be included. For example, if you specify "switch" here, you must also include the "switch" key and its object definition for this action or state. // Required: true // Enum: [switch slider list textField numberField] DisplayType *string `json:"displayType"` // list List *ListForArgument `json:"list,omitempty"` // number field NumberField *NumberFieldForArgument `json:"numberField,omitempty"` // slider Slider *SliderForArgument `json:"slider,omitempty"` // switch Switch *SwitchForArgument `json:"switch,omitempty"` // text field TextField *TextFieldForArgument `json:"textField,omitempty"` }
MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0 multi arg command arguments items0
swagger:model MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0
func (*MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *MultiArgCommandArgumentsItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Namespace ¶
type Namespace struct { // A URL safe globally unique namespace name (ascii letters and numbers only) // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // id of the owner (user, or in the future, organization) // Required: true OwnerID *string `json:"ownerId"` // The type of owner of the namespace. // Required: true // Enum: [user organization system] OwnerType *string `json:"ownerType"` }
Namespace namespace
swagger:model Namespace
func (*Namespace) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Namespace) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Notice ¶
type Notice struct { // The action(s) a user can take to resolve this notice Actions []NoticeAction `json:"actions"` // The url of the badge icon for the notice card BadgeURL string `json:"badgeUrl,omitempty"` // code Code NoticeCode `json:"code,omitempty"` // The localized message to be displayed Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
Notice notice
swagger:model Notice
func (*Notice) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Notice) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NoticeAction ¶
type NoticeAction string
NoticeAction An action the user can take to resolve a notice
swagger:model NoticeAction
const ( // NoticeActionDISMISS captures enum value "DISMISS" NoticeActionDISMISS NoticeAction = "DISMISS" // NoticeActionEDIT captures enum value "EDIT" NoticeActionEDIT NoticeAction = "EDIT" // NoticeActionNONE captures enum value "NONE" NoticeActionNONE NoticeAction = "NONE" )
type NoticeCode ¶
type NoticeCode string
NoticeCode * USER_PAUSE - Denotes installed app is paused by the user and user action is required to unpause it. * REVISIT - Denotes installed app is still running and user action may be required to reconcile a configuration. * RECONFIGURE - Denotes installed app is no longer running and user action is required to resolve a configuration issue.
swagger:model NoticeCode
const ( // NoticeCodeUSERPAUSE captures enum value "USER_PAUSE" NoticeCodeUSERPAUSE NoticeCode = "USER_PAUSE" // NoticeCodeREVISIT captures enum value "REVISIT" NoticeCodeREVISIT NoticeCode = "REVISIT" // NoticeCodeRECONFIGURE captures enum value "RECONFIGURE" NoticeCodeRECONFIGURE NoticeCode = "RECONFIGURE" )
type NumberField ¶
type NumberField struct { // argument type ArgumentType ArgumentType `json:"argumentType,omitempty"` // command // Required: true Command *string `json:"command"` // range Range Range `json:"range,omitempty"` // unit Unit Unit `json:"unit,omitempty"` // value Value Value `json:"value,omitempty"` // value type ValueType ValueType `json:"valueType,omitempty"` }
NumberField This display type creates numberfield that the user enters a new value and that the new value is passed as an argument to the command
swagger:model numberField
func (*NumberField) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NumberField) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NumberField) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NumberField) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NumberFieldForArgument ¶
type NumberFieldForArgument struct { // name // Required: true Name ArgumentName `json:"name"` // range Range Range `json:"range,omitempty"` }
NumberFieldForArgument number field for argument
swagger:model numberFieldForArgument
func (*NumberFieldForArgument) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NumberFieldForArgument) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NumberFieldForArgument) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NumberFieldForArgument) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NumberFieldForAutomationAction ¶
type NumberFieldForAutomationAction struct { // argument type ArgumentType ArgumentType `json:"argumentType,omitempty"` // command // Required: true Command *string `json:"command"` // range Range Range `json:"range,omitempty"` // unit Unit Unit `json:"unit,omitempty"` }
NumberFieldForAutomationAction number field for automation action
swagger:model numberFieldForAutomationAction
func (*NumberFieldForAutomationAction) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NumberFieldForAutomationAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NumberFieldForAutomationAction) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NumberFieldForAutomationAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NumberFieldForAutomationCondition ¶
type NumberFieldForAutomationCondition struct { // range Range Range `json:"range,omitempty"` // unit Unit Unit `json:"unit,omitempty"` // value // Required: true Value Value `json:"value"` // value type ValueType ValueType `json:"valueType,omitempty"` }
NumberFieldForAutomationCondition number field for automation condition
swagger:model numberFieldForAutomationCondition
func (*NumberFieldForAutomationCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NumberFieldForAutomationCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NumberFieldForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *NumberFieldForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type OnceSchedule ¶
type OnceSchedule struct { // overwrite Overwrite bool `json:"overwrite,omitempty"` // The time in millis from jan 1 1970 UTC for ONCE schedules. Must be less than 2 years from now. // Required: true Time *int64 `json:"time"` }
OnceSchedule once schedule
swagger:model OnceSchedule
func (*OnceSchedule) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *OnceSchedule) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*OnceSchedule) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *OnceSchedule) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Operand ¶
type Operand struct { // array Array *ArrayOperand `json:"array,omitempty"` // boolean Boolean bool `json:"boolean,omitempty"` // date Date *DateOperand `json:"date,omitempty"` // datetime Datetime *DateTimeOperand `json:"datetime,omitempty"` // decimal Decimal float64 `json:"decimal,omitempty"` // device Device *DeviceOperand `json:"device,omitempty"` // integer Integer int64 `json:"integer,omitempty"` // location Location *LocationOperand `json:"location,omitempty"` // map Map MapOperand `json:"map,omitempty"` // string String string `json:"string,omitempty"` // time Time *TimeOperand `json:"time,omitempty"` }
Operand operand
swagger:model Operand
func (*Operand) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Operand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type OperandAggregationMode ¶
type OperandAggregationMode string
OperandAggregationMode operand aggregation mode
swagger:model OperandAggregationMode
const ( // OperandAggregationModeNone captures enum value "None" OperandAggregationModeNone OperandAggregationMode = "None" )
type Operator ¶
type Operator string
Operator The method to compare
swagger:model operator
const ( // OperatorCONTAINS captures enum value "CONTAINS" OperatorCONTAINS Operator = "CONTAINS" // OperatorDOESNOTCONTAIN captures enum value "DOES_NOT_CONTAIN" OperatorDOESNOTCONTAIN Operator = "DOES_NOT_CONTAIN" // OperatorEQUALS captures enum value "EQUALS" OperatorEQUALS Operator = "EQUALS" // OperatorDOESNOTEQUAL captures enum value "DOES_NOT_EQUAL" OperatorDOESNOTEQUAL Operator = "DOES_NOT_EQUAL" // OperatorGREATERTHAN captures enum value "GREATER_THAN" OperatorGREATERTHAN Operator = "GREATER_THAN" // OperatorGREATERTHANOREQUALS captures enum value "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS" OperatorGREATERTHANOREQUALS Operator = "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS" // OperatorLESSTHAN captures enum value "LESS_THAN" OperatorLESSTHAN Operator = "LESS_THAN" // OperatorLESSTHANOREQUALS captures enum value "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS" OperatorLESSTHANOREQUALS Operator = "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS" )
type Owner ¶
type Owner struct { // A global idenfifier for owner. OwnerID string `json:"ownerId,omitempty"` // The account type which owns the specific domain item. // Enum: [USER SYSTEM IMPLICIT] OwnerType *string `json:"ownerType,omitempty"` }
Owner A typed model which provides information around ownership of a specific domain.
swagger:model Owner
func (*Owner) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Owner) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedApp ¶
type PagedApp struct { // A globally unique identifier for an app. // Format: uuid AppID strfmt.UUID `json:"appId,omitempty"` // A user defined unique identifier for an app. It is alpha-numeric, may contain dashes, // underscores, periods, and be less then 250 characters long. It must be unique within your account. // AppName string `json:"appName,omitempty"` // app type AppType AppType `json:"appType,omitempty"` // An App maybe associated to many classifications. A classification drives how the integration is presented // to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients. These classifications include: // * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Automation" tab in mobile clients. // * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a "Service". // * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Device" tab in mobile clients. // * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Connected Services" menu in mobile clients. // * HIDDEN - Denotes an integration that should not display in mobile clients // Classifications []AppClassification `json:"classifications"` // A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String // Format: date-time CreatedDate strfmt.DateTime `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // A default description for an app. // // Max Length: 250 Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // A default display name for an app. // // Max Length: 75 DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // icon image IconImage *IconImage `json:"iconImage,omitempty"` // A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String // Format: date-time LastUpdatedDate strfmt.DateTime `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // owner Owner *Owner `json:"owner,omitempty"` }
PagedApp paged app
swagger:model PagedApp
func (*PagedApp) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedApp) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedApps ¶
type PagedApps struct { // links Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` // items Items []*PagedApp `json:"items"` }
PagedApps Represents a single page of Apps available in an account.
swagger:model PagedApps
func (*PagedApps) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedApps) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedCapabilities ¶
type PagedCapabilities struct { // links Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` // items Items []*CapabilitySummary `json:"items"` }
PagedCapabilities paged capabilities
swagger:model PagedCapabilities
func (*PagedCapabilities) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedCapabilities) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedCapabilities) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedCapabilities) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedDeviceProfiles ¶
type PagedDeviceProfiles struct { // links Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` // items Items []*DeviceProfileResponse `json:"items"` }
PagedDeviceProfiles paged device profiles
swagger:model PagedDeviceProfiles
func (*PagedDeviceProfiles) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedDeviceProfiles) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedDeviceProfiles) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedDeviceProfiles) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedDevices ¶
type PagedDevices struct { // links Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` // items Items []*Device `json:"items"` }
PagedDevices A paginated array of devices.
swagger:model PagedDevices
func (*PagedDevices) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedDevices) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedDevices) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedDevices) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedInstallConfigurations ¶
type PagedInstallConfigurations struct { // links Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` // items Items []*InstallConfiguration `json:"items"` }
PagedInstallConfigurations Represents a single page of InstallConfiguration models available for an InstalledApp.
swagger:model PagedInstallConfigurations
func (*PagedInstallConfigurations) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedInstallConfigurations) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedInstallConfigurations) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedInstallConfigurations) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedInstalledApps ¶
type PagedInstalledApps struct { // links Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` // items Items []*InstalledApp `json:"items"` }
PagedInstalledApps Represents a single page of InstalledApps available in a user account.
swagger:model PagedInstalledApps
func (*PagedInstalledApps) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedInstalledApps) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedInstalledApps) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedInstalledApps) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedLocation ¶
type PagedLocation struct { // The ID of the location. // Format: uuid LocationID strfmt.UUID `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // A name given for the location (eg. Home) Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // parent Parent *LocationParent `json:"parent,omitempty"` }
PagedLocation A slimmed down represenation of the Location model.
swagger:model PagedLocation
func (*PagedLocation) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedLocation) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedLocation) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedLocation) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedLocations ¶
type PagedLocations struct { // links Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` // items Items []*PagedLocation `json:"items"` }
PagedLocations Represents a single page of Locations available in a user account.
swagger:model PagedLocations
func (*PagedLocations) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedLocations) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedLocations) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedLocations) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedMessageTemplate ¶
type PagedMessageTemplate struct { // A globally unique identifier for an app. // Required: true // Format: uuid AppID *strfmt.UUID `json:"appId"` // message template key // Required: true MessageTemplateKey *string `json:"messageTemplateKey"` }
PagedMessageTemplate A simplified Message model which is retured during a list operation.
swagger:model PagedMessageTemplate
func (*PagedMessageTemplate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedMessageTemplate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedMessageTemplate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedMessageTemplate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedRooms ¶
type PagedRooms struct { // links Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` // items Items []*Room `json:"items"` }
PagedRooms Represents a single page of Rooms available in a Location.
swagger:model PagedRooms
func (*PagedRooms) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedRooms) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedRooms) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedRooms) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedRules ¶
type PagedRules struct { // links Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` // items Items []*Rule `json:"items"` }
PagedRules An array of Rules
swagger:model PagedRules
func (*PagedRules) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedRules) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedRules) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedRules) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedSchedules ¶
type PagedSchedules struct { // links Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` // items Items []*Schedule `json:"items"` }
PagedSchedules An array of schedules
swagger:model PagedSchedules
func (*PagedSchedules) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedSchedules) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedSchedules) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedSchedules) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PagedSubscriptions ¶
type PagedSubscriptions struct { // links Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` // items Items []*Subscription `json:"items"` }
PagedSubscriptions An array of subscriptions
swagger:model PagedSubscriptions
func (*PagedSubscriptions) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedSubscriptions) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PagedSubscriptions) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PagedSubscriptions) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PatchItem ¶
type PatchItem struct { // Operation objects MUST have exactly one "op" member, whose value indicates the operation to perform // Required: true // Enum: [add replace remove] Op *string `json:"op"` // path specifies a string format for identifying a specific value within a JSON document. It is used by all operations in patch to specify the part of the document to operate on. // Required: true Path *string `json:"path"` // value Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
PatchItem patch item
swagger:model patchItem
func (*PatchItem) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PatchItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PermissionConfig ¶
type PermissionConfig struct { // permissions // Max Items: 25 // Min Items: 1 Permissions []string `json:"permissions"` }
PermissionConfig Required permissions for the installed app.
swagger:model PermissionConfig
func (*PermissionConfig) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PermissionConfig) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PermissionConfig) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PermissionConfig) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PlayPause ¶
type PlayPause struct { PlayPauseCommand // state State *PlayPauseAO1State `json:"state,omitempty"` }
PlayPause To specify separate commands for play and pause, use the "play" and "pause" fields respectively. To specify a single command, use "name" for the command and the "play" and "pause" fields for the arguments.
swagger:model playPause
func (*PlayPause) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PlayPause) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*PlayPause) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PlayPause) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type PlayPauseAO1State ¶
type PlayPauseAO1State struct { // alternatives Alternatives Alternatives `json:"alternatives,omitempty"` // The value of "attribute" which indicates paused state. When the attribute value equals to this then UI will show paused state. // Required: true Pause *string `json:"pause"` // The value of "attribute" which indicates playing state. When the attribute value equals to this then UI will show playing state. // Required: true Play *string `json:"play"` // value // Required: true Value Value `json:"value"` }
PlayPauseAO1State play pause a o1 state
swagger:model PlayPauseAO1State
func (*PlayPauseAO1State) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PlayPauseAO1State) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PlayPauseAO1State) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PlayPauseAO1State) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PlayPauseCommand ¶
type PlayPauseCommand struct { // command // Required: true Command *PlayPauseCommandCommand `json:"command"` }
PlayPauseCommand Display type for a play/pause button.
swagger:model playPauseCommand
func (*PlayPauseCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PlayPauseCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PlayPauseCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PlayPauseCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PlayPauseCommandCommand ¶
type PlayPauseCommandCommand struct { // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // pause // Required: true Pause *string `json:"pause"` // play // Required: true Play *string `json:"play"` }
PlayPauseCommandCommand To specify separate commands with no arguments for on and off, use the “play” and “pause” fields respectively. To specify a single command, use “name” for the command and the “play” and “pause” fields for the arguments.
swagger:model PlayPauseCommandCommand
func (*PlayPauseCommandCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PlayPauseCommandCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PlayPauseCommandCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PlayPauseCommandCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PlayStop ¶
type PlayStop struct { PlayStopCommand // state // Required: true State *PlayStopAO1State `json:"state"` }
PlayStop To specify separate commands for play and stop, use the "play" and "stop" fields respectively. To specify a single command, use “name” for the command and the " play" and "stop" fields for the arguments.
swagger:model playStop
func (*PlayStop) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PlayStop) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*PlayStop) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PlayStop) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type PlayStopAO1State ¶
type PlayStopAO1State struct { // alternatives Alternatives Alternatives `json:"alternatives,omitempty"` // The value of "attribute" which indicates playing state. When the attribute value equals to this then UI will show playing state. // Required: true Play *string `json:"play"` // The value of "attribute" which indicates stopped state. When the attribute value equals to this then UI will show stopped state. // Required: true Stop *string `json:"stop"` // value // Required: true Value Value `json:"value"` }
PlayStopAO1State play stop a o1 state
swagger:model PlayStopAO1State
func (*PlayStopAO1State) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PlayStopAO1State) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PlayStopAO1State) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PlayStopAO1State) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PlayStopCommand ¶
type PlayStopCommand struct { // command // Required: true Command *PlayStopCommandCommand `json:"command"` }
PlayStopCommand Display type for a play/stop button.
swagger:model playStopCommand
func (*PlayStopCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PlayStopCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PlayStopCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PlayStopCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PlayStopCommandCommand ¶
type PlayStopCommandCommand struct { // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // play // Required: true Play *string `json:"play"` // stop // Required: true Stop *string `json:"stop"` }
PlayStopCommandCommand To specify separate commands with no arguments for on and off, use the “play” and “stop” fields respectively. To specify a single command, use “name” for the command and the “play” and “stop” fields for the arguments.
swagger:model PlayStopCommandCommand
func (*PlayStopCommandCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PlayStopCommandCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PlayStopCommandCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PlayStopCommandCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PoCodes ¶
type PoCodes struct { // label // Required: true Label *string `json:"label"` // Po code. Should begin with '___PO_CODE' // Required: true // Pattern: ^___PO_CODE_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Po *string `json:"po"` }
PoCodes po codes
swagger:model poCodes
func (*PoCodes) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PoCodes) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PredefinedMessage ¶
type PredefinedMessage struct { // A map<string,string> with the key representing the variable name, and the value representing the verbiage // to be replaced in template string. `defaultVariables` are only used when there are no matching // `localeVariables`. // DefaultVariables map[string]string `json:"defaultVariables,omitempty"` // Variables to resolve for specific locales. // LocaleVariables []*LocaleVariables `json:"localeVariables"` // message template key // Required: true MessageTemplateKey *string `json:"messageTemplateKey"` }
PredefinedMessage Predefined message options. Variables from `localeVariables` matching the locale of the Message will be assigned first, then `defaultVariables`.
swagger:model PredefinedMessage
func (*PredefinedMessage) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PredefinedMessage) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PredefinedMessage) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PredefinedMessage) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PrincipalType ¶
type PrincipalType string
PrincipalType Denotes the principal type to be used with the app. Default is LOCATION.
swagger:model PrincipalType
const ( // PrincipalTypeLOCATION captures enum value "LOCATION" PrincipalTypeLOCATION PrincipalType = "LOCATION" // PrincipalTypeUSERLEVEL captures enum value "USER_LEVEL" PrincipalTypeUSERLEVEL PrincipalType = "USER_LEVEL" )
type PublicDeviceConfiguration ¶
type PublicDeviceConfiguration struct { CreateDeviceConfigRequest // Secondary namespacing key for grouping presentations (formerly `mnmn`) ManufacturerName string `json:"manufacturerName,omitempty"` // DEPRECATED: Secondary namespacing key for grouping presentations Mnmn string `json:"mnmn,omitempty"` // System generated identifier that corresponds to a device presentation (formerly `vid`) PresentationID string `json:"presentationId,omitempty"` // DEPRECATED: System generated identifier that corresponds to a device presentation Vid string `json:"vid,omitempty"` }
PublicDeviceConfiguration public device configuration
swagger:model PublicDeviceConfiguration
func (*PublicDeviceConfiguration) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PublicDeviceConfiguration) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PublicDeviceConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m PublicDeviceConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*PublicDeviceConfiguration) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PublicDeviceConfiguration) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PublicDeviceConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *PublicDeviceConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type PushButton ¶
type PushButton struct { // argument Argument string `json:"argument,omitempty"` // command // Required: true Command *string `json:"command"` }
PushButton push button
swagger:model pushButton
func (*PushButton) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PushButton) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PushButton) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PushButton) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Range ¶
type Range []float64
Range The inclusive range of a numeric value or bounds of a string depending on the data type it is applied to.
