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Published: Apr 28, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 6


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Golastic is meant to be a simple and intuitive programmatic query builder implementation for Elasticsearch. It intends to provide a convenient and fluent interface for creating and running Elasticsearch queries as well as for performing different indices operations.

Getting Started

To start using this package in your application simply run: go get github.com/alejandro-carstens/golastic


Establish a connection:

import (

func main() {
	connection := golastic.NewConnection(
			Urls:                []string{os.Getenv("ELASTICSEARCH_URI")},
			Password:            os.Getenv("ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD"),
			Username:            os.Getenv("ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME"),
			HealthCheckInterval: 30,

        if err := connection.Connect(); err != nil {
                // Handle error
        // Do something else here

Create a builder:

	doc := &Example{
		Id:          "awesome_unique_id",
		Description: "This is an awesome description",
	builder := connection.Builder("your_index")
	response, err := builder.Insert(doc)
	// Handle response and error

Create an indexer:

	config := map[string]interface{}{
		"settings": // settings...,
		"mappings": // mappings...,
	schema, err := json.Marshal(config)
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error
	options := &golastic.IndexOptions{
		WaitForCompletion: true,
		IgnoreUnavailable: true,
		// More options...
	indexer := connection.Indexer(options)
	if err := indexer.CreateIndex("your_index", string(schema)); err != nil {
		// Handle error

Using the Indexer

Please checkout the godoc Indexer section for more detailed documentation on the Indexer API.

Building Queries

Golastic provides the following clauses for building queries:


Where clauses map to must + term queries in Elasticsearch, meaning that there will be a look up for the exact search term on an inverted index

  • Where (=, <>, >, <, <=, >=)
  • WhereIn
  • WhereNotIn
	players := []interface{}{"player1", "player2", "palyer3"}
	games := []interface{}{"game4", "game5"}
	builder := connection.Builder("your_index")
	builder.Where("level", ">", 2).WhereIn("player", players).WhereNotIn("game", games)
	response := []Response{} // It can also be map[string]interface{}{}
	if err := builder.Get(&response); err != nil {
		// Handle error

Match clauses map to must + match queries in Elasticsearch, which means that an analyzer will be applied to the search term and will therefore try to match what is stored on a given index

  • Match (=, <>)
  • MatchIn
  • MatchNotIn
	players := []interface{}{"player1", "player2", "palyer3"}
	games := []interface{}{"game4", "game5"}
	builder := connection.Builder("your_index")
	builder.Match("level", "<>", 7).MatchIn("player", players).MatchNotIn("game", games)
	response := []Response{} // It can also be map[string]interface{}{}
	if err := builder.Get(&response); err != nil {
		// Handle error

Filter clauses map to filter + term queries in Elasticsearch. Filter queries do not use the _score field for returned results, they just return the results that match the query criteria

  • Filter (=, <>, >, <, <=, >=)
  • FilterIn
	players := []interface{}{"player1", "player2", "palyer3"}
	builder := connection.Builder("your_index")
	builder.Filter("level", ">=", 7).FilterIn("player", players)
	response := []Response{} // It can also be map[string]interface{}{}
	if err := builder.Get(&response); err != nil {
		// Handle error

Golastic provides the ability to perform nested queries by using all the previous clauses nested counterparts WhereNested, WhereInNested, WhereNotInNested, FilterNested, FilterInNested, MatchNested, MatchInNested & MatchNotInNested. Nested clauses are subjected to the same rules as their non-nested counter parts. However, it is important to specify the nested path using dot notation such as attribute.value.

	players := []interface{}{"player1", "player2", "palyer3"}
	builder := connection.Builder("your_index")
	builder.FilterNested("video_game.level", ">=", 7).WhereNotInNested("video_game.player", players)
	response := []Response{} // It can also be map[string]interface{}{}
	if err := builder.Get(&response); err != nil {
		// Handle error

From clauses set the offset from which the query will return documents

	players := []interface{}{"player1", "player2", "palyer3"}
	builder := connection.Builder("your_index")
	builder.Filter("level", ">=", 7).OrderBy("player", true).From(5).Limit(5)
	response := []Response{} // It can also be map[string]interface{}{}
	if err := builder.Get(&response); err != nil {
		// Handle error

