Migrieren provides a way to migrate your databases.
Migrating databases is an interesting topic with many caveats. Basically we have 2 categories:
- Migrate the database before the application is deployed.
- Migrate the database at the most convenient time.
We don't have a preferred method. We just want to provide you with the best option.
Why a service?
Well every language or framework provides a way to migrate. Though a lot of them are tied to ORMs, which in our experience are not the best tool. We find writing migrations in the native language of the database to be far superior.
Since you are more than likely going to use microservices we don't need to reinvent the wheel for every framework. Just use the service!
There are some best practices regarding how to write effective schema migration scripts. While this service does not enforce it, you should be aware of it.
Some great information can be found in Update your Database Schema Without Downtime.
The server is defined by the following proto contract. So each version of the service will have a new contract.
This system allows you to configure many databases.
To configure we just need the have the following configuration:
name: db1
source: file://migrations
url: path to url
name: db2
source: file:///migrations
url: path to url
name: db3
source: file://migrations
url: path to url
Each database has the following properties:
- A distinct name.
- The source of the migrations (file, GitHub, etc).
- The database URL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc).

The system defines a way to monitor all of it's dependencies.
To configure we just need the have the following configuration:
duration: 1s (how often to check)
timeout: 1s (when we should timeout the check)
Since we are advocating building microservices, you would normally use a container orchestration system. Here is what we recommend when using this system:
The service is based around the awesome work of migrate. So please check that out to see how to best use it. It can support many configurations that can be easily added.
If you would like to contribute, here is how you can get started.
The project follows the structure in golang-standards/project-layout.
Please make sure that you have the following installed:
This project favours the Uber Go Style Guide
The get yourself setup, please run the following:
make setup
To make sure everything compiles for the app, please run the following:
make build-test
To run all the features, please run the following:
make features
To see what has changed, please have a look at CHANGELOG.md