swagger:model range
type Room ¶
type Room struct { // Not currently in use. BackgroundImage string `json:"backgroundImage,omitempty"` // The ID of the parent location. // Format: uuid LocationID strfmt.UUID `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // A name given for the room (eg. Living Room) Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The ID of the room. // Format: uuid RoomID strfmt.UUID `json:"roomId,omitempty"` }
Room room
swagger:model Room
func (*Room) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Room) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Rule ¶
type Rule struct { RuleRequest // Unique id for the rule // Required: true ID *string `json:"id"` // The status of the rule // Enum: [Enabled Disabled] Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` }
Rule rule
swagger:model Rule
func (*Rule) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (Rule) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*Rule) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Rule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type RuleExecutionResponse ¶
type RuleExecutionResponse struct { // actions Actions []*ActionExecutionResult `json:"actions"` // execution Id // Required: true ExecutionID *string `json:"executionId"` // id // Required: true ID *string `json:"id"` // result // Required: true Result ExecutionResult `json:"result"` }
RuleExecutionResponse The result of a Rule execution
swagger:model RuleExecutionResponse
func (*RuleExecutionResponse) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RuleExecutionResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RuleExecutionResponse) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RuleExecutionResponse) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RuleRequest ¶
type RuleRequest struct { // actions // Required: true Actions []*Action `json:"actions"` // Name for the rule // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // The sequence in which the actions are to be executed i.e. Serial (default) or Parallel Sequence *ActionSequence `json:"sequence,omitempty"` // Time zone ID for this rule. This overrides the location time zone ID, but is overridden by time zone ID provided by each operand individually TimeZoneID string `json:"timeZoneId,omitempty"` }
RuleRequest rule request
swagger:model RuleRequest
func (*RuleRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RuleRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RuleRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RuleRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneAction ¶
type SceneAction struct { // device group request DeviceGroupRequest *SceneDeviceGroupRequest `json:"deviceGroupRequest,omitempty"` // device request DeviceRequest *SceneDeviceRequest `json:"deviceRequest,omitempty"` // mode request ModeRequest *SceneModeRequest `json:"modeRequest,omitempty"` // sleep request SleepRequest *SceneSleepRequest `json:"sleepRequest,omitempty"` }
SceneAction Possible scene actions, mutually exclusive
swagger:model SceneAction
func (*SceneAction) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneAction) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneActionSequence ¶
type SceneActionSequence []*SceneAction
SceneActionSequence scene action sequence
swagger:model SceneActionSequence
type SceneArgument ¶
type SceneArgument struct { // the name of the command Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // the schema of the command Schema interface{} `json:"schema,omitempty"` // The value being set for the capability command Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"` }
SceneArgument A capability command argument
swagger:model SceneArgument
func (*SceneArgument) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneArgument) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneArgument) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneArgument) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneCapability ¶
type SceneCapability struct { // The id of the capability CapabilityID string `json:"capabilityId,omitempty"` // Capability commands Commands map[string]SceneCommand `json:"commands,omitempty"` // The status of the capability // Enum: [proposed live deprecated dead] Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` }
SceneCapability A device component capability
swagger:model SceneCapability
func (*SceneCapability) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneCapability) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneCapability) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneCapability) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneCommand ¶
type SceneCommand struct { // the command arguments Arguments []*SceneArgument `json:"arguments"` }
SceneCommand A component capability command
swagger:model SceneCommand
func (*SceneCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneComponent ¶
type SceneComponent struct { // capabilities Capabilities []*SceneCapability `json:"capabilities"` // the id of the component ComponentID string `json:"componentId,omitempty"` }
SceneComponent A component of the scene device
swagger:model SceneComponent
func (*SceneComponent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneComponent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneComponent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneComponent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneConfig ¶
type SceneConfig struct { // permissions // Max Items: 25 Permissions []string `json:"permissions"` // The ID of the scene. SceneID string `json:"sceneId,omitempty"` }
SceneConfig A scene configuration.
swagger:model SceneConfig
func (*SceneConfig) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneConfig) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneConfig) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneConfig) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneDevice ¶
type SceneDevice struct { // components Components []*SceneComponent `json:"components"` // the id of the device DeviceID string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"` // the label of the device DeviceLabel string `json:"deviceLabel,omitempty"` // the name of the device DeviceName string `json:"deviceName,omitempty"` // The identifier for the device's DeviceType. DeviceTypeID string `json:"deviceTypeId,omitempty"` // Location of the device LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` }
SceneDevice scene device
swagger:model SceneDevice
func (*SceneDevice) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneDevice) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneDevice) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneDevice) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneDeviceGroup ¶
type SceneDeviceGroup struct { // capability Capability *SceneCapability `json:"capability,omitempty"` // the id of the device DeviceGroupID string `json:"deviceGroupId,omitempty"` }
SceneDeviceGroup scene device group
swagger:model SceneDeviceGroup
func (*SceneDeviceGroup) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneDeviceGroup) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneDeviceGroup) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneDeviceGroup) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneDeviceGroupRequest ¶
type SceneDeviceGroupRequest struct { // the id of the action to be created. Optional, sent by Reaver only ActionID string `json:"actionId,omitempty"` // capability Capability *SceneCapability `json:"capability,omitempty"` // the id of the device group // Required: true DeviceGroupID *string `json:"deviceGroupId"` }
SceneDeviceGroupRequest JSON structure for a device group when creating a Scene
swagger:model SceneDeviceGroupRequest
func (*SceneDeviceGroupRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneDeviceGroupRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneDeviceGroupRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneDeviceGroupRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneDeviceRequest ¶
type SceneDeviceRequest struct { // the id of the action to be created. Optional, sent by Reaver only ActionID string `json:"actionId,omitempty"` // components Components []*SceneComponent `json:"components"` // the id of the device DeviceID string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"` }
SceneDeviceRequest JSON structure for a device when creating a Scene
swagger:model SceneDeviceRequest
func (*SceneDeviceRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneDeviceRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneDeviceRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneDeviceRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneLifecycle ¶
type SceneLifecycle string
SceneLifecycle The scene lifecycle. The lifecycle will be one of: * CREATE - Invoked when a scene is created. * UPDATE - Invoked when a scene is updated. * DELETE - Invoked when a scene is deleted.
swagger:model SceneLifecycle
const ( // SceneLifecycleCREATE captures enum value "CREATE" SceneLifecycleCREATE SceneLifecycle = "CREATE" // SceneLifecycleUPDATE captures enum value "UPDATE" SceneLifecycleUPDATE SceneLifecycle = "UPDATE" // SceneLifecycleDELETE captures enum value "DELETE" SceneLifecycleDELETE SceneLifecycle = "DELETE" )
type SceneLifecycleCreate ¶
type SceneLifecycleCreate interface{}
SceneLifecycleCreate Create scene lifecycle.
swagger:model SceneLifecycleCreate
type SceneLifecycleDelete ¶
type SceneLifecycleDelete interface{}
SceneLifecycleDelete Delete scene lifecycle.
swagger:model SceneLifecycleDelete
type SceneLifecycleDetail ¶
type SceneLifecycleDetail struct { // The id of the location that both the app and scenes are in. // Required: true LocationID *string `json:"locationId"` // A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app. SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"` }
SceneLifecycleDetail Details of a subscription of source type SCENE_LIFECYCLE.
swagger:model SceneLifecycleDetail
func (*SceneLifecycleDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneLifecycleDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneLifecycleDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneLifecycleDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneLifecycleEvent ¶
type SceneLifecycleEvent struct { // create Create SceneLifecycleCreate `json:"create,omitempty"` // delete Delete SceneLifecycleDelete `json:"delete,omitempty"` // The id of the event. EventID string `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // lifecycle Lifecycle SceneLifecycle `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"` // The id of the location in which the event was triggered. LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // The id of the scene. SceneID string `json:"sceneId,omitempty"` // update Update SceneLifecycleUpdate `json:"update,omitempty"` }
SceneLifecycleEvent A scene lifecycle event.
swagger:model SceneLifecycleEvent
func (*SceneLifecycleEvent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneLifecycleEvent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneLifecycleEvent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneLifecycleEvent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneLifecycleUpdate ¶
type SceneLifecycleUpdate interface{}
SceneLifecycleUpdate Update scene lifecycle.
swagger:model SceneLifecycleUpdate
type SceneMode ¶
type SceneMode struct { // the id of the mode ModeID string `json:"modeId,omitempty"` // the name of the mode ModeName string `json:"modeName,omitempty"` }
SceneMode The mode activated by the Scene
swagger:model SceneMode
func (*SceneMode) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneMode) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneModeRequest ¶
type SceneModeRequest struct { // the id of the action to be created. Optional, sent by Reaver only ActionID string `json:"actionId,omitempty"` // The id of the mode // Required: true ModeID *string `json:"modeId"` // The name of the mode ModeName string `json:"modeName,omitempty"` }
SceneModeRequest The mode to be activated by the Scene
swagger:model SceneModeRequest
func (*SceneModeRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneModeRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneModeRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneModeRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ScenePagedResult ¶
type ScenePagedResult struct { // links Links *Links `json:"_links,omitempty"` // items Items []*SceneSummary `json:"items"` }
ScenePagedResult scene paged result
swagger:model ScenePagedResult
func (*ScenePagedResult) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ScenePagedResult) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ScenePagedResult) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ScenePagedResult) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneRequest ¶
type SceneRequest struct { // List of device group actions Devicegroups []*SceneDeviceGroupRequest `json:"devicegroups"` // Non-sequential list of device actions // Required: true Devices []*SceneDeviceRequest `json:"devices"` // mode Mode *SceneModeRequest `json:"mode,omitempty"` // The color of the icon SceneColor string `json:"sceneColor,omitempty"` // The name of the icon SceneIcon string `json:"sceneIcon,omitempty"` // The user-defined name of the Scene // Required: true SceneName *string `json:"sceneName"` // security mode SecurityMode *SceneSecurityModeRequest `json:"securityMode,omitempty"` // List of parallel action sequences Sequences []SceneActionSequence `json:"sequences"` }
SceneRequest JSON body for creating or updating a Scene
swagger:model SceneRequest
func (*SceneRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneSecurityModeRequest ¶
type SceneSecurityModeRequest struct { // the id of the action to be created. Optional, sent by Reaver only ActionID string `json:"actionId,omitempty"` // Additional query param Arguments string `json:"arguments,omitempty"` // The id of the security mode // Required: true // Enum: [setArmStay setArmAway disarm] Security *string `json:"security"` }
SceneSecurityModeRequest The security mode to be activated by the Scene
swagger:model SceneSecurityModeRequest
func (*SceneSecurityModeRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneSecurityModeRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneSecurityModeRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneSecurityModeRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneSleepRequest ¶
type SceneSleepRequest struct { // Number of seconds to sleep the sequence // Required: true Seconds *int64 `json:"seconds"` }
SceneSleepRequest Sleep a particular sequence
swagger:model SceneSleepRequest
func (*SceneSleepRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneSleepRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneSleepRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneSleepRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SceneSummary ¶
type SceneSummary struct { // api version APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"` // The unique identifier of the user that created the scene CreatedBy string `json:"createdBy,omitempty"` // The date the scene was created // Format: date-time CreatedDate strfmt.DateTime `json:"createdDate,omitempty"` // Whether or not this scene can be edited by the logged in user using the version of the app that made the request Editable bool `json:"editable,omitempty"` // The date the scene was last executed // Format: date-time LastExecutedDate strfmt.DateTime `json:"lastExecutedDate,omitempty"` // The date the scene was last updated // Format: date-time LastUpdatedDate strfmt.DateTime `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"` // Location of the Scene LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // The color of the icon SceneColor string `json:"sceneColor,omitempty"` // The name of the icon SceneIcon string `json:"sceneIcon,omitempty"` // The unique identifier of the Scene SceneID string `json:"sceneId,omitempty"` // The user-defined name of the Scene SceneName string `json:"sceneName,omitempty"` }
SceneSummary scene summary
swagger:model SceneSummary
func (*SceneSummary) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneSummary) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SceneSummary) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SceneSummary) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Schedule ¶
type Schedule struct { // cron Cron *CronSchedule `json:"cron,omitempty"` // The ID of the installed app. // Format: uuid InstalledAppID strfmt.UUID `json:"installedAppId,omitempty"` // The ID of the location the installed app is in. // Format: uuid LocationID strfmt.UUID `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // The unique per installed app name of the schedule. // Required: true // Max Length: 36 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // list of scheduled execution times in millis from jan 1 1970 UTC ScheduledExecutions []int64 `json:"scheduledExecutions"` // The UUID of the user who created the schedule. // Format: uuid UserUUID strfmt.UUID `json:"userUuid,omitempty"` }
Schedule schedule
swagger:model Schedule
func (*Schedule) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Schedule) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ScheduleRequest ¶
type ScheduleRequest struct { // cron Cron *CronSchedule `json:"cron,omitempty"` // The unique per installed app name of the schedule. // Required: true // Max Length: 36 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // once Once *OnceSchedule `json:"once,omitempty"` }
ScheduleRequest schedule request
swagger:model ScheduleRequest
func (*ScheduleRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ScheduleRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ScheduleRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ScheduleRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SecurityArmStateDetail ¶
type SecurityArmStateDetail struct { // The id of the location that both the app and the security system are in. // Required: true LocationID *string `json:"locationId"` // A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app. SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"` }
SecurityArmStateDetail Details of a subscription of souce type SECURITY_ARM_STATE
swagger:model SecurityArmStateDetail
func (*SecurityArmStateDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SecurityArmStateDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SecurityArmStateDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SecurityArmStateDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SecurityArmStateEvent ¶
type SecurityArmStateEvent struct { // The arm state of a security system. // // Enum: [UNKNOWN ARMED_STAY ARMED_AWAY DISARMED] ArmState string `json:"armState,omitempty"` // The id of the event. EventID string `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The id of the location in which the event was triggered. LocationID string `json:"locationId,omitempty"` // A set of key / value pairs useful for passing any optional arguments. // OptionalArguments map[string]SimpleValue `json:"optionalArguments,omitempty"` }
SecurityArmStateEvent An event that represents a change in the arm state of a security system.
swagger:model SecurityArmStateEvent
func (*SecurityArmStateEvent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SecurityArmStateEvent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SecurityArmStateEvent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SecurityArmStateEvent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServiceCapabilities ¶
type ServiceCapabilities []string
ServiceCapabilities capability name(s)
swagger:model ServiceCapabilities
type SignatureType ¶
type SignatureType string
SignatureType The http signature type used for authorizing event delivery. APP_RSA generates an RSA key pair that will be used to verify requests from SmartThings. ST_PADLOCK requires verifcation through SmartThings public certificate.
swagger:model SignatureType
const ( // SignatureTypeAPPRSA captures enum value "APP_RSA" SignatureTypeAPPRSA SignatureType = "APP_RSA" // SignatureTypeSTPADLOCK captures enum value "ST_PADLOCK" SignatureTypeSTPADLOCK SignatureType = "ST_PADLOCK" )
type SimpleCondition ¶
type SimpleCondition struct { // aggregation Aggregation ConditionAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"` // left // Required: true Left *Operand `json:"left"` // right // Required: true Right *Operand `json:"right"` }
SimpleCondition simple condition
swagger:model SimpleCondition
func (*SimpleCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SimpleCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SimpleCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SimpleCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SimpleValue ¶
type SimpleValue struct { // bool value BoolValue bool `json:"boolValue,omitempty"` // double value DoubleValue float64 `json:"doubleValue,omitempty"` // int value IntValue int64 `json:"intValue,omitempty"` // string value StringValue string `json:"stringValue,omitempty"` // The type of the value. // // Enum: [NULL_VALUE INT_VALUE DOUBLE_VALUE STRING_VALUE BOOLEAN_VALUE] ValueType string `json:"valueType,omitempty"` }
SimpleValue A simple value.
swagger:model SimpleValue
func (*SimpleValue) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SimpleValue) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SimpleValue) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SimpleValue) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SleepAction ¶
type SleepAction struct { // duration // Required: true Duration *Interval `json:"duration"` }
SleepAction sleep action
swagger:model SleepAction
func (*SleepAction) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SleepAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SleepAction) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SleepAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SleepActionExecutionResult ¶
type SleepActionExecutionResult struct { // result // Required: true Result ExecutionResult `json:"result"` }
SleepActionExecutionResult The result of a sleep action execution
swagger:model SleepActionExecutionResult
func (*SleepActionExecutionResult) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SleepActionExecutionResult) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SleepActionExecutionResult) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SleepActionExecutionResult) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Slider ¶
type Slider struct { SliderBase SliderAllOf1 // argument type ArgumentType ArgumentType `json:"argumentType,omitempty"` // The command which will send the value of the slider as an argument Command string `json:"command,omitempty"` // value Value Value `json:"value,omitempty"` // value type ValueType ValueType `json:"valueType,omitempty"` }
Slider slider
swagger:model slider
func (*Slider) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (Slider) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*Slider) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Slider) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type SliderAllOf1 ¶
type SliderAllOf1 interface{}
SliderAllOf1 To display slider display type, at least one of the command and value must be specified.
swagger:model SliderAllOf1
type SliderBase ¶
type SliderBase struct { // range // Required: true Range Range `json:"range"` // step Step Step `json:"step,omitempty"` // unit Unit Unit `json:"unit,omitempty"` }
SliderBase slider base
swagger:model sliderBase
func (*SliderBase) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SliderBase) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SliderBase) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SliderBase) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SliderForArgument ¶
type SliderForArgument struct { SliderBase // name // Required: true Name ArgumentName `json:"name"` }
SliderForArgument slider for argument
swagger:model sliderForArgument
func (*SliderForArgument) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SliderForArgument) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (SliderForArgument) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SliderForArgument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*SliderForArgument) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SliderForArgument) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SliderForArgument) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *SliderForArgument) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type SliderForAutomationAction ¶
type SliderForAutomationAction struct { SliderBase // argument type ArgumentType ArgumentType `json:"argumentType,omitempty"` // command // Required: true Command *string `json:"command"` }
SliderForAutomationAction slider for automation action
swagger:model sliderForAutomationAction
func (*SliderForAutomationAction) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SliderForAutomationAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (SliderForAutomationAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SliderForAutomationAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*SliderForAutomationAction) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SliderForAutomationAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SliderForAutomationAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *SliderForAutomationAction) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type SliderForAutomationCondition ¶
type SliderForAutomationCondition struct { SliderBase // value // Required: true Value Value `json:"value"` // value type ValueType ValueType `json:"valueType,omitempty"` }
SliderForAutomationCondition slider for automation condition
swagger:model sliderForAutomationCondition
func (*SliderForAutomationCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SliderForAutomationCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (SliderForAutomationCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SliderForAutomationCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*SliderForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SliderForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SliderForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *SliderForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest ¶
type SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest struct { // A developer defined dashboard card ID. CardID string `json:"cardId,omitempty"` // lifecycle Lifecycle DashboardCardLifecycle `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"` }
SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest An event used to trigger a client action on a SmartApp dashboard card.
swagger:model SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest
func (*SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SmartAppEventRequest ¶
type SmartAppEventRequest struct { // An arbitrary set of key / value pairs useful for passing any custom metadata. // // * Supports a maximum of 10 entries. // * Maximum key length: 36 Unicode characters in UTF-8 // * Maximum value length: 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8 // * Allowed characters for *keys* are letters, plus the following special characters: `:`, `_` // * Allowed characters for *values* are letters, whitespace, and numbers, plus the following special characters: `+`, `-`, `=`, `.`, `_`, `:`, `/` // * If you need characters outside this allowed set, you can apply standard base-64 encoding. // Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes,omitempty"` // An arbitrary name for the custom SmartApp event. Typically useful as a hook for in-app routing. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
SmartAppEventRequest smart app event request
swagger:model SmartAppEventRequest
func (*SmartAppEventRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SmartAppEventRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SmartAppEventRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SmartAppEventRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type StandardSuccessResponse ¶
type StandardSuccessResponse struct { // status // Enum: [success] Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` }
StandardSuccessResponse {"status": "success"}
swagger:model StandardSuccessResponse
func (*StandardSuccessResponse) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *StandardSuccessResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*StandardSuccessResponse) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *StandardSuccessResponse) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type StandbyPowerSwitch ¶
type StandbyPowerSwitch struct { Switch StandbyPowerSwitchAllOf1 StandbyPowerSwitchAllOf2 }
StandbyPowerSwitch standby power switch
swagger:model standbyPowerSwitch
func (*StandbyPowerSwitch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *StandbyPowerSwitch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (StandbyPowerSwitch) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m StandbyPowerSwitch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*StandbyPowerSwitch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *StandbyPowerSwitch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*StandbyPowerSwitch) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *StandbyPowerSwitch) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type StandbyPowerSwitchAllOf1 ¶
type StandbyPowerSwitchAllOf1 interface{}
StandbyPowerSwitchAllOf1 standby power switch all of1
swagger:model StandbyPowerSwitchAllOf1
type StandbyPowerSwitchAllOf2 ¶
type StandbyPowerSwitchAllOf2 interface{}
StandbyPowerSwitchAllOf2 A button switch in the UI. Similar to the `toggleSwitch` displayType except for the `off` state is replaced by `standby`.
swagger:model StandbyPowerSwitchAllOf2
type StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard ¶
type StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard struct { SwitchForDashboard StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboardAllOf1 StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboardAllOf2 }
StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard standby power switch for dashboard
swagger:model standbyPowerSwitchForDashboard
func (*StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboardAllOf1 ¶
type StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboardAllOf1 interface{}
StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboardAllOf1 standby power switch for dashboard all of1
swagger:model StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboardAllOf1
type StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboardAllOf2 ¶
type StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboardAllOf2 interface{}
StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboardAllOf2 A button switch in the UI. Similar to the `toggleSwitch` displayType except for the `off` state is replaced by `standby`.
swagger:model StandbyPowerSwitchForDashboardAllOf2
type State ¶
type State struct { // alternatives Alternatives interface{} `json:"alternatives,omitempty"` // label Label FormattedLabel `json:"label,omitempty"` // unit Unit Unit `json:"unit,omitempty"` }
State state
swagger:model state
func (*State) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*State) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type StateItem ¶
type StateItem struct { // alternatives Alternatives Alternatives `json:"alternatives,omitempty"` // group Group Group `json:"group,omitempty"` // label // Required: true Label FormattedLabel `json:"label"` }
StateItem state item
swagger:model stateItem
func (*StateItem) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (StateItem) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*StateItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*StateItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type StatesArrayItem ¶
type StatesArrayItem struct { StateItem CapabilityKey // component // Required: true Component Component `json:"component"` // visible condition VisibleCondition *VisibleCondition `json:"visibleCondition,omitempty"` }
StatesArrayItem states array item
swagger:model statesArrayItem
func (*StatesArrayItem) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *StatesArrayItem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (StatesArrayItem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m StatesArrayItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*StatesArrayItem) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *StatesArrayItem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*StatesArrayItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *StatesArrayItem) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type Step ¶
type Step float64
Step The incremental step that increases or decreases for numeric values.
swagger:model step
type Stepper ¶
type Stepper struct { // command // Required: true Command *StepperCommand `json:"command"` // range // Required: true Range Range `json:"range"` // step // Required: true Step Step `json:"step"` // value Value Value `json:"value,omitempty"` // value type ValueType ValueType `json:"valueType,omitempty"` }
Stepper This display type creates a stepper which can trigger “increase” and “decrease” commands. The user must specify either a "command" field alone or "increase" / "decrease" fields for commands without an argument.
swagger:model stepper
func (*Stepper) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Stepper) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type StepperCommand ¶
type StepperCommand struct { // argument type ArgumentType ArgumentType `json:"argumentType,omitempty"` // To specify a command for "decrease" without an argument. Decrease string `json:"decrease,omitempty"` // To specify a command for "increase" without an argument. Increase string `json:"increase,omitempty"` // To specify a single command like "setValue(number)", use “command” field for the command name. If this field is specified then "increase" and "descrease" fields should not be specified. App will calculate desired value when user clicks "+" and "-" button in the UI based on the current value of "attribute" with specified "step". Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
StepperCommand stepper command
swagger:model StepperCommand
func (*StepperCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *StepperCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*StepperCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *StepperCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type StringConfig ¶
type StringConfig struct { // A config value // Max Length: 2048 Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
StringConfig A simple string configuration.
swagger:model StringConfig
func (*StringConfig) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *StringConfig) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*StringConfig) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *StringConfig) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Subscription ¶
type Subscription struct { // capability Capability *CapabilitySubscriptionDetail `json:"capability,omitempty"` // device Device *DeviceSubscriptionDetail `json:"device,omitempty"` // device health DeviceHealth *DeviceHealthDetail `json:"deviceHealth,omitempty"` // device lifecycle DeviceLifecycle *DeviceLifecycleDetail `json:"deviceLifecycle,omitempty"` // hub health HubHealth *HubHealthDetail `json:"hubHealth,omitempty"` // The id of the subscription. ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The id of the subscribing app. InstalledAppID string `json:"installedAppId,omitempty"` // mode Mode *ModeSubscriptionDetail `json:"mode,omitempty"` // scene lifecycle SceneLifecycle *SceneLifecycleDetail `json:"sceneLifecycle,omitempty"` // security arm state SecurityArmState *SecurityArmStateDetail `json:"securityArmState,omitempty"` // source type SourceType SubscriptionSource `json:"sourceType,omitempty"` }
Subscription subscription
swagger:model Subscription
func (*Subscription) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *Subscription) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Subscription) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *Subscription) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SubscriptionDelete ¶
type SubscriptionDelete struct { // count Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` }
SubscriptionDelete The number of deleted subscriptions
swagger:model SubscriptionDelete
func (*SubscriptionDelete) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SubscriptionDelete) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SubscriptionDelete) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SubscriptionDelete) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SubscriptionFilter ¶
type SubscriptionFilter struct { // attribute Attribute SubscriptionFilterAttributes `json:"attribute,omitempty"` // capability Capability SubscriptionFilterCapabilities `json:"capability,omitempty"` // component Component SubscriptionFilterComponents `json:"component,omitempty"` // event type EventType SubscriptionFilterEventTypes `json:"eventType,omitempty"` // type Type SubscriptionFilterTypes `json:"type,omitempty"` // value Value SubscriptionFilterValues `json:"value,omitempty"` }
SubscriptionFilter subscription filter
swagger:model SubscriptionFilter
func (*SubscriptionFilter) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SubscriptionFilter) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SubscriptionFilter) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SubscriptionFilter) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SubscriptionFilterAttributes ¶
type SubscriptionFilterAttributes []string
SubscriptionFilterAttributes subscription filter attributes
swagger:model SubscriptionFilterAttributes
type SubscriptionFilterCapabilities ¶
type SubscriptionFilterCapabilities []string
SubscriptionFilterCapabilities subscription filter capabilities
swagger:model SubscriptionFilterCapabilities
type SubscriptionFilterComponents ¶
type SubscriptionFilterComponents []string
SubscriptionFilterComponents subscription filter components
swagger:model SubscriptionFilterComponents
type SubscriptionFilterEventTypes ¶
type SubscriptionFilterEventTypes []string
SubscriptionFilterEventTypes subscription filter event types
swagger:model SubscriptionFilterEventTypes
type SubscriptionFilterTypes ¶
type SubscriptionFilterTypes string
SubscriptionFilterTypes The type of filter
swagger:model SubscriptionFilterTypes
const ( // SubscriptionFilterTypesLOCATIONIDS captures enum value "LOCATIONIDS" SubscriptionFilterTypesLOCATIONIDS SubscriptionFilterTypes = "LOCATIONIDS" // SubscriptionFilterTypesROOMIDS captures enum value "ROOMIDS" SubscriptionFilterTypesROOMIDS SubscriptionFilterTypes = "ROOMIDS" // SubscriptionFilterTypesDEVICEIDS captures enum value "DEVICEIDS" SubscriptionFilterTypesDEVICEIDS SubscriptionFilterTypes = "DEVICEIDS" // SubscriptionFilterTypesINSTALLEDSMARTAPPIDS captures enum value "INSTALLEDSMARTAPPIDS" SubscriptionFilterTypesINSTALLEDSMARTAPPIDS SubscriptionFilterTypes = "INSTALLEDSMARTAPPIDS" // SubscriptionFilterTypesSMARTAPPIDS captures enum value "SMARTAPPIDS" SubscriptionFilterTypesSMARTAPPIDS SubscriptionFilterTypes = "SMARTAPPIDS" )
type SubscriptionFilterValues ¶
type SubscriptionFilterValues []string
SubscriptionFilterValues An array of subscription filter values.
swagger:model SubscriptionFilterValues
type SubscriptionFilters ¶
type SubscriptionFilters []*SubscriptionFilter
SubscriptionFilters An array of subscription filters
swagger:model SubscriptionFilters
type SubscriptionID ¶
SubscriptionID The subscription id of the subscription.
swagger:model SubscriptionId
type SubscriptionRequest ¶
type SubscriptionRequest struct { // capability Capability *CapabilitySubscriptionDetail `json:"capability,omitempty"` // device Device *DeviceSubscriptionDetail `json:"device,omitempty"` // device health DeviceHealth *DeviceHealthDetail `json:"deviceHealth,omitempty"` // device lifecycle DeviceLifecycle *DeviceLifecycleDetail `json:"deviceLifecycle,omitempty"` // hub health HubHealth *HubHealthDetail `json:"hubHealth,omitempty"` // mode Mode *ModeSubscriptionDetail `json:"mode,omitempty"` // scene lifecycle SceneLifecycle *SceneLifecycleDetail `json:"sceneLifecycle,omitempty"` // security arm state SecurityArmState *SecurityArmStateDetail `json:"securityArmState,omitempty"` // source type // Required: true SourceType SubscriptionSource `json:"sourceType"` }
SubscriptionRequest subscription request
swagger:model SubscriptionRequest
func (*SubscriptionRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SubscriptionRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SubscriptionRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SubscriptionRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SubscriptionSource ¶
type SubscriptionSource string
SubscriptionSource The type of the event that is being subscribed to.
swagger:model SubscriptionSource
const ( // SubscriptionSourceDEVICE captures enum value "DEVICE" SubscriptionSourceDEVICE SubscriptionSource = "DEVICE" // SubscriptionSourceCAPABILITY captures enum value "CAPABILITY" SubscriptionSourceCAPABILITY SubscriptionSource = "CAPABILITY" // SubscriptionSourceMODE captures enum value "MODE" SubscriptionSourceMODE SubscriptionSource = "MODE" // SubscriptionSourceDEVICELIFECYCLE captures enum value "DEVICE_LIFECYCLE" SubscriptionSourceDEVICELIFECYCLE SubscriptionSource = "DEVICE_LIFECYCLE" // SubscriptionSourceDEVICEHEALTH captures enum value "DEVICE_HEALTH" SubscriptionSourceDEVICEHEALTH SubscriptionSource = "DEVICE_HEALTH" // SubscriptionSourceSECURITYARMSTATE captures enum value "SECURITY_ARM_STATE" SubscriptionSourceSECURITYARMSTATE SubscriptionSource = "SECURITY_ARM_STATE" // SubscriptionSourceHUBHEALTH captures enum value "HUB_HEALTH" SubscriptionSourceHUBHEALTH SubscriptionSource = "HUB_HEALTH" // SubscriptionSourceSCENELIFECYCLE captures enum value "SCENE_LIFECYCLE" SubscriptionSourceSCENELIFECYCLE SubscriptionSource = "SCENE_LIFECYCLE" )
type SubscriptionTarget ¶
type SubscriptionTarget struct { // url // Format: uri URL SubscriptionTargetValue `json:"url,omitempty"` }
SubscriptionTarget subscription target
swagger:model SubscriptionTarget
func (*SubscriptionTarget) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SubscriptionTarget) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SubscriptionTarget) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SubscriptionTarget) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SubscriptionTargetValue ¶
SubscriptionTargetValue The address to send events to.
