
command module
v0.0.22 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 5, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 18 Imported by: 0


Chinese Notes Translation Portal

A Go web application and text processing library for translation from Chinese to English that is adaptable to different dictionaries and corpora, powering these use cases

  1. A web site for Chinese-English dictionary lookup and language tools for language learning and reference
  2. A password protected translation portal for a team of translators
  3. A software library for Chinese text processing

Features include:

  1. Chinese-English dictionary word lookup
  2. Chinese text segmentation
  3. Translation memory (optional)
  4. Full text search of a Chinese corpus (optional)
  5. Password proection (optional)
  6. Integration with a rich JavaScript web client (optional)
  7. Integration with a backend SQL databsae (optional)
  8. Go module with Go and JSON APIs for interactive Chinese text processing
    • as opposed to batch processing of a corpus for indexing

The web app drives the,, and web site and a private translation portal developed for Fo Guang Shan, working together with the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism and Nan Tien Institute.

The items above marked as optional require some special set-up, as described below.


Install Go, clone this repo

git clone

Build the app

go build

Run the web server

export CNWEB_HOME=.

Navigate to http://localhost:8080

This project contains sufficient data to do minimal integration testing, even if you have not set up a database or cloned the related dictionary or corpus.

cd ..
git clone

Then return to this project and re-start the web app:

cd chinesenotes-go

Navigate back to http://localhost:8080

The webconfig.yaml file and HTML tempates in /templates allow some additional customization. The HTML interface is very basic, just enough for minimal testing. For a real web site you should use HTML templates with JavaScript line at

Integration testing with minimal data

In another terminal

curl http://localhost:8080/find/?query=邃古

You should see JSON encoded data sent back.

Integration test with real data

To get a fully functioning web app with a JavaScript client and stylized web pages, generate the HTML files from the corpus by following instructions at

Exactly the same process applies to NTI Reader


Chinese-English dictionary word lookup

The data/testdict.tsv file gives an example file that illustrates the structure of the dictionary. The dictionary is indexed by both simplified and traditional Chinese. Lookup by Chinese word is supported in file mode. You will need to install and setup the database to do lookup by English word Hanyu pinyin.

Chinese text segmentation

Given a string of Chinese text, the web app will segment it into words or multiword expressions contained in the dictionary. This saves a lot of time for readers who look up many words or discover how the words in a phrase are grouped, since there are no spaces in Chinese sentences. The presence of the dictionary files is needed for this. They can be loaded either from the file system or from the database by the web app.

Translation memory

Tanslation memory search find the closest matching term based on multiple criteria, including how many characters match, similarity of the character order, Pinyin match, and inclusion of the query in the notes. This depends on compilation of the translation memory index and loading it into the database.

./cnreader -tmindex


Full text search of a Chinese corpus

Full text search of a Chinese corpus allows users to search a monolingual Chinese corpus. First, you need

  1. Have a corpus following the layout conventions of Chinese Notes.
  2. Compile the index, which computes word and bigram frequencies for each document with the cnreader command
  3. Load the index files into the database
  4. Load the corpus files into Google Cloud Storage

For the corpus structure see

For compiling the index see

For loading the index into the database see

Integration with a rich JavaScript web client (optional)

See the web files at


Q: Why would I use a dictionary and translation memory to translate Chinese text instead of machine translation?

A: To translate literature, especially classical literature and Buddhist texts, and to prepare for publishing you will need to thoroughly understand what you are the source Chinese text.

Q: Can I use the Chinese Notes Translation Portal software for my own project?

A: Yes, please do that. It is also adaptable to your own dictionary, glossary, and corpus of source text.


This project is designed to be easy to setup with minimal dependencies but also run in a production architecture like shown below.

Production architecture.png

Various flavors are possible depending on how it is configured. It can interoperate with the other components in the Chinese Notes family

  1. cnreader - Command line utility for generating indexes and HTML files for the reader
  2. chinesedict-js - JavaScript package for browser module for the dictionary and text parser
  3. chinesenotes-python - Pyhton utilities for Chinese text analysis
  4. - Chinese-English dictionary and corpus of historic Chinese literature
  5. buddhist-dictionary - Buddhist dictionary extensions to the Chinese-English dictionary and structure to present the Taisho Tripitaka as a digital library for

Database Setup

The prepared statements in the Go code assuming a mysql driver. Maria is compatible with this. The local development instructions assume a Mariadb database. For full details about the database see the Mariadb Documentation.

Mariadb Docker Image

See the documentation at Mariadb Image Documentation and Installing and using MariaDB via Docker.

To start a Docker container with Mariadb and connect to it from a MySQL command line client execute the command below. First, set environment variable MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD. Also, create a directory outside the container to use as a permanent Docker volume for the database files. In addition, mount volumes for the tabe separated data to be loaded into Mariadb. See Manage data in Docker and Use volumes for details on volume and mount management with Docker. In another terminal, create a Maria DB database with the commands

cd ..
mkdir mariadb
cd mariadb
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=[your password]
mkdir mariadb-data
docker run --name mariadb -p 3306:3306 \
  -v "$(pwd)"/mariadb-data:/var/lib/mysql \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/data,target=/cndata \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/index,target=/cnindex \

The data in the database is persistent even if the container is deleted. To restart the database use the command

docker restart  mariadb

To load data from other sources connect to the database container or start up a mysql-client

docker exec -it mariadb bash

In the container command line

mysql --local-infile=1 -h localhost -u root -p
Load dictionary data into the database

The first time you run this execute the commands in first_time_setup.sql.

