PaaS Compose Service Broker
This is a work-in-progress implementation of a service broker for services provisioned via the Compose API. It is intended to be deployed as a CloudFoundry application.
Use the example catalog:
cp examples/catalog.json .
Deploy to Cloud Foundry:
cf push --no-start
Set the required environment variables:
cf set-env compose-broker USERNAME compose-broker
cf set-env compose-broker PASSWORD unguessable
Start the app:
cf start compose-broker
Check the catalog endpoint:
curl -k -u compose-broker:unguessable https://compose-broker.${DEPLOY_ENV}
Register the service broker:
cf update-service-broker compose-broker compose-broker "$COMPOSE_BROKER_PASS" "https://compose-broker.${APPS_DNS_ZONE_NAME}"
Enable the service:
cf enable-service-access mongodb
cf enable-service-access elasticsearch
Environmental variables
- broker user name used for basic authentication
- username password
- a prefix that can be used to tag instances. Defaults to compose-broker
- a name of your enterprise cluster if you've got one and want to use it. Defaults to hosted compose
- your API key for Compose.
Running tests
- Ginkgo version
>= 1.4.0
- An API key for Compose if running the full tests.
To run all tests (including integration tests):
COMPOSE_API_KEY=<key> make test
To only run the unit tests:
make unit
We automatically generate a fake client, but if you want to regenerate it:
make -B compose/fakes/fake_client.go