swagger:model SubscriptionTargetValue
type SupportedValues ¶
type SupportedValues string
SupportedValues The attribute name specified in supportedValues is an array that has values supported at runtime.
swagger:model supportedValues
type Switch ¶
type Switch struct { SwitchAllOf0 SwitchCommand SwitchState SwitchAllOf3 }
Switch switch
swagger:model switch
func (*Switch) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (Switch) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*Switch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Switch) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type SwitchAllOf0 ¶
type SwitchAllOf0 interface{}
SwitchAllOf0 This switch will display as a slider style on/off switch in the UI
swagger:model SwitchAllOf0
type SwitchAllOf3 ¶
type SwitchAllOf3 interface{}
SwitchAllOf3 switch all of3
swagger:model SwitchAllOf3
type SwitchCommand ¶
type SwitchCommand struct { // command // Required: true Command *SwitchCommandCommand `json:"command"` }
SwitchCommand switch command
swagger:model switchCommand
func (*SwitchCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SwitchCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SwitchCommandCommand ¶
type SwitchCommandCommand struct { // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // off // Required: true Off *string `json:"off"` // on // Required: true On *string `json:"on"` }
SwitchCommandCommand To specify separate commands with no arguments for on and off, use the “on” and “off” fields respectively. To specify a single command, use “name” for the command and the “on” and “off” fields for the arguments.
swagger:model SwitchCommandCommand
func (*SwitchCommandCommand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchCommandCommand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SwitchCommandCommand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchCommandCommand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SwitchForArgument ¶
type SwitchForArgument struct { // name // Required: true Name ArgumentName `json:"name"` // Value for 'off' // Required: true Off *string `json:"off"` // Value for 'on' // Required: true On *string `json:"on"` }
SwitchForArgument switch for argument
swagger:model switchForArgument
func (*SwitchForArgument) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchForArgument) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SwitchForArgument) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchForArgument) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SwitchForDashboard ¶
type SwitchForDashboard struct { SwitchForDashboardAllOf0 SwitchCommand SwitchStateForDashboard SwitchForDashboardAllOf3 }
SwitchForDashboard switch for dashboard
swagger:model switchForDashboard
func (*SwitchForDashboard) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchForDashboard) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (SwitchForDashboard) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SwitchForDashboard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*SwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *SwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type SwitchForDashboardAllOf0 ¶
type SwitchForDashboardAllOf0 interface{}
SwitchForDashboardAllOf0 This switch will display as a slider style on/off switch in the UI
swagger:model SwitchForDashboardAllOf0
type SwitchForDashboardAllOf3 ¶
type SwitchForDashboardAllOf3 interface{}
SwitchForDashboardAllOf3 switch for dashboard all of3
swagger:model SwitchForDashboardAllOf3
type SwitchState ¶
type SwitchState struct { // state State *SwitchStateState `json:"state,omitempty"` }
SwitchState switch state
swagger:model switchState
func (*SwitchState) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchState) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SwitchState) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchState) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SwitchStateForDashboard ¶
type SwitchStateForDashboard struct { // state State *SwitchStateForDashboardState `json:"state,omitempty"` }
SwitchStateForDashboard switch state for dashboard
swagger:model switchStateForDashboard
func (*SwitchStateForDashboard) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchStateForDashboard) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SwitchStateForDashboard) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchStateForDashboard) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SwitchStateForDashboardState ¶
type SwitchStateForDashboardState struct { // off // Required: true Off *string `json:"off"` // on // Required: true On *string `json:"on"` // value Value Value `json:"value,omitempty"` }
SwitchStateForDashboardState To describe "on" and "off" state of a switch
swagger:model SwitchStateForDashboardState
func (*SwitchStateForDashboardState) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchStateForDashboardState) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SwitchStateForDashboardState) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchStateForDashboardState) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SwitchStateState ¶
type SwitchStateState struct { // alternatives Alternatives Alternatives `json:"alternatives,omitempty"` // label Label FormattedLabel `json:"label,omitempty"` // The attribute value that corresponds to the `off` state. // Required: true Off *string `json:"off"` // The attribute value that corresponds to the `on` state. // Required: true On *string `json:"on"` // value // Required: true Value Value `json:"value"` }
SwitchStateState To describe "on" and "off" state of a switch
swagger:model SwitchStateState
func (*SwitchStateState) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchStateState) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SwitchStateState) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SwitchStateState) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Tags ¶
Tags A map of user-defined tags which can be used to associate arbitrary metadata to a resource, and can be useful for filtering.
* Key length must be between 1 and 64 (inclusive) Unicode characters in UTF-8 * Value length must be between 1 and 256 (inclusive) Unicode characters in UTF-8 * Case sensitive * Maximum number of tags per resource: 25 * Reserved prefix — `st:` * ST-generated tag names and values are automatically assigned the `st:` prefix, which you cannot assign. * Use each key only once for each resource. If you attempt to use the same key twice on the same resource the last key wins. * You cannot tag a resource at the same time you create it. Tagging requires a separate action after the resource is created. * Allowed characters for *keys* are letters, plus the following special characters: `:`, `_` * Allowed characters for *values* are letters, whitespace, and numbers, plus the following special characters: `+`, `-`, `=`, `.`, `_`, `:`, `/` * If you need characters outside this allowed set, you can apply standard base-64 encoding to your tag.
swagger:model Tags
type TextField ¶
type TextField struct { // command // Required: true Command *string `json:"command"` // range Range Range `json:"range,omitempty"` // value Value Value `json:"value,omitempty"` }
TextField This display type creates textfield that the user enters a new value and that the new value is passed as an argument to the command
swagger:model textField
func (*TextField) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TextField) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type TextFieldForArgument ¶
type TextFieldForArgument struct { // name // Required: true Name ArgumentName `json:"name"` // range Range Range `json:"range,omitempty"` }
TextFieldForArgument text field for argument
swagger:model textFieldForArgument
func (*TextFieldForArgument) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TextFieldForArgument) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TextFieldForArgument) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TextFieldForArgument) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type TextFieldForAutomationAction ¶
type TextFieldForAutomationAction struct { // command // Required: true Command *string `json:"command"` // range Range Range `json:"range,omitempty"` }
TextFieldForAutomationAction text field for automation action
swagger:model textFieldForAutomationAction
func (*TextFieldForAutomationAction) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TextFieldForAutomationAction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TextFieldForAutomationAction) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TextFieldForAutomationAction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type TextFieldForAutomationCondition ¶
type TextFieldForAutomationCondition struct { // range Range Range `json:"range,omitempty"` // value // Required: true Value Value `json:"value"` }
TextFieldForAutomationCondition text field for automation condition
swagger:model textFieldForAutomationCondition
func (*TextFieldForAutomationCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TextFieldForAutomationCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TextFieldForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TextFieldForAutomationCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type TimeOperand ¶
type TimeOperand struct { // days of week DaysOfWeek []DayOfWeek `json:"daysOfWeek"` // offset Offset *Interval `json:"offset,omitempty"` // reference // Required: true Reference TimeReference `json:"reference"` // A java time zone ID reference TimeZoneID string `json:"timeZoneId,omitempty"` }
TimeOperand time operand
swagger:model TimeOperand
func (*TimeOperand) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TimeOperand) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TimeOperand) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TimeOperand) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type TimeReference ¶
type TimeReference string
TimeReference time reference
swagger:model TimeReference
const ( // TimeReferenceNow captures enum value "Now" TimeReferenceNow TimeReference = "Now" // TimeReferenceMidnight captures enum value "Midnight" TimeReferenceMidnight TimeReference = "Midnight" // TimeReferenceSunrise captures enum value "Sunrise" TimeReferenceSunrise TimeReference = "Sunrise" // TimeReferenceNoon captures enum value "Noon" TimeReferenceNoon TimeReference = "Noon" // TimeReferenceSunset captures enum value "Sunset" TimeReferenceSunset TimeReference = "Sunset" )
type TimerEvent ¶
type TimerEvent struct { // The ID of the event. EventID string `json:"eventId,omitempty"` // The CRON expression if the schedule was of type CRON. Expression string `json:"expression,omitempty"` // The name of the schedule that caused this event. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The IS0-8601 date time strings in UTC that this event was scheduled for. // Format: date-time Time strfmt.DateTime `json:"time,omitempty"` // type Type TimerType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
TimerEvent An event that is caused by a schedule for this app being fired.
swagger:model TimerEvent
func (*TimerEvent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TimerEvent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TimerEvent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TimerEvent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ToggleSwitch ¶
type ToggleSwitch struct { ToggleSwitchAllOf0 Switch ToggleSwitchAllOf2 }
ToggleSwitch toggle switch
swagger:model toggleSwitch
func (*ToggleSwitch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ToggleSwitch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ToggleSwitch) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ToggleSwitch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ToggleSwitch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ToggleSwitch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ToggleSwitch) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ToggleSwitch) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ToggleSwitchAllOf0 ¶
type ToggleSwitchAllOf0 interface{}
ToggleSwitchAllOf0 A button style switch element for the UI.
swagger:model ToggleSwitchAllOf0
type ToggleSwitchAllOf2 ¶
type ToggleSwitchAllOf2 interface{}
ToggleSwitchAllOf2 toggle switch all of2
swagger:model ToggleSwitchAllOf2
type ToggleSwitchForDashboard ¶
type ToggleSwitchForDashboard struct { ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf0 SwitchForDashboard ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf2 ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf3 }
ToggleSwitchForDashboard toggle switch for dashboard
swagger:model toggleSwitchForDashboard
func (*ToggleSwitchForDashboard) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ToggleSwitchForDashboard) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ToggleSwitchForDashboard) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ToggleSwitchForDashboard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ToggleSwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ToggleSwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ToggleSwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ToggleSwitchForDashboard) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf0 ¶
type ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf0 interface{}
ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf0 A button style switch element for the UI.
