Go/Templ/HTMX Example App
You will need to install the sqlc, templ and tailwindcss command line tools to use this repository.
The project defines a simple template, with a single user db table, basic homepage, login and signup pages,
and a basic app page only accessible after the user has logged in. Auth is handled by using a
cookie containing the users JWT token. Auth refreshing is also handled when the user is on the app page.
Helpful Links
Makefile Shortcuts
You use the makefile in this repository to generate code and run the api
make run_api
First though, you need to start the postgres docker container and create a database in it.
And then run the migrations. Those instructions are below.
Create Local Database
Login to the postgres database running in your local docker container
psql -U postgres -h localhost
In the postgres terminal enter
Connect to the database
\c db_local
You can now connect to the database like this
psql -U postgres -h localhost -d db_local
Run Migrations
To get the current migration version run
go run cmd/migrate/main.go version
To apply the migrations run
go run cmd/migrate/main.go upOne
To revert a migration run
go run cmd/migrate/main.go downOne
You will be prompted if you want to revert the migration to prevent accidental reverts.
To force a migration number run
go run cmd/migrate/main.go force
You will be prompted to enter a migration number to force to in the database.
Build Queries
In the base directory run this command to generate the queries
sqlc generate
This is only required after updating SQL queries.
Build Templ Files
In the base directory run this command to build the templ files
templ generate ./ui/
Build Tailwind CSS
In the base directory run this command
npx tailwindcss -c ./ui/tailwind.config.js -i ./ui/main.css -o ./ui/static/main.css --minify
Run the Server
In the base directory run this command to start the server
go run cmd/ui/main.go