Slait Subscriber
This module builds a MarketStore background worker which subscribes to Slait ( and writes the data pushed through the websocket connection to the MarketStore database on disk.
Configuration comes with the server by default, so you can simply configure it in the MarketStore configuration file as shown below:
- module:
name: SlaitSubscriber
endpoint: localhost:5000
topic: bars_gdax
attribute_group: OHLCV
- - Epoch
- int64
- - Open
- float64
- - High
- float64
- - Low
- float64
- - Close
- float64
- - Volume
- float64
specifies the url where Slait is being hosted.
specifies the topic of data that the plugin should subscribe to. Note that this will subscribe to all partitions under a specific topic. See the Slait documentation in the link above to understand more about how topics and partitions work.
specifies the type of data that MarketStore is going to store on disk. This is the same attribute group as in the TimeBucketKey. For OHLCV bars, the TimeBucketKey will look like "BTC-USD/1Min/OHLCV" where OHLCV is the attribute group.
specifies the data structure of the data being received by the plugin and written to disk. This shape needs to match the on-disk shape of the attribute_group
in the MarketStore database. The first entry of each tuple is the column name, and the second is the data type. Note only the following data types are supported in this plugin as of now [int32, int64, float32, float64].
If you need to change the subscriber, you can build it by:
make configure
make all
It installs the new .so file to the first GOPATH/bin directory.
Since this is implemented based on the Go's plugin mechanism, it is supported only
on Linux as of Go 1.9