swagger:model ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf0
type ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf2 ¶
type ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf2 interface{}
ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf2 toggle switch for dashboard all of2
swagger:model ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf2
type ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf3 ¶
type ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf3 interface{}
ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf3 toggle switch for dashboard all of3
swagger:model ToggleSwitchForDashboardAllOf3
type TriggerMode ¶
type TriggerMode string
TriggerMode trigger mode
swagger:model TriggerMode
const ( // TriggerModeAuto captures enum value "Auto" TriggerModeAuto TriggerMode = "Auto" // TriggerModeAlways captures enum value "Always" TriggerModeAlways TriggerMode = "Always" // TriggerModeNever captures enum value "Never" TriggerModeNever TriggerMode = "Never" )
type UpdateAppOAuthRequest ¶
type UpdateAppOAuthRequest struct { // A name given to the OAuth Client. // Required: true ClientName *string `json:"clientName"` // A list of redirect URIs. // Required: true // Max Items: 10 // Min Items: 0 RedirectUris []strfmt.URI `json:"redirectUris"` // A list of SmartThings API OAuth scope identifiers that maybe required to execute your integration. // Required: true Scope []string `json:"scope"` }
UpdateAppOAuthRequest update app o auth request
swagger:model UpdateAppOAuthRequest
func (*UpdateAppOAuthRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateAppOAuthRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*UpdateAppOAuthRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateAppOAuthRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type UpdateAppRequest ¶
type UpdateAppRequest struct { // app type // Required: true AppType AppType `json:"appType"` // An App maybe associated to many classifications. A classification drives how the integration is presented // to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients. These classifications include: // * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Automation" tab in mobile clients. // * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a "Service". // * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Device" tab in mobile clients. // * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the "Connected Services" menu in mobile clients. // * HIDDEN - Denotes an integration that should not display in mobile clients // // Required: true Classifications []AppClassification `json:"classifications"` // A default description for an app. // // Required: true // Max Length: 250 Description *string `json:"description"` // A default display name for an app. // // Required: true // Max Length: 75 DisplayName *string `json:"displayName"` // icon image IconImage *IconImage `json:"iconImage,omitempty"` // lambda smart app LambdaSmartApp *CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest `json:"lambdaSmartApp,omitempty"` // Inform the installation systems that a particular app can only be installed once within a user's account. // SingleInstance *bool `json:"singleInstance,omitempty"` // ui UI *AppUISettings `json:"ui,omitempty"` // webhook smart app WebhookSmartApp *CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest `json:"webhookSmartApp,omitempty"` }
UpdateAppRequest update app request
swagger:model UpdateAppRequest
func (*UpdateAppRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateAppRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*UpdateAppRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateAppRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type UpdateAppSettingsRequest ¶
type UpdateAppSettingsRequest struct { // settings Settings map[string]string `json:"settings,omitempty"` }
UpdateAppSettingsRequest Settings for a given app
swagger:model UpdateAppSettingsRequest
func (*UpdateAppSettingsRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateAppSettingsRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*UpdateAppSettingsRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateAppSettingsRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type UpdateAppSettingsResponse ¶
type UpdateAppSettingsResponse struct { // settings Settings map[string]string `json:"settings,omitempty"` }
UpdateAppSettingsResponse Settings for a given app
swagger:model UpdateAppSettingsResponse
func (*UpdateAppSettingsResponse) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateAppSettingsResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*UpdateAppSettingsResponse) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateAppSettingsResponse) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type UpdateCapabilityRequest ¶
type UpdateCapabilityRequest struct { // A mapping of attribute names to their definitions. All attribute names are lower camelcase. Attributes map[string]CapabilityAttribute `json:"attributes,omitempty"` // A mapping of command names to their definitions. All command names are lower camelcase. Commands map[string]CapabilityCommand `json:"commands,omitempty"` }
UpdateCapabilityRequest update capability request
swagger:model UpdateCapabilityRequest
func (*UpdateCapabilityRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateCapabilityRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*UpdateCapabilityRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateCapabilityRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type UpdateDeviceProfileRequest ¶
type UpdateDeviceProfileRequest struct { // A list of `[ 1..20 ]` components for this profile. // Max Items: 20 // Min Items: 1 Components []*DeviceComponentReference `json:"components"` // metadata Metadata DeviceProfileMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"` }
UpdateDeviceProfileRequest update device profile request
swagger:model UpdateDeviceProfileRequest
func (*UpdateDeviceProfileRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateDeviceProfileRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*UpdateDeviceProfileRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateDeviceProfileRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type UpdateDeviceRequest ¶
type UpdateDeviceRequest struct { // components Components []*UpdateDeviceRequestComponentsItems0 `json:"components"` // The label for the device. // Required: true // Max Length: 255 // Min Length: 1 Label *string `json:"label"` }
UpdateDeviceRequest update device request
swagger:model UpdateDeviceRequest
func (*UpdateDeviceRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateDeviceRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*UpdateDeviceRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateDeviceRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type UpdateDeviceRequestComponentsItems0 ¶
type UpdateDeviceRequestComponentsItems0 struct { // A case-sensitive string from the pre-defined list of valid categories [/devicecategories](#/operation/listCategories). // Required: true // Max Items: 1 // Min Items: 1 Categories []string `json:"categories"` // id // Required: true ID *string `json:"id"` }
UpdateDeviceRequestComponentsItems0 update device request components items0
swagger:model UpdateDeviceRequestComponentsItems0
func (*UpdateDeviceRequestComponentsItems0) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateDeviceRequestComponentsItems0) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*UpdateDeviceRequestComponentsItems0) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateDeviceRequestComponentsItems0) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type UpdateLocationRequest ¶
type UpdateLocationRequest struct { // Additional information about the location that allows SmartThings to further define your location. AdditionalProperties map[string]string `json:"additionalProperties,omitempty"` // A geographical latitude. Latitude float64 `json:"latitude,omitempty"` // An IETF BCP 47 language tag representing the chosen locale for this location. Locale string `json:"locale,omitempty"` // A geographical longitude. Longitude float64 `json:"longitude,omitempty"` // A nickname for the location. // Required: true // Max Length: 40 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` // The radius in meters around latitude and longitude which defines this location. RegionRadius int64 `json:"regionRadius,omitempty"` // The desired temperature scale used within location. Value can be F or C. TemperatureScale string `json:"temperatureScale,omitempty"` }
UpdateLocationRequest update location request
swagger:model UpdateLocationRequest
func (*UpdateLocationRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateLocationRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*UpdateLocationRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateLocationRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type UpdateRoomRequest ¶
type UpdateRoomRequest struct { // A name for the room. // Required: true // Max Length: 40 // Min Length: 1 Name *string `json:"name"` }
UpdateRoomRequest update room request
swagger:model UpdateRoomRequest
func (*UpdateRoomRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateRoomRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*UpdateRoomRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateRoomRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type UpdateSignatureTypeRequest ¶
type UpdateSignatureTypeRequest struct { // signature type SignatureType SignatureType `json:"signatureType,omitempty"` }
UpdateSignatureTypeRequest A request object used to switch the signing mechanism for authorizing SmartApp callbacks.
swagger:model UpdateSignatureTypeRequest
func (*UpdateSignatureTypeRequest) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateSignatureTypeRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*UpdateSignatureTypeRequest) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *UpdateSignatureTypeRequest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type UpdateSignatureTypeResponse ¶
type UpdateSignatureTypeResponse interface{}
UpdateSignatureTypeResponse An empty object response.
swagger:model UpdateSignatureTypeResponse
type Value ¶
type Value string
Value Notation which indicates the value of an attribute
swagger:model value
type ValueType ¶
type ValueType string
ValueType The data type of the `value`. It's automatically filled from the given capability.
swagger:model valueType
type Version ¶
type Version int64
Version The version number of the capability.
swagger:model version
type Vid ¶
type Vid string
Vid A unique identifier for the presentation of a device. This can be a model number on legacy device integrations, but also may be a system generated UUID based on a device's structure and display configuration.
swagger:model vid
type ViperDeviceDetails ¶
type ViperDeviceDetails struct { // hw version HwVersion string `json:"hwVersion,omitempty"` // manufacturer name ManufacturerName string `json:"manufacturerName,omitempty"` // model name ModelName string `json:"modelName,omitempty"` // sw version SwVersion string `json:"swVersion,omitempty"` // unique identifier UniqueIdentifier string `json:"uniqueIdentifier,omitempty"` }
ViperDeviceDetails viper device details
swagger:model ViperDeviceDetails
func (*ViperDeviceDetails) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ViperDeviceDetails) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ViperDeviceDetails) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ViperDeviceDetails) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type VisibleCondition ¶
type VisibleCondition struct { CapabilityKey // The component that controls the visibility of this component. This can be another component or this one. Component Component `json:"component,omitempty"` // The value that the visible condition evaluates against. Operand string `json:"operand,omitempty"` // operator Operator Operator `json:"operator,omitempty"` // value Value Value `json:"value,omitempty"` }
VisibleCondition visible condition
swagger:model visibleCondition
func (*VisibleCondition) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VisibleCondition) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (VisibleCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m VisibleCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*VisibleCondition) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *VisibleCondition) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*VisibleCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *VisibleCondition) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type WeatherData ¶
type WeatherData struct { // Cloud ceiling in meters CloudCeilingInM int64 `json:"cloudCeilingInM,omitempty"` // The phrase of the cloud cover CloudCoverPhrase string `json:"cloudCoverPhrase,omitempty"` // condition phrase long ConditionPhraseLong string `json:"conditionPhraseLong,omitempty"` // condition state // Enum: [UNKNOWN CLEAR SNOW RAIN] ConditionState string `json:"conditionState,omitempty"` // Relative Humidity Percentage RelativeHumidityInPercent int64 `json:"relativeHumidityInPercent,omitempty"` // sunrise date SunriseDate string `json:"sunriseDate,omitempty"` // sunset date SunsetDate string `json:"sunsetDate,omitempty"` // Feels-like temperature in degrees celsius TemperatureFeelsLikeInC float64 `json:"temperatureFeelsLikeInC,omitempty"` // Temperature in degrees celsius TemperatureInC float64 `json:"temperatureInC,omitempty"` // uv description UvDescription string `json:"uvDescription,omitempty"` // uv index UvIndex int64 `json:"uvIndex,omitempty"` // visibility in km VisibilityInKm float64 `json:"visibilityInKm,omitempty"` // wind direction cardinal WindDirectionCardinal string `json:"windDirectionCardinal,omitempty"` // wind direction in degrees WindDirectionInDegrees int64 `json:"windDirectionInDegrees,omitempty"` // wind gust in kmph WindGustInKmph int64 `json:"windGustInKmph,omitempty"` // wind speed in kmph WindSpeedInKmph int64 `json:"windSpeedInKmph,omitempty"` }
WeatherData Weather data
swagger:model WeatherData
func (*WeatherData) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WeatherData) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WeatherData) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WeatherData) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WeatherEvent ¶
type WeatherEvent struct { // air quality data AirQualityData *AirQualityData `json:"airQualityData,omitempty"` // weather data WeatherData *WeatherData `json:"weatherData,omitempty"` }
WeatherEvent An event representing the current weather forecast.
swagger:model WeatherEvent
func (*WeatherEvent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WeatherEvent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WeatherEvent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WeatherEvent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type WebhookSmartApp ¶
type WebhookSmartApp struct { // The public half of an RSA key pair. Useful for verifying a Webhook execution request signature to // ensure it came from SmartThings. // PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"` // signature type SignatureType SignatureType `json:"signatureType,omitempty"` // target status TargetStatus AppTargetStatus `json:"targetStatus,omitempty"` // A URL that should be invoked during execution. TargetURL string `json:"targetUrl,omitempty"` }
WebhookSmartApp Details related to a Webhook Smart App implementation. This model will only be available for apps of type WEBHOOK_SMART_APP.
swagger:model WebhookSmartApp
func (*WebhookSmartApp) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WebhookSmartApp) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*WebhookSmartApp) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *WebhookSmartApp) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
Source Files
- action.go
- action_execution_result.go
- action_item.go
- action_list_item.go
- action_sequence.go
- actions_array_item.go
- adhoc_message.go
- adhoc_message_template.go
- air_quality_data.go
- alternative_item.go
- alternatives.go
- app.go
- app_classification.go
- app_device_details.go
- app_o_auth.go
- app_register_request.go
- app_register_response.go
- app_target_status.go
- app_type.go
- app_ui_settings.go
- argument.go
- argument_name.go
- argument_type.go
- arm_state.go
- array_operand.go
- attribute_properties.go
- attribute_schema.go
- attribute_state.go
- automation.go
- automation_action.go
- automation_condition.go
- automation_for_capability.go
- automation_list_item.go
- basic_plus_array_item.go
- basic_plus_item.go
- between_condition.go
- ble_d2_d_device_details.go
- ble_device_details.go
- capability.go
- capability_attribute.go
- capability_command.go
- capability_key.go
- capability_presentation.go
- capability_presentation_for_p_u_t.go
- capability_reference.go
- capability_status.go
- capability_subscription_detail.go
- capability_summary.go
- capability_value.go
- command_action.go
- command_action_execution_result.go
- command_arguments.go
- command_execution_result.go
- command_result.go
- command_sequence.go
- command_status.go
- component.go
- component_status.go
- component_translations.go
- condition.go
- condition_aggregation_mode.go
- config_entries.go
- config_entry.go
- config_map.go
- create_app_request.go
- create_app_response.go
- create_capability_presentation_request.go
- create_capability_request.go
- create_device_config_request.go
- create_device_events_response.go
- create_device_profile_request.go
- create_installed_app_events_request.go
- create_installed_app_events_response.go
- create_location_request.go
- create_or_update_lambda_smart_app_request.go
- create_or_update_webhook_smart_app_request.go
- create_room_request.go
- cron_schedule.go
- dashboard.go
- dashboard_card_lifecycle.go
- dashboard_for_capability.go
- date_operand.go
- date_reference.go
- date_time_operand.go
- day_of_week.go
- delete_app_response.go
- delete_device_commands_response.go
- delete_device_profile_response.go
- delete_installed_app_response.go
- delete_location_response.go
- delete_namespace_response.go
- delete_room_response.go
- delete_schedule_response.go
- detail_view.go
- detail_view_for_capability.go
- detail_view_item.go
- detail_view_list_item.go
- device.go
- device_activity.go
- device_category.go
- device_command.go
- device_commands_event.go
- device_commands_event_command.go
- device_commands_request.go
- device_commands_response.go
- device_component.go
- device_component_reference.go
- device_config.go
- device_config_entry.go
- device_configuration.go
- device_event.go
- device_events_request.go
- device_health_detail.go
- device_health_event.go
- device_install_request.go
- device_integration_type.go
- device_lifecycle.go
- device_lifecycle_create.go
- device_lifecycle_delete.go
- device_lifecycle_detail.go
- device_lifecycle_event.go
- device_lifecycle_move.go
- device_lifecycle_update.go
- device_network_security_level.go
- device_operand.go
- device_presentation.go
- device_profile_metadata.go
- device_profile_reference.go
- device_profile_response.go
- device_profile_status.go
- device_results.go
- device_state_event.go
- device_status.go
- device_subscription_detail.go
- dossier_device_presentation.go
- dp_info.go
- dth_device_details.go
- endpoint_app.go
- equals_condition.go
- error.go
- error_response.go
- event_owner_type.go
- event_type.go
- every_action.go
- exclude_items_attributes.go
- exclude_items_commands.go
- excluded_action_item.go
- excluded_action_item_id.go
- excluded_condition_item.go
- excluded_condition_item_id.go
- excluded_device_action_config_entry.go
- excluded_device_condition_config_entry.go
- execution_result.go
- feature.go
- formatted_label.go
- generate_app_o_auth_request.go
- generate_app_o_auth_response.go
- get_app_settings_response.go
- greater_than_condition.go
- greater_than_or_equals_condition.go
- group.go
- hub_health_detail.go
- hub_health_event.go
- icon_image.go
- icon_url.go
- if_action.go
- if_action_execution_result.go
- if_action_sequence.go
- if_execution_result.go
- install_configuration.go
- install_configuration_detail.go
- install_configuration_status.go
- installed_app.go
- installed_app_lifecycle.go
- installed_app_lifecycle_create.go
- installed_app_lifecycle_delete.go
- installed_app_lifecycle_error.go
- installed_app_lifecycle_event.go
- installed_app_lifecycle_install.go
- installed_app_lifecycle_other.go
- installed_app_lifecycle_update.go
- installed_app_status.go
- installed_app_type.go
- interval.go
- interval_unit.go
- ir_device_details.go
- isa_results.go
- lambda_smart_app.go
- language.go
- language_item.go
- less_than_condition.go
- less_than_or_equals_condition.go
- link.go
- links.go
- list_base.go
- list_for_argument.go
- list_for_automation_action.go
- list_for_automation_condition.go
- list_for_detail_view.go
- locale_reference.go
- locale_tag.go
- locale_variables.go
- location.go
- location_action.go
- location_action_execution_result.go
- location_attribute.go
- location_operand.go
- location_parent.go
- location_parent_types.go
- map_operand.go
- message.go
- message_config.go
- message_template.go
- message_type.go
- mnmn.go
- mode.go
- mode_config.go
- mode_event.go
- mode_subscription_detail.go
- multi_arg_command.go
- namespace.go
- notice.go
- notice_action.go
- notice_code.go
- number_field.go
- number_field_for_argument.go
- number_field_for_automation_action.go
- number_field_for_automation_condition.go
- once_schedule.go
- operand.go
- operand_aggregation_mode.go
- operator.go
- owner.go
- paged_app.go
- paged_apps.go
- paged_capabilities.go
- paged_device_profiles.go
- paged_devices.go
- paged_install_configurations.go
- paged_installed_apps.go
- paged_location.go
- paged_locations.go
- paged_message_template.go
- paged_rooms.go
- paged_rules.go
- paged_schedules.go
- paged_subscriptions.go
- patch_item.go
- permission_config.go
- play_pause.go
- play_pause_command.go
- play_stop.go
- play_stop_command.go
- po_codes.go
- predefined_message.go
- principal_type.go
- public_device_configuration.go
- push_button.go
- range.go
- room.go
- rule.go
- rule_execution_response.go
- rule_request.go
- scene_action.go
- scene_action_sequence.go
- scene_argument.go
- scene_capability.go
- scene_command.go
- scene_component.go
- scene_config.go
- scene_device.go
- scene_device_group.go
- scene_device_group_request.go
- scene_device_request.go
- scene_lifecycle.go
- scene_lifecycle_create.go
- scene_lifecycle_delete.go
- scene_lifecycle_detail.go
- scene_lifecycle_event.go
- scene_lifecycle_update.go
- scene_mode.go
- scene_mode_request.go
- scene_paged_result.go
- scene_request.go
- scene_security_mode_request.go
- scene_sleep_request.go
- scene_summary.go
- schedule.go
- schedule_request.go
- security_arm_state_detail.go
- security_arm_state_event.go
- sequence.go
- service_capabilities.go
- signature_type.go
- simple_condition.go
- simple_value.go
- sleep_action.go
- sleep_action_execution_result.go
- slider.go
- slider_base.go
- slider_for_argument.go
- slider_for_automation_action.go
- slider_for_automation_condition.go
- smart_app_dashboard_card_event_request.go
- smart_app_event_request.go
- standard_success_response.go
- standby_power_switch.go
- standby_power_switch_for_dashboard.go
- state.go
- state_item.go
- states_array_item.go
- step.go
- stepper.go
- string_config.go
- subscription.go
- subscription_delete.go
- subscription_filter.go
- subscription_filter_attributes.go
- subscription_filter_capabilities.go
- subscription_filter_components.go
- subscription_filter_event_types.go
- subscription_filter_types.go
- subscription_filter_values.go
- subscription_filters.go
- subscription_id.go
- subscription_request.go
- subscription_source.go
- subscription_target.go
- subscription_target_value.go
- supported_values.go
- switch.go
- switch_command.go
- switch_for_argument.go
- switch_for_dashboard.go
- switch_state.go
- switch_state_for_dashboard.go
- tags.go
- text_field.go
- text_field_for_argument.go
- text_field_for_automation_action.go
- text_field_for_automation_condition.go
- time_operand.go
- time_reference.go
- timer_event.go
- timer_type.go
- toggle_switch.go
- toggle_switch_for_dashboard.go
- trigger_mode.go
- unit.go
- update_app_o_auth_request.go
- update_app_request.go
- update_app_settings_request.go
- update_app_settings_response.go
- update_capability_request.go
- update_device_profile_request.go
- update_device_request.go
- update_location_request.go
- update_room_request.go
- update_signature_type_request.go
- update_signature_type_response.go
- value.go
- value_type.go
- version.go
- vid.go
- viper_device_details.go
- visible_condition.go
- weather_data.go
- weather_event.go
- webhook_smart_app.go