The NamePicker CLI is a simple command-line application written in Go that randomly selects a name from a provided list. This tool can be useful for various purposes, such as picking a winner from a pool of entries, selecting a team member for a task, or generating random names for games.
Random Selection: Randomly selects a name from a given list.
Input Options: Accepts names via command-line arguments or from a file.
Output Formatting: Displays the selected name clearly and can format the output (e.g., uppercase, lowercase).
Error Handling: Provides informative error messages for invalid inputs or file read issues.
Customizable Seed: Allows users to set a random seed for reproducible results.
Help Command: Displays help information and usage instructions.
To install the NamePicker CLI app, follow these steps:
Ensure you have Go installed on your machine. You can download it from golang.org.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/aletomasella/namepicker-cli.git
cd namepicker-cli
Build the application:
Make build
The NamePicker CLI can be used in several ways:
Select a Name from Command-Line Arguments:
namepicker Alice Bob Charlie
Select a Name from a File:
Create a file named names.txt with one name per line: