This is a serverless CRUD sample project with Postgres and GitHub emoji integration. You can use it to tally up the emojis used in various comments across your GitHub projects.
Kubernetes / Serverless example project
This sample uses the OpenFaaS golang-middleware template and three endpoints:
- view - to render a HTML template (server-side)
- import-comment - to receive and validate the webhook, then update postgres
- comments - to render JSON from a postgres function
You can see the results in the demo below. Feel free to try it out, if the endpoint is still up.
The code is adapted from the Serverless Single Page App - aka Open Source leaderboard
Example output view the /view

Example input from a GitHub issue and webhook:

Tester issue
Create a postgres DB
You can use DigitalOcean managed Postgres for example.
Populate it with the schema
psql postgresql://connection-string here
Paste in schema.sql
Create your secrets:
export USERNAME=""
export PASSWORD=""
export HOST=""
faas-cli secret create username --from-literal $USERNAME
faas-cli secret create password --from-literal $PASSWORD
faas-cli secret create host --from-literal $HOST
faas-cli secret create webhook-secret --from-literal $WEBHOOK_SECRET
Deploy to OpenFaaS (Intel)
# Get the additional template
faas-cli template store pull golang-middleware
# Deploy
faas-cli deploy
Rebuild and deploy (Intel and ARM)
sed -i stack.yml s/alexellis2/your-docker-hub/g
faas-cli up --tag=sha
Setup GitHub webhooks
Go to Settings for your repo and click "Webhooks"
Add a webhook

Pick only the issue comments event, there is no issue for reactions at this time.

Now have someone send a comment to one of the issues in your repo with an emoji i.e. 👍
If you need to create a HTTP tunnel to your local computer, try inlets and inletsctl
View the result on the /view
Crossplane instructions
If you are using Crossplane to get yourself a Postgresql DB: start here