Limit clauses set the limit for the maximum number of documents to be returned

	players := []interface{}{"player1", "player2", "palyer3"}
	builder := connection.Builder("your_index")
	builder.Filter("level", ">=", 7).WhereIn("player", players).Limit(10)
	response := []Response{} // It can also be map[string]interface{}{}
	if err := builder.Get(&response); err != nil {
		// Handle error

OrderBy clauses set the sorting order in which the documents need to be returned. Use true for ascending and false for descending.

	builder := connection.Builder("your_index")
	builder.Filter("level", ">=", 7).OrderBy("player", true).Limit(10)
	response := []Response{} // It can also be map[string]interface{}{}
	if err := builder.Get(&response); err != nil {
		// Handle error

OrderByNested clauses allows for sorting by nested fields. As its non-nested counter part please use true for ascending and false for descending.

	players := []interface{}{"player1", "player2", "palyer3"}
	builder := connection.Builder("your_index")
	builder.Filter("level", ">=", 7).OrderByNested("attributes.price", true).Limit(10)
	response := []Response{} // It can also be map[string]interface{}{}
	if err := builder.Get(&response); err != nil {
		// Handle error

The GroupBy clause is used for performing aggregations. This clause won't have any effect on a Get, Execute, or Destroy query. It will only produce results when an Aggregate query is issued. This clause makes it is possible to aggregate by one or more paramters. The first parameter will be the main aggregation and each subsequent field will become a sub-aggregation of the previous aggregation. It is important to mention that aggregations for nested fields have not been yet implemented by Golastic. Please refer to the following example for a better understanding.

		WhereIn("rating", []interface{}{"R"}).
		WhereNested("cast.director", "=", "James Cameron").
		GroupBy("rating", "views")
	aggregations, err := builder.Aggregate()
	if err != nil {
		// Handle error

Example of the aggregations response:


Using the Builder to Execute Queries

Please refer to the godoc Builder section for detailed documentation of the methods available to run queries. For further reference on functionality please look at the examples folder or take a look at the tests.


By using this package you are already contributing, if you would like to go a bit further simply give the project a star. Otherwise, find an area you can help with and do it. Open source is about collaboration and open participation. Try to make your code look like what already exists or hopefully better and submit a pull request. Also, if you have any ideas on how to make the code better or on improving its scope and functionality please raise an issue and I will do my best to address it in a timely manner.






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const CONCURRENT_BATCH int = 10

CONCURRENT_BATCH is the default concurrent response proccesing batch size

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const LIMIT int = 10000

LIMIT is the default limit of documents to be returned by elasticsearch

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const VALUE string = "value"


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const VALUE_AS_STRING string = "value_as_string"

VALUE_AS_STRING self explanatory


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AggregationBucket

type AggregationBucket struct {
	Key      interface{}                     `json:"key"`
	DocCount int                             `json:"doc_count"`
	Items    map[string]*AggregationResponse `json:"items"`

AggregationBucket represents a bucket within an AggregationResponse

type AggregationResponse

type AggregationResponse struct {
	DocCountErrorUpperBound int                  `json:"doc_count_error_upper_bound"`
	SumOtherDocCount        int                  `json:"sum_other_doc_count"`
	Buckets                 []*AggregationBucket `json:"buckets"`

AggregationResponse represents an aggregation's query response

func (*AggregationResponse) ToGabsContainer

func (ab *AggregationResponse) ToGabsContainer() (*gabs.Container, error)

ToGabsContainer converts a response to a *gabs.Container instance

type AggregationResponses

type AggregationResponses map[string]*AggregationResponse

AggregationResponses represents a map for *AggregationResponse

func (*AggregationResponses) ToGabsContainer

func (ar *AggregationResponses) ToGabsContainer() (*gabs.Container, error)

ToGabsContainer converts a response to a *gabs.Container instance

type Builder

type Builder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Builder represents the struct in charge of building and executing elasticsearch queries

func (*Builder) Aggregate

func (b *Builder) Aggregate() (map[string]*AggregationResponse, error)

Aggregate retrieves all the queries aggregations

func (*Builder) AggregateRaw

func (b *Builder) AggregateRaw() (*gabs.Container, error)

AggregateRaw returns raw aggregation results

func (*Builder) CancelTask

func (b *Builder) CancelTask(taskId string) (*gabs.Container, error)

CancelTask cancels a task provided a taskId

func (*Builder) Clear

func (qb *Builder) Clear() *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) ClearScroll

func (b *Builder) ClearScroll() error

ClearScroll cancel's the current scroll operation

func (*Builder) Client

func (b *Builder) Client() *elastic.Client

Client returns an instance of *elastic.Client

func (*Builder) Count

func (b *Builder) Count() (int64, error)

Count retrieves the number of elements that match the query

func (*Builder) Cursor

func (b *Builder) Cursor(offset int, sortValues []interface{}, items interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)

Cursor paginates based on searching after the last returned sortValues

func (*Builder) Delete

func (b *Builder) Delete(ids ...string) (*gabs.Container, error)

Delete deletes one or multiple documents by id from the corresponding elasticsearch index

func (*Builder) Destroy

func (b *Builder) Destroy() (*gabs.Container, error)

Destroy executes a delete by query

func (*Builder) DestroyAsync

func (b *Builder) DestroyAsync() (*gabs.Container, error)

DestroyAsync executes a delete by query asynchronously

func (*Builder) Execute

func (b *Builder) Execute(params map[string]interface{}) (*gabs.Container, error)

Execute executes an update by query

func (*Builder) ExecuteAsync

func (b *Builder) ExecuteAsync(scrollSize int, params map[string]interface{}) (*gabs.Container, error)

ExecuteAsync executes an update by query asynchronously

func (*Builder) Filter

func (qb *Builder) Filter(field string, operand string, value interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) FilterIn

func (qb *Builder) FilterIn(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) FilterInNested

func (qb *Builder) FilterInNested(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) FilterNested

func (qb *Builder) FilterNested(field string, operand string, value interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) Find

func (b *Builder) Find(id string, item interface{}) error

Find retrieves an instance of a model for the specified Id from the corresponding elasticsearch index

func (*Builder) From

func (qb *Builder) From(value int) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) Get

func (b *Builder) Get(items interface{}) error

Get executes the search query and retrieves the results

func (*Builder) GetTask

func (b *Builder) GetTask(taskId string, waitForCompletion bool) (*gabs.Container, error)

GetTask retrieves a task given a taskId

func (*Builder) GroupBy

func (qb *Builder) GroupBy(fields ...string) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) InitScroller

func (b *Builder) InitScroller(size int, scroll string) *Builder

InitScroller initializes the scroller

func (*Builder) InitSlicedScroller

func (b *Builder) InitSlicedScroller(id, max, size int, scroll string) *Builder

InitSlicedScroller boots a sliced scroller

func (*Builder) Insert

func (b *Builder) Insert(items ...interface{}) (*gabs.Container, error)

Insert inserts one or multiple documents into the corresponding elasticsearch index

func (*Builder) InsertWithOverwrittenId

func (b *Builder) InsertWithOverwrittenId(items map[string]interface{}) (*gabs.Container, error)

InsertWithOverwrittenId allows to overwrite the of the given document on creation

func (*Builder) Limit

func (qb *Builder) Limit(value int) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) Match

func (qb *Builder) Match(field string, operand string, value interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) MatchIn

func (qb *Builder) MatchIn(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) MatchInNested

func (qb *Builder) MatchInNested(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) MatchNested

func (qb *Builder) MatchNested(field string, operand string, value interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) MatchNotIn

func (qb *Builder) MatchNotIn(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) MatchNotInNested

func (qb *Builder) MatchNotInNested(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) MatchPhrase

func (qb *Builder) MatchPhrase(field string, operand string, value interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) MatchPhraseIn

func (qb *Builder) MatchPhraseIn(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) MatchPhraseInNested

func (qb *Builder) MatchPhraseInNested(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) MatchPhraseNested

func (qb *Builder) MatchPhraseNested(field string, operand string, value interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) MatchPhraseNotIn

func (qb *Builder) MatchPhraseNotIn(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) MatchPhraseNotInNested

func (qb *Builder) MatchPhraseNotInNested(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) MinMax

func (b *Builder) MinMax(field string, isDateField bool) (*MinMaxResponse, error)

MinMax returns the minimum and maximum values for a given field on an index

func (*Builder) OrderBy

func (qb *Builder) OrderBy(field string, asc bool) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) OrderByNested

func (qb *Builder) OrderByNested(path string, order bool) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) RawQuery

func (b *Builder) RawQuery(query string) elastic.Query

RawQuery return an elastic raw query

func (*Builder) Scroll

func (b *Builder) Scroll() (*gabs.Container, error)

Scroll executes the scrolling

func (*Builder) Stats

func (qb *Builder) Stats(fields ...string) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) Update

func (b *Builder) Update(items ...interface{}) (*gabs.Container, error)

Update updates one or multiple documents from the corresponding elasticsearch index

func (*Builder) Where

func (qb *Builder) Where(field string, operand string, value interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) WhereIn

func (qb *Builder) WhereIn(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) WhereInNested

func (qb *Builder) WhereInNested(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) WhereNested

func (qb *Builder) WhereNested(field string, operand string, value interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) WhereNotIn

func (qb *Builder) WhereNotIn(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

func (*Builder) WhereNotInNested

func (qb *Builder) WhereNotInNested(field string, values []interface{}) *queryBuilder

type Connection

type Connection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Connection represents an elasticsearch connection

func NewConnection

func NewConnection(context *ConnectionContext) *Connection

NewConnection creates an elasticsearch connection

func (*Connection) Builder

func (c *Connection) Builder(index string) *Builder

Builder creates a new Builder

func (*Connection) Connect

func (c *Connection) Connect() error

Connect initializes an Elastic Client

func (*Connection) Indexer

func (c *Connection) Indexer(options *IndexOptions) *Indexer

Indexer creates a new indexer

type ConnectionContext

type ConnectionContext struct {
	Urls                []string
	Sniff               bool
	HealthCheckInterval int64
	ErrorLogPrefix      string
	InfoLogPrefix       string
	Password            string
	Username            string
	Context             context.Context

ConnectionContext sets the connection configuration

type IndexOptions

type IndexOptions struct {
	WaitForCompletion  bool
	IgnoreUnavailable  bool
	IncludeGlobalState bool
	Partial            bool
	IncludeAliases     bool
	Timeout            string
	RenamePattern      string
	RenameReplacement  string
	Indices            []string
	IndexSettings      map[string]interface{}

IndexOptions are options that can be passed as elasticsearch parameters

type Indexer

type Indexer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Indexer represents a struct that performs different actions on elasticsearch indices

func (*Indexer) AddAlias

func (i *Indexer) AddAlias(indexName string, aliasName string) (*gabs.Container, error)

AddAlias adds an alias to a given elasticsearch index

func (*Indexer) AddAliasByAction

func (i *Indexer) AddAliasByAction(aliasAction *elastic.AliasAddAction) (*gabs.Container, error)

AddAliasByAction adds an alias by *elastic.AliasAddAction

func (*Indexer) AliasAddAction

func (i *Indexer) AliasAddAction(alias string) *elastic.AliasAddAction

AliasAddAction returns an instances of *elastic.AliasAddAction

func (*Indexer) Aliases

func (i *Indexer) Aliases(indices ...string) (*gabs.Container, error)

Aliases retrieves the aliases for a given set of indices

func (*Indexer) AliasesCat

func (i *Indexer) AliasesCat() (*gabs.Container, error)

AliasesCat retrives information associated to all current index aliases

func (*Indexer) Close

func (i *Indexer) Close(name string) (*gabs.Container, error)

Close closes an elasticsearch index

func (*Indexer) CreateIndex

func (i *Indexer) CreateIndex(name string, schema string) error

CreateIndex creates and ElasticSearch index

func (*Indexer) CreateRepository

func (i *Indexer) CreateRepository(repository string, repoType string, verify bool, settings map[string]interface{}) (*gabs.Container, error)

CreateRepository creates a snapshot repository

func (*Indexer) DeleteIndex

func (i *Indexer) DeleteIndex(name string) error

DeleteIndex deletes an ElasticSearch Index

func (*Indexer) DeleteRepositories

func (i *Indexer) DeleteRepositories(repositories ...string) (*gabs.Container, error)

DeleteRepositories deletes one or many snapshot repositories

func (*Indexer) DeleteSnapshot

func (i *Indexer) DeleteSnapshot(repository string, name string) (*gabs.Container, error)

DeleteSnapshot deletes a snapshot for a given repository

func (*Indexer) Exists

func (i *Indexer) Exists(name string) (bool, error)

Exists checks if a given index exists on ElasticSearch

func (*Indexer) FieldMappings

func (i *Indexer) FieldMappings(indices ...string) (*gabs.Container, error)

FieldMappings returns the field mappings for the specified indices

func (*Indexer) GetClusterHealth

func (i *Indexer) GetClusterHealth(indices ...string) (*gabs.Container, error)

GetClusterHealth returns the health status of the cluster

func (*Indexer) GetIndices

func (i *Indexer) GetIndices(indices ...string) (*gabs.Container, error)

GetIndices returns index information for the provided indices

func (*Indexer) GetSnapshots

func (i *Indexer) GetSnapshots(repository string, snapshot string) (*gabs.Container, error)

GetSnapshots retrives information regarding snapshots in a given repository

func (*Indexer) GetTask

func (i *Indexer) GetTask(taskId string) (*gabs.Container, error)

GetTask retrieves the status of a given task by task id

func (*Indexer) IndexCat

func (i *Indexer) IndexCat(name string) (*gabs.Container, error)

IndexCat retrieves information associated to the given index

func (*Indexer) IndexStats

func (i *Indexer) IndexStats(indices ...string) (map[string]*gabs.Container, error)

IndexStats retrieves the statistics for the given indices

func (*Indexer) ListAllIndices

func (i *Indexer) ListAllIndices() ([]string, error)

ListAllIndices lists all indices on and elasticsearch cluster

func (*Indexer) ListIndices

func (i *Indexer) ListIndices() ([]string, error)

ListIndices lists all open inidces on an elsasticsearch cluster

func (*Indexer) ListSnapshots

func (i *Indexer) ListSnapshots(repository string) ([]string, error)

ListSnapshots returns a list of snapshots for the given repository

func (*Indexer) Mappings

func (i *Indexer) Mappings(indices ...string) (*gabs.Container, error)

Mappings returns the mappings for the specified indices

func (*Indexer) Open

func (i *Indexer) Open(name string) (*gabs.Container, error)

Open opens an elasticsearch index

func (*Indexer) PutSettings

func (i *Indexer) PutSettings(body string, indices ...string) (*gabs.Container, error)

PutSettings updates elasticsearch indices settings

func (*Indexer) Recovery

func (i *Indexer) Recovery(indices ...string) (map[string]*gabs.Container, error)

Recovery checks the indices recovery status when restoring a snapshot

func (*Indexer) RemoveIndexFromAlias

func (i *Indexer) RemoveIndexFromAlias(index string, alias string) (*gabs.Container, error)

RemoveIndexFromAlias removes an index from a given alias

func (*Indexer) Rollover

func (i *Indexer) Rollover(alias, newIndex, maxAge, maxSize string, maxDocs int64, settings map[string]interface{}) (*gabs.Container, error)

Rollover executes an index rollover if the given conditions are met

func (*Indexer) SetOptions

func (i *Indexer) SetOptions(options *IndexOptions)

SetOptions sets the index options for the action to be performed

func (*Indexer) Settings

func (i *Indexer) Settings(names ...string) (map[string]*gabs.Container, error)

Settings gets the index settings for the specified indices

func (*Indexer) Snapshot

func (i *Indexer) Snapshot(repository string, snapshot string, indices ...string) (*gabs.Container, error)

Snapshot takes a snapshot of one or more indices and stores it in the provided repository

func (*Indexer) SnapshotRestore

func (i *Indexer) SnapshotRestore(repository string, snapshot string) (*gabs.Container, error)

SnapshotRestore restores a snapshot from the specified repository

func (*Indexer) Templates

func (i *Indexer) Templates(indexTemplates ...string) (*gabs.Container, error)

Templates returns the templates associated to the specified index templates

type MinMaxResponse

type MinMaxResponse struct {
	Min interface{} `json:"min"`
	Max interface{} `json:"max"`

MinMaxResponse is the response for the MinMax builder call

func (*MinMaxResponse) ToGabsContainer

func (mmr *MinMaxResponse) ToGabsContainer() (*gabs.Container, error)

ToGabsContainer converts a response to a *gabs.Container instance


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