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Published: Jan 24, 2024 License: Apache-2.0


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Alibaba Cloud KMS Go SDK

Alibaba Cloud KMS Go SDK can help Golang developers to use the KMS.


Alibaba Cloud KMS SDK helps Java developers quickly use all APIs of Alibaba Cloud KMS products:

  • KMS resource management and key operations can be performed through KMS public gateway access
  • You can perform key operations through KMS instance gateway


  • Golang 1.13 or later.


If you use go mod to manage your dependence, You can declare the dependency on AlibabaCloud KMS Go SDK in the go.mod file:

require ( v1.2.3

Or, Run the following command to get the remote code package:

$ go get -u

Introduction to KMS Client

KMS client struct Introduction Usage scenarios
Client KMS resource management and key operations for KMS instance gateways are supported 1. Scenarios where key operations are performed only through VPC gateways.
2. KMS resource management scenarios that only use public gateways.
3. Scenarios where you want to perform key operations through VPC gateways and manage KMS resources through public gateways.
TransferClient Users can migrate from KMS 1.0 key operations to KMS 3.0 key operations Users who use Alibaba Cloud SDK to access KMS 1.0 key operations need to migrate to KMS 3.0

Sample code

1. Scenarios where key operations are performed only through VPC gateways.
Refer to the following sample code to call the KMS AdvanceEncrypt API. For more API examples, see operation samples
package example

import (
	console  ""
	env  ""
	util  ""
	kmssdk  ""
	dedicatedkmsopenapi  ""
	dedicatedkmssdk  ""

func CreateKmsInstanceConfig(clientKeyFile *string, password *string, endpoint *string, caFilePath *string) (_result *dedicatedkmsopenapi.Config, _err error) {
	config := &dedicatedkmsopenapi.Config{
		ClientKeyFile: clientKeyFile,
		Password:      password,
		Endpoint:      endpoint,
		CaFilePath:    caFilePath,
	_result = config
	return _result, _err

func CreateClient(kmsInstanceConfig *dedicatedkmsopenapi.Config) (_result *kmssdk.Client, _err error) {
	_result = &kmssdk.Client{}
	_result, _err = kmssdk.NewClient(kmsInstanceConfig, nil)
	return _result, _err

func AdvanceEncrypt(client *kmssdk.Client, keyId *string, plaintext []byte) (_result *dedicatedkmssdk.AdvanceEncryptResponse, _err error) {
	request := &dedicatedkmssdk.AdvanceEncryptRequest{
		KeyId:       keyId,
		Plaintext:   plaintext,
	_result = &dedicatedkmssdk.AdvanceEncryptResponse{}
	return client.AdvanceEncrypt(request)

func _main(args []*string) (_err error) {
	kmsInstanceConfig, _err := CreateKmsInstanceConfig(env.GetEnv(tea.String("your client key file path env")), env.GetEnv(tea.String("your client key password env")), tea.String("your kms instance endpoint env"), tea.String("your ca file path"))
	if _err != nil {
		return _err

	client, _err := CreateClient(kmsInstanceConfig)
	if _err != nil {
		return _err
	keyId := tea.String("your keyId")
	plaintext := util.ToBytes(tea.String("your plaintext"))
	response, _err := AdvanceEncrypt(client, keyId, plaintext)
	if _err != nil {
		return _err

	return _err

func main() {
	err := _main(tea.StringSlice(os.Args[1:]))
	if err != nil {
2. KMS resources are managed only through public gateways.
Refer to the following sample code to call the KMS CreateKey API. For more API examples, see manage samples
package example

import (
	openapi ""
	console ""
	env ""
	util ""
	kmssdk ""
	kms20160120 ""

func CreateOpenApiConfig(accessKeyId *string, accessKeySecret *string, regionId *string) (_result *openapi.Config, _err error) {
	config := &openapi.Config{
		AccessKeyId:     accessKeyId,
		AccessKeySecret: accessKeySecret,
		RegionId:        regionId,
	_result = config
	return _result, _err

func CreateClient(openApiConfig *openapi.Config) (_result *kmssdk.Client, _err error) {
	_result = &kmssdk.Client{}
	_result, _err = kmssdk.NewClient(nil, openApiConfig)
	return _result, _err

func CreateKey(client *kmssdk.Client, enableAutomaticRotation *bool, rotationInterval *string, keyUsage *string, origin *string, description *string, DKMSInstanceId *string, protectionLevel *string, keySpec *string) (_result *kms20160120.CreateKeyResponse, _err error) {
	request := &kms20160120.CreateKeyRequest{
		EnableAutomaticRotation: enableAutomaticRotation,
		RotationInterval:        rotationInterval,
		KeyUsage:                keyUsage,
		Origin:                  origin,
		Description:             description,
		DKMSInstanceId:          DKMSInstanceId,
		ProtectionLevel:         protectionLevel,
		KeySpec:                 keySpec,
	_result = &kms20160120.CreateKeyResponse{}
	_body, _err := client.CreateKey(request)
	if _err != nil {
		return _result, _err
	_result = _body
	return _result, _err

func _main(args []*string) (_err error) {
	// 工程代码泄露可能会导致 AccessKey 泄露,并威胁账号下所有资源的安全性。以下代码示例使用环境变量获取 AccessKey 的方式进行调用,仅供参考,建议使用更安全的 STS 方式,更多鉴权访问方式请参见:
	openApiConfig, _err := CreateOpenApiConfig(env.GetEnv(tea.String("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID")), env.GetEnv(tea.String("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET")), tea.String("your region id"))
	if _err != nil {
		return _err

	client, _err := CreateClient(openApiConfig)
	if _err != nil {
		return _err

	enableAutomaticRotation := tea.Bool(false)
	rotationInterval := tea.String("your rotationInterval")
	keyUsage := tea.String("your keyUsage")
	origin := tea.String("your origin")
	description := tea.String("your description")
	dKMSInstanceId := tea.String("your dKMSInstanceId")
	protectionLevel := tea.String("your protectionLevel")
	keySpec := tea.String("your keySpec")
	response, _err := CreateKey(client, enableAutomaticRotation, rotationInterval, keyUsage, origin, description, dKMSInstanceId, protectionLevel, keySpec)
	if _err != nil {
		return _err

	return _err

func main() {
	err := _main(tea.StringSlice(os.Args[1:]))
	if err != nil {

3. You must not only perform key operations through a VPC gateway, but also manage KMS resources through a public gateway.
Refer to the following sample code to call the KMS CreateKey API and AdvanceEncrypt API. For more API examples, see operation samples and manage samples
package main

import (
	openapi ""
	console ""
	env ""
	util ""
	kmssdk ""
	dedicatedkmsopenapi ""
	kms20160120 ""
	dedicatedkmssdk ""

func CreateOpenApiConfig(accessKeyId *string, accessKeySecret *string, regionId *string) (_result *openapi.Config, _err error) {
	config := &openapi.Config{
		AccessKeyId:     accessKeyId,
		AccessKeySecret: accessKeySecret,
		RegionId:        regionId,
	_result = config
	return _result, _err
func CreateKmsInstanceConfig(clientKeyFile *string, password *string, endpoint *string, caFilePath *string) (_result *dedicatedkmsopenapi.Config, _err error) {
	config := &dedicatedkmsopenapi.Config{}
	config.ClientKeyFile = clientKeyFile
	config.Password = password
	config.Endpoint = endpoint
	config.CaFilePath = caFilePath
	_result = config
	return _result, _err
func CreateClient(kmsInstanceConfig *dedicatedkmsopenapi.Config, openApiConfig *openapi.Config) (_result *kmssdk.Client, _err error) {
	_result = &kmssdk.Client{}
	_result, _err = kmssdk.NewClient(kmsInstanceConfig, openApiConfig)
	return _result, _err

func CreateKey(client *kmssdk.Client, enableAutomaticRotation *bool, rotationInterval *string, keyUsage *string, origin *string, description *string, DKMSInstanceId *string, protectionLevel *string, keySpec *string) (_result *kms20160120.CreateKeyResponse, _err error) {
	request := &kms20160120.CreateKeyRequest{
		EnableAutomaticRotation: enableAutomaticRotation,
		RotationInterval:        rotationInterval,
		KeyUsage:                keyUsage,
		Origin:                  origin,
		Description:             description,
		DKMSInstanceId:          DKMSInstanceId,
		ProtectionLevel:         protectionLevel,
		KeySpec:                 keySpec,
	_result = &kms20160120.CreateKeyResponse{}
	_body, _err := client.CreateKey(request)
	if _err != nil {
		return _result, _err
	_result = _body
	return _result, _err

func AdvanceEncrypt (client *kmssdk.Client, keyId *string, plaintext []byte) (_result *dedicatedkmssdk.AdvanceEncryptResponse, _err error) {
	request := &dedicatedkmssdk.AdvanceEncryptRequest{
		KeyId: keyId,
		Plaintext: plaintext,
	_result = &dedicatedkmssdk.AdvanceEncryptResponse{}
	return client.AdvanceEncrypt(request)

func _main(args []*string) (_err error) {
	// 工程代码泄露可能会导致 AccessKey 泄露,并威胁账号下所有资源的安全性。以下代码示例使用环境变量获取 AccessKey 的方式进行调用,仅供参考,建议使用更安全的 STS 方式,更多鉴权访问方式请参见:
	openApiConfig, _err := CreateOpenApiConfig(env.GetEnv(tea.String("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID")), env.GetEnv(tea.String("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET")), tea.String("your region id"))
	if _err != nil {
		return _err
  kmsInstanceConfig, _err := CreateKmsInstanceConfig(env.GetEnv(tea.String("your client key file path env")), env.GetEnv(tea.String("your client key password env")), tea.String("your kms instance endpoint env"), tea.String("your ca file path"))
	if _err != nil {
		return _err
	client, _err := CreateClient(kmsInstanceConfig, openApiConfig)
	if _err != nil {
		return _err

	enableAutomaticRotation := tea.Bool(false)
	rotationInterval := tea.String("your rotationInterval")
	keyUsage := tea.String("your keyUsage")
	origin := tea.String("your origin")
	description := tea.String("your description")
	dKMSInstanceId := tea.String("your dKMSInstanceId")
	protectionLevel := tea.String("your protectionLevel")
	keySpec := tea.String("your keySpec")
	createKeyResponse, _err := CreateKey(client, enableAutomaticRotation, rotationInterval, keyUsage, origin, description, dKMSInstanceId, protectionLevel, keySpec)
	if _err != nil {
		return _err

	keyId := tea.String("your keyId")
	plaintext := util.ToBytes(tea.String("your plaintext"))
	encryptResponse, _err := AdvanceEncrypt(client, keyId, plaintext)
	if _err != nil {
		return _err

	return _err

func main() {
	err := _main(tea.StringSlice(os.Args[1:]))
	if err != nil {

Users who use Alibaba Cloud SDK to access KMS 1.0 key operations need to migrate to KMS 3.0.
Refer to the following sample code to call the KMS API. For more API examples, see kms transfer samples
package example

import (

	openapi ""
	kms20160120 ""
	teautil ""

	dkmsopenapi ""

func main() {
	// set config
	config := &openapi.Config{
		// set region id
		RegionId: tea.String("your-region-id"),
		// set access key id
		AccessKeyId: tea.String(os.Getenv("ACCESS_KEY_ID")),
		// set access key secret
		AccessKeySecret: tea.String(os.Getenv("ACCESS_KEY_SECRET")),
	// set kms config
	kmsConfig := &dkmsopenapi.Config{
		// set the request protocol to https
		Protocol: tea.String("https"),
		// set client key file path
		ClientKeyFile: tea.String("your-client-key-file-path"),
		// set client key password
		Password: tea.String(os.Getenv("your-client-key-password-env")),
		// set kms instance endpoint
		Endpoint: tea.String("your-kms-instance-endpoint"),

	// create KMS client
	client, err := sdk.NewClient(config, kmsConfig)
	if err != nil {

	// Create a key and invoke the KMS shared gateway

	// Generate a data key and call the KMS instance gateway

// In the example of creating a key to call a KMS shared gateway, CreateKey requests the KMS shared gateway
func createKey(client *sdk.TransferClient) {
	// Create a key request and set the DKMSInstanceId parameter to specify the KMS instance
	request := &kms20160120.CreateKeyRequest{
		KeySpec:  tea.String("your-key-spec"),
		KeyUsage: tea.String("your-key-usage"),
		// 设置KMS实例ID
		DKMSInstanceId: tea.String("your-kms-instance-id"),

	result, err := client.CreateKey(request)
	if err != nil {


// Generate a data key to call the KMS instance gateway example, and GenerateDataKey requests to send the KMS instance gateway by default
func generateDataKey(client *sdk.TransferClient) {
	request := &kms20160120.GenerateDataKeyRequest{
		KeyId:   tea.String("your-key-id"),
		KeySpec: tea.String("your-key-spec"),
		//NumberOfBytes: tea.Int32(32),

	// Verify the server certificate and set the ca certificate in RuntimeOptions
	ca, err := ioutil.ReadFile("your-ca-certificate-file-path")
	if err != nil {
	runtime := &teautil.RuntimeOptions{
		Ca: tea.String(string(ca)),

	result, err := client.GenerateDataKeyWithOptions(request, runtime)
	if err != nil {



KMS instance performance testing

If you need to use the KMS instance SDK for KMS instance performance testing, please refer to the sample code of the pressure measurement tools in the directory named benchmarks , compile it into an executable program and run it with the following command:

nohup ./benchmark -case=encrypt -client_key_file=./ClientKey_****.json -client_key_password=**** -endpoint=kst-**** -key_id=key-**** -data_size=32 -concurrence_nums=32 -duration=600 -log_path=./log > aes_256_enc.out 2>&1&

How to compile and use the stress test tool, please refer to the document.



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