Create the table definitions

source cndata/chinesenotes.ddl

Load sample data

use cnotest_test;

The word frequency and translation memory index files are in the index directory.

Quit from the Maria DB client session

Run against a databsae

Restart the web application server.

export DBUSER=app_user
export DBPASSWORD="[your password]"
export DATABASE=cnotest_test
export DBHOST=localhost

From the command line in a new shell you should be able to do a query like

curl http://localhost:8080/find/?query=antiquity

You should see JSON returned.

Deploy to Cloud Run with a Cloud SQL databsae

The steps here describe how to deploy and run on Google Cloud with Cloud Run, Cloud SQL, and Cloud Storage. This assumes that you have a Google Cloud project.

Set up a Cloud SQL Database

New: Replacing management of the Mariadb database in a Kubernetes cluster Follow instructions in Cloud SQL Quickstart using the Cloud Console.

Create a Cloud SQL instance with the Cloud Console user interface. Then log into it in the Cloud Shell with the command

DB_INSTANCE=[your instance]
gcloud sql connect $DB_INSTANCE --user=root

In the MySQL client create a database and add an app user with the commands in data/firt_time_setup.sql. Create the tables with the commands in chinesenotes.ddl, and add test data as needed. You can clone this Git project to get the same data files.

Cloud Storage

If you are using full text search, create a GCS bucket and copy your corpus files to it. You the environment variable TEXT_BUCKET inform the web app of the bucket name.

TEXT_BUCKET=[Your GCS bucket name]
gsutil mb gs://$TEXT_BUCKET
gsutil -m rsync -d -r corpus gs://$TEXT_BUCKET
Cloud Run

Use Cloud Build to build the Docker image and upload it to the Google Container Registry:

export PROJECT_ID=[Your project]
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml . \

Then deploy to Cloud Run with the command${PROJECT_ID}/cn-portal-image:${BUILD_ID}
DBUSER=[Your database user]
DBPASSWORD=[Your database password]
DATABASE=[Your database name]
TEXT_BUCKET=[Your GCS bucket name for text files]
gcloud run deploy --platform=managed $SERVICE \
--image $IMAGE \
--region=$REGION \
--memory="$MEMORY" \
--add-cloudsql-instances $INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME \
--set-env-vars DBUSER="$DBUSER" \
--set-env-vars DBPASSWORD="$DBPASSWORD" \
--set-env-vars DATABASE="$DATABASE" \
--set-env-vars TEXT_BUCKET="$TEXT_BUCKET" \
--set-env-vars CNWEB_HOME="/" \
--set-env-vars CNREADER_HOME="/"

Password protecting

To set up the translation portal with password protection, first configure the database:

docker exec -it mariadb bash

In the container command line

mysql --local-infile=1 -h localhost -u root -p

In the mysql client give the app runtime permission to update and add an admin user

USE mysql;
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON cnotest_test.* TO 'app_user'@'%';

use cnotest_test;

  user (UserID, UserName, Email, FullName, Role, PasswordNeedsReset, Organization, Position, Location) 
VALUES (1, 'admin', "", "Privileged User", "admin", 0, "Test", "Developer", "Home");

INSERT INTO passwd (UserID, Password) 
VALUES (1, '[your hashed password]');

Note that the password needs to be SHA-256 hashed before inserting. If the user forgets their password, there is a password recovery function. This requires setup of a SendGrid account.

Set the environment variable PROTECTED, the SITEDOMAIN variable for cookies, and PORTAL_LIB_HOME before starting the web server:

export PROTECTED=true
export SITEDOMAIN=localhost
export PORTAL_LIB_HOME=translation_portal

Note that you need to have HTTPS enabled for cookies to be sent with most browsers. You can create a self-signed certificate, run locally without one, or deploy to a managed service like Cloud Run.

The PORTAL_LIB_HOME environment variable tells the server where to find the source documents for translation. You can place your own HTML files in this directory.

For deployment to Cloud Run use the command

SITEDOMAIN=[your domain]${PROJECT_ID}/cn-portal-image:${BUILD_ID}
DBUSER=[Your database user]
DBPASSWORD=[Your database password]
DATABASE=[Your database name]
TEXT_BUCKET=[Your GCS bucket name for text files]
gcloud run deploy --platform=managed $SERVICE \
--image $IMAGE \
--region=$REGION \
--memory="$MEMORY" \
--add-cloudsql-instances $INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME \
--set-env-vars DBUSER="$DBUSER" \
--set-env-vars DBPASSWORD="$DBPASSWORD" \
--set-env-vars DATABASE="$DATABASE" \
--set-env-vars TEXT_BUCKET="$TEXT_BUCKET" \
--set-env-vars CNWEB_HOME="/" \
--set-env-vars CNREADER_HOME="/" \
--set-env-vars PROTECTED="$PROTECTED" \
--set-env-vars SITEDOMAIN="$SITEDOMAIN" \

You will need to add the users manually using SQL statements. There is no user interface to add users yet.

