This tool helps to transfer deckhouse external modules images from one container registry to another.
Usage of external-modules-transfer:
This tool helps to transfer deckhouse external modules images
from one container registry to another.
-module string
external module name
-pull-ca string
ca certificate for pull registry
disable auth for pull registry
use http protocol for pull registry
-pull-registry string
registry address, that contains external modules
(you should be logged in to registry via docker login)
use digests instead of tags for pulling images
if flag is set - pushing images to 'push' repo will be with
keys (image names) from images_digests.json file from module bundle image.
This would prevent images cleanup in 'push' registry
-push-ca string
ca certificate for push registry
disable auth for push registry
use http protocol for push registry
-push-registry string
registry address to push external module from pull repo
(you should be logged in to registry via docker login)
-release string
release channel to use (default "alpha")
Requirements: Go >= 1.18
git clone https://github.com/alex123012/external-modules-transfer.git
cd external-modules-transfer
make build # or use `make build-macos` if you are on mac
docker login registry.exmaple-pull.com/external-modules
docker login registry.example-push.com/deckhouse-external-modules
external-modules-transfer --module external-module-name --pull-registry "registry.exmaple-pull.com/external-modules" --push-registry "registry.example-push.com/deckhouse-external-modules" --release alpha