Ingress Controller
This project contains the boilerplate to create an Ingress controller in order to avoid starting from scrach.
See Ingress controller documentation for details on how it works.
Available backends
How I can use X as backend?
If is not present in the previous list you can create a new backend using the next steps as a reference:
func main() {
// start a new nginx controller
ngx := newNGINXController()
// create a custom Ingress controller using NGINX as backend
ic := controller.NewIngressController(ngx)
// start the controller
// wait
glog.Infof("shutting down Ingress controller...")
type Controller interface {
// Start returns the command is executed to start the backend.
// The command must run in foreground.
// Stop stops the backend
Stop() error
// Restart reload the backend with the a configuration file returning
// the combined output of Stdout and Stderr
Restart(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
// Tests returns a commands that checks if the configuration file is valid
// Example: nginx -t -c <file>
Test(file string) *exec.Cmd
// OnUpdate callback invoked from the sync queue
// when an update occurs. This is executed frequently because Ingress
// controllers watches changes in:
// - Ingresses: main work
// - Secrets: referenced from Ingress rules with TLS configured
// - ConfigMaps: where the controller reads custom configuration
// - Services: referenced from Ingress rules and required to obtain
// information about ports and annotations
// - Endpoints: referenced from Services and what the backend uses
// to route traffic
// ConfigMap content of --configmap
// Configuration returns the translation from Ingress rules containing
// information about all the upstreams (service endpoints ) "virtual"
// servers (FQDN)
// and all the locations inside each server. Each location contains
// information about all the annotations were configured
OnUpdate(*api.ConfigMap, Configuration) ([]byte, error)
// UpstreamDefaults returns the minimum settings required to configure the
// communication to upstream servers (endpoints)
UpstreamDefaults() defaults.Backend
// IsReloadRequired checks if the backend must be reloaded or not.
// The parameter contains the new rendered template
IsReloadRequired([]byte) bool
// Info returns information about the ingress controller
// This can include build version, repository, etc.
Info() string