For additional customization you can change the title of the portal with the Title variable in the webconfig.yaml file, edit the styles.css sheet, or edit the templates under the /templates directory. For the even more customization, just use the portal server JSON API to driver a JavaScript client.

Translation Memory Setup

Translation memory search identifies nearly matching terms based on a combination of similarity measures. It requires the translation memory index to be loaded into the database. In a separate terminal cloone the cnreader repo

git clone

Build the Go command line app

go build

Back in the first terminal use the command


This will write the index files into the index directory. Some sample files with a very small dataset are provided for testing purposes. Then load those into the database with the commands

use [your database];
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'index/tmindex_uni_domain.tsv' INTO TABLE tmindex_uni_domain CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'index/tmindex_unigram.tsv' INTO TABLE tmindex_unigram CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';

Full text search requires an forward and reverse indexes: The forward index is like a table of contents describing the titles and files of the text documents. There is a three level structure:

-- collection
  -- document

This gives a way of organizing a corpus of documents in a book library like structure with, say, one book per collection, one chapter per document. The structure also provides a way to construct links for users to navigate search results.

There are sample forward index files in the data/corpus directory which can be used for testing. Load them into the databsae with the SQL commands

use [your database];

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'data/corpus/example_corpus.tsv' INTO TABLE collection CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 1 LINES;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'data/corpus/example_collection.tsv' INTO TABLE document CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'  IGNORE 1 LINES;;

The reverse index is based on unigrams and bigrams with a BM25 formula to give the most relevant documents for a given text search. To generates the reverse index install the cnreader command line tool

Run the command with no flags


This will write the full text index files into the index directory. Load those into the database with the commands

use [your database];
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'index/word_freq_doc.txt' INTO TABLE word_freq_doc CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'index/bigram_freq_doc.txt' INTO TABLE bigram_freq_doc CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';

If the site is password protected then copy the generated HTML files to the translation_portal directory. If the site is open then copy the HTML files to GCS with a load balancer in front, as per the instructions at

Copy the plain text files to the GCS text directory with environment variable TEXT_BUCKET.

Containerize the app and run locally against a databsae

If you are not using Google Cloud, you can follow these instructions to build the Docker image for the Go application and run locally:

sudo docker build -t cn-portal-image .

Run it locally with minimal features (C-E dictionary lookp only) enabled

sudo docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 --name cn-portal \

Test basic lookup with curl

curl http://localhost:8080/find/?query=你好

Set up the database as per the instructions at Then you will be able to run it locally with all features enabled

docker run -itd --rm -p 8080:8080 --name cn-app --link mariadb \
  -e DBHOST=mariadb \
  -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/cnotes/credentials.json \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/cnotes \

Test it

curl http://localhost:8080/find/?query=hello

English queries require a database connection. If everything is working ok, you should see results like 您好, 哈嘍 and other variations of hello in Chinese.


docker exec -it cn-app bash 

Stop it

docker stop cn-app

Push to Google Container Registry

docker tag cn-app-image$PROJECT/cn-app-image:$TAG
docker -- push$PROJECT/cn-app-image:$TAG

Go module for Chinese text processing

This GitHub project is a Go module. You can install it with the instructions at the Go module reference, which just involves importing the APIs and using them. It tries to fail gracefully if you do not have a database setup and do what it can loading from text files.

Try the example below.

package main

import (

func main() {
  ctx := context.Background()
  // Works even if you do not have a database
  database, err := dictionary.InitDBCon()
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("unable to connect to database: \n%v\n", err)
  wdict, err := dictionary.LoadDict(ctx, database)
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("unable to load dictionary: \n%v", err)
  tokenizer := tokenizer.DictTokenizer{wdict}
  tokens := tokenizer.Tokenize("戰國時代七雄")
  for _, token := range tokens {
    fmt.Printf("token: %s\n", token.Token)



Web application for finding documents in the corpus


Path Synopsis
Application logging functions
Application logging functions
Package for command line tool configuration
Package for command line tool configuration
Chinese-English dictionary database functions Package for looking up words and multiword expressions.
Chinese-English dictionary database functions Package for looking up words and multiword expressions.
Chinese-English dictionary type definitions
Chinese-English dictionary type definitions
Chinese-English dictionary database functions
Chinese-English dictionary database functions
Functions for finding collections by partial match on collection title Functions for parsing a search query
Functions for finding collections by partial match on collection title Functions for parsing a search query
Package for working with the plain, full text of corpus documents Functions for retrieving text text matches in parallel from text that are either the file or in a remote object store
Package for working with the plain, full text of corpus documents Functions for retrieving text text matches in parallel from text that are either the file or in a remote object store
Package for media metadata
Package for media metadata
Package for web app configuration
Package for web app configuration

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL